2015 HHS Spring Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter: Volume 4, Issue 3 March 16, 2015
Principal’s Message
As we near the end of the third quarter, I would like to give props to the many clubs,
organizations and teams who have had such a successful winter. There’s band, choir, dance,
orchestra, swimming, wrestling and our other wonderful clubs from A to Z. Herriman High has
been represented well.
I would like to congratulate each of these teams and the individuals who performed so well in
them. I would also thank the coaches, parents and community for the support we have
received at all of our events.
It is truly a great day to be a Mustang!
James Birch
HHS Principal
Upcoming Orchestra
Festival Concert
The Orchestra Festival Concert will be on
March 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. The
HHS orchestra will be playing the music they
will perform at their region festival and the
Heritage Festival in San Francisco for their tour.
Come get a preview of what students will be
performing in their competitions.
Mini Mustang Preschool is now enrolling
for the 2015-2016 school year. Registration information is online at:
herrimanhigh.org under the “School
Information,” preschool/childcare links.
Students wishing to teach in the preschool or child care lab need to check in
with Mrs. Johnson before the end of the
What Are the Counselors Up To?
The first ever Spanish showcase will be held
Tuesday, March 31st from 2:30-4:30 p.m.
There will be three fun events students can
participate in: storytelling/show
and tell, team competition, and
impromptu conversation. For
more information, see your
Spanish teacher.
Local Author Visits HHS Book Club
Riverton author, Sara B.
Larson, has
found widespread success with
her Defy
fantasy trilogy. In February, the school book club
read Defy and was lucky enough to receive a visit
from the author. Students enjoyed the book and
had the chance to ask the author questions about
it. They also learned more about what it means to
be a published writer.
Registration for 2015 AP exams is now
open! Students can register online through
the counseling website:
www.counseling.herrimanhigh.org (click on
“Advanced Classes,” then the “Total Registration” link is at the bottom of the page.)
Regular registration will be open through
March 19th. Late registration, with a $10
fee, will go through April 3rd.
Counselors are also focusing on getting all
Junior Plan for College and Career Readiness (CCR) meetings complete. The goal is
to meet with all juniors and their parents to
discuss goals, plan classes, and make sure
they are on track for graduation. PCCR appointments can still be made by calling the
counseling center at 801-567-8560. Any student who doesn’t make an appointment
will be called down in the next few weeks to
meet with their counselor.
Arena scheduling days are as
Upcoming Seniors: April 15th16th
Upcoming Juniors: April 17th
and 20th
Upcoming Sophomores: April
Need a summer job? Attend the AIM HIRED job fair April 30, 2015 between
1:30-3:30 p.m. in the Tech Atrium. Find jobs in fields such as tutoring, recreation, food service, sales, and more. Come professionally dressed and with a resume.
Want to get paid while furthering your education? Come to
our AIM HIRED job fair and talk to apprenticeship representatives about training in plumbing,
electrical, HVAC, masonry, construction, and more. Start working full-time at $11.00-$15.00
an hour, get yearly raises, benefits, and possibly have your post-high school education paid for!
Upon apprenticeship completion, earn an average of $45,000.00 annually. Representatives
from cosmetology and 1-2 year business degrees will also be available.
Sponsored by : Work-Based Learning
For questions contact Kristi Kemp
801-567-8562 kristi.kemp@jordandistrict.org
New Scholarship Database Now Available
Need help paying for college? HHS now has a wonderful scholarship database online! To access it, go to the counseling center page, find the scholarship information and click on
"scholarship database by date." The database is color coded, arranged by the month application is due, and includes hyperlinks to the applications or websites for more information. It
includes local and national scholarships and is updated frequently to assist you in your quest
for college funding. Need more help in your scholarship search? Come to our after school
scholarship workshops held weekly on Thursdays in the Career Center lab from 2:30-3:00
p.m. You can also talk with your counselor or our scholarship specialist, Kristen Flandro, for
further assistance.
HHS Students at
2015 Sundance Film Festival
Students in the art department had the
opportunity to attend this year’s Sundance
Film Festival to learn more about the art of
independent film. Since 2000, Sundance has
offered their “Student Screening Program” as
a fun and educational opportunity for young
people to participate in this internationally esteemed festival.
PLT Collecting Important Items
The Peer Leadership Team will be
collecting much needed items for a
domestic violence shelter this
spring. Donations can be brought to students’
first period teachers March 23rd through April
17th. The class that collects the most items will
receive a donut party! Be on the lookout for
more information about needed items.
