On Air 3MBS Program Guide April 2015 General Manager’s Message If your subscription is due, there are two great reasons to get in now! If you are quick and renew in March, you are in the draw to win two tickets, with flights and accommodation, to the Brisbane Baroque Heavenly Handel performance on 11 April. And if you renew in April, you have the chance to win a pair of tickets to the Australian World Orchestra, an extraordinary group of Australian musicians working in the best orchestras around the world, coming together with Sir Simon Rattle on 1 August. Not to be missed! 3MBS Program Guide April 2015 On Air We’ve been just delighted with your feedback on our ground-breaking radio documentary series on the Victoria State Opera, the Community Broadcasting Foundation’s The VSO Story. It’s airing every Sunday at 11am, and if you’ve missed past episodes, you can listen back to them on our website. This month is the centenary of the landings at Gallipoli, and Illuminations at 8pm on Thursday 24 April will focus on Gallipoli – A Tribute, a CD produced by the Potter Foundation, which brings together Australian composers, musicians, poets, and actors including John Bell, Ross Edwards, Paul Grabowsky, Hoang Pham, Sam Neill and the Australian String Quartet, in an extraordinary and moving collection which will be explored by John Wilkinson and Richard Divall. 2 General Manager’s Message 4 Patrons of 3MBS 5 A Lasting Legacy Patricia Stuchbery 6 Valentina Lisitsa plays Philip Glass 9 Louis Lortie 12 Kathryn Selby 15 Vale, Nicky McFarlane 16 Around Melbourne 19 Thomas Tallis’ Top Twenty Terrific Trinkets of Tantalizing Trivia And finally, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, we’ve started a weekly email giveaway, with chances to win concert tickets, CDs and many other “goodies”, as well as up-to-the minute news on what’s coming up at 3MBS. If you haven’t yet given us your email address, Subscriptions Coordinator Sascha Kelly is on subscriptions@3mbs.org.au and will be delighted to include you. Anne Frankenberg 20 April Guide 36 Program Grid 64 Major Works 3MBS On Air On Air / April 2015 Editor John Barns © Music Broadcasting Society of Victoria Ltd BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thilo Troschke Chair Alan Hutchison Vice-Chair Chris Howlett Vice-Chair Sally Hutchison Company Secretary Luisa Banks Treasurer Desley Dixon Vanessa Richards Andrea North-Samardzic Peter Toby HONORARY PATRON Richard Divall AO OBE 2 On Air apr 2015 3MBS CHAMPION PATRON Alan Richmond STAFF Anne Frankenberg General Manager Richard Leathem Operations Manager Callum Moncrieff Special Projects Manager Alex Tsirgialos Program & Digital Content Manager Robert Gibbs Fundraising Manager Tom Ford Sponsorship Manager Sascha Kelly Subscriptions Coordinator Richard Smith Technical Manager Peter Gibson Broadcast Engineer FRONT COVER Valentina Lisitsa (photo: © Decca / Alexei Kuznetsoff) editor@3mbs.org.au Proof Readers John Cleghorn Christine Jeffrey Frank Prain Hector Walker Coordinator Frank Prain Design Letterbox Production CL Desktop Publishing Print Brougham Press Printed on 100% recycled paper Mailing 3MBS Volunteers 3MBS 103.5FM is a community broadcaster supported by the community we serve Contact us for information about support, sponsorship and tax-deductible donations Member CBAA and CBAV Registered Office: 1 St Heliers Street Abbotsford VIC 3067 T 03-9416 1035 F 03-9416 1036 E info@3mbs.org.au 3mbs.org.au ABN 77 005 398 372 DISCLAIMER The contents of 3MBS On Air are copyright and may be reproduced only by arrangement with the publisher, Music Broadcasting Society of Victoria Ltd Every effort has been made to ensure that this publication is free from error and/or omission at the date of printing Patrons of 3MBS A Lasting Legacy Patrons of 3MBS ensure the station continues to support talented young and established Melbourne musicians. On their behalf, we sincerely thank all those who give generously. If you would like to talk about the 3MBS Patrons Program please call Anne Frankenberg or Robert Gibbs on (03) 9416 1035 for a private discussion. Patricia Stuchbery: HONORARY Elisabeth Giddy PATRON Dr Colin Goodwin Richard Divall AO OBE Peter Griffin AM Jean Hadges CHAMPION Charles Halik PATRONS Marjorie Hall ($25,000 +) Alan & Sally Hutchison Alan & Shirley Joan E Ikin Richmond Alastair Jackson Christine & Don Jeffrey PLATINUM George & Grace Kass PATRONS Sigrid Klaubert ($10,000 - 24,999) Alfred & Ursula Klink Hans & Petra Henkell Sylvia Lavelle Ken Lee GOLD PATRONS Angela & David Li ($5,000 - 9,999) Peter Lyons Bronwen & Andrew Graeme McKinnon Cavallo Susan & Peter Mahler Neilma Gantner David Menzies Lyndsey & Peter Monica Mitchell Hawkins Marie Morton Peter Laver AM Dennis & Fairlie Nassau & Anne Laver Eva Owies Margaret S Ross AM Lady Potter AC Anonymous (2) Greg Shalit Sue & John Sherman SILVER PATRONS John E Smith ($1,035 - 4,999) Lady Marigold Anthony Adair Southey AC Michael Aquilina Pauline Speedy John & Maureen Barns Felicity Teague Margaret Bowman Cherilyn Tillman Helen Brack & Tam Vu Julian Burnside AO QC Heather Trevena Margot Costanzo Julie & Thilo Troschke Fiona Crosby Helen Vorrath June Danks Hector Walker Edward Davies Karen & Victor Wayne Elizabeth Duffield Pat & John Webb Anne Frankenberg Donald & Barbara Weir & Adrian McEniery Marjorie White Ruth Firkin in memory Muriet Wiles of Jim Gardiner Voi Williams Robert Gibbs Christine Wright & Tony Wildman Anonymous (4) Patricia Stuchbery was born in Northhampton, England, and emigrated at the age of four with her parents. Though she was born overseas, Patricia has always identified as Australian, having spent her formative years in Ringwood. She received her citizenship in 1994. Through her early training in ballet, Patricia developed a love for classical music and theatre that would remain with her for life. She remembers finding joy in collecting classical CDs which at one time came with the paper and included a book about the composer. Growing up, Patricia’s love of performing saw her selected by Margot Sheridan to be in the choir for The Tarax Show, where she would perform alongside Patti Newton (neé McGrath). She describes one of the highlights of this time as performing at Carols by Candlelight. Seeing the lights of the candles from the stage was a truly memorable experience. Patricia and her husband did things “the wrong way round” and decided to go travelling before having children. For two years they lived in London and spent the summers travelling around Europe in a campervan. On returning to Australia Patricia had two sons, Robert and Peter, who have both, in turn, made her a “very proud Nanna” of two grandsons and a granddaughter. Patricia stumbled across 3MBS almost by accident when she was listening in the car with her son Peter. She has been a consistent supporter of the station ever since and values its professionalism, jazz programs and Intermezzo. Unsurprisingly, given her background, Patricia is a particular fan of the 3MBS Young Performer Awards. She has also attended several other memorable 3MBS events, often with her friend Jennifer, including the 10th Classic Concerts Cruise with 4MBS in April 2008, as well the 25th anniversary celebrations at Government House of 3MBS’s first broadcast. Patricia is a supporter of several charities, including the Make a Wish Foundation and the Alannah and Madeline Foundation. She describes the decision to leave a bequest to 3MBS as a “fairly easy” one, knowing that 3MBS relies on the support of its volunteers and donors to exist. She believes that continued support by the listeners of 3MBS is exceptionally important, as she feels it is “such a terrific station, and like many other people I don’t want to see it go by the wayside. (3MBS) continuing as it is, is a really good thing.” 4 On Air apr 2015 BRONZE PATRONS ($500 - 1,034) Keith & Cornelia Adams Rosemary Ashby Ingrid Ashford Claire Baillieu Rowland Ball OAM Luisa Banks & Eugene Antczak Jane Bethell Virginia Billson Alison & Peter Brooks Maureen Brunt AO Jennifer Dowling Ian Godsil in memory of Evelyn Godsil Dr Ian Hanson OAM Ian Haskins OAM & Enid Haskins Geoff Hayes Winifred Hirst Noelene Horton Julie Huggard Geoff Illing Peter Kelly Mark & Alla Medownick Doreen Mules Anne & Murray Neil Elizabeth Oakes Susan Porter Ptarmigan Investments John Rickard David & Henrietta Roberts Lois Salamonsen John Scully Jan Smith David Taylor Juliet Tootell Noel Turnbull Phillipa Woodward Anonymous (8) From young performer to life-long lover of music. Some of our supporters, including our beloved volunteers, our patrons and our subscribers choose to leave a lasting legacy of support to 3MBS via a bequest. If you are thinking of leaving a bequest so your contributions can be made into the future, please call Anne Frankenberg, on (03) 9416 1035 for a private discussion. apr 2015 On Air 5 of Glass interpreters. But there is something powerful and beautiful about experiencing his music through the purity of a single performer and a single instrument, which focuses our hearing on notes over orchestrations, and on the music itself. Of the modern American composers who came before him, like John Cage (1912–1992), and of his contemporaries, such as Steve Reich (b.1936) and Terry Riley (b.1935), Glass is the only breakout composer of this kind. None of them has composed work that has been successfully embraced in minimalist, experimental, concert-orchestra, and mass-media settings. Nor has any other of them composed work which at times challenges the most basic of conventions of classical European composition, while at other times including “chord changes that are so Schubertian”, as Kronos Quartet founder David Harrington said of Glass’s music in 2012. Indeed, Harrington told the Village Voice, he wished Schubert (1797–1828) himself “could hear how another composer had found new relevance in certain beautiful chord changes”. Lisitsa explores the temporal and orchestrational range of Glass’s work over some three decades. The effect of hearing such a multitudinous effort expressed through one piano, two hands and eighty-eight keys is haunting and staggering. While some of the works here were composed for the instrument (or, like segments of The Hours, were arranged for the piano by long-time Glass collaborator Michael Riesman when the score was published), many were originally conceived for multiple instruments or a full orchestra. Valentina Lisitsa plays Philip Glass A Note on the Music “Philip Glass’s place in musical history is secure”, New Yorker critic Alex Ross wrote in 2012, after the premiere of the composer’s Ninth Symphony at Carnegie Hall. Glass’s name first appeared in the pages of the Village Voice in ads for his furniture-moving company. He continued to move furniture for several years after the premiere of his opera Einstein on the Beach (1976), until he was in his early forties. While his early compositions for the Philip Glass Ensemble were reviewed by the Voice, the first alternative newsweekly in the United States, Glass’s work would be dismissed as just noise by mainstream publications like the New Yorker until many years later. Yet by 2015, the year in which pianist Valentina Lisitsa is releasing this beautiful, comprehensive and sensitive interpretation of his music, Glass’s place in musical history isn’t just set; he is enjoying a present as America’s most important classical composer. Lisitsa’s recordings are but one recent way to understand how far Glass has penetrated musical language in recent years. In addition to film scores, there’s Beck’s 2012 CD Rework_ Philip Glass; the Dublin Guitar Quartet’s appropriation of his string quartets and his recent compositions made for cellist Yo-Yo Ma and street dancer Lil’ Buck, to name a few examples of the panoply 6 On Air apr 2015 Lisitsa includes “Opening” from Glassworks (1982), which Glass said in a 2011 interview was composed specifically for CBS Records in order to expose his music to a broader audience. It’s sort of a halfway point of accessibility for a Glass listener. At one end of the spectrum is “How Now”, an almost half-hour-long solo piece. At the other end are Lisitsa’s renditions of songs from the film scores to Mishima (1985), The Truman Show (1998) and The Hours (2002). These tracks illustrate Glass’s ability to compose scores which simultaneously work as a standalone symphonic composition (which could exist without the film entirely), as a series of discrete songs, and as a series of motifs which lodge themselves as irrevocable mnemonic devices in one’s brain. After experiencing them, it is difficult to read the Japanese writer Yukio Mishima without hearing the refrain from “Closing” from Mishima, and equally hard to hear “Choosing Life” from The Hours without thinking of Virginia Woolf and her watery grave. In 1988 Glass published both Metamorphosis I-V and Wichita Vortex Sutra. It is fascinating to hear Lisitsa perform both the former, written for piano, and the latter, composed to be performed with words written and read by poet Allen Ginsberg (more recently with Patti Smith at the Park Avenue Armory in 2012). This collection also includes Mad Rush (1979), which Glass played in 2012 at a concert on top of the 2,000-year-old Temple of Dendur at the apr 2015 On Air 7 Metropolitan Museum of Art. That night, Glass said that he had been commissioned to write it for the first visit of Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, to New York City. It was composed for the organ at the Cathedral of St John the Divine, and needed to be “of indeterminate length”, as the Dalai Lama’s arrival time was uncertain. (Given the indeterminate feeling of pieces like How Now, this self-aware insight from the composer drew laughter.) When, we might wonder, does Glass’s music have more ambition; in the latter years, with a lifetime of affirmation and a whole symphony orchestra at his disposal? Or when he was a furniture mover, composing in modes and with orchestrations no one had ever heard before? Valentina Lisitsa’s encyclopedic exploration of both eras has the effect of distilling three decades of work through one pianist. This strips away the varying scales of orchestrations and makes something obvious: Glass’s musical daring grows and matures. Indeed, as was obvious when Glass was one of ten pianists performing his Piano Études all in one night for the first time ever, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Next Wave Festival, he is primarily a composer and has achieved a kind of immortality with his place in musical history as such. But as a performer, he is ageing and as mortal as you, the listener. What will last about him are the notes he wrote, and the live performances and recordings of those who interpret them. Right now, the music lives in the hands of Valentina Lisitsa, who has created a beautiful next chapter in the telling of a composer’s musical journey for your ears. Steven W. Thrasher Valentina Lisitsa plays Philip Glass Decca 478 8079 Trusts & Foundations We gratefully acknowledge the support from Trusts and Foundations enabling 3MBS to undertake broadcasting and performance projects and station capacity-building which would otherwise be impossible: The Arnold Foundation Freemasons Victoria The Community Broadcasting Foundation The Opus 50 Charitable Trust 8 On Air apr 2015 The Robert Salzer Foundation photo: Steven Godbee Louis Lortie by Robin Usher The French Canadian pianist, Louis Lortie, is supremely confident about his powers after decades playing with leading conductors in the world’s top halls. “As I get older (he is 55) I have become increasingly interested in music that is not programmed very often,” he says on the phone from Baltimore where he is on a tour of the north-east US. “This is not meant to be a crowd-pleaser because I don’t care if the hall is not full. I want to play interesting music.” He is speaking of the recital program that he will play in the Melbourne Recital Hall in April, as well as in Sydney. It is made up of the famous Preludes by Chopin, coupled with the far less well-known preludes by Gabriel Fauré and Alexander Scriabin, written around the turn of the 20th century. “I think there is a laziness on the part of many pianists that takes them back to the usual repertoire all the time,” he says. “But much of the great literature for the piano is not well-known. People need to hear music that is not usually played in the concert hall, which is the blessing of this program.” He cannot be accused of taking it easy on his Australian tour. “This program is horrible for me,” he says. “It is very strenuous, with sudden shifts in mood. Usually in a program there is a long piece to build momentum, but in this case as soon as something starts to build it is gone – much like life.” His Melbourne recital is grounded in the apr 2015 On Air 9 photo: Steven Godbee “I think pairing shorter pieces is very attractive because a lot of writing for piano and orchestra is not performed publicly,” he says. He acknowledges the Adelaide program with Schumann’s concerto is more traditional.” “I played this many years ago but have never performed it with Tortelier. It is an incredibly dense piece that changes direction by itself every time I approach it.” But he says Schumann was most at home writing shorter pieces. “He was one of many Romantic composers who suffered writing longer sonatas,” he says. “They suffered in the longer form but it’s their shorter pieces that are seldom programmed today.” His Australian repertoire is an example of Lortie’s wide range. The London Times said his playing has a “combination of total spontaneity and meditated ripeness that only great pianists have”. He has performed the complete Beethoven sonata cycles in London, Berlin and Milan, leading Die Welt newspaper to describe his Berlin performances as “possibly the finest Beethoven since the time of Wilhelm Kempff”. sudden shifts in mood. Usually in a program there is a long piece to build momentum, but in this case as soon as something starts to build it is gone – much like life.” His Melbourne recital is grounded in the Chopin Preludes and Lortie is a renowned Chopin interpreter. His early studies in Montreal were with Yvonne Hubert, herself a student of the legendary Alfred Cortot, famous for his interpretations of Chopin. In a recent review of a Lortie’s recording of Chopin’s music, the London Guardian says his playing “has a wonderful, penetrating directness about it”, describing his version of the composer’s third sonata as one of the best in recent times. Lortie will conclude his Melbourne recital with Chopin, acknowledging the audience will need to concentrate on the more rarely heard music by Fauré and Scriabin in the first half. “Fauré’s Preludes come from his late period, which people are usually scared to program,” he says. “The music is far-fetched harmoniously but his melodic line is easy to follow and is quite beautiful.” He says Scriabin, the mostly 20th century Russian composer, was prolific and had many different phases. “But his Preludes (written between 1888-96) are very early when he was at his easiest, influenced by Schubert and Schumann and modelled on Chopin. They are very interesting to hear in a cycle.” Lortie is performing with the Sydney and Adelaide Symphony Orchestras with conductor Yan-Pascal Tortelier before and after his Melbourne recital but even these reveal his programming daring. His contribution to the Sydney concert is made up of Franck’s Symphonic Variations and Mozart’s Rondo in D. 10 On Air apr 2015 Lortie, who is based with his family in Berlin, has also won acclaim for his interpretation of Ravel and Chopin and celebrated the bicentenary of Liszt’s birth in 2011 by performing the complete Années de pèlerinage at international music capitals and festivals. His Chandos recording of this monumental work was named one of the 10 best of 2012 by the New Yorker magazine. But Lortie has never played Liszt’s music on any of his visits to Australia, despite it being a regular part of his repertoire. He is performing Liszt’s massive sonata in London’s Wigmore Hall just before he comes to Australia, an acknowledgement there is much of his