The newsletter of FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sumter, South Carolina March 25, 2015 LOOK AT WHAT’S INSIDE Page 1 Holy Week Schedule Page 2 March Session Action Summary Page 3 One Great Hour of Sharing Wednesday Luncheon Joys and Concerns Page 4 New Harmony News Church Basketball Fifth Suday—Costa Rica Nominating Committee Capital Improvents Page 5 What’s Your Perfect Fit? Presbyterian Men Presbyterian Women Summer Youth Events Finances at a Glance Page 6 Pastoral Nominating Committee Easter Eggs Lapel Crosses Last Chance for Flocking Children’s Music Patti Croft Page 7 2015 April Calendar Page 8 This Sunday Upcoming Events FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ray Fancher Interim Pastor Janie McElwee-Smith Associate Pastor VOL. XX, No. 12 Page 2 March 25, 2015 SESSION ACTION SUMMARY First Presbyterian Church, Sumter Stated Meeting March 23, 2015 Moderator Reverend Ray Fancher called the Session to order at 6:05 p.m. as the Christ candle was lighted. Elder Peggy Curlovic shared the evening devotional and offered the opening prayer. Only two of our Ruling Elders were absent and excused. Our two Teaching Elders – Interim Pastor Ray Fancher and Associate Pastor Janie McElwee-Smith- were present along with the Treasurer, Henry McFaddin, the Business Manager, Neil Ross, and the Moderator of the Diaconate, Glenn Woodrum. Clerk of Session Chuck Fienning declared that a quorum was present. The agenda for the meeting was approved with one added item from the Engage Ministry Team. Minutes of the Stated Meeting of February 23, 2015 were approved with two minor amendments. Minutes of two Called Session Meetings, March 1, 2015 and March 9, 2015 were approved. Minutes of the Called Congregational Meeting of March 15, 2015 were approved. The Clerk distributed a written summary of all written correspondence received since the February Stated Session Meeting. Three letters of transfer were approved. The Clerk then read an e-mail correspondence from a church member. The Treasurer provided a financial report including the new summary report that highlights important aspects of the church’s financial condition. The Moderator of the Diaconate and Business Manager gave oral reports. The Associate Pastor rendered her written reports, the Interim Pastor shared his oral report as an appropriate conclusion/benediction to the evening. Our Presbytery of New Harmony Commissioners, Elders J.D. Dunn and Pam George, presented a written report on the Presbytery meeting which occurred February 28, 2015. The Order of the Day was the examination of five young men in the 2015 Confirmation Class. Along with each elder mentor, the five class members had the opportunity to discuss their walk of faith in Christ with three active elders. After twenty minutes of meeting, the Moderator invited the members of the Confirmation Class and their mentors to gather around the Christ candle in the center of the room. The Moderator congratulated the class and their mentors and gave special thanks to the Class leaders and teachers, Elders Dr. and Mrs. DuRant (Jimmy and Caron). This segment of the meeting concluded with the traditional laying on of hands and prayer by the Moderator. The Capital Improvements Task Force (CITF), represented by its chair, Elder Jess Begley, accompanied by Elder John Jackson, reported on short-term and long-term capital improvements that were recommended for approval by the Session. These are in addition to immediate improvements that have already been approved and completed. Elder Begley commented, “These short and long-term projects support the MISSION of our church.” After hearing the report of the CITF, the Session entertained and unanimously approved FOUR MOTIONS from the CITF. They are: Approval of an Action Plan for Short-Term and Long-Term Improvements. The Short-Term project is the sanctuary renovation. Long-Term improvements are needed in the next five years. Remove a previously-tabled recommendation on how to FUND the capital improvements in the Action Plan. Designated the Marion Carey gift of $601,300 to fund the projects listed in the Action Plan. The Short-Term Improvements will cost approximately $400,000. The Long-Term Improvements will also cost about $400,000 of which approximately half will come from the Marion Carey gift. The balance will come from the Capital Improvements Fund through contributions from church members. Approval of a Sanctuary Renovation Implementation Plan whereby the CITF will become part of the Care and Support Ministry Team. In this capacity, the former CITF will serve as a bid evaluation team, recommend a bid