BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSION AGENDA April 21, 2015 3:00 P.M. BUDGET WORKSHOP 1. Building Department Review 2. Library/Library State Aid Budget Review 5:00 P.M. REGULAR AGENDA I. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance II. Approval of Consent Agenda Items 1. Approval of Minutes April 7, 2015 – Regular Meeting 2. Approval of Minutes April 7, 2015- Budget Workshop 3. Expense Report 4. Proclamation- National Police Week III. Public Comments IV. Committee Reports V. New Business 1. CR-23D Resurfacing- Engineering Proposal Locklear & Assoc. 2. Bid Results- Resurfacing projects in Macclenny II & Whispering Pines 3. Ron Lee, RAB- Light Usage/Scheduling Policy recommendation 4. SHIP Change Order 5. RFQ 2015-01 Proposal Evaluation and Recommendation VI. Old Business 1. Pending Business 2. Rules of Procedure 3. Budget VII. County Manager VIII. County Attorney IX. Commissioner Comments X. Adjourn Action Item Action Item Action Item Action Item Action Item Information Only Action Item Information Only Public Hearing 1. Rock Rhoden - Special Exception Appeal If any member of the public desires to appeal a decision made at these hearings, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and for that purpose he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is transcribed, which record would include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation of an interpreter to participate in these proceedings should contact the County Commissioners Office at (904) 259-3613, at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES April 7, 2015 The Baker County Board of Commissioners met in a scheduled meeting with the following members present: Chairman, James Croft Commissioner Mark Hartley Commissioner James Bennett Commissioner Jimmy Anderson Commissioner Gordon Crews Also Present: County Attorney, Rich Komando County Manager, CJ Thompson Clerk, Stacie D. Harvey Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please visit or contact Sara Little at REGULAR MEETING Chairman Croft called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone in attendance. Chairman Croft led in the pledge and prayer. Chairman Croft called for an approval of the consent agenda. Commissioner Gordon Crews moved to approve the consent agenda items which were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Approval of Minutes- March 17, 2015 - Regular Meeting Approval of Minutes- March 17, 2015 – Public Hearing Approval of Minutes- March 17, 2015 – Budget Workshop Expense Report Community Action Agency- Dr. Farmer Reappointment Proclamation- Water Conservation Month Proclamation- Public Works Week Commissioner Mark Hartley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Ben Crawford appeared before the Board to apologize for vandalizing the gate at St. Mary Shoals Park. Mr. Crawford stated that he used poor judgement, asked the Board for forgiveness and stated he would pay for the damages to the gate. The Commissioners thanked Mr. Crawford for coming forward and taking responsibility for his actions and encouraged him to not make similar mistakes in the future. C/M Thompson asked the Board that in lieu of prosecution would the Board support community service and restitution for the damages. Rich Komando clarified to the Board that formal charges would be at the discretion of the State Attorney office and requested Board authorization for the County Manager to discuss the option of community service with Mr. Crawford’s parents since he is a minor. C/M Thompson stated that he would like to have that information prepared to present to the State Attorney. Commissioner Gordon Crews motioned to Page 2 MINUTES – Regular Meeting April 7, 2015 allow the County Manager to meet with Mr. Crawford’s parents to discuss community service and restitution. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. C/M Thompson presented a request from the Community Action Agency to waive the rental fee and deposit for an event to be held at the Agriculture Building. C/M Thompson stated this was in addition to the two dates the Board approved at the March 17th meeting. Commissioner Gordon Crews motioned to waive the rental fee but not the deposit. Commissioner Mark Hartley seconded the motion. Motioned carried unanimous. Morgan Moeller representing the Women’s Center of Jacksonville requested the Board adopt a Proclamation declaring April as sexual assault awareness month. Commissioner Mark Hartley motioned to approve the Proclamation. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Jean Mangu, legal counsel for First Coast YMCA presented an Interlocal agreement and Resolution 2015-03 regarding the refinancing of $40,400,000 in bonds. Mrs. Mangu explained that approval was needed from Baker County due to programs that were located in Baker County were originally funded with the bonds that were being refinanced. Commissioner Gordon Crews motioned to read Resolution 2015-03 by title. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimous. Rich Komando read Resolution 2015-03 by title which stated: A RESOLUTION OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA; APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE OF ITS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (YMCA OF FLORIDA’S FIRST COAST PROJECT), IN ONE OR MORE SERIES, IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $40,400,000, TO BE ISSUED FOR THE PURPOSE OF, AMONG OTHER THINGS, PROVIDING FUNDS TO MAKE A LOAN TO THE YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA’S FIRST COAST, INC., A FLORIDA NONPROFIT CORPORATION, TO REFINANCE THE COST OF THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION, EXPANSION, IMPROVEMENT AND EQUIPPING OF CERTAIN SOCIAL SERVICE CENTERS FOR SUCH CORPORATION IN BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND PROVIDING OTHER DETAILS AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Penny Zuber representing the YMCA stated that there were no projects planned for Baker County at this time. Commissioners informed Mrs. Zuber and Mrs. Mangu of their displeasure with the YMCA regarding the repairs to the pool that have not been completed in a year. Commissioner Mark Hartley stated that he was not comfortable approving the Interlocal Agreement and Page 3 MINUTES – Regular Meeting April 7, 2015 Resolution without the repairs being done on the pool. Mrs. Zuber explained that a delay in the bond refinancing would significantly delay the YMCA’s ability to repair the pool. Mrs. Zuber cited financial constraints by the YMCA inhibited the pool repairs but that refinancing the bonds would allow them the ability to have the repairs done. Mrs. Zuber stated that a contract was in place and a building permit has been issued by the City of Macclenny for pool repairs. Mrs. Zuber committed to having the pool repaired and reopened by the end of May. Commissioner James Bennett motioned to approve the Interlocal Agreement and Resolution with the condition that the documents shall not be executed until the County has received a copy of the contract for repairs with a completion date of May 2015 and a copy of the building permit. Commissioner Mark Hartley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Chairman Croft informed the Board of a vacancy on the St. Mary’s River Management Committee (SMRMC). Chairman Croft stated that the member could be appointed as “at-large” and did not require ownership of property along the river. Commissioner Gordon Crews question if the County was required to participate in the Committee. C/M Thompson stated that there was an Interlocal agreement regarding Baker County’s participation in the Committee but that it could be terminated with due notice. James Bennett informed the Board that he was notified by a citizen regarding possible sunshine violations by the SMRMC. Specifically, meetings that were held at the White Oak Plantation which is by invitation only. Chairman Croft stated that a lunch is provided at White Oak for all river clean up volunteers but that no meeting had taken place there. Commissioner Gordon Crews agreed with the Chairman that in his years of service on the SMRMC he never witnessed any sunshine law violations. C/M Thompson presented a draft ESCO RFP for consideration. Mr. Thompson explained this would be used to replace the HVAC system at the Courthouse that has been discussed for the last few months. Mr. Thompson stated that an ESCO could be used to guarantee energy savings through HVAC, lighting and other areas at the Courthouse. C/M Thompson clarified that receiving proposals from ESCO’s would not require the Board to enter into a contract with any company. If after review, the County was not interested a traditional RFP could be issued to replace the HVAC system. After a discussion regarding options, Commissioner Gordon Crews motioned to proceed with the ESCO RFP. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. C/M Thompson presented the pending business report which included the following: Courthouse HVAC conversion- 75% complete. ESCO discussed at Board meeting. Transportation Center Construction- 75% complete. Project is on schedule. No issues at this time. LDR Revisions- 75% complete. Mining revisions were presented at the 3/26 LPA meeting and will be discussed again at 4/23 LPA meeting. Workshop for all other revisions in scheduled for 4/16 at 5:00p.m. Page 4 MINUTES – Regular Meeting April 7, 2015 Purchasing Policy Revisions- 25% complete. Draft policy distributed to BOCC for review. Shade Tree Air Club- 25% complete. Tax abatement is not an option. County could reimburse taxes if it chooses. Shoals Park is an option if BOCC chooses but work is required to site. Anti-Fracking Resolution- 0% complete. Commissioners requested more time for research before considering an ordinance. LAP Certification- 25% complete. Two employees have completed training. Finalizing SCAT document, policy statement and assurance document for submittal. Commissioner James Bennett requested that Rules of Procedure be tabled until the April 21st Board meeting to allow more time for review. The Board agreed to the request. Commissioner James Bennett motioned to table Rules of Procedure until April 21, 2015. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. C/M Thompson requested clarification on future budget workshops. Mr. Thompson asked if beginning at 3:00 p.m. was a good schedule. The Board agreed to schedule all future budget workshops at 3:00 p.m. Rich Komando informed the Board that the County had been served with papers by Scott Mandel regarding the Code Enforcement issue from several months ago. Mr. Komando stated he would update the Board once more information was available. Mr. Komando requested authorization to draft a letter on behalf of the Sheriff’s office for their annual audit. Mr. Komando stated that he is asked to draft such letters for clients frequently but since the Sheriff is not his client he is asking for direction from the Board. Mr. Komando stated that the Sheriff did not have an attorney but that BCDC did. After discussion regarding the request the Board authorized Mr. Komando to draft the letter for the Sheriff. Commissioner Gordon Crews motioned to authorize Mr. Komando to draft the requested letter. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carries unanimous. Stacie Harvey informed the Board of “Operation Green Light” being held in her office on April 18th from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.. Mrs. Harvey stated that this was a partnership with the Clerks Association to assist people in reinstating their driver’s license. Mrs. Harvey stated that the collection fee would be waived for all that participate and would not have a loss to the County. Commissioner Gordon Crews informed the Board that he requested the New River landfill reconsider the potential 50% cut the Counties. Commissioner Crews stated that the Board members agreed to consider his request. Commissioner James Bennett motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Gordon Crews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Meeting adjourned. ______________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk _______________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES April 7, 2015 The Baker County Board of Commissioners met in a scheduled meeting with the following members present: Chairman, James Croft Commissioner Mark Hartley Commissioner James Bennett Commissioner Jimmy Anderson Commissioner Gordon Crews Also Present: County Attorney, Rich Komando County Manager, CJ Thompson Clerk, Stacie D. Harvey Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please visit or contact Sara Little at BUDGET WORKSHOP Chairman Croft called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. Chairman Croft stated that the purpose of this workshop was to hear a budget over view from David Richardson for EMS and CJ Thompson for Administration. David Richardson gave the following presentation regarding his budget: NUMBER OF CALLS 4500 4000 3614 EMS/Transport Calls 3870 3635 2495 2459 1119 3977 3680 3500 3000 2790 2729 2633 1176 1141 1047 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 3614 1119 2495 3635 1176 2459 3870 1141 2729 3680 1047 2633 3977 1187 2790 2500 2000 1500 1187 1000 500 0 Combined Transport EMS Page 2 MINUTES- Budget Workshop April 7, 2015 Increase Annual Call Volume 2010-2014 EMS Transport 295 68 2010‐2014 GROSS REVENUE $980,000.00 $960,000.00 $940,000.00 $920,000.00 $900,000.00 $880,000.00 $860,000.00 $840,000.00 $820,000.00 $800,000.00 $780,000.00 $967,553.03 $854,908.00 2010 $876,499.00 $869,652.00 $847,008.00 2011 2012 2013 2014 Gross Revenue $854,908.00 $869,652.00 $847,008.00 $876,499.00 $967,553.03 Page 3 MINUTES- Budget Workshop April 7, 2015 Page 4 MINUTES- Budget Workshop April 7, 2015 EMS/Transport Expenses by Major Category: EMS $800,000.00 $700,000.00 $600,000.00 $500,000.00 $400,000.00 $300,000.00 $200,000.00 $100,000.00 $‐ 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Per. Serv. $705,453.33 $736,544.02 $641,050.57 $649,194.84 $756,073.41 Oper. $106,792.51 $134,773.74 $136,788.58 $184,163.28 $152,541.96 Cap.Outlay $1,000.00 $281,172.36 $29,323.89 $4,621.38 $6,798.22 Page 5 MINUTES- Budget Workshop April 7, 2015 Transport Rev/Exp. $600,000.00 $500,000.00 $400,000.00 $300,000.00 $200,000.00 $100,000.00 $‐ 2010 Txp.Rev. $474,4 Txp.Exp. $348,5 2011 2012 2013 2014 $476,4 $365,4 $413,6 $404,3 $407,2 $362,4 $423,3 $477,4 Page 6 MINUTES- Budget Workshop April 7, 2015 Budget Expenditures 2010‐2014 Per. Serv. EMS Transport EMS Transport EMS Transport EMS Transport EMS Transport 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 $ $ $ $705,453.33 302,745.72 736,544.02 $320,498.40 $641,050.57 362,996.96 $649,194.84 $314,312.58 $756,073.41 $412,956.57 $5,201,826.40 Oper. $ $ Exp. $106,792.51 44,519.84 134,773.74 Cap.Out. Total Total $ 1,000.00 $ 1,312.73 $ 281,172.36 $ $ $ $ 44,990.69 $136,788.58 41,387.51 $184,163.28 48,119.53 $152,541.96 64,465.50 $ - $ 29,323.89 $ - $ 4,621.38 $ - $ 6,798.22 $ - $ 958,543.14 $ 324,228.58 $ $ $ $813,246.60 348,578.29 1,152,490.12 $365,489.09 $807,163.04 404,384.47 $837,976.50 $362,432.11 $915,413.59 $477,422.07 $6,484,595.88 Page 7 MINUTES- Budget Workshop April 7, 2015 EMS ‐ 911 SUMMARY OF THE 2015/2016 BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROPRIATION EXPENDITURES BUDGET EXPENDITURES REQUEST CATEGORY 2013/14 2014/15 12/31/14 2015/16 (1) (2) Personal Services (Sched. I ) Operating Expenses (Sched. II) Operating Capital Outlay (Sched. III) Non‐Operating (Sched. IV) Total Expenditures (3) (4) (5) INCREASE/ COUNTY APPROVED (DECREASE) MANAGER AMOUNT AMOUNT RECOMMENDED 2015/16 (6) (6a) (7) 797,739.00 185,985.19 801,697.55 3,958.55 156,100.00 26,424.13 157,100.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 ‐ 9,000.00 1,000.00 963,839.00 212,409.32 967,797.55 3,958.55 EMS ‐ Transport SUMMARY OF THE 2015/2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION CATEGORY (1) Personal Services (Sched. I ) Operating Expenses (Sched. II) Operating Capital Outlay (Sched. III) Non‐Operating (Sched. IV) Total Expenditures ACTUAL APPROVED ACTUAL INCREASE/ COUNTY APPROVED EXPENDITURES BUDGET EXPENDITURES REQUEST (DECREASE) MANAGER AMOUNT 2013/14 2014/15 12/31/14 2015/16 AMOUNT RECOMMENDED 2014/15 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (6a) (7) 467,090.00 98,851.51 476,427.84 9,337.84 70,830.00 1,027.76 70,900.00 70.00 ‐ 6,500.