BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSION AGENDA April 7, 2015 3:00 P.M. BUDGET WORKSHOP 1. EMS Budget Review 2. BOCC Budget Review 5:00 P.M. REGULAR AGENDA I. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance II. Approval of Consent Agenda Items 1. Approval of Minutes March 17, 2015 – Regular Meeting 2. Approval of Minutes March 17, 2015- Public Hearing 3. Approval of Minutes March 17, 2015- Budget Workshop 4. Expense Report 5. Community Action Agency – Dr. Farmer Reappointment 6. Proclamation – Water Conservation Month 7. Proclamation – Public Works Week III. Public Comments IV. Committee Reports V. New Business 1. Ag Center Fee Waiver Request- Community Action Agency 2. Morgan Moeller, Proclamation- Sexual Assault Awareness 3. YMCA Bond Documents: Interlocal Agreement & Resolution 2015-03 4. SMRMC Vacancy 5. Draft ESCO RFP VI. Old Business 1. Pending Business 2. Rules of Procedure 3. Budget VII. County Manager VIII. County Attorney IX. Commissioner Comments X. Adjourn Action Item Action Item Action Item Action Item Action Item Information Only Action Item Information Only 6:00 P.M. PUBLIC FORUM If any member of the public desires to appeal a decision made at these hearings, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and for that purpose he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is transcribed, which record would include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation of an interpreter to participate in these proceedings should contact the County Commissioners Office at (904) 259-3613, at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES March 17, 2015 The Baker County Board of Commissioners met in a scheduled meeting with the following members present: Chairman, James Croft Commissioner Mark Hartley Commissioner James Bennett Commissioner Jimmy Anderson Commissioner Gordon Crews Also Present: County Attorney, Rich Komando County Manager, CJ Thompson Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please visit or contact Sara Little at REGULAR MEETING Chairman Croft called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone in attendance. Commissioner James Bennett requested that for all future minutes a disclaimer be added to the beginning. The disclaimer should state that the minutes are a summarized version of the meeting, not transcripts, and where to obtain a full audio recording of the meetings. The Board agreed to add such note to the beginning of each meeting minutes. Chairman Croft called for an approval of the consent agenda. Commissioner James Bennett moved to approve the consent agenda items which were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Approval of Minutes- March 3, 2015 - Regular Meeting Approval of Minutes- March 3, 2015 – Public Hearing Approval of Minutes- March 3, 2015 – Shoals Park Workshop Approval of Minutes- March 3, 2015 – FAC Workshop Expense Report Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Larry Morgan appeared before the Board regarding St. Mary Shoals Park and the negative publicity it has received lately. Mr. Morgan urged the Board to continue developing the park and to make sure the gates are consistently locked to reduce vandalism. Marilee Jipson appeared before the Board encouraging the adoption of a Resolution against fracking in the State of Florida. The Board agreed that continued research would be done regarding her request. C/M Thompson presented a request by the Community Action Agency (CAA) to waive the rental fee and security deposit charges for two dates at the Ag Center. Page 2 MINUTES – Regular Meeting March 17, 2015 Mr. Thompson stated that traditionally, due to the non-profit status of the requestor, the Board waived the rental fee for such requests but not the security deposit. Commissioner Gordon Crews motioned to waive the rental fee for April 24th and July 24th but required CAA to pay the security deposit. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. C/M Thompson presented a lease agreement with Ring Power for the lease of five new motor graders. Mr. Thompson stated that the Road Department has six motor graders in use but one was on a contract by itself. Robert Fletcher, Road Superintendent, stated that the Board has already approved the purchase/lease of the motor graders and this was simply the lease agreement. Mr. Fletcher stated that this lease was for a five year period. At the end of the five years the County can chose to pay a balloon payment and keep the motor graders or return them to Ring Power and enter in to a new lease agreement for new equipment. Mr. Fletcher stated that this lease included a bumper to bumper warranty which saved the County thousands in repair costs through the course of the lease. Commissioner Bennett had several questions regarding the lease including, clarification on penalties for overages on operation hours, options to purchase at the end of the lease, and if the lease could be extended beyond five years. Commissioner Bennett was also concerned with language in the agreement that required the County to return the equipment to Ring Power at the end of the lease although Ring Power has historically always picked them up. Mr. Fletcher stated that the Road Department had the ability to return them to Ring Power should that happen in the future. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson questioned Mr. Fletcher on how many years the County has operated under a lease agreement with Ring Power for motor graders. Mr. Fletcher stated that it had been approximately 28-30 years without any issues regarding the lease. Commissioner Anderson motioned to approve the lease agreement and requested that Commissioner Bennett’s questions be addressed by Ring Power. Commissioner Mark Hartley seconded the motion. The motion did not carry unanimous. The votes were as follows: Commissioner Jimmy Anderson – Yes Commissioner Mark Hartley – Yes Commissioner Gordon Crews – Yes Commissioner James Bennett – No Chairman James Croft – No Chairman Croft requested that the regular meeting be recessed so that the public hearing can begin. C/M Thompson requested that the City of Macclenny license agreement be heard before the recess. The Board agreed. Phil Rhoden, City Manager, appeared before the Board requesting approval on a license agreement to install a new well near the Wal-Mart distribution center. Mr. Rhoden stated that City was Page 2 MINUTES – Regular Meeting March 17, 2015 upgrading an existing well and adding another well. Mr. Rhoden stated this would prevent failures in the future and also prepare for future growth in the City. Mr. Rhoden stated that the new well encroached upon County property due to the City property being an irregular size. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson motioned to approve the license agreement. Commissioner Gordon Crews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Chairman Croft recessed the regular meeting. (Please see public hearing minutes) Chairman Croft opened the regular meeting. C/M Thompson presented the board with a job description for finance officer. Mr. Thompson stated that Mrs. Debbie Perryman was scheduled to retire in January 2016 and this position would replace Mrs. Perryman at her retirement. Mr. Thompson stated that due to new finance software being purchased and the extensive accounting knowledge and training needed for the new employee, a start date in May was desired. C/M Thompson stated that a salary for 5 months was included in the budget. Chairman Croft asked with the qualifications requesting a bachelor’s degree what salary range was desired. C/M Thompson stated that Mrs. Perryman currently makes $47,000 and that it would be hard to compete with other Counties in our area or even other County agencies. Mr. Thompson stated his recommendation would be for $40-$50k depending on qualifications. Chairman Croft stated that he was not comfortable paying someone new more money than someone who has worked 30 years to reach that salary. Commissioner Bennett requested that language regarding a bachelor degree be amended to allow an equivalent degree. Commissioner Bennett requested that the job be advertised with a salary of $40-40k. The Board agreed to the salary range. Commissioner Bennett motioned to approve the advertisement and salary for the finance officer position. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. C/M Thompson presented a contract renewal for Fire Safety Inspector with Scott Crews. Mr. Thompson stated that Chief Steve Marfongella was scheduled to take his test on March 24th and that the current contract with Scott Crews expired on March 31st. Mr. Thompson stated that should there be an issue with Chief Marfongella’s test the Board would not meet again before the contract expired. Mr. Thompson explained the new contract would only extend 90 days and would not be executed if Chief Marfongella received his certification. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson motioned to approve the contract renewal. Commissioner Gordon Crews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. C/M Thompson presented the pending business report. The items included the following: Courthouse HVAC conversion- 75% complete. C/M Thompson explained the ESCO process. Transportation Center- 50% complete. Project in underway and on schedule. LDR Revisions- 75% complete. Mining scheduled for March LPA hearing. Page 3 MINUTES – Regular Meeting March 17, 2015 Purchasing Policy revisions- 25% complete. Draft policy distributed to BOCC for revisions. Shade Tree Airplane Club/Tax Abatement- 25% complete. Abatement is not an option. Shoals Park is an option should BOCC choose but work would need to be done. Anti-Fracking Resolution- 0% complete. BOCC requested more time to research prior to considering. Commissioner Bennett requested an update on the LAP certification. C/M Thompson stated that staff was working with FDOT to have that completed as soon as possible. Commissioner Bennett requested that item be added to the pending business list. C/M Thompson updated the Board on the timber cruise for Shoals Park. Mr. Thompson stated that an RFP is complete and had been sent to several people in the timber business for review and revisions. Mr. Thompson informed the Board that seven responses were received for the engineering RFQ and that Scott Herring with Nassau County would assist in the review process. Doug Moore invited the Commissioners to a prescribed burn on his property on March 27th from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Mr. Moore informed the Board this was part of the fire wise program and encouraged anyone interested in attending. Chairman Croft stated that he attended the viewing for Mr. Jiles Hall who was the owner of the Olustee Park property. Chairman Croft stated that he had a meeting scheduled to meet with Mrs. Hall in efforts to reopen Olustee Park and would report back at a later date. Chairman Croft also informed the Board that the St. Mary’s River annual cleanup is March 28th from 8:00a.m. until noon. Commissioner James Bennett stated that Baker County’s first amusement park, “Cable Junction Ventures” is scheduled to open April 4th. Commissioner Bennett stated he went through the park already and it was a lot of fun. Commissioner Bennett stated that anticipated revenue at Cable Junction will bring in an estimated $50,000 in sales tax to Baker County. Commissioner James Bennett motioned to adjourn. Meeting adjourned. __________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk ____________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES March 17, 2015 The Baker County Board of Commissioners met in a scheduled meeting with the following members present: Chairman, James Croft Commissioner Mark Hartley Commissioner James Bennett Commissioner Jimmy Anderson Commissioner Gordon Crews Also Present: County Attorney, Rich Komando County Manager, CJ Thompson Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please visit or contact Sara Little at Public Hearing Chairman Croft called the meeting to order and opened the public hearing. Chairman Croft stated the first item on the agenda was Ordinance 2015-03 which was the second and final reading regarding LPA member terms. Chairman Croft called for public comment. There was no public comment. Chairman Croft closed the public hearing and opened the regular meeting. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson motioned to read by title. Commissioner James Bennett seconded the motion. Rich Komando read Ordinance 2015-13 by title which stated: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE BAKER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, ARTICLE X. ADMINISTRATION, SECTION 10.01.04(A)(5) RELATING TO TERMS OF OFFICE FOR THE LAND PLANNING AGENCY (LPA); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO STAFF; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CODIFIER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Gordon Crews motioned to approve Ordinance 2015-13. Commissioner Mark Hartley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Ed Preston informed the Board that Glen Patton, current chairman of the LPA, has agreed to be reappointed. Commissioner James Bennett motioned to reappoint Glen Patton to the Local Planning Agency. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Page 2 MINUTES- Public Hearing March 17, 2015 Chairman Croft closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing. Ed Preston presented a request by Charles Chupp to vacate the plat for the Smoke Rise II subdivision. Mr. Preston stated that fourteen lots of this subdivision are along the north side of Mudlake Road beginning about 1000 feet west of SR 121. Six more lots are on the east side of CR 125 reaching from Mudlake Road to Bobby Sapp Road. The applicant requests a reversion of the acreage for 21 of the 22, 5-acre residential lots platted as Smoke Rise II. Twenty-one lots are vacant, conforming to subdivision regulations and their AG 7.5 agriculture zoning district. One lot supports a single family dwelling, and is also conforming to subdivision regulations and zoning. The Development Review Committee heard this matter January 21, 2015 and voted 4 to 1 to recommend approval of vacation. The Local Planning Agency heard this matter on January 22, 2015 and voted 4 to 1 to recommend approval of the vacation. Planning staff finds the petition for vacating is consistent with the land development regulations and recommends approval. TR Haineline, representing Mr. Chupp stated that the plat was recorded in 2002 and one lot was sold in 2003. Since then, no lots have been sold. Mr. Haineline stated that the property was being used as agriculture now and will be for the foreseeable future. Mr. Haineline stated that Mr. Chupp would be willing to exclude the equestrian easement from this request. Mr. Haineline stated that if the plat were vacated it would only remove the lot lines from a map and that it would not affect ownership or access to the one lot owner. Mr. Haineline stated that the property currently has greenbelt status, but with the plat in place it made it much harder to receive that status. Danny Burger addressed the Board with concerns over drainage in the area. Mr. Burger stated that a drainage pipe on the property had been filled in and had affected drainage in the area. Mr. Burger asked that the property owners repair the drainage back to its original state. Doug Moore appeared before the Board and stated that Mr. Chupp had hired him to help improve the land. Mr. Moore stated that a management plan had been created and they were currently working to improve the land and drainage. Mr. Moore stated there was a good drainage system on the land but that it was overgrown. Mr. Moore stated that in working the property they located a county culvert that was completely blocked and had since been cleaned by the county road department. Celeste Reynolds who owns the only lot sold appeared before the Board and asked that the plat not be vacated. Mrs. Reynolds stated that when she purchased her property she agreed to deed restrictions that the property owner is not following for the vacant lots. Mrs. Reynolds stated that she had an estimated $600,000 invested in her home. Mrs. Reynolds also stated that she had consulted with a real estate professional who informed her that the value of her property would be negatively affected by approximately $95,000 if the plat was vacated and the use of the surrounding property was returned to agricultural use without deed restrictions. Mrs. Reynolds also said her property could not be sold for her investment if the plat was vacated. Page 3 MINUTES- Public Hearing March 17, 2015 Frank Miller, legal counsel for Mrs. Reynolds argued that Florida Statutes and related case law allowed County Commissioners to vacate plats only if it is demonstrated that the vacating the plat will not affect the ownership of persons owning other parts of the subdivision. Mr. Miller stated there was no evidence showing that it won’t affect Mrs. Reynolds ownership. Rich Komando disagreed with Mr. Miller regarding the interpretation of the submitted case law regarding ownership. Mr. Komando stated that he did not find any case law related to whether or not value affects the ownership of property and that the Board will have to make that finding. Chairman Croft closed the public hearing and opened the regular meeting. Chairman Croft stated that he could see both sides and that both property owners have rights. Commissioner Gordon Crews stated that if the plat was removed it would affect Mrs. Reynolds property value, but not Mr. Chupp. Rich Komando stated that regardless of the Board’s decision the two property owners will have a dispute. Commissioner Mark Hartley moved to deny the applicant’s request to vacate the plat, finding that Mrs. Reynolds ownership would be negatively affected if the plat were vacated. Commissioner Gordon Crews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Chairman Croft closed the regular meeting and reopened the public hearing. Ed Preston presented a land use and zoning request by David Burnham. Mr. Preston stated that the applicant is requesting a land use and zoning change on 19.99 acres currently zoned AG 7.5 with a future land use designation of AG B. The applicant is requesting to change the zoning to light industrial and the future land use designation to Industrial. The purpose of this application is to allow development of a construction company yard and office. Mr. Preston stated that the property is along a paved county road and will be required to connect to water and sewer. The development review committee reviewed this application on January 21, 2015 and voted unanimously to recommend approval. The LPA heard this on February 26, 2015 and voted unanimously to recommend approval. Planning staff finds the proposed amendment consistent with the comprehensive plan and recommends approval. Carolyn Conway stated that she was excited about the project and hoped to see it approved. Chairman Croft closed the public hearing and opened the regular meeting. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson motioned to ready Ordinance 2015-04 by title. Commissioner Gordon Crews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Rich Komando read Ordinance 2015-04 by title which states: Page 4 MINUTES- Public Hearing March 17, 2015 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 91-1, MAKING A SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE BAKER COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY RECLASSIFYING APPROXIMATELY 20 ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY, OWNED BY TERRAPOINTE, LLC AND IDENTIFIED BY BAKER COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 26-2S-22-0000-0000-0060, FROM AGRICULTURAL B TO INDUSTRIAL ON THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; PROVIDING FINDINGS BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; PROVIDING DIRECTION FOR RECORDING; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson motioned to approve Ordinance 2015-04. Commissioner Gordon Crews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson motioned to read Ordinance 2015-05 by title. Commissioner Gordon Crews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Rich Komando ready Ordinance 2015-05 by title which states: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 91-1, MAKING A SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE BAKER COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY RECLASSIFYING APPROXIMATELY 20 ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY, OWNED BY TERRAPOINTE, LLC AND IDENTIFIED BY BAKER COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 26-2S-22-0000-0000-0060, FROM AGRICULTURAL B TO INDUSTRIAL ON THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; PROVIDING FINDINGS BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; PROVIDING DIRECTION FOR RECORDING; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson motioned to approve Ordinance 2015-05. Commissioner Gordon Crews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Commissioner James Bennett motioned to adjourn. Meeting adjourned. __________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk ____________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES March 17, 2015 The Baker County Board of Commissioners met in a scheduled meeting with the following members present: Chairman, James Croft Commissioner Mark Hartley Commissioner James Bennett Commissioner Jimmy Anderson Commissioner Gordon Crews Also Present: County Attorney, Rich Komando County Manager, CJ Thompson Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please visit or contact Sara Little at BUDGET WORKSHOP Chairman Croft called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. Chairman Croft stated that the purpose of this workshop was to hear a budget over view from C/M Thompson. C/M Thompson stated that his presentation would be a summary of budgets submitted and did not include any constitutional officer information at this time. Mr. Thompson stated that the presentation would also lay out the groundwork for the next few months until June. C/M Thompson’s presentation included the following: Overview for Departments funded from General Fund: Department FY14/15 FY15/16 % Change BOCC Maintenance Building Planning EMS Ag Extension Ag Center Soil & water Vet Services Library Recreation Animal Control State Aid Library Information Svcs. Human Resources Finance Total $893,860 $114,790 $167,609 $107,932 $1,508,259 $148,452 $148,452 $550 $32,987 $155,250 $130,931 $112,665 $87,046 $151,942 $61,514 $167,017 $3,869,304 $877,555 $115,302 $192,624 $106,190 $1,496,417 $146,070 24,891 $855 $40,219 $155,263 $135,439 $111,195 $87,050 $151,658 $59,225 $138,727 $3,838,678 -1.82% 2.80% 14.92% -1.61% -0.79% -1.60% -12.66% 55.45% 21.92% 0.01% 3.44% -1.30% -0.19% -3.72% -16.94% -0.79% Page 2 MINUTES- BUDGET WORKSHOP March 17, 2015 Cost breakdown for Departments funded from General Fund: Department Personnel Operating & Capital Total BOCC Maintenance Building Planning EMS Ag Extension Ag Center Soil & Water Vet Services Library Recreation Animal Control State Aid Library Information Svcs. Human Resources Finance Total $541,955 $93,702 $173,999 $103,140 $1,255,417 $129,070 $2,691 $$36,984 $105,443 $80,439 $75,745 $38,626 $143,894 $58,825 $118,090 $2,958,020 (77%) $335,600 $21,600 $18,625 $3,050 $241,000 $17,000 $22,200 $855 $3,235 $49,820 $55,000 $35,450 $48,424 $7,764 $400 $20,637 $880,660 (23%) $877,555 $115,302 $192,624 $106,190 $1,496,417 $146,070 $24,891 $855 $40,219 $155,263 $135,439 $111,195 $87,050 $151,658 $59,225 $138,727 $3,838,680 Overview for Departments funded by Special Assessments: Department FY14/15 FY15/16 % Change Road & Bridge Solid Waste Fire Total $2,456,576 $804,959 $226,861 $3,488,396 $2,620,795 $745,026 $393,855 $3,759,676 6.68% -7.45% 73.61% $7.78% Cost breakdown for Departments funded by Special Assessments: Department Personnel Operating & Capital Total Road & Bridge Solid Waste Fire Total $1,264,122 $130,926 $99,981 $1,495,029 (40%) $1,356,673 $614,100 $293,874 $2,264,647 (60%) $2,620,795 $745,026 $393,855 $3,759,676 Page 3 MINUTES- BUDGET WORKSHOP March 17, 2015 Proposed Schedule for budget workshops by Department: April 7th April 21st May 5th May 19th June 2nd EMS Building Ag Extension Maintenance Road Department BOCC Library Ag Center Animal Control Solid Waste Library State Aid Soil & Water Planning Fire Department Finance Human Resources Recreation Veteran Services Discussions were held regarding C/M Thompson’s budget overview presentation (can be heard on audio file). Chairman Croft recessed until the regular Board of County Commissioners meeting. _________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk _______________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 1 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74595 03/11/15 338 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL 11 54400 METER LEASE/NOV−FEB 0.00 159.33 104000 74596 03/11/15 346 PURCHASE POWER 11 54100 POSTAGE REFILL/ADM 0.00 250.55 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST 930 29 29 32 33 34 27 11 25 157 32 158 22 27 20 20 21 18 157 18 18 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 18 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 COUNTY JUDGE’S FAX COUNTY EXTENSION SV CO EXT SVC−DATA LIN LIBRARY RECREATION DEPT ANIMAL CONTROL STA 70/REC #63/FIRE BOCC LINES/$325 L D BLDG DEPT−INSPEC LI STATE ATTORNEY−FAX LIBRARY − FAX PUBLIC DEF − FAX CIR CT FAX/REC #328 RESCUE/DAVID R. ELEVATOR−COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR/COURTHOUSE MAINTENANCE DEPT. DATA LINE − CLERK STATE ATTORNEY/GREG DATA LINE − CLERK DATA LINE − CLERK ALARM @ CLERK’S CIV RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP RADIO LOOP TDD PHONE/ADMINISTR ADMINISTRATION FAX CLERK’S OFFICE/ FAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.15 128.35 81.56 285.92 50.16 109.92 87.06 774.95 61.18 20.15 39.05 23.50 20.15 87.60 20.15 20.15 119.69 36.58 29.54 73.16 73.16 36.58 36.58 36.58 36.58 36.58 36.58 36.58 36.58 40.86 36.61 20.15 2552.39 104000 74609 03/23/15 1252 AMERICAN ENTERPRISE 001 218500 P13 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 135.00 104000 74611 03/23/15 499 BP 55211 FUEL/D RICHARDSON 0.00 107.45 104000 74613 03/23/15 89 CAPITAL GUARDIAN TR 001 218700 P13 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 250.