playing still to be discovered by local audiences. He played Mozart’s 25th concerto on his previous Melbourne visit two years ago, which he remembers because he did not like Hamer Hall’s acoustic. “Mediocre acoustics make it hard to attract an audience because modern recordings are made in perfect conditions, which has spoiled people and caused them to always expect perfection in the sound.” But he urges people to hear live performances “because you never know what will happen in the concert hall”. He says he is looking forward to playing in the Elisabeth Murdoch Hall with its renowned acoustic as part of the Major Performers series. Louis Lortie will perform Fauré’s Nine Preludes, Op.103, Scriabin’s Twenty-Four Preludes, Op.11, and Chopin’s TwentyFour Preludes, Op.28, at the Melbourne Recital Centre at 7.30pm on 14 April. apr 2015 On Air 11 Vesa-Matti Leppanen Kathryn Selby by Robin Usher Kathryn Selby is unique in Australian music. She arranges and leads five national concert tours a year but unlike other touring organizations she does not rely on the permanent support of a particular group of musicians. Umberto Clerici more ambitious to bring touring soloists to Australia. The point is not about profit but to provide a wonderful professional outlet for players,” she says. “Success means I can continue and everybody has fun.” Her next series of concerts illustrates her approach. She will be accompanied for a second time by the concertmaster of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Finnish violinist Vesa-Matti Leppanen, and Umberto Clerici, who is co-principal cellist of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Instead, the Sydney-based pianist invites different players to perform with her in each concert, and admits the amount of organization required is daunting. “But it’s fun and fresh all the time, based on camaraderie and trust,” she says. “Colleagues tell me they are envious of the talent I get to play with over a year. The audiences are appreciative of what we do, because it involves great musicians playing great music and having fun.” The Finn is one of three concertmasters playing with Selby this year – Andrew Haveron, who will perform in May, is with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra after playing with the Brodsky Quartet for eight years, while Dale Barltrop (touring in November) recently joined the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. “These guys are extraordinary soloists, which most people don’t appreciate hearing them play in orchestral concerts,” Selby says. “You need a strong personality to be a concertmaster, confident in your abilities without being overbearing.” Her programming has become more adventurous over the past two years, now including sonatas as well as the more common trios and quartets. “I wonder why I never did it before, because it is so enjoyable for the players as well as the audience,” she says. “There is much more variety and it allows me to program pieces I have always wanted to play. I learn so much working with people of this quality.” She first played with Leppanen two years ago, accompanied by the principal cellist with the Australian Chamber Orchestra and regular collaborator, Timo-Vekko Valve. “I was nervous because I feared being the odd one out with two Finns,” Selby says. “Of course they did speak to each other in Finnish but they were very funny as well as being hard-working. There was no risk in being under-cooked.” This incarnation of Selby & Friends began in 2012 and is the latest evolution in the pianist’s life as a chamber musician. Her first group was the acclaimed Macquarie Trio which lasted 14 years with the support of Macquarie University before imploding over personality issues in 2006. Leppanen says he finds playing chamber music is a refreshing change after playing with an orchestra. “It is very good for my musical fitness,” he says. “It provides new insights into how I am doing as a player.” Her second group, Trioz, existed for five years and was always supplemented by the addition of musical friends. “I will have been playing with friends for 10 years next year and have plans to be even 12 On Air apr 2015 He moved to New Zealand in 2000 when he was 28 to be assistant concertmaster to Wilma Smith before she moved to Melbourne and he took over as concertmaster four years later. “I was in a string quartet with Wilma and we did a lot of touring. Chamber music is important to both of us.” apr 2015 On Air 13 He is not the only Finn with the NZSO – the music director and chief conductor since 2007 is Pietari Inkinen, who won acclaim conducting the Wagner Ring cycle in Melbourne for Opera Australia. But Leppanen says it is a coincidence they are both in Wellington because they did not know each other previously. Their collaboration could be seen as an indication of the strength of Finnish musical culture. Finns are in charge of London’s Philharmonia Orchestra (Esa-Pekka Salonen), as well as the Minnesota, Oslo and Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestras and the Royal Stockholm Symphony Orchestra. Leppanen says music is an integral part of Finland’s education system and is available to everyone. He moved to a music school in only his second year at primary school and studied music every day, culminating in his attendance at the Sibelius Academy. In a population of 5.3 million people, Finland has about 50 registered symphony orchestras. He says there is little doubt the strength of the musical tradition is due to Sibelius’ international standing. “Everyone who studies classical music around the world studies his works,” he says. “In such a small country a figure as huge as Sibelius continues to be relevant. Much of his music is based on Finnish myths and made Finns proud of their country.” Perhaps not surprisingly given the key role played by two Finns, the NZSO has recorded all the Sibelius symphonies. Leppanen, who plays a 1770 Gagliano violin on loan from an investor, says music is doing very well in New Zealand, especially considering the financial pressures facing classical music internationally since the global financial crisis. “Nevertheless, we would like to be able to do more,” he says. “Collaborating with Australia on sharing touring soloists is expensive but it probably always will be.” He enjoyed touring with Selby and Valve, and is thrilled to be returning. “Kathryn is very down to earth and there are no egos involved in her music-making. We really clicked the first time around.” The program for the April tour includes Beethoven’s Sonata For Cello & Piano (Op.5/1) and César Franck’s Sonata For Violin & Piano before concluding with Shostakovich’s Second Piano Trio, a classic in the repertoire. “The trio was written in 1944, which was one of the blackest years in Soviet history,” Leppanen says. “When you consider the environment in which it was written, you can understand the unbelievable darkness of the largo in the middle of the work. The last movement might sound happy but everyone knows that Shostakovich is really crying.” Kathryn Selby performs with Vesa-Matti Leppanen (violin) and Umberto Clerici (cello) in Federation Square’s Deakin Edge at 7.30pm on 15 April. 14 On Air apr 2015 Vale, Nicky McFarlane Nicky McFarlane, a dedicated volunteer at 3MBS for many years, died on 1 January following a stroke. Nicky was a “Pom” and grew up in an England at war. She recalled the Battle of Britain and fighting taking place over the school where she and her brother were boarders. At sixteen she began her working life as a nursing aide and went on to train as a nurse. Hers was a life spent caring for others, the “others” including the notorious Kim Philby just prior to his defection to Russia and a very old lady who claimed to have been one of King Edward VII’s lady friends! In 1953 she decided to come to Australia, where she continued her nursing career until her marriage, when raising seven children occupied her time. The family was constantly on the move, including two years in Port Moresby. She joined the Moresby Repertory Company and theatre became a passion which remained with her until her last days. After the death of her husband in 1996 she settled in Melbourne and, hearing a 3MBS appeal for presenters, she offered herself for training. For several years she was “on air” before retiring and continuing as a member of the volunteer group which provides talks to clubs and other organizations about the history and work of 3MBS. She was also a member of the team which prepares our progam guide On Air for mailing and, for a considerable time, assisted with office duties on Saturdays. Her faithful little dog Sam was often in attendance. Vale, Nicky, and thank you. Hector Walker apr 2015 On Air 15 Lacey performs with MCO Around Melbourne by Robin Usher American star violinist returns American violinist Sarah Chang has been gathering attention since she debuted with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra aged eight in 1988. She had been admitted to the Juilliard School two years earlier and today has gone on to become one of the world’s most distinguished and loved performers. She had played with the Philadelphia and London Symphony Orchestras by the time she was 11 and Yehudi Menuhin declared her to be “the most wonderful, the most perfect and the most ideal violinist I have ever heard”. She plays a 1717 Guarneri del Gesu, selected when she was a teenager with the help of Isaac Stern. Chang is making a second visit to Melbourne to play with the MSO after giving an electrifying performance of Barber’s violin concerto two years ago, this time playing Bruch’s famous G minor concerto with conductor Sir Andrew Davis. The program opens with Ives’ Three Places in New England and concludes with Nielsen’s Fourth Symphony. She follows this with an appearance at the Melbourne Recital Centre accompanied by pianist Caroline Almonte in a program made up of Bartók’s Romanian Folk Dances, Brahms’ Third Violin Sonata and Tchaikovsky’s Souvenir de Florence. She has said that playing chamber music is important, because it allows a feeling of rediscovery when she returns to playing with orchestras. Recorder player Genevieve Lacey is one of Australia’s most renowned soloists, both here and overseas. Her next performance is with the Melbourne Chamber Orchestra, featuring Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No.4 and concertos by Telemann and English composer William Babell. Lacey has also commissioned, premiered and recorded scores of new works and won multiple awards. The program will include Handel’s famous sinfonia, Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, and one of his concerti grossi, as well as a new work by Melbourne composer Nicholas Buc, who has also arranged works by Ravel for string orchestra. This is the second time the MCO has commissioned Buc, following last year’s premiere of Rhapsody for All Seasons by the MCO Virtuosi. Buc, who has also written for film and television, is currently completing a master’s degree at New York University. Genevieve Lacey appears with the Melbourne Chamber Orchestra in The Virtuoso Recorder in Federation Square’s Deakin Edge at 7.30pm on 17 April and in the Melbourne Recital Centre at 2.30pm on 19 April. Goldners celebrate platinum anniversary Australia’s most internationally renowned string quartet, the Goldner, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year with a national tour for Musica Viva, presenting a program that sums up its long-held philosophy of respecting the classics while pioneering contemporary works. The group’s Melbourne concerts, on 21 April and 2 May, conclude with Beethoven’s late 15th quartet, preceded by Ligeti’s first quartet which was considered too dangerous to premiere behind the Iron Curtain, and Paul Stanhope’s third quartet premiered at last November’s Huntington Estate Music Festival in collaboration with Musica Viva. The group’s membership, married couples Dene Olding (violin) and Irina Morozova (viola) and Dimity Hall (violin) and Julian Smiles (cello) has not changed. It has performed overseas regularly since making its London debut at Wigmore Hall in 1997. Sarah Chang performs with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra in Hamer Hall on 11 & 13 April, and in Geelong on 10 April. She will appear with pianist Caroline Almonte in the Melbourne Recital Centre at 7.30pm on 15 April. 16 On Air apr 2015 Its recordings have won international acclaim, including being named editor’s choices in Gramophone magazine and BBC Music Magazine. This review in the Gramophone is typical: “The Goldners give the most sublimely articulate and raptly communicative reading of Elgar’s apr 2015 On Air 17 elusive String Quartet that it’s been my privilege to encounter.” The only criticism that might be made from a Melbourne perspective of the Goldner Quartet, named after the founder of Musica Viva, is that too many of its activities are focused north of the Murray - in Sydney, Huntington and Townsville’s annual chamber music festival. This is all the more reason to appreciate their music-making on the current tour, which will be enhanced by lighting by director Rodney Fisher. The Goldner String Quartet performs music by Ligeti, Stanhope and Beethoven in the Melbourne Recital Centre at 7pm on 21 April and May 2. Modern classic for Ensemble Liaison English composer David Bruce says his work, Gumboots, was inspired by the brutal work conditions of South African miners under apartheid. It was commissioned by New York’s Carnegie Hall for clarinettist Todd Palmer and the St Lawrence String Quartet and has been played around the world. It is included in the opening concert in this year’s subscription series by Ensemble Liaison, who describe it as a modern masterpiece. The group has an unusual combination of David Griffiths (clarinet), Svetlana Bogosavljevic (cello) and Timothy Young (piano). The concert opens with the group’s arrangement of Schumann’s Fairy Tales and concludes with Brahms’ Piano Quintet, for which the trio will be joined by violinists Elizabeth Sellars and Paul Wright and violist Cameron Hill. Ensemble Liaison presents Fairy Tales and Gumboots at 7pm in the Melbourne Recital Centre on 29 April. 18 On Air apr 2015 Thomas Tallis’ Top Twenty Terrific Trinkets of Tantalizing Trivia 1. What is the first name of Germont senior (Alfredo’s father) in Verdi’s La Traviata? 2. With what instrument do you associate jazz musician Charles Mingus? 3. The widow of a prominent English composer, she remarried and lived the rest of her life in Melbourne, teaching at the VCA and playing the cello in what was then the Victorian Symphony Orchestra. Who was she? 4. To which orchestral family did the now-obsolete ophicleide belong? 5. In which of Shakespeare’s plays does the lyric “Hark! hark! the lark” appear? 6. When Puccini died, leaving Turandot unfinished, who was asked to complete the opera? 7. Which English monarch has been credited with composing Greensleeves? 8. Which of Puccini’s operas was described by one critic as “a shabby little shocker”? 9. Mozart’s most successful librettist ended up as an unsuccessful grocer in New York. Who was he? 10. Which Melbourne ensemble is directed by William Hennessey? 11. Internationally famous as a pianist, he later became Prime Minister of his native country. Who was he? 12. Surely the most spectacular demise of any operatic soprano, she rides on 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. horseback into the flames of her lover’s funeral pyre. Who is she? … and go to the top of the class if you can recall the name of the horse! Which of Haydn’s many symphonies is nicknamed the “Military”? Which of the “Goons” followed a second successful career as a tenor? As a young composer, he achieved international fame in 1911 with Alexanders Ragtime Band, and went on to write a long string of popular songs, including White Christmas in 1954. He died in 1988 at the age of 100. Who was he? Which electronic instrument features prominently in the orchestral music of Olivier Messiaen? According to Leporello in Mozart’s Don Giovanni, how many Spanish women has the Don seduced? In his old age, an Australian composer turned many of his string quartets into symphonies. Who was he? After who is Melbourne’s concert hall (pictured below) named? For the answers, tune in to Après-Midi with Hector Walker on Sunday 5 April at 2.00pm. apr 2015 On Air 19 April A day-by-day program of our fine music broadcasting. Program exclusive to Digital/Online Program exclusive to FM 103.5 WEDNESDAY 1 12.00 A Time To Remember 6.00 Daybreak with Patrick McMahon Repeat of Monday’s program. with Anthea Same 12.00 Divertimento 9.00 Exploring Music with Rod Watson or John van Bavel with Bill McGlaughlin 1.00 Melbourne Symphony Handel - Episode 3 Orchestra Hour 10.00 Morning Recital with Ted Davies with Bill Mack 2.00 Concert Hall with John Barns Vivaldi: Recorder Concerto in A minor, RV.108. Peter Holtslag, rec. Parley of Instruments/Peter Holman. Hyperion CDA 66328 8 Beethoven: Piano Trio No.2 in G, Op.1/2. Benaud Trio. 3MBS rec. 33 Rossini: String Sonata No.3 in C. I Musici. Philips 422 259-2 11 Wolf: To the New Year. Encounter. Edith Mathis, sop. Gerard Wyss, pno. Denon CO 18006 3 Dvorak: String Quintet in E flat, “American”, B.180, Op.97. Raphael Ensemble. Hyperion CDA 66308 32 Chopin: Piano Sonata No.3 in B minor, Op.58. Evgeny Kissin, pno. 27 Pro Arte CDD 464 Schubert: Stabat Mater in G minor, D.175. Immortal Bach Ensemble. Leipzig CO/Morten Schuldt-Jensen. Naxos 8.570381 6 Zelenka: Responsories for Holy Week, ZWV.55. Boni pueri, Musica Florea/Marek Stryncl. Supraphon SU 3806-2 38 Beethoven: Symphony No.9 in D minor, “Choral”, Op.125. Luba Orgonasova, sop. Anne Sofie von Otter, m-sop. Anthony Rolfe Johnson, ten. Gilles Cachemaille, bass. Monteverdi Choir. ORR/Sir John Eliot Gardiner. Archiv 439 900-2 60 4.00 Intermezzo with Peter Bandy MARCH TRIVIA ANSWERS: 1. Valery Gergiev. 2. The oud. 3. Billy Budd. 4. The Scottish bagpipes. 5. Kurt Weill. 6. The Nutcracker. 7. Joyfully. 8. Guadeloupe in the Caribbean. 9. A Baroque style of aria in ternary form. 10. Maurice Jarre. 11. Josepha Weber (later Josepha Hofer and then Josepha Meier). 12. 1846. 13. Ginette Neveu. 14. Alexander Scriabin. 15. Kinderszenen (Scenes from Childhood). 16. The Sutherland Trio. 17. Benny Goodman. 18. Jean Sibelius. 19. Manchester. 20. 1984. 20 On Air apr 2015 7.00 Exploring Music MIDNIGHT TO DAWN with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 12.00 Midnight Symphony 7.00 Music for Keyboard followed by Notturno prepared by Alan Marshall with Christopher Ellis Classics through the night. Bach: Organ Concerto in C, BWV.594. Peter Hurford, org. Decca 421 617-2 20 Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.10 in G, Op.14/2. Geoffrey Lancaster, 14 fortepiano. ABC 454 501-2 Auber (trans. Liszt): Tarantelle di bravura, S.386. Leslie Howard, pno. Hyperion CDA 67101/2 11 Schumann: Fugue on BACH, Op.60/4. Johannes Gebhardt, org. 6 Audio Art Leipzig LC 10967 THURSDAY 2 6.00 Daybreak with John Wilkinson 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Handel - Episode 4 10.00 Morning Recital with Joan Ikin 8.00 Wednesday Night at the Opera with Alan de Niese Verdi: Luisa Miller. Anna Moffo, sop. Shirley Verrett, m-sop. Carlo Bergonzi, ten. Cornell MacNeil, bar. RCA Italiana Opera Orch & Chorus/ Fausto Cleva. RCA GD 86646 132 8.00 Mozart & Friends with Joseph Barake Hasse: Miserere in D minor. Simona Houda-Saturova, sop. Britta Schwarz, contr. Eric Stoklossa, ten. Gotthold Schwarz, bass. Dresden Chamber Choir. Dresden Baroque Orch/Hans-Christoph Rademann. Carus 83.175 22 Mozart: Passion Cantata, K.42. Anne Murray, sop. Stephen Varcoe, bass. Stuttgart RSO & Choir/Sir Neville Marriner. Philips 422 7601 23 Haydn: Stabat Mater, Hob.XXbis. Ann Hoyt, sop. Lucien Brackett, alto. Stephen Sands, ten. Richard Lippold, bass. Trinity Choir, Manhattan. REBEL Baroque Orch/ Owen Burdick. Naxos 8.572121 57 Seriously Easter Grechaninov and others: Russian Easter Songs. St Petersburg Chamber Choir/Nikolai Korniev. Philips 446 662-2 10 Pergolesi: Seven Last Words of Christ: Excerpts. Sophie Karthauser, sop. Christophe Dumaux, alto. Julien Behr, ten. Konstantin Wolff, bass. Academy for Ancient Music, Berlin/Rene Jacobs. HMC 902 155 34 Plum: Stabat Mater, Op.192. Coro Polifonico “Andrea Gabrieli”. Simone Bolzoni org. Private rec. 12 Chesnokov: The Paschal Hours. Trad: Paschal Hymn. St Petersburg Chamber Choir/Nikolai Korniev. Philips 446 662-2 18 W F Bach: Cantata for Easter Sunday, “Tremble and fall”. Barbara Schlick, sop. Claudia Schubert, contr. Wilfried Jochens, ten. Stephan Schreckenberger, bass. Rheinische Kantorei. Das Kleine Konzert/Hermann Max. Capriccio 49436 29 12.00 Recent Releases 10.00 Great Makers of Music produced by Mark Shepheard Repeat of Sunday’s program. with Peter Hume Repeat of Saturday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Marjorie Hall apr 2015 On Air 21 1.00 Concert Hall 10.00 Theatretrack with Elisabeth Giddy with Henry Sachwald Dvorak: Serenade for Strings in E, B.52, Op.22. Saint Paul CO/Hugh 30 Wolff. Teldec 2292-46315-2 Stravinsky: Petrushka. Detroit SO/ Antal Dorati. Decca 478 4752 34 Bruch: Scottish Fantasy, Op.46. Itzhak Perlman, vln. Israel PO/Zubin Mehta. 