8 May 2015 When life becomes art: AVRDC seed at the 56th Venice Biennale avrdc.org Success strikes twice for Myo Min Aung from Myanmar Page 10 Training for Project Concern International in Tanzania Pages 17-19 Page 21 Core competency Selected samples drawn from the vast mungbean collection in the AVRDC Genebank give plant breeders a map to the riches stored therein. Any genebank worth its seed harbors a wide range of crop diversity, and AVRDC’s Genebank is no exception. Currently the world’s largest public repository of vegetable germplasm, the AVRDC Genebank counts among its 61,308 vegetable accessions a very special collection of mungbean, Vigna radiata var. radiata (L.) Wilczek. Lucy Lin, Research Assistant in Biotechnology/Molecular Breeding, prepares an acrylamide gel to separate nucleic acids for analysis. (...continued on page 2) 2 (...continued from page 1) At 6,742 accessions, the Center’s Vigna holdings are second only to those at the Institute of Plant Breeding, University of the Philippines - Los Baños (just slightly ahead at 6,900). Within those thousands of accessions are the traits for synchronous maturity (so the crop can be harvested at one time), higher yield, resistance to Mungbean yellow mosaic virus and powdery mildew, pods that won’t shatter, seed color, and much more. Mungbean is one of the major pulse crops supplementing cereal-based diets in Asia, and more recently, Africa (see page 9, Ethiopia: Next Stop for Mungbean?). High in protein and easy to digest, mungbean consumed in combination with cereals can significantly increase the quality of protein in a meal. Mungbean contributes folate and iron to the diet, nutrients that often are in short supply in developing countries. The crop has the added advantage of fixing nitrogen in the soil making it increasingly sought after as a catch crop in rotation with wheat or rice. Improved varieties can produce more than 2 tons per hectare, but viral, bacterial and fungal diseases and insect pests limit commercial yields. Current breeding work addresses these constraints, targets improved nutritional value, and, due to the expansion of the cultivation range, focuses on adaptation of the crop to new environments. Screening such a large collection for specific traits to achieve these breeding targets is time consuming and expensive for mungbean breeders. To enhance breeders’ access to the diversity of this valuable legume, a team of AVRDC researchers led by Legume Breeder Ramakrishnan Madhavan “Ram” Nair and Head of Biotechnology/Molecular Breeding Roland Schafleitner recently delved into the Center’s mungbean holdings to select candidates for core and mini core collections. (...continued on page 3) (left) AVRDC Genebank Manager Andreas Ebert (2nd from right). (center) Legume Breeder Ramakrishnan Nair. (right) Roland Schafleitner, Head, Biotechenology/Molecular Breeding. 3 (...continued from page 2) Taking the pulse of an important pulse Subsets of genebank collections—so -called core collections—offer breeders a good representation of the genetic diversity present in the whole collection, and make the search for traits of interest less laborious, as fewer accessions must be screened. The mini core collections the AVRDC team produced aim to maintain a good portion of the phenotypic diversity of the core collection and also display a maximum of allele diversity of the larger core. In a paper published in late April 2015 in the journal BMC Genomics, Ram, Roland and AVRDC co- authors Andreas Ebert, Yen-wei Wang, Chen-yu Lin, Shu-hui Chu, Pin-yun Lin and JianCheng Chang, together with Abhishek Rathore from the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), described how they used geographic stratification and cluster analysis of observable traits to select 1,481 entries for the core collection. “Our current core and mini core collections got a head start,” observed co-author and Genebank Manager Andreas Ebert. “Back in 1984-85, the AVRDC Genebank engaged in a huge mungbean phenotyping effort—more than 15,000 accessions were described based on their observable characteristics over the two seasons. This led to the development of the first core collection. We used this historical data as the basis for the current core collection.” The countries of origin of the accessions were grouped into regions, and then the accessions of each region were clustered based on eight phenotypic descriptors: primary leaf length (cm); primary leaf width (cm); plant height at (clockwise from top-left): Jean Lin, Assistant Specialist, scoring data from a gel image. Lucy Lin, Research Assistant, preparing an acrylamide gel. Julie Chu, Laboratory Assistant, sets up an agarose gel. Vivian Wang, Research Assistant, capturing an image of a acrylamide gel (inset). The gel is a solid, gelatin-like substance used to separate DNA fragments based on size. The gel is placed in a conductive salt buffer to which an electrical field is applied. As the negatively charged DNA fragments migrate toward the positive pole, the gel acts as a size filter, with smaller fragments migrating faster than larger fragments. Researchers analyze gel images (below) and score them according to selected codes. (...continued on page 4) 4 (...continued from page 3) flowering (cm); plant height at maturity (cm); days to 50% flowering; pod length (cm); seeds per pod; and 1000 seed weight (g). Accessions in the core collection were genotyped using 20 selected simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Genotyping is the process of determining the genetic