BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSION AGENDA June 16, 2015 2:00 P.M. BUDGET WORKSHOP County Departments Budget Review 5:00 P.M. REGULAR AGENDA I. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance II. Approval of Consent Agenda Items 1. Approval of Minutes June 2, 2015 – Budget Workshop 2. Approval of Minutes June 2, 2015 – Regular Meeting 3. Expense Report III. Public Comments 1. Bobby Baker – Recreation Lights Curfew IV. Constitutional Officers V. Committee Reports VI. New Business 1. Chris Volz- Resolution 2015-06; Emergency Management Plan 2. SHIP Bid Results 3. AMB Contract 4. Building Department Fee Recommendation VII. Old Business 1. Pending Business 2. Budget Action Item Action Item Action Item Action Item Information Only Information Only VIII. County Manager IX. County Attorney X. Commissioner Comments XI. Adjourn 6:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Special Exception- B+T Group, Blair Nurseries Cell Phone Tower If any member of the public desires to appeal a decision made at these hearings, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and for that purpose he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is transcribed, which record would include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation of an interpreter to participate in these proceedings should contact the County Commissioners Office at (904) 259-3613, at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES June 2, 2015 The Baker County Board of Commissioners met in a scheduled meeting with the following members present: Chairman, James Croft Commissioner Mark Hartley Commissioner James Bennett Commissioner Jimmy Anderson Commissioner Gordon Crews Also Present: County Attorney, Rich Komando County Manager, CJ Thompson Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please visit or contact Sara Little at BUDGET WORKSHOP Chairman Croft called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. Chairman Croft stated that the purpose of this workshop was to hear budget overview presentations for the Fire Department, Road Department and Solid Waste. The attached presentations were made. Compete discussions can be heard on the audio file. ____________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk _______________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman 1 BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES June 2, 2015 The Baker County Board of Commissioners met in a scheduled meeting with the following members present: Chairman, James Croft Commissioner Mark Hartley Commissioner James Bennett Commissioner Jimmy Anderson Commissioner Gordon Crews Also Present: County Attorney, Rich Komando County Manager, CJ Thompson Clerk, Stacie D. Harvey Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please visit or contact Sara Little at REGULAR MEETING Chairman Croft called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone in attendance. Commissioner James Bennett led in the pledge and prayer. Chairman Croft called for an approval of the consent agenda. Commissioner Mark Hartley moved to approve the consent agenda items which were: 1. 2. 3. 4. Approval of Minutes- May 19, 2015 – Public Hearing Approval of Minutes- May 19, 2015 – Budget Workshop Approval of Minutes- May 19, 2015 – Regular Meeting Expense Report Commissioner Jimmy Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Lynne Walker presented the Macclenny Housing Authority five year plan for approval. Mrs. Walker explained that only four changes were made. Mrs. Walker stated that those changes included adding waiting list preference to victims of domestic violence and those that are working at least 25 hours per week, re-examinations of families that miss two consecutive appointments and the definition of family was changed to include terminology for homosexual relationships. Mrs. Walker explained that the Macclenny Housing Authority manages Federal dollars on Baker County’s behalf and this plan sets the guidelines for those funds. Commissioner Gordon Crews motioned to approve the plan with changes. Commissioner James Bennett seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. Commissioner Bennett requested that the Macclenny Housing Authority research if time limits can be placed on those that participate in the housing program. Page 2 MINUTES- Regular Meeting June 2, 2015 C/M Thompson presented an agreement for a summer internship program with the Baker County School District. Mr. Thompson explained that two students would be placed in County Departments for a six week period to learn basic job skills. The program is 100% grant funded and the County will be reimbursed all costs by the Baker County School District. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson motioned to approve the agreement. Commissioner Mark Hartley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. C/M Thompson presented Resolution 2015-05 for Board approval. The resolution authorized the execution of a joint participation agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation. Mr. Thompson explained that FDOT located additional funds that can be used on the Transportation Center up to a maximum of $49,000. Commissioner Jimmy Anderson motioned to approve Resolution 2015-05. Commissioner Gordon Crews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. C/M Thompson requested that the contract for EMS billing with AMB be tabled until a later date. Rich Komando stated that he requested changes to the contract that were not completed by AMB in time. The Board agreed to schedule the contract for June 16, 2015. C/M Thompson presented the pending business report. Those items included: Courthouse HVAC Conversion- 75% complete. Draft sent to attorney for review. Transportation Center Construction- 75% complete. Project is on schedule for mid-June. LDR Revisions- 75% complete. Mining reviewed again at May LPA. All other sections scheduled. Need direction from the Board on road paving. Purchasing policy revisions- 25% complete. Draft purchasing policy distributed to BOCC for review. LAP Certification- 75% complete. LAP kickoff meeting held June 1st. The Board requested that all County department budgets have a secondary review on June 16th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. to make recommended cuts. Constitutional officers budgets will be begin reviews on August 4th starting with the Sheriff’s office. C/M Thompson stated that the community service worker at Shoals Park has completed his time and did a great job. Staff will work with Ron Beck with Tri-County Probation to utilize community service workers for mowing at Shoals in the future. C/M Thompson stated that discussions were held with Andy Lamborn of the John Bethea State Forest to manage the timber at Shoals Park. Updates will be made regarding this item in the future once more information was available. Page 3 MINUTES- Regular Meeting June 2, 2015 Commissioner Gordon Crews requested that the Board consider alternative ways to fund solid waste in the future due to budgets cuts by New River Solid Waste. Commissioner James Bennett informed the Board of two projects he would like to see the County submit to FDOT as transportation enhancement projects. The first project would connect sidewalks from SR 121 to the new Transportation Center. The second project would connect sidewalks with US 90 to the Baker County High School and Westside Elementary. Commissioner Bennett stated that he would work with staff to submit the projects later in the year. Meeting adjourned. _________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk ___________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 06/05/2015 TIME: 14:28:01 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 1 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.trans_date>=’20150527 00:00:00.000’ and transact.gl_cash=’104000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 9/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 74909 V 05/01/15 1583 HASLER FINANCIAL SE 11 54200 POSTAGE/COURTHOUSE 0.00 −5,010.