Submission 054 Draft LTP 2015-2025 249 Submission 054 Draft LTP 2015-2025 250 Submission 055 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Online Submission Form Your Contact Details Name Alicia Taylor Organisation Address PO Box 7 Dipton Post Code 9752 Do You Want to Speak to Council? I do not wish to be heard in support of my submission Your Feedback Roading Service Levels Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: 251 Submission 055 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Roading Rate Model Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Sealing the last section of the Catlins road Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Ageing Infrastructure - Funding of depreciation Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Draft Development Contributions Policy Comment: Draft Maori Freehold Land Policy Comment: Draft Rates Remission Policy Comment: Draft Revenue and Financing Policy Comment: Early Repayment of Rates Policy Comment: Fees and Charges Schedule Comment: Other Feedback Is there anything else you think we should consider over the next 10 years to help build a better Southland?. Comment: Public Toilet in Dipton. We were told we were getting one and now nothing? No one is willing to explain anything! We have a petition no one wants to even look at. How is is justifiable to spent nearly $30k to 252 Submission 055 Draft LTP 2015-2025 repaint the hall (I personally waterblasted this last year and there were no issues I found) . $10k to replace the playgroup ceiling (I am the president of this group and it has never leaked? Where did this even come from? And there has been talk of an information board (info people want when they stop here...where is the public toilet) I think someone really needs to take this seriously because I keep getting shut down...I was personally told yes we were getting one and when I asked again a few months later was told that was never said. Please seriously consider the options here. Help us improve this plan! How easy was the Consultation document to read? Very Easy Please comment on how we can improve the plan: 253 Submission - 056 Draft LTP 2015-2025 254 Submission 057 Draft LTP 2015-2025 255 Submission 057 Draft LTP 2015-2025 256 Submission 058 Draft LTP 2015-2025 257 Submission 058 Draft LTP 2015-2025 258 Submission 058 Draft LTP 2015-2025 259 Submission 059 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Online Submission Form Your Contact Details Name David McKenzie Organisation Edendale Primary School Address 24 Salford Street Edendale Post Code 9825 Do You Want to Speak to Council? I do not wish to be heard in support of my submission 260 Submission 059 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Your Feedback Roading Service Levels Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Roading Rate Model Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Sealing the last section of the Catlins road Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Ageing Infrastructure - Funding of depreciation Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Draft Development Contributions Policy Comment: Draft Maori Freehold Land Policy Comment: Draft Rates Remission Policy Comment: Draft Revenue and Financing Policy Comment: Early Repayment of Rates Policy Comment: Fees and Charges Schedule Comment: 261 Submission 059 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Other Feedback Is there anything else you think we should consider over the next 10 years to help build a better Southland?. Comment: 1.. Should State Highway One be realigned we would love to have a pedestrian crossing placed from the school to the recreational grounds. We think a good place would be near the cenotaph as it is away from the school's main entrance and way from the pool's entrance. 2. We support the Community Board's exploration of a large community facility on the recreation grounds. It would be close to us and allow for good use. A community facility gains it value from use and by being close to us this would work really well. 3. To make it safer for the children of Edendale we would propose that the current 50 and 70km signs that are positioned on the way to Wyndham (as you exit Edendale) be reviewed and changed. We would like to see the 50km sign shifted to the 70km sign and then the 70km sign pushed out from there into somewhere new. There are large logging trucks that come into Edendale from Wyndham, carrying substantial loads and their speeds are still to high by the time they are in the 50km zone. Further, with the new subdivision housing is now were there once was paddock. 4. We support the Book Bus and love that it has included the school in as part of its regular rotations. We would love to see this continue. 5. To encourage physical fitness (walking, running and cycling) a suitable cycleway would be great to be built between Edendale and Wyndham. There is ample space on one side where the water and sewerage scheme went in and this would be of benefit to both communities allowing safe cycling for families on the road as it is quite narrow especially if two trucks are passing each other. 6. We allow our swimming pool to be operated well beyond the length of time that we would run it as a school. This is undertaken by the Edendale Community Baths Committee and provides a very valuable service to the children and families of our area. They use it before school, after school, in the weekends and during the holidays from around Labour Weekend through to the end of Term One. The rating that is provided for this ensures its on-going high use. If it was left to the school we would only open our pool to our children for in school swimming for two lots of two weeks per year as funding received would not allow any other operation. Help us improve this plan! How easy was the Consultation document to read? Very Easy Please comment on how we can improve the plan: Doing on line was great. 