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 74614 74614 74614 74614 03/23/15 03/23/15 03/23/15 03/23/15 CARD CARD CARD CARD 55500 55211 55211 54602 LEGIS DAY/COMM ANDE FUEL/GEORGIA/CONF T FUEL WIPER BLADES/CO. CA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 235.00 37.00 15.00 23.52 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 2090 2090 2090 2090 RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 27 SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 11 34 11 11 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 2 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− TOTAL CHECK SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 310.52 104000 74615 03/23/15 2346 CARPENTERS INDUSTRI 001 218500 P13 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 160.00 104000 74616 03/23/15 308 F&G CONSTRUCTION GE 155 56200 TRANSPORATION CENTE 0.00 164665.40 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74622 74622 74622 74622 74622 03/23/15 03/23/15 03/23/15 03/23/15 03/23/15 HARD−ROCK HARD−ROCK HARD−ROCK HARD−ROCK HARD−ROCK 56300 56300 56300 56300 56300 4000 PSI PR/PM ASH 4000 PSI PR/PM ASH 4000 PSI 70/30 REG 4000 PSI 770/30 REG 400 PSI 70/30/TRANS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 520.30 1065.60 7160.00 3722.40 19970.00 32438.30 104000 74623 03/23/15 21 HAYT,HAYT&LANDAU, P 001 218900 P13 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 100.00 104000 74628 03/23/15 311 NATIONWIDE RETIREME 001 218700 P13 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 228.82 104000 74629 03/23/15 360 RELIASTAR LIFE INSU 001 218700 P13 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 26.76 104000 74631 03/23/15 341 SILVERCOTE LAMINATI 155 56200 INSULATION MATERIAL 0.00 10293.11 104000 74635 03/23/15 400 SUNGARD PUBLIC SECT 11 54600 FOUR J,OPTIO LICENS 0.00 4134.47 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74636 74636 74636 74636 03/23/15 03/23/15 03/23/15 03/23/15 UNITED UNITED UNITED UNITED 001 35 001 001 218100 52310 218100 218100 MARCH RETIREE INS MARCH RETIREE INS J HOLTON/EMPLOYEE P MARCH INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.32 6310.28 72.24 59115.00 65512.84 104000 74638 03/23/15 419 VALIC 001 218700 P13 DEDUCTIONS 0.00 325.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 74640 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN 33 34 34 34 34 34 27 21 21 21 21 351 33 27 27 21 33 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 54616 54600 54600 54600 54600 54600 SPONGE,GRAFFITI RMV PINE/ ANIMAL CONTRO CREDIT PINE,SCREWS/ANIMAL LP GAS/ANIMAL CONTR LP GAS/ANIMAL CONTR KEYS/EMS BULBS,LUBRICNT/MAIN COIL CLN,FUSE,CAP/M JOINT COMPND,STUCCO FUSE,ANCHOR/MAINT ENTRY KNOB/CT SERV MARKING PAINT/RECRE TAPE,CONN/TERMNL/EM TAPE/EMS HAMMER/MAINT. MARKING PAINT/RECRE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.16 29.95 −19.95 34.33 34.18 34.18 5.91 17.61 17.76 23.38 10.42 8.99 20.49 9.42 4.49 7.49 13.66 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1752 1752 1752 1752 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE I I I I 155 155 155 155 155 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 3 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74640 74640 74640 03/24/15 221 03/24/15 221 03/24/15 221 HAGAN ACE HARDWARE HAGAN ACE HARDWARE HAGAN ACE HARDWARE 21 31 34 54600 54600 54600 BATTERIES/MAINT PAINT/VET SERV. PVC,MISC SCREWS/ANI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.59 54.88 11.44 347.38 104000 74642 03/27/15 19 ALL−BRITE SALES COM 33 55210 SUPPLIES/RECREATION 0.00 567.84 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74643 74643 03/27/15 20 03/27/15 20 AMAZON AMAZON 32 32 55210 56600 OP SUPPLIES/LIBRARY BOOKS/LIBRARY 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.50 581.65 662.15 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 74644 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS 25 21 11 21 33 33 25 21 291 20 33 33 11 33 21 33 11 291 21 25 21 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 54615 54600 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 54615 55210 55210 55210 UNIFORMS/BOBBY UNIFORMS/SHANNON CLEAN MATS/ADMIN UNIFORMS/TANYA UNIFORMS/DONALD UNIFORMS/ALVIN UNIFORMS/BOBBY UNIFORMS/SHANNON CLEAN MATS/AG CENTE CLEAN MATS/COURTHOU UNIFORMS/DONALD UNIFORMS/ALVIN CLEAN MATS/ADMIN UNIFORMS/ALVIN UNIFORMS/TANYA UNIFORMS/DONALD CLEAN MATS/ADMIN CLEAN MATS/AG CENTE UNIFORMS/SHANNON UNIFORMS/BOBBY UNIFORMS/TANYA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.03 11.28 4.40 3.64 1.49 1.49 3.03 11.28 23.12 45.23 1.49 1.49 4.40 1.49 3.64 1.49 4.40 23.12 11.28 3.03 3.64 167.46 104000 74645 03/27/15 47 BAKER COUNTY COUNCI 351 58104 MARCH REQUEST 0.00 9750.00 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74646 74646 74646 03/27/15 56 03/27/15 56 03/27/15 56 BAKER COUNTY PRESS BAKER COUNTY PRESS BAKER COUNTY PRESS 251 251 11 54901 54901 54901 DISP AD/ORD 15−03 DISP AD/ORD 15−03 DISP AD/ORD 15−02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66.20 63.00 29.75 158.95 104000 74649 03/27/15 2218 BENTLEY ARCHITECTS+ 155 53100 PROF SERV/FEB/TRANS 0.00 3669.79 104000 74650 03/27/15 1657 BIO−CYCLE LLC 27 55210 MEDICAL WASTE 0.00 135.00 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74651 74651 03/27/15 2028 03/27/15 2028 BOUND TREE MEDICAL BOUND TREE MEDICAL 27 27 55210 55210 EMS SUPPLIES EMS SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 312.00 75.00 387.00 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 4 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74653 03/27/15 2264 CANON SOLUTIONS AME 25 54600 COPIER/BLDG/MARCH 0.00 50.46 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74655 74655 03/27/15 100 03/27/15 100 CDW GOVERNMENT INC CDW GOVERNMENT INC 11 14 55210 55100 VIDEO CARD/MONITOR MAGENTA INK CARTRID 0.00 0.00 0.00 191.79 155.67 347.46 104000 74656 03/27/15 1911 CENTER POINT LARGE 32 56600 BOOKS/LIBRARY 0.00 44.34 104000 74657 03/27/15 275 CHIEF/LAW ENFORCEME 27 55210 BOOTS/J JOHNSON 0.00 100.89 104000 74658 03/27/15 1399 CINTAS DOCUMENT MAN 157 53400 DOC SHREDDING/ST AT 0.00 47.95 104000 74659 03/27/15 910 COMCAST 27 54100 CABLE SERV/EMS 0.00 33.42 104000 74660 03/27/15 1185 COPYFAX INC 29 54600 COPIER/J12094/EXT/M 0.00 75.08 104000 74662 03/27/15 140 DELL MARKETING L P 31 56400 COMPUTER/VET SERV 0.00 929.00 104000 74663 03/27/15 308 F&G CONSTRUCTION GE 155 56200 TRANSPORTATION CNTR 0.00 101327.11 104000 74665 03/27/15 2272 GEORGIA MONFORT 291 51300 CK OUT/CLEAN AG CNT 0.00 95.00 104000 74666 03/27/15 207 GEXPRO 33 54600 1000W BULBS FOR BAL 0.00 348.00 104000 74669 03/27/15 215 GRAINGER 34 54600 ATTIC VENT FAN MOTO 0.00 114.76 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74671 74671 74671 03/27/15 234 03/27/15 234 03/27/15 234 HOME DEPOT CREDIT S 21 HOME DEPOT CREDIT S 21 HOME DEPOT CREDIT S 21 54600 54600 54600 CREDIT/RETURN HC FLSH HRDWD/MAINT DOOR SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 −72.00 72.00 196.59 196.59 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74672 74672 74672 03/27/15 244 03/27/15 244 03/27/15 244 INTERSTATE SUPPLY I 21 INTERSTATE SUPPLY I 21 INTERSTATE SUPPLY I 33 54600 54600 54600 LIGHTS/MAINT 750 KELVIN LP/MAINT LIGHTS FOR BATHROOM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 84.00 74.50 141.30 299.80 104000 74673 03/27/15 247 JANPAK FLORIDA 20 55210 SUPPLIES/COURTHOUSE 0.00 880.88 104000 74674 03/27/15 1105 JIMMY’S AUTOMOTIVE 21 54602 VEHICLE REPAIRS/MAI 0.00 365.51 104000 74677 03/27/15 254 JOHN WILLIAMS PLUMB 15 54600 REPAIRS/TAX COLL BL 0.00 143.50 104000 74678 03/27/15 263 KNOWBUDDY RESOURCES 32 56600 BOOKS/LIBRARY 0.00 1040.23 104000 104000 104000 74679 74679 74679 03/27/15 267 03/27/15 267 03/27/15 267 L V HIERS INC L V HIERS INC L V HIERS INC 55211 55211 55211 FUEL/MAINT. FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL FUEL/MAINT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.04 46.56 21.06 RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 21 34 21 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 5 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74679 74679 74679 74679 74679 74679 74679 74679 74679 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 34 34 34 27 33 33 33 33 27 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 55211 FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL FUEL/ANIMAL CONTROL DIESEL/EMS FUEL/RECREATIOIN FUEL/RECREATION FUEL/RECREATION FUEL/RECREATION DIESEL/EMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.97 36.82 69.95 617.62 48.09 59.02 83.82 54.75 474.42 1571.12 104000 74680 03/27/15 2262 LONESTAR SIGN SHOP 251 55210 SIGNS/PLANNING 0.00 262.50 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74682 74682 74682 74682 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY 34 21 21 25 54602 54602 54602 54602 OIL FILTER/ANIMAL C STARTER/ MAINT CIRCUIT TESTER/MAIN FILTERS/BLDG. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.29 164.00 3.99 10.94 182.22 104000 74683 03/27/15 1334 MACCLENNY MOWER AND 21 54600 REPAIRS/HEPPNER 0.00 1207.31 104000 74684 03/27/15 1274 MED−TECH RESOURCE I 26 55210 SUPPLIES/TRANSPRT 0.00 141.62 104000 74685 03/27/15 492 MIDAMERICA BOOKS 32 56600 BOOKS/LIBRARY 0.00 780.10 104000 74687 03/27/15 1229 MORRIS PUBLISHING G 32 56600 SUBSCRIPTION/LIBRAR 0.00 364.23 104000 74688 03/27/15 562 MUMFORD LIBRARY BOO 36 56600 BOOKS/STATE AID 0.00 3619.96 104000 74691 03/27/15 323 NITA D CRAWFORD 19 59180 APRIL REQUEST 0.00 29527.63 104000 74693 03/27/15 446 PHILIP ARNOLD 25 54910 REFUND/ELEC PERMIT 0.00 17.00 104000 74694 03/27/15 338 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL 25 54400 METR RENT/DEC−MAR15 0.00 245.88 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74695 74695 03/27/15 647 03/27/15 647 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTIO 27 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTIO 27 54400 55210 CYLINDER RENTAL/EMS OXYGEN/EMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.29 102.12 217.41 104000 74698 03/27/15 346 PURCHASE POWER 11 54100 POSTAGE 0.00 35.59 104000 74699 03/27/15 347 QUADMED INC 26 55210 SUPPLIES/TRANSPRT 0.00 213.70 104000 74700 03/27/15 331 REXEL 155 56200 SUPPLIES/TRANSPRT C 0.00 22.16 104000 104000 104000 74701 74701 74701 03/27/15 4 03/27/15 4 03/27/15 4 RICOH USA, INC RICOH USA, INC RICOH USA, INC 20 29 11 54400 54400 54400 COPIER/MP5001/CH/AP COPIER/MPC3003/EXT/ COPIER/MP4002/ADMIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 102.81 122.03 115.69 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 284 284 284 284 L L L L L L L L L RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 V V V V V V V V V HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR PAR PAR PAR PAR SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 6 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− TOTAL CHECK SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 340.53 104000 74702 03/27/15 256 SBH MEDICAL LTD. 27 55210 EMS SUPPLIES 0.00 134.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74704 74704 74704 74704 74704 74704 74704 74704 74704 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 SPRINT SPRINT SPRINT SPRINT SPRINT SPRINT SPRINT SPRINT SPRINT 29 158 27 930 34 25 21 221 33 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 CELL CELL CELL CELL CELL CELL CELL CELL CELL PHONE/EXTENSIO PHONES/PUB DEF PHONE/EMS PHONE/CO JUDGE PHONE/ANIMALCO PHONE/BUILDING PHONES/MAINT PHONE/GAL PHONE/RECREATI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53.61 64.74 64.72 63.80 54.23 20.61 71.87 63.28 21.21 478.07 104000 74705 03/27/15 279 STACIE D. HARVEY, C 25 54905 REC FEES/SM RISE,TE 0.00 81.00 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74706 74706 74706 03/27/15 2164 03/27/15 2164 03/27/15 2164 STAPLES ADVANTAGE STAPLES ADVANTAGE STAPLES ADVANTAGE 27 25 25 55210 55100 55100 TONER,PTWLS.GARB BA MARKERS, LABELS/BLD MARKERS, LABELS/BLD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 67.01 1.97 11.64 80.62 104000 74707 03/27/15 1767 TAYLOR MADE PINE ST 20 54600 PINE STRAW/COURTHOU 0.00 600.00 104000 74708 03/27/15 408 TIM SWEAT, PROPERTY 14 59180 3RD QTR DRAW 0.00 148093.31 104000 74709 03/27/15 412 TRANE 20 54600 QTRLY MAINT/1−1−15/ 0.00 8846.00 104000 74710 03/27/15 415 UNIQUE BOOKS INC 32 56600 BOOK/LIBRARY 0.00 16.91 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74711 74711 74711 74711 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 WAL−MART WAL−MART WAL−MART WAL−MART 251 21 34 21 55100 54600 55210 54600 COFFEE,BINDRS,TWL/P FAUCET,CONN/MAINT CLEANING SUPPLIES/A KRYLON ALUM,JNT CMP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.06 30.94 93.37 22.79 180.16 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 601194.52 TOTAL FUND 0.00 601194.52 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 428 428 428 428 RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 COMMUNITY/ COMMUNITY/ COMMUNITY/ COMMUNITY/ SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 7 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 103 − ROAD & BRIDGE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74607 74607 74607 74607 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 55 55 55 55 54100 54100 54100 54100 ROAD ROAD ROAD ROAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.81 81.56 71.46 39.16 233.99 104000 74608 03/23/15 19 ALL−BRITE SALES COM 55 55210 PO39952/PTWLS,BAGS 0.00 298.90 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74610 74610 03/23/15 33 03/23/15 33 AUS FLORIDA GROUP L 55 AUS FLORIDA GROUP L 55 55210 55210 PO39945/WKLY UNIFOR PO39945/SHOP TWLS,R 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.45 33.24 103.69 104000 74612 03/23/15 75 C&W ICE, LLC 55 55210 PO39950/ICE 0.00 39.20 104000 74617 03/23/15 2365 FACTORY SERVICE AUT 55 54602 PO39940/RESEALD PAN 0.00 125.00 104000 74618 03/23/15 205 GATEWAY PEST CONTRO 55 54600 PO39948/WASP NEST 0.00 150.00 104000 74619 03/23/15 212 GLEN CASH STORE INC 55 55210 SHOVELS,RAKES 0.00 41.95 104000 74620 03/23/15 2021 GOODYEAR COMM. TIRE 55 54602 PO39937/TIRES 0.00 1152.90 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74621 74621 74621 03/23/15 221 03/23/15 221 03/23/15 221 HAGAN ACE HARDWARE HAGAN ACE HARDWARE HAGAN ACE HARDWARE 55 55 55 55210 55300 54600 PO39955/SCREWS,BRAC PO39954/CONCRETE MI PO39951/PAINT BRSH, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.08 24.54 66.26 127.88 104000 74624 03/23/15 233 HILL MANUFACTURING 55 55210 PO39914/SHOP MATERI 0.00 283.56 104000 74626 03/23/15 267 L V HIERS INC 55 55210 PO39953/DYED DIESEL 0.00 7595.00 104000 74627 03/23/15 284 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 55 54602 PO39938/FILTERS,LAM 0.00 58.65 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74630 74630 03/23/15 365 03/23/15 365 RING POWER CORPORAT 55 RING POWER CORPORAT 55 54602 54602 PO39920/ELEMNT,FUEL PO39928/GRDR STEP,A 0.00 0.00 0.00 704.05 247.90 951.95 104000 74633 03/23/15 2333 SUBURBAN PROPANE−17 55 55210 PO39901/PROPANE 0.00 265.65 104000 74634 03/23/15 398 SUMMERVILLE ELECTRI 55 54600 PO39942/RED LIGHT R 0.00 525.75 104000 74637 03/23/15 531 UNITED RIGGING 55 55210 PO39946/GLOVES 0.00 478.44 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74641 74641 03/27/15 1218 03/27/15 1218 AIRGAS USA, LLC AIRGAS USA, LLC 55 55 55210 55210 PO39916/WELDING SUP PO39916/WELDING SUP 0.00 0.00 0.00 113.08 98.00 211.08 104000 74644 03/27/15 33 AUS FLORIDA GROUP L 55 55210 PO39969/WKLY UNIFOR 0.00 70.45 445 445 445 445 NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA T T T T DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT − F DEPARTMENT DEPT − COMPUTE SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 8 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 103 − ROAD & BRIDGE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74644 03/27/15 33 AUS FLORIDA GROUP L 55 55210 PO39969/SHOP TWLS,R 0.00 0.00 33.24 103.69 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74647 74647 74647 03/27/15 2309 03/27/15 2309 03/27/15 2309 BEARD EQUIPMENT COM 55 BEARD EQUIPMENT COM 55 BEARD EQUIPMENT COM 55 54602 54602 54600 PO39957/GEAR HSNG V PO39994/BOLTS PO39905/TRIMMR LINE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94.16 233.40 80.00 407.56 104000 74648 03/27/15 67 BENNETT’S FEED FARM 55 54600 PO39987/FENCE REPR 0.00 81.90 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74652 74652 03/27/15 75 03/27/15 75 C&W ICE, LLC C&W ICE, LLC 55 55 55210 55210 PO39968/ICE PO39996/ICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.00 40.00 76.00 104000 74654 03/27/15 98 CATERPILLAR FINANCI 55 57110 PO39976/GRADER LOAN 0.00 651167.06 104000 74661 03/27/15 1708 DARSCO INC 55 54600 PO39979/FAUCET PART 0.00 131.88 104000 74667 03/27/15 212 GLEN CASH STORE INC 55 54600 PO39986/FENCE 0.00 199.54 104000 74668 03/27/15 2021 GOODYEAR COMM. TIRE 55 54602 PO39984/TIRES 0.00 736.36 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74670 74670 74670 74670 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN HAGAN 55 55 55 55 55210 54600 54600 54600 PO39980/MISC PO40001/SAND PO40001/SAND PO39988/POST SCREWS MIX MIX HOLE D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 46.32 11.58 37.57 99.47 104000 74676 03/27/15 879 JOHN M WARREN INC 55 55210 PO39911/SIGN SHOP S 0.00 1471.44 104000 74679 03/27/15 267 L V HIERS INC 55 55210 PO39998/DYED DIESEL 0.00 4441.98 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74682 74682 74682 74682 74682 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY 55 55 55 55 55 54602 54602 54602 54602 54602 PO39960/LAMP,LENS PO39960/CABLE PO39966/HAL LAMP PO39956/FILTERS PO39961/FILTERS,HOS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.43 17.49 19.98 69.84 311.91 431.65 104000 74686 03/27/15 300 MORAN AUTO PARTS 55 54602 PO39973/BATTERY 0.00 112.75 104000 74690 03/27/15 318 NEXTRAN TRUCK CENTE 55 54602 PO39989/TARP 0.00 216.87 104000 74692 03/27/15 336 PHIL ALLEN INC 55 55210 PO39978/TIRE SHP SU 0.00 158.60 104000 74696 03/27/15 342 PREFERRED GOVERNMEN 55 52400 3RD QTR WORK COMP 0.00 43529.50 104000 74697 03/27/15 344 PRITCHETT TRUCKING 55300 PO39885/LIMEROCK 0.00 6088.78 221 221 221 221 284 284 284 284 284 RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 ACE ACE ACE ACE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR PAR PAR PAR PAR PAR 55 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 9 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 103 − ROAD & BRIDGE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74704 03/27/15 391 SPRINT 55 54100 CELL PHONES/ROAD DE 0.00 104.19 104000 74713 03/27/15 433 ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 55 55210 PO39977/RESTK 1ST A 0.00 48.10 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 722250.91 TOTAL FUND 0.00 722250.91 RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 10 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 104 − FINE & FORFEITURE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74607 74607 03/13/15 445 03/13/15 445 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 90 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 90 54100 54100 HOLDING CELL FAX − SECURITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.25 20.95 42.20 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74675 74675 74675 74675 74675 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 JOEY JOEY JOEY JOEY JOEY 59180 59180 59180 59122 59180 APRIL REQUEST APRIL REQUEST APRIL REQUEST 2015JAGCBAKE1R3030 APRIL REQUEST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22041.00 57228.00 22935.00 3871.15 258121.00 364196.15 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 364238.35 TOTAL FUND 0.00 364238.35 253 253 253 253 253 RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 B B B B B DOBSON, DOBSON, DOBSON, DOBSON, DOBSON, SHER SHER SHER SHER SHER 90 72 73 23 69 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 11 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 105 − FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74607 74607 03/13/15 445 03/13/15 445 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 54 NORTHEAST FLORIDA T 54 54100 54100 FIRE STATION 50 GLE FIRE/STEVE M. 0.00 0.00 0.00 87.91 24.15 112.06 104000 74639 03/24/15 345 FIREHOUSE SUBS 54 55240 MECHANICAL DEMO/WTR 0.00 339.90 104000 74640 03/24/15 221 HAGAN ACE HARDWARE 54 54600 LOCK/BAXTER FIRE ST 0.00 31.49 104000 74679 03/27/15 267 L V HIERS INC 54 55211 FUEL/FIRE DEPT. 0.00 47.23 104000 74704 03/27/15 391 SPRINT 54 54100 CELL PHONE,WIRELS/F 0.00 109.79 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 640.47 TOTAL FUND 0.00 640.47 RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING DATE: 03/30/15 TIME: 12:42:03 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 13 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.gl_cash="104000" and transact.ck_date>="03/11/2015" ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/15 FUND − 116 − SOLID WASTE CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 74607 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/13/15 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 54100 BAXTER RECYCLING SI SANDERSON RECY SITE MUDLAKE RECY SITE 121 N RECYCLING SIT CUYLER RECYCLE SITE SR 228 RECYCLE SITE GLEN RECYCLING SITE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.38 36.61 36.61 36.61 36.61 39.05 37.38 260.25 104000 74619 03/23/15 212 GLEN CASH STORE INC 65 55210 PO39943/RUBBR BOOTS 0.00 15.95 104000 74632 03/23/15 387 SOUTHEASTERN SERVIC 65 53150 PO39941/SITE ATTNDN 0.00 7511.40 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74641 74641 03/27/15 1218 03/27/15 1218 AIRGAS USA, LLC AIRGAS USA, LLC 65 65 55210 55210 PO39934/TANK RENTAL PO39991/TANK RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 231.21 365.20 596.41 104000 74664 03/27/15 2300 FRASER’S ENGINE REP 65 54602 PO39958/AC REPAIR 3 0.00 270.99 104000 74681 03/27/15 141 M&R SPECIALTY TRAIL 65 54602 PO39985/HARNESS,PLU 0.00 44.97 104000 74682 03/27/15 284 MACCLENNY MOTOR PAR 65 54600 PO39982/HOSE,FITTIN 0.00 169.96 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 74689 74689 74689 03/27/15 317 03/27/15 317 03/27/15 317 NEW RIVER SOLID WAS 65 NEW RIVER SOLID WAS 65 NEW RIVER SOLID WAS 65 53403 53403 53403 PO39981/ADV DISPOSA PO39981/CITIZENS PO39981/TIPPING FEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2759.38 20.54 13300.56 16080.48 104000 74690 03/27/15 318 NEXTRAN TRUCK CENTE 65 54602 PO39962/HOSE,THERMO 0.00 113.64 104000 74703 03/27/15 387 SOUTHEASTERN SERVIC 65 53150 SITE ATTENDANTS 0.00 7511.40 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 32575.45 TOTAL FUND 0.00 32575.45 TOTAL REPORT 0.00 1730553.50 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST RUN DATE 03/30/2015 TIME 12:42:07 FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA T T T T T T T SUNGARD PENTAMATION − FUND ACCOUNTING Proclamation Baker County Board of Commissioners Baker County, Florida WHEREAS, water is a basic and essential need of every living creature; and WHEREAS, The State of Florida, Water Management Districts and Baker County are working together to increase awareness about the importance of water conservation; and WHEREAS, Baker County and the State of Florida has designated April, typically a dry month when water demands are most acute, Florida’s Water Conservation Month, to educate citizens about how they can help save Florida’s precious water resources; and WHEREAS, Baker County has always encouraged and supported water conservation, through various educational programs and special events; and WHEREAS, every business, industry, school and citizen can make a difference when it comes to conserving water; and WHEREAS, every business, industry, school and citizen can help by saving water and thus promote a healthy economy and community; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that by virtue of the authority vested in me as Chairman of the Baker County Board of Commissioners do hereby proclaim the month of April as Water Conservation Month Baker County, Florida is calling upon each citizen and business to help protect our precious resource by practicing water saving measures and becoming more aware of the need to save water. DULY APOPTED THIS 7TH DAY OF April, 2015. ATTEST: Baker County Board of Commissioners _____________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk _________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, public works services provided in our community are an integral part of our citizens' everyday lives; and WHEREAS, the support of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of public works systems and programs such as water, sewers, streets and highways, public buildings, solid waste collection, parks and canal maintenance; and WHEREAS, the health, safety, and comfort of this community greatly depends on these facilities and services; and WHEREAS, the quality and effectiveness of these facilities, as well as their planning, design, and construction, is vitally dependent upon the efforts and skill of public works officials; and WHEREAS, the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated personnel, who staff public works departments, is materially influenced by the people's attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they perform. WHEREAS, APWA has selected “Community Begins Here” May 17-23, 2015 is National Public Works Week. There would be no community without the quality of life public works provides. There would be no community to police and protect, no public to lead or represent. Public Works allows the world as we know it to be. This year’s theme “Community Begins Here” speaks to the essential nature of Public Works services in support of everyday quality of life. NOW, THEREFORE, The Baker County Board of Commissioners of Baker County, Florida does hereby proclaim the week of May 17 through May 23, 2015 as NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK in Baker County, and calls upon all citizens and civic organizations to acquaint themselves with the issues involved in providing our public works; and to recognize the contributions which public works officials make every day to our health, safety, comfort, and quality of life. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED in regular session this 7th day of April, 2015. Baker County Board of County Commissioners _______________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman ATTEST: ____________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk Proclamation Whereas, Sexual Assault Awareness Month is intended to draw attention to the fact that sexual violence is widespread and impacts every community member of Baker County ; and Whereas, Rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment impact our community as seen by statistics indicating that one in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives (Black et al., 2011); and Whereas, Child sexual abuse prevention must be a priority to confront the reality that one in six boys and one in four girls will experience a sexual assault before the age 18; and Whereas, young people experience heightened rates of sexual violence, and youth ages 12-17 were 2.5 times as likely to be victims of rape or sexual assault; and Whereas, we must work together to educate our community about sexual violence prevention, supporting survivors, and speaking out against harmful attitudes and actions; and Whereas, With leadership, dedication, and encouragement, there is evidence that we can be successful in preventing sexual violence in Jacksonville through increased education, awareness, and community involvement; and Whereas, Baker County strongly supports the efforts of national, state, and local partners, and of every citizen, to actively engage in public and private efforts to prevent sexual violence. It’s time for all of us to start conversations, take appropriate action and support one another to create a safer environment for all. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That I, James A. Croft by virtue of the authority vested in me as Chair of the Board of Baker County Commissioners, join advocates and communities across the country in playing an active role to prevent sexual violence, along with the United States Government and State of Florida, I do hereby proclaim April 2015 as “Sexual Assault Awareness Month” ____________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk ___________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman Prepared by and after recording return to: Jean M. Mangu, Esquire Edwards Cohen 200 West Forsyth St., Suite 1300 Jacksonville, FL 32202 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is dated as of April 1, 2015, and is entered into between the CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, an incorporated municipality of the State of Florida (the “City”), and BAKER COUNTY (the “County” or “Baker County”), a political subdivision of the State of Florida; W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the City and the County each represent to the other that, pursuant to Chapter 159, Part II, Florida Statutes, as amended (“Chapter 159”), and other applicable provisions of law, it is authorized to issue bonds to finance and refinance the cost of the acquisition, construction, improvement and equipping of certain social service centers; and WHEREAS, the City and the County each represent to the other that it constitutes a “public agency” within the meaning of Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, as amended (the “Interlocal Act”), and is authorized under the Interlocal Act to enter into interlocal agreements providing for them to jointly exercise any power, privilege or authority which each of them could exercise separately; and WHEREAS, the City and the County have been advised that the Jacksonville Economic Development Commission previously issued its Industrial Development Revenue Refunding Bond (YMCA of Florida’s First Coast Project), Series 2011, in the original principal amount of $20,295,000 (the “Series 2011 Bond”), approximately $17,458,000 of which is currently outstanding and the proceeds of which were used to refinance the acquisition, construction, renovation, expansion, improvement and equipping of certain “social service centers” constituting a “project,” as such terms are used in Chapter 159, hereinafter described of The Young Men’s Christian Association of Florida’s First Coast, Inc. (the “Borrower”), a Florida nonprofit corporation and an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, located at the sites hereinafter described (collectively, the “2011 Project”): Arlington Family YMCA, 8301 Fort Caroline Road, duPont Campus of the Williams Family YMCA, 7373 Old Kings Road, James Weldon Johnson Family YMCA, 5700 Cleveland Road, Charles J. Williams Family YMCA, 10415 San Jose Boulevard, and Claude J. Yates Family YMCA, 221 Riverside Avenue, in Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida; Baker County Family YMCA, 98 W. Lowder Street, Macclenny, Baker County, Florida; Camp Immokalee, 6765 Immokalee Road, Keystone Heights, and Dye Clay Family YMCA, 3322 Moody Road, Orange Park, and Barco-Newton Family YMCA, 2075 Town Center Boulevard, Orange Park, in Clay County, Florida; McArthur Family YMCA, 1915 Citrona Drive, Fernandina Beach, Nassau County, Florida; and St. Augustine Family YMCA, 500 Pope Road, St. Augustine, and Winston Family YMCA, 170 Landrum Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, in St. Johns County, Florida; WHEREAS, the City and the County have been advised that the Borrower has requested that the City and the County enter into this Agreement to authorize the City to issue under Chapter 159 its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (YMCA of Florida’s First Coast Project), in one or more series, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $40,400,000 (the “Bonds”), for the purpose of (a) refunding the outstanding Series 2011 Bond and thereby refinancing the 2011 Project; (b) financing all or a part of the cost of the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Borrower’s social service center hereinafter described to be located at the site hereinafter described (the “2015 Project”, and, together with the 2011 Project, the “Project”): new Riverside Family YMCA, 221 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville (to be located along the St. Johns River on the existing Claude J. Yates Family YMCA site and which will replace the existing Claude J. Yates Family YMCA), Duval County, Florida; and (c) paying costs of issuance of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Borrower has advised the City and the County that a portion of the proceeds of the Bonds will be applied to refinance the portion of the Project located in the County, and that such refinancing will result in a significant cost savings to the Borrower over the issuance and sale of separate issues of bonds by the City and the County in order to finance and refinance the Project; and WHEREAS, the City and the County have agreed to enter into this Agreement for the purposes stated above; and WHEREAS, on October 11, 2013, November 26, 2013, and August 27, 2014, the City authorized and approved the issuance of the Bonds, the application of the proceeds thereof and the execution and delivery of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, on April 7, 2015, the County approved the issuance of the Bonds by the City and the execution and delivery of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Act authorizes the City and the County to enter into this Agreement and the Interlocal Act and Chapter 159 confer upon the City authorization to issue the Bonds and to apply the proceeds thereof to the financing and refinancing of the Project through a loan of such proceeds to the Borrower; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to agree to the issuance of the Bonds by the City for such purposes and such agreement by such parties is in the public interest; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 6 hereof, the Borrower has agreed to indemnify the City and the County in connection with its execution of this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises hereinafter contained, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows: 2 SECTION 1. Authorization to Issue the Bonds. The City and the County do hereby agree that the City is hereby authorized to issue the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $40,400,000 and to loan the proceeds thereof to the Borrower to finance and refinance the Project, with a portion of such proceeds to be applied to refinance the portion of the Project located in the County. The City is hereby authorized to exercise all powers relating to the issuance of the Bonds vested in the County pursuant to the Constitution and the laws of the State of Florida and to do all things within the jurisdiction of the County which are necessary or convenient for the issuance of the Bonds and the financing and refinancing of the Project to the same extent as if the County were issuing its own revenue bonds under Chapter 159 for such purposes without any further authorization from the County to exercise such powers or to take such actions. It is in the intent of this Agreement and the parties hereto that the City be vested, to the maximum extent permitted by law, with all powers which the County might exercise with respect to the issuance of the Bonds and the lending of the proceeds thereof to the Borrower to finance and refinance the Project as though the County were issuing the Bonds as its own special limited obligations. SECTION 2. Qualifying Project A. Each of the parties hereto represents that the portion of the Project within its jurisdiction constitutes a “project” as such term is used in Chapter 159. B. The City hereby further represents, determines and agrees as follows: 1. The portion of the Project located within the City is appropriate to the needs and circumstances of, and shall make a significant contribution to the economic growth of the City; shall provide or preserve gainful employment; and shall serve a public purpose by advancing the economic prosperity, the public health or the general welfare of the State of Florida and its people. 2. No financing or refinancing of the Project shall be entered into with a party that is not financially responsible and fully capable and willing to fulfill its obligations under the financing agreement, including the obligations to make payments in the amounts and at the times required, to operate, repair, and maintain at its own expense the Project, and to serve the purposes of Chapter 159 and such other responsibilities as may be imposed under the financing agreement. 3. The City and the other local agencies will be able to cope satisfactorily with the impact of the portion of the Project located in the City and will be able to provide, or cause to be provided when needed, the public facilities, including utilities and public services, that will be necessary for the construction, operation, repair, and maintenance of the portion of the Project located in the City and on account of any increases in population or other circumstances resulting therefrom. 4. Adequate provision will be made in the financing agreement for the operation, repair, and maintenance of the Project at the expense of the Borrower and for the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds. 3 5. A public hearing was held on March 19, 2015, by the City, on behalf of the City, Baker County, Clay County, Nassau County and St. Johns County, Florida, during which comments concerning the issuance of the Bonds by the City to finance and refinance the Project were requested and could be heard. C. For purposes of and in accordance with Section 159.29, Florida Statutes, as amended, the County hereby further represents, determines and agrees as follows: 1. The portion of the Project located within the County is appropriate to the needs and circumstances of, and shall make a significant contribution to the economic growth of the County; shall provide or preserve gainful employment; and shall serve a public purpose by advancing the economic prosperity, the public health or the general welfare of the State of Florida and its people. 2. The County and the other local agencies will be able to cope satisfactorily with the impact of the portion of the Project located in the County and will be able to provide, or cause to be provided when needed, the public facilities, including utilities and public services, that will be necessary for the construction, operation, repair, and maintenance of the portion of the Project located in the County and on account of any increases in population or other circumstances resulting therefrom. SECTION 3. No Pecuniary Liability of the City or the County; Limited Obligation of the City. Neither the provisions, covenants or agreements contained in this Agreement and any obligations imposed upon the City or the County hereunder, nor the Bonds issued pursuant to this Agreement, shall constitute a general indebtedness or liability of the City or any indebtedness of the County. The Bonds when issued, and the interest thereon, shall be limited and special obligations of the City payable solely from certain nongovernmental revenues and other nongovernmental amounts pledged thereto by the terms thereof. SECTION 4. No Personal Liability. No covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to be a covenant or agreement of any member, officer, agent or employee of the City or the County in his or her individual capacity and no member, officer, agent or employee of the City or the County shall be liable personally on this Agreement or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the execution of this Agreement. SECTION 5. Allocation of Responsibilities. The City shall take all actions it deems necessary or appropriate in connection with the issuance of the Bonds, including, in its discretion, the preparation, review, execution and filing with government agencies of certificates, opinions, agreements and other documents to be delivered at the closing of the Bonds and the establishment of any funds and accounts pursuant to a loan agreement related to the Bonds. 4 Neither the City nor the County shall be liable for the costs of issuing the Bonds or the costs incurred by any of them in connection with the preparation, review, execution or approval of this Agreement or any documentation or opinions required to be delivered in connection therewith by the City, the County or counsel to any of them. All of such costs shall be paid from the proceeds of the Bonds or from other moneys of the Borrower. SECTION 6. Indemnity. The Borrower, by its approval and acknowledgement at the end of this Agreement, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and the County, their respective officers, employees, representatives and agents, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses of every conceivable kind, character and nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to, losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (including reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys, accountants, consultants and other experts), arising out of, resulting from, or in any way connected with this Agreement or the issuance of the Bonds, other than any such losses, damages, liabilities or expenses, in the case of the City, arising from the willful misconduct of the City, and in the case of the County, arising from the willful misconduct of the County. SECTION 7. Term. This Agreement will remain in full force and effect from the date of its execution, subject to the provisions of Section 8 hereof, until such time as it is terminated by any party hereto upon 10 days written notice to the other party hereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is agreed that this Agreement may not be terminated so long as any of the Bonds remain outstanding or unpaid (or any bonds issued to refund the Bonds remain outstanding and unpaid, unless otherwise expressly provided in connection with the issuance of such refunding bonds). Nothing herein shall be deemed in any way to limit or restrict either party hereto from issuing its own obligations or entering into any other agreement for the financing or refinancing of any facility which either party hereto may choose to finance. SECTION 8. Filing of Agreement. It is agreed that this Agreement shall be filed by the Borrower or its authorized agent or representative with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Baker County, Florida, and with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Duval County, Florida, all in accordance with the Interlocal Act, and that this Agreement shall not become effective until so filed with the Borrower’s executed approval and acknowledgment attached thereto. SECTION 9. Severability of Invalid Provisions. If any one or more of the covenants, agreements or provisions herein contained shall be held contrary to any express provisions of law or contrary to the policy of express law, though not expressly prohibited or against public policy, or shall for any reason whatsoever be held invalid, then such covenants, agreements or provisions shall be null and void and shall be deemed separable from the remaining covenants, agreements or provisions and shall in no way affect the validity of any of the other provisions hereof. 5 SECTION 10. Governing Law. This Agreement is being delivered and is intended to be performed in the State of Florida, and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and the rights of the parties shall be governed by, the laws of the State of Florida. SECTION 11. Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have caused this Agreement to be executed by the proper officers thereof, all as of the date first above written. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA By: Economic Development Officer ATTEST: By: Corporation Secretary BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: By: Chairman of its Board of County Commissioners By: Clerk of its Board of County Commissioners 6 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of ________, 2015, by Theodore N. Carter and James R. McCain, Jr., the Economic Development Officer and the Corporation Secretary, respectively, of the City of Jacksonville, Florida, on behalf of the City. Such persons did not take an oath and: (notary must check applicable box) are personally known to me. produced a current Florida driver’s license as identification. produced _________________________________________ as identification. {Notary Seal must be affixed} Signature of Notary Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) Commission Number (if not legible on seal): My Commission Expires (if not legible on seal): STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BAKER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _____________, 2015, by James A. Croft and Stacie D. Harvey, the Chairman and the Clerk, respectively, of the Board of County Commissioners of Baker County, Florida, on behalf of the County. Such persons did not take an oath and: (notary must check applicable box) are personally known to me. produced a current Florida driver’s license as identification. produced _________________________________________ as identification. {Notary Seal must be affixed} Signature of Notary Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) Commission Number (if not legible on seal): My Commission Expires (if not legible on seal): 7 APPROVAL AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Young Men’s Christian Association of Florida’s First Coast, Inc., a Florida nonprofit corporation and an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Borrower”), hereby approves the foregoing Interlocal Agreement, certifies that the information contained therein regarding the Borrower is correct and acknowledges its acceptance of its obligations arising thereunder, including, without limitation, its obligations under Section 6 thereof, by causing this Approval and Acknowledgment to be executed by its proper officer as of the date of said Interlocal Agreement. THE YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA’S FIRST COAST, INC. By: Name: Penelope A. Zuber Title: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-03 A RESOLUTION OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA; APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE OF ITS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (YMCA OF FLORIDA’S FIRST COAST PROJECT), IN ONE OR MORE SERIES, IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $40,400,000, TO BE ISSUED FOR THE PURPOSE OF, AMONG OTHER THINGS, PROVIDING FUNDS TO MAKE A LOAN TO THE YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA’S FIRST COAST, INC., A FLORIDA NONPROFIT CORPORATION, TO REFINANCE THE COST OF THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION, EXPANSION, IMPROVEMENT AND EQUIPPING OF CERTAIN SOCIAL SERVICE CENTERS FOR SUCH CORPORATION IN BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND PROVIDING OTHER DETAILS AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Baker County, Florida (the “County”), has the authority pursuant to Chapter 159, Part II, Florida Statutes, as amended (“Chapter 159”), to issue revenue bonds to finance qualifying projects within the County; and WHEREAS, the City of Jacksonville, Florida (the “City”), has the authority pursuant to Chapter 159 to issue revenue bonds to finance qualifying projects within the City; and WHEREAS, the Jacksonville Economic Development Commission (the “Commission”) previously issued its Industrial Development Revenue Refunding Bond (YMCA of Florida’s First Coast Project), Series 2011, in the original principal amount of $20,295,000 (the “Series 2011 Bond”), approximately $17,458,000 of which is currently outstanding and the proceeds of which were used to refinance the acquisition, construction, renovation, expansion, improvement and equipping of certain social service centers of The Young Men’s Christian Association of Florida’s First Coast, Inc., a Florida nonprofit corporation and an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Borrower”), located in Baker County (the “Series 2011 Baker County Project”), as well as other similar centers in the City, Clay County, Nassau County and St. Johns County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the County approved the issuance of the Series 2011 Bond by the Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 2011-14 adopted by the County on September 6, 2011, and an Interlocal Agreement dated as of September 1, 2011, between the County and the Commission; and WHEREAS, the Borrower is interested in refunding the Series 2011 Bond and financing a new project located in the City and will recognize substantial cost savings by financing and refinancing all of its projects (collectively, the “Project”) through one bond issuance; and WHEREAS, the Borrower has requested that the County and the City authorize the execution and delivery of an Interlocal Agreement to be entered into between the County and the City (the “Interlocal Agreement”), in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, to allow the issuance of the bonds described in the title of this Resolution by the City (the “Bonds”) to finance and refinance the Project, including the Series 2011 Baker County Project, and refund the Series 2011 Bond; and WHEREAS, the County is willing to enter into the Interlocal Agreement as herein described in order to permit the Borrower to recognize the cost savings from a consolidated financing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners (the “Board”) of the County that: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida, including Chapter 125, Part I, Chapter 159, Part II, and Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, as amended, and other applicable provisions of law. SECTION 2. FINDINGS. The Board hereby finds, determines and declares as follows: A. Notice of a public hearing to be held on March 19, 2015, by the City on behalf of, among others, the County, inviting comments and discussions concerning issuance of the Bonds by the City to finance and refinance the Project, was published in Baker County Press, a newspaper of general circulation in the County, at least fourteen days prior to such hearing date, a copy of the proof of publication of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B. B. Following such notice, a public hearing was held on March 19, 2015, by the City, during which comments and discussions concerning the issuance of the Bonds by the City to finance and refinance the Project were requested and heard, a copy of a transcript of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C. C. The issuance of the Bonds by the City to finance and refinance the Project and refund the Series 2011 Bond will have a substantial public benefit in the County. D. The Board is the elected legislative body of the County, and the County has jurisdiction over the Series 2011 Baker County Project for purposes of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. E. In accordance with Chapter 159, the Bonds and the interest thereon shall not constitute an indebtedness or pledge of the general credit or taxing power of the City, the County, the State of Florida or any political subdivision thereof but shall be payable solely from the revenues pledged therefor pursuant to a financing agreement entered into by and between the City and the Borrower prior to or contemporaneously with the issuance of the Bonds. SECTION 3. AUTHORIZATION OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. The form of the Interlocal Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby approved. The Chairman or Vice Chairman and the Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the Board are hereby authorized in the name and on behalf of the County pursuant to this Resolution to execute and deliver the Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the County in substantially the form attached to this Resolution, with such changes, insertions and deletions as the officers signing such document may approve, their execution thereof to be conclusive evidence of such approval. The officers executing the Interlocal Agreement are 2 hereby further authorized to do all acts which may be required or advisable with respect to or in any way related thereto, including, but not limited to, filing the Interlocal Agreement with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County in accordance with Section 163.01(11), Florida Statues, as amended. The Chairman or Vice Chairman and the Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the Board are hereby further authorized to take such further action and execute such further instruments as may be necessary or appropriate to fully effectuate the purpose and intention of this Resolution and the Interlocal Agreement. SECTION 4. APPROVAL OF BONDS. The issuance of the Bonds by the City to finance and refinance the Project and refund the Series 2011 Bond be and is hereby approved. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of April, 2015. BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA By James A. Croft, Chairman ATTEST: By Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk to the Board 3 EXHIBIT A INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT B NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING EXHIBIT C TRANSCRIPT OF PUBLIC HEARING Request for Qualifications (RFQ) XXXXXXXX XX, 2015 PERFORMANCE CONTRACT FOR GUARANTEED ENERGY COST SAVINGS A response to this RFQ must be submitted to Person X, Job Title X, Address X, no later than X: XX p.m. on Date X, 2015. It must be plainly marked: RFQ #XXXXXX – Performance Contract for Guaranteed Energy Cost Savings The responsibility for submitting a response to this RFQ at Location X, on or before the stipulated time and date will be solely and strictly the responsibility of the Proposer. The Customer X will in no way be responsible for delays caused by the United States Postal Service or caused by any other occurrence. Any proposals received after stipulated time and date will not be accepted, nor opened, and will be returned. RFQ #XXXXX Page 1 of 14 DEFINITIONS ENERGY, WATER, AND WASTEWATER EFFICIENCY AND IMPROVEMENT MEASURE means a training program incidental to the contract, facility alteration, or equipment purchase to be used in new construction, including an addition to existing facilities or utility infrastructure, which reduces energy or water consumption, wastewater production, utility-related operating costs or enhances revenues and includes, but is not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Insulation of the facility structure and systems within the facility. Window and door system modifications that reduce energy consumption. Enhancements to existing energy management system. Heating, ventilating, or air-conditioning system modifications or replacements. Replacement or modifications of interior and exterior lighting fixtures to increase the energy efficiency of the lighting system, which, at a minimum, shall conform to the State, Local building Code and State Energy recovery systems. Energy conservation measures that provide long-term operating cost reductions and significantly reduce BTU consumed. Renewable energy systems, such as solar, biomass, and geothermal Devices, which reduce, water consumption or sewer charges. Storage systems, such as fuel cells and thermal storage. Generating technologies, such as micro turbines Waste Management Utility meter technology that increases meter accuracy, provides enhanced customer service, or decreases operating costs Any other repair, replacement, or upgrade of existing equipment GUARANTEED ENERGY, WATER, OR WASTEWATER BENEFITS means a measured reduction in the cost of fuel, energy, or water consumption, wastewater production, and stipulated operation and maintenance created from the implementations of one or more energy, water, or wastewater efficiency or improvement measures when compared with an established baseline for the previous cost of fuel, energy, or water consumption, wastewater production, and stipulated operation and maintenance. Alternately, utility infrastructure benefits shall relate to the measured increase in billable production when compared to an established baseline. The combination of measured reduction in facility operating costs and the measured increase in billable utility meter production is equal to the total guaranteed energy, water, or wastewater benefits. INVESTMENT GRADE ENERGY AUDIT means a detailed energy, water, and wastewater audit, along with the accompanying analysis of proposed energy, water, and wastewater improvement measures and their costs, savings, and benefits prior to entry into an energy savings contract. INVESTMENT GRADE ENERGY AUDIT REPORT means the written report, which is issued by the vendor to the Customer X to summarize the vendor’s findings based upon the energy audit of energy savings at the Customer X, identified specific locations. ESCO means Energy Performance Savings Contract CUSTOMER ABBEVIATION X means Customer X RFQ means Request for Qualifications 1.0 PURPOSE The intent and purpose of this RFQ is to enter into a guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contract with a guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contractor to reduce energy or water consumption, wastewater production, or energy-related operating cost of the CUSTOMER X RFQ #XXXXX Page 2 of 14 through one or more energy, water, or wastewater efficiency. CUSTOMER X requests proposals from qualified contractors for the provisioning of Guaranteed Energy Savings Contracting. Pursuant to §489.145 F.S., and 287.055 F.S, the CUSTOMER X is seeking qualifications from interested Energy Performance Savings Contractors (ESCOs) capable of providing comprehensive energy management and energy-related capital improvement services for Customer X Infrastructure. The guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contractor must be a person or business that is licensed under Chapter 471 or Chapter 481 FS, is an approved contractor on the Department of Management Services Energy Savings Contract number 973-320-08-1, ITN No. 24-973-320-X, has implemented a Performance Contract with the Customer X within the last five years and is experienced in the analysis, design, implementation, or installation of energy, water, and wastewater efficiency and improvement measures through energy performance contracts. In lieu of the above criteria “an approved contractor on the Department of Management Services (DMS) Energy Savings Contract number 973-320-08-1, ITN No. 24-973-320-X” a proposer for qualifying ESCO may apply under these criteria. Any ESCO contractor who is not in the DMS Energy Savings contractor list must meet ALL the following criteria: 1. Hold a current Florida license as a General Contractor and Mechanical Contractor, with an additional contracting license in either Plumbing or Electrical trade. 2. Have (3) Florida licensed Professional Engineers directly employed by the contractor. 3. Must have held a valid Mechanical Contractor license in Florida for at least 10 years. 4. Completed a minimum of ten (10) Performance Contracting projects at not less than a total value of $150 million. Firms/teams interested in providing services to CUSTOMER X are hereby notified that a sealed Proposal for providing the requested services in response to this RFQ will be accepted until X:XX p.m., local time, XXXX XX, 2015, and must be received by mail or delivered in hand to the following location. CUSTOMER X will not accept proposals received after this deadline. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Proposal is limited to 50 informational pages (Do not include page tabs or table of content in the count) and shall be presented in a three ring binder format. Respondent must provide one original and (x) copies of the Proposal submitted in a sealed package clearly labeled with the RFQ title and the name of the submitting firm/team. Sample Investment Grade Energy Audit and Customer Savings Report required in Section 7, are not included in the RFQ's 50 page limitation. The format of the Proposal shall be in strict conformance to stipulated criteria in Instructions to Submitting Firms/Teams and the Selection Process. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Customer X desires to secure the services of ESCO for a full range of energy services and energy related capital improvements (financed through a guaranteed performance-based contract at no initial capital cost to CUSTOMER X). Any stipulated energy and/or non-energy cost savings that may be attributed to this project will be rigorously reviewed and, if agreed to, will be limited to those that can be thoroughly documented and verified by the ESCO and approved by the CUSTOMER X. All contracts must comply with the statutory provisions contained in 489.145 F.S. All project costs shall be financed and paid from the savings; with 100% of the savings above the guaranteed amount to be the sole RFQ #XXXXX Page 3 of 14 property of CUSTOMER X. 2.1 Contractual Provisions Key elements that must be provided for in any contract that CUSTOMER X enters into will minimally include the following: A. The contract must comply with the statutory provisions contained in 489.145 F.S. B. CUSTOMER X retains final approval over the scope of work. C. A guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contract must include a written guarantee D. The guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contract must provide that all payments, except all obligations on termination of the contract before its expiration, may be made over by the CUSTOMER X and that the annual savings are guaranteed to the extent necessary to make annual time, but not to exceed 12 years from the date of complete installation/implementation and acceptance payments to satisfy the guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contract E. The guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contract must require that the ESCO provide a 100% Public Construction Bond to the Customer X for its faithful performance as required by 255.05 F.S. F. The guarantee energy performance savings contract shall require the ESCO provide to CUSTOMER X an annual reconciliation of the guaranteed or associated cost savings. If the reconciliation reveals a shortfall in annual energy or associated cost savings, the ESCO is liable for such a shortfall. If the reconciliation reveals an excess in annual cost savings, 100%of the savings above the guaranteed amount to be the sole property of CUSTOMER X. 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES An ESCO must have the demonstrated capability in performance contract engineering and construction to provide a range of energy, water and operating improvement services within the State of Florida. Services may include but are not limited to the following: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 RFQ #XXXXX Project approach and development plan Investment Grade Savings Audit approach and schedule to evaluate costs and savings of a variety of energy, water and/or operational savings measures. Engineering and design Services for all systems included in the project Equipment and system procurement, purchasing and installation Construction Management approach in an active campus environment. Methodology for assuring seamless work continuance in the event sub-contractor default or bankruptcy Safety program and safety history Sources of project financing Staff training on routine maintenance and operation of systems Develop and implement energy awareness and improvement program for CUSTOMER X staff and administrators utilizing mixed media methods Performance guarantee monitoring Performance guarantee model and methodology for the CUSTOMER X project Systems to be reviewed: Page 4 of 14 A. Governmental & Administrative Facilities – Energy, Water, and Operational Expending Systems. Lighting, lighting controls, plumbing, HVAC, HVAC controls, water heating, building envelope, irrigation, waste management/recycling, and other designated systems where a short- and longterm operating efficiency can be achieved. B. Information Technology (IT) & Security Systems within Governmental & Administrative Facilities. Voice, Data, Wireless, CCTV, Mass Notification, County-wide Communication, and Broadband Media Services systems, configuration, and operational improvement and optimization strategies. C. Exterior Lighting Systems. Roadway, pathway, and outdoor area lighting systems, lighting controls, and lighting optimization strategies. D. Exterior Water & Irrigation Systems. Field, park, green space and other outdoor area watering systems, controls, and optimization strategies. 4.0 CONTRACT PERIOD The guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contract may extend beyond the fiscal year in which it becomes effective; however, the term of any contract expires at the end of each fiscal year and may be automatically renewed annually for up to 20 years, subject to the Customer X making sufficient annual appropriations based upon continued realized energy, water and wastewater savings. 5.0 AWARD Any award will be based on the committee recommendation and approval by the Customer X Selection Committee Chair. 6.0 PROPOSED CALENDAR OF EVENTS The following is the proposed timetable. XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 7.0 INSTRUCTIONS ON SUBMITTING RFQ A. General Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is two-phase process for securing services. Phase 1 Written Requirements. The responses received to this RFQ will be evaluated and ranked by a selection Team in accordance with the process and evaluation criteria contained in Section 9.0. The selection team will short-list no less than three (3) firms/teams to proceed to the oral presentation. Phase 2 Oral Presentation. The selection team will evaluate and rank the firms/teams based on presentations in accordance with the process and evaluation criteria contained in Section 9.0. B. Questions Questions should be directed to (NAME) XXXXXXX, (JOB TITLE) XXXXXXX at (CONTACT INFO) XXXXXXX. The deadline for questions is 4:00 p.m. on XXXXXXX XX, 2015. All questions will be addressed in writing and distributed via e-mail to all participating ESCOs. Please provide company name, address, phone, number, fax number, email address and contact person when submitting questions. RFQ #XXXXX Page 5 of 14 C. Insurance Requirements 1. ESCO will be required to obtain a Performance Bond. 2. The ESCO will be required to provide a 100 percent public construction bond in a form containing all obligations required by Florida Law and executed by a surety company satisfactory to the CUSTOMER X and licensed to do business in Florida. 3. ESPC shall require a bond or sub-guard insurance on subcontracts of $25,000 or greater 4. Errors and Omissions Professional Liabilities Insurance will be required for the Design Professional(s). 5. Insurance in the form of General Liability, Automobile, Worker's Compensation and Employers Liability will be required of the construction contracting entity with minimum coverage's to be published at a future date. D. General Conditions 1. Issuance of this RFQ does not constitute a commitment by CUSTOMER X to award a contract. The CUSTOMER X reserves the right to reject any or all submissions received in the response to the RFQ or to cancel this RFQ if it is deemed in the best interest of the CUSTOMER X to do so 2. The CUSTOMER X reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted and to request additional information from one or more firms/teams 3. All proposals become the property of the CUSTOMER X upon receipt and will not be returned to the firm/team, unless self-addressed, stamped envelopes have been provided by the proposer, in which case all but two copies will be returned. Selection or rejection of proposer will not affect this right 4. CUSTOMER X is subject to Chapter 119, F.S. the “Public Records Law.” No claim of confidentiality or propriety information in all or any portion of a response to the RFQ will be honored unless specific exemption from the Public Records Las exists and it is cited in the response to the RFQ. Any claimed exemption must be specifically identified by the page and paragraph numbers(s). Any incorrectly claimed exemption does not disqualify the ESCO and/or it subcontractor(s), only the exemption claim 5. By making a submission, the firm/team agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local statutes and regulations 6. Employ directly or integral member of the ESCO team, three (3) registered professional engineers (PE), licensed in the State of Florida, proficient in mechanical, electrical, and plumbing must review and approve ALL designs, drawings and specifications required for the procurement and installation of equipment for a complete system under this contract. 7. ESCO must have executed Energy Savings Performance Contracts in the Municipal Government market in the last five (5) years and have at least ten (10) active Performance Contracts in progress within the area of southern United States 8. ESCO must also have fully completed at least three (3) years of savings guarantees in at least five (5) Performance Contracts in the Municipal Government field and show the audited savings results. 9. ESCO must have extensive internal experience in information technology & security installation and development field under a performance contract or energy services agreement. 8.0 QUALIFICATIONS PROCESS A. Selection Team The Proposals received in response to this RFQ will be evaluated and ranked by a Selection Team. The Selection Team will select (short-list) no more than three (3) firms/teams to give a presentation at a later date RFQ #XXXXX Page 6 of 14 to the Selection Team. B. Evaluation Criteria The following Criteria are intended to provide the Selection Team with information regarding the qualifications of each proposing ESCO. Proposals shall respond to each of the Criteria in the same order listed below. 1. Title Page Show the RFQ number, title, the name of the ESCO, address, telephone number, fax number, email address and the date. 2. Table of Contents Include a clear identification of the material by section and by page number. 3. Proposal Letter Provide a letter stating your intent to qualify for this project under provisions of section 1 of this document. Give the names of the persons who will be authorized to make representations for the Proposer, their titles, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. 4. Firm Profile Provide an overview of your firm and general firm information. 5. Project Understanding Clearly demonstrate your firm/team’s understanding of the scope of the project. Present a concise outline of specific services your firm/team is qualified and prepared to provide for the project. 6. Project Team & Qualifications (a) Provide information describing the Proposers’ experience with providing energy cost savings services to Utility Authorities and agencies. (b) Identify the ESCO team, their relationship and accountabilities within the project. (c) Indicate key personnel and their relationship to this project and other team members. Provide an organization chart identifying ESCO personnel proposed for the project. (d) Provide resumes of key personnel, their disciplines, respective roles, education, licenses and their experience in energy cost savings services. (e) Provide certifications (e.g. National Association of Energy Services Companies, US Department of Energy). (f) Submit proof of the Municipal Government Performance Contract projects that have completed a 5year savings history and at least three (3) Municipal Government Performance Contract Projects implemented within the last five (5) years. As a separate document, but part of the Attachment “A” submittal, provide an excel spreadsheet showing all completed and open guarantees with Florida customers in the Municipal Government market. RFQ #XXXXX Page 7 of 14 Additionally, provide the same list of information for at the least three (3) Municipal Government projects outside of Florida in a physically similar environment as Florida. 7. Similar Project Experience/Client References Complete Project History forms for at least two (2) energy performance contracting Municipal Government projects located within the area of southern United States currently under contract with your firm that are in repayment with at least one full year’s worth of saving data. Your response should include projects that have been managed directly by the specific branch, division, office or any individual in such branch, division, or office that will be specifically assigned to this project. Complete Attachment “A”. Provide a minimum of three (3) references from performance contract projects in the South for private, State and/or Municipal government clients under construction within the last five years. Complete Attachment “B”. Provide samples of the following (2 Copies Only): a. Sample Investment Grade Energy Audit from a similar Municipal Government Project or similar. b. Sample Annual Savings Report from a Municipal Government Project or similar. 7. Performance Results Describe your firms performance record, specifically, the results of Performance Contracting projects. List at least three (3) projects completed in the South in the United States Municipal Government market. 1. Show the project size, date the project was completed and the cumulative energy savings guarantee and actual results over the term of the guarantee. Cost avoidance and maintenance contracts are not to be include in the savings calculation but noted 2. Those projects that did not reach the guaranteed results, briefly specify the reason for the missed guarantee and the actions that were taken to meet the compensation requirements. 8. Innovation Please provide your firm’s approach to Innovation on this Performance Contract Project. Identify and discuss any of the services, or method of approach to the services, which your firm/team believes to be either "unique" or “outstanding”, or which is recognized as giving your firm/team a competitive edge or advantage. 9. Financial Strength a. Provide information indicating financial capability of the firm to provide the resources required on this Performance Contract Project. b. Provide information indicating potential financial structures including innovative structures your firm offers excluding shared-savings structures. Provide examples of where your firm has utilized innovative financial structures (not necessarily within Municipal Government market). 