VALLEY OF CLEVELAND +g April May June 2015 ISSUE VOL. 7 NO. 2 SCOTTISH RITE NEWS Valley Awards Night to be Held on June 1, 2015 The Valley of Cleveland has scheduled its annual Awards Night for Monday, June 1, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the DeMolay Room. The evening’s festivities will begin with the presentation of our 50, 60, 65 and 70 Year service awards, the Mummer of the Year and finally, we will present our Membership Medallions and rewards (PLEASE NOTE: there will NOT be a Four Coordinate Bodies Meeting before this event). Please make plans to join us that night to honor our veteran members and Valley Award winners. 50 Year Members Donald B. Anderson Richard L. Anderson Robert C. Andrews Joseph R. Bako, 33° James J. Balaguer James S. Carnes Kenneth E. Conway Lewis E. Cook Daniel R. Corcoran Roy E. Dunaway Douglas W. Franz Larry E. Green Daniel R. Groth Dale W. Horn, 33° Ronald D. Johnson Donald L. Kelly John A. Kinnaird Steven J. Krekus, 33° Gary W. Krimmel Mathew S. Krokos Louis H. Kruse Charles J. McCarty, 33° Jan S. McMurray Thomas E. Murphy F. David Southwick Franklin T. Stroud Norman C. Uhlir Lloyd A. Vaughn James T. Weir Wilfred C. Wood 60 Year Members Harlan L. Baus, 33° Donald A. Cope Floyd B. Garrett Wallace R. Hall Richard E. Hare Jay D. Hart Robert E. King Robert C. Park Clyde W. Patterson Dale L. Race Donald M. Rebar Nicholas Tome 65 Year Members Raymond J. Allds James R. McCollum Richard M. Peterson Paul E. Shellhammer 70 Year Members Irving T. Black Edmund E. Wood Membership By: Ill. Edwin A. Strauss, Jr., 33° What is Freemasonry and The Scottish Rite about? Freemasonry teaches the "Fatherhood of God" and the "Brotherhood of Man." Our great tenets are Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. In Scottish Rite we will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic obligation to care for our members. We do have our rituals that are beautiful and instructional, teaching us life lessons. I have been a member for a number of years and it probably was one of the greatest decisions that I made in my life. I have made friends with Masons from all over the world and many have turned out to be lifetime friendships. I am sure that many of you feel the same as me. We need to share our love of this fraternity with those who have not experienced this fraternal brotherly love. Invite them to join your Lodge and of course the Scottish Rite. We have our Spring Reunion on April 11th, 2015, and it is very important that we attract as many candidates as possible. I want to remind you of the Membership Rewards Programs sponsored by the Valley of Cleveland: we have a special fund for young men age 35 and younger that pays half of the $100 initiation fee; we also have a program where you can earn credit toward your own dues by signing on the first line of candidates’ petitions – in any calendar year, 4 first line signings will get you one year’s dues paid, seven will pay two years’ dues and ten will give the first line signer a life membership (which is transferable should you already be a life member. Finally, the Scottish Rite supports a program where they will remit the initiation fees of any Clergy for both Lodge and the Scottish Rite. Please continue to do your part and bring members into your Lodge, and especially now is the time to sign petitions for new members for Scottish Rite. Society News Ashtabula: The Ashtabula Society will hold breakfast meetings starting at 8:00 am on Saturday, April 4, 2015 and our Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 2, 2015, both at Kingsville Masonic Temple. We are currently working to schedule our June meeting as well as our summer steak fry. Look for more information in upcoming editions of the Valley of Cleveland’s Reflections. We hope you will be able to attend. Cuyahoga: The next meeting of the Cuyahoga Society will be our Annual Meeting on Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the DeMolay Room at 3615 Euclid. Please make plans to attend. Lake/Geauga: The Lake/Geauga Society will hold its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 20, 2015, starting at 6:30 at the Al Shalom Temple, 7599 Center Road, Mentor, OH. We hope to see you at one of these events. Lorain: The Lorain Society will hold its dinner meetings on Thursday, April 9, 2015 at the Wellington United Methodist Church; on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at the Elyria Masonic Temple and on Thursday, June 4, 2015 at the Lorain Masonic Temple on Pearl Road. All Lorain Society meetings begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. Please come and join with us in fellowship. Medina: The next meeting of the Medina Society will be the Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 27, 2015, at W.R.M.C. starting at 6:30 pm. We hope you will be able to join us for an evening of fellowship. Hospitaler's Report The list of Members still battling medical issues would include: Ill. Charles J. McCarty, 33°, and Sublime Princes David W. Scarbro, MS, Edward E. Eiborg, MS, L. Russ Palmateer, MS, Henry E. James, Phillip M. Smith, S. Thomas Repp, II, Kenneth R. Hershman, David L. Daggett and William Phillis, all of whom have either spent time recently in the hospital or are recovering from recent hospital stays. Please keep these Members in32° your prayers. In Memoriam The Valley was notified during the first quarter of 2015 that the following members had been called by the Grand Architect of the Universe. May they rest in peace: Charles F Anderson, Joseph P Bagrich, Gordon E Barnby, Jacob W Becker, Carl W Bowen, Lloyd Wayne Carroll, Joseph J Cawrse, William D Dalziel, Romeo J Demeo, Arthur G Doethlaff, Michael V Drbal, Richard C Harris, Robert E Henkle, Arthur W Ketz, J W Koring, Ralph E Lehman, George E Matilo, David W McClenahan, 33°, Frederic E Munier, Robert W Murnan, Claude A Pitman, MS, Donald M Price, Allan R Sanders, George C Schneider, Peter L Shellko, Boris N Stephanoff, MS, 33°, Albert C Tarrant, Burton J Task, Donald L Wagar, Donald J Waldmuller, Geoffrey V Wendt. Presiding Officers Board of Trustees Hugh A. Harris, 32° Ill. Jeffrey J. Black, 33° Thrice Potent Master Eliadah Lodge of Perfection Ill. Ronald L. Runion, 33° Darrell E. Reed, 32° Ill. Thomas H. Galyen, 33° Chairman Vice Chairman Sovereign Prince Bahurim Council Princes of Jerusalem Theodore D. Cutts, 32° Most Wise Master Ariel Chapter Rose Croix Timothy M. Daley, 32° Commander-in-Chief Lake Erie Consistory April, May, June 2015 Issue Vol. 7 No.2 Treasurer Ill. Alan W. Jones, 33° Secretary Ill. Eric R. Schau, 33° Ill. Edwin A. Strauss, Jr., 33° John E. Kohler, 32° And the Presiding Officers Deputy’s Representative Ill. Bradford2A. Goebel, 33° The Scottish Rite News is now edited and published by the Secretary, Ill. Alan W. Jones, 33°, from the Valley Office. Cleveland Masonic and Performance Arts Center 3615 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Phone: 216-432-2370 Fax: 216-391-3159 Email: It is the policy of the Valley of Cleveland to ensure that all programs of the Valley are made available to our members and guests. All rooms are now handicap accessible as are main lobby restrooms. If you have a special need while attending a Valley program, please call the Valley office, and every effort will be made to accommodate you. Providing programs that emphasize: inspiration, convenience and enjoyment. “Reflections” By: Ill. Jeffrey J. Black, 33° My Brethren, it seems that spring is finally on the way and it is once again time to get out of the house and enjoy some Masonic fellowship. With the advent of spring, it is also time for our Spring Reunion, scheduled on Saturday, April 11, 2015. Registration (complete with coffee and donuts) will start that morning at 8:00 am and we will confer the 4th, 15th, 12th (DVD), 9th, 32nd and 31st Degrees that day. The Class has been named for Ill. William G. Batchelder, III. Ill. Bro. Batchelder was the Minority Leader of the State House until 2010 when the Republicans regained control of that body, and has been Speaker until this year when term limits again forced his retirement. Please make plans to attend, and, to honor Bill, bring in a petition from one of your Lodge Brothers to join the Valley that day. Also at the Spring Reunion, in anticipation of the celebration of the 125th Anniversary of Lake Erie Consistory, our Library will premiere an Anniversary Medal, as well as a reprint of the Valley’s 1890 booklet. These items will be available in preparation for the November 21, 2015 Fall Reunion, named for that anniversary and for our Sovereign Grand Commander, Ill. John Wm. McNaughton, 33°, who will be in attendance in the fall. Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Monday, April 6, 2015 in the DeMolay Room, and we will hold an open Installation of Officers at 7:00 pm on Monday, May 4, 2015 also in the DeMolay Room (guests will be invited in at 7:00 pm). At our June Four Coordinate Bodies Meeting, we will honor our veteran members who have achieved 50, 60, 65 and 70 years of service in the Valley. This will also be an open meeting and guests will be welcomed at 7:00 pm. Below is a list of other events scheduled through June: Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 8:00 am: the Ashtabula Society will hold a breakfast meeting at Kingsville Masonic Temple; Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 7:00 pm: Lorain Society will hold a dinner meeting at the Wellington United Methodist Church; Friday, April 17, 2015 at 7:30 pm: the Valley will sponsor Masonic Night at the Lake Erie Monsters; Sunday, April 26, 2015 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm: The Cleveland Masonic Learning Center will hold its Appreciation Dessert; Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 8:00 am: the Ashtabula Society will hold a breakfast meeting at Kingsville Masonic Temple; Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 7:00 pm: Lorain Society will hold a dinner meeting at the Elyria Masonic Temple; Wednesday, May 20, 2015 starting at 6:30 pm: Lake/Geauga Society Annual Meeting at the Al Shalom Temple; Wednesday, May 27, 2015 starting at 6:30 pm: Medina Society Annual Meeting at W.R.M.C.; Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 7:00 pm: Lorain Society will have their meeting at the Lorain Masonic Temple; Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 8:00 am: the Ashtabula Society will hold a breakfast meeting, location TBD; Friday and Saturday, June 12 and 13, 2015: OCD (Cincinnati); Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 7:00 pm: Cuyahoga Society will hold its Annual Meeting at 3615 Euclid; Monday, June 29, 2015 at noon: OCD Golf outing in Columbus. I hope to see you at one of our upcoming shows or events. Valley to Vote on Bylaw Change at Annual Meeting The Board of Trustees approved a Bylaw change that was read for the first time at the Four Coordinate Bodies Meeting on Monday, March 2, 2015. The change is an addition to Article III, Section 1 titled “Fiscal AuthorityBoard of Trustees”. This section of the Bylaws provides for the assignment of voting Board Members, their election and term of office. The voting members are the Chairman, the four presiding officers, the four Trustees and the Secretary and Treasurer. The addition, to come immediately at the end of Section 1 (and before section 1 (a) is: “The Secretary and Treasurer will abstain from any vote directly affecting their compensation and/or benefits.” This proposed change to the Bylaws will be read for the second time and a vote will be taken at our 2015 Annual Meeting which has been scheduled for Monday, April 6, 2015. 2015 Spring Class Named for Ill. William G. Batchelder, III, 33° The Presiding Officers of the Valley of Cleveland have named the 2015 Spring Reunion Class in honor of Ill. William G. Batchelder, III, 33°. Due to term limits, Bill is the recently retired Speaker of the State House of Representatives, having served in that body for well over thirty years. He is responsible for the passing of the legislation that gave property tax breaks to long established nonprofits in Ohio, including the Masonic Temples in the state. He is currently teaching law part-time at the University of Akron and Cleveland-Marshall Law Schools. Bill was born in Medina, Ohio in 1942 to William Jr. and Eleanor (nee Dice). He is a graduate of Medina High School, Ohio Wesleyan University and The Ohio State University School of Law. He and his wife Alice (who herself is a Federal Judge on the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals) have been married 48 years and have two children. The Spring Reunion will be held on Saturday, April 11, 2015. Please make plans to attend and help us to honor Bill by offering a petition to any member of your Lodge who does not yet belong to the Valley and inviting him to become a member of this Class. Masonic History: Medina Lodge #58 F. & A. M. – 1967 AASR Valley of Cleveland – Spring 1972 Board of Governors, Cleveland Masonic Learning Center Medina Chapter #30 R.A.M. – 1969 Medina Commandery #84 – 1969 Tadmor Shrine A.A.O.N.M.S. - 1972 Other Civic: Administrative Aide to Lt. Governor John W. Brown – 1967, U.S. Army – 3rd Army Advocate General, Delegate to the RNC 1980, Sons of the American Revolution, Farm Bureau, Grange, former National Director for the Council of National Policy, member St. Mary’s Anglican Church. 4/11/2015 Spring Reunion Schedule Registration 8:00 – 8:45 am……………..Exhibition Hall Opening Ceremonies 9:00 am…..………DeMolay Room 4th Degree 9:05 am….………..………….DeMolay Room Class Photo 9:25 am………...……………DeMolay Room 15th Degree 9:40 am……….….………………Auditorium 12th Degree (DVD) 11:10 am……………….…Gold Room Class Meeting 11:45 am………………….DeMolay Room Lunch 12:30 pm….