th 5º Encontro Português (5 PYCheM) & st 1º Encontro Europeu (1 EYCheM) de jovens Químicos 26 a 29 de Abril Guimarães, Portugal _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Practical information on 5th PYCheM and 1st EYCheM Date: April 26‐29, 2016 Place: Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Guimarães, Portugal Language: English Audience: Master and PhD students and researchers in Chemistry and Bioengieering. Goal: Participants have the possibility to present the results of their research to a broad public through an oral or a poster presentation and get in contact with professors, people from industry and colleagues from other universities and research centers within their specialty and chemistry in general. Main Topics: - Materials Chemistry - Biochemisrty - Organic and Medicinal Chemistry - Physical and Theoretical Chemistry - Inorganic Chemistry - Analytical and Environmental Chemistry - Nanotecnologies and New Technologies __________________________________________________________________________ th 5º Encontro Português (5 PYCheM) & st 1º Encontro Europeu (1 EYCheM) de jovens Químicos 26 a 29 de Abril Guimarães, Portugal _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ A brief summary of the three available sponsoring options is presented below: Sponsorship Benefits GOLD SILVER BRONZE • Exhibition stand (3x3m) during the event; • Company Logo in all the dissemination material/ documentation/ webpage of the event; • Handling/Distribution of Company Flyers/Publicitary material to participants; • Two free registrations, including in social program. • Company Logo in all the dissemination material/ documentation/ webpage of the event; • Handling/Distribution of Company Flyers/Publicitary material to participants; • Two free registrations, including in social program. • Company Logo in all the dissemination material/ documentation/ webpage of the event; • One free registration, including in social program. Fellowships: Sponsors will also have the opportunity to provide 2 travelling fellowships of 200€ and 100€ each, for best oral and poster presentations respectively. In this particular case none of the condition referred above apply as the sponsor already has its name associated to the award/fellowship. Other sponsorship: In addition to the above suggested methods of sponsorship, we will be happy to analyze, for each case, other suggestions for participation and/or combination of different company publicity procedures. The payment can be made by transfer to the following bank account: Millennium BCP (Lisboa, Pt) NIB: 0033 0000 4534 5670 6780 5 IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 4534 5670 6780 5 SWIFT: BCOMPTPL __________________________________________________________________________ Price 1000 € 500€ 350 € th 5º Encontro Português (5 PYCheM) & st 1º Encontro Europeu (1 EYCheM) de jovens Químicos 26 a 29 de Abril Guimarães, Portugal _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsorship Form Company: ______________________________________________________________ Contact person: _________________________________________________________ Adress:_________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ VAT number: ____________________ Phone: ______________________ Fax: ______________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ Sponsorship Level: ☐ Gold ☐ Silver ☐ Bronze ☐ Other:_________________________________ Date and signature ________________________________ Once we receive your sponsorship form fulfilled it will be sent an invoice / receipt by Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (SPQ), formalizing your support. We will be fully available to provide any clarification and to provide any additional information required to: __________________________________________________________________________
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