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 544,420.00 99,879.27 551,327.84 6,907.84 Page 8 MINUTES- Budget Workshop April 7, 2015 Complete discussions concerning the budget presentation by Mr. Richardson can be heard on the audio file. Chairman Croft requested that the workshop be recessed until after the regular Board meeting to continue the discussions and allow the County Manager adequate time to present his budget. Chairman Croft recessed the budget workshop. Chairman Croft reopened the workshop. C/M Thompson gave the following presentation regarding the Administration budget: OVERVIEW: FY 15/16 Request- $865,749 Personnel Services- $521,955 Operating Expenses- $343,794 Capital Outlay- $0 BUDGETED AMOUNT TREND: $1,100,000 $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 Total Personnel Services $700,000 Total Operating Expenses $600,000 Total BOCC $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 FY09/10 FY10/11 FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 FY15/16 Page 9 MINUTES- Budget Workshop April 7, 2015 ACTUAL EXPENSE TREND: $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 Total Personnel Services Total Operating Expenses $600,000 Total BOCC $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 FY09/10 FY10/11 FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 FY15/16 PERSONEL SERVICES DETAILED: Executive Salaries- $148,691 Regular Salaries- $112,640 FICA- $19,992 Retirement- $83,104 Insurance- $31,529 HRA Contribution- $30,000 Worker’s Compensation- $91,000 Unemployment Compensation- $5,000 Total: $521,955 OPERATING EXPENSES DETAILED: Professional Services- $16,500 - Rhett Bullard (VAB Attorney)- $4,500 - Chris Doolin- $12,000 Accounting and Auditing- $94,300 Travel & Per Diem- $1,500 Communications- $18,000 - Microsoft Licenses- $5,088 - NEFCOM- $12,900 Postage- $20,400 - Courthouse Postage- $12,000* Page 10 MINUTES- Budget Workshop April 7, 2015 - Tax Notices- $2,950 - Trim Notices- $4,500 - BOCC Postage- $400 - Misc. Supplies- $550 Electric- $20,000 Water- $1,200 Gas- $200 Rentals & Leases- $4,000 - Postage Machine- $2,500 - Copier Lease- $1,500 Insurance & Surety- $121,000 Repairs & Maintenance- $20,000 Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance- $500 Advertising- $1,500 Office Supplies- $1,500 Operating Supplies- $6,000 Fuel- $500 Books, Publications & Memberships- $16,294 - NE FL Regional Transportation Commission- $5,770 - Small County Coalition- $4,850 - FL Association of Counties- $2,980 - NE FL Economic Development Partnership- $2,691 Training- $400 Total: $343,794 Complete discussions concerning the budget presentation by Mr. Thompson can be heard on the audio file. Meeting adjourned. _____________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk _______________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 04/14/2015 TIME: 14:37:29 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 1 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash=’104000’ and transact.ck_date>=’20150330 00:00:00.000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 7/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME 104000 74714 104000 74714 104000 74714 TOTAL CHECK 03/30/15 110 03/30/15 110 03/30/15 110 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74715 74715 74715 74715 74715 74715 74715 74715 74715 74715 74715 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT CLAY ELECTRIC CORPO 33 CLAY ELECTRIC CORPO 33 CLAY ELECTRIC CORPO 33 54300 54300 54300 MARG PK ST LI/HW 12 JONESVILLE PK/REC L POWER POLE−MARG PK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.56 56.22 17.96 92.74 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY 11 158 291 27 20 15 32 21 351 25 33 54302 54302 54302 54302 54302 54302 54304 54302 54305 54302 54300 ADMIN BUILDING PUBLIC DEFENDER AG CENTER/1025 W MA EM SERV/1190 W MAC COURTHOUSE TAX COL/PA/SUPV OF LIBRARY MAINT OFF/323 W OHI COURT SERVICES BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECR BLDG/490 NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.96 50.08 242.65 115.51 203.70 144.14 34.44 39.88 46.18 46.07 305.75 1,273.36 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL 351 351 33 331 20 33 15 33 33 351 33 33 32 351 291 25 11 158 33 351 351 291 291 27 32 33 33 33 331 15 27 27 33 54305 54301 54300 54609 54301 54300 54301 54300 54300 54305 54300 54300 54301 54305 54301 54301 54301 54301 54300 54306 54306 54301 54301 54301 54301 54300 54300 54300 54300 54301 54301 54301 54300 OLD JAIL/56 N 2ND S OUTDOOR LGT−M C.O.A REC DPT−MINGER FIEL SAND COMM CENTER COURTHOUSE WOMEN’S SOFTBALL FL TAX COLL/PA/ELECTIO OL−1 MINGER FIELD VOLLEYB CT−25N 8TH 42 W MCIVER OLD JAI 480 6TH ST SFTBL 480 6TH ST SFTBL OL LIBRARY PARKING LOT COURT SERVICES BLDG AG CNTR/OUTDR LGHT 360 E SHUEY AVE/B & ADMINISTRATION BLDG PUBLIC DEFENDER SEC.LIGHT/BLAIR&N B MACC−COUNCIL ON AGI MACC−COUNCIL ON AGI AG CENTER AG CENTER EMERGENCY OPERATION LIBRARY REC. DEPT/KNABB CMP REC.DEPT/SCOREBD/BL REC DEPT/KNABB SPRT 42 W MCIVER OLD JAI 32 N 5TH/OUTDOOR LG STORAGE BLDG/EOC FIRE STA #70 − SAND REC DP−SOFTBALL FIE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,230.77 23.61 153.91 23.12 4,643.87 175.14 1,431.19 11.92 8.07 10.24 115.07 10.24 10.24 29.44 10.24 359.11 665.50 187.40 32.00 32.88 1,315.97 44.68 537.11 636.64 808.37 1,093.39 8.07 71.30 99.69 10.24 27.54 230.63 511.64 14,559.23 OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 04/14/2015 TIME: 14:37:29 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 2 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash=’104000’ and transact.ck_date>=’20150330 00:00:00.000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 7/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74719 74719 74719 74719 74719 74719 74719 74719 74719 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE 33 34 33 39 27 33 34 39 39 54300 54300 54300 54301 54301 54300 54300 54301 54301 RECREATION DEPT DOG POUND 14564 SCR RIDING ARENA LIGHTS SHOALS PARK BATHRMS RESCUE TOWER ARENA CONCESSION ST NEW BLDG./ANIMAL CT ODIS YARB RD/SHOALS SHOALS PK BATHRMS # 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.86 220.22 56.11 23.08 113.57 39.60 133.19 23.08 60.63 713.34 104000 74720 04/02/15 1446 ALICIA R LAMBORN 29 54000 APRIL TRAVEL EXPNS 0.00 100.00 104000 74721 104000 74721 TOTAL CHECK 04/02/15 43 04/02/15 43 B GORDON CREWS B GORDON CREWS 11 11 54000 54910 APRIL TRAVEL EXPNS APRIL CELL PHONE 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 50.00 150.00 104000 74722 04/02/15 1896 MICHAEL A DAVIS 29 54000 APRIL TRAVEL EXPNS 0.00 200.00 104000 74724 04/02/15 2137 SHAINA L BENNETT 29 54000 APRIL TRAVEL EXPNS 0.00 100.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74736 74736 74736 74736 74736 74736 74736 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 KNABB SPORTS CMPLX MARGARETTA PARK VETERANS PARK JONESVILLE PARK VOLLEYBALL COURTS TAYLOR PARK BOY SCOUT LANDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 45.00 100.00 45.00 90.00 45.00 90.00 505.00 104000 74737 04/08/15 1252 AMERICAN ENTERPRISE 001 218500 P14 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 135.00 104000 74738 04/08/15 33 AUS FLORIDA GROUP L 20 54600 CLEAN MATS/COURTHSE 0.00 41.10 104000 74740 04/08/15 89 CAPITAL GUARDIAN TR 001 218700 P14 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 250.00 104000 74741 04/08/15 2346 CARPENTERS INDUSTRI 001 218500 P14 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 160.00 104000 74742 04/08/15 1797 CARR, RIGGS & INGRA 11 53200 AUDIT PROG BILLING 0.00 32,000.00 104000 74744 04/08/15 209 GENE HARVEY, TAX CO 15 59180 MARCH REQUEST 0.00 13,853.84 104000 74745 04/08/15 21 HAYT,HAYT&LANDAU, P 001 218900 11−136−SC DEDUCTION 0.00 100.00 104000 74746 04/08/15 2351 KOPELOUSOS,BRADLEY 53100 MARCH RETAINER 0.00 4,500.00 104000 74748 04/08/15 311 NATIONWIDE RETIREME 001 218700 P14 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 228.82 104000 74749 04/08/15 360 RELIASTAR LIFE INSU 001 218700 P14 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 26.76 104000 74751 04/08/15 279 STACIE D. HARVEY, C 12 59180 APRIL REQUEST 0.00 8,122.25 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE 16 SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 04/14/2015 TIME: 14:37:29 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 3 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash=’104000’ and transact.ck_date>=’20150330 00:00:00.000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 7/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74754 04/08/15 419 VALIC 001 218700 P14 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 325.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST 20 20 157 27 11 21 25 157 32 158 22 27 18 18 18 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 18 930 29 29 32 33 34 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 ELEVATOR−COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR/COURTHOUSE STATE ATTORNEY STA 70/REC #63/FIRE BOCC LINES/$325 L D MAINTENANCE DEPT. BLDG DEPT−INSPEC LI STATE ATTORNEY−FAX LIBRARY − FAX PUBLIC DEF − FAX CIR CT FAX/REC #328 RESCUE/DAVID R. DATA LINE − CLERK DATA LINE − CLERK DATA LINE − CLERK ALARM @ CLERK’S CIV RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP TDD PHONE/ADMINISTR ADMINISTRATION FAX CLERK’S OFFICE/ FAX COUNTY JUDGE’S FAX COUNTY EXTENSION SV CO EXT SVC−DATA LIN LIBRARY RECREATION DEPT ANIMAL CONTROL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.22 20.22 29.63 86.63 774.95 119.77 61.25 20.22 39.12 22.83 20.22 87.88 36.58 73.16 73.16 36.58 36.58 36.58 36.58 36.58 36.58 36.58 36.58 40.93 36.68 20.22 20.22 128.42 81.63 285.65 50.23 111.96 2,554.42 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 79,990.86 TOTAL FUND 0.00 79,990.86 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 04/14/2015 TIME: 14:37:29 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 4 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash=’104000’ and transact.ck_date>=’20150330 00:00:00.000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 7/15 FUND − 103 − ROAD & BRIDGE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54301 54301 54301 54301 54301 54301 54301 16256 US HWY 90 TF SIGN & TIRE SHOP− R ROAD DEPT/SL’S ROAD YARD ROAD DEPARTMENT ROAD DEPARTMENT ROAD DEPARTMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.88 137.06 1,095.79 106.74 82.53 23.06 30.29 1,483.35 55 55 55 54301 54301 54301 CAU LIGHT−BOB BURNS ST LIGHT @ 125 N/25 121 N CAUTION LGT−R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.65 13.08 25.57 66.30 55 55 55 55 54100 54100 54100 54100 ROAD ROAD ROAD ROAD DEPT − COMPUTE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT − F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.23 71.53 41.88 81.63 234.27 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 74718 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 104000 74719 104000 74719 104000 74719 TOTAL CHECK 04/01/15 326 04/01/15 326 04/01/15 326 OKEFENOKE REMC OKEFENOKE REMC OKEFENOKE REMC 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74757 74757 74757 74757 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST 104000 74758 04/14/15 140 DELL MARKETING L P 55 56400 PO39926/3 COMPUTERS 0.00 2,672.40 104000 74760 04/14/15 267 L V HIERS INC 55 55210 PO40002/SHOP SUPPLI 0.00 560.50 104000 74761 04/14/15 945 LEGACY ENGINEERING 55 55300 PO40006/SOIL TEST 0.00 300.00 104000 74762 04/14/15 928 MACCLENNY EQUIP & T 55 56400 PO40003/BATWING MOW 0.00 15,500.00 104000 74763 104000 74763 TOTAL CHECK 04/14/15 284 04/14/15 284 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 55 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 55 54602 54602 PO39992/UTILTY ROLL PO39992/HOSE,FITTIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.49 76.25 104.74 104000 74764 04/14/15 2279 METAL MASTERS OF FL 55 55300 PO39929/PIPE,COLD R 0.00 1,322.90 104000 74765 04/14/15 300 MORAN AUTO PARTS 55 54602 PO40004/OIL,FUEL FI 0.00 75.93 104000 74766 04/14/15 336 PHIL ALLEN INC 55 55210 PO39967/DRILL PRESS 0.00 1,216.91 104000 74767 04/14/15 353 VCNA PRESTIGE CONCR 55 55300 PO39935/ROAD MATERI 0.00 1,044.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 24,581.30 TOTAL FUND 0.00 24,581.30 445 445 445 445 FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA T T T T SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 04/14/2015 TIME: 14:37:29 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 5 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash=’104000’ and transact.ck_date>=’20150330 00:00:00.000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 7/15 FUND − 104 − FINE & FORFEITURE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74739 104000 74739 104000 74739 TOTAL CHECK 04/08/15 1670 04/08/15 1670 04/08/15 1670 BAKER CORRECTIONAL BAKER CORRECTIONAL BAKER CORRECTIONAL 71 71 71 58111 58111 58111 HSNG CREDIT OCT−MAR PREPYMNT APR−JUNE INMATE MEDCL/JUN 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 −38,886.66 963,690.00 6,575.07 931,378.41 104000 04/08/15 2314 TRI COUNTY PROBATIO 28 58111 DMAP 73 DAYS @ $22 0.00 1,606.00 04/09/15 445 04/09/15 445 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 90 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 90 54100 54100 HOLDING CELL FAX − SECURITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.32 21.02 42.34 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 933,026.75 TOTAL FUND 0.00 933,026.75 74752 104000 74757 104000 74757 TOTAL CHECK SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 04/14/2015 TIME: 14:37:29 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 6 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash=’104000’ and transact.ck_date>=’20150330 00:00:00.000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 7/15 FUND − 105 − FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74715 03/31/15 109 CITY OF MACCLENNY 54 54303 FIRE STA/JEFF ST RO 0.00 37.04 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74719 74719 74719 74719 74719 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 04/01/15 OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE 54 54 54 54 54 54301 54301 54301 54301 54301 BAXTER FIRE STA #60 FIRE STA #40−TAYLOR FIRE STA #20−N MACC FIRE STA #30−CUYLER FIRE STA 40−SEC LIG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59.05 34.30 98.92 52.04 45.38 289.69 104000 74725 04/07/15 2235 BRADLEY J CLARK (SC 54 51300 MARCH FIRE RUNS 0.00 126.50 104000 74726 04/07/15 2208 CHEYENNE K MURRAY ( 54 51300 MARCH FIRE RUNS 0.00 162.00 104000 74727 04/07/15 357 CHRIS TAYLOR 54 51300 MARCH FIRE RUNS 0.00 42.00 104000 74728 04/07/15 99 CHRISTOPHER MIRACLE 54 51300 MARCH FIRE RUNS 0.00 66.00 104000 74729 04/07/15 1717 JENNIFER DAVIS (NC) 54 51300 MARCH FIRE RUNS 0.00 96.00 104000 74730 04/07/15 797 JOHN T DYAL (NC) 54 51300 MARCH FIRE RUNS 0.00 240.00 104000 74732 04/07/15 791 MARK RENNINGER (SC) 54 51300 MARCH FIRE RUNS 0.00 123.50 104000 74733 04/07/15 1992 TANYA ANDERSON 54 51300 MARCH FIRE RUNS 0.00 72.00 104000 74734 04/07/15 809 THOMAS DYAL (NC) 54 51300 MARCH FIRE RUNS 0.00 60.00 104000 74735 04/07/15 2181 WILLIAM PRIMO (SC) 54 51300 MARCH FIRE RUNS 0.00 594.00 04/09/15 445 04/09/15 445 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 54 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 54 54100 54100 FIRE STATION 50 GLE FIRE/STEVE M. 0.00 0.00 0.00 87.90 24.22 112.12 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 2,020.85 TOTAL FUND 0.00 2,020.85 104000 74757 104000 74757 TOTAL CHECK 326 326 326 326 326 REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 04/14/2015 TIME: 14:37:29 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 8 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash=’104000’ and transact.ck_date>=’20150330 00:00:00.000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 7/15 FUND − 111 − CIVIC CENTER PROJECT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 04/07/15 121 MACCLENNY LIONS CLU 48 0.00 1,000.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 1,000.00 TOTAL FUND 0.00 1,000.00 74731 DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− 54800 POSSUM IN THE PARK SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 04/14/2015 TIME: 14:37:29 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 9 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash=’104000’ and transact.ck_date>=’20150330 00:00:00.000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 7/15 FUND − 116 − SOLID WASTE CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME 104000 74714 03/30/15 110 104000 74718 104000 74718 104000 74718 TOTAL CHECK DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT CLAY ELECTRIC CORPO 65 54301 RECY ST−MUD LAKE RO 0.00 62.44 04/01/15 200 04/01/15 200 04/01/15 200 FPL FPL FPL 65 65 65 54301 54301 54301 JEFF STARLING−SOLID HOSS KELLER−SOLID W SR 228 − SOLID WAST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.17 35.06 56.14 121.37 104000 74719 104000 74719 104000 74719 TOTAL CHECK 04/01/15 326 04/01/15 326 04/01/15 326 OKEFENOKE REMC OKEFENOKE REMC OKEFENOKE REMC 65 65 65 54301 54301 54301 125 N GLEN RECY SIT CUYLER RECY SITE 12 RECY SITE−STEELBRID 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 127.48 50.86 48.99 227.33 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74736 74736 74736 74736 74736 74736 74736 74736 74736 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 1743 PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP PITSTOP 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 54400 GLEN DUMP SITE CUYLER DUMP SITE 228 DUMP SITE SANDERSON DUMP SITE OLUSTEE DUMP SITE YARD,LIMBS DUMP SIT BAXTER DUMP SITE MUDLAKE DUMP SITE STEEL BRIDGE DUMP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 405.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 74757 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 MUDLAKE RECY SITE CUYLER RECYCLE SITE SR 228 RECYCLE SITE GLEN RECYCLING SITE 121 N RECYCLING SIT SANDERSON RECY SITE BAXTER RECYCLING SI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.68 36.68 39.12 37.45 36.68 36.68 37.45 260.74 104000 74759 04/14/15 212 GLEN CASH STORE INC 65 55210 PO39993/BOOTS,RAKES 0.00 48.82 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 1,125.70 TOTAL FUND 0.00 1,125.70 PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE PORTABLE FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE T T T T T T T SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 04/14/2015 TIME: 14:37:29 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 10 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash=’104000’ and transact.ck_date>=’20150330 00:00:00.000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 7/15 FUND − 119 − COURT FACILITY FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 04/08/15 2314 TRI COUNTY PROBATIO 922 0.00 1,250.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 1,250.00 TOTAL FUND 0.00 1,250.00 74753 DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− 54618 MARCH G.B.B. SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 04/14/2015 TIME: 14:37:29 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 11 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash=’104000’ and transact.ck_date>=’20150330 00:00:00.000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 7/15 FUND − 122 − SHIP FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 04/02/15 2284 ROCK CONTR CUSTOM H 99 53400 MARK DONLEY NEW CON 0.00 65,000.