30 EMI CDC 7 49071 2 Vivaldi: Concerto in F for Three Violins, RV.551. Itzhak Perlman, Pinchas Zukerman & Isaac Stern, vlns. New York PO/Zubin Mehta. 11 Sony SM2K 66472 Holland: Autumn Pastorale. Dulcie Holland, pno. Jade JADCD 1089 5 Vine: Five Bagatelles. Amir Farid, pno. Move MD 3331 12 Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.5 in E minor, Op.64. Vienna PO/Valery 46 Gergiev. Decca 476 9902 Original cast recordings from Broadway, the West End and Australia. Season 31. “ReDiscovered” including selections from: Rodgers: Allegro. Kern: Roberta. Duke: Sweet Bye and Bye. 4.00 Intermezzo with Rex Williams with John van Bavel 9.00 Exploring Music MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Esther Peng Classics through the night. FRIDAY 3 6.00 Daybreak with Bill McGlaughlin with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. Handel - Episode 5 7.00 The Early Music with Jane O’Callaghan with Mark Shepheard 8.00 Illuminations Easter and the Pagan connection Through the prism of music over the centuries, Ola Tasker explores the culture and celebration of the pagan Sun God, Baal and the connections with the Easter of the modern Christian church. Do similarities exist? What are they? Find out in this intriguing episode. 22 On Air apr 2015 with Robert Hooke Melbourne Musicians; St John’s, Southgate; 25/7/2007. (Recorded by John Smyth). 10.00 Morning Recital Barber: Agnus Dei, Op.11. Cantillation/Antony Walker. ABC 465 824-2 8 Biber: Rosary Sonatas, “The Sorrowful Mysteries”. Elizabeth Wallfisch, vln. Rosanne Hunt, vlc. Linda Kent, org. ABC 476 6831 35 Pergolesi: Stabat Mater. Sara Macliver, sop. Sally-Anne Russell, m-sop. Orch of the Antipodes/ 40 Antony Walker. ABC 476 7737 Krumpholtz: Harp Concerto No.6 in F, Op.9. Roberta Alessandrini, harp. Mantua Orch/Vittorio Parisi. Naxos 8.553622 24 12.00 Music for Keyboard with Christopher Ellis Repeat of Wednesday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Judith Blanchard-Hill MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Jon Churchward Classics through the night. SATURDAY 4 Theatretrack is proudly supported by Alan and Shirley Richmond through the 3MBS Patrons’ Program 7.00 Exploring Music Experience 1.00 Concert Hall 6.00 Daybreak with Mark Vendy Zoe Knighton Sibelius: Andante festivo, JS.34a. Romance in C, Op.42. Pleyel: Cello Concerto in C, Op.26. Zoe Knighton, vlc. Melbourne Musicians/Frank Pam. C P E Bach: Symphony in A, Wq.182/4. AAM/ Christopher Hogwood. 12 L’Oiseau-Lyre 455 715-2 Haydn: Violin Concerto in A, Hob.VIIa:3. Christian Tetzlaff, vln. Northern Sinfonia/Heinrich Schiff. 23 Virgin VC7 59065 2 Dreyfus: Rush. Melbourne SO/ George Dreyfus. ABC 442 9811 3 Liszt: Piano Concerto No.1 in E flat, S.124. Isador Goodman, pno. Melbourne SO/Patrick Thomas. ABC 432 209-2 18 Rimsky-Korsakov: Golden Cockerel Suite. Cleveland Orch/Lorin Maazel. Decca 478 3185 27 Balakirev: Symphony No.1 in C. Philharmonia Orch/Evgeny Svetlanov. Hyperion CDA 66493 44 4.00 Intermezzo with Neil Appleby 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 Singers & Songs with June Sloane 8.00 Colours of Jazz with Larry Groves 10.00 Australian Sounds with Leila Engle, Catherine Sullivan or James Wade Musical insights into Australian contemporary composers and composition. 8.00 Prima la musica prepared by Jane Morris Handel: Recorder Sonata in A minor, HWV.362. Hugo Reyne, rec. Pascal Monteilhet, theorbo. Jerome Hantai, vla da gamba. Pierre Hantai, hpschd. DHM HMC 905211 12 Dotzauer: Quintet in D minor, Op.134. Vera Beths & Jody Gatwood, vlns. Lisa Rautenberg, vla. Anner Bylsma & Kenneth Slowick, vlcs. 23 Sony SK 64307 Ravenscroft: There were Three Ravens. Playford: Six 17th Century Songs. Dufay Collective. Chandos CHAN 9446 16 Zelenka: Sonata No.3 in B flat. Collegium 1704/Vaclav Luks. Supraphon SU 3858-2 16 Marais: Airs pour les Matelots et les Tritons. Le Concert des Nations/ 18 Jordi Savall. Astree E 8525 Various: Tears & Lamentations. Pro Cantione Antiqua/Edgar Fleet. ASV QS 6151 5 Viotti: Violin Concerto No.22 in A minor, G.97. Elizabeth Wallfisch, vln. Brandenburg Orch/Roy Goodman. Hyperion CDA 66840 28 8.00 Classically Kids with Adam Petrzak A world of classical music for children of all ages. Featuring regular segments, young performers, news, information and opportunities for you and your kids to get involved in fine music. 9.00 Sounding Brass with Anthea Same apr 2015 On Air 23 10.00 The Romantics with Frank Prain Elgar: Cockaigne Overture, Op.40. London SO/Sir Charles Mackerras. Argo 430 835-2 14 Smetana: Macbeth and the Witches. Tamara-Anna Cislowska, pno. ABC 476 6301 10 Gounod: Faust: Ballet Music. New Philharmonia Orch/Sir Charles Mackerras. EMI CDZ 7 62515 2 17 Rachmaninov: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op.43. Vladimir Ashkenazy, pno. London SO/Andre Previn. Decca 478 5093 24 Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.6 in B minor, “Pathetique”, Op.74. Melbourne SO/Oleg Caetani. ABC 476 6449 44 10.00 Arts Weekly with Phillipa Edwards or Loretto Perkins produced by Mariese Shallard Covering arts in Melbourne and Victoria. 11.00 Music In Melbourne with Julie Houghton or Sascha Kelly Local musicians and performances, including guests live from our performance studio. 12.00 Saturday Lunchtime Miscellany with Rod Watson Graun: Overture & Allegro in D minor. Academy for Ancient Music, Berlin. DHM HMC 902132 12 Soler: Concerto No.6 in D. Peter Hurford & Thomas Trotter, orgs. Decca 436 115-2 12 Harper: The Biggest Aspidistra in the World. Gracie Fields, voc. Michaelis: Turkish Patrol. London Palladium Orch. Berlin: The Girl on the Police Gazette. Dick Powell, voc. 9 Warner Music 857385092 Wagenseil: Trombone Concerto in E flat. Christian Lindberg, tbn. Australian CO/Richard Tognetti. BIS 1248 8 Arne: Sigh no more Ladies. Hilliard Ensemble. HM HMA 1901153 4 24 On Air apr 2015 Scarlatti (arr. Tommasini): The Good-humoured Ladies. English Concert Orch/Richard Bonynge. Decca 421 818-2 12 Sadler: Stealing. VoxSynergy/ 5 Kathryn Sadler. 3MBS rec. Palmer: Au Coupe Chou. Cove CO/Stephen Williams. ABC 476 261-2 6 Lemmone: Wind Amongst the Trees. Paul Curtis, fte. David Miller, pno. Tall Poppies TP 068 8 Mozart: Piano Concerto No.21 in C, K.467. Paul Badura-Skoda, pno. Prague CO/Paul Badura-Skoda. Supraphon 1106102 27 12.00 Screenthemes with Carol van Opstal Music, news and interviews from film and other screen media. 1.00 Vocal Chords with Margot Costanzo Opera highlights program featuring the arias we love, and those we shall learn to love. 2.00 The Bose Afternoon Concert with Doug Beecroft Bach: Orchestral Suite No.4 in D, BWV.1069. Oregon Bach Festival CO/Helmuth Rilling. Hanssler 98.978 20 C P E Bach: Magnificat in D minor, Wq.215. Elisabeth Watts, sop. Wiebke Lehmkuhl, contr. Lothar Odinius, ten. Markus Eiche, bass. RIAS Chamber Choir. Academy for Ancient Music, Berlin/Hans-Christoph Rademann. Harmonia Mundi HMC 902167 38 Handel: Harp Concerto in B flat, Op.4/6. Lily Laskine, harp. JeanFrancois Paillard CO/Jean-Francois Paillard. Erato 0630-13705-2 13 Haydn: Symphony No.96 in D, “Miracle”, Hob.I:96. Philharmonia Hungarica/Antal Dorati. Decca 478 1221 22 C P E Bach: Helig ist Gott, Wq.217. RIAS Chamber Choir. Academy for Ancient Music, Berlin/Hans-Christoph Rademann. HM HMC 902167 8 8.00 Great Makers of Music 4.00 Serenade Mischa Maisky Haydn: Cello Concerto No.2 in D, Hob.VIIb:2. Mischa Maisky, vlc. CO of Europe. DG 419 786-2 22 Beethoven: Cello Sonata No.4 in C, Op.102/1. Mischa Maisky, vlc. Martha Argerich, pno. 15 DG 439 934-2 Tchaikovsky: Andante cantabile. Mischa Maisky, vlc. Orpheus CO. 8 DG 453 460-2 Chopin: Cello Sonata in G minor, Op.65. Mischa Maisky, vlc. Martha Argerich, pno. DG 471 346-2 30 Debussy: Cello Sonata in D minor. Mischa Maisky, vlc. Martha Argerich, pno. DG 471 346-2 12 Bruch: Kol Nidrei, Op.47. Mischa Maisky, vlc. Orchestre de Paris/ Semyon Bychkov. DG 474 681-2 11 Offenbach (arr. Maisky): Les Larmes de Jacqueline. Mischa Maisky, vlc. Pavel Gililov, pno. 6 DG 474 681-2 Debussy (arr. Maisky): Clair de lune. Mischa Maisky, vlc. Daria Hovora, pno. DG 474 681-2 5 with Marysia Green or Ian Sloane 5.00 The Piano Album with June Sloane Featuring Benjamin Grosvenor (piano) Scriabin: Mazurka in C sharp minor, Op.3/6. Waltz in A flat, Op.38. Mazurka in E, Op.3/4. Granados: Valses poeticas. Decca 478 5334 22 Gershwin (arr. Grofe): Rhapsody in Blue. Royal Liverpool PO/ James Judd. Ravel: Prelude. Decca 478 3527 16 Albeniz (arr. Godowsky): Tango, Op.165/2. Decca 478 5334 3 Saint-Saens (arr. Godowsky): The Carnival of the Animals: The Swan. Decca 478 3527 3 Schulz-Evler: Concert Arabesques on Johann Strauss Jnr’s “On the Beautiful Blue Danube”. Decca 478 5334 10 6.00 The World of Baroque with Joseph Barake Allegri: Miserere. Tallis Scholars/Peter Phillips. 13 Gimell CDGIM 994 Schaffrath: Viola da gamba & Harpsichord Sonata in A. Guido Balestracci, vla da gamba. Massimiliano Raschietti, hpschd. 20 Societe Generale ZZT 050401 Telemann: Meine Rede bleibt betrubt, TVW.V1/1099. Dorothee Mields, sop. Accademia Daniel/ Shalev Ad-El. CPO 777 249-2 18 Couperin: Concert Royal No.4 in E minor. Irena Grafenauer, fte. Brigitte Engelhard, hpschd. Philips 426 713-2 15 Bach: Mass in B minor, BWV.232: Credo. Roberta Alexander & Ruth Ziesak, sops. Jard van Nes, contr. Keith Lewis, ten. David WilsonJohnson, bar. Bavarian RSO & Chorus/Carlo Maria Giulini. 33 Sony S2K 66354 with Peter Hume 10.00 Night Tram with Desley Dixon MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno Classics through the night. SUNDAY 5 6.00 The Early Music Experience produced by Mark Shepheard Repeat of Thursday’s program. 7.00 Hymns Old & New with John Worcester prepared by Peter Wakeley Includes: Handel: Thine be the glory. Gauntlett: Ye choirs of New Jerusalem. Mainz Gesangbuch 1833: The day of Resurrection. Vulpius: The strife is o’er. Lyrica Davidca 1708: Jesus Christ is risen today. apr 2015 On Air 25 7.30 Organ and Choral Music with John Worcester Includes: Handel: Fantasy in C, HWV.490. John O’Donnell, org. ABC 476 1565 5 Cabena: Pastorale on “Jesu, meine Freude”. Robert Grogan, org. Gothic G 49069 4 Leighton: Et Resurrexit, Op.49. Rupert Jeffcoat, org. Regent REGCD 199 15 Willaert: Christus resurgens (Richafort). Oxford Camerata/Jeremy Summerly. Naxos 8.553211 4 Allegri: Christus resurgens ex mortuis. The Sixteen/ Harry Christophers. BBC MM 292 Vol.16/9 4 Davies: Hark! The world is full of thy praise. Spiritus Chamber Choir/ Aidan Oliver. Toccata TOCC 0012 5 Vaughan Williams: Three Choral Hymns: Easter Hymn. Choir of Worcester Cathedral/Christopher Robinson. Chandos CHAN 06550 4 Grainger: The Wraith of Odin. Sydney Chamber Choir, MSO/Sir Andrew Davis. Chandos CHSA 5121 5 Bonnet: Variations de Concert, Op.1. Michael Dudman, org. ABC 465 649-2 9 9.00 Morning Classics with Felicity Cronan 11.00 The VSO Story Lloyd Webber: Cats: Memory. Lesley Garrett, sop. Royal Philharmonic Concert Orch/Paul Bateman. Silva Screen D46075 4 Coates: By The Sleepy Lagoon. East of England Orch/Malcolm Nabarro. ASV WHL 2053 4 Monti (arr. Docker): Czardas. Australian Pops Orch/Douglas 5 Gamley. APO 4509 90485-2 Prokofiev: Symphony No.1 in D, “Classical”, Op.25. New York PO/Leonard Bernstein. CBS MYK 44718 14 Chopin: Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor, Op.11. Nikolai Demidenko, pno. Philharmonia Orch/Heinrich 41 Schiff. Hyperion CDA 66647 Messager: The Two Pigeons Ballet Suite: Excerpts. ROHO/Sir Charles Mackerras. EMI CDZ 7 62515 2 15 Forest School Choir. Wooburn Singers. London Symphony Chorus. London Philharmonic Choir. Martin Haselboeck, org. European Community Youth Orch/Claudio Abbado. DG 410 696-2 47 8.00 Melbourne in Concert with Michael Williamson or Adele Schonhardt Mozart’s “Great” Mass in C; The Orchestra Project & The Consort of Melbourne/Peter Tregear; South Melbourne Town Hall; 8/4/2012. (Recorded by Alan Hutchison). 2.00 Apres-Midi with Hector Walker Bach: Orchestral Suite No.3 in D, BWV.1068. Bavarian RSO/Otto 24 Klemperer. Orfeo C 201 891 A Telemann: Viola Concerto in G. Stephen Shingles, vla. ASMF/Sir Neville Marriner. Decca 430 265 2 14 C P E Bach: Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, Wq.240. Barbara Schlick, sop. Christoph Pregardien, ten. Stephen Varcoe, bar. Rhenish Church Choir. Das Kleine Konzert/Hermann Max. Capriccio 10 206 72 4.00 Recent Releases produced by Mark Shepheard Siobhan Stagg & Kathryn Zerk Mozart (arr. Cohrs): Mass No.18 in C minor, “Great”, K.427. Siobhan Stagg & Kathryn Zerk, sops. Timothy Reynolds, ten. Nicholas Dinopoulos, bass. The Consort of Melbourne & The Orch Project/ 68 Peter Tregear. 3MBS rec. 10.00 Contemporary Visions with Tony Thomas Repeat of Tuesday’s program. Hidden gems and lesser-known music from known composers. 5.00 Illuminations 12.00 Midnight Symphony apr 2015 with June Sloane Repeat of Friday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Debbie Nossbaum l 1.00 Concert Hall Rameau: Anacreon: Orchestral Suite. Capella Savaria/Mary TereySmith. Naxos 8.553746 22 Saint-Georges: Violin Concerto in G, Op.8/9. Jean-Jacques Kantorow, vln. Bernard Thomas CO. Arion ARN 68093 21 Franck: Psyche. BBC Welsh Chorus. BBC NO of Wales/Tadaaki Otaka. Chandos CHAN 9342 50 Meyerbeer: Clarinet Quintet in E flat. Dieter Klocker, cl. Berlin Philharmonic Quartet. 21 Orfeo C213901A Saint-Saens: Symphony No.2 in A minor, Op.55. French Radio NO/Jean Martinon. EMI CZS 7 62643 2 23 Milhaud: Concerto No.1 for Two Pianos, Op.228. Vlastimil Lejsek & Vera Lejskova, pnos. Prague with Jane Mitchell 26 On Air 12.00 Singers & Songs with Marysia Green MIDNIGHT TO DAWN Repeat of Thursday’s program. followed by Notturno prepared by Rodney Philips 7.00 Choral Masterworks Classics through the night. with Adrian McEniery MONDAY 6 6.00 Daybreak Berlioz: Te Deum, Op.22. Francisco Araiza, ten. High Wycombe Parish Church Choirboys. Southend Boys’ Choir. St Alban’s School Choir. Haberdashers’ Aske’s School Choir. Desborough School Choir. Winnersh Albeniz: Suite espagnola, Op.47/5: Asturias. Norbert Kraft, gtr. Naxos 8.558059 6 Turina: Piano Trio in F. Trio Arbos. Naxos 8.555870 25 Falla: Seven Popular Spanish Songs. Victoria de los Angeles, sop. Lliure Theatre CO/Josep Pons. HM HMC 901432 13 Boccherini: Guitar Quintet No.4 in D, G.448. Karin Schaupp, gtr. Flinders Quartet. ABC 476 4435 20 Albeniz: Mosaic Tiles. Douglas Riva, pno. Naxos 8.555325 10 Falla: Concerto for Harpsichord, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Violin & Cello. Igor Kipnis, hpschd. Palge Brook, fte. Harold Gomberg, oboe. Stanley Drucker, cl. Eliot Chapo, vln. Lorne Munroe, vlc. /Pierre Boulez. Sony SBK 53264 13 Turina: Sinfonia Sevillana, Op.23. Castile and Leon SO/Max Bragado Darman. Naxos 8.555955 23 with Alan Marshall A review of the latest classical recordings. Wagner: Tannhauser: Overture. London SO/Barry Tuckwell. IMP PCD 860 15 Gottschalk (arr. Kay): Grande Tarantelle, Op.67. Reid Nibley, pno. Utah SO/Maurice Abravanel. 7 Vanguard 08 9144 72 Lincke: Lysistrata: Gavotte Pavlova. London SO/Richard Bonynge. Decca 433 863-2 7 with Graeme McKinnon 10.00 Sunday Night Late 12.00 Sunday Lunchtime Miscellany 10.00 Morning Recital with Suzanne Smith 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin I Didn’t Know About You - Episode 1 apr 2015 On Air 27 National Theatre Orch/Milos Konvalinka. Praga PR 250 025 20 4.00 Intermezzo with Susan Porter 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 A Time to Remember with Patrick McMahon 8.00 Chamber Music and Song with Peter Larsen Brahms: Horn Trio in E flat, Op.40. Barry Tuckwell, horn. Itzhak Perlman, vln. Vladimir Ashkenazy, pno. Decca 414 128-2 27 Rachmaninov: Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, Op.31: Excerpts. St Petersburg Chamber Choir/Nikolai 13 Korniev. Philips 442 776-2 Saint-Saens: Piano Trio No.1 in F, Op.18. Nash Ensemble. 27 Virgin VC7 90751 2 Bartok: String Quartet No.1, Sz.40, Op.7. Endellion Quartet. 29 Virgin VC7 90774 2 Bracanin: Cinque Partite for Flute, Cello & Harpsichord. Brisbane Baroque Trio. Jade JADCD 1030 11 10.00 Cacao Jazz with Luis Tineo 10.00 A Little Night Music (from around the world) with John Worcester Includes: Joyce: A Thousand Kisses. Royal PO/Gavin Sutherland. Naxos 8.570332 4 Anon: Waly, waly. Amanda Pitt, sop. David Owen Norris, pno. Dutton CDLX 7271 4 Stanford: Out in the windy west. Spiritus Chamber Choir/Aidan 5 Oliver. Toccata TOCC 0012 Hume: Life. Rosamond. The Duke of Holstone’s Almaine. My mistresse hath a prettie thing. Miriam Morris, bass viol. Move MD 3232 10 Satie: Gnossiennes Nos.1, 2 & 3. Stephanie McCallum, pno. ABC 476 6289 7 28 On Air apr 2015 Byrd: Pavan a 5. Lawes: Consort Set No.5 in C, Pavan a 5. Consort 6 Eclectus/Gary Ekkel. JHN1 Piazzolla (arr. E Grigoryan): Histoire du Tango: Nightclub 1960. Concert d’aujourd’hui. Eduard Grigoryan, vln. Slava Grigoryan, 9 gtr. Sony SK 63011 Debussy (arr. Ravel): Pour le Piano: Sarabande. Lyon NO/Jun Markl. Naxos 8.572296 5 Debussy (arr. Ravel): Dance. Lyon NO/Jun Markl. Naxos 8.572296 5 Villa-Lobos: Discovery of Brazil: Suite No.4. Slovak Philharmonic Choir. Slovak RSO/Roberto Duarte. Marco Polo 8.223551 30 Monti (arr. Boak): Csardas. Bruno Siketa, tpt. Rhys Boak, org. Move MD 3379 5 MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Anne Bellew Classics through the night. TUESDAY 7 6.00 Daybreak with Loretto Perkins 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin I Didn’t Know About You - Episode 2 10.00 Morning Recital with Frank Pam Beethoven: Violin Sonata No.10 in G, Op.96. Zino Francescatti, vln. Robert Casadesus (b.7/4/1899), pno. CBS MPK 45683 25 Shankar (b.7/4/1920): Dhun. Chatur Lal, tabla. N C Mullick, tamboura. Ravi Shankar, sitar. Angel 5 67023 2 6 Ireland: Fantasy Sonata in E flat. Gervase de Peyer, cl. Gwenneth Pryor (b.7/4/1941), pno. Chandos CHAN 241-40 13 Shankar: The Enchanted Dawn. Geoffrey Collins, fte. Alice Giles, harp. Tall Poppies TP 031 13 Shankar: Variant Moods: Duet for Sitar & Violin. Anoushka Shankar, sitar. Joshua Bell, vln. Ensemble. 9 Sony 88697 52716 2j Trad. (arr. Stirzaker): Waltzing Matilda. Clarity. Move MCD 306 10 Debussy: Preludes, Book 1. Robert Casadesus, pno. CBS MPK 45688 34 12.00 The Piano Album with June Sloane Repeat of Saturday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Margot Blackwell 1.00 Concert Hall 8.00 Contemporary Visions with Tony Thomas Music of the last sixty years including the innovative and avantgarde. A focus on new releases, new compositions and interviews. 10.00 Concerto with Stefanie Kechayas A musical celebration of this enduring form. 10.00 Jazz Rivers with Alison Lee-Tet with John Cleghorn Chabrier: Suite Pastorale. Vienna PO/Sir John Eliot Gardiner. 