American Baptist Women`s Ministries of Indiana American Baptist

American Baptist Women’s Ministries of Indiana
Officer Update Pages
Spring 2015
The many languages in the theme logo (languages of Burma, Spanish, English)
represent the history of mission and ministry of American Baptist Churches USA
as well as the relationships we have with Christian women across the world,
each seeking to be Christ’s hands and feet in service in praise.
Theme Scripture
The gifts He gave were . . . “to equip the saints for the work of ministry,
for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith
and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity,
to the measure of the full stature of Christ.”
Ephesians 4:12-13
Spring Update 2015
Spring greetings to the AB Women of Indiana! How are you growing in 2015? Is life at a standstill . . .
or are you rising to the challenge of another new year? We spent a different Christmas by our whole
family going to Savannah, Georgia, to be with our older son and his family for the holidays. Then Jim
and I spent the first week of 2015 with my sister in Marietta, Georgia. While there, I read a book she had
been given, “If the legends fade” by Tom Hendrix. It is the story of his g-g grandmother, Te-lah-nay, a
Yuchi Indian, who as a youth was part of the native American removal from northwest Alabama to the
Indian Nation in Oklahoma. She kept having dreams of her grandmother calling her home, so in her late
teens she left Oklahoma on foot by herself and made her way back home – a journey that took about five
years. For the last twenty years, Tom has been building a rock wall in her memory alongside his farm.
When asked why the wall is higher and wider in some places than in others, he explains that the wall is
like Te-lah-nay’s journey through life – it is never straight. In one place along the wall, there is a small
seating area, called “Ishatae” . . . a quiet place. Our lives are never straight either; they may bend with
high places and low places, but it is our life. It is my goal in this year to find my own quiet place and time
to grow and come closer to God.
My hope for AB Women’s Ministries of our region is that we will rise to the challenges that are placed in
our paths this year. You will be learning of changes in our organization. First of all, we have a new logo
that was adopted last summer at the Intergenerational Retreat at Green Lake. I have it saved as a template
on my computer. Please email me and I will send it on to you for your use. Feel free to also use the
servant woman where you desire.
On the national level, each region was given the opportunity to apply for a Leadership Development grant
of $1,000.00. We want to use our grant to seek ways to invite younger women into our organization by
considering and implementing ideas that will meet their needs and be of interest. At Summer Conference
this year, we are inviting “under 40s” to take part in a one-day retreat on Saturday. They will be given the
opportunity of a scholarship and can attend the full weekend or only on Saturday – whatever they prefer.
Programming will be geared to their interests. This is an exploring time on how to involve a generation
of younger women and older girls – a definite learning curve for many of us.
Yet another change will be the introduction of a new theme this summer at Women’s Day, June 26th, just
prior to the ABC-USA Biennial in Overland Park, Kansas. Women’s Day will be the national event
during odd years with some type of conference or retreat or ??? during the even years – maybe at Green
Lake, but maybe somewhere else. Please visit the website for further information and a
registration form for Women’s Day.
Just this morning as I attended a board retreat for the Edna Martin Christian Center, I learned that the
center will celebrate its 75th birthday next year and that a large gala fund raising event will be held then.
Soozi Whitten-Ford shared devotional thoughts at this morning’s retreat reading from Philippians 3:7-14
– Forgetting what lies behind, I press on to what lies ahead . . . Soozi spoke of “organizations that
sabotage their futures by clinging to the past rather than reaching for the future. Others cling to their
comfort and familiarity rather than moving into the unknown and facing challenges. As believers, we
declare we are people of faith, but so often we choose familiarity rather than the future.”
Then, as I returned home and checked Facebook, I found a daily devotional that my daughter-in-law,
Lynn, receives and posts every day. It was called “Embracing change.” One interesting paragraph reads
as follows, “Today, I encourage you to be open to the new things God has in store for you. Always
remember that just because God has blessed you where you are doesn’t mean you can just sit back and
settle there. God wants to do something new in you and through you. He wants to see you grow, prosper
and flourish. Get ready and keep your heart focused on Him. Embrace change and see the blessing God
has in store for you.”
As you can see, there are changes on the horizon for each of us. But then, I don’t want to do without my
cell phone or my computer any more than I want to be stagnant in my relationship with Jesus Christ, so I
should welcome the changes and look forward to the next ones.
