Inside this issue - Atlantic Avenue United Brethren Church

Church Chat
May 2015
Monthly Newsletter of AAUB Church
160 Atlantic Avenue
Franklin, PA 16323
“Come with us and we will treat you well”.
Numbers 10:29
“Come with us and we will treat you well”
Numbers 10:29
Happy Mother’s Day!
Our Vision:
To be a center for people
to find Christ, develop
their Christian life and
experience Him in everyday living.
Our Purpose:
To see everyone become
fully surrendered
followers of
Jesus Christ.
160 Atlantic Avenue Franklin, PA 16323
Inside this issue
On My Knees
by Shelly Shearer
Future Events
My Personal Journey
By Chlvie Stephenson
Praise Corner
Recipe Corner
Daughters of Destiny News
May Special Days
May 2015
Page 2
On My Knees
Shelly Shearer
Let me share that I usually jump up each morning smiling and ready to face the day. That was not the case
this morning. Turmoil at work has caused me to feel angry, helpless, and vulnerable. I was sad at the loss of
dear friend. I was already convinced before my feet hit the floor that it was going to be a bad day.
I went about my usual routine and headed to the living room for my time with the Lord. I read the Word and
then proceeded to dump all my frustrations, anger, and sorrow at His feet. At this point I should have stayed
in prayer longer and let the Lord calm to my hurting heart. Sadly I decided my agenda was more important. I
had a lot to do so I needed to get myself together, bad mood and all, and get the day started. I headed to the
kitchen to prepare my yogurt and berries that I take with me. As I was putting the yogurt back in the refrigerator the container slipped out of my hands and hit the floor. What a mess! You might have guessed that at
this point I was ready to explode.
I got down on my knees to clean up the mess. Tears came to my eyes as it hit me that this was the proverbial
“last straw.” There I was scrubbing, crying, and angry. In the midst of my meltdown I had the thought that
God is in control of everything that happens in my life. If that is the case then I needed to realize that I was
just presented with an opportunity. I could continue on angry or I could take this time, while on my knees, to
pray. My friends that is exactly what I did. I used this time to talk with God about all that was going on. By
the time I finished cleaning up my mess I was smiling and thanking the Lord for spilt yogurt.
I learned a valuable lesson this morning about waiting on the Lord. If I would have only taken the time during
devotions to let Him calm my spirit and soul I truly believe my morning would not have included spilling yogurt. The Lord humbled me through this incident. I learned that time spent with Him is more important than
my agenda. Less of me, more of Him! Thank you Lord for this beautiful lesson!
“Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew in me a steadfast spirit.”
Psalm 51:10
“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their
strength; They shall mount up with wings like
like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall
walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31
Page 3
May 2015
Future Events
Ladies Blanket Making
May 5th & 19th, 6pm Bob Shawgo Room
This is an outreach ministry of the church that provides handmade quilted
blankets to families with new babies and also to newlyweds. They also have
the opportunity to bless cancer and dialysis patients as well as new moms
from the ABC Life Center. Any lady is invited to share in this time of fellowship. If you don’t know how to quilt, you’ll be shown how to. You can call
Mary Karns at 432-5094 if you have questions.
Ladies Aerobics
Every Tues/Thurs from 5:15-6pm in the Family Center. Bring your water bottle and be ready to
exercise in the name of the Lord! Call Pam Karns at 673-6574 if you have questions.
*** Please note: We will be walking outside if the weather permits. If the weather is not good, we
will be downstairs in the Family Center doing a DVD workout.
Widow/Widower Support Group
Administrative Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 7th
Prayer at 6pm with meeting to follow. Anyone from the congregation
is welcome to attend.
Thursday, May 21st at noon
in the Kitchen. We’ll be having lunch, doing a
craft and will continue our study on “the Character of Christ. Please either sign up at the Resource Center or call Becky at 437-3187 to rsvp.
“Over 30” Basketball
Thursdays @ 7pm in the
Family Center
We will be starting back
up after Dinner Theater.
Be watching for details.
Every Saturday
Church Conference
Adult Bible
Grief Support Group
10am Tuesdays
Every Monday until May
18th, 6pm in the
Conference Room
Senior Ladies
Bob Shawgo Room
It is not necessary to attend
every week.