19 DG 447 751-2 Bach: Cantata, “The heavens laugh”, BWV.31. Ruth Holton, sop. Nico van der Meel, ten. Bas Ramselaar, bs-bar. Holland Boys’ Choir. Netherlands Bach Collegium/Pieter Jan Leusnik. Brilliant Classics 94365 21 Hindemith: Kleine Kammermusik, Op.24/2. RCO/Riccardo Chailly. Decca 433 817-2 13 Elgar (arr. Walker): Piano Concerto. David Owen Norris, pno. BBC Concert Orch/David Lloyd-Jones. Dutton Laboratories CDLX 7148 37 Sutherland: Violin Sonata. Sonia Baldock, vln. Samuel Crane, pno. 3MBS rec. 27 Mozart: Divertimento No.15 in B flat, K.287. English CO/Jeffrey Tate. 48 EMI CDC 7 49946 2 4.00 Intermezzo with Nicky Gilderdale prepared by Anne Bellew 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 World of Operetta with Frank Pam prepared by Albert Whitelaw Selections from the great operettas performed by some of the world’s best opera singers. MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Rod Higman Classics through the night. WEDNESDAY 8 6.00 Daybreak with Anthea Same 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin I Didn’t Know About You - Episode 3 10.00 Morning Recital with Bill Mack Bach: The Spirit comes to help our weakness, BWV.226. Augsburg Cathedral Boys’ Chamber Choir/Reinhard Kammler. DHM RD 77031 7 Beethoven: Piano Trio No.1 in E flat, Op.1/1. Macquarie Trio. ABC 446 626-2 30 R Strauss: Du meines Herzens Kronelein, Op.21/2. Zueignung, Op.10/1. Edith Mathis, sop. Gerard 4 Wyss, pno. Denon CO 18006 Schumann: Five Pieces in Popular Style, Op.102. Andre Navarra, vlc. Annie d’Arco, pno. Calliope CAL 9614 17 apr 2015 On Air 29 Reicha: Wind Quintet in C, Op.91/1. Michael Thompson Wind Quintet. Naxos 8.554227 30 Dvorak: String Quartet No.12 in F, “American”, B.179, Op.96. Talich 25 Quartet. Calliope CAL 9617 12.00 A Time To Remember with Patrick McMahon Repeat of Monday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Rod Watson or John van Bavel 1.00 Concert Hall with John Barns Goetz: The Taming of the Shrew: Overture. Monte Carlo National Opera Orch/Edouard van 6 Remoortel. Genesis GCD 105 Raff: Piano Concerto in C minor, Op.185. Michael Ponti, pno. Hamburg SO/Richard Kapp. 28 Vox FCA 1036 Bloch: Baal Shem. Joshua Bell, vln. Baltimore SO/David Zinman. Decca 478 3161 14 Bloch: Meditation hebraique. Berlin-Vorster Duo. Private rec. 7 Bloch: Avodath Hakodesh. Louis Berkman, bar. Zemel Choir. London SO/Geoffrey Simon. Chandos CHAN 8418 51 Martin: Violin Concerto. Dene Olding, vln. Melbourne SO/ Hiroyuki Iwaki. ABC 434 900-2 31 Honegger: Symphony No.4 in A, “Deliciae basilienses”. Bavarian RSO/Charles Dutoit. Erato 3984-21340-2 27 4.00 Intermezzo with Peter Bandy 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 Music for Keyboard with Christopher Ellis Hindemith: Organ Sonata No.3. Elisabeth Ullmann, org. 10 Teldec 8.44067 Bax: Piano Sonata No.4 in G. Eric Parkin, pno. Chandos CHAN 8497 19 30 On Air apr 2015 Respighi: Piano Sonata in F minor. Konstantin Scherbakov, pno. Naxos 8.553704 14 Agnew: Sonata ballade. Larry 9 Sitsky, pno. MBS 23 CD 8.00 Wednesday Night at the Opera with June Sloane Penella: El Gato Montes. El Macareno ........... Placido Domingo Salea ................... Veronica Villaroel El Gato Montes .................. Juan Pons Gitana .................... Teresa Berganza Madrid SO/Miguel Roa. 112 DG 435 776-2 8.00 Mozart & Friends with Joseph Barake Orch., Salzburg/Leopold Hager. Philips 422 771-2 16 • A questo seno deh vieni, K.374. Elly Ameling, sop. English CO/Raymond Leppard. Philips 449 723-2 8 • Per queste tue manine, K.540b. Eva Lind, sop. Anton Scharinger, bass. Liebes Mandl, wo is’s Bandl, K.441. Julie Kaufmann, sop. Hans-Peter Blochwitz, ten. Anton Scharinger, bass. Dresden PO/Jorg7 Peter Weigle. Philips 422 774-2 10.00 Great Makers of Music with Peter Hume Repeat of Saturday’s program. MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Alan Marshall A Mozart Recital Includes: • Das Traumbild, K.530. An Chloe, K.524. Sehnsucht nach dem Fruhlinge, K.596. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, sop. Walter Gieseking, pno. EMI CDH 7 63702 2 9 • Abendempfindung, K.523. Das Veilchen, K.476. Dame Janet Baker, m-sop. Raymond Leppard, 7 fortepiano. Philips 650 0660 • Un moto di gioia, K.579. Oiseaux, si tous les ans, K.307. Die Zufriedenheit, K.349. Edith Mathis, sop. Berhard Klee, pno. 6 DG 253 0319 • You who honour the creator of the infinite universe, K.619. Peter Schreier, ten. Andras Schiff, pno. Decca 430 514 8 • Der Liebe himmlisches Gefuhl, K.119. Eva Lind, sop. Se al labbro mio non credi, K.295. Hans Peter Blochwitz, ten. In te spero, o sposo amato, K.440. Eva Lind, sop. Dresden PO/Jorg-Peter Weigle. Philips 422 772-2 23 • Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio, K.418. Sara Macliver, sop. Tasmanian SO/Sebastian Lang-Lessing. ABC 476 5949 7 • Ich mochte wohl der Kaiser sein, K.539. Walter Berry, bass. Chi sa, chi sa, qual sia, K.582. Lucia Popp, sop. Misero! O sogno!, K.431. Francisco Araiza, ten. Mozarteum Classics through the night. THURSDAY 9 6.00 Daybreak with John Wilkinson 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin I Didn’t Know About You - Episode 4 10.00 Morning Recital with Joan Ikin That Syncopated Rhythm! Includes: Gottschalk: Bamboula. Alan Feinberg, pno. Move MCD 346 8 Poulenc: Sonata for Piano Duet. Darryl Coote & Max Cooke, pno 6 duet. Move MCD 106 Ravel: Violin Sonata in G. Danny Gu, vln. Louisa Breen, pno. 3MBS rec. 18 Glanville-Hicks: Etruscan Concerto. Caroline Almonte, pno. Tasmanian SO/Richard Mills. ABC 476 3222 15 Beethoven: String Quartet No.16 in F, Op.135. Goldner Quartet. ABC 476 3543 27 Piazzolla: The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires. Macquarie Trio. ABC 980 6780 23 12.00 Recent Releases produced by Mark Shepheard Repeat of Sunday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Marjorie Hall 1.00 Concert Hall with Elisabeth Giddy Westlake: Antarctica Suite. John Williams, gtr. London SO/Paul Daniel. Sony SK 53361 22 Dvorak: Symphony No.9 in E minor, “From the New World”, B.178, Op.95. Vienna PO/Istvan 40 Kertesz. Decca 478 3179 Vivaldi: Guitar Concerto in D, RV.93. John Williams, gtr. Ensemble/John Williams. 10 Sony SMK 37791 Bach: Orchestral Suite No.2 in B minor, BWV.1067. Amsterdam Baroque Orch/Ton Koopman. Erato 0630-17868-2 19 Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras No.5. Merlyn Quaife, sop. Rachel Atkinson, Melissa Chominsky, Miranda Brockman, Caerwen Martin, Zoe Knighton, Josephine Vains, Michael Dahlenburg & Chris Howlett, vlcs. 3MBS rec. 11 Saint-Saens: Piano Concerto No.5 in F, “Egyptian”, Op.103. Duncan Gifford, pno. Tasmanian SO/Sebastian Lang-Lessing. ABC 476 1928 29 Rachmaninov: Symphonic Dances, Op.45. RCO/Vladimir Ashkenazy. Decca 410 124-2 33 4.00 Intermezzo with John van Bavel 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 The Early Music Experience with Mark Shepheard apr 2015 On Air 31 8.00 Illuminations Ballet and its Music. A brief history. Tracing the journey of ballet from its beginnings in the Italian and French court dances and entertainments in the 15th century to the independent art form with which we are familiar, Felicity Cronan discusses the significant developments in ballet across its history. 10.00 Theatretrack with Henry Sachwald Original cast recordings from Broadway, the West End and Australia. Season 31. “Teen Fun” including selections from: Strouse: Bye, Bye Birdie. Jacobs: Grease. Snow: Footloose. Gore: Carrie. Dvorak: Piano Trio No.3 in F minor, B.130, Op.65. Kathryn Selby, pno. Niki Vasilakis, vln. Emma-Jane 40 Murphy, vlc. Private rec. Linley Jnr: The Tempest. Julia Gooding, sop. Paul Goodwin, oboe. Parley of Instruments & Choir/Paul Nicholson. Hyperion CDA 66767 24 Bach: Italian Concerto in F, BWV.971. Penelope Thwaites, pno. LIR Classics 027 14 12.00 Music for Keyboard with Christopher Ellis Repeat of Wednesday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Judith Blanchard-Hill 1.00 Concert Hall with Robert Hooke Melbourne Musicians/Frank Pam; St John’s, Southgate; 25/7/2007. (Recorded by John Smyth). 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Anne Bellew Classics through the night. FRIDAY 10 6.00 Daybreak with Rex Williams 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin I Didn’t Know About You - Episode 5 10.00 Morning Recital with Jane O’Callaghan Vivaldi: Chamber Concerto in D, RV.94. Chandos Baroque Players. Hyperion CDA 66309 10 Debussy (arr. Grigoryan): Suite Bergamasque. Slava Grigoryan & Leonard Grigoryan, gtrs. ABC 476 6088 17 32 On Air apr 2015 with Neil Appleby 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 Singers & Songs with June Sloane 8.00 Colours of Jazz with Larry Groves 10.00 Australian Sounds with Leila Engle, Catherine Sullivan or James Wade Musical insights into Australian contemporary composers and composition. 8.00 Classically Kids with Adam Petrzak A world of classical music for children of all ages. Featuring regular segments, young performers, news, information and opportunities for you and your kids to get involved in fine music. 9.00 Sounding Brass with Anthea Same 10.00 The Romantics 12.00 Midnight Symphony with Frank Prain followed by Notturno prepared by Jon Churchward Classics through the night. 6.00 Daybreak with Mark Vendy Melbourne Musicians Haydn: Symphony No.44 in E minor, “Mourning”, Hob.I:44. Elgar: Serenade for Strings in E minor, Op.20. C P E Bach: Symphony in B flat, Wq.182/2. Australian CO/Richard 12 Tognetti. 4MBS rec. Mozart: Violin Concerto in D, K.271a. Cho-Liang Lin, vln. English CO/Raymond Leppard. 27 Sony SK 44913 Liszt: Piano Concerto No.2 in A, S.125. Geoffrey Tozer, pno. Swiss Romande Orch/Neeme Jarvi. Chandos CHAN 9360 21 Dreyfus: Serenade for Small Orchestra. Adelaide SO/Guy Noble. ABC 476 272-2 6 Ravel: Mother Goose Suite. RCO/Bernard Haitink. Decca 478 4742 27 Balakirev: Symphony No.2 in D minor. Philharmonia Orch/Evgeny Svetlanov. Hyperion CDA 66586 37 Dornel: Suite in E minor. Musica 13 Barocca. Naxos 8.570826 Boismortier: Cello Sonata in D minor, Op.50/4. Ensemble Battistin. ABC 476 6996 13 MIDNIGHT TO DAWN SATURDAY 11 Theatretrack is proudly supported by Alan and Shirley Richmond through the 3MBS Patrons’ Program MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 4.00 Intermezzo 8.00 Prima la musica prepared by Jane Morris Includes: Schein: Banchetto Musicale No.16: Suite a 5 in A minor. Venus Krantzlein No.23: Canzon a 5 in A minor. Hesperion XX/Jordi Savall. 15 Virgin 4 82025 2 Lassus: Lamentations of Jeremiah: Excerpts. Egidius Quartet, Gregoriana. Etcetera KTC 1343 44 Charpentier: David & Jonathan, H.490: A-t-on jamais souffert. Sandrine Piau, sop. Les Paladins/ Jerome Correas. Naive OP 30532 7 Anon: O adiutor omnium seculorum. Anonymous 4. HM HMG 507156 9 Nichelmann: Concerto in C minor for Harpsichord & Strings. Raphael Alpermann, hpschd. Academy for Ancient Music, Berlin. DHM HMC 902132 18 Sullivan: Iolanthe: Overture. Philharmonia Orch/Sir Charles Mackerras. Vocalion CDVS 1964 7 Mendelssohn: Piano Quartet No.3 in B minor, Op.3. Domus. 31 Virgin VC7 91183 2 Chopin: Andante spianato & Grande Polonaise in E flat, Op.22. Geoffrey Tozer, pno. 3MBS rec. 11 Schumann: Frauenliebe und Leben, Op.42. Dame Janet Baker, m-sop. Geoffrey Parsons, pno. BBC BBCL 4049-2 25 Brahms: Serenade No.2 in A, Op.16. Berlin PO/Claudio Abbado. 34 DG 479 1046 10.00 Arts Weekly with Phillipa Edwards or Loretto Perkins produced by Mariese Shallard Covering arts in Melbourne and Victoria. 11.00 Music In Melbourne with Julie Houghton or Sascha Kelly Local musicians and performances, including guests live from our performance studio. 12.00 Saturday Lunchtime Miscellany with Rod Watson apr 2015 On Air 33 Berlioz: Le Corsaire Overture, Op.21. London PO/Sir Adrian Boult. First Hand FHR 07 9 Hanmer: Blue Hills Rhapsody. Queensland SO/Ronald Hanmer. ABC 442 374-2 13 Grainger: Children’s March. Grainger Wind Symphony/ 7 Benjamin Northey. 3MBS rec. Hummel: Trio in A for Flute, Cello & Piano, Op.78. Lise Daoust, fte. Elizabeth Dolin, vlc. Carmen Picard, pno. Naxos 8.553473 16 Vivaldi (arr. Hey): Concerto in G for Two Violins, RV.516 (arr. Violin & Cello). Lucinda Moon, vln. Jamie Hey, vlc. Australian Brandenburg 9 Orch/Paul Dyer. ABC 476 2840 Mozart: Exsultate jubilate, K.165. Erna Spoorenberg, sop. ASMF/Sir Neville Marriner. Decca 417 472-2 15 Schubert: Symphony No.5 in B flat, D.485. OAE/Sir Charles Mackerras. 29 Virgin VC5 61305 2 12.00 Screenthemes with Carol van Opstal Music, news and interviews from film and other screen media. 1.00 Vocal Chords with Margot Costanzo Opera highlights program featuring the arias we love, and those we shall learn to love. 2.00 The Bose Afternoon Concert with Doug Beecroft 4.00 Serenade with Marysia Green or Ian Sloane 5.00 The Piano Album with Patrick McMahon Czerny: Nocturne in E, Op.368/1. Isabelle Oehmichen, pno. 4 Hortus HOR 74 Field: Nocturne No.1 in E flat. John 4 O’Conor, pno. Telarc 80199 Chopin: Nocturne in G minor, Op.37/1. Idil Biret, pno. Naxos 8.554532 7 Czerny: Nocturne in A flat, Op.368/3. Isabelle Oehmichen, pno. 4 Hortus HOR 74 Field: Nocturne No.6 in F. John 5 O’Conor, pno. Telarc 80199 Chopin: Nocturne in E flat, Op.9/2. Etsuko Mirose, pno. Mirare MIR 110 4 Czerny: Nocturne in D flat, Op.368/4. Isabelle Oehmichen, pno. 4 Hortus HOR 74 Field: Nocturne No.16 in F. John 5 O’Conor, pno. Telarc 80199 Chopin: Nocturne in F sharp, Op.15/2. Etsuko Hirose, pno. Mirare MIR 110 3 Czerny: Nocturne in B flat, Op.368/8. Isabelle Oehmichen, pno. 3 Hortus HOR 74 Chopin: Nocturne in E minor, Op.72/1. Idil Biret, pno. Naxos 8.554532 5 Czerny: Nocturne, “The Tribute”, Op.604/1. Isabelle Oehmichen, pno. 6 Hortus HOR 74 6.00 The World of Baroque Glinka: Ruslan & Lyudmila: Overture. Sydney SO/Edo de Waart. ABC 462 013-2 5 Tchaikovsky: Souvenir de Florence, Op.70. ASMF/Sir Neville Marriner. Decca 478 3187 27 Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No.2 in C minor, Op.18. Vladimir Ashkenazy, pno. London SO/Andre Previn. Decca 473 251-2 35 Prokofiev: Symphony No.7 in C sharp minor, Op.131. Los Angeles PO/Andre Previn. Philips 478 4614 33 34 On Air apr 2015 with Joseph Barake F Benda: Violin Concerto in D. Josef Suk, vln. Suk CO/Christian Benda. Naxos 8.553902 22 Heinechen: Violin Sonata in C minor. Martina Graulich, vln. Stefano Demicheli, hpschd. Carus 83.162 7 Buttstett: Now is the repast ready. Maria Jonas, sop. Chursachsische Capelle Leipzig/Maria Jonas. CPO 777 546-2 9 Geminiani: Concerto Grosso in E minor No.8. AAM/Andrew Manze. HM HMX 2907262 11 Couperin: Victoria Christo resurgenti. Jill Feldman & Isabelle Poulenard, sops. Gregory Reinhart, bass. Jaap ter Linden, vla da gamba. Davitt Moroney, hpschd. HM HMA 1901150 7 Handel: Sonata in G minor for Recorder & Continuo, HWV.360. Amarilis. Ambroisie AM 9910 6 Telemann: Cantata, “I know that my Redeemer lives”, TVWV1:873. Stefanie Wust, sop. Angela Froemer, contr. Georg Poplutz, ten. Jens Hamann, bass. Collegium Vocale Siegen & Hannoversche Hofkapelle/Ulrich Stotzel. Hanssler Classics 98.624 17 Bach: Cantata, BWV.146: Sinfonia in D minor. Bach Collegium Stuttgart/Helmut Rilling. Hanssler Classics 98.270 8 Mondonville: Nisi Dominus. Isabelle Poulenard, sop. Robert Getchell, alto. Marc Mauillon &. Robert Champion, tens. Christophe Grapperon, bar. Le Parnasse Francais. Sacem MBF 1107 18 8.00 Great Makers of Music with Peter Hume Martha Argerich, piano Bach: Partita in C minor, BWV.826. EMI 5 56975 2 19 Beethoven: Cello Sonata No.5 in D, Op.102/2. Mischa Maisky, vlc. 19 DG 439 934-2 Mozart: Piano Concerto No.25 in C, K.503. Orch Mozart/Claudio Abbado. DG 479 1033 31 Chopin: Polonaise in A flat, “Heroic”, Op.53. DG 415 836-2 6 Brahms: Liebeslieder Waltzes, Op.52. Martha Argerich & Gabriela Montero, pno duet. Swiss Radio Chorus/Diego Fasolis. 22 DG 477 9884 Milhaud: Scaramouche, Op.165b. Martha Argerich & Karin Merle, 11 pno duet. DG 477 9884 10.00 Night Tram with Peter Green MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Murray Vagg Classics through the night. SUNDAY 12 6.00 The Early Music Experience produced by Mark Shepheard Repeat of Thursday’s program. 7.00 Hymns Old & New prepared by Peter Wakeley Includes: Gardiner: We have a gospel to proclaim. Trad: Ye sons and daughters. Neander (arr. Scott): He is risen. 7.30 Organ and Choral Music with Peter Wakeley Includes: Mendelssohn: Andante in F. John Scott, org (St Paul’s Cathedral, London). Hyperion CDA 66491/2 4 Anon: Sonata in C for Two Organs. Anneros Hulliger & Philip Swanton, orgs (Klosterkirche, Muri). 5 Koch Schwann 3-1284-2 Trad. (arr. Tomlinson): A-hunting we will go. Arne: Where the bee sucks. Elizabeth Harwood, sop. Owen Brannigan, bass. Hendon Grammar School Choir/Sir Charles Mackerras. EMI 7 62776 2 4 S S Wesley: Holsworthy Church Bells. Andrew Bainbridge, org (Wesley Church, Melbourne). 3MBS rec. 5 Bossi: Etude Symphonique, Op.78. Dominic Perissinotto, org (St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle). Perimusic APDP 01 5 Byrd: Haec Dies. Gibbons: If ye be risen again with Christ. Choir of St Thomas Church, 5th Avenue, New York/John Scott. Pro Organo 7209 8 Gabrieli: Surrexit Christus. Taverner Choir. London Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble/Andrew Parrott. 4 L’Oiseau-Lyre 436 860-2 Trad: Victimae paschcali laudes. Niederaltaicher Scholaren/Konrad Ruhland. Sony S2K 62805 4 Parker: Andante religioso, Op.17/4. Martin Weyer, org. 5 Raven OAR 410 Taylor: Yes! The Redeemer rose. Christ being raised from apr 2015 On Air 35 36 On Air apr 2015 A Little Night Music SUNDAY The Piano Album 5.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 7.00 Night Tram Great Makers of Music The World of Baroque Serenade 6.00 The Bose Afternoon Concert Reflections / The VSO Story Morning Classics Organ & Choral Music Apres-Midi Recent Releases Sunday Night Late Melbourne in Concert Choral Masterworks Illuminations R Contemporary Visions R The Talent R Colours of Jazz Australian Sounds Sunday Lunchtime Miscellany Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno Vocal Chords Screenthemes Music In Melbourne Arts Weekly 4.00 Saturday Lunchtime Miscellany The Romantics Sounding Brass 2.00 1.00 noon 11.00 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.30 Hymns Old & New Classically Kids Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno Theatretrack Illuminations Intermezzo Exploring Singers Music R and Songs Early Music Experience R Daybreak SATURDAY Concerto Mozart & Friends Wednesday Night at Great Makers the Opera Jazz Rivers of Music R Contemporary Visions Intermezzo Exploring Early Music Music R Experience Concert Hall (last Friday of month) Morning Recital Exploring Music Daybreak FRIDAY Music for Divertimento Keyboard R Musica Viva Hour 7.00 Prima la musica Cacao Jazz Chamber Music & Song Divertimento Concert Hall Recent Releases R Morning Recital Exploring Music Daybreak THURSDAY Programs with R are repeat programs 6.00 AM 12.00 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 Intermezzo Exploring Music for Music R Keyboard Intermezzo The Talent Exploring / World of Music R Operetta (first Wednesday of month) MSO Hour A Time to Divertimento Remember R 4.00 Intermezzo Exploring A Time to Music R Remember Divertimento Concert Hall The Piano Album R Morning Recital Exploring Music Daybreak WEDNESDAY Concert Hall Concert Hall Divertimento Morning Recital Exploring Music Daybreak TUESDAY 2.00 1.00 Singers and Songs R Morning Recital 10.00 noon Daybreak Exploring Music 9.00 MONDAY 6.00 AM Programs shaded are exclusive to Digital/Online The Grid apr 2015 On Air 37 the dead. Psalmody. Parley of Instruments/Peter Holman. Hyperion CDA 67020 2.00 Apres-Midi 8 9.00 Morning Classics with Robert Hooke Mozart: The Magic Flute, K.620: Overture. Orch Victoria/Richard Mills. 3MBS rec. 7 C P E Bach: Cello Concerto in A, Wq.172. Alison McGillivray, vlc. English Concert/Andrew Manze. HM HMU 907403 20 Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D, Op.61. Michael Dauth, vln. Orch Ensemble Kanazawa/Hiroyuki 42 Iwaki. Sony SRCR 9331 Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.4 in F minor, Op.36. Melbourne SO/Oleg Caetani. ABC 476 6446 40 Mills: Music for Strings. Melbourne SO/Hiroyuki Iwaki. EMI OASD 430003 Myaskovsky: Cello Concerto in C minor, Op.66. Julian Lloyd Webber, vlc. London SO/Maxim Shostakovich. Philips 434 106-2 Nielsen: Hymnus Amoris, FS.21, Op.12. Soloists. Copenhagen Boys’ Choir. Danish RSO & Chorus/Mogens Woldike. EMI 5 66000 2 Sibelius: Symphony No.5 in E flat, Op.82. Philharmonia Orch/Sir Simon Rattle. EMI CDC 7 47006 2 11.00 The VSO Story 4.00 Recent Releases 12.00 Sunday Lunchtime A review of the latest classical recordings. Miscellany with Jane Mitchell Kern: The Girl from Utah: Overture. National PO/John McGlinn. 