262 Submission 060 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Online Submission Form Your Contact Details Name Linda Anne Lewis Organisation Address 10 Old Monowai Road RD 2 Otautau Post Code 9682 Do You Want to Speak to Council? I do not wish to be heard in support of my submission Your Feedback Roading Service Levels Preferred Option: Option One - Move to an 80/20 principle Comment: 263 Submission 060 Draft LTP 2015-2025 I believe it is important that tourists are able to safely travel on our main routes in the Southland District and also well maintained roads will I believe encourage tourist traffic. Roading Rate Model Preferred Option: Option Two - Current Model Comment: Sealing the last section of the Catlins road Preferred Option: Fund the Sealing of the road Comment: I believe it is important that tourists are able to safely travel on our main routes in the Southland District and also well maintained roads will I believe encourage tourist traffic. The Southern Scenic Route is what brings tourists and NZers to our smaller towns and thus can increases money spent in these areas Ageing Infrastructure - Funding of depreciation Preferred Option: Phased funding of depreciation Comment: Draft Development Contributions Policy Comment: Draft Maori Freehold Land Policy Comment: Draft Rates Remission Policy Comment: Draft Revenue and Financing Policy Comment: Early Repayment of Rates Policy Comment: I approve of this policy Fees and Charges Schedule Comment: 264 Submission 060 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Other Feedback Is there anything else you think we should consider over the next 10 years to help build a better Southland?. Comment: I wish to support the proposed Blackmount Community Centre Rate for assisting with the on-going operation of the Blackmount Community Centre. The school/community centre has been and will continue to be the heart of the community. The community is a very supportive community and is prepared to raise funds to maintain and operate their community centre. I believe the proposed rate is a similar rate to that of support to other community centres. Losing the school was a big blow to the community but turning the school building into a community centre will make the best of the situation and keep this facility within the community. The old hall is no longer suitable for group activities and having the school building as a community centre will encourage a greater use of this facility. My family has been part of this community for 35 years and my children went to the school. We would like to see the school/community centre continue being the heart of the community. Help us improve this plan! How easy was the Consultation document to read? Easy Please comment on how we can improve the plan: 265 Submission 061 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Online Submission Form Your Contact Details Name Neil Robertson Organisation Address R D 2 Otautau Post Code 9682 Do You Want to Speak to Council? I do not wish to be heard in support of my submission Your Feedback Roading Service Levels 266 Submission 061 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Roading Rate Model Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Sealing the last section of the Catlins road Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Ageing Infrastructure - Funding of depreciation Preferred Option: Phased funding of depreciation Comment: Draft Development Contributions Policy Comment: Draft Maori Freehold Land Policy Comment: Draft Rates Remission Policy Comment: Draft Revenue and Financing Policy Comment: Early Repayment of Rates Policy Comment: Fees and Charges Schedule Comment: Other Feedback Is there anything else you think we should consider over the next 10 years to help build a better Southland?. 267 Submission 061 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Comment: We support A rating district being established in Blackmount to support the community centre. Help us improve this plan! How easy was the Consultation document to read? Very Easy Please comment on how we can improve the plan: 268 Submission 062 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Online Submission Form Your Contact Details Name John Kennedy Organisation Address 93 Drummond Oreti Road RD3 Winton Post Code 9783 Do You Want to Speak to Council? I do not wish to be heard in support of my submission Your Feedback Roading Service Levels 269 Submission 062 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Preferred Option: Option Two - Maintain the Status Quo Comment: Some road repairs appear to be done several times before a fix is completed.Surely it is possible to cut wastage in this area and pay contractors on a completion of a quality job rather than repeating the process. Roading Rate Model Preferred Option: Option Three - No rate for heavy vehicles Comment: Heavy vehicles are the lifeblod of the province and therefore all ratepayers should shoulder this burden equally on their properties with a uniform charge.All ratepyers benefit from activity and opportunity created by business whether heavy or light industry and it is therefore unequitable nor reasonable to try to split out where the benefits or costs lie in regard to different industry types. Sealing the last section of the Catlins road Preferred Option: Fund the Sealing of the road Comment: As ratepayers we pick up some of the burden of crashes and Southland needs to promote a good experience for tourists.I would expect Otago to shoulder some of the cost as well.Farmers in that area will be generating enough income to justify Southland ratepyers helping to develop the area. Ageing