ColtsCHATTER | Published quarterly for supporters of the Chillicothe 757 Colts | April 1, 2015 April 1, 2015 IMPORTANT DATES 2015 MEMORIAL GOLF OUTING In recognition of Leo Woods & Dick Stewart YOUR Chillicothe Post 757 Colts Baseball Program will be hosting a four person scramble golf tournament Sunday April 26th. 100% of the proceeds from the golf outing will directly benefit the Post 757 baseball program. This year’s golf outing will be held at Jaycees Public Golf Course in Chillicothe Ohio. The registration fee of $60/player will include 18 holes of golf, a cart and a picnic style meal beginning at 4:45 pm. If you are unable to golf but would like to attend the early dinner the cost is $10/person. Due to anticipated interest we ask that you pre-register to secure your foursome. March 28 HS Baseball Opening Day April 12 JR/SR Team Meeting May 26-28 Post 757 Camp May 30 Colts Season Opener May 31 Youth Baseball Camp June 7 Post 757 Colts Alumni Game June 18-21 Jadwin Memorial Tourney June 23 Colts Southern Swing Trip July 3-5 Cincy Wood Bat Tourney July 12 Post 757 Colts Day July 20-23 Region V Tourney ABOUT THE EVENT Team Stewart, in memory of Richard “Dick” Stewart and Team Woods, in memory of Leo “Woody” Woods is the format for the tournament. Dick & Woody both contributed countless hours to the Post 757 Colts Baseball Program and numerous other youth programs in the Chillicothe community. This year’s event will be a four person scramble tournament, with a shotgun start at 1:00 pm. Low score on each hole will be recorded on each scorecard. Prizes will awarded to the top finishing teams. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES 12:00 PM Onsite Registration 1:00 PM Shotgun Start 4:45 PM Picnic Style Dinner Big shout out to the most recent Post 757 Alumni to sign up on the website: Matt Trainer. Trainer played for the Colts 19891991 for coaches Bob Crabtree & Bret Mavis. Trainer continued his academics and baseball career at the University of Illinois & Ohio University. We need YOUR help as one of our program goals for 2015 is to get in touch with former Post 757 Colts players & coaches. FOR MORE INFORMATION At the end of the newsletter we have the full brochure available. If you have questions please contact either Chuck Greathouse at 740-444-4164 ( or Tom Barr at 740-703-1184 ( h p:// POST 757 COLTS ALUMNI Please help spread the word, there is a signup form that can be found on the Post 757 Colts Website by searching for “alumni” in the search box at the top of the site. Check out the current list and sign-up if you haven’t yet! ColtsCHATTER NEW COLTS ALUMNI IN MILITARY WINTER COLTS GEAR — TAKE 2 BARRY ALLEN—NATIONAL GUARD Due to multiple requests the Colts Baseball Program will be placing a second order for winter gear. To see what’s available please click this link. 2013 Zane Trace Graduate and Post 757 shortstop Barry Allen has signed up for the National Guard. Barry left for Jackson South Carolina March 9th where he is currently completing his basic training. After graduating basic training on May 21st Barry will be off to Gulfport Mississippi to complete an AIT in carpentry/masonry. Please keep Barry and his family in your prayers. The deadline to place orders has been extended until Friday April 10th. Please contact the Post 757 Coaching Staff if you wish to order. LAYNE STOCKHAM—AIR FORCE 2014 Huntington graduate and long-time Post 757 RHP & utility player Layne Stockham will be shipping off to San Antonio Texas for basic training on May 19th. Layne will continue his training in Aerospace Ground Equipment after graduating basic. Please keep Layne and his family in your prayers. MAVIS BACK IN THE GAME There’s a familiar face leading the Ohio University Chillicothe Hilltopper baseball program this spring as Post 757 alumni Bret Mavis gets back in the coaching game. This is the second stint at OU-C for Mavis as he previously was at the helm for 3 years in the 1990’s. Mavis starred for Post 757 in the late 70s leading the Colts to 3 consecutive district titles and went on to pitch 4 years at the collegiate level with the Marshal Thundering Herd. Mavis, a Post 757 Colts hall of famer, led the 2014 Post 757 Colts to an Ohio Region 5 runner-up finish and will return as an assistant coach for the 2015 club where he will work with all pitchers in the Post 757 Program. h p:// VA MEMORIAL STADIUM The Post 757 Colts