Abhijit Seishinkai Karate Academy All India Seishinkai Shito-Ryu Karate-Do Federation (Govt.Reg) Chief Technical director Rensei Premjit Sen ( 8th Dan Black Belt ) Referee & Judge Asian Karate-Do federation & W.K.F Grand master Soke Sadatomo Harada (10th dan Black Balt) Chief Instructor Sensei Abhijit Paul ( 4th Dan Black Belt ) Japanese English JODAN UKE Upward Block ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA Thank you. At the end of each class ASHI BARAI Foot Sweep. ASHI WAZA All leg and foot techniques. BUNKAI Application of KATA movements. CHUDAN Mid-section DAN Degree. Black Belt rank DOJO The place where we practice Karate. EMPI One of the Black Belt level KATA \ Elbow. GEDAN Lower section. GEDAN BARAI Downward Block KARATE GI Karate Uniform GOHON KUMITE Five step basic sparring. GYAKU ZUKI Reverse Punch HAI Yes HAITO UCHI Ridge-hand Strike HAJME Begin. A command given to start a given drill, Kata, or Kumite. HASAMI ZUKI Scissor Punch HARAI TE Sweeping technique with the arm HEIKO DACHI A natural stance. Feet positioned about one shoulder width apart, with feet pointed straight forward. Some Kata begin from this position. HEIKO ZUKI Parallel Punch (A double, simultaneous punch). HEISOKU DACHI Attention stance. Feet are together and pointed straight forward. HIDARI Left HIJI Elbow / EMPI. HIJI UKE A blocking action using the elbow. HIZA GERI Knee Kick HIZA UKE A block using knee. HONBU DOJO Central dojo of an organization (Practice area). IPPON KEN One Knuckle Fist IPPON KUMITE One step sparring IPPON NUKITE A stabbing strike using the index finger. JIYU KUMITE Free Style Sparring JODAN Upper JUJI UKE X Block KAGI ZUKI Hook Punch TAISHO Open hand blow KAMAE-TE A command given by the instructor for students to get into position. KARATEKA Practitioner of Karate. KATA A "form" or prescribed pattern of movement. KEAGE Snap Kick. KEKOMI Thrust Kick. KEMPO "Fist Law." A generic term to describe fighting systems that uses the fist. In this regard, KARATE is also KEMPO. In Chinese, it is pronounced "Chuan Fa". KENTSUI Hammer Fist GERI Kick KIAI A shout delivered for the purpose of focusing all of one's energy into a single movement. KIHON Basic techniques. KIME Focus of Power. KIZAMI ZUKI Jab Punch KOHAI A student junior to oneself. KOKEN Wrist Joint KOSA DACHI Crossed-Leg Stance KUMITE Sparring KYOSHI Master Instructor KYU Any rank below Shodan. KYUSHO WAZA Pressure Point techniques. MAE Front MAE GERI KEKOMI Front Thrust Kick MAE UKEMI Forward fall/Roll MAWASHI GERI Roundhouse Kick MAWASHI ZUKI Roundhouse Punch MAWA-TE Turn around. MIGI Right MIKAZUKI Crescent Kick MOKUSO Meditation Practice. MOROTE ZUKI U-Punch MOROTE UKE One arm and fist support the other arm in a block. MOTO DACHI A short forward stance MOSUBI DACHI An attention stance with feet pointed slightly outward. NAGE WAZA Throwing/take-down techniques. NAKADAKA IPPON KEN Middle Finger Knuckle NEKO ASHI DACHI Cat Stance NIHON NUKITE Two finger attack. NIDAN GERI Double Kick NUKITE Spear Hand OI-ZUKI Lunge Punch OTOSHI EMPI UCHI An elbow strike by dropping the elbow. REI Respect / Bow. REINOJI DACHI Stance with feet on one line making a L-shape. RENSHI A person who has mastered oneself." This person is considered an expert instructor. SANBON KUMITE Three Step Sparring SANBON SHOBU Three Point match. SANCHIN DACHI Stances normally used in Kata Sanchin. Uchi-Hachiji-Dachi step forward. SEIKEN Forefist SEIZA Sitting position. Sitting on one's knees. SEMPAI A senior student. SENSEI Teacher SHIAI A match or a contest. SHIHAN Teacher of teachers SHIKO DACHI Square Stance. / Horse stance SHOMEN Front / front of a Dojo. SHUTO UKE Knife-hand Block SOTO (UDE) UKE Outside (Forearm) Block. TARTE KEN ZUKI Vertical Punch TEISHO UCHI Palm Heel Strike TEISHO UKE Palm Heel Block TETTSUI UCHI Hammer Strike / KENTSUI. TOBI GERI Jump Kick TSUKI A punch TUITE Grappling skills. MAWASHI GERI Roundhouse Kick. UCHI UKE Inside (Forearm) Block UKE Block URA ZUKI An upper cut punch used at close range. URAKEN Back Knuckle USHIRO GERI Back Kick. WAZA Technique YAME Stop YOI Ready Yoko geri -- Side Kick What is Your Karate Style Name ? Ans) All India Seishinkai Shitoryu Karate do Federation . What is Your Academy Name ? Ans) Abhijit Seishinkai Karate Academy W.K.F > World Karate Do Federation A.K.F > Asian Karate Do Federation K.A.B > Karate Association Of Bengal A.I.S.S.K.F > ALL INDIA SEISHINKAI SHITO RYU KARATE DO FEDERATION A.S.K.A > ABHIJIT SEISHINKAI KARATE DO ACADEMY I.O.A > INDIAN OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION WWW.ABHIJITINDIANKARATE.COM Paul.abhijit299@gmail.com 9903742252
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