make-up, or genotype, of individuals. An SSR marker is a short repeated DNA sequence. Individuals differ in the number of repetitions, and thus the length of an SSR marker can be used to differentiate between individuals and to select those with specific genetic characteristics. Based on these marker alleles, 289 accessions that represent the allele diversity available in the core collection were selected for the mini core, from which breeders can choose as they develop improved mungbean lines. “The whole mungbean genome sequence became available only in 2014, which paved the path for molecular breeding approaches that will be more efficient—if breeders have access to diverse mungbean germplasm to source the traits they seek,” said Roland. “We expect that the core and mini core collections will enhance access to biodiverse mungbean germplasm for breeding at AVRDC and around the world.” AVRDC has been active in mungbean breeding since 1997. Creation of the core collections is the next step to ensure the Center can continue producing well-adapted mungbean crops that meet the specific needs of farmers and consumers in countries around the world. Read more Schafleitner R, Nair RM, Rathore A, Wang Y-W, Lin C-Y, Chu S-H, Lin P-Y, Chang J-C, Ebert AW. 2015. The AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center mungbean (Vigna radiata) core and mini core collections. BMC Genomics 16:344 doi:10.1186/s12864-0151556-7. Tay DCS, Huang YK, Chen YL. 1989. Germplasm catalog of mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] and other Vigna species. AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center, Shanhua, Tainan, Taiwan. 316 p. 5 CORNUCOPIA Board on board in South Asia In lively bright orange polo shirts, the Board of Directors of AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center and AVRDC staff from around the world gathered at the Center's South Asia demonstration fields on 22 April in Hyderabad, India for Science Day 2015. Held before the annual board meeting, Science Day acquaints board members with regional activities and progress, and gives them the opportunity to meet staff and exchange advice and ideas. 1 2 3 4 After a delicious breakfast buffet in the field, the group enjoyed several presentations in the demonstration plots, including a discussion of traditional leafy vegetables for poverty 5 1. DG Dyno Keatinge (left) and Board Member Cathy Reade lead the group to the next field display. 2. Board Members Sophia Kaduma (left) and Wolfgang Kasten. 3. Legume Breeder Ram Nair (left) discusses the Center's progress in breeding diseaseresistant mungbean. 4. Bordin Rassameethes (left), President of Kasetsart University, Thailand, with DG Dyno Keatinge. 5. Board Member Emmy Simmons (left) reviews a poster during the field demonstrations. (...continued on page 6) 6 CORNUCOPIA (...continued from page 5) 1 3 2 alleviation and improved household nutrition in Jharkhand by Genebank Manager Andreas Ebert and an explanation of integrated pest management methods to control eggplant fruit and shoot borer by Entomologist Srinivasan Ramasamy. Legume Breeder Ram Nair reviewed the Center’s efforts to breed mungbean yellow mosaic resistance in mungbean, and proudly introduced ‘Swarna Vasundhara,’ a vegetable soybean variety with immense potential for India. Postharvest Specialist Jun Acedo demonstrated the use of simple solar dryers for rapid and hygienic drying of vegetables, and Greg Luther spoke about the Center’s disaster response activities in India from 2011 -2014. The South Asia team were perfect hosts, and attended to every detail to ensure the board members were comfortable and had an enjoyable and educational day in the field. 1. Postharvest Specialist Jun Acedo demonstrates easily constructed devices to store, dry and process vegetables. 2. Legume Breeder Ram Nair (right) in the legume demonstration plots. 3. Genebank Manager Andreas Ebert (2nd from left) examines the field crops up close. 4 4. Warwick Easdown (r) explains the benefits of growing amaranth in home gardens to an attentive group. 7 CORNUCOPIA A celebration of outstanding careers (left) Tom Lumpkin at the genebank of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), México. (right) AVRDC Deputy Director General for Research Jackie Hughes (right) presents the peony scroll to Dr. Lumpkin. Deputy Director General for Research Jacqueline d’Arros Hughes was invited as a guest by John Snape, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), to join in celebrations honoring CIMMYT’s World Food Prize winners and the service of Director General Thomas A. Lumpkin at CIMMYT headquarters in El Batán, México on 9-10 April 2015. Dr. Lumpkin was AVRDC’s Director General from 2003 to 2008. He joined CIMMYT as DG in 2008 and is now entering retirement. During the two-day program, Jackie met Jeanie Borlaug Laube (who unveiled a statue of her father, the Nobel Laureate Norman E. Borlaug); Dr. Borlaug’s granddaughter, Julie Borlaug; Bram Govaerts, the 2014 recipient of the Norman Borlaug Award for Field Research and Application, endowed by the Rockefeller Foundation; and Sanjaya Rajaram, the 2014 World Food Prize Laureate. Dr. Rajaram succeeded Dr. Borlaug to lead CIMMYT’s wheat improvement program, and Dr. Govaerts is the associate director of CIMMYT’s Global Conservation Agriculture Program. Jackie interacted with CIMMYT’s Board of Trustees and the Center’s staff, visiting the genebank and nutrition laboratory, and participating in CIMMYT’s Science Day. She attended a dinner in honor of Dr. Lumpkin at his residence in San Nicolas Tlaminca, Texcoco, where she presented him with a Chinese watercolor scroll (depicting peonies, a symbol of prosperity and good fortune) and a card bearing the personal wishes of AVRDC staff for a happy, enjoyable and successful retirement. 