ST. JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL CHURCH BETHESDA, MARYLAND THE ORDER OF WORSHIP Solemnity of Pentecost / Year B Prelude................................................ Prelude and Fugue in A Major, BWV 536 ..................... J.S. Bach (1685 – 1750) Entrance Antiphon (Vigil Mass) The love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Spirit of God dwelling within us, alleluia. (Rom. 5:5; cf. 8:11) (Mass during the Day) The Spirit of the Lord has filled the whole world and that which contains all things understands what is said, alleluia. (Wis. 1:7) Entrance Hymn..................................................... Come, Holy Ghost ................................................................... #544 .................................................................. (10:00 am) O Spirit All-Embracing ....................................................... #536 Gloria ....................................................... from Mass in Honor of St. Ignatius ....................... Worship inside back cover Reading I ............................................................................. .................................................... Vigil #1098 / Day #1099 Responsorial Psalm ................................ Psalm 104: Lord, send out your spirit ........................ Vigil #1098 / Day #1099 Reading II ............................................................................ .................................................... Vigil #1098 / Day #1099 (Sunday only) Sequence.................................... Holy Spirit, Lord Divine ...............................................................#1100 Gospel Acclamation ................................................. Festival Alleluia ................................................. James Chepponis © 1999 MorningStar Music Publishers. All right reserved. Reprinted under A-701331. Gospel ................................................................................. .................................................... Vigil #1098 / Day #1099 Preparation of the Gifts ....................................... O Spirit All Embracing ................................................................ #536 ................................................................ (10:00 am) I Will Sing with the Spirit ............................................ John Rutter Preface Acclamation ............................ Holy, Holy, Holy from A Community Mass.................................................. #353 Memorial Acclamation .................. When we eat this bread from A Community Mass ........................................... #356 Great Amen ...................................................... from A Community Mass .............................................................. #355 Breaking of the Bread ............................ Lamb of God from A Community Mass .................................................... #384 Communion Antiphon (Vigil Mass) On the last day of the festival, Jesus stood and cried out: If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink, alleluia. (Jn. 7:37) (Mass during the Day) They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke of the marvels of God, alleluia. (Acts 2: 4, 11) MAY 24, 2015 SOLEMNITY OF PENTECOST Communion Procession ..................................... Pentecost Procession ........................................ Russell J. Weismann Hymn of Thanksgiving .................................... Come Down, O Love Divine............................................................. #534 ................................................................ (10:00 am) Litany to the Holy Spirit ......................................... Philip Lawson Marian Antiphon ......................................................... Regina caeli ........................................................................ #519 Concluding Hymn............................................. My Country, ‘Tis of Thee ............................................................... #998 Postlude...................................................................... Tuba Tune..................................... Norman Cocker (1889–1953) MUSIC & LITURGY NOTES Happy Pentecost! On Pentecost we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ (120 in all), as described in the Acts of the Apostles 2:1–31. For this reason, Pentecost is sometimes described by some Christians today as the "Birthday of the Church." Therefore, as a faith, we celebrate a very large “family” birthday celebration. We use the color red today to depict the flames of the Holy Spirit, as described in the Acts reading as a “strong, driving wind.” Unfortunately, our second reading this Sunday only covers Acts 2: 1-11. If you read up to chapter 13, there is a humorous moment when someone blames the entire event on having had “too much new wine.” It is later revealed that it was too early in the morning to cite intoxication as the cause of Pentecost! (The bible can be really funny at times, I promise!) The Greek word for Pentecost (Pentekoste) means “fiftieth” and in early Christianity it referred to the entire Fifty Days of Easter. Today’s music reflects