ABCRA YOUTH CAMP DATE: 14th, 15th & 16th April 2015 (during school holidays) LOCATION: INVERELL SHOWGROUND AGE: 6 TO U17 FIRST 50 ENTRIES ACCEPTED COVERING : Campdrafting, Cutting, Cattle Selection, Rules, Theory, Sporting Events, Stock Rider, Working Patterns, Horse Preparation, Time trials and Animal Nutrition Leading instructors booked, cattle, bison and mechanical cow will be used. Includes some meals and off horse activities School participants will be limited to 3 horses per rider The appropriate clothing, saddlery, tack and AS3838 Helmets must be used at all times Camping on Showground will be $12.50 (for duration of camp) payable to the Inverell Showground Trust Riders must be a member of the ABCRA (day memberships available) Full payment is required to secure your place Please make cheques payable to : Inverell Junior Rodeo or Direct Debit Acc: Inverell Junior Rodeo : BSB: 062 556 Acc No: 10281254 Contact Details: Ron Berkley PO Box 225 INVERELL NSW 2360 0417 612 660 or ENTRY FORM ABCRA YOUTH CAMP – INVERELL 2015 14th, 15th & 16th April 2015 Age of entrants must be 6 – U17 and a financial member of the ABCRA Contact Details Name:________________________________________ DOB:___________ AGE:_________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Town:__________________________ P/Code:__________________ ABCRA Membership No:___________________ Ph:_________________________ Fax:________________________________ Mobile: ____________________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________ Please indicate - Level of Experience (circle) Level 1 – Beginner Level 2 – Some Experience Level 3 – Experienced I wish to participate in the ABCRA Youth Camp, and will abide by the conditions of entry. Signature of Parent Guardian: _________________________________________________ Name of Parent Guardian: ____________________________________________________ Please indicate whether the parent or guardian is attending: YES / NO COST IS $185.00 – PAYMENT TO BE MADE IN ADVANCE Payment is by Cash, Cheque or Direct Deposit Please return this entry form with payment and completed medical form to: Ron Berkley ABCRA Youth Camp PO Box 225 INVERELL NSW 2360 INVERELL JUNIOR RODEO INC. PO Box 225, Inverell NSW 2360 ABCRA YOUTH CAMP 14th, 15th & 16th April 2015 MEDICAL & AMBULANCE AUTHORISATION CHILD’S NAME: IMPORTANT NOTE: You are required to disclose all information relating to any medical conditions and treatment your child is currently undergoing. 1 Medication brought to camp must be in the original packaging, and should have the child’s name, dosage, and dosage times, clearly marked. Only medication originally packaged and in the child’s name, will be administered. An asthma management plan must be provided for all asthmatic children. 2 A copy of any special diet ordered by you or a doctor, should be given to Catering Committee. Please answer the following questions about your child, by circling the correct answer: 1. Does your child have a disease, disability, medical or other health condition which may affect her/his ability to participate in the Camp program? Yes/No If yes, please give details of all conditions, attaching a separate sheet if necessary: 2. Does your child suffer from any of the following? a) Asthma Yes/No e) Skin Conditions b) Diabetes Yes/No f) Epilepsy, fits, blackouts c) Sleep Walking Yes/No g) Allergic Conditions d) Bed Wetting Yes/No h) Attention Deficit Disorder If yes, please provide full details, attaching a separate sheet if necessary: 3. Has she/he been sick or treated by a doctor for any illness in the past four weeks? If yes, please provide full details, attaching a separate sheet if necessary: Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No 4. Is she/he taking any medication at present? Yes/No If yes, read and complete the following and attach a separate sheet with instructions from prescribing doctor. Name of medication:___________________ Dosage: _______________________________ Times to be Taken: ____________________ Reason/Condition: ______________________ Continue over page…../ - 2 - 5. Does your child have an allergic reaction to any type of medication or food? If yes, please give full details, attaching a separate sheet if necessary. Yes/No 6 Has she/he had the Combined Diphtheria Tetanus Toxoid booster injection? Yes/No If the answer is yes, in what year was the last booster injection given? 19…….. / 200… 7. Has she/he been immunised against measles? Yes/No (N.B. Homeopathic “immunisation” is regarded as not “immunised” by the National Health and Medical Research Council). 8. Do you agree to your child being given Paracetamol, if necessary? Yes/No It is your responsibility to provide all medication as originally packaged, comprehensive instructions and equipment for its administration and adequate supply for the duration of Camp. Medication is kept secure and self administered by the children, under direct supervision of Camp officers at specified times. PLEASE CONTACT THE COMMITTEE IMMEDIATELY IF YOUR CHILD HAS ADDITIONAL NEEDS. DOCTOR’S NAME: _______________________________________ Phone no: _______________ Address: _________________________________________________ YOUR MEDICARE NUMBER IS REQUIRED FOR YOUR CHILD TO RECEIVE IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION, IF NECESSARY. Medicare No: ____________________________ Health Card No: _________________________ Private Health Fund: ______________________ Fund Number: ____________________ Ambulance Cover: Y/N I agree to my child’s attendance at the above-mentioned Camp and to his/her taking part in any activities and excursions arranged for the children in connection with the Camp program. I also authorise designated Camp officers to supervise administration of medication by my child as requested by me on this form. In the event of any accident or illness, I authorise the obtaining of such medical assistance on my behalf that my child may require. I also undertake to pay medical fees and/or costs of drugs which may be incurred while my child is at the Camp. I hereby release and indemnify the Inverell Junior Rodeo Inc. and its officers against all actions, suits, claims, demands, proceedings, losses, damages, compensation, costs, charges and any expenses whatsoever in respect of any personal injury of or any infringement, disturbance or destruction of any rights of any person including myself and my son/daughter/ward arising directly or indirectly out of the aforementioned administration of medication. Please sign below to indicate your agreement to the above conditions. __________________________________ _____________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian Date: Print Name of Parent or Guardian / / 2012
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