to the Session, assist the Care and Support Team Moderator in adding additional personnel for the purpose of recommending interior decorations, and assist the Business Manager in monitoring the contract progress and compliance. Six items on the Session’s Consent Agenda were unanimously approved. They are: Move worship to the McLeod Fellowship Hall for the period June 15 – August 15, 2015. Approved renewal of the Disaster Agreement with Covenant Place. Approved New Harmony Executive Presbyter, Rev. Bruce Ford, to preach on May 3, 2015, the Sunday on which we will celebrate Rev. Ray J. Fancher’s retirement. Appointed a four-member Interim Pastor Task Force: Suzanne Begley, Les Carpenter, Scott Williams, and Personnel Committee Chair, Elder Will Holmes (ex-officio). Designated our Good Friday Offering for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Fund. Approved the purchase of 4 pewter chalices and bread tray in memory of Vicky Shaw. The Session deferred reviewing the Action Plans of the four ministry and diaconate committees until the next Stated Meeting on April 27, 2015. The Action Plans support the three Congregational Priorities for 2015: (1) LOVE, CARE; (2) SERVE; and (3) CELEBRATE. To conclude the meeting, Moderator Fancher invited all those present to gather around the Christ candle in the center of the room for a closing meditation and benediction at 8:00 p.m. Focus WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES ONE GIFT MAKE ANYWAY? How one offering counts again and again. by Tric ia M c Re y nolds Each year, One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) gives us the opportunity to support disaster relief, hunger initiatives, and self-development of people. Even if you’ve given to this Offering in the past, you may have wondered: Does my individual gift make much difference? The problems OGHS seeks to address are daunting. Millions displaced by disaster or political upheaval. Whole communities without enough food to eat. Entire generations without access to education and opportunity. In Galatians 6, Paul writes, “So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all” (v. 10). Through God and the work OGHS supports, meeting even these vast challenges is possible. When you give to OGHS, it’s about more than what you put in the collection envelope. Your gift is added to the gift of the person in the pew beside you, and the congregation across town. It is multiplied by the volunteers helping God’s children around the world, as they turn a handful of dollars into a tableful of meals, a single check into gallons of clean water. And your gift is amplified by those who are ultimately helped. When their stomachs are full, their schools are open, and they have a safe place to sleep, they are free to turn their attention to more than survival: to raise a healthy family, to finish school, to serve others, to grow with God. In each good act—weeks, months, and years from now—your gift is making a difference. So, if you have given before, but always wondered if it mattered: know that it does. If you have never given because you didn’t think you could make an impact: know that you can. If you want to give, First Presbyterian will receive the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering during Palm Sunday Worship, March 29. All designated gifts and loose offerings will go to OGHS. Two other ways to give: 1) Text OGHSD to 20222 to give $10 2) Give online at Page 3 WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON HOSTS PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITITIES Our final Wednesday Luncheon of the year is scheduled April 15, at 12:30 p.m. We will host residents of the Presbyterian Communities from Florence, Columbia, and Summerville. Bill Segars of Hartsville is our speaker. Bill is a builder, history buff, and photographer who travels the backroads of South Carolina researching and photographing pre-Civil War era churches. His program is a fascinating look back into the history and architecture of the buildings and stories of the congregations who built and supported them. If you heard Bill the last time he spoke at First Presbyterian, you will enjoy this updated presentation even more. He has over 700 files in his For further information on Bill Segars visit collection.! Join us as we welcome Bill Segars, and our friends from our Presbyterian retirement communities. For reservations or information, contact Becky Owens (803983-6596 or or Debbie Jackson (803-775-4814 or Reservation deadline is April 8! JOYS AND CONCERNS Morningside: Mary Kay Hurt Covenant Place: Louise Brabham (John Brabham’s mother), Joe