Contents Well, summer’s finally here. That means getting your drinks menu ready for something that’s just a little more chilled. Take our signature drinks recipes for example. These beauties are aimed squarely at the young and the young of heart – piling on the wow-factor but remaining ridiculously easy to make. If you’re looking for some firm favourites, our classic frappes recipes are: ice-cold and a real blast for the senses. Try our Mango Tango smoothie to taste exactly what we mean. Our new kid in town is fruit coolers, just pop a sachet into a cup, add ice, add water and serve. Cool, crisp and incredibly refreshing. For the chilled beverage connoisseur iced tea is the way to go; we’ve lifted this classic drink to a whole new level. All you have to do is prep, pour and watch the customers line up. And we do pretty much everything else that will keep a coffee shop chilled-out this summer. So whether it’s summer drinks, big leaf big flavour teas, or eats that deserve to be eaten, we’ve got the perfect range of products to put the heat on ice this summer. Fancy a chat? Call: +44 (0) 141 420 2422 (Monday-Friday 08:30-17:30) Fax: +44 (0) 141 420 2377 Email: Send us a letter From the UK: Espresso Warehouse, FREEPOST GW7023 Glasgow G5 8BR Outside the UK: Espresso Warehouse, 8-10 Lawmoor Road, Glasgow G5 OUL United Kingdom BUY ANY 6 OF ONE ITEM AND SAVE 10%. All products marked with an* are not subject to VAT seAsonAL .......................................................................2 SIGNATURE DRINKS ........................................4 CLASSIC FRAPPES .........................................6 FRUIT COOLERS ...........................................8 ICED TEA ...............................................10 THE KIT ................................................13 sYRUPs..........................................................................16 CHoCoLAte ABYss........................................................20 BARIstA KIt..................................................................26 TAMPERS................................................28 MILK JUGS ..............................................30 CREAM WHIPPER ..........................................33 BAR TIDY ...............................................34 CUPs..............................................................................36 TAKEAWAY ...............................................37 CROCKERY ...............................................41 BRew KIt......................................................................42 sUKI teA .......................................................................49 PAVILIon GARDen teA..................................................56 eAts ..............................................................................60 SUGAR ‘N‘ SPICE MUFFINS ................................61 PROPERCORN POPCORN .....................................62 WOODEN SPOON BAKED GOODS...............................64 FINE COOKIE BAKED GOODS ................................68 PEPPERSMITH MINTS ......................................72 eVeRYtHInG eLse.........................................................74 CLeAnInG......................................................................76 FULL CIRCLE ............................................77 URNEX ..................................................78 CLEANING ACCESSORIES ...................................79 tRAInInG & ResoURCes...............................................80 TRAINING ...............................................81 BOOKS ..................................................83 FAIRTRADE ..............................................84 COFFEE KIDS ............................................85 POINT OF SALE ..........................................86 seAsonAL seAsonAL Well, we all know there’s only one type of British summer: gloriously unpredictable. So we’ve created four different styles of drinks, perfectly pitched for the season. Signature drinks grab attention and taste buds at once. Classic frappes need no introduction. Hotfruits and Hotherbs powders, are contrarily, served ice cold: a portion controlled, easy way to tackle summer on your terms. Then there’s iced tea: that eternally chic drink takes things up a notch served in a glass jug to share. 2 3 seAsonAL - sIGnAtURe DRInKs sIGnAtURe DRInKs stRAwBeRRY GAteAU fRAPPe 1. Add a handful of marshmallows (DMINIMAL) to a blender jug. 2. Fill a 16oz cup full with ice and add: • 4oz cup of strawberry fruit concentrate (DBBERRY), • 2 pumps of white mocha sauce (DWMOCHA), • 4oz cup of water. 3. Empty the cup contents into a blender jug. 4. Blend on programme 2 on the Santos blender (DSANBLEN). 5. Pour contents back into the cup and decorate as required. (We recommend some whipped cream, some marshmallows and a little bit of strawberry concentrate drizzled on top.) MInt CRIsP fRAPPe tIRAMIsU fRAPPe 1. Add 2 scoops of frappe powder (DFRAPPE) and 4 mint crisp squares (DCACHOCS) to a blender jug. 1. Add 2 scoops of frappe powder (DFRAPPE) to a blender jug. 2. Fill a 16oz cup (D16CLCUP) with ice and add: • fresh full fat milk, • 2 pumps of dark mocha sauce (DDMOCHA). 3. Fill a 16oz cup full of ice and add: • the espresso and milk mixture, • 2 pumps of dark mocha sauce (DDMOCHA), • and top the cup with fresh full fat milk. 3. Empty contents of the cup into the blender jug. 4. Empty the contents of the cup into the blender jug. 4. Blend on programme 2 on the Santos blender (DSANBLEN). 5. Blend on programme 2 on the Santos blender (DSANBLEN). 5. Pour contents back into cup used for measuring and decorate as required. (We recommend some broken up bits of mint crisp chocolate pieces and a drizzle of dark mocha sauce.) 6. Take a squeezy bottle (DSQBOTT) filled with dark mocha sauce and lace the empty cup by starting at the bottom of the cup and twisting the cup around slowly progressing to the top of the cup as you go. All frappe recipe proportions are for a 16oz drink. 4 2. Make one espresso shot and top with milk to cool it down. 7. Pour blender contents into decorated cup and decorated as required (We recommend some whipped cream and a swirl of dark mocha sauce.) 5 1. Add 2 scoops of frappe powder (DFRAPPE) and 4oz of fresh raspberries to a blender jug. 2. Fill a 16oz cup full of ice and add: • a half cup of peach fruit concentrate (DBPEACH) and top with milk. 3. Empty the contents into the blender jug. 4. Blend on programme 2 on the Santos blender (DSANBLEN). 5. Pour contents back into the cup used for measuring and decorate as required. (We recommend a scoosh of cream and some raspberries.) CLAssIC fRAPPes MAnGo tAnGo sMootHIe 1. Add a large mint leaf to a blender jug. 2. Fill a 16oz cup full of ice and add: • a half cup of mango fruit concentrate (DBMANGO), • 3 pumps of Essenz Coconut syrup (DSNZCOC), • top with water. seAsonAL - CLAssIC fRAPPes PeACH MeLBA fRAPPe 3. Empty the contents into the blender jug. 4. Blend on programme 2 on the Santos blender (DSANBLEN). BeRRIes & CReAM fRAPPe 1. Add 2 scoops of frappe powder (DFRAPPE) to a blender jug. 5. Pour contents back into the cup used for measuring and decorate as required. (We recommend a mint leaf.) 2. Fill a 16oz cup full of ice and add: • a half cup of summer fruits concentrate (DBBERRY) and top with milk. 3. Empty the contents into the blender jug. 4. Blend on programme 2 on the Santos blender (DSANBLEN). 5. Pour contents back into the cup used for measuring and decorate as required. (We recommend a scoosh of cream and some raspberries and strawberries.) All frappe recipe proportions are for a 16oz drink. 6 7 seAsonAL - fRUIt CooLeRs fRUIt CooLeRs stRAwBeRRY & MInt CooLeRs RAsPBeRRY CooLeRs 1. Add 1 sachet of Strawberry and Mint Hotherbs powder (DHOTSTRW) to a 16oz cup full of ice. 2. Top with water. 2. Top with water. 1. Add 1 sachet of Raspberry Hotfruits powder (DHOTRASP) to a 16oz cup full of ice. 3. Mix and decorate as required. (We recommend a raspberry.) 3. Mix and decorate as required. (We recommend a mint leaf.) 8 9 APPLe LoVes MInt ICeD InfUsIon 1. To a SUKI teapot (DSKTPOT) add: • 2 scoops SUKI Rooibos tisanes (DSKROOB), • hot water, • then infuse the tea for about 4-5 minutes. 1. To a SUKI teapot (DSKTPOT) add: • 3 scoops SUKI tisanes Apple Loves Mint (DSKAPPLE), • hot water, • then infuse the tea for about 4-5 minutes. 2. To a glass pitcher fill with ice and add 1 pump of Essenz Orange syrup (DSNZOJ). 2. To a glass pitcher fill with ice and add 1 pump of Essenz Vanilla syrup (DSNVAN). 3. Add the infused tea to the glass pitcher and top with cold water. 3. Add the infused tea to the glass pitcher and top with cold water. 4. Decorate as required. (We recommend adding some orange slices.) 4. Decorate as required. (We recommend adding some mint leaves and some apple slices.) seAsonAL - ICeD teA RooIBos CItRUs ICeD InfUsIon PePPeRMInt & oRAnGe ICeD InfUsIon 1. To a SUKI teapot (DSKTPOT) add: • 3 scoops SUKI Peppermint tisanes (DSKMINT), • hot water, • then infuse the tea for about 4-5 minutes. 2. To a glass pitcher fill with ice and add 1 pump of Essenz Orange syrup (DSNZOJ). 3. Add the infused tea to the glass pitcher and top with cold water. 4. Decorate as required. (We recommend adding some sliced oranges.) 