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL 25 11 158 33 351 351 291 291 27 32 33 33 33 33 331 27 351 33 331 20 33 15 33 33 351 33 27 32 33 15 351 33 291 351 54301 54301 54301 54300 54306 54306 54301 54301 54301 54301 54300 54300 54300 54300 54300 54301 54301 54300 54609 54301 54300 54301 54300 54300 54305 54300 54301 54301 54300 54301 54305 54300 54301 54305 360 E SHUEY AVE/B & ADMINISTRATION BLDG PUBLIC DEFENDER SEC.LIGHT/BLAIR&N B MACC−COUNCIL ON AGI MACC−COUNCIL ON AGI AG CENTER AG CENTER EMERGENCY OPERATION LIBRARY REC. DEPT/KNABB CMP REC.DEPT/SCOREBD/BL REC DEPT/KNABB SPRT OLUST PK/2 SEC LIGH 42 W MCIVER OLD JAI FIRE STA #70 − SAND OUTDOOR LGT−M C.O.A REC DPT−MINGER FIEL SAND COMM CENTER COURTHOUSE WOMEN’S SOFTBALL FL TAX COLL/PA/ELECTIO OL−1 MINGER FIELD VOLLEYB CT−25N 8TH 42 W MCIVER OLD JAI 480 6TH ST SFTBL STORAGE BLDG/EOC LIBRARY PARKING LOT 480 6TH ST SFTBL OL 32 N 5TH/OUTDOOR LG OLD JAIL/56 N 2ND S REC DP−SOFTBALL FIE AG CNTR/OUTDR LGHT COURT SERVICES BLDG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 277.42 415.55 201.24 31.75 26.87 1,150.46 25.74 725.96 682.76 703.93 743.96 8.07 71.75 53.66 67.79 276.84 23.17 138.39 23.27 5,042.45 117.04 1,466.44 11.75 8.07 10.13 185.68 20.99 10.13 10.13 10.13 756.30 481.77 10.13 69.18 13,858.90 104000 75117 06/03/15 2272 GEORGIA MONFORT 291 51300 CK IN/OUT,CLN AG CN 0.00 325.00 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 75118 75118 75118 75118 75118 75118 75118 75118 75118 75118 75118 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY 20 11 158 291 27 15 21 351 25 33 32 54302 54302 54302 54302 54302 54302 54302 54305 54302 54300 54304 COURTHOUSE ADMIN BUILDING PUBLIC DEFENDER AG CENTER/1025 W MA EM SERV/1190 W MAC TAX COL/PA/SUPV OF MAINT OFF/323 W OHI COURT SERVICES BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECR BLDG/490 NORTH LIBRARY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 174.77 43.11 45.25 247.79 118.06 148.72 39.88 46.18 48.51 319.67 34.44 1,266.38 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 06/05/2015 TIME: 14:28:01 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 2 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.trans_date>=’20150527 00:00:00.000’ and transact.gl_cash=’104000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 9/15 FUND − 001 − GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 75119 75119 75119 75119 75119 75119 75119 75119 75119 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE 33 33 39 39 39 34 27 33 34 54300 54300 54301 54301 54301 54300 54301 54300 54300 RIDING ARENA LIGHTS RECREATION DEPT ODIS YARB RD/SHOALS SHOALS PK BATHRMS # SHOALS PARK BATHRMS DOG POUND 14564 SCR RESCUE TOWER ARENA CONCESSION ST NEW BLDG./ANIMAL CT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.55 43.86 23.08 64.26 25.67 258.57 121.78 44.89 117.30 769.96 104000 75120 06/04/15 2093 TOTALFUNDS BY HASLE 11 54200 POSTAGE/COURTHOUSE 0.00 5,010.00 104000 75121 06/04/15 1446 ALICIA R LAMBORN 29 54000 JUNE TRAVEL 0.00 100.00 104000 75122 104000 75122 TOTAL CHECK 06/04/15 43 06/04/15 43 B GORDON CREWS B GORDON CREWS 11 11 54910 54000 JUNE CELL PHONE JUNE TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 104000 75123 06/04/15 1896 MICHAEL A DAVIS 29 54000 JUNE TRAVEL 0.00 200.00 104000 75124 06/04/15 323 NITA D CRAWFORD 19 59180 JUNE REQUEST 0.00 29,527.63 104000 75125 06/04/15 2137 SHAINA L SPANN 29 54000 JUNE TRAVEL 0.00 100.00 104000 75139 06/04/15 2276 JAMES R BROWN 36 53400 11 HRS @ 10./ST AID 0.00 110.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 46,407.87 TOTAL FUND 0.00 46,407.87 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 06/05/2015 TIME: 14:28:01 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 3 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.trans_date>=’20150527 00:00:00.000’ and transact.gl_cash=’104000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 9/15 FUND − 103 − ROAD & BRIDGE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54301 54301 54301 54301 54301 54301 54301 16256 US HWY 90 TF SIGN & TIRE SHOP− R ROAD YARD ROAD DEPARTMENT ROAD DEPARTMENT ROAD DEPARTMENT ROAD DEPT/SL’S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.95 131.92 118.17 63.72 22.62 29.54 1,078.24 1,460.16 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 104000 75119 104000 75119 104000 75119 TOTAL CHECK 06/04/15 326 06/04/15 326 06/04/15 326 OKEFENOKE REMC OKEFENOKE REMC OKEFENOKE REMC 55 55 55 54301 54301 54301 121 N CAUTION LGT−R CAU LIGHT−BOB BURNS ST LIGHT @ 125 N/25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.99 27.65 13.08 66.72 104000 75126 06/04/15 19 ALL−BRITE SALES COM 55 55210 PAPER TOWELS, TRASH 0.00 435.90 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 75127 75127 75127 75127 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 AUS AUS AUS AUS 55 55 55 55 55210 55210 55210 55210 MATS/UNIFORMS MATS/UNIFORMS MATS/UNIFORMS WEEK MATS/UNIFORMS WEEK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 84.09 38.38 82.37 38.38 243.22 33 33 33 33 FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP L L L L 104000 75128 104000 75128 TOTAL CHECK 06/04/15 75 06/04/15 75 C&W ICE, LLC C&W ICE, LLC 55 55 55210 55210 ICE ICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.00 56.80 120.80 104000 75132 06/04/15 125 CSX TRANSPORTATION 55 54660 CROSSING SIGNAL MAI 0.00 25,861.00 104000 75133 06/04/15 2300 FRASER’S ENGINE REP 55 54602 AC WORK 0.00 128.00 104000 75134 104000 75134 104000 75134 TOTAL CHECK 06/04/15 212 06/04/15 212 06/04/15 212 GLEN CASH STORE INC 55 GLEN CASH STORE INC 55 GLEN CASH STORE INC 55 55300 55300 55300 GRASS SEED HAY & GRASS SEED CR HAY & GRASS SEED CR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.00 174.00 67.50 311.50 104000 75135 104000 75135 TOTAL CHECK 06/04/15 2021 06/04/15 2021 GOODYEAR COMM. TIRE 55 GOODYEAR COMM. TIRE 55 54602 54602 GY 11R22.5 G661 HSA GY 11R24.5 G751 MSA 0.00 0.00 0.00 703.08 2,281.55 2,984.63 104000 75136 104000 75136 TOTAL CHECK 06/04/15 221 06/04/15 221 HAGAN ACE HARDWARE HAGAN ACE HARDWARE 55 55 55210 55210 SPRINKLER REPAIR WH TAPE MEASURE, SHOVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.68 42.00 71.68 104000 75137 06/04/15 233 HILL MANUFACTURING 55 55210 PRILUBE, WASH−N−WAX 0.00 461.32 104000 75138 06/04/15 234 HOME DEPOT CREDIT S 55 55210 23.5K AC 0.00 759.05 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 75142 75142 75142 75142 75142 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 L L L L L 55210 55210 55210 55210 55210 DIESEL DIESEL INV# 324084 REG GAS INV#324085 DIESEL DIESEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,023.97 5,939.19 1,677.20 6,187.16 6,187.16 267 267 267 267 267 V V V V V HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS HIERS INC INC INC INC INC 55 55 55 55 55 SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 06/05/2015 TIME: 14:28:01 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 4 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.trans_date>=’20150527 00:00:00.000’ and transact.gl_cash=’104000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 9/15 FUND − 103 − ROAD & BRIDGE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− TOTAL CHECK SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 24,014.68 104000 75143 06/04/15 928 MACCLENNY EQUIP & T 55 54602 HYDRAULIC COUPLER R 0.00 176.55 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 75144 75144 75144 75144 75144 75144 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY MACCLENNY 55 55 55 55 55 55 54602 54602 54602 54602 54602 54602 V BELT V BELT DRAIN PLUG HYDRAULIC REPAIRS HYDRAULIC REPAIRS FUEL FILTER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.04 32.07 22.98 148.59 113.08 50.91 383.67 104000 75146 06/04/15 649 MOORE EQUIPMENT COM 55 54602 MOWER BLADES, BOLTS 0.00 1,468.01 104000 75147 06/04/15 1103 NORTHEAST FLORIDA P 55 54602 LINE, BELTS, PULLEY 0.00 600.27 104000 75148 06/04/15 2105 RANDALL SMITH 55 55210 REUPHOLSTER SEAT BO 0.00 295.00 104000 75149 104000 75149 104000 75149 TOTAL CHECK 06/04/15 365 06/04/15 365 06/04/15 365 RING POWER CORPORAT 55 RING POWER CORPORAT 55 RING POWER CORPORAT 55 54602 54602 54602 KIT PUMP ELLEMENT/FILTERS STRIP WEAR INV#07PC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 330.93 62.89 198.85 592.67 104000 75151 06/04/15 410 TOM NEHL TRUCK COMP 55 54602 BRAKE REPAIR JOB − 0.00 1,897.92 104000 75152 06/04/15 531 UNITED RIGGING 55210 WIRE ROPE ASSEMBLY 0.00 175.