6 EMI CDC 7 49630 2 Haydn: Piano Trio in E minor, Hob.XV:12. Joseph Kalichstein, pno. Jaime Laredo, vln. Sharon Robinson, vlc. 18 Dorian DOR 90164 Mills: Snugglepot and Cuddlepie: Pas de deux. Queensland SO/ Richard Mills. ABC 480 6403 4 Shostakovich: Ballet Suite No.3. Russian PO/Dmitry Yablonsky. Naxos 8.557208 15 Mozart: Divertimento in D, K.136. Berlin Philharmonic Octet. 14 EMI Tec 2003 Mendelssohn: Concerto in E for Two Pianos. Stephen Coombs & Ian Munro, pnos. BBC Scottish SO/Jerzy Maksymiuk. Hyperion CDA 66567 30 Rossini: Sinfonia di Bologna: Overture. ASMF/Sir Neville 6 Marriner. Philips 434 016-2 Lachner: Ball-Suite in D, Op.170: Excerpts. Slovak State PO/Alfred 15 Walter. Marco Polo 8.223594 38 On Air apr 2015 10.00 Contemporary Visions with Hector Walker with Tony Thomas Repeat of Tuesday’s program. 22 10.00 Sunday Night Late with Alan Marshall Hidden gems and lesser-known music from known composers. 32 MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Rodney Philips 23 32 produced by Mark Shepheard 5.00 Illuminations Repeat of Thursday’s program. 7.00 Choral Masterworks with Adrian McEniery 8.00 Melbourne in Concert with Michael Williamson or Adele Schonhardt Emerging Artists; Stonnington Symphony Orchestra/Ingrid Martin with Josh Rogan (trumpet); 16/11/2014. (Recorded by Steve Bullock). Josh Rogan Debussy: Pour le piano: Sarabande. Barber: School for Scandal Overture, Op.5. Tamberg: Trumpet Concerto No.1, Op.42. Mussorgsky (arr. Ravel): Pictures at an Exhibition. Classics through the night. MONDAY 13 6.00 Daybreak with Amy Bennett programmed by Jane Mitchell 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Samuel Barber - Episode 1 10.00 Morning Recital with Graeme McKinnon Weber: Preciosa, Op.78: Overture. Alexander Paley & Brian Zeger, pno 8 duet. Naxos 8.553308 Schubert: Introduction & Variations in E minor on Trockne Blumen, D.802, Op.160. Sarah Beggs, fte. Claire Cooper, pno. 3MBS rec. 15 Mozart: Bassoon Concerto in B flat, K.191. Stepan Turnovsky, bsn. Vienna Mozart Academy/Johannes 18 Wildner. Naxos 8.550345 Schumann: Frauenliebe und Leben, Op.42. Dame Janet Baker, m-sop. Geoffrey Parsons, pno. BBC BBCL 4049-2 25 Mozart: Violin Sonata No.32 in B flat, K.454. Isaac Stern, vln. Yefim Bronfman, pno. Sony SK 53972 23 Schubert: String Quartet No.11 in E, D.353. Op.125/2. Kodaly Quartet. Naxos 8.557107 21 12.00 Singers & Songs with June Sloane Repeat of Friday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Debbie Nossbaum l 1.00 Concert Hall with Thilo Troschke Mozart: The Magic Flute, K.620: Overture. Tasmanian SO/Sebastian Lang-Lessing. ABC 476 5949 7 Bach: Concerto in D minor for Two Violins, BWV.1043. Christian Ferras & Michel Schwalbe, vlns. Berlin PO/Herbert von Karajan. 16 DG 480 6656 Grieg: Peer Gynt, Op.23. Mari Anne Haggander, Wendy Hoffmann, Merilyn Vaughn & Wendy White, sops. Urban Malmberg & Richard Haille, bars. San Francisco SO & Chorus/Herbert Blomstedt. Decca 478 6787 80 Mendelssohn: Piano Concerto No.2 in D minor, Op.40. Howard Shelley, pno. London Mozart Players/Howard Shelley. Chandos CHAN 9215 23 Mozart: Symphony No.38 in D, “Prague”, K.504. Prague CO/Sir Charles Mackerras. 35 Telarc 80148 4.00 Intermezzo with Susan Porter prepared by Jane Morris 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 A Time to Remember with Patrick McMahon 8.00 Chamber Music and Song with Peter Larsen Haydn: Divertimento in C, Hob.XV:C1. Beaux Arts Trio. Philips 432 063-2 19 Mozart: Piano Trio No.3 in B flat, K.502. Vienna Schubert Trio. EMI CDS 7 54114 2 22 David: Piano Trio No.3 in C minor. Ilona Prunyi, pno. Eszter Perenyi, vln. Tibor Parkanyi, vlc. Marco Polo 8.223492 38 Hyde: Clarinet Sonata in F minor. Nigel Westlake, cl. David Bollard, pno. Tall Poppies TP 004 16 apr 2015 On Air 39 10.00 Cacao Jazz with Luis Tineo 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Samuel Barber - Episode 2 10.00 A Little Night Music (from around the world) with John Worcester Includes: Curzon: Dance of an Ostracised Imp. The Boulevardier. CSRSO/Adrian Leaper. Marco Polo 8.223425 8 Satie: Gnossiennes Nos.4, 5 & 6. Stephanie McCallum, pno. ABC 476 6289 10 Houghton: Kinkachoo I love you. Pujol: Septiembre. Karin Schaupp, 6 gtr. Warner 8573833112 Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor: Excerpts. Elena Xanthoudakis, sop. Catherine Carby, m-sop. Sharon Griffiths, harp. Royal Northern Sinfonia/Richard Bonynge. Signum SIGCD 374 13 Corrette: Magnificat Suites 1 & 2: Excerpts. Douglas Lawrence, org. Move MD 3340 7 Bull: Te lucis ante terminum. Fraile man, despise the treasures of this life. Byrd: Ye sacred Muses. David McFarlane, org. Newman College Choir. Consort Eclectus/Gary Ekkel. JHN1 7 Berners: The Triumph of Neptune: Suite. Royal Liverpool PO/Barry Wordsworth. 22 EMI CDC 7 47668 2 Shaker Songs: Come life, Shaker life; Father James’ Song; Mother Ann’s Song; A companion to stiff; Mother has come; Simple gifts. Daniel McCabe, bar. Joel Fredericksen, bass. Boston Camerata. Schola Cantorum of Boston. Shaker Community/Joel Cohen. Erato 4509-98491-2 8 MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Anne Bellew Classics through the night. TUESDAY 14 6.00 Daybreak with Loretto Perkins 40 On Air apr 2015 10.00 Morning Recital with Isabel Veale G Williams: The Dancers. Eiddwen Harrhy (b.14/4/1949), sop. Caryl Thomas, harp. Richard Hickox Singers. City of London Sinfonia/Richard Hickox. Chandos CHAN 9617 20 Shostakovich: Cello Sonata in D minor, Op.40. Mstislav Rostropovich, vlc. Benjamin Britten, pno. Decca 478 5672 25 Schoenberg: Cabaret Songs. Jill Gomez, sop. John Constable, pno. UK DKP 9055 12 Scriabin: Piano Sonata No.1 in F minor, Op.6. Robert Taub, pno. HM HMX 2907 366.67 23 Dohnanyi: String Quartet No.2 in D flat, Op.15. Gabrieli Quartet. Chandos CHAN 8718 28 12.00 The Piano Album with Patrick McMahon Repeat of Saturday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Margot Blackwell 1.00 Concert Hall with John Cleghorn Telemann: Overture-Suite in C, “Hamburg Ebb and Flow”, TWV.55: C3. ASMF/Sir Neville Marriner. Decca 430 265-2 21 Weber: Clarinet Concerto No.1 in F minor, Op.73. Emma Johnson, cl. English CO/Yan Pascal Tortelier. 22 ASV DCA 747 Poulenc: Mass in G. Donna Carter, sop. Robert Shaw Festival Singers/ 19 Robert Shaw. Telarc 80236 Beethoven: Piano Trio No.8 in E flat, WoO.38. Borodin Trio. Chandos CHAN 8352–5 16 Sutherland: Concerto grosso. Sybil Copeland, vln. John Glickman, vla. Max Cooke, hpschd. Melbourne SO/ John Hopkins. ABC 446 285-2 22 Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.2 in G minor, Op.16. Yuki Takao, pno. Sydney SO/Edvard Tchivzhel. ABC 454 976-2 32 Goldmark: Symphony No.2 in E flat, Op.35. Rhenish PO/Michael Halasz. Marco Polo 8.220417 33 4.00 Intermezzo with Nicky Gilderdale 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 World of Operetta with Frank Pam prepared by Albert Whitelaw Selections from the great operettas performed by some of the world’s best opera singers. 8.00 Contemporary Visions with Tony Thomas Music of the last sixty years including the innovative and avantgarde. A focus on new releases, new compositions and interviews. 10.00 Concerto with Stefanie Kechayas A musical celebration of this enduring form. 10.00 Jazz Rivers with Alison Lee-Tet Purcell: Sonata in D. Peter Hurford, org. Michael Laird Brass Ensemble. Argo 433 451-2 6 Haydn: String Quartet in C, Hob.III:57, Op.54/2. Smithson 19 Quartet. DHM RD 77028 Boccherini: Cello Concerto No.9 in B flat, G.482. Matt Haimovitz, vlc. English CO/Sir Andrew Davis. 20 DG 429 219-2 Schubert: String Quartet No.12 in C minor, “Quartettsatz”, D.703. Juilliard Quartet. CBS M2YK 45617 12 Brogi: Visione Veneziana. Ruggero Raimondi, bs-bar. I Solisti Veneti/Claudio Scimone. Erato 2292-45218-2 3 Dvorak (arr. Galway/Moll): Violin Sonatina in G, B.183, Op.100 (arr. Flute). James Galway, fte. Phillip Moll, pno. RCA RD 87802 20 Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras No.4. Sonia Rubinsky, pno. Naxos 8.555717 20 Debussy: Violin Sonata in G minor. Dmitry Sitkovetsky, vln. Pavel Gililov, pno. 13 Virgin VC7 90760 2 12.00 A Time To Remember with Patrick McMahon Repeat of Monday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony with Rod Watson or John van Bavel followed by Notturno prepared by Rod Higman 1.00 Concert Hall Classics through the night. Auber: Fra Diavolo: Overture. Cincinnati Pops Orch/Erich Kunzel. 8 Telarc 80116 Sauguet: Piano Sonata in D. Billy Eidi, pno. Discover DICD 920168 12 Lalo: Piano Concerto in F minor. Marylene Dosse, pno. Stuttgart PO/Matthias Kuntzsch. 25 Vox CDX 5110 Ravel: Daphnis and Chloe. Camerata Singers. New York PO/Pierre Boulez. 55 Sony SM3K 45842 Easton: Overture to an Italianate Comedy. State Orch of Victoria/ 6 Brett Kelly. Naxos 8.554368 WEDNESDAY 15 6.00 Daybreak with Anthea Same 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Samuel Barber - Episode 3 10.00 Morning Recital with Bill Mack with John Barns apr 2015 On Air 41 Hill: Violin Concerto in E minor. Alwyn Elliott, vln. Sydney SO/Joseph Post. EMI OASD 7556 (LP) 23 Benjamin: Le Tombeau de Ravel. Nicole Canham, cl. Anthony Smith, pno. Move MCD 288 14 Koehne: Shaker Dances. Tasmanian SO/Richard Mills. ABC 476 6502 21 4.00 Intermezzo with Peter Bandy 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 Music for Keyboard with Suzanne Smith Sweelinck: Under the Greenwood Tree, SwWV.325/N8. Robert Woolley, virginal. Chandos CHAN 0758 5 Infante: Danses Andalouses. Darryl Coote & Robert Chamberlain, pno 16 duet. 3MBS rec. Brahms: Prelude & Fugue in G minor. Sergio de Pieri, org. Move MD 3228 8 Allworth: Pastorale. Ann CarrBoyd, hpschd. Jade JADCD 028 5 Thalberg: Variations on Rossini’s Moses, Op.33. Francesco Nicolosi, pno. Marco Polo 8.223366 17 8.00 Wednesday Night at the Opera with June Sloane Verdi: La Traviata. Montserrat Caballe, sop. Dorothy Krebill, msop. Carlo Bergonzi, ten. Sherrill Milnes, bar. RCA Italiana Opera Orch & Chorus/Georges Pretre. RCA 6180-2-RC 125 Pleyel: Notturno in B flat for Oboe, Two Violas, Two Horns & Double-bass. Concilium Musicum Vienna/Paul Angerer. 17 Koch-Schwann 310 063H1 Dittersdorf: Notturno in F for Violin, Oboe, Two Violas, Two Horns & Double-bass. Concilium Musicum Vienna/Paul Angerer. 21 Koch-Schwann 310 063H1 Fuss: Notturno in A flat for Three Violas & Cello. Concilium Musicum Wien/Paul Angerer. 23 Koch-Schwann 310 063H1 Haydn: Nocturne in C for Two Lire Organizzate & Orch, Hob.II:32. Consortium Classicum/Dieter 11 Klocker. CPO 999 741 Mozart: Serenata Notturna in D, K.239. ASMF/Sir Neville Marriner. Philips 422 623-2 13 with Peter Hume Repeat of Saturday’s program. MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Alan Marshall Classics through the night. THURSDAY 16 6.00 Daybreak with John Wilkinson 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Samuel Barber - Episode 4 10.00 Morning Recital with Joan Ikin with Joseph Barake 42 On Air apr 2015 12.00 Recent Releases produced by Mark Shepheard Repeat of Sunday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Marjorie Hall 10.00 Great Makers of Music 8.00 Mozart & Friends A Little “Nacht Musik” M Haydn: Notturno in F for Two Violins, Viola, Two Horns & Bass. Concilium Musicum Vienna/Paul Angerer. 18 Koch-Schwann 310 063H1 Bach: Violin Concerto in A minor, BWV.1041. Richard Tognetti, vln. Australian CO/Richard Tognetti. ABC 481 0679 13 Bach: English Suite No.1 in A, BWV.806. Murray Perahia, pno. 22 Sony SK 60276 Scarlatti: Salve Regina. James Bowman, alto. King’s Consort/Robert King. Hyperion CDA 66875 13 Handel: Organ Concerto in B flat, Op.7/3. Simon Preston,org. English Concert/Trevor Pinnock. Archiv 479 1932 15 Vintage Year For Composers! – 1685 Bach, Handel, Domenico Scarlatti Handel: Chandos Anthem No.5, “I will magnify Thee”. Choir of Chapel Royal, London/Andrew Gant. Naxos 8.557935 18 Scarlatti: Selected Sonatas. Dubravka Tomsic, pno. Strato ST 10.043 22 1.00 Concert Hall with Elisabeth Giddy Elgar: In the South (Alassio) Overture, Op.50. Vienna PO/Sir John Eliot Gardiner. 21 DG 479 1044 Walton: Belshazzar’s Feast. Benjamin Luxon, bar. Ralph Downes, org. London PO & Choir/ Sir Georg Solti. Decca 440 324-2 37 Britten: Diversions for Piano (Left Hand) & Orchestra, Op.21. Peter Donohoe, pno. City of Birmingham SO/Sir Simon Rattle. EMI CDS 7 54270 2 24 Quilter: Four Songs, Op.14. Benjamin Luxon, bar. David Willison, pno. Chandos CHAN 8782 8 Vaughan Williams: Symphony No.4 in F minor. New York PO/Dimitri 31 Mitropoulos. Sony SMK 58933 Elgar: Cello Concerto in E minor, Op.85. Truls Mork, vlc. City of Birmingham SO/Sir Simon Rattle. 29 Virgin VC5 45356 2 Bax: A Legend. London PO/Bryden Thomson. Chandos CHAN 9003 15 7.00 The Early Music Experience with Mark Shepheard 8.00 Illuminations An Absolute Genius Australian composer Dorian Le Gallienne, born 100 years ago on April 19 1915, was a Melbourne composer and also a gifted teacher and music critic. Today his music is rarely heard live in concert or released on recording. In this Illuminations Joseph Barake delves into Dorian Le Gallienne’s life and rediscovers some of his compositions. 10.00 Theatretrack with Henry Sachwald Original cast recordings from Broadway, the West End and Australia. Season 31. “Family Matters” including selections from: Frankel: Grey Gardens. Russell: Blood Brothers. Styne: Gypsy. Theatretrack is proudly supported by Alan and Shirley Richmond through the 3MBS Patrons’ Program MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Esther Peng Classics through the night. FRIDAY 17 6.00 Daybreak with Rex Williams 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin 4.00 Intermezzo Samuel Barber - Episode 5 with John van Bavel 10.00 Morning Recital 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. with Jane O’Callaghan Ancell: The Traveller. Hamilton: Songs for the Open Road. Frederick apr 2015 On Air 43 Shade, picc. Vocal Consort/Noel Ancell. Cracked Records 0083 11 Albeniz: Cantos de Espana, Op.232. Pro Arte Guitar Trio. ASV WHL 2061 25 Faure: Piano Trio in D minor, Op.120. Darryl Coote, pno. Lerida Delbridge, vln. Michelle Wood, vlc. 3MBS rec. 20 Poulenc: Airs chantes. Pamela Wainwright, sop. Roger Frampton, pno. Move MCD 495 7 Kats-Chernin: Wild Swans Suite. Jane Sheldon, sop. Tasmanian SO/ 37 Ola Rudner. ABC 476 7639 Bach: Violin Sonata in E minor, BWV.1023 (arr. Recorder). Genevieve Lacey, rec. Linda Kent, org. ABC 472 226-2 7 12.00 Music for Keyboard Copland: Appalachian Spring. Los Angeles PO/Zubin Mehta. Decca 478 5437 Borodin: Symphony No.2 in B minor. RCO/Kirill Kondrashin. Philips 478 4614 with Neil Appleby 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 Singers & Songs with June Sloane 8.00 Colours of Jazz with Larry Groves 10.00 Australian Sounds with Leila Engle, Catherine Sullivan or James Wade 12.00 Divertimento Musical insights into Australian contemporary composers and composition. 1.00 Concert Hall with Robert Hooke ANAM Concert; 19/4/2005. (Recorded by Owen Arthur). 27 4.00 Intermezzo with Christopher Ellis Repeat of Wednesday’s program. with Judith Blanchard-Hill 25 MIDNIGHT TO DAWN followed by Notturno prepared by Jon Churchward SATURDAY 18 44 On Air apr 2015 8.00 Classically Kids with Adam Petrzak A world of classical music for children of all ages. Featuring regular segments, young performers, news, information and opportunities for you and your kids to get involved in fine music. 9.00 Sounding Brass with Anthea Same 12.00 Midnight Symphony Classics through the night. Paul Zabrowarny & Benjamin Kopp Donizetti: Cor anglais Concertino in G. Vivienne Brooke, cor ang. Timothy Young, pno. Boccherini: Cello Concerto No.7 in G, G.480. Paul Zabrowarny, vlc. Amir Farid, pno. Schumann: Carnaval, Op.9. Benjamin Kopp, pno. Mozart: Symphony No.6 in F, K.43. English Concert/Trevor Pinnock. Archiv 471 667-2 17 Dreyfus: The Adventures of Sebastian Fox. Bruce Knappett, spkr. Diane Riddell, fte. Geoffrey Dodd, oboe. Marla Swift, cl. George Dreyfus, bsn. Move MD 3071 11 Paderewski: Piano Concerto in A minor, Op.17. Piers Lane, pno. BBC Scottish SO/Jerzy Maksymiuk. Hyperion CDA 66452 35 tpt. Tafelmusik/Jeanne Lamon. 9 Sony SK 53365 Ries: Piano Concerto No.3 in C sharp minor, Op.55. Christopher Hinterhuber, pno. Gavle SO/Uwe 30 Grodd. Naxos 8.557844 Byrd: Tristitia et Anxietas. Ave verum corpus. Tallis Scholars/Peter Phillips. Gimell CDGIM 992 14 Vanhal: Symphony in C, Bryan C1. Toronto CO/Kevin Mallon. Naxos 8.570280 18 Victoria: Libera me Domine. The Song Company/Roland Peelman. 3MBS rec. 7 6.00 Daybreak with Mark Vendy 8.00 Prima la musica prepared by Jane Morris Mozart: Six variations in G on “Mio caro Adone”, K.180. Christoph 8 Berner, pno. HM HMC 901979 Locatelli: Violin Concerto No.4 in E, Op.3/4. Elizabeth Wallfisch, vln. Raglan Baroque Players/Nicholas Kraemer. Hyperion CDA 66721/3 18 Kraus: Pantomime in D, VB.37. Pantomime in G, VB.38. Swedish CO/Petter Sundkvist. Naxos 8.557498 16 Stradella: Trumpet Sonata a 8 in D. Crispian Steele-Perkins, 10.00 The Romantics with Frank Prain Saint-Saens: La Princesse Jaune Overture, Op.30. London PO/ Geoffrey Simon. Cala CACD 1016 7 Tchaikovsky: Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op.33. Paul Tortelier, vlc. Northern Sinfonia/Yan Pascal Tortelier. EMI CDM 7 60169 2 18 Verdi: Nabucco: Excerpts. Dora Carral & Elena Souliotis, sops. Bruno Prevedi, ten. Tito Gobbi, bar. Giovanni Foiani & Carlo Cava, basses. Vienna State Opera Orch & Chorus/Lamberto Gardelli. Decca 478 4916 37 Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Haydn, “St Anthony Chorale”, Op.56a. New York PO/Kurt Masur. 19 Teldec 9031-74007-2 Weber: Clarinet Quintet in B flat, Op.34. AAM Chamber Players. 28 L’Oiseau-Lyre 433 044-2 10.00 Arts Weekly with Phillipa Edwards or Loretto Perkins produced by Mariese Shallard Covering arts in Melbourne and Victoria. 11.00 Music In Melbourne with Julie Houghton or Sascha Kelly Local musicians and performances, including guests live from our performance studio. 12.00 Saturday Lunchtime Miscellany with Rod Watson Includes: Suppe: The Jolly Robbers: Overture. Sydney SO/Patrick Thomas. ABC 476 4570 7 Schumann: Adagio & Allegro in A flat, Op.70. Gianfranco Bortolato, oboe. Anthony Halliday, pno. 3MBS rec. 8 Grainger: Blithe Bells. Penelope Thwaites & John Lavender, pno 4 duet. Pearl SHE 9623 Leak: Breakers. Australian Boys’ Choir. Vocal Consort/Paul Stanhope. 7 Private rec. Litolff: Concerto symphonique No.4 in D minor, Op.102: Scherzo. Isador Goodman, pno. Melbourne SO/ Patrick Thomas. ABC 432 207-2 7 Gilbert & Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance: Overture. When the foeman bares his steel. Owen Brannigan, bass. Royal PO/Isidore 5 Godfrey. London 425 196-2 Britten: The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, Op.34. BBC SO/Leopold Stokowski. BBC BBCL 4005-2 19 Mendelssohn: Song of the Venetian Gondolier, Op.19/6. CSRSO/Ondrej Lenard. Naxos 8.550087 4 Mendelssohn: Symphony No.4 in A, “Italian”, Op.90. Royal PO/Sir Thomas Beecham. EMI 7 63398 2 29 12.00 Screenthemes with Carol van Opstal Music, news and interviews from film and other screen media. apr 2015 On Air 45 1.00 Vocal Chords with Margot Costanzo Opera highlights program featuring the arias we love, and those we shall learn to love. 2.00 The Bose Afternoon Concert with Doug Beecroft Mendelssohn: The Hebrides Overture, Op.26. Tasmanian SO/Sebastian Lang-Lessing. ABC 476 7736 10 Bainton: Concerto Fantasia. Margaret Fingerhut, pno. BBC PO/ Paul Daniel. Chandos 10460 32 Bruch: Violin Concerto No.1 in G minor, Op.26. Niki Vasilakis, vln. Tasmanian SO/Sebastian LangLessing. ABC 476 9237 27 Beethoven: Symphony No.6 in F, “Pastoral”, Op.68. LGO/Riccardo 38 Chailly. Decca 478 2721 4.00 Serenade with Marysia Green or Ian Sloane 5.00 The Piano Album with June Sloane Chopin Waltzes Includes: • Waltz in E flat “Grande Valse brillante”, Op.18. Murray Perahia, pno. Sony SK 64399 5 • Waltz in A flat, Op.42. Gyorgy 4 Cziffra, pno. Aura 111-2 • Waltz in A flat, Op.69/1. Philippe Entremont, pno. CBS MY2K 45670 5 • Waltz in D flat, Op.70/3. Stephen Kovacevich, pno. EMI 3 46734 2 3 • Waltz in B minor, Op.69/2. Rudolf Buchbinder, pno. EMI 5 85804 2 5 6.00 The World of Baroque with Joseph Barake The Bach Family – Sacred Music Johann Bach: Unser Leben ist ein Schatten. Heinrich Bach: Ach dass ich Wassers g’nug hatte. Johann Christoph Bach: Wie bist du denn, O Gott. Johann Michael Bach: Sei lieber Tag wilkommen. Johann Ludwig Bach: Die mit Tranen 46 On Air apr 2015 sahen. Johann Nikolaus Bach: Missa Brevis,”Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Her”. J S Bach: Ich lasse dich nicht, BWV.Anh.159. Johann Ernst Bach: Die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen. Soloists. Stuttgart Bach Collegium/Helmuth Rilling. Hanssler Classics 98.614 85 J C F Bach: Awake, cries to us the voice. Netherlands Chamber Choir/Uwe Gronostay. 