Don`t miss out on this powerful, professional experience!

Don’t miss out on this powerful,
professional experience!
CROW N ME T ROP OL , PE RT H , W E S T E RN AUS T R A LI A 9 -10 M AY 20 15
On behalf of the AAMT I am pleased
to introduce you to the 2015
conference program. The AAMT
Board are excited to be offering this
inaugural WA conference from the
Crown Perth venue.
The theme for this year’s conference
is Massage with Medicine. Over
the weekend, you can explore the
relationship between massage practice and modern
medicine. There are already great examples of how the
two are working together successfully. However, as the
massage industry continues to strengthen and mature,
how can we work more closely with modern medicine
to assist in better outcomes for clients?
Til Luchau will be our keynote speaker this year. You do
not want to miss this great opportunity to be inspired and
challenged by this leader in the field. He will be followed
by Gerry Gannon discussing how to maintain your
credibility as you market yourself.
The AAMT Board and staff look forward to seeing
you over the course of the conference. We welcome
discussion about the industry and hope we can assist
you to have a thoroughly entertaining and challenging
weekend. Make sure you give yourself some time to get
out and enjoy some of what the great city of Perth has
to offer.
Paul McCann
AAMT National President
Keynote Presentations
Til Luchau
As the field of professional massage therapy matures,
its relationship with conventional Western medicine is
changing rapidly. While massage therapy gains evergreater acceptance, others see setbacks, and say it still has
far to go. Many see an alliance with Western medicine,
with its emphasis on research, precision, and its broad
availability, as massage therapy’s clear and appropriate
future. Others fear the demise of the qualities that have
set massage therapy apart. In these interactive plenaries,
we’ll seek to cut through the hyperbole on both sides of
the debate. We’ll explore questions such as, “What has
worked well when interfacing with Western medicine?”,
“What are the costs, and the benefits?”, “What are the
different options?”, “How can we preserve what is most
important?”. Join us for these thought-provoking and
informative presentations.
Gerry Gannon
Personal Branding: how to build an appropriate brand
for your professional success.
Have you ever thought about your own personal brand
and how it aligns with that of your organisation?
Have you thought about how your brand and that of
your organisation impact on each other? In this session,
Gerry Gannon looks at how you can build your personal
brand; identify the tools you can use to build your brand
and how your personal brand is “on” all the time.
Conference Sponsors
Conference Committee
• David Sheehan
• Garry Lavis
• Ian Coward
• Kristie Melling
• Peter Bonnici
• Sonya Leslight
• Steven Goldstein
Australian Association of Massage Therapists Ltd
6/85 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 1300 138 872 or 03 9691 3700
Fax: 03 9602 3088 or 03 9670 7635
Office Hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm (EST)
Mon to Fri (excluding Public Holidays)
While every effort is taken to ensure accuracy, the AAMT and the Publisher
accept no responsibility for omissions, typographical or printer’s errors,
inaccuracies or changes that may have taken place after publication.
Conference Program
Saturday 9 May, 2015
Conference Registration
Keynote 1: Massage With Medicine: Where are We Going?
