Onslow St Audrey’s School Hatfield's Business and Enterprise Academy 3.2.1 DESIGNING SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS a. discuss the importance of good interface design; b. design and document data capture forms, screen layouts, report layouts or other forms of input and output (e.g. sound) for a given problem; c. determine the data requirements of a program (relating to 3.2.3: Data types and data structures); d. explain the advantages of designing a solution to a problem by splitting it up into smaller problems (top-down/modular design); e. produce and describe top-down/modular designs using appropriate techniques including structure diagrams, showing stepwise refinement; f. produce algorithms to solve problems; Make sure you use (all) the space correctly Make sure you use appropriate elements e.g. textfields Make sure all required elements are included. See 3.2.3 More manageable and maintainable Different elements can be completed by different people allocated according to strengths. Faster to completion with more people on one project Modules can be reused. Practice algorithm traces / programming Practice algorithm traces / programming Make sure you use the correct shapes with the correct number of inputs/outputs. g. describe the steps of an algorithm using a program flowchart; Terminator – Start/Stop – 1I or 1O Diamond – Decision – Yes/No – 1I & 2O Rectangle – Process – 1I & 1O Parallelogram – Input/Output – 1I & 1O h. describe the steps of an algorithm using pseudo-code; Practice algorithm traces / programming Create a simple solution first Before adding layers of complexity Good because there is something to show quickly Bad because program might develop in the wrong direction. i. understand, and implement algorithms and evaluate them by commenting on their efficiency, correctness and appropriateness for the problem to be solved; j. describe the use of Rapid Application Development (RAD) as a design strategy, including prototyping and iterative development, and state its advantages and disadvantages. 3.2.2 THE STRUCTURE OF PROCEDURAL PROGRAMS a. define and correctly use the following terms as they apply to procedural programming: statement, subroutine, procedure, function, parameter/argument, sequence, selection, iteration/repetition, loop; Statement – a standalone line of code that does something. see below Sequence b. identify the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of execution, ie sequence, selection and iteration; The order of your instructions is important The wrong order will result in the incorrect output. Instructions can be nested inside each other using Iteration and Selection Making choices about which code block is executed. A condition is tested – if true a certain codeblock is executed. If, Then, Else + Else If c. understand and use selection in pseudo-code and a procedural programming language, including the use of IF statements and CASE/SELECT statements; Select Case (Switch Case) A variable is selected and tested against different case conditions. If the select matches the case then the code block executes Default option that executes if none of the conditions are met. Can replace multiple Ifs Good for simple comparisons Repeating blocks of code. Making your code more extendable. Solving problems in a more efficient way. d. understand and use iteration in pseudo-code and a procedural programming language, including the use of count controlled loops (FORNEXT loops) and condition-controlled loops (WHILEENDWHILE and REPEAT-UNTIL loops); Tests condition, if true branches to true code block Else tests for else if condition Or branches to Else code block if available For Loops Count Controlled Always runs fixed number of times Increment can be neg/pos or multiples While Do Condition Controlled Repeats while a condition is true Condition comes first – codeblock might not run. Repeat Until (Do While) e. understand and use nested selection and iteration statements; Condition Controlled Repeats while a condition is true Condition comes last – code always runs once. Selection and Iteration statements can be placed inside each other allowing for more complex processing. For example an IF statement could be put inside a For loop so it is executed at every step of the loop. Sub Routines f. understand, create and use subroutines (procedures and functions), including the passing of parameters and the appropriate use of the return value of functions g. identify and use recursion to solve problems; show an understanding of the structure of a recursive subroutine, including the necessity of a stopping condition; h. trace the execution of a recursive subroutine including calls to itself; i. discuss the relative merits of iterative and recursive solutions to the same problem. Small modules (code blocks) that perform self contained operations Input values can be passed to sub-routines as parameters Procedures – Does not return a value Function – Does return a value A function that calls itself Must have a stopping condition Head Recursion – the recursive call comes at the top Tail Recursion – the recursive call comes at the end Practice algorithm traces / programming Recursion provides simple and elegant solutions to some problems Can be expensive because of repeated function calls. 3.2.3 DATA TYPES AND DATA STRUCTURES a. define different data types, eg numeric (integer, real), Boolean, character and string; select and use them appropriately in their solutions to problems; Integer – whole number e.g. 7 Real/Double – decimal e.g. 3.14 Boolean – true/false Char – single alphanumeric character e.g. ‘a’ String – array of chars e.g. “FooBar” b. define and use arrays (one and twodimensional) for solving simple problems, including initialising arrays, reading data into arrays and performing a simple serial search on a one-dimensional array; TimeStamp – number of milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970 Single variable is like a wardrobe An Array is a chest of drawers. 