The Serenity Prayer SPOKANE: 10:00 AM Hopeful Solutions AFG Millwood Presbyterian Church 3223 N Marguerite Road, Spokane (Upstairs past the office) CONTACT: Mary S. (509) 922-1231 God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. District 2 Al-Anon Family Groups list groups in this schedule at their request and there is an informal agreement that the group will abide by Al-Anon Family Group Traditions and keep its doors open to any Al-Anon Family Group Member. However, listing in this directory does not constitute approval of any group’s manner of practicing the Al-Anon Family Group Program. If the group you attend is not right for you, please try another group. There is help and hope available in Al-Anon Family Groups. MONDAY CHENEY: 7:00 PM Strong Ties AFG C, H Emmanuel Lutheran Church 639 Elm Street, Cheney (Park & enter in back. Take stairs to the basement. Handicap access on east side of church.) CONTACT: Nancy (509) 768-4792 Bunny (509) 235-2818 SPOKANE: 7:00 PM Paths to Recovery Book Study CC, H, O St. Andrews Church 2404 N Howard Street, Spokane (Parking & Handicap access in rear) CONTACT: Charlotte (509) 483-0505 Lorrie (509) 216-6480 7:00 PM Monday Night Women’s AFG th Alano Club – 1700 West 7 Avenue, Spokane CONTACT: Stacy (509) 879-2711 Cindy (509) 828-0524 TUESDAY O 11:00 AM U-District AFG Clare House At the Franciscan Place 1016 North Superior, Spokane (In the dining hall.) CONTACT: April (509) 533-0683 Geri (509) 534-0514 C, H ACA, O WEDNESDAY COLVILLE: 12:00 PM We Can AFG Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 320 North Maple, Colville CONTACT: Maxi (509) 685-0862 Shari R. (509) 684-2565 NEWPORT: 12:00 PM Wednesday Noon Newport AFG American Lutheran Church, 332801 Hwy 2, Newport CONTACT: Emmie (509) 447-2670 Sallee (503) 559-3354 H, O O, H 1:30 PM Tuesday Afternoon AFG C Family of Faith Community Church 1504 W Cleveland, Spokane (Enter through the double doors (which is on Cleveland St., not the church entrance) and go downstairs to the library just past the office. Sign is usually on the door!) CONTACT: Bonnie (509) 230-9274 Randy (509) 954-4770 SPOKANE: 6:30 PM Wednesday Night Adult Child ACA, H, O Central Lutheran Church, 512 South Bernard Street (Use office door off parking lot) CONTACT: Lynne (509) 590-7115 Allan (509) 329-1197 7:00 PM Gleneden Tuesday Night AFG United Covenant Methodist Church 15515 N Gleneden Drive, Spokane CONTACT: Wanda (509) 481-0238 Molly (509) 991-8834 CHEWELAH: 7:00 PM Paths to Recovery AFG Education Center of Saint Joseph’s Hospital 500 E Webster St, Chewelah, WA 99109 CONTACT: Lisa (360) 912-2743 Tamara (208) 597-4238 H, O 7:00 PM Tuesday Night AFG Newcomers/Beginners Meeting H, O Gonzaga University - College Hall – Room 1898 502 E Boone (Off Sharp between Division & Hamilton; turn south at Addison; parking lot east of driveway) Look for sign in main floor lobby area. CONTACT: Russ (509) 701-7404 7:30 PM Tuesday Night AFG H, O Gonzaga University - College Hall – Room 132 502 E Boone (Off Sharp between Division & Hamilton; turn south at Addison; parking lot east of driveway) Look for sign in main floor lobby area. CONTACT: Russ (509) 701-7404 7:30 PM Together We Can Make it Alateen AT, C, SAN Gonzaga University - College Hall – Room 1898 502 E Boone (Off Sharp between Division & Hamilton; turn south at Addison; parking lot is east of driveway) First door on the right. CONTACT: Jack (509) 994-8006 Mary A (509) 747-6375 O THURSDAY COLVILLE: 6:00 PM Courage to Change AFG C, H Williamson Consulting Building 270 S Main Street, Colville (Use rear entrance through garage-first door on left) CONTACT: Maxie (509) 685-0862 