VOLUME 31 APRIL 2015 ISSUE 8 BRANCH MEETING PINE LAKES GOLF CLUB SATURDAY, April 11, 2015 11:00 A.M Lobby Day in Tallahassee Florida House of Representatives Minority Leader, Mark Pafford met with AAUW members PROGRAM GENDER PAY GAP Speaker Maria Cristina Santana, Ph.D. Director of Women’s Studies, UCF Dr. Maria Cristina Santana is the Program Director and Associate Professor at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. She will share information about the Gender Pay Gap AAUW Flagler Branch Members Susan Baird and Maria Barbosa attended the March 17th State Legislature Lobby Day ∞ LUNCH MENU OPTIONS: Choose one of the following: 1. Cheeseburger on a bun 2. Spinach and strawberry Salad w/Chicken 3. Vegetable Quiche Dessert: Mixed Berries Yogurt Parfait Cost: $16 Reservations are required. You are responsible for payment in full if you do not keep your reservation. Sally Smeaton will contact members with e-mail. Members without e-mail should call Sally at 386447-4137 to make a reservation and menu choice. We’ll be voting for next year’s Officers at the April 11th Meeting: Kimble Medley – President Elect Sandra Campbell – Treasurer Elinor Bozzone and Susan Baird – Co-Program Linda Russell – Membership Nominations are still being taken, call Linda Russell at 446-4162 JOIN US! EQUAL PAY DAY TUESDAY APRIL 14, 2015 UN-HAPPY HOUR FARLEY’S IRISH PUB EUROPEAN VILLAGE 4:00 – 7:00 pm. Wear RED to symbolize how far women and minorities are “in the red” with their pay APRIL 25, 2015 Save your donations Spring Cleaning Garage Sale Scholarship fundraiser 13 Ryecrest Lane Contact Susie to donate items START CLEANING TREASURER’S REPORT AAUW FLAGLER BRANCH MARCH, 2015 OPERATING ACCOUNT TREASURER’S REPORT AAUW FLAGLER BRANCH MARCH, 2015 Balance on Hand 2/28/15 $5,354.56 INCOME Author’s Luncheon Raffle March Luncheon New Member Huff 160.00 544.00*** 15.00 EXPENSE March Luncheon Raffle Items Huff/Wetmore State Dues Birthday Cake 576.00 66.96 12.00 35..10 BALANCE ON HAND SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT Balance on Hand 2/28/2015 INCOME Author’s Luncheon Author’s Contribution S. Campbell donation $5,383.50 $10,564.72 1,030.00 11.00 80.00* EXPENSE Author’s Luncheon Saturday April 18, 2015 BALANCE ON HAND 645.00** $11,040.72 AAUW FL Leadership Conference VANGUARD FUND 9/30/2014 12/31/2014 $6,911.90 $7,062.49 Melbourne at the Hilton Rialto Join us for the day! Workshops include Using social media to promote activities Tech Trek 2015, How to grow your membership, Human trafficking and pay equity. Contact Carmenda for registration form * In honor of Judy Kent’s Birthday ** Scholarship Fund Incom $385.00 ***(2) no-show ONGOING ACTIVITIES Walking Women We walk Monday through Friday 8:009:00 a.m. Let Sandra Campbell or Susie Baird know if you want to walk. Friends welcome. Monday: Intracoastal Walkway – Meet under bridge across from European Village Tuesday: Lehigh Trail West of Belle TerreMeet in dirt parking lot across from Fire Station on Belle Terre by Royal Palm Parkway READING WOMEN Meet May 2 , 2015 at 11:00 am. in the Conference Room at Pine Lakes Golf Club to discuss Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. Contact Susie if you would like to attend. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wednesday: Lehigh Trail East on Old Kings- Meet in dirt parking lot at Old Kings and Town Center Parkway. Thursday: Graham Swamp Trail – Meet at Graham Swamp parking lot on Old Kings. Friday: Intracoastal Walkway – Meet under bridge across from European Village. STUFF BUS We continue our support to Flagler County’s program: Supplying Things You Find Fundamental. Items urgently needed for children in grades K-6 include sneakers, socks and underwear. Please remember to bring them to our April meeting! LET’S REALLY STUFF THE BUS WITH NEEDED ITEMS FOR FLAGLER COUNTY STUDENTS. If each of us bring one item we will fill the box. A VERY SUCCESSFUL SCHOLARSHIP FUND RAISER!!! Congratulations to the Decadent Housewives of Hysteria Lane! Sally Smeaton, Mary Ann Clark, Susan Baird, Susan Stanco, Muriel Levy (Producer/Director), Linda Russell, Diane Schwab, Carmenda Laymon and Betty Hostler ********************* MEET THE PRESIDENT Carmenda Laymon Carmenda was born in Wichita, Kansas and lived in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Florida, Georgia, and Hawaii. She has also traveled to all but three (3) states in the United States. Carmenda has 3 sisters and 1 brother. Carmenda’s college career began when she was 28 years old at Butler Community College in Andover, Kansas. She went on to Wichita State University in Wichita Kansas. She received a degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Social Work, was going to get to pursue a Masters in Social Work but she ended up getting a job selling print ads in Oklahoma. Carmenda currently owns her own business, Coastal Direct, LLC and manages social medial such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google for businesses across the country along with providing marketing expertise. This business sort of fell into her lap as the result of her print ad sales job. She says that she had no idea she would ever be a business owner nor did she have any intentions to be one. Carmenda says, “it Just goes to show, you can't plan out your life every step of the way. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and see what happens.” Carmenda was first introduced to AAUW Flagler Branch when Mary Ann Clark invited her to the Holden House for the membership drive and she fell in love with the ladies and the work that they do. She says, “I feel truly blessed and honored to be a part of this remarkable branch.” 2015-2016 DUES RENEWAL NOTICE Your AAUW membership dues for 2015-2016 (September to June) should be paid by June 30, 2015. If you would like to pay your 2015-2016 dues now, your check won't be cashed until July, 2015. Please remit your dues to: Linda Lockwood 24 Rybar Lane Palm Coast, Fl. 32164 Or, you can give your dues check to anyone at the door at the next meeting. The breakdown of dues is as follows: AAUW National: $49.00 AAUW Florida $12.00 AAUW Flagler $ 9.00 $70.00 total Please make your check payable to AAUW-Flagler in the amount of $70.00. If you are a dual member, just remit a check for $15.00. Thanks for all you do throughout the year! We value your membership. Linda Lockwood ++++++++++++++++++++++ Carmenda Laymon Received the Email shown below from Joan Dick, AAUW Florida Director of Development. The EMail thanks the AAUW Flagler Branch for our Contributions!!! Forwarded message --From: Joan Dick< joandick2@yahoo.com> Date: March 31, 2015 12:55:54 PM Subject: AAUW Funds To: Carmenda Laymon< claymon@360palmcoast.com> Hi Carmenta, Thank you for the Flagler County Branch contribution of $970.00 Branch Tech Teck Florida 370.00 Branch AAUW Fund 30.00 Branch LAF Support 50.00 Branch Eleanor Roosevelt Fund 100.00 Branch National Conf of College Women 60.00 Thank you, Joan Dick, PhD AAUW Florida Director of Development TOTAL $1,580.00 Pictures from March 14, 2015 Meeting Dr. Mary Palamar – Discussion of Human Trafficking Many thanks to Photographer Sandra Campbell
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