2D Array – chest of drawers with compartments Has Index that points to the location/position Normally starts from zero. c. explain the advantages and disadvantages of different data types and data structures for solving a given problem; d. design and implement a record format; e. define different modes of file access: serial, sequential, indexed sequential and random; and justify a suitable mode of file access for a given example; f. store, retrieve and search for data in files; You should be familiar with approximate sizes of the different data types. A char is one byte – think ASCII A string of 6 letters would be 6 bytes. A number will be 2,4 or 8 bytes. Boolean will be 1 byte You should have practiced this in lessons Serial Sequential Index Sequential Random g. estimate the size of a file from its structure and the number of records; h. use the facilities of a procedural language to perform file operations (opening, reading, writing, updating, inserting, appending and closing) on files of different access modes as appropriate. You should have practiced this in lessons Use your knowledge of data types to calculate a per row size. Multiple the per row size by the estimated/total number of rows Add 10% for overheads. Resize into a suitable MB/KB/GB using 1024. You should have practiced this in lessons = means equals – the variable becomes that value. Add + Subtract Multiple * Divide / 3.2.4 COMMON FACILITIES OF PROCEDURAL LANGUAGES a. understand and use assignment statements; b. understand arithmetic operators including operators for integer division (+, -, *, /, MOD and DIV) and use these to construct expressions; Mod – the remainder from division e.g. 14MOD5 = 4 Div – whole division e.g. 14DIV5 = 2 == Comparison < Less Than <= Less Than or Equal To > Greater Than >= Greater Than or Equal To. <> or != Not Equal To AND – both must be true OR – one or other or both must be true XOR – only one or other not both NOT – the opposite e.g True becomes False e. understand the effects of the precedence of standard operators and the use of parentheses to alter the order of precedence; BODMAS f. evaluate expressions containing arithmetic, relational and Boolean operators and parentheses; You should have practiced this in lessons <left< li=""></left<> Mid Right Replace Length ASCII Char 7 != ‘7’ because of ASCII Codes Have to cast ‘7’ into an int Validation – checking something is sensible but not necessarily correct. Length Type Format Validation – checking it is correct Double Entry c. understand a range of relational operators, e.g. ==, <, <=, >, >= and <> and use these to construct expressions; d. understand the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT and use these to construct expressions; g. understand and use a range of operators and built-in functions for string manipulation, including location (LOCATE), extraction (LEFT, MID, RIGHT), comparison, concatenation, determining the length of a string (LENGTH) and converting between characters and their ASCII code (ASCII and CHAR); h. understand that relational operations on alphanumeric strings depend on character codes of the characters and explain the results of this effect (eg why ‘XYZ’ < ‘abc’, ‘2’ > ‘17’ and ‘3’ <> ‘3.0’); i. input and validate data; j. output data onto screen/file/printer, formatting the data for output as necessary. You should have practiced this in lessons Variable – named location in memory, given a data type and initial value. Can change during run time. Constant – like a variable but cannot change. 3.2.5 WRITING MAINTAINABLE PROGRAMS a. define, understand and use the following terms correctly as they apply to programming: variable, constant, identifier, reserved word/keyword; Identifier – the name given to variables, constants and sub-procedures. Reserved Keyword – a word reserved for use by the programming language e.g. int and while. So another person can perform: b. explain the need for good program-writing techniques to facilitate the ongoing maintenance of programs; upgrade maintenance repairs on your code. c. declare variables and constants, understanding the effect of scope and issues concerning the choice of identifier (including the need to avoid reserved words/keywords); You should have practiced this in lessons d. select and use meaningful identifier names and use standard conventions to show the data types and enhance readability; You should have practiced this in lessons e. use declared constants to improve maintainability; You should have practiced this in lessons So that previous values cannot affect the operation of the program. You should have practiced this in lessons You should have practiced this in lessons Comments should be written in plain language to aid understanding of the code. Every 1 to 10 lines depending on the complexity of the code. Multi-line and single line comments f. initialise variables appropriately, before using them; g. create appropriately modularised programs (following a top-down/modular design as produced in 3.2.1: Designing solutions to problems) making effective use of subroutines to improve maintainability; h. annotate the code with comments so that the logic of the solution can be followed; i. use indentation and formatting to show clearly the control structures within the code. Indents show code-blocks nested within Selection and Iteration statements. Syntax – Breaks the rules of the programming language. Program will not compile. E.g. missing brackets. RunTime – Program will run but crash due to an unprotected error e.g. a missing configuration file. 3.2.6 TESTING AND RUNNING A SOLUTION a. describe types of errors in programs (syntax, logic and run-time errors) and understand how and when these may be detected; b. identify why/where an error may occur in an algorithm and state how the algorithm may be corrected; Logic – The program runs but produces unexpected outputs due to incorrect logic e.g. less than rather than less than or equal. You will want to be able to identify errors in algorithms You should have practiced this in lessons c. describe testing strategies including white box testing, black box testing, alpha testing, beta testing and acceptance testing; Normal – expected to work BorderLine – expected to work or error but on the extremes e.g. first and last items in an array. Invalid – a test that is expected to fail You should have practiced this in lessons d. select suitable test data for a given problem, including normal, borderline and invalid data; e. perform a dry run on a given algorithm, using a trace table; White Box – algorithm traces Black Box – Checking input against output. Alpha Testing – In House testing by developers Beta Testing – Limited external testing by trusted persons. Acceptance Testing – Completed by the company prior to signing off/payment.
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