Annual Report 2005 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Annual Report 2005 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Colophon The Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care is one of the twelve divisions of the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht). It carries out scientific research, provides education, and offers expertise and facilities in the clinical health sciences field. The Center aims for a leading and acquisitive position in the enlargement and dissemination of knowledge, especially in the field of health sciences. This is done by means of groundbreaking research into four disease-related themes and into research methodology, and by the provision of courses for (bio)medical students, researchers and clinicians. Disciplines represented in the Center are general practice, (clinical) epidemiology, nursing science, medical technology assessment, public health, and nutritional sciences. In this annual report the reader will find information on activities, output and finances in 2005. Contact information: M. Kluijtmans, PhD, Education and Research Strategy & Coordinator Master Programme Epidemiology Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care University Medical Center Utrecht Visitors: Universiteitsweg 100, 3584 CG Utrecht, The Netherlands Correspondence: Str.6.131, P.O. Box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands URL: E-mail:; 2 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Contents Introduction 5 Organization Brief history Organizational structure 9 9 Research Research organization Research themes Research services, vascular imaging center, data management IRAS International collaboration 10 10 13 22 24 25 Education Overview Medical school BSc Biomedical sciences 29 29 31 32 MSc Biomedical sciences, masterprogramme Epidemiology MA Applied ethics MSc Nursing science General practice vocational training Graduate schools (UGS Life Sciences, Nihes, ImageO, Eijkman and P&H Advanced training in public health Advanced training in general practice Advanced training in clinical epidemiology Annual Report 2005 34 36 37 40 42 45 46 48 3 Patient care Nutritional sciences and dietetics Julius Center health care Leidsche Rijn 49 49 52 Business and operations 54 Personnel and finances Personnel, figures Personnel, listing Financial report 56 56 57 65 Research projects 2005 Cardiovascular diseases Infectious diseases Cancer Mental health Research methodology and biostatistics Miscellaneous Research services 68 68 72 74 76 79 81 83 Vascular imaging center (VIC) Data managament Publications 2005 PhD theses Books and book chapters Professional publications International publications 4 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care 85 86 88 88 91 98 106 Introduction Since the Julius Center was established in 1996, it has built up a solid reputation in research and education. More recently the center broadened its ambition to obtain a similar reputation in patient care. The designation of epidemiology as a main research theme by the University Medical Center underlines the prominent role the center has played in applied research in Utrecht. In addition to the acquisition and conduct of its own research projects, either independently as an institute or in collaboration with other research groups, the Center plays an active role in providing methodologic advice and in the facilitation of clinical research across virtually all departments of the University Medical Center. In 2005 the center has further expanded its activities in the coordination and conduct of multinational and multicenter clinical trials supported by the ISO certified department of Research Services. Internationally, an alliance is being formed with like-minded and well-reputed academic institutes in Australia and the USA. The advantage of the three institutes operating together is their joint ability to offer complementary expertise and a documented management and recruitment capacity for trials which virtually spans the globe. Trials by the alliance can be conducted efficiently, using harmonized protocols and standard operating procedures in different countries and five continents. The Academic Alliance for Clinical Trials offers a valuable academic partnership to large international pharmaceutical companies and its ambition is to become a major player in the field in the coming years. On a more local scale, but of similar importance for the quality and extent of the trial activities of the Center, the board of the UMC Annual Report 2005 5 Utrecht has agreed on a dedicated rol for the the Research Services department of the Julius Center in all clinical trials in which departments of the hospital engage. The Center’s contribution in facilitating and promoting the quality of trials in the hospital is herewith formalized and the number of trials supported and monitored by the Research Services department is expected to increase significantly. As in previous years, the academic staff succeeded in maintaining scientific output on a high level both in terms of quality and quantity, even in times of reduced overall funding of research and increased competition. Major efforts have been made in maintaining competitive research funding on a high level. This definitely refers to the quality and perseverance of those staff members who managed to secure significant external funding again. As in 2004, the quality of published research output was not only reflected in citation scores, but also in the awarding of prestigious NWO research grants to members of the faculty of the Center: E. Hak received a Veni award and M. Geerlings a Vidi award. In the course of 2005 the recently acquired responsibility for health care centers in Leidsche Rijn, an expanding new residential area of Utrecht, required much attention by the management because of organizational and financial backlogs and threats. With combined efforts and firm support by the UMC Utrecht, as well as by other health care partners in the region, economic and managerial perspectives have much improved and these centers are now starting to show the much desired synergetic effects eventually culminating in a true and nationally unique academic workplace for excellence in care, research and education. For the staff of General Practice this now enables to combine medical practice with scientific work as part of the 6 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care same academic appointments. The Julius Health Care Centers permanently house several trainees of the vocational training programme. In addition, several projects regarding innovation in health care have been initiated, such as the collaboration with other primary and secondary health care providers in care-chains for specific groups of patients. After intensive discussions, the board of the University Medical Center decided to follow the advice of an ad-hoc committee that was asked to analyze the current scientific situation and future perspectives of the department of Nursing Science. The advice proposes to concentrate on a more limited number of research topics with a greater emphasis on internationally competitive results. In 2005 Prof Mieke Grypdonck retired after having spent many years on promoting nursing science and help to establish its present position in Utrecht. The University Medical Center Utrecht had to set up a search committee for a new chair and allocated resources to strengthen the position of the group. The Center’s educational activities in 2005 were marked by major developments. The GP vocational training started a renewed curriculum which focusses strongly on application of skills in practice, in addition to competence and theoretical knowledge. The master progam Nursing Science went through a major revision in which the previous four year part-time study program was transformed into a one year pre-master track and a two year part-time master phase. The research master program in epidemiology, a collaboration of four epidemiological research groups at Utrecht University, was extended with a postgraduate, condensed curriculum. Moreover, only one year after its start, this master program was awarded the exclusive ‘Prestige Master’ label of Utrecht University. Major added benefits for the Julius Annual Report 2005 7 Center of participating in the program are the resulting more intensive collaborations with other research groups at Utrecht University (UU), a better visibility within UU and, most of all, the creation of a pool of international and well-educated students from which new talents can be drawn for future PhD fellowships. The management and business organization of the Julius Center was restructured to be able to support the rapidly expanded division. The changing tasks and challenging environment led to a turbulent year, with rewards but inescapably also some difficulties and conflicts. After a period of intensive rebuilding, particularly in terms of personal relations and communication, the results of this process of renewal and contemplation is now becoming visible, both in terms of enhanced transparency and improved control in the Centers’ business affairs. All in all, 2005 was again a productive and successful year in which the Center, like a large tree, has shown a modest increase in size, and developed a ninth year ring. It has further extended its roots and strengthened its position in the University Medical Center Utrecht. Moreover, it has solidified its base by giving necessary attention to its management and business organization and investing in consolidation. The center has grown several new branches and leaves of research, care and educational activities. All of this is due to only one factor, its great people. None of this would have been possible without the commitment, hard work, inspiration and devotion of many. A word of thanks to all involved and contributing to the continued success of the Julius Center is highly appropriate and deeply meant. Prof. Diederick E. Grobbee, MD, PhD Chair 8 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Organization Brief history The Julius Center for patient-oriented research was established on 16 December 1996, building upon the previous department of epidemiology and public health, and the hospital unit of clinical epidemiology. Both scope and size have since then markedly increased, as is reflected by the Julius Centers’ subheadings, not in the least because other departments have been integrated in the current center. In 1999 the department of General Practice merged with the department of patient-oriented research to become the Julius Center for Patient-Oriented Research and General Practice. In 2002 the department of Nursing Science and the Nutritional Sciences group joined the Center to become the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care. In 2006 the Center will celebrate its tenth anniversary. Annual Report 2005 9 Research Research organization The University Medical Center Utrecht has formulated seven main research themes .These form a matrix structure with four diseaserelated themes on the horizontal and three methodological themes on the vertical axis. The Julius Centers’ main contribution to the total body of research of the UMC Utrecht is through the epidemiological research theme. With rare exceptions all research of the Center can be classified as epidemiological. From this as a starting point, the Julius Center contributes to all four disease-related areas of research: heart and vascular diseases, infections and immunity, cancer, and mental health. Moreover, there is also a collaboration with the other two methodogical research themes, image sciences and genomics Within the Julius Center itself, research is similarly organized in a matrix structure. The vertical axis is formed by the scientific disciplines of the Center: clinical epidemiology, general practice, MTA/public health/medical ethics, nursing science, and nutritional sciences (research within all of these disciplines can be largely categorized as ‘epidemiological’ which was the incentive for all these disciplines to be combined into one Center). The horizontal axis comprises the four UMC defined disease-based fields of interest; heart and vascular disease, infectious diseases, cancer, and mental health. Within these fields, there is a further focus on subfields, such as research on (etiology and complications of) diabetes mellitus. As from 2005 a fifth, methodological, research line has been formulated. Of course research into theoretical epidemiology and biostatistics is not truly new in the Center: the appointment of Prof. Carl Moons on a personal chair, in combination with his NWO VIDI research grant, and two 10 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care methodologically orientated NWO VENI grants awarded to staff members Maroeska Rovers and Eelko Hak, have marked a significant increase in the volume of methodological research and justify the delineation of a dedicated research line within this field. The Center’s policy is to concentrate its own research as much as possible on the matrix’s intersections so that the disciplines within the Center maximally strengthen the scientific themes of the UMC Utrecht as a whole and cross-fertilize each other where possible. DISCIPLINES THEMES General Practice (GP) Clinical Epidemiology (CE) Nursing Science (NS) Nutritional Sciences (Dietetics, DT) Public Health /MTA/Ethics (PH/MTA) Cardiovascular Diseases Infection and Immunity Cancer Mental Health Methodology (Miscellaneous) The Julius Center is formally linked with the interfacultary Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), environmental and occupational epidemiology at UU by the joined appointment of Prof Bert Brunekreef and honorary appointment of Prof Dick Heederick. There is also a collaboration with other epidemiological research groups at Utrecht University, in particular with Pharmaco the Epidemiology and Veterinary Epidemiology groups. In addition to its own research, staff members act as consultants for research methods on a range of clinical investigations within and outside the UMC Utrecht. This is an important and growing activity Annual Report 2005 11 for the Julius Center. With several clinical departments the intense interaction with epidemiology has resulted in joint appointments of staff, including with the departments of anaesthesiology, neurology, cardiology, cardio-thoracic surgery, internal medicine, psychiatry, radiology and pediatrics. 12 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Research themes Cardiovascular diseases A considerable part of the research carried out at the Julius Center focuses on the causes, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of cardiovascular diseases. The approaches include the full range of epidemiological research methods, including multi-centered randomized controlled trials to study the effects of preventive and therapeutic interventions. One example is research on the influence of natural of synthetic sex hormones on the condition of the heart and blood vessels in postmenopausal women and elderly men. ADVANCE is an example of one of the larger international multi-centered cardiovascular trials the Julius Center is involved in. The Center coordinates a large number of other multi-center international cardiovascular prevention and treatment trials (also see: ‘Research services and Vascular imaging center’). Increasingly, research includes genetic information and the interplay between genes and environment as, for example, in studies on genetic and non-genetic factors that determine the prognosis of patients with vascular diseases. The studies are conducted in close collaboration with partners within and outside the UMC Utrecht and abroad. A unique cohort study of patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) was started in Utrecht in 1996, the Second Manifestations of ARTerial disease (SMART) Study. All patients referred to the UMC Utrecht who either have a high risk of CVD (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes) or clinically manifest vascular disease (ischaemic cerebral disease, asymptomatic stenosis of the internal carotid artery, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, abdominal aortic aneurysm, intermittent claudication) are eligible for inclusion in the study. Patients undergo an extensive screening program to detect Annual Report 2005 13 asymptomatic atherosclerotic lesions and to identify risk factors. Then, a multidisciplinary team formulates a treatment plan, consistent with evidence-based medicine, to reduce the patient’s risk of future cardiovascular events and this treatment advice is sent to the patient’s general practitioner and to the treating hospital specialist. In addition, patients are carefully monitored to identify future occurrences of cardiovascular disease. Currently, more than 6,000 patients have been enrolled in the study, and the scientific output includes more than 30 papers in peer-reviewed journals. Furthermore, the Center is involved in the setting up and scientific evaluation of both diagnostic and therapeutic heart failure outpatient departments in the broader Utrecht region. The purpose of this is to gain a better understanding of the nature and causes of heart failure and to improve early detection and adequate treatment and follow-up of this syndrome, which constitutes an