DAY 1: MONDAY 13 APRIL 11:00 12:50 13:00 13:45 14:00 14:20 14:30 15:00 15:15 15:45 REGISTRATION Summit 2015 welcome Michael Liebreich, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Jon Moore, CEO, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Susan Kish, BNEF Summit 2015 Host Soft Power: Politics, consumers and the evolution of the clean energy and climate debate A group of leading commentators will discuss how energy realities and narratives are evolving. Coral Davenport, Energy and Environment Policy Reporter, New York Times Jay Faison, Managing Partner, ClearPath Foundation Professor Andy Hoffman, Director of the Frederick A. and Barbara M. Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, University of Michigan Keith Johnson, Senior Reporter, Energy Geopolitics, Foreign Policy Magazine Joan MacNaughton, Chair, World Energy Trilemma, World Energy Council Moderator: Seb Henbest, Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa, Bloomberg New Energy Finance CEO Fireside Chat José Manuel Entrecanales Domecq, Chairman, Acciona In conversation with Angus McCrone, Chief Editor, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Global Keynote Al Gore, Former US Vice President and Chairman, The Climate Reality Project In conversation with Ethan Zindler, Head of Americas and Head of Policy, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Global Keynote Debbie Dooley, Chairman of Atlanta Tea Party, co-founder of the Green Tea Coalition, and founder of Conservatives for Energy Freedom In conversation with Ethan Zindler, Head of Americas and Head of Policy, Bloomberg New Energy Finance BREAK CEO Fireside Chat Dr. Ahmad Belhoul, CEO, Masdar BNEF Analyst Briefing Introducing the Summit tracks and key themes Jenny Chase, Colin McKerracher, Alejandro Zamorano, Brian Warshay, Amy Grace, Will Nelson Global Plenary: Technology-energy nexus Hot technology and investment trends in Connected Home, Grid, PowerGen and Transportation and in relationships between VCs and corporate development. Gina Domanig, Managing Partner, Emerald Technology Ventures Dr. Robie Samanta Roy, Vice President, Technology and Innovation, Lockheed Martin Anil Srivastava, CEO, Leclanché Nobuo Tanaka, President, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation Moderator: Thomas Rowlands Rees, Senior Analyst, Energy Smart Technologies, Bloomberg New Energy Finance DAY 1: MONDAY 13 APRIL 16:30 16:45 18:00 Firestarter: Innovation in Transport Brook Porter, Partner, Green Growth Fund, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Eyal Rosner, Chairman and Director of Administration, Fuel Choices Initiative New Energy Pioneers Award 2015 2015 New Energy Pioneers and award presentations Michael Wilshire, Head of Analysis, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Andrée-Lise Méthot, Founding Partner, Cycle Capital Management Timothy Kemper, Co-National Director, Renewable Energy Industry Practice, CohnReznick Mansoor Hamayun, CEO and Co-Founder, BBOXX John Jung, CEO, Greensmith Pepe Carnevale, CEO, Blade Dynamics Alan Barton, CEO, Lehigh Technologies Barry Rowan, EVP and CFO, Cool Planet Michael Herzig, CEO and Founder, Locus Energy K’Lynne Johnson, CEO and President, Elevance End of day one Ryan Popple, CEO, Proterra Christoph Ostermann, Co-Founder, Sonnenbatterie John Carrington, CEO and Director, Stem DAY ONE EVENING ACTIVITIES 18:00 NEW ENERGY PIONEERS 2015 WELCOME RECEPTION NETWORKING FOYER | HYATT LEVEL B 19:00 THEMED DINNER Sponsored by Fuel Choices Initiative MANHATTAN BALLROOM | HYATT LOBBY LEVEL Startup nation 2.0 When it comes to innovative technologies, Israel is a leader, recognized as second only to Silicon Valley. The Startup Nation - the world’s highest per capita of engineers and scientists and a constant flow of innovators, make Israel home to hundreds of R&D centers of global technology leaders. Join us to learn more about the energy and transportation nexus innovation ecosystem and get a taste of bright startups on the footsteps of Waze and Mobileye. Speaker: Eyal Rosner, Chairman and Director of Administration, Fuel Choices Initiative Presentations from: David Banitt, CEO, NewCO2Fuels Daniel Barel, CEO, SoftWheel Dekel Tzidon, CTO, Phinergy Shahar Waiser, Founder, GetTaxi This Themed Dinner has limited places and is by invitation only. If