Katie (509) 675-3001 DEER PARK: 8:00 PM Deer Park Thursday Night AFG Deer Park Church of Christ Hwy 395 & Dahl Road, Deer Park CONTACT: Betty (509) 292-2772 Thursday continued on next page… O (Thursday Continued) SPOKANE: 12:00 PM Serenity Seekers AFG Unity Church 2900 South Bernard Street, Spokane (main door from parking lot – small chapel) CONTACT: Darrin (509) 951-6604 O, H 7:00 PM Thursday Nite AFG C, H Gonzaga University - College Hall – Room 132 502 E Boone (At Addison, 1 block south of Sharp) CONTACT: Jack (509) 994-8006 Mary A. (509) 747-6375 FRIDAY SPOKANE: 6:30 – 7:45 PM Friday Night Lights AFG St John’s Cathedral th 127 East 12 Avenue, Spokane th (One block east of Grand on 12 Use east entrance - kitchen) CONTACT: Rianna (509) 838-9949 Shannon (509) 362-0661 C, H 2015 SPOKANE: 10:30AM–12:00PM Sunday Morning AFG Alano Club th 1700 W 7 Avenue CONTACT: Kathy (509) 990-9575 Nola (509) 484-6367 C,H,SAA 6:00 PM Hugs R Us AFG Daybreak - 628 South Cowley, Spokane (Basement entrance - lower level parking) CONTACT: Bette (509) 939-0153 Susan (509) 701-0888 SPOKANE VALLEY: 7:30 PM Into Action AFG Advent Lutheran Church 13009 E Broadway Ave, Spokane Valley CONTACT: Harriette (509) 998-7079 Delora (509) 924-2328 8:00 PM How It Works AFG C, H, SAA, CC Pasadena Park Nazarene Church/Spokane Valley 8822 East Upriver (West of Argonne, Meeting is at the end of the hallway.) CONTACT: Jana (509) 496-5085 SATURDAY APRIL – MAY - JUNE Cheney, Colville, Deer Park, Newport, Spokane, Spokane Valley H, O C, H, SAA CODES: 7:30 PM How It Works Beginners AFG Newcomers Meeting NC, C, H, SAA, CC Pasadena Park Nazarene Church/Spokane Valley 8822 East Upriver Drive, Spokane (West of Argonne, Meeting is at the end of the hallway.) CONTACT: Jana (509) 496-5085 SUNDAY AT ................................................... Alateen Meeting ACA .............................. Adult Children of Alcoholics CC ............................................................. Childcare C * ............. For those affected by another’s drinking H ................................................................ Handicap NM .................Newcomer Meeting (All are welcome) O * ........................................... Open to Observation SAA ................................. Simultaneous AA Meeting SAN ......................... Simultaneous Al-Anon Meeting SAT ......................... Simultaneous Alateen Meeting Meetings are 1 hour unless otherwise indicated Not for advice or counseling WASHINGTON AREA 59 -- DISTRICT 2 Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups PO Box 48780 Spokane, WA 99228-1780 509-456-2125 WORLD-WIDE MEETING INFORMATION LINE 888-425-2666 WORLD SERVICE OFFICE 757-563-1600 SPOKANE LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION CENTER 509-466-1753 E-Mail: Not for Advice or Counseling SPOKANE: 5:00 PM Saturday Night Adult Children AFG Saint Lukes Rehabilitation Institute 711 S Cowley St., Lower Level #1 (by cafeteria) CONTACT: Pam (509) 953-7406 Mike (509) 468-2505 H, C 6:00 PM Second Saturday Speakers Meeting H, O St. Ann’s Parish Office (use backdoor – Potluck) 2120 East First Avenue Meets on even months: Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec CONTACT: Lynn H. (509) 280-5008 * CLOSED MEETINGS WELCOME anyone whose life has been affected by close contact with a problem drinker and are closed to observers. ___________________________________ * OPEN MEETINGS May be observed by students, professionals or anyone interested in learning about Al-Anon / Alateen ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
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