increasing burden in our ageing society. Various cardiovascular studies are also being carried out on diabetes mellitus patients and on the metabolic syndrome. The Research Group on Diabetology conducts several trials in large` networks of general practices, notably in the adherence region of the Stichting Huisartsen Laboratorium Etten Leur and the Apeldoorn Region. In collaboration with Cambridge University (UK) and Aarhus University (Denmark) the ADDITION-trial has been set up, a five years follow-up RCT to study the effects on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality of intensive multi-factorial treatment in 3,000 screen detected diabetes patients. Other studies include the early roots of cardiovascular disease in the young, the etiology and prognostic role of coronary collateral formation, and the risk-benefit ratio of anticoagulation in patients at a high risk of stroke. In addition, the Julius Center is increasingly involved in the execution of large scale diagnostic studies, aimed at improving the early detection 14 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care of cardiovascular diseases, both in the population at large and patients presenting to primary care of hospital. These include studies on the added value of, e.g., various diagnostic imaging techniques and early (bed-side) biomarkers in recognizing atherosclerotic disease (such as stroke, coronary artery disease, heart failure, peripheral arterial disease) as well as deep venous thrombosis. Infectious diseases Infectious diseases research at the Julius Center is primarily centered on the prevention, diagnosis and prognosis of respiratory tract infections. For example, research is being carried out to establish whether or not certain patient characteristics are predictive with regard to an abnormal and serious clinical progression of bronchial infections, and the consequences for treatment and patient advice. In addition, antibiotic use and indications for prescribing in general practice are being studied. In this area, research has also been expanding into the development of asthma and allergy, in relation to exposure to infectious agents and other environmental determinants, both in young children and in occupationally exposed subjects. Infections in patients with diabetes mellitus are also being studied in the Research group on Diabetology. Currently the project “Development and evaluation of an educational program on the prevention of complicated infections in patients with diabetes’ is carried out. It focuses on respiratory and urinary tract infections. New research topics include the treatment of urinary tract infections and the relationship between onychomycosis and the diabetic foot. New research topics include the dynamics of influenza, both within and outside health care settings, with a special emphasis on the opportunities to prevent spreading through vaccination and preemptive therapy. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness of infection Annual Report 2005 15 control strategies in hospitals (such as “search & destroy” for MRSA) will be studied. Cancer Cancer research at the Julius Center focuses on the etiology, early diagnosis and prognosis of hormone dependant cancer, predominantly in women. With approximately 30,000 new cases a year amongst Dutch women, cancer is a serious health threat. However, the known causes can explain barely 30% of the cases encountered. An explanation for this rather low percentage may be sought in the fact that environmental and hormonal factors are predominantly studied without any consideration to genetic predisposition. Cancer etiological research within the Julius Center strongly focuses on the interaction between genes, hormones and the environment (or lifestyle habits). For the study of genetic determinants or gene-environmental interactions, the Julius Center has access to biological material originating from two large-scale on-going population-based cohorts, Prospect-EPIC and DOM. For studies of the optimal (early) diagnostic and (clinical) follow-up procedures in cancer patients, collaboration has been established with clinicians from other departments of the University Medical Center in Utrecht. Examples are the COBRA and MONET studies, both assessing optimal diagnostic procedures in women with non-palpable breast cancer. Studies to assess ‘quality of life’ and evaluate ‘nurse practitioners’ in the daily care of cancer patients also fall in the domain of the oncology research at the Julius Center. Mental health The section psychiatric epidemiology of the Julius Center studies psychiatric disease and related co-morbidity in primary care and the 16 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care general population. Mental illness represents a sizeable proportion of the global burden of disease in the general population, but is only partly presented to health care professionals. Major psychiatric disease represents 5% of the prevalent morbidity in primary care, with an annual prevalence of 125 per 1000 patients. A substantial part of minor psychiatric morbidity is presented in relation to somatic disease or functional syndromes or expressed through excessive consultation frequency of unexplained functional syndromes. Mental illness is though closely linked to somatic ill-health - traditionally studied in isolation. The section psychiatric epidemiology focuses on the study of somatic - psychiatric comorbidity, with the following themes: 1. The presentation of depression in primary care, and its association with somatic disease such as dementia, diabetes and vascular disease. 2. Functional disease and somatisation: presentation, determinants and treatment in primary care 3. Psychiatric morbidity in relation to socio-demographic context and consultation patterns 4. Nurse delegated interventions in mental health care The common background hypothesis is that somatic and psychiatric disorders share an overlapping etiology and that this overlap has social and psychological as well as physiological components. Our assessments typically aim to characterize individuals on several levels (psychological, physical and physiological). These themes are studied on the various levels at which disorders manifest themselves: Annual Report 2005 17 a) the general population, by using existing and developing sampling frames such as LRGP (Leidsche Rijn Gezondheidsproject), NEMESIS (Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence b) c) d) e) Study), AGIS health database and others. Primary health care, in primary care networks such as HNU (Huisartsen Netwerk Utrecht), PREDICT and Julius Gezondheidscentra. Populations of people with reported mental illness like those registered in our psychiatric case registry (RIPAG). Populations of people with reported somatic illness, such as samples of cardiovascular compromised patients (SMART), (pre)diabetic patients (UDES), and medication-using people (PHARMO). Populations of primary care emergency attenders like the Huisartsenpost Gelderse Vallei and the emergency department of the UMC Utrecht This approach of studying the phenomenon of somatic psychiatric comorbidity on various levels of the health care system is unique. It will yield information not only on the etiology of somatic-psychiatric comorbidity but also on its implications for the health care system. Most research projects are carried out in collaboration with partners within primary or secondary care health care: primary care physicians, secondary care centers for psychiatry and gastro-enterology, departments of nursing sciences, often in cooperation with other (international) academic centers. Research methodology and biostatistics Besides more applied studies on improving insights in the etiology, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of specific disorders, the Julius Center 18 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care also aims to further develop the theory and methodology of the discipline itself. The section Methodology conducts studies aiming to improve existing methods and to develop innovative methods for design and analysis of (clinical) epidemiological studies. The section focuses on the following themes: 1. Developing innovative designs for diagnostic and prognostic (prediction) research. 2. Developing innovative methods for quantifying the true value of (new) diagnostic and prognostic tests in a multivariable clinical context. 3. Developing innovative methods for the validation and updating of so-called clinical prediction rules. 4. Testing and improving sophisticated methods for dealing with missing values in epidemiologic research. 5. Investigating innovative methods for meta-analysis and individual patient data-analysis of therapeutic studies. 6. Development of models to combine data from randomised and observational studies including genetic information, for estimating (long term) prognosis according to specific patient characteristics in addition to treatment effects. Notably the improvement of methods for design and analysis of multivariable diagnostic and prognostic research is unique. Most research in this field focuses on single test evaluations rather than evaluations in a clinical context, accounting for other test results. But also the methodology for modeling data from randomised and nonrandomised studies combined, is in its infancy. This type of research is situated at the crossroad of clinical epidemiology and medical technology assessment. Annual Report 2005 19 All above methodological themes are not only studied on a purely theoretical level, but are also illustrated by using empirical data from various medical disciplines, notably from the four disease-oriented sections of the Julius Center. For example, data are used from the above-mentioned LRGP (Leidsche Rijn Gezondheidsproject), the Predict study and the AMUSE study, and from other large ongoing studies in the UMC Utrecht. It may be obvious that the results of our methodological studies do not only serve the clinical domains studied, but may serve all medical domains in which e.g. diagnosis, prognosis and therapy are at issue. Most methodological projects are carried out in close collaboration with other clinical departments from the UMC Utrecht. However, also with other epidemiological and (bio)statistical departments from national an international academic centers, such as the Utrecht University, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Dutch National Institute for Health and the Environment, VanderBilt University (USA), Harvard University (USA) and Oxford University (UK). Miscellaneous Several research projects do not directly relate to the core themes of research of the Julius Center. Some of these projects have their roots in former research environments of staff members, others originate from particular areas of expertise from staff members. For example, The Research Group on Diabetology conducts several projects that are especially relevant for diabetes care in the primary care setting, for example projects regarding the effectiveness of a behavioural intervention in screen detected diabetes patients (in collaboration with the research group Psychology and Health) or the effects of a 20 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care computerised support system for diabetes care. Most of these projects are initiated from outside the Julius Center, and staff members are asked to collaborate or (co)supervise the research with an external party. The general policy is not to promote research outside the main themes. In the case of contributing expertise, the Julius center is obviously happy to consider advice and contribute, in particular when requested by other departments of the UMC Utrecht and affiliated institutions, and even when this occasionally addresses other areas. Annual Report 2005 21 Research services, vascular imaging center, data management Studies supported by Research Services, VIC and/or data management, are carried out on the initiative of Julius Center or in collaboration with other academic centers (investigator-driven studies) or the pharmaceutical industry. This cluster of service activities is available for researchers at the Julius Center. Other researchers at the University Medical Center Utrecht can also take advantage of the expertise and facilities. Research Services, Vascular Imaging Center and Data management have been certified according to ISO 9001:2000 since January 2005. The Julius Center has a leading position in a project on the design of a Quality Assurance System for clinical drug trials performed in the UMCU. The plan has been approved by the Board of the UMCU and the Julius Center has responsibility for further implementation and execution of the Quality Assurance Activities. Research services The Julius Center has a research services unit and the infrastructure to support various scientific research projects, in particular clinical trials, in the efficient design and implementation, in which the Julius Center has considerable experience. The services include project management, monitoring (14 projects in 2005) and an outpatient research center (14 projects in 2005). The outpatient research center is equipped with the necessary facilities for carrying out clinical trials in accordance with ICH Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Monitoring activities are performed for both national and international studies (up to 15 European countries). 22 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Vascular imaging center The Vascular Imaging Center (VIC) is a core laboratory facility that supports all steps required in a vascular project, comprising development of protocols, advice on equipment, performing actual measurements, training and certification of technicians, continuous quality assurance and quality control programs during the study, quantitative QC/QA, reading of stored images, data management, statistical analyses and scientific reporting. Extensive expertise is available for (dynamic) measurements of the carotid artery and retinal vessels. In 2005 there were 8 ongoing projects in the VIC. Data management Data management provides a technical infrastructure for the collection, processing and analysis of epidemiological data. The department provides these services for the research conducted by the Julius Center, but also for other divisions of the UMC Utrecht as well as external parties. This year Data management participated in about 75 studies, 31 of which are carried out in cooperation with Research Services and the Vascular Imaging Center. The activities include data management for eight cohorts (pertaining to mental health care, oncology and general practice). In 2005 19 studies were started. In 2005 the department started the development of a web-based research system (Research Online Platform) in collaboration with Mediportaal. In 2006 the system will be used for GRACE, the first pan European primary care research network focussing on the challenge of treating respiratory tract infections in an era of emerging antibiotic resistance. GRACE is financed by the European Union. Annual Report 2005 23 IRAS IRAS, the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), is an interfaculty research institute within the faculties of Veterinary Medicine, Medicine and Biology of Utrecht University. The institute has a dual, complementary mission: it performs interdisciplinary research concentrating on aspects of risk assessment of the effects of chemical, physical and biological agents on man and the environment and also provides education and training in the disciplines of toxicology, environmental and occupational health and the epidemiology of graduate and postgraduate (Ph.D.) students. The research is performed in three divisions; Environmental and Occupational Health, Toxicology, Public Health and Food Safety. Research within the Environmental and Occupational Health and (Veterinary) Public Health and Food Safety Divisions is determinantoriented epidemiological research, which in most cases is conducted in close collaboration with groups from UMC Utrecht (Julius Center, Heart and Lung Institute, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital). The IRAS input to collaborative projects involves exposure assessment methodology and advanced exposure response modeling. Specific areas of research are cancer and exposure to ultrafine particulate matter and polycyclic aromatic compounds, asthma and allergen exposure, and modification by exposure to Microbial Associated Molecular Patterns (MAMPs). There is a particular interest in exposure to infectious agents and in veterinary public health issues including zoonoses and exposure to microbial agents through the food chain. 