Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing For more information, please contact the Secretariat of the Convention at: 5 July 2015 413, St. Jacques Street, Suite 800 H2Y 1N9 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Tel.: (1-514) 288-2220 Fax: (1-514) 288-6588 E-mail: Web: Afghanistan 1. H.R.H. Prince Mostapha Zaher Director General/Advisor to the President of Afghanistan on Environment National Environmental Protection Agency Central Post Office Box Number 209 Kabul Afghanistan Algeria 4. Son Excellence Smail Benamara Ambassadeur Ambassade d'Algérie à Ottawa 500 Wilbrod Street Ottawa ON K1N 6N2 Canada Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: Tel.: +93 752 017 633 E-Mail: Albania 2. Ms. Odeta Cato Director Biodiversity and Protected Areas Directorate Ministry of Environment Durresit, No.27 Tirana Albania Tel.: +355 4 2243578 Fax: +355 4 2270627 E-Mail: Algeria 3. M. Amar ABBA Directeur des Relations Multilatérales Direction Générale des Relations Multilatérales Ministère des Affaires Etrangères El Mouradia Alger Algeria Fax: +213 21 50 44 20 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 +1 613 789 8505, 1 613 789 0282 +1 613 789 1406 5. Mlle. Nadia Chenouf Sous Directrice des Sites et Paysages, du Patrimoine Naturel et Biologique Direction Generale de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire, de l'Environnement et de la Ville Rue des 4 Canons-les Tagarins Alger 16000 Algeria Tel.: +213 21 43 2884 Fax: +213 21 43 2884 E-Mail: Andorra 6. His Excellency Mr. Narcís Casal de Fonsdeviela Ambassador, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Principality of Andorra to the United Nations Two United Nations Plaza, 27th Floor New York NY 10017 United States of America Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +1 212 750 8064, 8065 +1 212 750 6630 1 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity Angola National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Australia 7. Sr. Aristófanes Romão da Cunha Pontes Cabinet of the Secretary of State of Biodiversity and Conservation Areas Ministry of Environment Av. Portugal Rua dos Enganos Edifício Zimbo Tower Ingombotas Luanda Angola 11. Ms. Tia Stevens Acting Director National Biodiversity Section Department of the Environment GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Tel.: +244 929 124 227 E-Mail: Antigua and Barbuda 8. Ms. Diann Black-Layne Chief Environment Officer Environment Division Government of Antigua and Barbuda #1 Prime Minister's Drive Factory Road St. John's Antigua and Barbuda Tel.: +1 268 462 4625, 1 268 562 2568 Fax: +1 268 462 4625 E-Mail: Web: Argentina 9. S.E. Sra. María Fabiana Loguzzo Ministra, Directora General de Asuntos Ambientales Dirección General de Asuntos Ambientales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Calle Esmeralda 1212, piso 14 Capital Federal 1007 Ciudad Autónoma Buenos Aires Argentina Tel.: +54 11 4819 7414 Fax: +54 11 4819 7413 E-Mail: Armenia 10. Mr. Gagik Manucharyan Acting Head Biodiversity Policy Division Ministry of Nature Protection 3rd Government Building Republic Square Yerevan 0010 Armenia Tel.: +37410 58 53 26, 58 53 49 Fax: +37410 58 54 69 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 Tel.: +61 2 6274 2878 E-Mail: Austria 12. Dr. Andrea H. Nouak Division I/9 - International Environmental Affairs Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 A-1010 Vienna Austria Tel.: +43 1 51522 1616, 1655 E-Mail: Azerbaijan 13. Mr. Hikmat Alizada Deputy Director Department of Protection of Biodiversity and Development of Especially Protected Nature Reserves Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources 100 (A) B. Aghayev Str. Baku AZ1073 Azerbaijan Tel.: +994 12 538 85 13, +994 12 492 73 69 Fax: +994 12 492 59 07 E-Mail: Bahamas 14. Mr. Philip S. Weech Director Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology (BEST) Commission Ministry of the Environment and Housing 2nd Floor, Dockendale House West Bay Street P.O. Box N7132 Nassau Bahamas Tel.: +1 242 322 4546 1 242 397 5508 Fax: +1 242 326 3509 E-Mail: Web: 2 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity Bahrain National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Belarus 15. Dr. Mohammed Mubarak Bin Daina Chief Executive Supreme Council for Environment P.O. Box 18233 Bahrain Tel.: +973 17386000 Fax: +973 17386006 E-Mail: Bangladesh 16. Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests Bangladesh Secretariat Building No. 6, Level 13, Room No.1309 Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh 19. Ms. Natalya Minchenko Head Department of Biological and Landscape Diversity Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection 10 Kollektornaya street Minsk 220048 Belarus Tel.: +375 17 200 53 34 Fax: +375 17 200 53 34 E-Mail: Belgium 20. Dr. Patrick Grootaert CBD National Focal Point Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Vautierstraat 29 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel.: +880 2 9540481 Fax: +880 2 9540210 E-Mail: Barbados 17. Mr. Edison Alleyne Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment and Drainage Warrens Towers II Warrens, St. Michael Bridgetown Barbados Tel.: +32 2 627 43 02 Fax: +32 2 627 41 95 E-Mail: Belize 21. Mr. Wilber Sabido Chief Forest Officer Forest Department Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries and Sustainable Development 23/25 Unity Blvd Belmopan C.A. Belize Tel.: +1 246 622 1601 ext 1603 Fax: +1 246 437 8859 E-Mail: Belarus Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +501 822 1524 +501 822 1523 Benin 18. Head Department of Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lenin Str., 19 Minsk 220030 Belarus Tel.: +375 17 222 44 55 Fax: +375 17 227 45 21 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 22. M. Gaston Séhounkpindo Akouehou Chargé de Recherches au CAMES, Forestier Economiste Spécialiste en Aménagement des espaces Agrosylvopastoraux Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Habitat et de l’Urbanisme 02 BP 1422 Gbégamey Cotonou Benin Tel.: +229 95 56 35 34, 97 36 76 78 E-Mail: 3 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity Bhutan National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Botswana 23. Mr. Karma C. Nyedrup Joint Director Environment Assessment Section National Environment Commission P.O. Box 466 Thimphu Bhutan Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: 27. Mr. Botshabelo Othusitse Acting Director Department of Environmental Affairs Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism Private Bag 0068 Gaborone Botswana +975 17646566 +975 2 323 385 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 24. Sr. Juan Carlos Alurralde Tejada Viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores (Punto Focal Político) Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Calle Junin esquina Ingavi S/N La Paz Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Tel.: +591 2 2407887 ext 3822 E-Mail: 25. Sr. Fernando Cisneros Arza Jefe de Unidad de Biodiversidad y Recursos Genéticos (Punto Focal Técnico) Viceministerio de Medio Ambiente, Biodiversidad, Cambios Climáticos y de Gestión y Desarrollo Forestal Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua Plaza España, Edificio Barcelona, piso 6 La Paz Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Tel.: +591 2 2124221 E-Mail: Bosnia and Herzegovina 26. Mr. Mehmed Cero Assistant Minister Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism Alipasina 41 71 000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel.: +387 33 215 529 Fax: +387 33 201 602 E-Mail: Tel.: +267 3902050, + 267 3901292, +267 3644604 Fax: +267 3902051 E-Mail: Brazil 28. Ms. Clarissa Nina Head Environment Division Ministry of External Relations Esplanada dos Ministérios Bloco H - Anexo I, 4º andar, sala 439 70170-900 Brasilia DF Brazil Tel.: +55 61 2030 8447, 8448, 8452 Fax: +55 61 2030 8446 E-Mail: 29. H.E. Mr. Jorge D'Escragnolle Taunay Filho Ambassador, Permanent Representative Permanent Delegation of Brazil to the International