Paul McCann
AAMT President
Til Luchau
Keynote 2: Personal Branding: How to Build an Appropriate Brand for your
Professional Success
Morning Tea
Presentation: Anatomy by Dissection
Jason Kiely
Hands On 1: TMJ/TMJD (Advanced Myofascial Techniques)
Til Luchau
Hands On 2: Neurolymphatics or Chapman’s Reflexes
Hands On 3: Indirect Technique – Stimulating the Mechanisms
for Structural Change
Corrective Exercise for Postural Dysfunction of the Upper Body
Hands On 1: TMJ/TMJD (Advanced Myofascial Techniques)
Hands On 2: Neurolymphatics or Chapman’s Reflexes
Hands On 3: Indirect Technique – Stimulating the Mechanisms
for Structural Change
Afternoon Tea
Corrective Exercise for Postural Dysfunction of the Lower Body
Hands-On 1: TMJ/TMJD (Advanced Myofascial Techniques)
Hands-On 2: Neurolymphatics or Chapman’s Reflexes
Hands-On 3: Indirect Technique – Stimulating the Mechanisms
for Structural Change
Gala Dinner
Gerry Gannon
Paula Nutting
Bruce Stark
Shaun Brewster
Til Luchau
Paula Nutting
Bruce Stark
Shaun Brewster
Til Luchau
Paula Nutting
Bruce Stark
Sunday 10 May, 2015
Industry Update
Paul McCann/
Tricia Hughes
Presentation: Integrating Remedial Massage with Other Allied Health Workers
Paula Nutting
Hands On 1: Assessment and Treatment of Common Foot
and Lower Limb Conditions
Hands On 2: TMJ/TMJD (Advanced Myofascial Techniques)
Hands On 3: Not Just the Rotator Cuff
– Advanced Shoulder Assessment & Treatment
Presentation: Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Low Back Pain –
Gentle Techniques for Structural Alignment and Re-education
Hands On 1: Assessment and Treatment of Common Foot
and Lower Limb Conditions
Hands On 2: TMJ/TMJD (Advanced Myofascial Techniques)
Hands On 3: Not Just the Rotator Cuff
– Advanced Shoulder Assessment & Treatment
Afternoon Tea
Keynote 3: Massage with Medicine: Into the Future
Shaun Brewster
Til Luchau
Garry Lavis
Bruce Stark
Shaun Brewster
Til Luchau
Garry Lavis
Til Luchau
Til Luchau
Til Luchau is a Certified Advanced
Rolfer® and the director of Til is the former
Co-ordinator of the Rolf Institute’s
Foundations of Rolfing Structural
Integration program, where he taught
for over 22 years. His articles have
been published in magazines and
peer-reviewed technical journals in
six languages. Formerly a resident practitioner at the
Esalen Institute, Chair of the Rolf Institute’s Teacher
Training Committee, and Adjunct Faculty member of
Naropa University’s Somatic Psychology Department,
he has trained thousands of practitioners in his popular
courses at schools and centres in over a dozen countries
on six continents.
Gerry Gannon
One of Ireland’s finest exports,
Gerry Gannon has been a journalist,
broadcaster, MC and media trainer
in Australia for the last thirty years.
After a decade with ABC radio in WA,
Gerry established Indonesia’s first
English language radio station in
Bali, served on the council, and as
President, of the Royal Flying Doctor
Service and on the board of the Tourism Council of WA.
Gerry is committed to community and non-profit
organisations and has also been a Board member of
Access 31 Television, Kids Help Line and is a Fellow
of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
A specialist conference MC, facilitator and media expert,
Gerry is renowned for his wit, passion, easy-going
nature and commitment to those he works with. He has
worked extensively in both Australia and overseas and
provides media skills training to government, not-forprofit organisations and industry entities, as well as
conducting speech and presentation training courses.
Garry Lavis
Garry has been a Remedial Massage
Therapist for 12 years. Playing rugby
league professionally and also
competing in the Subaru Triathlon
Series in Ontario, Canada, for four
years, he has developed a keen
interest in the shoulder. He has been
on the National Board of Directors
for AAMT for eight years, four years
as National President and ten years as AAMT National
Conference Committee Chair. Garry is the co-owner
of a large multidisciplinary rehabilitation cline in
NSW’s Hunter Valley.
Jason Kiely
Jason Kiely AEP, BSc (Ex & Hlth Sc),
Post Grad Dip Ex Rehab, Dip Rem
Massg, Cert IV Train & Assess,
Anatomy by Dissection presenter, is
an Accredited Exercise Physiologist
and Remedial Massage Therapist.
He has taught anatomy at the
University of Western Australia since
2008 at various levels, from science
to medical students.
Shaun Brewster
Shaun Brewster is a Musculoskeletal
Therapist, Exercise Physiologist,
Remedial Therapist, Running Coach
and Educator. Currently a senior
presenter and course manager
at a leading tertiary institution in
Melbourne, Shaun also owns and
operates his private practice, Inspired
Health & Fitness, on the Mornington
Peninsula where he specialises in sports and running
injuries. Shaun presents professional development
workshops all over the country, coaches a number
of distance runners including ultra-marathoners
which he also competes in himself.
