Assenting Action for Changing of Livelihoods (Aachol) Trust 41/13 A, Zikatola, Dhaka Phone: 02-9140296 Web: Email: Monthly Report on Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Project on May, 2015 Submitted to: Submitted By: Atom Rahman Chairman & Board of Trustees Aachol Trust R & DO Research Department Date of Submission: June 04, 2015 Aachol Trust Executive Summary Aachol’s Mobile Health Clinic arranged 22 health camps in May, 2015 including a Special Health Camp at Kamrangirchar Thoda and the others were being arranged in pre-scheduled places that always been vulnerable and remote areas in order to render primary health care to the poor and lackluster inhabitant of those areas. These camps were organized at 3 primary schools and 2 Garment Factories i.e. Basila Govt. Primary School and Alif Ideal School and Friends for the Poor People School and 7-One Tex Pvt. Ltd & Four Design Pvt. Ltd . Camps were also organized at Dhaka Uddan, Looter Char, Kamrangirchar Thoda, Jhauchar ,Balurmath , Salmashi, Bakutta and Rupgang. In this month a total 2862 patients were treated, medicated and counseled where we provided medicine 2482 to the patients and 196 patients being referred to specialists. Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start. They also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better. By getting the right health services, screenings, and treatments, you are taking steps that help your chances for living a longer, healthier life. Your age, health and family history, lifestyle choices (i.e. what you eat, how active you are, whether you smoke), and other important factors impact what and how often you need healthcare. 1 Synopsis of Aachol Mobile Health Clinic Venue No of Camp Only Counseling Patients Both Medicated & Counseled Patients Total Patients Health Camp at Rupgang 1 22 103 125 Health Camp at Basila Govt. Primary School 3 39 202 241 Health Camp at Friends for the poor people School 1 13 72 85 Health Camp at Kamrangir Char 3 22 179 201 Health Camp at Looterchar 2 34 130 164 Special Health at Kamrangirchar Thoda 1 103 1009 1112 Health Camp at Jhauchar 1 17 55 72 Health at Alif Ideal School 1 23 39 62 Health Camp at Salmashi 1 22 47 69 Health Camp at Vakutta 1 09 166 175 Health Camp at Four Design Pvt.Ltd 2 34 156 190 Health camp at 7-One Tex Ltd 2 14 141 155 Health Camp at Dhaka Uddan 1 16 74 90 Health Camp at Balurmath 2 12 109 121 22 380 2482 2862 Total 2 Our Achievements: Special Health Camp at Kamrangirchar: Our Medical support services are being spread over this local area with blended efforts. Our providing Mobile Clinic medical service is helping to grow health related consciousness significantly in this area. In medium of our Special Health Camp we were able to ensured health solution on a modern means of a notable number of patients. Health Camps at School Places: Our medical team as well as Aachol volunteers gave advice them to get prevention of infectious Diseases by improved sanitation, clean drinking water, hand washing, taking nutritious foods and others need base diseases preventive measures. Our ongoing medical services increase the awareness about health related issue among the students in where we arranged our Mobile Health Camp of this month. Health Camp for Community/Slums: We come forward to provide medical facilities towards the poor people and thus the inhabitant of here get sound medical facilities. We observed that many local people those who were before ignored about health hazards and now after our health camps most of the treated and counseled patients as well as local inhabitant are much more conscious about their Health. Our Mission, Vision and Values: To deliver free medical service directly to underserved destitute children, youth and also adult in their own areas. To provide the ultimate in mobile medical care to underserved children, youth and adult throughout the dilapidated areas... 3 Every poor and destitute child, youth and adult is respected and deserves attentive, compassionate and nonjudgmental health care in where we organized our mobile health camp. And it also refers Assenting Action for Changing of Livelihoods. The report is divided into multiples sections. i.e. • Introduction • Medical Supporting Areas; Findings Achievements Medical and Aachol Team details. • Appendices. Introduction: It is inspiring that Bangladesh is currently on track to achieve the primary target of MDG 4 and 5 with a goal to reduce maternal and child mortality. Despite these achievements, the condition in urban slums is worse compared to urban nonslum areas with respect to health, nutrition, housing, water and sanitation. This makes urban health and development issues, especially of the slum dwellers, a high priority. People living in marginalized spaces like slums in cities around the world have limited scope to engage with power structures, access resources and direct change in their own lives. Their voices are rarely heard in policy debate. There is much to learn from both conventional and unconventional actor’s experience in the health and development spheres. There should have to give more emphasize in regards of health solution. 