Continual Renewal from Strength to Strength New Academic Structure Medium-term Review and Beyond Extended Consultation Tourism and Hospitality Studies Purpose of the Questionnaire The November 2014 to January 2015 School Survey for the New Academic Structure (NAS) Medium-term Review and Beyond has been completed. In light of the responses and comments collected through the questionnaire survey and feedback collected from other stakeholders, we would like to consult schools on further details related to some of the recommendations proposed in the November 2014 survey. The feedback collected from this Extended Consultation questionnaire survey, in conjunction with the feedback collected from the November 2014 survey and from other stakeholders and sources, will inform the professional discussion in the relevant committees of the Curriculum Development Council (CDC) and Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA), for further deliberation at the Joint CDC–HKEAA Public Examinations Board (CDC–PEB) meeting on the last batch of recommendations to be announced in July 2015 or before. This questionnaire aims to solicit the views of subject panel heads and teachers on further details related to some of the recommendations proposed in the November 2014 survey. Subject panel heads and teachers are advised to exchange their views before responding to the questions. The items are by no means exhaustive, and views on those that are not included can be collected through other channels, e.g. written submissions, briefings, forums and interviews. Subject panel heads and teachers are also welcome to express their views under ‘Other comments’ in this questionnaire. A briefing session for schools will be held on 31 March 2015 to explain the proposed recommendations and to collect feedback. Please refer to the Training Calendar System for details. Guiding Principles Following the completion of the Short-term Review in April 2013 and announcement of 1st batch of recommendations of the Medium-term Review in April 2014, the NAS Medium-term Review continues to adopt a student-centred approach and the guiding principles below: 1. Gear all curricula towards achieving the overall learning goals for secondary education; 2. Keep abreast of the latest changes in the disciplines of knowledge, economic, social and technological contexts, etc. with regular international benchmarking and recognition; 3. Strike a balance between breadth and depth in knowledge, skills, positive values and attitudes in school curricula appropriate to secondary education and interface with further studies; 4. Cater for student diversity and build on strengths (e.g. personal effort, subject interest, teaching method, and curriculum content are recognised by students as most important factors for success in senior secondary education); 5. Consider factors and concerns regarding implementation (e.g. workload of teachers and students, support to teachers); 6. Align assessment with curriculum aims, learning objectives, curriculum design and expected learning outcomes; 7. Engage different stakeholders and consider the feedback collected from different sources to inform deliberations in relevant CDC and HKEAA committees. While the short-term review placed emphasis on practical concerns regarding implementation and catering for student diversity, the Medium-term Review also emphasises the need to address the latest changes in the disciplines of knowledge, economic, social and technological contexts, etc. with regular international benchmarking and recognition, with a view to forming a good foundation in moving towards the continual renewal of curriculum and assessment under “Learning to Learn 2.0”. Return of Questionnaires For each subject, schools are expected to return ONE questionnaire only. The panel head should consolidate all views on this questionnaire and return it to the Principal/coordinator, who will collect all relevant Subject Level Questionnaires and return by hand using the self-addressed envelope enclosed, to the Council and Secondary Section, Curriculum Development Institute (Room 1302, 13/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong) on or before 24 April 2015. For general enquiries, please contact Ms Zita YIM at 2892 5810. For enquiries on the recommendations for the medium-term and beyond, please contact Mr Ronald MELBYE at 2892 5732. All information provided will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for the purpose of the NAS Review. No information on individual schools/teachers will be revealed. Tourism and Hospitality Studies Page 1 of 6 School Name: ____________________________________________________________ School Number: Name of Contact Person: ______________________________ (Tel) _________________ Tourism and Hospitality Studies Background In light of the feedback collected from the November 2014 survey, we would like to seek further opinions from schools with regard to incorporating the essence (core topics) of the Elective Part into the Compulsory Part. An annex with clearly defined key points of the core topics (not provided in the Nov 2014 survey) is attached in this questionnaire for teachers’ reference. Annex 1 summarises the core topics of the three components in the Elective Part that are proposed to be incorporated. Please blacken the appropriate circle. space provided when necessary. 