Assenting Action for Changing of Livelihoods (Aachol) Trust 41/13 A, Zikatola, Dhaka Phone: 02-9140296 Web: Email: Monthly Report on Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Project on April, 2015 {{ Date of Submission: May 06, 2015 Submitted to: Atom Rahman Chairman & Board of Trustees Aachol Trust Submitted By: R & DO Research Department Aachol Trust Executive Summary Aachol’s Mobile Health Clinic arranged 21 health camps in April, 2015 including Blood Grouping Camp at Matrychya Model School and the others were being arranged in pre-scheduled places that always been vulnerable and remote areas in order to render primary health care to the poor and lackluster inhabitant of those areas. These camps were organized at 3 primary schools i.e. Progati Govt. Primary School and Basila Govt. Primary School and Matrychya Model School . Camps were also organized at Basila, Looter Char, Kamrangirchar, Dhaka Uddan, Balurmath, and Samlasi. In this month a total 2454 patients were treated, medicated and counseled where we provided medicine to the 2144 patients and 143 patients being referred to specialists. The residents were also checked for different ailments and given full/partial dosage of the right medications. Those who needed further specialist attention were referred to bigger and renowned hospitals through our reference. Strategies: The Aachol Mobile Health Clinic is designed to be implemented by bringing together essential services: counsel, detection, medication and treatment and referral of multiple chronic diseases, diarrhoea and other common illnesses through community outreach and local health facilities. A central aspect of this strategic planning is the adaptation and implementation of us so that the 1 interventions through individual programs can be gradually merged into Comprehensive Health programs. Regular reviews of performance and progress reflect approaches to issues that span several areas and issues. These: promote accountability, and strengthen communication, enabling people to articulate their demands, and change behavior to improve participation of all stakeholders, involve Ourselves in mobilizing communities and providing services based on need; Synopsis of Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Venue No of Camp Only Counseling Patients Both Medicated & Counseled Patients Total Patients Health Camp at Balurmath 4 23 375 398 Health Camp at Basila Govt. Primary School 4 42 349 391 Health Camp at Kamrangirchar 2 65 298 363 Health Camp at Looterchar 2 34 167 201 Health Camp at Samlashi 3 22 213 235 Health at Alif Ideal School 1 27 71 98 Health and Blood Grouping Camp at Jhauchar 2 48 301 349 Health Camp at Dhaka Uddan 2 35 277 312 Health Camp at Progati Govt. Primary School 1 14 93 107 Total 21 310 2144 2454 2 Our Achievements: Aachol Mobile Health Clinic programs have been arranged at multiple places and on basis of the places and diseases our achievements are different in most of the times. Common Health Problems Bangladesh- Rural : Common Health Problems Bangladesh- Rural Malnutrition, Worm infestation, Skin infections, Diarrhea, Acute respiratory infections (ARIs), Anemia, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Kala-zar, Leprosy, etc and the above diseases are causing for Lack of health care services, Poor housing, Poor sanitation. Common Health Problems Bangladesh- Urban : Common Health Problems Bangladesh- Urban Hypertension, Air pollution, Sound pollution, Heart diseases, Diabetes, Cancer, Dengue fever, Drug addiction, STD (sexually transmitted diseases, etc.) Measures For Maintaining Good Health : Our Counsels are always therefore to take Measures For Maintaining Good Health Personal hygiene, Daily bath, Use clean dresses, Taking balanced diet, Regular exercise & rest, Avoiding smoking, Avoiding alcohol, Avoiding drugs, Good housing, Proper sanitation, Seek treatment if any ailment. Multi- Sectoral Responsibility of Health: Multi-sectoral Responsibility of Health is multi-factorial. Various factors in the environment are directly or indirectly related to health. Thereby, health sector & other health-related sectors such as agriculture, education, animal husbandry, nutrition, communication, housing, sanitation, water supply, etc. together have the responsibility to maintain health of a community and in the above means Aachol Team plays a vital role in sense of raising public awareness through our diversified Health related programs. 3 New Philosophy of Health: New Philosophy of Health is a fundamental human right, Health is essence of productive life, Health is intersectoral, Health is an integral part of development, central to the concept of quality life, Health involves individual, state & international responsibility, Health & its maintenance is a major investment, Health is a world-wide goal and we always emphasized these Philosophy of Health whenever we organized our Heath solution programs. Our Mission, Vision and Values: To deliver free medical service directly to underserved destitute children, youth and also adult in their own areas. To provide the ultimate in mobile medical care to underserved children, youth and adult throughout the dilapidated areas... Every poor and destitute child, youth and adult is respected and deserves attentive, compassionate and nonjudgmental health care in where we organized our mobile health camp. And it also refers Assenting Action for Changing of Livelihoods. The report is divided into multiples sections. i.e. • Introduction • Medical Supporting Areas; Findings Achievements Medical and Aachol Team details. • Appendices. 