MONDAY, MAY 25 | MEMORIAL DAY 2015 ATHLETE GUIDE Race Weekend Schedule Sunday May 24, 2015 10:00AM – 6:00 PM – Hyatt Zilker Ballroom • Expo 1. Be sure to visit all our vendors for great info and cool treats. For those interested in utilizing the Michelob Ultra beer garden on race day be sure to stop by packet pick-up to show your ID and receive a wristband that grants access to beer garden with two complimentary drinks for athletes or spectators on race day! • Packet Pickup Reminders – Items Required to Bring 1. Current driver’s license/photo ID – only the athlete racing may pick up their packet, you cannot pickup for others. 2. USAT membership card* (for members only) 3. Know your bib number, provided in the pre-race email. 4. ALL RELAY TEAM MEMBERS must come to Packet Pick-up to pick up their race packet, but it is not necessary that they all come at the same time, though it is preferred. • Packet Pickup – What you Receive 1. Athlete wristband, MUST be worn after packet pickup through checking out your bike; no exceptions. 2. Timing Chip – It is IMPERATIVE to wear it on race day, no chip means no time. Chip will be removed after finishing. 3. Clear plastic transition sling bag. See below for details on use. 4. Participant race t-shirt. 5. Stickers for bike and helmet – DO NOT alter or cut. 6. Race bib – is optional to wear on back during bike but mandatory to wear on front during the run. DO NOT alter or cut. 7. Participant goody bag. 8. Swim cap – do not forget it on race day! 9. Safety pins. 10:30 AM-6:30 PM – Vic Mathias Shores • Mandatory Bike Check-In. You must get your packet before you check-in your bike. The bike sticker that you receive in your race packet must be on your bike and clearly visible prior to checking it in. Bike spots in transition are pre assigned and labeled with sticker number. • B-Cycle division athletes: after picking up your packet head over to the B-Cycle tent in the transition area to check out your bike and get set up in transition. • Optional gear check-in – All gear checked in or brought into transition with you must be in the clear plastic transition sling bag provided to you at packet pickup or clearly visible on you or on your bike. In other words absolutely no backpacks or duffle bags will be allowed in transition. As a third option you may use a clear bin you personally provide. Athlete Briefings – Hyatt Zilker Ballroom • 11:00 AM • 2:00 PM 4:30 PM • • 3:00 PM (This briefing is for paratriathletes only) • We HIGHLY recommended that you attend one of these meetings particularly if you have never done a triathlon, but even for veterans the course, transitions, start times and format have changed quite a bit so it is to your benefit to attend. Monday, May 25, 2015 5:30 AM – Vic Mathias Shores • Transition areas open for gear drop off and final preparations – ATHLETES ONLY. 1. No race day registration or packet pickup morning of event 2. No bike check in the morning of event 3. Bike tech available in transition by Jack and Adams 5:30 AM – 9:00 AM – Vic Mathias Shores • Body marking, please do not apply sunscreen, body glide, or any type of lotion prior to being body marked. Alternatively you are welcome to body mark yourself prior to arrival with your own sharpie, please be sure to have race number on both arms, and USAT age on left calf. • Body marking will also be available at the swim staging. 6:30 AM – Vic Mathias Shores • Paratriathlete transition area closes 6:45 AM – Vic Mathias Shores Paratriathlete swim start 7:00 AM – Vic Mathias Shores • Transition closes for all international athletes 7:15 AM - Vic Mathias Shores • International swim start 8:15 AM – Vic Mathias Shores • Transition closes for sprint athletes 8:30 AM – Vic Mathias Shores • Approximate opening of paratriathlete transition area 8:30 AM – Vic Mathias Shores • Sprint swim start 9:00 AM – Vic Mathias Shores • Transition closes for all super sprint athletes 9:15 AM – Vic Mathias Shores • Super Sprint race swim start 10:30 AM – Vic Mathias Shores • Approximate opening of Sprint and Super Sprint Transition area for check out 11:00 AM – Vic Mathias Shores • Approximate opening of International transition area 11:00 AM - Vic Mathias Shores • Award ceremony – come join the fun! Course and Race Information USA Triathlon This event is a USAT sanctioned event, therefore all USAT rules apply. USAT annual members must bring a current USAT membership card to participate in the event. You MUST show your USAT membership card at packet pickup or you will have to purchase the one-day membership. If you are not a current USAT member, you will be required to purchase a one-day membership for $12 at packet pick-up if you did not do so as part of registration. For more information on becoming a member of USA Triathlon and for complete USAT Rules, please visit: Per USA Triathlon Rules, we will be utilizing the age up rule: All age group athletes must participate and compete in the age group division corresponding to the athlete’s age