Battle Born Bulletin Affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Women

Battle Born Bulletin
Affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Women
President’s Message…
Maureen M Karas
October has come and gone bringing with it a new home for ARW, Spanish Trail
Country Club. Two months ago, ARW was advised that Le Cordon Bleu College
of Culinary Arts would be dropping its evening student program. Martha Kimpel
and Barbara Altman met with Spanish Trail while I was in Kansas City attending
the NFRW Convention. Two of Martha’s friends who are now new members,
Carmen Kordogiannis and Mildred Cympl, provided the recommendation for
ARW to use Spanish Trail. Thank you ladies!!! For those of you at the 20th
event with the Governor, I think you will agree that the food, service and
surroundings are impeccable. And to those of you, who have not yet come,
please check it out at our November 10th meeting – see details in this newsletter!
Thank you again to our ARW ladies that made this happen!
On September 29th, I flew to Kansas City, MO to join Cherie Wood, ARW’s 2nd
VP, and the Nevada Delegation for the 2010-2011 NFRW Biennial Convention to
elect the new NFRW Executive Board. I am pleased to announce that the
Federation’s new President will be Rae Trenecke from Arizona. Highlights of the
event included speeches by some of the Presidential Candidates (Herman Cain,
Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum), and several Governors (Jan Brewer of AZ,
Scott Walker of WI, and Luis Fortuno of Puerto Rico).
ARW won several awards at this convention. First, for the 2010 & 2011
Biennium, ARW was awarded the Diamond Award for Achievement, the highest
award possible! Secondly, ARW won a Club Award for having the highest
increase of any Nevada Club in 2010 for membership, 42.9%. Last, Cherie
Wood won an Individual Membership Achievement Award for recruiting 10 full
members in 2011. Congratulations to Active Republican Women who worked so
hard to make these awards happen, and to Cherie, for her going above and
beyond to win an individual award.
Flying home on October 2, I unpacked, did laundry and packed again leaving
Thursday October 6th for Minden, NV to attend the NvFRW’s Biennial
Convention, this time to elect Nevada’s new Executive Board. With me were the
6 Delegates you elected: Barbara Altman, Eleanor Mills, Stephanie Reeder,
Victoria DeLaGuerra Seaman, Trish Trowbridge and Cherie Wood. Also in
attendance were Melody Howard, NvFRW 2nd VP Membership, and Martha
Kimpel, NvFRW Achievement Awards. Effective January 1, 2012 these will be
NvFRW’s new officers: President Maraya Evans, 1st VP Programs Vicky
Maltman, 2nd VP Membership Cherie Wood (Yeah ARW!) Secretary Linda
Graham, Treasurer Mary Jane Archer, Northern Director Mike Hules and
Southern Director Maureen Karas (Yeah ARW).
ARW received awards at this convention too! Under Cherie Wood’s membership
lead, ARW received the NvFRW Membership Award for increasing membership
by 32% from 2009 to 2011! Thank you Cherie and to all who brought in new
... Continued on page 3 ...
Mark Your Calendar
Sat-Sun Nov 5-6
See page 3 in newsletter for itinerary & logistics info
------------------------------------------------------------Mon Nov 7 @ 6pm - 8pm
ARW Monthly Board Meeting
------------------------------------------------------------Mon Nov 10-12
Free Market Seminar by Loren Spivack
AFP-NV HQ (see flyer in this newsletter)
------------------------------------------------------------Thu Nov 10 @ 5:30pm - 8pm
ARW General Membership Meeting, Spanish Trail
Judge Cedric Kerns and Mark Ciavola
-----------------------------------------------------------Fri Nov 11
Veteran’s Day !
-----------------------------------------------------------Tue Nov 15 @ 6pm - 8pm
Clark County Republican Party Member Meeting
Silverton Casino
----------------------------------------------------------Thu Nov 24
Happy Thankgiving !