8 CORNUCOPIA Postharvest handling - food processing - market development The USAID Horticulture Project held a two-day training course for seven groups on “Improved Postharvest Handling, Food Processing and Market Development” in Faridpur, Bangladesh from 22 March – 9 April 2015. A total of 150 smallholder farmers and processors, including 83 women, discussed nutrition, gender, postharvest handling, food processing, and how to form marketing groups. About 80% of the program time engaged participants in practical, hands-on activities. After the course, each participant received a booklet and 10 glass bottles to practice what they learned at home. The International Potato Center (CIP) and AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center are partners in the project. Mohammed Razu Ahmed, AVRDC Acting Sector Leader – Vegetables and Talukder Humayun Kabir, specialist in food processing and proprietor of South Asian Agro Products, led the training program with the assistance of Field Coordinator Mustafizur Rahman, AVRDC Assistant Field Coordinator Participants learned how to make mixed pickled vegetables during the training course. Samir Roy, and Ms. Shakilaand and Shahadat Hossain from the Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM). DAM Director Md. Mahbub Ahmed and Project Director Shahnaz Neena attended the closing program on 9 April and congratulated the coordinating team and the participants for completing the successful training sessions. A stakeholders’ meeting was arranged during the closing program; trained farmers, processors and four representatives of local supermarkets and shopping malls attended to discuss potential market development. Follow-up visits and evaluations will start in May. (left) Participants prepare brinjal chutney (eggplant sauce) to preserve the vegetable and develop a product for market. (right) Learning how to sort and grade tomato according to color and stage of maturity. CORNUCOPIA 9 ACCEPTING THE AWARD: Krishi Gram Vikas Kendra (KGVK) a nongovernmental organization that aims to synergize development initiatives in rural Jharkhand, India, acknowledged AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center as a partner in achieving Total Village Management (TVM) in agriculture across the state. The Center’s initiatives to establish home gardens and promote traditional crops in Jharkhand were recognized by the Honorable Chief Minister of Jharkhand, Shri Raghubar Das, at the inaugural TVM Award Ceremony on 23 April 2015. Scientific Officer Devender Pal Kaur accepted the award for the Center. TVM is based on eight pillars—Natural Resources Management; Health, Nutrition & Sanitation; Education; Renewable Energy; Livelihoods; Women’s Empowerment; Capacity Building; and Resource Mobilisation & Infrastructure Development. Through its work, KGVK seeks to turn beneficiaries into producers, entrepreneurs, and consumers. ETHIOPIA: NEXT STOP FOR MUNGBEAN? The April-May 2015 issue of the Ethiopian Business Review features an article on the increase in mungbean production in the East African country. The article notes that Ethiopia is emerging as a major supplier of the crop as global demand for mungbean is on the rise due to drought in China and India, the world’s top mungbean producers. The quick-growing legume generates nearly US$28 million in exports for Ethiopia, provides income for cash-strapped farmers— and fixes nitrogen in the soil, an added bonus to enhance soil fertility. AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center maintains the world’s second largest collection of Vigna radiata germplasm (6,742 accessions). THE LONG LINEAGE OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH: During a recent visit to India, Director General Dyno Keatinge (center) spoke with Peter Carberry (left), Deputy Director General – Research at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). The men have a lot in common: Dyno was Dr. Carberry’s predecessor’s predecessor’s predecessor at ICRISAT. Warwick Easdown, AVRDC South Asia Regional Director, also joined the discussion. CORNUCOPIA 10 Farewell On 1 May 2015, staff at AVRDC headquarters sadly said goodbye to Jian -Cheng “Jan” Chang, Scientist in Biotechnology/Molecular Breeding. Jan’s lively personality and talent for telling jokes and stories (he memorably emceed the Center’s 40th Anniversary Celebration) complemented his serious scholarly work examining insect pests and plants at the molecular level. He started his career at the Center in 2011, working as a postdoc in molecular entomology, and was promoted in 2014 as a scientist in biotechnology. He contributed to several papers and book chapters during his time at the Center, including “Molecularphylogenetic characterization of arrestin-2 from the legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata Fabricius” (Annals of the Entomological Society of America 05/2013); “Phylogeographical structure in mitochondrial DNA of eggplant fruit and shoot borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in South and Southeast Asia” (Mitochondrial DNA 02/2014); and “Identification of okra (Abelmoschus spp.) accessions resistant to aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) in Cameroon” (African Entomology 07/2014; 