24 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care International collaboration By nature of its scientific and educational activities the playing field of the Julius Centers is the world. Research is conducted in collaboration with research institutes and universities in many different countries. In addition to the inspiring and productive contacts between staff members and fellows, the Center aims to establish more extensive long-term structural partnerships with strategically selected high quality institutions. These contacts will play an important role in the ambition of the Julius Center to stay at the forefront of the international academic world. With the specific aim to expand its activities in major outcome trials, an international alliance was created in collaboration with the George Institute for International Health in Sydney, Australia, and the Berman Center for Outcomes and Clinical Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, US. The Academic Alliance for Clinical Trials (www. is an academic contract research organization with a focus on interaction between pharmaceutical industry and academic investigators to promote high-quality innovative phase III and phase IV clinical trials. The Alliance builds upon an existing network of clinics and health care centers in five continents. Apart for designing and conducting research, the Alliance invests in improving the methodology an efficiency of research with ample attention to studies in the developing world. In international education there is a growing collaboration between the Julius Center and the Malaysian Ministry of Health, and the University of Malaya Medical Center (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Until now the collaboration was predominantly based on short intensive teaching courses on clinical epidemiology and evidence-based Annual Report 2005 25 medicine, delivered by Julius faculty in collaboration with local staff in Kuala Lumpur. In 2006 we obtained a grant (commissie Internationalisering UMC Utrecht) to extend this collaboration to cover three domains: a) Collaborativeresearchin particular clinical trials and cohort studies, b) Development and creation of a regional research infrastructure, c) Expansion of educational programmes also focusing on the South Asian region. With regard to clinical trials South East Asia, and Malaysia in particular, offers an excellent competitive environment for innovative pharmaceutical companies and large scale studies, as well as a growing burden of chronic diseases that require attention. The interest of our partners in Malaysia fits in well with the research interests of the Julius Center and combining forces creates unique opportunities. The Ministry of Health, Medical technology assessment has very good connections with all major hospitals in the country. In 2006 the partners will jointly create a research infrastructure in Kuala Lumpur reflecting the philosophy of the Julius Center to establish a “Julius Center-KL”. In order to foster high quality of research, a robust research-support section is needed in which project managers, research nurses, data managers, computer experts, trial monitors, and administrative personnel, have their basis. In cooperation with local staff the Julius Center will continue and broaden the program of short courses on the methods of clinical research. These courses are targeted to medical doctors and clinical investigators in the South East Asian region. Eventually, these courses will be largely taken over by local staff. An important purpose of these courses is also the scouting and selection of bright young medical doctors for PhD fellowships. These PhD fellowships will be supervised by the Julius staff and imbedded in the 26 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care research lines of both the UMCU and the UMMC. During the fellowship candidates will follow part of their education in the Netherlands, notably in the prestige master program. Depending on the subject, research will be carried out at the Julius Center or in their home country. In addition to clinical trials, the Julius Center also participates in the largest on-going observational study on nutrition and health in Europe, the EPIC Study. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition started with the collection of extensive dietary questionnaires, anthropometric measurements and blood samples in 10 European countries between 1992 and 1998. The Julius Center sampled over 17,000 women. In addition to cancer, (healthy) longevity (EPIC-Elderly), cardiovascular diseases (EPIC-heart), and diabetes have been included as major endpoints. There is a strong cooperation with 23 research centers of oncology institutes, universities and public health institutes over Europe. In addition to the above-mentioned examples of recent more extensive initiatives, international collaboration exists with the following institutions: ● Berman Center for Outcomes and Clinical Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, US Department of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Pretoria, South Africa. ● Clinical Trial Services Unit and Department of General Practice, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK ● Departements of Epidemiology and Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA. ● Department of Cancer Epidemiology, Imperial College, London, UK Annual Report 2005 27 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Department of Epidemiology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Department of Epidemiology, UCSF, San Francisco, USA. Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, USA. Department of Health Evaluation Sciences, University of Virginia Medical School, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. Department of Neurology, University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada. Department of Public Health, Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, USA. Depts. of Nutrition and Cancer, Hormones and Nutrition, International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC, Lyon, France. Framingham Heart Study, NHLBI, Boston University Medical Center, Boston, USA. George Institute for International Health, Sydney, Australia. Medical Research Council London, UK Medical Research Council, Dunn, Cambridge, United Kingdom. University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia University of Malaya Medical Center (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia University of Tokai, Isehara, Japan Wallenberg Laboratory, Sahlgrenska Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden. 28 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Education Overview Participation in numerous educational programs covering various aspects of health sciences or primary care is a core-business of the Julius Center, whose main activities are research and education. Combined research and educational tasks guarantee teaching on a high up-to-date level in all disciplines. The Center is, among other things, responsible for the specialist training of medical doctors as general practitioners in a three-year vocational training program. Furthermore the Center is home to the only Dutch graduate program for nursing science. The Center also actively participates in new educational developments such as the UMC Utrecht’s ambitious undergraduate medicine program (CRU’99), which started in 1999 and is based on interdisciplinary problem-oriented learning, and SUMMA, a new 4year medical grade program that started in 2004. The majority of educational programs are provided in co-operation with other divisions within or outside the University Medical Center Utrecht. Notably, a new training program for masters in epidemiology was started in 2004 in close collaboration with other faculties of Utrecht University. Education for the benefit of researchers at the Julius Center takes place by means of participation in recognized graduate schools such as the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES) (www., Infection & Immunity (, Psychology and Health (http:\\, and ImagO ( Annual Report 2005 29 Postgraduate education General Practice Vocational Training Graduate Schools (Nihes, ImagO, I&I, P&H) Post-academic education Advanced training in Public Health Advanced training in General Practice Advanced training in Epidemiology Public Health /MTA/ Med Ethics General Practice Nursing Science Nutritional Sciences Graduate education Medical School (CRU’99 and SUMMA) MA Applied Ethics MSc Nursing Science MSc Epidemiology Clinical Epidemiology Undergraduate education Medical School (see also ‘Graduate education’) Bachelor Biomedical Sciences x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 30 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Medical school Description The medical curriculum is a continuous six-year educational program without any distinction between the undergraduate and graduate phases. In 1999 the curriculum was completely revised. The problem-based learning method has been adopted (CRU’99) in this new curriculum. The sixth year of CRU’99 began in 2004. All disciplines at the Julius Center coordinate and/or participate in courses on the medical curriculum. In addition, the SUMMA - School for Utrecht Medical Masters curriculum started in 2004. The aim of the program is that 40 bachelor students obtain their MD degree in four years. Course information CRU ‘99 (course names in Dutch) number of students year in curriculum discipline1 coordination / participation Oriëntatie geneeskunde 312 1st year GP/PH coordination/part. Stofwisseling 312 1st year DT participation Klinisch lijn onderwijs 312 1st year GP coordination Patiënten volgprogramma 312 1st year GP/NS coordination/part. Patiënten volgprogramma 312 2nd year GP/NS coordination/part. Zintuigen, Hersenen en Beweging II 312 2nd year GP participation Stofwisseling II 312 2nd year GP participation Groei en ontwikkeling 312 2nd year DT participation Acute Geneeskunde 312 3rd year GP coordination/part. Architectuur klinisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek 288 3rd year CE/GP coordination/part. Infectie en Afweer 312 3rd year GP participation Keuzeblok gezondheidsrecht 75 3rd year PH coordination Keuzeblok zorgmanagement 75 3rd year PH coordination Keuzeblok medische ethiek 50 3rd year PH coordination/part. Keuzeblok voeding: curatief of preventief 44 3rd year DT coordination Introductiecursus CIBA PatientenZorg in Nederland 16 3rd year GP/PH coordination/part Leeronderzoek medische ethiek 15 4th year PH participation Oogheelkunde 312 4th year GP participation Annual Report 2005 31 CRU ‘99 (course names in Dutch) number of students year in curriculum discipline1 coordination / participation Determinanten van ziekte 288 4th year GP participation Geneeskunde en maatschappij 288 5th year PH/GP coordination/part. Co-schap sociale geneeskunde 288 5th year PH coordination Keuzeonderwijs ‘systematisch literatuuroverzicht’ 7x 4th/5th year CE coordination Co-schap huisartsgeneeskunde 288 5th year GP coordination Onderwijs professionaliteit startblok & terugkomdagen 100 6th year PH participation Algemene Semi-Arts Stage (ASAS) Huisartsgeneeskunde 20 6th year GP coordination Startblok 165 6th year CE/PH coordination/part Terugkomdagen 165 6th year CE/PH coordination/part Wetenschapsstage Variable 6th year All participation SUMMA 2 number of students year in curriculum Discipline1 coordination / participation Praktijk van de zorg 40 1st year GP Coordination Klinisch Denken 1 40 1st year GP Participation Klinisch Denken 2 40 1st year GP Participation Wetenschappelijke Vorming 2 40 2nd year CE Coordination Co-schap huisartsgeneeskunde 40 3rd year GP Coordination Disciplines: General Practice (GP), Clinical Epidemiology (CE), Nursing Science (NS), Nutritional Sciences, (Dietetics, DT), Public Health/ MTA/Medical Ethics (PH) 2 School for Utrecht Medical Masters 1 Output 2005 Number of students See table above. 32 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Bachelor Biomedical sciences Description In the first year of the biomedical sciences bachelor program, staff members of the interfaculty Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) with joint posts at the Julius Center and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, are responsible for the coordination of a six-week course on epidemiology (Prof. D. Heederick, PhD, L. Portengen, PhD). In addition staff members of the Julius Center participate in these lectures (Prof. D.E. Grobbee, MD, PhD). In the second year of the program, staff members participate in course P3, an inductory course to the different masters’ programs student may choose to enter after completion of their bachelor studies. (C. Uiterwaal, MD, PhD). In the third year, staf members organise and teach a ‘keuzecursus’ (optional course) Clinical Trials (I. van der Tweel (Julius Center and UU Center for biostatistics) and P.A.H. van Noord, MD, PhD, Julius Center). Course information BMS-bachelor (course names in Dutch) number of students year in curriculum discipline* coordination / participation Epidemiologie 189 1st year CE, EE coordination Project 3, Orientatie op de master programma’s 150 2nd year CE participation Keuzecursus Clinical Trials 20 3rd year CE, Biostat coordination * Discipline: Clinical Epidemiology (CE), Environmental Epidemiology (EE), Biostat (Center for biostatistics, Utrecht University Output 2005 Number of students See table above. Annual Report 2005 33 MSc Biomedical Sciences, masterprogramme Epidemiology Description Initiated by the combined epidemiological research groups at UMC Utrecht and Utrecht University (Julius Center, IRAS, veterinary epidemiology, and pharmaco-epidemiology) a research masters’ program in epidemiology is organised. The programme started in September 2004 with 15 students and the number of students has doubled in 2005. In 2005 a second variant of the programme started: in addition to the 2 year regular masterprogramme, a shorter 18 months postgraduate programme was developed, which is open to MDs, VDs, PhD students and other professionals at acdemical level. Coordination of the program is by the Julius Center. In December 2005 Utrecht University awarded the Epidemiology master program with the exclusive Prestige Master label. Specialisation possibilities within the epidemiology program are: ● Clinical Epidemiology ● ● ● ● Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases Veterinary Epidemiology Pharmaco-epidemiology Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology 34 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Course information 2005 (only courses with participation of JC staff in faculty) BMS- research master program epidemiology weeks number of students discipline* coordination / participation Advanced Diagnostic Research, 28 Feb-4 March 2005 1 wk 43 CE coordination Prognostic Research, 14-18 March 2005 1 wk 29 CE coordination Clinical Trials and Drug Risk Assessment, 18-22 April 2005 1 wk 29 CE coordination Introduction to Epidemiology, 5-16 Sep 2005 2 wk 45 CE participation Study Design, 19 Sep-7 Oct 2005 3 wk 55 CE coordination Clinical Epidemiology, 4 wk 56 CE coordination * Discipline: Clinical Epidemiology (CE) Output 2005 Number of students Start September 2005: 33 students: Origin of the subscriptions: ● UU BMS epidemiology, initial: 4 students ● UU BMS epidemiology, postgraduate 20 students ● UU BMS veterinary epidemiology and economics, postgraduate: 9 students Note: Courses are also attended by students from other masters’ programs and post-initial (Nihes) students, hence the larger number of attendance in several courses (see table). Annual Report 2005 35 MA Applied Ethics Course information Medical Ethics number of students ects (weeks) coordination/ participation 20 15 (10 weeks) Coordination/part. Output 2005 Number of students See table above. 