9.0 SELECTION PROCESS The selection process shall be conducted as follows: A. Short-List The responses received in response to this RFQ will be evaluated and ranked by a Selection Committee, comprised of not less than four (4) voting members in accordance with the evaluation criteria contained in Section 8.0 and utilizing the attached Evaluation Criteria Rating Sheet. A ranking shall be established as RFQ #XXXXX Page 8 of 14 outlined in Section 9.0C. The Committee will select (short-list) firms to give a presentation at a later date to the Selection Committee. No information will be released by CUSTOMER X after the due date for submission of the Proposals until the selection of the short-listed firms has been made. All submitting firms will receive notification of the firms selected (shortlisted). The ranking established for Short-listing will not carry forward to the next portion of the process. B. Presentation The short-listed firms/teams will make oral presentations to the Selection Team on the date shown in Section 6.0 of this RFQ. The short-listed firms/teams will be given 45 minutes for an oral presentation an15 minutes for questions. The format of the presentation should be structured to clearly address the Evaluation Criteria contained in Section 7.0. Presentation boards and handouts are acceptable. The short listed firm is responsible to provide their own projection screen and projector. Under no circumstances will the total time of one hour be exceeded. The Selection Committee will evaluate and rank the firms based on the proposal submittals and presentations in accordance with the process and evaluation criteria contained in Section 8.0. A ranking shall be established as outlined in Section 9.0C. C. Evaluation Criteria Rating Sheet The Selection Committee will evaluate the Proposals received in response to this RFQ based on the Evaluation Criteria in Section 8.0. Each evaluation committee member will score, in writing, each proposal on the Selection Criteria Rating Sheet contained on page 11. Each evaluation committee member shall enter his/her comments, if any; regarding the proposal and then sign, the completed score forms. Each committee member shall total the sum of scores given to each firm to get a grand total score and then establish a ranking of each firm by assigning the firm with the highest score a number 1, and then the next highest firm with a number 2 and so on until each firm is ranked. A total rank of each firm is established by totaling the evaluation committee member ranking of all firms. The highest ranked firm is the firm with the lowest total. Example Committee Member 1 Committee Member 2 Committee Member 3 Committee Member 4 Committee Member 5 Total Rank Rank Company A 1 2 1 1 2 7 1 Company B 2 1 3 2 1 9 2 Company C 3 3 2 3 3 14 3 The Selection Committee will utilize the Evaluation Rating Sheet for both the Short Listing and Presentation/Interview portions of the process. D. Recommendation The selection committee will recommend, to the Customer X, in order of preference (ranking based on the Presentation the ESCO deemed to be most highly qualified to perform the requested services Should the Customer X’s representatives be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement considered to be fair, competitive and reasonable, with the first ranked firm, negotiations with that firm shall be formally RFQ #XXXXX Page 9 of 14 10.0 terminated. The Customer X’s representatives shall then undertake negotiations with the second ranked firm. Failing accord with the second ranked firm the Customer X’s representatives shall terminate negotiations. The Customer X’s representatives shall then undertake negotiations with the third ranked firm. PRE-CONTRACT PROCESS Prior to a contract for the design, installation or establishing implementation of energy, water, or wastewater efficiency and improvement measure the selected contractor, or contractors, shall provide: A. An ‘Investment Grade Savings Audit’ that summarizes the costs associated with the energy, water, and wastewater efficiency and improvement measures. B. Energy-related operational cost-savings measures C. An estimate of the amount of cost savings D. Methodology for achieving the cost savings E. Project plan for implementation CUSTOMER X and the ESCO shall enter into an agreement to pay for costs associated with the preparation and delivery of the report in the event CUSTOMER X does not elect to enter into a contract with the selected firm/team or the reported projection of energy, water, and wastewater cost savings does not equal or exceed the total projected costs of the design, installation and implementation of the report’s energy improvement measures The CUSTOMER X may enter into a guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contract with one or more guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contractors, if CUSTOMER X feels it is of benefit to do so. RFQ #XXXXX Page 10 of 14 PERFORMANCE CONTRACT FOR GUARANTEED ENERGY COST SAVINGS RFQ# XXXX/XX SELECTION CRITERIA RATING SHEET Company _____________________________________ Date: ________________ Committee Member ____________________________ Criteria Value Potential Evaluation Criteria Project Approach Understanding Remarks 15 ________ __________________________________ Project Team & Qualifications 15 ________ _________________________________ Similar Project Experience & Client References 15 ________ __________________________________ Performance Results 25 ________ _________________________________ Sample Audit & Savings Report 10 ________ _________________________________ Innovation 10 ________ _________________________________ Financial Strength 10 ________ _________________________________ 100 ________ TOTAL POINTS and Score Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature______________________________________ RFQ #XXXXX Page 11 of 14 ATTACHMENT “A” PART I Project History Using Attachment “A”, list at least three (3) Municipal Government energy performance contracting projects in the area of southern United States currently under contract with your firm that are in repayment with at least one full year’s worth of saving data. Limit your response to ONLY those projects that have been managed directly by the specific branch, division, office or any individual in such branch, division or office that will be specifically assigned to this project. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Project History Project History Project Name and Location Type of Facility(s) Project Dollar Amount (installed project costs) Primary ECMs Installed Construction Start Date/ Completion End Date Contract Start & End Dates Dollar Value of Projected Annual Energy Savings (cost avoidance and Maintenance contracts should be noted only and included in the projections.) Dollar Value of Guaranteed Annual Energy Savings (cost avoidance and Maintenance contracts should be noted only and included in the projections.) Dollar value, consumption value and Type of Annual Operational Cost Savings (where applicable) Method(s) of Savings Measurement and Verification Identify all ESCO personnel associated with this project and their specific role(s) and responsibility(s) Identify source(s) of financing and terms RFQ #XXXXX Page 12 of 14 ATTACHMENT “A” PART II For each project described above, complete the following table: Annual Energy Savings Name of Project: ______________________ Name of ESCO: ________________________ d Guaranteed Achieved Projected Guaranteed Achieved Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 KWH KW Therms Water kGal Dollars RFQ #XXXXX Page 13 of 14 ATTACHMENT “B” REFERENCES XXXXXXXX (CUSTOMER X) as a part of the RFQ process requires proposing ESCOs to submit a minimum of three (3) business references as required within this document. The purpose of these references is to document the experience relevant to the scope of work and provide assistance in the evaluation process. Provide current and accurate name, telephone and fax numbers of the owner(s)’ representatives with whom your firm did business on this project. You should ensure that all representatives are familiar with this project. RFQ #XXXXX Page 14 of 14 Pending Business PENDING BUSINESS ITEM PRIORITY STATUS LDR Revisions Purchasing Policy Revisions High Normal In Progress In Progress 05/06/2014 11/18/2014 10/01/2014 01/31/2015 Shade Tree Air Plane Club - Tax Abatement / Alternative Location Normal In Progress 03/03/2015 04/07/2015 Anti-Fracking Resolution Normal In Progress 03/03/2015 04/07/2015 LAP Certification Normal In Progress 03/01/2015 06/30/2015 Courthouse HVAC conversion recommendation Transportation Center Construction High High In Progress In Progress START DATE 2/1/2014 DUE DATE 4/30/2015 07/01/2015 % COMPLETE COMMENTS 75% Draft ESCO RFP on 4/7 BOCC agenda for decision. 75% Project is on schedule. No issues at this time. LDR mining revisions presented at 3/26 LPA meeting. Will be discussed again at 4/23 LPA meeting. Workshop for all other 75% revisions scheduled for 4/16 @ 5pm. 25% Draft purchasing policy distributed to BOCC for review. Abatement is not an option. The county may choose to reimburse the property owner if it chooses. Shoals Park is an option if the BOCC chooses but work is required to make a site 25% suitable. Commissioners requested more time for research and 0% information prior to considering an ordinance Two employees have completed LAP certification training. Finalizing SCAT document, Policy Statement, and Assurance 25% document for submittal. BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Rules of Procedure Revised: April 7, 2015 1 Table of Contents PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT ............................................................... 4 I. A. Commission Meetings to be Open to the Public ................................................................................4 B. Appearance before the Commission ..................................................................................................4 C. Public Comments and Inquiries .........................................................................................................5 D. Commission Meetings - Regular ........................................................................................................6 E. Commission Meetings - Special.........................................................................................................6 F. Commission Meetings - Emergency ..................................................................................................6 G. Informal Commission Meetings - Inspection Trips, Retreats ............................................................7 H. Public Hearings – Time & Location ..................................................................................................7 I. Public Hearing – Procedures ..............................................................................................................8 J. Public Records – Inspection & Duplication .....................................................................................10 K. Commission Mail – Circulation, Public Review & Duplication ...................................................... 10 L. Advisory Boards/Committees .......................................................................................................... 11 II. PREPARATION OF AGENDA; ORDER OF BUSINESS ................................................................. 12 A. Preparation of Agenda ..................................................................................................................... 12 B. Agenda Material ............................................................................................................................... 12 C. Meeting - Order of Business ............................................................................................................ 12 D. Quorum ............................................................................................................................................ 13 E. Required Attendance of Officials..................................................................................................... 14 F. Parliamentarian - Minutes ................................................................................................................ 14 G. Sergeant at Arms .............................................................................................................................. 14 H. Rules of Order and Debate ............................................................................................................... 15 I. Voting .............................................................................................................................................. 15 J. Conflict of Interest ........................................................................................................................... 16 K. Ordinances ....................................................................................................................................... 16 L. Resolutions ....................................................................................................................................... 17 M. Motions ............................................................................................................................................ 17 N. Reconsideration of Action Previously Taken................................................................................... 17 O. Rescinding Action Previously Taken ............................................................................................... 17 III. GENERAL PROVISIONS .............................................................................................................. 18 A. Newly-Elected Commissioners ........................................................................................................ 18 B. Swearing-in Ceremony .................................................................................................................... 18 C. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair ..................................................................................................... 18 2 D. Commission Chair - Presiding Officer ............................................................................................. 18 E. Commission Appointments to Boards and Committees .................................................................. 19 F. Appointment of Commission Liaisons............................................................................................. 20 G. Suspension and Construction of Rules ............................................................................................. 20 IV. APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES FOR BOARDS & COMMITTEES ............................................... 21 3 I. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT A. Commission Meetings to be Open to the Public All meetings of the Baker County Commission, and of committees thereof, shall be open to the public in accordance with the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011, Florida Statutes. 1. The exception shall be those meetings statutorily exempt, such as executive collective bargaining sessions- Section 447.605(1), Florida Statutes; meetings regarding risk management claims - Section 768.28(15), Florida Statutes; and litigation meetings pursuant to Section 286.011(8) Florida Statutes. The Commission shall follow all statutory requirements for exempt meetings. 2. All regular and special meetings of the Commission will be conducted in a publicly owned or controlled building and open to the public. 3. For public safety purposes, no signs or placards mounted on sticks, posts, poles or similar structures will be allowed in County Commission meetings. Other signs, placards, or banners shall not disrupt meetings or interfere with a person in the audience's ability to observe the meeting. 4. The County shall provide all persons with disabilities the assistance that is necessary to enable them to effectively participate in Commission meetings. B. Appearance before the Commission Persons desiring to address the Commission on a pending matter or which needs the attention of the Commission may do so upon recognition and introduction by the Chair. To ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate, the following procedures shall govern: 1. Fill out a speaker card and provide it to the Board Secretary. 2. After being recognized by the chair, the person should: a. Step up to the speaker's rostrum and state their name and address. b. Unless further time is granted by the Chair, limit the comments to three minutes; c. Address all remarks to the Commission as a body, and not to individual member thereof; d. Make comments and present documents to the Chair. Speakers should make comments that are concise and present data they wish the Commission to consider. No person may speak more than once on the same subject unless granted permission by the Chair. 4 3. The Commission may discuss the issue, assign it to a committee, refer it to the manager or attorney or take action if they choose to do so. 4. No person other than a member of the Commission, and the person having the floor, shall participate in the discussion without being recognized by the Chair. Questions should be directed through the Chair. 5. Disruptive conduct by any participate is not acceptable and the guilty party may be removed from the room by the chair. 6. A person may not interfere or interrupt the orderly procedure of the Commission meeting and interrupt the recognized speaker. 7. If the Chair declares an individual out-of-order, the individual will be requested to relinquish the speaker's rostrum and failure to do so will result in removal from the meeting pursuant to section G(3) of this policy. 8. Prior to the beginning of a meeting or public hearing, the Chair may require that all persons who wish to address the commission who are not on the published agenda sign in, give their name, the agenda item and whether they wish to speak as a proponent, opponent, or otherwise. If a sign-in sheet is required, any person who does not sign in may be permitted to speak after all those who signed in have done so. 9. The Chair is authorized to establish speaker time limits and otherwise control presentations. 10. Employees of the County may address the Commission on matters of public concern. C. Public Comments and Inquiries Persons may address the Commission on items not on the agenda during the Public Comment period. Each person is required to fill out a speaker card and submit it to the Board Secretary. The Commission shall not take final action on public comment items presented at the same meeting unless there is a need for immediate action. When inquiries and comments regarding issues not on the agenda the Commission will first determine whether the issue is legislative or administrative in nature and then: 1. If legislative, and the comment is about previous legislative action by the Board or the comment is suggestive in nature regarding changes to existing legislation, and if the Commission finds consideration of such suggestions advisable, the Commission may refer the matter to a committee, to the County Attorney or County Manager for review and recommendation, or may take any other action it deems appropriate. 2. If administrative, and the complaint is regarding the performance of administrative staff, administrative interpretation of legislative policy, or administrative policy within the authority of the County Manager, the Chair may refer the complaint directly to the County Manager for review. The 5 Commission may direct that the County Manager report to the Commission when the review is complete. 3. The Chair may also assign a Commissioner issues that require additional examination. If so assigned, the Commissioner shall provide a verbal or written report to the Commission within 30 days noting if the examination will take additional time. D. Commission Meetings - Regular 1. Unless otherwise advertised, all regular meetings of the Baker County Commission are conducted at 5:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of the month in the County Commission Chambers located at the Baker County Administrative Complex, 55 North 3rd Street Macclenny, Florida. Meeting notices will be publicly displayed at the County Administration Office and on the County website. 2. Periodically, regular meetings may be adjusted by the Commission to accommodate a holiday schedule or other special circumstances. Prior notice of such change will be publicly displayed at the County Administration Office and on the County website. While a minimum notice of 24 hours is required, the Commission will provide as much advance notice of a regular meeting as is feasible. E. Commission Meetings - Special 1. Any one Commissioner or the County Manager may call a special meeting. County Commissioners shall request any special meeting through the County Manager or the Clerk of Circuit Court. 2. The call for a special meeting shall be in writing and shall contain time, place and business to be conducted. Special meetings may be held upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours public notice. 3. Special meetings may be scheduled on days or evenings in addition to the first and third Tuesday of the month but not on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. 4. No business other than items listed on the agenda shall be considered. Public comment shall be allowed on items on the agenda, but there will not be a separate public comment period included on the agenda. 5. If there is no longer a need for a special meeting after notice as outlined above the person(s) who called the meeting is/are authorized to cancel the meeting. F. Commission Meetings - Emergency Any one Commissioner or the County Manager may call, orally or in writing, an emergency meeting. 6 1. The call for an emergency meeting shall contain the time, place, and business to be conducted. The time and place of the emergency meeting will be added to the bulletin board at the County Administration Office and on the County website. . Emergency meetings may be held, when practicable, upon the most reasonable notice allowable under the circumstances. 2. Each Commissioner, the Clerk of the Court, the Sheriff, the County Manager and the County Attorney shall be given notice allowable under the circumstances. Such notice shall be provided by any reasonable means, including but not limited to telephone, email, or facsimile transmission. 3. The most reasonable notice allowable under the circumstances of the emergency meeting shall be provided to the business office of each local media organization that has on file a written request for notice of emergency meetings. 4. Emergency meetings involving an eminent public health, safety or welfare may be scheduled as necessary, preferably between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. 5. An agenda outlining the business to be conducted will be available prior to the meeting. 6. No business shall be conducted other than items listed on the agenda. Public comment shall be allowed. 7. If there is no longer a need for an emergency meeting, the person who called the meeting is authorized to cancel the meeting. G. Informal Commission Meetings - Inspection Trips, Retreats 1. The Chair, Commission, or County Manager may schedule informal meetings, inspection trips, or retreats. 2. Advance notice of these meetings shall be given in the same manner as special meetings. 3. Minutes of these meetings shall be made by County Commission staff. H. Public Hearings – Time & Location 1. Public hearings will typically be held on the first and third Tuesday of the month in the County Commission Chambers located in the Baker County Administrative Complex, 55 North 3rd Street, Macclenny, Florida. 2. The matters under consideration shall be heard at the 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practicable. Public hearings may be continued from a prior meeting, or scheduled on days or evenings that are convenient but not on Sundays or Holidays. 3. All rules pertaining to regular meeting shall apply. 7 I. Public Hearing – Procedures 1. General Public Hearings. The procedures to be followed for public hearings are, generally, as follows: a. The Chair shall declare the public hearing open and announce the agenda item to be considered as well as any staff comments or recommendations. The Chair inquires whether any Commissioner wishes to put forth a motion. Whether or not a motion and second are made, the Chair opens the floor for comments. b. Following public comment (if any), the Chair closes the public hearing and inquires if any Commissioner wishes to take action on the motion on the floor (if any) or put forth a motion. Following the motion and its second, discussion occurs among Commissioners. c. At the conclusion of the discussion the Chair calls for the vote. 2. Quasi-Judicial Hearings. The procedures to be followed for quasi-judicial hearings are generally as follows: a. Prior to the commencement of quasi-judicial hearings, the Commission will instruct the County Attorney to provide the public with an explanation of quasi-judicial proceedings and shall read or distribute the following statement: "All persons wishing to participate and speak will be sworn in prior to speaking during this proceeding. All persons have the right, through the Chair, to ask questions of staff or other speakers, to seek clarification of comments made by staff or other speakers and respond to comments or presentations of staff or other speakers. All persons who present written materials to Commissioners for consideration must ensure that a copy of such materials is provided to the Clerk for inclusion in the Board's record of proceedings and official minutes. While we welcome comments from all persons with an interest in this proceeding, Florida law requires that the County Commission's decision in a quasi-judicial action be supported by competent substantial evidence presented to the Commission during the hearing on the application. Competent substantial evidence is such evidence as a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support a conclusion. There must be a factual basis in the record to support opinion testimony from both expert and non-expert witnesses. Persons presenting testimony may rely on factual information that they present, that is presented by County staff, that the applicant presented, or on factual information included in the County staff report to support their testimony." b. Prior to commencement of the Hearing the clerk or secretary shall make the following inquiry of the County Commissioners: “Has any Commissioner received any oral or written communications regarding the public hearing items? If so, please disclose the substance 8 of the communication and identify the person making the communication. A disclosure must be made before or during the public meeting at which a vote is taken on such matters, so that persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in the ex-parte communication are given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to the communication.” c. The Clerk or County Attorney shall administer the affirmation to all persons who desire to speak at quasi-judicial proceedings before the County Commission d. The County Manager or designee shall describe the item to be considered and make a presentation pertaining to the item if asked to do so by the Chair. The Chair shall then inquire as to whether any Commissioner has questions for the staff. e. The applicant or his/her agent/representative will make a presentation pertaining to the application. The Chair will once again inquire as to whether Commissioners and then parties to the proceeding have any questions regarding the petition. f. The Chair will ask if any members in the audience wish to present testimony. At the conclusion of the testimony, the Chair will ask if any of the Commissioners or any of the parties to the proceeding have questions of the witness. g. There will be an opportunity for applicant rebuttal and closing comments. h. The Chair will then entertain a motion from the Commission. i. Ex-parte Communications. Florida Statutes Section 286.0115 provides that any person who is not otherwise prohibited by statute, charter provision or ordinance may discuss with any commissioner the merits of any matter that the County Commission may take action. The following procedures, which remove the presumption of prejudice, shall be followed for ex-parte communication. j. The substance of any ex-parte communication with a Commissioner which relates to a quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission (such as a zoning decision) is not presumed prejudicial to the action if the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group or entity with whom the communication took place is disclosed and made a part of the record before the final action on the matter. k. A County Commissioner may read a written communication from any person. A written communication that relates to quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission (such as a zoning decision) shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action. Such written communication shall be made a part of the record before final action on the matter. 