----------------------------------------------------------Mon Dec 5 @ 6pm - 8pm
ARW Monthly Board Meeting
-----------------------------------------------------------Thu Dec 15 @ 5:30pm - 8pm
ARW General Membership Meeting, Spanish Trail
Holiday Meeting Honoring our Troops
-----------------------------------------------------------Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah
Happy New Year
-----------------------------------------------------------Sat Jan 7 (tentative) @ 9am-4pm
ARW 2012 Planning Retreat
-----------------------------------------------------------Thu Jan 19 @ 5:30pm - 8pm
ARW General Membership Meeting, Spanish Trail
Heidi Harris, #1 radio talk show host in Las Vegas
-----------------------------------------------------------Sat Feb 4 All Day
Caucus Meetings
See Melody Howard’s Legislative Corner - page 6
Nevada Federation of Republican
Women Calendar
click here PROGRAMS
General Membership Meeting, Thursday, November 10th
Judge Cedric Kerns
Young Offender (YO) Court
In July 2010 the “YO Court” was launched.
The program follows an intensive supervision
Drug Court model with a focus on family treatment.
This team has found a formula that appears
to work with the Drug Court defendants,
especially with those ages 18 to 24.
Click Here for the Judge’s biography
Spanish Trail Country Club
Mark Ciavola, President UNLV College Republicans
Mark will introduce his successor, the newly elected President of the UNLV College Republicans
Please RSVP by Sunday November 6th to Maureen Karas at or 702-233-4884.
Spanish Trail Country Club, 5050 Spanish Trail Lanes, Las Vegas, NV 89113
Entrance at the East Gate on Tropicana Blvd, west of Rainbow Blvd.
Members $27 and non-members $32; Cash and checks accepted at the door.
Click here for Directions
RSVPs are firm reservations. No-shows will be billed.
Honoring Our Troops
Las Vegas’ # 1 Radio Talk Show Host
Lt. Colonel Valerie Thomas
US Marine Corps, Retired
Mark Hutchison
Hutchison and Steffen Law Firm
Mark will update us Obamacare and redistricting
General Membership Meeting
Thursday December 15th
At Spanish Trail Country Club
General Membership Meeting
Thursday January 19th
At Spanish Trail Country Club
President’s Message..
Also, special “service” awards were given from Senator
Dean Heller’s Office, which turned out to be a big surprise.
Melody Howard answered a call for help from North Valleys
Republican Women President Vicky Maltman to assist a 70year old Veteran woman. In dire straits, the lady had to be
moved from her home immediately. Melody emailed a call
for help to the ARW board and organized movers. Maureen
Karas answered Melody’s call and made a personal
donation. Both Melody and Maureen were honored with the
awards at the banquet. Here is another example why ARW
is such a dynamic club!
After returning from Minden, it was time to visit and make
finishing touches on ARW’s October 20th inaugural event at
Spanish Trail Country Club. It was a full house with 180
people! The meeting was packed with excitement! Two
talented singers made the evening very special. Peggy
Micco Koning sang the National Anthem and Gary Anthony,
a guest of Evelyn Cannestra and the “Phantom of the
Opera” singer/entertainer, sang a special song in honor of
Governor Brian Sandoval, Frank Sinatra’s “Winners”.
Kate Kelly, Caring for America Chair, invited guest 1st Lt.
Lorenzo Aranda up to the podium to help her position the
importance of donating to Operation Christmas Stocking
with November being the last month to donate due to the
shipping schedule. Once shipping was addressed,
Assemblyman John Hambrick announced he would donate
$250 toward shipping. NV Senator Barbara Cegavske was
quick to match with another $250. The excitement was
building and Swadeep Nigam shouted he would also match
with yet another $250. But it was not over. Mr. Gregg
Giuffira, guest of Evelyn Cannestra, offered a substantial
donation that will go a long way in funding our program this
year and next. Thank you to all our wonderful donors. And,
thank you to our blessed troops!
