details... - Asian Association of Open Universities

Asian Association of Open Universities
Staff Exchange Fellowship Program
Korea National Open University
Korea National Open University (KNOU) is offering a short-term Staff Exchange
Fellowship Program to the member universities and institutes of Asian Association of
Open Universities in 2015.
Period of the Program
September 1st ~ Sep 18th 2015 (3 weeks)
Number of Fellows
Expenses Provided by KNOU
 Accommodation in a modern hotel room
 Food and transportation fee (45,000 KRW per day)
 Office with internet connection
 Visitors medical insurance
Travel Expenses
The Parent university of the selected fellow should provide the
candidate with a round-trip air ticket to and from Seoul, Korea
Documents to Submit
 Curriculum Vitae
 Research proposal of the fellowship program, which should be
of a comparative analysis between the parent university and
KNOU. The research topic should be of the following areas:
- Quality assurance
- Disability support services
- Recognition of Prior Learning
- Open Educational Resources
- Vocational training
- University policy and strategies in reducing the dropout rates
- Others
 Letter of recommendation from the head of the parent
institution (President, Rector, Chancellor, Vice-chancellor)
Deadline of Application
July 10th, 2015
Notice of Acceptance
July 27th, 2015
Activities of the Program
 To make a presentation about his/her parent university
in comparison with KNOU at a staff workshop
 To visit KNOU departments and facilities, including Digital
Media Center, Institute of Distance Education, Library,
Center for Lifelong Education, Planning Office, KNOU
Press and one of the regional campuses
 To conduct the candidate’s proposed research
 To submit a report of the fellowship program to KNOU
at the end of the program
Whayoung Cha (Ms.)
Korea National Open University
Postal Address:
#57 Ehwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-500, South Korea
Tel : +82 2 3668 4412
Fax : +82 2 2088 4314
E-mail :
* The schedules and the details of the program are subject to change.
* Email submission of inquiries and documents is highly encouraged.
Prof. Dongkook Lee
Vice President
Korea National Open University