9 l. Commissioners may conduct investigations and site visits and may receive expert opinions regarding quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission. Such activities shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action if the existence of the investigation, site visit or expert opinion is made a part of the record before final action on the matter. J. Public Records – Inspection & Duplication Pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, email messages, or other material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency, are public records. A public record (including information stored in computers) is open to public inspection and duplication, unless exempted by law. 1. If the purpose of a document prepared in connection with the official business of the agency is to perpetuate, communicate or formalize knowledge, then it is a public record regardless of whether it is in final form, or the ultimate product of an agency. 2. Requests for copies of public information (including the Commission mail, email and audio recordings of County Commission meetings and workshops) should be made through the County Administration office pursuant to Administrative Policy 2010-3. 3. Any and every media conference officially sponsored by Baker County Government will be open to all media representatives and to the general public. Press conferences will be conducted in a location that is publicly accessible. K. Commission Mail – Circulation, Public Review & Duplication All mail addressed to the Chair and the Commissioners, which is received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official County business, is a public record (Chapter 119, Florida Statutes). The public may review and duplicate such records, including email. 1. Items of considerable length (such as petitions) will not be copied; instead, a memorandum will be distributed which announces the availability and location of the item in the County Administration office. Publications and lengthy agenda materials for other boards on which Commissioners serve will not be copied; only the agenda will be circulated. 2. Each Commissioner will receive the original of items addressed to her/him. Mail with the words similar to “Personal”, “Confidential” or “For the Addressee Only”, shall be delivered unopened to the addressee. 3. The Chair and Commissioners who receive individually-addressed mail may be responsible for replying; The Commissioner may ask the County Manager 10 to draft a response for their signature; or requesting that the item be placed on the agenda for formal Commission consideration. L. Advisory Boards/Committees Policy Statement: The mission of advisory boards and committees shall be to examine various policy issues referred by the Commission or staff. Committees shall provide guidance to the Commission in the development of policy recommendations, but shall not attempt to manage the administrative operations of the County or direct staff. Advisory boards and committees may be created and dissolved by resolution, ordinance or other action by the Commission. Committee members are appointed by the Commission after advertising vacancies. All members shall serve at the pleasure of a majority of the full Commission. 1. The County Manager's office shall provide to the chair of each advisory board or committee copies of all resolutions or ordinances which pertain to that committee. Such information shall be delivered to the committee chair within one (1) week after adoption by the Commission, or as soon thereafter as possible. 2. Appointment to advisory boards shall be by voice vote during a regular Commission meeting. Priority shall be given to applicants from Baker County. All members serve at the pleasure of the Commission. 3. All Commission advisory boards, commissions and other bodies shall meet in public buildings. 4. All statutory boards, commissions and advisory bodies shall prepare minutes taken at each meeting. Communications to the Commission from such boards, commissions and bodies shall be received in the mail of the Commission Chair. 5. All Chairpersons of advisory boards/committees are encouraged to provide updates to the County Commission at its regularly scheduled business meetings/public hearings. All requests for presentations shall be submitted to the Office of the County Manager. 6. . 7. Appointees personal and business affairs conducted within Baker County must be in substantial compliance with all County regulatory and taxing authorities’ rules and regulations. Appointees deemed to be in violation of any County rule, regulation, or policy may be disallowed from membership on advisory boards or committees by a majority vote of the Commission. 8. Advisory boards and committees are required to adhere to the Guidelines for Citizen Advisory Boards & Committees as approved by the County Commission. These guidelines are incorporated herein as Appendix 1. 11 II. PREPARATION OF AGENDA; ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Preparation of Agenda The County Manager shall prepare the agenda. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may place an item on the agenda. The County Manager will provide the agenda to Commissioners on the Thursday prior to a regular meeting. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may request that an item be scheduled for a time certain. Persons requesting an item to be scheduled for a time certain shall submit the request to the County Manager no later than three days prior to the meeting. Presentations on time certain items will normally not exceed thirty (30) minutes in length. 1. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may schedule an item for a time certain that recognizes County employees or citizens. These recognitions will generally honor individuals, teams, or organizations for activities or actions that benefit Baker County. Recognition presentations will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. B. Agenda Material 1. A copy of the agenda and supporting materials shall be prepared for Commissioners, the public and the media before 5:00 PM on the Thursday prior to the regular Commission meeting or Public Hearing, except when legally observed holidays affect copying and distribution. The agenda, as well as lengthy reports that are part of agenda documentation, shall be available for review in the County Manager's office. 2. Each Commissioner should carefully review the Consent Agenda to determine whether there is any item s/he wishes to have pulled from the consent and discussed and voted on separately. C. Meeting - Order of Business The business of all regular meetings of the Commission should be transacted as follows, provided, however that the Chair may, by simple majority vote or consensus of the Commission, re-arrange items on the agenda to more expeditiously conduct the business before the Commission: 1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Members of the Commission may be designated to present the invocation and lead the pledge. 2. Presentation of Amendments to the Agenda – An amendment to the agenda is an emergency addition to the regular or consent agenda and consists of items which are submitted for agenda consideration after the established deadline. 3. Approval of the Consent Agenda 4. Public Comments 12 Any person may address the Commission under this agenda section. Three minutes per speaker or other time limit designated by the chair will be allotted for public comments. Persons may not yield or delegate their time to another speaker. Persons who have not submitted a speaker card to speak on an item on the agenda will have the opportunity to comment on other relevant community issues. 5. Constitutional Officers/Other Governmental Units (When applicable) 6. Committee Reports (When applicable) 7. New Business – Items that have not been discussed by meeting attendees previously and that do not belong on the consent agenda or committee report. 8. Old Business – Items presented at a previous meeting that could not be completed or decided at that meeting. Discussions usually consist of followup information that provides meeting attendees the answers to questions they had at the last meeting. It might cover information gathered or tasks finished as part of action-item assignments from the previous meeting. 9. County Manager – Informational (non-action) items that are not covered other under sections. 10. County Attorney 11. Commission Comments – Informational (non-action) items that are not covered other under sections. 12. Adjourn No meeting should be permitted to continue beyond midnight without the approval of a majority of the Commission. A new time limit must be established before taking a Commission vote to extend the meeting. In the event that a meeting has not been closed or continued by Commission vote prior to midnight, the items not acted on are to be continued to a designated time on the following day or as soon thereafter as practical, unless State law requires hearing at a different time. D. Quorum 1. A quorum for the transaction of business by the Commission consists of three (3) Commissioners. 2. Once a quorum has been established, a majority of Commissioners present at the meeting shall be required to carry a motion, unless by statute, ordinance or other regulation, an extraordinary majority (4/5ths) of the Commission is required for approval of an item (e.g. consideration of emergency ordinances, gas tax, etc.). 13 E. Required Attendance of Officials 1. In addition to Commissioners, County officials whose regular attendance shall be required at meetings of the Commission are the: a. Clerk of the Court; or designee b. County Manager; or designee c. County Attorney; or designee d. . 2. A representative of the Baker County Sheriff's Office shall be present to provide security and assistance in maintaining order. F. Parliamentarian - Minutes The County Attorney serves as the Board parliamentarian, and advises the Chair as to correct rules of procedure or questions of specific rule application. The parliamentarian calls to the attention of the Chair any errors in the proceedings that may affect the substantive rights of any member, or may otherwise do harm. 1. The Secretary to the Board shall take minutes of the proceedings of all commission meetings. The Secretary shall provide copies of the minutes to each Commissioner for their reading. 2. The County Manager shall list the minutes on the agenda for approval by the Commission. Such minutes stand confirmed at the regular Commission meeting without a reading in open meeting, unless some error is shown. In such event, an appropriate correction is made. A copy of the draft minutes of the last regular Commission meeting shall be available for review at the reception desk in the County Manager's office. 3. The Secretary to the Board shall be responsible for recording County Commission meetings. 4. Upon request the secretary will provide any Commissioner with transcribed excerpts of audio recording of Commission meetings. G. Sergeant at Arms The Baker County Sheriff’s Office shall be sergeant-at-arms of the Commission meetings. The Baker County Sheriff’s Office is authorized to elicit support in performing this duty. The Sheriff’s Office shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the County Commission for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the Commission meeting. The following policy will provide guidance in handling disruptions: 1. If an individual refuses to relinquish the podium after being allowed to address the Commission, the Chair will inform the individual that their time to 14 address the Commission has expired and the Chair will direct the individual to leave the podium. 2. If an individual causes disruption in the Commission meeting site, the Chair will inform the individual causing the disruption to cease the disruptive activity. 3. If the disruption fails to stop: a. The Chair will inform the individual causing the disruption that their actions are contrary to the orderly function of the meeting and that the individual is to cease such action or the Sergeant-at-Arms will be instructed to remove the individual from the meeting site. b. The Chair will direct the individual to leave the meeting site. The Chair will inform the individual that, if s/he is directed to leave and fails to do so, the individual will be subject to arrest. c. If the disruption fails to cease, the Chair shall be authorized to take final action and read the following: As the Commission Chair, I inform you that your actions are inconsistent with the orderly function of this meeting and you have failed to comply with the lawful order of the Chair. I am instructing the Sergeant-at-Arms to have you removed from this building. H. Rules of Order and Debate Every Commission member desiring to speak should address the Commission Chair and, upon recognition by the Chair, should be confined to the question under debate. 1. The maker of a motion shall be entitled to the floor first for debate. 2. A member once recognized should not be interrupted when speaking unless to call said member to order. The member should then cease speaking until the question of order is determined, without debate, by the Chair. If in order, said member will be at liberty to proceed. 3. If the Chair wishes to put forth or second a motion, s/he shall relinquish the chair to (1), the Vice Chair, (2), the senior Commission member (if the Vice Chair is absent), (3) another Commission member who has remained impartial or (4), the Clerk, until the main motion on which the presiding officer spoke has been disposed. 4. The most recent edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the general rules of the Commission, so long as they do not conflict with ordinances, statutes, or rules, of Baker County. I. Voting 1. The votes during all Commission meetings should be transacted as follows: 15 a. In order to expedite business, the Chair shall usually call for the vote by voice. At the request of any Commissioner, a roll call vote shall be taken by the Clerk. The roll call vote may be determined in alphabetical order, with the Chair voting last. b. When the Chair calls for a vote on a motion, every member, who was in the Commission chambers must give their vote, unless the member has publicly stated that s/he is abstaining from voting due to a conflict of interest, pursuant to Section 112.3143 or Section 286.011, Florida Statutes. If any Commissioner declines to vote "aye" or "nay" by voice, his or her vote shall be counted as an "aye" vote. c. The passage of any motion, policy or resolution shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the membership of the Commissioners who are present and eligible to vote. In case of a tie in votes on any proposal, the proposal and/or motion shall be considered defeated. 2. Any Commissioner shall have the right to express dissent from or protests against any ordinance, resolution or policy of the Commission, and to have the reason therefore entered in the minutes. J. Conflict of Interest 1. Pursuant to Sections 112.3143 and 286.011, Florida Statutes, no Commissioner shall vote in her/his official capacity on a matter which would inure to his/her special private gain, or which the Commissioner knows would inure to the special private gain of any principal by whom s/he is retained, of the parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate principal by which s/he is retained, or a relative or of a business associate. 2. Within fifteen (15) days following that Commission meeting, s/he shall file with the Clerk of Circuit Court a Form 8B which describes the nature of her/his interest in the matter. The Form 8B shall be received by the Clerk and forwarded to the Board Secretary for incorporation into the minutes of the meeting. K. Ordinances An enacted ordinance is a legislative act which prescribes general, uniform, and permanent rules of conduct relating to the corporate affairs of the county. Commission action shall be taken by ordinance when required by law, or to prescribe permanent rules of conduct which continue in force until repealed, or where such conduct is enforced by penalty. All ordinances shall be introduced in writing, and scheduled for public hearing after advertisement. 1. Emergency Ordinances. By vote of one more than the majority, the Commission may without notice or hearing adopt an emergency ordinance. The emergency ordinance shall contain a declaration describing the emergency, and shall be passed in accordance with Section 125.66(3), Florida Statutes. 16 L. Resolutions Generally, an enacted resolution is an internal legislative act which is a formal statement of policy concerning matters of special or temporary character. Commission action shall be taken by resolution when required by law and in those instances where an expression of policy more formal than a motion is desired. All resolutions shall be reduced to writing. A resolution may be put to its final passage on the same day on which it was introduced. M. Motions 1. An enacted motion is a form of action taken by the Commission to direct that a specific action be taken on behalf of the county. A motion, once approved and entered into the record, is the equivalent of a resolution in those instances where a resolution is not required by law. All motions shall be made and seconded before debate. 2. Before a motion has been stated by the Chair, the proposer may change or withdraw it without the Commissions permission, and any member or the Chair may request that the maker withdraw it. Once the motion has received a second and has been stated by the Chair, the Commission must vote on the motion. N. Reconsideration of Action Previously Taken 1. A motion to reconsider enables the Commission to set aside a vote on a main motion taken at the same meeting, and to consider that motion again as though no vote had been taken on it. 2. A motion to reconsider may be made only by a member of the prevailing vote on the initial issue. No motion by any Commissioner to reconsider shall be made more than once on any subject at the same meeting. 3. Upon passage of a motion to reconsider, no substantive action on the matter may be taken until a subsequent meeting so that the public and media may be on notice of the matter to be reconsidered. The subject matter shall be scheduled for the next regular Commission meeting for action. O. Rescinding Action Previously Taken Commission action may be rescinded by a 4/5ths vote. After a motion to reconsider has been adopted any Commissioner may, at the next regular Commission meeting, move to rescind action previously taken. 17 III. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Newly-Elected Commissioners The term of County Commissioners elected to office shall commence on the second Tuesday following the general election as specified in Florida Statutes Section 100.41. B. Swearing-in Ceremony A swearing-in ceremony for newly-elected commissioners will be coordinated by the County Manager. C. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair The Clerk shall preside over the election of officers. Procedures for electing officers are as follows: 1. At the first Regular Commission meeting in December each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Commission shall elect a Chairperson from among its members. The Clerk calls for nominations for Chair; nominations do not require a second. A roll-call vote is conducted by the Clerk if there is more than one nomination. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair, the Commission shall, at its next meeting, select a Chair for the remainder of the term. 2. In conjunction with the above election, a Vice-Chair is also elected in a like manner. The Vice-Chair continues to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a member of the Commission. 3. In case of the absence or temporary disability of the Chair, the Vice-Chair serves as Chair during the absence. In case of the absence or temporary disability of the Chair and the Vice-Chair, an Acting Chair and Vice-Chair, selected by members of the Commission, serves during the continuance of the absences or disabilities. D. Commission Chair - Presiding Officer The Chair shall serve as the Presiding Officer at all meetings of the Commission, and is recognized as the head of the County for all ceremonial purposes. In addition to the powers conferred upon her/him as Chair, s/he continues to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a member of the Commission. The Chairs responsibilities include: 1. Call the meeting to order, having ascertained that a quorum is present; 2. Recognize all Commissioners who seek the floor under correct procedure. All questions and comments are to be directed through the Chair and restated by her/him, and s/he declares all votes; 18 3. Preserve order and call to order any member of the Commission who violates any of these procedures; and, when presiding, decide questions of order, subject to a majority vote on a motion to appeal; 4. Expedite business in every way compatible with the rights of members; 5. Remain objective. The same rights in debate as any other member; but the impartiality required of the Chair in an assembly preclude exercising these rights while presiding. The Chair should have nothing to say on the merits of pending questions until the Commissioners and citizens have fully debated the question. On certain occasions which should be extremely rare, the Chair may believe that a crucial factor relating to such a question has been overlooked and that his/her obligation as a member to call attention to the point outweighs the duty to preside at that time. If the Chair wishes to place a motion, the gavel must be relinquished. Based upon these Rules of Procedure, the gavel will be relinquished in the following order: a. Vice Chair; b. Other Commissioners based upon seniority; c. Another Commission member who has remained impartial; d. Clerk to the County Commission; The presiding officer who relinquished the chair should not return to it until the pending main question has been disposed of, since s/he has expressed partisanship as far as that particular matter is concerned. 6. Declare the meeting adjourned at the conclusion of Board actions on the items on the agenda, or at any time in the event of an emergency affecting the safety of those present. 7. When time constraints dictate, the Chair is authorized to approve authorizations to advertise for public hearings. 8. Assign Commissioners seats in the commission chambers. 9. For time-sensitive matters only, send letters to the Baker County State and Federal Legislative Delegations and other government officials in support of Baker County municipal or community-based organization initiatives, such as legislative changes and grant requests, provided the Board of County Commissioners has taken a position in support of the initiative in its legislative agenda or by some other action expressed its position on the issue presented. E. Commission Appointments to Boards and Committees 1. Members of the County Commission serve on various boards and committees (e.g., Regional Planning Council, etc.). Appointments are reviewed and made 19 at the second regular Commission meeting of December of each year or as soon thereafter as practicable. 2. A listing of previous-year appointments will be disseminated to the County Commission in advance of the appropriate meeting so that each Commissioner can determine his/her interest in serving on various boards/committees. 3. The Chair shall recommend and the Commission shall approve the appointments of the Commissioners to boards and committees. 4. Each committee shall call upon, confer with, and seek the recommendation of the County Manager's staff. Employees shall staff the various committees as directed by the County Manager. When the staff and committee's recommendations differ, both recommendations will be discussed at the appropriate regular Commission meeting. 5. The County Manager is responsible for scheduling recommendations or reports on the Commission agenda in a timely manner. Reports will include minutes of the committee meeting and other supporting documentation. F. Appointment of Commission Liaisons 1. To assure communication and teamwork, the County Commission Chairman may appoint one commissioner to serve as liaison to each department. The Commission liaison shall be selected from a Commission member who is not a Commission officer (Chair or Vice Chair). 