10 11 Our Santos blender will create the frothiest frappes adding variety to your summer menu giving your customers some stone cold stunners. What’s more, we’re throwing in a free starter pack featuring three cases of B Ravi fruit concentrate and 100 cups, straws and lids; that’s 100 free drinks to get the party started! seAsonAL - tHe KIt tHe KIt sIGnAtURe DRInKs AnD CLAssIC fRAPPes SANTOS BLENDER AND JUG The Santos blender is a heavy duty commercial blender that is great for iced coffee, smoothies, milkshakes and cocktails. Ideal for intensive use: it can crush any kind of ice cubes and frozen fruits. Silent, ‘brushless’ motor with sound enclosure. Infinite drink programs with 30 pre-programmed cycles + free software to create your own (USB port under the blender). Easy to clean and comes with a two year manufacturer warranty. DSANBLEN 12 SANTOS SPARE JUG SANTOS SPARE LID DSANJUG DSANLID Order a Santos blender and receive for free: Three cases of B Ravi (Summer Berry or Mango flavours) or Vanilla Breeze frappe mix, or mix and match. You will also get a 16oz Clear Cup Starter Kit containing 100 16oz clear plastic cups, domed lids and red straws. That’s at least 100 free great tasting blended drinks to get you started! 13 seAsonAL - tHe KIt fRUIt CooLeRs 16OZ CLEAR CUP STARTER KIT Contains 100 unbranded 16oz cups. 16oz domed lids and red straws. DICESET x 100 16OZ CLEAR PLASTIC CUPS D16CLCUP x 1000 16OZ DOMED LIDS DBRLIDS x 1000 12OZ CLEAR PLASTIC CUPS D12CLCUP x 1000 12OZ DOMED LIDS D12DOMEL x 1000 HOTFRUITS RASPBERRY B RAVI SUMMER FRUITS Bursting with raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants and blueberries and a hint of green tea extract. B Ravi fruit concentrates can be used in frappes, or just poured over ice and blended. B RAVI MANGO B RAVI PEACH All the taste of mangos without any hassle. Pour over ice and blend. Soft peach flavour without the fuzz. Pour over ice and blend. DBMANGO 8 x 1 Litre cartons DBPEACH 8 x 1 Litre cartons Our newest summer product. With a tangy raspberry flavour, these versatile single portion sachets will help to extend your summer menu without weighing, measuring, or too much cost. Just tear, pour; add water and ice, then stir. That's it! On colder days in the summer time add hot water instead of cold to make a hot sweet drink. RED SPOON STRAWS 300 individually wrapped red spoon straws. DBSTRAW x 300 HOTHERBS STRAWBERRY & MINT A partner in crime to the raspberry Hotfruits flavour. Sweet strawberry flavour and a ‘hint of mint’, adds a low cost, efficient and refreshing return on your margins. DHOTSTRW 25 single portion sachets DHOTRASP 25 single portion sachets DBBERRY 8 x 1 Litre cartons VANILLA BREEZE FRAPPE POWDER B RAVI STRAWBERRY Bursting with strawberry fun. Great for a strawberries & cream frappe or just pour over ice and blend. DBSTRAWB 8 x 1 Litre cartons 14 Vanilla frappe mix is an absolute must if you plan to make frappes. Blend with ice cold milk for a creamy, vanilla frappe or add our B Ravi flavours for a frappe that puts the ‘cream’ in your berries & cream or puts the ‘go’ in your mango. DFRAPPE 2 x 2kg 15 sYRUPs STRAWBERRY DSNZSTR VANILLA DSNZVAN ORANGE DSNZOJ FAIRTRADE VANILLA DSNZFTV RASPBERRY DSNZRAS TOFFEE DSNZTOF COCONUT DSNZCOC ALMOND DSNZALM BANANA DSNZBAN ICED TEA DSNZTEA essenz sYRUPs Flavour’s where it’s at, not just sweetness. The 19 varieties of Essenz syrups are big on taste and quality: think classics plus great seasonal favourites. That’s a lot of flavour to shake up lattes, tea and hot chocolate – and just about any other drink. Buy a single bottle or a whole case – we don’t mind – making it even easier to boost margins and extend your menu. 16 All bottles 750ml Buy any 6 mixed and receive a 10% discount. HONEYCOMB DSNZHON MINT DSNZMIN CINNAMON DSNZCIN SUGAR FREE CARAMEL DSNZSFC 17 sYRUPs OREGON CHAI CARAMEL DSNZCAR HAZELNUT DSNZHAZ GINGERBREAD DSNZGIN CHOCOLATE DSNZCHO Made in Oregon to an ancient recipe, Oregon Chai concentrate includes: black tea, honey, ginger and vanilla and is packed in a handy 1litre carton. Steam 1 part of chai concentrate with 1 part whole or soya milk. Can also be served chilled over ice. DORGCH 12 x 1 Litre Cartons BOTTLE POURERS DCFPOUR 12 bottle pourers ESSENZ PUMP DSNZPUMP 1 pump ESSENZ RACK Multiple racks can be linked together. DSNZRACK ESSENZ CHAI FLAVOURING SYRUP A convenient and tasty way to make chai. Add 2 pumps of syrup to 240ml of milk and steam. DSNZCHA 18 19 CHoCoLAte ABYss CHoCoLAte ABYss Goes wItH eVeRYtHInG InCLUDInG CRACKInG MARGIns. Cocoa powders. Mocha sauces. Toppings. We’ve got nine ways for your customers to submit to death by chocolate. Sweet, indulgent, luxurious and can go in all manner of summer drinks. 20 21 If you haven’t tasted Chocolate Abyss 40%, you should. It’s a whole different game to mass market drinking chocolate. Made with cocoa, sugar, real vanilla, and full fat cocoa ensures that the mouth feel is rich and velvety smooth. Each case includes a portion-controlled measuring scoop. DCA40BAG 6 x 1kg bags CHOCOLATE ABYSS FAIRTRADE ORGANIC 30% COCOA We were quietly confident when we launched Chocolate Abyss Fairtrade Organic that it would be a runaway success - and it has been. Made with 100% Fairtrade and Organic ingredients. Now in a new recyclable tub. DCAFT030 2 x 2kg tubs CHOCOLATE ABYSS FAIRTRADE DUST This isn’t any old dust! Granules of sugar are coated with cocoa under humidity to create tiny little chocolatey particles. Why go to all this hassle? We think if your barista has taken the effort to make perfect foam on your cappuccino, we should do what we can to create a topping that won't eat your foam. CHoCoLAte ABYss CHOCOLATE ABYSS 40% COCOA CHoCoLAte ABYss Goes wItH eVeRYtHInG, InCLUDInG exCeLLent MARGIns. DCAFTDUS 6 x 250g dispenser tubs NEW IMPROVED FAIRTRADE INSTANT CHOCOLATE ABYSS CHOCOLATE ABYSS FLAKES Dark flakes are chipped from blocks of chocolate coverture. With 50% cocoa solids minimum, they are perfect for sitting on whipped cream. DCAFLAKE 6 x 250g dispenser tubs 22 This recipe has a great mouth feel and taste. All you need to do is just mix with some hot water and you instantly have a great tasting Fairtrade hot chocolate drink - good things really do come in small packages. We never stop striving to improve our products no matter how small. With our reformulated instant Chocolate Abyss sachets, we have managed to do just that. Not only does it have swanky newly designed packaging; it has recently been awarded Fairtrade certification. DCAINST 100 x 25g sachets CHOCOLATE ABYSS MINT CRISP SQUARES A while back, we asked what you thought about these tasty and extremely moreish mint crisp chocolates and the feedback we got was pretty good. These little minty treats can go to the side of a drink to add more value, or alternatively, just munch as many as you can of them on their own. We can't get enough of them and we know your customers won't be able to either. DCACHOCS 400 x 5g chocolates CHOCOLATE ABYSS DARK MOCHA SAUCE An intense, thick dark chocolate sauce that melts easily into espresso for an indulgent mocha. It’s equally nice for drizzling on top of milkshakes, ice cream, waffles, get the picture. DDMOCHA 2 x 2.5kg bottles CHOCOLATE ABYSS WHITE MOCHA SAUCE A rich white sauce that offers a white mocha alternative to its dark mocha counterpart. Think of a bar of melted white chocolate and you’re almost there. DWMOCHA 2 x 2.5kg bottles CHOCOLATE ABYSS CARAMEL DRIZZLE SAUCE Specially designed to blend with espresso for a caramel mocha. Also suitable for drizzling on top of foam, milkshakes, ice cream, waffles, crepes...yum! DCDRIZZ 6 x 500g bottles 23 CHoCoLAte ABYss MINI MARSHMALLOWS These white mini marshmallows are just the right size for garnishing a drink. DMINIMAL 4 x 1kg bags PLASTIC PUMP DISPENSER Set to dose 14g with non-drip nozzle. DMPUMP 1 pump SQUEEZY BOTTLE Squeeze your favourite sauces – white mocha, dark mocha, or caramel – into this squeezy bottle and have a controlled way to etch some saucy art onto your drinks. Luna Fairtrade Instant Hot Chocolate Drink is a 12% cocoa product, with a delicious creamy mouth feel and chocolate sweetness that consumers love. DSQBOTT 1 bottle STAINLESS STEEL CHOCOLATE SHAKER A stainless steel chocolate shaker holds approximately 12oz of powder perfect for dusting chocolate on cappuccinos or cakes. Comes with a mesh on top and a plastic cover. DSSTSHK 1 shaker SQUARE MINI WHISK Square ended whisk for mixing powders into a paste in flat-bottomed paper cups or mugs. DSQWHISK 1 whisk 27cm long ROUND MINI WHISK Round ended whisk designed for mixing powders into a paste in round-bottomed crockery. DRNWHISK 1 whisk 27cm long BLUE SCOOP Portion control is everything. Use this bright blue scoop to dose the right amount and reduce waste. One flat scoop holds approximately 20g of Chocolate Abyss 40% and Chocolate Abyss Fairtrade Organic 30%. DBSCOOP 1 scoop 24 DLUNACHO 10 x 1kg 25 The tools of choice for steely-of-eye, steady-of-hand baristas. Our milk jugs, tampers and whippers are designed to hustle as hard as your team. Even the humble knock-out drawer is vital for efficient production of perfect coffee. 