Organizations located in Montreal 999 University Street Suite 14.60 Montreal H3C 5J9 Canada Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +514 954 8266, +514 954 8257, +514 954 5779 +514 954 6213 entations.asp?lang=en&Pays=BRA Brunei Darussalam 30. Mr. Haji Saidin Haji Salleh Director of Forestry Department of Forestry Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources Bandar Seri Begawan BB 3910 Brunei Darussalam Tel.: +673 238 1013; 238 1687; 238 2013 Fax: +673 238 1012 E-Mail: Web: 2015-07-05 4 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity Bulgaria 31. His Excellency Nikolay Milkov Ambassador Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria 325 Stewart Street Ottawa ON K1N 6K5 Canada Tel.: +1 613 789 3215 Fax: +1 613 789 3524 E-Mail: 32. Mrs. Kalina Stoyanova Chief Expert Biodiversity Department, National Nature Protection Service Ministry of Environment and Water 22 Maria Luiza Blvd. 1000 Sofia Bulgaria Tel.: +359 2 940 6113 Fax: +359 2 940 6127 E-Mail: Burkina Faso 33. M. Somanegré Nana Ingénieur des Eaux et Forêts Ministère de l'Environnement et du Developpement Durable 01 BP 6486 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Tel.: +226 25 31 31 66 Fax: +226 50 31 64 91 E-Mail: Burundi 34. M. Mohamed Feruzi Directeur Général Office Burundais pour la Protection de l'Environnement (OBPE) B.P. 56 Gitega Burundi Tel.: +257 77 765861, +257 79 972218 E-Mail: Cabo Verde 35. Mrs. Sónia Indira Monteiro de Pina Araújo Lopes Bióloga Marinha Departamento de Gestão dos Recursos Naturais, Direcção Geral do Ambiente Ministério do Ambiente e Agricultura Caixa Postal 115 Praia Cabo Verde National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Cambodia 36. Mr. Chay Samith Director General General Department of Administration for Nature Conservation and Protection (GDANCP) Ministry of Environment 48, Samdech Preah Sihanouk Tonle Bassac - Chamkarmon Phnom Penh Cambodia Tel.: +855 23 721073 Fax: +855 23 721073 E-Mail: Cameroon 37. Mrs. Prudence Tangham Galega Technical Adviser No. 1 Cabinet of the Minister Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development Ministerial Building No. 2 6th Floor, Door No. 636 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel.: +237 22 22 94 80 Fax: +237 22 22 94 80 E-Mail: Canada 38. Mr. Robert McLean Executive Director, Wildlife Program Policy Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. Place Vincent Massey, 14th Floor Gatineau QC K1A 0H3 Canada Tel.: +1 819 997 1303 Fax: +1 819 994 4445 E-Mail: Central African Republic 39. M. Bob Félicien Konzi-Sarambo Environnementaliste Gestionnaire Chargé de Mission en matière d'Ecologie Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Ecologie et du Développement Durable B.P. 686 Bangui Central African Republic Tel.: +236 75 50 65 00 E-Mail: Tel.: +238 2618984 Fax: +238 2611970 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 5 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity Chad National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing China 40. Mr. Habib Gademi Point Focal National Biodiversité Direction des Parc Nationaux et de la Chasse Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Environnement B.P.: 905 N'Djamena Chad 45. Ms. Jieqing Zhang Director, Division of International Organizations and Conventions Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Environmental Protection 115, Xizhimennei, Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel.: +235 66303410, +235 99460206 E-Mail: Chile Tel.: +86 10 6655 6520 Fax: +86 10 6655 6513 E-Mail: Colombia 41. Sra. Nancy Céspedes Jefa Departamento de Recursos Naturales Dirección de Medio Ambiente y Asuntos Marítimos Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Teatinos 180, piso 13 Santiago Chile 46. Dr. Francisco Javier Echeverri Lara Viceministro de Asuntos Multilaterales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Calle 10 No. 5-51 Bogotá Colombia Tel.: +56 2 2827 4718 Fax: +56 2 2380 1759 E-Mail: 42. Sr. Jaime Contreras Nogueira Consul General Consulate General of the Republic of Chile 1010 Sherbrooke St. West Suite 710 Montreal QC H3A 2R7 Canada Tel.: +1 514 499 0405 Fax: +1 514 499 8914 E-Mail: 43. Sr. Waldemar Coutts Director Dirección de Medio Ambiente y Asuntos Marítimos Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Teatinos 180, piso 13 Santiago Chile Tel.: +56 2 2827 4373 Fax: +56 2 2380 1759 E-Mail: 44. Sra. Alejandra Figueroa Fernández Jefa División de Recursos Naturales, Residuos y Evaluación de Riesgo Ministerio del Medio Ambiente San Martin 73 Santiago Chile Tel.: +571 381 4000 ext 1637 Fax: +571 381 4747 E-Mail: Comoros 47. Mme Nadjat Said Abdallah Chargée de l'aménagement des zones côtières et bassins versants Direction Générale de l'Environnement et des Forêts Ministère de la Production, de l’Environnement, de l’Energie, de l’Industrie et de l’Artisanat BP 5414 Moroni Comoros Tel.: +269 773 03 07, Gsm +269 333 03 07 E-Mail: Congo 48. M. Augustin Ngoliele Botaniste, Chercheur au CERVE Centre d’Etudes sur les Ressources Végétales (C.E.R.VE) Ministère du Développement Durable, de l’Economie Forestière et de l’Environnement B.P. 1249 Brazzaville Congo Tel.: +242 5563301 E-Mail: Tel.: +56 2 25735640 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 6 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity Cook Islands National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Croatia 49. H.E. The Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration P.O. Box 105 Rarotonga Cook Islands Tel.: +682 29 347 Fax: +682 21 247 E-Mail: 53. Ms. Ana Kobašlić Head of Department for Strategic Planning in Nature Conservation and European Integration Nature Protection Directorate Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection Republike Austrije 14 HR-10 000 Zagreb Croatia Tel.: +385 1 4866 125 Fax: +385 1 4866 100 E-Mail: Costa Rica Cuba 50. Dirección General de Política Exterior, Departamento Política Multilateral, Area Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Calle 11 y 13, Avenidas 7 y 9 Apartado Postal 10027-1000 San Jose Costa Rica Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +506 223 7555, 257 6895 +506 257 6895 (tel fax) 51. Lic. Eugenia Arguedas Montezuma Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservacion (SINAC) Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía (MINAE) Edificio Padilla, calle 1, Avenida 11, De la ULACIT, 200 metros sur Barrio Amón San José Costa Rica Tel.: +506 25 22 65 00 ext 103 Fax: +506 22 57 97 22 E-Mail: Côte d'Ivoire 52. Mr. Patrick Léon Pedia Secrétaire Permanent Commission Nationale du Développement Durable Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Salubrité Urbaine et du Développement Durable 20 BP 650 Abidjan 20 Côte d'Ivoire Tel.: +225 20 21 21 91, +225 05 02 21 78 Fax: +225 20 21 11 83 E-Mail: 54. Sr. Enrique Moret Hernández Director Dirección de Relaciones Internacionales Ministerio de Ciencia, Technología y Medio Ambiente Calle 18 A # 4118 e/ 41 y 47 Rpto. Kohly, Playa Havana 11300 Cuba Tel.: +537 214 4554 Fax: +537 214 4257 E-Mail: Cyprus 55. Mrs. Elena Stylianopoulou Senior Environment Officer Department of Environment Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment 20 - 22 October 28th Avenue 2414 Engomi Nicosia Cyprus Tel.: +357 22408929 Fax: +357 22774945 E-Mail: Web: 56. Ms. Marina Xenophontos Environment Officer Department of Environment Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment 20 - 22 October 28th Avenue 2414 Engomi Nicosia Cyprus Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: 2015-07-05 +357 22408917 +357 22774945 7 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity Czech Republic 57. Mrs. Veronika Vilimkova Director Department of Species Protection and Implementation of International Commitments Ministry of the Environment Vrsovicka 65 CZ - 100 10 Prague 10 Czech Republic National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Denmark 61. Ms. Mette Gervin Damsgaard Head of Section Biodiversity and Species, Nature Agency Ministry of