LEED® GOLD! 88 7 5 Torbram R o ad wi l l be de ve l o pe d a nd des i gned w i th L E E D ® G O L D attri but e s, addre ssi ng t he enti re bu i l di n g wit h “ best i n c l ass” bu i l d ing stra teg i e s. 88 7 5 Torbram L E E D ® GO L D attri but e s i n c l u de t he lates t in L E D L i gh ti n g , a s wel l as Hi gh - E f f i c i e n c y Ca mbri dge He at i n g Unit s whi ch c i rc u l at e s c l e a n a ir whi l e k e e pi n g du st ou t of t he bui l di n g. C o n ta c t t he li sti ng te am fo r m o re L EED ® G O LD be n e f i t s. L E E D ® GOL D ABOUT CARTTERA Carttera is a Canadian real estate investment fund manager, which blends institutional capital with entrepreneurial agility. They are primarily focused on deploying capital into investments that create value through urban intensification. Carttera currently has several development projects across Canada totaling in excess of $1.1 billion, with their primary holdings concentrated in the GTA. Their projects include a wide variety of product types, including: traditional office, flex office, mixed use, industrial and condominiums. www.carttera.com. ABOUT COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL Colliers International is Canada’s largest commercial real estate services company, providing a full range of services to real estate occupiers, developers and investors. Services include brokerage, real estate management, valuation, consulting, project management, project marketing and research. Through a culture of service excellence and a shared sense of initiative, Colliers Canada and our more than 1,300 professionals integrate the resources of real estate specialists across Canada to accelerate the success of our clients. ww w . 8 8 7 5 to rb ra m . c o m www.collierscanada.com G ord C ook , SI O R Exe c ut i v e V i c e P re s ide n t g ord .c ook @c ol lie r s . c o m CO L L I E R S IN TER N ATIONAL J o h n P o we ll E x e c u t iv e V ic e P re s ide n t jo h n . po we ll@ c o llie r s . c o m 185 The West Mall, Suite 1600 P e t er Garrigan A s s o ciate V ice President p e t er.garrigan@colliers.com Toronto, ON M9C 5L5 Canada +1 416 777 2200
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