you are interested in attending, please speak to a member of the Summit production team or email DAY 2: TUESDAY 14 APRIL 08:00 The Future of Power Generation 1 BREAKOUT ROOM 1 | HYATT LEVEL B The Future of Power Generation 2 BREAKOUT ROOM 2 | HYATT LEVEL C The Future of Transportation BREAKOUT ROOM 3 | HYATT LEVEL C The Future of the Grid BREAKOUT ROOM 4 | HYATT LEVEL C Breakfast Session 1 Analyst briefing: Power generation Breakfast Session 2 Analyst briefing: Power generation Breakfast Session 3 Analyst briefing: Transportation Breakfast Session 4 Analyst briefing: Grid The Future of the Connected Home BREAKOUT ROOM 5 | LOBBY LEVEL Breakfast Session 5 Analyst briefing: Connected Home During the breakfast briefing session, track chairs and senior analysts will draw together the key issues and outline how they will be addressed throughout the following two days. 08:45 09:00 09:05 10:10 11:00 11:30 11:45 Movement to plenary session Summit Partner opening remarks John Lynch, Managing Director, Head of Power, Utilities and Renewables for EMEA, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Industry Keynote: State of the industry Michael Liebreich, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Global Plenary: The American energy renaissance Leading policy makers give their perspective on key issues in the industry and how the changing political landscape will affect them. Senator Judd Gregg, Co-Chair, Nuclear Matters and Former Senator, New Hampshire Timothy Kemper, Co-National Director, Renewable Energy Industry Practice, CohnReznick Sarah Ladislaw, Director of the Energy Program, Centre for Strategic and International Studies Dr. Cheryl Martin, Former Acting Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Moderator: Ethan Zindler, Head of Americas and Head of Policy, Bloomberg New Energy Finance BREAK Global Keynote Honorable Greg Rickford, Minister of Natural Resources and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario, Canada With Edward Greenspon, Managing Editor, Energy, Environment and Commodities, Bloomberg News CEO and Regulator Plenary: Utilities and a new regulatory compact Regulators and utility CEOs juggling the competing priorities of environmental responsibility, security of supply and cost competitiveness discuss the evolving regulatory-utility relationship and the role of competitive suppliers. Badar Khan, President and CEO, Direct Energy Michael Picker, President, California Public Utilities Commission Jim Rogers, Former Chairman of the Board, Duke Energy Jon Wellinghoff, Partner, Stoel Rives Audrey Zibelman, Commissioner, New York Public Service Commission Moderator: Jonas Rooze, Head of European Power and Carbon, Bloomberg New Energy Finance DAY 2: TUESDAY 14 APRIL 13:00 14:15 Networking Lunch 1 Global Power Generation Sponsored by Shikun & Binui Welcome remarks: Yaron Szilas, CEO, Shikun & Binui Renewable Energy Networking lunch 2 Networking Lunch 3 Networking Lunch 4 Networking Lunch 5 US Power Generation Transportation Grid Connected Home Sponsored Black & Veatch Sponsored by Fuel Choices Initiative Sponsored by Leclanché Sponsored by Masdar Welcome remarks: Welcome remarks: Welcome remarks: Welcome remarks: John Chevrette, President, Eyal Rosner, Chairman and Director Pierre Blanc, Chief Technology and Dr. Ahmad Belhoul, CEO, Masdar Management Consulting Division, of Administration, Fuel Choices Industry Officer, Leclanché Black & Veatch Initiative BREAKOUT ROOM 1 | HYATT LEVEL B BREAKOUT ROOM 2 | HYATT LEVEL C BREAKOUT ROOM 3 | HYATT LEVEL C BREAKOUT ROOM 4 | HYATT LEVEL C BREAKOUT ROOM 5 | LOBBY LEVEL These informal lunches gather together individuals with common interests and give them some 'food for thought' - creating a network within a network The lunches lead naturally in to the first breakout session of the afternoon The Future of Power Generation 1 The Future of Power Generation 2 The Future of Transportation The Future of the Grid The Future of the Connected Home Afternoon session 1 Afternoon session 2 Afternoon Session 3 Afternoon session 4 Afternoon session 5 BREAKOUT ROOM 1 | HYATT LEVEL B BREAKOUT ROOM 2 | HYATT LEVEL C BREAKOUT ROOM 3 | HYATT LEVEL C BREAKOUT ROOM 4 | HYATT LEVEL C BREAKOUT ROOM 5 | LOBBY LEVEL KNOCK-ON EFFECTS OF RENEWABLES ON POWER MARKETS Using case studies, this panel will look at