Asger Poulsen - Translation Languages: Danish/English

Asger Poulsen - Translation
Languages: Danish/English – English/Danish
Native country: Denmark
Native language: Danish
Educational background: Office/clerk education,
IT-Assistent (information technology).
Business subjects in General Marketing,
Leadership & cooperation, administration of staff and
Company organisation.
Previous work experience: Service-consultant in Unemployment Insurance
and trade union. (in Denmark)
English Teacher (5 years here in Thailand)
Christian Social work.
Translation experience: Here in Thailand I have been working occasionally
for a Bangkok based company with Danish/English
translation projects. These have been mainly legal
Specialism: I am quick and good at finding the wrongs in a text which makes
me an excellent proof-reader. My language skills is based upon more than 25
years of learning English and then approximately 5 years of teaching young
learners. I have a wide spectrum of vocabularies conformed to the purpose of the
translation project, which gives me an ability of suggesting and optimizing
different adjustments of words, sentences, structure and layout for any project.
Nittaya Poulsen – Translation/Interpretation
Languages:Thai/English – English/Thai
Native country: Thailand
Native language: Thai
Educational background: Bachelor degree Mass-Communication
Travel training
Previous work experience: Travel-agent/Ticket Agent Thai Airways
Manager for travel company (domestic as well
as International tickets)
Radio host for local radios.
Interpretation experience: 6 months of daily interpretations for
International Speakers (English/Thai) at Christian
School + 5 months of full-time job at another
Christian School of daily interpretations for
International Speakers (English/Thai).
Translation experience: Children book and Christian Teaching Materials
translated from English into Thai. Presentationfolders from different organisations, Legal
documents as well as certificates.
Specialism: Extremely good at interpretating into the surrounding culture
so its easy understandable. She is a very skilled translator who endures
and persever for finding the suitable words with the right meaning,
macthing well to the target group of the translation project.