Assenting Action for Changing of Livelihoods (Aachol) Trust 41/13 A, Zikatola, Dhaka Phone: 02-9140296 Web: Email: Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Project Monthly Report on March, 2015 Submitted to: Atom Rahman Chairman & Board of Trustees Aachol Trust Date of Submission: 05th April, 2015 Submitted By: Md. Mahadi Hasan Apu R&DO Research Department Aachol Trust Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Executive Summary Alcohol’s Mobile Clinic had been arranged 21 health camps including a Blood Grouping Camp at Alif Ideal School in March, 2015 as per maintaining our schedule which had made for selected vulnerable areas in order to providing primary health care to the poor and destitute people of those areas and also these camps were organized at 4 primary schools i.e. Alif Ideal School and Basila Govt. Primary School, Marsh Model Academy and Easy Method School. Camps were also organized at Slums and Community Places i.e. Kamrangirchar, Kalsi, Boubazar, Balurmath at Hazaribag and Samlasi. In this month a total 2408 patients were treated, medicated and counseled. Proper and adequate health solution is clearly rare in form of our country. Especially health problems in urban slums of Bangladesh can be addressed which are caused by many social and economical reasons. As the most common health problems prevailing in the region where we conducted our Health Camps are gastric pain, dysentery, skin diseases, diarrhea, pain, general weakness, jaundice, menstrual problems and anemia amongst females, and fever, cough, pneumonia, measles amongst children. Non-qualified allopathic drug-sellers of drug stores located within and nearby the slums are found to be the main source of health care for slum dwellers. Even in presence of qualified practitioners, their services are not availed due to their inability to pay consultation fees. It becomes clear that slum dwellers of the urban -1- Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 areas of Bangladesh are one of the most deprived groups in terms of accessing and enjoying proper health care facilities. Synopsis of Aachol’s Mobile Health Camp Venue No of Camp Counseling Patients Medicated Patients& Blood Grouping Total Patients Health Camp at Kamrangirchar 1 22 80 102 Health Camp at Samlasi 4 35 390 425 Health& Blood Grouping Camp at 4 24 556 580 4 42 328 370 1 9 109 118 Health Camp at Balurmath 4 13 388 401 Health Camp at Kalsi 1 35 104 139 Health Camp at Boubazar 1 1 23 17 108 125 131 142 21 220 2188 2408 Alif Ideal School Health Camp at Basila Govt. Primary School Health Camp at Easy Method School Health Camp at Marsh Model Academy Total . -2- Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Our Achievements: Aachol has provided its medical facilities in multiple places i.e. Schools, Slum areas, Villages, Garment factories and so on. And serving of those places, we acquired a lot of experience those should work as motivating and lessoning factors. Through our Mobile health clinic, Our Health Solution covered areas are now almost aware of their Sanitation system, Consciousness about multiple health hazard, come to us for their better treatment instead of Non-qualified allopathic drug-sellers. Not only our medical Team counseled and medicated them but also the whole team of Aachol enthusiastically guided themselves about different phases of Health issues in what cases they usually suffered for. Our medical Team also visited door to door in many cases to awake the poor and destitute ones in regards of their health consciousness that’s causing for their preventive measures before ailment. Now we have highly encouraged seeing the phenomenon that the treated and counseled people are much more conscious about various health hazards and take necessary steps, that we counseled them earlier. Therefore; we have able to ensured sustainable health solution by providing standardized treatment what they gotten staying in their houses. -3- Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Our Mission,Vision and Values: To deliver free medical service directly to underserved destitute children, youth and also adult in their own areas.To provide the ultimate in mobile medical care to underserved children, youth and adult throughout the dilapidated areas. Every poor and destitute child, youth and adult is respected and deserves attentive, compassionate and nonjudgmental health care in where we organized our mobile health camp. And it also refers Assenting Action for Changing of Livelihoods The report is divided into multiples sections. i.e; Introduction Medical Supporting Areas Findings Achievements Medical and Aachol Team details. Appendices -4- Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Introduction Aachol Mobile Health Clinic is a regular activity of Aachol Trust. Our mission is to improve the health outcomes and quality of life for individuals who are homeless and/or low-income. In a non-judgmental environment, we provide a combination of direct medical services; health