Baseball Program is excited to announce that we have added 5 home games for the summer 2015 season at the VA Memorial Stadium in Chillicothe Ohio. The 5 home dates include: 6/5 - Waverly, 6:00 pm 6/15 - Logan Post 78, 6:00 pm 7/1 - Washington CH Post 25 5:30 pm (9 innings) 7/16 - Pickerington Post 283 6:00 pm 7/18 - Athens Post 21, 10:00 am (9 innings) A BIG Thank You to the Chillicothe Paints Staff for all that they do for youth baseball in our community! ColtsCHATTER POST 757 ALUMNI GAME OSU CHAMPIONSHIP CUPS The Chillicothe Post 757 Colts baseball team has announced dates for the 2015 Alumni Game on Sunday, June 7th at JW Hoffman (Post 757) Field. Former players & coaches who would like to participate in the Alumni Game should contact Post 757 Head Coach Tom Barr (via email or 740-703-1184). The day’s events are being planned out now and will vary dependent on the number of Alumni that wish to participate. Again, we are still in the planning stages but wanted to get the dates out ASAP. We want to set this up so Alumni can take bp & infield prior to the game. Options being discussed include: Option A: If we have enough players to field two alumni teams we will have the oldest 2 players present select their team with the oldest player getting first pick among alumni players participating. Option B: If we have enough players to field one alumni team, we will have the Alumni play the 2015 Post 757 Colts Team. Option C: If we have enough players to field one alumni team but want to “blend” the players together we will have a Sandlott style game with the two oldest players selecting Alumni players first and then selecting players from the 2015 Post 757 Colts Team. As an organization, we are looking to create a program that our alumni will be proud of, a program that will be competitive and a program that can connect with its alumni base. COLTS IN THE NEWS SPRING ‘15 We’ve added several spring games to the website so that we can have one place to go to see upcoming games. We are adding new schedules as we get them. Please get out there and support YOUR Chillicothe Post 757 Colts players this spring. Click here to see games with times & locations on the Colts website. h p:// OSU 2015 Championship cups are still available, let us know if you’re interested in purchasing. We will also be placing another order so if you are interested in other teams (NFL, NFL PINK, MLB, College, Military, etc) please let us know by April 15th if you wish to purchase. 2015 TRYOUT INFORMATION We have been contacted by multiple people about tryouts for the 2015 season. The Colts program will have 4 teams in 2015: American Legion, Junior American Legion, 14U & 13U. Some spots remain open but most teams are nearly full at this point. Tryouts will be held in May and dates/times will be determined later. Players interested in joining the Post 757 Colts Baseball Program should complete this form so that our coaching staff can scout you during the spring season and invite you to the May tryouts. Current Post 757 Colts players do NOT need to complete this form. 2015 POST 757 SCHEDULES Although it’s spring (finally!) the Post 757 Baseball Staff has been diligently working since last fall on game & tournament schedules. We are happy to say we’ve made a lot of progress. Check out schedules by clicking the links below Senior Colts schedule complete Junior Colts schedule complete 14U Colts schedule coming along nicely 13U Colts schedule in the works ColtsCHATTER 2015 JADWIN MEMORIAL GET SOCIAL WITH THE 757 COLTS The 4th Annual Jim Jadwin Memorial Baseball Tournament will take place June 18-21, 2015. With 16 teams from 4 states Big Jim’s tourney is now full!! Love it or hate’s a digital world and the Post 757 Colts have embraced the opportunity to promote our program and players with social media! Social media has quickly become one of our primary means of communicating with our players, parents, college baseball coaches & fans. Adrian MI Hammond TN Ashland KY Ida MI Chillicothe 62 OH Motor City MI Chillicothe 757 OH Ottawa OH Circleville OH Sandusky OH Clare Burt, MI Steubenville OH Great Lakes OH Toledo OH Greenville OH Zanesville OH It’s a great time to get social with the Post 757 Colts Baseball Program! Again, in 2015, the Post 757 Colts will also be working the Chillicothe Paints Staff during the 4th Annual Jim Jadwin Memorial Tournament. The VA Memorial Stadium