Last the Nevada Republican Party met October 22 at the
Venetian to elect a new Executive Board. Congrats to Amy
Tarkanian who won re-election! Please read Melody
Howard’s article in this newsletter about that event.
See you next month!
LIBRARY TRIP NOV 5-6: We are meeting at 5am on Saturday, November 5th at the Orleans
Casino. Click here for the attachment for the itinerary and a map. Take Cameron Street North off
of Tropicana to the 4th driveway entrance by the Orleans Arena. You will see the bus. It will be
there at 5am for loading, and will promptly leave at 5:30am. Please be early and on time.
Questions, please call Maureen Karas at 233-4884 or email at
The Literacy Committee has three needs and requests:
1. Please consider using one small period of time to read to a class in any school or
preschool. Contact Molly Governs by emailing for some tips and
short instructions. It has been brought to my attention that some companies will make
small donations to the schools on behalf of employees who volunteer their time reading
to our children in schools. Ask your employer if they do this.
2. Donations of new or gently used books for elementary aged school children are needed
as gifts to children in elementary schools to start their own home libraries.
3. The ARW has published Literacy Cards with tips to parents and caregivers of young
children on enhancing the joys of reading. Teachers, please feel free to ask for these
cards also. Once again contact Molly Governs via email ( for large or
small quantities of these cards to distribute throughout our Las Vegas community.
Molly Governs
ARW Literacy Chair
Caring for the American Soldier
John Hambrick, Swadeep Nigam, Barbara
Cegavske, Brian Sandoval & Gregg Giuffira
by Kate and Judy Kelly, co-Chairs for Caring for the American Soldiers
The last few general meetings have been
wonderful to our troops!! And we want to
thank all who helped make that happen. So a
great big THANK YOU from our fine soldiers
as well as from us. We are going to be able to
give so much to our troops and veterans this
First, in the September meeting, we had a
very generous donation from our member
Cecilia Aldana for our veterans’ restaurant gift
cards! Thanks to her and all the other
donations, we are able to give $300 worth of
gift cards to all sorts of great restaurants like
Applebee’s, Chili’s, Outback Steakhouse, Red
Lobster and Olive Garden. We got them in
$10 and $15 increments, so we gave many
gift cards and hope that many of our veterans
enjoy a meal on us. We also got some nice
clothing and tennis shoe donations as well as
book donations that were gifted to the
Veteran’s Home. ARW really came through
for our veterans and we truly appreciate it!
Our October meeting, I had the honor of
having Lorenzo come up with me to ask for
donations. He is a First-Lieutenant in the army
who has served overseas, and his heart-felt
speech led to some incredibly generous
donors whom we would like to specifically
mention. That does not diminish all of our
bighearted donors who donate their spare
change and bills every meeting in the
porcelain piggy banks on the tables (and that
adds up!), but the following people donated
an incredible amount to help offset our
shipping which gets quite expensive. First
are Assemblyman John and Nancy Hambrick.
They have often generously donated to our
soldier cause, and we just want to say thank
you for once again helping to ship all of these
huge, heavy boxes filled to capacity with
goodies for our troops. The maximum weight
allowable for each box is 70#. Our boxes go
out at between 69.5 and 69.9# each. As we
use socks as our “bubble wrap”, if we can get
another pair of socks in the box without
making the weight go over, we do!
Senator Barbara Cegavske also very
generously donated to the troops. She has
written very generous checks for our soldiers
several times, and we want to make sure she
knows how much it is appreciated. Next to
thank is Swadeep Nigam, who is an associate
member in our club. His abundant donation
for shipping will help our troops know that
American’s back home support them and all
they do. We would also like to give special
thanks to Gregg Giuffira who made a most
considerate donation. He was a guest of
Evelyn Cannestra that night, and so to make a
contribution as he did to our cause went
above and beyond anything we could have
asked for. Thank you all so much.