Paula Nutting
Paula Nutting has presented
nationally and internationally for
several years. With Paula’s depth of
treatment knowledge and experiences
in a successful career teaching in
massage colleges, you will always
come away with something new,
regardless of your own experience.
Paula has a health background in
emergency nursing, beauty, sports training and has
completed and taught within the Bachelor Degree in
Musculoskeletal Therapy.
Bruce Stark
Bruce Stark, BA, B Mus, is an Advanced
Instructor and Practitioner of OrthoBionomy and teaches extensively
throughout Australia and New Zealand.
He has over 25 years’ experience
teaching in the healthcare field and
has been in private practice since
1989. Bruce served on the faculty of
the University of Wisconsin Medical
School for 12 years and was a trainer with the Somatics
College of Body-Centered Psychotherapy in Sydney
and he continues to conduct trainings in other somatic
psychotherapy organisations in Australia. He regularly
presents at many national bodywork and wellbeing
conferences and maintains a private practice in Sydney.
Anatomy by Dissection
Presented by Jason Kiely
Knowledge of anatomy underpins many techniques
used in massage therapy practice. Traditionally, anatomy
has been studied primarily through the art of dissection.
In recent times, due to a variety of reasons, this has
largely been replaced by other teaching mediums such
as textbooks, anatomical artwork and models, video,
computer software and cadaver prosections. While each
of these resources is valuable in furthering our knowledge
of anatomy, none of these can convey a true sense of
how the various parts “relate” to each other in 3D
through dissection, where each part is uncovered layer
by layer. Presenter Jason Kiely will walk us through the
dissection process while focusing on the often missed
fascial layer while discussing the potential beneficial
implications for massage therapists within the web of
Western Medicine.
Corrective Exercise for Postural
Dysfunction of the Upper Body
Presented by Shaun Brewster
With sedentary work roles on the increase, the classic
Upper Crossed Posture is presenting clinically more
and more commonly. While soft tissue therapy forms an
integral part of the solution to this problem, corrective
exercise can effectively round out your treatment
protocol and produce longer lasting effects for your
clients. Learn the appropriate strengthening and stretching
techniques to make real change in your client’s posture.
Corrective Exercise for Postural
Dysfunction of the Lower Body
Presented by Shaun Brewster
Lower back pain is the bread and butter of most massage
therapists. Lower Crossed Syndrome is present with
a large percentage of back pain presentations and
correcting this postural dysfunction often requires
a dramatic change in muscular control in our clients.
Learn the key stretching and strengthening methods
to stabilise the low back and pelvis, reduce muscular
fatigue and pain and unload irritated lumbar facet joints.
Integrating Remedial Massage with Other
Allied Health Workers for Positive Client
Presented by Paula Nutting
Paula has been working via referral with many
chiropractors in Brisbane. This systematic way allows
the patient to have the central nervous and osseous
systems targeted by chiropractors while she balances
them via the reflex nervous and musculoskeletal
systems. This presentation will show how the system
works and how you can apply it to your practice.
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Low Back
Pain: Gentle Techniques for Structural
Alignment and Re-education
Presented by Bruce Stark
The frequency with which clients present with low back
pain challenges us as therapists on a regular basis. By
incorporating indirect techniques we can effectively and
gently address the structural imbalances contributing to
low back pain and postural misalignment. We will review
the structural and functional anatomy of the pelvis and
lumbar spine and then utilise a range of indirect techniques
to activate the self-corrective mechanisms to re-establish
structural balance, reduce pain and increase range of
motion. We will also practise exercises for postural
re-education to strengthen pelvic stability and support
long-term change.
Hands On Workshops
Not Just the Rotator Cuff: Advanced
Shoulder Assessment and Treatment
Presented by Garry Lavis
The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body,
thus making it vulnerable to instability and injury. Learn
how to identify the cause of the dysfunction and stop
treating only the symptom. This workshop focuses on the
importance of therapists assessing the shoulder as a
complete girdle, “not just the rotator cuff” and explains
the important role the scapula plays in a full functional
shoulder. Workshop participants will gain an in-depth
understanding of functional anatomy and learn the skills
to perform a thorough assessment, applying appropriate
treatment techniques to match the physiology of the
dysfunction and prescribe a rehabilitation program
to suit the client’s individual need.