and Kay Williams (Kay Smith’s Parents), Claire Richards, John and Tumpy Creech, Camilla Wright In St. Louis: Jane McElwee, 11 York Hills Drive, St. Louis, MO 63144 (Janie McElwee-Smith’s Mother) In Melbourne, FL: Bobbie Cantrell (Marcè Musser’s Mother) At Home: Beth Stevenson, Rudy Newman, Johnny Jackson, Marie Mills, Marion Young Sympathy of the pastors and congregation are extended to the family of Marian Pope Rettke, who died March 20, at her home. Page 4 March 25, 2015 SHOOT THE HOOPS! Saturday, April 18 NEW HARMONY NEWS Power Up Planning for your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews to attend Camp Pee Dee Retreat Center this summer are well under way. This year’s theme: "Powered Up! Living by the Spirit!" is based on Galatians 5:22-23 (CEV). Bible lessons, games, crafts, worship, canoeing, swimming, hiking and so much more await campers this summer. For a full description of camping opportunities and to download the brochure, visit the Camp Pee Dee Retreat Center website ( A group of children from First Presbyterian Church are attending camp July 5-11. The church will pay half of the camp registration! See the summer events brochure on the resource table across from the Church Office or contact J a ni e M c E l w e e - S mi t h f o r f u r t he r d e t a i l s ( Camp Pee Dee Summer Staff Come and work with some of the most dedicated and creative people on the planet while making friendships that will last a lifetime at Camp Pee Dee Retreat Center, a year-round, Christian facility that provides faith based camping programs for children, youth, adults and families. Applications are now being accepted for summer workers. Call Program Director, Kelly Boone Sloan at 843-479-3051, or visit for additional information. Stated Presbytery Meeting The Rev. Dr. Steve Wilkins, outg oi ng moderator of the Presbytery of New Harmony preached a sermon at the EightySecond Stated Meeting of the Presbytery entitled, "We are the Church Together." The complete sermon, minutes, and proposed amendments of the February 28 meeting are available on the Presbytery of New Harmony website ( Sumter YMCA (Upper Gymnasium) Practice time: 9:00 a.m. – 9:55 a.m. Game Time: 10:00 a.m. Lunch to follow at Pizza Lane Two teams, unlimited players of ALL ages Players, cheerleaders, and fans are encouraged to attend! Come enjoy a fun family day of fellowship! Deadline for player sign up is Sunday, April 12. For more information, please contact Kimberly White (803-468-7781 or To sign up, please contact Janie McElwee Smith ( FIFTH SUNDAY On Sunday, March 29, all adult Sunday School classes are invited to come to the Chapel to hear from our mission team who traveled to Costa Rica earlier this year. They will reflect on their experiences as well as share their plans for the upcoming trip this summer. Gather in the Chapel at 9:30 a.m. on Palm Sunday. CONC WANTS YOUR INPUT The Church Officer Nominating Committee (CONC) invites you to recommend names of those you would like them to consider as possible elders, deacons, and/or trustees. Forms are available in the pew racks, and on the Resource Table across from the kitchen. CONC Orientation and Training is scheduled Thursday, March 26, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Please pray for this group and its work in the months ahead. PARDON THE INCONVENIENCE Session-approved major capital improvements will begin this summer. As a result, the Sanctuary will not be available from June 15-August 15, 2015. Services and events tht would usually be scheduled in the Sanctuary will take place in the Fellowship Hall. Focus Page 5 PRESBYTERIAN MEN Presbyterian Men will meet Monday, April 6, at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. FPC member and State Senator Thomas McElveen is the guest speaker All men of the church are invited to attend for food, fellowship and fun. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN APRIL MEETINGS WHAT’S YOUR PERFECT FIT? What skills would you offer to another person in need? Can you cook? Clean? Paint? Saw and nail? Rake or dig? Maybe you could provide companionship at mealtime? Bring drinks to workers? What other skills might you offer for a one-day venture? Tell us how you’d like to help, and we’ll find a spot for you to care for the “least of these” on Saturday, April 25. On that day we will team up with United Ministries to help several individuals and families in need of services they cannot afford. Jobs may include those listed above, as well as perhaps stocking pantries or freezers with basic food items, and other details of life that many of us take for granted every