2. Each Commission liaison to a department shall provide the staff and other agency representatives with the general perspective of the County Commission on issues considered by the department. Commission liaisons may also advise the County Commission as to departmental concerns and recommendations on various issues. It is expressly not the role of the Commission liaison to direct county staff, or to supersede the responsibilities of the County Manager. G. Suspension and Construction of Rules 1. Temporary suspension of these procedures shall permit the Commission to take some action that would otherwise be prevented by a procedural rule already adopted. These Rules of Procedure may be amended or temporarily suspended at any Commission meeting with an affirmative vote of a majority of the Commission. These rules are for the efficient and orderly conduct of Commission business only; no violation of such rules shall invalidate any action of the Commission when approved by a majority vote required by law. This set of Rules of Procedure should be reviewed and if applicable, adopted on the first meeting in December or as soon thereafter as practicable. 20 IV. APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES FOR BOARDS & COMMITTEES 1. Designation, Length of Service: Boards and committees are to be designated as standing or special. A sunset date will be specified for special committees. Term length for serving on any standing board or committee will be a minimum of two years unless otherwise specified (e.g. State Statute may require term lengths of less than two years). 2. Attendance: a. Any board or committee member whose attendance is less than 50% of the last six (6) consecutive meetings will automatically be removed from the board or committee. b. The minutes shall reflect attendance by members and denote consecutive missed meetings. The Committee shall make a recommendation to the County Manager for member removal for a lack of attendance which shall be forwarded to the County Commission for appropriate action. c. When a quorum is not present at an announced meeting of a board or committee, the board or committee shall meet in a workshop setting, record attendance, and furnish minutes. 3. Removal of Members: Any board or committee member may be removed by a majority vote of the County Commission.. 4. Elections of Officers: a. All board and committee officers (i.e. Chair, Vice-chair, etc.) shall be elected by the membership of the board or committee. b. Officers shall be elected on October 1 of each fiscal year or as soon thereafter as practicable. 5. Meeting Frequency: a. At a minimum, all boards and committees shall meet once per year. b. The names of boards or committees that do not meet this minimum requirement shall be submitted to the County Manager's Office. c. Recommendations to dissolve boards or committees or other recommended action will be submitted to the County Commission for consideration. 6. Parliamentary Procedure: As appropriate, the most recent edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the rules of the boards and committees, so long as they do not conflict with ordinances, statutes, these rules, or policies of Baker County. 7. Open to the Public: All board and committee meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011, and Florida Statutes. Regular committee meetings will be 21 conducted in a publicly owned or controlled building. Special meetings and any subcommittee meetings will also be conducted in publicly owned or controlled buildings. All meetings will be held in a building that is open to the public. 22 BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Rules of Procedure Revised: April 7, 2015 1 Table of Contents I. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT ................................................. 4 A. Commission Meetings to be Open to the Public ................................................................... 4 B. Appearance before the Commission ..................................................................................... 4 C. Public Comments and Inquiries ............................................................................................ 5 D. Commission Meetings - Regular .......................................................................................... 6 E. Commission Meetings - Special ........................................................................................... 6 F. Commission Meetings - Emergency ..................................................................................... 6 G. Informal Commission Meetings - Inspection Trips, Retreats ............................................... 7 H. Public Hearings – Time & Location ..................................................................................... 7 I. Public Hearing – Procedures ............................................................................................... 87 J. Public Records – Inspection & Duplication........................................................................ 10 K. Commission Mail – Circulation, Public Review & Duplication ........................................ 10 L. Advisory Boards/Committees ......................................................................................... 1110 II. PREPARATION OF AGENDA; ORDER OF BUSINESS ............................................... 1211 A. Preparation of Agenda .................................................................................................... 1211 B. Agenda Material.................................................................................................................. 12 C. Meeting - Order of Business ............................................................................................... 12 D. Quorum ............................................................................................................................... 13 E. Required Attendance of Officials ................................................................................... 1413 F. Parliamentarian - Minutes ................................................................................................... 14 G. Sergeant at Arms ................................................................................................................. 14 H. Rules of Order and Debate .................................................................................................. 15 I. Voting ................................................................................................................................. 15 J. Conflict of Interest .............................................................................................................. 16 K. Ordinances .......................................................................................................................... 16 L. Resolutions...................................................................................................................... 1716 M. Motions ............................................................................................................................... 17 N. Reconsideration of Action Previously Taken ..................................................................... 17 O. Rescinding Action Previously Taken.................................................................................. 17 III. GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................................................................................. 17 A. Newly-Elected Commissioners....................................................................................... 1817 2 B. Swearing-in Ceremony ................................................................................................... 1817 C. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair ....................................................................................... 18 D. Commission Chair - Presiding Officer ............................................................................... 18 E. Commission Appointments to Boards and Committees ..................................................... 19 F. Appointment of Commission Liaisons ............................................................................... 20 G. Suspension and Construction of Rules ............................................................................... 20 IV. APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES FOR BOARDS & COMMITTEES .................................. 21 3 I. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT A. Commission Meetings to be Open to the Public All meetings of the Baker County Commission, and of committees thereof, shall be open to the public in accordance with the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011, Florida Statutes. 1. The exception shall be those meetings statutorily exempt, such as executive collective bargaining sessions- Section 447.605(1), Florida Statutes; meetings regarding risk management claims - Section 768.28(15), Florida Statutes; and litigation meetings pursuant to Section 286.011(8) Florida Statutes. The Commission shall follow all statutory requirements for exempt meetings. 2. All regular and special meetings of the Commission will be conducted in a publicly owned or controlled building and open to the public. 3. For public safety purposes, no signs or placards mounted on sticks, posts, poles or similar structures will be allowed in County Commission meetings. Other signs, placards, or banners shall not disrupt meetings or interfere with a person in the audience's ability to observe the meeting. 4. The County shall provide Aall persons with disabilities shall be provided the assistance that is necessary to enable them to effectively participate in Commission meetings. B. Appearance before the Commission Persons desiring to address the Commission on a pending matter or which needs the attention of the Commission may do so upon recognition and introduction by the Chair. To ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate, the following procedures shall govern: 1. Fill out a speaker card and provide it to the Board Secretary. 1.2. After being recognized by the chair, the person should: a. Step up to the speaker's rostrum and state their name and address. b. Unless further time is granted by the Chair, limit the comments to three minutes; c. Address all remarks to the Commission as a body, and not to individual member thereof; d. Make comments and present documents to the Chair. Speakers should make comments that are concise and present data they wish the Commission to consider. No person may speak more than once on the same subject unless granted permission by the Chair. 4 2.3. The Commission may discuss the issue, assign it to a committee, refer it to the manager or attorney or take action if they choose to do so. 3.4. No person other than a member of the Commission, and the person having the floor, shall participate in the discussion without being recognized by the Chair. Questions should be directed through the Chair. 4.5. Disruptive conduct by any participate is not acceptable and the guilty party may be removed from the room by the chair. 5.6. A person may not interfere or interrupt the orderly procedure of the Commission meeting and interrupt the recognized speaker. 6.7. If the Chair declares an individual out-of-order, the individual will be requested to relinquish the speaker's rostrum and failure to do so will result in removal from the meeting pursuant to Rule 19section G(3) of this policy. 7.8. Prior to the beginning of a meeting or public hearing, the Chair may require that all persons who wish to address the commission who are not on the published agenda sign in, give their name, the agenda item and whether they wish to speak as a proponent, opponent, or otherwise. If a sign-in sheet is required, any person who does not sign in may be permitted to speak after all those who signed in have done so. 8.9. The Chair is authorized to establish speaker time limits and otherwise control presentations. 9.10. Employees of the County may address the Commission on matters of public concern. C. Public Comments and Inquiries Persons may address the Commission on items not on the agenda during the Public Comment period. TheseEach persons isare required to fill out a speaker card and submit it to the Board Secretary. The Commission shall not take final action on public comment items presented at the same meeting unless there is a need for immediate action. When inquiries and comments regarding issues not on the agenda the Commission will first determine whether the issue is legislative or administrative in nature and then: 1. If legislative, and the comment is about previous legislative action by the Board or the comment is suggestive in nature regarding changes to existing legislation, and if the Commission finds consideration of such suggestions advisable, the Commission may refer the matter to a committee, to the County Attorney or County Manager for review and recommendation, or may take any other action it deems appropriate. 2. If administrative, and the complaint is regarding the performance of administrative staff, administrative interpretation of legislative policy, or administrative policy within the authority of the County Manager, the Chair shall may refer the complaint directly to the County Manager for review. The 5 Commission may direct that the County Manager report to the Commission when the review is complete. 3. The Chair may also assign a Commissioner issues that require additional examination. If so assigned, the Commissioner shall provide a verbal or written report to the Commission when the examination is completewithin 30 days noting if the examination will take additional time . D. Commission Meetings - Regular 1. Unless otherwise advertised, all regular meetings of the Baker County Commission are conducted at 5:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of the month in the County Commission Chambers located at the Baker County Administrative Complex, 55 North 3rd Street Macclenny, Florida. Meeting notices will be publicly displayed at the County Administration Office and on the County website. 2. Periodically, regular meetings may be adjusted by the Commission to accommodate a holiday schedule or other special circumstances. Prior notice of such change will be publicly displayed at the County Administration Office and on the County website. shall be provided to the public, the Clerk and the media. While a minimum notice of 24 hours is required, the Commission will provide as much advance notice of a regular meeting as is feasible. E. Commission Meetings - Special 1. Any one Commissioner or the County Manager may call a special meeting. County Commissioners shall request any special meeting through the County Manager or the Clerk of Circuit Court. 2. The call for a special meeting shall be in writing and shall contain time, place and business to be conducted. Special meetings may be held upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours public notice. 3. Special meetings may be scheduled on days or evenings in addition to the first and third Tuesday of the month but not on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. 4. No business other than items listed on the agenda shall be considered. Public comment shall be allowed on items on the agenda, but there will not be a separate public comment period included on the agenda. 5. If there is no longer a need for a special meeting after notice as outlined above the person(s) who called the meeting is/are authorized to cancel the meeting. F. Commission Meetings - Emergency Any one Commissioner or the County Manager may call, orally or in writing, an emergency meeting. 6 1. The call for an emergency meeting shall contain the time, place, and business to be conducted. The time and place of the emergency meeting will be added to the Meetings List bulletin board at the County Administration Office and on the County website. . Emergency meetings may be held, when practicable, upon the most reasonable notice allowable under the circumstances. 2. Each Commissioner, the Clerk of the Court, the Sheriff, the County Manager and the County Attorney shall be given notice allowable under the circumstances. Such notice shall be provided by any reasonable means, including but not limited to telephone, email, or facsimile transmission. 3. The most reasonable notice allowable under the circumstances of the emergency meeting shall be provided to the business office of each local media organization that has on file a written request for notice of emergency meetings. 4. Emergency meetings involving an eminent public health, safety or welfare may be scheduled at any timeas necessary, preferably between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. 5. An agenda outlining the business to be conducted will be available prior to the meeting. 6. No business shall be conducted other than items listed on the agenda. Public comment shall be allowed on items on the agenda, but there will may not be a separate public comment period included on the agenda. 7. If there is no longer a need for an emergency meeting, the person who called the meeting is authorized to cancel the meeting. G. Informal Commission Meetings - Inspection Trips, Retreats 1. The Chair, Commission, or County Manager may schedule informal meetings, inspection trips, or retreats. 2. Advance notice of these meetings shall be given in the same manner as special meetings. 3. Minutes of these meetings shall be made by County Commission staff. H. Public Hearings – Time & Location 1. Public hearings shall will typically be held on the first and third Tuesday of the month in the County Commission Chambers located in the Baker County Administrative Complex, 55 North 3rd Street, Macclenny, Florida. 2. The matters under consideration shall be heard at the 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practicable. Public hearings may be continued from a prior meeting, or scheduled on days or evenings that are convenient but not on Sundays or Holidays. 7 3. All rules pertaining to regular meeting shall apply. I. Public Hearing – Procedures 1. General Public Hearings. The procedures to be followed for public hearings are, generally, as follows: a. The Chair shall declare the public hearing open and announce the agenda item to be considered as well as any staff comments or recommendations. The Chair inquires whether any Commissioner wishes to put forth a motion. Whether or not a motion and second are made, the Chair opens the floor for comments. b. Following public comment (if any), the Chair closes the public hearing and inquires if any Commissioner wishes to take action on the motion on the floor (if any) or put forth a motion. Following the motion and its second, discussion occurs among Commissioners. c. At the conclusion of the discussion the Chair calls for the vote. 2. Quasi-Judicial Hearings. The procedures to be followed for quasi-judicial hearings are generally as follows: a. Prior to the commencement of quasi-judicial hearings, the Commission will instruct the County Attorney to provide the public with an explanation of quasi-judicial proceedings and shall read or distribute the following statement: "All persons wishing to participate and speak will be sworn in prior to speaking during this proceeding. All persons have the right, through the Chair, to ask questions of staff or other speakers, to seek clarification of comments made by staff or other speakers and respond to comments or presentations of staff or other speakers. All persons who present written materials to Commissioners for consideration must ensure that a copy of such materials is provided to the Clerk for inclusion in the Board's record of proceedings and official minutes. While we welcome comments from all persons with an interest in this proceeding, Florida law requires that the County Commission's decision in a quasi-judicial action be supported by competent substantial evidence presented to the Commission during the hearing on the application. Competent substantial evidence is such evidence as a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support a conclusion. There must be a factual basis in the record to support opinion testimony from both expert and non-expert witnesses. Persons presenting testimony may rely on factual information that they present, that is presented by County staff, that the applicant presented, or on factual information included in the County staff report to support their testimony." b. Prior to commencement of the Hearing the clerk or secretary shall make the following inquiry of the County Commissioners: 8 “Has any Commissioner received any oral or written communications regarding the zoning public hearing items? If so, please disclose the substance of the communication and identify the person making the communication. A disclosure must be made before or during the public meeting at which a vote is taken on such matters, so that persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in the ex-parte communication are given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to the communication.” c. The Clerk or County Attorney shall administer the affirmation to all persons who desire to speak at quasi-judicial proceedings before the County Commission d. The County Manager or designee shall describe the item to be considered and make a presentation pertaining to the item if asked to do so by the Chair. The Chair shall then inquire as to whether any Commissioner has questions for the staff. e. The applicant or his/her agent/representative will make a presentation pertaining to the application. The Chair will once again inquire as to whether Commissioners and then parties to the proceeding have any questions regarding the petition. f. The Chair will ask if any members in the audience wish to present testimony. At the conclusion of the testimony, the Chair will ask if any of the Commissioners or any of the parties to the proceeding have questions of the witness. g. There will be an opportunity for applicant rebuttal and closing comments. h. The Chair will then entertain a motion from the Commission. i. Ex-parte Communications. Florida Statutes Section 286.0115 provides that any person who is not otherwise prohibited by statute, charter provision or ordinance may discuss with any commissioner the merits of any matter that the County Commission may take action. The following procedures, which remove the presumption of prejudice, shall be followed for ex-parte communication. j. The substance of any ex-parte communication with a Commissioner which relates to a quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission (such as a zoning decision) is not presumed prejudicial to the action if the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group or entity with whom the communication took place is disclosed and made a part of the record before the final action on the matter. k. A County Commissioner may read a written communication from any person. A written communication that relates to quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission (such as a zoning decision) shall not be 9 presumed prejudicial to the action. Such written communication shall be made a part of the record before final action on the matter. l. Commissioners may conduct investigations and site visits and may receive expert opinions regarding quasi-judicial action pending before the Commission. Such activities shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action if the existence of the investigation, site visit or expert opinion is made a part of the record before final action on the matter. J. Public Records – Inspection & Duplication Pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, email messages, or other material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency, are public records. A public record (including information stored in computers) is open to public inspection and duplication, unless exempted by law. 1. If the purpose of a document prepared in connection with the official business of the agency is to perpetuate, communicate or formalize knowledge, then it is a public record regardless of whether it is in final form, or the ultimate product of an agency. 2. Requests for copies of public information (including the Commission mail, email and audio recordings of County Commission meetings and workshops) should be made through the County Administration office pursuant to Administrative Policy 2010-3. 3. Any and every media conference officially sponsored by Baker County Government will be open to all media representatives and to the general public. Press conferences will be conducted in a location that is publicly accessible. K. Commission Mail – Circulation, Public Review & Duplication All mail addressed to the Chair and the Commissioners, which is received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official County business, is a public record (Chapter 119, Florida Statutes). The public may review and duplicate such records, including email. 1. Items of considerable length (such as petitions) will not be copied; instead, a memorandum will be distributed which announces the availability and location of the item in the County Administration office. Publications and lengthy agenda materials for other boards on which Commissioners serve will not be copied; only the agenda will be circulated. 2. Each Commissioner will receive the original of items addressed to her/him. Mail with the words similar to “Personal”, “Confidential” or “For the Addressee Only”, shall be delivered unopened to the addressee. 10 3. The Chair and Commissioners who receive individually-addressed mail will may be responsible for replying; The Commissioner may asking the County Manager to draft a response for their signature; or requesting that the item be placed on the agenda for formal Commission consideration. L. Advisory Boards/Committees Policy Statement: The mission of advisory boards and committees shall be to examine various policy issues referred by the Commission or staff. Committees shall provide guidance to the Commission in the development of policy recommendations, but shall not attempt to manage the administrative operations of the County or direct staff. Advisory boards and committees may be created and dissolved by resolution, ordinance or other action by the Commission. Committee members are appointed by the Commission after advertising vacancies. All members shall serve at the pleasure of a majority of the full Commission. 