………………………..Exhibition Hall Address to the Class – 1:10 pm……………Exhibition Hall 32nd Degree 1:30 pm………………………….Auditorium 31st Degree 2:45 pm…………………………..Auditorium Closing Ceremonies 4:00 pm…………………Auditorium 118th OCD to be Held in Cincinnati June 12th and 13th The 118th Session of OCD will be held on Friday and Saturday June 12th and 13th, 2015 at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherlands Plaza, 35 W. 5th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202, PH #: 866-460-7456. Due to a previously booked convention in Cincinnati, this year OCD will be held on the 2nd weekend in June. Registration will begin Friday morning, with a speakers’ forum planned for Friday afternoon. That evening OCD will hold the traditional banquet and presentation of caps and jewels to the new MSA’s in Ohio. The recipients from the Valley of Cleveland are: Sublime Princes Ford L. Cole and R. Scott Croxford. On Saturday, June 13th, the Officers of OCD will conduct the business of the Council, during which they will announce the new MSA’s in Ohio for 2016. Please make plans to attend (this event is open to all Scottish Rite Masons) and witness Ford and Scott receive their MSA regalia. Valley of Cleveland to Host Masonic Hockey Night The Valley of Cleveland will host a Masonic Hockey Night on Friday, April 17, 2015 at the Quicken Loans Arena as our Lake Erie Monsters host the Hamilton Bulldogs with a playoff spot hanging in the balance. This is also fan appreciation day. Tickets (normally $24.00) can be purchased through the Valley office for $17.00 each. In addition, there is a “Bench-warmer’s” drawing for several lucky ticket purchasers to view the pre-game warm ups from the Monsters’ bench. Just check the box on the coupon located on page seven of this publication when purchasing your tickets. You must have your ticket order in by April 4, 2015 to insure that your seats are with the Masonic group. The discounted rate is available through April 11, 2015, but there is no guarantee where you will be seated after April 4, 2015. We hope you and your family will join us at the “Q”. 23rd Ohio Council of Deliberation Golf Outing The 23rd Annual OCD Golf Outing will be a completely new event held in conjunction with the Valley of Columbus’s golf outing. This year, the Outing will be held at York Golf Club, 7459 High Street, Columbus on Monday, June 29, 2015. The format is still a four-man scramble with a shotgun start at noon, followed by a steak dinner with all the trimmings. The cost is still $75.00 per person ($300.00 per foursome) and the deadline for registration is June 18, 2015. The OCD golf outing is now open to all Masons and guests. Please complete the coupon on page seven and send it along with your check to the Valley office (please make all checks payable to the Valley of Cleveland). After the deadline, the Valley will send one check to pay OCD for all golfers from Cleveland. We hope our golfers will take this opportunity to join in some statewide fellowship and competition out “on the links”. Learning Center’s Builders Council Recognition The Cleveland Masonic Learning Center will hold a Builders Council Recognition and Dessert on Sunday, April 26, 2015 in the Allen and Gold Rooms from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. All members of the Valley are invited. Please, if you plan to attend, RSVP to the Learning Center at 216-881-2234 by Monday, April 20, 2015. Please come and join with us on the occasion of our 16th Anniversary to help us in honoring those who have made a significant contribution or pledge to our Learning Center. The Annual Meeting and Election of Officers for the Valley Will be Held on Monday, April 6, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Sights and Scenes……... Masons joining the Valley in Ashtabula on January 17, 2015 Knights awaiting battle at our Medieval Winterfest Sometimes surrender is the only option…. During the Feast musicians and storytellers entertained us Russian fare at the 2015 “Ethnic Dinner” The service and food were great once again! 26th Annual Valley Golf Classic Scheduled for July 11, 2015 The Valley of Cleveland will once again hit the links. This year our outing will again be played at Pleasant Hill Golf Course located at 13461 Aquilla Road in Chardon. This year’s event will begin with registration at 7:30 a.m. We will tee off with a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Following the golf, we will have a steak dinner with all the trimmings and we will award the prizes. The cost is $65.00 per person ($260.00 per foursome) and includes lunch, dinner and prizes. Registration deadline is Thursday, July 2, 2015 (please use the coupon below). We will once again be selling hole sponsorships for $50.00, with recognition in the Scottish Rite News. The Learning Center will once again sell tax deductible hole sponsorships for $100.00 each (all proceeds donated to the Center). Please make plans to join us “on the links”. 