Environment Haraldsgade 53 DK - 2100 Copenhagen Denmark Tel.: +45 7254 2252 Fax: +45 3332 2227 E-Mail: Tel.: +420 267 122 038 Fax: +420 267 126 038 E-Mail: Democratic People's Republic of Korea 58. Mr. Yong U Kim Coordinator for Biological Diversity and Biosafety National Coordinating Committee for Environment (NCCE) Jungsong-dong, Central District P.O. Box 44 Pyongyang Democratic People's Republic of Korea Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +850 2 18111 ext 382 7222 +850 2 381 4660 Democratic Republic of the Congo 59. Mr. Mike Ipanga Mwaku Direction du Développement Durable Ministère de l'Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme 35 Avenue Pumbu, Commune de la Gombe B.P. 16 137 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel.: +243 84 36 789 Fax: +243 88 43 675 E-Mail: Denmark 60. H. E. Geert Aagaard Andersen Ambassador/Head Department of Environment and Sustainability Ministry of Foreign Affairs Asiatisk Plads 2 DK-1448 Copenhagen Denmark Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: 2015-07-05 62. Ms. Eva Juul Jensen Senior Policy Adviser Biodiversity and Species, Nature Agency Ministry of Environment Haraldsgade 53 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +45 39 47 23 54, +45 72 54 48 43 +45 39 27 98 99 Djibouti 63. H.E.M. Mohamed Moussa Ibrahim Ministre Ministère de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement B.P. 11 Djibouti Djibouti Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +253 35 00 06, +253 35 83 57 +253 35 16 18 64. M. Dini Abdallah Omar Secrétaire Général Ministère de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement B.P. 2091 Djibouti Djibouti Tel.: +253 35 10 20, 35 10 97 Fax: +253 35 48 37 E-Mail: +45 33 92 00 00, +45 33 92 01 56 +45 32 54 05 33 8 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity Dominica Ecuador 65. Mr. Lloyd Pascal Director Environmental Coordinating Unit Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries Roseau Fisheries Complex Dame M. Eugenia Charles Blvd. Roseau Dominica Tel.: +1 767 448 2401 ext 3456, +1 767 448 4577 Fax: +1 767 448 4577 E-Mail: Dominican Republic 66. Mr. Carlos Morales Troncoso Secretario Secretaría de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores (SEREX) Avenida Independencia No. 752 entre el Hotel Santo Domingo y el Banco Agrícola, Distrito Nacional Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing +1 809 987 7001, 7002 +1 809 985 7548 67. S.E. Dr. Bautista Rojas Gómez Ministro Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Ave. Luperón, Esq. Cayetano Germosen. Mirador Sur Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel.: +1 809 567 4300 Ext 6200 E-Mail: 68. Lic. Angel Daneris Santana (Technical CBD NFP) Subsecretario de Estado de Areas Protegidas y Biodiversidad Vice ministerio Áreas Protegidas y Biodiversidad Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Ave. Luperón, Esq. Cayetano Germosen. Mirador Sur Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel.: +1 809 567 4300 Ext 6380 Fax: +1 809 472 4012 E-Mail: 69. Sra. Pamela Rocha Dirección de Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climático Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana Ulpiano Páez 552 y Jerónimo Carrión Quito Ecuador Tel.: +593 2 2993200 ext 11551 E-Mail: 70. Dr. Wilson Rojas Coordinador, Unidad de Recursos Genéticos Dirección Nacional de Biodiversidad Ministerio del Ambiente Av. Madrid 1159 y Andalucía Quito Ecuador Tel.: +593 2 3987600 ext 1417 E-Mail: 71. Dr. Walter Schuldt Director Dirección de Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climático Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana Ulpiano Páez 552 y Jerónimo Carrión Quito Ecuador Tel.: +593 2 2993200 ext 11550 E-Mail: Egypt 72. Dr. Moustafa Fouda Minister Advisor of Biodiversity & CBD National Focal Point Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, Nature Conservation 30, Misr Helwan El-Zyrae Rd. 7th floor Maadi Cairo Egypt Tel.: +202 524 8792, +202 527 1391 Fax: +202 2527 1391 E-Mail: El Salvador 73. Dr. Jorge Ernesto Quezada Diaz Gerente de Recursos Biológicos Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Kilómetro 5 1/2 Carretera a Santatecla, Calle y Colonia Las Mercedes Edificio MARN, Instalaciones ISTA. 3er nivel San Salvador El Salvador Tel.: +503 2267 9301 Fax: +503 2267 9326 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 9 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity Equatorial Guinea 74. Don Santiago Francisco Engonga Director General de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Pesca y Medio Ambiente c/o Presidente Nasser Bioko Norte Malabo Equatorial Guinea Tel.: +240 09 13 05 Fax: +240 09 29 05 E-Mail: Eritrea National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing European Union 78. Mr. François Wakenhut Head of Unit - Biodiversity Directorate-General Environment European Commission Unit B2 - Biodiversity BU-5 05/137 1049 Brussels Belgium Tel.: +32 2 29 65380 Fax: +32 2 29 68824 E-Mail: Fiji 75. Mr. Mogos Woldeyohannis Director General Department of Environment Ministry of Land, Water and Environment P.O. Box 5713 Asmara Eritrea Tel.: +291 1 120 311 Fax: +291 1 126 095 E-Mail: 79. Ms. Eleni Rova Marama Tokaduadua Acting Director of Environment Department of Environment Ministry of Local Government, Urban Development, Housing and the Environment Magan House 19 Macgregor Road P.O. Box 2109 Suva Fiji Tel.: +679 3311699 Fax: +679 3312879 E-Mail: Estonia 76. Ms. Siiri Kerge Senior Officer EU and International Cooperation Department Ministry of Environment Narva mnt 7a Tallinn 15172 Estonia Tel.: +372 6262 842 E-Mail: Ethiopia 77. Dr. Gemedo Dalle Tussie Director General Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI) P.O. Box (Private): 30726 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel.: +251 116615607 Fax: +251 116613722 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 Finland 80. Ms. Laura Niskanen Senior Specialist Ministry of the Environment Kasarmikatu 25 Helsinki P.O.Box 35, FI-00023 Finland Tel.: +358 2952 50 112 E-Mail: France 81. M. François Lengrand Bureau biodiversité et milieux Direction des affaires européennes et internationales Ministère de l'écologie, du développement durable et de l'énergie Tour Pascal A 92055 La Défense Cedex Paris France Tel.: +33 1 40 81 76 13 Fax: +33 1 40 81 16 10 E-Mail: 10 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity France National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Germany 82. Mme Emmanuelle Swynghedauw Pôle biodiversité et forêts, Sous-direction de l'environnement et du climat Direction générale de la mondialisation, du développement et des partenariats Ministère des Affaires étrangères 27, rue de la Convention - CS 91533 75732 Paris Cedex 15 France 86. Mr. Axel Benemann Division N I 4 International Cooperation on Biodiversity Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) Robert Schumann Platz 3 D-53175 Bonn Germany Tel.: +33 1 43 17 66 93 Fax: +33 1 43 17 73 94 E-Mail: Gabon Tel.: +49 228 99305 2615 Fax: +49 228 99305 2684 E-Mail: Ghana 83. M. Emmanuel Bayani Ngoyi Chargé d'études du Directeur Général de l'Environnement et de la Protection de la Nature Ministère de la Forêt, de l'Environnement et de la Protection des Ressources Naturelles BP 6652 Libreville Gabon 87. Mr. Eric Amaning Okoree Ag. Chief Executive Officer National Biosafety Authority P.O. Box M232 Accra Ghana Tel.: +233 21 673509, 666049, cell +233 20 8163038, 26 852 2535 Fax: +233 21 688913 E-Mail: Tel.: +241 04 13 07 39 E-Mail: Greece Gambia 84. Mr. Ousainou Touray Deputy Director Department of Parks & Wildlife Management c/o Ministry of Environment, Parks and Wildlife GIEPA House, Kairaba Avenue Banjul Gambia Tel.: +220 9817559, 3917559, 4376973 E-Mail: 88. Ms. Christina Baritaki Biodiversity and Protected Areas Department Directorate of Biodiversity Protection, Soil and Waste Management, General Directorate for Environmental Policy Ministry of Reconstruction of Production, Environment and Energy 36 Trikalon str. GR 11526 Athens