the implications to the market of increased penetration of variable resource renewables. It will specifically focus on the markets of California and Texas. Gabriel Alonso, CEO, EDPR North America Angelina Galiteva, Member of the Board of Governors, CAISO Kris Ruud, Senior Manager, Resource Integration and Regional Operations Engineering, MISO Energy Matthew Suhr, Director of Fundamental Analysis, Calpine Lance Titus, MD of Trading, Guzman Energy BNEF Moderator: Amy Grace, Head of Wind 15:00 WHAT KEEPS RESOURCE PLANNERS UP AT NIGHT? FUTURE OF URBAN MOBILITY: DRIVERS OF OPTIONALITY GRID TECHNOLOGIES AND REGULATION: EVOLUTION OR INTELLIGENT DESIGN? CONNECTED HOME TECHNOLOGIES: WHERE TO FROM HERE? Sergej Mahnovski, Director of the Utility of the Future Team, Con Edison Brian Megali, Principal Analyst, Market Fundamentals, Constellation Khalil Shalabi, VP, Energy Market Operations and Resource Planning, Austin Energy Fong Wan, SVP, Energy Procurement, PG&E BNEF Moderator: Madeline Yozwiak, Analyst, US Power and Environmental Commodities Dorothy Chan, Senior Manager, MTR Corporation Eric McCarthy, VP Government Relations and General Counsel, Proterra Dave Packard, Senior Director, Utility Solutions, ChargePoint Professor Lucius Riccio, Lecturer in Discipline, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University Shahar Waiser, Founder, GetTaxi BNEF Moderator: Alejandro Zamorano, Head of Advanced Transport Pierre Blanc, Chief Technology and Industrial Officer, Leclanché Stephen Callahan, VP Global Strategy Solutions, Energy and Utilities, IBM Eric Dresselhuys, EVP, Global Development and Marketing, Silver Spring Networks Gil Quiniones, President and CEO, New York Power Authority BNEF Moderator: Brian Warshay, Analyst, Energy Smart Technologies Ben Bixby, General Manager, Energy Services, Nest Kris Bowring, Director of Business and Channel Development, Lowes Chris Black, CTO and COO, Tendril Kyle Jones Baker, Partner, Greentech Capital Advisors BNEF Moderator: Colin McKerracher, Associate, Energy Smart Technologies Utility strategists face unprecedented uncertainty in developing long-term integrated resource plans. This panel will examine the challenges at the top of their minds, highlighting regional differences across the US. This panel will look at the challenges facing cities worldwide in terms of mobility, emissions and strategic planning as urbanisation increases. Movement to breakout sessions This panel will examine how smart grid technologies have been deployed to integrate renewables and improve reliability. It will compare projects that have benefitted from subsidies to those that have been implemented for purely economic reasons. The market for connected home products is growing and consumers are beginning to take note. But energy is only one part of the equation and sits alongside other drivers such as security and comfort. As these technology ecosystems converge, we discuss how the connected home will evolve and what it means for the energy sector. 15:15 The Future of Power Generation 1 Afternoon session 6 BREAKOUT ROOM 1 | HYATT LEVEL B The Future of Power Generation 2 Afternoon session 7 BREAKOUT ROOM 2 | HYATT LEVEL C The Future of Transportation Afternoon Session 8 BREAKOUT ROOM 3 | HYATT LEVEL C The Future of the Grid Afternoon session 9 BREAKOUT ROOM 4 | HYATT LEVEL C BUILDING UNSUBSIDISED RENEWABLES THE FUTURE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OEM PERSPECTIVES ON FUEL CHOICES GRID YOGA: USING FLEXIBILITY AND MICROGRIDS TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY This panel will look at the countries and regions where renewables are competing without subsidies, both on the retail level and wholesale. Jim Hughes, CEO, First Solar Honorable Maximo Pacheco, Minister of Energy, Chile Paddy Padmanathan, President and CEO, ACWA Power Dr. Eddie O'Connor, Co-Founder and Chief Executive, Mainstream Renewable Power Frans van den Heuvel, CEO, Solarcentury BNEF Moderator: Jenny Chase, Manager, Solar Insight Service 16:00 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:55 The U.S. nuclear industry faces significant uncertainty today – a perfect storm of economic and policy challenges brought on by the unintended consequences of market structure and government policies. These factors may undermine the promise of this