Neurolymphatics or Chapman’s Reflexes –
a Modality Using Sound Clinical Findings
that will Validate Your Treatment Choices.
Presented by Paula Nutting
Get ready to do four hours of prac! Muscle strength
testing, assessing whether we are using our sympathetic
or parasympathetic systems, and how we can decide
what hormones are circulating in the blood stream. We will
be addressing the reflexive nervous system specifically
affecting the core, and the neurolymphatic points
directly involved in shoulder, neck, lower back and hip.
Indirect Technique: Stimulating the
Mechanisms for Structural Change
Presented by Bruce Stark
Indirect techniques (positional release, Ortho-Bionomy,
Strain Counterstrain) are unique, safe and highly effective
methods for addressing pain and structural imbalances.
We will discuss the principles of this type of approach
and will explore the mechanisms that are activated (joint
mechanoreceptors, interoceptive feedback, tracking of
body schema, self-correction) which can lead to greater
ease and range of motion, pain reduction and postural
re-education. We will also demonstrate specific
techniques that can be immediately incorporated
into any bodywork session.
TMJ/TMJD (Advanced Myofascial Techniques)
Presented by Til Luchau
Learn advanced myofascial techniques that will increase
your understanding and ability to help with TMJ and
TMJD-related pain, discomfort, and noise, jaw alignment
and balanced mobility, and related issues including
headaches, neck issues, and more.
Assessment and Treatment of Common
Foot and Lower Limb Conditions
Presented by Shaun Brewster
This is an area of the body that many therapists lack
confidence in. The foot and lower limb is a complex
biomechanical marvel, and understanding how to manage
it effectively can be hugely valuable to your practice.
This workshop will cover a range of assessment skills
such as gait analysis, orthopaedic and functional
assessment. Focusing on a number of common clinical
presentations, the assessment protocols covered will
lead into the structuring of treatment plans that can be
implemented immediately to correct dysfunction and
maintain health.
Post Conference Workshops
Pelvis, Hip and Sacrum 1
Pelvis, Hip and Sacrum 2
Till Luchau (8:00am–4:30pm)
Till Luchau (8:00am–4:30pm)
Learn advanced myofascial techniques that will
dramatically improve your work with conditions of the
pelvis, hip, and sacrum, including hip and thigh pain, low
back pain, sacroiliac complaints, pelvic floor issues, and
more. This very popular series of seminars presents
practicing manual therapists and qualified students with
advanced and little-known myofascial techniques which
can be easily incorporated into existing personal styles.
Drawing on a wide range of disciplines, the focus is on
unusual, interesting, and fresh approaches that will both
expand technique repertoire and inspire creativity and
innovation. Join us for this unique opportunity for in-depth
study with Certified Advanced Rolfer® Til Luchau.
Chapman’s Reflexes
Paula Nutting (8:00am–4:30pm)
A one day course on the Chapman’s Reflexes which are
neural components within the lymph system that supply
stimulation to all structures in the body. We will be
addressing specifically those affecting the core, and
the neurolymphatic points directly involved in shoulder,
neck, lower back and hip. It is an amazingly simple and
easy to use system and one that you can get your clients
to do at home.
Modern Cupping
Bruce Bentley (9:30am–4:30pm)
Modern Cupping Therapy represents a new era for
massage therapists by using a new range of innovative
non-flame cupping instruments that enable a host of new
treatment possibilities. You will learn how to use flexible
silicone cupping vessels to treat myofascial disorders, to
mobilise and stretch while cups are attached to the body,
abdominal cupping, and small glass cups with attached
aspirator pump to benefit sinus, skin and headache
Modern Cupping
Bruce Bentley (9:30am–4:30pm)
Barefoot Gait Analysis
Shaun Brewster (8:00am–4:30pm)
The complex biomechanical machine that is the foot and
lower leg is such an integral yet often poorly-understood
component of human movement. To ignore gait assessment
as a part of a physical assessment is to leave out the
observation of the body in its most natural and important
function. This workshop explores stages of the gait cycle,
the healthy and pathological movement patterns that can
occur and the key indicators that help us to determine
where and how things have gone wrong. A thorough
and effective gait analysis will help you to add a new
dimension to your assessment process and give you
more information to make informed clinical decisions.