36 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care MSc Nursing Science Description In 2000, a Dutch Master of Science degree for the Health Sciences program was established at Utrecht University (UU). Nursing Science was the first major field of study to be offered within the Health Sciences program. Physiotherapy Science was added as a second major field of study in 2002 and Speech Therapy Science as the third field in 2003. However, a new curriculum for the Health Sciences program was necessary in order to comply with the European regulations for university education and to conform with the international BachelorMaster structure in higher education. This resulted in the development of two programs: a one year part-time premaster program (30 ects) for graduates of a bachelor degree program in professional education with a deficiency in academic skills, and a two year part-time master program (60 ects) for graduates of a BSc-university degree program or a premaster program (see table below). Both the premaster and master Nursing Science UU programs started in September 2005. The Department of Nursing Science within the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care is responsible for the development and coordination of the Nursing Science field of study. Annual Report 2005 37 MSc Program information Ects Premaster Nursing Science 30 Project and Academic Skills 7.5 Philosophy, Science and Ethics 7.5 Research Methods 7.5 Statistics 7.5 Master Nursing Science 60 Strategic Management and Implementation 15 Science and Nursing Practice 15 Elective course 6 Research proposal 9 Master’s Thesis 15 For more detailed information (in Dutch) concerning the MSc program, check the website of the Department of Nursing Science: Output 2005 Number of students: ● Started in 2005: 62 premaster students (UU) and 50 master students (UU) ● Graduated in 2005: 6 old Master MU1 and 13 old Master UU; 4 students graduated cum laude and 2 students graduated with honor ● Total number of enrolled students: 217 dispersed over three different academic programs new Premaster and Master program UU (112); old Master UU (90) and old Master MU1 (15) Other relevant information ● The External Accreditation Committee (EAC) - a committee appointed by the Ministry of Education and responsible for accrediting all university programs – evaluated the new UU MSc Nursing Science program in December 2005. The EAC’s verbal report was very positive about all the improvements that they saw 38 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care in the new MSc in comparison with their evaluation and recommendations in October 2004 concerning the old MSc program. ● ● In September 2005, Mieke Grypdonck, PhD RN, Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Nursing Science delivered the annual Mebius Kramer Lecture entitled ‘Between Nursing and Nursing Science’. This lecture marked the start of her retirement after 10 years as Professor of Nursing Science at Utrecht University. During the Mebius Kramer Lecture Ceremony, Professor Grypdonck was awarded a Dutch Royal Medal of Honor in recognition of her contribution to the field of Nursing Science. In addition to the academic program, the Department of Nursing Science provides continuing education courses to the nursing community. The second annual course (18 hours) in Reading and Evaluating Nursing Research was offered to 9 participants in the spring of 2005. Annual Report 2005 39 General practice vocational training Description The Julius Center is home to one of the eight General Practice Vocational Training Courses in the Netherlands. This admits 72 junior doctors a year. It is a three-year course and consists of two years of training in general practices and one year in hospitals, health care institutes and nursing homes. In order to serve the needs of the course, there is close cooperation with 206 general practitioners, 5 peripheral hospitals, 22 nursing homes and 19 regional institutes for outpatient mental health care. The trainees attend the department of general practice for reflection and training one day a week. Course information Each of the three training years has different characteristics. In the first year the emphasis is on obtaining and sharpening skills in general practice. In the second year, particular attention is paid to the cooperation between the GP, specialist, Regional Institute for Outpatient Health Care and the nursing home. In the third-year, the acquisition and integration of in-depth knowledge takes center stage. Every effort is made to increase the expertise and quality of future GPs. Output 2005 Number of students In only a few years the capacity has been increased from 72 to 206 trainees in 2004. ● Number of students who finished their GP training in 2005: 59 ● Number of students who started their GP training in 2005: 72 40 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Other relevant information 20051 4 course organizers and 28 trainers started work in our department in 2005. In 2005 the Capacity of the Department of General Practice Vocational Training has increased. Therefore we have hired new staff. 1 For more information see also or ‘Jaarverslag 2005 van de Huisartsopleiding Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht’. Annual Report 2005 41 Graduate schools UGS Life Sciences, Nihes, ImagO, Eijkman and P&H Description In 2005 Utrecht University launched six Utrecht Graduate Schools in which all research master programmes and PhD-trajectories are combined, clustered according to theme. All PhD students of the Julius Center are part of the Utrecht Graduate School (UGS) Life Sciences. The effects of this clustering will become more apparent in the next years, one of the first changes being the start of new doctoral degree regulations in February 2006. In addition to being part of the UGS life sciences, the Julius Center is involved in four KNAW-graduate schools, formally accredited as such by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science (KNAW). This means that staff members and PhD students participate in the research and educational programs of these schools. Participation in more than one KNAW-school is common, depending on the subject and methodological setup of someone’s research. Three of these schools have their chair in Utrecht: the Graduate School for Biomedical Imaging (ImagO), the Eijkman Graduate School for Infection and Immunity (Eijkman), and the Graduate School for Psychology & Health (P&H). One has its chair in Rotterdam: the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (Nihes). At each of Nihes, ImagO and Eijkman members of the Julius Center’s staff are responsible for part of the courses. For Nihes Prof. D.E. Grobbee is programme director Clinical Epidemiology and member of the board. Course information The policy is that all internal PhD students at the Julius Center attend to a formal educational programme, either the UU postgraduate MSc 42 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care programme epidemiology (started Sep 2005, as from that moment this is the preferred educational programme for the internal PhD Students) or the educational program of one of the above-mentioned graduate schools. In rare cases PhD students only attend part of a program, e.g. in some cases this involves part-time appointments. A combination of individual courses is then selected and has to be approved by the supervisors. In the cases that PhD students are part of more than one KNAW graduate school, the educational programs of the schools can usually be combined in such a way that courses taken at one school can partly substitute for the course program at another school, enabling students to attend two schools without having to double their effort. This means that they can optimize their individual educational programs. Output 2005 Number of students The 33 PhD-students (17 internal) who finished their thesis in 2005 attended the following schools: Nihes: 16 students (10 internal, 6 external) ImagO: 4 students (3 internal, 1 external) Eijkman: 2 students (1 internal, 1 external) P&H: 5 students (5 internal) Other: 1 external student Graduate School of NeuroSciences Note 1: PhD students may attend more than one graduate school. Note 2: Data on external PhD students’ attendance may be incomplete. Annual Report 2005 43 Table: attendance at graduate schools by PhD students (for Title, University and Date of PhD defense, see “Publications 2005”) X Internal X Bergman, G.J. External X Biesheuvel C.J. Internal X Bijlsma, T.S. External Bootsma, M.C. External Brouha, X.D.R. Internal Brussee, J.E. External X Cremer, O.L. External X Dijk, J.M. Internal X Dijk, K. van External X Elvan-Taspinar, A. External Giovannangelo, M.E.C.A. External Hartog, J.J. de External Kamphuis, H.C.M. Internal Koek, H.L. Internal Koeman, M. External Kolk-Kousemaker, M. Internal Konijnenberg, A.Y. External X Kuijpers, A.C. External X Kwee, A. External Oosterheert, J.J. External Opstelten, W. Internal Oudega, R Internal Prinssen, M. External Ravelli, D.P. Internal Rinaldi, S. Internal X Rutten, F.H. Internal X Schrijver, E.L.L.M. External Störk, S.F.L. Internal X Trijp, M.J.C.A. Internal X Tromp, D. Internal X Weijman, I. Internal X 44 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Other Internal Atsma, F. P&H Akkerman A.E. Eijkman Graduate school ImagO In/External NIHES Name X X X X X X X X X X X X Advanced training in public health Description Post-academic training for health care professionals Course information In 2005 the Julius Centre organized 10 courses, covering 22 training days in total, for health care professionals. Course title Number of students Date Health law 28 January-March 2005, 10 evenings Netherlands Public Health Congress 750 April 13-14, 2005 Disease Management Programs 60 March-May 2005 Mental Health Care Programs 80 June 21, 2005 Master class Quality Indicators and Management Control 12 August-December 2005 Acute Care Organization 250 September 9, 2005 Occupational Health Care and Primary Health Care 75 November 3, 2005 European Health Executive Program 10 October 25-28, 2005 Access to Long term Care 180 December 2, 2005 Needs Assessment and Innovations in Youth Health Care 150 December 9, 2005 Output 2005 Number of students See table above. Annual Report 2005 45 Advanced training in general practice PAOH Description Post-academic training for general practitioners (Post Academisch Onderwijs voor Huisartsen, PAOH-Utrecht). The focus is on up-todate information for GPs, evidence based and relevant to general practice. Course title (Dutch) Voeding KNO & Oogheelkunde Diagnostiek Astma en COPD Mannen en vrouwen Dermatologie Maag-darm-leverziekten 8ste Diabetesdag Speciale patiëntengroepen PAO-H EXTRA Beslissingen rond levenseinde PAO-H EXTRA Acute geneeskunde Course information In 2005 the Julius Center organized 9 days (6 points) and 2 afternoons (PAOH EXTRA, 3 points) for GPs in the Netherlands. Output 2005 80-200 GPs attended each course (with a total of 1285 GPs) 46 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Training-course for executives in diabetology in primary care Description A 2-year course in diabetology, intended for general practitioners who want to become an expert in diabetology in primary care. Two hundred hours will be spent on several scientific and clinical aspects of diabetology as well as on teaching in diabetology. Self-study, lectures and training periods form part of the course. Negotiating skills will also be trained. Course information The course is organised under the auspices of the Julius Centre, in collaboration with the Dutch College of General Practitioners with its Expert Group on Diabetology (DiHAG) and the Departments of General Practice of the Radboud Medical Centre Nijmegen and the Free University Medical Centre. Output 2005 In December 2005 20 GPs from all parts of the country started the course. Annual Report 2005 47 Advanced training in clinical epidemiology Description Post-academic training for health care professionals, medical specialists, and (senior) clinical researchers. Course information In 2004 the Julius Center organized a course on Evidence Based Medicine aimed at health care specialists and senior clinical researchers. A series of debates was also started at the University Medical Center Utrecht to focus the attention on and promote a critical attitude towards Evidence Based Medicine. Course title (Dutch) Number of attendants Date 6th Julius Course, Evidence Based Medicine 19 20-22 May 2005, 3 days Debates in Evidence Based Medicine ‘De polypil voor iedereen!’ ‘De acute buik: de subjectieve hand of het objectieve beeld?’ 150* 150* 05 Oct 04 14 Dec 04 *Approximate number attending each debate Output 2003 Number of students/attendants See table above. 48 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Patient care Nutritional sciences and dietetics Nutrional sciences and Dietetics form one section. Eduction and research are the core activities of Nutritional Sciences, as can be found elsewhere in this report. Patient care provided to UMC Utrecht and rehabilitation center ‘De Hoogstraat’ is the core activity of the Dietetics section. Evidence based guidelines One of the most important goals of the section, development of evidence-based guidelines, has made progress. Two out of 12 guidelines have been completed in 2005. Moreover, a great number of product descriptions (short practical guidelines) have been completed in 2005 (21 completed and 31 ongoing). We also evaluated the evidence-based process that was started in 2001, and concluded that it has contributed to a more structured and academic way of thinking and working among the dieticians. Training was provided to our dieticians in the form of external courses, meetings, and conferences (50 activities in total, 2 per dietician) mostly in the Netherlands, but also in other European places. External (international, national and regional) projects The Dietetics section contributed to several external projects. The most important are: ● involvement in the CBO guidelines ‘Peri-operative nutrition’ and ‘Cystic Fibrosis’ ● coordination of the national project ‘Ketogenic nutrition guidelines’, including evidence-based guidelines and the development and implementation of a patient database ● contribution to the development of ‘National Vietnamese Nutrition Annual Report 2005 49 ● Guidelines’. This latter project stressed some of the universal aspects of dietary guidelines. initiation of a regional oncology group contribution to the development of a regional policy plan for outpatient care ● development and national introduction of a novel method to advice phenylketonuria (PKU) patients. Besides these projects, our staff participated in a wide range of (national) consultation groups. ● Internal projects Within the UMC-Utrecht, the Dietetics sections participated in the following internal projects and working groups: ● hosting the UMC Utrecht Clinical Nutrition Advice Board, which enables us to discuss nutrition problems and new insights in dietetics in a broader clinical context ● development and launch of Dietetics website. At this moment the site is only accessible for UMC Utrecht co-workers, but it will be available for patients in the future. The site was launched during a ● ● ● ● UMC Utrecht life-style event organized by the section and the UMC Utrecht medical service. participation in hospital food distribution project repositioning dietetics in the food allergy team positioning dietetics in the new ICU ward assistance in clinical multicenter studies (Masterplan, Propatria) Educational and scientific contributions Several lectures and workshops have been presented to other professionals, on topics such as Cystic Fibrosis, heart failure, and evidence-based nutrition. 50 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care We evaluated the contribution of student projects to our Dietetics section. We decided that more effort should be given to a) publication of results (as posters, oral presentations and scientific papers) and to b) implementation of the findings in dietary guidelines Chapters for several books were written, which will most likely be published in 2006. Personnel In 2005 4 dietitians left the UMCU due to retirement (1), change of specialization (2) and a job closer to the their place of residence (1). The vacancies were filled with 3 new dieticians and several changes in the allocation of dieticians over the various divisions in the hospital had to be made. The co-operation with rehabilitation center ‘De Hoogstraat’ was evaluated. Care provided by the Dietetics section in 2005 1st visit Follow-up visits DME* Outpatients 776 3485 4803 Hospitalized 726 1909 3228 No show 115 329 Outpatients 654 2361 2999 Hospitalized 1515 5262 6814 Outpatients 668 3066 5013 Hospitalized 401 989 2089 No show 9 32 Rehabilitation centre Hoogstraat 201 482 Team 1 Team 2 No show Team 3 695 DME *= 30-minute time units Annual Report 2005 51 Julius Center Health Care Leidsche Rijn Since January 2004 the Julius Center has been hosting a network for academic patient care, located in a newly developed area of Utrecht, “Leidsche Rijn”. In the next few years Leidsche Rijn will expand to a large suburban area, with approximately 80,000 inhabitants. Health care services in it will be provided from 6 health centers, which will offer integrated services: general practice, physiotherapy, mental health care, mother and child health services, pharmacy and social workers. In the underlying health care concept for Leidsche Rijn these curative services are closely related to preventive, social and educational activities in the area. This concept is being worked out in close cooperation with municipal health authorities, the University Medical Center, the MESOS hospital and the regional general practitioners’ organization. The new MESOS hospital will be built in the center of Leidsche Rijn, offering excellent opportunities for continuity of care and cooperation between general practitioners and consultants (secondary care specialists). In 2005 three health centers were operational: Parkwijk, offering health care services for 9,500 inhabitants, Veldhuizen, with 7,500 listed patients and rapidly expanding Terwijde with 2,100 listed people at the end of 2005. The centers offer primary medical care (14 general practitioners, 9 full time equivalent), physiotherapy (9 physiotherapists, approximately 6 fte), and additional dietary services, obstetrics, social work, farmacy etc. The medical services cover the full spectrum of family medicine, with curative care, chronic disease management for hypertension, diabetes and lung disease (through practice assistants and practice nurses) and preventive services. Management in the health centers is directed by the Julius Center. 