promotion and disease prevention activities; social support and case management and referrals to higher medical treatment. In this month we had arranged our Health Camp at diversified poverty stricken areas. Health checkups are not available for primary and higher primary school students in many schools in Dhaka. It is not feasible for parents who themselves are suffering from acute poverty and starvation to make a long journey to a health center to ensure that their child gets treatment. Often children are suffering from common ailments which can be prevented and cured by health education and regular monitoring and this socio-economic scenario is also common in Slum and Remote areas all ages people where our Health Camps are being conducted. The brief descriptions of Aachol Mobile Health Clinic on March, 15 have been depicted as follows; -5- Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 1.1.Aachol Mobile Health Clinic at Alif Ideal School and Marsh Model Academy: Aachol Trust organized a free blood grouping camp for the benefit of students at Alif Ideal School. Our main objective to arrange such kinds of camps for focusing the importance of blood grouping and blood donation for saving innocent lives. In many cases, blood grouping often determined life or death. We believe that the students will come forward to donate blood whenever possible/getting maturity and also spread the message of blood donation among masses. Through our Blood Grouping Camp a 265 students, teachers and guardians of the students participated and got benefited by means of knowing their blood group and also they will record it in their identity cards. -6- Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 We also arranged 4 Mobile Health Clinic at here. Firstly our Aachol Team had given advice in regarding of many health hazards and also talked about how healthy they life enjoy by a taking preventive measures before we conducted our health camp. In the Month of March , at here there were 580 students, teachers and guardians of the students being medically treated by us. We also provided medicine towards the 556 treated patients and referred 20 patients in our own medium. Pictorials: Health Camp session at Alif Ideal School -7- Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Tabular View: Health Camp at Alif Ideal School Number of patients Number of patients Number of patients treated and medicated and counseled counseled Blood Grouping 580 556 24 Percentage (%) medication 96% Percentage (%) counseling 4% Graphical: Aachol Mobile Health Clinic at Alif Ideal School In March, 2015 at Marsh Model Academy, a total of 142 patients were treated, medicated and counseled. We had provided medicine towards 125 students, teachers and guardians of this School. Pictorials : Mobile Health Clinic at Marsh Model Academy -8- Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Tabular View: Health Camp at Marsh Model Academy Number of patients Number of patients Number of patients treated and medicated and counseled counseled Blood Grouping 142 125 17 Percentage (%) medication 88% Percentage (%) counseling 12% We have also distributed here a 500 pieces of Oral Saline and also specially medicated those one who were worm affected. Graphical: Mobile Health Clinic at Marsh Model Academy -9- Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 1.2.Aachol Mobile Health Clinic at Kalsi and Boubazar: Poverty creates ill-health because it forces people to live in environments that make them sick, without decent shelter, clean water or adequate sanitation. Living in filthy areas, social and economical imbalance, food security and health hamper social mobility those mentioned elements are the most common scenario of a Slum areas. After a daylong hard work one should need proper rest and also have to take adequate food. But majority of the people those who are living in a slum have no or little ability to afford. Sanitation and Congenial environment are almost absent rather the people are used to live in an unhygienic environment. Kalsi is such a place where a large number of migrated people living in a congested means and causing of poverty thus results of ill health and consequent of Diseases is a conventional nature of their life style. By reviewing this miserable condition, Aachol Mobile Health Clinic arranged a health camp here. For growing awareness through our health program in regarding of health solution Aachol team along with Aachol medical team were unitedly working at here. In this Month, there were 139 patients being medically counseled by us and among them 104 patients were getting medication also. Health camp overview at Kalsi,Mirpur Number of Number of patients treated patients and counseled medicated 139 104 Number of patients only counseled 35 Percentage (%) medication 75.00% Percentage (%) only counseling 25.00% - 10 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 In this place the birth rate is very high and we had counseled pregnant a and lot of married