Infrastructure - Funding of depreciation Preferred Option: Phased funding of depreciation Comment: It's a no brainer to prepare for asset replacement. Draft Development Contributions Policy Comment: I accept that approach Draft Maori Freehold Land Policy Comment: Unless maori land has been set aside for public use then all maori land should be subject to the same rates as all other ratepayers. Draft Rates Remission Policy 270 Submission 062 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Comment: There should be no remission or postponement of rates.whatsoever.See above Draft Revenue and Financing Policy Comment: Early Repayment of Rates Policy Comment: Seems an appropriate option for some ratepayers as long as funds are earmarked for those purposes only. Fees and Charges Schedule Comment: Look to your efficiency in business operations to minimise these costs as other small to medium businesses have had to do. Other Feedback Is there anything else you think we should consider over the next 10 years to help build a better Southland?. Comment: Yes a POLL tax should be introduced so that all residents appreciate the services that are on offer and the burden is spread a bit wider. Have you the will to push this. Help us improve this plan! How easy was the Consultation document to read? Easy Please comment on how we can improve the plan: 271 Submission 063 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Online Submission Form Your Contact Details Name Nigel William Stirling Organisation Waimahaka Volunteer Fire Brigade/and personal Address CM.Box 17.Waimahaka.No 5 RD. Invercargill Post Code 9875 Do You Want to Speak to Council? I do not wish to be heard in support of my submission Your Feedback 272 Submission 063 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Roading Service Levels Preferred Option: Option One - Move to an 80/20 principle Comment: Work still needs to be done on the 80 % to stop them from deteriorating to a state where a lot of money has to be spent to bring them up to standard. Roading Rate Model Preferred Option: Option One - Proposed Model Comment: Sealing the last section of the Catlins road Preferred Option: Fund the Sealing of the road Comment: The Catlins road from Nugget Point to Curio bay is not all gravel, only parts. Our fire Brigade wholeheartlly supports the sealing of the parts not sealed.There is a lot of wasted man hours chasing needless callouts and the potential for a deadly fatality is extremely high.. The proposal to seal the Curio Bay - Haldane 13 km and Slope Point road is well needed.(Proposal could have been backed up numbers) The Waipapa Point road will have to be looked at for sealing within the 10 year pllan Ageing Infrastructure - Funding of depreciation Preferred Option: Phased funding of depreciation Comment: The principal is a sound one.The only concern I have got is what happens to the money. The reserve or sinking fund would have to be set up independent of other investments. Draft Development Contributions Policy Comment: Agree Draft Maori Freehold Land Policy Comment: Agree Draft Rates Remission Policy 273 Submission 063 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Comment: Agree Draft Revenue and Financing Policy Comment: Early Repayment of Rates Policy Comment: Agree Fees and Charges Schedule Comment: Other Feedback Is there anything else you think we should consider over the next 10 years to help build a better Southland?. Comment: We support the funding of the curio Bay waste water scheme and potable water and connection of crib owners to both. Abolishing freedom camping at Waikawa Domain.Upgrading facilities at Weir's Beach for freedom campers.Stoppping camping on DOC land above Fortrose golf course on headland as dangerous and culturally sensitive. Help us improve this plan! How easy was the Consultation document to read? Very Easy Please comment on how we can improve the plan: Make sure facts Nugget pt to Curio Bay road is mostly sealed except for 13 km Curio to Haldane. 274 Submission 064 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Online Submission Form Your Contact Details Name Greta Buckingham Organisation South Catlihs Charitable Trust. Address 1085 Tokanui Niagara Road RD 1, Tokanui Southland. Post Code 9884 Do You Want to Speak to Council? I do wish to be heard in support of my submission Preferred Speaking Date. Wednesday 20 May - Morning 275 Submission 064 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Your Feedback Roading Service Levels Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Roading Rate Model Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Sealing the last section of the Catlins road Preferred Option: Fund the Sealing of the road Comment: South Catlins Charitable Trust.(SCCT) support the plan to seal the Curio Bay Haldane road including the road to Slope Point. The sealed road will provide a safer road for Tourists and locals, including the School Buses Ageing Infrastructure - Funding of depreciation Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Draft Development Contributions Policy Comment: Draft Maori Freehold Land Policy Comment: Draft Rates Remission Policy Comment: Draft Revenue and Financing Policy Comment: Early Repayment of Rates Policy Comment: 276 Submission 064 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Fees and Charges Schedule Comment: Other Feedback Is there anything else you think we should consider over the next 10 years to help build a better Southland?. Comment: Wastewater for Curio Bay: SCCT support the planned Wastewater scheme as it is vital not only to protect the Environment but to allow us to proceed with our plans to build a Heritage Centre and upgrade the Campground Facilities. Freedom Camping Bylaw: SCCT.supports a review of the Freedom Camping bylaw. Help