Scholarship Awarded to HHS Student
Outstanding Herriman High School
student, Claudia Loayza, was
awarded the 2015 Jose Ceballo
Memorial Scholarship from the Latinos in Action Organization. Congratulations!
GOING TO COLLEGE? Yes, Art is required--read on...
Are you a student with a vision for your future? Some of the following courses are mandatory in college (Art 1010 and 1020) and some will give you students with amazing art skills a strong portfolio and
college credit to get into college programs once you’ve been accepted to the college of your dreams
(AP Art Drawing and 2D). Read the following descriptions...
SLCC Concurrent General Ed. Courses: Art 1010 : Art 1010 is a SLCC concurrent class that offers 3 GE
credits (core) accepted by Utah colleges and universities and .5 art high school credit. Students get
hands-on, interactive, and project based experience in art history. Students take two field studies,
create many shared Google projects, and create art like the masters every Friday. Research, writing,
and reading are also required.
Art 1020 : Art 1020 is a SLCC concurrent class that gives you hands-on studio experience in 2-D, mostly
observational drawing. It’s like taking Drawing One/Two on steroids. Kids come out of this class with
serious drawing skills. No pre-test, prerequisite, or prior art skills required. There is mainly only
sketchbook homework. You receive a high school grade and credit for either Art or CTE, as well as a
grade on your college transcript and 3 credits from SLCC.
ART AP (Drawing and 2D) What happens when you get to college and you’re required to submit a
portfolio to get into the art program you want? Hopefully you spent your high school junior and senior year creating a skillful, creative, and sophisticated portfolio. AP students strive to get a “5” score
which rewards them up to 7 college credits. In this class, you’ll hone your observational skills in drawing the human form/still life in a variety of styles, methods, and mediums, and then find that niche
that best represents your artistic strengths. All 2D work can be submitted as a portfolio, ranging from
oil painting to photographed installations. Juniors and seniors are welcome to take this class on approval. Most students who have taken 1020 can continue working on their portfolio in Art AP.
23 FBLA Students Qualify for
Once again, the school’s FBLA (Future
Business Leaders of America) club has
made Herriman proud! They have put
in hours of hard work and it has paid
off. 23 students are going to FBLA Nationals in Chicago at the end of June to
represent our school.
Students Who Placed in the Top 10:
Business Ethics
9th Place: Kaitlin Braithwaite, Brandi Kirkham, and
FBLA Principles and Procedures
Jenny Lestarge
1st Place: Marin Murdock
Global Business
2nd Place: KaylaHebertson
10th Place: Samantha Stubbs, Ryan Healey, and ConParliamentary Procedure
nor Reading
1st Place: Arye Smith, Olivia Ziter,
Introduction to Business
Hannah Pederson, Rylee Pierce, Austin Cummins
10th Place: Marin Murdock
Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
Partnership with Business
2nd Place: Breanna Hurdsman
2nd Place: Brandi Kirkham, Jenny Lestarge, and Kait8th Place: Kayla Hebertson
lin Braithewaite
Management Information Systems
Community Service Project
2nd Place: Gavin Robinson, Grant Schmidt, and Jona3rd Place: Devaughan Ott, Hampton Kelsch, and
thon Haroldson
Marissa Rognon
Desktop Publishing
Computer Game & Simulation Programming
5th Place: Marissa Ragnon and Paynton Matthews
3rd Place: Chandler Holder, Gibson Higgs, and Chase
Sales Presentation
5th Place: Tristan Erickson
Mobile Application Development
Business Plan
3rd Place: Gavin Trujillo, Ian Mills, and Tanner Dailey
5th Place: Jacob Angiano, Nick Nelson, and Ian CabarWho’s Who in FBLA
3rd Place: Olivia Ziter
Computer Problem Solving
Business Presentation
6th Place: Jonathan Haroldson
4th Place: Rachel Lunt, Marin Murdock, and Tristan
Introduction to Information Technology
7th Place: Hayden Watts
Management Decision Making
Business Law
4th Place: Jacob Angiano and Devaughn Ott
8th Place: Jacob Angiano
Business Financial Plan
Business Math
Nick Nelson and Anthony DeGaston
8th Place: Kayla Hebertson
Business Plan
Impromptu Speaking
5th Place: Jacob Angiano, Nick Nelson, and Ian Caba8th Place: Sydney Park
Herriman Physics Students Show Engineering Talent
HHS Honors and AP Physics Students participated in the 40th annual BYU Bridge Building Competition. It is
sponsored by the Department of Civil Engineering, and offers high school students the opportunity to test
their design and building skills by creating a balsa wood bridge that can support a load provided by 5 hydraulic pistons, precisely spaced on a 16 inch deck. The bridges must be six inches high and supported by
