Think Red Ink Ministries Thinking pink - Issue 3 A Softer Shade of Red THINKING PINK - ISSUE 3 Something Borrowed, Something BLEW! 7/2013 Something Old, Something New, Part 3 Something Borrowed - Health Polly had always been active. Dancing lessons and cheer leading as a child, track and field in high school, tennis in college, she had never been one to sit still for very long. In one brief moment, it was all over. She never even saw the car that hit her that rainy night. When she woke up in the hospital, Dean had to tell her where she was and what had happened. With tears in his eyes – his words hung heavy in her ears and fearful sympathy was etched onto his face, “Honey, your neck is broken…” Randy lived life to the fullest. It was one of the things Elaine loved most about him. A very accomplished man, he put him- self wholly into whatever he wanted to do. “Most people will never do most of what Randy has done,” thought Elaine. She looked across the room and enjoyed the sight of him reclining, relaxed in his favorite chair. It was good to have him back home after all the weeks in the nursing facility. “A stroke…how could it be so? He barely knows me and he hardly understands what has happened. How will I care for him? Can I do it?” “CANCER!” Rosa couldn’t believe her ears. The doctor kept right on talking, though her ears stopped working at hearing the dreaded word. “How could Joe have cancer? What is that he is saying? Chemotherapy? Radiation? Six months? NO! NO!” (Continued on page 2) “ sickness and in health” Inside this issue: Something Borrowed (Part 3) ~ HEALTH 1 “ sickness and in health” 2 From the Editors 3 Red Checkered Apron Recipes 5 Meet Terry Harmon 6 Have you Read? Meet Jenny Carroll 7 Cents-ables 8 THINKING PINK - ISSUE 3 Page 2 hard work, it was paying off. Plenty of money and time and a ski trip at a beautiful resort – this was something they had planned in great anticipation. It was their first great adventure as they began retirement years together. (Continued from page 1) Rosa’s thoughts were wild, but no words came out of her mouth. All she could do was sob. And this was only the beginning… It was to be a second honeymoon for Mike and Sally. They both had been busy with their separate careers. Finally, after years of The snow was thick and powdery, the sky sunny and blue, Mike and Sally set out right after breakfast not wanting to waste a single moment of perfection. CRACK! Sally’s leg snapped half way down the first slope. Her doctor had warned her of the early stages of osteoporosis. She hadn’t worried though. “I’m not old yet!” Now, she was staring at surgery and several months of casts, wheelchairs, and rehab. marriage 8 years ago. “He is still so small,” sighed Tammy, “and he struggles so just to be able to breathe.” Darrin held his wife closer as they stared into the neonatal nursery where Derrick had spent the whole of the two months of his existence struggling to live. “Will we ever get to bring Derrick home? Will he ever be strong and well?” the new parents wondered out loud to nobody in particular. The ladies that are depicted in these stories are not real – at least not in the person of an individual. The women are, in reality, composites of many ladies I have known or talked to. The names have been fabricated and the stories compiled in order to preserve their trust in me after sharing their hearts in confidence. ~Pam Harris Tammy and Darrin had prayed for a child since their “ sickness and in health” Get peace – the peace that passes understanding. It can come only through having contentment no matter what the circumstances. Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which pas- seth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Determine to focus on what is in your control. Matthew 6:27, "Which of you by taking thought Don’t worry about things that may happen. Matthew 6:34, "Take therefore no thought for the Examine your emotional status and don’t make any decisions while emotional. 