22(2):273-284). Jan has taken a position as a researcher at the Taiwan Sugar Research Institute (TSRI), where he will study the molecular makeup of medicinal herbs. We wish him all the best! Testimonial: “The International Vegetable Training Course benefits my family and my community” I am Myo Min Aung from Myanmar. I work for a nongovernmental organization known as CESVI Myanmar as a Township Coordinator. CESVI focuses on rural community development with an emphasis on livelihoods and nutrition. I attended two AVRDC International Vegetable Training Course modules: Module 3 in 2013* and Module 2 in 2014. During the training, I learned how to prepare vegetables to retain vitamins. I discovered it was important to consume vegetables of different colors each day for good health. We talked a lot about how vegetables contribute to nutrition security in Module 2. During Module 3, I submitted a development action plan on “School Garden Development.” I discussed the idea with our Project Manager and organized five communities to set up school gardens. Villagers contributed seed and the project team offered technical guidance. That was in 2013; today, school gardens and nutritional activities officially have been included in our project workplan. This is my success No. 1! After Module 2, I started to grow vegetables of different colors in my home compound. Now I produce fresh vegetables in my home garden, and my family and me eat more fresh vegetables every day. I shared my knowledge and experience about cooking vegetables to retain the nutrients with my wife, who now prepares vegetables without overcooking them. This is my success No. 2! * The three one-month modules of AVRDC’s International Vegetable Training Course can be taken in any order or combination to suit the specific needs and schedules of participants. Contact AVRDC East and Southeast Asia for details: info-eastasia@worldveg.org 11 CORNUCOPIA 7th Int’l Workshop on Diamondback Moth Management (left to right) AVRDC Entomologist Srinivasan Ramasamy spoke during the inaugural session; Dr. H. Shivanna, Vice-Chancellor, University of Agricultural Sciences – Bangalore delivered the inaugural address; Prof. Anthony M. Shelton, a renowned entomologist from Cornell University, gave a keynote speech highlighting AVRDC's efforts to develop safe methods farmers can use to control the pest. University of Agricultural Sciences – Bangalore (UASB) organized the Seventh International Workshop on Management of the Diamondback Moth and Other Crucifer Insect Pests in collaboration with AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center (Taiwan) and Cornell University (USA) in Bangalore, India from 2327 March 2015. About 90 participants from 15 countries participated in the workshop. H. Khader Khan, Dean (Agriculture), UASB welcomed the delegates. H. Shivanna, UASB Vice-Chancellor, gave the inaugural address, and M.A. Shankar, UASB Director of Research, also addressed the gathering. Srinivasan Ramasamy, AVRDC Entomologist, briefed the group on the history of the workshop, which was initiated by AVRDC in 1985 and has been held at regular intervals for the past three decades. Anthony M. Shelton, a renowned entomologist from Cornell University and a keen supporter of the event, delivered a keynote speech. N. G. Kumar, University Head, Department of Entomology, UASB proposed the vote of thanks. Participants gave 35 oral presentations and 21 poster presentations in seven scientific sessions covering global challenges; biology, ecology and behavior; insect - plant interactions; host plant resistance and chemical ecology; insecticides and insecticide resistance; biological and nonchemical management; biotechnological tools and novel approaches; and barriers to and innovations for management of diamondback moth and other crucifer pests. The participants also visited the brassica production fields in Chikkaballapur district during the workshop. Myron Zalucki, University of Queensland, Australia conducted the plenary session and discussions related to future workshops during the concluding session. Thanks to A.R.V. Kumar and K. Chandrashekara from UASB, and Srinivas Parimi of Mahyco, who provided great support and excellent logistics for a successful workshop. The workshop participants on a field visit. CORNUCOPIA 12 Seminars David Shiuan, Professor in the Department of Life Science and the Institute of Biotechnology, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan spoke to headquarters staff about “Drug discovery from vegetables, fruits and herbs” on 24 April 2014. He explained the process of drug development and trends in the creation of various drug types. Producing new drugs based on compounds synthesized from fruit and vegetables could boost Taiwan’s biotech industry, and Prof. Shiuan encouraged AVRDC to develop a database of the chemical components in vegetables for use in drug development. Maggie Douglas, PhD candidate in the Department of Entomology, Pennsylvania State University USA and a Borlaug Fellow in Global Food Security, gave a talk on the “Challenges and opportunities for improving pest management of lablab bean in Bangladesh” on 17 April 2015 at headquarters. Lablab is a popular vegetable in Bangladesh, but pesticide use has increase five-fold since 1990 to control pests on the crop. Maggie tested narrow-spectrum biopesticides and neem treatments to control legume pod borers, aphids, and an unexpected population of thrips during her six-month research program at HQ and the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI). She