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 65,000.00 TOTAL FUND 0.00 65,000.00 TOTAL REPORT 0.00 1,114,610.23 74723 DEPT/FUND PROCLAMATION To recognize National Police Week 2015 and to honor the service and sacrifice of those law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty while protecting our communities and safeguarding our democracy. WHEREAS, there are approximately 900,000 law enforcement officers serving in communities across the United States, including the dedicated members of the Baker County Sheriff’s Office. WHEREAS, nearly 60,000 assaults against law enforcement officers are reported each year, resulting in approximately 16,000 injuries; WHEREAS, since the first recorded death in 1791, more than 20,000 law enforcement officers in the United States have made the ultimate sacrifice and been killed in the line of duty, including 2 members of the Baker County Sheriff’s Office; WHEREAS, the names of these dedicated public servants are engraved on the walls of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C.; WHEREAS, 127 new names of fallen heroes are being added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial this spring, including 117 officers killed in 2014 and 156 officers killed in previous years; WHEREAS, the service and sacrifice of all officers killed in the line of duty will be honored during the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund’s 27th Annual Candlelight Vigil, on the evening of May 13, 2015; WHEREAS, the Candlelight Vigil is part of National Police Week, which takes place this year on May 10-16; WHEREAS, May 15 is designated as Peace Officers Memorial Day, in honor of all fallen officers and their families and U.S. flags should be flown at half-staff; NOW, THEREFORE, The Baker County Board of Commissioners formally designates May 10-16, 2015, as POLICE WEEK in Baker County , and publicly salutes the service of law enforcement officers in our community and in communities across the nation. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED in regular session this 21st day of April, 2015. Baker County Board of County Commissioners _________________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman Attest: ___________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk Baker County Recreation Advisory Board Light Usage/Scheduling Policy Recommendation All recreation facilities will have a facility fee of $60 for the usage of the facility. The fee amount will be $60 per team and will be broken down per season. If a sport is a yearlong event then this will be broken down into two six month seasons. All fees collected will go back into the recreation fund for the following. Utilities : Electrical, Sewer, Water Facility maintenance & supplies Facility improvements All groups will be responsible for this fee All County Rec. league teams: Little League, Babe Ruth, Cal Ripken, or Pony League teams. All travel ball teams. Church league teams City league teams All organizations and private teams All sports will fall under this option and it will be per team not per organization or group. The Baker County Riding Arena utilities will be leased to the riding club. The riding club will be responsible for paying all utility bills. This option will exclude Shoals Park. MEMORANDUM TO: County Commissioners FROM: CJ Thompson, County Manager RE: Evaluation of RFQ 2015-01 Proposals DATE: April 16, 2015 We received seven responses to RFQ 2015-01: Continuing Contract for Engineering Services. The responses were individually evaluated by Robert Fletcher, Scott Herring, Ed Preston and myself. The evaluation matrix used had a 100 point maximum. The results are included in the table below. Firm Reviewer #1 Reviewer #2 Reviewer #3 Reviewer #4 Total Tarbox CPH Stone Engineering Edwards Engineering CHW Jones Edmunds NF Professional Services 88 73 90 91 90 82 86 90 354 336 82 87 84 82 335 84 89 78 82 333 83 85 89 65 322 87 88 90 55 320 61 90 81 72 304 Based on the separation between the highest ranked firm and the second ranked firm, it is staff’s recommendation that the BOCC authorize staff to move forward with negotiating with Tarbox Consulting and Design. Pending Business PENDING BUSINESS ITEM Courthouse HVAC conversion recommendation PRIORITY High STATUS Transportation Center Construction High In Progress LDR Revisions Purchasing Policy Revisions High Normal In Progress In Progress Shade Tree Air Plane Club - Tax Abatement / Alternative Location Normal Anti-Fracking Resolution LAP Certification In Progress START DATE 2/1/2014 DUE DATE 4/30/2015 % COMPLETE 75% 07/01/2015 75% 05/06/2014 11/18/2014 10/01/2014 01/31/2015 75% 25% In Progress 03/03/2015 04/07/2015 25% Normal In Progress 03/03/2015 04/07/2015 0% Normal In Progress 03/01/2015 06/30/2015 25% COMMENTS Decision made to move forward with ESCO RFP. Draft in process. Project is on schedule. No issues at this time. Workshop for all other revisions held 4/16. Mining revisions will be discussed again at 4/23 LPA meeting. Draft purchasing policy distributed to BOCC for review. Abatement is not an option. The county may choose to reimburse the property owner if it chooses. Shoals Park is an option if the BOCC chooses but work is required to make a site suitable. Commissioners requested more time for research and information prior to considering an ordinance The policy statement, nondiscrimination complaint form, and the policy signature statement have been finalized. Continuing to work with FDOT staff to review SCAT form prior to submittal. BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Rules of Procedure Revised: April 7, 2015 1 Table of Contents PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT ............................................................... 4 I. A. Commission Meetings to be Open to the Public ................................................................................4 B. Appearance before the Commission ..................................................................................................4 C. Public Comments and Inquiries .........................................................................................................5 D. Commission Meetings - Regular ........................................................................................................6 E. Commission Meetings - Special.........................................................................................................6 F. Commission Meetings - Emergency ..................................................................................................6 G. Informal Commission Meetings - Inspection Trips, Retreats ............................................................7 H. Public Hearings – Time & Location ..................................................................................................7 I. Public Hearing – Procedures ..............................................................................................................8 J. Public Records – Inspection & Duplication .....................................................................................10 K. Commission Mail – Circulation, Public Review & Duplication ...................................................... 10 L. Advisory Boards/Committees .......................................................................................................... 11 II. PREPARATION OF AGENDA; ORDER OF BUSINESS ................................................................. 12 A. Preparation of Agenda ..................................................................................................................... 12 B. Agenda Material ............................................................................................................................... 12 C. Meeting - Order of Business ............................................................................................................ 12 D. Quorum ............................................................................................................................................ 13 E. Required Attendance of Officials..................................................................................................... 14 F. Parliamentarian - Minutes ................................................................................................................ 14 G. Sergeant at Arms .............................................................................................................................. 14 H. Rules of Order and Debate ............................................................................................................... 15 I. Voting .............................................................................................................................................. 15 J. Conflict of Interest ........................................................................................................................... 16 K. Ordinances ....................................................................................................................................... 16 L. Resolutions ....................................................................................................................................... 17 M. Motions ............................................................................................................................................ 17 N. Reconsideration of Action Previously Taken................................................................................... 17 O. Rescinding Action Previously Taken ............................................................................................... 17 III. GENERAL PROVISIONS .............................................................................................................. 18 A. Newly-Elected Commissioners ........................................................................................................ 18 B. Swearing-in Ceremony .................................................................................................................... 18 C. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair ..................................................................................................... 18 2 D. Commission Chair - Presiding Officer ............................................................................................. 18 E. Commission Appointments to Boards and Committees .................................................................. 19 F. Appointment of Commission Liaisons............................................................................................. 20 G. Suspension and Construction of Rules ............................................................................................. 20 IV. APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES FOR BOARDS & COMMITTEES ............................................... 21 3 I. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT A. Commission Meetings to be Open to the Public All meetings of the Baker County Commission, and of committees thereof, shall be open to the public in accordance with the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011, Florida Statutes. 1. The exception shall be those meetings statutorily exempt, such as executive collective bargaining sessions- Section 447.605(1), Florida Statutes; meetings regarding risk management claims - Section 768.28(15), Florida Statutes; and litigation meetings pursuant to Section 286.011(8) Florida Statutes. The Commission shall follow all statutory requirements for exempt meetings. 2. All regular and special meetings of the Commission will be conducted in a publicly owned or controlled building and open to the public. 3. For public safety purposes, no signs or placards mounted on sticks, posts, poles or similar structures will be allowed in County Commission meetings. Other signs, placards, or banners shall not disrupt meetings or interfere with a person in the audience's ability to observe the meeting. 4. The County shall provide all persons with disabilities the assistance that is necessary to enable them to effectively participate in Commission meetings. B. Appearance before the Commission Persons desiring to address the Commission on a pending matter or which needs the attention of the Commission may do so upon recognition and introduction by the Chair. To ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate, the following procedures shall govern: 1. Fill out a speaker card and provide it to the Board Secretary. 2. After being recognized by the chair, the person should: a. Step up to the speaker's rostrum and state their name and address. b. Unless further time is granted by the Chair, limit the comments to three minutes; c. Address all remarks to the Commission as a body, and not to individual member thereof; d. Make comments and present documents to the Chair. Speakers should make comments that are concise and present data they wish the Commission to consider. No person may speak more than once on the same subject unless granted permission by the Chair. 4 3. The Commission may discuss the issue, assign it to a committee, refer it to the manager or attorney or take action if they choose to do so. 4. No person other than a member of the Commission, and the person having the floor, shall participate in the discussion without being recognized by the Chair. Questions should be directed through the Chair. 5. Disruptive conduct by any participate is not acceptable and the guilty party may be removed from the room by the chair. 6. A person may not interfere or interrupt the orderly procedure of the Commission meeting and interrupt the recognized speaker. 7. If the Chair declares an individual out-of-order, the individual will be requested to relinquish the speaker's rostrum and failure to do so will result in removal from the meeting pursuant to section G(3) of this policy. 8. Prior to the beginning of a meeting or public hearing, the Chair may require that all persons who wish to address the commission who are not on the published agenda sign in, give their name, the agenda item and whether they wish to speak as a proponent, opponent, or otherwise. If a sign-in sheet is required, any person who does not sign in may be permitted to speak after all those who signed in have done so. 9. The Chair is authorized to establish speaker time limits and otherwise control presentations. 10. Employees of the County may address the Commission on matters of public concern. C. Public Comments and Inquiries Persons may address the Commission on items not on the agenda during the Public Comment period. Each person is required to fill out a speaker card and submit it to the Board Secretary. The Commission shall not take final action on public comment items presented at the same meeting unless there is a need for immediate action. When inquiries and comments regarding issues not on the agenda the Commission will first determine whether the issue is legislative or administrative in nature and then: 1. If legislative, and the comment is about previous legislative action by the Board or the comment is suggestive in nature regarding changes to existing legislation, and if the Commission finds consideration of such suggestions advisable, the Commission may refer the matter to a committee, to the County Attorney or County Manager for review and recommendation, or may take any other action it deems appropriate. 2. If administrative, and the complaint is regarding the performance of administrative staff, administrative interpretation of legislative policy, or administrative policy within the authority of the County Manager, the Chair may refer the complaint directly to the County Manager for review. The 5 Commission may direct that the County Manager report to the Commission when the review is complete. 3. The Chair may also assign a Commissioner issues that require additional examination. If so assigned, the Commissioner shall provide a verbal or written report to the Commission within 30 days noting if the examination will take additional time. D. Commission Meetings - Regular 1. Unless otherwise advertised, all regular meetings of the Baker County Commission are conducted at 5:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of the month in the County Commission Chambers located at the Baker County Administrative Complex, 55 North 3rd Street Macclenny, Florida. Meeting notices will be publicly displayed at the County Administration Office and on the County website. 2. Periodically, regular meetings may be adjusted by the Commission to accommodate a holiday schedule or other special circumstances. Prior notice of such change will be publicly displayed at the County Administration Office and on the County website. While a minimum notice of 24 hours is required, the Commission will provide as much advance notice of a regular meeting as is feasible. E. Commission Meetings - Special 1. Any one Commissioner or the County Manager may call a special meeting. County Commissioners shall request any special meeting through the County Manager or the Clerk of Circuit Court. 2. The call for a special meeting shall be in writing and shall contain time, place and business to be conducted. Special meetings may be held upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours public notice. 3. Special meetings may be scheduled on days or evenings in addition to the first and third Tuesday of the month but not on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. 4. No business other than items listed on the agenda shall be considered. Public comment shall be allowed on items on the agenda, but there will not be a separate public comment period included on the agenda. 