52 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care A new health center was developed for the Vleuterweide district, which will become operational in the coming 3 years. It will open in March 2006. The next few years two more centers will be developed for ‘t Zand and the Central Zone of Leidsche Rijn. Meanwhile health care services for new inhabitants in those areas are provided from the existing health centers nearby. The Leidsche Rijn Network offers an excellent opportunity to the Julius Center to fulfill its ambition of providing academic health care services in primary care: high quality patient care, closely integrated with (vocational) training and research. In order to facilitate this, training facilities will be incorporated in the health centers at Leidsche Rijn, enabling on-the-spot training of medical students, general practitioners and other health care professionals. Electronic recording of all aspects of medical care as well as dedicated support staff will provide the basis for an excellent research environment in the Leidsche Rijn health centers. Most new inhabitants of Leidsche Rijn are already participating in the Leidsche Rijn Health project (LRGP), which records their basic health characteristics and offers an instant medical assessment. In future this health profile will be related to actual primary medical care data at the health centers. Medical follow up of the Leidsche Rijn population combined with academic research will enable us to develop evidence-based multidisciplinairy patientcentered health care programs. Annual Report 2005 53 Business and operations Operational support The core activities of the Julius Center, research, education and patient care, are supported by a number of services. Management is supported by a central finance and a personnel & organization (P&O) department. The finance department handles all contracts and other financial matters. The P&O department deals with management development, vacancies and all procedural matters involving employment. Project management and VIC Project management involves the organization, monitoring and conduct of patient-related studies. These may be small studies with less than 20 patients, but also very large ones, including several thousands of patients from different centers and countries. Expertise in the measurement of vascular parameters (as collected in patient-related studies) is bundled in the vascular imaging center. Expertise in data collection and data management is concentrated in the data management department. Data management Data Management provides a technical infrastructure for the collection, processing and analysis of epidemiological data. The department provides these services for the research conducted by the Julius Center, but also for other divisions of the UMC Utrecht as well as external parties. An overview of the projects can be found in the chapter ’Research Projects 2005’. 54 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care In 2004 Data Management and Research Services developed a Quality Assurance System in cooperation with KEMA. Both departments were certified in January 2005 (ISO 9001:2000). This year, Data Management participated in about 70 studies, of which 30 were carried out in cooperation with Research Services. These include 20 new studies and eight cohorts (relating to mental health care, oncology and general practice). In 2003 the department began to provide services via the Internet. This year electronic randomization and data capture have been used successfully in several studies, six of which are fully web based. The Data Management Department consists of 12.9 FTEs (15 staff in absolute numbers). ICT The ICT Department is responsible for the development and maintenance of an infrastructure that supports both office automation and the scientific research carried out by the Julius Center. It provides user support and Internet development services. The department was certified by KEMA (ISO 9001:2000) in January 2005. The ICT Department consists of 4.7 FTEs (5 staff in absolute numbers). Annual Report 2005 55 Personnel and finances Personnel, figures (2005-12-31) Absolute numbers Scientific Support Care Total Male 72 29 1 102 Female 110 82 31 223 Total 182 111 32 325 FTE Scientific Support Care Total Male 42.73 25.62 0.68 69.03 Female 71.74 58.27 22.60 152.61 Total 114.46 83,90 23.28 221.64 Average FTE Scientific Support Care Male 0.59 0.88 0.68 Female 0.65 0.71 0.73 56 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Personnel, listing 2005 Clinical epidemiology Professors Schouw, Y.T. van der, PhD Prof. Algra, A., MD, PhD Soedamah-Muthu S.S., MD, PhD Prof. Bonten, M.J.M., MD, PhD Stolk, R.P., MD, PhD Prof. Brunekreef, B., PhD Uiterwaal, C.S.P.M., MD, PhD Prof. Graaf, Y. van der, MD, PhD Vergouwe, Y., MD, PhD Prof. Heederik, D., PhD (adjunct faculty) Junior staff Prof. Hoes, A.W., MD, PhD (also GP) A, D.L. van der, MSc Prof. Grobbee, D.E., MD, PhD Ariesen, M.J., MSc Prof. Moons, K.G.M., MD, PhD Asselt, K.M. van, MD Prof. Neeleman, J., MD, PhD Atsma, F., MSc Prof. Rheeder, P., MD, PhD (Adjunct Biesheuvel, C.J., MSc faculty) Brouwer, B.G., MD Brussee, J.E., MSc Coordinating staff Buchner, F.L., MD Kluijtmans, M., PhD Dijk, J.M., MD Duijnhoven, F.J.B. van, MSc Senior staff Elias, S.G., MD Bots, M.L., MD, PhD Fonds, D., MD Burger, H., MD, PhD Giele, J.L.P., MD Geerlings, M.I., PhD Goessens, B.M.B., MSc Gils, C.H. van, PhD Janssen, K.J.M., MSc Heijden, G.J.M.G. van der, PhD Kamphuis, M.H., MSc Monninkhof, E.M., MD, PhD Klein, W.M., MD Noord, P.A.H. van, MD, PhD Knol, M.J., MSc Peeters, P.H.M., MD, PhD Koek, H.L., MD Portengen, L., MD (Associated) Koerselman, J., MD Annual Report 2005 57 Kok, H.S., MD Coordinating staff Koopman, L., MSc Appelman, C.L.M., MD, PhD Laan, W., MSc Pieters, H.M., MD, PhD Maas, A.J.B.M., MD Molenaar, E.A., MSc Senior staff Muis, M.J., MD Albert, M.C.G.A., MSc Onland - Moret, N.C., MSc Balen, F.A.M. van, MD, PhD Raamt, A.F. van, MD Banus, G.E.G.M., MD Ramadhani, M.K., MD (adjunct Barels, I.H., MD faculty) Bartelink, M.E.L., MD, PhD Straatman, M.N., MSc Batenburg, V., PhD Trijp, M.J.C.A. van, MD Beek, C. van, MD Verheus, M., MSc. Belgraver, A., MD Wezep, M.J. van, MSc Berkestijn, L.G.M. van, MD, PhD Boer, L.J. de, MD, PhD Support Bonten, M.J.M., MD, PhD Batenburg, T.A.J. van Bosman, M., MSc Broeders, C.A.E., MSc Brink, J.C. van den, MSc Haks – Schoonderwoerd, T.L.T.M. Brinkman, H.J.W. Kole – de Jong, S. Bruggen, E. van, MSc Kiersch, N. Carels, H.M. Meegdes - Kuiperij, H. Cozijnsen, M., MD Vries, G. de Dagnelie, C.F., MD, PhD Zanten - Nout, A. van Dudok van Heel-Sakkers, P.M.A., MSc General practice Professors Eenige, M.M. van, MD Prof. Hoes, A.W., MD, PhD (also CE) Feijen, M.K.E., MD Prof. Rutten, G.E.H.M., MD, PhD Filippo, M.E.D., MD Prof. Verheij, Th.J.M., MD, PhD Geijer, R.M.M., MD Essen, G.A. van, MD, PhD 58 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Gorter, K.J., MD, PhD Schouten, M., MSc Graaf, A.P. de, MD Smulders, M.M.Th., MD Groot, M. de, MSc Stempvoort, W.M. van, MD Grunt, N.G. de, MD Tiesema, M., MSc Hak, E., PhD Truijens, L., MD Hemert, M.M.H.M. van, MD Vermeulen, M.I., MD Hendrickx, E.F.H.M., MD Wisselo-Peek, H.J. Hirsch, R., MD Wit, N.J. de, MD, PhD Hörchner, C.D., MD Zwart, D.L.M., MD Jacobs, V.E.J., MD Zwart, S., MD, PhD Jong, H.H.G. de, MD Konings, J.E., MD Junior staff Kruithof, P.J., MSc Akkerman, A.E., MD Kuyvenhoven, M.M., PhD Avendonk, M.J.P. van, MSc Kwee, S.K., MSc Beunder, M.. MSc Leeuwen, A.J. van, MSc Bont, J., MD Maaijen, J., MD Bruggen, J.A.R. van, MD Manschot, P.B.J.T., MD Cleveringa, F.G.W., MD Mathot, A.M., MD Kelder, J.C., MD Mol, S.S.L., MD, PhD Muller, L.M.A.J., MSc Numans, M.E., MD, PhD Scheltens, T., MD Opstelten, W., MD, PhD Schönbeck, Y., MSc Oudega, R. MD, PhD Staaij, B.K. van, MD Quartero, A.O., MD, PhD Velden, A.W. van der, MSc Raat, A.M.C., MD Rijken, M.E., MSc Support Rovers, M.M., PhD Blijleven, E.M. Rutten, F.H., MD, PhD Bogaards-Godschalk, M. Sachs, A.P.E., MD, PhD Hartog, M.A. den Scheele, E.A.E., MD, MSc Hoeven - van Vriesland, I.A. v den Annual Report 2005 59 Honk, S.M. van Hageman - Raatgever, G.M.C. Knape - van Santen, M. Linde, M.L. van der Laurens, I.C. Straaten, M.C. van Mertens, W. Simon, P. MTA Professors Velthof, C.G.M. Prof. Hout, B.A. van, PhD Wolf - Verschuure, T.W.P.M. Prof. Van Delden, J.J.M., MD, PhD Public health Professors Senior staff Prof. Schrijvers, A.J.P., PhD Buskens, E., MD, PhD Prince - Thissen, C.J.M. Bonneux, L.G.A., MD, PhD Maillé, A.R., PhD Senior staff Stel, H.F. van, PhD Baar, van M.E., PhD Kwee, S.K., MA Junior Staff Weert-v Oene, G.H. de, MPH, PhD Janssen, M.P., MSc Zaadstra, B.M., MD, PhD Koffijberg, H., MSc Stuifbergen, M.C., MSc Junior staff Verschuuren, M., MSc Bie – de Waal, M.N.A. de, MSc Vries, A. de, MSc Meier, M., MSc Zutphen, P.G.C.M., MSc Niesink, A., MSc O, Y.L., MD, PhD Support Raijmakers, V.J.A., MSc Bruin, C.E.T. de Simkens, A.B.M., MSc Villevoye, D.P.J., MSc Nursing science Professors Support Prof. Grypdonck, M.H.F., PhD Dijken, G.D. van Prof. Shortridge - Baggett, L., PhD 60 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care (adjunct faculty) Talens, S., MSc Prof. Duijnstee, M.S.H., PhD Tromp, D.M., MSc (adjunct faculty) Vree, W. de, MSc Weldam, S.W.M., MSc Coordinating staff Bijl, J.J. van der, PhD Support Meijel, B.K.G. van, PhD Dekker, M.M. El Bouasati, S. Senior staff Martin, A.F Engel, M., MSc Vonk, N.M.S. Gamel, C.J., PhD Wijbenga, J.. Leeuw, J.R.J. de, PhD Ros, W.J.G, PhD Nutritional sciences/dietetics Professors Schuurmans, M.J., PhD Prof. Staveren, W.A. van, PhD Linge, R.H. van, PhD Vliet, M.J. van, PhD Coordinating staff Junior staff Bruin, M. de Goverde, C.A.M., MSc Runia, S. Groot – May, A.M. de, MSc Huitema, M.C., MSc Senior staff Hooft - Leemans, G. van der, MSc Roos, N.M. de, PhD Horenberg, A.H., MSc Kars, M.C., MSc Junior staff Kruk – Kamstra, T.F. van der, MSc Iestra, J.A. Megens, Y.A.C.T., MSc Moes, H., MSc Dietetics Oirschot – v.d. Ven, M.M.M., MSc Achterberg, M.D. Oosterom, M., MSc Carbasius Weber, E.C. Swieten - Duyfjes, E. van, MSc Doorn, G.M. van Annual Report 2005 61 Harten, J.N.N. van Management support Coordinating staff Hazendonk, J.F.M. van Starre, M. van der, MSc Fabels, B.M. Heest - Cooman, P.D. van Hiemstra, G.K. Administrative staff Hollander - Kraaijeveld, F.M. Bekkers, M.H., MSc Hurk, Th.A.M. van den Boerlage, P.A. Janse, L.C.M. Booden, K., BSc Jonge - Wierda, J.I. de Dettingmeier, R.D. (external) Jongh - Kampherbeek, E.H. de Groot, de E., MSc Kemp, K. Horstink, G.H.M. Leermakers - Vermeer, J.M.P. Kok - Kortekaas, M.G.A. Los, M. Kolste, L.J.C. Luyt, J.W.H. van der Plomp, E.P. Michelsen - Huisman, A.D. Pijl, A.G. Renken - Terhaerdt, J.W.M. Veen, R.E.R., MSc chreurs, J.C.M. Wees - Ester, P.A. van Schuit, L.E. van der Somer, M. Personnel and organization Steenhagen, E. Brasser, S. (external) Stijvers - de Leeuwerk, W.E. Molenaar, J.J. Timmer, C. Nimwegen, M. van Wamsteker, E.W. Rietveld, M.A. (external) Woestenenk, J.W. Rookhuijzen, I.M. van Winkel, A.J. Support Gil, A. Support Maarseveen-Hendriks, J.M. Putman-Schuurmans, M.G. Riele, ter, M.A., MSc Riet, M.F. van ‘t 62 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care I&A Jong, S.E.C.A. de, M.D. Bouabdellaoui –Abahai, S. Kaptein - Waterink, J.H. Dieleman, K.P. Leeuw, M. de, MSc Harkema, J.C. Meer - Poelwijk, M.J. van der Nelissen, R. Meijer, R. Zwaan, G.W. de Meijers, G.E.P.M. Metselaar - van den Bos, J.J. Research support Coordinating staff Moes – van der Vlist, L. Bak, A.A.A., MD, PhD Nijssen, K.M. Veen, R.E.R., MSc Nollen, C.Th.M. Mooiweer - Boogaerdt, D.B. Noordzij- van Willligen, J.J. Project management and Vascular Imaging Center Plantinga, M. Bakker, L.T. Ram, E.A.M. Bobbink, W.G., MSc Bos, A.M. Brink, J.J. van de, MSc Rutgers, A.F. Brugman, C.C.W., MSc Scholten, M.J.G. Drijvers, J.J.M.M. Sikking, I.E.M. Eck, J.W.M. van, MD Slotboom, B. Edlinger, M., MSc Sonsma, A.C.M. Everdingen, C.H. van Sukel – Helleman, M. Geurtsen – Ravenzwaaij, M. van Suiker, A.M.H., MSc Haars, G., MSc Vendrig, L. Hafkamp, M.C. Verheij, F.A. Hemert, G.B. van Vliet - Boerkamp, B.B.M. van der Hijman, L.E.M. Vlist, B. van der Hoorn - van Kempen, M.H. v der Wijnia - Lemstra, E.A., MSc Huizenga, T.J., MSc Wilken, R.C.M. Izeboud, L.D. Williamson, K. Prins, C. Annual Report 2005 63 Wisse, H. Petersen, R.B. van Zwart, L.M. Slotboom, B.J. Spithoven - van Leeuwen, E.H.J. Data management Zuithoff, N.P.A, MSc Boekema - Bakker, N., MSc Support Breeijen, J.H. den, MSc Bogaards, E.E. Geerts, A.C., MSc Gaalman, K.M. Gloudemans, E.A.H.L. Heerik, F. van den Gouw, A.P. van der Koppenol, K.B. Haak - van Mourik, M.L. van den Linnebank – Hillebrand, N. Heuveling, L.M. Maekelbergh, C.E. Huisinga, P. Munnik, J.J. de Leus, F. Tims – Polderman, C.A.J. Lom, R. van Weel – van der Heijden, A.A.H. Maaskant, J.W. 64 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Financial report Financial overview 2005 K€ Personnel costs k€ 13,331 k€ Income k€ 15,946 UMC 9,373 UMC Utrecht 5,146 Projects 3,958 GPVT 3,000 Other 7,800 Investments 100 Computers Running costs 100 2106 Travel & Lodging 338 Post & Phone 233 Office 694 Other 844 UMC Overhead 409 Total 15,946 Total 15,946 Annual Report 2005 65 Organizations and companies providing funding AGIS Zorgverzekeringen nv Ministerie van Volksgezondheid Agricultural University Wageningen Welzijn en Sport Akzo Nobel N.V. Nederlandse Hartstichting Astmafonds Nederlandse Organisatie voor Astra Zeneca Wetenschappelijk onderzoek Altana Pharma BV (ZonMW) Aventis Pharma Nederlandse Vaccin Instituut Bayer HealthCare Novartis Pharma BV Bowling Pfizer Novo Nordisk Farma bv Centrum Maliebaan Nutricia College van Zorgverzekeraars Organon nederland bv Diabetes Fonds Pfizer bv Districts Huisartsen Vereniging Pharmanet Eli-Lilly bv SBOH European Union Servier Fonds OGZ Shering Plough Gemeente Amsterdam Sticares George Institute for International Stichting centraal fonds Reserves Health Voormalig Vrijwillige GlaxoSmithKline Ziekenfondsverzekering Internationale Stichting Alzheimer Stichting Ergris Onderzoek Stichting instituut GAK Koningin Wilhelminafonds Stichting Interactie (Nederlandse Kankerbestrijding) Stichting Koningsheide Landelijk Centrum Verpleging & Stichting RIPAG Verzorging Stichting Vascular Research Landelijke Stichting Beheer Stichting Vecozo Kruiswerk Stichting VRN 66 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Stichting tot steun VCVGZ University of Durham Strangeways Research University of Oxford The Icelandic Heart Association VU Medical Centre The Stanley Medical Research World Cancer Research Fund Institute World Health Organization TNO-voeding Zorgonderzoek Nederland UMC Utrecht Zorggroep Almere Annual Report 2005 67 Research projects (2005) Cardiovascular diseases PhD projects, finished 2005 Name Title JC Discipl Atsma, F. Reproductive factors and cardiovascular disease risk in postmenopausal women intern CE, GP Dijk, J.M. Is new always better? Vascular risk factors in patients with manifest arterial disease intern CE Dijk, K. Explaining variation in bleeding pattern of severe haemophilia extern CE Elvan-Taspinar, A. Central hemodynamics in pregnancy extern CE Hartog, J.J. de Cardiorespiratory effect of fine and ultrafine ambient particles. extern CE Kamphuis, H.C.M. (*see In Rhythm. The impact of an ICD on quality of life. also Mental Health) intern NS Koek, H.L. Acute myocardial infarction: linkage of national registers. intern CE Oudega, R. (*see also Methodology) Diagnosing deep venous thrombosis in primary care intern GP Prinssen, M. Dream. Dutch Randomised Endovascular Aneurysm Management Trial. extern CE Rutten, F.H. Heart failure in COPD intern CE, GP Schrijver, E.L.L.M. de Secondary prevention of stroke. The rationale of antithrombotic treatment. extern CE Störk, S.F.J. Endocrine and inflammatory markers, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk joined CE Trijp, M.J.C.A. van Augmentation index, an indicator of cardiovascular risk? intern CE Weijman, I. (*see also Mental Health) Diabetes at work. Fatigue in relation to job characteristics, diabetes symptoms and self-management intern GP, NS Name Title JC Discipl Appelman, A.P.A. Early cerebral damage in patients with manifest vascular disease intern CE Avendonk, M.J.P. van DIASULIN: Insulin therapy in diabetes type 2 patients in general practice intern GP Beelen, R.M.J. Long-term effects of trafic-related air pollution on respiratory and cardiovascular mortality. extern CE Boonman, L. Heart failure in diabetes extern GP Bozkurt, O. (*see also Mental Health) UDES project pharmacy joined CE Brouwer, B.G. Evaluation of multidisciplinary care in cardiovascular disease intern CE Bruggen, J.A.R. van IMPETUS: Implementation and evaluation of shared care guidelines for people with type 2 diabetes intern GP Bruggink, P. Value of doctor- and nurse directed multidisciplinary interventions in heart failure extern CE, GP Cleveringa, F.G.W. Implementation of a soft-ware mediated diabetes care protocol in general practice intern CE, GP PhD projects, ongoing 68 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Cohen, D. (*see also Mental Health) Diabetes mellitus in schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder: an iatrogenic or endogenic problem? extern CE Dogan, S. Carotid intima media thickness: methodological aspects and clinical relevance intern CE Eck, J.W.M. van (*see also Methodology) Complications in first year after pacemaker implants intern CE El Fakiri, F. Preventive cardiovascular care in deprived neighbourhoods extern GP Emmelot - Vonk, M.H. Effects of testosterone suppl. on functional mobility, quality of life, body composition, cognitive function, vasc. ageing, and bone mineral density in testosterone deficient men, PhDproject1 intern CE Goessens, B.M.B. Screening for second manifestations of atherosclerotic disease: impact on patient management and cardiovascular risk intern CE, MTA Gorter, P. Epicardial fat and the metabolite syndrome in patients with high cardiovascular risk extern CE Halkes, P.H.A. Minor and major vascular diseases of the brain extern CE Hogenhuis, J. Value and limitations of BNP and NT-proBNP in the clinical practice of heart failure. extern CE Jager – Geurts, M.H. CVA incidence, prevalence and prognosis intern