Greece Tel.: +30 210 6918202 Fax: +30 210 6918487 E-Mail: Georgia 85. Mr. Ioseb Kartsivadze Head of Biodiversity Protection Service Department of Integrated Environmental Management and Biodiversity Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection 6, Gulua str. 0114 Tbilisi Georgia Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: 2015-07-05 +995 32 727232 +995 32 727231 Grenada 89. Mrs. Merina Jessamy Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Botanical Gardens St. George's Grenada Tel.: +1 473 440 3386, 2708, 3078 E-Mail: Web: 11 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity Guatemala Haiti 90. Ing. Manuel Benedicto Lucas López Secretario Ejecutivo Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas (CONAP) 5a Avenida 6-06 zona 1, Edificio IPM. 7mo. Nivel Guatemala Guatemala Tel.: +502 2238 0000 2422 6700 Fax: +502 2238 3118 E-Mail: Guinea 91. Mr. Maadjou Bah Coordonnateur National Biodiversité Ministère de l'Environnement, des Eaux et Forêts (MEEF) Lansébounyi - Coléah Commune de Matam BP 761 Conakry Guinea Tel.: +224 60278903, 64993222 E-Mail: Guinea-Bissau 92. Dr. Alfredo Simão da Silva Director Instituto da Biodiversidade e das Áreas Protegidas (IBAP) Rua São Tomé, Casa 6A Caixa Postal N° 70 Bissau Guinea-Bissau Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +245 320 71 06, 7 +245 320 71 07 Guyana 93. Dr. Indarjit Ramdass Executive Director Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Ganges Street, Sophia Georgetown Guyana Tel.: +592 225 2062 Fax: +592 225 5481 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing 94. Mme Nicole Yolette Altidor Directrice Générale Ministère de l'Environnement #11, Rue 4, Pacot Port-au-Prince WI Haiti Tel.: +509 3104 1633, 509 4245 8388 E-Mail: Holy See 95. H.E. Archbishop Alain Paul Charles Lebeaupin Permanent Observer to UNEP Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to UNEP and UNCHS Manyani Road West P.O. Box 14326 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: +254 20 442975, 442976, 442977 Fax: +254 20 446789 E-Mail: Honduras 96. S.E. Sr. José Antonio Galdames Fuentes Secretario de Estado (Punto Focal Político) Secretaría de Energía, Recursos Naturales, Ambiente y Minas Edificio Principal: Despacho de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente 200 metros al Sur del Estadio Nacional Apdo. Postal 1389, 4710 Tegucigalpa M.D.C. Honduras Tel.: +504 232 2011, 239 4298 Fax: +504 232 6250 E-Mail: 97. Ing. Daisy Samayoa Analista Ambiental (Operational Focal Point) Dirección General de Biodiversidad Secretaría de Energía, Recursos Naturales, Ambiente y Minas Edificio Principal: Despacho de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente 100 metros al Sur del Estadio Nacional Apdo. Postal 1389, 4710 Tegucigalpa M.D.C. Honduras Tel.: +504 2232 5078 Fax: +504 2232 6250 E-Mail: 12 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity Hungary 98. Mr. Levente Kőrösi Deputy Head Biodiversity and Gene Conservation Unit Ministry of Agriculture Kossuth Lajos tér 11. H-1055 Budapest Hungary National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Iran (Islamic Republic of) 102. Mr. Peiman Seadat Director General for Environment and Sustainable Development Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 45, Second Floor, Building 8.2, Koushk Mesri Street Ferdousi Avenue, Imam Khomeini Square Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel.: +36 1 795 3753 Fax: +36 1 301 4646 E-Mail: Iceland Tel.: +98 21 61154475 Fax: +98 21 66704176 E-Mail: Iraq 99. Mr. Sigurdur Armann Thrainsson Specialist Office of Policy and International Affairs Ministry for the Environment Skuggasund 1 IS-150 Reykjavik Iceland Tel.: +354 545 8600 Fax: +354 562 4566 E-Mail: Web: India 100. Mr. Hem Pande Additional Secretary Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj New Delhi 110003 India Tel.: +91 11 24695130, +91 11 24695137 E-Mail: Indonesia 101. Mr. Arief Yuwono Deputy Minister for Environmental Degradation Control and Climate Change Ministry of Environment and Forestry Gd. Manggala Wana Bakti, Blok 4 Lt 4 Jakarta Indonesia Tel.: +62 21 57903085 Fax: +62 21 57903085 E-Mail: 103. Dr. Ali Al-Lami Minister Advisor Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 10062 Baghdad Iraq Tel.: +964 7801 956848, +964 7901232413 mobile E-Mail: Ireland 104. Dr. Ciaran O'Keeffe Scientist/Principal Officer Science and Biodiversity, National Parks and Wildlife Service Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 7 Ely Place Dublin 2 Ireland Tel.: +353 1 888 32 95 Fax: +353 1 888 32 76 E-Mail: 105. Mr. Niall Redmond Assistant Principal Officer Biodiversity Policy Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 7 Ely Place Dublin 2 Ireland Tel.: +353 1 888 3215 Fax: +353 1 888 3276 E-Mail: Israel 106. Dr. Simon Nemtzov Coordinator for International Treaties Israel Nature and Parks Authority 3 Am Ve'Olamo St. Jerusalem 95463 Israel Fax: +972 2 500 6281 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 13 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Israel Japan 107. Ms. Ayelet Rosen Head Division of International Relations Ministry of Environmental Protection 5 Kanfei Nesharim Str. PO Box 34033 Jerusalem 95464 Israel 111. Mr. Takahiro Wakabayashi Global Environment Division, International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8919 Japan Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +972 2 65 53 745 +972 2 65 53 752 Tel.: +81 3 5501 8245 Fax: +81 3 5501 8244 E-Mail: Jordan Italy 108. Mr. Renato Grimaldi Director General Directorate General for Nature and Sea Protection Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea Via C. Colombo 44 00147 Rome Italy Tel.: +39 06 5722 3428, 3450 Fax: +39 06 5722 3470 E-Mail: Jamaica 109. Mr. Jerome Smith Director, Natural Resources Environmental Management Division Ministry of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change 16a Half Way Tree Road Kingston 5 Jamaica Tel.: +1 876 926 8583 Fax: +1 876 920 7267 E-Mail: Japan 110. Mr. Kazuhiro Takahashi Director Global Environment Division, International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8919 Japan 112. H.E. Eng. Ahmad Al Qatarneh Secretary General Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 1408 Amman 11941 Jordan Tel.: +962 6 552 1941 Fax: +962 6 552 5315 E-Mail: 113. Eng. Raed Bani Hani Director Nature Protection Directorate Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 1408 Amman 11941 Jordan Tel.: +962 795502887, +962 775445987 E-Mail: Kazakhstan 114. Mr. Bektas Mukhamedzhanov Vice-Minister Ministry of Environment and Water Resources House of Ministries Orynbor Street 8, Block A, Entrance#14 Astana 010000 Kazakhstan Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +7 7172 74 00 62 +7 7172 74 08 55 Tel.: +81 3 5501 8245 Fax: +81 3 5501 8244 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 14 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan 115. Mr. Kairat Ustemirov Deputy Chairman Committee of Forestry and Hunting Ministry of Environment and Water Resources House of Ministries Orynbor Street 8, Entrance#5 Astana 010000 Kazakhstan 119. Director Department for International Organizations and Security Issues Ministry of Foreign Affairs 57, Erkindik blvrd. Bishkek 720040 Kyrgyzstan Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: Tel.: +7 7172 74 33 15 E-Mail: Web: Kenya 116. Mr. Richard L. Lesiyampe Principal Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources NHIF Building Ragati Road P.O. Box 30126 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: +254 20 2730808, 9 Fax: +254 20 2734722 E-Mail: Kiribati 117. Mr. Timi Kaiekieki Secretary Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development P.O. Box 234 Bikenibeu Tarawa Kiribati Tel.: +686 28507, 28000, 28593 Fax: +686 28334 E-Mail: Kuwait 118. Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad Al-Hamoud Al-Sabah Chairman of the Board & Director General Environment Public Authority P.O. Box 24395 Safat 13104 Kuwait Tel.: +965 22208511 Fax: +965 22208369 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 +996 312 62 05 45 +996 312 66 05 01 120. Mr. Sabir Atadjanov Director State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry 228, Toktogul Street 720001 Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Tel.: +996 312 35 30 95 Fax: +996 312 35 30 95 E-Mail: Lao People's Democratic Republic 121. Dr. Inthavy Akkharath Assistant to Minister Cabinet Office Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) P.O. Box 2932 Thatdam Road Vientiane Lao People's Democratic Republic Tel.: +856 21 261 196 Fax: +856 21 217 161 E-Mail: Latvia 122. Ms. Daiga Vilkaste Director Department of Nature Protection Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Peldu Street 25 Riga LV-1494 Latvia Tel.: +371 6 702 6504 Fax: +371 6 782 0442 E-Mail: 15 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Lebanon Liechtenstein 123. Ms. Lara Samaha Head Department of Conservation of Natural Wealth Ministry of Environment Lazarieh Building P.O.Box 11-2727 Beirut Lebanon 127. Mr. Sven Braden Legal and International Affairs Office of Environment Dr. Grass-Strasse 12 Vaduz Postfach 684 9490 Vaduz Liechtenstein Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: Tel.: +423 236 7451 Fax: +423 236 6411 E-Mail: +961 1 976 555 ext 417 +961 1 976 530 Lesotho 124. Mr. Stanley Motsamai Damane Director National Environment Secretariat Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture PO Box 10993, New Postal Office Building 6th Floor, Kingsway Road Maseru 100 Lesotho Tel.: +266 22 311 767, +266 22 320 534 Fax: +266 22 311 139 E-Mail: Liberia 125. Mr. Jonathan W. Davies Coordinator Multilateral Environmental Agreements Division Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 4th Street, Sinkor P.O. Box 4024 Monrovia Liberia Fax: +205 407 126 E-Mail: Libya 126. Dr. Musbah Farag Mohamed Al-Mugassaby Director Nature Conservation Department Environment General Authority (EGA) P.O. Box 83618 Al Gheran, Janzur Road Tripoli Libya Tel.: +218 21 4873761, +218 61 091 382 0363 Fax: +218 21 4872160 E-Mail: 128. Mr. Helmut Kindle Director Office of Environment Dr. Grass-Strasse 12 Vaduz Postfach 684 9490 Vaduz Liechtenstein E-Mail: Lithuania 129. Ms. Kristina Klovaite Chief Desk Officer of Biodiversity Division Nature Protection Department Ministry of Environment A. Jaksto str. 4/9 LT-01105 Vilnius Lithuania Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +370 52 663 552 +370 52 663 663 Luxembourg 130. S.E. Le Ministre Ministère des Affaires Etrangères 5, rue Notre Dame L-2240 B.P. 1602 L-2911 Luxembourg Luxembourg Tel.: +352 478 611, 478 2301 Fax: +352 223 144 E-Mail: 131. Mr. Claude Origer Conseiller de Direction 1ère classe Département de l'environnement Ministère du Développement durable et des infrastructures 4, Place de l'Europe L-1499 Luxembourg Luxembourg Tel.: +352 247 86826 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 16 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Madagascar Mali 132. M. Liva Hariniaina Ramiandrarivo Directeur des Aires Protégées Terrestres Directions Générale des Forêts Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Ecologie, de la Mer et des Forêts B.P. 3948, Rue Toto RADOLA Antsahavola Antananarivo 101 Madagascar 136. M. El hadj Sy Ingénieur des Eaux et Forêts Direction Nationale des Eaux et Forêts Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement B.P. 275 Bamako Mali Tel.: +223 76452572, 65986329 Fax: +223 20233696 E-Mail: Tel.: +261 34 0562048 E-Mail: Malawi Malta 133. 137. Hon. Dr. Leo Brincat Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change Office of the Prime Minister Auberge d'Italie Merchants Street Valletta VLT 2000 Malta Director Environmental Affairs Department Private Bag 394 Lilongwe 3 Malawi Tel.: +265 1 771 111 Fax: +265 1 773 379 E-Mail: Malaysia 134. Dr. Megat Sany Bin Megat Ahmad Supian Undersecretary Biodiversity and Forestry Management Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Level 12, Tower Block 4G3, Precinct 4 62574 Putrajaya Malaysia Tel.: +603 8886 1443 Fax: +603 8890 4021 E-Mail: Maldives 135. Ms. Ilham Atho Mohamed Assistant Director Environment Department Ministry of Environment and Energy Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun Maafannu Male' 20392 Maldives Tel.: +960 301 8357 Fax: +960 301 8301 E-Mail: Tel.: +356 2291 5006, 5021 Fax: +356 2291 5039 E-Mail: Marshall Islands 138. H.E. Mr. Tony A. deBrum Mnister (CBD Political Focal Point) Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 1349 Majuro 96960 Marshall Islands Tel.: +692 625 3181, 3012 Fax: +692 625 4979 E-Mail: 139. Ms. Kino S. Kabua Secretary (CBD Political Focal Point) Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 1349 Majuro 96960 Marshall Islands Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +692 625 3181, 3012 +692 625 4979 http// 140. Mr. Bruce Kijiner Director (CBD Operational Focal Point) Office of Environmental Planning and Policy Coordination (OEPPC) P.O. Box 975 Majuro 96960 Marshall Islands Tel.: +692 625 7944, 7945 Fax: +692 625 7918 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 17 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Mauritania Micronesia (Federated States of) 141. M. Cheikh Ould Sidi Mohamed Coordinateur National des Programmes de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique Ministère Délégué auprès du Premier Ministre chargé de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable BP 170 Nouakchott Mauritania 145. H.E.Mr. Marion Henry Secretary Department of Resources and Development P.O. Box PS-12 Pohnpei FM 96941 Palikir Micronesia (Federated States of) Tel.: +691 320 5133, 2646, 2620 Fax: +691 320 5854 E-Mail: Tel.: +222 4 601 2626 +222 22 66 9363 Fax: +222 4 524 3159 E-Mail: Monaco Mauritius 142. Mr. Manikchand Puttoo Director National Parks and Conservation Service Levels 8 & 9, Renganaden Seeneevassen Building Cnr Jules Koenig & Maillard Streets Reduit Port-Louis Mauritius Tel.: +230 464 2993 Fax: +230 466 0453 E-Mail: Mexico 146. H.E. Mr. Patrick Van Klaveren Ambassadeur de Monaco auprès de Sa Majesté le Roi d'Espagne/Délégué Permanent auprès des Organismes Internationaux à caractère scientifique, environnemental et humanitaire DPOI Ministère d'Etat BP 322, Place de la Visitation 98000 Monaco-Ville Monaco Tel.: +377 98 98 81 48, +34 915 782 048 in Spain Fax: +377 93 50 95 91 E-Mail: Mongolia 143. Dr. Roberto Dondisch Glowinsky Director General para Temas Globales Subsecretaría para Asuntos Multilaterales y Derechos Humanos Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) Plaza Juárez No.20 Col. Centro, Del. Cuauhtémoc México D.F. C.P. 06010 Mexico Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +52 55 3686 5699, 3686 5628 ext 5699, 5628 +52 55 3686 5632 144. S.E. Sr. Juan José Guerra Abud Secretario Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) Periférico Sur No.4209, 6 Piso Col. Jardines de la Montaña México D.F. C.P. 14210 Mexico Tel.: +52 55 5628 0602, 05 Fax: +52 55 5628 0643 E-Mail: Web: 2015-07-05 147. Mr. Dorjgurkhem Batbold Director River Basin Management Division Ministry of Environment, Green Development and Tourism Government Building 2 United Nation's Street 5/2 Ulaanbaatar 15160 Mongolia Tel.: +976 51 26 63 11 Fax: +976 51 32 14 01 E-Mail: Web: Montenegro 148. Dr. Ana Pavićević Senior Advisor Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism IV Proleterske brigade 19 81000 Podgorica Montenegro Tel.: +382 20 446 238 Fax: +382 20 446 215 E-Mail: 18 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Morocco Namibia 149. Dr. Mostafa Madbouhi Chef du Service des Sites Naturelles Ministère délégué auprès du Ministre de l'Energie, des Mines, de l'Eau et de l'Environnement - Chargé de l'Environnement 9, Avenue Al Araar, Section 16 Hay Ryad 10100 Rabat Morocco 153. Mr. Teofilus Nghitila Environmental Commissioner Directorate of Environmental Affairs Ministry of Environment and Tourism Private Bag 13306 Windhoek Namibia Tel.: +212 5 37 57 06 02 Fax: +212 5 37 57 04 68 E-Mail: Tel.: +264 61 2847111 Fax: +264 61 