¸ÀºÀ¸ÁædÄð£À ªÁt SAHASRARJUN VANI Reg No. KARBIL00951/29864 K SAM SS B AJ A Issue - 04 TULJA BHAVANI TULJAPUR, (MAHARASHTRA) Rs. 50/- October- December - 2014 Reg No. KARBIL00951/29864 Magazine from ABSSK Samaj 1st Floor, Swiss Cottage Complex, Race Corse Road, Bengaluru - 560 001. Phone : 080- 23506460 Email : support@abssksamaj.org Website : www.abssksamaj.org Issue -4 October-December 2014 Volume -1 Pages - 40 Single Copy - Rs. 50/Annual Subscription : Rs. 200/Membership : Rs. 2000/(For 10 Years) Donors : Bronze - Rs. 2500/Silver - Rs. 5000/Gold - Rs. 10,000/Platinum - Rs. 15000/Diamond - Rs. 25,000/Chairman Srihari L Khoday President Satyanarayana V Damam Editor K.G. Ramchandra Team Leader, Sahasrarjun Vani Sri T M Meherwade Contact Bangalore Vishalakshi M S : +91-9482879173 Shyamsundar M S : +91-97414 71724 Narendra K S : +91-98451 94850 Hubli Sri T M Meharwade : +91-94483 19393 A AJ SAHASRARJUN VANI - 2014 K SAM SS B Index 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Page Nos. Chairman’s Views 2 Editorial 3 Appeal 4 SSK Samaj Personalities 5 MOM (Mars Orbitor Mission) 6 Ideas to Transform Education 7 Tulja Bhavani, Tuljapur 8-9 Prothsaha Dhana, Harihar 11 Pratibha Puraskara, Hubli 11 Uchita Computer Basic Tarabeti Shibira 12 Sri Rajarajeshwara Sahasrarjuna Maharahraja Jayanthi Samiti, Bangalore 14 Sri Sahasrarjun Jayanthi Mahotsav, Hyd. 15 Sri Rajeshwara Sri Sahasrarjun Maharaj Jayanthi Utsav, Hubli 16-17 SSK Kendra Pancha Samiti, Hubli-Dharwad 17 Sri Kanteshwara Swamy Seva Samiti Trust 18 SSK Sahodara Balaga, Bangalore 18 Hamarlok Premier League, Bangalore 19 Sahasrarjun Premier League, Bangalore 20 Vadhu-Var Parichay Manch, Hyderabad 21 Golden Jubilee Celebrations, Secunderabad 22 Office Bearers of SSK Samaj, Hyderabad 24 SSK Business Directory, Bangalore 26-27 Articles in English, Kannada and Hindi not exceeding 300 words may be mailed to abssksamaj@gmail.com or support@abssksamaj.org latest by 20th of every month. Kindly note that only soft copies will be accepted. Any article received after this date will not be considered for publication. Please note that the views expressed in the Articles are of the Authors and not of the organizations or their representatives in any manner. Every possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, ABSSK, its team and service providers do not take responsibility for any commission of errors. -01- A AJ K SAM SS B When we look at people who have been less privileged and who have no proper shelter, our lineage makes us think about the betterment of these people in their existing hamlets. If at all there could be a better shelter, a better house, a space for living, a space for studies, a space for movement, life will be more better and life would be more meaningful, life will be more accomplishing in all fronts. When we look further we can foresee that the citizens will be more energetic, optimistic and progressive on all front when this basic amenity in life has been met. A satisfaction that I belong to A Home A Sweet Home rather than a tattered house. Srihari L Khoday To set an example from my end for the years that I have come across people of all strata, and to solve this problem of shelter for the down trodden or the less privileged people, a thought has been in my mind to make their lives better, a foundation has to be laid for their development and upbringing, a comfort has to be achieved by them, in their effort for a better civilized society to live in. Time has come, with the blessing of the divine gods, the elevated gurus, our parents, our grand parents, brothers, sisters, kith and kin and all the universal brotherhood, to bring in