CE Janssen, K.J.M. (*see also Methodology) Diagnostic and prognostic prediction rules: innovative methods to improve their applicability - PhD project intern CE Janssen, P.G.H. The Dutch ADDITION Study; As part of the Anglo-Danish-Dutch study of intensive treatment in people with screen detected diabetes in primary care (ADDITION-studie) intern CE, GP Jong, S.E.C.A. de (DREAM)on: Dutch Randomised Endovascular Aneurysm Management Trial - 2nd part. extern CE Kamphuis, M.H. (*see also Mental Health) Depression and cardiovascular disease: the role of nutrition intern CE Kelder, J.C. Diagnostic strategies in patients suspected of heart failure intern CE, GP Knol, M.J. (*see also Mental Health) Psychiatric comorbidity in diabetes (UDES-project JC) joined CE Koffijberg, H. Cost effectiveness analysis in aneurysm screening after surgical treatment for ruptured aneurysms intern MTA Kruif, I.L. de Prevention of cardiovascular disease intern MTA Laar, F. van de Nutritional and pharmaceutical treatment aspects in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients in general practice extern GP Lebrun, C.E.I. The role of oestrogens in frailty in elder women: optimising the indication for prevention therapy extern CE Maas, A.H.E.M. Cardiovasular risk profile during routine breast cancer screening: an innovative approach of improved case-finding intern CE Maessen, M. Determinants of end-of-life decisions in ALS: prospective study extern CE Meijs, M.F.L. Non invasive cardiac imaging joined CE Muller, L.M.A.J. (*see also Infectious Diseases) Diabetes and infections, Education learning in program for Health Improvement (DELPHI) intern GP, NS Annual Report 2005 69 Nakhai Pour, H.R. Effects of testosterone suppl. on functional mobility, quality of life, body composition, cognitive function, vasc. ageing, and bone mineral density in testosterone deficient men, PhDproject2 intern CE Oudejans, I. Heart failure in the very old extern CE Pruissen, M. Genetic determinants for new vascular events in patients with cerebral ischaemia extern CE Raamt, A.F. van Brain damage in patients with manifest arterial disease intern CE Ramadhani, M.K. Pathological left handedness revisited: origins and later life health outcomes intern CE Regieli, J.J. Prognosis in ischemic heart disease. Impact and molecular determinants of collateral circulation - the SMART study and REGRESS trial cohorts joined CE Sabour, S. Determinants of coronary calcification in healthy women intern CE Scheltens, T. Cardiovascular risk management in primary care intern CE, GP Schuiling, W.J. Extracerebral organ dysfunction and sleep disorders in subarachnoid hemorrhage extern CE Thoolen, B. Beyond good intentions: Effectivenes of a behavioral intervention in screen detected type 2 diabetes patients extern GP, NS Toll, D.B. (*see also Methodology) Implementing a diagnostic algorithm to rule out deep venous thrombosis in primary care intern CE, GP Uijl, S. (*see also Methodology) Optimal diagnostic routing to determine the indication of surgery in epilepsy patients extern CE Vacature, Facts and figures of cardiovascular diseases in the Netherlands, continuation of first PhD project intern CE Wermer, M. Aneurysm Screening after surgical Treatment in Ruptured Aneurysms (ASTRA) extern CE, MTA Wijk, I. van Life Long After Cerebral Ischaemia extern CE Other projects, finished 2005 Name Title JC Discipl Brinkhuijsen, M. Intensified target driven treatment of screendetected type 2 diabetes: effects on nontraditional markers of the metabolic syndrome intern GP Dalmeijer, G. Intake of betaïn and choline and cardiovascular risk intern CE Giele, J.L.P. Vascular risk and early brain damage intern CE Graaf, Y. van der Follow-up Dutch BScc cohort intern CE Kol, E.A.H.M.R. van Validation and cost-effectiveness of a new pressure ulcer risk assessment scale intern MTA, NS Roos, N.M. de Vitamin K intake and cardiovascular risk intern CE, DT Name Title JC Discipl Bots, M.L. Cardiac imaging and risk of CVD PAD patients: GROUND study intern CE Bots, M.L. Effects of increased convective clearance by online hemodiafiltration on all cause mortality in chronic hemodialysis patients extern CE Bots, M.L. Optimal risk factor management in CRI patients and risk of CVD events: MASTERPLAN intern CE Other projects, ongoing 70 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Graaf, Y. van der, Soedamah - Muthu, S.S. SMART: Second Manifestations of ARTerial disease intern CE Hees, Y. van Outcomes after aortic valve replacement. A prognostic cohort study on survival, quality of life and costs extern CE Iestra, J.A. Effects of lifestyle and dietary habits on cardiovascular risk intern CE, DT Jacobs, P.C.A. Beyond clinical diagnosis: the prognostic value of unrequested infromation in diagnostic imaging joined CE Janssen, M.P. Transfusion technology assessment intern MTA Kluijtmans, M. IPD analysis of on- versus off pump coronary bypass surgery intern CE Linden, M.W. van der The Dutch ADDITION Study as part of the Anglo-Danish-Dutch Study of Intensive Treatment In People with Screen Detected Diabetes in Primary Care intern CE, GP Peeters, P.H.M. (*see also Cancer) PROSPECT: European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition intern CE Rutten, G.E.H.M. NAVIGATOR: Efficacy and safety of long term administration of nateglinide and valsartan in the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular outcome intern GP Schouw, Y.T. van der EPIC-Heart intern CE Shahin, G. Outcomes after mitral valve replacement. A prognostic cohort study extern CE Soedamah - Muthu, S.S., Grobbee, D.E. ADVANCE: Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease, an international multicenter clinical trial on the effects of Perindopril-Indapamide and Glicazide on cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 intern CE Sonsma, A.C.M. Application of nurse practitioners at the vascular center intern CE Stel, H.F. van Impact of secondary events on health status in patients with cardiovascular disease intern MTA Vergouwe, Y. (*see also Diagnostic prediction rules: innovative methods to improve their Methodology) applicability - postdoc project intern CE Wamsteker, E.W. intern DT HOOP-study: Baseline expectations and the effect of weight reduction therapy. Does changing baseline expectations prevent undesired weight gain within the first two years after treatment? Annual Report 2005 71 Infectious diseases PhD projects, finished 2005 Name Title JC Discipl Akkerman, A.E. Determinants of prescribing antibiotics for respiratory tract infections in Dutch general practice intern GP Bootsma, M.C.J. Mathematical studies of the dynamics of antibiotic resistance. extern CE Brussee, J.E. Asthma and wheezing in pre-school children: a birth cohort study intern CE Giovannangelo, M.E.C.A. Exposures to biocontaminants found in house dust and their determinants in schoolchildren in three European countries. extern CE Koeman, M. Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. Studies on prevention, diagnosis and attributable mortality. extern CE Oosterheert, J.J. Diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections: strategies for efficient management extern CE, MTA Opstelten, W. (*see also Methodology) Herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in general practice joint CE, GP, MTA Name Title JC Discipl Balemans, W. A prospective cohort study into the role of early infections and genetics in the development of asthma in young adults extern CE Bont, J. CELLO: complications among elderly of lower respiratory tract infections intern GP Broekhuizen, B.D.L. (*see also Methodology) FRESCO study: Diagnostic Strategies for COPD in coughing patients in general practice intern CE, GP Dool, C. van den Mathematical modeling of influenza in health care setting intern CE, GP Duijn, H.J. van Views on respiratory tract symptoms; similarities and differences between doctors and patients intern GP Fonds, D. Mathematical modeling as an alternative for clinical trials in predicting intern effectiveness of preventive measures for influenza in healthcare settings. CE, GP Geijer, R.M.M. IJsselstein project: pneumonial function decay in smokers intern GP Gils, E.J.M. van Effect of 2 versus 3 pneumococcal conjugate vaccinations Prevnar ® on nasopharyngeal carriage, transmission and herd immunity; a randomized, controlled study joint CE, GP Hooven, E.C. van den Confounding by indication: a methodological approach intern CE, GP Jansen, A.G.S.C. PRIMAKID: Prevention of respiratory infections and management in children with recurrent respiratory tract infections intern GP Jong, B. de Whistler: Wheezing illness study in Leidsche Rijn intern CE, GP Jongerden, I. Endotracheal suctioning in ICU patients: towards an evidence based guideline extern CE, NS Katier, N. Lung function in early life: origin and consequences intern CE, GP PhD projects, ongoing 72 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Looijmans - van den Akker, I. Evaluation of influenza vaccinations in healthy adults intern CE, GP Matute, A. Prevalence of infectious diseases and antibiotic diseases in Nicaragua extern GP Muller, L.M.A.J. (*see also CVD) Diabetes and infections, Education learning in program for Health Improvement (DELPHI) intern GP, NS Niesink, A. COPD care in general practice; evaluation of the copd-astma care protocol intern PH Obonyo, C.O. Malaria, anaemia and antimalarial drug resistance in Africa extern CE Posthouwer, D. Optimizing treatment strategies for patients infected with hepatitis C: an extern international cohort study CE Ruskamp, J.M. The role of atopy and genetics in the development of upper respiratory tract infections in children; an epidemiological study extern CE Scholtens, S. Breastfeeding in relation to growth, childhood overweight and asthma in Dutch children. The PIAMA birth cohort study. Extern CE Suarthana, E. Development of diagnostic models for occupational asthma in the framework of a health monitoring system joint CE Vervoort, S.C.J.M. Factors influencing therapy-fidelity in the view of HIV infected patients extern NS extern CE, GP, MTA Wijck, A. van (*see also Postherpetic Neuralgia Methodology) Other projects, ongoing Name Title JC Discipl Bak, A.A.A. Hepatitis C. trial extern CE Hak, E. Database Almere Health Care (GP info net) joint GP Hak, E. Utrecht GP Network (HNU) intern GP Hak, E., Rovers, M.M. Respiratory tract infections and prescribing antibiotics in Dutch General Practice; from the second Dutch National Survey on General Practice joint GP Rovers, M.M. Which children with acute otitis media benefit from treatment with antibitoics? An individual patients data meta-analysis joint CE, GP Strijp, J. van In-vitro study of anti-inflammatory activity of Zithromax intern GP Verhoeff, M. The effectiveness of treatment with co-trimoxazol in children with chronic otitis media joint CE Welschen, I. Optimalising antibiotic prescribing in respiratory tract infections in general practice implementation in the Middle region of the Netherlands. intern GP Wouters, I. Interindividual differences in response to occupational exposure to endotoxin and interaction with atopy extern CE Annual Report 2005 73 Cancer PhD projects, finished 2005 Name Title JC Discipl Brouha, X. (*see also Mental Health) Advanced stage head and neck cancer: Factors related to delay in seeking a diagnosis extern NS Rinaldi, S. Endogenous hormones and risk of breast cancer in women extern CE Tromp, D.M. (*see also Mental Health) Head and neck cancer: Factors related to patient delay in seeking medical care. intern NS Name Title JC Discipl Braunius, W. Diagnostic management in patients with head and neck malignancies extern CE Duijnhoven, F.J.B. van Genes, postmenopausal hormone therapy and mammographic density intern CE Haars, G. Caloric restriction during childhood and subsequent breast cancer risk intern CE Kars, M.C. Problems of parents with a child with cancer intern NS Klerkx, W. MR imaging: the efficacy of non-invasive techniques to detect lymph node involvement in gynecologic malignancies. extern CE May, A.M. (*see also Mental Health) ONCOREV: Effects of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program for cancer patients, combining physical exercise with psycho education: a randomised controlled study. intern NS Meiss - de Haas, C. Multidisciplinary Oncological departments in general hosptals intern PH Oosterom, M. (*see also Mental Health) NUCAI: The effect of comprehensive counselling by a nurse specialist on depressive symptoms and quality of life: a randomised study in patients with head and neck cancer. intern NS Peters, H.G.M. MR in non-palpable breast tumors joint CE Verheus, M. IGF polymorphisms and diet in relation to breast tissue density intern CE PhD projects, ongoing Other projects, finished 2005 Name Title JC Discipl Gils, C.H. van Fruit and vegetables in relation to breast cancer - EPIC intern CE Name Title JC Discipl Gamel, C.J. Care for (relatives of) patients with cancer intern NS Huitema, M.C. Effectiveness of oncological follow-up by specialized nurses extern NS Leeuw, J.R.J. de Genetic Counselling joint NS Monninkhof, E.M. Physical activity and breast cancer risk: a trial in postmenopausal women intern CE Nijs, E. de, Ros, W.J.G. Role of nursing in symptom management in chemotherapy and radiotherapy - Anxiety intern NS Noord, P.A.H. van DOM project: Diagnostic Investigation Mamma Carcinoma intern CE Peeters, P.H.M. Phytoestrogen levels in EPIC joint CE Other projects, ongoing 74 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Peeters, P.H.M. (*see also CVD) PROSPECT: European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition intern CE Portengen, L. Nested case-control study on lung cancer and occupational bitumen exposure joint CE Annual Report 2005 75 Mental health PhD projects, finished 2005 Name Title JC Discipl Brouha, X. (*see also Cancer) Advanced stage head and neck cancer: Factors related to delay in seeking a diagnosis extern NS Cremer, O.L. (*see also Methodology) Goal-directed intensive care of traumatic brain injury: pathophysiological extern and clinical aspects CE Kamphuis, H.C.M. (*see In Rhythm. The impact of an ICD on quality of life. also CVD) intern NS Ravelli, D.P. Deinstitutionalisation of mental health care in the Netherlands from 1993 - 2004. intern PH Tromp, D.M. (*see also Cancer) Head and neck cancer: Factors related to patient delay in seeking medical care. intern NS Weijman, I. (*see also CVD) Diabetes at work. Fatigue in relation to job characteristics, diabetes symptoms and self-management intern GP, NS Name Title JC Discipl Berg, JP. van de Specialised ALS care and quality of life extern CE Bijkerk, C.J. FIBRE: Dietary interventions in irritable bowel syndrome: soluble, insoluble or no fibre? intern GP Boonstra, G. Quiting-study antipsychotic medicine extern CE Bosman, M. Prevention of self-harm in psychiatric inpatients extern NS Bozkurt, O. (*see also CVD) UDES project pharmacy joint CE Clignet, F. Physical excercise in depressed elderly: The development of a nursing intervention extern NS Cohen, D. (*see also CVD) Diabetes mellitus in schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder: an iatrogenic or endogenic problem? extern CE Fluttert, F.A.J. Prevention of violence in forensic psychiatry extern NS Houtjes, W. Development of protocol for the assesment of needs and the application extern of individualized nursing interventions in depressed elderly NS Joosten, G. “Deciding Together”: A research into the effectiveness of making a standardised treatment agreement in the addiction treatment care extern PH Kamphuis, M.H. (*see also CVD) Depression and cardiovascular disease: the role of nutrition intern CE Knol, M.J. (*see also CVD) Psychiatric comorbidity in diabetes (UDES-project JC) joint CE Koekkoek, B. The development and testing of a best-practice program for nursing care joint for chronically depressed patients NS Korevaar, M. Assertive treatment in outpatients with severe psychiatric disorders: Aspect of nursing decision making. joint NS Laan, W. Acetylsalicylic acid as an adjuvant therapy for schizophrenia intern CE PhD projects, ongoing 76 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Lee-Kwon, S. Primary Caregivers perception of a long term care facility for their demented elders in Korea and intervening factors of those perceptions extern NS Leeuw, M. de Quality of the working alliance in Assertive Community Treatment intern NS May, A.M. (*see also Cancer) ONCOREV: Effects of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program for cancer patients, combining physical exercise with psycho education: a randomised controlled study. intern NS Meijer, B Determinants of cognitive decay in the HALE project extern CE Mujakovic, S. DIAMOND study: pharmacotherapeutic management of dyspepsia, stepup or top-down? intern CE, GP Oberndorff Klein Wolthuis, A. Effectiveness of mebeverine in IBS in primary care extern CE, GP Oosterom, M. (*see also Cancer) NUCAI: The effect of comprehensive counselling by a nurse specialist on depressive symptoms and quality of life: a randomised study in patients with head and neck cancer. intern NS Pruijssers, A. Multidisciplinary diagnostics of anxiety related behavioural disorders in patients with intellectual disabilities joint NS Putte, E.M. van der Chronic fatigue syndrome in childhood: biological and psychological determinants extern CE Reincke, C. A clinical prospective