Physics Basic Questions: Level MS Chapter 3: Magnetism Section 3.4.1 (Page-188) BG 1. What is meant by the term “magnetic field”? Is the magnetic field a vector or a scalar? What is the direction of the magnetic field? Solution: * Magnetic field is the property of a region in space to exert a force on any magnet placed in that region of space. * Magnetic field is a vector quantity. * Magnetic field’ s direction at a point is the direction of the force it produces on a North pole placed at that point . Section 3.6.3 (Page-197) B 2. Draw the magnetic flux pattern of a U-shaped magnet. Solution: Section 3.7 (Page-197) BT 3. I.) The diagram below shows a small compass needle placed on a bench under the influence of the Earth’s magnetic field. S N Physics Basic Questions: Level MS A bar magnet is now placed close to the compass in the position shown by the dotted line. Draw a new diagram to show the new direction of the compass needle and explain. Solution: Magnetic field lines around the magnet are directed from the North pole to the South pole; the needle will be aligned with the field lines, therefore it will point towards the south pole. T II.) Solution: BG 4. A Define and give the properties of magnetic field lines. Solution: * Magnetic field lines are imaginary, smooth lines along which the magnetic field vector is tangent, at any point; (The needle of a plotting compass is tangent to the field lines at any point.) Physics Basic Questions: Level MS ** Every field line is a smooth curve (starting at a North pole and ending at a South pole). **Field lines never cross. However, if extrapolated, they do meet at poles. B 5. Explain the following statement: “Field lines never intersect.” Solution: B 6. If field lines intersected, then the point at which the lines crossed would be a point where a plotting compass would have to point in two directions, at the same time. This is impossible, because there can be only one resultant field, at any point. Describe a method used to map magnetic fields. Solution: Steps 1 – 5 / page 192: 1. Place a plotting compass at the point through which it is desired to plot the line, such that the point is just at the tip of the North pole of the needle. Draw a little arrow showing the direction in which the North pole points; 2. Move the plotting compass such that the end of the South pole is on the little arrow just drawn, and draw another little arrow where the tip of the North pole now is; 3. Move the compass to the new arrow drawn in point 2. and draw a new arrow as you did before. Continue with this procedure until you reach a point at which you wish to stop. If you approach a pole slowly, ensuring that the needle pivots freely, you will not reverse its magnetization. It is however dangerous to thrust a magnetic needle rapidly towards a pole; 4. Join all the little arrows with a smooth curve. This curve is approximately the required magnetic field line. It is not exact because the small errors in each step accumulate and add up to an appreciable error; 5. By starting at different points near the North pole of a bar magnet, different field lines can be drawn. Physics Basic Questions: Level MS Section 3.8 (Page-200) B 7. Explain how radial fields are used in the construction of current meters. Solution: A current carrying loop/coil is placed in a plane-symmetric radial field, with its axis parallel to the central axis of the field. The field exerts a couple of sideways tangential pushes on the loop, which has a rotating effect on it, turning it around its axis. While rotating, the loop turns the pointer of the ammeter). The plane-symmetrical, radial shape of the field (also) ensures that the angle turned by the loop/coil (and by the pointer of the ammeter) is directly proportional to the current. B 8. Explain how radial fields are used in the construction of a loudspeaker. Solution: A current carrying coil placed in an axially-symmetric radial field, with its longitudinal axis along the axis of the field, is subjected to forces of the same direction and equal magnitude, acting all over its circumference, which attract or repel the coil into or out of the field. Changing direction of the current through the coil makes these forces reverse their direction. As the current through the coil varies (in direction) rapidly, the coil alternatively moves in and out of the field. By this, the paper cone attached to the coil vibrates and gives sound. Physics Basic Questions: Level MS Section 3.9 (Page-203) B 9. How can a magnet lose its magnetization? Solution: There are several ways in which a magnet can be demagnetized, some of which are: -Storing it without soft iron keepers. -Heating it to high temperatures. -Dropping it. -Knocking it. -An alternating current in an electromagnet can be also used to demagnetize magnets. Section 3.10.2 (Page-206) BT 10. I.) Draw a diagram to show the magnetic field pattern around a straight wire carrying a current into the plane of the paper. State the rule you use to determine the direction of the field around the wire. Solution: × The Right – Hand Grip Rule: If the wire is gripped with a right hand, such that the thumb points in the direction of the current, then the fingers