5. If there is no longer a need for a special meeting after notice as outlined above the person(s) who called the meeting is/are authorized to cancel the meeting. F. Commission Meetings - Emergency Any one Commissioner or the County Manager may call, orally or in writing, an emergency meeting. 6 1. The call for an emergency meeting shall contain the time, place, and business to be conducted. The time and place of the emergency meeting will be added to the bulletin board at the County Administration Office and on the County website. . Emergency meetings may be held, when practicable, upon the most reasonable notice allowable under the circumstances. 2. Each Commissioner, the Clerk of the Court, the Sheriff, the County Manager and the County Attorney shall be given notice allowable under the circumstances. Such notice shall be provided by any reasonable means, including but not limited to telephone, email, or facsimile transmission. 3. The most reasonable notice allowable under the circumstances of the emergency meeting shall be provided to the business office of each local media organization that has on file a written request for notice of emergency meetings. 4. Emergency meetings involving an eminent public health, safety or welfare may be scheduled as necessary, preferably between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. 5. An agenda outlining the business to be conducted will be available prior to the meeting. 6. No business shall be conducted other than items listed on the agenda. Public comment shall be allowed. 7. If there is no longer a need for an emergency meeting, the person who called the meeting is authorized to cancel the meeting. G. Informal Commission Meetings - Inspection Trips, Retreats 1. The Chair, Commission, or County Manager may schedule informal meetings, inspection trips, or retreats. 2. Advance notice of these meetings shall be given in the same manner as special meetings. 3. Minutes of these meetings shall be made by County Commission staff. H. Public Hearings – Time & Location 1. Public hearings will typically be held on the first and third Tuesday of the month in the County Commission Chambers located in the Baker County Administrative Complex, 55 North 3rd Street, Macclenny, Florida. 2. The matters under consideration shall be heard at the 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practicable. Public hearings may be continued from a prior meeting, or scheduled on days or evenings that are convenient but not on Sundays or Holidays. 3. All rules pertaining to regular meeting shall apply. 7 I. Public Hearing – Procedures 1. General Public Hearings. The procedures to be followed for public hearings are, generally, as follows: a. The Chair shall declare the public hearing open and announce the agenda item to be considered as well as any staff comments or recommendations. The Chair inquires whether any Commissioner wishes to put forth a motion. Whether or not a motion and second are made, the Chair opens the floor for comments. b. Following public comment (if any), the Chair closes the public hearing and inquires if any Commissioner wishes to take action on the motion on the floor (if any) or put forth a motion. Following the motion and its second, discussion occurs among Commissioners. c. At the conclusion of the discussion the Chair calls for the vote. 2. Quasi-Judicial Hearings. The procedures to be followed for quasi-judicial hearings are generally as follows: a. Prior to the commencement of quasi-judicial hearings, the Commission will instruct the County Attorney to provide the public with an explanation of quasi-judicial proceedings and shall read or distribute the following statement: "All persons wishing to participate and speak will be sworn in prior to speaking during this proceeding. All persons have the right, through the Chair, to ask questions of staff or other speakers, to seek clarification of comments made by staff or other speakers and respond to comments or presentations of staff or other speakers. All persons who present written materials to Commissioners for consideration must ensure that a copy of such materials is provided to the Clerk for inclusion in the Board's record of proceedings and official minutes. While we welcome comments from all persons with an interest in this proceeding, Florida law requires that the County Commission's decision in a quasi-judicial action be supported by competent substantial evidence presented to the Commission during the hearing on the application. Competent substantial evidence is such evidence as a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support a conclusion. There must be a factual basis in the record to support opinion testimony from both expert and non-expert witnesses. Persons presenting testimony may rely on factual information that they present, that is presented by County staff, that the applicant presented, or on factual information included in the County staff report to support their testimony." b. Prior to commencement of the Hearing the clerk or secretary shall make the following inquiry of the County Commissioners: “Has any Commissioner received any oral or written communications regarding the public hearing items? If so, please disclose the substance 8 of the communication and identify the person making the communication. A disclosure must be made before or during the public meeting at which a vote is taken on such matters, so that persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in the ex-parte communication are given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to the communication.” c. The Clerk or County Attorney shall administer the affirmation to all persons who desire to speak at quasi-judicial proceedings before the County Commission d. The County Manager or designee shall describe the item to be considered and make a presentation pertaining to the item if asked to do so by the Chair. The Chair shall then inquire as to whether any Commissioner has questions for the staff. e. The applicant or his/her agent/representative will make a presentation pertaining to the application. The Chair will once again inquire as to whether Commissioners and then parties to the proceeding have any questions regarding the petition. f. The Chair will ask if any members in the audience wish to present testimony. At the conclusion of the testimony, the Chair will ask if any of the Commissioners or any of the parties to the proceeding have questions of the witness. g. There will be an opportunity for applicant rebuttal and closing comments. h. The Chair will then entertain a motion from the Commission. i. Ex-parte Communications. Florida Statutes Section 286.0115 provides that any person who is not otherwise prohibited by statute, charter provision or ordinance may discuss with any commissioner the merits of any matter that the County Commission may take action. The following procedures, which remove the presumption of prejudice, shall be followed for ex-parte communication. j. The substance of any ex-parte communication with a Commissioner which relates to a quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission (such as a zoning decision) is not presumed prejudicial to the action if the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group or entity with whom the communication took place is disclosed and made a part of the record before the final action on the matter. k. A County Commissioner may read a written communication from any person. A written communication that relates to quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission (such as a zoning decision) shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action. Such written communication shall be made a part of the record before final action on the matter. 9 l. Commissioners may conduct investigations and site visits and may receive expert opinions regarding quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission. Such activities shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action if the existence of the investigation, site visit or expert opinion is made a part of the record before final action on the matter. J. Public Records – Inspection & Duplication Pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, email messages, or other material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency, are public records. A public record (including information stored in computers) is open to public inspection and duplication, unless exempted by law. 1. If the purpose of a document prepared in connection with the official business of the agency is to perpetuate, communicate or formalize knowledge, then it is a public record regardless of whether it is in final form, or the ultimate product of an agency. 2. Requests for copies of public information (including the Commission mail, email and audio recordings of County Commission meetings and workshops) should be made through the County Administration office pursuant to Administrative Policy 2010-3. 3. Any and every media conference officially sponsored by Baker County Government will be open to all media representatives and to the general public. Press conferences will be conducted in a location that is publicly accessible. K. Commission Mail – Circulation, Public Review & Duplication All mail addressed to the Chair and the Commissioners, which is received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official County business, is a public record (Chapter 119, Florida Statutes). The public may review and duplicate such records, including email. 1. Items of considerable length (such as petitions) will not be copied; instead, a memorandum will be distributed which announces the availability and location of the item in the County Administration office. Publications and lengthy agenda materials for other boards on which Commissioners serve will not be copied; only the agenda will be circulated. 2. Each Commissioner will receive the original of items addressed to her/him. Mail with the words similar to “Personal”, “Confidential” or “For the Addressee Only”, shall be delivered unopened to the addressee. 3. The Chair and Commissioners who receive individually-addressed mail may be responsible for replying; The Commissioner may ask the County Manager 10 to draft a response for their signature; or requesting that the item be placed on the agenda for formal Commission consideration. L. Advisory Boards/Committees Policy Statement: The mission of advisory boards and committees shall be to examine various policy issues referred by the Commission or staff. Committees shall provide guidance to the Commission in the development of policy recommendations, but shall not attempt to manage the administrative operations of the County or direct staff. Advisory boards and committees may be created and dissolved by resolution, ordinance or other action by the Commission. Committee members are appointed by the Commission after advertising vacancies. All members shall serve at the pleasure of a majority of the full Commission. 1. The County Manager's office shall provide to the chair of each advisory board or committee copies of all resolutions or ordinances which pertain to that committee. Such information shall be delivered to the committee chair within one (1) week after adoption by the Commission, or as soon thereafter as possible. 2. Appointment to advisory boards shall be by voice vote during a regular Commission meeting. Priority shall be given to applicants from Baker County. All members serve at the pleasure of the Commission. 3. All Commission advisory boards, commissions and other bodies shall meet in public buildings. 4. All statutory boards, commissions and advisory bodies shall prepare minutes taken at each meeting. Communications to the Commission from such boards, commissions and bodies shall be received in the mail of the Commission Chair. 5. All Chairpersons of advisory boards/committees are encouraged to provide updates to the County Commission at its regularly scheduled business meetings/public hearings. All requests for presentations shall be submitted to the Office of the County Manager. 6. . 7. Appointees personal and business affairs conducted within Baker County must be in substantial compliance with all County regulatory and taxing authorities’ rules and regulations. Appointees deemed to be in violation of any County rule, regulation, or policy may be disallowed from membership on advisory boards or committees by a majority vote of the Commission. 8. Advisory boards and committees are required to adhere to the Guidelines for Citizen Advisory Boards & Committees as approved by the County Commission. These guidelines are incorporated herein as Appendix 1. 11 II. PREPARATION OF AGENDA; ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Preparation of Agenda The County Manager shall prepare the agenda. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may place an item on the agenda. The County Manager will provide the agenda to Commissioners on the Thursday prior to a regular meeting. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may request that an item be scheduled for a time certain. Persons requesting an item to be scheduled for a time certain shall submit the request to the County Manager no later than three days prior to the meeting. Presentations on time certain items will normally not exceed thirty (30) minutes in length. 1. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may schedule an item for a time certain that recognizes County employees or citizens. These recognitions will generally honor individuals, teams, or organizations for activities or actions that benefit Baker County. Recognition presentations will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. B. Agenda Material 1. A copy of the agenda and supporting materials shall be prepared for Commissioners, the public and the media before 5:00 PM on the Thursday prior to the regular Commission meeting or Public Hearing, except when legally observed holidays affect copying and distribution. The agenda, as well as lengthy reports that are part of agenda documentation, shall be available for review in the County Manager's office. 2. Each Commissioner should carefully review the Consent Agenda to determine whether there is any item s/he wishes to have pulled from the consent and discussed and voted on separately. C. Meeting - Order of Business The business of all regular meetings of the Commission should be transacted as follows, provided, however that the Chair may, by simple majority vote or consensus of the Commission, re-arrange items on the agenda to more expeditiously conduct the business before the Commission: 1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Members of the Commission may be designated to present the invocation and lead the pledge. 2. Presentation of Amendments to the Agenda – An amendment to the agenda is an emergency addition to the regular or consent agenda and consists of items which are submitted for agenda consideration after the established deadline. 3. Approval of the Consent Agenda 4. Public Comments 12 Any person may address the Commission under this agenda section. Three minutes per speaker or other time limit designated by the chair will be allotted for public comments. Persons may not yield or delegate their time to another speaker. Persons who have not submitted a speaker card to speak on an item on the agenda will have the opportunity to comment on other relevant community issues. 5. Constitutional Officers/Other Governmental Units (When applicable) 6. Committee Reports (When applicable) 7. New Business – Items that have not been discussed by meeting attendees previously and that do not belong on the consent agenda or committee report. 8. Old Business – Items presented at a previous meeting that could not be completed or decided at that meeting. Discussions usually consist of followup information that provides meeting attendees the answers to questions they had at the last meeting. It might cover information gathered or tasks finished as part of action-item assignments from the previous meeting. 9. County Manager – Informational (non-action) items that are not covered other under sections. 10. County Attorney 11. Commission Comments – Informational (non-action) items that are not covered other under sections. 12. Adjourn No meeting should be permitted to continue beyond midnight without the approval of a majority of the Commission. A new time limit must be established before taking a Commission vote to extend the meeting. In the event that a meeting has not been closed or continued by Commission vote prior to midnight, the items not acted on are to be continued to a designated time on the following day or as soon thereafter as practical, unless State law requires hearing at a different time. D. Quorum 1. A quorum for the transaction of business by the Commission consists of three (3) Commissioners. 2. Once a quorum has been established, a majority of Commissioners present at the meeting shall be required to carry a motion, unless by statute, ordinance or other regulation, an extraordinary majority (4/5ths) of the Commission is required for approval of an item (e.g. consideration of emergency ordinances, gas tax, etc.). 13 E. Required Attendance of Officials 1. In addition to Commissioners, County officials whose regular attendance shall be required at meetings of the Commission are the: a. Clerk of the Court; or designee b. County Manager; or designee c. County Attorney; or designee d. . 2. A representative of the Baker County Sheriff's Office shall be present to provide security and assistance in maintaining order. F. Parliamentarian - Minutes The County Attorney serves as the Board parliamentarian, and advises the Chair as to correct rules of procedure or questions of specific rule application. The parliamentarian calls to the attention of the Chair any errors in the proceedings that may affect the substantive rights of any member, or may otherwise do harm. 1. The Secretary to the Board shall take minutes of the proceedings of all commission meetings. The Secretary shall provide copies of the minutes to each Commissioner for their reading. 