CDM 2015 - Clients

CDM 2015 - Clients
The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations are changing. The changes will come into affect on 6th April 2015 when
the 2007 Regulations will be replaced with the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015. The role of CDM
Coordinator has been removed and MSAFE will no longer be able to undertake this role on projects after the transitionary period
ends on the 6th October 2015.
The new Regulations reinforce the impact clients can have on a project. Regulations 4 and 5 set out the client’s duty to make
suitable arrangements for managing a project and maintaining and reviewing them for its duration so that it is carried out in a
way that manages the health and safety risks involved. In order to ensure clients are complying with their duties and a project
runs successfully MSAFE have developed a service that will assist clients and compliment other members of the project team.
Summary of Client Duties
How MSAFE can assist
Make suitable arrangements for managing a project including
1. Setting up project reviews at key stages envisaged to be
minimum of (concept - pre tender - pre construction). Larger
projects will require further involvement.
2. Providing advice on adequacy of programme and resources
a) allocation of sufficient time and other resources
Developing a Construction Design & Management Focus Plan
b) the construction work can be carried out so far as is reasonably
for the project that sets out:
practicable without risk to the health or safety of any persons
a) Client's brief
affected by the project
b) Pre construction information available or required
c) Key health and safety considerations in relation to the site,
c) welfare facilities are provided
proposed design and action for managing the same.
d) Summary of how the client duties have been or will be met
e) Potential access to welfare and adequacy of the same
The client is to ensure that these arrangements are maintained and
reviewed throughout the project.
1. Setting up project reviews at key stages envisaged to be
minimum of (concept - pre tender - pre construction).
2. Reviewing status of Construction Design & Management Focus
3. Undertaking site inspections and producing a report using our
bespoke IPad App tool giving information to the client on
conditions on site and the effectiveness of management
arrangements in place.
Provide pre-construction information as soon as is practicable to 1. Making recommendations in Construction Design &
every designer and contractor appointed, or being considered for
Management Focus Plan for the type of pre-construction
appointment, to the project.
information that should be available.
2. Assisting in the developing of relevant pre construction
Ensure a construction phase plan is drawn up by the contractor/ 1. Assist in ensuring that the construction phase plan is in place
principal contractor
and comment on the relevance and adequacy of the same.
2. If necessary assist in the development of the construction phase
Ensure the principal designer prepares and health and safety file 1. Assist in ensuring that the health and safety file is in place and
for the project
comment on the relevance and adequacy of the same.
2. Review the file at key stages.
3. If necessary assist in the development of the health and safety
file format.
4. Host the health and safety file.
Ensure that the Principal Designer complies with their duties in 1. Developing a Construction Design and Management Focus Plan
Regulation 11 & 12
and reviewing the Principal Designers action against any
relevant issues identified in the same.
2. Hosting design hazard review workshops as part of the project.
Ensure that the Principal Contractor complies with their duties in 1. Hosting a CDM Pre Start Meeting with the Principal Contractor
Regulation 12 to 14
and reviewing their proposed plan for compliance.
2. Review and comment on the adequacy of the construction
phase plan.
3. Undertaking site inspections and producing a report using our
bespoke IPad App tool giving information to the client on
conditions on site and the effectiveness of management
arrangements in place.
tel: 0333 8000 700
Summary of Client Duties
CDM 2015 - Clients
How MSAFE can assist
Regulation 5 Appointment of the principal designer and the 1. Assist in drafting proposal / tender documents for designer
principal contractor
and contractor appointments.
2. Advising on suitable appointments.
Where there is likely to be more than one contractor the client
3. Advising on organisational capability, skills, experience and
must appoint a principal designer and principal contractor in
4. Monitoring application of skills, knowledge, experience and
Regulation 8 General duties
5. Providing skills, knowledge and experience relevant to health
Take reasonable steps to satisfy themselves that those who will
and safety in design and construction to enhance the project
carry out the work have the necessary skills, knowledge,
team or fulfil any shortfalls that may be present.
experience, and, where they are an organisation, the
organisational capability to carry out the work in a way that
secures health and safety.
Regulation 6 Notification
1. Review with the client if a project is, or is likely to be notifiable.
2. Make arrangements to notify the project and issue the
The client must ensure that notification is issued if the project is
notification to relevant enforcing authority and duty holders.
expected to last longer than 30 working days and have more than
3. Update the notification as necessary.
20 workers working simultaneously at any point in the project.
Alternatively if the project exceeds 500 person days.
How will this look / differ from CDM 2007?
The revised Regulations are intended to reinforce the accountability of the client to manage health and safety. The role of the
CDM Coordinator has been replaced with that of Principal Designer. The Principal Designer must be appointed on all projects
where there is likely to be more than one contractor. Under CDM 2007 the CDM Coordinator had a duty to assist the client, and
act as a source of health and safety advice. This has been removed from the Principal Designer's duties. This leaves a gap, in
particular the client has a duty to have access to competent health and safety advice under the Management of Health and Safety
at Work Regulations 1999. If clients need help in making these arrangements, they could draw on the competent advice they are
required to have under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. If they do not have access to this
advice, and in particular if they are not experienced in construction health and safety issues, MSAFE have developed a service to
act as the client's competent advisor. The service will assist the client in demonstrating compliance with the CDM Regulations 2015,
and also adds value by integrating the project team and assisting them in managing their responsibilities that will benefit the client.
The service will comprise attendance at key meetings and production of our Construction Design & Management Focus Plan to
guide the project through compliance at key stages. We will take a step back from the project and project team and review
compliance independently. Additional services will include advice on and production of initial logistic plans, liaison with relevant
third parties,checking the adequacy of the Principal Contractors arrangements prior to commencement, and undertaking
inspections of the construction site and providing reports on the same. The service will be resource based and tailored to meet
with the specific requirements of the client and project.
You should always ensure that those you are seeking advice from are suitably qualified. MSAFE are in a unique position to
provide this service as they have relevant design experience as CDM Coordinators, but they are also experienced health and
safety practitioners, with our advisors being Chartered Members of IOSH (CMIOSH) and on the Occupational Safety & Health
Consultants Register (OSHCR). The practice is also an Association of Project Safety (APS) registered practice, holds CHAS and
Next steps
MSAFE can be appointed as CDM Coordinators until 6th April 2015. After this date the client will have 6 months to
appoint a Principal Designer, MSAFE will advise on this process in due course and guide clients through the transitionary
period. MSAFE will refine their service proposals and be available to provide quotations on the same for projects
commencing after 6th April 2015.
MSAFE will be available to provide advice to clients together with in house seminars and training on the new Construction
(Design & Management) Regulations 2015.
Register your interest by sending your contact details to .
tel: 0333 8000 700