M O N T H LY N E W S L E T T E R NUTRITION NEWS Abilene ISD Student Nutrition Department Volume 2, Issue 8 April 2015 : sue s I s i h de T Insi Page 1 -Spring into Healthy Habits Page 2 -Spring into Healthy Habits, cont. -Rebecca’s Corner Page 3 -April Challenge -Fuel Up & Move Bus Tour 2015 Check out our “Fuel Up & Move” Tour Dates on Pg. 3! -Get Moving, Abilene! -Monthly Recipe Sp ri ng i nt o he al th y h abi t s S pring is finally here! The weather is warmer and the days are longer giving you more time to spring into healthy habits! ! Many times we get caught up in unhealthy habits which eventually lead to an increase in weight-gain. By making simple adjustments to your daily habits you can create a wholesome style of living and get back to a healthy weight. ! Replacing your bad habits with good ones will result in more energy, enhancement of moods, controlled weight, and improvement of longevity! ! ! ! Here are some tips to get you looking and feeling right this Spring:! ! Eat regu larl y Life gets busy and hectic and sometimes we may skip a meal to play catch-up. In the long run, skipping meals only slows down your metabolism. Have you ever felt a little light-headed after skipping a meal? That’s because your blood level drops. Then when you finally have time to sit down for a meal, you overeat to make up for the dip in blood sugar. A big part of living a healthy life-style is planning for one! The benefits of eating regularly will allow you to not overeat, give you more energy, stabilize your blood sugar, and reduce your cravings for unhealthy food. S p ri ng int o h e a lth y h a b it s , c o nt . Re Control your portions Did you know that April is Garden month?! ! It’s unrealistic to ask you to go around with measuring cups trying to figure out the correct serving size of every meal you eat, instead let your hands guide you! Hand symbols are a great way to figure out portion sizes so you don’t over indulge! This hand chart allows you to visualize healthy serving sizes for different foods. Keep in mind, over serving yourself can lead to calorie overload! ! Gardening is a great way to teach your family about plants, fruits, and vegetables! It’s also a great way to get everyone outdoors and off the couch! Children are more inclined to learn when they have the opportunity to interact with what they are learning about! This month, start a family garden in your very own backyard! ! Here are some great ideas of what to plant in your family garden: ! ! www.ateaspoonofhappiness.com change up yo ur exe rcise Working out 6 days a week and not seeing the results you want? First, check your eating habits! 80% of your fitness results come from nutrition, exercise accounts for only 20%. The saying is true, you can’t outrun your fork! If you’re eating healthy and still not seeing results, try changing up your workout! If you’re doing the same workout routine or not mixing strength training with cardio, then you’re going to stay right where you are! Adding versatility to your workout schedule and increasing and decreasing your heart rate through your exercise regimen will ultimately lead to the results you have been waiting for. Heart rate monitors are a great way to measure your effort, maintain the right exercise intensity, track your progress, and prevent you from exercising too hard in one session. Remember, if your workouts aren’t challenging you, they aren’t changing you either! Add in some snacks It’s always hard to get all the nutrients you need in just 3 meals. Planning snacks as part of your daily menu will help you and your child achieve your nutrition needs. A great guideline for snack planning is to combine 2 food groups making a combination snack. ! Here are some great combination snacks to add to your lunch box:! • Low-fat yogurt topped with berries ! • Whole-grain bread spread with peanut butter & bananas! • Fresh carrot matchsticks with hummus er n r o C s becca’ •Bush beans grow best in welldrained soil. Make sure to plant them in an area where they’ll get full sunlight. Bush beans are packed with Vitamin A, C, K, iron, potassium, and fiber. ! •Peas, just like bush beans need a nice sunny spot to grow with welldrained soil for planting. They also need to be protected from high winds! Add peas to a pasta, vegetable stir fry, or a parsley salad with diced tomatoes. Yum! ! •Beets & carrots can be planted as soon as your soil is ready for Spring. Carrots are full of Vitamin A, which helps fight diseases. Beets offer Vitamin A, B, & C as well as many other benefits! ! • Herbs are also easy to grow & maintain! Most herbs can be grown in a container or a flower bed. Some of my favorites are basil, mint, oregano, and parsley. Herbs add a flavorful addition to any meal, provide healthful benefits, and are inexpensive to plant! ! Once you’ve harvested your home grown garden, be sure to add them to your favorite meals! “FUEL UP & MOVE” BUS TOUR 2015 APRIL MONTHLY CHALLENGE THE STUDENT NUTRITION DEPARTMENT IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE OUR NUTRITION BUS IS ON THE MOVE! CATCH OUR HANDS-ON NUTRITION EDUCATION SESSIONS AT A SCHOOL NEAR YOU! This month, let’s test just how fit we are! Fit-tests are a great way to check your progress throughout the month. Performance assessment is a great tool to use to gauge your progress and verify that your current fitness plan is working. It also allows you to identify any areas that need to be improved upon. Perform each exercise for 60 seconds and record how many reps you achieve. Perform this fit test every 2 weeks in the month of April! ! 60 second squats: 60 second push-ups: 60 second crunches: 60 second lunges: 60 second burpees: ! ! APRIL 2ND TAYLOR ELEMENTARY ! APRIL 7TH BASSETTI ELEMENTARY ! APRIL 14TH & 16TH MARTINEZ ELEMENTARY ! APRIL 23RD & 24TH AUSTIN ELEMENTARY ! APRIL 28TH WARD ELEMENTARY ! _________ __________ __________ _________ __________ Get Moving, Abilene! ! m o n t h l y r e c ip e Abilene state park 5k run Abilene State Park! Saturday, April 4th! Start Time: 9am! Entry Fee- $25 ! ! -Visit www.abilenerunners.com/april! ! Mayors 5K and 10K Abilene Civic Center! Saturday, April 11th! Adults-$25 until 4/11 ! 12 & Under-$10! Start Time: 8:30am! ! ! -Visit www.abilenerunners.com/april! Insane inflatable 5k C or n & C hi ck pe a Fi es ta Sa la d w it h C i la nt ro L im e • 2- 1/2 cups corn kernels! • 2- cans of chickpeas, dra ined & rinsed! • 1- green bell pepper, dic ed ! • 1/2 red onion, finely dic ed! • 1 English cucumber, cho pped ! • 3 cups of cherry tomato es, drained & rinsed Combine all of the sal ad ingredients in a big bowl. In a separa te bowl, whisk together the dressing ingredients. Pour the dressing over th e salad ingredients and stir until everyth ing is mixed well. Refrigerate until ser ving or at least for a half hour to let the flavors blend. Enjoy !! ! ! ! Dressing! • 1/2 cup extra virgin oliv e oil! Taylor County Expo Center! Saturday, April 18th! Entry fee- $59 until 4/10! Start Time: 9am! • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, cho Experience the most fun, wild and insane obstacle run in the world! ! • dash of salt & pepper ! ! ! ! ! pped ! • 4 tbsp lime juice! • 1 clove garlic, minced ! www.ateaspoonofha ppiness.com -Visit www.insaneinflatable5k.com/ abilene-tx! 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