42 MICRO FUNDS. for serial entrepreneurs The big idea. A unique investment platform for the high-net worth private investor and entrepreneur that want to invest in extraordinary business ideas and take an active role across the investment cycle. We scout, report and assess candidates. You invest. We build and develop together. 42associates.com Why? Private placements on the rebound. For high-net worth serial entrepreneurs with capacity and power to build new companies the current investment climate market is tricky. Stock market is heated, and most bond and private equity investments are struggling to meet ROI thresholds. However, in the wake of the crisis, ventures are in a better shape than ever. This is evident for several reasons. First, money raised by venture funds is on the rise and already up 40% compared to the 00’s. Deals are getting bigger and later stage than in the previous decade. In 2013, US alone, venture deals totaled to an impressive $30 billion in investment. Nearly half of this, was in Silicon Valley area. This includes 70.000 angel funded deals. In Denmark we see a similar pattern. Private investors placed more than DKK 256 m into start-ups and growing businesses in 2013. Up by 120% compared to 2010. Second, pre-money valuations for all series (A-C+) are at decade highs. The number of unicorns - privately held companies valued at $1 billion or higher – rose from 10 companies in 2000 to 49 companies in 2014. ______ 1/6 What? Your own micro fund hosted by 42 Instead of investing in bonds or managed index stocks, you invest parts of your wealth in your own Micro Fund hosted and marketed by 42 and targeted your specific areas of interest – being fintech in general, more mature businesses with untapped potential or more specialized domains such as 3D Printing or Wearable technologies. As a Micro Fund owner with 42 you become part of an international community of likeminded entrepreneurs and investors and gain access to a variety of value added services that 42 offers to the international Micro Fund community. The basic idea is based on a very simple model: SCOUT EVALUATE SCOUTING FACTORY PRESENT COMMUNITY SERVICES INVEST SCALE/BUILD EXIT CO-INVESTMENT THROUGH 42 VENTURES We scout, evaluate and present. You invest, scale and build. Either alone, with your preferred team of co-investors or by leveraging 42 global capabilities, experience and reach to drive value creation. Each Micro Fund and its associated services is configured to each investor investment preferences and areas of interest. Currently, we have micro funds running in the following domains: • 42 – IoT & authentication • 42 – Connected Home • 42 – Wearable Technologies • 42 – 3DP & Customization As our investors show interest within other areas more will open. 2/6 How? All the benefits – without the usual costs Our operating model for the micro funds consists of two elements. First, a global scouting platform - 42 scouting factory – a dedicated team to build a qualified pipeline of candidates within your area of interests. Secondly an option to co-invest with 42 by leveraging our firm’s global capabilities, experience and reach to deliver sustained advantages to your investment. No management fee. No cash deposit. No overhead. You pay an annual membership fee for our scouting and case evaluation services and you pay a finder’s fee when you close a deal with one of the candidates in your pipeline. ______ Scouting together A Micro Fund needs to have a constant feed of candidate investments. A deal flow that fits your investment criteria and domain interests. Our global scouting factory with a dedicated scouting team in Copenhagen and San Francisco will be your guide to the future. Your candidate pipeline will be regularly assess either ad hoc or through regular report based on your preferences. Additionally your candidates – as well as candidates from other Micro Funds – will be visible on you own online platform where you can keep track of candidates, investments and keep a log of rejected cases as well as upload your own candidates and of course connect with other Micro Fund owners around the world. The scouting factory leverages multiple scouting sources: • 42’s industrial network of business partners and clients • 42’s scale platform for igniting and accelerating new tech start-ups • 42’s consulting partners in The Future Agency and Singularity University • 42’s academia partners such as Hyper Island, MIT and Stanford University • 42’s access to multiple beta-lists and open scouting sources online 3/6 Investing together On a case by case basis, 42 will co-invest alongside you and your team. This option exists for all Micro Fund owners and we evaluate each of the candidates carefully. We only co-invest in cases where our global firm’s capabilities and experience can be of value across the investment life-cycle. When we invest together we look for: 1. Big Ideas - Ideas, technologies and innovations with potential to solve complex industrial problems or solutions to some of the world’s grand challenges 2. Growing Ventures - Early stage B2B companies with attractive portfolios and scalable business models in attractive high growth domains 3. Mature Businesses - Late stage businesses with untapped global growth potentials or significant turn-around upside. For big ideas we will consider making cash injections. For later stage Series B and C, we will often waive our fees for equity or upside. While we share this particular profile with some investors, each Micro Fund owner should pursue his/her own profile. ______ 4/6 Building together The value of your investment portfolio primarily depends on our ability to present the right cases and our collective ability to scale and build the companies in a well-defined value creation logic and in close collaboration with founders and management. Some of the key value levers on strategic, tactical and operational level are: Early value levers can include: • Market potential • Equity story / market story • Development and test of new prototypes For a later stage companies additional levers will include: • IP strategy and distribution / channel rights management • Need-based customer segmentation and CX design • Building a brand and a proof-backed value proposition For more matured enterprises activities could include: • Setting the strategic and commercial modus • Building an efficient manufacturing blueprint • Ongoing support in executing defined projects (strategy office) Depending on your investment, preferences, and capabilities, we would expect you to inter into board positions, providing expert assistance, or even take operational positions. Regardless of what you do, you will be investing in a community of like-minded. 42 Micro Fund offering 1. Your own fund – Access to 42 scouting factory 2. A global community of likeminded investors 3. Your own it platform and investment dashboard 4. Quarterly feed of new investment candidates 5. Business cases and fact-based investment briefs 6. Trends and news scanning within fund domain 7. Invitation to annual inspiration summit to San Francisco 5/6 Getting started If you are considering establishing a Micro Fund, there are a number of elements you need to consider, before we can start scouting for you. • Your area of passion, interest, and expertise • The level of maturity of our scouting activities • Your service and community preferences Firstly, you need to consider your area of interest or expertise. Since most of our investors have built and sold businesses before, they naturally have an area of passion, interest and expertise. Therefore, the natural start will be to build from there, since you will be able to add value in your own capacity through active ownership. Second, you need to consider the maturity of the investments you are considering. Some investors are interested in very early ideas that may have proof of concept. Other possibilities include later Series A and early B investments, where there is a clearer “line-of-sight” in terms of proof of business and scalability. Third, you need to consider your other preferences. These can include whether you prefer to invest alone (or even anonymous), or, like many, together with other investors. This can include investing with 42 Capital. Other preferences include which activities you prefer (e.g., how often we meet, reporting format, and community participation). For more information. Please contact 42 Associates microfunds@42associates.com 6/6 42 Associates Christian IX’s Gade 7 DK-1111 Copenhagen K Tel.: +45 4236 4000 cph@42associates.com 42associates.com 42 Associates Inc. 44 Tehama Street San Francisco, CA 94105 · USA Tel.: +1 415 812 6646 sf@42associates.com
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