2. The County Manager shall list the minutes on the agenda for approval by the Commission. Such minutes stand confirmed at the regular Commission meeting without a reading in open meeting, unless some error is shown. In such event, an appropriate correction is made. A copy of the draft minutes of the last regular Commission meeting shall be available for review at the reception desk in the County Manager's office. 3. The Secretary to the Board shall be responsible for recording County Commission meetings. 4. Upon request the secretary will provide any Commissioner with transcribed excerpts of audio recording of Commission meetings. G. Sergeant at Arms The Baker County Sheriff’s Office shall be sergeant-at-arms of the Commission meetings. The Baker County Sheriff’s Office is authorized to elicit support in performing this duty. The Sheriff’s Office shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the County Commission for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the Commission meeting. The following policy will provide guidance in handling disruptions: 1. If an individual refuses to relinquish the podium after being allowed to address the Commission, the Chair will inform the individual that their time to 14 address the Commission has expired and the Chair will direct the individual to leave the podium. 2. If an individual causes disruption in the Commission meeting site, the Chair will inform the individual causing the disruption to cease the disruptive activity. 3. If the disruption fails to stop: a. The Chair will inform the individual causing the disruption that their actions are contrary to the orderly function of the meeting and that the individual is to cease such action or the Sergeant-at-Arms will be instructed to remove the individual from the meeting site. b. The Chair will direct the individual to leave the meeting site. The Chair will inform the individual that, if s/he is directed to leave and fails to do so, the individual will be subject to arrest. c. If the disruption fails to cease, the Chair shall be authorized to take final action and read the following: As the Commission Chair, I inform you that your actions are inconsistent with the orderly function of this meeting and you have failed to comply with the lawful order of the Chair. I am instructing the Sergeant-at-Arms to have you removed from this building. H. Rules of Order and Debate Every Commission member desiring to speak should address the Commission Chair and, upon recognition by the Chair, should be confined to the question under debate. 1. The maker of a motion shall be entitled to the floor first for debate. 2. A member once recognized should not be interrupted when speaking unless to call said member to order. The member should then cease speaking until the question of order is determined, without debate, by the Chair. If in order, said member will be at liberty to proceed. 3. If the Chair wishes to put forth or second a motion, s/he shall relinquish the chair to (1), the Vice Chair, (2), the senior Commission member (if the Vice Chair is absent), (3) another Commission member who has remained impartial or (4), the Clerk, until the main motion on which the presiding officer spoke has been disposed. 4. The most recent edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the general rules of the Commission, so long as they do not conflict with ordinances, statutes, or rules, of Baker County. I. Voting 1. The votes during all Commission meetings should be transacted as follows: 15 a. In order to expedite business, the Chair shall usually call for the vote by voice. At the request of any Commissioner, a roll call vote shall be taken by the Clerk. The roll call vote may be determined in alphabetical order, with the Chair voting last. b. When the Chair calls for a vote on a motion, every member, who was in the Commission chambers must give their vote, unless the member has publicly stated that s/he is abstaining from voting due to a conflict of interest, pursuant to Section 112.3143 or Section 286.011, Florida Statutes. If any Commissioner declines to vote "aye" or "nay" by voice, his or her vote shall be counted as an "aye" vote. c. The passage of any motion, policy or resolution shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the membership of the Commissioners who are present and eligible to vote. In case of a tie in votes on any proposal, the proposal and/or motion shall be considered defeated. 2. Any Commissioner shall have the right to express dissent from or protests against any ordinance, resolution or policy of the Commission, and to have the reason therefore entered in the minutes. J. Conflict of Interest 1. Pursuant to Sections 112.3143 and 286.011, Florida Statutes, no Commissioner shall vote in her/his official capacity on a matter which would inure to his/her special private gain, or which the Commissioner knows would inure to the special private gain of any principal by whom s/he is retained, of the parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate principal by which s/he is retained, or a relative or of a business associate. 2. Within fifteen (15) days following that Commission meeting, s/he shall file with the Clerk of Circuit Court a Form 8B which describes the nature of her/his interest in the matter. The Form 8B shall be received by the Clerk and forwarded to the Board Secretary for incorporation into the minutes of the meeting. K. Ordinances An enacted ordinance is a legislative act which prescribes general, uniform, and permanent rules of conduct relating to the corporate affairs of the county. Commission action shall be taken by ordinance when required by law, or to prescribe permanent rules of conduct which continue in force until repealed, or where such conduct is enforced by penalty. All ordinances shall be introduced in writing, and scheduled for public hearing after advertisement. 1. Emergency Ordinances. By vote of one more than the majority, the Commission may without notice or hearing adopt an emergency ordinance. The emergency ordinance shall contain a declaration describing the emergency, and shall be passed in accordance with Section 125.66(3), Florida Statutes. 16 L. Resolutions Generally, an enacted resolution is an internal legislative act which is a formal statement of policy concerning matters of special or temporary character. Commission action shall be taken by resolution when required by law and in those instances where an expression of policy more formal than a motion is desired. All resolutions shall be reduced to writing. A resolution may be put to its final passage on the same day on which it was introduced. M. Motions 1. An enacted motion is a form of action taken by the Commission to direct that a specific action be taken on behalf of the county. A motion, once approved and entered into the record, is the equivalent of a resolution in those instances where a resolution is not required by law. All motions shall be made and seconded before debate. 2. Before a motion has been stated by the Chair, the proposer may change or withdraw it without the Commissions permission, and any member or the Chair may request that the maker withdraw it. Once the motion has received a second and has been stated by the Chair, the Commission must vote on the motion. N. Reconsideration of Action Previously Taken 1. A motion to reconsider enables the Commission to set aside a vote on a main motion taken at the same meeting, and to consider that motion again as though no vote had been taken on it. 2. A motion to reconsider may be made only by a member of the prevailing vote on the initial issue. No motion by any Commissioner to reconsider shall be made more than once on any subject at the same meeting. 3. Upon passage of a motion to reconsider, no substantive action on the matter may be taken until a subsequent meeting so that the public and media may be on notice of the matter to be reconsidered. The subject matter shall be scheduled for the next regular Commission meeting for action. O. Rescinding Action Previously Taken Commission action may be rescinded by a 4/5ths vote. After a motion to reconsider has been adopted any Commissioner may, at the next regular Commission meeting, move to rescind action previously taken. 17 III. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Newly-Elected Commissioners The term of County Commissioners elected to office shall commence on the second Tuesday following the general election as specified in Florida Statutes Section 100.41. B. Swearing-in Ceremony A swearing-in ceremony for newly-elected commissioners will be coordinated by the County Manager. C. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair The Clerk shall preside over the election of officers. Procedures for electing officers are as follows: 1. At the first Regular Commission meeting in December each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Commission shall elect a Chairperson from among its members. The Clerk calls for nominations for Chair; nominations do not require a second. A roll-call vote is conducted by the Clerk if there is more than one nomination. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair, the Commission shall, at its next meeting, select a Chair for the remainder of the term. 2. In conjunction with the above election, a Vice-Chair is also elected in a like manner. The Vice-Chair continues to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a member of the Commission. 3. In case of the absence or temporary disability of the Chair, the Vice-Chair serves as Chair during the absence. In case of the absence or temporary disability of the Chair and the Vice-Chair, an Acting Chair and Vice-Chair, selected by members of the Commission, serves during the continuance of the absences or disabilities. D. Commission Chair - Presiding Officer The Chair shall serve as the Presiding Officer at all meetings of the Commission, and is recognized as the head of the County for all ceremonial purposes. In addition to the powers conferred upon her/him as Chair, s/he continues to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a member of the Commission. The Chairs responsibilities include: 1. Call the meeting to order, having ascertained that a quorum is present; 2. Recognize all Commissioners who seek the floor under correct procedure. All questions and comments are to be directed through the Chair and restated by her/him, and s/he declares all votes; 18 3. Preserve order and call to order any member of the Commission who violates any of these procedures; and, when presiding, decide questions of order, subject to a majority vote on a motion to appeal; 4. Expedite business in every way compatible with the rights of members; 5. Remain objective. The same rights in debate as any other member; but the impartiality required of the Chair in an assembly preclude exercising these rights while presiding. The Chair should have nothing to say on the merits of pending questions until the Commissioners and citizens have fully debated the question. On certain occasions which should be extremely rare, the Chair may believe that a crucial factor relating to such a question has been overlooked and that his/her obligation as a member to call attention to the point outweighs the duty to preside at that time. If the Chair wishes to place a motion, the gavel must be relinquished. Based upon these Rules of Procedure, the gavel will be relinquished in the following order: a. Vice Chair; b. Other Commissioners based upon seniority; c. Another Commission member who has remained impartial; d. Clerk to the County Commission; The presiding officer who relinquished the chair should not return to it until the pending main question has been disposed of, since s/he has expressed partisanship as far as that particular matter is concerned. 6. Declare the meeting adjourned at the conclusion of Board actions on the items on the agenda, or at any time in the event of an emergency affecting the safety of those present. 7. When time constraints dictate, the Chair is authorized to approve authorizations to advertise for public hearings. 8. Assign Commissioners seats in the commission chambers. 9. For time-sensitive matters only, send letters to the Baker County State and Federal Legislative Delegations and other government officials in support of Baker County municipal or community-based organization initiatives, such as legislative changes and grant requests, provided the Board of County Commissioners has taken a position in support of the initiative in its legislative agenda or by some other action expressed its position on the issue presented. E. Commission Appointments to Boards and Committees 1. Members of the County Commission serve on various boards and committees (e.g., Regional Planning Council, etc.). Appointments are reviewed and made 19 at the second regular Commission meeting of December of each year or as soon thereafter as practicable. 2. A listing of previous-year appointments will be disseminated to the County Commission in advance of the appropriate meeting so that each Commissioner can determine his/her interest in serving on various boards/committees. 3. The Chair shall recommend and the Commission shall approve the appointments of the Commissioners to boards and committees. 4. Each committee shall call upon, confer with, and seek the recommendation of the County Manager's staff. Employees shall staff the various committees as directed by the County Manager. When the staff and committee's recommendations differ, both recommendations will be discussed at the appropriate regular Commission meeting. 5. The County Manager is responsible for scheduling recommendations or reports on the Commission agenda in a timely manner. Reports will include minutes of the committee meeting and other supporting documentation. F. Appointment of Commission Liaisons 1. To assure communication and teamwork, the County Commission Chairman may appoint one commissioner to serve as liaison to each department. The Commission liaison shall be selected from a Commission member who is not a Commission officer (Chair or Vice Chair). 2. Each Commission liaison to a department shall provide the staff and other agency representatives with the general perspective of the County Commission on issues considered by the department. Commission liaisons may also advise the County Commission as to departmental concerns and recommendations on various issues. It is expressly not the role of the Commission liaison to direct county staff, or to supersede the responsibilities of the County Manager. G. Suspension and Construction of Rules 1. Temporary suspension of these procedures shall permit the Commission to take some action that would otherwise be prevented by a procedural rule already adopted. These Rules of Procedure may be amended or temporarily suspended at any Commission meeting with an affirmative vote of a majority of the Commission. These rules are for the efficient and orderly conduct of Commission business only; no violation of such rules shall invalidate any action of the Commission when approved by a majority vote required by law. This set of Rules of Procedure should be reviewed and if applicable, adopted on the first meeting in December or as soon thereafter as practicable. 20 IV. APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES FOR BOARDS & COMMITTEES 1. Designation, Length of Service: Boards and committees are to be designated as standing or special. A sunset date will be specified for special committees. Term length for serving on any standing board or committee will be a minimum of two years unless otherwise specified (e.g. State Statute may require term lengths of less than two years). 2. Attendance: a. Any board or committee member whose attendance is less than 50% of the last six (6) consecutive meetings will automatically be removed from the board or committee. b. The minutes shall reflect attendance by members and denote consecutive missed meetings. The Committee shall make a recommendation to the County Manager for member removal for a lack of attendance which shall be forwarded to the County Commission for appropriate action. c. When a quorum is not present at an announced meeting of a board or committee, the board or committee shall meet in a workshop setting, record attendance, and furnish minutes. 3. Removal of Members: Any board or committee member may be removed by a majority vote of the County Commission.. 4. Elections of Officers: a. All board and committee officers (i.e. Chair, Vice-chair, etc.) shall be elected by the membership of the board or committee. b. Officers shall be elected on October 1 of each fiscal year or as soon thereafter as practicable. 5. Meeting Frequency: a. At a minimum, all boards and committees shall meet once per year. b. The names of boards or committees that do not meet this minimum requirement shall be submitted to the County Manager's Office. c. Recommendations to dissolve boards or committees or other recommended action will be submitted to the County Commission for consideration. 6. Parliamentary Procedure: As appropriate, the most recent edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the rules of the boards and committees, so long as they do not conflict with ordinances, statutes, these rules, or policies of Baker County. 7. Open to the Public: All board and committee meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011, and Florida Statutes. Regular committee meetings will be 21 conducted in a publicly owned or controlled building. Special meetings and any subcommittee meetings will also be conducted in publicly owned or controlled buildings. All meetings will be held in a building that is open to the public. 