NEPA Intergroup I. Meeting Minutes 4/14/2015 Non - AA Announcements i. none II. AA Announcements i. NEPYPAA holding Traditions Mini-workshop on May 3rd at Ice Box in Scranton at 2pm ii. Area Chair stepped down, Officer at Large stepped in and someone took over for Officer at Large iii. New IGRs – Back to Basics, Halfway Group, God’s Grace, KISS, Peace and Serenity Group, Wednesday Night Big Book Workshop, Dunmore, Queen City Group III. Call to Order a) Intergroup President called to order the monthly meeting of the NEPA Intergroup at 7:03pm on April 14, 2015 in Pittston, Pa. b) Meeting was opened with the Serenity Prayer. c) Preamble, Declaration of Unity and Tradition Four Long Form was read. IV. Anniversaries a) 7 IGR celebrants b) 1 Alternate IGR celebrant c) 3 Groups – A Better Way of Life – 4 years, Dunmore -30 years, First Things First Jessup - 20 years d) 0 Board members V. Roll Call a) Secretary conducted roll call b) 54 Groups in attendance c) 5 District Liaisons in attendance d) 4 Board Directors in attendance e) 7 Committee Chairs in attendance f) Motion to accept March’s minutes was made, seconded, and passed. VI. President's Report a) Welcomed new Activities Chair b) Welcomed new Newsletter Chair c) New Lockbox has been bolted and put into place d) Attended District 40 business meeting and District 49 breakfast e) Attended H2H – 208 people attended f) H2H review – issues arose before dance/Activities committee chair stepped down g) Put together Finance Committee/responsible for auditing board every 6 months and after each event h) Did not get to attend District 59’s business meeting i) Will be stepping down j) Motion to accept President's report was made, seconded, and passed VII. Vice-President's Report a) Trying to get used to position b) Attended District 59 Business meeting and NEPYPAA elections c) Combined Intergroup workshop on April 26th at 10am d) Motion to accept Vice President's report was made, seconded, and passed VIII. Secretary's Report a) Attended H2H b) Share-A-Day on April 18th from 10-2pm at Moosic Alliance Church in Moosic c) Thanked President for her service d) Motion to accept Secretary's report was made, seconded, and passed V. Treasurer's Report a) Attended H2H/more people attended than expected – made $1035 profit b) Attended District 49 Breakfast c) Attended District 40 and District 59 business meeting d) Monthly - -$2,297.48/does not reflect $2000 deposit from H2H e) Made $1 on Prudent Reserve interest f) YTD - -$1390 g) Checkbook balanced at $4,695.48 h) IGR? Under Activities Committee there were 2 expenses for $6,000 each Ans: There is only one $6,000 expense and that was the check made out to Colarussos the night of the H2H dance. If you add the Activities expense of $6,021.60 with the Central Office Committee expense of $192.39 you will get the total committees expense of $6,213.99 i) IGR? Can you explain the YTD Correction pink can $529 expense? Ans: It’s for purchases j) Motion to accept Treasurer's report was made, seconded, and passed IX. District Liaisons a) District 39 i. Attended NEPYPAA elections ii. DCM, ADCM, and Treasurer attended Pre-conference sharing session iii. Participating in Share-A-Day/created agendas and will facilitate a roundtable discussion iv. GSR orientation at May District meeting, 1:30pm followed by meeting at 3pm v. Visitation committee up and running vi. Intergroup will attend District meeting on Sunday at 3pm b) District 40 i. Attended pre-conference sharing session ii. Attended H2H iii. Held workshop/pretty successful iv. Thanked Intergroup for attending District meeting v. Breakfast on April 18th at 8am vi. Workshop at Francis Slocum State Park in September/more info to follow vii. Will attend Share-A-Day on Saturday/will present roundtable and set up Area corrections display viii. Thanked President for her service c) District 49 i. Thanked Intergroup for attending breakfast/234 people attended ii. Group was taking meeting to Naten Hutton Hospital/district has now taken over that commitment/have informal CPC committee now iii. Will present grapevine display at Share-A-Day d) District 52 i. Absent e) District 53 i. Absent g) District 59 i. Held workshop on March 21st ii. Attended H2H and District 49 Unity Day Breakfast iii. Attended pre-conference sharing session, along with ADCM and Officer at Large iv. Fellowship Night on April 24th at Elysburg Thought for the Day group at 5:30pm v. District 42 hosting mini-assembly in July vi. Will attend Share-A-Day vii. Unity Day picnic on May 23rd from 11-3pm at Town Park Pavilion 4, Bloomsburg viii. Knoebles picnic on August 16th from 10-6pm/currently have seats for 80 ix. Thanked Intergroup for attending District meeting x. Thanked President for service