only 2 base blocks located 10 inches apart. Measurements must be correct to within 1/8 of an inch, and the
bridge’s mass cannot exceed 40 grams. Bridges are pre-qualified for the competition based on these criteria, and then they are loaded until they break or their structure can no longer hold weight. This year, BYU
changed the competition slightly, lowering the top mass of the bridges from 50 grams to 40 grams. This
made a significant difference in the load to mass ratios from previous years. Final judging is based on the
load held by the bridge divided by its mass. The top 10 bridges at Herriman High for 2015 were built by:
Samuel Angus
Load: 1281
Load/Mass: 35.14
Quaid Green
Load: 1142
Load/Mass: 29.38
Brayden Buttars
Load: 1080
Load/Mass: 28.65
Ashley Ricks
Load: 891
Load/Mass: 28.04
Madysen Koford
Load: 886
Load/Mass: 27.70
Katie Jones
Load: 839
Load/Mass: 27.15
Jeremy Lott
Load: 946
Load/Mass: 26.94
Tyson Sabey
Load: 891
Load/Mass: 26.08
Logan Parent
Load: 776
Load/Mass: 25.35
Kaden Hunter
Load: 713
Load/Mass: 21.92
Congratulations to all of our students who did great work on this project! A special thanks goes to the Jordan Education Foundation who contributed $500 toward the cost of the kits for this project.
Science Olympiad Students Place in Regionals
HHS students competed in two Regional Science Olympiad competitions and placed
in the following events:
Westminster Regional, February 28th
3rd Anatomy: Megan Edwards & Paige Shipman
2nd Astronomy: Cole Rice & Carter Hickenlooper
2nd Chemistry Lab: Katie Jones & Paige Shipman
1st Wright Stuff: Cole Rice & Daniel Ertel
Weber Regional, February 21st
3rd Air Trajectory: Cole Rice & Kaiden Woodward
1st Astronomy: Cole Rice & Carter Hickenlooper
2nd Cell Biology: Scott Adams & Cameron Barkley
2nd Materials Science: Katie Jones & Paige Shipman
Sterling Scholars Shine
The Deseret News Sterling Scholar program has been recognizing outstanding students in Utah for
54 years and awarding them with prizes such as scholarships and tuition vouchers. This year Herriman students won this prestigious academic award in two of the 14 categories.
“I have always thought of dancing as the
universal language understood by all
people from all types of circumstances.
It is a medium of expression that
communicates directly with the soul and
brings forth inspiration and knowledge.
Dancing has shaped who I am today. My
entire work ethic and endurance come
from dance.”
“My involvement with Family and
Consumer Science studies will not only
enrich my life, but the lives of my future
children, as I will take the knowledge I
have gained in these courses, and apply
them to my parenting practices...I
believe in helping children understand
their own importance and developing
In addition to the named Sterling Scholars, HHS
recognizes all of the finalists who put in a tremendous amount of work creating a portfolio to showcase their academic and extra-curricular achievements. There was an amazing pool of talent to
choose from.
Congresswoman Mia Love Comes
to Herriman
4th District House Representative Mia Love
came to Herriman High School on March 11th
to have a discussion with government students. In this exciting chance to engage with a
seated member of congress, students were
able to ask Ms. Love thoughtful questions
about working in the U.S. government.
Attention Woodworking
All previous woodworking students need
to remove their projects from the shop to
make more space. Anyone who removes it
by March 25th will receive a candy bar!
Skills USA State Competitions will be held
March 26th and 27th. Most contests are at
the SLCC Taylorsville campus. Students who
are competing must:
1. Complete a prerequisite Skills USA
knowledge test on the Skills USA Utah website by March 13th.
Ballroom Students Attend Festival
The HHS Ballroom Team attended their first festival on February 12th at Westlake High School.
The team attended master classes, where they
were able to learn international tango and foxtrot. Their evening ended with a performance
along with Alta High School, Timpanogos High
School, and Orem and Park City Junior High
Schools. They performed a paso doble entitled
“Matador” and an American-style cha-cha entitled “Time After Time.” Thanks to the students
and parents who came out to support the
2. Pick up their required uniform by March
3. Create a hard copy resume and bring it to
the contest.
4. Check the Skills USA website for updates in
their particular contest.
See Mrs. Turner with questions.
In the Spring, I have counted 136 different
kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.
—Mark Twain