Finally we would like to mention Holly Filson,
who for several campaigns has brought in
trunk loads of goodies. She also got the
Stratosphere to donate 1500 decks of cards
so soldiers and veterans can have some fun in
down time. We really appreciate all she has
done for our troops.
Thank you to everyone who has
made Caring for American Soldiers
such a success.
Gregg Giuffira
with Judy and
Kate Kelly
Soldier Wish List
by Kate and Judy Kelly, co-Chairs for Caring for the American Soldiers
S. O. S.
Individually Packaged:
Non-perishable food items
Cookies/hard candies/licorice/
tootsie rolls/gum/mints
Granola bars/energy bars/nuts/
apple sauce
Jerky/corn nuts/goldfish crackers/
triscuits/ritz/snack mix/rice krispy
Instant coffee/tea bags/drink sticks
(Gatorade or crystal light)/powdered
hot chocolate
Plastic cutlery
Pouches of tuna/chicken
Travel Size:
Dental Floss
Individual Pkg tissue
Foot Powder/Baby Powder
Separate Items:
Suntan lotion/Sunscreen
Lip Balm
Misting Fans
Bug Spray (non-aerosol spray)
Cortisone Cream (anti-itch cream)
Eye Drops
Disposable cameras
Travel games
Pocket size solitaire/poker/blackjack
Playing cards
Guitar Picks
AT&T Calling Cards
by Melody Howard, Legislative Chair
The State Central Committee met on October 22,
2011 for it’s Fall Board Meeting, and to elect it’s
executive officers.
The body as a whole was told that same day voter
registration was not on the agenda; however, there
were many delegates who wanted to place it on
the agenda to send a message to the Republican
National Committee (RNC) that same day voter
registration was not an option in our beloved
Nevada. With the exception of a few stray no
votes, the delegates overwhelmingly voted that
they would not accept same day voter registration
for not only a primary or general election, but for a
While there were rumors that Michael McDonald
was going to run against our current Chair, Amy
Tarkanian (of Spring Mountain Republican
Women), that was quickly quashed when Mr.
McDonald came up, gave a rousing speech for
party unity and declined the nomination.
Chairwoman Tarkanian ran unopposed.
Congratulations to our New Executive Officers:
The issues of the caucus date came up as well.
The Party originally scheduled our caucus for
February 18th; however, Florida decided to “cut in
line” and move their date forward and more than
willing to lose half their delegates (48 of them).
The 4 states who were following the rules, Nevada
being one of them, were placed in a bind to either
move forward from February to January or risk
being insignificant with the presidential candidates
because we are a smaller state and were no
longer 3rd in line and 1st in the West.
The State Party decided that they would leave the
decision of the date to the Central Committee as a
whole. They debated January 14th, but under the
rules of the Republican National Committee, we
would lose ½ of our delegates. However, if we
allowed Florida their January 31st date, knowing
they would only send 48 delegates to the
convention, Nevada’s February 4th vote (with the
full 28 + delegates) became important again. The
date was moved to February 4th and Nevada will
face no penalty of losing delegates. Nevada
remains first in the West !
Amy Tarkanian
James Smack
Jim DeGraffenreid
Michael Bertrand
Vice Chair
It’s been a pleasure serving as your Legislative
Chair, and happy Caucus Day. Remember to
bring our club’s flyers to your caucus and it’s all
about recruiting new members to our club.
The Free Market Expert Comes to Las Vegas
The opportunity for you to fast-track your economic literacy !
You are cordially invited to attend a 2-part economic literacy seminar presented by the leading Free Market Expert,
Loren Spivack. Mr. Spivack has committed himself to help an entire generation of Americans understand how
economics works. The information is given in straightforward accessible format. The goal is to prepare a new “army”
of Americans ready and equipped to fight for freedom, in an area where freedom is most crucial: our economic lives.