26 BARIstA KIt BARIstA KIt 27 BARIstA KIt tAMPeRs The pressure’s on: around 30lbs if you want to be picky. And let’s face it, ‘picky’ is the only way to be when it comes to choosing a tamper which creates the perfect extraction every time. MOTTA HAND TAMPER 18/10 grade stainless steel tamper with a striking red handle. Made by Motta in Italy. DMOTTAMP 58mm flat base ESPRO AUTOMATIC HAND TAMPER RATTLEWARE HAND TAMPER Ergonomically designed to give a gentle depress when you achieve 30lbs of pressure. Comes in the following sizes. Good all round tamper with a soft touch handle. DESPR53F 53mm flat base DESPR58C 58mm convex base DTAMP57 57mm convex base DTAMP58 58mm convex base stYLIsH AnD DURABLe, oUR tAMPeRs CReAte A ContRoLLeD, textBooK tAMP. DESPR58F 58mm flat base METAL HAND TAMPER A heavy duty tamper that will withstand a lot of abuse. DMTAMP 58mm flat base MOTTA TAMPING STAND Motta metal tamper station to sit on the edge of a counter. This allows the barista to tamp above the surface of the counter and a place for the tamper to rest when not in use. DMOTSTAC 1 stand MOTTA TAMPING STAND AND MAT This hand tamper station is a solution for tamping without damaging the counter surface and helps stop that all important tamper from going missing. DMOTSTAM 1 tamping stand and Mat TAMPING MAT A mattress for your portafilter to cushion the force exerted from your tamping technique. DAMAT 1 mat Please check with machine manufacturer on recommended tamper sizes prior to purchasing. 28 29 BARIstA KIt MILK JUGs A true specialist: every detail is designed to help you prepare perfect, velvety milk. Tapered and lipped spouts give you a precision-guided pour, essential for latte art. Comfy handles and balanced weight help keep hands steady, reducing mess and wastage. SMALL MOTTA JUG Heavy gauge stainless steel construction with protruding spout. Made by Motta in Italy and a favourite jug of many latte artists. MEDIUM MOTTA JUG LARGE MOTTA JUG DMOTTAM 750ml DMOTTAL 1000ml DMOTTAS 500ml 6” FOAM KNIFE SMALL STAINLESS STEEL FOAMING JUG Holds 500ml milk, enough for one 12oz, or two 8oz drinks. Tapered spout for controlled pouring. MACCHIATO MILK JUG Good for 2 macchiatos or one 6oz drink. DMACCJUG DSMJUG Use with small thermometer LARGE STAINLESS STEEL FOAMING JUG Holds 1L milk, enough for three 12oz or lots of 8oz drinks. Tapered spout for controlled pouring. DJUG1 Use with large thermometer 30 MEDIUM STAINLESS STEEL FOAMING JUG Holds 750ml milk, enough for two 12oz, or three 8oz drinks. Tapered spout for controlled pouring. DJUG34 Use with large thermometer LARGE THERMOMETER WITH CLIP Measures in both Fahrenheit and Celsius, colour coded to recommend steaming to 145ºF. DTHERM MILK THERMOMETER Measures in Fahrenheit only, colour coded to recommend steaming to 145ºF. DSMTHRM 14cm long with clip and protective sleeve THERMOMETER CALIBRATION SPANNER A handy little tool to calibrate your milk thermometer, visit our website for instructions. For holding back foam when pouring lattes. Once you master free pouring, use for spreading jam, butter or anything spreadable. STAINLESS STEEL SPOONS DTSPOON x 12 DFKNIFE 18cm long DSPANNER ESPRESSO STEEL SPOONS DESPOON x6 STAINLESS STEEL LATTE SPOON DLSPOON x1 CHoose fRoM oUR wIDe RAnGe of JUGs. 31 BARIstA KIt CReAM wHIPPeR ”Would you like whipped cream with that?” These whippers help sway the decision, adding dollops of taste, theatre and margin with every luxurious squirt of fresh cream. They’re also incredibly easy to use. CREAM WHIPPER (1 LITRE) The original cream whipper. Half fill with cream, screw on a charger and shake a few times - easy, and tasty. CREAM WHIPPER (1/2 LITRE) DCREAM12 SPARE CREAM WHIPPER NOZZLE SET Contains 2 nozzles. DBNOZZ DCREAMER REPLACEMENT RUBBER SEAL Fits both sizes of cream whipper. DRUBSEAL 32 SINGLE USE CHARGERS DCHRG60 60 chargers 33 BARIstA KIt BAR tIDY Neat little containers so that customers can help themselves to stirrers and sugar. Plus neat little tools like shot timers and espresso ground scales; extraction perfection awaits. INSULATED MILK JUG KNOCKOUT DRAWER REPLACEMENT BAR FOR KNOCKOUT DRAWER Stainless steel knockout drawer for grounds. Strong enough to withstand a hefty bang Plastic coated replacement bar from your portafilter. Removable drawer, for the knockout drawer. replaceable knockout bar. DKNCKBX L 380mm x W 240mm DKDRBAR 230mm long TALL STORAGE BOX Use for displaying biscotti, wooden stirrers and any other tall products. Compact and lightweight, this elegant stainless steel shatterproof jug has an inner and outer-body constructed in stainless steel with a tough matt black ABS plastic base and handle. It is suitable for tabletop and safe portable use. PORTRAY 100 per case Holds sugar sachets. DSBBOXS 90 x 110 x 110mm LID TIDY DTIMERU DSBDIVT 125 x 140mm 34 DSBDIVS 140 x 750mm Handy glass brew jug with measurements from 10 to 70ml and 0.5 to 2.5 ounces. Ideal for measuring espresso shots or syrups. DGLASJUG Holds up to 70ml RISO20 2L RISO20LD Spare Flask Lid For connecting storage boxes. DSBCONN 12 connectors LINED SHOT GLASSES Our iconic shot glass. Accurately marked for measuring the extraction volume of your shots. 1, 1.2 & 1.5oz, 30ml, 35ml DLINSHOT Case of 6 DOUBLE PORTAFILTER MESH DSBLID CONNECTORS SHORT DIVIDER DOUBLE ESPRESSO BREW JUG Suitable for holding stackable objects: cup lids, paper cups, sleeves, coffee pods, caramel waffles, etc. DPORTA2 58mm diameter MAGNETIC SHOT TIMER TALL DIVIDER FAIRJUG 1.9L Insulated flask with handle for pouring hot coffee, chilled milk or hot water. Or anything you can pour from a jug. DSBBOXT 140 x 110 x 110mm Handy little timer to stop your filter coffee from going stale in flasks. Has black velcro straps so you can attach it to coffee flasks. Can be used with FAIRJUG and RISO20. SHORT STORAGE BOX Insulated flask with lever pump on top. Well suited for self serve coffee, hot water or chilled milk. THERMAL FLASK DINMLJG 1L BLACK COFFEE TIMER PORTA TRAY TAKE AWAY CUP CARRIER PUMP ACTION VACUUM FLASK Counts up and down, large screen. DMAGTMR ESPRESSO GROUNDS SCALE Portable scale with small carry wallet. Use for measuring the dosage of ground coffee from your grinder. SINGLE PORTAFILTER MESH DPORTA1 58mm diameter DPKSCALE Accurate to 0.1g 35 CUPs CUPs A spectacle of receptacles. The most special of vessels. Our range celebrates the simple truth of the humble cup: everyone’s looking for something just a little bit different. So we salute choice: double-walled, single-walled simplicity, coloured, white… you get the idea. BOUTIQUE CUPS Our Boutique design has quickly become a new classic. Available in three sizes of double wall cup. 8OZ BOUTIQUE DOUBLE WALL CUPS DDBOUT8 780 cups 12OZ BOUTIQUE DOUBLE WALL CUPS DDBOUT12 600 cups 16OZ BOUTIQUE DOUBLE WALL CUPS DDBOUT16 384 cups 36 37 CUPs CoLoUReD CUPs wHIte CUPs AnD LIDs Double-walled to keep your customers’ drinks cosy, and their hands comfortably cool. A range of three sizes (and three colours) lets you mix up style and practicality. Crisp, unadulterated white cups. For some, it’s the only way. Then again, perhaps you want to brand things up a little: commit to using 50,000 and we’ll store them for you – if you can’t manage that many, then our convenient affordable label service might just be the answer! 4OZ WHITE SINGLE WALL CUPS D40ZCUP 1000 cups 8OZ WHITE SINGLE WALL CUPS DWHCUP8 1000 cups 12OZ WHITE SINGLE WALL CUPS DWHCUP12 1000 cups 16OZ WHITE SINGLE WALL CUPS DWHCUP16 1000 cups CUP SLEEVE Suitable for single wall 12 & 16oz paper cups. Can also be used for 12 & 16oz cold cups. WHITE 4OZ LIDS Dinky little lids for 4oz cups. DSOLID4 1000 lids 8OZ WHITE SIP THROUGH LIDS DWHTLIDS 1000 lids 8OZ BLACK SIP THROUGH LIDS DSCLID8 1000 lids 12/16OZ WHITE SIP THROUGH LIDS DWHTLIDL 1000 lids LABeL It Our Label It service is an inexpensive way to build brand exposure and create a professional look - great for use on our white cups. Apply to cups, sandwiches, bags. Printing of labels is available in quantities as small as 1000 and costs are about a few pence / cents per label. All you need to do is design the labels and we’ll arrange for everything else. Call +44 (0) 141 420 2283, or email BRAnDeD CUPs Our bespoke branded cups service is available through our UK based cup partners. Choose from single or double wall cups, in 4, 8, 12 or 16oz sizes, in a choice of print processes. We’ll coordinate the approval and print process. If you commit to using 50k cups in around 6 months, we’ll even store the cups for you! To download an information sheet for our bespoke cup service, visit 12/16OZ BLACK SIP THROUGH LIDS DSCLID12 1000 lids DEWSLEEV 2000 x sleeves 16OZ TAUPE DOUBLE WALL CUPS DDTAUP16 384 cups 38 8OZ BEIGE DOUBLE WALL CUPS DDBEIG8 780 cups 12OZ TERRACOTTA DOUBLE WALL CUPS DDTER12 600 cups 39 CUPs CRoCKeRY Details, details. Just as you’d expect a great bar to serve artisan beer in a matching glass, your customers look for those little touches which show you really know your coffee bean from your crema. Our espresso, cappuccino, latte cups and saucers help do the trick. But we’ve got flat whites taken care of too – thanks to our 7oz glass. Hot on its (Cuban) heels is the Latin-inspired Cortado. Literally translated as ‘cut’ in Spanish. Served slightly cooler than a cappuccino, this is a real stand-out addition giving you a first class ticket to the ‘Coffee Cult of Cool’. VERONA BREAKFAST CUPS AND SAUCERS DCROCBRK 6 x cups and saucers tHe RIGHt CUP Is essentIAL wHen It CoMes to CReAtInG GReAt tAstInG DRInKs. oUR CRoCKeRY BALAnCes DesIGn AnD DURABILItY MeAnInG YoU Don’t HAVe to CoMPRoMIse on stYLe. 