2015 summer camp enrollment 360 Tumble and Gymnastics 755 Ash Street ∙ Canton, GA 30114 ∙ 770.704.1750 ∙ www.360tumble.com ∙ info@360tumble.com Part a: participant and policy information Parent Name: __________________________________________________ 2nd Parent Name: _________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City: _____________ Zip: ___________________ Home Phone: __________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________ 2nd Parent Phone: _________________________________ Emergency Contact: __________________________ Relationship: ____________________ Phone: __________________ Participant Name: ____________________________ Age: _____ Gender: [ ] F [ ] M DOB: ________ Please list any food allergies or medical conditions/challenges your child’s coach should be aware of for safety and instructional purposes: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is camp participant currently a registered member of 360? [ ] Y [ ] N Registration Date: __________________________________ (All camp participants must be registered members of 360 Tumble and Gymnastics and have paid the annual registration fee.) Please list all adults other than parents who have permission to pick your child(ren) up from the gym. Name Phone 1 Phone 2 Relationship Part b: camp pricing Weekly (Full) Weekly (Half) Daily (Full) Daily (Half) Entire Summer (Full) Entire Summer (Half) Extended Care Unlimited Ext Care Price $199 $130 $50 $30 $1254 $890 $5/hr $150 Savings** 20% 17% 30% 24% - Deposit 50% 50% 50% 50% 25% 25% 50% Balance Due Date Camp Start Camp Start Camp Start Camp Start Camp Start Camp Start Camp Start Camp Start Sibling Discount* 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% - Multi-Camp Discount 10% 10% 10% 10% - *Sibling and Multi-Camp discounts cannot be combined for a 20% discount. **Savings based on daily rates. Part c: camp policies and procedures A deposit is required to secure your child’s camp spot and is non-refundable within 10 days of camp start You should pack a sack lunch for campers as well as a snack for full day campers Appropriate gym clothes should be worn and hair should be pulled up. No jewelry, no buckles, no zippers. The camp balance is due on the first day of camp. If you sign up for extended care, you are required to pay for the hours listed. Please sign below to indicate that you have read, understand and agree to camp information and pricing. Signature: _______________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ 2015 summer camp enrollment 360 Tumble and Gymnastics 755 Ash Street ∙ Canton, GA 30114 ∙ 770.704.1750 ∙ www.360tumble.com ∙ info@360tumble.com Part D: camp enrollment information Participant Name ________________________________ Gym Level: BEG Camp Dates Camp Theme June 1-5 It’s Summer Time Half Day Full Day June 8-12 Dr. Seuss Fun Half Day Full Day June 15-19 Carnival Craze Half Day Full Day June 22-26 Olympics Half Day Full Day Half Day Full Day June 29-July 3 Red, White & Blue July 6-10 Movie Mania Half Day Full Day July 13-17 Pirates & Princesses Half Day Full Day July 20-24 Everyday Heroes Half Day Full Day July 27-31 Back to School Half Day Full Day Weekly INTER ADV Daily (Circle Days) Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T W W W W W W W W W Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Ext Care 7-9a & 4-6p Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ 2015 summer camp enrollment 360 Tumble and Gymnastics 755 Ash Street ∙ Canton, GA 30114 ∙ 770.704.1750 ∙ www.360tumble.com ∙ info@360tumble.com Part D: camp enrollment information Participant Name ________________________________ Gym Level: BEG Camp Dates Camp Theme June 1-5 It’s Summer Time Half Day Full Day June 8-12 Dr. Seuss Fun Half Day Full Day June 15-19 Carnival Craze Half Day Full Day June 22-26 Olympics Half Day Full Day Half Day Full Day June 29-July 3 Red, White & Blue Weekly July 6-10 Movie Mania Half Day Full Day July 13-17 Pirates & Princesses Half Day Full Day July 20-24 Everyday Heroes Half Day Full Day July 27-31 Back to School Half Day Full Day INTER ADV Daily (Circle Days) Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T Half Day M T W W W W W W W W W Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Full Day Th F Ext Care 8-9a & 4-6p Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ Hrs:___ 2015 summer camp enrollment 360 Tumble and Gymnastics 755 Ash Street ∙ Canton, GA 30114 ∙ 770.704.1750 ∙ www.360tumble.com ∙ info@360tumble.com Week 1 Camp Subtotal $__________ + EXC $_________ Discount $_______ Sibling (10%) Multi (10%) Camp Total $______________________________ Week 2 Camp Subtotal $__________ + EXC $_________ Discount $_______ Sibling (10%) Multi (10%) Camp Total $______________________________ Week 3 Camp Subtotal $__________ + EXC $_________ Discount $_______ Sibling (10%) Multi (10%) Camp Total $______________________________ Week 4 Camp Subtotal $__________ + EXC $_________ Discount $_______ Sibling (10%) Multi (10%) Camp Total $______________________________ Week 5 Camp Subtotal $__________ + EXC $_________ Discount $_______ Sibling (10%) Multi (10%) Camp Total $______________________________ Method: Date: Staff: Deposit _______ _______ _______ Deposit _______ _______ _______ Deposit _______ _______ _______ Deposit _______ _______ _______ Deposit _______ _______ _______ Balance _______ _______ _______ Balance _______ _______ _______ Balance _______ _______ _______ Balance _______ _______ _______ Balance _______ _______ _______ Week 6 Camp Subtotal $__________ + EXC $_________ Discount $_______ Sibling (10%) Multi (10%) Camp Total $______________________________ Method: Date: Staff: Deposit _______ _______ _______ Balance _______ _______ _______ Week 7 Camp Subtotal $__________ + EXC $_________ Discount $_______ Sibling (10%) Multi (10%) Camp Total $______________________________ Method: Date: Staff: Deposit _______ _______ _______ Balance _______ _______ _______ Week 8 Camp Subtotal $__________ + EXC $_________ Discount $_______ Sibling (10%) Multi (10%) Camp Total $______________________________ Method: Date: Staff: Camp Subtotal $__________ + EXC $_________ Discount $_______ Sibling (10%) Multi (10%) Camp Total $______________________________ Method: Date: Staff: Deposit _______ _______ _______ Deposit _______ _______ _______ Balance _______ _______ _______ Balance _______ _______ _______ Participant Name ________________________________ Week 9 Part E: participant and policy information Method: Date: Staff: Method: Date: Staff: Method: Date: Staff: Method: Date: Staff: 2015 summer camp enrollment 360 Tumble and Gymnastics 755 Ash Street ∙ Canton, GA 30114 ∙ 770.704.1750 ∙ www.360tumble.com ∙ info@360tumble.com Part F: special event info and release form Please initial that you have read and understand each listing below. By initialing each item you are agreeing to the terms of the Release of Liability and to allow your child named above to participate in the special event. Please read each item carefully. ______ Lunch & Snacks with no nuts – I understand that my child(ren) must bring a lunch and a snack for half day camp, and a lunch and two snacks for a full day of camp. We are nut allergy sensitive and ask that you do not pack your child any nut related products. _______ 360 Water Day - Each Thursday we will hold a water day. All activities will be held either in the grassy area next to the 360 Tumble and Gymnastics facility or behind the building. On water day, campers should wear their swimsuit to camp under shorts and a t-shirt. One piece bathing suits are preferred but not required. Water day participants will have fun playing with an inflatable water slide, bubble, water bubbles, sprinklers, and other water day events. Don’t forget to apple sunscreen beforehand! If you do not want your child participating in any of those activities please tell a 360 Tumble and Gymnastics member. ______ The Bounce House – Wednesday/Friday – 360 campers will jump with joy when we visit the Bounce House! The Bounce House is an inflatable amusement and play center located across the 360 parking lot. All campers will need to bring socks. If you forget to bring socks 360 will provide socks for $1. Since campers will be walking to the Bounce House please remember to provide shoes for your child. For more information on The Bounce House please visit them online at: www.thebouncehouseac.com. The Bounce House Amusement Center In consideration of being allowed to enter the play area and participate in the 360 Tumble and Gymnastics camp field trip at Bounce House Amusement Center (BHAC), the undersigned, on his or her behalf, and/or behalf of the participant noted above, acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees to the following conditions. I, the parent/legal guardian of the participant agree that the participant and I shall comply with the stated and customary terms, rules and conditions for the participation in any party or function at BHAC. I am aware that participation in BHAC field trip and/or use of the facility play area and inflatable equipment creates a risk of injury, and I, on behalf of myself and the participant’s knowingly and freely assumes all risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of others. I, for myself and the participant, and our respective heirs, assigns, administrators, personal representatives, and next of kin, hereby release and hold harmless BHAC LLC, their affiliates, officers, members, agents, employees, other participants, and sponsoring agents from and against any and all claims, injuries, liabilities, or damages arising out of or related to participation in and all Bounce House functions and the use of the play area and/or inflatable equipment. _______ Pizza Lunch – Friday - 360 will provide either a cheese or pepperoni pizza lunch for all campers. If your child does NOT like pizza please provide a sack lunch for them on Friday as well. Don’t forget to pack a one snack for a half day camper or two snacks for a full day camper . ______ Sunscreen - We ask that if your child(ren) need(s) sunscreen you apply it prior to drop off. ______ Photo Release - I am aware that individual and group photos and videos are taken during summer camp activities and events. I hereby grant my child’s likeness to be used in 360 Tumble and Gymnastics publicity, marketing, advertising, and website. Please sign below that you understand the information provided above and that you agree to the terms in the Release Signature: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ________
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