women about their health conscious matter birth and control phenomenon. There are many myth and superstation on regarding of that birth control affairs but our Aachol medical team had tried to understand them the curse of that malpractice in what they are used to live in. There had also found some women those who are being married in their very early age and thus they are suffering by many means i.e. Child marriage is driven by poverty and has many effects on girls' health: increased risk for sexually transmitted cancer, childbirth, diseases, malaria, and cervical death during obstetric fistulas. Girls' offspring are at increased risk for premature birth and death as neonates, infants, or children. Our Medical Team had counseled them the ill impact of the above social phenomenon and also checked up their physical and mental health. - 11 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Graphical Presentation: Aachol Mobile Health Clinic at Kalsi Pictorials: Medically counseled and checked up session of Senior Citizen at Kalsi. Boubazar is also a slum based area where an enormous number of migrated people are living. The patients of here mostly suffering by communicable diseases. At every month we have conducted our health camp at here and in this month of March, 2015 a total number of 131 patients were being medically treated by us and among them 108 patients got medication. - 12 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Pictorials: Mobile Health Clinic at Boubazar Health camp overview at Boubazar Number of Number of patients treated patients and counseled medicated 131 108 Number of patients only counseled 23 Percentage (%) medication 83% Percentage (%) only counseling 17% A countable number of old aged patients were being provided medical treatment and we also checked up their blood pressure, tested sugar and measured their weight and after that we prescribed them as per their diseases in what they suffering for. We distributed 500 pieces of Oral Saline towards the inhabitant at here. - 13 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 1.3.Aachol Mobile Health Clinic at Balurmath in Rayerbazar: For communities, inadequate shelter and overcrowding are major factors in the transmission of diseases with epidemic potential such as acute respiratory infections, meningitis, typhus, cholera, scabies, etc. Outbreaks of disease are more frequent and more severe when the population density is high. And Balurmath is such a community where mentioned phenomenons clearly visible. the Through above are our regular health camp at here, we are tried to counsel them in multiple health hazards and always advised them to live in a hygienic means. In our observation we found that a countable number of children are living at here without any permanent shelter and they have to earn their livelihood of their own income source. At here we not only provided them to medical solution but also we have an offer for them to education and also in a regular time being we distributed clothes towards them. In March,2015 a total number of 401 patients were treated and among them 388 patients got medicine from us at here. Health camp overview at Balurmath Number of patients treated and counseled 401 Number of patients medicated 388 Number of patients only counseled 13 Percentage (%) medication 96.00% Percentage (%) only counseling 4.00% - 14 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Graphical Presentation: Health Camp at Balurmath At here, the numbers of early married women are also so much high and results on crude birth rate are similarly higher than the other places where we render our health solution. Adult people of this area are mainly involved in Rickshaw pulling, Driving of various kinds of vehicles, Carpenter, Mason and so on. These types of occupations are very laborious. The people at here are losing their physical strength and good health by engaging with such types of hard works. - 15 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Pictorials: The male and female patients were counseled & medicated for their diversified health problems by Aachol medical team. We also distributed around 800 pieces of Oral Saline towards the local people of here. And also our Aachol Volunteers counseled them in multiple health issues by which they usually suffer for. - 16 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 1.4.Aachol Mobile Health Clinic at Kamrangirchar,Easy Method School and Basila Govt. Primary School: Kamrangir Chor and Basila are typical slums on the river Buriganga those are densely populated by slum dwellers with minimum daily wages. The population of these slums is approximately one million. These slums suffer all the common problems noticed in any other slum in Dhaka. Problems that are manifest in these areas are dynamic and include the areas such as health, social, political etc. Poverty, illiteracy and social hazards all contribute towards the dilapidating social and health conditions of these slums. One