a suitable shelter for the people who are in need of the same. The burden of rentals, the difficulties of life in meeting the requirements of daily needs, the desire to own a house of their own for making a bright future and a form of social security for future generations or their own family makes sense to achieve what is desired and what can be accomplished, for the tiny little steps that would be forthcoming in the future of a much complicated society with further more challenges for lively hood and a secure home to live in. An effort has taken birth in the form of D. Devaraj Urs Housing Society Ltd., a society formed with good thoughts to solve the desires and needs of a piece of land, a house to live in and a thought for the future development of the very individual and his family to live in with an all round development and support for the modern generation to be successful in their effort to growth and enrich the standards of basic comfort of living standards. I hope the people of our community also with other will take advantage of such approach and will support the system in the cause of up-liftment of our society in time to come and for the future generations. -02- A AJ K SAM SS B Roles and outcomes in community development Sri K G Ramachandrasa E-mail: kgr1232@gmail.com Roles Outcomes 1. Help people see that they have common concerns about local issues that they could benefit from working in together under their own control. ¨ ¨ Reduction of isolation and alienation Increase in social capital and cooperation 2. Help people work together on those issues, often by forming or developing an independent community group, supporting them to plan and take actions and encouraging evaluative and reflections as a way of improving effectiveness ¨ Creation or improvement of bonafide 3. Support and develop independent groups across the community sections, not directively, but with ethical framework and increase networking between groups. Increase in ¨ Community sector ¨ Volunteering ¨ Mutual aid and autonomous services ¨ Learning between groups ¨ Improvement in conditions in the locality 4. Promote values of equity, inclusiveness, participation and co-operation throughout this work Increase in ¨ Participation ¨ Social capital ¨ Co-operation ¨ Community collusion 5. Empower people and their organizations to influence and transforms public policies and services and all factors affecting the conditions of their lives ¨ Increase in community engagement and 6. Advise and inform public authorities on community perspective and assist them to strengthen communities and work in genuine partnership ¨ Increase capacity of agencies, authorities community groups ¨ Increase in opportunities for activity in the community ¨ More effective community activity influence ¨ Improvement in dialogue between community and authorities ¨ Improvement in coherence and effectiveness of public policies and professions to engage with communities ¨ Improvement in delivering of public services ¨ Increased resources for the community sector -03- A K SAM SS B AJ ABSSK ¸À ª À i ÁdzÀ F J¯Áè ¸À z À ¸ À å jUÉ J. ©. J¸ï. J¸ï. PÉ . ¸À ª À i ÁdzÀ ªÀ w ¬ÄAzÀ w½¸À Ä ªÀ Å zÉ Ã £É A zÀ g É PÀ £ ÁðlPÀ ¸À P ÁðgÀ ª À Å eÁw Dzs Á jvÀ d£À U À t wAiÀ Ä £À Ä ß vÁjÃRÄ 11-04-2015 jAzÀ ¥Áæ g À A ©ü ¸ À ° zÁÝ g É . F ¤nÖ £ À ° è £À ª À Ä ä ¸À ª À i ÁdzÀ §Azs À Ä UÀ ¼ À Ä vÀ ª À Ä ä°è C¢ü P ÁjUÀ ¼ À Ä §AzÁUÀ eÁw £É Æ ÃAzÁªÀ t  A iÀ Ä £À Ä ß F PÉ ¼ À V £À A vÉ £À ª À Ä Æ¢¸À ¨ É Ã PÁV «£À A w:- »AzÀ Æ - “¸É Æ ÃªÀ Ä ªÀ A ±À ¸À º À ¸ Áæ d Äð£À PÀ ë wæ A iÀ Ä ” JAzÀ Ä §gÉ ¸ À ¨ É Ã PÀ Ä ”. ¸À ª À i ÁdzÀ ¥À æ ª À Ä ÄRgÀ Ä , PÁAiÀ Ä ðPÁj ¸À z À ¸ À å gÀ Ä , «ÄvÀ æ ª À