WAIMEA INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Term Two, Week 1, 23 April 2015 Phone 544 8994, email office@waimeaint.school.nz SCHOOL INFORMATION Anzac Day (observed) Monday 27 April (school will be closed) Staffing: Kimberley Martin’s (Room 14) baby was born over 12 weeks early during the holidays. Harrison is doing well in Wellington Hospital despite his early birth and 1300gms birth weight. We wish Kimberley and Hamish well. Chocolates will be issued to each child Thursday next week, and there will be a four week campaign. The boxes have 24 bars and will cost $2.50/bar. If you do not wish your child to sell chocolates, please phone or email the office office@waimeaint.school.nz Liam Connolly has now started at our school teaching Room 14. Liam previously taught at Hope School and overseas. We welcome him to our school. For this fundraiser to run smoothly we also require the help of volunteers to count money and issue more chocolate each morning (8.30 - 9.30am) for weeks 3 6. If you are able to help for even one morning, please contact Aimee Mirfin, phone 544 2100 or 027 4726 079 (if leaving a message please say which day suits). We thank you in advance for your support. Uniforms: It is great to see students wearing correct uniform as we head towards the winter terms. Please check that your child has the warm items they need for the colder weather such as the track pants and a jacket. The Brunner and Asics black track pants are available from Stirling Sports Richmond as are the two choices of black jackets (red and black sports jacket or red and black soft shell jacket). A black puffer jacket is also allowed as an optional extra. Plain black, short or long sleeved Polyprop tops may be worn under our uniform tops. Other clothing items such as hoodies and other jackets are not permitted. The uniform track pants and puffer jacket are allowed to be worn from the start of Term Two until Labour weekend. Reminder for Absences: If your child is going to be absent from school please contact the office either by phone or email before 9.00am on the day of absence. Generally the phones are answered either by staff or student “secretaries”. Failing this there is an answer phone or you can email office@waimeaint.school.nz Give your name, name of student, room number, and the reason for their absence. The latter is particularly important as we are required by the Ministry to code all student absences so please do not be offended when asked. If you know how long your child will be away for please tell us in advance, otherwise each day’s absence requires you to contact us again. The system outlined above is essentially designed to support the safety of students and your help is much appreciated. Please note that all unexplained absences are followed up to the best of our ability. Parent Teacher Group's major fundraiser for the year is again selling chocolate. This is well supported by the school community and is a very successful fundraiser, possibly due to very cool prizes awarded to the top sellers and the many spot prizes handed out at assembly over the term. We have the potential to raise over $15,000 which means no other fundraisers would be necessary for the year. This year the proceeds will go toward the library and the purchase of new chrome books (each syndicate will get a new set). Parent Teacher Group: The Parent Teacher Group are meeting TONIGHT at 7.30pm in the staff room. This meeting will be to organise the chocolate fundraiser. If you are interested in joining the group or being the Secretary or Treasurer please phone Aimee Mirfin on 544 2100. New comers are very welcome. Bike & Scooter Security: We strongly recommend that students bringing a scooter or bike has a suitable locking system. Combination cable locks are ideal for this. There are bike racks at the entrance to the car park from Salisbury Road, behind Room 16 (when coming in from Henley) and by the creek for those coming across the field. New scooter racks have been installed around the school in various locations close to classrooms. These racks have security holes ideal for using cable locks. Food technology groups have been baking Anzac cookies and cupcakes this week. Year 8 Girls HPV forms need returning as soon as possible to their class room teacher. The Public Health Nurse advises that forms need to be returned regardless of whether they have already had the immunisation, plan to have it or not. Chicken Pox: There has been a reported case of Chicken Pox at school this week. The time between exposure and sickness is usually 13 – 17 days. This is spread by coughing and sneezing and direct contact with weeping blisters. Early signs are fever and spots with a blister on top of each spot. The child is infectious from up to five days before appearance of rash until lesions have crusted (usually about 5 days). If your child does get Chicken Pox they should be kept home for one week from date of appearance of rash. The Scholastic Book Club Issue 3 for 2015 will close on 13th May. Please make cheques out to Waimea Intermediate School. We send one cheque to cover all orders. 31st August – 4th September, in Nelson Boys College hall. We will be having a combined schools practice on Wednesday 6th May at Henley School in week three this term. All choir members who wish to be part of Rock Da House must attend. Permission forms are not needed. We will be walking over to Henley school at 9.20am and be back at school by 11.30am. Volleyball: Thank you to those who have paid their fees. These are due by Friday 1st May. Netball: Thank you to those who have paid their fees. These are due by Friday 8th May. Billets Needed: The internationally recognised Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir is visiting Waimea College next week (Monday evening 27th – Thursday morning 30th April) and are needing billets for boys aged 12-14 years. Can you help? Please contact the Arts Coordinator, Pauline Farley on 544 6099, ext 897 or email pauline.farley@waimea.school.nz asap. Thanks Choir: The WIS choir is very excited to be part of Rock Da House again this year. It will be on in the week of TONIGHT Mon 27 Apr End of week 2 Thurs 14 May Mon 1 June Term Calendar PTG meeting 7.00pm in staff room ANZAC Day (school closed) Chocolates distributed to students BOT meeting 7.00pm Queen’s Birthday (school closed)
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