12 Globe GLO 5080 Includes: Trad. Hebrew melody: The God of Abraham praise. Palestrina: The strife is o’er. Sullivan: Nearer my God to thee. Campbell: And can it be. 7.30 Organ and Choral Music with Simon Colvin SUNDAY 19 Includes: Tournemire: Les Dieux sont morts: Choeur des jeunes Filles. Adrian Gunning, org (St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne). 5 Private rec. Widor: Trois Nouvelle pieces, Op.87/2: Mystique. Thomas Trotter, org (St Francois-de-Sales, Lyon, France). Argo 433 152-2 5 Gibbons: The silver swan. Bennet: Weep, O mine eyes. Morley: My bonnie lass, she smileth. Choir of St Paul’s Cathedral, London/John Dykes Bower. Columbia 33CX1237 (LP) 7 Smart: March in G. Adrian Gunning, org (St Paul’s Cathedral, 5 Melbourne). Private rec. Humfrey: Hear, O heaven. Alfred Dellar, alto. Lawrence Watts, ten. Maurice Bevan, bass. Choir of St Paul’s Cathedral, London/John Dykes Bower. Harry Gabb, org. 5 Beulah rec. Humfrey: Magnificat & Nunc dimittis. Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge/Andrew Nethisingha. John Challenger, org. Chandos CHAN 0790 6 Vaughan Williams: Five Mystical Songs: Easter. Sir Thomas Allen, bar. Corydon Singers. English CO/Matthew Best. Hyperion CDA 66420 5 Lemmens: Sonata No.3 in A minor, “Pascale”. Harold Fabrikant, org (St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide). 14 Academy Music AMCD 971111 6.00 The Early Music Experience 9.00 Morning Classics 8.00 Great Makers of Music with Peter Hume Nigel Kennedy Vivaldi: Concerto in B flat for Violin & Oboe, RV.548. Nigel Kennedy, vln. Albrecht Mayer, oboe. Members of Berlin PO. EMI 5 57859 2 9 Elgar: Violin Sonata in E minor, Op.82. Nigel Kennedy, vln. Peter Pettinger, pno. Chandos CHAN 8380 27 Schubert: Rondo in A, D.438. Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E minor, Op.64. Nigel Kennedy, vln. English CO/Jeffrey Tate. 45 EMI CDC 7 49663 2 Elgar: Salut d’amour, Op.12. Sospiri, Op.70. Nigel Kennedy, vln. Steven Isserlis, vlc. Peter Pettinger, pno. Chandos CHAN 8380 8 Bach: Violin Concerto in E, BWV.1042. Nigel Kennedy, vln. Berlin PO/Nigel Kennedy. EMI 5 57091 2 17 10.00 Night Tram with Desley Dixon MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno Classics through the night. produced by Mark Shepheard Repeat of Thursday’s program. 7.00 Hymns Old & New prepared by Peter Wakeley with Paul Butler Beethoven: Coriolan Overture, Op.62. Berlin PO/Herbert von Karajan. DG 479 1049 9 Bach: English Suite No.2 in A minor, BWV.807. Angela Hewitt, pno. Hyperion CDA 67451/2 21 Bruch: Romance in F, Op.85. Patricia Pollett, vla. Queensland PO/Werner Andreas Albert. 9 Tall Poppies TP 084 Brahms: Serenade No.2 in A, Op.16. Scottish CO/Sir Charles Mackerras. 31 Telarc 80522 Mendelssohn: Octet in E flat, Op.20. Flinders Quartet. Tinalley 32 String Quartet. 3MBS rec. Morricone (arr. O’Boyle): Nella Fantasia. David Hobson, ten. Shefali Pryor, oboe. Cantillation. Sinfonia Australis/Guy Noble. ABC 476 1604 4 11.00 The VSO Story 12.00 Sunday Lunchtime Miscellany with Jane Mitchell Mozart: The Impresario: Overture. Orch Victoria/Richard Divall. ABC 476 8366 5 Lloyd Webber: Cats: Memory. David Loew, vlc. National Art Orch of Australia/Peter Casey. Philips 832 677-2 4 Tchaikovsky: String Quartet No.1 in D, Op.11: Andante cantabile. Mischa Maisky, vlc. Orpheus CO. 8 DG 474 681-2 Chopin (arr. Kashif/Kershaw): So deep is the night. Lesley Garrett, sop. Zoe Mather, pno. London Session Orch/Paul Daniel. EMI 4 76728 2 5 Bottesini: Introduction & Variations on The Carnival of Venice. Thomas Martin, db. Anthony Halstead, pno. Naxos 8.570400 11 Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A, K.622. David Glazer, cl. English CO/ Geoffrey Simon. ABC 426 381-2 29 Verdi: Aida: Grand March. Queensland SO/Patrick Thomas. ABC 476 4110 6 Mendelssohn: Piano Quartet No.2 in F minor, Op.2. Domus. 22 Virgin VC7 91183 2 Bellini (arr. Payne): Oboe Concerto in E flat. Geoffrey Payne, tpt. Melbourne SO/Michael Halasz. ABC 454 503-2 8 apr 2015 On Air 47 Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op.20: Excerpts. New Philharmonia Orch/Leopold Stokowski. London 448 950-2 10 2.00 Apres-Midi with Hector Walker Bax: Tintagel. London SO/Sir John Barbirolli. EMI CDC 7 47984 2 15 Moeran: Violin Concerto. Lydia Mordkovitch, vln. Ulster Orch/Vernon Handley. Chandos CHAN 8807 33 Elgar: Sea Pictures, Op.37. Yvonne Minton, m-sop. London PO/Daniel 23 Barenboim. Sony SMK 58929 Vaughan Williams: A Pastoral Symphony (Symphony No.3). USSR Ministry of Culture SO/Gennady Roshdestvensky. 38 Melodiya MEL 02170 4.00 Recent Releases Pixinguinha (arr. Dyens): Rosa (Valsa). Pereira: O choro de Juliana. Pixinguinha (arr. Dyens): Carinhoso (Choro cancao). with Tony Thomas Repeat of Tuesday’s program. R Strauss: Don Juan, Op.20. Melbourne SO/Sir Andrew Davis. ABC 481 1122 17 R Strauss: Four Last Songs. Charlotte Margiono, sop. Radio PO of Holland/Edo de Waart. Brilliant Classics 9065 23 Wolf-Ferrari: Idillio-concertino in A for Oboe, Strings & Two Horns, Op.15. Humbert Lucarelli, oboe. Lehigh Valley CO/Donald Spieth. 20 Koch 3-7023-2H1 Stravinsky: Symphony in C. Berlin PO/Herbert von Karajan. 30 DG 479 0224 Shostakovich: Ballet Suite No.2. Royal Scottish NO/Neeme Jarvi. Chandos CHAN 7000 20 Shostakovich: Violin Concerto No.1 in A minor, Op.99. Sarah Chang, vln. Berlin PO/Sir Simon Rattle. EMI 3 46053 2 37 Benjamin: Cotillon. Sydney SO/ Patrick Thomas. ABC 442 374-2 11 10.00 Sunday Night Late with Alan Marshall Hidden gems and lesser-known music from known composers. MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Rodney Philips Classics through the night. A review of the latest classical recordings. 6.00 Daybreak with Suzanne Smith 9.00 Exploring Music Repeat of Thursday’s program. with Bill McGlaughlin 7.00 Choral Masterworks Musical Prodigies - Episode 1 10.00 Morning Recital with Graeme McKinnon 8.00 Melbourne in Concert with Michael Williamson or Adele Schonhardt Ngeringa Concerts 2014 Series; Aleksandr Tsiboulski (guitar); Living Arts Centre, Mt Barker Waldorf School; 24/8/2014. (Recorded by Kym Wilson). Aleksandr Tsiboulski Mertz: Bardenklange, Op.13. Ponce: Sonata IV Classica. VillaLobos: Etude No.11, “Lent”. Etude No.8, “Modere”. Etude No.7, “Tres anime”. Bach (arr. Snook): Cello Suite No.1 in G, BWV.1007 (arr. Guitar). Ponce: Sonata Mexicana. 48 On Air apr 2015 1.00 Concert Hall with Marysia Green MONDAY 20 with Adrian McEniery with Debbie Nossbaum l 10.00 Contemporary Visions produced by Mark Shepheard 5.00 Illuminations 12.00 Divertimento Barber: Dover Beach, Op.3. Teddy Tahu Rhodes, bar. Australian String 10 Quartet. ABC 476 4363 Sculthorpe: Cello Dreaming. Emma-Jane Murphy, vlc. Australian CO/Richard Tognetti. Chandos CHAN 10063 16 Ravel: Sonata in A minor for Violin & Cello. Kristian Winther, vln. Michelle Wood, vlc. 29 Melba MR 301115 Finzi: Let us garlands bring, Op.18. Teddy Tahu Rhodes, bar. Sharolyn Kimmorley, pno. ABC 476 7175 16 Delius: Cello Sonata. Moray Welsh, vlc. Israela Margalit, pno. 14 EMI CDC 55399 2 Bax: String Quartet No.1 in G. Maggini Quartet. Naxos 8.555282 24 12.00 Singers & Songs with June Sloane Repeat of Friday’s program. 4.00 Intermezzo with Susan Porter 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 A Time to Remember with Patrick McMahon 8.00 Chamber Music and Song with Peter Larsen Bach: Trio Sonata in G, BWV.1039. Virginia Taylor & Vernon Hill, ftes. Jacqueline Johnson, vlc. Roger Heagney, hpschd. Move MD 3119 14 Mahler: The Youths Magic Horn: Excerpts. Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bar. Berlin PO/Daniel Barenboim. 12 Sony 44935 Mendelssohn: String Quartet No.5 in E flat, Op.44/3. Roth Quartet. Pearl 9603 32 Nielsen: String Quartet No.2 in F minor, FS.11, Op.5. Vertavo 32 Quartet. Simax PSC 1128 Jolivet: Serenade for Wind Quintet. 17 Bergen Wind Quintet. BIS 291 10.00 Cacao Jazz with Luis Tineo 10.00 A Little Night Music (from around the world) with Ian Sloane Includes: Liszt: Mephisto Waltz No.1, S.110/2. London PO/Bernard Haitink. Decca 478 5671 11 Warlock (arr. Grigoryan): Capriol 9 Suite. Saffire. ABC 476 5695 Mozart: Rondo in A minor, K.511. Andras Schiff, pno. 10 L’Oiseau-Lyre 433 328-2 Busoni: Berceuse elegiaque, Op.42. BBC SO/Michael Gielen. Inta’glio INCD 7461 9 Respighi: The Pines of Rome: Pines of the Appian Way. University of Cincinatti Brass Choir. Cincinnati Pops Orch/Erich Kunzel. 6 Telarc 80595 Strauss Jnr: Carnival Pictures, Op.357. Polish State PO/Johannes 9 Wildner. Marco Polo 8.223209 Prokofiev: Pushkin Waltzes, Op.120. Scottish NO/Neeme Jarvi. Chandos CHAN 6598 8 Rameau: Les Indes galantes: Suite. Le Concert des Nations/Jordi Savall. 10 Alia Vox AVSA 9877 Hyde: Nightfall & Merrymaking. Joseph Hanic, oboe. James Muir, pno. Walsingham 2WAL 8036-2 8 Verdi: Simon Boccanegra: Come in quest’ora bruna. Renee Fleming, sop. London PO/Sir Charles Mackerras. Decca 467 049-2 6 Piazzolla: Summer in Buenos Aires. Daniel Barenboim, pno. Rodolfo Mederos, bandoneon. Hector Console, db. Teldec 0630-13474-2 6 Blyth: 103.5 Intermezzo. Emerald Orch/Andrew Blyth. New Classic NCCD 02 8 MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Anne Bellew Classics through the night. apr 2015 On Air 49 TUESDAY 21 6.00 Daybreak with Loretto Perkins 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Musical Prodigies - Episode 2 10.00 Morning Recital with Frank Pam Thompson (b.21/4/1899): Tarantella. The Vocal Consort/ Noel Ancell. Dean Sky-Lucas, pno. Cracked Records 0083 8 Haydn: Andante & Variations in F minor, Hob.XVII:6. John McCabe (b.21/4/1939), pno. 3MBS rec. 16 McCabe: Ballad. Siciliano. Highland Habanera. Paulin Tom, cornet. Len 6 Vorster, pno. Move MCD 060 McCabe: Fantasy on a Theme of Liszt. Graham Caskie, pno. Metier MSV 92004 12 Hindson: The Metallic Violins. Natsuko Yoshimoto & James Cuddeford, vlns. 8 Tall Poppies TP 207 Bach: Prelude & Fugue in C, BWV.846. Prelude & Fugue in C minor, BWV.847. Prelude & Fugue in C sharp, BWV.848. Prelude & Fugue in C sharp minor, BWV.849. Albert Landa (b.21/4/1937), pno. ABC 476 4556 18 Sibelius: Piano Quintet in G minor. Anthony Goldstone, pno. Gabrieli String Quartet. Chandos CHAN 8742 40 12.00 The Piano Album with June Sloane Repeat of Saturday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Margot Blackwell 1.00 Concert Hall with John Cleghorn Handel: Saul, HWV.53: Sinfonia, Act 1. English Concert/Trevor 12 Pinnock. Archiv 479 1932 Reger: Psalm 100, Op.106. Bamberg SO & Chorus/Horst Stein. Fritz Walter-Lindquist, org. 31 Koch Schwann 3-1209-2 50 On Air apr 2015 Mozart: Violin Concerto No.5 in A, “Turkish”, K.219. Richard Tognetti, vln. Australian CO/Richard 28 Tognetti. BIS 1754 Saint-Saens: Piano Trio No.1 in F, Op.18. Australian Trio. ABC 476 1231 28 Grainger: Lincolnshire Posy. City of Birmingham SO/Sir Simon Rattle. EMI 5 56412 2 17 Shostakovich: Symphony No.5 in D minor, Op.47. Royal PO/Sir Charles Mackerras. Sanity Music RMGR 0113 47 4.00 Intermezzo with Nicky Gilderdale prepared by Anne Bellew 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 World of Operetta with Frank Pam prepared by Albert Whitelaw Selections from the great operettas performed by some of the world’s best opera singers. 8.00 Contemporary Visions with Tony Thomas Music of the last sixty years including the innovative and avantgarde. A focus on new releases, new compositions and interviews. 10.00 Concerto with Stefanie Kechayas A musical celebration of this enduring form. 10.00 Jazz Rivers with Alison Lee-Tet WEDNESDAY 22 6.00 Daybreak with Anthea Same 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Musical Prodigies - Episode 3 10.00 Morning Recital with Jane Mitchell programmed by Bill Mack Mouret: Fanfares in D for Four Trumpets, Timbales & Organ. Friedemann Immer Trumpet 9 Consort. DHM RD 77027 Mozart (arr. Cassado): Horn Concerto in D, K.447 (arr. Cello). Yuli Turovsky, vlc. I Musici de Montreal. Chandos CHAN 8768 19 Haydn: Sonata in A for Violin & Viola, Hob.VI:2. Kazuo Okumura, vln. Hans Dusoswa, vla. Etcetera KTC 1081 8 Schubert: Impromptu in C minor, D.899/1. Maria Joao Pires, pno. Erato ECD 75470 10 Grieg: Violin Sonata No.3 in C minor, Op.45. Ivana Tomaskova, vln. Tamara Smolyar, pno. 24 Schimmel rec. Faure: Evening, Op.83/2. Mandolin, Op.58/1. Renee Fleming, sop. Jean-Yves Thibaudet, pno. Decca 467 697-2 4 Janacek: Violin Sonata. Dmitry Sitkovetsky, vln. Pavel Gililov, pno. 17 Virgin VC7 90760 2 Westlake: Piano Trio. Macquarie 21 Trio. Tall Poppies TP 187 12.00 A Time To Remember with Patrick McMahon Repeat of Monday’s program. MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Divertimento 12.00 Midnight Symphony with Rod Watson or John van Bavel followed by Notturno prepared by Rod Higman 1.00 Concert Hall Classics through the night. with John Barns Mozart: Il sogno di Scipione, K.126: Overture. Basel SO/Moshe Atzmon. 9 Eurodisc VD 69166 A Teyber: Horn Concerto in E flat. Hector McDonald, horn. Academy of Melbourne/Brett Kelly. 16 Tall Poppies TP 042 Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.23 in F minor, “Appassionata”, Op.57. James Brawn, pno. MSR Classics MS 1465 24 Verdi: Otello: Willow Song. Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin: Letter Scene. Dvorak: Rusalka: Song to the Moon. Cheryl Barker (b.22/4/1960), sop. Queensland SO/Guillaume 31 Tourniaire. Melba MR 301129 Verdi (arr. Tognetti): String Quartet in E minor (arr. String Orchestra). Australian CO/Richard 23 Tognetti. Sony SK 62855 Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No.2 in G, Op.44. Emil Gilels, pno. New Philharmonia Orch/Lorin Maazel. EMI 3 50849 2 36 Dvorak: The Golden Spinning Wheel, B.197, Op.109. Polish National RSO/Stephen Gunzenhauser. Naxos 8.550598 25 4.00 Intermezzo with Peter Bandy 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 Music for Keyboard with Christopher Ellis Walther: Variations on Jesu meine Freude. Piet Kee, org. Chandos CHAN 0520 C P E Bach: Twelve Variations on La Folia in D minor, Wq.118/9. Elizabeth Anderson, hpschd. Move MD 3078 Haydn: Piano Sonata in G, Hob.XVI:8. Ronald Brautigam, fortepiano. BIS 1731/33 Mozart: Sonata in C for Piano Duet, K.521. Jeno Jando & Zsuzanna Kollar, pno duet. Naxos 8.553518 16 8 5 24 8.00 Wednesday Night at the Opera with June Sloane R Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier, Op.59. Renee Fleming, Sophie Koch, Diana Damrau & Irmgard Vilsmaier, sops. Jane Henschel, apr 2015 On Air 51 contr. Jonas Kaufmann & Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke, ten. Franz Grundheber & Franz Hawlata, basses. Helmholtz School Children’s Choir. Vienna Philharmonia Choir. Munich PO/Christian Thielemann. Decca 478 1507 204 8.00 Mozart & Friends with Joseph Barake Salieri: Trio in E flat. Ensemble Italiano di Fiati. Brilliant Classics 93360 7 Salieri: Concerto in D for Violin, Oboe, Cello & Orchestra. Thomas Fueri, vln. Heinz Holliger, oboe. Thomas Demenga, vlc. Camerata Bern/Thomas Fueri. Archiv 427 125-2 25 Salieri: Cassazione in C. Ensemble Italiano di Fiati. Capriccio 5087 25 Wilms: Piano Concerto in C, Op.12. Paolo Giacometti, pno. Cologne Academy/ Michael Alexander Willens. 28 ARS Productions 38 024 Mozart: Horn Quintet in E flat, K.407. Hermann Baumann, horn. Gewandhaus String Quartet. Philips 426 440-2 17 10.00 Great Makers of Music with Peter Hume Repeat of Saturday’s program. MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Alan Marshall Classics through the night. THURSDAY 23 6.00 Daybreak with John Wilkinson 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Musical Prodigies - Episode 4 52 On Air apr 2015 10.00 Morning Recital with Joan Ikin Lest We Forget Sculthorpe: Small Town. Guy Henderson, oboe. Sydney SO/Stuart 6 Challender. ABC 476 160-7 Albinoni (arr. Giiazotto): Adagio in G minor. Wolfgang Meyer, org. Berlin PO/Herbert von Karajan. 10 DG 479 0223 Westlake: The Glass Soldier Suite. Melbourne SO/Jean-Louis Forestier. Move MD 3318 25 Broadstock: At the going down of the sun. Anthony Pope, tpt. Dominic Perissinotto, org. Move MD 3204 7 Butterworth: A Shropshire Lad: Excerpts. Bryn Terfel, bsbar. Malcolm Martineau, pno. 14 DG 445 946-2 Ravel: Piano Concerto in D for the Left Hand. Michel Beroff, pno. London SO/Claudio Abbado. Decca 478 3725 17 Elgar: The Spirit of England, Op.80: For the Fallen. Dame Felicity Lott, sop. London Symphony Chorus. Northern Sinfonia/Richard Hickox. EMI CDM 5 65586 2 13 Grechaninov: Mass, “Et in terra pax”, Op.166. Anatoly Obraztsov, bass. Russian State Symphonic Cappella. Russian State SO/Valery Polyansky. Ludmila Golub, org. Chandos CHAN 9486 21 12.00 Recent Releases produced by Mark Shepheard Repeat of Sunday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Marjorie Hall 1.00 Concert Hall with Elisabeth Giddy The Five Balakirev: Overture on Russian Themes. Tasmanian SO/Shalom Ronly-Riklis. ABC 476 8088 9 Cui: Suite miniature, Op.20. Hong Kong PO/Kenneth Schermerhorn. Marco Polo 8.220308 15 Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade, Op.35. Royal PO/Charles Dutoit. 46 Onyx 4064 Mussorgsky: Night on Bald Mountain. Philharmonia Orch/Geoffrey Simon. Cala CACD 1012 10 Balakirev: Russia. Philharmonia Orch/Evgeny Svetlanov. Hyperion CDA 66493 15 Mussorgsky (arr. Ravel): Pictures at an Exhibition. Melbourne SO/ Markus Stenz. ABC 465 681-2 34 Borodin (arr. Rimsky-Korsakov/ Glazunov): Prince Igor: Suite. Margaret Field, sop. BBC Symphony Chorus. Philharmonia Orch/Geoffrey Simon. Cala CACD 1011 35 4.00 Intermezzo with John van Bavel 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 The Early Music Experience with Mark Shepheard 8.00 Illuminations Gallipoli - A Tribute 10.00 Theatretrack with Henry Sachwald Original cast recordings from Broadway, the West End and Australia. Season 31. “Music, Music, Music” including selections from: Berlin: Face the Music. Willson: The Music Man. Rodgers & Hammerstein: The Sound of Music. Theatretrack is proudly supported by Alan and Shirley Richmond through the 3MBS Patrons’ Program MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Anne Bellew Classics through the night. FRIDAY 24 6.00 Daybreak with Rex Williams 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Musical Prodigies - Episode 5 10.00 Morning Recital with Jane O’Callaghan In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli Landings, the newly released CD Gallipoli - A Tribute, produced by the Potter Foundation, brings together works by Australian composers and poets performed by some of Australia’s leading artists including John Bell, Paul Grabowsky, and the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra. Ross Edwards’ String Quartet, “Gallipoli”, commissioned for this project, is premiered by the Australian String Quartet. Join John Wilkinson and guests as they explore this extraordinary collection of Australian work. Remembering the ANZACS Dreyfus: Sons of the ANZACS: Peace Theme. Melbourne SO/George Dreyfus. Move MD 3098 4 Barber (arr. Tognetti): Adagio for Strings, Op.11a. Australian CO/ Richard Tognetti. Sony SK 48252 9 Butterworth: A Shropshire Lad: Rhapsody. South Australian SO/Sir Bernard Heinze. ABC 446 282-2 11 Somervell: The lads in their hundreds. Bryn Terfel, bsbar. Malcolm Martineau, pno. 3 DG 477 5336 Trad: The Battle of the Somme. Chris Duncan, fiddle. Julian Thompson, vlc. ABC 476 8036 4 Rodrigo: Elegy for Guitar. Petrit 16 Ceku, gtr. Naxos 8.572033 Faure: Requiem, Op.48. Sara Macliver, sop. Teddy Tahu Rhodes, bar. Cantillation. Sinfonia Australis/Antony Walker. ABC 472 045-2 35 apr 2015 On Air 53 Bach: Cello Suite No.2 in D minor, BWV.1008. Tanya Prochazka, vlc. 3MBS rec. 18 Bogle: The Green Fields of France. 