Senior Men
Prayer/Adult Ed Rm
Call Jeneen Gahr at 4373945 x 229 if you have
1 John study
Conf. Room
Page 4
May 2015
Future Events (cont.)
Homemade Love
Reaching out to those in need in the Franklin Community
Upcoming Dates:
May 18th
June 16th
E v e r y 3 rd
Tuesday o
f the mon
FREE hom
th we are
emade so
up, rolls,
and cook
ily Center
es at the
(160 Atla
lin). This
ntic Aven
food is av
ue, Frank
ailable fo
2 & 5 PM
r pick up
(no dinin
only betw
g in). Fo
come, firs
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t serve ba
ilable on
sis. Deliv
quested f
a first
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or the dis
als can be
abled, eld
liveries w
reerly, or s
ill be mad
hut -ins.
e betwee
request a
en 2 & 5 P
delivery a
M that da
nd/or be
delivery l
y. To
placed on
ist, call C
the regul
arol at 67
3-0660 o
ext. 229.
r Jeneen
Please re
turn jars
AAUB aft
er use. If
have qua
rt or pint
size jars a
nd/or lid
you could
please ca
ll Carol o
Jeneen .
Our Purpose:
Sharing with the community the blessings God
provides, planting a small see and drawing people to God by a simple act of kindness.
“For I was hungry, so you fed me…”
Matthew 25:35
May 2015
Page 5
Future Events (cont.)
Lake Wilhelm Bike Trail
Maurice Goddard State Park near Sandy Lake
When: Sunday, May 17, 2015 (weather permitting)
Time: 2:30 p.m. at Bike Trail
Dinner: Picnic Dinner
Contact: Andy Bickel
(814) 428-2875
Registration Options:
 Click Yes, No or Maybe on email invitation
 Call or email me
 Sign-Up Sheet at church
Note: No registration deadline but registration will place you on a weatherrelated cancellation list and update you on the meeting location.
Page 6
May 2015
Dr. Kevin Leman is coming to Franklin
(For parents, grandparents, newly married and singles…)
Internationally known Christian psychologist New York Times
bestselling author
Founder/President of “Couples of Promise”
Kevin Leman brings:
Common sense to common problems
Parenting and marriage advice that can change your life
With the right touch of humor, he will help us see that “our
most rewarding experiences can be our most challenging”.
No Charg
This is a G
to YOU…o
ke a
It can ma
e in
your mar
Scheduled dates, times, locations:
Sunday Services: May 31, 8:15, 9:35 & 11am
Christ United Methodist Church, 1135 Buffalo St. 432-3019
“The Way of the Wise” (Proverbs 3:1-6)
Sunday Evening, May 31, 5:30-7pm
Franklin High School Auditorium, 246 Pone Lane, Franklin
“Parenting Your Powerful Child…at any age”
Monday Morning, June 1, 9:30-11am
Atlantic Ave. U B Church, 160 Atlantic Ave. 437-3945
“What a Difference a Mom Makes” (just for moms)
Monday Evening, June 1st, 7-8:30pm
Christ United Methodist Church, 1135 Buffalo St, 432-3019
“Making Sense of the Man and Woman in Your Life”
Christ United Methodist Church 432-3019
Atlantic Ave United Brethren Church 437-3945
To benefit ABC Life Center
Mother’s Day through Father’s Day (May 10th-June 21st)
Please fill bottles (avail. May 10th) with your contributions
(change, cash, or checks made payable to ABC Life Center) and
return on or before Father’s Day.
Bottles will be available in a bassinet in the Lobby. They can
be returned there as well.
Page 7
May 2015
Ministry Fair
When: May 17th, 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Where: Family Center Gymnasium
God calls every Christian to become His servant. When we accept His precious gift of
salvation, we are not only reconciled to Him, but there is a calling in our life to do His will.
We are disciples (followers) of Jesus and as such we all become ministers. Some are called to
full time ministry while others, who are not called to do so professionally (laity), are called to
use the talents that God has blessed them with to edify Him and build His Kingdom.
At AAUB we ask that every Christian be involved in at least one ministry. We ask that
you bless God and His church by taking your time and talent to faithfully serve. By doing this
you not only bless God and other people but you also live up to your potential. Not one
Christian can sit on the sidelines, being inactive, and become the Christian that God wants
them to be.