will be utilized for multiple games throughout the tournament as well as the Championship Game on Sunday, June 21st. HOLLY SPRINGS N. CAROLINA HOFFMAN FIELD RESTORATION The Post 757 Colts are excited to announce that they will be one of the first teams to participate on the brand new $5.5M 1,800-seat baseball stadium opening up later this month in Holly Springs NC. The Colts are all set to square off with the Garner Nationals Baseball team on Wednesday June 24th at 7 pm. The Hoffman Field Restoration Committee has been hard at it meeting with local leaders and have now kicked off a full blown campaign to make major improvements to Hoffman Field! The brochure is now complete and attached to this newsletter! We really need YOUR help spreading the word about this huge initiative! The Garner Nationals is a baseball powerhouse in NC where they finished up 2014 at the 6th ranked team after being the 4th ranked team in 2013. This is a great opportunity to have our Colts play the top talent at the top facilities along the east coast. Big shout out to the committee members which includes: Art DeVore, Larry Gates, John Herrnstein, Jeff Kellough, Steve Neal, Bob Puffler, Don Rockhold, Ron Shoemaker, Fred Yingling & Tom Barr. h p:// ColtsCHATTER 2015 SPONSOR DRIVE KICKS OFF POST 757 COLTS DAY Details to follow but mark Sunday July 12th down on your calendar. We do know that we are having some competitive events & a lot of fun as all 4 Post 757 Colts teams will be playing at Hoffman Field that day! YOUR Chillicothe Post 757 Colts is interested in partnering with businesses in our community. This is a great opportunity to hang a sign, throw out a first pitch and get your business recognized by members of your local community and beyond. VOLUNTEERS NEED FOR OUTING The Post 757 Colts Baseball Program needs YOUR help to put together the best golf outing in Chillicothe! This is only the 2nd golf outing in the last 3-4 years and our goal is to make this an annual event. Much like the Jadwin Tournament we need our Colts Baseball Family to come out in full force to make this outing a success! The program utilizes sponsorships in order to supplement other fundraising activities to provide the best opportunity to play competitive baseball in south central Ohio. Various partnership opportunities are available, for a complete list please click here. If you have any questions please contact us. We are also attaching the 2015 Sponsorship Plan to the back of this ColtsCHATTER edition! The outing is scheduled for Sunday April 26th and all details are available on the outing brochure at the end of this edition of ColtsCHATTER! We need help with: Please help spread the word about the 2015 Colts sponsorship drive to local businesses! KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS Recruiting additional players/teams Obtaining Hole Sponsors Obtaining Prize & Food Donations Preparing & serving food at the event Cleaning up after the event 757 BINGO VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Kroger Community Rewards Program requires that you sign up each year in April! The Colts Baseball Program is primarily funded by the Joseph W. Hoffman Post 757 American Legion. These funds are generated by bingo proceeds. Volunteers (in Colts Baseball Gear please) are needed on Sunday & Tuesday evenings. Please contact Roy Stone, Colts Baseball President at 740-773-6400 to sign up! Help YOUR Chillicothe 757 Colts Baseball Program by participating in the Kroger Community Rewards Program! It’s EASY, It’s FREE & You have to feed the crew anyways!! Please see step-by-step instructions on the Post 757 Colts website. If you have any problems please let us know and we will do our best to help you. PONY LEAGUE BINGO Like many youth programs, the Pony League is facing financial challenges! If you know of people looking to play Bingo on Wednesday nights and support youth sports then please pass the word along! Doors open at 4:30 and Bingo kicks off at 7! Check it out at 317 East Main Street at the Am Vets. REMEMBER: The Program does NOT cost you anything and you do NOT lose your plus card discounts by participating! CONTACT US The next issue will be in July 2015. Content that you wish to be considered is due Friday, June 26th. Contact Tom Barr, at with ques ons or submissions. h p:// ColtsCHATTER CHILLICOTHE POST 757 BASEBALL ABOUT THE EVENT Thank you for your