240399 E-Mail: Mozambique Nauru 150. Eng. Anselmina L. Liphola National Director Environmental Management Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development Acordos de Lusaka Ave. No. 2115 P.O Box 2020 Maputo Mozambique 154. Mr. Elkoga Gadabu Secretary Department of Commerce, Industry & Environment Government Offices Yaren District, Central Pacific Yaren Nauru Tel.: +674 557 3113 Fax: +674 557 3133 E-Mail: Tel.: +258 21 466 244, +258 21 465 299, mobile: +258 82 752 8540 Fax: +258 21 465 849 E-Mail: Nepal Myanmar 151. H.E. U Aung Bwa Director-General ASEAN National Secretariat - Myanmar Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pyay Road Dagon Township Yangon Myanmar Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +951 221 191; +951 229 214 (direct) +951 212 840 152. Dr. Nyi Nyi Kyaw Director General Forest Department Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry Bayintnaung Road, West Gyogone Nay Pyi Taw Myanmar Tel.: +95 67 405015 Fax: +95 67 405427 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 155. Mr. Braj Kishor Yadav Joint Secretary Chief, Biodiversity and Environment Division Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation P.O.Box 3987 Singha Durbar Kathmandu Nepal Tel.: +977 01 4211814 Fax: +977 01 4211868 E-Mail: Netherlands 156. Ms. Miranda Meijster Directorate General for Nature and Regional Policy Ministry of Economic Affairs P.O. Box 20401 2500 EK The Hague Netherlands Tel.: +31 70 378 5015 E-Mail: 19 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing New Zealand Niue 157. Ms. Wendy Jackson Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 195 Lambton Quay Private Bag 18 901 Wellington 5045 New Zealand 161. Ms. Christine Ioane Director Cabinet and Parliamentary Services Office for External Affairs Premier's Department P.O. Box 40 Alofi Niue Tel.: +64 4 439 8462 Fax: +64 4 439 8517 E-Mail: Tel.: +683 4200 Fax: +683 4206 E-Mail: Nicaragua 158. Sr. Carlos Ramiro Mejía Urbina Director de Biodiversidad Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (MARENA) Km 12 1/2, Carretera Norte, Frente a Corporación de Zonas Francas Managua Nicaragua 162. Mr. Sauni Tongatule Director Department of Environment PO Box 80 Alofi Niue Tel.: +683 4021 Fax: +683 4010 E-Mail: E-Mail: Niger Norway 159. Dr. Maâzou Kamayé Secrétaire Exécutif Conseil National de l'Environnement pour un Développement Durable (CNEDD) BP 10193 Cabinet du Premier Ministre Niamey Niger Tel.: +227 20 72 25 59, 227 20 72 42 64 4 Fax: +227 20 72 29 81 E-Mail: 163. Ms. Tone Solhaug Senior Adviser Department for Biodiversity, Outdoor Recreation and Cultural Heritage Ministry of Climate and Environment Kongensgt. 20 P.O. Box 8013 Dep 0030 Oslo Norway Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: Nigeria 160. Mr. Salisu M. Dahiru Acting Director of Forestry Federal Department of Forestry Federal Ministry of Environment Plot 393/394, Augustus Aikhomu Way Utako District P.M.B. 468 Abuja Nigeria Tel.: +2348030570625 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 +47 22 24 59 54 +47 22 24 95 60 - new ministry name Oman 164. Mr. Mohamed Rashid Al-Sinaidi Managing Director International Co-operation Department Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs P.O. Box 323 P.C. 100 Muscat Oman Tel.: +968 24404817 Fax: +968 24691232 E-Mail: 20 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Pakistan Papua New Guinea 165. Mr. Naeem Ashraf Raja Director Biodiversity Program Biodiversity Directorate Ministry of Climate Change Enercon Building, G-5/2 Islamabad Pakistan 169. Dr. Wari Iamo Secretary Department of Environment and Conservation P.O. Box 6601 Boroko Port Moresby Papua New Guinea Tel.: +92 51 9245601 Fax: +92 51 9245590 E-Mail: Tel.: +675 325 0180 Fax: +675 325 0182 E-Mail: Palau Paraguay 166. Mr. King Sam Special Assistant to Minister/Programme Manager Protected Areas Network Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism P. O. Box 6051 Koror 96940 Palau 170. Sr.Lic. Ignacio Avila Torres Secretaría del Ambiente (SEAM) Av. Madame Lynch 3500 Asunción Paraguay Tel.: +680 767 5435, 3125 Fax: +680 767 3380 E-Mail: Panama 167. Sra. Mirei Endara Administradora General Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente (ANAM) P.O. Box 0843-00793 Panamá Panama Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +507 500 0823, +507 500 0822 +507 500 0839 168. Lic. Santiago López Director Departamento de Desarrollo Sostenible Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Casco Viejo Palacio Bolivar Panamá Zona 4 Panama Tel.: +507 511 4248, 4246 Fax: +507 511 4042 Web: 2015-07-05 Tel.: +595 21 615 805, 615 812, 615 814 E-Mail: Peru 171. Mme Liliam Ballon Sanchez de Amezaga Ministra en el Servicio Diplomático de la República del Perú Directora de Medio Ambiente de la Dirección General para Asuntos Multilaterales y Globales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Jirón Lampa No.545 Lima 1 Peru Tel.: +511 204 3139 Fax: +511 204 3141 E-Mail: 172. Mr. Gabriel Quijandría Acosta Viceministro Viceministerio de Desarrollo Estratégico de los Recursos Naturales Ministerio del Ambiente Av. Javier Prado Oeste 1440 San Isidro Lima 27 Peru Tel.: +51 1 611 6000 ext 1634 Fax: +51 1 611 6000 ext 1634 E-Mail: 21 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Philippines Qatar 173. Mr. Jesus R.S. Domingo Assistant Secretary Office of United Nations and Other International Organizations (UNIO) Department of Foreign Affairs 2330 Roxas Blvd., Pasay City 1300 Metro Manila Philippines 177. Mr. Ghanim Abdulla Mohammad Wildlife Consultant Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 7634 Doha Qatar Tel.: +632 834 4890 +632 834 4814 Fax: +632 833 1322 E-Mail: Tel.: +974 458 3635, +974 435 8417,+974 441 5246, +974 458 3310 Fax: +974 44207839 E-Mail: Republic of Korea 174. H.E.Ms. Petronila P. Garcia Ambassador Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines 130 Albert Street, Suite 900 Ottawa ON K1P 5G4 Canada Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +1 613 233 1121 +1 613 233 4165 Poland 175. Dr. Bozena Haczek Minister's Councellor Department of Nature Conservation Ministry of the Environment 52/54 Wawelska 00-922 Warsaw Poland Tel.: +48 22 57 92 423 Fax: +48 22 57 92 290 E-Mail: Portugal 176. Mr. Pedro Ivo Arriegas Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas Avenida da República, 16 a 16B 1050-191 Lisboa Portugal Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: 2015-07-05 +351 213 507 900 +351 213 507 984 178. Mr. Jin Hur Consul General Consulate General of the Republic of Korea 1250 René-Lévesque Boulevard West Suite 3600 Montreal QC H3B 4W8 Canada Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +1 514 845 2555 +1 514 845 1119 179. Ms. Nana Seo Second Secretary Climate Change and Environmental Affairs Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs 37 Sejongno, Jongno-gu Seoul Republic of Korea Tel.: +822 2100 7860 Fax: +822 2100 7791 E-Mail: 180. Ms. Giwon Seo Deputy Director Global Environment Division, International Cooperation Office Ministry of Environment Building #6, Government Complex-Sejong 11 Doum 6-ro Sejong Special Self-Governing City 339-012 Republic of Korea Tel.: +82 44 201 6587 Fax: +82 44 201 6594 E-Mail: 22 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Republic of Moldova Saint Kitts and Nevis 181. Ms. Ala Rotaru Head of Natural Resources and Biodiversity Division Ministry of Environment 9, Cosmonautilor Str. MD 2005 Chisinau Republic of Moldova 185. Mr. Randolph Edmead Director Department of Physical Planning and Environment Ministry of Sustainable Development Bladen Commercial Development Wellington Road PO Box 597 Basseterre Saint Kitts and Nevis Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +373 22 20 45 22 +373 22 22 68 58 Romania Saint Lucia 182. Ms. Alina Frim Director Biodiversity Department Ministry of Environment and Forests 12 Libertatii Blvd. Bucharest 040129 Romania Tel.: +40 21 3166492 Fax: +40 21 3160287 E-Mail: Russian Federation 183. Mr. Ilya Antosyev Adviser Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 