4 Aachol Mobile Health Clinic is running on to ensure health solution towards the marginalized and of course poor ones in a sound means. In May, 15 the following areas are the subject matter of our ongoing Mobile Health Clinic Program and that is scrupulously focused with details in below; 1.1.Health Camp at Salmashi and Jhauchar : The purpose of the Rural Mobile Health Clinics program is to encourage and stabilize the provision of outpatient primary care in underserved rural areas through the use of physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners. Salmashi is a village which located on near the Dhaka city and In this month we arranged our health camp at here for providing health solution to the students of Marsh Model Academy and the local inhabitants of here. Prescribed patients were being gotten medicine and for generating awareness we distributed 500 pieces of Oral Saline among the local people. There were 69 patients being medically treated by our Medical Team and among them 47 patients got medicine and rest of them were being treated as only counseled for their different kinds of ailment. 5 Health Camp Overview at Salmashi Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 69 47 Number of patients only counseled 22 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 68% 32% Figure: 1.1. Both Tabular and Graphical Overview of Mobile Health Clinic at Shalmashi In Jhauchar, we arranged our health camp at Matrichaya Ideal School but here the local people were being also medically served by us. In this month a total of 72 patients were medically treated which include men women and children on that locality. Among them 55 patients were medicated while 17 patients were given general advice. 6 Pictorials: Health Camp at Jhauchar (Matrichaya Ideal School) Health Camp Overview at Jhauchar Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 72 55 Number of patients only counseled 17 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 71% 29% At here we also observed that to lack of nutritional status, presence of upper respiratory tract infection, worm infestation, anemia, diarrhea, malaria, typhoid and so on and we prescribed and medicated them accordingly. 7 1.2.Health Camp at Alif Ideal School and Rupgang: An assessment on health and hygienic conditions of students at Alif Ideal school was undertaken by Aachol Mobile Health Clinic, poor hygiene with lot of health problems particularly malnutrition problems. Most of the students at this school are financially poor and unable to consult doctors for routine medical examinations with their own expenses. Hence we were providing examination, free medical performing general checkup and creating awareness of their health and general care for the students at this school, by organizing a medical camp in a regular schedule means. The local people along with senior citizens were being provided medical treatment including medication also by us. In this month a total of 62 patients were medically treated which include men women and children on that locality. Among them 39 patients were medicated while 23 patients were given general advice. Health Camp Overview at Alif Ideal School Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 62 39 Number of patients only counseled 23 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 63% 37% 8 Graphical : Mobile Health Clinic overview at Alif Ideal School Aachol Mobile Health Clinic has arranged its health camps at diversified areas where the inhabitants are mostly earn their livelihood in a hard ways and means. Our objective is to provide health care to the vulnerable community’s. Rupgang is such an remote area where most of the people are living on hand to mouth. Health facilities are not satisfactory and in this matter they are depend on the local quack of there. After surveying the social cost of the people at here, we were arranged a mobile health clinic at here to introduce modern medical facilities . In this month a total of 125 9 patients were medically treated which include men women and children on that locality. Among them 103 patients while 22 were medicated patients were given general advice. Health Camp Overview at Rupgang Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 125 103 Number of patients only counseled 22 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 63% 37% Graphical : Mobile Health Clinic at Rupgang 10 1.3.Health Camp at Basila Govt. Primary School and Balurmath: In the month of May,2015 We organized our mobile medical health camp for the poor and destitute people at Basila. During our medical camp a large number of people came and took medication and counseled from the Aachol’s doctor as well as it’s team. Most of the people in that locality hav e little capacity to fulfill the proper nutrition of their family members so that they are (especially children) seriously malnutrition. affected Because by of malnutrition new born babies are coming to the light with serious health hazard and pregnant women are facing life risk in period of giving birth. We are raising our voice against the malnutrition through our regular health camp and various social events. 