During this time on the 17th there will be twelve tables set up with representatives of
twelve different ministries available to talk with you. They will explain their function and answer any questions you might have. Please be sure to be actively involved in one of these
ministries. The rewards for being a faithful servant and reaching your potential are great!
May 2015
Page 8
Future Events (cont.)
Ages 55 and older
Our April event will take place on
Thursday, May 28th at noon over
in the Kitchen. Mark your calendars! Be watching for event details, location, and sign up sheet
very soon!!
Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at
6pm, the JOY group will be playing
games at Franklin Towers located at
1220 Chestnut St. Please bring your
favorite game and a snack to share.
See you on May 12th.
Joyce Meyer Study
Red Cross
Blood Drive
May dates: 5/11 only
Friday, May 15th
1-3pm in the Conference Room
Family Center
This is a DVD based study. We watch the DVD first and
have discussion time afterwards.
Walk-ins are
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Watch for upcoming topics in the bulletin.
Did you know that AAUB is a busy place on Wednesday evenings?
Classes for children, youth, & adults from
6:30-7:30 .
Call the church office for details!
Attention Graduating Seniors of 2014
If you will be graduating high school this year, this message is for you. We would like to honor all graduating high school
seniors on Sunday June 7th during all three services. If you would like to be included in this special event, please call or
stop by the office and let Mandy Miller know by Sunday, May 31st. You will also need to bring a baby picture and a senior picture (or current picture) to the church office. These pictures can be hard copies (the larger the better), but high resolution digital copies are preferred. Thanks so much! And congratulations on your accomplishment!!!
Note: If you are the parent/grandparent of a graduating senior, please pass this information along to your graduating
senior (or just take care of this for them – at least that way it will get done on time!)
Articles for June’s Church Chat will be due on May 20th. Please
email Mandy in the office at or call her with
your event information by this date. Thank you.
May 2015
Page 9
I Shall Fear no Evil
by: Chlvie Stephenson
Valleys, we all go through them. When you go through a valley do you feel alone or are you allowing Jesus
to carry you? In moments of darkness; it’s so easy to lose sight while crashing on the waves of a storm .
It’s sometimes difficult to find shelter from the rain.
Some valleys are familiar. We know them as soon as the sun begins to set over the mountain; we have been
through those valleys before, and while it may take a little time to get our bearings, we eventually find ourselves standing in the light. However; there are other valleys where we find ourselves just circling. We
know that things are not as they should be and we are confused as to how we got there. We are unable to
identify all the uncertainties; we just cannot quite pin-point that one thing that makes us want to just lie
there in darkness.
Psalms 23 reminds us that when we are walking through valleys of darkness, we shall fear no evil for our
God is with us. And maybe that is easier to accept when we are able to identify the valley that we are
walking through. But, when walking through a valley of darkness in which you cannot seem to identify;
then “thy rod and thy staff” become even more important.
I am in one of those valleys right now: the kind I
cannot exactly identify. While, I am familiar
with the darkness, and while I am able to recognize several factors, I cannot seem to point to the
one thing that has caused me to just want to lie
down in that darkness, I am circling. But, I
know my Lord will see me through for “Thy rod
and Thy staff they comfort me.”
Page 10
May 2015
To My Entire Church Family,
I don’t know where I would be today if it weren’t for all y’all (that’s
proper in TX). I do know that it wouldn’t be pleasant though. God has
truly blessed me by sending me to AAUB and I’m so glad He did. I am
alive and have hope for the future thanks to His work done through each
one of you. Every pastor, every employee, every greeter, every
attendee, and every child (And of course, every volunteer). I pray that
someday, somehow, I am able to bless others as God has blessed me
with y’all. Grace to you and peace from
God our Father.
Don Cann
Dear AAUB Church Family,
Lew and I would like to thank all of you who
supported me and prayed for me during my stay
at the hospital. From the cards, visits, and meals,
they all helped us so much. We are grateful.
God Bless you all.
Lew and Lois Lindsey
Page 11
May 2015
Jello Salad
2 Pkg. orange jello (not prepared)
16 oz sour cream
12 oz cool whip
2 cans of mandarin oranges, drained
Simply mix together and enjoy! You could also use strawberry or
raspberry jello and fresh strawberries or raspberries.