on December 31 this year. For Example: If you are 34 on the day of the race, but turn 35 before December 31, 2015, you will be placed in the 35 year old age group. If you are 34 on race day and turn 35 after December 31, 2015, you will be placed in the 34 year old age group. Frequently Violated USAT Rules Drafting: Keep at least three bike lengths of clear space between you and the cyclist in front of you. If you pass the person in front of you (“enter the zone”), you must do so within 15 seconds. Position: You must remain to the right hand side of the bike lane of travel unless you are passing the cyclist in front of you. Blocking: You may not ride on the left side of the lane if you are not passing anyone. This interferes with other cyclists who are attempting to pass. Overtaken: If someone passes you, you must immediately exit the draft zone from the rear (i.e. slow down so there are at least three bike lengths in front of you) before attempting to pass again. Headphones: No headsets, radio and/or headphones are allowed on any portion of the course. Race Divisions and Swim Waves This event will utilize a mix of wave starts and time trial start. Time Trial order was determined by averaging the swim times from last year’s divisions then putting those in order from fastest average division time to slowest. These two methods were implemented to help provide a smooth swim as much as possible. Divisions starting in wave start fashion will do an in water start. Divisions utilizing a time trial start will begin from the dock with 2 athletes being released into the water every 3 seconds. You MUST enter the water with YOUR WAVE or you will be INELIGIBLE for AWARDS. It is important to note that wave times listed are guidelines, waves can move faster or slower than times listed. To be safe we recommend all athletes are at the start area at least 15 minutes prior to the time their distance starts. For example sprint distance waves start at 8:30 AM so all sprint athletes should be at swim start by 8:15 AM. Please see swim wave chart online at under event schedule or copy and paste this link into your web browser. Transportation and Parking Expo and race day - Public parking is available throughout downtown Austin. Specific parking lots open to Life Time Tri CapTex athletes and spectators are: • Hyatt Regency Parking Garage – 208 Barton Springs Rd. Overnight self parking $19. Daily self parking 0-4 hours $6, 4-7 hours $13, 7+ hours $19. Daily Valet parking $15 no in and out privileges. Overnight valet $24. 2 hours complimentary self-parking with SWB or Marker 10 validation. Please do not park along curbs or no park areas at hotel. • The Palmer Events Center Parking Garage – 900 Barton Springs Rd. Parking Fee $8 - If parking here on race day please note the run course passes in front of the parking garage on race day from 8am-11:30am which will make it nearly impossible to enter or exit the garage at this time. We strongly advise parking elsewhere if you need to arrive or depart during these times. • One Texas Center, 505 Barton Springs Rd. – Parking Fee $7. Medical Thanks to Medicine in Motion. There will be a medical tent located at the finish line area with EMT/ Paramedics on hand. As well as ambulances and roving EMT’s on carts. If you are having problems please notify the nearest official or aid station and they will inform command to dispatch medical attention. Please be sure to hydrate well with the heat expected. In the event that lightening occurs along the race course please immediately seek shelter under a permanent structure. Lost and Found During the race, lost and found will be located at the Life Time Tri tent next to the awards stage. Course Cut-Off Times • Swim: International 1 hour after start of last international wave, Sprint 30 min after start of last sprint wave, Super Sprint 20 minutes after start of last Super Sprint Wave • Bike: No new loops after 11:00AM • Run: 12:45 PM General Course Description In order to familiarize yourself with the course, please review the course map on the website or copy and paste the links listed below into your browser. It is the RESPONSIBILITY of all ATHLETES to know the course. Directions are listed below, map links must be copy and pasted into your web browser. Or go to Super Sprint • Swim- .25 miles • Bike – 6.21 miles • Run – 3.1 miles Sprint • Swim – .46 mile • Bike – 12.42 miles • Run- 3.1 miles International • Swim – .93 mile • Bike – 24.84 miles • Run- 6.2 miles The Swim: The swim course takes place in Lady Bird Lake. The course is guided by small yellow tetrahedron swim buoys and is supervised by a large team of lifeguards as well as kayakers. Please follow the colored buoys listed below that are dedicated to the turns for your distance. Swim: uploads/2015/03/2015_CapTex_Tri_SWIM_Course_Map.pdf International – All turns are right turns at large orange tetrahedrons, with exception of final turn into shore which is made on the left and is a large red tetrahedron. Sprint – All