6 Celtic Tenors. EMI 5 57601 2 12.00 Music for Keyboard with Christopher Ellis Repeat of Wednesday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Judith Blanchard-Hill 1.00 Musica Viva Hour 2.00 Concert Hall with Robert Hooke ANAM Concert; 20/5/2005. (Recorded by Owen Armour). 8.00 Colours of Jazz with Larry Groves 10.00 Australian Sounds with Leila Engle, Catherine Sullivan or James Wade Musical insights into Australian contemporary composers and composition. MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Jon Churchward Classics through the night. SATURDAY 25 Rameau: The Temple of Glory: Suite No.2. English CO/Raymond Leppard. Decca 433 733-2 20 Byrd: The Coventry Carol: Lullaby. Tallis Scholars/Peter Phillips. Gimell 454 910-2 6 8.00 Classically Kids with Adam Petrzak A world of classical music for children of all ages. Featuring regular segments, young performers, news, information and opportunities for you and your kids to get involved in fine music. 9.00 Sounding Brass with Anthea Same 6.00 Daybreak with Mark Vendy 8.00 Prima la musica prepared by Jane Morris Brieley Cutting & Amir Farid Prokofiev: Piano Sonata No.3 in A minor, Op.28. Brieley Cutting, pno. Prokofiev: Piano Sonata No.4 in C minor, Op.29. Amir Farid, pno. Barber: Adagio for Strings, Op.11. Berlin PO/Gustavo Dudamel. 11 DG 479 1049 Dreyfus: Festival Music. Joachim 4 Dorfmuller, org. Private rec. Vaughan Williams: Piano Concerto in C. Piers Lane, pno. Royal Liverpool PO/Vernon Handley. EMI 2 06636 2 27 Borodin: Symphony No.1 in E flat. Rotterdam PO/Valery Gergiev. Philips 422 996-2 35 4.00 Intermezzo with Neil Appleby 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 Singers & Songs with June Sloane 54 On Air apr 2015 Bach: Violin Concerto in A minor, BWV.1041. Richard Tognetti, vln. Australian CO/Richard Tognetti. ABC 481 0679 13 Anon: The Sephardic Experience, Vol.2: Apples and Honey. Renaissance Players/Winsome Evans. Celestial Harmonies 13167-2 6 Taverner: Dum transisset Sabbatum. Singers of St Laurence/ 7 Neil McEwan. ABC 476 5106 Mercadante: Clarinet Concerto in B flat. Jorg Fadle, cl. RIAS Sinfonietta, Berlin/Jiri Starek. 14 Koch 3-1626-2 Graun: Concerto in A minor for Viola da gamba & Strings. Jan Feiheit, vla da gamba. Academy for Ancient Music, Berlin. DHM HMC 902132 24 Bach: Cantata, “O Blessed rest, O welcome heart’s delight”, BWV.170. Magdalena Kozena, m-sop. Musica Antiqua Cologne/ Reinhard Goebel. DG 479 2558 18 Couperin: Audite omnes et expanescite. Anne-Marie Lasla, vla da gamba. Paul Agnew, db. Les Arts Florissants/William Christie. 10 Virgin VC5 45720 2 10.00 The Romantics with Frank Prain Dvorak: Carnival Overture, B.169, Op.92. Czech PO/Karel Ancerl. Supraphon 11 0605-2011 9 Franck: Piano Quintet in F minor. Khathia Buniatishvili, pno. Gidon Kremer & Marija Nemanyte, vlns. Maxim Rysanov, vla. Giedre Dirvanauskaite, vlc. ECM New Series 2161 36 Donizetti: Lucrezia Borgia: Rondo finale, Act III. Renee Fleming, sop. Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. Orch of St Luke’s/Patrick Summers. Decca 467 101-2 11 Mahler: Symphony No.1 in D , “Titan”. Sydney SO/Vladimir Ashkenazy. Sydney Symphony SS0 201001 52 10.00 Arts Weekly with Phillipa Edwards or Loretto Perkins produced by Mariese Shallard Covering arts in Melbourne and Victoria. 11.00 Music In Melbourne with Julie Houghton or Sascha Kelly Local musicians and performances, including guests live from our performance studio. 12.00 Saturday Lunchtime Miscellany with Rod Watson Includes: Sullivan: Overture in C (In Memoriam). BBC PO/Richard Hickox. Chandos CHAN 9859 11 Dreyfus: Sons of the ANZACS: Peace Theme. Melbourne SO/George Dreyfus. Move MD 3098 4 Trad: Amazing Grace. The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. Czech Film Orch/Cliff Masterson. Decca 273 0902 5 Gross: Six Henry Lawson Settings, Op.105: On the Night Train. Alan Light, bs-bar. Walter Sutcliffe, db. Sydney SO/Eric Gross. 5 Jade JADCD 1064 Butterworth: The Banks of Green Willow. Bournemouth Sinfonietta/Norman Del Mar. Chandos CHAN 8373 6 Butterworth: On the Idle Hill of Summer. Mark Stone, bass. Stephen Barlow, pno. Stone 5060192780024 4 Bogle: The Green Fields of France. The Celtic Tenors. EMI 5 57601 2 6 Suppe: Light Cavalry Overture. Halle Orch/Sir John Barbirolli. EMI 7 64196 2 7 Ellard (arr. Antill): Australian Quadrilles. Sydney SO/John Hopkins. ABC AO 7001 6 Galuppi: Piano Sonata in B flat. Peter Seivewright, pno. 8 Divine Art 2-5006 Mozart: Bassoon Concerto in B flat, K.191. Stepan Turnovsky, bsn. Vienna Mozart Academy/Johannes 18 Wildner. Naxos 7.550345 Weber: Concert Piece in F minor, Op.79. Nikolai Demidenko, pno. Scottish CO/Sir Charles Mackerras. Hyperion CDA 66729 16 12.00 Screenthemes with Carol van Opstal Music, news and interviews from film and other screen media. 1.00 Vocal Chords with Margot Costanzo Opera highlights program featuring the arias we love, and those we shall learn to love. apr 2015 On Air 55 2.00 The Bose Afternoon Concert with Doug Beecroft Bridge: Suite for String Orchestra. English String Orch/William Boughton. Nimbus NI 5212 20 Elkington: Out of the Mist. BBC SO/David Lloyd-Jones. Dutton CDLX 7172 8 Britten: War Requiem, Op.66. Stefania Woytowicz, sop. Peter Pears, ten. Hans Wilbrink, bar. Wandsworth School Boys’ Choir. Melos Ensemble. New Philharmonia Orch & Chorus/Carlo Maria Guilini. BBC Music BBCL 4046-2 79 4.00 Serenade with Marysia Green or Ian Sloane 5.00 The Piano Album with Patrick McMahon Reubke: Mazurka in E. Scherzo in D minor. Mario Patuzzi, pno. Dynamic S.2027 9 Schubert: Scherzo in D flat, D.593/2. Annette Topel, pno. Musicaphon M 56892 6 Castillo: Berceuse. Nocturne. Massimiliano Damerini, pno. Marco Polo 8.225077 6 Rebikov: Remembrance of Days Past: Excerpt. Anatoly Sheludykov, pno. Art Classics ART 189 4 Debussy (arr. Ravel): Nocturne No.3, “Sirenes”. Stephen Coombs & Chris Scott, pnos. Helios CDH 55014 9 Schubert: Rondo in E, D.506. Annette Topel, pno. Musicaphon M 56892 7 Field: Fantasy in A minor, “In The Garden”. Miceal O’Rourke, pno. Chandos CHAN 9315 6 6.00 The World of Baroque with Joseph Barake Graf: Cello Concerto in D. Jan Vogler, vlc. Munich CO/Reinhard 19 Goebel. Sony 88697119972 56 On Air apr 2015 Vivaldi: Cur sagittas, cur tela, RV.637. Nathalie Stutzmann, contr. King’s Concert/Robert King. Hyperion CDS 44179 10 Stratico: Violin Concerto in G minor. Giuliano Carmignola, vln. Venice Baroque Orch/Andrea Marcon. Archiv 477 6606 21 Bassani: Cantata, “In caligine umbrosa”. Philippe Jaroussky, alto. Ensemble la Fenice/Jean Tubery. 15 Virgin VC5 45656 2 Fasch: Trio in E minor for Two Oboes & Basso Continuo. Cologne Camerata. DHM GD 77015 11 Tallis: Spem in alium. Chapelle du Roi/Alistair Dixon. Signum SIGCD 047 10 Torelli: Trumpet Concerto in D. Maurice Andre, tpt. English CO/Sir Charles Mackerras. Decca 478 4666 7 Caccini: O che nuovo stupor. Elena Cecchi, sop. Capella di Santa Maria degli Angiolini/ Gian Luca Lastraioli. Brilliant Classics 94461 7 produced by Mark Shepheard BWV.630. Alban Singers/Peter 17 Hurford, org. Argo ZRG 778 Widor: Symphony No.9 in C minor, “Gothic”, Op.70: Andante sostenuto. Peter Kneeshaw, org (St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney). 6 Kneeshaw rec. Stainer: They have taken away my Lord. Leave us not. Choir of St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne/ June Nixon. Ingrid Sykes, org. St Paul’s SPC 0699 9 Repeat of Thursday’s program. 9.00 Morning Classics MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Murray Vagg Classics through the night. SUNDAY 26 6.00 The Early Music Experience 7.00 Hymns Old & New prepared by Peter Wakeley Includes: Haweis: City of God, how broad and far. Carter (arr. Bertalot): Lord of the Dance. Hayne: Loving Shepherd of thy sheep. Silcher: Faithful Shepherd, feed me. Neander: Praise to the Lord. 7.30 Organ and Choral Music with Peter Wakeley 8.00 Great Makers of Music with Peter Hume Sydney Symphony Orchestra Berlioz: Beatrice and Benedict: Overture. Sydney SO/Edo de Waart. ABC 462 013-2 8 Vaughan Williams: Serenade to Music. Soloists. Sydney SO/Patrick Thomas. ABC 476 4565 12 R Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier, Op.59: Suite. Sydney SO/Stuart Challender. ABC 434 714-2 23 Dvorak: Symphony No.7 in D minor, B.141, Op.70. Sydney SO/Sir Charles Mackerras. Sydney Symphony SSO 200705 36 Goossens: Fantasy for Winds, Op.36. Members of Sydney SO/ Vernon Handley. ABC 476 7632 10 Stravinsky: Scherzo fantastique, Op.3. Sydney SO/Edo de Waart. ABC 456 670-2 13 Glanville-Hicks: Three Gymnopedies: No.1. Sydney SO/ Myer Fredman. ABC 481 1210 4 10.00 Night Tram with Peter Green Includes: Scheidemann: Die Nobis Maria. Klaus Eichhorn, org (Stellichte, Germany). Capella CTH 2035 6 Pachelbel: Alle Menschen mussen sterben. Krebs: Jesu meine Freude. Jesus, meine Zuversicht. Gustav Leonhardt, org (Premonstratensen Abbey, Innsbruch). RCA RL 30852 5 Bebbe: Go out with joy. Trad. (arr. Fleming): The lark in the clear air. Praetorius: Sing dem herrn. Eltham East Primary School Choir/ Anne Williams, pno/org. Colin Jenkins. Private rec. 6 Schumann: Canon in A flat Op.56/4. Sketch in D flat, Op.58/4. Thomas Murray, org (St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne). 3MBS rec. 7 Bach: Orgelbuchlein: Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV.625. Jesus Christus unser Heiland, BWV.626. Erstanden ist, BWV.627. Christ ist erstanden, BWV.628. Erscheinen ist, BWV.629. Heut triumphiret, with Nigel Simpson Weber: Invitation to the Dance, Op.65. London SO/Sir Charles Mackerras. ABC 480 6403 10 Mozart: Oboe Concerto in C, K.314. Paul Goodwin, oboe. English Concert/Trevor Pinnock. Archiv 431 821-2 20 Weber: Symphony No.2 in C. LCP/Sir Roger Norrington. EMI 5 55348 2 20 Spohr: Fantasy in B minor on Themes of Danzi and Vogler, Op.118. Sophie Langdon, vln. Hugh 12 Webb, harp. Naxos 8.555365 Meyerbeer: Clarinet Quintet in E flat. Dieter Klocker, cl. Berlin Philharmonic Quartet. 21 Orfeo C 213901 A Vogler: Variations on “Marlborough, s’en va-t-en guerre”. Felicja Blumenthal, pno. Prague New CO/Alberto Zedda. Brana BR 0024 22 11.00 Reflections With special guest Lady Primrose Potter AC 12.00 Sunday Lunchtime Miscellany with Jane Mitchell Fraser: Piano Concerto in F, “Rerun”. Grant Gershon, pno. Hollywood Chamber SO/Grant Gershon. ABC 465 260-2 15 Garner: Misty. Ladies Only Cafe Strings. Naxos 8.557177 5 apr 2015 On Air 57 Burgon: Brideshead Revisited: Themes. National Art Orch of Australia/Peter Casey. Philips 832 677-2 3 Bruch: Concerto in A flat minor for Two Pianos & Orchestra, Op.88a. Katia Labeque & Marielle Labeque, pnos. Philharmonia Orch/Semyon 28 Bychkov. Philips 432 095-2 Grainger: Handel in the Strand. Shepherd’s Hey. Melbourne SO/ John Hopkins. EMI 7 54535 2 6 Sibelius: Karelia Overture, Op.10. Finnish RSO/Jukka-Pekka Saraste. RCA RD 87765 8 Paganini: Violin Concerto No.1 in D, Op.6. Adele Anthony, vln. Tasmanian SO/Shalom Ronly-Riklis. ABC 838 903-2 34 Offenbach (arr. Rosenthal): Gaite Parisienne: Excerpts. ROHO/Sir Georg Solti. Decca 476 2724 10 2.00 Apres-Midi with Hector Walker Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.1 in C, Op.15. Gerard Willems, pno. Sinfonia Australis/Antony Walker. ABC 980 0465 39 Mozart: Symphony No.36 in C, “Linz”, K.425. Columbia SO/Bruno 26 Walter. Sony SM2K 64474 Hummel: Mass in E flat, Op.80. Amanda Halgrimson, sop. Susan McAdoo, contr. Helmut Wildhaber, ten. Petr Mikulas, bass. Czech Philharmonic Chorus. Vienna Academy/Martin Haselbock. 45 Koch Schwann 3-1779-2H1 4.00 Recent Releases 8.00 Melbourne in Concert with Michael Williamson or Adele Schonhardt The Planets; Zelman Symphony Orchestra/Mark Shiell with Andrew Kawai (oboe) & Cloud 9 Women’s Choir; Eldon Hogan Performing Arts Centre, Xavier College, Kew; 7/12/2014. (Recorded by Michael Conolan). Andrew Kawai & Cloud 9 Women’s Choir Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. Britten: Peter Grimes: Four Sea Interludes. Vaughan Williams: Concerto in A minor for Oboe & Strings. Holst: The Planets, Op.32. 10.00 Contemporary Visions with Tony Thomas Repeat of Tuesday’s program. 10.00 Sunday Night Late with Alan Marshall Hidden gems and lesser-known music from known composers. MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Rodney Philips Classics through the night. produced by Mark Shepheard MONDAY 27 A review of the latest classical recordings. 6.00 Daybreak 5.00 Illuminations with Amy Bennett programmed by Jane Mitchell Repeat of Thursday’s program. 9.00 Exploring Music 7.00 Choral Masterworks with Bill McGlaughlin with Adrian McEniery Our weekday program which delves into a wide range of classical music topics. 10.00 Morning Recital with Graeme McKinnon Rossini: Prelude, Theme & Variations in C for Horn & Piano. Domenico Ceccarossi, 58 On Air apr 2015 horn. Ermelinda Magnetti, pno. 10 Schwann VMS 1003 Debussy (arr. Bavouzet): Jeux. Vladimir Ashkenazy & Vovka Ashkenazy, pnos. Decca 478 1090 17 Janacek: Four Preludes. Raymond Cohen, vln. Pro Arte Orch/Sir Charles Mackerras. EMI CDM 7 63779 2 21 Beethoven: Cello Sonata No.3 in A, Op.69. Zoe Knighton, vlc. Amir Farid, pno. Move MD 3356 28 Britten: Phaedra, Op.93. Lorraine Hunt, sop. Halle Orch/Kent Nagano. Erato 0630-12713-2 15 Bax: Oboe Quintet. Gareth Hulse, oboe. Nash Ensemble/Ian Brown. Hyperion CDA 66807 17 12.00 Singers & Songs with June Sloane Repeat of Friday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Debbie Nossbaum l 7.00 A Time to Remember with Patrick McMahon 8.00 Chamber Music and Song with Peter Larsen Includes: Beethoven: String Quartet No.8 in E minor, “Razumovsky”, Op.59/2. Australian 37 Quartet. ABC 426 805-2 Finzi: To a Poet, Op.13a: June on Castle Hill. Ode on the Rejection of St Cecilia. Stephen Roberts, bass. Clifford Benson, pno. Hyperion CDA 66015 8 Mozart: Violin Sonata No.24 in F, K.376. Szymon Goldberg, vln. Radu Lupu, pno. London 448 526-2 16 Nyman: String Quartet No.3. Balanescu Quartet. Argo 433 093-2 16 Sibelius: String Quartet in D minor, “Voces intimae”, Op.56. Sophisticated Ladies. BIS 463 30 10.00 Cacao Jazz with Luis Tineo 1.00 Concert Hall with Thilo Troschke Rossini: The Italian Girl in Algiers: Overture. Tasmanian SO/Ola 8 Rudner. ABC 476 2599 Beethoven: Triple Concerto in C, Op.56. Anne-Sophie Mutter, vln. Yo-Yo Ma, vlc. Mark Zeltser, pno. Berlin PO/Herbert von Karajan. 36 DG 415 276-2 Beethoven: Missa Solemnis in D, Op.123. Charlotte Margiono, sop. Catherine Robbin, m-sop. William Kendall, ten. Alastair Miles, bass. Monteverdi Choir. EBS/Sir John 72 Eliot Gardiner. DG 479 1044 Saint-Saens: Cello Concerto No.2 in D minor, Op.119. Johannes Moser, vlc. Stuttgart RSO/Fabrice Bollon. Hanssler 93.222 20 Mozart: Symphony No.41 in C, “Jupiter”, K.551. Berlin PO/Karl Bohm. DG 479 1049 27 4.00 Intermezzo with Susan Porter programmed by Jane Morris 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 10.00 A Little Night Music (from around the world) with Ian Sloane Vaughan Williams: Violin Concerto in D minor, “Concerto accademico”. Tamsin Waley-Cohen, vln. Orchestra of the Swan/David Curtis. Signum Classics SIGCD 399 18 Liszt: Grande fantaisie sur des motifs de Soirees Musicales, S.422. Leslie Howard, pno. Hyperion CDA 66661/2 12 Suk: Scherzo fantastique, Op.25. Prague Philharmonia/Jakub Hrusa. Supraphon SU 3882-2 15 Blyth: 103.5 Intermezzo. Emerald Orch/Andrew Blyth. New Classic NCCD 02 8 Gounod: To the Nightingale. Nicolai Gedda, ten. Pieralba Soroga, pno. Fone 85 F02-6 CD 5 Debussy: Premiere Rhapsody. Franklin Cohen, cl. Cleveland Orch/ Pierre Boulez. DG 439 896-2 9 Bernstein: On the Town: Three Dance Episodes. Saint Louis SO/Leonard Slatkin. EMI CDD 7 63905 2 11 Vivaldi: Concerto in C for Two Violins, RV.507. Nigel Kennedy & apr 2015 On Air 59 Daniel Stabrawa, vlns. Members of the Berlin PO. EMI 5 57859 2 14 Weber (arr. Schottstadt): Variations on a Theme from Silvana, Op.33. Sabine Meyer, cl. Zurich Opera Orch/Franz Welser12 Moest. EMI 5 56137 2 R Strauss: Wiegenlied, Op.41/1. Anna Netrebko, sop. Prague Philharmonia/Emmanuel Villaume. 4 DG 477 7639 MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Anne Bellew Classics through the night. TUESDAY 28 6.00 Daybreak with Loretto Perkins 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Our weekday program which delves into a wide range of classical music topics. 10.00 Morning Recital with Isabel Veale Chopin: Nocturne in D flat, Op.27/2. Anna Goldsworthy, pno. ABC 476 4059 5 Szymanowski: String Quartet No.1 in C, Op.37. Maggini Quartet. 19 ASV DCA 908 Wieniawski: Variations on an Original Theme, Op.15. Joshua Bell, vln. Samuel Sanders, pno. Decca 417 891-2 13 Mahler: Ruckert Lieder. Siegfried Jerusalem, ten. Siegfried Mauser, pno. Virgin VC7 91114 2 19 Smetana: Piano Trio in G minor, Op.15. Australian Trio. ABC 476 1231 29 Moszkowski: Spanish Dances, Op.12. Chris Grimmond & Lauren Simpkins, pno duet. 3MBS rec. 13 Dvorak: Romance in F minor, B.39, Op.11. Gil Shaham, vln. Orpheus CO. DG 449 923-2 12 12.00 The Piano Album with Patrick McMahon Repeat of Saturday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Margot Blackwell 1.00 Concert Hall with John Cleghorn Delius: Over the Hills and Far Away. Royal PO/Sir Thomas Beecham. EMI CDS 7 47509 8 13 Bach: Mass in G, BWV.236. Barbara Bonney, sop. Birgit Remmert, contr. Rainer Trost, ten. Olaf Baer, bar. RIAS Chamber Choir. CPE Bach CO/ Peter Schreier. Decca 478 5564 25 Tchaikovsky: String Quartet No.2 in F, Op.22. Brodsky Quartet. 37 Brodsky BRD 3500 Mozart: Piano Concerto No.6 in B flat, K.238. Geza Anda, pno. Salzburg Mozarteum Camerata Academia/Geza Anda. 20 DG 479 0059 Poulenc: Les Biches. BadenBaden RSO/Marcello Viotti. Hanssler 93.197 19 Benjamin: Ballade for String Orchestra. Queensland SO/ Christopher Lyndon-Gee. Marco Polo 8.223764 15 Sibelius: Symphony No.1 in E minor, Op.39. Melbourne SO/Jose 35 Serebrier. ASV DCA 612 4.00 Intermezzo with Nicky Gilderdale 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 The Talent with Adrian McEniery Emerging musicians perform live from the Lady Marigold Southey performance studio. 8.00 Contemporary Visions with Tony Thomas Music of the last sixty years including the innovative and avant60 On Air apr 2015 garde. A focus on new releases, new compositions and interviews. 10.00 Concerto with Stefanie Kechayas A musical celebration of this enduring form. 10.00 Jazz Rivers with Alison Lee-Tet Poulenc: Cello Sonata. Steven Isserlis, vlc. Pascal Devoyon, pno. 22 Virgin VC7 90812 2 Carmichael: Escapades. Sylvie Leprohon, fte. Stephen Robinson, oboe. Kathryn Pisani, pno. 3MBS rec. 15 Nielsen: Fantasy Pieces, FS.8. 6 Bergen Wind Quintet. BIS 428 12.00 A Time To Remember MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Rod Higman Classics through the night. WEDNESDAY 29 6.00 Daybreak with Anthea Same 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Our weekday program which delves into a wide range of classical music topics. 10.00 Morning Recital with Bill Mack Vivaldi: Chamber Concerto in F, RV.99. Cologne Camerata. DHM RD 77033 8 Molter: Sinfonia concertante in D for Trumpet, Two Oboes, Two Horns & Bassoon. Wolfgang Basch, tpt. Bart Schneemann & Han de Vries, oboes. Vincente Zarzo & Jose Zarzo, horns. Frans Berkhout, bsn. Bob van Asperen, hpschd. DHM RD 77976 10 C P E Bach: Flute Concerto in D minor, Wq.22. Jeanne Baxtresser, fte. Toronto CO/Sir Andrew Davis. 23 Pro Arte CDD 405 Boccherini: String Quintet in F, G.338. Ensemble 415. HM HMC 901334 18 Schubert: On The River, D.943, Op.119. Benita Valente, sop. Myron Bloom, horn. Rudolf Serkin, pno. CBS MPK 45559 11 with Patrick McMahon Repeat of Monday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Rod Watson or John van Bavel 1.00 Concert Hall with John Barns Sibelius: Scenes historiques, Suite No.1, Op.25. New Zealand SO/Pietari Inkinen (b.29/4/1980). Naxos 8.570068 18 Bantock: Fifine at the Fair. Royal PO/Sir Thomas Beecham (b.29/4/1879). EMI CDM 7 63405 2 33 Delius: Cello Concerto. Jacqueline du Pre, vlc. Royal PO/Sir Malcolm Sargent (b.29/4/1895). EMI 9 55905 2 25 Sibelius: Tapiola, Op.112. Lahti 17 SO/Osmo Vanska. BIS 864 Moeran: Symphony in G minor. Bournemouth SO/David LloydJones. Naxos 8.555837 45 Sibelius: Allegro in D minor. Folke Grasbeck, pno. Jaakko Kuusisto, vln. Marko Ylonen, vlc. BIS 1292 6 Sibelius: Scenes historiques, Suite No.2, Op.66. New Zealand SO/Pietari Inkinen. Naxos 8.570068 20 4.00 Intermezzo with Peter Bandy 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. 