On a completely different note, I found the following tips to better business meetings while I was doing
some cleaning over the winter. Are your business meetings 3D . . . Dull, Draggy, and Disorganized?
They need not be that way. Here are ten simple ideas that will help make them interesting, insightful, and
It is vitally important that any organization have a set of by-laws that outline and prescribe its
functions and proceedings.
It is helpful to have an agenda and all information pertinent to items on the agenda. Business
meetings are more effective when done in proper order. An agenda also prevents overlooking
important issues.
Minutes consist only of what is done, not what is said. It is a record of actions taken and not a
detailed account of discussion, what hymns were used, or desserts served. All personal
opinions should be omitted.
The presiding officer should avoid expressing her opinions on pending issues. If she wishes to
join in the discussion, she should ask someone else to preside.
A recommendation coming from a board or a committee does not require a second.
The Treasurer’s report does not require a vote. It is received by the President and filed for
audit. Once the financial report has been audited, it is the Auditor’s report that is adopted.
A slate of candidates provided by the Nominating Committee does not preclude nominations
from the floor. Following the report of the Nominating Committee, the presider should always
ask for nominations from the floor.
A meeting is never “turned over” to another person. Instead, the presider says, “I now call upon
Jane to . . .”
In routine matters where there is no evident difference of opinion, an issue may be settled by
unanimous consent. This expedites the meeting and avoids needless discussion.
Items left over from a previous meeting are properly called “unfinished business” and not “old
I find that many women on the local level don’t care for business meetings at all. If they drag out an
unnecessarily long time, attendees quickly lose interest. Keep business moving and keep it to a minimum.
You can’t go wrong using that as a guideline. Plan an Executive Committee meeting and make many of
your decisions there – then relay them on to the larger group with them having an opportunity to add their
comments and make changes. I have even been in organizations where we’ve volunteered to occupy the
office in which we are interesting in serving.
Janet Moore 1916 E 1800 N Summitville, IN 46070
Spring Update 2015
Now is the time to serve our church and communities! As I was reading one of the devotionals in THE QUIET
HOUR, it made me think of how we are to serve the Lord even though the people we are serving might not
remember what we did. The important part is that we focus our eyes and minds on finding those we can serve
The scripture is from Matthew 25:31-46 with the key verses being Matthew 25:39,40. When did we see you sick
or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of
these brothers of mine, you did for me.
With no family in the area, a friend needed some help to deal with a medical condition. Some of us heard and
stepped in, believing that God calls us to remember the sick. For five months we worked to keep up on our
personal responsibilities while also stretching to meet all the needs for giving care. We tried to balance our lives
while also providing meals, driving him to appointments, and advocating for his care through phone calls. We
were emotionally drained and physically tired when a treatment was found that brought our friend desperately
needed recovery. But the treatment that helped his condition had a side effect of erasing his recent memory.
All the memory of activities that had gone on through those months was gone. He can’t remember how often we
visited, the hours we spent with him, what we brought, or the details we took care of. But he knows we saw him
in need and responded to his benefit. And for us, we have the peaceful assurance that God remembers all the
details as we focus our eyes and minds on finding those we can serve next.
The focus of this parable is that we should love every person and serve anyone we can. Such love for others
glorifies God by reflecting our love for Him.
Jean Ponsler
10615 N. Co. Rd. 500 E.
North Vernon, IN 47265
From “Get-Acquainted and Team Building Exercises” of the West Virginia AB Women’s Ministries:
Fun in a Bag
Into a paper bag, put unrelated household objects, such as: scissors, tape, pot holder, candle, cup, etc.
Pass the bag around and ask each woman to take out one object. Ask each woman to share how she is
like the object she is holding.
Spring Update 2015
I would like to introduce myself; my name is Cynthia Leffel. I live near the little town of Denver (IN) in
Miami County, which is near Mexico, not far from Chili and just north of Peru (IN)…Logansport
I became your new AB Women’s Ministries State Treasurer as of January 1, 2015. I will hold the
position for the next three years.
My predecessor, Carolyn Porter, has spent a lot of time and many phone calls trying to get me off to a
good start. One of the first things she told me was that I would be amazed at the giving spirit and
generosity of you ladies and your groups. In just three short months, I can testify as to how true
Carolyn’s statement was. I’m more than amazed!
I look forward to hearing from you and our getting to know each other. Thank you in advance for all you
do and all you mean to the ongoing work of ABWM.