40 FLAT WHITE GLASS 7oz flat white glass great for serving the perfect flat white every time. DFLATGLS 12 x glasses CROCKERY SAMPLE KIT DCROCSAM 1 x espresso 1 x cappuccino 1 x breakfast cup & saucer VERONA CAPPUCCINO CUPS AND SAUCERS DCROCCAP 6 x cups and saucers PORCELAIN MUG DINERMG 6 x mugs CROCKERY STARTER KIT DCROCKIT 12 x espresso, 36 x cappuccino and 24 x breakfast cups & saucers VERONA ESPRESSO CUPS AND SAUCERS DCROCESP 6 x cups and saucers CORTADO CUPS AND SAUCERS DCROCCOR 6 x cortado cups & saucers BRANDING We can arrange to have any of our crockery branded with your company logo. The branding we supply is an ‘inglaze’ process which means it will withstand dishwashing without fading. Set up and per item charges apply. Visit the resources section on for more details. 41 42 BRew KIt wHILe esPRessos ARe UsUALLY CReAteD oUt of sIGHt, sInGLe seRVe fILteR Coffee BRInGs oUt tHe tHeAtRe of BRewInG, oUt fRoM BeHInD tHe CoUnteR. It’s ABoUt CReAtInG DRAMA, As MUCH As It’s ABoUt wowInG tAste BUDs. BRew KIt A different beast from filter coffee of the 1970s! This is filter coffee with flair – create some drama in your store and on the tastebuds with Chemex, AeroPress and filter cones. 43 BARATZA ENCORE GRINDER Use the Baratza Encore grinder for the small grind-to-order amounts needed for Chemex, AeroPress and filter cones, ensuring the freshest coffee and no waste. Comes with a 1 year manufacturer’s warranty. DBARAENC BARATZA GRINDER SPARE HOPPER DBARAHOP 1 grinder hopper BARATZA GRINDER SPARE BIN DBARABIN 1 grinder bin BARATZA GRINDER SPARE LID DBARALID 1 grinder lid BREW BAR AEROPRESS COFFEE MAKER Faster than a cafetiere and makes a consistent filter coffee that is hard to beat. CHEMEX COFFEE BREWER Brews 500ml of coffee - enough for two to share. Use about 30g coffee per 500ml. Creates a clean, soft brew. Volumes of coffee can be changed to suit personal taste. DCHEMEX 1 Chemex DAEROPRS 1 x AeroPress DKETTLE 1 Kettle 44 1. Place plunger on a hard surface rubber seal side up 2. Assemble AeroPress (don’t fit the filter just yet) 3. Add two scoops of coffee to the chamber. Add hot water 4. Stir and leave for 30-60 seconds 5. Place filter paper in the basket, wet it and lock into the chamber 6. Turn AeroPress over quickly onto a pre-heated cup or brew bar 7. Gently press plunger to extract coffee SALTER AQUATRONIC SCALE Provides accuracy for weighing water and coffee beans. CERAMIC FILTER CONE A classic ceramic filter cone feels so much better than a plastic one. Use around 25g coffee per cup. DCONE 1 x filter cone Fill with hot water and gain control of pouring into filter cones and Chemex. toP tIPs DAEROFIL 350 filter papers 100 unfolded, circular papers. Fold into 1/4 size cone and use with Chemex coffee brewer. HARIO DRIP KETTLE DBREWBR4 1 brew bar Create consistently smooth filter coffee with the AeroPress coffee extraction system. Rich, smooth, pure and fast, AeroPress delivers on taste every time. Perfect for use with our 10oz porcelain mug. Try these top tips, but remember the fun is in the experimentation. AEROPRESS FILTER PAPERS CHEMEX FILTER PAPERS DCHEMFIL 100 filter papers Using a brew bar makes it easy to see when your cups are full of coffee and check your flow rate when brewing. Our brew bar is also designed to be used with the AeroPress or Filter Cone (up to four at a time). The drip tray collects any stray drips. AeRoPRess InstRUCtIons BRew KIt tHe KIt FILTER CONE FILTER PAPERS Oxygen bleached with a lip to make them easy to open. DCPAPER 80 filter papers DSALTER 1 scale AIRSCAPE COFFEE CONTAINER Oxygen is an enemy of coffee beans. This great and good looking storage container expels oxygen to keep coffee beans fresher for longer. CHROME DAIRSCAP 1 container BLACK DAIRBLCK 1 container 45 BRew KIt CHeMex InstRUCtIons Science experiment this is not. This is a taste test that passes with flying colours. The Chemex brewer is an obvious choice for optimum extraction and superior taste. Not only does it look great, with its polished wood collar and leather tie, but it delivers a soft, clean coffee free from bitterness. Use with our Hario Drip Japanese kettle for precision pouring. toP tIPs 1. Use 30g of ground coffee (medium grind) for two 10 fl oz cups 2. Rinse the cups and filter paper with some hot water 3. Use hot, but not boiling water (500g) 4. Pre-pour a little water to saturate the grounds and allow the coffee just to bloom 5. Do an even spiral pour from the centre to the edges – make sure all the grounds are covered so the extraction is even 6. Pour again maintaining a consistent water level covering all the grounds This helps agitate the grounds and leads to a uniform extraction 7. Remove the filter when you’re finished and enjoy fILteR Cone InstRUCtIons Your customers will be longing to prop up the bar with our new and improved brew bar for AeroPress and cone filtered coffee with a difference. Checking your flow rate is easy and the drip tray keeps mess to a minimum. Use with our ceramic filter cone and 10oz porcelain mug to create perfection. toP tIPs 1. Grind 20-25g of coffee (for a 10 fl oz cup) 2. Rinse the cup, cone and filter paper with some hot water 3. Use hot, but not boiling water 4. Pre-pour a little water to cover and saturate the grounds so the extraction is even 5. Do a big pour – make sure all the grounds are covered so the extraction is even 6. When the water sinks to about half way through the paper filter, do another big pour covering all the grounds. This helps agitate the grounds and leads to a uniform extraction 7. Remove the cup when it’s 1 1/2 cm away from being full. There may be still coffee coming through, but you should stop the extraction 46 47 sUKI teA sUKI KIt Big leaf tea means the biggest flavours! Lots of different teas and infusions to choose from including four triple certified teas and all nineteen of them ethically sourced. Every bag is packed by hand which means fresher, better and more flavoursome. Don’t think loose big leaf tea means big hassle – the easy to follow brew guides and portion controlled scoop make it a piece of cake to make everyones’ cup of tea! We know your consumers will love their Suki tea, so we created a range of elegant retail teas and gift boxes to help you sell even more fabulous tea! UNBRANDED COLOURED TEAPOTS Same shape and design as the Suki teapot, without the branding. SUKI TEAPOT The iconic Suki teapot. 16oz, stackable, subtly branded and hardwearing. RED DSKTPOT 16oz teapot CHARCOAL GREEN GLASS TEAPOT BLUE SUKI TEA TRAY The Suki tea tray makes tea into a ritual for one. Carved from sustainably sourced bamboo with a recess to hold the teapot snugly. Just the right amount of space for a teacup and milk jug. 48 DWHTPOT 16oz teapot DREDTPOT 16oz teapot DBLKTPOT 16oz teapot DSKTRAY 300mm x 220mm WHITE DBLUTPOT 16oz teapot See the beautiful Suki tea colours develop. For light to medium use. MILK JUG Good tea needs fresh milk. This is the best way to serve it. DSKJUG 12 x 3oz milk jugs DGLASGRE 16oz teapot GLASS PITCHER A great way to serve iced tea - enough for two to share. DPITCHER 6 x 500ml jugs RED GLASS TEAPOT See the beautiful Suki tea colours develop. For light to medium use. DGLASRED 16oz teapot SUKI TRAY LINERS Communicate the Suki story to your customers, and help your trays last a bit longer. DSKLINER packs of 250 49 sUKI HeRBAL AnD fRUIt tIsAnes Over the past 8 years Suki Tea has always strived to source and produce their teas ethically. They have built sustainable relationships with many tea estates, and are delighted that some of their sources in Tanzania and India are now Rainforest Alliance Certified™ in addition to their existing Fairtrade and Organic accreditations. As a result, Suki can now boast of having four Triple Certified teas in their range, with the Darjeeling Bannockburn being one of the first in the UK. WHOLE PEPPERMINT Gold Winner of the 2010 Great Taste Awards Quite possibly the best peppermint tea in the world. Whole peppermint leaves create an incredibly fresh, purifying cup. Tingly, Fresh, Minty. BELFAST BREW FAIRTRADE RAINFOREST ALLIANCE BREAKFAST TEA FAIRTRADE RAINFOREST ALLIANCE Gold Winner of the 2009 Great Taste Awards Best Seller Gold Winner of the 2008 Great Taste Awards Suki Tea started at a Belfast farmer’s market in 2005. The signature drink is a traditional, Irish Breakfast Tea blend with a deep, malty flavour. Winner of the Irish Food Exhibition for 6 years running. Rich, Malty, Bright. A traditional Breakfast Tea made from a blend of African and Indian single estate teas. Lighter and less malty than Belfast Brew. Bright, Light, Crisp. DSKBELF 1 x 500g DSKBREK 1 x 500g GREEN TEA LUPONDE FAIRTRADE ORGANIC RAINFOREST ALLIANCE A single roll & single fire green tea from the Fairtrade, organic and Rainforest Alliance certified estate Luponde, in the Livingstonia mountains, Tanzania. This estate is one of the oldest organic tea estates in the world and the climate is perfect for growing tender leaves which are handpicked, bringing you the highest quality single estate teas. The single roll, single fire technique is the most delicate way of processing tea, ensuring freshness of flavour. Fresh, Crisp, Exotic. DSKGREEN 1 x 500g DSKMINT 1 x 100g ORGANIC ROOIBOS CITRUS Great as iced tea. Gold Winner of the 2011 Great Taste Awards A partly-roasted sister of the Redbush with lemony