day. Presbyterian Women’s Council Monday, March 30, 10:00 a.m., McLaurin Room Circle 1: Tuesday, April 7, 12:30 p.m., McLaurin Room, Hostesses: Caron DuRant, Mollie Poffenberger, and Janice Stavrou Circle 2: Tuesday, April 7, 10:00 a.m. Hostess: Carol Reese, 25 Loring Rd., Sumter, SC Circle 3: Tuesday, April 7, 10:00 a.m. Hostess: Margaret Plowden, 930 Burnt Gin Rd., Wedgefield, SC Circle 4: Tuesday, April 7, 10:00 a.m., McLaurin Room Hostesses: Anne Bell and Lois Moore Circle 6: Tuesday, April 7, 7:00 p.m. Home of: Anna Moorman, 18 Swan lake Dr., Sumter, SC Hostesses: Anna Moorman and Bronwyn McElveen Circle 8: Wednesday, April 8, 3:00 p.m., Covenant Pl. Co-Chairs: Winnie Gee, Fran Kay Circle 9: Tuesday, April 7, 7:00 p.m. Hostess: Sibbie McFaddin, 422 Haynsworth St., Sumter HAVE YOU PICKED UP YOUR SUMMER YOUTH SPECIAL? There are three ways you can sign up: 1) Sign-up sheets have been placed in the adult and youth Sunday school classes. (Kids can help too!). 2) Sign-up sheets are on the table across from the Church Office. 3) Contact Mary Ellen Blanding, Inasmuch Chair (803-773-7176 or or Embrace Ministry Team Moderator Peggy Curlovic (803-773-6509 or A brochure with activities for children and youth is available on the Resource Table across from the Kitchen, and in the West Youth Center. It’s packed full of details, including dates, events, permissions, and registration information. Pick one up today and make sure your youngster is included in this special summer! Operation Inasmuch is a nation-wide, multi-church effort to move churchgoers “out of the sanctuary seats and into the streets to serve the neediest in their communities.” Last year over 1600 churches in 21 states participated. Received Week Beginning 3/15/2015 .................... $14,212.85 Pledges and Offerings .............................................. $13,599.00 Other Income ................................................................. $613.85 (Presbyterian Women Offering $573.00) Needed Each Week .................................................. $18,186.32 Received Year-to-Date ...........................................$183,761.84 Pledges & Offerings ...............................................$171,827.26 Other Income ............................................................ $11,934.58 Expenses Year-to-Date ..........................................$221,724.56 Budget Year-to-Date ..............................................$213,365.83 How can YOU serve? Please let us know by March 31. FINANCES AT A GLANCE Page 6 March 25, 2015 WHAT IS A PNC? You will hear much in coming months about the PNC. Some of you are quite familiar with the PNC. For those of you who are not, PNC stands for Pastoral Nominating Committeee. According to the Book of Order (PCUSA) , “The session shall call a congregational meeting to elect a pastor nominating committee that shall be representative of the whole congregation. The committee’s duty shall be to nominate a pastor for election by the congregation.” First Presbyterian’s PNC was elected at the March 15, 2015 Congregational Meeting, and have already begun meeting together to begin their process. At its first meeting John Jackson was elected PNC Chair. Updates on the PNC’s process and progress will be posted periodically in the Focus. WOW! That’s a lot of “P’s!” But it emphasizes the fact that you need to keep the PNC in your prayers as they begin this important, and sometimes complicated and stressful process LET’S GO TO THE HOP It’s time to gather candy-filled eggs for our annual Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 4. Please bring your donations (no chocolate, please) to the box outside the Church Office. Your help is greatly appreciated! LAPEL CROSSES Crosses for you to wear, display, or use will be handed out Sunday during hospitality time and available at the Sanctuary entrances. Lovingly made by a group of FPC women, these palm crosses are ideal for using during this Lenten season. FLOCK TO YOUR LAST CHANCE! It’s your last chance to join in on the fun of having your (or someone else’s) yard flocked with flamingoes to support our youth. Flamingoes may be placed in yards for three days for $25. To have the flock removed from your yard before the three days are up will cost you $50; but you may purchase insurance to keep your yard from being flocked for $75. To participate, please contact Janie McElwee Smith ( by Thursday, March 26, to get in on the last flocking (Palm Sunday, March 29). NOTES FROM THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT Your children soon will be sharing some of the songs they are learning in Sunday School. Please