not only the Major Feast that we celebrate as a Church, but also the civic holiday that we will celebrate this Monday, Memorial Day. Our Procession Hymn, “Come, Holy Ghost,” is a beloved song in our parish repertoire. The text was written sometime in the ninth century by Rabanus Maurus, a German priest. In addition to hymns and poetry, he is known as a prominent theologian. He has been beatified, but not yet canonized, by the Church. Our offertory hymn text was written by the Benedictine Sister, Delores Dufner, who is one of the best-known hymn writers in the church today. The hymn, “O Spirit AllEmbracing,” is a paraphrase of Acts 2 and of the Gospel reading on the Vigil of Pentecost, John 7: 37-39. (The tune, THAXTED, is a favorite of Fr. Boniface (our former deacon who is celebrating his first Mass as a priest with us here today at the 10:00 am Mass), therefore I have moved the hymn around so that it can be sung at 10:00 am.) Today’s Communion procession antiphon was written by yours truly (I’m building up a dossier in hopes of future beatification… just kidding!) I came up with the refrain on my own, however, the verses, sung by the cantor, are from more of the writings on the Holy Spirit by Rabanus Maurus. Our Concluding Hymn is a nod toward our upcoming national holiday. “My Country, ‘tis of thee” was written in 1832 by Samuel Francis Smith and first sung at a children's Fourth of July celebration in Park Street church, Boston. Smith was a prominent nineteenth century New England Baptist Minister. The tune has an ambiguous background, but can be traced back to the late 1700’s in Muzio Clementi’s Symphony No.3. This song was a de-facto national anthem of the United States before the Star-Spangled Banner was composed. Lastly for today – there are two Sunday’s during the year when we are required to sing the “Sequence” – Easter and Pentecost. Sequences were parts of the pre-Trent (1500’s) Catholic Mass. A Sequence is a piece of liturgical poetry that is read or sung as part of the Liturgy of the Word at Mass on some feast days. A Sequence expands on and explains the meaning of the celebration. During the Middle Ages myriads of Sequences were added to the liturgy. IN OUR PARISH WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS St. Jane de Chantal Parish welcomes those who have recently registered in our parish. If you attend Mass at St. Jane Frances de Chantal regularly, we encourage you to register as a member. Please complete a registration form and drop it in the collection basket the next time you attend Mass. MEMORIAL DAY Monday, May 25, is Memorial Day, a federal holiday. The only Mass at St. Jane will be celebrated at 8:00 am. The parish office will be closed. HOLY HOUR FOR NEW PRIESTS Join your fellow parishioners in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament during First Friday adoration, June 5, from 8:3010:45 am. We are praying for the intentions of our seminarians whose ordination to the priesthood occurs on June 20. St. Jane’s 6th and 7th graders will hear Fr. Cusick give a vocations talk in the church at 9:30 am. All are welcome to attend. ST. JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL CHURCH REMEMBER IN PRAYER . . . those who are sick, and all those in our nursing homes and hospitals, especially Pat Krisko, Betty Hannan, Jackson Gilmore, Anita Baker, Susan Tise, and Joseph Montefiore. BETHESDA, MARYLAND organize the offertory, and keep our pews clutter-free. We currently need new recruits for this vital ministry. Adults young and old are encouraged to join the ranks of our beloved ushers. If you are interested, call the parish office. IN OUR FAITH FORMATION PROGRAMS . . . those who have died, especially Phyllis McVearry. IN OUR LITURGY & MUSIC MINISTRIES SACRED MUSIC IN A SACRED SPACE Join us for the final program in our Parish's Sacred Music in a Sacred Space concert series on Sunday, May 31 at 3:30 pm. This concert will feature beautiful music written for voice, piano, and organ (and any combination of the three!). Our soprano staff singer, Grace Gilday will sing selections by Mozart, Bach, and Gounod. Additionally, our director and assistant director of music, Russell and Andrew, will perform an inspirational piano/organ duet on the hymn tune, “Amazing Grace.” The one hour event is free and open to the public. A free-will offering will be accepted to support the parish's Music Ministry. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED Our parish is in need of additional Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers). We will especially need help at the Sunday 5:00 pm Mass during the summer. If you are looking for a way to serve others and volunteer your time to the parish, being a part of any of our Liturgical Ministries, and in particular, Eucharistic Ministry, is a excellent way to respond. Interviews and a training session will be held in early June. To sign up, call the parish office. EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY TO MAPLEWOOD Current Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are needed to administer Communion to residents of Maplewood who are not able to get to church on Sunday. Many of the residents are in Skilled Nursing or Assisted Living and are not able to get to Mass. It is a very fulfilling ministry as the residents look forward to receiving Holy Communion. If you are interested, contact Rosemary Hartley at 301-229-1167. ADDITIONAL USHERS NEEDED Ushers are an integral part of our worship experience. They greet us at the door, hand us a bulletin, find us seating, ST. JANE DE CHANTAL’S Jazz & Juleps M ENT ENTERTAIN . BY DINO E R TO OC D E & TH D N BA JAZZ ONE NIGHT ONLY! SATURDAY, JUNE 13 7:30 PM TO MIDNIGHT BOURBON STREET LOUNGE (A.K.A. CAULFIELD HALL) Visit the Faith Formation page at for information on the various programs, registration forms and calendars. 