11 In this month a total of 241 patients were medically treated which include men women and children on that locality. Among them 202 patients were medicated while 39 patients were given general advice. Health Camp Overview at Basila Govt Primary School Number of patients Number of patients both Number of medicated&counseled treated and patients only counseled counseled 241 202 39 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 83% 17% Graphical: Mobile Health Clinic at Basila Govt. Primary School In this month, at Balurmath, a total of 121 patients were medically treated which include men women and children on that locality. Among them 109 patients were medicated while 12 patients were given general advice. 12 Health Camp Overview at Balurmath Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 121 109 Number of patients only counseled 12 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 90% 10% 1.3.Health Camp at 7-One Tex Ltd and Four Design Pvt. Ltd: The occupational health problems affecting workers of our country, in fact workers of any developing country are liable to be much more complicated and dangerous as compared to that of developed countries because of the reasons of; Poor health status due to poverty, overcrowding, illiteracy, malnutrition, higher prevalence of infections, parasite and other diseases, lack of adequate medical and health care facilities and a host of other factors. Our health programs are being run with the motto of providing health solution towards poor and destitute ones and this month we arranged our health camp at two Garment Factories named 7-One Tex Ltd and Four Design Pvt. Ltd. Non-industrial illnesses form a major part of the health problem of Garments workers. In fact incidence of many common illnesses like respiratory ailments (flue bronchitis, tuberculosis, cough, peptic asthma), ulcer, 13 dysentery etc. are higher among industrial workers as compared to the general population. A total number of 155 workers& employees were being checked up for their different kinds of ailment by Our Specialist at 7-One Tex Ltd. in this month of May,2015 and also we provided medicine towards the prescribed patients. Pictorials: Mobile Health Clinic at 7-One Tex Ltd. Health Camp Overview at 7-One Tex Ltd. Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 155 141 Number of patients only counseled 14 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 91% 09% 14 In this month, at Four Design Pvt. Ltd. a total of 190 patients were medically treated which include male and female workers of that factory. Among them 156 patients were medicated while 34 patients were given general advice. Pictorials: Mobile Health Clinic at Four Design Pvt. Ltd. Health Camp Overview at Four Design Pvt. Ltd. Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 190 156 Number of patients only counseled 34 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 82% 18% Graphical: Mobile Health Camp at Four Design Pvt. Ltd. 15 1.4.Health Camp at Friends for the Poor People School and Looterchar: Every student of Friends for the poor people school is very poor and slum dwellers. Aachol regularly arrange health camp for that poor and destitute slum child and give health solution of that lackluster. In this month through our health camp, we found some common diseases i.e. headache, diarrhea, skin problem, fever etc. Our medical team checked them and medicated them with patience. We also found two babies who has whole in his heart. We collected the cases history and will take the necessary step. Pictorials : Mobile Health Camp at Friends for the Poor People School 16 Health Camp Overview at Friends for the Poor People School Number of patients Number of patients both Number of medicated&counseled treated and patients only counseled counseled 85 72 13 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 85% 15% Graphical: Health Camp at Friends for the Poor People School In this month a total of 164 patients were medically treated which include men women and children at Looterchar. Among them 130 patients were medicated while 34 patients were given general advice. 17 Health Camp Overview at Looterchar Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 164 130 Number of patients only counseled 34 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 79% 21% Graphical: Health Camp Overview at Looterchar 1.5.Health Camp at Friends for the Dhaka Uddan(Madinatul Ulum Islamia Madrasa & Eatim Khana): Madinatul Ulum Islamia Madrasa & Eatim Khana is an organization which runs their institute by assistance from other organizations due to have little/no capacity to afford to fulfill the basic needs of the inhabitant (orphan) of that institute. By consideration this humanitarian circumstances Aachol Trust support them by health solution and counseling them the awareness of health and food habit. For that Aachol Trust organized a medical camp at this institution and medicated & counseled the orphan child in this Month. Aachol also provided free medicine & oral saline among poor and destitute orphan students of that institution. 