found that to be effective, an integrated pest management strategy for lablab bean should include different components for summer and winter crops. Her research indicated that neem applied to the leaves was not effective against aphids; it may need to be used as a systemic control. While in the field tracking pest populations, she also learned first-hand the entomologist’s dictum: The fastest way to eradicate a pest is to study it! Visitors On 30 April 2015, reporter Chi-ming Chan and a crew from SET News, Sanlih E-Television, Taipei, Taiwan interviewed Deputy Director General - Administration and Services Yin-fu Chang for a special program on climate change. Dr. Chang discussed how longer, more intense periods of drought or rain and shifting global distribution of plant diseases and pest populations impact vegetable production. The crew also toured the Demonstration Garden with Yi-chin Wu, and interviewed Yung-kuang Huang at the Genebank about the Center’s role in safeguarding vegetable germplasm. 13 NEWS FROM THE REGIONS GIZ management team visits AVRDC Eastern and Southern Africa close to Serengeti National Park, to ensure that community residents can share in the benefits and revenue derived from nature conservation and tourism. The GIZ management team from Tanzania listened attentively to Fekadu Dinssa, AVRDC Vegetable Breeder, Eastern and Southern Africa. GIZ country director Dr. Regine Qualmann (5th from left) led the delegation. As part of their annual planning workshop, the entire management team of GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) from Tanzania visited AVRDC Eastern and Southern Africa on 19 March 2015. The meeting was facilitated by Andreas Gramzow, who has joined AVRDC through the German Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM) program. The visitors were welcomed by Regional Director Thomas Dubois, and toured the seed repository, current greenhouse trials, and the Postharvest Training and Services Center. GIZ Country Director Regine Qualmann paid particular attention to the Demonstration Garden and the technologies developed and promoted by AVRDC, such as vegetable grafting and home garden seed kits, as well as AVRDC’s work with traditional vegetables. The campus tour was followed by a discussion with AVRDC staff about each institution’s current activities in Tanzania. With more than 150 staff members in Tanzania, GIZ works in the priority areas of health/HIV AIDS, water and energy. Further support is provided by GIZ to the East African Community and to communities of the two districts The relationship between the German Government and AVRDC is a long and healthy one. The German Federal Ministry of Cooperation and Development (BMZ)/GIZ is one of AVRDC’s major donors. AVRDC also employs German researchers in two regional offices who are co-financed by GIZ to support the Center in its research activities. Danke! 14 NEWS FROM THE REGIONS NutriHAF to combat hunger and malnutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa NutriHAF consortium ZEF - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (Center for Development Research) GlobalHort - The Global Horticulture Initiative KoGa - Kompetenzzentrum Gartenbau FRC - Forestry Research Center, Ethiopia Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) CGS - Center for Gender Studies at Addis Ababa University FOFIFA - Centre National A new research initiative, NutriHAF (“Diversifying agriculture for balanced nutrition through fruits and vegetables in multi-storey cropping systems”), will promote the cultivation of vegetables and fruits in Ethiopia and Madagascar to reduce malnutrition, conserve biodiversity and natural resources, and create awareness about the importance of consuming a varied diet. The Center for Development Research (ZEF, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung), the Global Horticultural Initiative (GlobalHort) and KoGa are leading the project consortium. Eleven other partners, including AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center Eastern and Southern Africa, will be involved in research and capacity building. The aim of the research project is to find and introduce varieties of fruit and vegetables capable of improving the nutritional status of the local population. New sources of food and income will help to reduce the pressure on natural resources and prevent resource depletion. A first step will be to find out more about local food consumption habits to identify seasonal gaps in calorie and nutrient intakes. These gaps will be filled by encouraging consumption of the varieties introduced by the project. Through awareness campaigns for farmers and consumers, and training for local decision makers and extension workers, nutrition and the importance of consuming a diversified diet will be put on the national agenda in each country. Farmers, policy makers and other actors along the whole value chain will be involved at all stages of the project. Gender issues are a central aspect of the initiative, as women are often responsible not only for cooking but also for food production. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture for three years. de la Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural FANRPAN - Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network ASARECA - Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa WHH - Welthungerhilfe (Madagascar) ECFF - Environment and Coffee Forest Forum AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center Horticulture Innovation Lab IZNE - International Centre for Sustainable Development at the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein Sieg UoA - University of Antananarivo 15 NEWS FROM THE REGIONS Protecting plant varieties other activities in the region. Over the following days, participants discussed the UPOV convention and benefits of the UPOV system, various international treaties, the ARIPO system, and plant variety protection systems used by different countries (Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, the Netherlands and France). The group dissected some of the tough challenges involved in harmonizing different systems and protecting plant breeders’ rights. Protecting the resource base of plants from which food crops are derived is an essential and ongoing activity for AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center. AVRDC Eastern and Southern Africa in Arusha, Tanzania hosted a training course on plant variety protection from 20 -30 April 2015 to ensure professionals in sub-Saharan Africa working in seed systems and marketing, genetics, agribusiness and law understand the important issues related to the collection, use, and management of plant resources. Forty people from 14 countries in Eastern, Southern and Western Africa attended the course, organized under the umbrella of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). The resource persons who led the led the theoretical and practical sessions represented a broad spectrum of local and international expertise. Staff from Tanzania’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives; Ghana’s Ministry of Trade; the African Seed Trade Association (AFSTA); the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) for the protection of traditional knowledge and expressions of folklore; UPOV; the French Group for the Study and Control of Varieties and Seeds (GEVES); and the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)—an organization responsible for the management or protection of Community Plant Variety Rights System for the European Community—were on hand to explain the background and purpose of plant variety protection. The development of new plant varieties can be a longterm investment of up to 15 years; with Plant Breeders’ Rights, intellectual property rights are safeguarded. On the first day of the course, AVRDC Vegetable Breeder Fekadu Fufa Dinssa introduced the group to the Center’s breeding work and In the Center’s breeding nursery and in special nurseries established for the training, participants practiced Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) and Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU) testing for various vegetable crops. To be granted breeder's rights, the variety in question must be shown to be distinct (easily distinguishable through certain characteristics from any other known variety); uniform (individual plants of the new Trainees practiced what they learned in the African eggplant breeding nursery. (...continued on page 16) NEWS FROM THE REGIONS 16 (...continued from page 15) variety show no more variation in the relevant characteristics than one would naturally expect to see), and stable (future generations of the variety continue to show the relevant distinguishing characteristics). The training was organized by Naktuinbouw, an organization carrying out official inspection and certification tasks in horticultural seeds and plants under the responsibility of the Dutch government. AVRDC Vegetable Breeder Fekadu Fufa Dinssa (left) introduced AVRDC’s breeding work and activities to the training course participants. Read more: UPOV http://www.upov.int/portal/index.html.en Naktuinbouw http://www.naktuinbouw.com/en In memoriam Yvette Singbo Dossa, formerly project development officer at AVRDC West and Central Africa, passed away on 11 April 2015 in Bamako, Mali and was laid to rest on 18 April 2015 in Porto Novo in her native Benin. She is survived by her husband and two sons. Getting a chance to know and work with lively, lovely and friendly Yvette was a blessing and a privilege for all of us. Her bountiful smile, lively laughter, and gracious warmth will be long remembered. 17 NEWS FROM THE REGIONS Training for Project Concern International (left) AVRDC Eastern and Southern Africa Training and Outreach Coordinator Hassan Mndiga (left) introduces vegetable production technologies to the Project Concern International trainees. (right) Participants visit the screenhouse. Project Concern International (PCI) Tanzania, a nongovernmental organization working in partnership with the government of Tanzania, district councils in Bunda, Musoma, and Butiama, and local communities, is in the second three-year phase of a United States Department of Agriculture-funded Food for Education program, which aims to reach more than 90,000 pre-primary and primary school students and more than 1,148 teachers in 134 schools in Mara Region, Tanzania. To ensure vegetables will be on the plate in school meals, five PCI agricultural officers and one volunteer attended a training course from 13-17 April 2015 at AVRDC Eastern and Southern Africa in Arusha, Tanzania to learn about all aspects of vegetable production. The training covered nursery management and seedling production, crop rotation, plant protection, and postharvest handling. Home gardening and seed-saving methods were emphasized, as the participants will help the schools establish gardens and will offer guidance on garden management. Training and Outreach Coordinator Hassan Mndiga spoke to