zing. Alpine, Lemon, Sweet. DSKGRCIT 1 x 250g SPICED CITRUS Great as iced tea A black tea blended with warming spices of cloves, pink pepper and cardamom and finished off with citrus slices. A taste to spark cosy memories. Mulled Wine, Rind. Big chunks of exotic mango blended with sweet Sri Lankan black tea and a scattering of sunflower blossoms. Perfect over ice. Tropical, Sweet, Smoky. DSKSPICE 1 x 250g 50 CHAMOMILE FAIRTRADE ORGANIC RAINFOREST ALLIANCE Gold Winner of the 2012 Great Taste Awards Whole Egyptian chamomile flowers which produce a honey-golden cup. Blossom, Sweet, Fragrant. DSKMANGO 1 x 250g ORGANIC ROOIBOS (REDBUSH) Our South African caffeine-free alternative. Rich in antioxidants. Honey, Bark, Fresh. DSKROOB 1 x 250g DSKCAMO 1 x 100g RED BERRY Best seller. Great as iced tea. Gold Winner of the 2011 Great Taste Awards Absolutely bursting with fresh berry taste. Tart, Fruit, Jam. DSKBERRY 1 x 250g MANGO TANGO Great Taste Awards 2012 sUKI teA BIG LeAf AnD BLenDeD teAs APPLE LOVES MINT Great as iced tea. Gold Winner of the 2010 Great Taste Awards Sweetness and acidity of apple. Freshness of mint. Aromatic whole baby rose buds. A delight for the senses. Apple, Sharpness, Citrus. DSKAPPLE 1 x 250g LEMONGRASS & GINGER GREEN TEA WITH GINSENG Japanese Green Sencha tea with ginseng, ginger and pineapple roots. Fragrant, Sparkly. DSKGRGIN 1 x 250g Great as iced tea. Gold Winner of the 2010 Great Taste Awards. Best non coffee product of the show award at World of Coffee Vienna 2012 Warmth of ginger and peppercorns, freshness of lemongrass and a lingering aftertaste of liquorice root. Citrus, Ginger, Liquorice. DSKTWIST 1 x 250g 51 sUKI teA AfteRnoon teA Increase your footfall during the afternoon lull with our afternoon tea collection, hand-selected to go perfectly with cucumber sandwiches and cream buns – lovely. This really is Afternoon Tea as it should be. EARL GREY BLUE FLOWER FAIRTRADE ORGANIC RAINFOREST ALLIANCE Gold Winner of the 2012 Great Taste Awards Nothing could be more civilised than a cup of Earl Grey in the afternoon. Our in-house blend of the best Fairtrade and organic East African leaf, with organic Italian bergamot oil and vibrant blue organic cornflowers make this Earl Grey stunning. Perfect with cucumber sandwiches or lemon drizzle cake. Delicate, Bergamot, Dry. DSKEARLB 1 x 500g DARJEELING BANNOCKBURN FAIRTRADE ORGANIC RAINFOREST ALLIANCE The first triple certified Darjeeling Bannockburn in the world. A light and muscatel Darjeeling hailing from the esteemed Bannockburn tea estate. Located in the west Darjeeling valley, Bannockburn was one of the first Darjeeling tea gardens, planted in the 1850s, just a few years after the British brought the earliest Chinese tea plants into the region. Perfect with scones or shortbread biccies. Fragrant, Crisp, Mild. ORGANIC OOLONG ORIENTAL BEAUTY Our ‘Champagne Formosa’. This tea was named ‘Oriental Beauty’ by Queen Elizabeth II after she was presented a sample of this by a British tea merchant. Perfect with fluffy, cream based desserts like profiteroles. Muscatel, Honeydew, Sweet. DSKOOBEA 1 x 250g DSKDARJ 1 x 250g sUKI RetAIL teAs BREAKFAST TEA FAIRTRADE RAINFOREST ALLIANCE DSREBREK 6 x 100g APPLE LOVES MINT RETAIL BAGS RUSSIAN CARAVAN A toasted blend of Oolong, Keemun and Lapsang teas. Perfect with rich, chocolate-based desserts. Smoked, Sweet, Malty. DSKRUSS 1 x 500g 52 JASMINE DRAGON PHOENIX PEARLS Gold Winner of the 2012 Great Taste Awards Exquisite, hand-rolled white tea naturally infused with the scent of pure jasmine. Perfect with fairy cakes or vanilla cupcakes. Crisp, Rounded, Herbal. DSKDRAG 1 x 250g WHITE MONKEY FAIRTRADE ORGANIC The Chinese refer to this tea as ‘Bai Cha’ which translates as white tea. Produced in the Taimu mountains of the Fujian Province, these new season downy buds and leaves are carefully hand-shaped into a beautiful woven effect. Perfect with desserts made from light fruit like pear tarte tatin. Light, Perfumed, Clean. DSREAPPL 6 x 80g CHAMOMILE RETAIL BAGS FAIRTRADE ORGANIC RAINFOREST ALLIANCE DSRECAMO 6 x 30g RED BERRY RETAIL BAGS DSREBERR 6 x 80g PEPPERMINT RETAIL BAGS DSREPEPP 6 x 30g EARL GREY BLUE FLOWER RETAIL BAGS FAIRTRADE ORGANIC RAINFOREST ALLIANCE DSREEARL 6 x 100g GREEN TEA LUPONDE RETAIL BAGS FAIRTRADE ORGANIC RAINFOREST ALLIANCE DSREGREE 6 x 100g DARJEELING BANNOCKBURN RETAIL BAGS FAIRTRADE ORGANIC RAINFOREST ALLIANCE DSREDARJ 6 x 80g DSKWHMON 1 x 250g 53 FAIRTRADE BREAKFAST TEA DSPYBREK 50 unwrapped tea pyramids CHAMOMILE DSPYCAMO 50 unwrapped tea pyramids FAIRTRADE EARL GREY BLUE FLOWER DSPYEARL 50 unwrapped tea pyramids RED BERRY DSPYBERR 50 unwrapped tea pyramids sUKI teA sUKI Loose LeAf teA In PYRAMIDs eVeRYtHInG eLse GREEN TEA SENCHA DSPYGREE 50 unwrapped tea pyramids PEPPERMINT SUKI TEA RACK Modular rack designed to hold 6 caddies at a slight angle. DSKRACK 220mm W x 320mm D x 320mm H (when filled with caddies) DSPYMINT 50 unwrapped tea pyramids SUKI TEA CADDIES Holds approximately 250g. Airtight, transparent lid. DSKCADDY 6 caddies, 155mm H x 70mm W sUKI GIft Box The ideal retail-ready display box. Contains two teas and the iconic SUKI tea pot, neatly wrapped in the distinctive branding. An ideal gift for your customers to buy. SUKI GIFT BOX Contains two retail teas and 1 Suki green teapot. Ask customer services for details. DSGIFTBX Contains 3 gift boxes per case 54 TEA POCKETS A pillow-shaped, biodegradable bag to spoon your loose leaf into for takeaway. DSKPKT x 1000 REPLACEMENT MESH INSERT Replacement mesh insert for the Suki stump teapot comes with a small handle. DSKBASKT 1 insert MEASURING SPOON Portion controlled scoop for one perfect pot of tea. DSKSPOON 55 Created to sit on your counter or next to self serve machines. DPAVRACK Tea with raised pinkies. Pavilion Garden is designed and refined to infuse perfectly from the bag – one sip proves we haven’t compromised an ounce on quality. That makes it a perfect, easy-to-serve treat – packaged up with a touch of Victorian panache. FAIRTRADE BREAKFAST TEA Fairtrade premium tea. Grown in Kenya, enjoyed anywhere. FAIRTRADE DECAF BREAKFAST TEA Premium tea, deliciously caffeine-free. DPAVDCF 6 display boxes of 20 envelope tea bags DPAVBREK 6 display boxes of 20 envelope tea bags PAVILIon GARDen teA PAVILION GARDEN DISPLAY RACK FAIRTRADE ROOIBOS INFUSION Naturally caffeine-free, with subtle hints reminiscent of warm honey, vanilla. DPAVROOI 6 display boxes of 20 envelope tea bags DPAVB300 A box of 300 envelope tea bags we LoVe teA so MUCH, so we’Ve DUBBeD oUR seLeCtIon of sPeCIALItY teAs ‘tHe PeRfeCt 10’. 56 FAIRTRADE ORGANIC GREEN TEA & LEMON Fairtrade organic green tea with the refreshing taste of lemon. DPAVGLEM 6 display boxes of 20 envelope tea bags FAIRTRADE EARL GREY TEA Fairtrade premium tea from Kenya, infused with the delicate aroma and flavour of bergamot. DPAVEARL 6 display boxes of 20 envelope tea bags FAIRTRADE ORGANIC GREEN TEA A delightfully refreshing and delicate purifying tea. DPAVGREE 6 display boxes of 20 envelope tea bags 57 PAVILIon GARDen teA ORGANIC CHAMOMILE, HONEY & VANILLA INFUSION A calming infusion of chamomile with soothing hints of honey and vanilla. DPAVCHAM 6 display boxes of 20 envelope tea bags PAVILION PEPPERMINT & LIQUORICE A perfectly refreshing blend of organic peppermint leaves and liquorice root. DPAVPLIQ 6 display boxes of 20 envelope tea bags ORGANIC PEPPERMINT INFUSION Pure organic peppermint leaves create a refreshing and uplifting mint infusion. ORGANIC SUMMER BERRY INFUSION A sweet infusion, enriched with rich summer fruit flavours. DPAVBERR 6 display boxes of 20 envelope tea bags DPAVMINT 6 display boxes of 20 envelope tea bags WHITE TEABAG TEAPOT BLACK TEABAG TEAPOT An elegant serving solution to brew Pavilion Garden teas. The small clamp in the tea pot holds the string. An elegant serving solution to brew Pavilion Garden teas. The small clamp in the tea pot holds the string. CAteRInG teA Catering Tea that tastes great, looks good and has ethical credentials too. Choose from our range of formats to suit any busy outlet. PAVILION GARDEN FAIRTRADE BREAKFAST TEA BAGS BPAVGBAG 3 bags of 440 square tea bags PAVILION GARDEN FAIRTRADE BREAKFAST STRING & TAG TEA BAGS BPAVGTAG 6 boxes of 125 tea bags PAVILION GARDEN FAIRTRADE BREAKFAST 10PT TEA SACHETS A34PAVG 50 sachets and filter papers DTPOTWHT DTPOTBLK PAVILION GARDEN FAIRTRADE BREAKFAST 3PT TEA SACHETS PAVILION GARDEN BOX A luxurious way to display your tea. The inside of the box is branded with the distinctive Pavilion Garden tea design. Holds eight teas. A31PAVG 100 sachets and filter papers PAVILION GARDEN FAIRTRADE BREAKFAST 4PT TEA SACHETS A33PAVG 80 sachets and filter papers Choose products with this mark DPAVGBOX 58 59 The trick to maximising your food impulse sales? Offering a range of eats that’s too good for any customer to resist. sUGAR ‘n’ sPICe MUffIns Laugh in the face of lesser muffins. These delicious little treats come in packs of 12: choose from triple chocolate, sticky toffee or fruity blueberry. Or stop the arguments and order all three. TOFFEE MUFFIN DMUFTOFF Case of 12 60 eAts eAts CHOCOLATE MUFFIN DMUFCHOC Case of 12 BLUEBERRY MUFFIN DMUFBLUE Case of 12 61 Propercorn is an exciting new gourmet popcorn company looking to show the nation how popcorn is done properly. Freshly popped butterfly corn is delicately tumbled with