22 BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Rules of Procedure Revised: April 7, 2015 1 Table of Contents I. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT ................................................. 4 A. Commission Meetings to be Open to the Public ................................................................... 4 B. Appearance before the Commission ..................................................................................... 4 C. Public Comments and Inquiries ............................................................................................ 5 D. Commission Meetings - Regular .......................................................................................... 6 E. Commission Meetings - Special ........................................................................................... 6 F. Commission Meetings - Emergency ..................................................................................... 6 G. Informal Commission Meetings - Inspection Trips, Retreats ............................................... 7 H. Public Hearings – Time & Location ..................................................................................... 7 I. Public Hearing – Procedures ............................................................................................... 87 J. Public Records – Inspection & Duplication........................................................................ 10 K. Commission Mail – Circulation, Public Review & Duplication ........................................ 10 L. Advisory Boards/Committees ......................................................................................... 1110 II. PREPARATION OF AGENDA; ORDER OF BUSINESS ............................................... 1211 A. Preparation of Agenda .................................................................................................... 1211 B. Agenda Material.................................................................................................................. 12 C. Meeting - Order of Business ............................................................................................... 12 D. Quorum ............................................................................................................................... 13 E. Required Attendance of Officials ................................................................................... 1413 F. Parliamentarian - Minutes ................................................................................................... 14 G. Sergeant at Arms ................................................................................................................. 14 H. Rules of Order and Debate .................................................................................................. 15 I. Voting ................................................................................................................................. 15 J. Conflict of Interest .............................................................................................................. 16 K. Ordinances .......................................................................................................................... 16 L. Resolutions...................................................................................................................... 1716 M. Motions ............................................................................................................................... 17 N. Reconsideration of Action Previously Taken ..................................................................... 17 O. Rescinding Action Previously Taken.................................................................................. 17 III. GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................................................................................. 17 A. Newly-Elected Commissioners....................................................................................... 1817 2 B. Swearing-in Ceremony ................................................................................................... 1817 C. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair ....................................................................................... 18 D. Commission Chair - Presiding Officer ............................................................................... 18 E. Commission Appointments to Boards and Committees ..................................................... 19 F. Appointment of Commission Liaisons ............................................................................... 20 G. Suspension and Construction of Rules ............................................................................... 20 IV. APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES FOR BOARDS & COMMITTEES .................................. 21 3 I. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT A. Commission Meetings to be Open to the Public All meetings of the Baker County Commission, and of committees thereof, shall be open to the public in accordance with the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011, Florida Statutes. 1. The exception shall be those meetings statutorily exempt, such as executive collective bargaining sessions- Section 447.605(1), Florida Statutes; meetings regarding risk management claims - Section 768.28(15), Florida Statutes; and litigation meetings pursuant to Section 286.011(8) Florida Statutes. The Commission shall follow all statutory requirements for exempt meetings. 2. All regular and special meetings of the Commission will be conducted in a publicly owned or controlled building and open to the public. 3. For public safety purposes, no signs or placards mounted on sticks, posts, poles or similar structures will be allowed in County Commission meetings. Other signs, placards, or banners shall not disrupt meetings or interfere with a person in the audience's ability to observe the meeting. 4. The County shall provide Aall persons with disabilities shall be provided the assistance that is necessary to enable them to effectively participate in Commission meetings. B. Appearance before the Commission Persons desiring to address the Commission on a pending matter or which needs the attention of the Commission may do so upon recognition and introduction by the Chair. To ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate, the following procedures shall govern: 1. Fill out a speaker card and provide it to the Board Secretary. 1.2. After being recognized by the chair, the person should: a. Step up to the speaker's rostrum and state their name and address. b. Unless further time is granted by the Chair, limit the comments to three minutes; c. Address all remarks to the Commission as a body, and not to individual member thereof; d. Make comments and present documents to the Chair. Speakers should make comments that are concise and present data they wish the Commission to consider. No person may speak more than once on the same subject unless granted permission by the Chair. 4 2.3. The Commission may discuss the issue, assign it to a committee, refer it to the manager or attorney or take action if they choose to do so. 3.4. No person other than a member of the Commission, and the person having the floor, shall participate in the discussion without being recognized by the Chair. Questions should be directed through the Chair. 4.5. Disruptive conduct by any participate is not acceptable and the guilty party may be removed from the room by the chair. 5.6. A person may not interfere or interrupt the orderly procedure of the Commission meeting and interrupt the recognized speaker. 6.7. If the Chair declares an individual out-of-order, the individual will be requested to relinquish the speaker's rostrum and failure to do so will result in removal from the meeting pursuant to Rule 19section G(3) of this policy. 7.8. Prior to the beginning of a meeting or public hearing, the Chair may require that all persons who wish to address the commission who are not on the published agenda sign in, give their name, the agenda item and whether they wish to speak as a proponent, opponent, or otherwise. If a sign-in sheet is required, any person who does not sign in may be permitted to speak after all those who signed in have done so. 8.9. The Chair is authorized to establish speaker time limits and otherwise control presentations. 9.10. Employees of the County may address the Commission on matters of public concern. C. Public Comments and Inquiries Persons may address the Commission on items not on the agenda during the Public Comment period. TheseEach persons isare required to fill out a speaker card and submit it to the Board Secretary. The Commission shall not take final action on public comment items presented at the same meeting unless there is a need for immediate action. When inquiries and comments regarding issues not on the agenda the Commission will first determine whether the issue is legislative or administrative in nature and then: 1. If legislative, and the comment is about previous legislative action by the Board or the comment is suggestive in nature regarding changes to existing legislation, and if the Commission finds consideration of such suggestions advisable, the Commission may refer the matter to a committee, to the County Attorney or County Manager for review and recommendation, or may take any other action it deems appropriate. 2. If administrative, and the complaint is regarding the performance of administrative staff, administrative interpretation of legislative policy, or administrative policy within the authority of the County Manager, the Chair shall may refer the complaint directly to the County Manager for review. The 5 Commission may direct that the County Manager report to the Commission when the review is complete. 3. The Chair may also assign a Commissioner issues that require additional examination. If so assigned, the Commissioner shall provide a verbal or written report to the Commission when the examination is completewithin 30 days noting if the examination will take additional time . D. Commission Meetings - Regular 1. Unless otherwise advertised, all regular meetings of the Baker County Commission are conducted at 5:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of the month in the County Commission Chambers located at the Baker County Administrative Complex, 55 North 3rd Street Macclenny, Florida. Meeting notices will be publicly displayed at the County Administration Office and on the County website. 2. Periodically, regular meetings may be adjusted by the Commission to accommodate a holiday schedule or other special circumstances. Prior notice of such change will be publicly displayed at the County Administration Office and on the County website. shall be provided to the public, the Clerk and the media. While a minimum notice of 24 hours is required, the Commission will provide as much advance notice of a regular meeting as is feasible. E. Commission Meetings - Special 1. Any one Commissioner or the County Manager may call a special meeting. County Commissioners shall request any special meeting through the County Manager or the Clerk of Circuit Court. 2. The call for a special meeting shall be in writing and shall contain time, place and business to be conducted. Special meetings may be held upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours public notice. 3. Special meetings may be scheduled on days or evenings in addition to the first and third Tuesday of the month but not on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. 4. No business other than items listed on the agenda shall be considered. Public comment shall be allowed on items on the agenda, but there will not be a separate public comment period included on the agenda. 5. If there is no longer a need for a special meeting after notice as outlined above the person(s) who called the meeting is/are authorized to cancel the meeting. F. Commission Meetings - Emergency Any one Commissioner or the County Manager may call, orally or in writing, an emergency meeting. 6 1. The call for an emergency meeting shall contain the time, place, and business to be conducted. The time and place of the emergency meeting will be added to the Meetings List bulletin board at the County Administration Office and on the County website. . Emergency meetings may be held, when practicable, upon the most reasonable notice allowable under the circumstances. 2. Each Commissioner, the Clerk of the Court, the Sheriff, the County Manager and the County Attorney shall be given notice allowable under the circumstances. Such notice shall be provided by any reasonable means, including but not limited to telephone, email, or facsimile transmission. 3. The most reasonable notice allowable under the circumstances of the emergency meeting shall be provided to the business office of each local media organization that has on file a written request for notice of emergency meetings. 4. Emergency meetings involving an eminent public health, safety or welfare may be scheduled at any timeas necessary, preferably between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. 5. An agenda outlining the business to be conducted will be available prior to the meeting. 6. No business shall be conducted other than items listed on the agenda. Public comment shall be allowed on items on the agenda, but there will may not be a separate public comment period included on the agenda. 7. If there is no longer a need for an emergency meeting, the person who called the meeting is authorized to cancel the meeting. G. Informal Commission Meetings - Inspection Trips, Retreats 1. The Chair, Commission, or County Manager may schedule informal meetings, inspection trips, or retreats. 2. Advance notice of these meetings shall be given in the same manner as special meetings. 3. Minutes of these meetings shall be made by County Commission staff. H. Public Hearings – Time & Location 1. Public hearings shall will typically be held on the first and third Tuesday of the month in the County Commission Chambers located in the Baker County Administrative Complex, 55 North 3rd Street, Macclenny, Florida. 2. The matters under consideration shall be heard at the 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practicable. Public hearings may be continued from a prior meeting, or scheduled on days or evenings that are convenient but not on Sundays or Holidays. 7 3. All rules pertaining to regular meeting shall apply. I. Public Hearing – Procedures 1. General Public Hearings. The procedures to be followed for public hearings are, generally, as follows: a. The Chair shall declare the public hearing open and announce the agenda item to be considered as well as any staff comments or recommendations. The Chair inquires whether any Commissioner wishes to put forth a motion. Whether or not a motion and second are made, the Chair opens the floor for comments. b. Following public comment (if any), the Chair closes the public hearing and inquires if any Commissioner wishes to take action on the motion on the floor (if any) or put forth a motion. Following the motion and its second, discussion occurs among Commissioners. c. At the conclusion of the discussion the Chair calls for the vote. 2. Quasi-Judicial Hearings. The procedures to be followed for quasi-judicial hearings are generally as follows: a. Prior to the commencement of quasi-judicial hearings, the Commission will instruct the County Attorney to provide the public with an explanation of quasi-judicial proceedings and shall read or distribute the following statement: "All persons wishing to participate and speak will be sworn in prior to speaking during this proceeding. All persons have the right, through the Chair, to ask questions of staff or other speakers, to seek clarification of comments made by staff or other speakers and respond to comments or presentations of staff or other speakers. All persons who present written materials to Commissioners for consideration must ensure that a copy of such materials is provided to the Clerk for inclusion in the Board's record of proceedings and official minutes. While we welcome comments from all persons with an interest in this proceeding, Florida law requires that the County Commission's decision in a quasi-judicial action be supported by competent substantial evidence presented to the Commission during the hearing on the application. Competent substantial evidence is such evidence as a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support a conclusion. There must be a factual basis in the record to support opinion testimony from both expert and non-expert witnesses. Persons presenting testimony may rely on factual information that they present, that is presented by County staff, that the applicant presented, or on factual information included in the County staff report to support their testimony." b. Prior to commencement of the Hearing the clerk or secretary shall make the following inquiry of the County Commissioners: 8 “Has any Commissioner received any oral or written communications regarding the zoning public hearing items? If so, please disclose the substance of the communication and identify the person making the communication. A disclosure must be made before or during the public meeting at which a vote is taken on such matters, so that persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in the ex-parte communication are given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to the communication.” c. The Clerk or County Attorney shall administer the affirmation to all persons who desire to speak at quasi-judicial proceedings before the County Commission d. The County Manager or designee shall describe the item to be