“You must go see this man. Find him, track him down, and go to him and just listen. He will open your eyes.
I saw part 1 of the 2 day lecture just last night. He speaks well, knows his stuff, and is very entertaining. No math and
no calculators! DO NOT let the word economics keep you away!! Who ever thought a talk about economics would
keep me on the edge of my seat??” Richard, Seminar Blog, June 16, 2011
Apply Free Market Economics to the problems of today: Taxes, Education, Health Care, Protectionism, Outsourcing,
Population, Natural Resources, and more.
For more information on Mr. Spivack click here
Each seminar will be held in two 3.5-hour sessions, over two days, in
The Holsum Building,
231 W. Charleston Building, Suite #130
Las Vegas, NV.
For directions Click Here
Seminar is free of charge, but there will be a nominal charge for administrative costs of $15.00 per person.
Pay at the door. Please RSVP to Larry Bernstein at 702 516 3223 or send email to
Seminar # 1 _________ Part 1-Thursday November 10th at 6-9:30 PM
Part 2 -Saturday, November 12th at 8:30-Noon
Seminar # 2 _________ Part 1- Friday, November 11th at 6-9:30 PM
Part 2 -Saturday, November 12th at 1:00-4:30 PM
If you have further questions, call Larry at 702 516 3223 or send an email to
“The greatest opportunity ever given to the world was thrown away because
the passion for equality made vain the hope for freedom.” -Lord Acton
NPRI celebrates 20
years !
For the last 20 years, the
Nevada Policy Research
Institute has been dedicated to
defending and promoting free
enterprise, individual liberty
and limited, accountable
Nevada Caucus
training for ARW
membership is in the
planning stages. We
will send email blast
as soon as date is firm.
Subscribe to free email
updates HERE
Save the date ! Free Market Seminar
My Blackberry isn’t
working !
Click Here
by Loren Spivack
Seminar #1:
Part 1 - Thu Nov 10 @ 6pm
Part 2 - Sat Nov 12 @ 8:30am
Seminar #2:
Presidential Approval
Index History
by Rasmussen
Part 1 - Fri Nov 11 @ 6pm
Part 2 - Sat Nov 12 @ 1:00pm
@ AFP-NV HQ (see page 7)
President !
1st Vice-President!
2nd Vice-President!
Recording Secretary !
Past President
Maureen Karas
Estela Vaden
Cherie Wood
Alice Shillock-Clark
Stephanie Reeder
Peggy Micco Koning
Achievement Awards!
Eleanor Mills
Americanism !
Sinikka Marten
Budget & Finance!!
Nancy Hambrick
Debbie Leavitt
Bylaws! !
Martha Kimpel
Melody Howard
Caring for America!
Barbara Altman
Caring for American Soldiers
Judy & Kate Kelly
Brenda Flank
Community Outreach!
Brenda Flank
Publicity /
Corresponding Secretary
Christine Hall
Margaret Helsper
Margaret Helsper &
Bernadette Anthony
Literacy! !
Molly Governs
Marty Bender
Parliamentary! !
Kathy Slaughter
Bernadette Anthony
Volunteer Hours!
Alice Shillock-Clark
Webmaster & Newsletter!
Iris Stone
On the Issues: The 2012
Presidential Race
Every Presidential Leader on
Every Political Issue
To find
Women and Heart Attacks
(Myocardial infarction - MI)
Did you know that women rarely have the
same dramatic symptoms that men have
when experiencing heart attack? You
know, the sudden stabbing pain in the
chest, the cold sweat, grabbing the chest &
dropping to the floor that we see in the
movies. Here is the story of one woman's
experience with a heart attack. 'I had a heart attack at about 10:30 PM
with NO prior exertion, NO prior
emotional trauma that one would suspect
might have brought it on.. I was sitting all
snugly & warm on a cold evening, with my
purring cat in my lap, reading an
interesting story my friend had sent me,
and actually thinking, 'A-A-h, this is the
life, all cozy and warm in my soft, cushy
Lazy Boy with my feet propped up.'