curl in the sense of the magnetic field. Physics Basic Questions: Level MS T II.) Solution: B 11. D Describe a simple method to prove that the magnetic field around a wire through which an electric current passes changes when: (a) the current is increased. Solution: Use a straight horizontal wire arranged along the North-South direction, through which a variable current can pass. Place a plotting compass below the wire. A N S Plotting compass If no current passes through the wire, the needle of the compass is parallel to the wire. Physics Basic Questions: Level MS The larger the current through the wire - the greater the angle of deflection (of the compass’ needle) from the N-S direction (maximum angle is 90o), which means - the stronger the field created by the wire. (b) the direction of the current is reversed. Solution: Use the same experimental set up as at a). When the direction of the current in the wire is reversed, the needle of the plotting compass deflects in the opposite direction, which means the direction of the magnetic field is reversed. Section 3.11 (Page-207) B 12. The diagram below represents a current-carrying solenoid. The arrows on the diagram show the direction of the current. (a) Determine the polarity of the solenoid. Solution: If the fingers of the right hand curl in the direction of the current, the thumb points in the direction of the North-pole face. So, in this case, the North pole is at the right side end of the solenoid: S N (b) Draw a diagram to show the magnetic flux pattern (magnetic field lines) inside and outside the solenoid. Solution: The field pattern is the same as the one of a bar magnet with the same polarity as the solenoid. S N I I Physics Basic Questions: Level MS Section 3.12 (Page-210) BG 13. G (a) What is an electromagnet? How does it work? Solution: * An electromagnet is a device made of a solenoid wound around a soft iron core. ** When a current passes through the solenoid, the device behaves like a strong magnet, attracting magnetic materials. [The (magnetic) domains of the iron core re-arrange themselves in the direction of the magnetic field created by the solenoid, like tiny magnets, the result being an increased magnetic field, due to both – the solenoid and the magnetized iron core.] ** The magnetic field of an electromagnet can be switched ON and OFF with the electric current, since the soft iron loses its magnetization once the “external” field, created by the solenoid, goes OFF. [The (magnetic) domains of the soft iron re-arrange themselves once again, this time randomly.] (b) Give the names of some devices which use electromagnets. Solution: * * * * Tape recorders; Relays; Electric bells; Reed switches. Section 3.13 (Page-215) B 14. Design an experiment to demonstrate that the magnitude and direction of the electromagnetic force depends on the relative directions of the magnetic field and the current. Solution: Experiment page 215 on the text book: Equipment needed: 1. A DC-power supply; 2. A push-button switch; 3. A high-power rheostat; 4. Connecting leads; 5. A thick copper wire, 6. Two stands; 7. A U-shaped magnet; Method: 1) Bend the copper wire such as to resemble a garden swing; 2) Hang the bent wire (swing) from the two stands; 3) Make a series circuit of the equipment 1 - 3 above, with the copper wire; Physics Basic Questions: Level MS 4) Place the U-magnet such as its magnetic field to be vertical and the horizontal side of the copper wire to be between its poles; 5) Push the button of the switch to allow the current to pass through the copper wire. You will observe that the swing is deflected away from its vertical position, under the action of the electromagnetic force. 6) Change the direction of the current in the circuit, by exchanging the connection at the terminals of the battery and push the button of the switch again. You will observe that the wire swing is deflected in opposite direction than previously. 7) Change the direction of the magnetic field by exchanging the poles of the magnet (i.e. by turning the magnet upside down). You will observe that the wire changes again the direction in which it is deflected. Remark: At step 5) use the rheostat to adjust the current in the circuit, such as the deflection of the swing to be within reasonable limits. Conclusion: The direction of the electromagnetic force on the wire depends on: a) the direction of the current; b) the direction of the magnetic field. B 15. Design an experiment to demonstrate that the electromagnetic force depends on the magnitude of the magnetic field and the magnitude of the current. Solution: Equipment needed: 1. A DC-power supply; 2. A push-button switch; 3. A high-power rheostat; 4. Connecting leads. 5. A thick copper wire; 6. Two retort stands; Physics Basic Questions: Level MS 7. Two (or more) U-shaped magnets, of different strengths; Method: 1.) Bend the copper wire such as to resemble a garden swing; 2.) Hang the bent wire (swing) from the two stands; 3.) Make a series circuit of the equipment 1 - 3 above, with the copper wire; 4.) Place an U-magnet such as its magnetic field to be vertical and the horizontal side of the copper wire to be between its poles; 5.) Push the button of the switch to allow the current to pass through the copper wire; Notice that the wire swing is deflected away from its vertical position, under the action of the electromagnetic force. 