considered and make a presentation pertaining to the item if asked to do so by the Chair. The Chair shall then inquire as to whether any Commissioner has questions for the staff. e. The applicant or his/her agent/representative will make a presentation pertaining to the application. The Chair will once again inquire as to whether Commissioners and then parties to the proceeding have any questions regarding the petition. f. The Chair will ask if any members in the audience wish to present testimony. At the conclusion of the testimony, the Chair will ask if any of the Commissioners or any of the parties to the proceeding have questions of the witness. g. There will be an opportunity for applicant rebuttal and closing comments. h. The Chair will then entertain a motion from the Commission. i. Ex-parte Communications. Florida Statutes Section 286.0115 provides that any person who is not otherwise prohibited by statute, charter provision or ordinance may discuss with any commissioner the merits of any matter that the County Commission may take action. The following procedures, which remove the presumption of prejudice, shall be followed for ex-parte communication. j. The substance of any ex-parte communication with a Commissioner which relates to a quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission (such as a zoning decision) is not presumed prejudicial to the action if the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group or entity with whom the communication took place is disclosed and made a part of the record before the final action on the matter. k. A County Commissioner may read a written communication from any person. A written communication that relates to quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission (such as a zoning decision) shall not be 9 presumed prejudicial to the action. Such written communication shall be made a part of the record before final action on the matter. l. Commissioners may conduct investigations and site visits and may receive expert opinions regarding quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission. Such activities shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action if the existence of the investigation, site visit or expert opinion is made a part of the record before final action on the matter. J. Public Records – Inspection & Duplication Pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, email messages, or other material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency, are public records. A public record (including information stored in computers) is open to public inspection and duplication, unless exempted by law. 1. If the purpose of a document prepared in connection with the official business of the agency is to perpetuate, communicate or formalize knowledge, then it is a public record regardless of whether it is in final form, or the ultimate product of an agency. 2. Requests for copies of public information (including the Commission mail, email and audio recordings of County Commission meetings and workshops) should be made through the County Administration office pursuant to Administrative Policy 2010-3. 3. Any and every media conference officially sponsored by Baker County Government will be open to all media representatives and to the general public. Press conferences will be conducted in a location that is publicly accessible. K. Commission Mail – Circulation, Public Review & Duplication All mail addressed to the Chair and the Commissioners, which is received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official County business, is a public record (Chapter 119, Florida Statutes). The public may review and duplicate such records, including email. 1. Items of considerable length (such as petitions) will not be copied; instead, a memorandum will be distributed which announces the availability and location of the item in the County Administration office. Publications and lengthy agenda materials for other boards on which Commissioners serve will not be copied; only the agenda will be circulated. 2. Each Commissioner will receive the original of items addressed to her/him. Mail with the words similar to “Personal”, “Confidential” or “For the Addressee Only”, shall be delivered unopened to the addressee. 10 3. The Chair and Commissioners who receive individually-addressed mail will may be responsible for replying; The Commissioner may asking the County Manager to draft a response for their signature; or requesting that the item be placed on the agenda for formal Commission consideration. L. Advisory Boards/Committees Policy Statement: The mission of advisory boards and committees shall be to examine various policy issues referred by the Commission or staff. Committees shall provide guidance to the Commission in the development of policy recommendations, but shall not attempt to manage the administrative operations of the County or direct staff. Advisory boards and committees may be created and dissolved by resolution, ordinance or other action by the Commission. Committee members are appointed by the Commission after advertising vacancies. All members shall serve at the pleasure of a majority of the full Commission. 1. The County Manager's office shall provide to the chair of each advisory board or committee copies of all resolutions or ordinances which pertain to that committee. Such information shall be delivered to the committee chair within one (1) week after adoption by the Commission, or as soon thereafter as possible. 2. Appointment to advisory boards shall be by voice vote during a regular Commission meeting. Priority shall be given to applicants from Baker County. All members serve at the pleasure of the Commission. 3. All Commission advisory boards, commissions and other bodies shall meet in public buildings. 4. All statutory boards, commissions and advisory bodies shall prepare minutes taken at each meeting. Communications to the Commission from such boards, commissions and bodies shall be received in the mail of the Commission Chair. 5. All Chairpersons of advisory boards/committees are encouraged to provide updates to the County Commission at its regularly scheduled business meetings/public hearings. All requests for presentations shall be submitted to the Office of the County Manager. 6. County Employees may serve on advisory boards/committees. 7. Appointees personal and business affairs conducted within Baker County must be in substantial compliance with all County regulatory and taxing authorities’ rules and regulations. Appointees deemed to be in violation of any County rule, regulation, or policy may be disallowed from membership on advisory boards or committees by a majority vote of the Commission. 8. Advisory boards and committees are required to adhere to the Guidelines for Citizen Advisory Boards & Committees as approved by the County Commission. These guidelines are incorporated herein as Attachment Appendix 1. 11 II. PREPARATION OF AGENDA; ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Preparation of Agenda The County Manager shall prepare the agenda[SL1]. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may place an item on the agenda. The County Manager will provide the agenda to Commissioners two days on the Thursday prior to a regular meeting. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may request that an item be scheduled for a time certain. Persons requesting an item to be scheduled for a time certain shall submit the request to the County Manager no later than three days prior to the meeting. Presentations on time certain items will normally not exceed thirty (30) minutes in length. 1. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may schedule an item for a time certain that recognizes County employees or citizens. These recognitions will generally honor individuals, teams, or organizations for activities or actions that benefit Baker County. Recognition presentations will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. B. Agenda Material 1. A copy of the agenda and supporting materials shall be prepared for Commissioners, the public and the media before 5:00 PM on the Friday Thursday prior to the regular Commission meeting or Public Hearing, except when legally observed holidays affect copying and distribution. The agenda, as well as lengthy reports that are part of agenda documentation, shall be available for review in the County Manager's office. 2. Each Commissioner should carefully review the Consent Agenda to determine whether there is any item s/he wishes to have pulled from the consent and discussed and voted on separately. C. Meeting - Order of Business The business of all regular meetings of the Commission should be transacted as follows, provided, however that the Chair may, by simple majority vote or consensus of the Commission, re-arrange items on the agenda to more expeditiously conduct the business before the Commission: 1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Members of the Commission may be designated to present the invocation and lead the pledge. 2. Presentation of Amendments to the Agenda – An amendment to the agenda is an emergency addition to the regular or consent agenda and consists of items which are submitted for agenda consideration after the established deadline. 3. Approval of the Consent Agenda 4. Public Comments 12 a. Any person may address the Commission under this agenda section. Three minutes per speaker or other time limit designated by the chair will be allotted for public comments. Persons may not yield or delegate their time to another speaker. Persons who are not listedhave not submitted a speaker card to speak on an item on the agenda will have the opportunity to comment on other relevant community issues. b. Any person may address the Commission under this agenda section. The County Commission shall not take final action at the same meeting on items addressed under this section unless the issue is of critical importance. 5. Constitutional Officers/Other Governmental Units (When applicable) 6. Committee Reports (When applicable) 7. New Business – Items that have not been discussed by meeting attendees previously and that do not belong on the consent agenda or committee report. 8. Old Business – Items presented at a previous meeting that could not be completed or decided at that meeting. Discussions usually consist of followup information that provides meeting attendees the answers to questions they had at the last meeting. It might cover information gathered or tasks finished as part of action-item assignments from the previous meeting. 9. County Manager – Informational (non-action) items that are not covered other under sections. 10. County Attorney 11. Commission Comments – Informational (non-action) items that are not covered other under sections. 12. Adjourn No meeting should be permitted to continue beyond midnight without the approval of a majority of the Commission. A new time limit must be established before taking a Commission vote to extend the meeting. In the event that a meeting has not been closed or continued by Commission vote prior to midnight, the items not acted on are to be continued to a designated time on the following day or as soon thereafter as practical, unless State law requires hearing at a different time. D. Quorum 1. A quorum for the transaction of business by the Commission consists of three (3) Commissioners. 2. Once a quorum has been established, a majority of Commissioners present at the meeting shall be required to carry a motion, unless by statute, ordinance or other regulation, an extraordinary majority (4/5ths) of the Commission is required for approval of an item (e.g. consideration of emergency ordinances, gas tax, etc.). 13 E. Required Attendance of Officials 1. In addition to Commissioners, County officials whose regular attendance shall be required at meetings of the Commission are the: a. Clerk of the Court; or designee b. County Manager; and or designee c. County Attorney; or designee d. Their designees. 2. A representative of the Baker County Sheriff's Office shall be present to provide security and assistance in maintaining order. F. Parliamentarian - Minutes The County Attorney serves as the Board parliamentarian, and advises the Chair as to correct rules of procedure or questions of specific rule application. The parliamentarian calls to the attention of the Chair any errors in the proceedings that may affect the substantive rights of any member, or may otherwise do harm. 1. The Secretary to the Board shall take minutes of the proceedings of all commission meetings. The Secretary shall provide copies of the minutes to each Commissioner for their reading. 2. The County Manager shall list the minutes on the agenda for approval by the Commission. Such minutes stand confirmed at the regular Commission meeting without a reading in open meeting, unless some error is shown. In such event, an appropriate correction is made. A copy of the draft minutes of the last regular Commission meeting shall be available for review at the reception desk in the County Manager's office. 3. The Secretary to the Board shall be responsible for recording County Commission meetings. 4. Upon request the secretary will provide any Commissioner with transcribed excerpts of audio recording of Commission meetings. G. Sergeant at Arms The Baker County Sheriff’s Office shall be sergeant-at-arms of the Commission meetings. The Baker County Sheriff’s Office is authorized to elicit support in performing this duty. The Sheriff’s Office shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the County Commission for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the Commission meeting. The following policy will provide guidance in handling disruptions: 1. If an individual refuses to relinquish the podium after being allowed to address the Commission, the Chair will inform the individual that their time to 14 address the Commission has expired and the Chair will direct the individual to leave the podium. 2. If an individual causes disruption in the Commission meeting site, the Chair will inform the individual causing the disruption to cease the disruptive activity. 3. If the disruption fails to stop: a. The Chair will inform the individual causing the disruption that their actions are contrary to the orderly function of the meeting and that the individual is to cease such action or the Sergeant-at-Arms will be instructed to remove the individual from the meeting site. b. The Chair will direct the individual to leave the meeting site. The Chair will inform the individual that, if s/he is directed to leave and fails to do so, the individual will be subject to arrest. c. If the disruption fails to cease, the Chair shall be authorized to take final action and read the following: As the Commission Chair, I inform you that your actions are inconsistent with the orderly function of this meeting and you have failed to comply with the lawful order of the Chair. I am instructing the Sergeant-at-Arms to have you removed from this building. H. Rules of Order and Debate Every Commission member desiring to speak should address the Commission Chair and, upon recognition by the Chair, should be confined to the question under debate. 1. The maker of a motion shall be entitled to the floor first for debate. 2. A member once recognized should not be interrupted when speaking unless to call said member to order. The member should then cease speaking until the question of order is determined, without debate, by the Chair. If in order, said member will be at liberty to proceed. 3. If the Chair wishes to put forth or second a motion, s/he shall relinquish the chair to (1), the Vice Chair, (2), the senior Commission member (if the Vice Chair is absent), (3) another Commission member who has remained impartial or (4), the Clerk, until the main motion on which the presiding officer spoke has been disposed. 4. The most recent edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the general rules of the Commission, so long as they do not conflict with ordinances, statutes, or rules, of Baker County. I. Voting 1. The votes during all Commission meetings should be transacted as follows: 15 a. In order to expedite business, the Chair shall usually call for the vote by voice. At the request of any Commissioner, a roll call vote shall be taken by the Clerk. The roll call vote may be determined in alphabetical order, with the Chair voting last. b. When the Chair calls for a vote on a motion, every member, who was in the Commission chambers must give their vote, unless the member has publicly stated that s/he is abstaining from voting due to a conflict of interest, pursuant to Section 112.3143 or Section 286.011, Florida Statutes. If any Commissioner declines to vote "aye" or "nay" by voice, his or her vote shall be counted as an "aye" vote. c. The passage of any motion, policy or resolution shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the membership of the Commissioners who are present and eligible to vote. In case of a tie in votes on any proposal, the proposal and/or motion shall be considered defeated. 2. Any Commissioner shall have the right to express dissent from or protests against any ordinance, resolution or policy of the Commission, and to have the reason therefore entered in the minutes. J. Conflict of Interest 1. Pursuant to Sections 112.3143 and 286.011, Florida Statutes, no Commissioner shall vote in her/his official capacity on a matter which would inure to his/her special private gain, or which the Commissioner knows would inure to the special private gain of any principal by whom s/he is retained, of the parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate principal by which s/he is retained, or a relative or of a business associate. 