Chicken Thighs with Roasted Cauliflower
4-1/2 LBS of bone-in chicken thighs with coarse salt and fresh black pepper
1 TBS extra virgin olive oil
Thank you to Connie
l large head of cauliflower cut into small florets
Alden for sharing this
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
recipe with us!
1 TBS lime juice
1/2 cup loosely packed cilantro leaves
Wash chicken thighs and pat dry with a paper towel. Season with salt & pepper and let
stand at room temperature for 15 minutes
Preheat oven to 450
In a large oven-proof skillet over medium high heat, heat oil and cook chicken until crisp and
golden brown. About 3 minutes on each side. Transfer chicken to a plate.
To the same pan add cauliflower and pepper flakes and a pinch of salt & pepper. Place
chicken skin side up in the pan.
Transfer pan to oven and roast 20-25 minutes until cauliflower is tender and chicken is thoroughly cooked.
Remove pan from over and pour lime juice over chicken and cauliflower. Add cilantro and
serve immediately from the pan.
Do you have a favorite recipe you’d like to share with your AAUB Church Family? Then, either give it to Mandy
in the office or email her at More recipes are needed for next month!!
Church Chat
Page 12
Daughters of Destiny News
Women’s Ministry of AAUB Church, Debbie McElroy, Team Leader
Our next meeting is May 19th at 6:15pm in the Church Conference Room. We always meet
the 3rd Tuesday of the month. All ladies are welcome to attend! We will have some time to
study God’s Word together also.
If you are a woman, you are a Daughter of Destiny and are already a part of our ministry
here at AAUB Church. We would love to help get you involved in different outreaches we’re
a part of! Please call Debbie at 437-5241 with any questions!
Hey Ladies!! Join us this month for
Girls’ Night Out on Tuesday, May 26th at 5:30pm in
the Church Conference Room.
We will be having a SURPRISE NIGHT!
Join us for a night of food, fun and laughter. You’ll
be able to sign up at the Resource Center soon.
Won’t you help us support this important outreach?
PPC : Prevent, Protect, & Change
Daughters of Destiny is again collecting monthly items that will help women,
men and children who are victims of domestic violence. This bin is located at
the Resource Center in the Lobby and the item will change each month. If
you’d rather turn in a monetary donation, you can use an offering envelope in
the sanctuary chairs, mark envelope PPC and place in the offering plate. The
items will be purchased on your behalf.
May’s item is Hair Brushes and Conditioner
PPC really appreciates the support!
Page 13
April Special Days
Adult Birthdays
Jim Hanna
Fred McCorkle
Dee Ross
Ben Cochran
Irene Green
Marci Wilson
Judy Heller
Rina Irwin
Tammy Bickel
John Seefried
Tracy Morrison
Pam Anderson
Erin Ducharme
Sharon Sneltzer
David Cherry
Delbert Smith
Nikki Hall
Sarah Phenicie
Julie Swartfager
Chris Gorman
Jeff Corbett
Melinda Covington
Adam Klingensmith
Phil Criado
Deb McCorkle
Tabitha Smith
James Ham
Dpnna Haun
Kaycee Carulli
Buddy Huff
Melvin Coe
Shala Barnes
Vicki Quen
Kid’s Birthdays
Lillian Peterson
Jencent Pleger
Halle Curry
Elizabeth McFeaters
Ariel Davies
Jannah Brown
Emily Ripple
Jordan Irvine
Gretchen Clark
Jude Graham
Hailey Ginnery
Cammi Deeter
Dominic Carulli
Tanner Covey
Elijah Wilson
Youth Birthdays
McKenzie Geer
Mahala Marzik
Mike Rice
Kiara Anderson
Danny Malone
Tori O'Neil
Hannah Thomas
Alexis Shifflett
Alexis Kilgore
Harley Carbaugh
Zachary Bacher
Savannah McQuade
Collins Femovich
Tyler Carson
Astrid Logue
Porter Rembold
Amanda Wardell
Hayley Amsden
Schuylar Marzik
Jordyn Plymire
Levi Maines
Kathleen Snyder
Mickenzie Porter
Allyssa Cornelison
Malik Richburg
Austin Clark
Merissa Kilgore
Del & Betty Jolley
Cory & Sarah Masterson
Fred & Deb McCorkle
Craig & Alisha Dick
Lewis II & Lois Lindsey
Rod & Melissa Griffin
Ron & Cindy Enix
Jamie & Renee Cubbon