18 In this Month, a number of 90 patients were being treated medically by our medical team and we provided medicine towards 74 patients. Health Camp Overview at Dhaka Uddan( Madinatul Ulum Islamia Madrasa & Eatim Khana) Number of patients Number of patients both Number of Percentage (%) Percentage (%) medicated&counseled treated and patients only medication counseling counseled counseled 90 74 16 82% 18% Graphical: Health Camp Overview at Dhaka Uddan( Madinatul Ulum Islamia Madrasa & Eatim Khana) 19 1.6.Health Camp at Vakutta Village: Mobile Health Camps is one such special initiative of Aachol Trust to provide healthcare services to meet the immediate health care needs of the marginalized community in remote rural areas and slums through standalone camps. This month our health camp organized at Vakutta village for offering comprehensive health services – curative, preventive, promotive and referral, to a large number of people. In this Month, a number of 175 patients were being treated medically by our medical team and we provided medicine towards 166 patients. Health Camp Overview at Vakutta Village Number of patients Number of patients both medicated&counseled treated and counseled 175 166 Number of patients only counseled 09 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 95% 5% 20 1.7.Special and General Health Camp at Kamrangirchar Thoda: Many people live in fear in Kamrangirchar Thoda of sickness and injury simply because they have little or no access to basic medical care. Economic status is making a great barrier on account of that to get the proper health solution. Most of the earning people of here earn their livelihood by daily basis and majority is classified as daily labor. Aachol Trust had arranged a comprehensive free Health& Blood Grouping Camp at Kamrangirchar Thoda on the day of 1st May (International Labor Day)and there, we were providing primary healthcare and hygiene awareness education to some of the most severely affected people in that remote areas. A large number of poor people of that locality had been getting health solution for their different kinds of ailments. Most of the treated patients are suffering by malnutrition 21 and water borne diseases because of using and living in polluted means . We provided medicine towards the prescribed patients and distributed around 2000 Oral Saline among the treated patients and local inhabitants. We also referred kept patients record on forfurther treatment. Our full segmented arrangement by different was p ortions i.e. Registration for 22 Medical Check Up, Different Medical Specialists Department, Medicine Distributing Department, Emergency Department, Referred Patients Record Keeping Department. In medium of this Special camp, A total number of 1112 patients were being both counseled and medicated for their diversified diseases. Among the 23 total number of patients 1009 patients were medicated and also over 100 patients were being referred in medium of our reference. On the Health Camp session the Founder and Chairman of Aachol Trust, Atom Rahman had presented and cooperated with the Aachol Team. Special Health Camp Overview at Kamrangirchar Thoda Number of patients Number of patients both Number of medicated&counseled treated and patients only counseled counseled 1112 1009 103 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 90% 10% Case Study of Raton (a referred patient from our Special Health Camp): Once upon a time Ratan was a boatman of River Buriganga which is flowing over the Kamrangirchar and by his earnings he was passing his days happily with his family. One day he was beaten by an Insect and he was taken his treatment by a quack and local pharmacists those have no knowledge about the medical science. He spent his all asset for his treatment. Now he is totally destitute and living in a village which is very far from Dhaka city and also totally detached from the family because his family believes that he (Raton) is cursed by the Almighty. We got this patient through our Health Camp at Kamrangir char. We referred him to a specialist and also arrange his higher/better treatment. But he had no afford to stay in City Dhaka and he went to his native village. When we contracted with him then he were knowing him that he is staying his village in Barishal and 24 we brought him from there and admitted to a reputed Hospital. There had been completed every kinds of tests i.e. X-Ray, FNAC (From the Swelling on the right side of Back of chest), what the Specialist suggested us to do for him. Finally, He has been advised for Open Biopsy and it also being done, but we will get this report on Next week. After getting the Biopsy Report the Specialist will advise us what to be done for him. Besides of our Special Health camp at here, we also arranged 3 mobile health camp here on this month of May, 2015. Through these Camps a few numbers of high risk pregnant mothers had been identified and our Medical team counseled and medicated them properly. In general health checked-up session, people had advised for hypertension, diabetes and blood sugar. The blood pressure and weight were being also measured. In this Month, a number of 201 patients were being treated medically by our medical team and we provided medicine towards 179 patients. Mobile Health Camp Overview at Kamrangirchar Thoda Number of patients Number of patients both Number of medicated&counseled treated and patients only counseled counseled 201 179 22 Percentage (%) medication Percentage (%) counseling 89% 11% 25 APPENDIX Health Camp at Jhauchar Health Camp at Shalmashi Health Camp at Alif Ideal School Health Camp at Balurmath 26 Health Camp at Rupgang Health Camp at Four Design Pvt. Ltd. Health Camp at Basila Govt. Primary School Health Camp at 7-One Tex Ltd. 27 Health Camp at FFPPS Health Camp at Dhaka Uddan Health Camp at Kamrangirchar Health Camp at Looterchar 28
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