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 62,507.75 TOTAL FUND 0.00 62,507.75 284 284 284 284 284 284 MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR PAR PAR PAR PAR PAR PAR 55 SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 06/05/2015 TIME: 14:28:01 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 5 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.trans_date>=’20150527 00:00:00.000’ and transact.gl_cash=’104000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 9/15 FUND − 104 − FINE & FORFEITURE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK SALES TAX AMOUNT 05/28/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 JOEY JOEY JOEY JOEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57,227.00 258,121.00 22,041.00 22,935.00 360,324.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 360,324.00 TOTAL FUND 0.00 360,324.00 75112 75112 75112 75112 253 253 253 253 B B B B DOBSON, DOBSON, DOBSON, DOBSON, SHER SHER SHER SHER DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− 72 69 90 73 59180 59180 59180 59180 MAY MAY MAY MAY REQUEST REQUEST REQUEST REQUEST SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 06/05/2015 TIME: 14:28:01 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 6 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.trans_date>=’20150527 00:00:00.000’ and transact.gl_cash=’104000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 9/15 FUND − 105 − FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 75116 104000 75116 TOTAL CHECK 06/03/15 200 06/03/15 200 FPL FPL 54 54 54301 54301 FIRE STA#80 −OLUSTE GLEN FIRE ST. #50 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.44 174.56 248.00 104000 75118 06/04/15 109 CITY OF MACCLENNY 54 54303 FIRE STA/JEFF ST RO 0.00 37.04 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 75119 75119 75119 75119 75119 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE OKEFENOKE 54 54 54 54 54 54301 54301 54301 54301 54301 BAXTER FIRE STA #60 FIRE STA #40−TAYLOR FIRE STA #20−N MACC FIRE STA 40−SEC LIG FIRE STA #30−CUYLER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55.62 41.57 60.16 45.38 46.33 249.06 104000 75129 06/04/15 2208 CHEYENNE K MURRAY ( 54 51300 MAY FIRE RUNS 0.00 84.00 104000 75130 06/04/15 357 CHRIS TAYLOR 54 51300 MAY FIRE RUNS 0.00 63.00 104000 75131 06/04/15 99 CHRISTOPHER MIRACLE 54 51300 MAY FIRE RUNS 0.00 44.00 104000 75140 06/04/15 2063 JEAN DENICOLA (SC) 54 51300 MAY FIRE RUNS 0.00 54.00 104000 75141 06/04/15 797 JOHN T DYAL (NC) 54 51300 MAY FIRE RUNS 0.00 160.00 104000 75145 06/04/15 791 MARK RENNINGER (SC) 54 51300 MAY FIRE RUNS 0.00 57.00 104000 75153 06/04/15 2181 WILLIAM PRIMO (SC) 51300 MAY FIRE RUNS 0.00 567.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 1,563.10 TOTAL FUND 0.00 1,563.10 326 326 326 326 326 REMC REMC REMC REMC REMC 54 SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 06/05/2015 TIME: 14:28:01 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 8 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.trans_date>=’20150527 00:00:00.000’ and transact.gl_cash=’104000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 9/15 FUND − 116 − SOLID WASTE CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 TOTAL CHECK 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 FPL FPL FPL FPL FPL 65 65 65 65 65 54301 54301 54301 54301 54301 SEC LGT @ OLUSTEE R JEFF STARLING−SOLID HOSS KELLER−SOLID W SR 228 − SOLID WAST OLUSTEE−SOLID WASTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.89 32.19 40.60 58.15 12.45 153.28 75116 75116 75116 75116 75116 200 200 200 200 200 104000 75119 104000 75119 104000 75119 TOTAL CHECK 06/04/15 326 06/04/15 326 06/04/15 326 OKEFENOKE REMC OKEFENOKE REMC OKEFENOKE REMC 65 65 65 54301 54301 54301 CUYLER RECY SITE 12 RECY SITE−STEELBRID 125 N GLEN RECY SIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.86 50.66 115.29 216.81 104000 75135 104000 75135 TOTAL CHECK 06/04/15 2021 06/04/15 2021 GOODYEAR COMM. TIRE 65 GOODYEAR COMM. TIRE 65 54602 54602 GY 315/80R22.5 G751 GY 12R22.5 G282 MSD 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,443.64 2,224.00 4,667.64 104000 75150 104000 75150 TOTAL CHECK 06/04/15 387 06/04/15 387 SOUTHEASTERN SERVIC 65 SOUTHEASTERN SERVIC 65 53150 55210 SITE ATTENDANTS 5/1 SITE ATTENDANTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,511.40 7,511.40 15,022.80 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 20,060.53 TOTAL FUND 0.00 20,060.53 SUNGARD PENTAMATION DATE: 06/05/2015 TIME: 14:28:01 PAGE NUMBER: ACCTPA21 BAKER CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND 9 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.trans_date>=’20150527 00:00:00.000’ and transact.gl_cash=’104000’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 9/15 FUND − 600 − ROAD PAVING FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT VENDOR NAME DEPT/FUND ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 104000 75110 104000 75110 TOTAL CHECK 05/28/15 1875 05/28/15 1875 FRED A BENNETT FRED A BENNETT 75 75 54621 54619 WHISPHRNG/17HR@20.0 PINE,ESTATE/28HR@20 0.00 0.00 0.00 340.00 560.00 900.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 900.00 TOTAL FUND 0.00 900.00 TOTAL REPORT 0.00 500,838.09 RESOLUTION 2015-06 WHEREAS, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, assigns to the Board of County Commissioners responsibility for disaster preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation; and WHEREAS, being prepared for disasters means being ready to respond promptly as danger threatens, to save life and protect property and to provide relief from suffering and privation; and WHEREAS, local services may be overburdened on inadequate and local government will have to operate effectively in different ways than in normal times to provide timely relief and minimize hardships in the event of natural and technological disasters in Baker County; and WHEREAS, many populated areas and parts of communities may require evacuation, shelter and food until the disaster ends, services are restored and needed supplies and materials are available; and WHEREAS, this plan is intended to provide the framework for the development of detailed operating procedures for all County forces charged with responsibility of protecting the public’s health and safety from natural and technological disaster; and WHEREAS, Chapter 9G-6, Florida Administrative Code, furthermore, requires each County to develop a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan; and WHEREAS, Chapter 9G-6, Florida Administrative Code, furthermore, requires the governing body of Baker County to adopt by resolution, the Baker County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AS FOLLOWS: The Baker County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan is hereby adopted. ADOPTED in Regular Session This 16th day of June 2015. _______________________________________ James A. Croft, Chairman AMB SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS SERVICE AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into on this the ____ day of June 2015, by and between the Board of County Commissioners, of Baker County, Florida (“CLIENT”), and Credit Bureau Systems, Inc., d/b/a Ambulance Medical Billing, of 100 Fulton Court, Paducah, Kentucky 42002-9200 (hereafter “AMB”), pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein. For the consideration stated herein, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. Description of Services. AMB is a national ambulance and EMS full service billing and revenue cycle enhancement firm, specializing in billing and obtaining payment for services provided by ambulance services, and CLIENT is in the business of providing ambulance services to patients in its geographical location. For the term of this Agreement, as defined herein, AMB shall use its best efforts to bill for and obtain reimbursement for CLIENT, for all of CLIENT’S charges, for all services rendered by the Client to patients, on or after the Effective Date, by billing patients and third party payers, including applicable governmental programs and entities (hereafter the “Services”). Any additional services which AMB agrees to provide are explicitly set forth in the Addenda hereto which are incorporated herein by reference and explicitly made a part of and included in the Services. CLIENT agrees that AMB will be the sole and exclusive provider of the Services during the terms of this Agreement, and CLIENT will not utilize any other party or entity, or its own personnel, to bill for services rendered by CLIENT during the term of this Agreement. 2. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be effective for all Services rendered by CLIENT on and after the date first stated above, during the term of this Agreement, as defined herein. AMB shall have no obligation or responsibility with respect to any legacy account services rendered by CLIENT prior to the Effective Date, or accounts receivables already existing as of the Effective Date, unless a separate written agreement is entered into by the parties with respect to such pre-Effective Date services (hereafter “Legacy Claims”). 3. Term. The initial term of this Agreement shall be for three (3) years from the Effective Date (hereafter the “Initial Term”). The Initial Term may be renewed by the parties for an additional three (3) year term (hereafter the “Additional Term”) unless the Agreement is terminated as set forth herein. 4. Fees. Beginning as of the Effective Date, CLIENT shall pay AMB a fee of 4.15% per month of net collections, excluding Medicare claims, received during the Initial Term and any Additional Term (the “Base Fee”). Net collections shall be defined as the total sum of all monies collected by AMB, or by CLIENT, for all services rendered by CLIENT, except Medicare claims, after the Effective Date, during the Initial Term or any Additional Term of this Agreement. For Medicaid claims only, the rate shall be a flat-rate $6.00 per Medicaid claim for the duration of the contract terms. The parties agree that some direct payments will be made to CLIENT during the term of this Agreement (hereafter “Direct Payments”) and CLIENT acknowledges that AMB is entitled to be paid i its fee, as described herein, with respect to any such Direct Payments. CLIENT shall report all Direct Payments to AMB within 72 hours of receiving said payment. 5. Computer Hardware, Software, and Training. To implement the Services, CLIENT has requested, and AMB agrees to provide, the following necessary computer hardware, software, equipment, and training (hereafter collectively the “Equipment”) for the following agreed upon prices: a. Three (3) GETAC v110 computers b. Training Total Charge for Equipment & Training $8,400.00 $2,000.00 $10,400.00 If this Agreement is terminated by CLIENT, prior to the completion of the Initial Term, CLIENT shall pay AMB the pro-rated portion of the Total Charge for Equipment that represents the pro-rata portion of the Initial Term that is not completed due to termination (hereafter the “Pro Rata Charge for Equipment”). By way of example, if CLIENT terminates this Agreement, for whatever reason, after 19 months, CLIENT shall owe and shall pay AMB the Pro Rata Charge for Equipment which shall be equal to 17/36ths of the Total Charge for Equipment, upon termination. CLIENT specifically agrees and acknowledges that it shall have no right to return the Equipment, or any portion of the Equipment, to AMB for a full or partial credit towards the Total Charge for Equipment owed by CLIENT to AMB. If CLIENT fulfills its obligations as described herein, including its obligation to pay for all Base Fees as described herein, and the Agreement is not terminated prior to the expiration of the Initial Term, CLIENT shall owe no additional amount to AMB for the Equipment 6. Payment of Fees to AMB. AMB shall send an invoice to CLIENT for all Base Fees, any Pro Rata Charge for Equipment due and owing, and any other charges, as provided for herein, on or about the 10th day of each month following the close of business for the prior month (hereafter “Invoice”). Payment is due, and CLIENT shall pay, the Invoice upon receipt. Any Invoice, or part of any Invoice, that is not paid by CLIENT within thirty (30) days, shall accrue and CLIENT shall pay interest, at the rate of 4.5% per year. CLIENT agrees to carefully review each Invoice upon receipt, and CLIENT shall notify AMB in writing with respect to any charges that are disputed within thirty (30) days of receiving each Invoice. Should CLIENT fail to pay AMB within sixty (60) days of receipt of any Invoice, AMB may take all lawful action necessary to obtain payment. 7. Bank Account and Treasury Process A bank account or lockbox account will be maintained in the name of CLIENT at a bank approved by CLIENT (hereafter the “Bank Account”). AMB will have no signatory or ownership rights in the bank account and will have no right to negotiate or assert ownership rights in deposited funds or to checks made payable to CLIENT. CLIENT shall be responsible for all bank charges, and AMB shall have no responsibility or liability for any bank errors or omissions. ii 8. Operating Procedures. CLIENT agrees and acknowledges that in order for AMB to provide the Services contemplated hereby, CLIENT must provide, or cause facilities, hospitals, or other third-party sites at which CLIENT provides services, to provide to AMB accurate and complete demographic information required by AMB, at no cost to AMB (hereafter the “Demographic Information”). CLIENT acknowledges that AMB will necessarily rely on the Demographic Information in providing the Services contemplated hereby, and that the timing and amount of reimbursements and ultimately Net Collections generated by AMB and received by CLIENT is directly related to the completeness, timeliness and accuracy of the Demographic Information and other variables, some of which are beyond the control of AMB. AMB will bill and attempt to collect CLIENT charges in a timely manner and in a manner consistent with all applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations and in a manner consistent with the policies and procedures of third party payers that are made known by such payers to medical practices and billing companies or otherwise known by AMB. The parties may, from time to time, mutually agree to specific lawful and appropriate operating policies and procedures related to the performance of Services under this Agreement. Any such operating policies and procedures, or amendments thereto, will, upon mutual written and signed agreement, become an integral part of this Agreement and shall be binding upon both parties. 9. Cash Flow Ramp Up. AMB acknowledges that maintaining adequate cash flow for CLIENT is an important part of the relationship between CLIENT and AMB, and AMB will use its good-faith, best efforts to maximize CLIENT’S cash flow. CLIENT acknowledges that cash flow is affected by many things, including run volume, which is out of AMB’S control. CLIENT agrees and acknowledges that AMB has explained that it will diligently begin billing, re-billing, and following up on CLIENT’S claims as of the Effective Date CLIENT further acknowledges that it understands that, unless a separate written agreement is entered into, AMB has not agreed to provide Services with respect to CLIENT’S Legacy Claims, and it is vitally important to CLIENT’S cash flow that CLIENT or some other third party continue to re-bill and follow up with respect to its Legacy Claims. CLIENT acknowledges that in order for cash flow to remain at levels comparable to that which existed preEffective Date, it is vitally important for CLIENT to continue to diligently bill, re-bill, and follow up with all Legacy Claims with the same effort, timeliness, and manpower as before the Effective Date. 10. Confidentiality. AMB agrees not to disclose to anyone other than CLIENT any information about CLIENT’s business, fee structure, internal compensation, operating practices and procedures, methods, managed care or facility contracting strategies, or similar business information that would commonly be understood to be confidential or any confidential medical information regarding CLIENT’s patients received in the course of performing the Services (CLIENT’s “Confidential Information”), except as required to bill charges, as legally required, or as otherwise provided herein. Each party’s Confidential Information shall remain the property of that party, during and after this Agreement. Both parties shall, at all times, have in force a signed Confidentiality Agreement executed by each full time and part time employee, independent contractor, consultant and vendor that requires CLIENT’S Confidential Information and AMB’S Confidential Information to be maintained and iii protected as set forth herein, which said Confidentiality Agreement(s) shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. Both parties shall comply with, and assist the other with compliance with applicable state or federal confidentiality requirements as to individual patient information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CLIENT agrees that AMB may use CLIENT information for