Tarago Preschool Phone: 4849 4427 The Tarago Preschool is available to children from 2 -- 5 years. i ng an g h C a ppy a Are N p e Sle The preschool has a School Readiness Program and there are plenty of activities to enhance all children’s development. Our indoor and outdoor areas have been upgraded and provide a lovely nurturing environment for all ages. Library We have experience dealing with children who have all types of raft Art & C special needs. Every child benefits from coming to preschool and it is an mportant step towards preparing for school. Relief funding is available to low income families to help with the cost of sending their children to preschool. So give us a call or drop in, we would love to see you. GOULBURN AND RURAL PHONE: (02) 4821 3655 FAX: (02) 4821 8852 PRODUCE SUPPLIES 149-159 Sloane Street, Goulburn, NSW 2580 Gilmour Station Pty Ltd T/A A.C.N. 001 792 632 ABN 37 440 572 739 Hardware Roofing Building Pumps Irrigation Husqvarna Fertiliser Seed Agronomy Animal Health Stock feeds Fencing Chemicals BRAIDWOOD RURAL AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Gilmour Station Pty Ltd T/A A.C.N. 001 792 632 ABN 37 440 572 739 PHONE: (02) 4842 2650 FAX: (02) 4842 2630 Page 12 Your One Stop Produce, Hardware & Building Shop GILLAMATONG LANE, BRAIDWOOD, NSW 2622 Tarago Times October 2008 Farm Smart CARSON’S CLEANING Farm Smart – Nutrients for Fruit & Flowers Along with Nitrogen and Phosphorus for healthy fruit trees and gardens, Potassium is a critical nutrient required for flowering. Maximum flowers will not only mean a beautiful garden but will provide a great fruit yield from your fruit trees. Micronutrients such as Boron, Zinc Copper and Magnesium are also very important for flowering. Nitrophoska Blue Special is a specially formulated blend of these important macro- and micro-nutrients, designed with gardens, orchards and vineyards in mind. It is a high quality, fully granulated NPK blend with trace elements. The percentage of potassium is higher than in most general garden products available making it ideal for an early spring application to obtain maximum flowers. The potassium is in the sulphate form so it is free from harmful chlorides making it ideal for sensitive plants such as vegetables. Nitrophoska Blue is pH neutral so it is good for your soil. It is not a combination of products meaning that there are equal nutrients in each granule so every plant gets every nutrient. The granules are of a uniform size and are dust free for ease of handling, and it comes in 40kg bags so you get the savings of a bulk buy. Applications rates for vegetables are as little as 30-50g/m2, Citrus is 400g/tree x age in years (up to 8 yrs old; 3.2kg max), Stone Fruit 1.1kg/tree (divided over 3 times during the year), Apples 350g/tree at bud burst and 350g/tree in late spring, Grapes 250-400g/vine before bud burst, Turf 25g/m2 in September & 25g/m2 in January, Roses 2tbls/m2 in August & 1tbls/m2 When Buds are forming, Bulbs 4tbls/m2 at planting. These application rates are a guide only as some soil types may need more or less or different fertilisers, this can only be determined with a soil test. Spring is also a time of insects and fungal problems, some of the most common are Fruit Fly, Aphids, Scale, Mealy Bugs, Black Spot & Mildews just to name a few. Healthy plants that are well watered and well fertilised can fight these problems much easier but there are many control options available if they can’t. If you would like any more information on Nitrophoska Blue or have any other farming concerns please contact Goulburn Produce Agronomist Kathryn Maas on 0248213655 or 0428422650. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Reliable and honest Local Reasonable Rates References available If you want sparkling windows and shiny floors call me... Phone Cindy on 4844 5032 or 0488 541 858 DFB Tiling Improve your productivity this year with expert advice from Goulburn Produce & Rural Supplies Contractors Pty Ltd • TARAGO BOOK CLUB We meet on the first Thursday of the month. We take it in turns to hold the meeting at our homes and we each bring a plate to share for lunch. We start at 12.00ish, and usually go for about 1½ to 2 hours. We choose books every couple of months, with everyone putting in suggestions and then arriving at a list. My number at home is 4849 4222. Tarago Times October 2008 Marie Alaimo • • • • • • All types of commercial & domestic tiling Pensioner discount No job too big or small Professional job guaranteed Competitive rates All areas Free measure & quote Daniel Brunoro Phone 0416003260 or 4844 5612 Page 13 You’re all invited to the Kids Christmas Party in the paddock @ the Loaded Dog Hotel