turns are right turns at large yellow tetrahedrons. Super Sprint – First two right turns are at large red tetrahedrons, last right turn is at large yellow tetrahedron. The Bike: The bike course is a looped course, International athletes (4 loops), Sprint athletes (2 loops), and Super Sprint athletes (1 loop). It is the ATHLETES RESPONSIBILITY to know how many loops they need to do, how many they have completed, and whether or not they should head out for more loops or head into transition. The bike course turns will be marked with plastic A-frames with arrows. Bike Course: uploads/2015/03/2015-CapTex-Bike-Course-V2.pdf 1. All athletes exit the northeast corner of transition loop around the parking lot under the S 1st St. bridge then up to the S. 1st St. bridge. 2. Turn right onto S. 1st St. 3. Turn right onto W. Cesar Chavez St. 4. Turn left onto N. Congress Ave. 5. Turn around just before 11th St and head back South on Congress. 6.Turn right onto W. Cesar Chavez St. 7. Exit at Cesar Chavez St and loop under W. Cesar Chavez St 8. Turn right onto Stephen F. Austin Dr. 9. Turn right onto Atlanta St. 10.Turn right onto Lake Austin Blvd, it will turn into eastbound Cesar Chavez St. 11. Turn right onto S. 1st St. 12. Use turnaround point on S. 1st St. bridge to turnaround and go back north for more loops or pass the turn around point and turn left onto the Vic Mathias shores parking access road. Loop under the 1st St. bridge and back into transition. The Run: The run course is a looped course, international athletes (2 loops), Sprint and Super Sprint athletes (1 loop). It is the ATHLETES RESPONSIBILITY to know how many loops they need to do, how many they have completed, and whether or not they should head out for more loops or head into the finish line. The run course turns will be marked with plastic A-frames with arrows. Run Course: uploads/2015/03/2015-CapTex-Run-Course-V2.pdf 1. Start coming out of the southwest corner of transition running south on the park path until hitting W. Riverside Dr. 2. Turn right to head west on W. Riverside Dr. Here you will hit aid station 1. 3. Turn left onto Lee Barton Dr. 4. Turn around just before Barton Springs Rd. 5. Turn right onto W. Riverside Dr shortly after your right turn you will hit aid station 2. 6. Turn right into Palmer Event Center Driveway, follow it to the right. 7. Run onto the path in Butler park and follow the path that is an oval shape running in a clockwise direction around the oval on the west side of the Palmer Event Center. 8. As you come close to completing the oval you will bear left on the path that will run you in a counter clockwise direction around the mound/hill in the northwest corner of Butler Park. 9. Follow that path west till you hit a T, at the T you will take a left to head south on the path. 10. Just short of Barton Springs Rd you will turn left and run in the grass along the path headed east towards the drive way on the south end of the Palmer Event Center 11. Pass through Drive way on south end of Palmer Event Center heading east, here you will hit aid station 3, then catch covered sidewalk alongside the south end of the palmer events center parking garage 10. At the north eastern end of parking garage shift over to sidewalk parallel to S. 1st St. running north towards intersection of W. Riverside Dr. 11. Turn right onto W. Riverside Dr. 12. Turn left onto S. 1st St. 13. Turn around towards north end of S. 1st St. bridge. 14. Turn right onto W. Riverside Dr. 15. Turn right into finish line or keep running west on Riverside to do second loop. Aid Stations/Post Race Food Water and Gatorade will be available at all aid stations and the finish line. At aid station 1 on the run Clif Shots will be available. Please make sure to bring your own hydration with you on the bike course. There will be NO AID STATIONS ON THE BIKE COURSE. We will provide a bottle fill location in transition to fill your water bottles in the morning. Run Aid Stations: Aid stations will be located at the start of the run and approximately every mile after that. Finish Line: Water in re-useable Cap Tex branded water bottles and Gatorade will be distributed at the Athlete Food tent along with chips, tacos, bananas, and frozen popsicles. As well as 2 complimentary beers for spectators or athletes in the beer garden to all of those who are 21 with valid form of ID. Compliments of Michelob Ultra. Wetsuits: Each non-Pro participant shall be permitted to wear a wetsuit without penalty in any event sanctioned by USA Triathlon up to and including a water temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit. When the water temperature is greater than 78 degrees, but less than 84 degrees Fahrenheit, non-Pro participants may wear a wet suit at their own discretion, provided however that participants who wear a wet suit within this temperature range shall not be eligible for prizes or awards. If the water temperature warrants this measure a wetsuit wave will be added to the end of each