research and statistical compilation purposes so long as CLIENT and patient identifying information is kept confidential in accordance with applicable law. 11. Software and Proprietary Information. AMB will at all times during the term of this Agreement, have a valid and current copy of and license for use of any third party billing software used to provide the Services required hereunder, and CLIENT will be given timely notice of any changes in third party software vendors or systems to the extent those changes would materially affect the Services. The parties agree that AMB may store Demographic Information, back-up documentation, statements, explanations of benefits, payer inquiries and other information it receives in connection with the Services (“CLIENT Information”) in electronic form through optical scanning or other technologies selected by AMB and that AMB is not obligated to maintain paper copies. AMB will at all times maintain a current and complete copy of all CLIENT Information in a secure, off-site location and that no CLIENT data shall be deleted or purged unless a period of seven years has passed since the date services were provided by CLIENT or CLIENT gives written approval of such data deletion. It is specifically acknowledged that all CLIENT data is the property of CLIENT but that AMB may maintain a copy for documentation of Services and for other purposes relating to this Agreement during and after the term of this Agreement. 12. Termination. This Agreement can be terminated by CLIENT at any time with 30 days written notice for any reason. In the event this Agreement is terminated, for whatever reason, or expires, the parties agree as follows: a) AMB shall continue to perform Services, and be entitled to the Base Fees set forth herein, for a period of one hundred sixty (60) days after the effective date of termination (hereafter “Wind Down Period”) for all of CLIENT’s charges for services rendered prior to the termination date (hereafter “Wind Down Fees”). b) In the event the Agreement is terminated before the expiration of the Initial Term, CLIENT shall pay AMB for the pro rata portion of the Equipment as is due and owing under paragraph 5 herein. c) CLIENT expressly agrees to cooperate and assist AMB with its performance during the WindDown Period and will timely report, or cause to be reported, all payment received during the Wind-Down Period. d) AMB shall discontinue performing Services for CLIENT at the end of the Wind-Down Period. CLIENT shall have no right to require the discontinuation of Services before the completion of the Wind-Down Period. e) AMB shall deliver to CLIENT, conditioned upon full payment to AMB of all Undisputed Charges, a complete list of the existing accounts receivable (all debit and credit balances) in an industry standard electronic format, including data layout and/or translation tables. f) Except for the foregoing, AMB shall have no further obligation to provide any Services after the effective date of termination, except for any additional services specifically agreed to be provided by AMB. iv 13. Notice. Any notices, payment, demand or communication required or permitted to be given herein shall be sent to the following: If to AMB: Ambulance Medical Billing Attn: Bill Harrod 100 Fulton Court Paducah, KY 42002-9200 If to CLIENT: Baker County Attn: County Manager 55 North 3rd Street Macclenny, Florida 32063 14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Florida. In the event of any dispute or disagreement between CLIENT and AMB, the sole and exclusive venue and jurisdiction shall be in Baker County, Florida. 15. Indemnification. AMB will indemnify, defend (including providing a legal defense and paying all reasonable attorney’s fees and reasonable litigation expenses) and hold harmless, CLIENT, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees and contractors, against any claims, damages, or liability (including but not limited to any claims, judgments, causes of action, fines, penalties, attorneys’ fees, litigation costs and/or damages) arising out of AMB’s failure to comply with this Agreement, or its negligence and/or intentional acts which cause damages in performing its duties and obligations hereunder. 16. Independent Contractors. AMB is an independent contractor and nothing herein shall be construed to create an employment relationship between either party or its members. 17. Insurance. AMB affirms that at all times during the term(s) of this Agreement, it shall have in force valid Worker’s Compensation insurance covering all of its employees, as well as General Liability Insurance with a policy limit of no less than $500,000 per incident or occurrence, and Errors and Omissions insurance coverage with a policy limit of no less than $3,000,000. AMB shall give CLIENT timely notice of the cancellation or lapse of any of the above policies. CLIENT shall be a named insured on the above policies. 18. Inspection. CLIENT, its agents and representatives, shall at all times during the term of this Agreement have reasonable access, during regular business hours, to review and inspect the location(s) where the services are performed upon seven (7) days advance written notice to AMB. Any inspection performed shall be subject to the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement and shall be conducted so as not to disrupt AMB’s staff or business. AMB shall not unreasonably deny, restrict or delay access for any requested inspection. In the event that CLIENT engages the services of an outside party to conduct or assist in any inspection, CLIENT shall ensure that all other parties are bound by a Confidentiality Agreement identical to the one applicable to the parties to this Agreement. 19. Force Majeur. Time is of the essence in the performance of the duties required by each party hereunder. However, performance of duties hereunder may be impeded by occurrences beyond the control of one or both parties. Events such as flood, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, blizzard, fire, riot, war, insurrection, or civil disturbance, strikes by common carriers, extended loss (more than 48 hours) of utilities (except for non-payment), and similar events shall excuse the affected party from v performance of services impeded by such event(s). Nevertheless, each party has a duty to use reasonable efforts to prevent or mitigate such impediments. In the event that any catastrophe shall prevent the timely billing of CLIENT’s services by AMB for more than fifteen (15) working days, CLIENT shall have the right to secure, without penalty, substitute services until AMB can restore services, at which time AMB’s responsibilities and rights under this Agreement shall be reinstated. For its protection, CLIENT shall, at its own expense, purchase and maintain business interruption and/or accounts receivable insurance coverage to cover any such catastrophic event, as stated above. 20. Miscellaneous. a) This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties relative to the Services to be provided to CLIENT and no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, oral or otherwise, between the parties not embodied in the Agreement will be of any force or effect. b) This Agreement specifically supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between the parties relating to the provisions of the Services, and any amendments or changes to this Agreement must be in writing, and signed by both CLIENT and AMB to be effective. c) This Agreement is binding upon, and inures to the benefit of and is enforceable by AMB, CLIENT and their respective legal representatives, assigns and successors in interest. d) Neither party may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, provided that this Agreement will be deemed assigned to, and will be binding upon, the survivor in any merger or business combination involving a party or the purchaser of all or substantially all of the assets of a party. e) AMB and CLIENT acknowledge that they are duly authorized by appropriate corporate action to enter into this Agreement and that this Agreement is being signed by duly authorized agents authorized to act on their respective behalf. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed. CLIENT AMB By: By: Print Name: __________________________ Print Name: __________________________ Title: Title: Date: Date: vi ADDENDUM 1: RESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH PARTY In order to comply with the Agreement, and to perform the Services contemplated thereunder, AMB shall do the following: 1. Provide coding of all encounters generated by CLIENT, as required by third party payers, inclusive of, but not limited to HCPCS, ICD-9 CM, and ICD-10 coding schemes. 2. Issue bills to individuals for all self-pay patients with a minimum 2 statements and 1 script letter (COLLECTION NOTICE). CLENT will be given limited discretion regarding the wording to appear on bills and letters. 3. Regularly monitor services and volume(s) with detailed, encounter/run audits, reconciled to applicable service, encounter and activity records/logs, for at least twelve (12) individual months in Year 1 of this agreement and three (3) month per year thereafter. The goal of monitoring is to assure that greater than 98% of all billable services are processed for billing. In the event that an audit reveals that less than 98% of all billable services are billed, corrective steps will be taken and monthly audits will be performed until 98% reconciliation is achieved. CLIENT, at its’ own expense, may conduct additional audits at any time. 4. If required, develop and maintain electronic data interfaces directly with CLIENT’S hospital service sites (where such sites allow) for the collection of patient demographic data. CLIENT agrees to apply its best efforts to assist AMB in achieving these interfaces, including, but not limited to interacting with hospital Information Systems staff, Administration and others. 5. Use reasonable efforts to accurately enter procedural and demographic data necessary for patient and third party billing into its billing system, within three (3) business days of receipt, subject to CLIENT’s obligation under the Agreement to provide accurate and complete Demographic Information. 6. Issue initial billing to patients and/or third parties no more than seven (7) business days after receiving all required information. 7. Submit claims electronically to all third party payers capable of accepting claims in electronic format. 8. Prepare and deliver month-end reports of the billing performance and practice statistics no later than the tenth (10th) business day of the next month. This duty may be fulfilled by electronic and/or paper reports. 9. Produce monthly credit balance reports and advise the CLIENT of refunds due to both patients and third parties. 10. Provide toll free phone lines for patient inquiries and adequate phone inquiry staff to effectively respond to patients in a reasonable amount of time. 11. Use reasonable efforts to advise CLIENT of any material change in third party rules and regulations which are made known to providers and third party billing agents or otherwise known to AMB. vii CLIENT, to support the billing process and to facilitate optimal performance by AMB, shall do the following: 1. Identify one administrative and one clinical representative to whom AMB may, respectively, address all matters related to Services under this Agreement. If AMB or its selected vendor performs coding for CLIENT, CLIENT will also appoint a coding representative. All CLIENT representatives will have the power to agree, on behalf of CLIENT, to mutually agreed resolutions to any issues arising in their respective areas, and upon AMB’s request, receive confirmatory memoranda or letters, which will thereupon be incorporated into this Agreement by reference. These individuals appointed by CLIENT will provide timely response to all reasonable requests by AMB. 2. CLIENT warrants that AMB may rely on the existence of patient signatures on assignment of benefits, medical information releases and Advance Beneficiary Notices, and physician signatures on charts and other medical documents, as required for submission of claims on behalf of CLIENT. 3. CLIENT will assist AMB in working with and/or resolving problems related to work performed by personnel employed by hospitals, labs and other institutions in order to achieve the goals of this Agreement and the provision of Services by AMB in an efficient and cost-effective manner. 4. CLIENT will provide AMB with timely notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the expected addition or reduction of services so that AMB has adequate time to perform its duties under the Agreement. AMB will not be responsible for losses or delays in payment resulting from untimely notice. 5. It is the mutual goal of CLIENT and AMB to conduct all billing in a compliant manner. CLIENT will establish and enforce and AMB will follow written billing policies and procedures for the practice that will serve as the foundation of a practice Compliance Program for CLIENT and AMB. These billing policies and procedures will be developed and amended, as needed, in concert with AMB’s Compliance Staff and AMB’s Compliance Plan, as described in the Agreement, and shall be consistent with AMB’s Compliance Plan. 6. CLIENT will respond, within ten (10) business days, to any documentation requests, made by payers and/or AMB, and forwarded from AMB. 7. Upon receipt of the requisite research and worksheets from AMB, CLIENT will timely issue refunds of overpayments to patients and payers and shall be responsible for reconciliation of the refund checking account to assure that all refund checks have been cashed. CLIENT shall promptly notify AMB of the receipt of cancelled checks upon which AMB shall rely to remove credit balances from CLIENT’s accounts receivable files. CLIENT shall be solely responsible for monitoring and surrendering unclaimed funds to the Treasurer of the State having escheat jurisdiction over any unclaimed payments. 8. CLIENT shall be responsible for assuring that all information required for CLIENT enrollment, if performed by AMB, is provided timely, accurately and completely. AMB shall not be responsible for delays in provider enrollment and subsequent billing and payment delays or losses related to delayed response by CLIENT. 9. CLIENT shall give AMB timely advance notice of any new payment contracts, HMO or PPO relationships and other contracts or market changes so that AMB may accommodate these changes, as necessary. viii ADDENDUM 2: COMPLIANCE Both parties to this Agreement agree to, and have represented to each other that they do, perform their respective business activities in a manner consistent with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. As part of the inducement, each to the other, to enter into this Agreement, both parties have represented that they do, and will continue to operate consistent with and fully comply with their respective Corporate Compliance Plans, to the extent that such plans have been adopted. To the extent that no such Plan has been adopted, both parties agree to the following: 1. Each party will conduct its own periodic risk assessment and advise the other party to this Agreement of any findings that may affect that other party’s compliance or performance under this Agreement. 2. Both parties agree that the other party hereto may review its Compliance Program upon request. 3. Both parties agree to conduct appropriate background checks on all employees, prospective employees, contractors, agents and vendors to assure that all services are provided by individuals who have not been excluded by any governmental authority, or should be excluded by any governmental authority. 4. Both parties agree to maintain appropriate compliance records and assure the completeness and security of said records. 5. Both parties agree to scrupulously and diligently comply with the rules and regulations related to the following areas of widely known compliance risk: a) Improper waiver of charges, deductibles and copayments; b) Up-coding, unbundling, serial reporting and other coding violations; c) Misuse of a provider number or misrepresentation of the identity of a provider of services; d) Failure to repay overpayments or failure to timely refund overpayments; e) Seeking duplicate payment for the same service and/or from the same source; f) Failure to maintain proper records of current and prior billing; g) Failure to protect the confidentiality of patient information. 6. Both parties agree that, in the event that they become aware of a compliance concern that appears to be related to the other party’s conduct, they will promptly communicate that concern to the other party in writing. The party receiving notice will take prompt action to investigate the concern and will timely (within 30 days) report back to the other party, in writing, their response to the reported concern. 