reliable source of carbon-free energy with potential consequences for our energy security. Tom Blees, President, Science Council of Global Initiatives Senator Judd Gregg, Co-Chair, Nuclear Matters Mark Marano, President and CEO, Westinghouse Gary Mignogna, President and CEO, Areva North America Michael Twomey, VP External Affairs, Entergy Corporation BNEF Moderator: Chris Gadomski, Lead Nuclear Analyst Supported by Nuclear Matters Fleet catalogues from automakers today include a large variety of fuels and power sources to satisfy consumer preferences and legislation. This panel will look at how OEMs, fuel producers, legislators and technology developers are working together to take advantage new fuel choice options. Frank Bio, Director of Special Vehicle and Alternative Fuels, Volvo Group Dr. Rebecca Boudreaux, President, Oberon Fuels Ignaas Caryn, Director, Corporate Venturing and Biofuels, KLM Wahid Nawabi, SVP and GM, Energy Efficient Systems, AeroEnvironment Chelsea Sexton, Industry Advisor BNEF Moderator: Salim Morsy, Associate, Advanced Transportation BREAK Executive Sitdown: Future of Transportation Global Keynote Global Plenary: Company strategy in a time of change Amy Ericson, President, Alstom US Ralph Izzo, Chairman and CEO, Public Service Enterprise Group Francesco Venturini, CEO and General Manager, Enel Green Power Moderated by: Albert Cheung, Head of Product Management, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit Partner closing remarks Maribeth Malloy, Director, Environmental Sustainability and External Engagements, Lockheed Martin This panel will discuss the different approaches to improving grid reliability by looking at technologies, business models and regulatory structures in use around the world. Mikael Backman, Market Development Director, Wartsila Maxine Ghavi, Group SVP, Program Director, Microgrids, ABB Laurent Schmitt, VP, Strategy and Innovation, Alstom Paul Wyman, General Manager, Smart Grid Solutions, Lockheed Martin BNEF Moderator: Brian Warshay, Analyst, Energy Smart Technologies The Future of the Connected Home Afternoon session 10 BREAKOUT ROOM 5 | LOBBY LEVEL RE-IMAGINING THE UTILITY ROLE IN RESIDENTIAL SOLAR In the US and around the world, utilities are launching ventures to capture revenue and value from the relentless uptake of rooftop solar, rather than simply watching it erode their volumes. But can they successfully compete against the more nimble and established pure-plays? And what impact will their entrance have on the solar market, and on consumers? Ted Dow, CIO, Clean Energy Finance Corporation Evan Dube, Director, Public Policy, Sunrun Cris Eugster, Group EVP, Chief Generation and Strategy Officer, CPS Jeff Guldner, SVP, Public Policy, Arizona Public Service Company Julia Hamm, President and CEO, Solar Electric Power Association BNEF Moderator: Nick Culver, Lead Solar Analyst, Americas DAY TWO EVENING ACTIVITIES 18:00 PRE-DINNER DRINKS RECEPTION 20:00 MANHATTAN BALLROOM | HYATT LOBBY LEVEL THEMED DINNERS HYATT LEVEL B Bank of America Merrill Lynch An evening with filmmaker James Redford James Redford is an accomplished documentary filmmaker. He will discuss his current film, HAPPENING, and share early stage film clips. HAPPENING explores the transition underway in the US to a clean energy economy and how this is helping people, businesses and communities. HAPPENING is expected to air on HBO in early 2016. The film is being produced by the Redford Center as part of The Clean Energy Innovation Center, whose goal is to develop an expansive communications platform to highlight the clean power movement. Speaker: James Redford, Director, Producer and Co-Founder and Chair, the Redford Center Direct Energy The Innovators: An evening with Walter Isaacson and Direct Energy Please join Direct Energy as we host an evening with Walter Isaacson, author and CEO of The Aspen Institute. Isaacson is known for his incredible writing skills, penning the landmark Steve Jobs biography, and most recently, The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution. Isaacson will be speaking about his new book, and sitting down for a fire side chat with Manu Asthana, President of Direct Energy Residential. Each guest will also receive a signed copy of The Innovators, as our thanks for attending. Speakers Walter Isaacson, President