4/6 B. Gruzinskaya str. D-242, GSP-5 Moscow 123995 Russian Federation Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: Tel.: +1 869 465 2277 Fax: +1 869 465 5842 E-Mail: +7 499 254 86 01, 16 35 +7 499 254 82 83 Rwanda 186. Mr. Sylvester Clauzel Permanent Secretary Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology Ground Floor, Hewanorra House Trou Garnier Castries Saint Lucia Tel.: +1 758 468 5840 Fax: +1 758 456 0490 E-Mail: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 187. Mr. Clint Todd Lewis Environmental Health Officer Environmental Management Department Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment Environmental Health Complex Tyrell Street Kingstown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tel.: +1 784 456 1185 ext 209 Fax: +1 784 457 2684 E-Mail: Samoa 184. Ms. Marie Laetitia Busokeye Ag. Director Research and Environment Unit Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) P.O. Box 7436 Kacyiru Kigali Rwanda Tel.: +250 788 530 999 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 188. Mr. Aiono Mose Sua Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade P.O. Box L 1859 Apia Samoa Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +685 21171, +685 25313 +685 21504 23 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing San Marino Serbia 189. Mr. Tonino Ceccoli Head Ecologic Supervision and Environment Protection Service Environmental and Agricultural Resources Management Office Via Ovella 12 Borgo Maggiore 47893 San Marino 193. Ms. Jelena Ducic Department for Protection of Nature and Biodiversity Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection Omladinskih Brigada str. No. 1 11070 Belgrade Serbia Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +378 885112 +378 885115 Sao Tome and Principe 190. Mr. Aurélio de Sousa Jesus Rita Director Direcçao do Parque Natural Obô de S.Tomé Ministério do Plano e Desenvolvimento Av. Marginal 12 de Julho C. Postal No. 47 Sao Tomé Sao Tome and Principe Tel.: +239 222 319 Fax: +239 221 843 E-Mail: Saudi Arabia 191. H.H. Prince Bandar Bin Saud Bin Mohammad Al-Saud Secretary General Saudi Wildlife Authority P. O. Box 61681 Riyadh 11575 Saudi Arabia Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +966 1 441 8700 +966 1 441 0797 Senegal 192. M. Soulèye Ndiaye Directeur Direction des Parcs Nationaux Ministère de l'environnement et du developpement durable B.P. 5135 Dakar FANN Senegal Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +381 11 715 5200 +381 11 31 32 574 Seychelles 194. H.E. Mr. Callixte d'Offay Ambassador, Principal Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 656 Victoria, Mahé Seychelles Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +248 28 35 00 +248 22 48 45 195. Dr. Denis Matatiken Chief Executive Officer Seychelles National Parks Authority PO Box 1240 Victoria, Mahé Seychelles Tel.: +248 225114 Fax: +248 4224388 E-Mail: Sierra Leone 196. Mr. Momodu Alrashid Bah Senior Environment Officer Ministry of Lands, Country Planning & the Environment Youyi Building, 3 Fl Brookfields Freetown Sierra Leone Tel.: +232 22 240 355, +232 22 240 367 Fax: +232 22 235 055 E-Mail: Tel.: +221 33 832 23 09 Fax: +221 33 832 23 11 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 24 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Singapore Solomon Islands 197. Dr. Lena Chan Deputy Director National Biodiversity Centre National Parks Board 1 Cluny Road Singapore 259569 Singapore 201. Mr. Joe Horokou Director Environment and Conservation Division Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology P.O. Box 21 Honiara Solomon Islands Tel.: +65 6465 1696 Fax: +65 6465 5196 E-Mail: 198. Ms. Wendy Yap Hwee Min Assistant Director (International Relations) National Biodiversity Centre National Parks Board 1 Cluny Road Singapore 259569 Singapore Tel.: +65 6465 1688 Fax: +65 6465 5196 E-Mail: Slovakia 199. Dr. Veronika Vyšná Division of Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection Ministry of Environment Nám. Ľ. Štúra 1 812 35 Bratislava Slovakia Tel.: +421 2 5956 2270 E-Mail: Slovenia 200. Mr. Robert Bolješić Secretary Sector for Nature Conservation Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning Dunajska 48 Si-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel.: +386 1 478 7471 Fax: +386 1 478 7478 E-Mail: Tel.: +677 23 031 +677 24 215, +677 88 481 Fax: +677 28 054 E-Mail: Somalia 202. H.E. Hon. Buri Mohamed Hamza Minister of State Ministry of the Environment Villa Somalia Mogadishu Somalia Tel.: +252 61 5936903 E-Mail: South Africa 203. Ms. Judie Combrink CBD Administrative Focal Point Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) Private Bag X447 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel.: +27 12 310 3452 Fax: +27 12 322 5563 E-Mail: 204. Ms. Malta Qwathekana Senior Policy Adviser; CBD Technical (Principal) Focal Point International Biodiversity and Heritage Cooperation Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) Private Bag X447 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel.: +27 12 310 3067 Fax: +27 12 320 1714 E-Mail: South Sudan 205. Mr. Paul L. Demetry Senior Inspector for Biodiversity Directorate of Wetlands and Biodiversity Ministry of Environment Juba South Sudan Tel.: +211 956600801 mobile E-Mail: 2015-07-05 25 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Spain State of Palestine 206. Mr. Miguel Aymerich Subdirector General de Medio Natural Dirección General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental y Medio Natural Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente Rios Rosas, 24 4 planta 28003 Madrid Spain 210. Mr. Mohammed I.M. Mahassneh Director Biodiversity Department Environment Quality Authority (EQA) Ramallah-Nablus Str. Gaza State of Palestine Tel.: +972 8 240 3495, 8; +972 8 240 0985, 6 Fax: +972 8 240 3494 E-Mail: Tel.: +34 91 749 3614 Fax: +34 91 749 3873 E-Mail: Sudan Sri Lanka 207. Ms. R.H.M.P. Abeykoon Director (Operational Focal Point) Biodiversity Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment 82, Sampathpaya Rajamalwatta Road Battaramulla Sri Lanka Tel.: +94 11 2883374 Fax: +94 11 4443943 E-Mail: 208. Eng. Nihal Rupasinghe Secretary Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment 82, Sampathpaya Rajamalwatta Road Battaramulla Sri Lanka Tel.: +94 11 2877290, 91 Fax: +94 11 2877292 E-Mail: 209. Hon. Mr. Maithreepala Sirisena Minister (Political Focal Point) Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment 82, Sampathpaya Rajamalwatta Road Battaramulla Sri Lanka 211. Dr. Nadia Hassan Omar Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (HCENR) Gamaa Street P.O. Box 10488 Khartoum Sudan Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +249 183 284 275 +249 183 787 617 www.hcenr.nst Suriname 212. Mrs. Ellen Naarendorp Environment Coordinator Senior Advisor to the President of the Republic of Suriname Kleine Combeweg 2-4 Paramaribo Suriname Tel.: +597 472841 E-Mail: Swaziland 213. Mr. Stephen M. Zuke Executive Director Swaziland Environment Authority (SEA) P.O. Box 2602 Mbabane Swaziland Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: Tel.: +94 11 2866617, 18 Fax: +94 11 2866613 +268 2 404 7893 +268 2 404 6960 +268 2 404 1719 Sweden 214. Ms. Annika Nilsson Ministry of the Environment Government Offices of Sweden SE-103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel.: +46 8 405 38 80 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 26 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Switzerland The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 215. Mr. Andreas Obrecht Senior Policy Advisor for Biodiversity International Affairs Division Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) CH-3003 Bern Switzerland 219. Ms. Daniela Rendevska Head of Unit for Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation Department for Cooperation and Project Coordination Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Boul. Goce Delcev bb, MTV, X 1000 Skopje The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel.: +41 31 322 11 63 Fax: +41 31 323 03 49 E-Mail: Tel.: +389 2 3251 400 Fax: +389 2 3220 165 E-Mail: Syrian Arab Republic Timor-Leste 216. Eng. Belal Alhayek Director Directorate of Biodiversity, Land and Natural Reserves Ministry of State for Environment Affairs P.O. Box 3773 Damascus Syrian Arab Republic 220. Mr. Augusto Manuel Pinto Senior Staff National Directorate for Environment Secretariat of State for the Environment Edificio do Fomento Rua Dom Aleixo Corte Real, Mandarin Dili Timor-Leste Tel.: +963 11 2318682, 2318683 Fax: +963 11 2312120 E-Mail: Tel.: +670 730 5826 E-Mail: Tajikistan Togo 217. Dr. Neimatullo Safarov Head National Biodiversity and Biosafety Center 47 Shevchenko street Dushanbe 734024 Tajikistan 221. M. Kotchikpa Okoumassou Directeur de la Faune et de la Chasse par intérim Direction de la Faune et de la Chasse Ministère de l'Environnement et des Ressources Forestières 52 QAD, rue de la Kozah B.P. 355 Lomé Togo Tel.: +992 93 527 86 15, +992 44 600 25 53 Fax: +992 37 2218978 E-Mail: Tel.: +228 221 40 29 Fax: +228 221 40 29 E-Mail: Thailand 218. Ms. Patama Domrongphol Environmental Official Biodiversity Division Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning 60/1 Soi Phibun Wattana 7, Phayathai Rama 6 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel.: +66 2 265 6640 Fax: +66 2 265 66 40 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 Tonga 222. Mr. Paula Ma'u CEO Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications (MEIDECC) P.O. Box 1380 Nuku'alofa Tonga Tel.: +676 28 170 E-Mail: 27 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Tonga Turkey 223. Mr. Mahe 'Uli'uli Sandhurst Tupouniua Secretary for Foreign Affairs (CBD Political Focal Point) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Level 4, Reserve Bank Building P.O. Box 821 Nuku'alofa Tonga 227. Mr. Ahmet Ozyanik General Director General Directorate of Natural Protection and National Parks Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs Söğütözü Cad. No: 14/E Beştepe 06560, Yenimahalle Ankara Turkey Tel.: +676 23 600 Fax: +676 23 360 E-Mail: Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: Trinidad and Tobago 224. Mrs. Vidiah Ramkhelawan Permanent Secretary Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources Level 26, Tower D, International Waterfront Complex 1A Wrightson Road Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago Tel.: +1 868 623 3158 Fax: +1 868 624 2455 E-Mail: Tunisia +90 312 207 6061 +90 312 207 5931 Turkmenistan 228. Mr. Jumamurad Saparmuradov National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna Ministry of Nature Protection 102, Kemine street Ashgabat 744000 Turkmenistan Tel.: +99 312 39 01 02 Fax: +99 312 39 31 84 E-Mail: Tuvalu 225. Mr. Nabil Hamada Directeur de l’Ecologie et des Milieux Naturels Direction Générale de l'Environnement et de la Qualité de la Vie Ministère de l'Equipement et de l’Environnement Boulevard de la Terre Centre Urbain Nord 1080 Cedex Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 70 728 694 Fax: +216 70 728 655 E-Mail: Turkey 226. Mr. Ayhan Çağatay Head of Department General Directorate of Natural Protection and National Parks Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs Söğütözü Cad. No: 14/E Beştepe 06560, Yenimahalle Ankara Turkey Tel.: +90 312 207 7002, 287 1178 Fax: +90 312 287 1178 E-Mail: 229. Mr. Temate Melitiana Permanent Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade, Tourism, Environment and Labour Private Mail Bag Funafuti Tuvalu Tel.: +688 20179 E-Mail: 230. Mr. Mataio Tekinene Director of Environment Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade, Tourism, Environment and Labour Private Mail Bag Funafuti Tuvalu E-Mail: Uganda 231. Mr. Francis Meri Sabino Ogwal Natural Resources Management Specialist (Biodiversity and Rangelands) National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) NEMA House, 2nd Floor Plot 17/19/21 Jinja Road P.O. Box 22255 Kampala Uganda Tel.: +256 414 251 064, 5, 8 Fax: +256 414 257 521 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 28 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Ukraine United States of America 232. Dr. Sergiy I. Gubar Deputy Director- Head of Division of EcoNet Development and Biosafety Directorate of Natural Resources Protection and EcoNet Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources 35, Uritskogo str. Kyiv 03035 Ukraine 236. Ms. Barbara De Rosa-Joynt Chief for Biodiversity Office of Conservation and Water, Bureau of Oceans, Environment and Science United States Department of State 2201 C Street NW Room 2658 Washington DC 20520 United States of America Tel.: +380 44 206 31 66 Fax: +380 44 206 31 53 E-Mail: Tel.: +1 202 647 4511 Fax: +1 202 647 1636 E-Mail: United Arab Emirates 233. Mr. Ahmed Esmaeil Al Hashmi National Communication Coordinator Ministry of Environment and Water P.O. Box 1509 Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel.: +971 4 214 8454 Fax: +971 4 214 8532 E-Mail: Uruguay 237. Lic. Martin Alejandro Vidal Delgado Director Dirección de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Colonia 1206, 2º piso Montevideo 11100 Uruguay Tel.: +598 2 902 94 68 E-Mail: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 234. Mrs. Clare Hamilton Head International Biodiversity Policy Unit Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) Area 2E Nobel House, 17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel.: +44 207 238 0533 E-Mail: Web: United Republic of Tanzania 235. Mrs. Esther Shushu Makwaia Principal Environmental Officer Division of Environment Vice President's Office P.O. Box 5380 Dar es Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel.: +255 22 211 8416 Fax: +255 22 211 3856 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 Uzbekistan 238. Mr. Bakhtiyer Abdusamatov Chairman State Committee for Nature Protection 5, Mustakillik Sq. Tashkent 100017 Uzbekistan Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +998 71 239 11 71, +998 71 239 43 42 +998 71 239 14 98 Vanuatu 239. Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources Private Mail Bag 9063 Port Vila Vanuatu Tel.: +678 25302, 22227 Fax: +678 22227 E-Mail: 29 / 30 Convention on Biological Diversity National Focal Points on Access and Benefit Sharing Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Zambia 240. Mr. Rubén Darío Molina Director General (CBD Political NFP) Office of Integration and Multilateral Affairs Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Affairs Torre MPPRE, Piso 5 Caracas 1010 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 244. Mr. Ephraim Mwepya Shitima Principal Environment Management Officer Department of Environment and Natural Resources Management Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Mulungushi House P.O. Box 50694 Ridgeway Lusaka Zambia Tel.: +58 212 806 4312 Fax: +58 212 806 4306 E-Mail: 241. Dr. Jesús Manzanilla Puppo Director General (CBD Technical Focal Point) Oficina Nacional de Diversidad Biológica Ministerio Del Poder Popular para Ecosocialismo, Hábitat y Vivienda (MINEHV) Centro Simón Bolívar, Torre Sur Piso 6, Oficina 600 Caracas 1010 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Tel.: Fax: E-Mail: Web: +58 212 408 4757, 58 +58 212 408 1503 Tel.: +260 977 893961 mobile E-Mail: Zimbabwe 245. Mr. I.D. Kunene Director of Environment Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate 12 th Floor Kaguvi Building Corner 4th Street/Central Avenue Private Bag 7753, Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel.: +263 4 701 681, 3 Fax: +263 4 252 673 E-Mail: Viet Nam 242. Dr. Cach Tuyen Bui Vice Minister Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) 67 Nguyen Du Str. Hal Ba Trang district Hanoi Viet Nam Tel.: +84 4 39412029 Fax: +84 4 39429232 E-Mail: Yemen 243. Dr. Mohamed Said El-Mashjary Chairman Environment Protection Authority (EPA) PO Box 19719 Sana'a Yemen Tel.: +967 1 207817 Fax: +967 1 207327 E-Mail: 2015-07-05 30 / 30
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