Below is a copy of the standard Remittance Form with my name and address. Please detach and make
several copies so you’ll have extras on hand. Pass the form on to your Association and Local treasurers.
Also, DO NOT send me Love Gift donations. Those will go directly to the State Office thru your Church
Donation given by _________________________________ (Association gift, circle, individual, etc.)
Name of Church ______________________________Association ___________________________
Your Name ______________________ Your Address ____________________________________
$__________ Operating
$_____________ National Support
$__________ State Project*
$_____________National Endowment
$__________ Scholarship**
$_____________ AB Women & Girls Mission Fund
$__________ Ella Mae Tomlinson
$_____________ Leadership Development
Memorial Fund for
$_____________ Refit
AB GIRLS of Indiana
*Checks MUST BE postmarked by 12/31 to count toward current year’s State Project
**Checks MUST BE postmarked by 3/31 to determine number of Scholarships given in current year
Mail to:
Cynthia Leffel
8766 North Old Route 31
Denver, IN 46926-9021
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $_______________
Check No.____________________
Personal Development
Personal Development
Spring Update 2015
As we continue to explore our theme of “Time to Serve” let’s look at the life of Jesus and His ultimate act
of service to humanity. Please feel free to use this as a devotion in your ABWM meetings. Discussion questions
are included below.
Turn to John 12:24-26. In “The Message” version of the Bible, Jesus says “Listen carefully: unless a grain
of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried,
it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is
destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you’ll have it forever, real and eternal. If any of you
wants to serve me, follow me. Then you’ll be where I am, ready to serve at a moment’s notice. The Father will
honor and reward anyone who serves me.”
In this parable, who is the grain of wheat? (Jesus foretelling his crucifixion)
What is Jesus calling His disciples to do in verses 25-26? (Serve, give up their lives, follow)
What promise do they receive? (God will reward the servants of Jesus)
Where is Jesus calling you to serve, or die to self, so that you might live?
What do you tend to hold on to rather than to follow Jesus?
The death of Jesus as the sacrifice for our sins was the most significant moment in history. When Jesus
rose from the dead, He conquered Satan and purchased for us eternal life. Do you feel like you tend to live in the
past, the present or the future?
How does holding on “to life just as it is” destroy that life?
Why is it difficult to face change, or why do we want things to remain the way they are?
How does future-oriented faith more accurately reflect eternal life through Jesus?
How can Christian Sisters support each other as they face changes and Serve Jesus?
Close with Isaiah 43:18-19 “Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See, I do a new thing! Now it
springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
Rhonda Compise
406 Crest Way
Henryville, IN 47126
October 10, 2015 – Anderson First Baptist Church
Ketly Pierre, Nicaragua -- Missionary
Church and Community
Church and Community
Spring Update 2015
I am on the committee at Anderson 1st which is planning our 125 year celebration. Our ladies have been good at
keeping records over the years, and there has been a lot to record. What great memories! At the same time I
have been thinking about what to write in my update which would be useful to our gals in this season, in this era
of history. You know, just keeping it in the back of my mind until inspiration strikes. Then, inspiration struck.
It happened a couple of weeks ago while I was attending a program honoring the retirement of one of our local
leaders. The longer I sat there, the more I thought of YOU. And the things you do and your values and the way
you live out your Christianity in your daily lives.
You see, this man’s career made him a local leader, someone that most everyone in our community recognizes. It
is common knowledge that he is a Christian. We are unaware of him as he goes about his days… fulfilling his
duties, making friends, helping those folks who cross his path, in countless small and large ways. And in the end,
as I watched a large number of dignitaries and common folks present award after award and story after story,
representative of how he had touched lives and little by little changed our community, I knew what my take away
This was the story of us. It was the story of our American Baptist Women. It was the story of those who taught us
the way, and the ones who showed us how to serve our Savior. They taught us how to teach classes, conduct a
business meeting, host receptions and large or small dinners, visit the sick, make phone calls and send cards.
They were the ones to stand up for the downtrodden, take a stand when the issues warrant or take a cake to a
new neighbor. They offered advice to new mothers and took elderly friends to the funeral home. They showed
us the way by volunteering at the hospital or Crisis Pregnancy Center. These ladies put cards in their windows
letting scared children know that protection could be found here. They put pennies in their Love Gift boxes,
baked cookies for little league bake sales, or for teas to welcome the new choir director; they supported
missionaries with money and ministers with chicken dinners. And in every case there was prayer support, and
always a smile.