and CEO, Aspen Institute Manu Asthana, President, Direct Energy Residential Lockheed Martin Ecosystem of Innovation Lockheed Martin and partners will share the remarkable journey of a university spin out through early technology readiness levels with the support of ARPA-E to progress through the “valley of death.” The panel will explore the needs and challenges of each stage and discuss the key factors for success of Lockheed Martin Advanced Energy Storage, LLC (formed with the assets of Sun Catalytix Corporation of Cambridge, Massachusetts, in August 2014) and its future road to utility scale commercialization. Speakers Bradley Fiebig, Business Development Manager, Power Management Solutions Group, Lockheed Martin Dr. Thomas Jarvi, General Manager, Lockheed Martin Advanced Energy Storage Dr. Cheryl Martin, Former Acting Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy Moderator: Ethan Zinder, Head of Americas and Head of Policy Analysis, Bloomberg New Energy Finance REGISTER FOR THE THEMED DINNERS ON THE SUMMIT APP DAY 3: WEDNESDAY 15 APRIL 08:00 The Future of Power Generation 1 Breakfast session 1 BREAKOUT ROOM 1 | HYATT LEVEL B The Future of Power Generation 2 Breakfast session 2 BREAKOUT ROOM 2 | HYATT LEVEL C The Future of Grid Breakfast session 3 BREAKOUT ROOM 4 | HYATT LEVEL C GASIFICATION OF NORTH AMERICAN POWER SOLAR SUPPLY CHAIN STORAGE ECONOMICS: GRID AND EVs The era of cheap gas and crumbling coal assets has brought CCGT fleets from mid-merit to baseload. Impacts of the shale boom are felt across the nation. Janet Coy, VP, Natural Gas Marketing, Enbridge Energy Partners Sharon Flanery, Member, Chair, Energy and Natural Resources Department, Steptoe and Johnson Marie Jordan, SVP, Gas Construction and Operations, National Grid Jonathan Mir, Head of North American Power and Utilities, Lazard Mike Schwartz, Senior Advisor, Black & Veatch BNEF Moderator: Charlie Blanchard, Head of Quantitative Gas and NGL Markets 09:00 09:05 09:10 The PV manufacturing industry is in a relatively profitable part of the cycle, with positive margins for the best companies and some planning to spin off development divisions. BNEF and top solar company executives will discuss strategies for success. Raghu Belur, Co-Founder, VP, Products and Strategic Initiatives, Enphase James Mullin, Corporate VP, General Manager, Solar Products, Energy and Environmental Solutions, Applied Materials Boris Schubert, VP, ET Solar Teresa Tan, CFO, Trina Solar Howard Wenger, President, Business Units, SunPower BNEF Moderator: Dr. Xiaoting Wang, Solar Analyst Summit opening remarks Jon Moore, CEO, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit Partner opening remarks Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany, Director of Sustainability, Masdar and Director, Zayed Future Energy Prize CEO and Investor Plenary: Powergen financing and yieldcos Investment opportunities and dynamics in power generation. Mike Garland, CEO, Pattern David Giordano, Managing Director, North American Renewable Power Group, BlackRock Shaun Kingsbury, CEO, UK Green Investment Bank Jeff McDermott, Managing Partner, Greentech Capital Advisors Moderator: Josh Steiner, Head of Industry Verticals, Bloomberg L.P. Despite their widespread use in laptops and cell phones, the costs of lithium ion batteries remain a point of contention. This panel will discuss battery price points and disruptive technology innovations that will impact the storage landscape. Jeff Gates, Director of Sales and Field Operations, Alevo Steve LeVine, Author, The Powerhouse Roger Lin, Director, Marketing, NEC Energy Solutions Rogers Weed, VP Product Management, 1 Energy Systems BNEF Moderator: Logan Goldie-Scot, Associate, Energy Smart Technologies The Future of the Connected Home Breakfast session 4 BREAKOUT ROOM 5 | LOBBY LEVEL CHANGING APPROACHES TO DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Demand response offers a potentially low cost way to shift peak demand, increase system flexibility and integrate renewable generation. But there are competing pathways and the industry faces serious regulatory challenges. This session will examine how DR markets and dynamic pricing programmes are evolving and the implications for the power sector. Steve Hambric, VP, Strategic Sales and Operations, Comverge Scott Henneberry, VP