consideration and interest in participating in the Chillicothe Post 757 Colts Golf Tournament as either a golfer or a sponsor. Be assured that 100% of your generous support directly benefits the Post 757 baseball program. Team Stewart, in memory of Richard “Dick” Stewart and Team Woods, in memory of Leo “Woody” Woods is the format for the tournament. Dick & Woody both contributed countless hours to the Post 757 Colts Baseball Program and numerous other youth programs in the Chillicothe community. This year’s golf outing will be held at Jaycees Public Golf Course in Chillicothe Ohio. The registration fee of $60/player will include 18 holes of golf, a cart and a picnic style meal beginning at 4 pm. If you are unable to attend the golf outing but would like to attend the early dinner the cost is $10/person. Due to anticipated interest we ask that you pre-register to secure your foursome. As part of our fundraising efforts, the Post 757 Colts are seeking to collect hole sponsors for the event—sponsors can be recognized at each tee box, fairway and green. Cost to sponsor a hole is $100—the sponsor name will appear on a laminated sign (12” X 18”) that will be displayed on the course as well as the patio during dinner. Sponsor names and sign pictures will also appear on the Post 757 Baseball Website. Please accept our sincere appreciation and thank you for your generous support of YOUR CHILLICOTHE POST 757 COLTS! 2015 MEMORIAL GOLF OUTING IN RECOGNITION OF LEO WOODS & DICK STEWART BENEFITING This year’s event will be a four person scramble tournament, with a shotgun start at 1:00 pm. Low score on each hole will be recorded on each scorecard. Prizes will awarded to top finishing teams. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 4:45 PM Onsite Registration Shotgun Start Picnic Style Dinner QUESTIONS / CONTACT US h p:// Chuck Greathouse Sunday, April 26, 2015 Jaycees Golf Course 12100 Pleasant Valley Road Chillicothe, OH 45601 12:00 pm—Onsite Registration 1:00 pm—Shotgun Start 740-444-4164 Tom Barr 740-703-1184 h p:// $100 WHEN: Sunday, April 26th (1:00 pm shotgun Deadline for entry is Monday, April 20th Name _________________________________________ Address _________________________________ City ___________ State______ Zip ___________ Phone ________________ Email ______________ Company _________________________________ Alumnus (circle) Y / N Years Played________ start) Four-person, best-ball scramble Onsite Registration begins at noon WHERE: Jaycees Golf Course COST: $60/golfer (include 18 holes of golf with Individual or Company Name as it should appear on signage: ____________________________________________ cart plus a dinner starting at 4:30 pm) $10 per person for meal only ________ I plan to play and have a foursome HOLE SPONSORSHIP: ________ I plan to play but need a group Team Preference: _________ Team Stewart _________ Team Woods _________ No Preference As part of our fundraising efforts, the Post 757 Colts are seeking to collect hole sponsors for the event which can be displayed at every tee box, fairway and green. Cost to sponsor a hole is $100—the sponsor name will appear on a laminated sign (12” x 18”) that will be displayed on the course as well as the patio during dinner. Sponsor names, sign pictures and logos (if provided) will also appear on the Post 757 Baseball Website. Name ______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ City _______________ State______ Zip __________ Phone ________________ Email ________________ Company ___________________________________ Alumnus (circle) Y / N Years Played________ PLEASE CHECK ONE FOURSOME Golfer # 1: ________________________________ Golfer # 2: _______________________________ Golfer # 3: _______________________________ Golfer # 4: _______________________________ # of golfers __________ X $60 = $___________ Send Entry Form and Check(s) to: Post 757 Colts Baseball Golf Outing c/o Tom Barr 13299 Marietta Rd. Kingston, OH 45644 Chillicothe Jaycees Public Golf Course 12100 Pleasant Valley Road Chillicothe, OH 45601 ____ Donation ……………………………………$___________ or ____ Hole Sponsor………………………………………. $100 Make Checks Payable to: Post 757 Baseball ---------------------------- OFFICE USE ONLY Received_________ Pd. ________ CH#________ OUR MISSION * COMMITTEE MEMBERS * Art DeVore, Larry Gates, John Herrnstein, Jeff Kellough, Steve Neal, Bob Puffler, Don Rockhold, Ron Shoemaker, Fred