Get your own
Conference T-shirt!
Many delegates from previous
AAMT National Conferences
asked about Polo shirts,
so now we have them!
These great Polo Shirts
(female/male) are just
$35.00. Visit
for the sizing chart and photos
of women’s and men’s styles,
order with your registration
form and they will be available
for pickup at the conference.
Page 1 of 2
Please forward your completed form to: Ozaccom+
PO Box 104, RBH Post Office QLD 4029 | Email:
Toll Free within Australia: 1800 814 611 | Tel: 07 3854 1611 | Fax: 07 3854 1507
Step 1: Contact Details
Given Name:
Mailing Address:
Dietary Requirements: vegetarian / gluten free / diabetic / lactose intolerant / other:
Step 2: Registration Details
All prices are in Australian Dollars and inclusive of 10% GST. Your registration includes morning/afternoon teas and lunch on Saturday. The conference
dinner on Saturday night is fully inclusive and cannot be separated from the conference fee, (no discounts for those unable to attend the dinner).
Registration Type
Early Bird Booked and paid on
Booked after 31 March, 2015
or before 31 March, 2015
Full Registration Member
 $ 495.00
 $ 520.00
Full Registration Non Member
 $ 600.00
 $ 600.00
Student Registration
 $ 300.00
 $ 300.00
(Must show proof of fulltime student status at time of registration)
Additional Gala Dinner Tickets
$ 140.00 x _____
Saturday, 9 May, 2015
A cancellation fee of $100 will apply to any registration cancelled. Please note, no refund will be given should you elect to cancel after 24 April, 2015.
However, you may substitute a replacement delegate at no charge. All cancellations and substitutions must be made in writing to Ozaccom+.
Subtotal Step 2 $ _____________
Step 3: Conference Hands on Workshops
Delegates will have an opportunity to participate in (1) of the workshops below on one afternoon, while attending presentations on the alternate afternoon.
Please number the boxes in order of preference from 1-5. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences. Please note: Numbers in each
workshop are strictly limited and are confirmed in order of receipt.
Neurolymphatics or Chapman’s Reflexes
Indirect Technique - Stimulating the Mechanisms for Structural Change
Assessment and Treatment of common foot and lower limb conditions
TMJ/TMJD (Advanced Myofascial Techniques)
Not just the Rotator Cuff - Advanced Shoulder Assessment & Treatment
Paula Nutting
Bruce Stark
Shaun Brewster
Til Luchau
Garry Lavis
Step 4: Post Conference Workshops
Pelvis, Hip and Sacrum 1
Monday 11 May, 2015
Til Luchau
 $ 165.00
Chapman’s Reflexes
Monday 11 May, 2015
Paula Nutting
 $ 165.00
Modern Cupping
Monday 11 May, 2015
Bruce Bentley
 $ 165.00
Pelvis, Hip and Sacrum 11
Tuesday 12 May, 2015
Til Luchau
 $ 165.00
Subtotal Step 4 $ _____________
Page 2 of 2
Step 5: AAMT Conference T-Shirts
Shirts are $35 each, (including GST, postage and handling) there is no limit on how many orders. Orders must be received by 31 March to
be collected from the conference registration desk. Orders received after 31 March will be mailed post conference, to the address provided
in Step 1.
Female Size:
Male Size:
 6 x __  8 x __  10 x __
 XS x __
 S x __  M x __
 12 x __
 14 x __
 L x __  XL x __
 16 x __
 2XL x __ 
 18 x __
 20 x __
3XL x __  4XL x __
 24x _
 5XL x __
Subtotal Step 5 $ _____________
Step 6: Accommodation - Please note additional options may be available online during the registration process.