us improve this plan! How easy was the Consultation document to read? Very Easy Please comment on how we can improve the plan: 277 Submission 065 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Online Submission Form Your Contact Details Name Richard and Trudy Slee Organisation Family Address Wairaki Station Blackmount Post Code 9682 Do You Want to Speak to Council? I do not wish to be heard in support of my submission 278 Submission 065 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Your Feedback Roading Service Levels Preferred Option: Option Two - Maintain the Status Quo Comment: Roading Rate Model Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Sealing the last section of the Catlins road Preferred Option: No preferred option Comment: Ageing Infrastructure - Funding of depreciation Preferred Option: Phased funding of depreciation Comment: Draft Development Contributions Policy Comment: Draft Maori Freehold Land Policy Comment: Draft Rates Remission Policy Comment: Draft Revenue and Financing Policy Comment: Early Repayment of Rates Policy Comment: Fees and Charges Schedule Comment: 279 Submission 065 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Other Feedback Is there anything else you think we should consider over the next 10 years to help build a better Southland?. Comment: As a family, and members of the Blackmount Community, who are also highly involved in community activities and committees, we are really keen to see the old Blackmount School (which will become our Blackmount Community Centre) become rated amongst all of the houses in our district. We are very supportive of the rate that will help maintain this building for the future. This will help provide a small steady income that will help the Community Centre Commitee to keep hire charges affordable, and to plan maintenance work. We think a proposed rate is comparable to other communities and a fair way to fund it. The school/community centre can remain the heart of Blackmount and the community's identity. regards Richard and Trudy Slee Help us improve this plan! How easy was the Consultation document to read? Very Easy Please comment on how we can improve the plan: 280 Submission 066 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Online Submission Form Your Contact Details Name Ian Andrews Organisation Colac bay Vision Ltd Address PO Box 5201 Auckland Post Code 1141 Do You Want to Speak to Council? I do not wish to be heard in support of my submission Your Feedback 281 Submission 066 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Roading Service Levels Preferred Option: Option One - Move to an 80/20 principle Comment: Roading Rate Model Preferred Option: Option Two - Current Model Comment: Sealing the last section of the Catlins road Preferred Option: Fund the Sealing of the road Comment: Ageing Infrastructure - Funding of depreciation Preferred Option: Phased funding of depreciation Comment: The remaining life of infrastructure should reassessed at least very 5 years to enable this figure inform the annual depreciation figure . Draft Development Contributions Policy Comment: I support the proposal Draft Maori Freehold Land Policy Comment: Maori land should be rated on the same basis as other land Draft Rates Remission Policy Comment: A clear policy and rules are better than none . Draft Revenue and Financing Policy Comment: Early Repayment of Rates Policy 282 Submission 066 Draft LTP 2015-2025 Comment: I support the proposed policy Fees and Charges Schedule Comment: The basis by which fees are calculated should be transparent and able to be challenged . Other Feedback Is there anything else you think we should consider over the next 10 years to help build a better Southland?. Comment: Council currently employs a sole practitioner lawyer , Barry Slowley , to perform all or most of its resource management legal work . Mr Slowley also performs a similar function for Environment Southland . According to replies given to me by both Councils , neither Council has a written contract of contract with Mr Slowley , neither Council monitors his performance and neither Council has a conflict of interest policy which covers him . According to information supplied to me by SDC , Mr Slowley has been paid over $285,000 in the 3 years ended 31 March 2014 . Environment Southland advised a figure for the same period of $790,000 . Council should immediately place its resource management legal work out to tender . The tender document should include , amongst other things, the duties to be performed , the way in which performance will be monitored , the duties of the appointee under the Local Government Act . Applicants should required to have a detailed policy on how conflicts of interest are identified and managed . This is particularly important where an appointee also acts for another nearby local authority , where there is the potential for legal privilege to be used to reduce transparency when , if each council employed different lawyers , there would be no loss of transparency . Help us improve this plan! How easy was the Consultation document to read? Easy Please comment on how we can improve the plan: 283 Submission 067 Draft LTP 2015-2025 284 Submission 067 Draft LTP 2015-2025 285 Submission 068 Draft LTP 2015-2025 286 Submission 068 Draft LTP 2015-2025 287 Submission 069 Draft LTP 2015-2025 288 Submission 069 Draft LTP 2015-2025 289 Submission 069 Draft LTP 2015-2025 290 Submission 070 Draft LTP 2015-2025 291 Submission 070 Draft LTP 2015-2025 292 Submission 071 Draft LTP 2015-2025 293 Submission 071 Draft LTP 2015-2025 294 Submission 071 Draft LTP 2015-2025 295 Submission 071 Draft LTP 2015-2025 296 Submission 072 Draft LTP 2015-2025 297 Submission 072 Draft LTP 2015-2025 298
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