the participants about the principles of vegetable production and cropping (left) Participants visit the Field Practical Center at HORTI Tengeru. (center and right): Ms. Kitomari (with blue bandana) demonstrates the biogas and organic fertilization system at her farm in Kikwe village. (inset) Method to collect cow and goat manure to produce biogas at Ms. Kitomari’s garden. NEWS FROM THE REGIONS 18 (...continued from page 17) (left) Participants visit Baraa school garden in Arusha. (right) Project Concern International staff at Ms. Kitomari’s homestead garden in Kikwe village. systems, home gardening, micronutrients in vegetables, and hygiene. In the field and screenhouse, Field Manager Omary Mbwambo provided his expertise on nursery management and seedling production, and gave a few tips for growing cowpea and okra. PhD and MSc students O. Shila and J. Kitundu covered production practices for solanaceous and cruciferous crops, including tomato grafting. Postharvest Research Assistant Philipo Josef discussed economic and marketing value chain approaches, and Radegunda Kessy, Agribusiness Research Associate, shared best practices in postharvest handling at the Postharvest Training and Services Center. Jason Smith, a Fulbright scholar working from the regional office, gave a presentation on the tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta), a serious pest of tomato, eggplant and pepper. Genetic Resources Scientist Tsvetelina Stoilova discussed seed quality and explained seed-saving methods. The group really got cooking during hands-on sessions in vegetable preparation to preserve vitamins (left) Fahmia Amiri from HORTI Tengeru demonstrates vegetable preparation methods to retain nutrients, taste, color and texture. (...continued on page 19) NEWS FROM THE REGIONS 19 (...continued from page 18) Five agricultural officers and one volunteer from Project Concern International Tanzania received certificates and AVRDC seed kits from Thomas Dubois (above, right), AVRDC Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Director, after completing the training course. and other nutritive components led by Fahmia Amiri from HORTI Tengeru. The participants enjoyed the cooking and tasting exercises, and several mentioned they had never eaten such a large quantity of delicious vegetables. Participants also visited the Field Practical Center at HORTI Tengeru, the farm of Ms. Kitomari in Kikwe village, Arumeru, and Baraa school garden in Arusha, where they saw new technologies for vegetable production including improved varieties, drip irrigation, an organic kitchen garden, a vertical vegetable garden, and a biogas system. Ms. Kitomari led the group through her homestead garden, where cow and goat manure is used for biogas and organic fertilization. At Baraa school, Project Coordinator Sarah Ellis discussed the types and quantity of different meals available for pupils each week. Clemence Mushi, PCI Agricultural Coordinator, and other PCI staff asked many questions about maintaining school vegetable gardens, and noted that the Baraa school garden was larger than the school gardens in Mara. Water resources are scare in Mara, and school gardens there must depend on the rainy season for their water supply. AVRDC seed kits containing seed of amaranth, African eggplant, okra, cowpea and Ethiopian mustard were given to PCI to distribute to the schools. At the end of the course, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Director Thomas Dubois presented certificates to the participants, who are now equipped with the knowledge and skills to help schools begin growing their own nutritious vegetables. NEWS FROM THE REGIONS 20 Improving seed systems in Uzbekistan In recent years, national governments, international donors, and research-for-development organizations have put considerable effort into developing solutions for sustainable agricultural production in Central Asia. However, some scientists argue that a paradigm shift is needed: The focus should be on raising production by increasing productivity, not land area under production. Farmers should learn to grow more with less land, water and other inputs. New crop varieties adapted to local conditions and resistant to extreme weather, diseases and pests are essential to the success of such an endeavor. On 31 March 2015 a group of scientists from the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), AVRDC The World Vegetable Center, the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) and Bioversity International organized a workshop with farmers to analyze seed systems in Karauzak district, Karakalpakstan, an autonomous republic of Uzbekistan and part of the CGIAR Research Program (CRP) on Dryland Systems Aral Sea Action Site. The purpose was to characterize existing seed systems for cereals, legumes, vegetables, fodder and fruit in the district, understand the strengths and limitations in terms of infrastructure and availability of quality seed to farmers, and discuss ways to improve seed systems for various crops. Two major problems arose during the discussion with farmers: There are no seed production systems, except for wheat. For example, many farmers grow rice in the district, but Seed producers in Andijan Region, Uzbekistan can reap good incomes by producing seed of AVRDC’s improved mungbean varieties. complained that they do not know where to buy rice seed and that there is no rice seed production system. Farmers usually save their own seed or buy seed on the local market, but there is no guarantee of