A moment later, I felt that awful sensation
of indigestion, when you've been in a hurry
and grabbed a bite of sandwich and
washed it down with a dash of water, and
that hurried bite seems to feel like you've
swallowed a golf ball going down the
esophagus in slow motion and it is most
uncomfortable. You realize you shouldn't
have gulped it down so fast and needed to
chew it more thoroughly, and this time
drink, a glass of water to hasten its
progress down to the stomach. This was
my initial sensation---the only trouble was
that I hadn't taken a bite of anything since
about 5:00 p.m.
After it seemed to subside, the next
sensation was like little squeezing motions
that seemed to be racing up my SPINE
(hind-sight, it was probably aorta spasms),
gaining speed as they continued racing up
and under my sternum (breast bone, where
one presses rhythmically when
administering CPR).
This fascinating process continued on into
my throat and branched out into the jaw. 'AHA!!' NOW I stopped puzzling about
what was happening -- we all have read
and/or heard about pain in the jaws being
one of the signals of an MI happening,
haven't we? I said aloud to myself and the
cat, 'Dear God, I think I'm having a heart
I lowered the foot rest dumping the cat
from my lap, started to take a step, and fell
on the floor instead. I thought to myself, 'If
this is a heart attack, I shouldn't be walking
into the next room where the phone is or
anywhere else ... but, on the other hand, if I
don't, nobody will know that I need help,
and if I wait any longer I may not be able
to get up.'
I pulled myself up with the arms of the
chair, walked slowly into the next room
and dialed the Paramedics. I told her I
thought I was having a heart attack due to
the pressure building under the sternum
and radiating into my jaws. I didn't feel
hysterical or afraid, just stating the facts...
She said she was sending the Paramedics
over immediately, asked if the front door
was near to me, and if so, to un-bolt the
door and then lie down on the floor where
they could see me when they came in. I unlocked the door and then laid down on
the floor as instructed and lost
consciousness, as I don't remember the
medics coming in, their examination,
lifting me onto a gurney or getting me into
their ambulance, or hearing the call they
made to St. Jude ER on the way, but I did
briefly awaken when we arrived and saw
that the radiologist was already there in his
surgical blues and cap, helping the medics
pull my stretcher out of the ambulance. He
was bending over me asking questions
(probably something like 'Have you taken
any medications?'), but I couldn't make my
mind interpret what he was saying, or form
an answer, and nodded off again, not
waking up until the Cardiologist and
partner had already threaded the teeny
angiogram balloon up my femoral artery
into the aorta and into my heart where they
installed 2 side-by-side stents to hold open
my right coronary artery.
I know it sounds like all my thinking and
actions at home must have taken at least
20-30 minutes before calling the
paramedics, but actually it took perhaps
4-5 minutes before the call, and both the
fire station and St. Jude are only minutes
away from my home, and my Cardiologist
was already to go to the OR in his scrubs
and get going on restarting my heart
(which had stopped somewhere between
my arrival and the procedure) and
installing the stents. Why have I written all of this to you with
so much detail? Because I want all of you
who are so important in my life to know
what I learned first hand.
1. Be aware that something very different
is happening in your body, not the usual
men's symptoms but inexplicable things
happening (until my sternum and jaws got
into the act). It is said that many more
women than men die of their first (and last)
MI because they didn't know they were
having one and commonly mistake it as
indigestion, take some Maalox or other
anti-heartburn preparation and go to bed,
hoping they'll feel better in the morning
when they wake up .... which doesn't
happen. My female friends, your
symptoms might not be exactly like mine,
so I advise you to call the Paramedics if
ANYTHING is unpleasantly happening
that you've not felt before. It is better to
have a 'false alarm' visitation than to risk
your life guessing what it might be
2. Note that I said 'Call the Paramedics.'
And if you can take an aspirin. Ladies,
try to drive yourself to the ER - you are a
hazard to others on the road. Do NOT
have your panicked husband drive you. He
will be speeding and looking anxiously at
what's happening with you instead of the
road. Do NOT call your doctor -- he
doesn't know where you live and if it's at
night you won't reach him anyway, and if
it's daytime, his assistants (or answering
service) will tell you to call the
Paramedics.. He doesn't carry the
equipment in his car that you need to be
saved! The Paramedics do, principally
OXYGEN that you need ASAP. Your Dr.
