Examination of the respiratory system: history, pectoral fremitus, bronchophonia, hemoptoe, cough Dr. Gabriella Szőcs, Dr. Zoltán Szabó Universitiy of Debrecen Institute of Medicine Anamnesis - history History of present illness – presenting complaint Family diseases History of past illness Occupation history Social history Drug use - tobacco! Respiratory system: airways Lungs Respiratory muscles CO2 ↔ O2: passive diffusion Presenting complaints Constitutional symptoms (e.g., fever, weight loss, fatigue, night sweat etc.) Shortness of breath, dyspnea Wheeze Cough Sputum eg .: Blood-streaked sputum (hemoptysis) Chest pain Breathing Breathing is largely an automatic act, controlled in the brain- stem and mediated by the muscles of respiration. The dome-shaped diaphragm is the primary muscle of inspiration. When it contracts, it descends in the chest and enlarges the thoracic cavity. At the same time it compresses the abdominal contents, pushing the abdominal wall outward. Muscles in the rib cage and neck expand the thorax during inspiration, especially the parasternals, which run obliquely from sternum to ribs, and the scalenes, which run from the cervical vertebrae to the first two ribs. Breathing During inspiration, as these muscles contract, the thorax expands. Intrathoracic pressure decreases, drawing air through the tracheobronchial tree into the alveoli, or distal air sacs, and expanding the lungs. Oxygen diffuses into the blood of adjacent pulmonary capillaries, and carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the alveoli. Respiration Chest – abdominal breathing Inspiration: -9 Hgmm pressure in pleural cavity – p ↓ air gets into the lungs Inspiration: shorter, exspiration: longer Breathes: 16-20/min 500 + 2000 + 1500 + 1500 = 5500 cm3 – total capacity Central respiratory system: stimulated by CO2 blood CO2 increase – stimulation, decrease inhibition Normal breathing Normal breathing is quiet and easy—barely audible near the open mouth as a faint whish. When a healthy person lies supine, the breathing movements of the thorax are relatively slight. In contrast, the abdominal movements are usually easy to see. In the sitting position, movements of the thorax become more prominent. During exercise and in certain diseases, extra work is required to breathe, and accessory muscles join the inspiratory effort. The sternomastoids are the most important of these, and the scalenes may become visible. Abdominal muscles assist in expiration. Respiration is influenced by: Acidosis: increases, decreases the stimulation of the central respiratory system Hypoxia: stimulation Severe resp. acidosis results in stimulation of respiratory center by hypoxia, and not CO2 cc. of blood. Shortness of breath (dyspnea) Subjective Objective: Breathes/min, depth, rythm Respiratory accessory muscles Patient’s position Dyspnea can be physiological: eg.: physical exercise Changes in the frequency and depth of respiration Tachypnoe Polypnoe (eg.: hysteria) Bradypnoe Superficial respiration Deep respiration (Kussmaul) Periodic resp. Eg.: Cheyne-Stokes respiration Usage of respiratory accessory muscles Neck (m.sternocleidomastoideus) M.serratus, m. trapezius, mm. pectorales Abdominal muscles assist in expiration. Nasal respiration eg.: pneumonia, sepsis Orthopnoe – most severe cardiac dyspnoe: patient has to be at a sitting position to breathe Gasping: poisonings, agony: rare sudden respiration Shortness of breath (dyspnoe; dyspnea) Clinical forms: cardiac dyspnea Stenosis of upper respiratory tract Weekness of respiratory muscles Respiratorc dyspnea Toxic state: acidosis Diseases of the central nervous system Psychogenic Oxigen pressure ↓ in the air Abnormality of oxigen transport (anaemia) Shortness of breath (dyspnea) Inspiration dyspnea Stenosis of upper respiratory tract Weekness of respiratory muscles Exspiration dyspnea Mixed – cardiac + respiratory + anaemia etc. – most common form Respiratory dyspnea Chest deformity, muscle weekness Stenosis of upper respiratory tract Asthma Respiratory surface ↓(pneumonia, diaphragm relaxation, ptx, hydrothorax, tumor etc) COPD In clinical practice: 2 main reasons of dyspnea Cardiac dyspnea: cardiac failure Respiratory dyspnea: diseases of the respiratory system Very often it is combined: cardioresp. dyspnoe Cough Productive – improductive Reasons: Respiratory inflammation Bronchitis (bronchiectasia, pneumonia etc) Pleural diseases Mediastinal diseases Cardiac decompensation Pulmonary infarction Foreign body Petrussis Nervous cough Reflux disease Differentiation between certain forms of dyspnoe Upper airway stenosis: low frequency of breathing, inspiratory dyspnoe, stridor Lower airway stenosis (eg. asthma): it is hard to exhale, deep breathing Decrease of airway surface: frequent, superficial breathing, cyanosis. Cardiac dyspnoe: frequent, superficial breathing, cyanosis, difficulties of both inspiration and expiration Sputum Quantity - quality Diseases: Pharynx: clear, mucous Bronchitis: mucous, purulent Asthma: clear, viscosus Pneumonia: mucous, purulent, rusty colored, fresh blood Pulmonary oedema: foamy white Bronchiectasia, abscessus: 3 layers – mucous-serosus-purulent Lung cancer: bloody Lung infarction bloody-mucous Chest pain Complaints of chest pain or chest discomfort raise the specter of heart disease, but often arise from structures in the thorax and lung as well. Sources of chest pain The myocardium The pericardium The aorta The trachea and large bronchi The parietal pleura The chest wall, including the musculoskeletal system and skin The esophagus Extrathoracic structures such as the neck, gallbladder, and stomach. Chest pain Pleural Sharp, increased with inspiration localisation Cardiac Neural compression intercostal nerves, plexus brachialis Ptx, embolism! Pectoral fremitus (vocal tactile fremitus) palpable vibration on the chest Bronchophonia (vocal resonance) Abnormal transmission of sounds from the lung or bronchi detected by auscultation caused by a solidification of lung tissue around the bronchii (lung cancer, fluid in the alveooli, pneumonia, wide bronchii
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