26th Annual Valley Golf Classic 2015 Spring Reunion Luncheon Reservations Four Man Scramble Shot Gun Start Pleasant Hill Golf Course 13461 Aquilla Road, Chardon, OH 44024 PH #: 440-285-2428 Saturday July 11, 2015 – registration: 7:30 - 8:00 a.m., shotgun start at 8:30 am. Steak dinner at 1:00 pm ($25.00 for dinner only) CHECK ONE ____FOURSOME ____PLEASE PAIR ME WITH OTHERS My Foursome: ________________ ________________ ________________ Please send me _____ luncheon tickets at $10.00 each for the Spring Reunion on Saturday, April 11, 2015. Enclosed please find my check in the amount of_______ Name:__________________________ Address:________________________ City, State, Zip___________________ ______________ Enclosed is $________for_______reservations at $65.00 each for the Valley Golf Classic at Pleasant Hill Golf Course NAME____________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________ CITY___________________STATE____ZIP_____________ PHONE___________________________________________ Please make checks payable to AASR Valley of Cleveland and mail to: 3615 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115 DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS JULY 2, 2015 PLEASE ENCLOSE A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE (Deadline for mailing tickets 4/3/15) 26th Annual Golf Classic YES I would like to be a Valley Hole Sponsor ($50.00). Please list in the "News” as follows: NAME (or BUSINESS)_____________________ MAIL TO: AASR-HOLE SPONSOR 3615 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115 PLEASE CALL 216-432-2370 WITH QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL 216-432-2370 WITH QUESTIONS DEADLINE FOR PRINTING IN THE NEWS 6/12/15 Masonic Hockey Night 24th Ohio Council of Deliberation Golf Outing Lake Erie Monsters vs The Hamilton Bulldogs Friday, April 17th at 7:30 pm At Quicken Loans Arena Tickets: $17.00 (reg. $24.00) Four Man Scramble Shot Gun Start York Golf Club 7459 N. High Street Columbus, OH Monday, June 29, 2015 12:00 p.m. Orders received by Sat, April 4 are guaranteed seating in the Masonic group. All orders must be received by Sat, April 11 NAME____________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________ CITY___________________STATE____ZIP_____________ PHONE___________________________________________ No. of Tickets @ $17.00/each__________ Please make checks payable to AASR Valley of Cleveland and mail to: 3615 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Include me in the Bench-warmer promotional drawing PLEASE INCLUDE A SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE PLEASE CALL 216-432-2370 WITH ANY QUESTIONS ______________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Enclosed is $______for_____reservations at $75.00 each CAPTAIN’S NAME________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________ CITY___________________STATE____ZIP_____________ PHONE___________________________________________ Please make checks payable to AASR Valley of Cleveland and mail to: 3615 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115 DEADLINE JUNE 18, 2015 /CALL 216-432-2370 WITH QUESTIONS Non-Profit Organization U. S. POSTAGE The Board of Trustees of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of the Valley of Cleveland 3615 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2527 PAID CLEVELAND, OHIO PERMIT NO. 760 DATED MATERIAL Calendar of Events April 4/4/15 4/6/15 4/9/15 4/17/15 Ashtabula Society Breakfast (Kingsville) 4/5/15 Four Coordinate Bodies (Annual-DeMolay) 4/6/15 Lorain Society (Wellington UMC) 4/11/15 Lake Erie Monsters (Quicken Loans Arena) 4/26/15 Easter (building closed) Board of Trustees Meeting (Krekus Room) Spring Reunion (DeMolay/auditorium) Learning Center Appreciation (Gold Rm) May 5/2/15 5/4/15 5/20/15 5/27/15 Ashtabula Society Breakfast (Kingsville) 5/4/15 Board of Trustees Meeting (Krekus Room) Installation of Officers (DeMolay - open) 5/7/15 Lorain Society (Elyria Temple) Lake/Geauga Society (Al Shalom Temple) 5/24/15 Holiday (building closed) Medina Society Annual Mtg. (WRMC) June 6/1/15 6/4/15 6/12/15 6/25/15 Board of Trustees meeting (Krekus Room) Lorain Society (Lorain Temple) OCD (Cincinnati) Cuyahoga Society (3615 Euclid) 6/1/15 6/6/15 6/13/15 6/29/15 Awards Night (DeMolay Room – open) Ashtabula Society Breakfast (TBD) OCD (Cincinnati) OCD Golf Outing (Columbus) HELP US SAVE TIME, PAPER AND POSTAGE RECEIVE YOUR COPY OF “THE SCOTTISH RITE NEWS” VIA EMAIL JUST SEND AN EMAIL TO:
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