cross-sectional diagnostic study on the referral for screening for epilepsy surgery extern CE Smeets, H. ARAMIS: analysis of the effectiveness of a PPI reduction programme extern GP Velden, A.W. van der ELISE: placebo determinants of PPI dependancy. intern GP, MTA Vergouwen,T. Adequate follow-up can’t be optional: Improving the management of major depression in primary care extern CE, GP Verkaik, R. Nursing care for depressed elderly with dementia in nursing homes: A multi centre intervention study into the effects of a nursing guideline extern NS Ververs, F.F.T. Antidepressive medication during pregnancy: riscs for mother and child extern CE Visscher, A. Prevention of violent behaviour in patients with Acquired Brain Injury. extern NS Zegwaard, M.I. Family care of elder persons with chronic psychiatric problems and difficult behaviour extern NS Zuithoff, N.P.A. Prediction of depression in primary medical care: Application and methodology intern CE, GP Zwirs, B. ADHD in children of different ethnic origin extern CE Other projects, finished 2005 Name Title JC Discipl Burger, H. The persistence of depression score (PDS) joint CE Donkers, M. Relaxation by physical exercise intern CE, GP O, Y.L., Raijmakers, V.J.A. Prevalence and incidence of psychological problems, need for mental health care and care provision in the elderly in the region Utrecht intern PH Raijmakers, V.J.A., O, Y.L. Prevalence and incidence of psychological problems, need for mental health care and care provision for children in the region Utrecht intern PH Annual Report 2005 77 Other projects, ongoing Name Title JC Discipl Beem, E. Regional case registry of psychiatric disturbances in the West and Central Netherlands intern CE Boter, H. The european first episode schizophrenia trial extern CE Groenendijk J.J. Patients and GP’s perception of IBS intern GP Hage, S. Self-management strategies for adolescents with violent behaviour extern NS Matthijs, W. Treatment of children with functional disorders or behaviour disorders joint MTA Megens, Y.A.C.T. Effectiveness of training programme interactive skills in schizophrenia care intern NS Nuboer, V.S.P. Prevention of suicide in patients with schizophrenia intern NS Peijnenburg, R. The development of a nursing guideline aimed at the reduction of agitated behaviors in patients with dementia joint NS Raijmakers, V.J.A. Monitoring quality of care for substance dependent patients joint PH Vacature, Development and testing of an evidence based nursing guideline aimed at effective care for suicidal patients with schizophrenia or related disorders intern NS Villevoye, D.P.J. Out of school prevention of alcohol and drugs in the European countries extern PH Weert - van Oene, G.H. de Demand driven mental health care in Utrecht: baseline measurement with respect to care programming in mental health facilities in the region Utrecht intern PH Weert - van Oene, G.H. de Early diagnosis in child health centers of boisterous behavior in children of 0-4 years intern PH 78 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Research methodology and biostatistics PhD projects, finished 2005 Name Title JC Discipl Biesheuvel, C.J. Diagnostic research: improvements in design and analysis intern CE Cremer, O.L. (*see also Mental Health) Goal-directed intensive care of traumatic brain injury: pathophysiological extern and clinical aspects CE Opstelten, W. (*see also Infectious Diseases) Herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in general practice joint CE, GP, MTA Oudega, R. (*see also CVD) Diagnosing deep venous thrombosis in primary care intern GP Name Title JC Discipl Bijker, J. Perioperative blood pressure management to improve postoperative outcome joint CE Bosch, J.E. van den Risk management of peri and postoperative complications Broekhuizen, B.D.L. (*see also INF) FRESCO study: Diagnostic Strategies for COPD in coughing patients in general practice intern CE, GP Dieleman, S. Cognitive outcome after coronary bypass surgery joint CE Eck, J.W.M. van (*see also CVD) Complications in first year after pacemaker implants intern CE Graaf - Verhave, R. van der Equity issues in research ethics intern MTA Janssen, K.J.M. (*see also CVD) Diagnostic and prognostic prediction rules: innovative methods to improve their applicability - PhD project intern CE Koopman, L. Methodological chalenges in IPD meta analysis intern CE Molenaar, E.A. Research and development LRGP/VWS intern CE, GP Speets, A. The value of diagnostic imaging in general practice Toll, D.B. (*see also CVD) Implementing a diagnostic algorithm to rule out deep venous thrombosis in primary care intern CE, GP Uijl, S. (*see also CVD) Optimal diagnostic routing to determine the indication of surgery in epilepsy patients extern CE Verschuuren, M. Pine HTA study: evaluation of health profiles. versus standard Qalys intern MTA extern CE, GP, MTA PhD projects, ongoing Wijck, A. van (*see also Postherpetic Neuralgia Infectious Diseases) CE CE, GP Annual Report 2005 79 Other projects, ongoing Name Title JC Discipl Janssen, M.P. Viral transmission risks of plasma derived products joint MTA Kaleta, M.P. Monitoring of Dutch blooddonor viral infection incidence rates intern MTA Rovers, M.M. Methodological challenges of subgroup analyses in IPD meta-analyses intern CE intern CE Vergouwe, Y. (*see also Diagnostic prediction rules: innovative methods to improve their CVD) applicability - postdoc project 80 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Miscellaneaous PhD projects, finished 2005 Name Title JC Discipl Bergman, G. Manipulative therapy for shoulder complaints in general practice. extern CE Bijlsma, T.S. Trauma care in the Netherlands: Evaluating aspects of the quality of treatment extern CE Kolk - Kousemaker, M.J. The Policy of The White Cross, The Green Cross and The White-Yellow van de Cross during the period 1875-1945 (Dutch) intern PH, NS Konijnenberg, Y. Unexplained chronic pain in children: diagnostic aspects in general paediatrics. extern CE Kuijpers, T. Shoulder Pain. Prediction of outcome in primary care extern CE Kwee, A. Caesarean section in the Netherlands. Policy, prevention and long-term consequences extern CE Name Title JC Discipl Berg, B. van den Medically unexplained symptoms among survivors of the fireworks disaster (Enschede) extern CE Bollen, C.W. High frequency oscillation ventilation versus conventional ventilation in children admitted to pediatric intensive care units extern CE Boogaard, J.M.C. Integrated assessment of health risks of environmental stressors in Europe (INTARESE) extern CE Bruijn, C. de Cognitive behavioural treatment for sub-acute shoulder disorders extern CE Bruns, E.C. Support of parents of premature children extern NS Buiting, H. Evaluation of the law on euthanasia extern MTA Chaves, L. Prevention of pressure ulcers in home care extern NS Eland-Kok, P. A patient portal for patients with constitutional eczema: feasibility and effectiveness extern NS Geraets, J. Operant behavioural treatment for chronic shoulder disorders extern CE Hoogerduijn, J. Prevention of complications in elderly after hospital admission joint NS Iestra, J.A. Prognosis, Proof and Priorities in Dietetic Practice. intern CE, DT Jacquet, JB Prediction of functional recovery and work impairment after nerval damage of the upper extremity. extern CE Jansen, A.J.M. Differences in health perception between physician and patient in chronically ill children extern CE Jong, S.W. de Population based study on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Netherlands PAN extern CE Klijn, A. Efficacy of home-uroflowmetry in children with dysfunctional voiding (UFO) extern CE Loth, C.A. Nursing care in out-patient Methadone programs in Holland extern NS Medendorp-van Os, H. JEUK: Development, evaluation and implementation of a multidisciplinary nursing program “Coping with Itch”. extern NS PhD projects, ongoing Annual Report 2005 81 Moes, H. Development and testing of innovation/implementation measurement instruments intern NS Piepers, S. Effectiveness of non-invasive artificial respiration at home in patients with ALS extern CE Polet, J. Development and validation of a multidisciplinary protocol for withdrawal of artificial breathing on IC units joint NS Rademakers, K. Additional value of MRI in prediction of psychomotorical development in extern premature children: a cost benefit analysis CE Simkens, A.B.M. Evaluation of Physician Assistants in the Primary Care Setting intern PH Stuifbergen, M. Changing familiy ties and caretaking of the elderly intern MTA Sutedja, N.A. Environmental and genetic risk factors for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) extern CE Vallenga, D. Risk management in care of mentally retarded patients with epilepsy extern NS Other projects, finished 2005 Name Title JC Discipl Geisel, S. The role of melatonin in children with enuresis nocturna extern CE Villevoye, D.P.J. Cooperation between preventive and interventive MDs in treatment of patients with persistent health problems extern PH Name Title JC Discipl Bie - de Waal, M.N.A. de Reduction of care-delay for multi trauma patients intern PH Bie - de Waal, M.N.A. de Stop the care-stops intern PH Bolleurs, C. Nutrition anamnesis intern DT Buskens, E. PATMAN: Patient workflow management systems intern MTA Grypdonck, M.H.F. Improving the care of chronically ill through qualitative research joint NS Jukema, J.S. Presence in caring relationships joint NS Lemmens, L. Implementation of POS clinics in Dutch hospitals extern CE Lendemeijer, H.H.G.M. Application of seclusion and restraint in health care intern NS Linden, B.A. van der Meaning of American integrated care programs to Dutch chronically ill patients intern PH Niesink, A. Telemonitoring of COPD patients intern PH Rooij, S. Early recognition in elderly hopistal patients who are at risk for functional impairments joint NS Schrijvers, A.J.P. Evaluation of periodical indicators of youth health care in child health centers intern PH Weert - van Oene, G.H. de The association between interpersonal behavior and helping alliance in substance dependent patients intern PH Weldam, S.D.W. Guideline development to stimulate fluid intake extern NS Zweers - de Groot, J.A.M. Implementation of care homes intern NS Other projects, ongoing 82 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Research services Projects 2005 finished Project Title PLUTO STUDY UVB light therapy at home versus in the hospital M/DM CT Projects, ongoing Project Title The Dutch ADDITION Study As part of the Anglo-Danish-Dutch study of intensive treatment in people with screen detected diabetes in primary care Site/DM CT ADVANCE Action in Diabetes and Vascular disease; pretax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation M CT AUDITOR Atherosclerosis underlying development assessed by intina-media thickness in patients on Rimonabant Site CT Ascertain Assesment of everolimus in addition to calcineurin inhibitors reduction in maintenance renal transplant recipients Site (CIMT only) CT Aspirin/ Schizophrenia Acetylsalicylic acid as an adjuvant therapy for schizophrenia M/DM Other Cello A prediction rule for complications in elderly with lower respiratory tract infections in primary care: a prospective study Adm./ DM Other CONTRAST The Dutch Convective Transport Study M/DM CT CIRA Study on chronic hepatits-C treatment with interferon alpha, ribavirin and amantadine M/DM CT DEPRESSIE Pharmacological Treatment of Psychotic Depression. Comparance of efficacy at 7 weeks after treatment with venlafaxine, imipramine, venlafaxine + imipramine. M/DM CT DIS Diabeteszorg Implementatie Studie Adm./ DM Other DREAM Dutch Randomised Endovascular Aneurysm Management Trial M/DM CT ELISE Comparison of the percentage chronic on-demand users treated with 20 M/DM mg pantoprazole on- demand and placebo o.d. versus placebo ondemand and 20 mg pantoprazole o.d. after symptom relief with 20 mg pantoprazole o.d. CT The EUropean First Episode Schizophrenia Trial M/DM CT EVISTA A trial on the efficacy of tibolone and raloxifene for the maintenance of skeletal muscle strength, bone mineral density, etc. in late postmenopausal women with an increased fall risk. Site (dexa’s only) CT DELPHI Optimale behandelstrategie van infecties bij mensen met diabetes mellitus (focus groepen) Adm./ DM Other FOLLOW-PACE Complications in first year after pacemaker implants DM Other EUFEST Annual Report 2005 83 ILLUMINATE Phase 3 multi-center, double-blind, randomized, parallel group evaluation of the fixed combination torcetrapib/atorvastatin, administered orally, once daily (QD), compared with atorvastatin alone, on the occurence of major cardiovascular events in subjects with coronary heart disease or risk equivalents Site CT JUPITER Justification for the use of statins in primary prevention: an intervention trial evaluating Rosuvastatin Site CT K-3 A phase IIa multicentre, randomised, double-blind, double-dummy study to evaluate the afficacy and safety of K-III versus Fenofibrate in patients with hyperlipidaemaia Site CT LIFT Long-term Intervention of Fractures with Tibolone Site CT LRGP Utrecht Health Monitoring Study Leidsche Rijn Site/DM Other MASTERPLAN Multifactorial Approach and Superior Treatment Efficacy in renal patients M/DM with the aid of nurse practitioners CT METEOR Effects on intimia media thickness: an evaluation of Rosuvastatin 40 mg. Site CT MINOES Invloed van 2 en 3 Prevenar® vaccinaties in het RVP pneumokokken neusdragerschap, transmissie en ‘herdimmunity’: een gerandomiseerd, gecontroleerd onderzoek. M/DM CT NAVIGATOR Efficacy and safety of long term administration of nateglinide and valsartan in the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular outcome. Site CT PFIZER/MD STUDY Phase 3, multi-center, double-blind, randomized, parallel group, carotid B-mode ultrasound evaluation of the anti-atherosclerotic efficacy, safety and tolerability of fixed combination CP- 529, 414/Atorvastatin, administered orally, once daily (QD) for 24 months, compared with atorvastatin alone, in subjects with mixed hyperlipidemia, A5091004 Site CT PRIMAKID Prevention of Respiratory Infections and Management among children Site/DM CT SHAPE Relatie tussen lichaamsbeweging en borstkanker bij postmenopausale vrouwen (50-69 jaar) Site/DM CT SHARP Study on Heart And Renal Protection M CT SUMO An 18-week randomised, double-blind, parallel group, placebocontrolled, study to investigate the lipid lowering effect, safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of SM-797 in subjects with mild to moderate dyslipidaemia. Site CT UHFO-DD Utrecht Heart Failure Study – Diagnostics M/DM Other YOGHURT/BP Second efficacy study (E-2) of single shot yoghurt drink with dairy peptides on blood pressure in mild hypertensives. Site/M/ DM CT CT = Clinical Trial 84 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Vascular imaging center (VIC) Projects 2005 finished FACIT st Measurement of carotid distensibility in: single- center randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial on the 3 year effect of increased folate intake CT FACIT IMT Measurement of carotid intima-media thickness in: a single-center randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial on the 3 year effect of increased folate intake CIMT CT AGES Training and quality control aspects of carotid intima-media thickness measurements in the AGES study in Reijkjavik, Iceland CIMT other Fenland Ultrasound training of abdominal fat measurements Abdominal fat other Boston Training and quality control aspects of carotid intima-media thickness measurements CIMT other Organisation Title Measurement AdRem ADVANCE Retinal Measurements, a large sub-study of ADVANCE on diabetic retinopathy and vascular retinal changes Retinal CT A5091003 Measurement of carotid intima-media thickness in a multi centre randomised controlled trial on lipid lowering (CP-529,414/Atorvastatin, Administered Orally, Once daily (QD) for 24 months, Compared with Atorvastatin alone) on progression of carotid intima-media thickness in patients with Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia:1003 FH CIMT CT A5091004 Measurement of carotid intima-media thickness in a multi centre randomised controlled trial on lipid lowering (CP-529,414/Atorvastatin, Administered Orally, Once daily (QD) for 24 months, Compared with Atorvastatin alone) on progression of carotid intima-media thickness in subjects with Mixed Hyperlipidemia: 1004MH CIMT CT METEOR Measurement of carotid intima-media thickness in: a randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind trial on the effect of rosuvastatin on progression of CIMT CIMT CT Masterplan Multifactorial Approach and Superior Treatment Efficacy in renal patients CIMT with the aid of nurse practitioners- IMT measurements CT Contrast The Dutch Convective Transport Study - IMT measurements CIMT CT Heart-activ Heart Health effects of long-term intake of a pro-activ spread (margarine) on progression of carotid intima-media thickness. Orally, twice daily for 36 months, compared with margarine without plant sterols on progression of carotid intima-media thickness in subjects with slightly elevated cholesterol. CIMT CT Cumulus II Measurement of percentage dense gland tissue in mammogramms Other other Projects, ongoing For all studies datamanagement is performed by the Julius Center. CIMT = Carotid intima-media thickness CT = Clinical Trial Annual Report 2005 85 Data management