2015-2016 REGISTRATION Registration for next year’s CCD classes is taking place. Children ages 3–high school are welcome to attend the classes. Children ages 3 and 4 meet for FOOT (Faith Of Our Toddlers) on Sunday mornings during the 10:00 am Mass. Grades K–5 meet on Tuesday afternoons from 4:30– 5:45 pm, grades 6–8 meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 –8:15 pm, and high school students meet on Sundays from 6:00p–7:30 pm. If you have a child you would like to register, registration forms can be found online at register, or you can contact the Seton Center at or 301-530-1640. CCD T EACHERS NEEDED FOR 2015-2016 CCD teachers are needed for next year’s CCD classes. We need teachers in grades 4, 5, and 6. Training will be provided. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Sally Daniel at or 301-530-1640. YOUTH MINISTRY ALOHA SMASH All high school students are invited to join in the ALOHA SMASH on Sunday, June 7. Join us for Mass at 5:00 pm, and dinner and activities from 6:00–8:00 pm. They will be saying “Good-bye” to the seniors and “Hello” to the upcoming freshmen. All high school student are welcome. IN OUR YOUNG ADULT FELLOWSHIP For single Catholics, ages 22-35. Meet monthly for spiritual and social events. To get plugged in to all our events, find us on Facebook (St. Jane's Young Adult Fellowship) or email $20 PER PERSON INCLUDES ADMISSION, FOOD & 1 MINT JULEP OR OTHER DRNK (CASH BAR AFTER FIRST DRINK) Tickets on sale after weekend Masses beginning May 23/24. Presale tickets will also receive a commemorative mint julep cup. CAJUN BEEF CARVIN G STATIO N BOURB ON MEATB ALL SHOOTE RS MINI CR AB CAKES MAY 24, 2015 SOLEMNITY OF PENTECOST MOVIE NIGHT Join other St. Jane YAs for fun and fellowship! Will be watching a movie starting at 8:00 pm on Saturday, June 6 in the Library of the Seton Center. Bring your favorite dessert/snack to share! Movie to be determined—feel free to cast your vote in the Facebook event! IN OUR BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL Check out the St. Jane de Chantal School website at to get information on admissions, see what each classroom is studying, and more. ON STAGE Sixth grader Hannah Gutierrez will be performing with The Washington Ballet in this year’s performance of Alice in Wonderland at The Kennedy Center on May 16 and 17. CLASS T RIPS The sixth graders took their three-day outdoor excursion to Wilderness Adventure and the eighth graders enjoyed their overnight class trip to Williamsburg and Busch Gardens. IN OUR ARCHDIOCESE 19-22. The camp includes prayer, talks, sports, and much more. Register at For more information, visit or email FIAT DISCERNMENT CAMP FOR HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN A Fiat Discernment Camp for high school-aged women will be held at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD on July 23-25. This three-day camp includes prayer, talks, discussions with religious sisters, games and sports, and is a joint venture with the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Additional information and online registration are available under the Consecrated Life tab at T ALK WITH YOUR LOVED ONES ON END-OF-LIFE ISSUES Maryland’s bishops have released a pastoral letter, Comfort and Consolation, on care for the sick and dying to encourage Catholics to take the time now, before facing a crisis, so that when illness and death inevitably come, we can face them with the comfort and peace of understanding our faith, and knowing Our Lord is there to embrace us in our hour of need. Visit the Maryland Catholic Conference at to download copies or to order. STEWARDSHIP Visit the Archdiocese of Washington web page at for more information on education, family, youth, social concerns, & other events in the archdiocese. The website also has a media center, which includes social media tools, a YouTube channel, and apps. St. Paul reminds us today that all of our gifts have their source in the Holy Spirit and that those gifts are given “for the common good.” What gifts are mine to share? PROJECT RACHEL MINISTRY Any woman, who has gone through the abortion experience, is invited to attend an Entering Canaan Day of Prayer and Healing on June 6. You will find the sacraments, a caring retreat team, a witness talk, and a non-judgmental atmosphere, to heal from this shame and other negative emotions, that come after abortion. Exact location is confidential. For more information and to register, contact Alma Maltez at Project Rachel Ministry, 301-853-4565 or Registration is required by May 30. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Washington. QUO VADIS EVENT FOR HIGH SCHOOL MEN The Seventh Annual Quo Vadis Camp for high school-aged men will be held at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary from July PARISH SUPPORT FOR MAY 17, 2015 Offertory $10,587.00 May 18, 2014 $13,695.00 Catholic Relief Services $5,359.00 This collection in 2014 $4,740.00 POOR BOX The Poor Box next weekend, May 30/31, will benefit our parish St. Martin’s Cloak. In the spirit of St. Martin, who tore his military cloak in half to share with a beggar, St. Martin’s Cloak provides financial and other assistance to those in need, particularly those in our parish. Financial assistance is completely confidential. Long term problems are referred to community resources. “We need to provide an education which teaches critical thinking & encourages the development of mature moral values” (Pope Francis). Look no further than ST. JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL SCHOOL Now accepting applications for grades Pre-K through Grade 8 for the 2015-2016 school year. For more information on academics & admissions, call 301-530-1221 or browse ST. JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL CHURCH BETHESDA, MARYLAND PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, May 24—Saturday, May 30, 2015 POPE FRANCIS C = Church CH = Caulfield Hall CGS = Gathering Space CLL = Church Lower Lobby CRH = Christopher Hall SMR = Scanlan Meeting Room DCR = De Chantal Room MR = Music Room NMR = Nalls Meeting Room RBR = Rectory Board Room SCH = School SC = Seton Center for Religious Education AF = Athletic Field PG = Parish Grounds SUNDAY, MAY 24 9:00 am ...................................... Parish Choir .................................................................. MR 11:00 am .................................... Family Choir.................................................................. MR 6:15 pm ...................................... Bible Study..................................................................... SC MONDAY, MAY 25: MEMORIAL DAY 8:00 am ...................................... only Mass today ............................................................... C T UESDAY, MAY 26 7:00 pm ...................................... Faith Enquiry............................................................... SMR WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 6:00 pm ...................................... Cub Scouts Bear Den..................................................NMR T HURSDAY, MAY 28 9:00 am ...................................... Bible Study..................................................................... SC 7:00 pm ...................................... Centering Prayer ............................................................ SC 7:00 pm ...................................... School Grade 8 Graduation .............................................. C 7:00 pm ...................................... Handbell Ensemble ....................................................... MR 8:00 pm ...................................... Parish Choir .................................................................. MR FRIDAY, MAY 29 6:30 pm ...................................... Cub Scouts Jr. Webelos Den.......................................NMR 7:00 pm ...................................... School Grade 8 Parents’ Reception............................... CH SATURDAY, MAY 30 7:00 pm ...................................... Young Adult Fellowship .................................................. SC 7:30 pm ...................................... St. Louis de France Parish Reception............................ CH Why is it so difficult to tolerate the faults of others? Have we forgotten that Jesus bore our sins? @Pontifex CELEBRANTS May 31, 2015 5:00 pm Vigil Father Cusick 8:00 am Father Cusick 10:00 am Father Giese 12:00 pm Father Giese 5:00 pm Father McKay LITURGY OF THE WORD May 31, 2015 Reading I Dt 4:32-34, 39-40 Reading II Rom 8:14-17 Gospel Mt 28:16-20 For all upcoming events & dates, visit & click on “Complete Parish Calendar.” MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, May 24—Saturday, May 30, 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 5:00 pm Parishioners Nicholas Relacion/D Matthew Chiramal/D Charles & Camille Knaack/L Richard O’Donnell/L No Mass Jeanine Swift/L Mary Scanlan/D Irene Murray-Granum/D Sally Wright/D Clara Bomkamp/D Juan Martinez/D Sally Wright/D Rebekah Daly/L Irene Murray-Granum/D Melo Pratico/D ALTAR SERVERS Monday, May 25—Sunday, May 31, 2015 Monday 8:00 am 11:00 am Tuesday 8:00 am 11:00 am Wednesday 8:00 am 11:00 am Thursday 8:00 am 11:00 am Friday 8:00 am 11:00 am Saturday 8:00 am 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm A. Myers, I. Steadman No Mass M. Flynn, L. Kane K. McLoughlin, C. Rickerby C. Besche, C. Shaheen S. Owen, R. Shaheen J. Dolan, O. Gutierrez A. Hadigan, M. Western J. Rhea, C. Rickerby T. Aquino, G. Skibbie K. Kaproth, N. Kaproth J. Andrews, A. Hadigan, L. Morris M. Kramer, R. Kramer, R. Lynch L. Kane, O. Michael, N. Rowe J. Cerritelli, P. James, 1 vol. needed J. Jananskie, K. McLoughlin, C. Smithdeal
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