Smart Grid Energy, Schneider Electric Suedeen Kelly, Partner, Akin Gump Richard Caperton, Director, National Policy and Partnerships, Opower BNEF Moderator: Colin McKerracher, Associate, Energy Smart Technologies DAY 3: WEDNESDAY 15 APRIL 09:50 10:10 10:20 Global Keynote: Michael R. Bloomberg Founder of Bloomberg LP and three-term Mayor of New York City The Future of Power Generation 1 Morning session 1 BREAKOUT ROOM 1 | HYATT LEVEL B The Future of Power Generation 2 Morning session 2 BREAKOUT ROOM 2 | HYATT LEVEL C Movement to breakout sessions The Future of Transportation Morning session 3 BREAKOUT ROOM 3 | HYATT LEVEL C The Future of Grid Morning session 4 BREAKOUT ROOM 4 | HYATT LEVEL C MEXICO'S ELECTRICITY SECTOR IN TRANSITION MORE EXPENSIVE TAX EQUITY? FINANCING PROJECTS IN 2016 DESIGNING THE IDEAL CAR: TECHNOLOGY ENABLERS OF THE FUTURE END-USER SOLAR, STORAGE & GRID "DEFECTION" WHO WILL "OWN" THE CONNECTED HOME? Cory Byzewski, VP & GM, Direct Energy Solar John Carrington, CEO, Stem Katherine Hamilton, Founder, 38 North Solutions Kenneth Munson, President and CEO, Sunverge Energy BNEF Moderator: Logan Goldie-Scot, Associate, Energy Smart Technologies Scott Boose, President, Direct Energy Services Seth Frader-Thompson, President, Energy Hub Joe Jankosky, Director, Intelligent Home New Verticals, Time Warner Cable Dr. Christopher McLachlan, Head of RWE Retail Strategy, Essent BNEF Moderator: Colin McKerracher, Associate, Energy Smart Technologies The country's electricity sector is in the midst of an overhaul, which opens the door to more private sector participation in a generation. Topics will include a nuanced discussion of the new regulatory structure, the outlook for power prices and exploration of strategies for wind and solar development. Leonardo Beltran, Deputy Secretary for Planning and Energy Transition, Secretariat of Energy, Mexico Peter Eschenbach, General Manager for Mexico, SunEdison Manuel Gomez, VP, Sustainability, Walmart Roger Gonzalez Lau, Director, CEMEX Energia Juan Ignacio Rubiolo, President and CEO, AES Mexico BNEF Moderator: Lilian Alves, Associate, Latin America, Bloomberg New Energy Finance This panel will examine the potential financing issues for renewables in the US in 2016 as both wind and solar rush to complete projects ahead of the subsidy cuts. Ted Brandt, Co-Founder and CEO, Marathon Capital Brad Buss, CFO, SolarCity Rohan Singh, Director, Project Finance, Conergy Conor McKenna, Managing Director, CohnReznick Capital Markets Securities BNEF Moderators: Jacqueline Lilinshtein, Solar and Clean Energy Analyst and Dan Shurey, North America Wind Analyst and Policy Specialist Increasing demand for better performance, range and cost is driving innovation and breaking barriers in vehicle and fuel technologies. On this panel technology developers will discuss what transport might look like 25 years from now and how their technologies are affecting the whole energy space. Tim Cesarek, SVP, Business Development, Enerkem Dr. Yoshimi Okada, Principal Researcher (Engineering), Chiyoda Corp Dekel Tzidon, CTO, Phinergy Robert Wimmer, Director, Energy and Environmental Research Group, Toyota Motor North America BNEF Moderator: Claire Curry, Associate, Advanced Transportation Supported by ProMexico 11:00 Movement to breakout session The decreasing costs of PV and storage have raised concerns in utility boardrooms that customers will go off-grid. This panel will explain the economics of 'grid defection' and its potential implications on utilities. The Future of the Connected Home Morning session 4 BREAKOUT ROOM 5 | HYATT LOBBY LEVEL This session will examine the growing competition between utilities, telecommunications companies, security providers and technology vendors for the emerging connected home market. DAY 3: WEDNESDAY 15 APRIL 11:10 The Future of Power Generation 1 Morning session 6 BREAKOUT ROOM 1 | HYATT LEVEL B EMERGING FRONTIERS IN CLEAN ENERGY AND ENERGY ACCESS The panel will explore the tools being deployed to scale up investment in clean energy and energy access in emerging and developing countries, both through on-grid expansion and new off-grid business models. Introduction: Julia Kraetke, Private Sector Development Adviser (DESA), Climate and Environment Department, DFID Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany, Director