quality and the cost is high. Second, farmers do not know where to get information about seed. They requested reference materials and books, and more extensive and practical training. Lack of knowledge considerably reduces farmers' profits. Zokhid Ziyadullayev, director of the National Center for Seed Production of Grain Crops, said that many wheat seed producers do not know enough about necessary technologies and as a result, their seed output is of low quality and they earn less. Echoing Dr. Ziyadullayev's opinion, one of the farmers said farmers often fail to recoup costs and repay loans, so they lose interest in seed production. AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center understands the importance of robust seed systems. Seed is the single most expensive input in agricultural production; making high quality seeds easily available can result in substantial gains for farmers and rural populations. To that end, the Center released a total of 42 new varieties of eight vegetable crops, including tomato, sweet and hot pepper, eggplant, vegetable soybean, mungbean, yard-long bean and cabbage in Uzbekistan between 20072014. Research institutions, including AVRDC, can provide training to enhance the skills and knowledge of public and private seed producers. This would definitely help to sow the seeds of successful and sustainable agricultural production in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries. Excerpts drawn from the CAC Newsletter, the Regional Program for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus. 21 CORNUCOPIA BANK ON IT: When art engages life to reflect the current human condition, artists can point the way toward options for the future. That’s why seed from the AVRDC Genebank and the Eastern and Southern Africa Seed Repository is on prominent display in the 56th International Art Exhibition, a world-renown event known as La Biennale di Venezia. The exhibition, titled All the World’s Futures, runs from 9 May to 22 November 2015 in Venice, Italy. Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen contacted AVRDC to obtain vegetable seed to feature in his installation. In the Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti—the former site of the Banca di Venezia— Vanmechelen has created the LIFEBANK, a display including more than 100 types of vegetable seeds, from traditional crops such as amaranth and African eggplant to global favorites soybean and chili. Live camels and chickens are also part of the installation, which aims to raise awareness of how global food production impacts the lives of people and the health of the environment. Vanmechelen is one of 136 artists from 53 countries selected to participate in the prestigious event. He has partnered with Slow Food to host his exhibit. Slow Food, an international NGO dedicated to preventing the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions, and increasing people’s interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, and how food choices affect the world around us, has set up a restaurant featuring local specialties, where visitors can eat the art of human cultivation. “The world before us today exhibits deep divisions and wounds, pronounced inequalities and uncertainties as to the future,” said Biennale organizer Paolo Baratta. “The Biennale observes the relationship between art and the development of the human, social, and political world.” Welcome Ralph Roothaert (The Netherlands) joined AVRDC Eastern and Southern Africa on 3 May 2015 as Project Manager for Home Garden Scaling in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Ralph brings 22 years of international experience in smallholder agriculture, supply chains, and developing women’s economic leadership to the position. He received his PhD in agriculture from Wageningen University, The Netherlands, in 2000. Previously he served as Associate Country Director and Programme Manager for Oxfam in Tanzania; a Fund Manager for FARM-Africa, Kenya; and as a senior scientist for Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Ethiopia. Pendo James Mollel, Research Assistant in Plant Breeding, is the newest member of the AVRDC Eastern and Southern Africa team. She holds a BS in Horticulture from Sokoine University of Agriculture, and had practical training at the Tanzania Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives, where she inspected agricultural products and plants from other countries to check for diseases and pests, and also at East West Seed, where she conducted seed viability testing, prepared seed beds for planting, and harvested and processed seed. She also worked at Mount Meru Flowers in Arusha, where she assisted the grading manager in selecting good quality flowers free from pests and diseases. Pendo speaks Swahili and English. Her love of plants is sure to be an asset to the Center’s vegetable research in the region. Fresh, 8 May 2015 Fresh is published by : AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center P.O. Box 42, Shanhua, Tainan 74199 Taiwan avrdc.org Editor: Maureen Mecozzi Graphic design: Kathy Chen Photographic guidance: Amy Chen and Vanna Liu Comments, ask a question, add a name to our mailing list: info@worldveg.org Contributors: Mohammed Razu Ahmed, Sheila de Lima, Fekadu Fufa Dinssa, Thomas Dubois, Andreas Ebert, Warwick Easdown, Andreas Gramzow, Jackie Hughes, Dyno Keatinge, Ravza Mavlyanova, Myo Min Aung, Srinivasan Ramasamy, Roland Schafleitner, Tsvetelina Stoilova, Abdou Tenkouano
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