on Sunday 30th November from 3pm. San ta is com ing ! Paddock Bar for Mums & Dads BYO Picnic Page 14 Tarago Times October 2008 RAIN FROM NOWHERE— A poem by Murray Hartin February 21, 2007 His cattle didn't get a bid, they were fairly bloody poor, What was he going to do? He couldn't feed them anymore, The dams were all but dry, hay was thirteen bucks a bale, Last month's talk of rain was just a fairytale, His credit had run out, no chance to pay what's owed, Bad thoughts ran through his head as he drove down Gully Road "Geez, great grandad bought the place back in 1898, "Now I'm such a useless bastard, I'll have to shut the gate. "Can't support my wife and kids, not like dad and those before, "Christ, Grandma kept it going while Pop fought in the war." With depression now his master, he abandoned what was right, There's no place in life for failures, he'd end it all tonight. There were still some things to do, he'd have to shoot the cattle first, Of all the jobs he'd ever done, that would be the worst. He'd have a shower, watch the news, then they'd all sit down for tea Read his kids a bedtime story, watch some more TV, Kiss his wife goodnight, say he was off to shoot some roos Then in a paddock far away he'd blow away the blues. But he drove in the gate and stopped - as he always had To check the roadside mailbox - and found a letter from his Dad. Now his dad was not a writer, Mum did all the cards and mail But he knew the style from the notebooks that he used at cattle sales, He sensed the nature of its contents, felt moisture in his eyes, Just the fact his dad had written was enough to make him cry. Son, I know it's bloody tough, it's a cruel and twisted game, This life upon the land when you're screaming out for rain, There's no candle in the darkness, not a single speck of light But don't let the demon get you, you have to do what's right, I don't know what's in your head but push the bad thoughts well away See, you'll always have your family at the back end of the day You have to talk to someone, and yes I know I rarely did But you have to think about Fiona and think about the kids. Tarago Times October 2008 I'm worried about you son, you haven't rung for quite a while, I know the road you're on 'cause I've walked every bloody mile. The date? December 7 back in 1983, Behind the shed I had the shotgun rested in the brigalow tree. See, I'd borrowed way too much to buy the Johnson place Then it didn't rain for years and we got bombed by interest rates, The bank was at the door, I didn't think I had a choice, I began to squeeze the trigger - that's when I heard your voice. You said 'Where are you Daddy? It's time to play our game' ' I've got Squatter all set up, you might get General Rain.' It really was that close, you're the one that stopped me son, "And you're the one that taught me there's no answer in a gun. Just remember people love you, good friends won't let you down. Look, you might have to swallow pride and get a job in town, Just 'til things come good, son, you've always got a choice And when you get this letter ring me, 'cause I'd love to hear your voice." Well he cried and laughed and shook his head then put the truck in gear, Shut his eyes and hugged his dad in a vision that was clear, Dropped the cattle at the yards, put the truck away Filled the troughs the best he could and fed his last ten bales of hay. Then he strode towards the homestead, shoulders back and head held high, He still knew the road was tough but there was purpose in his eye. He called for his wife and children, who'd lived through all his pain, Hugs said more than words - he'd come back to them again, They talked of silver linings, how good times always follow bad, Then he walked towards the phone, picked it up and rang his Dad. And while the kids set up the Squatter, he hugged his wife again, Then they heard the roll of thunder and they smelt the smell of rain. CANS FOR KIDS Don’t forget that the Tarago school needs your aluminium cans. The Student Representative Council receives a major part of its funds from recycling cans—contributions please phone Paul de Ruyter on 48494227 Page 15 The Secret To Seeing a Doctor The Same Day You’re sick. ACOM DESIGN PO Box 806, Goulburn 2580 Yarralla, 4519 Oallen Ford Rd Bungonia 2580 Robert C Everingham Building Designer & Draftsman Dr Joanna Senior is now taking appointments New Homes, Alterations & Additions Duplex, Villa, Townhouse Developments Rural, Commercial, Industrial Buildings Free Quotes - Competitive Rates - Prompt Service Energy Efficient (SEDA), Eng Dwgs: Mech, Struct, HVAC TEL 4844 4321 MOBILE 0417 682 022 FAX 4844 4323 EMAIL acomdesign@bigpond.com.au MEMBER MEMBER STANDARDS AUSTRALIA þ BUILDING DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Call Goldsmith Street Surgery and see Dr Joanna Senior or Dr Ruth Edwards. We guarantee you an appointment with a doctor on the same day you’re sick. Call Mon to Fri by 10am on 4821 7445. CLEANING Honest and reliable Servicing Tarago, Windellama and GBN areas (other areas by appointment) All gear supplied Competitive rates References available Carpet cleaning Pensioner deals Phone Lorelei on 4844 5036 or 0409 928 441 OF NEW SOUTH WALES INCORP Page 16 Tarago Times October 2008 Wongaburra Homestead Boutique Wines Locally Grown Shiraz & Chardonnay Now Available • Bathroom renovations • Green Bulding council approved materials used • Member of MBA & Australian Stone Advisory Association • Lic. No. 167988C Enquires to... Bernard & Sue Maas Phone: 02 48494407 Fax: 02 48494634 Mobile: 0418275402 E-mail: maawonga@bigpond.com D & J Rigoli Handyman Services ABN 43002820238 Interior Lining Kitchen & Bathroom Renovations Shed to Home Conversions Pergolas ~ Gazebos Wall & Floor Coverings Concreting ~ Paving Painting AND MUCH MORE NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL! WE WILL BEAT ANY QUOTE 0419 492 799 4844 5393 Fax: 4844 5163 Mobile Ph: www.djrigolihandymanservices.com.au Tarago Times October 2008 Page 17 Page 18 Tarago Times October 2008 An invitation to farmers and rural businesses 3 hour Mental Health Information Sessions (funded by NSW Health) Topics covered include signs, symptoms, help and services for STRESS DEPRESSION ANXIETY TRAUMA, GRIEF AND LOSS Sessions are conducted by Dr Leanne Craze, an experienced mental health trainer A series of Mental Health Workshops is to be held throughout NSW from October onwards. The major aim is to provide farmers and farming service providers with information about common mental disorders, strategies to help people and appropriate local referral options. The project seeks to build on the work of Mental Health First Aid, Beyondblue, NSW Health and many other organizations who are all working toward improving mental health in the bush. Topics covered in the workshops will include signs, symptoms and help for: STRESS DEPRESSION ANXIETY TRAUMA & GRIEF AND LOSS Information will also be provided about local services and how to find more in-depth information about mental health issues. The content of the workshops can be viewed at the CSL website: www.CrazeLateralSolutions.com Program details The workshops will be informal with refreshments and information packs provided for all who attend. The nearest workshop to Tarago will be held in Goulburn on the 6th November where. breakfast and evening sessions are being offered. To book your place or for inquiries: LEANNE CRAZE T: 62381549 Mobile: 0408869051 Email: Leanne.Craze@bigpond.com www.CrazeSolutions.com I was aware that female heart attacks are different, but this is the best description I've ever read. Women and heart attacks MI (Myocardial infarction). Did you know that women rarely have the same dramatic symptoms that men have when experiencing heart attack ...you know, the sudden stabbing pain in the chest, the cold sweat, grabbing the chest & dropping to the floor that we see in the movies. Here is the story of one woman's experience with a heart attack. 'I had a heart attack at about 10:30 PM with NO prior exertion, NO prior emotional trauma that one would suspect might've brought it on. I was sitting all snugly & warm on a cold evening, with my purring cat in my lap, reading an interesting story my friend had sent me, and actually thinking, 'A-A-h, this is the life, all cozy and warm in my soft, cushy Lazy Boy with my feet propped up. A moment later, I felt that awful sensation of indigestion, when you've been in a hurry and grabbed a bite of sandwich and washed it down with a dash of water, and that hurried bite seems to feel like you've swalTarago Times October 2008 lowed a golf ball going down the esophagus in slow motion and it is most uncomfortable. You realize you shouldn't have gulped it down so fast and needed to chew it more thoroughly and this time drink a glass of water to hasten its progress down to the stomach. This was my initial sensation---the only trouble was that I hadn't taken a bite of anything since about 5:00 p.m. After it seemed to subside, the next sensation was like little squeezing motions that seemed to be racing up my SPINE (hind-sight, it was probably my aorta spasming), gaining speed as they continued racing up and under my sternum (breast bone, where one presses rhythmically when administering CPR). This fascinating process continued on into my throat and branched out into both jaws. 