7. Nothing herein shall be construed to infer or imply a duty or expectation that any party will knowingly conceal or participate in any misconduct, or allow any misconduct to continue. 8. It is expressly agreed that AMB has the right and duty to suspend and refuse submission of any and all claims that AMB reasonably believes are, or may be, improper and would subject CLIENT or AMB to compliance violations. AMB has the duty to provide reasonable and timely notice to CLIENT of such suspension and to make reasonable and timely efforts to resolve the issue or concern leading to the suspension of claim submission. In the event that investigation is required to resolve the suspension, each party agrees to cooperate in such investigation. 9. Each party agrees to be separately responsible for their respective compliance-related legal and consulting expenses. i AMB PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE Contractor acknowledges that they have been awarded this contract by CLIENT partly as a result of making certain performance guarantees regarding the recovery of funds from the billing and processing of charges related to ambulance and emergency medical services. As such, it has been agreed upon between both CLIENT and CONTRACTOR that a guarantee be made to ensure all fee’s on behalf of CONTRACTOR are offset by a revenue increase by CONTRACTOR. Contractor agrees that CLIENT, or their representative, have previously provided to Contractor for review the financial data of the CLIENT indicating the volume and payer mix of patients, gross charges, collections and adjustments of the CLIENT for the previous 12 month period. Contractor agrees that they have reviewed these figures and believe that actual monthly cash recoveries from the gross charges of the CLIENT can be increased by utilizing the services of the Contractor and their related vendors. Specifically, based on the data provided by the CLIENT the average combined monthly net revenues, excluding hospital or facility stipends, for the CLIENT from actual work provided by the CLIENT are $77,362 on 262 average monthly ambulance patient transports. Assuming monthly runs/encounters do not decrease from the previous 12 month average of 262, Contractor hereby guarantees to CLIENT that after 180 days of the effective date of the AMB Service Agreement and for a period of six months thereafter average monthly cash recoveries will increase by a minimum of 5% or $3,868. This guarantee is contingent on the assumption of no significant changes from current CLIENT percentages of payer mix, and service type. This guarantee is also contingent on a three day remittance and payment turn around period by CLIENT to CONTRACTOR to ensure CONTRACTOR is being sent all necessary payment documents to post to patient accounts. In the event that Contractor fails to increase the monthly recoveries as indicated above Contractor agrees to reduce the contingent commission rate shown in the AMB Service Agreement by 25% for each and any period during the 6 months in which the Contractor fails to realize the above stated increase. This addendum is executed this _____________ day of ____________, 2015 by: ________________________________ CLIENT Name and Title ____________________ Date ________________________________ Contractor Name and Title ________________________ Date BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EXHIBIT A BUILDING PERMIT COST COMPARISONS & RECOMMENDATIONS PERMIT CATEGORY RECOMMENDED BAKER MACCLENNY UNION DUVAL 75.00 69.00 75.00 71.00 170.00 COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC 200.00 69.00 200.00 71.00 190.00* FEE SCHED. COMMERCIAL UPGRADE 100.00 46.00 100.00 71.00 100.00* FEE SCHED. CONST. & UTILITY POLES 40.00 23.00 50.00 71.00 80.00 50.00 RE-INSPECTION SERV. 40.00 17.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 ADDITIONAL / UPGRADE 50.00 46.00 50.00 71.00 100.00 50.00 MOBILE HOME ELEC. 50.00 23.00 50.00 71.00 80.00 50.00 POOL ELECTRIC 50.00 35.00 50.00 71.00 120.00 50.00 200 AMP ELEC * Base charge with additional fees according to scope of work. BRADFORD 75.00 BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EXHIBIT B BUILDING PERMIT COST COMPARISONS & RECOMMENDATIONS PERMIT CATEGORY RECOMMENDED BAKER MACCLENNY UNION DUVAL BRADFORD GARAGES / SHEDS 50.00 min* 20.00 min* 50.00 min* 40.00 min* 100.00 min* 50.00 min* ADDITIONS 50.00 min* 20.00 min* 50.00 min* 99.00 min* 150.00 min* 50.00 min* 50.00 46.00 50.00 min* 71.00 150.00 min* 50.00 min* 50.00 min* 46.00 50.00 min* 150.00 150.00 min* 50.00 min* 175.00 103.50 270.00 * 200.00 125.40 * 220.00 * HVAC RESIDENTIAL 75.00 52.00 75.00 71.00 60.00 min* 70.00 * HVAC COMMERCIAL 100.00* 52.00 200.00 71.00 110.00* 50.00 min* PLUMBING (10 fixtures) 78.00* 78.00* 75.00 71.00 110.00* 70.00 * DEMO 50.00 20.00 50.00 71.00 50.00 50.00 RE-ROOF COMMERCIAL ROOF POOL ($35,000) Fee Schedule BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EXHIBIT C BUILDING PERMIT COST COMPARISONS & RECOMMENDATIONS PERMIT CATEGORY RECOMMENDED BAKER MACCLENNY UNION DUVAL BRADFORD SINGLE WIDE MH 175.00 144.00 200.00 165.00 100.00 150.00 DOUBLE WIDE MH 200.00 173.00 250.00 183.00 100.00 250.00 TRIPLE WIDE MH 225.00 201.00 300.00 201.00 100.00 350.00 MOBILE HOME A/C 50.00 0.00 50.00 71.00 84.00 0.00 MOBILE HOME PLUMBING 25.00 0.00 25.00 71.00 64.00 0.00 Pending Business PENDING BUSINESS ITEM Courthouse HVAC conversion recommendation Transportation Center Construction LDR Revisions Purchasing Policy Revisions LAP Certification PRIORITY High High High Normal Normal STATUS In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress START DATE 2/1/2014 05/06/2014 11/18/2014 03/01/2015 DUE DATE 4/30/2015 07/01/2015 10/01/2014 01/31/2015 06/30/2015 % COMPLETE COMMENTS 75% Draft sent to attorney for final review. 75% Mining Revisions reviewed again at May LPA meeting. Proposed Schedule for Other sections: Home Occupation and Rural Commercial - June. Adult Entertainment, Gambling and signage - July. Gun ranges and Noise - August. Need direction from BOCC regarding road paving requirements. 75% 25% Draft purchasing policy distributed to BOCC for review. 75% LAP Certification Interview scheduled for 6/22. MEMORANDUM DATE: June 4, 20145 TO: Baker County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Ed Preston, Planning and Zoning Director RE: Verizon Blair Tower Special Use DESCRIPTION This new proposed communication tower site is located about 1300 feet west of CR 121 and 300 feet north of Bobby Sapp Road just south and west of the State Hospital. General Location BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a special use for a new communication tower on a vacant 38.48 acre parcel. STANDARD OF REVIEW • • • • Zoning decisions are generally quasi-judicial. Standard of Review: “Competent Substantial Evidence.” Findings of Fact—Yes Ex Parte Communications—NO 2014 Aerial with 400’ radius Zoning Future Land Use 100 Year Flood Zone Context Findings The part of the Land Development Regulations relating to this application include: PART 3.06.00 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES Sec. 3.06.01 General The provisions of this section are intended to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens by regulating the siting of communications towers and to establish the necessary legal framework to encourage the use of towers which are compatible with their surroundings. Sec. 3.06.02 Purpose The Board of County Commissioners finds that the promulgation of this ordinance is warranted and necessary to accomplish the following purposes: A. To direct the location of communication towers within Baker County; B. To protect residential areas and land uses from the potential adverse impacts of communication towers; C. To minimize adverse visual and aesthetic impacts of communication towers through careful design, siting, landscape screening, and innovative aesthetic mitigation; D. To accommodate the growing demand for communication towers; E. To promote and encourage shared use and co-location of existing and new communication towers as the preferred option rather than construction of additional single-use towers; F. To consider the public health and safety of communication towers; G. To avoid or minimize potential damage to adjacent properties