will be notified later. 3. Don't assume it couldn't be a heart attack
because you have a normal cholesterol
count. Research has discovered that a
cholesterol elevated reading is rarely the
cause of an MI (unless it's unbelievably
high and/or accompanied by high blood
pressure). MI's are usually caused by longterm stress and inflammation in the body,
which dumps all sorts of deadly hormones
into your system to sludge things up in
there. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a
sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we
could survive... NvFRW Annual Convention in Minden, NV
October 7th, 2011
ARWʼs Monthly Membership Meeting with Governor Brian Sandoval
October 20, 2011
ARWʼs Monthly Membership Meeting with Governor Brian Sandoval
October 20, 2011 - continued from previous page
Active Membership Rocks!!!
For 2012
“Join Today and Get Active”
Welcome New Full Members: Maridel Beckman, Millie Cimpl, Jennifer DeHaven, Diane Dennison, Wendy Ellis,
Carmen Kordogiannis, Persia Schmidt Golden, Pamela Panther and Susan Serrano
Welcome New Associate Members: Mary Ambrosiani, Pam Benzing, Jeff Campbell, Manny Cimpl, Steve Esh, Wesley
Duncan, Christopher Edwards, Timothy Filson, Gudrun Fruehling, Jeanne Greenawalt, Scott Karosa, Michael Kelly,
Gregg Leeser, John Seaman, Leslie Suter and Glenn Trowbridge
2012 Renewed Full Members: Mary Beganyi, LeeAnn Bakch, Gwen Barrett, Julie DeHaven, Molly Governs, Kathryn
Kelly, Judy Kelly, Martha Kimpel, Audrey Leeser, Alice Shillock-Clark and Iris Stone
Renewed Associate Members: Irene Albrecht, Kay Butchko, Priscilla Campbell, Bob Clark, Maraya Evans, Maria
Carole Donald, Lori Kimpel, Michael Kimpel, Maria Lawbaugh, Ulli Miyashiro and James Stone
Full Members
Associate Members
A SPECIAL WELCOME to our NEW members! Another big THANK YOU to all the members
who continue renewing their memberships!
Thank you ladies for making Active Republican Women of Las Vegas your club of choice!
Please remember to renew your 2012 membership through December 31st
and receive a special gift—ARW 40th Anniversary Pin!
ACTIVE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF LAS VEGAS, Nevada, is a women’s political organization, bringing
together women to positively impact the direction of our state and our nation. We come together as
a collective force advancing the Republican Party and WOMEN through political access and
ACTIVE Republican Women Membership Application
Annual Dues--Check One: *New _________ Renewing _________ Member since: ____ /_____
Member ($30) _____________
Associate ($15) ____________ (If already a regular member of another club or men only)
(As it appears on Voter Registration – Must be a Registered Republican to join)
CITY and STATE: ______________________________________________ZIP: _________________________
PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________CELL NUMBER: ________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________
BIRTHDAY: ___________/_____________
*Referred/Sponsored by: _____________________________________________________________________________
I am a registered Republican and I will support and work for the
election of Republican Candidates for office and encourage
loyalty to the Republican Party
Signature _______________________________________
Please make check payable to Active Republican Women and mail to:
Cherie Wood, Membership V.P. 1333 N. Buffalo Dr. Ste #135, Las Vegas, NV 89128
Visit our website: