The Lions Roar The The Official Newsletter of District 20-Y2 May 2015 MEMORIAL DAY In This Issue Message from the DG.................... 1 DG Testimonial............................... 2 Glens Falls Lions Club Ad............. 3 Sauquoit Valley Lions Club........... 5 Town of Greenfield Ad.................... 5 Galway Lioness Ad......................... 5 Journey For Sight Walk Ad............ 6 Upcoming Events........................... 7 Glens Falls Lions Club Ad............. 8 Who’s Who in 20Y2........................ 9 Submit to the Roar/MD-20 Mag... 10 Clinton Lions Club.........................11 Glens Falls Lions Club..................11 Albany-Troy Lions Club............... 13 Saratoga Lions Club..................... 13 International Convention............. 13 Sight Society..................................... Matching Grant........................ 14 THE ROAR DEADLINE IS 28th of EACH MONTH Next MD20 Magazine Deadline May 1st PLEASE READ Submission Specifications on PAGE 10 BEFORE SUBMITTING District Governor Marianne Lynch L ions, Lioness and Leos, MD 20 had a successful State Convention in Binghamton this past weekend. Congratulations to District Governor Elect Paula Flisnik, First Vice District Governor Elect James Griffith and Second Vice District Governor Elect John McDonald. You have our District’s support as you lead 20-Y2 into the future. IPDG Steve was awarded the International President’s Leadership Medal for his service to our District and Lionism. Lion Verna Plummer received the Brandel-Murphy Miracle Through Service Medal for her efforts with youth in our District. It will be a privilege to award this to her at the Testimonial Dinner. Congratulations to two very deserving Lions. Camp Abilities Saratoga and CABVI both were awarded grants of $2000 each from the Brandel-Murphy Foundation. Please remember there are many grant opportunities for service projects. As I wind down my tenure as DG, I am thankful for the wonderful, hardworking and dedicated Lions of 20-Y2. I hope to see many of you at the District Testimonial and Awards Dinner on June 13th in Lake George. The invitations have been sent out and there is also a copy here in the ROAR. Everyone is welcome! Please join us as we celebrate our many successes and continued service to District 20-Y2. Yours in Lionism, DG Marianne District 20Y2 page 2 District Governor Marianne Lynch Lions District 20-Y2 You are cordially invited to The District 20-Y2 Testimonial Dinner Saturday, June 13, 2015 Holiday Inn Resort Route 9, Lake George, New York Hors d’oeuvres and Cash Bar 6:00-6:45 Introductions 6:45 Dinner: 7:00 Awards to Follow Chicken Francaise ~ Prime Rib ~ Shrimp Scampi ~ Vegetarian Option Please Be Our Guest Dress: Men – Business Attire Ladies – Cocktail Dress or Business Attire PDGs and Council – White Dinner Jacket Please respond with your check and selection on or before May 28, 2015 Lion Mary Claire Noakes, 12 Towner Road, Lake Luzerne, NY 12846 M_____________________________________________ M_____________________________________________ ____Will Attend ___Will Not Attend ____Chicken Francaise ____Prime Rib ____Shrimp Scampi ____Vegetarian Option page 3 N See Golf on page4 page 4 N From Golf on page 3 Be Sure to Check Out Up to Date Information at These Websites: Attention Zone Chairs Please complete this form after your club visits District 20Y2 Multiple District 20 Lions International page 5 Sauquoit Valley Lions Club By Lion Connie Griffin S auquoit Valley Lions have had a busy Spring! On Sunday, March 29, we hosted our Annual Palm Sunday Breakfast and Bake Sale raising $2,000! Well attended and a most enjoyable community social event following this long,long winter. Walk - Saturday May 9, 2015 at the Sauquoit High School Track on Sulphur Springs Road. Registration at 9 walk/run begins at 10 am. SAUQUOIT VALLEY Lions Club King Lion Michael Bader 9244 Paris Hill Rd Sauquoit, NY 13456 Like the Corinth Leo Club on Facebook {SAVE THE DATE} Town of Greenfield Lions 30th Charter Night October 17th, 2015 at On Monday, March 30 we joined other area Lions as we shared dinner and met Erin Hamlin, USA Olympian. The Haven Tee Room {More details to follow!!} SAVE THE DATE! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2015 King Lion Mike Bader Lion Laura Bader and grand daughter Kayla. Monday, April 6 we joined Herkimer Lions at a dinner at the Waterfront Grille and Welcomed District Governor Mary Ann Lynch. Upcoming Events include the Regional Journey for Sight GALWAY LIONESS 30TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY HOLIDAY INN IN SARATOGA COCKTAILS AT 6 PM DINNER AT 6:30 PM page 6 May 9, 2015 Sauquoit Valley High School | Outdoor Track 9:30am Registration | 10am Start Refreshments, Food, and Fun! Participants with $25 or more in pledges get a Journey for Sight T-Shirt. Those with $100 or more in pledges are entered in drawings for great prizes! These fine companies sponsor the Journey for Sight Nicholas Montesano, CLU, CHFC, LUTCF Financial Specialist 18 01 page 7 Upcoming Events Is your club participating in DG Marianne’s Literacy Project? Every Thursday Join Albany’s Blind Bowling League (visually impaired and sighted bowlers welcome!) Support blind children by purchasing a “Though Their Eyes” 2015 Calendar Sunday, May 3, 2015 Sight Society/Lions Eye Bank Annual Membership Meeting Monday, May 4, 2015 Low-Vision Support Group Tuesday, May 5, 2015 A Morning of Better Hearing Lions Eye Institute Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Info session on cochlear implants Monday, May 18, 2015 Hearing Conservation Society meeting in Albany Sunday, May 24, 2015 Join the Saratoga Springs Lions Club at their Annual Duathalon For more information go to Click on links for complete information about the above events. Membership Chairs! LCI has created a Membership Chairperson Web Page This page will provide you with resources you will need, most importantly the recently updated Club Membership Chairperson Guide. page 8 page 9 Who’s Who in 20Y2 CABINET OFFICERS DISTRICT GOVERNOR DG Marianne Lynch 48 North St. , Granville, NY 12832 Home (518) 642-0000 Club: Glens Falls 1st VICE-DISTRICT GOVERNOR 1st VDG Paula J. Flisnik 6638 Fox Road, Marcy, NY 13403 Home (315) 865-8253 Cell (315) 527-1112 Work (315) 797-2233 ext. 1270 Club: Holland Patent CABINET SECRETARY Lion Jack Womer 1094 Westline Road, Amsterdam, NY 12010-6615 Home (518) 843-6148 Club: Galway 2nd VICE-DISTRICT GOVERNOR 2nd VDG Jim Griffith 119 East Main Street, Cambridge, NY 12816 Home (315) 269-5370 Club: Cambridge CABINET TREASURER Lion John McDonald P. O. Box 91, Galway, NY 12074 Home (518) 882-6148 Work (518) 402-6988 Club: Saratoga Springs IMM. PAST DIST. GOVERNOR IPDG Stephen Lynch 48 North Street, Granville, NY 12832 Home (518) 642-0000 Club: Glens Falls REGION AND ZONE CHAIRS L I O N REGION CHAIR Lion Jim Winkler 136 Utica Road, Clinton, NY 13323 Home: (315) 853-6355 REGION CHAIR REGION CHAIR PDG Dave Ramsey 742 Corbin Hill Road Sprakers, NY 12166 Home: (518) 922-5802 REGION CHAIR PDG Joan Scott 140 Gailey Hill Roadd Lake Luzerne, NY 12846 Home: (518) 696-2904 Zone A Chair Lion Joseph Tyo 409 1st Ave Extension Frankfort, NY 13340 Cell: (315) 868-7375 (Deerfield, Herkimer, Holland Patent, Utica) Zone A Chair Lion Verna Plummer 612 Plummer Road Ballston Spa, NY 12020 Home: (518) 885-0349 Cell: (518) 605-6105 (Amsterdam, Ballston Spa, Galway, Saratoga Springs, Scotia-Glenville, Greenfield) Zone A Chair Lion Michele O’Hare 8 Turnberry Drive Delmar, NY 12188 Home: (518) 475-1098 Work: (518) 463-1211 extension 241 mohare@ (Albany & Troy, Bethlehem, Greater Ravena, Waterford) Zone A Chair Lion Jim Clark 15 Pine Road South Glens Falls, NY 12803 Home (518) 792-4185 (Fort Edward, Glens Falls, Granville, Hadley-Luzerne) Zone B Chair Lion Brenda Mason 437 Mason Road Waterville, NY 13480 Home (315) 723-1830 Work (315) 841-8521 (Clinton, New Hartford,NY MillsWhitestone,Sauquoit Valley) Zone B Chair PDG Linda Walsh 101 Francis Street, Lot 25 Gloversville, NY 12078 Home: (518) 848-3503 (Broadalbin-Perth, Central Mohawk Valley, Fonda-Fultonville, Gloversville, Johnstown, Northville-Sacandaga, Speculator) Zone B Chair Lion Tom Snowdon 334 Knox Road Schoharie, NY 12157 Home: (518) 872-1091 (Duane, Schenectady, Town ofWright-Schoharie) Zone B Chair Lion Rosemarie Smith P. O. Box 216 Hoosick, NY 12089 Cell 970-819-1396 Work: (518) 686-4506 (Cambridge, Greenwich,Schuylerville, Town of Hoosick, Mechanicville-Stillwater) Cultural and Community Activities Newsletter and MD20 Magazine Karen Rager 82 Hunter Lane Queensbury, NY 12804 Home: (518) 798-3143 Information Technology Webmaster Jerry Gordon 15 Hyland Circle Troy, NY 12182 Home: (518) 235-8232 page 10 Is your club in The ROAR or the MD20 Magazine? Let the District and the State know the GREAT things YOUR club is doing! Below are the specifications for each publication. MD/20 Magazine Submissions Submission deadlines: Sept. 1; Dec. 1; Feb. 1; May 1 I will submit everything I receive by the deadline, however submission does not guarantee publication. I am not the editor of the MD20 magazine. the Roar Submissions Deadlines: 28th of every month Everything received by the deadline will be in the next issue. Publication will be the 1st of every month. Articles n Digital submission preferred in upper/lower case format. n Microsoft Word, PDF, or text embedded in an email are acceptable. n If it is handwritten, it MUST BE LEGIBLE. n No scanned newspaper articles. Newspaper articles will be accepted IF they are in digital format, and with written permission from the originating publication. n SPELL CHECK everything, particularly names, titles, club name, etc. Photos n Digital submission preferred in JPEG or TIFF format. n Hard copies are acceptable (Please do not write on the back). n Newspaper photos are not acceptable. n SPELL CHECK everything, particularly names, titles, club name, etc. n PLEASE MAKE SURE CAPTIONS ARE IDENTIFIED WITH CORRESPONDING PHOTOS! Event Flyers (the roar ONly) n Original documents saved in PDF format or Microsoft Word are acceptable. No scanned documents. Flyers may be “reworked” due to space requirements. n SPELL CHECK everything, particularly names, titles, club name, etc. Submissions can be made to or Lion Karen Rager, 82 Hunter Lane, Queensbury, NY 12804 page 11 Glens Falls Lions Club 20Y2 CLUB STATUS A By Lion Karen Rager Please make sure your club information is up to date! 1220 New Scotland Road Slingerlands, NY 12159 t our April 28th dinner meeting Lion John McDonald (Saratoga Lions Club and Chairman of the Lions Eye Institute/Lions Foundation), our guest speaker, presented Lion Linda Terjeson with a Knight of the Blind. Congratulations Linda! ARE YOU A KNIGHT OF THE BLIND? Did you know that over 5,000 children and 30,000 adults are treated every year at the Lions Eye Institute at Albany? BECOMINg A KNIgHT OF THE BLIND is one way you can support this mission. For more information: Clinton Lions Club Olympian receives MJF By Lion Jim Winkler O n March 31, 2015 twelve of our members joined with members from six Lions Clubs from our Region for dinner and presentation of a Melvin Jones Fellowship to Erin Hamlin, 2014 Olympic Bronze Medalist Winner in the sport of luge. Erin lives in our region (Remsen, NY) and has dedicated the last twelve years of her life to training for this sport. 2014 marked the second Olympics in which she Lion John, wearing two Lions hats, also gave a presentation on Saratoga Camp Abilities, with our Lion Jenn Howse and her camper son Alex. He told us of the many activities offered during the week the campers are on the Camp Abilities Campus (Skidmore College), which included tanadem biking, bowling, ice skating, beep baseball and paddle boarding to name a few. He asked Alex what his favorite activity was and hard pressed to make a decision beause he liked them all, finally blurted out, “I’d have to say paddle boarding!” It was nice to see Lion Mary Claire and PDG Dick in attendance! Save the date for our 12th Annual SWING for Sight and Sound Golf Tournament at Airway Meadows See our Ad page 3 & 4 GLENS FALLS Lions Club King Lion Kassey Granger Erin Hamlin (center) holding her 2015 World Cup Gold Medal from Sochi with her parents Ron & Eileen N See Clinton on page 12 WE SERVE page 12 N From Clinton on page 11 compete and she became the first to medal in this sport for the USA. The Fellowship was sponsored by her “home” club of Holland Patent through the combined contributions from all eight Regional Lions Clubs. Joining her as guests of the Regional Lions that evening were her parents, Ron and Eileen, who have supported her throughout her years of Erin Hamlin (center) receives her MJF from RC Jim competition. Winkler (left) and 1st VDG Paula Flisnik (right) After receiving her award, Erin addressed those present, sharing some of her recent experiences, future plans and thanking us for honoring her with the Fellowship. There was little doubt she was a most worthy recipient and will represent the award and the ideals of Lions extremely well as she continues her international travels, training and competitions. We also became better informed about the Central Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired (CABVI) summer and winter Camp Abilities programs. Kathy Beaver, Vice President of Rehabilitation Services at the Agency explained the successes experienced as they conducted their first annual development and outdoor activity program for blind and visually impaired youth during the past year. District Governor’s Visitation On April 6, 2015 we jointly greeted DG Marianne & IPDG Steve as she made her annual visitation to our region. The evening was hosted by the Herkimer Lions and our dinner meeting took place at the Waterfront Grille in Herkimer, NY. DG Marianne addressed us, thanking us for supporting her “Literacy Project”, presented each club present with a children’s book to be distributed to a suitable site in our areas and presented service chevrons to those eligible recipients in attendance. Other Activities We continue to collect used eyeglasses from containers located in local businesses, assist with monthly food distribution to the needy, and recently sponsored a Little For a limited time, e-subscriptions to this newsletter are absolutely FREE, but any Lion who wants one must follow a complicated process ! If you think other members of your club can handle this, please tell them about it. 1. G o to 2. In the lower left corner of the home page is the sign-up box. Fill in the 5 pieces of requested info (email address, first name, last name, club name and Captcha code). 3. R espond to the request for confirmation that you will get from Vertical Response.This is a necessary step to complete the process. Any questions or problems, contact Lion Jerry Gordon at League team for the upcoming season. Prior to Easter, we concluded the most successful “Bunny Sale” (18 cases) in support of the Lions Foundation at Albany. Once again this year we couldn’t have done it without the help of our Leo Club! Upcoming Events As our year rapidly is coming to a close, we set our sights on participating in the 34th annual Regional Journey for Sight to be held on Saturday May 9, 2015 at the Sauquoit Valley High School Track, presenting four local graduating seniors with awards to assist in the furthering their education and participating in our annual Memorial Day Parade. After the turn of the Lions year in July we will be hosting our annual Senior Citizens Picnic and conducting our third annual Garage Sale in July. Central Mohawk Valley Lions Club King Lion William O’Mara page 13 Albany & Troy Lions Club you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?” A Just a few months after her speech the Albany-Troy and Saratoga Springs Lions Clubs were chartered. For the past 90 years our clubs have accepted, embraced and excelled at carrying out our primary mission of Sight and Hearing Conservation throughout our respective communities. On Saturday November 7th our clubs will come together to celebrate our 90th anniversaries! We’ll be joined in celebration that night by Past International President Lion Al Brandel and Dr. Lion Maureen Murphy. Save the date and look for more details about this celebration in upcoming editions of the “Lions Roar”. You’ll want to be there! By Lion Jerry Gordon t our April 8 meeting, Rev Perry Jones, Executive Director of Capital City Rescue Mission, told us of the many services that they provide, most of which are free: three meals a day, every day (over 240,000 were served in 2014); shelter for the homeless (64,800 nights last year); medical care at their on-site clinic (almost 3500 visits); clothing and household items (more than 400,000 articles of clothing); and education, including GED preparation, employment readiness and Bible studies. PDG Dave Harris inducted new Lion Elaine Gerwin; KL Carol is her sponsor. Lion Elaine is a Service Navigator for CEO, where she enlists and trains volunteers for their various projects throughout the year. ALBANY & TROY Lions Club King Lion Carol Quantock P.O. Box 192, Troy, NY 12181-0192 (518) 266-7788 Saratoga Lions Club By Lion John McDonald O n June 30, 1925 at the Lions International Convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, Helen Keller addressed the convention delegation. She closed her speech that day with the following: “The opportunity I bring to you, Lions, is this: To foster and sponsor the work of the American Foundation for the Blind. Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, Saratoga Lions Club King Lion Joseph Sporko 12 Sydney Hill Road Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Cell: 518-527-1530 Say Aloha to the 98th International Convention Honolulu, Hawaii June 26th – June 30th, 2015 page 14 SIGHT SOCIETY OF NORTHEASTERN NEW YORK, INC. LIONS EYE BANK AT ALBANY 6 Executive Park Drive Albany, NY 12203 Tel. (518) 489-7606 Fax: (518) 489-7607 2013 LIONS CLUB MATCHING GRANT APPLICATION At its inception and throughout its early history, the existence and initial success of our Sight Society of NENY at Albany, Inc., very much depended upon the financial and active support of Lions clubs in the service area of Districts O, Y2 and W. Although our basic mission, with the continued support of our clubs, remains the same, the services of our Lions Eye Bank have expanded to include our present state-of-the-art facility and programs maintained by an Executive Director and staff of nine. Today, our not-for-profit organization finds itself in a position with the financial resources to help clubs promote our joint mission of sight conservation by providing matching funds to implement specific projects with that object in mind. The kinds of projects or programs we wish to help support should not duplicate those already available from other sources. Programs that encompass broader, sustainable activities are most desirable; areas like “Diabetes and Sight,” “Senior Sight Conservation,” “Sight Conservation Education in Schools,” “ Nurse-Teacher Informational Programs,” Health Fairs with Sight Conservation Components” among others which come immediately to mind. Projects not eligible for consideration include services available through traditional Lions programs for individuals like (a). club programs which provide eye exams and eyeglasses through arrangements made with optometrists and/or optical companies (LensCrafters etc.)., (b). medical treatments / surgery referable for assistance from a Lions Eye Institute / Lions Foundation at Albany, NY. Our matching grant program for each year will focus on a particular theme or area. For our first year in 2013, we are looking to support club projects with an emphasis on “Senior Sight Conservation.” 1. Who is eligible to apply? Lions clubs, Lioness clubs, and Leo clubs in Districts W, Y2 and O. 2. Amount of Grant – Variable grant requests for any amount up to $500 will be considered. 3. Recipient clubs must agree to match, from other financial resources, the full amount of the grant as approved by the Grant Committee. Note that value of club members’ donated time does not qualify as matching resources. 4. Grant applications may be submitted at any time and shall consist of a clear statement of the nature and purpose of the project along with any other details deemed appropriate by the applicant. A proposed budget of how grant monies will be spent consistent with our Lions Code of Ethics must also be provided as part of the application process. 5. It is expected that clubs will complete approved projects within one year of receiving the grant. Upon completion, submission of a comprehensive written report reviewing the outcome of the project is required from successful grant applicants. This will include a financial statement citing expenditures, payments to venders etc. incurred during the program. Arrangements to return to the Society, any unspent funds should be made by the club. 6. Clubs receiving awards through the grant program are urged to publicize their projects through club, district, state and international media. -Page 1- page 15 Sight Society of NENY at Albany, Inc. Lions Eye Bank at Albany, NY LIONS CLUB GRANT APPLICATION 2013 Name of Club _______________________________ Lions District _____________ Date _______________ Mailing address _____________________________________________________________________________ Contact Info: Phone ________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________ Amount of Grant Requested ____________ In the space below, include a brief description of the nature and purpose of the club project along with a statement outlining the expected results of your club’s program. Include any other details you deem appropriate. You may attach additional pages as needed. Include a proposed budget of how grant monies will be spent in meeting your objectives. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Club Agreement: The Lions, Lioness, Leo Club of _________________________________ agrees that any funds approved by the Grant Committee of the Sight Society of Northeastern New York, Inc. will be used for the purposes as stated above consistent with our Lions Code of Ethics. The club also agrees to match, from other available financial resources, an equal amount as approved by the Grant Committee. Signature of Club President ____________________________________ Please return completed documents to: Lions Eye Bank at Albany Attn: Lions Club Grant Committee 6 Executive Park Drive Albany, NY 12203 Date ________________
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