from tower failure through engineering and careful siting of tower structures. And Sec. 3.06.04 A. Special Use Permit Required All wireless telecommunication facilities shall constitute a special use as permitted herein. Such facilities may be permitted in any district under the criteria set forth hereafter and upon the approval of the Board of County Commissioners. This provision shall supersede the existing land development regulations which limit special use permits to certain zoning districts. B. No development permit, including building permit, shall be issued until after a public hearing is held on the application and the special use permit is approved by the Board of County Commissioners authorizing the construction of the proposed tower or other telecommunication facility. And Sec. 3.06.06 Location on Lot A communication tower may be located on a lot utilized for other principal uses and on a parcel smaller than the minimum lot size required in the zoning district. This parcel shall be considered as the tower site. The tower site, but not the entire lot, shall be subject to all of the requirements of this Section, except as specifically provided herein. Sec. 3.06.07 A. Minimum Distance of Towers from Residential Zones Regardless of the zoning district in which the communication tower is located. The minimum distance of the tower shall be not less than 200 feet from the nearest residential lot line of any residential districts or from any parcel containing a residence in an agricultural district except that in the agricultural districts the communication tower may be closer to a parcel boundary provided it remains a minimum of 400 feet from any residence existing at the time of approval. B. Minimum distances shall be measured from the center of the base of the communication tower to the lot line of the applicable residential zoning district or parcel, as the case may be. C. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this ordinance, no communication tower other than a monopole (freestanding) tower or alternative tower structure shall be located in any residential zoning district. Sec. 3.06.08 Maximum Height The minimum height of communication towers shall be: A. In all residential districts: If constructed for a single user, up to ninety (90) feet in height, and, If constructed for two or more users, up to one hundred fifty (150) feet in height. B. In all other zoning districts: If constructed for a single user, up to one hundred fifty (150) feet in height; If constructed for two users, up to two hundred fifty (250) feet in height; If constructed for three or more users, up to three hundred thirty (330) feet in height. C. A communication tower shall be considered to be constructed for more than one user if: It is constructed so as to provide sufficient excess capacity over the initial single user loading for one or more additional comparable users; and The applicant consents in writing with Baker County to permit one or more additional comparable communication providers to use the proposed tower D. where feasible and subject to reasonable terms. Measurement of communication tower height shall include antenna, base pad, and other appurtenances and shall be measured from the finished grade of the tower site. E. Application may be made to exceed the height limitation. The zoning agency shall determine if the goal and objective of promoting co-location will be served by granting a variance to exceed the maximum height and may approve such application if consistent with the goals and objectives of this section and if necessary to comply with The Telecommunications Act of 1996. Sec. 3.06.09 Minimum Yard Requirements. There are no minimum yard requirements for communication towers. Sec. 3.06.10 Illumination Communication towers shall not be artificially lighted except as may be required by Federal Aviation Administration. If lighting is required, the applicant must present Baker County with available lighting alternatives and obtain approval of the Baker County Commission so that the county is assured that the design utilized will cause the least possible disturbance to the surroundings. Sec. 3.06.11 Finished Color Communication towers not requiring FAA painting/marking shall have either a galvanized finish or painted a dull blue or gray finish. Sec. 3.06.12 Structural Design Communication towers shall be designed and constructed to ensure that the structural failure or collapse of the tower will not create a safety hazard to adjoining properties. Communication towers shall be constructed to EIA/TIA 222-F Standards or the most current equivalent standards, as published by the Electronic Industries Association, which may be amended from time to time, and all applicable county building codes. All plans for the construction of towers shall be sealed by a Florida registered professional engineer. Further, any improvements and/or additions (i.e., antenna, satellite dishes, etc.) to existing communication towers shall require submission of site plans sealed and verified by a professional engineer which demonstrates compliance with EIA/TIA 222-F Standards or most current equivalent standards in effect at the time of said improvement or addition. Said plans shall be submitted to, reviewed and approved by the building department at the time building permits are requested. A fall zone shall be provided to the extent that is required by EIA/TIA 222-F Standards or the most current equivalent standards. Sec. 3.06.13 Fencing A six foot finished masonry wall or fence, other than chain link, with not less than 85% opacity shall be required as a minimum around all communication towers located in a residential or commercial zoning district. In all other zoning districts, the fence may be any type of security fence provided that is at least six feet in height. Access to all towers shall be through a locked gate. Sec. 3.06.14 No Advertising Neither the communication tower nor the tower site shall be used for advertising purposes and shall not contain any signs for the purpose of advertising. Sec. 3.06.15 Landscaping The visual impacts of residentially or commercially located communication towers shall be mitigated through landscaping or the screening materials at the base of the tower and ancillary structures. A. The following landscaping and buffering of communication towers shall be required around the perimeter of the tower and accessory structures: A row of shade trees a minimum of ten (10) feet tall and a maximum of twenty (20) feet apart shall be planted around the perimeter of the fence; A continuous hedge at least thirty-six (36) inches high at the time of planting, capable of growing to at least forty-eight (48) inches in height within 18 months, shall be planted in front of the tree line referenced above; All required landscaping shall be of the evergreen variety; All required landscaping shall be native drought tolerant species and/or irrigated and properly maintained to ensure good health and vitality. B. Required landscaping shall be installed outside the fence or wall. C. Existing vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable and may be credited as appropriate toward landscaping requirements. D. These standards may be waived by the Planning Director for those sides of the proposed tower that are located adjacent to undevelopable lands and lands not in public view. The proposed tower is to be constructed to 250 feet in height. The property is zoned AG 7.5. The 33.48 acre property is vacant. The Baker County setback requirement for this tower is 400 feet from the closest residence and 200 feet from the nearest residential lot line in a residential district. There is no residence within 400 feet of the proposed tower. The closest residential district is a PUD on the south side of Bobby Sapp Road, however the PUD provides for a preserved wetlands land use inside the 400 foot arc of the proposed tower, and no residential lot line is within the required 400 foot setback. The Baker County height limit for a tower designed for two users is 250’. The Board of County Commissioners will hear this on June 16, 2015. RECOMMENDATION The Baker County Planning and Zoning Department finds this proposed special use is consistent with the land development regulations and comprehensive plan and recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve this request.
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