7.00 Music for Keyboard with Christopher Ellis Hanson: Two Yuletide Pieces, Op.19. Thomas Labe, pno. Naxos 8.559047 5 apr 2015 On Air 61 Boyle: Five Piano Pieces. Timothy Young, pno. Melba MR 301137 20 Gershwin: I Got Rhythm. Stephanie McCallum, pno. ABC 456 668-2 1 Gershwin (arr. Gershwin): I Got Rhythm Variations. Katia Labeque & Marielle Labeque, pnos. 10 EMI CDC 7 49752 2 Copland: Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives). Stephanie McCallum, pno. ABC 456 668-2 7 Ives: Three Page Sonata. Herbert Henck, pno. 9 Wergo Wer 60112-50 8.00 Wednesday Night at the Opera with June Sloane Rossini: The Barber of Seville. Marilyn Horne, m-sop. Paolo Barbacini, ten. Leo Nucci, bar. Samuel Ramey & Enzo Dara, basses. La Scala Milan, Orch & Chorus/Riccardo Chailly. CBS M3K 37862 156 10.00 Great Makers of Music with Peter Hume Repeat of Saturday’s program. MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Alan Marshall Classics through the night. THURSDAY 30 6.00 Daybreak with John Wilkinson 9.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Our weekday program which delves into a wide range of classical music topics. 10.00 Morning Recital with Joan Ikin 8.00 Mozart & Friends with Joseph Barake The Forgotten Classical Symphony J Schmitt: Symphony in D, Op.1/2. New Dutch Academy CO/Simon Murphy. Pentatone Classics PTC 5186039 12 Gossec: Symphony in D, B.86. London Mozart Players/Matthias 12 Bamert. Chandos CHAN 9661 Kozeluch: Symphony in D. London Mozart Players/Matthis Bamert. Chandos CHAN 9703 18 Marsh (arr. Graham-Jones): Conversation Symphony in E flat. Chichester Concert/Ian GrahamJones. Olympia OCD 400 13 Gyrowetz: Symphony in E flat, Op.6/2. London Mozart Players/Matthias Bamert. Chandos CHAN 9791 18 Mozart: Symphony No.21 in A, K.134. Prague CO/Sir Charles Mackerras. Telarc 80217 16 J Schmitt: Symphony in E flat, “Hurdy Gurdy”. New Dutch Academy CO/Simon Murphy. Pentatone Classics PTC 5186039 14 62 On Air apr 2015 Escape To Italy Mendelssohn: Venetian Gondola Song, Op.19/6. Andras Schiff, pno. Decca 478 0107 3 Rossini: Il Turco in Italia: Overture. ASMF/Sir Neville Marriner. Philips 434 016-2 8 Rossini: The Italian Girl in Algiers: Cruda sorte. Cecilia Bartoli, m-sop. Vienna State Opera Orch/Giuseppe Patane. Decca 425 430-2 5 Carr-Boyd: Music for an Imaginary Italian Film. Sydney Mandolins/Adrian Hooper. 9 Jade JADCD 1110 Schubert: Overture in C, “In the Italian Style”, D.591. Hanover Band/Roy Goodman. Nimbus NI 5172 7 Bach: Aria variata in A minor “alla maniera Italiana”, BWV.989. Jeno Jando, pno. Naxos 8.570291 16 Liszt: Fantasia on Italian Operatic Melodies, G.458. Andreas Pistorius, pno. Capriccio 10076 16 Wolf: The Italian Songbook: Excerpts. Jessye Norman, sop. James Levine, pno. Philips 422 378-2 11 Tchaikovsky: Souvenir de Florence, Op.70. ASMF/Sir Neville Marriner. Decca 478 3187 27 Mendelssohn: Venetian Gondola Song, Op.30/6. Andras Schiff, pno. Decca 478 0107 3 12.00 Recent Releases 7.00 The Early Music Experience with Mark Shepheard 8.00 Illuminations E J Moeran – An Unfamiliar Voice In English Music produced by Mark Shepheard Repeat of Sunday’s program. 12.00 Divertimento with Marjorie Hall 1.00 Concert Hall with Elisabeth Giddy Spain Falla: Nights in the Gardens of Spain. Alicia de Larrocha, pno. London PO/Rafael Fruhbeck de Burgos. Decca 478 6966 25 Granados: Goyescas No.5: El amor y la muerte. Alicia de Larrocha, pno. RCA RD 60408 13 Rodrigo: Fantasia para un gentilhombre. Andres Segovia, gtr. Symphony of the Air/Enrique Jorda. MCA Classics MCD 42067 22 Scarlatti (arr. Avison): Concerto Grosso No.11 in G. ASMF/Sir Neville 14 Marriner. Philips 438 806-2 Soler: Fandango. Igor Kipnis, hpschd. Sony SBK 53264 11 Hidalgo: Love Played a Trick. Trad: El Fandanguito. La Capella Reial de Catalunya. Tembembe Ensemble Continuo. Hesperion XXI/Jordi 9 Savall. Alia Vox AVSA 9876 Rodrigo: Concierto madrigal. Slava Grigoryan & Leonard Grigoryan, gtrs. Queensland SO/Brett Kelly. ABC 476 8072 34 Albeniz (arr. Arbos): Iberia. West Australian SO/Jorge Mester. ABC 438 198-2 31 Tarrega: Recuerdos de la Alhambra. Julian Bream, gtr. BMG Classics RD 60429 4 4.00 Intermezzo with John van Bavel 7.00 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Repeat of today’s program. Ernest John Moeran was of Irish descent but grew up in Norfolk. Irish and East Anglian influences permeate much of his music. After his sudden death in 1950, aged only fifty-four, he was seen to be only a minor composer. However, in recent years opinions have changed, and Moeran is now emerging from the shadows as one of the finest English composers of his generation. Through Moeran’s widow, there is an interesting link with Melbourne. Hector Walker surveys his life and work and introduces music which is virtually unknown to audiences in Australia. 10.00 Theatretrack with Henry Sachwald Original cast recordings from Broadway, the West End and Australia. Season 31. “Newley and Bricusse” including selections from: • Stop the World – I Want to Get Off. • The Roar of the Greasepaint – The Smell of the Crowd. • Doctor Dolittle. Theatretrack is proudly supported by Alan and Shirley Richmond through the 3MBS Patrons’ Program MIDNIGHT TO DAWN 12.00 Midnight Symphony followed by Notturno prepared by Esther Peng Classics through the night. apr 2015 On Air 63 Major Works Including part of a series and 3MBS recordings. Compiled by John Barns SYMPHONIES Balakirev Symphony No.1in C / Fri 3 Symphony No.2 in D minor / Fri 10 Beethoven Symphony No.6 in F, “Pastoral”, Op.68 / Sat 18 Symphony No.9 in D minor, “Choral”, Op.125 / Wed 1 Borodin Symphony No.1 in E flat / Fri 24 Symphony No.2 in B minor / Fri 17 Dvorák Symphony No.7 in D minor, B.141 / Sat 25 Symphony No.9 in E minor, “From the New World”, B.178 / Thu 9 Goldmark Symphony No.2 in E flat, Op.35 / Tue 14 Haydn Symphony No.44 in E minor, “Mourning” / Fri 10 Symphony No.96 in D, “Miracle” / Sat 4 Honegger Symphony No.4 in A, “Deliciae basilienses” / Wed 8 Mendelssohn Symphony No.4 in A, “Italian”, Op.90 / Sat 18 Mahler Symphony No.1 in D, “Titan” / Sat 25 Moeran Symphony in G minor / Wed 29 Mozart Symphony No.21 in A, K.134 / Wed 29 Symphony No.36 in C, “Linz”, K.425 / Sun 26 Symphony No.38 in D, “Prague”, K.504 / Mon 13 64 On Air apr 2015 Symphony No.41 in C, “Jupiter”, K.551 / Mon 27 Prokofiev Symphony No.7 in C sharp minor, Op.131 / Sat 11 Saint-Saëns Symphony No.2 in A minor, Op.55 / Mon 6 Schubert Symphony No.5 in B flat, D.485 / Sat 11 Shostakovich Symphony No.5 in D minor, Op.47 / Tue 21 Sibelius Symphony No.1 in E minor, Op.39 / Tue 28 Symphony No.5 in E flat, Op.82 / Sun 12 Stravinsky Symphony in C / Mon 20 Tchaikovsky Symphony No.4 in F minor, Op.36 / Sun 12 Symphony No.5 in E minor, Op.64 / Thu 2 Symphony No.6 in B minor, “Pathétique”, Op.74 / Sat 4 Turina Sinfonia Sevillana, Op.23 / Mon 6 Vaughan Williams A Pastoral Symphony (Symphony No.3) / Sun 19 Symphony No.4 in F minor / Thu 16 Weber Symphony No.2 in C / Sun 26 CONCERTI C P E Bach Cello Concerto in A, Wq.172 / Sun 12 Flute Concerto in D minor, Wq.22 / Wed 29 Bainton Concerto fantasia / Sat 18 Beethoven Piano Concerto No.1 in C, Op.15 / Sun 26 Triple Concerto in C, Op.56 / Mon 27 Violin Concerto in D, Op.61 / Sun 12 F Benda Violin Concerto in D / Sat 11 Boccherini Cello Concerto No.7 in G, G.480 / Fri 17 Cello Concerto No.9 in B flat, G.482 / Wed 15 Bruch Concerto in A flat minor for Two Pianos & Orchestra, Op.88a / Sun 26 Violin Concerto No.1 in G minor, Op.26 / Sat 18 Chopin Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor, Op.11 / Sun 5 Delius Cello Concerto / Wed 29 Donizetti Cor anglais Concertino in G / Fri 17 Elgar Cello Concerto in E minor, Op.85 / Thu 16 Elgar (arr. Walker) Piano Concerto / Tue 7 Glanville-Hicks Etruscan Concerto / Thu 9 Graf Cello Concerto in D / Sat 25 Graun Concerto in A minor for Viola da gamba & Strings / Sat 25 Haydn Cello Concerto No.2 in D, Hob.VIIb:2 / Sat 4 Violin Concerto in A, Hob.VIIa:3 / Fri 3 Hill Violin Concerto in E minor / Wed 15 Krumpholtz Harp Concerto No.6 in F, Op.9 / Fri 3 Lalo Piano Concerto in F minor / Wed 15 Liszt Piano Concerto No.1 in E flat, S.124 / Fri 3 Piano Concerto No.2 in A, S.125 / Fri 10 Locatelli Violin Concerto No.4 in E, Op.3/4 / Sat 18 Martin Violin Concerto / Wed 8 Mendelssohn Concerto in E for Two Pianos / Sun 12 Piano Concerto No.2 in D minor, Op.40 / Mon 13 Violin Concerto in E minor, Op.64 / Sat 18 Mercadante Clarinet Concerto in B flat / Sat 25 Milhaud Concerto No.1 for Two Pianos, Op.228 / Mon 6 Moeran Violin Concerto / Sun 19 Mozart Bassoon Concerto in B flat, K.191 / Mon 13, Sat 25 Clarinet Concerto in A, K.622 / Sun 19 Oboe Concerto in C, K.314 / Sun 26 Piano Concerto No.6 in B flat, K.238 / Tue 28 Piano Concerto No.21 in C, K.467 / Sat 4 Piano Concerto No.25 in C, K.503 / Sat 11 Violin Concerto No.5 in A, “Turkish”, K.219 / Tue 21 Violin Concerto No.6 in D, K.271a / Fri 10 Mozart (arr. Cassado) Horn Concerto in D, K.447 (arr. Cello) / Wed 22 Myaskovsky Cello Concerto in C minor, Op.66 / Sun 12 Nichelmann Concerto in C minor for Harpsichord & Strings / Sat 11 Paderewski Piano Concerto in A minor, Op.17 / Fri 17 Paganini Violin Concerto No.1 in D, Op.6 / Sun 26 Pleyel Cello Concerto in C, Op.26 / Fri 3 Prokofiev Piano Concerto No.2 in G minor, Op.16 / Tue 14 Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.2 in C minor, Op.18 / Sat 11 Raff Piano Concerto in C minor, Op.185 / Wed 8 Ravel Piano Concerto in D for the Left Hand / Thu 23 Ries Piano Concerto No.3 in C sharp minor, Op.55 / Sat 18 Rodrigo Concierto madrigal / Thu 30 apr 2015 On Air 65 Saint-Georges Violin Concerto in G, Op.8/9 / Mon 6 Saint-Saëns Cello Concerto No.2 in D minor, Op.119 / Mon 27 Piano Concerto No.5 in F, “Egyptian”, Op.103 / Thu 9 Salieri Concerto in D for Violin, Oboe, Cello & Orchestra / Wed 22 Shostakovich Violin Concerto No.1 in A minor, Op.99 / Mon 20 Stratico Violin Concerto in G minor / Sat 25 Sutherland Concerto grosso / Tue 14 Tamberg Trumpet Concerto No.1 / Sun 12 Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.2 in G, Op.44 / Wed 22 A Teyber Horn Concerto in E flat / Wed 22 Vaughan Williams Concerto in A minor for Oboe & Strings / Sun 26 Piano Concerto in C / Fri 24 Violin Concerto in D minor, “Concerto accademico” / Mon 27 Viotti Violin Concerto No.22 in A minor, G.97 / Sat 4 Weber Clarinet Concerto No.1 in F minor, Op.73 / Tue 14 Wilms Piano Concerto in C, Op.`2 / Wed 22 Wolf-Ferrari Idillio-concertino in A / Mon 20 CHAMBER MUSIC (INC. INSTRUMENTAL) Albéniz Cantos de España, Op.232 / Fri 17 Bach Cello Suite No.2 in D minor, BWV.1008 / Fri 24 English Suite No.1 in A, BWV.806 / Thu 16 English Suite No.2 in A minor, BWV.807 / Sun 19 Organ Concerto in C, BWV.594 / Wed 1 Bach (arr. Snook) Cello Suite No.1 in G, BWV.1007 (arr. Guitar) / Sun 19 Bartók String Quartet No.1, Sz.40 / Mon 6 66 On Air apr 2015 Bax Oboe Quintet / Mon 27 Piano Sonata No.4 in G / Wed 8 String Quartet No.1 in G / Mon 20 Beethoven Cello Sonata No.3 in A, Op.69 / Mon 27 Cello Sonata No.4 in C, Op.102/1 / Sat 4 Cello Sonata No.5 in D, Op.102/2 / Sat 11 Piano Sonata No.10 in G, Op.14/2 / Wed 1 Piano Sonata No.23 in F minor, “Appassionata”, Op.57 / Wed 22 Piano Trio No.1 in E flat, Op.1/1 / Wed 8 Piano Trio No.2 in G, Op.1/2 / Wed 1 Piano Trio No.8 in E flat, WoO.38 / Tue 14 String Quartet No.8 in E minor, “Razumovsky”, Op.59/2 / Mon 27 String Quartet No.16 in F, Op.135 / Thu 9 Violin Sonata No.10 in G, Op.96 / Tue 7 Biber Rosary Sonatas, “The Sorrowful Mysteries” / Fri 3 Boccherini Guitar Quintet No.4 in D, G.448 / Mon 6 String Quintet in F, G.338 / Wed 29 Boismortier Cello Sonata in D minor, Op.50/4 / Sat 11 Boyle Five Piano Pieces / Wed 29 Brahms Horn Trio in E flat, Op.40 / Mon 6 Carmichael Escapades / Wed 29 Chopin Andante spianato & Grande Polonaise in E flat, Op.22 / Sat 11 Cello Sonata in G minor, Op.65 / Sat 4 Piano Sonata No.3 in B minor, Op.58 / Wed 1 David Piano Trio No.3 in C minor / Mon 13 Debussy Cello Sonata in D minor / Sat 4 Preludes, Book 1 / Tue 7 Violin Sonata in G minor / Wed 15 Delius Cello Sonata / Mon 20 Dittersdorf Notturno in F for Violin, Oboe, Two Violas, Two Horns & Doublebass / Wed 15 Dohnányi String Quartet No.2 in D flat, Op.15 / Tue 14 Dotzauer Quintet in D minor, Op.134 / Sat 4 Dvorák Piano Trio No.3 in F minor, B.130 / Fri 10 String Quartet No.12 in F, “American”, B.179 / Wed 8 String Quintet in E flat, “American”, B.180 / Wed 1 Dvorák (arr. Galway/Moll) Violin Sonatina in G, B.183 (arr. Flute) / Wed 15 Edwards String Quartet, “Gallipoli” / Thu 23 Elgar Violin Sonata in E minor, Op.82 / Sat 18 Fauré Piano Trio in D minor, Op.120 / Fri 17 Franck Piano Quintet in F minor / Sat 25 Fuss Notturno in A flat for Three Violas & Cello / Wed 15 Grieg Violin Sonata No.3 in C minor, Op.45 / Wed 22 Haydn Andante & Variations in F minor, Hob.XVII:6 / Tue 21 Piano Trio in E minor, Hob.XV:12 / Sun 12 String Quartet in C, Hob.III:57 / Wed 15 Hummel Trio in A for Flute, Cello & Piano, Op.78 / Sat 11 Hyde Clarinet Sonata in F minor / Mon 13 Infante Danses Andalouses / Wed 15 Janácek Violin Sonata / Wed 22 Mendelssohn Octet in E flat, Op.20 / Sun 19 Piano Quartet No.2 in F minor, Op.2 / Sun 19 Piano Quartet No.3 in B minor, Op.3 / Sat 11 String Quartet No.5 in E flat, Op.44/3 / Mon 20 Meyerbeer Clarinet Quintet in E flat / Mon 6, Sun 26 Moszkowski Spanish Dances, Op.12 / Tue 28 Mozart Horn Quintet in E flat, K.407 / Wed 22 Piano Trio No.3 in B flat, K.502 / Mon 13 Sonata for Piano Duet in C, K.521 / Wed 22 Violin Sonata No.24 in F, K.376 / Mon 27 Violin Sonata No.32 in B flat, K.454 / Mon 13 Nielsen String Quartet No.2 in F minor, FS.11 / Mon 20 Nyman String Quartet No.3 / Mon 27 Piazzolla The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires / Thu 9 Ponce Sonata Mexicana / Sun 19 Poulenc Cello Sonata / Wed 29 Prokofiev Piano Sonata No.3 in A minor, Op.28 / Fri 24 Piano Sonata No.4 in C minor, Op.29 / Fri 24 Ravel Sonata in A minor for Violin & Cello / Mon 20 Violin Sonata in G / Thu 9 Reicha Wind Quintet in C, Op.91/1 / Wed 8 Respighi Piano Sonata in F minor / Wed 8 Saint-Saëns Piano Trio No.1 in F, Op.18 / Mon 6, Tue 21 Salieri Cassazione in C / Wed 22 Schaffrath Viola da gamba & Harpsichord Sonata in A / Sat 4 Schubert Introduction & Variations on Trockne Blumen, D.802 / Mon 13 String Quartet No.11 in E, D.353 / Mon 13 Schumann Carnaval, Op.9 / Fri 17 Scriabin Piano Sonata No.1 in F minor, Op.6 / Tue 14 Shostakovich Cello Sonata in D minor, Op.40 / Tue 14 Sibelius Piano Quintet in G minor / Tue 21 String Quartet in D minor, “Voces intimae”, Op.56 / Mon 27 Smetana Piano Trio in G minor, Op.15 / Tue 28 Sutherland Violin Sonata / Tue 7 apr 2015 On Air 67 Szymanowski String Quartet No.1 in C, Op.37 / Tue 28 Tchaikovsky String Quartet No.2 in F, Op.22 / Tue 28 Turina Piano Trio in F / Mon 6 Verdi (arr. Tognetti) String Quartet in E minor (arr. String Orchestra) / Wed 22 Villa-Lobos Bachianas brasileiras No.4 / Wed 15 Weber Clarinet Quintet in B flat, Op.34 / Sat 18 Westlake Piano Trio / Wed 22 OPERA Borodin (arr. Rimsky-Korsakov/ Glazunov) Prince Igor: Suite / Thu 23 Linley The Tempest / Fri 10 Penella El Gato Montes / Wed 8 Rossini The Barber of Seville / Wed 29 R Strauss Der Rosenkavalier / Wed 22 Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin: Letter Scene / Wed 22 Verdi La Traviata / Wed 15 Luisa Miller / Wed 1 Nabucco: Excerpts / Sat 18 VOCAL (INC. CHORAL) Bach Cantata, “The heavens laugh”, BWV.31 / Tue 7 Mass in B minor, BWV.232: Credo / Sat 4 Mass in G, BWV.236 / Tue 28 C P E Bach Magnificat in D minor, Wq.215 / Sat 4 Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, Wq.240 / Sun 5 W F Bach Cantata for Easter Sunday / Thu 2 Beethoven Missa Solemnis in D, Op.123 / Mon 27 Berlioz Te Deum, Op.22 / Sun 5 68 On Air apr 2015 Bloch Avodath Hakodesh / Wed 8 Brahms Liebeslieder Waltzes, Op.52 / Sat 11 Britten War Requiem, Op.66 / Sat 25 Elgar Sea Pictures, Op.37 / Sun 19 Fauré Requiem, Op.48 / Fri 24 Grechaninov Mass, “Et in terra pax”, Op.166 / Thu 23 Hasse Miserere in D minor / Wed 1 Haydn Stabat Mater, Hob.XXbis / Wed 1 Hummel Mass in E flat, Op.80 / Sun 26 Lassus Lamentations of Jeremiah: Excerpts / Sat 11 Mahler Rückert Lieder / Tue 28 Mondonville Nisi Dominus / Sat 11 Mozart Exsultate jubilate, K.165 / Sat 11 Passion Cantata, K.42 / Wed 1 Mozart (arr. Cohrs) Mass No.18 in C minor, “Great”, K.427 / Sun 5 Nielsen Hymnus Amoris, FS.21 / Sun 12 Pergolesi Seven Last Words of Christ / Thu 2 Stabat Mater / Fri 3 Poulenc Mass in G / Tue 14 Rameau The Temple of Glory: Suite No.2 / Sat 25 Reger Psalm 100, Op.106 / Tue 21 Schumann Frauenliebe und Leben, Op.42 / Sat 11, Mon 13 R Strauss Four Last Songs / Mon 20 Telemann Cantata, “I know that my Redeemer lives” / Sat 11 Villa-Lobos Bachianas brasileiras No.5 / Thu 9 Walton Belshazzar’s Feast / Thu 16 G Williams The Dancers / Tue 14 Zelenka Responsories for Holy Week, ZWV.55 / Wed 1 MISCELLANEOUS Albéniz (arr. Arbos) Iberia / Thu 30 Bach Orchestral Suite No.2 in B minor, BWV.1067 / Thu 9 Orchestral Suite No.3 in D, BWV.1068 / Sun 5 Orchestral Suite No.4 in D, BWV.1069 / Sat 4 Bantock Fifine at the Fair / Wed 29 Berners The Triumph of Neptune: Suite / Mon 13 Brahms Serenade No.2 in A, Op.16 / Sat 11, Sun 19 Variations on a Theme by Haydn, “St Anthony Chorale”, Op.56a / Sat 18 Bridge Suite for String Orchestra / Sat 25 Britten Diversions for Piano (Left Hand) & Orchestra, Op.21 / Thu 16 Peter Grimes: Four Sea Interludes / Sun 26 The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, Op.34 / Sat 18 Bruch Scottish Fantasy, Op.46 / Thu 2 Copland Appalachian Spring / Fri 17 Dvorák Serenade for Strings in E, B.52 / Thu 2 The Golden Spinning Wheel, B.197 / Wed 22 Elgar In The South (Alassio) Overture, Op.50 / Thu 16 Serenade for Strings in E minor, Op.20 / Fri 10 Falla Nights in the Gardens of Spain / Thu 30 Franck Psyché / Mon 6 Grieg Peer Gynt, Op.23 / Mon 13 Holst The Planets, Op.32 / Sun 26 Kats-Chernin Wild Swans Suite / Fri 17 Koehne Shaker Dances / Wed 15 Mills Music for Strings / Sun 12 Mozart Divertimento No.15 in B flat, K.287 / Tue 7 Mussorgsky (arr. Ravel) Pictures at an Exhibition / Sun 12, Thu 23 Poulenc Les Biches / Tue 28 Rachmaninov Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op.43 / Sat 4 Symphonic Dances, Op.45 / Thu 9 Rameau Anacreon: Orchestral Suite / Mon 6 Ravel Daphnis and Chloe / Wed 15 Mother Goose Suite / Fri 10 Rimsky-Korsakov Golden Cockerel Suite / Fri 3 Scheherazade, Op.35 / Thu 23 Rodrigo Fantasia para un gentilhombre / Thu 30 Sibelius Andante festivo / Fri 3 Romance in C, Op.42 / Fri 3 Scènes historiques Suite No.1, Op.25 / Wed 29 Scènes historiques Suite No.2, Op.66 / Wed 29 R Strauss Don Juan, Op.20 / Mon 20 Shostakovich Ballet Suite No.2 / Mon 20 Stravinsky Petrushka / Thu 2 Tchaikovsky Souvenir de Florence, Op.70 / Sat 1, Thu 30 Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op.33 / Sat 18 Telemann Overture-Suite in C, “Hamburg Ebb and Flow”, TWV.55:C3 / Tue 14 Villa-Lobos Discovery of Brazil: Suite No.4 / Mon 6 Vogler Variations on “Marlborough, s’en va-t-en guerre” / Sun 26 Westlake Antarctica Suite / Thu 9 The Glass Soldier Suite / Thu 23 apr 2015 On Air 69 ������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� �������������� �������������� ������������������ ��������� ����������������������� ��������������� ������������������������ �������������������� ���������������� ��������������������� ������������������� ��������� ����������� ������������������� ��������� ����������������� �������������� ����������� ��������������������������� ��������������� ����������� ������������������ ���������� ����������� ����������������������� ����������� �������������� ������������������� ��������������� ������������� ������������������ ����������������� ��������������� ��������������� ���������������� ������������������������� � ��������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������
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