Crown Metropol Perth
Crown Promenade Perth
Luxe Room
$ 285.00 per room per night
Luxe Room Including 1 Breakfast
$ 310.00 per room per night
Standard Room
$ 225.00 per room per night
Standard Room Including 1 Breakfast
$ 250.00 per room per night
Hotel Preference:
Room Type:
Check in:
Check out:
Sharing with:
A deposit is required to secure and confirm your accommodation. This can be provided by either credit card or cheque, and wil l be equivalent to one night’s
accommodation. If utilising your credit card, please complete the payment section by ticking the box marked credit card. In ticking this box the
accommodation venue may charge the equivalent of one night’s accommodation to your credit card prior to arrival. (An imprint of your credit card will be
required upon check in and your full account is to be settled with the hotel on departure. NB No monies will be debited from your credit card by Ozaccom+ for
accommodation). Alternately, if you are paying the one night deposit requirement by cheque, tick the cheque payment box and insert the accommodation
deposit of one night where stated and include this amount in the cheque total. International delegates choosing to pay by che que must provide an
international bank draft in Australian Dollars and drawn on an Australian Bank and Branch.
Subtotal Step 6 $ _____________
Step 7: Air Travel Requests
Ozwings Travel, a division of Ozaccom+, has been appointed to assist delegates with their travel needs. By completing the below, an
Ozwings consultant will contact you to discuss the flight options available for your intended travel. Alternately please contact Ozwings on
1800 814 611. Travel Management fees apply.
Departure Airport:
Departure Date:
Departure Time:
Return Airport:
Return Date:
Return Time:
Frequent Flyer No.:
Class of Travel:
Step 8: Payment
Conference Registration
Step 2
$ ___________________
Post Conference Workshops
Step 4
$ ___________________
AAMT Conference T-Shirts
Step 5
$ ___________________
Accommodation Deposit (1 night deposit if paying by cheque)
Step 6
$ ___________________
TOTAL (Including GST)
$ ___________________
Cheque Payments: (Payable to Ozaccom Pty Ltd)
Credit Card Payments: (Please provide details below)
 Diners Club
Credit Card Number: |_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_|
Expiry Date: |_|_|_|_|
Cardholder’s Name:
CCV: |_|_|_|
Cardholders Signature:
Terms & Conditions
All prices quoted in Australian Dollars and include GST of 10%. Registrations are not confirmed without payment. Payment must be made in Australian
Dollars. To received the Early Bird Registration discount, payment must be received by the registration deadlines of 31 March 2015. Overseas delegates must
pay by credit card. Photocopies of cheques cannot be accepted as payment. Cheque payments should be made payable to Ozaccom Pty Ltd. Credit card
payments will appear on your statement with Ozaccom Pty Ltd as the merchant. A fee of $10 may apply to re-process a registration for declined credit cards.
Cancellations: All cancellations, amendments and substitutions must be made in writing to Ozaccom+. Cancellations by telephone will not be accepted.
Registrations: A cancellation fee of $100 will apply to any cancelled registration. No refund will be given to any registration cancelled after 24 April 2015,
however, you may substitute a replacement delegate free of charge.
Accommodation: All accommodation room rates are listed in Australian Dollars and are valid for the convention only if booked through Ozaccom+. Rates
include GST, are quoted on a per room per night basis and are for the room only. Rates and all information are current at time of printing and may be subject
to change without prior notification. Accommodation bookings made within 30 days of the guests check-in date may be subject to further terms & conditions
and hotels may charge a credit card fee. Cancellations made within 7 business days prior to arrival will incur a penalty. It is at the hotel's discretion as to the
cancellation penalty charged. All cancellations must be made in writing to Ozaccom+. Written confirmation will be advised by email - if no email address
supplied, a confirmation letter will be forwarded by post. Accommodation Tax Invoices will be issued by your chosen hotel upon checkout.
Please forward your completed form to: Ozaccom+
PO Box 104, RBH Post Office QLD 4029 | Email:
Toll Free within Australia: 1800 814 611 | Tel: 07 3854 1611 | Fax: 07 3854 1507