only the most authentic ingredients, including garden chives, roasted onions and crème fraiche. Completely natural, only a small amount of calories per pack, and most importantly it’s delicious. The ultimate guilt free snack. LIGHtLY seA sALteD, sweet & sALtY AnD soUR CReAM & CHIVe. tHe PeRfeCt GUILt fRee tAstY snACK! eAts PRoPeRCoRn PoPCoRn SOUR CREAM & CHIVE The Sour Cream & Chives in this bag have been blended with crème fraiche and roasted onions to give more depth of flavour. DPOPSCRM 24 x 20g bags SWEET & SALTY The Sweet & Salty mix in this bag has been made with a pinch of sea salt and soft, brown sugar for the golden coating. DPOPSWTS 24 x 30g bags LIGHTLY SEA SALTED The Lightly Sea Salted kernels have been popped with a little rapeseed oil and sea salt, nothing else. Buy 6 cases of the same flavour, or mix and match and receive a 10% discount. DPOPSALT 24 x 20g bags 62 63 eAts GReAt foR ADD-on IMPULse sALes, tHe wooDen sPoon RAnGe Is IDeAL to Boost YoUR BottoM-LIne. GLUTEN FREE CHOCOLATE & PEAR ORGANIC BISCUITS Organic, gluten-free biscuits so good that you’d never know they were gluten free...unless you read the packet. DWSPEAR 30 x 35g twin packs ORGANIC LEMON MELTS Still our top seller, buttery shortbread flavoured with lemon oil, slowly baked and hand dipped in white chocolate. DWSLEMBI 30 x 35g twin packs ORGANIC CHOCOLATE GINGERS Stem ginger, dark chocolate and crunchy biscuit, it’s a classic combination that works a treat. DWSGINBI 30 x 35g twin packs ORGANIC OAT CRUMBLES Crumbly organic biscuits crammed with oats, gently mixed with honey and butter, slowly baked in small batches. DWSOATBI 30 x 35g twin packs ORGANIC SHORTBREAD Lots of organic butter is the secret to this shortbread. DWSSHOBI 30 x 35g twin packs ORGANIC APPLE CRUMBLES We think this biscuit typifies Wooden Spoon. A classic dessert, reinvented into a modern biscuit. Chewy organic apple pieces, baked into a buttery biscuit and sprinkled with brown sugar and a hint of cinnamon. DWSAPPBI 30 x 35g twin packs If you could choose, you’d go for exclusive, great tasting hand-baked treats, crafted in small bakeries. You’d add organic and gluten-free options. Then you’d have them twin packed and wrapped for freshness. So that’s exactly what we’ve done. 64 65 eAts CARAMEL WAFFLES We don’t buy our waffles in big batches, we buy them often, and keep them fresh. Sit them on your cup to enjoy the melting middle. DWSWAFF 60 x 70g twin packs ALMOND BISCOTTI Double baked Italian style biscuits with whole almonds. Ideal for dunking. DWSALMBI 50 x 35g SHORTBREAD DOUBLES Made by a small family bakery, each mixed case contains 50 packs of two all butter shortbread, and 50 packs of two double chocolate chip shortbread rounds. Slow baked for a soft eat. Ideal for hotel bedrooms, conferencing or cost effective impulse lines. DWSDOUBL 100 x 20g twin packs LARGE BISCOTTI BARREL Traditional round biscotti barrel with glass lid. DBISBAR 180mm wide, 240mm high 66 67 eAts CHERRY AND AL American know how takes its inspiration from the classic bakewell. Rich in almonds and fat cherries, but with the chewy texture you would expect from a soft-eating authentic American cookie. DFCCHERR 36 x 60g cookies RAINBOW NATION A classic vanilla cookie (Madagascan vanilla, of course) flecked with milk chocolate chips and studded with ‘everyone’s favourite’ candy coated chocolate beans. DFCRAIN 36 x 60g cookies SALT LAKE CARAMEL Big salted caramel pieces, big chocolate chunks and a hint of clotted cream help give a real bite to this biscuit style cookie. DFCSALTC 36 x 60g cookies BUTTERSCOTCH ON THE ROCKS A mouth-wateringly toothsome combination of dates, real pieces of butterscotch, honeycomb pieces and oats, enriched with golden syrup and clotted cream and studded with pecan nuts. DFCPECAN 36 x 60g cookies CHOCOLATE BOX BROWNIE The finest dark Belgian chocolate, and cocoa powder combine to make a super-rich cookie that is a complete chocolate hit, but with no bitterness. DFCBROWN 36 x 60g cookies POWER BREAKFAST Everything you could want in a breakfast granola cookie, except the milk. Feast on: cranberries, dates, pumpkin seeds, sultanas, hazelnuts, linseeds, oats and coconut. DFCPOWER 36 x 60g cookies COOKIE STARTER KIT Available one per outlet. Buy 6 cases of 36 cookies, 3 cookie jars, 3 airtight jar gaskets, 1 pair of cookie tongs, 6 jar hanger labels, 6 slip mats and 1000 cookie bags, and save 25%. American Style big soft chewy cookies. Using 100% natural ingredients every flavour is a proven winner. The perfect impulse purchase adding value as well as taste with no nasties. DFCKIT ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROAD All that chocolate and meringue plus honeycomb makes a wonderfully rich cookie. Some real American cranberries add a twist. DFCROCKY 36 x 60g cookies 68 69 DJARLID A handy branded mat for keeping your jars in place. QFCMAT COOKIE JAR GASKET COOKIE JAR Smart glass jar, big enough to hold about 24 cookies. DBISBAR Essential for keeping your jar airtight, and your cookies fresh. DGASKET COOKIE TONGS COOKIE BAG Tongs, for cookies. Simple. DFCBAG 1000 branded bags DTONG THE FINE COOKIE CO.TAGS ARE FREE OF CHARGE eAts JAR SLIP MAT COOKIE JAR REPLACEMENT LID CHERRY AND AL TAG SALTED CARAMEL TAG BROWNIE COOKIE TAG DFCTAGCH DFCTAGSC DFCTAGBR BUTTERSCOTCH TAG ROCKY MOUNTAIN TAG DFCTAGPE DFCTAGKY RAINBOW NATION TAG POWER BREAKFAST TAG DFCTAGRA DFCTAGWR MY fAVoURIte BeAR All butter, naturally flavoured biscuits made with all natural ingredients, and no nasty additives. A winner with both kids and parents. GO BANANAS BEAR Pack of two all butter, naturally flavoured biscuits with real banana puree. DBANBEAR 48 x 25g twin pack biscuits 70 BLOWING RASPBERRIES BEAR Flavoured biscuits with raspberry puree and beetroot for colour. DRASBEAR 48 x 25g twin pack biscuits MUDDY BEAR All butter, naturally flavoured biscuits with dark chocolate chips, cocoa and natural vanilla. DMUDBEAR 48 x 25g twin pack biscuits Buy any 6 cases of Cookies or Bear Biscuits and save 10%. 71 eAts PePPeRsMItH MInts Made with fine English mint, these 100% natural peppermints are proven to reduce tooth decay and plaque. Perfect to freshen up after food or drink, they are an ideal impulse sale and take up very little counter space. New to the range is strong Australian eucalyptus to refresh and revive. Just to be extra lovely we have free counter top display stands* to help you really drive up your impulse sales! FINE ENGLISH PEPPERMINT FRESH MINTS The original. The strong, fresh taste of fine English peppermint. DPEPMINT 12 packs x 25 mints LEMON MINTS Zesty Femminello and Monachello lemons with a touch of peppermint. DPEPLEMO 12 packs x 25 mints EUCALYPTUS MINTS Real Australian eucalyptus gives a cooling hit of menthol. DPEPEUCA 12 packs x 25 mints *Buy 4 cases and get a Peppersmith display rack free. PEPPERSMITH DISPLAY RACK DPEPRACK Sugar-free and accredited by the British Dental Health Foundation for being actively good for teeth. Suitable for vegans & vegetarians. All packaging 100% recyclable and made from FSC accredited materials. 72 73 You know that drawer you have in your house that holds everything from sticky tape to screwdrivers? Well, this is our equivalent. CANDEREL SWEETENER STICKS Low calorie sweetener. DCANDERL x 1000 sachets LOTUS BISCUITS Wrapped single biscuits. DLOTUS x 300 biscuits A seCtIon foR ALL tHe stUff we CoULDn’t fIt In AnYwHeRe eLse. 74 SCRIPT LOYALTY CARDS Reward your best customers with a free drink after they order 7, help to keep them coming back every day. DSCRLOY 200 cards FAIRTRADE BROWN SUGAR STICKS Made with Fairtrade brown sugar from Africa. DFTSUGB x 1000 sachets SINGLE FAIRTRADE DECAF PODS DPODSING 60 x 7g pods LOYALTY CARD STAMP Self inking with coffee cup icon. DCUPSTMP 1 stamp eVeRYtHInG eLse eVeRYtHInG eLse FAIRTRADE WHITE SUGAR STICKS Made with Fairtrade white sugar from Africa. DFTSUGW x 1000 sachets DOUBLE FAIRTRADE DECAF PODS DPODDOUB 60 x 14g pods WOODEN STIRRERS DWOODSTR 500 x 185mm stirrers 75 As every good barista knows, you don’t mess with hygiene. These products and accessories ensure the highest standard of cleanliness, serving up sparkling equipment as well as superior coffee. CLeAnInG CLeAnInG seLeCtInG tHe RIGHt CLeAnInG PRoDUCt Is essentIAL to extRACtInG GReAt tAste. fULL CIRCLe Full Circle products are good for the environment and they love your machine too. Made from ingredients found in food or derived from plants, and with 100% recyclable packaging, Full Circle provides cleaning power with a clean conscience. A CLeAn MACHIne Is A MeAn MACHIne. 76 FULL CIRCLE EQUIPMENT POWDER Clean portafilters, mesh inserts and use for backflushing. Effective for use with traditional espresso machines and coffee brewers. 100 uses per jar. 100% phosphate free. DFULLCIR 500g FULL CIRCLE CLEANING TABLETS Designed for cleaning automatic machines. Formulated for controlled solubility, easy rinsing, and powerful cleaning. 100% phosphate free. DFULLTAB 120 tablets FULL CIRCLE MILK WASH Breaks down milk protein build up in auto-frothing lines, steam wands, and milk vessels. 30 uses per bottle. 