ME 211 and ME312 Thermodynamics Equation Sheet D. Abata, May 5, 2015 Conservation of mass: where Boundary work any system: and flow work (open system) , assuming ideal gas and since T=C then For the polytropic process, that is : Open system work: , Through application of the differential Ideal gas: , and , and , , , then: , and , , , , Quality in the mixture region: , Note: v is interchangeable with u, h, or s For the closed system: For the open system: where: Thermal Efficiency, COP, and the Carnot cycle: , Second Law Considerations: , , For the ideal gas: , The above for s=0 and constant heat capacities: For solids and to approximate compressed liquids: Turbine and compressor efficiencies , and Exergy Nonflow exergy (intensive): Flow exergy (intensive): Nonflow exergy change (intensive): Flow exergy change (intensive): Exergy balance for any system undergoing a process: Exergy balance for any system undergoing a process (rate form): Exergy transfer by heat: Exergy transfer by work (boundary work): Exergy transfer by work (other forms of work): Second Law Efficiency (Effectiveness): Irreversibility: Gas Mixtures Mass and mole fraction: and Apparent or average molar mass and gas constant: Dalton and Amagat: and and Thus: Extensive properties (U, H, S): Intensive properties (u, h, s, cv, cp): and Gas-Vapor Mixtures (Psychrometrics) where Pg=Psat@T Combustion , Compressible Flow , , , , ,
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