4 Introduction: Health status and related health behaviors are determined by influences at multiple levels: personal, organizational/institutional, environmental, and policy. Because significant and dynamic interrelationships exist among these different levels of health determinants, educational and community-based programs are most likely to succeed in improving health and wellness when they address influences at all levels and in a variety of environments/settings. Aachol Mobile Health Clinic is one the radical project of Aachol Trust. Our objective is based to render service towards medical poor and destitute people who are not able to engage themselves into medical facilities even in case of primary level and by period of time they suffer most severely of that little cause of ailment. Our goals settings of increasing the quality, availability, and effectiveness of educational and community-based programs designed to prevent disease and injury, improve health, and enhance quality of life. Considering the above moral scenarios, Aachol Mobile Health Clinic has been arranged with the motto that leads to provide health solution towards those people who are not capable of attach themselves into medical facilities. In medium of our health camp we provide medicine towards the checked up patients and counsel the general ones. In April, 2015 following areas are the subject matter of our ongoing Mobile Health Clinic Programs and these are scrupulously focused with details in below; 5 1.1Health Camp at Jhauchar and Dhaka Uddan: Health checkups are not available for primary and higher primary school students in the suburban of Jhauchar Area and Dhaka Uddan. It is not feasible for parents who themselves are suffering from acute poverty and starvation to make a long journey/manage to a health center or solution to ensure that their child gets treatment. Often children are suffering from common ailments which can be prevented and cured by health education and regular Considering monitoring. the above social costs and sufferings Aachol Trust arranged a Mobile Health Camp at here. A countable number of patients got medical treatment from us and few patients were being to refer those who are suffering by serious/acute diseases. Through this Camp a few numbers of high risk pregnant mothers had been identified and our Medical team counseled and medicated them properly. In general health checkedup session, people had advised for hypertension, diabetes and blood sugar. The blood pressure and weight were being also measured. Based on their metabolic status, they had been taught life style modification, given counseling for diet. 6 We also organized Blood Grouping Camp at here and distributed 500 Oral Saline towards the local people at here. In this month, at Jhauchar, a total of 349 patients were medically treated including Blood Grouping which included men women and children on that locality. Among them 301 patients were medicated while 48 patients were given general advice. Health Camp Overview at Jhauchar Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 349 301 Number of patients only counseled 48 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 86% 14% 7 In this month, at Dhaka Uddan, a total of 312 patients were medically treated which included orphan, men women and children on that locality. Among them 277 patients were medicated while 35 patients were given general advice. At here we also observed that the medically treated people are suffering by lack of nutritional status, presence of upper respiratory tract infection, worm infestation, anemia, diarrhea, malaria, typhoid and so on. Pictorials: Health Camp at Dhaka Uddan Health Camp Overview at Dhaka Uddan Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 312 277 Number of patients only counseled 35 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 88% 12% 8 1.2.Health Camp at Kamrangirchar and Looterchar: In the month of April,15 we had arranged mobile health camp at Kamrangir Char Thoda and Looterchar. These two places are situated just beside the river of Buriganga. The patients were almost women here and they came out from home to see our Doctors for their serious helplessness. They are suffering from particularly skin diseases because; there has no pure source of water and also healthy foods. They live under non-development life style and they do not get proper education. The male members of that area are almost boat men and they also suffer from various fatal diseases. People of here have faced malnutrition because of inadequate causing earning. of taking foods insufficient Our experienced doctor counseled and medicated them. Aachol team also counseled them and provided them the basic knowledge of health. 9 In this month, at Kamrangirchar Thoda, a total of 363 patients were medically treated which included , men women and children on that locality. Among them 298 patients were medicated while 65 patients were given general advice. Health Camp Overview at Kamrangirchar Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 363 298 Number of patients only counseled 65 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 82% 18% 10 In this month, at Looterchar, a total of 201 medically included patients treated men were which women and children on that locality. Among them 167 patients were medicated while 34 patients were given general advice. Health Camp Overview at Looterchar Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 201 167 Number of patients only counseled 34 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 83% 17% 1.3.Health Camp at Basila Govt. Primary School and Shamlasi: People in rural areas face some different health issues than people who live in towns and cities. Getting health care can be a problem when one live in a remote area. One might not be able to get to a hospital quickly in an emergency. You also might not want to travel long distances to get routine checkups and screenings. Rural areas often have fewer doctors and Medical Representatives, and certain specialists might not be available at all. 11 Because it can be hard to get care, health problems in rural residents may be more serious by the time they are diagnosed. People in rural areas of the Bangladesh have higher rates of chronic disease than people in urban areas. They also have higher rates of certain exposure types to of cancer, chemicals from used in farming. Besides that the people of rural areas are mostly suffered by malnutrition, diarrhea, high fever with cold, itching problems, pregnancy complications, dengue, malaria, filaria, dysentery, pneumonia, old aged complications and so on. Basila is located on near the Dhaka City but its socio economic status is so poor as like poverty stricken rural areas. We arrange our health camp at here in a regular schedule basis and on following of this month, we arranged health camps at this locality and 391 patients were both counseled and medicated and among them 349 patients got medication. 