1. Background Information: State your comments and provide information in the Please indicate the provision of this subject in your school: ○ This subject is offered in the 2014/15 school year and/or was offered in previous school year(s) ○ This subject has not been offered Recommendations for the Medium-term and Beyond Curriculum If SBA is not implemented, corresponding changes to the Elective Part of the fine-tuned curriculum are proposed as follows: Incorporate the essence (core topics) of the three components of the Elective Part into the Compulsory Part. Annex 1 summarised the essence of the three components in the Elective Part that are proposed to be incorporated. In general, the essence of MICE comprises of MICE business and planning; the essence of Theme Parks and Attractions comprises characteristics of theme parks and attractions; and Hospitality Marketing comprises of services marketing, market segmentation and marketing mix. The total suggested lesson time for the essence (core topics) of the Elective Part is 30 hours. Please read Annex 1 carefully before answering the following questions. 2. (a) Do you agree to incorporate ALL THREE components of the Elective Part (MICE, Theme Parks and Attractions AND Hospitality Marketing) into the Compulsory Part? ○ Yes ○ No Other comments: (b) If not, which ONE of the combinations would you like to include into the Compulsory Part? ○ MICE AND Theme Parks and Attractions ○ MICE AND Hospitality Marketing ○ Hospitality Marketing AND Theme Parks and Attractions Other comments: Tourism and Hospitality Studies Page 2 of 6 3. Suggestions for the future development of the curriculum of this subject: 4. Suggestions for the future development of the public assessment of this subject: – The End – Thank you very much! Tourism and Hospitality Studies Page 3 of 6 ANNEX 1 Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) Key Points # Explanatory Notes References from the Manual: MICE The MICE business: - MICE represents a sector of tourism Understand the types of business MICE represent The MICE Business: p.3 Understand the meaning of each sector of MICE Sector Overview: p.11 – p.18 Explain why meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions are an important part of the tourism and hospitality industry Industry Benefit: p.19 – 21 Describe how the different sectors of the tourism industry are involved in hosting MICE, e.g. accommodation, transportation, attractions, and supporting infrastructures Industry sector involved: p.23 - 35 Introduce the planning process of planning, organising and implementing a MICE event MICE Planning: p.49 - 61 MICE planning: - The components of event planning Key Points # available at Tourism and Hospitality Studies Page 4 of 6 ANNEX 1 Theme Park and Attractions Key Points# Explanatory Notes References from the Manual: Theme Parks and Attractions Characteristics of theme parks and attractions: - The fundamental concepts of theme parks - Factors contributing to the success of theme parks Define the term “theme park” Amusement and theme parks – definition: p. 26 Introduce the different types of theme park Types of theme park: p. 27 – 29 Identify the features of a theme park The visitor attraction market: Most Important Features p. 41 Success factors of theme parks: The visitor attraction product: p. 30 – 31 - Overall attractiveness and guest experiences including: Location, main theme, environment, activities, and services. Factors influencing decisions to visit a theme part: p. 41 - Adapt to market changes Influencing factors I: p. 72 – 75 Influencing factors II: p. 76 - 77 Key Points # available at Tourism and Hospitality Studies Page 5 of 6 ANNEX 1 Hospitality Marketing Key Points# Explanatory Notes References from the Manual: Hospitality Marketing Services Marketing: - The fundamental differences between marketing products and marketing services Differentiate “general or product marketing” versus “services or hospitality marketing” Product Marketing vs. Services Marketing : p.5 - 9 Introduce the different types of segmentation variable including geographic, demographics, psychographics and behavioral Market Segmentation: p. 30 - 33 Describe the importance of marketing mix for the hospitality industry in the following aspects: product, partnership, people, packaging, programming, place, promotion and pricing The Marketing Mix in Hospitality Industry: p. 41– 49; p. 55-69 Market Segmentation: - The different ways for hospitality marketers to segment the market Marketing Mix: - 8 Ps in Marketing Mix Key Points # available at Tourism and Hospitality Studies Page 6 of 6
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