of Sustainability, Masdar and Director, Zayed Future Energy Prize Mafalda Duarte, Program Manager, Climate Investment Funds Charles Feinstein, Energy and Extractives Global Practice Director, World Bank Lynn Tabernacki, Managing Director Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, OPIC BNEF Moderator: Michael Wilshire, Head of Analysis The Future of Transportation Morning session 7 BREAKOUT ROOM 3 | HYATT LEVEL C CONNECTED CARS AND AUTODRIVE Connected cars and autodrive technology are developing rapidly. This panel will address how consumer preferences, demand for connectivity, energy consumption optimisation and safety are driving these exciting new technologies. Cliff Fietzek, Manager, Connected eMobility, BMW North America Annie Lien, Autonomous Driving and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Expert Michael Hurwitz, Director, Energy, Technology and International , UK Department of Transport Josh Switkes, Founder and CEO, Pelton Technology BNEF Moderator: Ali Izadi-Najafabadi, Head of Japan Supported by the Zayed Future Energy Prize 11:50 12:00 12:30 Movement to plenary session Global Keynote NETWORKING LUNCH Sponsored by CohnReznick The Future of the Connected Home Morning session 8 BREAKOUT ROOM 5 | HYATT LOBBY LEVEL EVOLUTION OF THE UTILITY BUSINESS MODEL Distributed generation technologies, microgrids and changing demand patterns are putting the future utility business model into question, yet the grid offers the cheapest form of energy storage and peak power. This session will look at how utilities are adapting to these changes, potential new business areas and implications for the wider energy system. Dr. Erin Boyd, Senior Manager, Rates, Economics and Energy Risk Management, Snohomish PUD Richard Kauffman, Chair, Energy Policy and Finance, Office of Governor Andrew Cuomo Neil Pennington, Director of Innovation (UK) npower Ron Schoff, Senior Program Manager, Technology Innovation, EPRI BNEF Moderator: Tom Rowlands-Rees, Senior Analyst, Energy Smart Technologies DAY 3: WEDNESDAY 15 APRIL 13:30 13:40 ROAD TO PARIS Road to Paris: Firestarter Ambassador François Delattre, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations Road to Paris: Policy maker panel Senior policy makers and experts discuss range of possible outcomes. Honorable Pierre Arcand, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Quebec Ambassador François Delattre, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations Connie Hedegaard, Former EU Commissioner for Climate Action Nancy Sutley, Chief Sustainability and Economic Development Officer, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Moderated by: Ethan Zindler, Head of Americas and Head of Policy, Bloomberg New Energy Finance 14:20 14:45 14:55 15:35 16:50 17:00 BREAK BUSINESS RESPONSE Business Response: Expert insight on the Greening of Asia The business case for solving Asia's environmental emergency. Mark Clifford, Executive Director, Asia Business Council Business Response: Green bonds and debt capital markets Clean energy and energy efficiency are accessing the debt capital markets in new ways and in greater volumes through labelled green bonds, convertible bonds, ABS and other structures. Panelists will discuss the range of opportunities for a sector entering the mainstream. Suzanne Buchta, Managing Director and Head of Green Bonds Americas, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Jeff Eckel, President and CEO, Hannon Armstrong Kyung-Ah Park, Head of Environmental Markets Group, Goldman Sachs Peter Sweatman, Chief Executive, Climate Strategy & Partners Moderated by: Lenora Suki, Head of Sustainable Finance Product Strategy, Bloomberg Business Response: Finance for Resilience (FiRe) Reporting back from 2014, voting for 2015 FiRe winners Hosted by: Susan Kish, BNEF Summit Host and Michael Liebreich, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Challenge Panel: David Sandalow, Inaugural Fellow, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University and Simon Zadek, Co-Director, Inquiry in to the Design of a Sustainable Financial System Summit Chairman’s closing remarks and thanks Michael Liebreich, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Bloomberg New Energy Finance SUMMIT CLOSE
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