12 Health Camp Overview at Basila Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 391 349 Number of patients only counseled 42 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 90% 10% In medium of our Mobile Health Clinic at Shalmasi we counseled and medicated pregnant women, malnutrition affected people; old aged complications patients and a notable number of child and school going students. We also distributed around 500 Oral Saline towards the local people at here for both of their health solution and awareness. 13 We arrange our health camp at here in a regular schedule basis and on following of this month, we arranged health camps at this locality and 235 patients were both counseled and medicated and among them 213 patients got medication. Health Camp Overview at Shamlasi Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 235 213 Number of patients only counseled 22 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 91% 09% 14 1.4.Health Camp at Progati Govt. Primary School and Alif Ideal School: Aachol Mobile Health Clinic has a School health programs that have been part of ensuring health solution to the students, guardians and teachers. The health promoting school is a developed concept which seeks to provide a multifaceted approach to school health. It should provide a better framework to assist schools address the health issues of their students. Our providing health service ensure on the arena of development of the health promoting school and identifies its structural components. Findings indicate health gains for primary school students are difficult to assess, and will most likely occur if a well-designed program is implemented which links the curriculum with other health promoting actions, substantial school contains professional development for teachers and is underpinned by a theoretical model. School Health improvements can be made in more accurately assessing the effectiveness of the health promoting primary school in improving school health. 15 In April,2015, we arranged Health Camp at Progoti Govt. Primary School. A total of 107diseases attacked Students were treated medicated and counseled who included parents and teachers. Among them 93 patients were medicated for their different kind’s ailments. Health Camp Overview at Progati Govt. Primary School Number of patients Number of patients Number of patients Percentage (%) Percentage (%) treated and medicated only counseled medication counseling counseled 107 93 14 87% 13% Our Health team also counseled them to the parents of the student’s on account of keeping their child free from diseases i.e. balanced diet, regular physical exercise, taking seasonal fruits and vegetables, washing hands before eating and after defecation and so on. Today we medicated also a notable number of malnutrition suffered child and also their parents. Our treated some child patients suffered Coasichor and Marasmer from related diseases also. 16 Graphical : Mobile Health Clinic at Progati Govt. Primary School. In April,2015, we arranged Health Camp at Alif Ideal School. A total of 98 diseases attacked Students were treated medicated and counseled who included parents and teachers. Among them 71 patients were medicated for their different kind’s ailments. 17 Health Camp Overview at Alif Ideal School Number of patients Number of patients Number of patients Percentage (%) Percentage (%) treated and medicated only counseled medication counseling counseled 98 71 27 72% 28% Graphical : Mobile Health Clinic at Alif Ideal School. 1.5.Health Camp at Balurmath: In the month of April,2015 we had arranged a mobile health camp in the remote area of Balurmath. Like any other remote places of Bangladesh, this locality darkness of belongs to education & superstations as well. The living people at here are passing their days in adhere with acute poverty . They 18 do not get proper medical support so that, their trust increases quack methods. Most of the people in this area always take tobacco. They suffer from infection like oral problem, throat breakage & ARI and it’s alike also suffer Diarrhea, because from Malaria, of diseases. They living malnutrition. Typhoid just polluted and unhygienic means. We have regularly arranged Health Camps at here to provide health solution towards the affected people in supported with medication and counsel by our doctor and Aachol Volunteers. In this month, we had arranged a multiple Health Camps at here and a total of 398 diversified diseases attacked local patients were treated medicated and counseled who included male, female and children . Amon g them 375 patients were medicated for their different kind’s ailments. Health Camp Overview at Balurmath Number of patients Number of patients Number of patients Percentage (%) Percentage (%) treated and medicated only counseled medication counseling counseled 398 375 23 95% 5% 19 Conclusion The neglect in even the simplest preventive medical treatment usually leads to a more serious ailment and eventually into deaths. The need of the hour is thus a two pronged approach – first to bring quality health care services to doorsteps of the needy and second to promote healthcare awareness and contemporary health care seeking behavior among the underprivileged. In such a scenario a mobile health care services delivery system is the most practical mechanism. In that humanitarian consideration, Aachol Trust has regularly arranged its Health Camp at diversified remote, rural and dilapidated areas to mitigate the social and economic cost of the poor and destitute people. 20 Appendix Health Camp at Kamrangirchar Health Camp at Looterchar Health Camp at Kamrangirchar Health Camp at Basila 21 Health Camp at Balurmath Health Camp at Jhauchar Health Camp at Progati Govt. Primary School Health Camp at Basila 22 Blood Grouping Camp at Jhauchar Health Camp at Samlasi Health Camp at Dhaka Uddan Health Camp at Marsh Model Academy in Samlasi 23 24
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