100% phosphate free. DFULLWAS 1 Litre bottle 77 CLeAnInG ACCessoRIes “Helping you serve better coffee” Providing speciality cleaning products for coffee and espresso equipment since 1936, Urnex is the secret weapon when it comes to great tasting coffee. Easy-to-use and seriously thorough, these products ensure pristine equipment to help produce superior taste and get the best from your beans. URNEX CAFIZA TABLETS Designed for cleaning automatic machines without damaging metal parts or leaving residues. Now 100 per pack for the same price as 90. DURNXTAB 100 tablets Clean portafilters, mesh inserts and use for backflushing. Great new look, same old hard-working Urnex. Well, if it ain’t broke... DSACLEAN 560g dispenser tub Small but perfectly formed. Our accessories will keep your equipment running smoothly from morning until night. Cleaning seals is like cleaning teeth, you need to get into all the nooks and crannies. URNEX GRINDZ Grindz is specially formulated and made with wheat, that is free from genetically modified organisms, to easily clean your grinder without having to strip it down. Add 40g to an empty hopper and grind to clean both shop and espresso grinders. We recommend that grinders should be cleaned out weekly to stop build up of stale oil on your blades. DGRINDZ 430g dispenser tub URNEX CAFIZA ESPRESSO MACHINE CLEANER CLeAnInG URnex SMALL COFFEE GROUNDS BRUSH For brushing out portafilters between use. Natural bristles. DPFBRSH 1 brush FOOD SAFE COFFEE GROUNDS BRUSH With plastic bristles and white handle. DSAFBRS 1 brush BULK BREW CLEANING BRUSH 37cm long big brush for getting into the corner of urns - white handle with blue food safe bristles. DBRUSH 1 brush URNEX RINZA MILK FROTHER CLEANER Breaks down milk protein in automatic milk frothers. 30 uses per bottle. DRINZA 1 Litre dispenser bottle URNEX URN CLEANER Portion controlled for cleaning coffee or tea urns. DURNX15 15 sachets SMALL CLEANING BRUSH Set of two cleaning brushes for getting into small tubes in automatic milk frothers. DCAPBRUS 1 brush GROUP HEAD CLEANING BRUSH Zig zag handle to deflect water onto the drip tray instead of your hands. Zig zag shape. DGHBRUSH 1 brush BLANK INSERT FOR PORTAFILTER Use with Cafiza to back flush group heads. DBLKPORT 58mm URNEX WIPZ Multi purpose odourless wipes for cleaning steam wands, bean hoppers, stainless steel surfaces and just about anything else. DURNWIPZ 100 wipes 78 79 COFFEE SCHOOL CLASS MILK CLASS If you are front line staff in the coffee industry, opening a coffee shop or simply interested in coffee this one day class is the starter kit to get you on your way in the world of coffee. It’s pitched at beginners in a relaxed atmosphere and delivered by skilled trainers experienced in food service environments where speed and quality are essential. This half day class is designed for baristas who already work in a coffee shop environment but want to improve their milk texturing techniques and deliver amazing latte art effortlessly. The focus of this intensive hands-on class is simply milk. You will learn: Whatever your coffee knowledge, you’ll learn practical skills. How to: • The importance of proteins and fat in milk • Make all the key drinks in a basic coffee menu • Steam milk • Maintain and keep your equipment clean Coupled with the practical side of the class, we will give you key background information on coffee, roasting, the importance of freshness and consistency to give you the confidence to get started. We want you to leave with a passion for coffee, new skills, and a booklet to guide you on your way. tRAInInG & ResoURCes tRAInInG • The impact of different milk types on milk foam • The principles of latte art • The role of temperature in milk foaming Most of all you will practice key, milk foaming techniques to deliver latte art that isn’t just beautiful to look at, but delivers a perfect flavour too. After-all, a coffee without the perfect milk foam is like a T-rex without the teeth. DSCHOOL2 DSCHOOL1 tRAInInG & ResoURCes The old adage is that you can’t teach talent. Good news is; we can! We have an elite training team and four coffee schools conveniently located to keep you serving the best possible coffee to your customers. 80 81 This half day class is for the geek amongst us and perhaps also for the geek within us. Designed for baristas who not only want to get an espresso shot just right but also want to explore brew methods like the AeroPress, filter cone and Chemex. In this hands on class you will learn: • The basics of coffee brewing • How to brew coffee using various brewing methods • How the coffee, the dose, grind and water affect the final cup You will get your hands dirty grinding, weighing, extracting and using your taste buds the whole way through. You will fall in love with precision and then we will encourage you to rebel. This is the opportunity to play with all the brewing parameters and find your perfect brew. How do you drink yours? DSCHOOL4 DISCOUNT Buy a Coffee School, Milk Class and Brew Class and receive the lot for £200 COFFEE TRAINER CLASS This class is designed for head baristas, supervisors and managers with great coffee and milk skills and a genuine passion for the black stuff. Those who have the heavy responsibility for carrying out coffee quality checks, equipment cleanliness and for passing on their skills by training staff to respect coffee and the hardware. Training doesn’t come easy to everyone and this class is here to help and to stop you becoming a monster with a clipboard. The focus is still on coffee, but the training techniques you will learn will help you to train effectively in other areas of your business too. In this intensive, one-day class, you'll learn how to: • Get your key messages across • Choose an appropriate style for your audience BooKs Get to grips with the world of coffee and get your nose into a good book. New this season is the cult classic ’33 Coffees’, a must-have item for coffee aficionados. This pocket sized coffee journal allows your customers to diarise their most memorable coffee moments. tRAInInG & ResoURCes BREW CLASS It’s never too late to learn, and with these trusted tomes you’ll gain expert guidance and interesting facts to elevate you from beginner to bona-fide barista. • Establish and build rapport • Share your passion for all that is coffee You never know, you might even become an inspiration to some … minus the halo. DSCHOOL3 DSCHOOL5 33 CUPS OF COFFEE (TASTING NOTES DIARY) A coffee journal that provides an easy way to quickly record coffee tasting notes in a small, convenient notebook format. It’s perfect for coffee novices and pros alike. CONNECTING WORLDS: THE COFFEE TRAIL, OLAF HAMMELBURG A photographic journey of coffee from bean to cup. Perfect for coffee tables. DCONNECT D33COFEB Sold individually ESPRESSO - PROFESSIONAL TECHNIQUES BOOK, DAVID C SCHOMER This book has been around for just about as long as Espresso Warehouse. The next step from the Espresso Techniques Book. Rather than give answers, it raises questions. The original reference guide for baristas. A fantastic book. DEBOOK 82 THE PROFESSIONAL BARISTA’S HANDBOOK, SCOTT RAO DPROFBAR ESPRESSO QUEST BOOK, INSTAURATOR When we first came across this book we were immediately smitten by the excellent photography. DQUEST EVERYTHING BUT ESPRESSO, SCOTT RAO Everything you need to know about non-pressurised coffee brewing. A perfect complement to the Professional Barista Handbook. DEVERYTH 83 Businesses will have been taking part in this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight (25 February – 10 March 2013) to show ways in which they Go Further for Fairtrade, the theme of this year’s campaign. The aim in 2013 is to put the spotlight back on the people who grow the food we love to eat. Without Fairtrade support now, farmers in developing countries face a difficult and uncertain future. Smallholders in developing countries are increasingly hit by fluctuating commodity prices affecting their income and the prices they pay for food. 2013 Fairtrade Coffee Focus 2013 will see a year of activity by the Fairtrade Foundation specifically focused on coffee. Some of these activities have already started and include the new Fairtrade Coffee Newsletter and Coffee Producer Profiles that are available to all businesses involved in Fairtrade coffee and provide information on the impact of Fairtrade, overviews of farmers who are selling Fairtrade coffee and the difference it has made to their lives. To register and receive Fairtrade’s newsletter or coffee producer profiles, please contact: Coffee KIDs AnD fooD seCURItY Coffee Kids is a nonprofit development organisation dedicated to improving the lives and livelihoods of coffee-farming families throughout Latin America. To achieve this aim, they implement community-driven, micro-development projects in health care, economic diversification, education, capacity building and food security – always in collaboration with the communities themselves. Coffee Kids Celebrates 25 Years In 2013 Coffee Kids turns 25. Since 1988, they have helped more than 200,000 families continue farming coffee. Now that’s no small feat. As the challenges of climate change and globalisation bear down on coffee-farming communities, it is becoming increasingly harder to continue to invest in production. That is why Coffee Kids is working to help diversify families’ income, enabling them to continue farming coffee while also reducing their vulnerability to market and climate fluctuations. In 2012 alone, 658 women in 49 communities participated