All the Places to Go…How Will You Know? By John Ortberg From

The Second United Methodist Church Newsletter
Church and McNeal Streets * Office: 911 Church Street
Millville, NJ 08332 and Trinity United Methodist
Church Newsletter, 100 S. Second St., Millville, NJ 08332
Join our Sunday Worship
Second UMC
9:00 am Worship Service
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Sunday school for all ages
Trinity UMC
9:30am Sunday School
11:00am Worship Service
All the Places to Go…How Will You Know? By John Ortberg
From the back cover: Very rarely in the Bible does God command someone
to stay He opens a door, and then he invites us to walk through it – into the
unknown. And how we choose to respond will ultimately determine the
life we will lead and the person we will become. In fact, to fail to
embrace the open door is to miss the work God has made for us to do. In
“All the Places to Go…How Will you Know?” bestselling author John Ortberg
opens our eyes to the countless doors God places before us every day,
teaches us how to recognize them, and gives us the encouragement to step
out in faith and embrace all of the extraordinary opportunities that await
So go ahead – walk through that door. You just might do something that
lasts for eternity.
Steven D. Elliott, Pastor
Karen Johnson, Admin. Asst. e-mail
Office hours 8:30am – 1:30pm – Tuesday thru Friday 856-825-7320
E-mail prayer requests to or
Phone prayer requests to Janet Blanck 856-825-7805
Bulletin information due in the office by noon Wednesday
Next Newsletter information due by April 21, 2015
If you wish to unsubscribe to the Second United Methodist Church list please send an e-mail to with "Remove" in the subject of the Email.
If you know of someone else that would like to receive our E-mailings, have them send an Email to asking to Subscribe.
Weekly Events
6:45PM Laity Bible Study-Newcombtown
7:30PM AA Corson Hall, Trinity
8:00PM Every Wednesday- Praise Team
Every Thursday
6:00PM Every Thursday – Second Choir-beginning in the fall
7:00PM Every Thursday-Trinity Choir
Saturday, June 6
8:00AM Men’s Breakfast – Trinity
Sunday, June 7
2:00PM Special Church Conference - Newcombtown
Friday, June 12
2:00PM to 3:30PM Lydia Prayer Group, Hogan’s
Saturday, June 13
Kidz Fest – R.D. Wood School 2PM to 4PM
Saturday,June 20
10:00AM to 11:30AM Father’s Day Brunch and
Golf outing
Sunday, June 28
Celebrating our Heritage
9:00AM Worship Service
10:00AM Time of Remembrance and Testimony
11:30AM Catered luncheon in Gregowske Hall
Luncheon is $15. Per person and must be purchased
prior to June 14. Non refundable. Call 825-7320 to make your
reservation for the luncheon.
“There is not a thing that God expects of a person but that God will give
him or her the power to do.”
—A.B. Simpson
Pastor’s Thoughts…
We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere
incognito. And the incognito is not always hard to penetrate. The real labour is to remember, to attend. In fact, to come
awake. Still more, to remain awake.
C.S. Lewis, Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer
Most people, it seems, try to hide from God. Then there are those who seek Him, but make it out to be hard work. This
passage from C. S. Lewis reminds us God is actually not all that hard to find. Your awareness of this grows as you learn
how to “pray without ceasing” as St. Paul so strongly encourages. Centuries ago, a monk named Brother Lawrence
discovered this truth and developed his spiritual life to the point where he felt as much in the presence of God when he
was peeling potatoes in the monastery kitchen as when he was praying at Mass. Think about that the next time you are
peeling potatoes!
As you move through your day, are you aware of the Lord’s constant presence with you? How often do you, in the
quietness of your spirit, talk to him as you go about your day? “God, what about this opportunity?” “Should I be
watching this TV show?” “Jesus, is this really something I should post on Facebook?” “Wow, Lord, that’s a beautiful
sunset! You out-did yourself on that one!” Practicing the presence of God is not something that has to be hard. It is as
easy as common, every day, conversation with your Savior and friend. Realizing that God is present with you in day-today situations can be a source of great comfort and peace, and helps you navigate more clearly when the really hard
times come, too. God is omnipresent. That is a given. The real question is whether you are omni-aware of God’s
presence with you.
As your spiritual life matures, you’ll discover that there is a level of intimacy and communication with God that runs
even deeper than realizing that God is present with you. For those who have received the Holy Spirit, God abides not
just with, but within you. God does not wish to be just an external friend, but an internal witness. His Spirit will bear
witness to your spirit that you are indeed a child of God. The Spirit of God within will guide you into all truth, perfect
you in love and holiness, and when you are really “up against it” His Spirit will carry you through - even when you, in
your own strength, cannot pray, with sighs too deep for words. Is God’s Spirit abiding within you? Have you invited Him
fully into your heart?