Yingling & Tom Barr OUR MISSION IS TO PROVIDE A FIRST CLASS RECREATION FACILITY that will benefit many HOFFMAN FIELD RESTORATION PLAN programs in Chillicothe and the surrounding communities. Art DeVore COMMITTEE CHAIR Youth sports can play a significant and positive role in a person’s life. The lessons of TEAMWORK, SPORTSMANSHIP, INTEGRITY, COMMITMENT & RESPECT will last a lifetime. The Joseph W. Hoffman Field will provide a venue that is safe, family-friendly and will help foster these values. Ron Shoemaker COMMITTEE MEMBER The intent of this project is to provide more opportunities for the kids of Chillicothe to participate in baseball, softball and other sports. There is a need for another lighted athletic facility and we hope to meet that need for the youth of this community. * WHO WILL BENEFIT? * American Legion Baseball Area High School Baseball Programs Area Junior-High Baseball Programs Colts Classic Baseball Tournament Jim Jadwin Memorial Tournament Junior American Legion Baseball Ohio University-Chillicothe Baseball VFW Baseball Women’s Softball Tournaments FORMOREINFORMATION, ArtDeVore*CommitteeChairman 740‐772‐2844* Bret Mavis ALUMNUS, COACH & SCHOOL PRINCIPAL The opportunity of having lights to support youth baseball has been discussed since I played here in the late ‘70s. Providing another lighted facility would be a great addition for our community.. P.O.Box6178|Chillicothe,OH45601 THE POST 757 BASEBALL FIELD, Hoffman Field, has provided 45 years of competitive baseball for the youth of Chillicothe and the surrounding area. Hoffman Field, located at Mary Lou Patton Park, is leased from the City of Chillicothe. THIS PROJECT IS A COLLABORATIVE effort initiated by numerous leaders to add field lights and make other improvements to this existing facility. THIS IS A COMMUNITY PROJECT with an aggressive campaign to provide our community with an additional lighted athletic facility. John Herrnstein OUR GOAL FORMER MLB PLAYER CHILLICOTHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A HOTBED FOR BASEBALL TALENT. Providing the OUR GOAL IS TO PROVIDE A LIGHTED FIELD community with a lighted field will help grow talent and give kids the best opportunity to play in college and beyond. and other needed improvements to Hoffman Field for baseball tournaments, softball tournaments for women, Ohio University baseball, high school, junior high and American Legion Baseball. OPPORTUNITIES TO BE INVOLVED THE HOFFMAN FIELD RESTORATION PLAN will GIVING OPPORTUNITIES SINGLE $1000 GRAND SLAM $10,000 DOUBLE $2000 NO HITTER $25,000 TRIPLE $3000 ALL STAR $50,000 HOME RUN $5000 MVP $75,000 THE FUNDING FOR THIS PROJECT comes from ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES 5-YEAR PROMOTION $50,000 10-YEAR PROMOTION $75,000 Let’s Play Ball!! improve the existing facility that was built in 1970. Adding lights to the field will be the top priority as the use of lights will increase field availability. Other planned improvements may include new dugouts, additional seating for fans and field surface work to enhance drainage. both the private and public sectors with a common goal of bringing events that otherwise would not come to the Chillicothe community. The full-sized baseball diamond is located in the southeastern corner of Mary Lou Patton Park, which already boasts two lighted youth-sized diamonds. The only full-sized baseball fields with lights can be found at VA Memorial Stadium and Bolmer Field in Yoctangee Park. INFORMATION Today’s date _______________________________________ Name _____________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City ________________ State______ Zip ________________ Phone ________________ Email _______________________ GIFT COMMITMENT I/we pledge a total cash gift of $ _______________ I/we pledge a gift in: Labor: $________________ Materials: $____________ Other: _______/_______ GIFT PAYMENT OPTIONS I/we are making a one-time gift of: $__________ Check Payable to: Post 757 Field Lighting Fund I/we are making annual payments of: $__________ Annually Quarterly Monthly Check Payable to: Post 757 Field Lighting Fund TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS The Chillicothe 757 Colts Baseball Program is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charitable organization and can receive tax-deductible donations . EIN: 34-1955521 POST 757 COLTS BASEBALL PROUDLY REPRESENTING THE CHILLICOTHE COMMUNITY SINCE 1969! 