common belief amongst the slum dwellers is that they usually equate the person who sits at the pharmacy and sells medicines, with a health care service provider. Slum dwellers often resort to pharmacies for availing primary medical services. There are many pharmacies in this slum. Hence, pharmacies are the most popular choice amongst these people when it comes to seeking health care services. However, in Kamrangir Char and Basila, no proper health-care facilities existed within the areas. Seasonal diseases are most common here. Besides that Kamrangir Chor does not have high-quality sanitation system. As a result problems like water log, itches, dysentery, typhoid, dengue arises. They also said that they do not have any accurate place to dump the waste in the region. As a result everyone is dumping the waste here and there. They also think that because of improper waste dumping the children are suffering from breathing problem. When they were asked about the reasons of the breathing problem they said that dust - 17 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 and cold are responsible for it. Considering the above social cost, we have conducted our health camp with our Specialist Doctors, Nurses and expert Volunteers. In March, a total number of 102 patients were being medically treated by Aachol Health Clinic and among them 80 patients got medication. Pictorials: Mobile Health Camp at Kamrangirchar and Easy Method School We had also arranged a Health Camp at Easy Method School at Kamrangirchar and here 118 Students were being provided medical solution and among them 109 patients got medication. We also provided 500 Oral Saline towards the students and local people at here. Tabular View: Health Camp at KamrangirChar and Easy Method School Number of Number of Number of Percentage patients treated patients patients counseled (%) and counseled medicated medication 220 189 31 86% Percentage (%) counseling 14% In at Basila community and Basila Govt Primary School and in this month of March, a total number of 370 patients were being provided health solution and among them 328 patients got medication. Our Aachol Volunteers also counseled - 18 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 them about various health issues i.e. Proper Sanitation and Hygienic system, necessities of taking nutritious foods, importance of physical exercise and harm of physical over activity and so on. Pictorials: Comprehensive Mobile Health Camp at Basila Govt. Primary School and Community Tabular View: Health Camp at Basila Govt. Primary School& Community Number of Number of Number of Percentage patients treated patients patients counseled (%) and counseled medicated medication 370 328 42 88% Percentage (%) counseling 12% - 19 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Graphical: Mobile Health Clinic at Basila Govt. Primary School and Community 1.5.Aachol Mobile Health Clinic at Samlasi: The village of Samlasi is located on the near of Dhaka City. Most living people at here are underfed, illiterate and do not have knowledge about nutritional value of foods. Due to poor and living, sanitation unhygienic they often suffer from contiguous diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid, dengue and - 20 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 pneumonia etc. Lack of proper nutrition, they used to have very low immunity and thus high child death, stillbirth, blindness and physical malformation are very common. Considering the living standard of those unconscious and poor people, Aachol Trust had arranged Health Camp at here once in a week. Our Health Program composed of Health-camping, counseling on sanitation, immunization; Eye care, Dental care, Child health care, nutritional status of rural especially for the pregnant women and new born child. In the month of March, 2015 a total number of 425 patients were being provided health solution and among them 390 patients got medication through our health camp. Tabular View: Health Camp at Samlasi Number of Number of patients treated patients and counseled medicated 425 390 Number of patients counseled 35 Percentage (%) medication 92% Percentage (%) counseling 8% - 21 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Graphical: Mobile Health Clinic at Samlasi We had distributed 1000 pieces of Oral Saline towards the native people at here also. - 22 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Appendix Health Camp at Kamrangirchar Health Camp at Basila Health Camp at Basila Govt. Primary School Health Camp at Samlasi Village - 23 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Health Camp at Alif Ideal School Blood Grouping Camp at Alif Ideal School Health Camp at Boubazar Health Camp at Easy Method School - 24 - Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Monthly Report on March, 2015 Health Camp at Marsh Model Academy Health Camp at Basila Community Health Camp at Balurmath Health Camp at Kalsi - 25 -
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