So here is my challenge to you. Take some time and remember. Remember the godly ladies. Remember their
smiles, and the encouragements. Remember the way they led their lives, honoring God hour by hour, just doing
one right thing and then the next right thing, all the while teaching us. Remember them.
Then set aside some time to spend with God. Thank Him for these precious mentors, and the memories. And ask
Him what He would like for you to do, to honor them. To honor Him. Ask Him to show you how these memories
can be translated into a 2015 ministry. You know as well as I know that much has changed and continues to
change in these fast paced times, but the need for the love of our Savior in this world is the constant.
Imagine what our communities would be like if we had never had these representatives of Christ who lived their
days to please Him. Then imagine the world our great-grandchildren will inherit because we continued to carry
the torch. Our torch looks very different but it carries the same flame, the flame of the gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ. What new thing will you do as a torchbearer to our hurting world?
I can picture you now… Christian soldiers marching boldly into the future. There is much to be done, ladies. May
God bless you as you go, in the power of the Spirit and on the shoulders of our mentors, the courageous Baptist
Women. There you are, bringing Christ out of your church, changing the future by serving in your communities.
God bless you.
Nancy Bond
8041 N 800 W
Middletown, IN 47356
Mission and Service
Mission and Service
Spring Update 2015
Hello, my name is Linda Hardin, from Salem, IN, and I am your new Mission and Service Coordinator for the next three years.
I am a member of Mill Creek Baptist Church, having attended there since I was a baby.
I have put the e-mails of our missionaries on my computer and e-mailed them for their prayer requests and needs. At this time
I have only received a message from Kristy Engel with her mailing address. Kristy Engel, 3690 E. Bay St. Duluth, GA 30096.
I went to Green Lake for the International Ministries 200th Anniversary. It was my first time at Green Lake. I had a wonderful
time; my sister Donna went with me, and the Besser’s from my Association were also there. I love attending the missionaries
workshops, I learned so much from them. Indiana had a very good turnout at Green Lake.
I have also emailed Chris Marziale, who told me the prayer cards will be sent to me at the end of February. I will be able to
bring them to the Spring Retreat. I am working on a poster board to show pictures of our missionaries.
The main thing we can do is to pray for our missionaries. Pray for their safety, God’s direction in their lives. Also they need
our support to be on the mission field and for mission projects.
Linda D. Hardin
White Cross
4399 W. Wilson
White Cross
Salem, IN 47167
White Cross
Spring Update 2015
Now that Spring has arrived, it is time to fill out your church’s report for White Cross, and send them on to your
association chairman and in return she can then send it on to me, the state chairman. PLEASE do not put off
filling out this report.
The sooner the better as the numbers I receive on these reports are the ones that are used to determine what
future requests Indiana will receive. If your church is doing an individual request, send your report directly to
me. I received a few reports but need to receive several more. If your church was not able to fill the request
you received, send in your report with what you were able to do. Every report is important to help us gather
information for the future.
At Summer Conference in June, the requests for the 2015-16 year will be available for you to pick up. If your
White Cross chairman is not able to attend. I ask that someone in your association picks up the envelopes and
signs for it. This helps save a lot of postage. If you pick up the packet for someone else, make arrangements to
get it to the White Cross chairman as soon as possible. This can save phone calls and time trying to find the
International Ministries has made some changes in their requests this year. They hope it will make it easier for
everyone. I will explain it on Friday afternoon, June 5th, at Summer Conference. If you still have questions, you
may contact me by phone or email and I will help any way I can. It will be less paper work for all of us. As far as I
know, National Ministries will remain the same.
As we come to the close of the requests for this year, I encourage you to look forward to new ways that we can
be the Hands and Feet of Jesus Christ to those who need it most.
Spring is coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!
Barbara Mills
1511 14th St.
Tell City, IN 47586
Love Gift
Love Gift
Love Gift
Spring Update 2015
There was a young family with a five year old son living in Florida. They were
living on a water way with a boat dock. The little boy was playing in the backyard
getting closer to the water; the mother was watching from the kitchen window.
As her son got on the boat dock, she saw ripples in the water, knowing it was an
alligator. She ran toward her son yelling and screaming, but the alligator had the
boy by the legs. His mother grabbed under his arms and chest. After some time,
the alligator released the boy. As he was being dismissed from the hospital after
several operations, he pulled up his shirt to show the nurses the prints of his
mother’s fingers on his chest and side and told them “these are love prints.”