1 Peter 1:13, can add one cubit unto his stature?" morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;" THINKING PINK - ISSUE 3 Page 3 INTRODUCING - Laura Misenheimer Co-Editor of ThINKing Pink Laura is a wife and mother of two growing girls, ages 13 and 8 years. The daughter of a teacher and a homemaker, she traded her career as a Marine Biologist for the honor of being a Stay-at-Home Mom . She home-schools Maddie and Marie and bakes wonderful, beautiful loaves of homemade bread. For a short period of time, she worked as a regular volunteer in the TRI offices and since her family’s move to Colorado, continues to use her time and talents in this ministry. I am pleased that Laura has agreed to co-edit this publication with me and I believe you will be, too! ~Pam Harris, Co-Editor Becoming Healthy Inside and Out…A Testimony Hello from Lamar, Colorado! My name is Laura Misenheimer and I am thrilled that Pam asked me to be involved in Thinking Pink. My husband, Wade, and I have two girls together: Madeline, age 13; and Marie, age 8. I have been married for fourteen years now, and I can’t believe that it has flown by so quickly. When I am not home schooling our children, Wade allows me to have the title of “Queen of the Kitchen,” which is unfortunate because my close friends would tell you that I really do not like to cook. I do have an advantage in that my husband is happiest when I cook fresh foods, sourdough breads from scratch, and every combination of beans and rice under the sun. Wade and my girls will also tell you that I am a wonderful cook, so that makes me feel good! As wives and mothers, we are responsible for our own health and for the nourishment of our husbands and children. We are told that we need to “eat our fruits and vegetables” but many of us women are at varying degrees on that spectrum of health and fitness. Before we can even think of feeding our families right, we need to take a hard look at ourselves and make sure that we are good examples of a fit lifestyle. To avoid hypocrisy in this matter, we ultimately need to develop a right relationship with food, and there is little chance of long-term success without the Spirit of God to guide us. For the past couple of years, I’ve had hormonal issues and additional life stresses that caused me (Continued on page 4) THINKING PINK - ISSUE 3 Page 4 Becoming Healthy Inside and Out…A Testimony (Continued from page 3) to put on at least thirty pounds of extra weight. I was so disgusted with myself; not knowing where to start, I asked Jehovah for help. While I was waiting (which I knew could take a long time), I did what I knew how to do – exercise. I always thought that if I exercised hard enough, it wouldn’t matter how much I ate. It took me almost a year to understand that I needed to cut back on my calories – even if I ate the things that were nutritious for my body. Since that time, I have learned to couple my regular exercise with an appropriate amount and quality of food and have gotten great results. It really is true that less food and simple food is more – more energy, more contentment, and more purpose in life. Instead of living to eat, I am learning how to eat to live. At the same time I was dealing with my physical body, Jehovah was slowly showing me how to correct the root of my problem. Through meditation (my own quiet time) and observing destructive eating patterns in myself, I became aware of why I eat the way I do. Without these insights, I would likely fall back into old patterns of behavior instead of truly being regenerated, or renewed, in my mind. And isn’t this what we really desire? We all want a change that will last. When I searched myself, I realized I mostly ate from boredom, because I certainly was not hungry. There were other times when I wouldn’t eat at all, and this slows down metabolism tremendously. This terrible eating pattern coupled with my health problems and added stress really created a recipe for disaster. I truly believe that I am using food to fill a spiritual void in my life. The more I eat to fill the emptiness, the less I am becoming who I am supposed to be as a child of God. Do not miss the irony here. Eating more makes us LESS of who we are supposed to be spiritually. Overeating is socially acceptable because it is one of our basic needs as humans. How many of us have eaten a whole meal and not even tasted it, or sat in front of the computer / TV and ate without even thinking about it? The key to this problem is awareness. If I catch my conscience telling me that I am eating this way, then I am given the power to stop it by obeying His voice. Am I perfected? Not yet, and I presume I will always have to be watchful. It is a daily process, and if I keep in mind that my transformation happens today, not some time off in the future, then the person I am right now is who I will eventually be. How I look on the outside is starting to catch up with the “new me” on the inside! Because each of us women has a different body chemistry, individualized health problems, and families with similar issues, it is so important to have a relationship with the God who created us. It may take a while, several years even, but we can receive specialized guidance on how to heal ourselves. I challenge you ThINKing women out there to search yourselves in this matter. You will not regret it. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and discoveries! Write me at ~ Laura Next Quarterly Issue “Something Borrowed! ~ CHILDREN” Parenting and Grand-parenting~ Homeschooling ~ Healthy Living Ideas ~ Cents-able Ideas ~ “Have you Read...?” ThINK on these things and submit your contributions for the next issue: THINKING PINK - ISSUE 3 Page 5 Red Checkered Apron Recipes & Health Tips This recipe requires a fun little gadget called the Spirooli. They are quite inexpensive and they are handy little noodle makers and slicers. You’ll find several options if you use google on the internet. I even found them to be available at (ah hum) Wal-Mart. Raw Cilantro Sauce on Zucchini Noodles Randy has do ne, lain looked across ” thoughtHE the room andi Moe.mmSah,e en sight of him re joyed the clining, relax ed in his favo chair. It was rite goo after all the w d to have him back home eeks in the nYuummy!! rsing facility. “A stroke…h ow could it be so? He barely knows me an d he hardly u nderstands w has happened hat . How will ITca harenk C sean dIidnogit?m”e fosr hfim o r ? this re cipe! What fun and eas a y w a “CANCER!” y to eat health o couldn’t b her ears.yT!heI’m seR ndsa ing yo a elieve d o ct o p r i k c ep t u though rheer beaecause itt right oun ta lking, rs stopped woalso has greedare tadped rk th in rew g a se t h n eaaring t ioow ord.a“tH n ! T h i s i co s uld Joedhish sr? cance o W rihcaht due heyinngu?tCs ave theraatpyy?ouRawois that thoe istsa th hemodianti'otn?eS vix enmotnhth i N n arOe!” mRiossa k s? y N Oo!u si’snth g otuhghets"wter r e a w d w il i o d t i, obnuat lno sard ucseca " mae obuitto.f hTerh mo udth i s . A i s h e alllssh co is o veurld asable y dsouw it for the First pulverize the nuts till smooth, add a little cocogluten into lerant. The nut water to get the nuts a-going. Then add the rehealthy zucchini no odles repla maining ingredients, blend one minute. Put into servce the pasta noodl ing bowl and set aside. es and what fun to make with t he Spirooli . I Wash 3 or 4 zucchini, preferably organic. Set up Spiwould not l et this gad rooli machine and put zucchini thru the machine. Folget intimidate yo u. It is no low manufactures directions on how to process the t one of those that has so many zucchini. Put zucchini "noodles" in bowl and toss parts you don't k with Cilantro Sauce or serve separately. now what to do with them all or that you wi ll worry about You can sprinkle on top fresh chopped cilantro, tomahow to put toes, onions, peppers, chopped nuts, or anything it all together. Y ou will esp else that trips your trigger. ecially have fun ma king this d i sh if you get the Serve with Raw Garlic Bread….Yummers. Enjoy!! kids to hel p Kids would out. love watchi ng the zucchini tu rn into pas Submitted by Terry ta noodles! In a blender or Vita-Mix:: 1/2 cup raw cashew nuts 1/2 cup raw Brazil nuts 1 tsp. Celtic sea salt 1/4 cup lime or lemon juice, fresh squeezed of course! 2 cups coconut water, from a baby coconut or a nice bottled source Big bunch cilantro 1/4 tsp. chipotle powder, or to taste, if desired 3 or 4 Zucchini Harmon. Meet this “Boomer Gal” on the following page! (from Gina, Pam’s Daugh ter) THINKING PINK - ISSUE 2 Page 6 Meet Terry Harmon PO Box 718 Pie Town, NM 87827 575-772-2588 888-578-7867 Email Submissions, Comments, Questions to: We’re on the web! Thinkredink. com Dear Pam , It's good to hear Don on a reg ular basis again! I hope he is continuing to improve as w ell as he seems to be…I enjoyed the "Thinking Pink" porti on of the newslette r this week. I'm going to make a co llection of the recipes that appear there! I look forward to more. (TX) Yowza! I’m Boomer Gal Terry and I submitted this yummy and fun recipe. I live in Washington state with my childhood sweetheart and hubby of 41 years, Andy, and we have 3 grown and married children and six grandchildren, 20, 19, 18, 14, 13 and 12 yrs. old I was turned on to raw foods and lost 80 pounds as well as gained the benefit of good health. We are not 100% raw, we do enjoy some healthy homecooked meals also. This is one of our favorite recipes. Try it, you’ll enjoy it, too! ~Terry EVENTS Sat; 8/3 (10:00 am—3:00 pm) The Rapture—A Critical Study (Video Recording Meeting) Sponsored by the Abilene Torah Group, 2502 Bel Air Street, Abilene, TX Noon to 1:00 Pot-blessing lunch (Please bring “biblically clean” food only — beverages, utensils will be provided) PLEASE REGISTER: Deb: 325-660-1952 or Sat; 9/7 (SUNSET) - Sun; 9/8 (SUNSET) - Day of Trumpets Mon; 9/16 (SUNSET) - Tues; 9/17 (SUNSET) - Day of Atonement Sat; 9/21 (SUNSET) - Sat; 9/28 (SUNSET) - Feast of Tabernacles at TRI in Pie Town, NM Sun; 9/29 Last Great Day @ TRI in Pie Town, NM THINKING PINK - ISSUE 3 Page 7 Have you Read…? Dear Laura, I wanted to share with you a new book that has come out called Trim Healthy Mama. It has received very good reviews, and it promises it is not another fad dieting book. Well, I just finished reading most of it. I thought I would like it since I am finding it’s a little harder to lose weight from this last pregnancy than the previous ones. It’s never a good feeling when you weigh more than your husband. Plus I just don’t feel healthy. I want to be healthy and fit for both my husband and my kids. I am going to get there one way or another. Anyway, Trim Healthy Mama is a fairly large book with over 600 pages. I bought the Nook version and wish I would have spent the extra money and purchased the actual book. It’s hard flipping back and forth through recipes on a Nook. The short version of the book is to never eat fats with carbohydrates. You can eat both fats and carbs, just not at the same meal setting. It is about maintaining a healthy insulin level. All that said, I am starting a new way of eating. We will see if it works. I will update each week with the progress, if there is any. You can check for new progress in the Health & Weight Loss section of my blog. ~Jenny Carroll Meet Jenny Carroll Sword Fights and Tea Parties Blog Hi, I'm Jenny, aka Mama. I've been married since 2007 to a man who is a perfect fit for me. I live in Pie Town, New Mexico, and we have four children, ages four and under. Feel free to join me as I journal (with the help of my husband, Justin) about homeschooling, gluten allergies, cloth diapers, raising babies, becoming a better HelpMeet, and Mama. http:// Dear Jenny, Thanks for recommending the Trim Healthy Mama book to me. I really enjoyed learning how insulin works in my own body. I am amazed that eating carbohydrates and protein one meal, and then switching to fat and protein the next meal can make such a big difference in overall health. The best part is that eggs, butter, fattening oils, bread, meats, and pasta are all included! Whether you are looking to lose weight or maintain what you have, this really is a common sense method to eating that keeps you energized all “I want to be healthy and fit for both my husband and my kids.” ~Jenny day long. With all the recipes and exhaustive food combinations that you CAN eat, I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying it. What’s more, I loved the fact that the authors (two sisters who are homeschooling moms as well) wrote their own testimonies. It is fascinating to me that one of the sisters, Serene, actually returned to a more balanced meat diet after being a raw food eater for seven years. It confirmed for me what I always thought about long-term veganism. I also enjoyed the extra sections on hormones, fitness, and even marital relations. Can’t wait to put this information to good use myself and to watch your progress on your blog! ~Laura Misenheimer THINKING PINK - ISSUE 3 Page 8 Homemade Laundry Detergent 1 Cup Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (NOT Baking Soda) 1/2 Cup 20 Mule Team Borax 1 Bar Soap (any you wish) 3 Gallons water, warm In a 5 gallon bucket, add 3 gallons of warm water, washing soda, and Borax. Mix well. On stove, boil 4 cups water in a saucepan. Shave soap and add a little at a time until it is completely dissolved. Add mixture to the 5 gallon bucket and mix well. Let sit for 24 hours before using. Contents may be jellylike or waterlike depending on the kind of soap you used. Regardless, stir up bucket really well again and periodically for best results. For each load of laundry, add 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of homemade laundry soap. My bucket lasts me around 2-3 months for a family of four. Submitted by Laura Misenheimer, Lamar, CO THINKING PINK is an e-zine by and for ladies, and is looking for inspired and inspiring contributions by YOU! THINKING PINK may not be able to use every submission nor publish in any particular e-zine issue. Don’t worry about grammar and punctuation, Ladies. All articles will be reviewed by THINKING PINK Editors prior to publishing and are subject to changes (e.g. length shortened) in order to fit the material in the best manner for clarity and publication. Next Quarterly Issue “Something Borrowed! - CHILDREN” Parenting & Grand-parenting ~ Homeschooling ~ Healthy Living Advice ~ Cents-able Ideas ~ “Have You Read...?” ThINK on these things and submit your contributions for the next issue:
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