Why do people try to hide from God, anyway? An old African-American spiritual reminds us “There’s no hiding place
down here.” Rather than attempt to run away from God’s presence (which is impossible) because of our sin, shame,
doubts, and fears… would it not be better to run to God for shelter from the storms of life, for protection from sin, the
flesh and the Devil? Fanny Crosby expresses it so beautifully in the gospel song “He Hideth My Soul”:
A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, A wonderful Savior to me, He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, Where rivers of
pleasure I see…
A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, He taketh my burden away, He holdeth me up and I shall not be moved, He giveth
me strength as my day…
With numberless blessings each moment He crowns, And filled with His goodness divine, I sing in my rapture, oh, glory to
God, For such a Redeemer as mine!
When clothed in His brightness, transported I rise, To meet Him in clouds of the sky, His perfect salvation, His wonderful
love, I’ll shout with the millions on high…
He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, That shadows a dry, thirsty land;
He hideth my life in the depths of His love, and covers me there with His hand.
At this season of Pentecost, I wish you a deeper awareness of God’s presence, and the assurance of His abiding within,
Steven D. Elliott, Pastor
Dennis & Michelle Craker
Dennis is a native of Pennsylvania. He received his B.A. in math and secondary
education at Asbury College in Kentucky and earned his M. Div. at China
Evangelical Seminary in Taiwan. Michelle is a native of New Jersey and earned
her B. A. at Asbury College and M.A.R. at Asbury Theological Seminary in
Christian education and missions. The Craker’s are parents of three daughters.
Michelle is also the daughter of former pastor to Second UMC, Rev. Will and
Donnabelle Hoffman.
Since the Craker’s are the only WGM missionaries based in Taiwan, they carry the
full responsibility of the work there. Dennis has been involved with a variety of
ministries, including running the field, pastoring a Chinese church, youth and
children's work, and counseling. He is also involved in systematic training of
Chinese pastors in sensitive areas as well as continuing in other already established
ministries in Taiwan. Michelle has been serving as the administrative assistant to
the principal of the missionary school, secretary and hostess of the field, and
church pianist.
World Gospel Mission is an interdenominational missionary organization with
approximately four hundred missionaries and support staff serving on five
continents. International headquarters is in Marion, Indiana.
Please use the white or green mission envelope for your missions giving.
Jo-Ann Ayres Missions chairperson.
Source: World Gospel Missions News Release 1999
Join us as we Celebrate Our Heritage
Sunday, June 28, 2015
9:00AM Worship Service
10:00AM Time of Remembrance and Testimony
11:30AM Catered Luncheon
Sunday, June 28, 2015 will be the last Sunday we worship together in
this building.
We all have many memories and friendships that have been formed
over the last 158 years.
Come and share your memories as we celebrate this special day.
On July 5, 2015 we will begin our worship services at our new location
at 2018 Newcombtown Road
The joint Trustees are in the process of establishing a new name for
our merged churches.
We are excited about what good things the Lord has for us to do as a
merged congregation.
The luncheon will be catered and there is a charge of $15.00 due by
June 14, 2015. This is non-refundable. You may call the office on
856-825-7320 to make your luncheon reservation.
Hope to see you there!!
If you would like to place a basket of flowers ($20) in the sanctuary on
Sunday, June 28 when we Celebrate our Heritage, please complete the
order form and enclose it in an envelope with cash or check
made payable to: Second United Methodist Church.
Orders need to be placed by Sunday June 14th.
In honor/memory of___________________________________
Given by____________________________________________
If you prefer to make a donation ($20) to the church building
fund in honor or memory of a loved one:
In honor/memory of___________________________________
Given by____________________________________________
Office Closed
9:00 Worship Service
10:00 Coffee Fellowship
10:30 Sunday School
9:30 Sunday School
11:00 Worship
2:30PM Special
Church Conf.Newcombtown
Honor Graduates-2nd
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office Closed
9:00 Worship Service
10:00 Coffee Fellowship
10:30 Sunday School
9:30 Sunday School
11:00 Worship
Newsletter Info
Due in Office
6:30PM Wrap Up
Meeting for
6:45PM Bible
AA, Trinity
8:00PM Praise
Team Practice
9:00 Worship Service
10:00 Remembrance
11:30 Luncheon
9:30 Sunday School
11:00 Worship
Any graduates this May/June?
June 14, 2015 we will honor our graduates.
Please let the office know of any high school or
college graduates no later than June 7th. 825-7320
8:00AM BkfstTrinity
6:30PM Kidz Fest
Lydia Prayer
Group – Hogan’s
6:45PM Bible
AA, Trinity
8:00PM Praise
Team Practice
Father’s Day
6:45PM Bible
AA, Trinity
8:00PM Praise
Team Practice
9:00 Worship Service
10:00 Coffee Fellowship
10:30 Sunday School
9:30 Sunday School
11:00 Worship
6:45PM Bible
AA ,Trinity
8:00PM Praise
Team Practice
7:00pm Church
Office Closed
2PM – 4PM
Kidz Fest
Wood School
Father’s Day
Brunch and
Golf Outing
10AM & 11:30
9:00AM Fold
bulletin and
10:30 decorate
for Celebration
County Wide
Senior Retreat
8:30 – 1:00PM
Sponsored by
the Office on