'AHA!! NOW I stopped puzzling about what was happening -- we all have read and/or heard about pain in the jaws being one of the signals of an MI happening, haven't we? I said aloud to myself and the cat, Dear God, I think I'm having a heart attack! Story continues on page 29 Page 19 Page 20 Tarago Times October 2008 KOALA MYTHS TALL STORIES Myth: Koalas get themselves drunk on eucalypt leaves and sleep all the time as a result. Truth: As eucalyptus leaves are very low in nutrients, the koala has evolved over thousands of years physiological (bodily) changes that utilize these nutrients in the best way possible. Koalas have a slightly lower body temperature and consequently lower metabolic rate than other mammals, to reduce the amount of energy expended per day. By sleeping on average 18-20 hours out of 24, they conserve energy, and their waking hours are used to feed, move and seek out mates during breeding season (hard life, eh?). Breeding females certainly require slightly more and better quality leaf during peak lactating times. So, as for being drunk? No way. Myth: Koalas are lazy, slow and move around like sloths. Truth: Koalas are highly efficient in their conservation of energy, therefore movement is based on and needs basis. Any sound observer can tell you that a koala can climb up a tree expertly and with considerable speed when necessary. Koalas on the ground are also capable of reasonable speed over short distances. A male koala fighting with another male or pursuing a female high in the tree-tops is neither slow nor lazy. Myth: Koalas are low in intelligence and are therefore stupid and dumb. Truth: Any species that have evolved and survived in a harsh, arid land for millions of years must be doing something right. As the brain of any animal requires a considerable amount of energy to function at its optimal level, the koala has evolved an extremely efficient brain that drives the necessities of its basic needs and instincts. Why drive around in an 8 cylinder hotted up car, guzzling up expensive fuel when a clean, uncluttered 4 cylinder model is far more efficient, economical and long-lasting? Looking at the decimation the human species has achieved in its very short history, one wonders at who is really the “intelligent” one. Myth: Koalas never drink water. Truth: Koalas do in fact drink water when needed. One of their adaptions, from a physiological viewpoint, is their ability to make good use of the available stored water in the eucalypt leaf (a sort of recycling strategy) conserving it as much as possible. When the eucalypt leaf’s moisture content is below the threshold, the koala does drink water from water holes etc. This is not a situation a wild koala is comfortable with, as being on the ground, head down drinking, places them in a very vulnerable position in being at risk from predator atVolunteers are not paid. Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless! Tarago Times October 2008 tack. Nonetheless, if all the eucalypt leaves are below an acceptable level of moisture, the koala must seek water elsewhere to survive. Alternatively, a koala suffering from renal disease, for example, seeks ground water irrespective of leaf moisture availability and is known to sit beside a creek or whatever, lapping up water for a long period of time. More myths next month. With special thanks to Cheyne Flanagan at the Koala Hospital at Port Macquarie, NSW. Don’t forget, these beautiful koala “tattoos” are available for just $2.00 and may be purchased from the Tarago Service Centre, the Tarago School (after the school holidays) or by phoning me on 4844 6250. The survival of koalas in the wild is very important to Australians and many people around the world. You can help by buying these very cute “tattoos” from the Australian Koala Foundation. Joan Limon COMMITTEES ‘At a meeting to discuss the route of a proposed ring road, the Highway Committee Chairman said “We intend to take the road through the cemetery provided we can get permission from the various bodies concerned.” And that could have been better put. If you didn’t know it, a committee is a person or group appointed to investigate, report or act. In many cases, the best way to forget a problem while appearing to be doing something about it, is to form a committee. And then, you may have heard the description of a camel as an animal designed by a committee.’ Ron Butterworth The P&C will be holding a Car Boot Sale & Spring Fair on Saturday, October 25 There will be market stalls, kids games and activities, sausage sizzle and more. So start looking for things to sell ! See the flyer in this issue for all the details or phone Julianne on 4849 4227 or Page 21
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