mark your calendars with these special offerings! Sunday, March 29-Palm Sunday Processional with the palms and special song Practice at 9:30 in the sanctuary Sunday, May 10, Mother’s Day Song during children’s time VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL This year’s Vacation Bible School, “G-Force: God’s love in action” is scheduled June 7-11, from 5:00-7:30 p.m. Each evening we will meet to break bread, learn, and grow together. Don’t miss out on the special “early registration” price of $15.00 (before May 1). Registration forms are available on the Resource Table across from the kitchen. Return your form with payment to the Church Office today to reserve your child’s spot! Don’t Forget: we need your help! If you would like to help out with VBS this year, please contact Robin Thames ( ) , Kimberly White (, or Janie McElweeSmith ( as soon as possible. CONGRATULATIONS, PATTI CROFT! For more than two decades, Sumter Volunteers has recognized local women who h a v e m a d e ou t s t a nd i n g contributions to the history and culture of Sumter County. This year, as Sumter Volunteers prepared to add deserving candidates to the Honor Roll of Sumter County Women, our own Patti Croft was chosen. Patti, a Sumter native, counts an outstanding professional career in music and music education, as well as many volunteer accomplishments among her achievements. From teaching to directing to playing to serving in professional organizations to volunteering to raising a family, Patti is an example to us all of a “woman of true character who serves God with all her talents.” Congratulations, Patti! We are all so proud of you! Focus Page 7 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9 West Calhoun Street Sumter, SC 29150 Non-Profit US Postage Paid Sumter, SC Permit #22 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED SUNDAY, MARCH 29 UPCOMING EVENTS “Care and Prayer” ~ 9:00 a.m. (Parlor) Elders’ Prayer Meeting ~ 9:15 a.m. (Parlor) Easter on the Lawn ~ 9:30 a.m. Time of Hospitality ~ 10:10 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP ~ 10:30 a.m. (Sanctuary) “Street Theater” MONDAY, MARCH 30 9:00 a.m. Counters........................................................ Parlor 10:30 a.m. PW Council............................................. McLaurin 11:00 a.m. We Care......................................................... Parlor TUESDAY, MARCH 31 7:00 a.m. Middle School Prayer Breakfast .............. Murray’s 10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting ................................................ Parlor WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 7:00 a.m. High School Prayer Breakfast ............. Chick-fil-A 9:00 am. Preschool Music ..................................... McLaurin 5:45 p.m. Joy Ringers .................................... Fellowship Hall 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir........................................Sanctuary THURSDAY, APRIL 2 6:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday ....................... Fellowship Hall FRIDAY, APRIL 3 (Chuch Office and Preschool Closed) 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Service of Shadows .......Sanctuary SUNDAY, APRIL 5 9:00 a.m. Care and Prayer ............................................ Parlor 9:15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Meeting................................. Parlor 9:30 a.m. Easter on the Lawn .............................. West Lawn (in case of inclement weather meet in Fellowship Hall) 10:30 a.m. Easter Worship....................................... Sanctuary MONDAY, APRIL 6 (Church Office Closed) 6:00 p.m. Presbyterian Men ......................... Fellowship Hall MONDAY-FRIDAY, APRIL 6-10 Preschool Closed for Spring Break (Mark 11:1-11 Philippians 2:5-11) Song of Praise: I Am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N by the Children of the Church, Grades K-5 Offertory Anthem: Here, O My Lord, I See You by the Chancel Choir and Lauren Decker, Violin ELDERS GREETING AT WORSHIP: John (JD) Dunn, Julian Moore, John Jackson ELDER LEADING SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: Frank Moses WORSHIP AT HOME (April 6-12): Gloria Coker, Becky Owens, Tripp Brogdon ELDERS VISITING (April 5-11): Will Holmes, Margy Carpenter USHERS: Cooper Hill, John James Junior Ushers: Sarah Margaret Branham, Brice Leasure TELLER DUTY: Kay Smith, Robin Thames STEPHEN MINISTER: Terry Hill CHURCH HOUR EXTENDED CARE VOLUNTEERS Comm. Member: Natalie Coker Nursery: Mae Barnes 2-5 Year Olds: Michael and Nancyhunter Blanding
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