There is coming a day, some glad day, when I’ll see love prints made for me. I think of a line in a hymn,
“I will know Him by the prints of the nails in His hands.” Those are love prints made for you and me.
Have you accepted the challenge I made in the last update page? If your church is one that does not
give to the state Love Gift offering, would you consider giving just $5 a year?
The figures I just received from the state office are as follows: total Love Gift offerings from October 15,
2014 to February 25, 2015 is $14,747.67.
Carol Theobald
5598 W County Road 700 S
Greensburg, IN 47240-9525
AB Women’s Ministries of Indiana
Schedule for Collections
by Associations
for Edna Martin Christian Center
Bedford; Decatur County; Northwestern
Coffee Creek; Freedom; Friendship
Bethel; Flat Rock; Salamonie
Sand Creek; Tippecanoe; Union
Evansville; Judson
Curry’s Prairie; Orleans; Tri County
Laughery; Mt. Zion
Greater Indianapolis; Monticello
East Central; Logansport; Northeastern
Long Run; Madison; White Lick
Brownstown; Harmony
Greater Indianapolis
Spring Update 2015
Greetings everyone! By the time you read this, spring will be here on the calendar if not in reality! I hope
you are all enjoying it! Scholarship has to be one of the most fun jobs I have ever had. Where else do you get
to give away money to deserving future leaders? As this is my last year to do this, I thought it might be a
good time to pass on some suggestions, recommendations, or ideas to you and the future applicants about how
to help this process along.
To the Applicants:
Keep in contact with the people who are writing your recommendation letters. Give them a stamped,
addressed envelope to send to the scholarship chairman or give them an envelope, have them put their
recommendation in the envelope and seal it, write their name across the seal, and give it back to you to send
with your application.
Keep checking with your guidance counselor to see if they have sent your transcript. This and your
Autobiography/Statement of Purpose are the most important parts of your application. And this one reason
has been the cause of the largest number of applications being disqualified!
And speaking of the Autobiography/Statement of Purpose, it is just that, a statement of PURPOSE.
What do you plan to do with your life? How will you use your future plans to further God’s kingdom? Please
don’t tell me your future plans are to get rich at a good job and you promise to tithe, really you promise.
Somehow that doesn’t have quite the sound you expect it to. I don’t expect everyone to take a vow of
poverty, but tell me how you want to share God’s love with those you meet and how Christ in your life is the
most important thing to you!
To the AB Woman:
Be sure you are handing out the most recent application form. I am still getting the old four page form.
Check with the scholarship person and be sure they have an up to date form. (2012)
If a senior asks you to write a recommendation, please be sure to do so and get it in on time. This one
goes for pastors as well. It is disappointing when we let them down at this point.
Next year, be sure to hand out the NEW scholarship chairman’s name, address, and telephone
number with the applications.
Janie Barnett 916 21st Street
Tell City, IN 47586
Spring Update 2015
Wow, Can you believe the weather we’ve experienced, as well as God’s miraculous gifts of Mercy
that He has blessed us with and most of all it’s SPRING TIME!!! Hallelujah!
We had to cancel our Teen Retreat and look forward to trying again next year. Special thanks to Rhonda Compise for all the
preparation and hard work to be ready for us. Just not the time yet to serve in this experience or journey.
Our time grows quickly of our upcoming AB Girls Joy Jamboree especially dedicated to any girl grades 1 -5 . Girls Grades 6 and
up are invited to join and develop their leadership and servant skills during this time.
We will be meeting @ 8:30 pm at Graham Baptist Church located at 2645 SCR 600 Butlerville, IN 47223, on May 1 until 3 pm
on May 2 . Registration forms are enclosed here and also available on our website, or by emailing me for
one at .
Our theme this year is: A Time to SERVE: (Seek, Examine, Research, Verify, Equip), and staying with our Ephesians 4:12-13.
Our Love Gift will be divided between the State ABW Love Gift & Half to the Girls Club in Chile. Our Project is to collect
Paper Goods for our Camps, such as Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Paper Plates, Napkins, Copier Paper, etc. Registrations are
asked to be turned in by April 1 , but with the timeliness of some Conferences we can extend until April 15 .
We also will be having our Annual AB Girls Gathering at Franklin College June 5 - 7 and have various opportunites of coming
due to everyone’s busy schedule. Anyone having any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. This event is for any Girl grades 6 12 . AND THE ONLY REQUIREMENTREQUIREMENT- YOU JUST GOTTA BE A GIRL!