2. Within fifteen (15) days following that Commission meeting, s/he shall file with the Clerk of Circuit Court a Form 8B which describes the nature of her/his interest in the matter. The Form 8B shall be received by the Clerk and forwarded to the Board Secretary for incorporation into the minutes of the meeting. K. Ordinances An enacted ordinance is a legislative act which prescribes general, uniform, and permanent rules of conduct relating to the corporate affairs of the county. Commission action shall be taken by ordinance when required by law, or to prescribe permanent rules of conduct which continue in force until repealed, or where such conduct is enforced by penalty. All ordinances shall be introduced in writing, and scheduled for public hearing after advertisement. 1. Emergency Ordinances. By vote of one more than the majority, the Commission may without notice or hearing adopt an emergency ordinance. The emergency ordinance shall contain a declaration describing the emergency, and shall be passed in accordance with Section 125.66(3), Florida Statutes. 16 L. Resolutions Generally, an enacted resolution is an internal legislative act which is a formal statement of policy concerning matters of special or temporary character. Commission action shall be taken by resolution when required by law and in those instances where an expression of policy more formal than a motion is desired. All resolutions shall be reduced to writing. A resolution may be put to its final passage on the same day on which it was introduced. M. Motions 1. An enacted motion is a form of action taken by the Commission to direct that a specific action be taken on behalf of the county. A motion, once approved and entered into the record, is the equivalent of a resolution in those instances where a resolution is not required by law. All motions shall be made and seconded before debate. 2. Before a motion has been stated by the Chair, the proposer may change or withdraw it without the Commissions permission, and any member or the Chair may request that the maker withdraw it. Once the motion has received a second and has been stated by the Chair, the Commission must vote on the motion. N. Reconsideration of Action Previously Taken 1. A motion to reconsider enables the Commission to set aside a vote on a main motion taken at the same meeting, and to consider that motion again as though no vote had been taken on it. 2. A motion to reconsider may be made only by a member of the prevailing vote on the initial issue. No motion by any Commissioner to reconsider shall be made more than once on any subject at the same meeting. 3. Upon passage of a motion to reconsider, no substantive action on the matter may be taken until a subsequent meeting so that the public and media may be on notice of the matter to be reconsidered. The subject matter shall be scheduled for the next regular Commission meeting for action. O. Rescinding Action Previously Taken Commission action may be rescinded by a 4/5ths vote. After a motion to reconsider has been adopted any Commissioner may, at the next regular Commission meeting, move to rescind action previously taken. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS 17 A. Newly-Elected Commissioners The term of County Commissioners elected to office shall commence on the second Tuesday following the general election as specified in Florida Statutes Section 100.41. B. Swearing-in Ceremony A swearing-in ceremony for newly-elected commissioners will be coordinated by the County Manager. C. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair The Clerk shall preside over the election of officers. Procedures for electing officers are as follows: 1. At the first Regular Commission meeting in November December each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Commission shall elect a Chairperson from among its members. The Clerk calls for nominations for Chair; nominations do not require a second. A roll-call vote is conducted by the Clerk if there is more than one nomination. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair, the Commission shall, at its next meeting, select a Chair for the remainder of the term. 2. In conjunction with the above election, a Vice-Chair is also elected in a like manner. The Vice-Chair continues to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a member of the Commission. 3. In case of the absence or temporary disability of the Chair, the Vice-Chair serves as Chair during the absence. In case of the absence or temporary disability of the Chair and the Vice-Chair, an Acting Chair and Vice-Chair, selected by members of the Commission, serves during the continuance of the absences or disabilities. D. Commission Chair - Presiding Officer The Chair shall serve as the Presiding Officer at all meetings of the Commission, and is recognized as the head of the County for all ceremonial purposes. In addition to the powers conferred upon her/him as Chair, s/he continues to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a member of the Commission. The Chairs responsibilities include: 1. Call the meeting to order, having ascertained that a quorum is present; 2. Recognize all Commissioners who seek the floor under correct procedure. All questions and comments are to be directed through the Chair and restated by her/him, and s/he declares all votes; 18 3. Preserve order and call to order any member of the Commission who violates any of these procedures; and, when presiding, decide questions of order, subject to a majority vote on a motion to appeal; 4. Expedite business in every way compatible with the rights of members; 5. Remain objective. The same rights in debate as any other member; but the impartiality required of the Chair in an assembly preclude exercising these rights while presiding. The Chair should have nothing to say on the merits of pending questions until the Commissioners and citizens have fully debated the question. On certain occasions which should be extremely rare, the Chair may believe that a crucial factor relating to such a question has been overlooked and that his/her obligation as a member to call attention to the point outweighs the duty to preside at that time. If the Chair wishes to place a motion, the gavel must be relinquished. Based upon these Rules of Procedure, the gavel will be relinquished in the following order: a. Vice Chair; b. Other Commissioners based upon seniority; c. Another Commission member who has remained impartial; d. Clerk to the County Commission; The presiding officer who relinquished the chair should not return to it until the pending main question has been disposed of, since s/he has expressed partisanship as far as that particular matter is concerned. 6. Declare the meeting adjourned at the conclusion of Board actions on the items on the agenda, or at any time in the event of an emergency affecting the safety of those present. 7. When time constraints dictate, the Chair is authorized to approve authorizations to advertise for public hearings. 8. Assign Commissioners seats in the commission chambers. 9. For time-sensitive matters only, send letters to the Baker County State and Federal Legislative Delegations and other government officials in support of Baker County municipal or community-based organization initiatives, such as legislative changes and grant requests, provided the Board of County Commissioners has taken a position in support of the initiative in its legislative agenda or by some other action expressed its position on the issue presented. E. Commission Appointments to Boards and Committees 1. Members of the County Commission serve on various boards and committees (e.g., Regional Planning Council, etc.). Appointments are reviewed and made on the second Tuesday of November at the second regular Commission meeting of December of each year or as soon thereafter as practicable. 19 2. A listing of previous-year appointments will be disseminated to the County Commission in advance of the appropriate meeting so that each Commissioner can determine his/her interest in serving on various boards/committees. 3. The Chair shall recommend and the Commission shall approve the appointments of the Commissioners to boards and committees. If there is no nominee or no volunteer or more than one volunteer for a vacancy, the Chair will appoint a Commissioner to serve. The Commission shall ratify the appointments to boards and committees. 4. Each committee shall call upon, confer with, and seek the recommendation of the County Manager's staff. Employees shall staff the various committees as directed by the County Manager. When the staff and committee's recommendations differ, both recommendations will be discussed at the appropriate regular Commission meeting. 5. The County Manager is responsible for scheduling recommendations or reports on the Commission agenda in a timely manner. Reports will include minutes of the committee meeting and other supporting documentation. F. Appointment of Commission Liaisons 1. To Aassure communication and teamwork, the County Commission Chairman may appoint one commissioner to serve as liaison to each department. The Commission liaison shall be selected from a Commission member who is not a Commission officer (Chair or Vice Chair). 2. Each Commission liaison to a department shall provide the staff and other agency representatives with the general perspective of the County Commission on issues considered by the department. Commission liaisons may also advise the County Commission as to departmental concerns and recommendations on various issues. It is expressly not the role of the Commission liaison to direct county staff, or to supersede the responsibilities of the County Manager. G. Suspension and Construction of Rules 1. Temporary suspension of these procedures shall permit the Commission to take some action that would otherwise be prevented by a procedural rule already adopted. These Rules of Procedure may be amended or temporarily suspended at any Commission meeting with an affirmative vote of a majority of the Commission. These rules are for the efficient and orderly conduct of Commission business only; no violation of such rules shall invalidate any action of the Commission when approved by a majority vote required by law. 2. This set of Rules of Procedure should be reviewed and if applicable, adopted on the second Tuesday of each Novemberfirst meeting in December or as soon thereafter as practicable. 3. 20 IV. APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES FOR BOARDS & COMMITTEES 1. Designation, Length of Service: Boards and committees are to be designated as standing or special. A sunset date will be specified for special committees. Term length for serving on any standing board or committee will be a minimum of two years unless otherwise specified (e.g. State Statute may require term lengths of less than two years). 2. Attendance: a. Any board or committee member whose attendance is less than 50% of the last six (6) consecutive meetings will automatically be removed from the board or committee. b. The minutes shall reflect attendance by members and denote consecutive missed meetings. The Committee shall make a recommendation to the County Manager for member removal for a lack of attendance which shall be forwarded to the County Commission for appropriate action. c. When a quorum is not present at an announced meeting of a board or committee, the board or committee shall meet in a workshop setting, record attendance, and furnish minutes. 3. Removal of Members for Cause: Any board or committee member may be removed for good cause by a majority vote of the County Commission after consideration of the issue at a County Commission meeting. A removal for good cause shall be based on the failure of the board member to adhere to and/or enforce the Baker County Code of Ordinances or excessive absenteeism while performing his or her duties as a board or committee member. 4. Elections of Officers: a. All board and committee officers (i.e. Chair, Vice-chair, etc.) shall be elected by the membership of the board or committee. b. Officers shall be elected on October 1 of each fiscal year or as soon thereafter as practicable. 5. Meeting Frequency: a. At a minimum, all boards and committees shall meet once per year. b. The names of boards or committees that do not meet this minimum requirement shall be submitted to the County Manager's Office. 21 c. Recommendations to dissolve boards or committees or other recommended action will be submitted to the County Commission for consideration. 6. Parliamentary Procedure: As appropriate, the most recent edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the rules of the boards and committees, so long as they do not conflict with ordinances, statutes, these rules, or policies of Baker County. 7. Open to the Public: All board and committee meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011, and Florida Statutes. Regular committee meetings will be conducted in a publicly owned or controlled building. Special meetings and any subcommittee meetings will also be conducted in publicly owned or controlled buildings. All meetings will be held in a building that is open to the public. 22 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 6, 2015 TO: Baker County Local Planning Agency THRU: Glen Patten (Chair) FROM: Ed Preston, Planning and Zoning Director RE: Rhoden Special Exception for Splitting A Subdivision Lot DESCRIPTION This property is about 4 miles south of Macclenny on the east side of State Road 121 South at 6863. General Location BACKGROUND The applicant requests a special exception to allow for the division of a 1.84 acre lot number 19 in the Gadsden Heights Subdivision allowing two lots and a single dwelling on each. STANDARD OF REVIEW • Zoning decisions (Special Exceptions) are generally quasi-judicial. • Approval of a special use • Standard of Review: “Competent Substantial Evidence.” • Findings of Fact—Yes • Ex Parte Communications—NO 2011 Aerial Zoning Future Land Use Wetlands and 100 Year Flood Plain Context Analysis Findings The subject property is a residential subdivision lot of 1.84 acres zoned RCMH1. The dwelling on the lot was built in 1982. The Gadsden Heights Subdivision was platted in 1953. The parcel is served by well and septic system and has direct paved frontage on State Road 121. The applicant is asking for a special exception to allow for the division of a 1.84 acre lot number 19 in the Gadsden Heights Subdivision allowing two lots and a single dwelling on each. Since Lot 19 is less than 2 acres, one of the resulting new lots will not be conforming to minimum size. Lot 19 is in no significant way different than many of the other lots in the Gadsden Heights subdivision. The implication given by approval of this request is that many other similar lots in the platted subdivision could also be divided resulting in a near doubling of dwellings which were not approved by County action. Twice the number of private driveways on State Road 121 would be detrimental to safety and current traffic flow. The zoning district Description is as follows: Sec. RCMH 1: Residential Conventional or Mobile Home l unit per acre This district is similar to Residential Conventional District (RC 1). However, mobile homes are permitted. The purpose of classifying land and water areas within this district is to provide a transition between the agricultural and singlefamily districts and to accommodate residential development of single family conventional or mobile homes in areas not served by central water and sanitary facilities within the Very Low Density Land Use Category of the Comprehensive Plan. One unit per acre will be permitted and each unit shall have immediate access to a County-maintained paved road. Development must meet building codes and have a County Department of Health approved well and septic tank installation. Sec. 3.04. 12.01 A. Permitted Uses and Structures Within any RCMH 1 District permitted uses and structures allowed by right are as follows: 1. Church 2. Community Residential Facility – Type A 3. Country Club 4. Fish Ponds (two (2) acres or less) 5. Golf Course/ Club 6. Guest House – (Site Plan Review) 7. Mineral Extraction 8. Mobile Home 9. Roadside Produce Stand 10. Silviculture 11. Single Family (1 unit per acre) 12. Special Use (See Part 3.05.00) 13. Temporary Use (See Part 3.05.00) B. Additionally, within any RCMH 1 District the following accessory uses and structures are allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Storage buildings, sheds, tool houses and private garages Noncommercial greenhouses and plant nurseries Play equipment Household pets Swimming pools Sec. 3.04.12 13 .02 Permissible Uses by Special Exception 1. Nursing Home 2. Private Stable – (Site Plan Review) (See Section Riding Stable (Site Plan Review) (See Section 3. Veterinary Clinic (Site Plan Review) 4. Wireless telecommunication facilities (See Part 3.06.00) Sec. 3.04.12 .03 a. b. c. d. e. Club Lodge Recreational Association Neighborhood Association Cultural Activities Permissible Uses by Limited Notice 5. Semi-Public uses 1. Day Care Center 2. Home Occupation Sec. 3.04.12 .04 A. Setback Standards Minimum Lot Requirements (width, depth & area) Width – 100 feet Depth - none Area – 1 acre B. Maximum Lot coverage by all buildings & structures Not applicable C. Minimum Yard Requirements Front – 25 feet Side - 25 feet Rear – 25 feet D. 35 feet Maximum height of structures The Development Review Committee (DRC) will consider this matter on March 18, 2015. The Local Planning Agency will hear this matter on March 26, 2015. The Planning Office has received no communications from surrounding property owners as of this writing. RECOMMENDATION Planning staff finds that this request for a special exception is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan or the land development regulations and recommends denial.
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