Tom Flatau, Inspira1onal Speaker Inspiring people to bring their natural passion to work, so they can be their best … Tom Flatau is an interna1onally acclaimed speaker, mo1va1onal coach and consultant, whose clients include HSBC, Unilever, Emirates, Siemens and the BBC. Tom’s 21 years of interna1onal engagements has helped him craH the unique mo1va1onal methods that he delights in sharing with his audiences to enrich their their lives, and their success at work in terms of beJer team collabora1on, increased sales, and achievement of goals. Tom’s work is based on understanding human ins1ncts and behaviour, derived from up-‐to-‐the-‐minute research in the fields of neuroscience and psychology. One of Tom’s specialist fields is “Mindset” and how your mindset has an astonishing impact on you, your team and your whole organisa1on. Tom helps people understand and make posi1ve changes to the beliefs, feelings and approaches that influence their work performance and interac1ons. Consequently, individuals become happier and more effec1ve. Team collabora1ons and external interac1ons are improved, with immediate and las1ng benefit to the organisa1on. Tom is on the speaker panel for the world’s largest CEO organisa1on, Vistage. He is regularly invited to speak at execu1ve clubs and best prac1ce groups throughout the UK and Interna1onally. Tom has a first degree in Informa1on Systems and a Masters Degree in Business Analysis and Systems Design. His academic career included posts at Universi1es in London & the US. He used this experience and his later career in Financial Services to develop his unique methods. Tom is a Fellow of the Ins1tute of Leadership & Management and an execu1ve coach. “This session delivered by Tom was head & shoulders above everything else!” Maryeis Marapao, Project Manager, City University, London All those who aJend Tom’s events leave with a fundamentally altered perspec1ve -‐ one that endures and creates posi1ve change in terms of both achievement and happiness. “Tom’s energy and remarkable crea1vity gave the audience a real taste of what can be achieved even in a short 1me. The session was truly interac1ve and well-‐received by the delegates. We will be pleased to work with Tom again if he can accommodate us in his very hec1c schedule." Janet Cas1llo, HR Best Prac1ce Group‐ 01590 644107 “Tom's unique style in delivering Mindset Training has been life changing for me. The understanding of how the brain works, and we all have the poten1al to achieve what we want has made me a happier person, our team stronger and the poten1al for our business unlimited.” Tim Young, John Rowan & Partners, Equity Partner teamWORKING INTERNATIONAL You're in great company… The thought of change can paralyse people. Teamworking Interna1onal showed us how to make change and bring the team with us -‐ and we’ve had a lot of success. -‐ Andy Givens, Head of Cards & Interna1onal IT, HSBC The Teamworking approach to Learning & Development is very unique. Tom and his team manage to develop skills and knowledge that are directly relevant to improving our opera1on. Tom Craig, Head of Learning & Development, Qatar Airways “We just closed our financial year and the numbers are showing a tremendous growth of almost 23%. You equipped every individual with the necessary skills to perform at the maximum of their poten1al. Thank you for making such a good return on investment for us.” Branko Pecar, GM, Northern Region, Emerson Process Management With Teamworking Interna1onal’s help, we have been able to change our people’s ajtudes and behaviours… and develop a culture of working together, bridging cross-‐departmental barriers to form a more cohesive management team. -‐ Tim Lancaster, Head of Technology, BBC Worldwide The moments in which we change direc1on oHen feel like crises. I was fortunate enough to have access to coaching at one of these points. It helped me think about the issues I was facing in the context of my goals. As a result, I felt that I had got my life back in control, with a beJer balance. -‐ Vic Hansen, IT Architecture Director, Unilever The key changes being seen are: staff being more proac1ve and taking responsibility for making things happen; Confron1ng difficult issues without delay and Spending more 1me with the customer and listening to their needs – Simon Hill, Training Manager, Siemens‐ 01590 644107 Teamworking Interna1onal helped me and my senior team focus on those cri1cal issues that are all too easily lost amid the noise of day-‐to-‐ day opera1ons. Fadi Chehayeb, CIO, Na8onal Bank of Kuwait teamWORKING INTERNATIONAL
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