6.) Using the rheostat, increase/decrease the current through the circuit. Notice that the angle of deflection of the wire swing in the magnetic field increases/decreases respectively, with the current. 7.) Keep the current in the circuit constant and replace the magnet with a stronger/weaker one. Notice that the angle of deflection of the wire swing in the magnetic field increases/decreases respectively, with the strength of the magnetic field. Conclusion: The magnitude of electromagnetic force depends on: a) the magnitude of the field; b) the magnitude of the current. Remark: The magnitude of the electromagnetic force also depends on the length of the wire that lies in the magnetic field. Physics Basic Questions: Level MS BG 16. State the rules used to determine the direction of the force exerted by a magnetic field on a current. Solution: 1) The right hand rule: If the thumb (1) of a right hand is directed along the current (I) and the index (2) along the magnetic field (B), then the third finger (3) shows the direction of the force (F). (“3-2-1” = “F-B-I”) 2) The Motor Force Rule: If the fingers of a right hand are curled in the sense of the smallest rotation from the direction of the conventional current (I), to the direction of the magnetic field (B), the thumb points in the direction of the force (F). (I → B => F) 3) The Right-Handed Screwdriver Rule. If a right – handed screw is turned so that the notch in its head rotates from I to B (in the sense of the smallest rotation), the screw advances in the direction of F. (I → B => F) B 17. A wire AB is placed between the poles of a magnet when the current is turned on, the wire AB will experience a force. (a) The direction of the current is reversed. What effect will this have on: (i) Solution: (ii) Solution: (b) The size of the force? No effect. The direction of the force? The direction is reversed. Give two ways in which the size of the force on the wire AB could be increased. Solution: 1. 2. Increase the current flowing in the wire. Use a stronger magnet. Section 3.16 (Page-222) BT 18. I.) Describe the principle of the moving coil galvanometer. Solution: A coil is placed in a plane-symmetric radial magnetic field, with its axis parallel to the axis of the field. When the coil is passed by current, a couple of electromagnetic forces exert a torque on the coil, directly proportional to the current. While the coil is turning, a pointer attached to it rotates against a scale. Physics Basic Questions: Level MS A spiral spring balances the torque of the motor forces, such as to a greater current to correspond a greater angle of rotation [Without the spring, the pointer would go every time till the end of the scale, irrespective of the magnitude of the current ( if no resistance opposes the motion, the motion continues) and it would not come “back” when the current decreases to zero (there will be no force on it to produce a torque of opposite direction.)] The plane-symmetric radial shape of the field (as opposed to a uniform field), ensures that the motor torque doesn’t change while the coil rotates. This makes possible for the scale of the galvanometer to be linear (the angle rotated by the pointer to be directly proportional to the current). T II.) Solution: A Section 3.17 (Page-224) BGT 19. I.) Describe the principle of the direct-current electric motor. Solution: A current carrying coil placed in a uniform magnetic field can make a half revolution under the action of a couple of electromagnetic forces. If the current in the coil is reversed just when the coil becomes perpendicular to the field, the new electromagnetic forces will turn the coil (another) half revolution (in the same direction). A continuous motion is acquired by reversing the sense of the current after every half revolution. (This motion can be transferred to other bodies.) Physics Basic Questions: Level MS T II.) Solution: (a) When the switch is closed a current flows through the circuit and in the wheel, the rod in between the magnetic poles of the magnet experiences an electromagnetic or motor force and the rod turns and the process repeats itself and the wheel turns. (b) In the anti-clock wise direction. BG 20. Describe the principle of the split-ring commutator. Solution: • The commutator is made of two, unconnected half–rings of copper, which can slide, by rotation, against two, fixed, carbon brushes. • The ring-halves can be connected to the coil of a d.c. motor, while the brushes will be connected to its (d.c.) power supply. Physics Basic Questions: Level MS • When the coil rotates, the two ring-halves move from one brush to the other, alternatively, and their polarity changes according to which brush they come in contact. • Consequently, the current between the two ring-halves (through the coil, in this case) reverses its sense every half revolution. Circuit 1 ring halves (the coil of the d.c. motor) brush + brush Circuit 2 (circuit of the d.c. power supply)
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