Projects without participation of research services or VIC. Projects 2005 finished Project DEVENTER HEART FAILURE Vergelijking van hartfalen poli t.o.v. reguliere behandel-methode van hartpatienten. CT DIOGENES Opbouw diabeten cohort t.b.v. genetische achtergrond cohort EBCR Internetapplicatie studentenonderwijs other MITRAL VALVE Uitkomst na mitraal klep vervanging. Een prognostische studie other ONDERWIJSINSTITUUT II Verwerking onderwijsevaluaties other PRE-OPERATIEVE SCREENING Onderzoek naar factoren die van invloed zijn op de implementatie van pre- other operatieve screeningklinieken PURSEVALUE II Observationeel onderzoek naar voorkomen en behandeling van decubitus OBS SQUARES Uitkomst na aorta klep vervanging. Een prognostische studie naar overleving, kwaliteit van leven en kosten other VENUS Vascular prEvention by Nurses Study CT BLOEDBANK Datamining gegevens van bloedbanken other CHECK Reuma-onderzoek DIGD cohort COCO Onderzoek naar BLWI bij kinderen CT DIASULIN Trial bij diabetes type 2 patienten in Breda e.o. CT DOM Utrechts cohort t.b.v. opsporing risicofactoren voor onstaan van borstkanker cohort FIBRE Dieet interventies bij Prikkelbare Darm Syndroom: oplosbaar, onoplosbaar of geen vezels? CT GROUND Multicenter trial bij patienten met perifeer vaatlijden, waarbij gekeken wordt of imaging en vervolgbehandeling gevolgen heeft voor cardiovasculairrisico binnen 5 jaar. CT HNU Huisartsen Netwerk Utrecht, database gevuld met gegevens van 6 huisartsenpraktijken in regio Utrecht cohort IMPETUS Implementatie en evaluatie van transmurale werkafspraken diabets mellitus CT KEMA Verwerking vragenlijsten other LEUKO Leukemie-studie bij WKZ other NS-2 Nationale Studie 2, database gevuld met gegevens van 195 huisartsen verspreid over Nederland cohort NUCAI Trial waarbij patienten met kanker in hoofd-halsgebeid op reguliere wijze wordt behandeld t.o.v. inzet van counseling CT ODIN Ontspanning door Inspanning other ONCOREV Effectiviteit van oncoligische revalidatie op kwaliteit van leven CT PANTER PAncreatitis, Necrosectomie versus minimaal invasieve sTEp up benadeRing CT PATIENTVEILIGHEID Onderzoek naar patientveiligheid binnen UMC Utrecht other PEDNET European paediatric network for Haemophilia management cohort PROSPECT Utrechts cohort t.b.v. leefgewoonten en kanker en hart-en vaatziekten cohort Projects, ongoing 86 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care SDD-TRIAL Toediening antibiotica op de IC CT SPAIN Begeleiding via Internet van vaatpatienten other SPIN UTI Trial mbt wel/niet preventief geven van antibiotica bij kinderen met spina bifida CT ST. QUADRAET Database gevuld met gegevens alle 20 huisartsenpraktijken in Almere cohort VAN PELT Kinderen met reuma other CT = Clinical Trial Annual Report 2005 87 Publications 2005 PhD thesis 1. Akkerman, A.E. Determinants of prescribing antibiotics for respiratory tract infections in Dutch general practice. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 01-11-2005, Supervisor: Verheij, Th.J.M., Co-supervisors: Kuyvenhoven, M.M., Wouden, J.C. van der. 2. Atsma, F. Reproductive factors and cardiovascular disease risk in postmenopausal women. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 02-12-2005, Supervisor: Grobbee, D.E., Co-supervisors: Bartelink, M.E.L., Schouw, Y.T. van der. 3. Bergman, G.J. Manipulative therapy for shoulder complaints in general practice. PhD-thesis Groningen University, 12-01-2005, Supervisors: Meijboom-de Jong, B., Postema, K., Co-supervisors: Winters, J.C., Heijden, G.M.G. van der. 4. Biesheuvel, C.J. Diagnostic Research: improvements in design and analysis. PhDthesis Utrecht University, 27-04-2005, Supervisors: Grobbee, D.E., Moons, K.G.M.. 5. Bijlsma, T.S. Trauma care in The Netherlands: Evaluating aspects of the quality of treatment. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 30-09-2005, Supervisors: Werken, Chr. van der, Graaf, Y. van der. 6. Bootsma, M.C. Mathematical studies of the dynamics of antibiotic resistance. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 23-05-2005, Supervisors: Diekmann, O., Bonten, M.J.M. 7. Brouha, X.D.R. Advanced stage head and neck cancer. Factors related to delay in seeking a diagnosis. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 14-11-2005, Supervisors: Winnubst, J.A.M., Hordijk, G.J., Co-supervisor: Leeuw, J.R.J. de. 8. Brussee, J.E. Asthma and wheezing in pre-school children: a birth cohort study. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 25-11-2005, Supervisors: Brunekreef, B., Jongste, J.C. de, Co-supervisor: Smit, H.A. 9. Cremer, O.L. Goal-directed intensive care of traumatic brain injury: pathofysiological and clinical aspects. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 05-10-2005, Supervisors: Kalkman, C.J., Moons, K.G.M., Co-supervisor: G.W. van Dijk. 88 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care 10. Dijk, J.M. Is new always better? Vascular risk factors in patients with manifest arterial disease. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 15-03-2005, Supervisors: Graaf, Y. van der, Grobbee, D.E., Co-supervisor: Bots, M.L. 11. Dijk, K. van. Explaining variation in bleeding pattern of severe haemophilia. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 26-04-2005, Supervisors: Grobbee, D.E., Cosupervisors: Bom, J.G. van der, Berg, H.M. van den. 12. Elvan - Taspinar, A. Central hemodynamics in pregnancy. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 08-09-2005, Supervisors: Bruinse, H.W., Koomans, H.A., Cosupervisors: Franx, A., Bots, M.L. 13. Giovannangelo, M.E.C.A. Exposures to biocontaminants found in house dust and their determinants in schoolchildren in three European countries. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 22-09-2005, Supervisor: Brunekreef, B., Co-supervisor: Hoek, G. 14. Hartog, J.J. de Cardiorespiratory effects of fine and ultrafine ambient particles. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 27-09-2005, Supervisors: Brunekreef, B., Hoek, G. 15. Kamphuis, H.C.M. In Rhythm: the impact of an ICD on quality of life. PhDthesis Utrecht University, 11-01-2005, Supervisors: Winnubst, J.A.M., Hauer, R.N.W., Co-supervisor: Leeuw, J.R.J. de. 16. Koek, H.L. Acute myocardial infarction: linkage of national registers. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 11-11-2005, Supervisor: Grobbee, D.E., Co-supervisor: Bots, M.L.. 17. Koeman, M. Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. Studies on prevention, diagnosis, and attributable mortality. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 15-09-2005, Supervisors: Bonten, M.J.M., Hoepelman, I.M. 18. Kolk-Kousemaker, M. van der Het beleid van Het Witte Kruis, Het Groene Kruis en Het Wit-Gele Kruis over de periode 1875-1945. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 08-03-2005, Supervisors: Schrijvers, A.J.P., Duijnstee, M.S.H., Co-supervisor: Raak, A.J.A. van. 19. Konijnenberg, A.Y. Unexplained chronic pain in children: diagnostic aspects in general paediatrics. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 01-04-2005, Supervisors: Kimpen, J.L.L., Buitelaar, J.K., Co-supervisors: Graeff-Meeder, E.R. de, Uiterwaal, C.S.P.M. Annual Report 2005 89 20. Kuijpers, A.C. Shoulder Pain. Prediction of outcome in primary care. PhD-thesis Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 14-10-2005, Supervisor: Bouter, L.M., Co-supervisors: Windt, D.A.W.M. van der, Heijden, G.M.G. van der. 21. Kwee, A. Caesarean section in the Netherlands. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 1110-2005, Supervisors: Bruinse, H.W., Visser, G.H.A., Co-supervisor: Bots, M.L. 22. Oosterheert, J.J. Diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections. Strategies for efficent management. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 15-04-2005, Supervisors: Hoepelman, I.M., Bonten, M.J.M., Co-supervisor: Schneider, M.M.E. 23. Opstelten, W. Herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in general practice. PhDthesis Utrecht University, 11-10-2005, Supervisors: Verheij, Th.J.M., Kalkman, C.J., Moons, K.G.M., Co-supervisor: Essen, G.A. van. 24. Oudega, R. Diagnosis deep venous thrombosis in primary care. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 30-09-2005, Supervisors: Hoes, A.W., Moons, K.G.M. . 25. Prinssen, M. Dream. Dutch Randomised Endovascular Aneurysm Management Trial. PhD-thesis Radboud University Nijmegen, 09-09-2005, Supervisors: J.D. Blankensteijn, Grobbee, D.E., Co-supervisor: Buskens, E.. (CUM LAUDE) 26. Ravelli, D.P. Deinstitutionalisation of mental health care in the Netherlands from 1993-2004. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 04-03-2005, Supervisors: Schrijvers, A.J.P., Engeland, H. van. 27. Rinaldi, S. Endogenous Hormones and Risk of Breast Cancer in women. PhDthesis Utrecht University, 05-12-2005, Supervisors: Grobbee, D.E., Co-supervisor: Kaaks, R., Peeters, P.H.M.. 28. Rutten, F.H. Heart Failure in COPD. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 04-10-2005, Supervisors: Hoes, A.W., Grobbee, D.E., Lammers, J.W.J. 29. Schrijver, E.L.L.M. de Secondary prevention of stroke. The rationale of antithrombotic treatment. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 11-03-2005, Supervisors: Algra, A., Gijn, J. van. 30. Stork, S.F.J. Endocrine and inflammatory markers, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 18-11-2005, Supervisors: Grobbee, D.E., Angermann, C.E., Co-supervisors: Bots, M.L., Schacky, C. von. 90 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care 31. Trijp, M.J.C.A. Augmentation index, an indicator of cardiovascular risk? PhDthesis Utrecht University, 21-01-2005, Supervisor: Grobbee, D.E., Co-supervisor: Bots, M.L. 32. Tromp, D.M. Head and neck cancer: Factors related to patient delay in seeking medical care. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 01-06-2005, Supervisors: Winnubst, J.A.M., Hordijk, G.J., Co-supervisor: Leeuw, J.R.J. de. 33. Weijman, I. Diabetes at Work. Fatigue in relation to job characteristics, diabetes symptoms and self-management. PhD-thesis Utrecht University, 01-03-2005, Supervisors: Winnubst, J.A.M., Rutten, G.E.H.M., Schaufeli, W.B., Co-supervisor: Ros, W.J.G. Books and book chapters 1. Balen, F.A.M. van (2005). Acute otitis media. In Eekhof, J.A.H., Knuistingh Neven, A., Verheij, Th.J.M. (Eds.), Kleine kwalen bij kinderen (pp. 228-233). Maarssen: Elsevier Gezondheidszorg. 2. Bergman, G.J., Winters, J., Groenier, K.H., Pool, J., Meyboom-de Jong, B., Postema, K., Heijden, G.M.G. van der (2005). Manipulaties en mobilisaties bji schouderklachten, een gerandomiseerd klinisch onderzoek. In Marinus (Ed.), Jaarboek Fysiotherapie Kinesitherapie 2006. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 3. Bootsma, M.C., Bonten, M.J.M., Diekmann, O. (2004). Estimating transmission parameters for infectious diseases in small hospital units. In Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies (pp. 2603-2603). 4. Bots, M.L., Leest, L.A.T.M. van, Koek, H.L., Trijp, M.J.C.A., Dis, S.J. van, Peters, R.J.G., Verschuren, W.M.M. (Eds.). (2005). Hart- en vaatziekten in Nederland 2005, cijfers over risicofactoren, ziekte, behandeling en sterfte. Den Haag: Nederlandse Hartstichting. 5. Brummer, R.M.J., Vries, J.H.M. de, Steenhagen, E. (2005). Voedings- en dieetleer. In Feenstra, L., Meinders, A.E., Schil, P.E.Y. van, Vandenbroucke, J.P. (Eds.), Codex Medicus. Doetinchem: Elsevier. 6. Burger, H., Hofman, A. (2005). Klinische Epidemiologie. In Interne Geneeskunde (pp. 1-15). Houten: Bohn, Stafleu, Van Loghum. Annual Report 2005 91 7. Dagnelie, C.F. (2005). Keelpijn en keelontsteking. In Eekhof, J.A.H., Knuistingh Neven, A., Verheij, Th.J.M. (Eds.), Kleine kwalen bij kinderen (pp. 299-304). Maarssen: Elsevier Gezondheidszorg. 8. Defloor, T., Grypdonck, M.H.F., Verhaeghe, S., Gobert, M., Darras, E. (2005). Verpleegkundige competenties: Verslag van een onderzoek ter onderbouwing van functiedifferentiatie in de verpleegkunde. Mechelen, België: Kluwer. 9. Duijn, H.J. van (2005). Haaruitval (hoofd) in plekken. In Eekhof, J.A.H., Knuistingh Neven, A., Verheij, Th.J.M. (Eds.), Kleine kwalen bij kinderen (pp. 194-197). Maarssen: Elsevier Gezondheidszorg. 10. Eeltink, C., Gamel, C.J., Batchelor, D.M. (2005). Seksualiteit. In Achterberg,Th. van, Eliens, A.M., Strijbol, N.C.M. (Eds.), Effectief Verplegen 2. Dwingeloo: KAVANAH. 11. Ewijk, W. van, Ammeraal, M.A., Benthem, H., Beysens, T., Boumans, J., Bouwmans, C., Broeckhuijsen, L., Dingemans, P.J.M., Dobber, J., Emck, C., Francken, G.A., Gaag, M. van der, Hakkart-van Roijen, L., Harms, H.H., Hartsema, M., Hugenholtz, G.W.K., Koalsie, J., Linszen, D.H., Leeuw, M. de, Loonen, A.J.M, Meijel, B.K.G. van, Ouwersloot, G., Pijnenborg, L., Selten, J.P.C.J., Slooff, C J, Veen, E.M., Vries, D. de, Vermeulen, M.P., Weeghel, J. van, Wind, H.G., Zwarthoed, C.M.P., Rosier, P.F.W.M., Vree, W. de, Velde, V. (Eds.). (2005). Landelijke Multidisciplinaire Richtlijn Schizofrenie. Uitgave Trimbos Instituut, Utrecht. Houten: Ladenius Communicatie BV. 12. Fluttert, F.A.J., Meijel, B.K.G. van, Grypdonck, M.H.F. (2005). Die Anwendung eines pflegerischen Konzepts in der Forensik zur Fruherkennung und Interventionen von Gewaltssituationen. In M. Osterheide (Ed.), Forensik 2004. Aufbruch oder Stillstand? (pp. 203-211). Dortmund: PsychoGen Verlag. 13. Gorter, K.J. (2005). Hielpijn. In Eekhof, J.A.H., Knuistingh Neven, A., Verheij, Th.J.M. (Eds.), Kleine kwalen bij kinderen (pp. 451-453). Maarssen: Elsevier Gezondheidszorg. 14. Graffelman, A.W., Dagnelie, C.F. (2005). Verkoudheid bij jonge kinderen. In Eekhof, J.A.H., Knuistingh Neven, A., Verheij, Th.J.M. (Eds.), Kleine kwalen bij kinderen (pp. 246-249). Maarssen: Elsevier Gezondheidszorg. 15. Groot, L.C., Staveren, W.A. van, Dhonukshe-Rutten, R.A.M. (2005). Voeding van de oudere mens. In Informatorium voor Voeding en Diëtetiek (61) (pp. Ig1-Ig18). 92 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care 16. Groot, L.C., Staveren, W.A. van (2005). Nutrition-related problems. In Caballero, B., Allen, L., Prentice, A. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition (pp. 444-449). Academic Press Limited. 17. Grypdonck, M.H.F. (2005). Ein Modell der Plege chronische Kranker. In Seidl, E., Walter, I. (Eds.), Chronisch kranke Menschen in ihrem Alltag. 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Spreeuwenberg, J. van der Laag, Rutten, G., Nabarro, G., Schene, A., Linden, B.A. van der, Acampo, M. (Eds.), Schrijvers, G., Disease management in de Nederlandse context (pp. 25-42). Utrecht: Igitur, Utrecht Publishing & Archiving Services. 27. Leest, L.A.T.M. van, Koek, H.L., Trijp, M.J.C.A., Dis, SJ van, Baan, C.A., Jacobs, M.A.M., Bots, M.L., Verschuren, W.M.M. (2005). Diabetes mellitus. In Leest, L.A.T.M. van, Koek, H.L. , Trijp, M.J.C.A. van, Dis, SJ van, Peters, R.J.G., Bots, M.L., Verschuren, W.M.M. (Eds.), Hart- en vaatziekten in Nederland 2005, cijfers over risicofactoren, ziekte, behandeling en sterfte (pp. 33-64). Den Haag: Nederlandse Hartstichting. 28. Mast, R.C. van der, Droogleever Fortuijn, H.A., Heeren, T.J., Huyse, F.J., Izaks, G.J., Kalisvaart, C.J., Klijn, F.A.M, Leentjens, A.F.G., Schuurmans, M.J., Sno, H.N., Wilterdink, J., Hoverstadt, A., Kroeze, M.M., Rosier, P.F.W.M. (Eds.). (2005). Landelijke Multidisciplinaire Richtlijn Delirium. 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Hoogerduijn, J.G., Schuurmans, M.J., Duijnstee, M.S.H., Rooij, S. de, Grypdonck, M.H.F. (2005). Identificatie van oudere patiënten met een verhoogd risico op blijvend funktieverlies als gevolg van een ziekenhuisopname: een studie naar de validiteit en betrouwbaarheid van verschillende screeningsinstrumenten. Verpleegkunde, 20(4), 286-287. 41. Houtjes, W., Grypdonck, M.H.F., Heeren, T.J., Meijel, B.K.G. van (2005). Ervaren problemen en zorgbehoefte van thuiswonende ouderen met een ernstige depressie. Verpleegkunde, 20(4), 318-319. Annual Report 2005 101 42. Jansen-Spoelstra, A., Meijel, B.K.G. van, Winter, C.P. de (2005). Ervaring en beleving van depressie: een literatuurstudie. Psychiatrie en Verpleging, 1, 12-23. 43. Jedeloo, S., Gijzel, V., Thijssen, G., Groot, I.J.M. de, Post, M.W.M. (2005). Revalida tiebehandelprogramma’s voor jongeren met functionele klachten in zes Nederlandse revalidatiecentra. Revalidata, 27(124), 9-15. 44. Kalis, A., Delden, J.J.M. van, Schermer, M.H.N. 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Airoldi, L., Vineis, P., Colombi, A., Olgiati, L., Dell’Osta, C., Fanelli, R., Manzi, L., Veglia, F., Autrup, H., Dunning, A., Garte, S., Hainaut, P., Hoek, G., Krzyzanowski, M., Malaveille, C., Matullo, G., Overvad, K., Tjonneland, A., Clavel Chapelon, F., Linseisen, J., Boeing, H.H., Trichopoulou, A., Palli, D., Peluso, M., Krogh, V., Tumino, R., Panico, S., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H.B., Peeters, P.H.M., Lund, E., Agudo, A., Martinez, C., Dorronsoro, M., Barricarte, A., Chirlaque, M.D., Quiros, J.R., Berglund, G., Jarvholm, B., Hallmans, G., Day, N.E., Allen, N., Saracci, R., Kaaks, R.J., Riboli, E. (2005). 4-Aminobiphenyl-hemoglobin adducts and risk of smoking-related disease in never smokers and former smokers in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition prospective study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 14(9), 2118-2124. 5. Akkerman A.E.., Kuyvenhoven, M.M., Wouden, J.C. van der, Verheij, Th.J.M. (2005). 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