1. The County Manager's office shall provide to the chair of each advisory board or committee copies of all resolutions or ordinances which pertain to that committee. Such information shall be delivered to the committee chair within one (1) week after adoption by the Commission, or as soon thereafter as possible. 2. Appointment to advisory boards shall be by voice vote during a regular Commission meeting. Priority shall be given to applicants from Baker County. All members serve at the pleasure of the Commission. 3. All Commission advisory boards, commissions and other bodies shall meet in public buildings. 4. All statutory boards, commissions and advisory bodies shall prepare minutes taken at each meeting. Communications to the Commission from such boards, commissions and bodies shall be received in the mail of the Commission Chair. 5. All Chairpersons of advisory boards/committees are encouraged to provide updates to the County Commission at its regularly scheduled business meetings/public hearings. All requests for presentations shall be submitted to the Office of the County Manager. 6. County Employees may serve on advisory boards/committees. 7. Appointees personal and business affairs conducted within Baker County must be in substantial compliance with all County regulatory and taxing authorities’ rules and regulations. Appointees deemed to be in violation of any County rule, regulation, or policy may be disallowed from membership on advisory boards or committees by a majority vote of the Commission. 8. Advisory boards and committees are required to adhere to the Guidelines for Citizen Advisory Boards & Committees as approved by the County Commission. These guidelines are incorporated herein as Attachment Appendix 1. 11 II. PREPARATION OF AGENDA; ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Preparation of Agenda The County Manager shall prepare the agenda[SL1]. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may place an item on the agenda. The County Manager will provide the agenda to Commissioners two days on the Thursday prior to a regular meeting. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may request that an item be scheduled for a time certain. Persons requesting an item to be scheduled for a time certain shall submit the request to the County Manager no later than three days prior to the meeting. Presentations on time certain items will normally not exceed thirty (30) minutes in length. 1. The Chair, any Commissioner or Constitutional Officer, the County Manager, or the County Attorney may schedule an item for a time certain that recognizes County employees or citizens. These recognitions will generally honor individuals, teams, or organizations for activities or actions that benefit Baker County. Recognition presentations will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. B. Agenda Material 1. A copy of the agenda and supporting materials shall be prepared for Commissioners, the public and the media before 5:00 PM on the Friday Thursday prior to the regular Commission meeting or Public Hearing, except when legally observed holidays affect copying and distribution. The agenda, as well as lengthy reports that are part of agenda documentation, shall be available for review in the County Manager's office. 2. Each Commissioner should carefully review the Consent Agenda to determine whether there is any item s/he wishes to have pulled from the consent and discussed and voted on separately. C. Meeting - Order of Business The business of all regular meetings of the Commission should be transacted as follows, provided, however that the Chair may, by simple majority vote or consensus of the Commission, re-arrange items on the agenda to more expeditiously conduct the business before the Commission: 1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Members of the Commission may be designated to present the invocation and lead the pledge. 2. Presentation of Amendments to the Agenda – An amendment to the agenda is an emergency addition to the regular or consent agenda and consists of items which are submitted for agenda consideration after the established deadline. 3. Approval of the Consent Agenda 4. Public Comments 12 a. Any person may address the Commission under this agenda section. Three minutes per speaker or other time limit designated by the chair will be allotted for public comments. Persons may not yield or delegate their time to another speaker. Persons who are not listedhave not submitted a speaker card to speak on an item on the agenda will have the opportunity to comment on other relevant community issues. b. Any person may address the Commission under this agenda section. The County Commission shall not take final action at the same meeting on items addressed under this section unless the issue is of critical importance. 5. Constitutional Officers/Other Governmental Units (When applicable) 6. Committee Reports (When applicable) 7. New Business – Items that have not been discussed by meeting attendees previously and that do not belong on the consent agenda or committee report. 8. Old Business – Items presented at a previous meeting that could not be completed or decided at that meeting. Discussions usually consist of followup information that provides meeting attendees the answers to questions they had at the last meeting. It might cover information gathered or tasks finished as part of action-item assignments from the previous meeting. 9. County Manager – Informational (non-action) items that are not covered other under sections. 10. County Attorney 11. Commission Comments – Informational (non-action) items that are not covered other under sections. 12. Adjourn No meeting should be permitted to continue beyond midnight without the approval of a majority of the Commission. A new time limit must be established before taking a Commission vote to extend the meeting. In the event that a meeting has not been closed or continued by Commission vote prior to midnight, the items not acted on are to be continued to a designated time on the following day or as soon thereafter as practical, unless State law requires hearing at a different time. D. Quorum 1. A quorum for the transaction of business by the Commission consists of three (3) Commissioners. 2. Once a quorum has been established, a majority of Commissioners present at the meeting shall be required to carry a motion, unless by statute, ordinance or other regulation, an extraordinary majority (4/5ths) of the Commission is required for approval of an item (e.g. consideration of emergency ordinances, gas tax, etc.). 13 E. Required Attendance of Officials 1. In addition to Commissioners, County officials whose regular attendance shall be required at meetings of the Commission are the: a. Clerk of the Court; or designee b. County Manager; and or designee c. County Attorney; or designee d. Their designees. 2. A representative of the Baker County Sheriff's Office shall be present to provide security and assistance in maintaining order. F. Parliamentarian - Minutes The County Attorney serves as the Board parliamentarian, and advises the Chair as to correct rules of procedure or questions of specific rule application. The parliamentarian calls to the attention of the Chair any errors in the proceedings that may affect the substantive rights of any member, or may otherwise do harm. 1. The Secretary to the Board shall take minutes of the proceedings of all commission meetings. The Secretary shall provide copies of the minutes to each Commissioner for their reading. 2. The County Manager shall list the minutes on the agenda for approval by the Commission. Such minutes stand confirmed at the regular Commission meeting without a reading in open meeting, unless some error is shown. In such event, an appropriate correction is made. A copy of the draft minutes of the last regular Commission meeting shall be available for review at the reception desk in the County Manager's office. 3. The Secretary to the Board shall be responsible for recording County Commission meetings. 4. Upon request the secretary will provide any Commissioner with transcribed excerpts of audio recording of Commission meetings. G. Sergeant at Arms The Baker County Sheriff’s Office shall be sergeant-at-arms of the Commission meetings. The Baker County Sheriff’s Office is authorized to elicit support in performing this duty. The Sheriff’s Office shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the County Commission for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the Commission meeting. The following policy will provide guidance in handling disruptions: 1. If an individual refuses to relinquish the podium after being allowed to address the Commission, the Chair will inform the individual that their time to 14 address the Commission has expired and the Chair will direct the individual to leave the podium. 2. If an individual causes disruption in the Commission meeting site, the Chair will inform the individual causing the disruption to cease the disruptive activity. 3. If the disruption fails to stop: a. The Chair will inform the individual causing the disruption that their actions are contrary to the orderly function of the meeting and that the individual is to cease such action or the Sergeant-at-Arms will be instructed to remove the individual from the meeting site. b. The Chair will direct the individual to leave the meeting site. The Chair will inform the individual that, if s/he is directed to leave and fails to do so, the individual will be subject to arrest. c. If the disruption fails to cease, the Chair shall be authorized to take final action and read the following: As the Commission Chair, I inform you that your actions are inconsistent with the orderly function of this meeting and you have failed to comply with the lawful order of the Chair. I am instructing the Sergeant-at-Arms to have you removed from this building. H. Rules of Order and Debate Every Commission member desiring to speak should address the Commission Chair and, upon recognition by the Chair, should be confined to the question under debate. 1. The maker of a motion shall be entitled to the floor first for debate. 2. A member once recognized should not be interrupted when speaking unless to call said member to order. The member should then cease speaking until the question of order is determined, without debate, by the Chair. If in order, said member will be at liberty to proceed. 3. If the Chair wishes to put forth or second a motion, s/he shall relinquish the chair to (1), the Vice Chair, (2), the senior Commission member (if the Vice Chair is absent), (3) another Commission member who has remained impartial or (4), the Clerk, until the main motion on which the presiding officer spoke has been disposed. 4. The most recent edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the general rules of the Commission, so long as they do not conflict with ordinances, statutes, or rules, of Baker County. I. Voting 1. The votes during all Commission meetings should be transacted as follows: 15 a. In order to expedite business, the Chair shall usually call for the vote by voice. At the request of any Commissioner, a roll call vote shall be taken by the Clerk. The roll call vote may be determined in alphabetical order, with the Chair voting last. b. When the Chair calls for a vote on a motion, every member, who was in the Commission chambers must give their vote, unless the member has publicly stated that s/he is abstaining from voting due to a conflict of interest, pursuant to Section 112.3143 or Section 286.011, Florida Statutes. If any Commissioner declines to vote "aye" or "nay" by voice, his or her vote shall be counted as an "aye" vote. c. The passage of any motion, policy or resolution shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the membership of the Commissioners who are present and eligible to vote. In case of a tie in votes on any proposal, the proposal and/or motion shall be considered defeated. 2. Any Commissioner shall have the right to express dissent from or protests against any ordinance, resolution or policy of the Commission, and to have the reason therefore entered in the minutes. J. Conflict of Interest 1. Pursuant to Sections 112.3143 and 286.011, Florida Statutes, no Commissioner shall vote in her/his official capacity on a matter which would inure to his/her special private gain, or which the Commissioner knows would inure to the special private gain of any principal by whom s/he is retained, of the parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate principal by which s/he is retained, or a relative or of a business associate. 2. Within fifteen (15) days following that Commission meeting, s/he shall file with the Clerk of Circuit Court a Form 8B which describes the nature of her/his interest in the matter. The Form 8B shall be received by the Clerk and forwarded to the Board Secretary for incorporation into the minutes of the meeting. K. Ordinances An enacted ordinance is a legislative act which prescribes general, uniform, and permanent rules of conduct relating to the corporate affairs of the county. Commission action shall be taken by ordinance when required by law, or to prescribe permanent rules of conduct which continue in force until repealed, or where such conduct is enforced by penalty. All ordinances shall be introduced in writing, and scheduled for public hearing after advertisement. 1. Emergency Ordinances. By vote of one more than the majority, the Commission may without notice or hearing adopt an emergency ordinance. The emergency ordinance shall contain a declaration describing the emergency, and shall be passed in accordance with Section 125.66(3), Florida Statutes. 16 L. Resolutions Generally, an enacted resolution is an internal legislative act which is a formal statement of policy concerning matters of special or temporary character. Commission action shall be taken by resolution when required by law and in those instances where an expression of policy more formal than a motion is desired. All resolutions shall be reduced to writing. A resolution may be put to its final passage on the same day on which it was introduced. M. Motions 1. An enacted motion is a form of action taken by the Commission to direct that a specific action be taken on behalf of the county. A motion, once approved and entered into the record, is the equivalent of a resolution in those instances where a resolution is not required by law. All motions shall be made and seconded before debate. 2. Before a motion has been stated by the Chair, the proposer may change or withdraw it without the Commissions permission, and any member or the Chair may request that the maker withdraw it. Once the motion has received a second and has been stated by the Chair, the Commission must vote on the motion. N. Reconsideration of Action Previously Taken 1. A motion to reconsider enables the Commission to set aside a vote on a main motion taken at the same meeting, and to consider that motion again as though no vote had been taken on it. 2. A motion to reconsider may be made only by a member of the prevailing vote on the initial issue. No motion by any Commissioner to reconsider shall be made more than once on any subject at the same meeting. 3. Upon passage of a motion to reconsider, no substantive action on the matter may be taken until a subsequent meeting so that the public and media may be on notice of the matter to be reconsidered. The subject matter shall be scheduled for the next regular Commission meeting for action. O. Rescinding Action Previously Taken Commission action may be rescinded by a 4/5ths vote. After a motion to reconsider has been adopted any Commissioner may, at the next regular Commission meeting, move to rescind action previously taken. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS 17 A. Newly-Elected Commissioners The term of County Commissioners elected to office shall commence on the second Tuesday following the general election as specified in Florida Statutes Section 100.41. B. Swearing-in Ceremony A swearing-in ceremony for newly-elected commissioners will be coordinated by the County Manager. C. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair The Clerk shall preside over the election of officers. Procedures for electing officers are as follows: 1. At the first Regular Commission meeting in November December each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Commission shall elect a Chairperson from among its members. The Clerk calls for nominations for Chair; nominations do not require a second. A roll-call vote is conducted by the Clerk if there is more than one nomination. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair, the Commission shall, at its next meeting, select a Chair for the remainder of the term. 2. In conjunction with the above election, a Vice-Chair is also elected in a like manner. The Vice-Chair continues to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a member of the Commission. 3. In case of the absence or temporary disability of the Chair, the Vice-Chair serves as Chair during the absence. In case of the absence or temporary disability of the Chair and the Vice-Chair, an Acting Chair and Vice-Chair, selected by members of the Commission, serves during the continuance of the absences or disabilities. D. Commission Chair - Presiding Officer The Chair shall serve as the Presiding Officer at all meetings of the Commission, and is recognized as the head of the County for all ceremonial purposes. In addition to the powers conferred upon her/him as Chair, s/he continues to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a member of the Commission. The Chairs responsibilities include: 1. Call the meeting to order, having ascertained that a quorum is present; 2. Recognize all Commissioners who seek the floor under correct procedure. All questions and comments are to be directed through the Chair and restated by her/him, and s/he declares all votes; 18 3. Preserve order and call to order any member of the Commission who violates any of these procedures; and, when presiding, decide questions of order, subject to a majority vote on a motion to appeal; 4. Expedite business in every way compatible with the rights of members; 5. Remain objective. The same rights in debate as any other member; but the impartiality required of the Chair in an assembly preclude exercising these rights while presiding. The Chair should have nothing to say on the merits of pending questions until the Commissioners and citizens have fully debated the question. On certain occasions which should be extremely rare, the Chair may believe that a crucial factor relating to such a question has been overlooked and that his/her obligation as a member to call attention to the point outweighs the duty to preside at that time. If the Chair wishes to place a motion, the gavel must be relinquished. Based upon these Rules of Procedure, the gavel will be relinquished in the following order: a. Vice Chair; b. Other Commissioners based upon seniority; c. Another Commission member who has remained impartial; d. Clerk to the County Commission; The presiding officer who relinquished the chair should not return to it until the pending main question has been disposed of, since s/he has expressed partisanship as far as that particular matter is concerned. 6. Declare the meeting adjourned at the conclusion of Board actions on the items on the agenda, or at any time in the event of an emergency affecting the safety of those present. 7. When time constraints dictate, the Chair is authorized to approve authorizations to advertise for public hearings. 8. Assign Commissioners seats in the commission chambers. 9. For time-sensitive matters only, send letters to the Baker County State and Federal Legislative Delegations and other government officials in support of Baker County municipal or community-based organization initiatives, such as legislative changes and grant requests, provided the Board of County Commissioners has taken a position in support of the initiative in its legislative agenda or by some other action expressed its position on the issue presented. E. Commission Appointments to Boards and Committees 1. Members of the County Commission serve on various boards and committees (e.g., Regional Planning Council, etc.). Appointments are reviewed and made on the second Tuesday of November at the second regular Commission meeting of December of each year or as soon thereafter as practicable. 19 2. A listing of previous-year appointments will be disseminated to the County Commission in advance of the appropriate meeting so that each Commissioner can determine his/her interest in serving on various boards/committees. 3. The Chair shall recommend and the Commission shall approve the appointments of the Commissioners to boards and committees. If there is no nominee or no volunteer or more than one volunteer for a vacancy, the Chair will appoint a Commissioner to serve. The Commission shall ratify the appointments to boards and committees. 4. Each committee shall call upon, confer with, and seek the recommendation of the County Manager's staff. Employees shall staff the various committees as directed by the County Manager. When the staff and committee's recommendations differ, both recommendations will be discussed at the appropriate regular Commission meeting. 5. The County Manager is responsible for scheduling recommendations or reports on the Commission agenda in a timely manner. Reports will include minutes of the committee meeting and other supporting documentation. F. Appointment of Commission Liaisons 1. To Aassure communication and teamwork, the County Commission Chairman may appoint one commissioner to serve as liaison to each department. The Commission liaison shall be selected from a Commission member who is not a Commission officer (Chair or Vice Chair). 2. Each Commission liaison to a department shall provide the staff and other agency representatives with the general perspective of the County Commission on issues considered by the department. Commission liaisons may also advise the County Commission as to departmental concerns and recommendations on various issues. It is expressly not the role of the Commission liaison to direct county staff, or to supersede the responsibilities of the County Manager. G. Suspension and Construction of Rules 1. Temporary suspension of these procedures shall permit the Commission to take some action that would otherwise be prevented by a procedural rule already adopted. These Rules of Procedure may be amended or temporarily suspended at any Commission meeting with an affirmative vote of a majority of the Commission. These rules are for the efficient and orderly conduct of Commission business only; no violation of such rules shall invalidate any action of the Commission when approved by a majority vote required by law. 2. This set of Rules of Procedure should be reviewed and if applicable, adopted on the second Tuesday of each Novemberfirst meeting in December or as soon thereafter as practicable. 3. 20 IV. APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES FOR BOARDS & COMMITTEES 1. Designation, Length of Service: Boards and committees are to be designated as standing or special. A sunset date will be specified for special committees. Term length for serving on any standing board or committee will be a minimum of two years unless otherwise specified (e.g. State Statute may require term lengths of less than two years). 2. Attendance: a. Any board or committee member whose attendance is less than 50% of the last six (6) consecutive meetings will automatically be removed from the board or committee. b. The minutes shall reflect attendance by members and denote consecutive missed meetings. The Committee shall make a recommendation to the County Manager for member removal for a lack of attendance which shall be forwarded to the County Commission for appropriate action. c. When a quorum is not present at an announced meeting of a board or committee, the board or committee shall meet in a workshop setting, record attendance, and furnish minutes. 3. Removal of Members for Cause: Any board or committee member may be removed for good cause by a majority vote of the County Commission after consideration of the issue at a County Commission meeting. A removal for good cause shall be based on the failure of the board member to adhere to and/or enforce the Baker County Code of Ordinances or excessive absenteeism while performing his or her duties as a board or committee member. 4. Elections of Officers: a. All board and committee officers (i.e. Chair, Vice-chair, etc.) shall be elected by the membership of the board or committee. b. Officers shall be elected on October 1 of each fiscal year or as soon thereafter as practicable. 5. Meeting Frequency: a. At a minimum, all boards and committees shall meet once per year. b. The names of boards or committees that do not meet this minimum requirement shall be submitted to the County Manager's Office. 21 c. Recommendations to dissolve boards or committees or other recommended action will be submitted to the County Commission for consideration. 6. Parliamentary Procedure: As appropriate, the most recent edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the rules of the boards and committees, so long as they do not conflict with ordinances, statutes, these rules, or policies of Baker County. 7. Open to the Public: All board and committee meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011, and Florida Statutes. Regular committee meetings will be conducted in a publicly owned or controlled building. Special meetings and any subcommittee meetings will also be conducted in publicly owned or controlled buildings. All meetings will be held in a building that is open to the public. 22
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