in microcredit projects that allowed them to bring in extra income for their families. As a supplement to income from the coffee harvest, this income can truly help families get ahead. The Fairtrade Foundation will also be updating the coffee product pages on the website, to provide more useful information and tools for coffee shops, hotels and restaurants to make the most out of their Fairtrade commitment. Fact Sheets – now available Fairtrade also ran their first Coffee Facebook campaign in December 2012, which launched 2 key pieces of insights for the industry; 10 Facts About Fairtrade – from the producers and Why Choose Fairtrade. These are also available as downloadable resources from the above contact. Autumn Campaign – Sep/Oct – Coffee focus The Fairtrade Foundation will be running an exciting 2 week campaign in Autumn focused on helping businesses, especially those in the coffee industry, to communicate to consumers the importance and impact of Fairtrade. The campaign will provide materials and content for businesses to adapt and tailor to their own needs and target audience. If you are interested in getting involved contact Coffee Events 2013 Fairtrade will attend the UK Coffee Leader Summit on 27th March, when Richard Anstead, Head of Product Management at the Fairtrade Foundation will be a panellist for the Ethical Debate. Fairtrade will also be at Caffe Culture, London Coffee Festival and SCAE. 84 Projects such as community gardens also help families make ends meet during the thin months, when there is no income from coffee. Project participant Carmen Vargas Rivera, from Tabaconas Valley, Peru, explains that, “I know that when I harvest my vegetables there will be food for my family and a profit from selling the extra vegetables.” By providing training in more responsible farming methods, farmers are better able to produce high-quality coffee now and into the future. “As a woman, I feel very proud to learn the same things as the men,” explains Leonor Ramos Reynoso, from Veracruz, Mexico, “because coffee has traditionally been a man’s job.” Helping farmers learn new organic and agro-ecological methods of farming not only help farmers continue farming coffee, by working in harmony with nature, the effects of climate change locally can be more successfully mitigated. tRAInInG & ResoURCes fAIRtRADe Is GoInG fURtHeR foR Coffee fARMeRs In 2013 Coffee Kids is looking forward to the next 25 years and the challenges that they will confront as a coffee community. “We are looking forward to contributing to a more just economic system for coffee farmers, to doing our part to address climate change and care for our natural resources, and to helping to protect the future of coffee”. wILL It BLenD? sMootHIe CHALLenGe. weLL we Do LoVe A CHALLenGe! WILL IT BLEND? Is a question that we, at Espresso Warehouse, often ponder – especially when it comes to frappes and iced blended drinks? Yet, it appears that we are not the only ones thinking about this very important question. As part of their Business Management course, pupils aged 13-14 at Holyrood Secondary school class (then S3), took part in the ‘Will it Blend’ smoothie challenge. Their brief – you might think – was simple enough: develop a range of three smoothie/iced drink products and a marketing plan for the 12-18 year old market. They need to be, healthy and taste great; easily made in a coffee bar with a blender. We were asked to give them a bit of coaching on how you might achieve this. After a few challenging moments our creative group of budding smoothie barista’s triumphed! And the results... we think are pretty darn good! PALM sLAM CARIBBeAn CRUsHeR 3 strawberries 1/3 of watermelon 1 apple Freshly whipped cream 1 handful of ice cubes 6 slices of pineapple chopped 20ml of coconut milk 1/2 of a small mango (chopped) 1/2 sliced banana 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar Put all fruits in blender, once smooth top with freshly whipped cream and enjoy. sPARKLe fUsIon 159g strawberries 125g cherries 125g watermelon 100ml orange juice 500ml chilled sparkling water Dice strawberries, dice cherries, half watermelon. Add these ingredients to blender with the orange juice and chilled sparkling water. Blend Ingredients. Once blended add crushed ice. Put the ice, chopped pineapple and mango into the blender. Then put in the sliced banana and add the coconut milk with a teaspoon of sugar. Blend until smooth GRooVY sMootHIe 1/2 mango 10 strawberries 1 cup of apple juice 2 scoops of vanilla Ice cream crushed ice Dice mango, add strawberries, ice cream and apple juice to blender. Blend Ingredients. Once blended add crushed ice. 85 tRAInInG & ResoURCes PoInt of sALe To help you promote drinks we have created some great point of sale. Order any point of sale when you are ordering your favourite products and it’s free. STRAWBERRY GATEAU FRAPPE QGATFRPP 3 x A2 posters 3 x A3 SINGLE SIDED POSTERS QSPROPEP 3 x A3 SINGLE SIDED POSTERS QSPAFTEP 20 x POSTCARDS QSAFTEPC MINT CRISP FRAPPE TIRAMISU FRAPPE QMINCRSP 3 x A2 posters QTIRAMP 3 x A2 posters QGATFRPT 10 x A6 tent cards QGATFRPS 1 x A4 strut card 1 x STRUT CARD QSPROPST MANGO TANGO SMOOTHIE APPLE LOVES MINT ICED INFUSION PEPPERMINT AND ORANGE ICED INFUSION ROOIBOS CITRUS ICED INFUSION QICEAPP 3 x A2 posters QICETENT 10 x A6 tent cards QICEROIT 10 x A6 tent cards QICEAPT 10 x A6 tent cards QICEPEPS 1 x A4 strut card QICEROIPS 1 x A4 strut card QMANGOP 3 x A2 posters BERRIES & CREAM FRAPPE QBERRYP 3 x A2 posters PEACH MELBA FRAPPE QPEACHMP 3 x A2 posters FRUIT COOLERS QFRTCOLP 3 x A2 posters QMANGOT 10 x A6 tent cards QFRTCOLT 10 x A6 tent cards QMANGOS 1 x A4 strut card QFRTCOLS 1 x A4 strut card QICEAPS 1 x A4 strut card 86 87 teRMs & ConDItIons to oRDeR CALL: +44 (0) 141 420 2422 (MonDAY – fRIDAY 08:30 – 17:30) fAx: +44 (0) 141 420 2377 eMAIL: oRDeRs@esPRessowAReHoUse.CoM Espresso Warehouse, FREEPOST GW7023 Glasgow G5 8BR Espresso Warehouse 8-10 Lawmoor Road, Glasgow G5 0UL, UK Opening an account with us is easy and gives you 30 days credit*. Order value up to: Delivery charge: Call +44 (0) 141 420 2283 for details or log onto *subject to approval. We welcome enquiries from coffee and food distributors who wish to purchase our products in bulk with the intention of sale to end users. Please email your interest to or call +44 (0)141 420 2264. First orders must be paid before goods are supplied. After first order, and subject to credit approval, payment terms are strictly 30 days from the date of invoice, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Orders on overdue accounts will be held until overdue balances are cleared. All items are subject to VAT at the current rate, except those indicated *. Customers paying by credit card are charged in £ sterling. Customers outside the UK can be billed in Euros only by opening an account and are exempt from UK VAT if a valid VAT number is provided. All details correct at time of printing. Cheque payment Espresso Warehouse is a trading division of Matthew Algie & Co Ltd and due to tighter banking regulations cheques made payable to Espresso Warehouse are no longer accepted by our bank. Please make all cheques payable to our parent company Matthew Algie & Co Ltd. Mainland UK orders received before 12noon will be delivered within two working days. Other UK and Ireland orders received before noon will be delivered within three working days. For international orders, timing and costs are available on request and depend on location and export regulations. Espresso Warehouse cannot be held responsible for loss of revenue resulting from late or delayed orders. Customers must inform Espresso Warehouse of any damage on the same day of receiving the order. Please sign for goods as damaged on receipt if there is evidence of damage to outer packaging. Specific details of damage and consignment note number together with order reference number are required. 88 We are unable to accept returns for any opened cases of food products. Other items may be returned in original undamaged packaging and must be deemed to be suitable for re-sale before credit is awarded. All returns are subject to a re-stocking charge of 10% of the item(s) value or £10 (€15) whichever is greater. No returns will be accepted after 30 days from shipment. The shipping costs of returned items are the responsibility of the purchaser. If any goods are found to be defective on delivery we will gladly replace at our expense. This does not affect your statutory rights. It is our policy to carry a large quantity of stock items. However, due to unforeseen circumstances we may from time to time, be out of stock of your desired item(s). In this event, we will advise you immediately and give you an approximate delivery date of your order balance. For large quantities of a particular item, it is prudent to enquire about stock holding in advance. All images, copy, design and the layout of this catalogue are the property of the brand owners or Espresso Warehouse®. Unauthorised use, copying or publication online will not be tolerated and will be enforced by the law. Thank you to everyone at G1 Group PLC and all the staff at The Corinthian Club for their assistance in producing this catalogue. Design and photography by POD Creative Design.
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