If you have questions about what is going on nationally, visit our website @ There are numerous
resources and forums and updates on the website to help get ideas in order to develop, work & build you & your AB Girls.
Remember if you have any questions or need me to come and visit your church or group, please contact me at 812-793-3033,
812-498-4448, or to make arrangements to help build up and empower your future leaders of tomorrow, as
well as prayerfully build up His Kingdom!
Please be sure to visit our AB Girls of Indiana Facebook Page and help us continue reaching young girls and building God’s
Kingdom as we reach them virtually as well ☺
Hugs & Blessings!
Tracy Karnes 8271 S CR 850 E
Austin, IN 47102
Spring Update 2015
EMT Fund for AB Girls of Indiana
Well, ladies, I am new at this position so will try my very best to fulfill this
duty while honoring God and helping the girls raise awareness and funds
so that they may continue to do God’s work as well.
The purpose of the Ella Mae Tomlinson (EMT) Memorial Fund is to support
the operating expenses for the AB GIRLS and to help defray the costs of the
girls attending meetings, activities, and events at State, Regional, and
National levels. This money is used to help girls get to conferences,
planning meetings, etc. so that they can help in the continuation of the AB
Girls ministry.
Thinking of this, I am reminded of the scripture in Hebrews 10:24-25 which
says, And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love
and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit
of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the
Day approaching.
As AB women, we have a responsibility to set an example, to be an
encouragement, and to help the girls grow and mature into AB women
themselves. What an awesome opportunity we have to teach and mentor
these young girls! Won’t you join in supporting them by supporting the EMT
More importantly, please be in prayer for the AB GIRLS. Pray that they can
grow in number and get excited about the future of AB Girls and ABW
ministries. We want to put this money to good use!
All monies given to the EMT fund should be sent to the ABW Ministries
God’s blessings,
Jen Parrish
State Project
765-860-7222 4494 S 580 W Russiaville 46979
State Project
State Project
Spring Update 2015
State Project: $25,000 for a Coffee Roaster at Sofia Baptist Church, Bulgaria
Tom and Terry Myers, our International Ministries Missionaries in Bulgaria, have a dream, and the
women of Indiana can make that dream a reality by providing the funds to purchase a coffee roaster for
the Sofia Baptist Church café.
The Sofia Baptist Church is nearing the completion of a new church and community center. The building
is designed to be in use seven days a week and is a collaboration effort between the church and their
social ministry foundation, The Good Samaritan Foundation. Their current ministries include children’s
programing, which includes literacy, meals for the homeless, elderly ministry, work in the orphanages
and outreach to refugees. One of the spaces in the new building is designed to be a café and Terry has
taken on the responsibility to help get it opened and operational. She has a business background and
says her love of coffee will be helpful! It will not be just another café but will be one that is unique. It will
be operated as a for profit business, run on Christian values, and the profits will be returned to the
ministries of the church.
The long term vision for the café will have several phases. Phase 1 is the initial start-up of the café which
includes design, installation and purchase of equipment. They hope to open the café in September or
October of this year. Phase 2 is the purchase of the coffee roaster so the café can roast its own coffee,
adding to the value of the product and ideally expand the coffee market! This is a Win –Win plan
because our International Ministries missionary, Mike Mann, has coffee growing projects in Thailand
which brings about the possibility of using Thai coffee at the café in Sofia.
Costs for the coffee roaster vary depending upon the roasting capacity. Tom attended a coffee roasting
class in Amsterdam and knows of only two other people roasting coffee in Sofia, which will add to the
appeal for the café. Another phase of the start-up is the design and construction of a kitchen to make
the bakery items sold in the café. There will be traditional Bulgarian sweets but also some American in
nature that are well liked in Bulgaria.
How do you plan to promote the project in your local church? How will funds be raised? A Purse Auction
is one possibility with great results. A coffee mug on your kitchen counter for change after your
purchase of a specialty coffee. You know where I mean!! Let me know what your ABW plans to do and
that information will be shared in update pages. Let’s see who can be the most creative!
When Terry heard that the women of Indiana had chosen the coffee roaster project for the Sofia Baptist
Church café she was “floored and awed”! Let’s floor and awe her again by reaching and surpassing the
$25,000 goal!
Beverly Carney, Project Chairman