h) District 62 i. X. No report/thanked President Committee Reports i. Activities i. Committee meeting this Sunday at 5pm at IG Office/needs help ii. Passed around sign-up sheet for people to help with Soberstock iii. Thanked President for her service iv. IGR: His Will does the cooking for Soberstock usually/cannot attend committee meeting on Sunday but we want to help v. IGR: Cannot attend committee meeting but would like to help vi. IGR: Talked to predecessor, will supply tables and chairs vii. IGR: If you need help with t-shirts, I can help viii. Motion to accept Activities report was made, seconded, and passed ii. Archives i. District 53 Workshop on May 9th at First Baptist Church in Factoryville from 1-5pm, registration at 12:30pm, Area Archivist will attend/topic “History of AA” ii. Purchased 3 tables, picture frames/will start framing and decorating office iii. Attended District 59 meeting and District 49 Breakfast iv. Still taping interviews v. Motion to accept Archives report was made, seconded, and passed vi. Central Office i. Talked to GoDaddy design department about website/would cost $3,000 per year/will look into different alternatives ii. Both printers are fixed iii. Hotline was down for a couple of days due to Comcast/fixed it iv. Meeting list up to date v. Thanked President for her service vi. Motion to accept Central Office report was made, seconded, and passed vii. Corrections i. Thanked President for her service ii. Pink can collected $104.59 iii. Ordered case of big books iv. Lackawanna County wants to start new meeting on Thursdays at 4:30– want to have 1 to 2 guys each week v. Luzerne County – Will take 2-3 cases big books to them/will have applications next month vi. Committee meeting Saturday, April 25th at 1pm at IG Office vii. IGR? Has it been addressed that Lackawanna County Prison has been given hard cover books but they are not allowed to have them Ans: We send nothing but soft cover viii. IGR? Is Luzerne County looking for men and women? Ans: Yes ix. Motion to accept Corrections report was made, seconded, and passed viii. Institutions i. Thanked President for her service ii. Attended H2H and District 40 business meeting iii. Choices moved last month to 518 Wyoming Ave. Kingston/commitment days and times are still the same iv. CSS Veterans program closed v. New Marworth Commitment Sundays at 10am/wants one home group to take for whole month, 1 to 2 speakers vi. IGR? How do you get commitment Ans: At the end will pass them out vii. Motion to accept Institution's report was made, seconded, and passed ix. Public Information i. Held committee meeting /3 people attended ii. Motion to accept Public Information report made, seconded, and passed x. Newsletter Committee i. Thanked President for her service ii. Looking forward to working on newsletter iii. Gave contact information iv. Motion to accept Newsletter committee’s report made, seconded, and passed xi. Unity Committee i. Attended District 49 and District 59 business meeting ii. Attended different meetings in District 49 – Lockhaven, Saturday Night Live, Lehighton Last Chance group, Jim Thorpe Second Step group, Cunningham group, Greater Hazleton group iii. Attended H2H iv. Will attend meetings in District 53 this month v. Will attend District 53, 39, and 52 business meeting vi. Thanked President for her service vii. Motion made to accept Unity’s report made, seconded, and passed VI. Old Business a) Last month asked District Liaisons to communicate so as not to book events on same day b) Motion made to accept Old Business made, seconded, and passed XII. New Business a) Hickory Run Campout would like to do presentation/will address with board b) Would like to make change to By-Laws to change President’s title to chair and Vice President title to Vice Chair c) IGR? What is happening with board? Will positions be shifting? Ans: Board will meet in the next 2 weeks to discuss and will be figured out by next month d) Reports ended at 8:32pm VII. Commitments distributed to groups in attendance VIII. Adjournment a) Meeting adjourned at 8:41 pm. Closed with the Lord's Prayer. Committee Meeting Times Committee Office Meeting Day and Time Institutions Location Intergroup Office* Intergroup Office 2nd Tuesday of month at 6:15pm before IG meeting Last Sunday of month at 10:30am Intergroup Meeting Location Intergroup Office Activities Sunday, April 12th at 5pm Intergroup Meeting Location** Newsletter Corrections Saturday, April 25th at 1pm Intergroup Office Public Information Archives * Intergroup Office located at 422 North Main St., Pittston PA. 18640 ** NEPAIG meets the second Tuesday of the month at Hughestown Fire Hall at 30 Center St. Hughestown, PA. 18640
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