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES TAX– DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS TO SUPPORT YOUTH SPORTS IN YOUR COMMUNITY Benefits of Partnering with Colts Baseball Sponsors benefit too! We help sponsors reach their target market and provide an outstanding value for the dollars invested. Sponsoring partnerships with the Colts provides businesses with exposure and name recognition during programs & events and through publicity materials. Increase the value of your advertising dollars, achieve name recognition, develop networking opportunities while making a positive contribution to the community! About YOUR Chillicothe Colts Baseball Program The Chillicothe Post 757 Colts Baseball Program utilizes sponsorships and partnerships in order to supplement other fundraising activities. Every year since 1969 the program has provided opportunities to the youth of our community not only to become better players but, more importantly, become more respectful and responsible people. Our teams are made up of players and volunteer coaches that live and play in our local communities. The 2014 Colts not only achieved success on the field as the Ohio Region V Runner Up but more importantly was rewarded with 9 players continuing their education in college as well as 2 players going on to serve our country in the United States Air Force! Sponsorship Plans Need More Information Your sponsorship is tax‐deduc ble and plans are intended to be flexible and fit the needs of everyone. Several op ons are listed below or plans can also be tailored to fit your individual needs: Grand Slam Plan $1000+ Home Run Plan $500 to $999 Triple Plan $250 to $499 Double Plan $100 to $249 Single Plan $25 to $99 First Pitch Plan $65 Email Website: h p:// Become Part of the Colts Team Checks can be made out to: Chillicothe 757 Colts Checks can be mailed to: Sponsorship Deadline: May 1, 2015 Tom Barr c/o Colts Baseball 13299 Marie a Rd. Kingston, OH 45644 YOUR SPONSORSHIP IS TAX-DEDUCTIBLE! Sponsorship opportunities are intended to be flexible and fit the needs of all interested participants. Several options are listed below or plans can be tailored to fit your individual needs for monetary donations or services. Sponsors are added to website when payment or services are received and deadline to participate is May 1, 2015 to allow time for all media preparation prior to opening day! YOUR INFORMATION GRAND SLAM CONTRIBUTOR— $1000+ Sponsorship Deadline: May 1, 2015 1) Your Banner displayed at the Joseph W. Hoffman Field in the Your Name: _________________________ outfield for all fans to see 2) Plaque “Thank You for Supporting Chillicothe 757 Baseball” to display at your business 3) Choice of team picture, Colts t-shirt or Colts Team hat Address: ____________________________ 4) Autographed team baseball (your choice of Colts teams) 5) Company Name and/or Logo and link to your website from Colts website City: ________________________________ HOME RUN CONTRIBUTOR—$500—$999 State: _______________________________ 1) Your Banner displayed at the Joseph W. Hoffman Field in the outfield for all fans to see 2) Plaque “Thank You for Supporting Chillicothe 757 Baseball” to Zip Code: ___________________________ display at your business 3) Company Name and/or Logo and link to your website from Colts website 4) Autographed baseball (your choice of Colts teams) Telephone: __________________________ TRIPLE CONTRIBUTOR—$250 -$499 Email: ______________________________ 1) Your Banner displayed at the Joseph W. Hoffman Field in the outfield for all fans to see 2) Company Name and/or Logo with link to your website from Colts Sponsorship Level website 3) Autographed baseball (your choice of Colts teams) GRAND SLAM ($1000+) DOUBLE CONTRIBUTOR—$100 -$249 HOME RUN ($500-$999) 1) Company Name and/or Logo with link to your website from Colts website TRIPLE ($250-$499) SINGLE CONTRIBUTOR—$50 -$99 1) Company Name with link to your website from Colts website DOUBLE ($100-$249) FIRST PITCH CONTRIBUTOR—$65 1) Support YOUR Post 757 Colts by covering the cost of a dozen baseballs 2) You get to throw out the first pitch and your business will be promoted by announcing your business name! 3) Company Name with link to your website from Colts website SINGLE ($50—$99) FIRST PITCH ($65)
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