distance. No participants shall wear wet suits in water temperatures equal to or greater than 84 degrees Fahrenheit. The wetsuit policy for Elite Pro athletes shall be determined by the USAT Athletes Advisory Council (ACC). The AAC has set the wetsuit maximum temperature for elite/pros at 68 degrees for swim distances less than 3,000 meters and 71.6 degrees for distances of 3,000 meters or greater. The water temperature will be taken by a USAT official on race morning and the temperature will be announced. Transition Area Conduct and Relay Team Access For safety reasons during the race, you are not permitted to ride your bike into or out of transition. You must walk or run your bike. There will be clearly marked mount and dismount lines; please obey them for your safety and for the safety of spectators and other participants. Please watch out for other athletes as you move through the Transition area and follow the instructions of race officials and volunteers. Please do not bring any glass containers into the transition area. RELAY – In order to keep transition clear of extra traffic relay team members will stage and exchange their timing chips in the relay pens, which will be located at the entrance to transition from the swim and at run out. Upon completion of the swim leg the swimmer meets the biker in the relay pen near the entrance to transition from the swim, exchanges their timing chip then the biker goes to their rack space, un racks their bike, and heads out onto the bike course. When the biker returns they rack their bike then head to the relay pen near run out to meet the runner. They exchange the timing chip once more and the runner then completes the race. Bike and Helmet Inspection There will be no mandatory bike or helmet inspection. It is up to each individual athlete to make sure their bike is in safe and proper working order. Jack and Adams bike mechanics will be on site during packet pick-up, on race morning, and on course to assist with any needed repairs. Please make sure your bike handlebars have bar-end plugs. If you do not have them, you will not be allowed to race. All participants must wear a helmet, which meets or exceeds the safety standards of the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission). You MUST have your helmet securely fastened on your head before you mount your bike. Also remember to wear your helmet at ALL times when on your bike at an event, including before or after the race. If you are spotted riding your bicycle without your helmet, you can be disqualified. Special Needs Table We will provide a special needs table at swim exit for eyeglasses, inhalers, paratriathlete needs etc. The table will be located to the right of the swim exit as you are coming out of the water heading toward transition. Athletes are responsible for placing their items on this table before heading to the swim start. Spectator Information Spectators can see athletes start the swim, from the S. 1st St. bridge or from the grass area at Auditorium Shores. Crosswalks will be set up to allow spectators to see athletes during the race. Families and spectators must stay off the course, and may not enter transition or the finish line chute for athlete safety. Please be respectful of all participants. ONLY ATHLETES ARE ALLOWED IN THE TRANSITION AREA. Awards Ceremony All athletes will receive a custom finisher’s medal immediately after crossing the finish line. Please see the following link for detail on age group awards. Other Race Considerations Race Photography: ChronoTrack photographers will be on-site to capture your race day moments. Photo links will be sent in your post race email with instructions on how to download your images for free! Dropping Out: If you drop out of the race for any reason, it is MANDATORY that you notify a race official or race staff immediately and return your timing chip to them or the timing tent. Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Unsportsmanlike conduct during any portion of the race will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate disqualification. MP3 Players: Headphones, headsets, Walkmans, Ipods, personal audio devices and any other MP3 players may not be carried, worn or used at any time during the race. This is for safety reasons so that in the event of an emergency you’ll be able to hear instructions. Valuables: Please make sure any valuables left in your car are not out in the open. Life Time is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Personal Belongings: Please make sure that anything you take with you out on the course remains in your possession. No garbage, clothing, etc. shall be thrown on the course. Volunteers: Please remember to thank the volunteers. The race wouldn’t be possible without their assistance. If you know of anyone who would like to join our race weekend volunteer team, please email More information can be found at, We look forward to hosting you soon!
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