Ä AqÀ ° AiÀ Ä ªÀ g À Ä , ªÀ Ä »¼Á ªÀ Ä AqÀ ° AiÀ Ä ªÀ g À Ä ¸À ª À Ä ¸À Û ¸É Æ ÃªÀ Ä ªÀ A ±À ¸À º À ¸ Áæ d Äð£À PÀ ë wæ A iÀ Ä d£ÁAUÀ P É Ì F §UÉ Î ¥À æ Z ÁgÀ ¥À r ¸À ® Ä «£À A w¸À ¯ ÁVzÉ . We wish to inform all the members of “Somavamsha Sahasrarjun Kshatriya” Community, that the Government of Karnataka will begin the Caste-based Census from 11-04-2015. In this regard it is requested to all the SSK community people to register their caste as follows:- Hindu – “Somavamsha Sahasrarjun Kshatriya” All the SSK Principle Executives, Members, Mitra Mandali, Mahila Mandali etc., are requested to circulate this information amongst all our SSK Community people. ABSSK Manyavar, ABSSK Samaj has undertaken a task for Celebrating the Centenary of ABSSK Samaj in the year 2016. ABSSK Samaj had its first meeting in 1916 at Amravati in Maharashtra. In order to undertake a drive to spread Social Awareness among the SSK Community it is necessary that each and every one shall be a participant in the Centenary Celebrations, an initiative can only be sustained with the help of volunteers, who will be able to spare a couple of hours every week for this cause. The volunteers will have to go to the community people in their own areas and nearby surrounding areas to create awareness of the community activity as per the directions of the ABSSK Samaj. The Volunteers will have to go on their own. We appeal to the people, especially the Youth who are willing to volunteer to come forward and help ABSSK Samaj to make the programme a success. Those of whom are willing to participate in this programme are requested to send in their details and the contact information through their respective Grama Sabha of their region to: THE HON. SECRETARY., ST ABSSK SAMAJ, 101/102, 1 FLOOR, SWISS COMPLEX, RACE COURSE ROAD, BANGALORE – 560001 / or through E-mail: support@abssksamaj.org SSK YOUTH ASSOCIATION 15/1, Vidyaranya Nagar (Opp Kabadi Hotel), Magadi Road, Bangalore-560 023. Construction of SSK Samaj Youth Association building is in progress. The premises will be suitable for any small function of our community members. The SSK Samaj Bandhus are hereby requested to donate for a good cause of completion of the building. For further details please contact: Ramakanth Dhongadi (Vittal) President – 9342532039, Shyam Sundar D K General Secretary - 9342545188, Agadi Ramchandrasa - 9342541602, Rukmangadha - 9742524983, Eshwar Habib - 8050976097, Mohan Dhongdi - 9740915144, Vasanth Kalburgi - 9341323682 -04- A K SAM SS B AJ SSK Smt. Padmavathi H.J Scientist/Engineer 'SD', Mission Data Processing Division, Mission Development Group, ISRO Satellite Center, Bangalore E-mail: hjpv@isac.gov.in, Ph: 9342895500 th Mrs Padmavathi H.J was born on 4 December 1978 in Bangalore to the illustrious parents Sri Janardhansa Vittalsa Habib and Smt. Shobha Janardhansa Habib. She had her early education in ITI Vidyamandir, Bangalore and passed out in the SSLC examination in the year 1995, with distinction. Obtained Diploma in Computer Science from Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Bangalore, in the year 1998. In the year 2007, she obtained Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Science from Sir M Visveswaraya Technological University, with Distinction. After having served in Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE), one of the centers of Defense Research and Development Organization for nearly 6 years, she joined ISRO (Indian Space Research organization) in the year 2008 and presently serving this organization as Senior Scientist. It is a matter of pride that she was part of the prestigious MOM (Mars Orbitor Mission) Mangalayaan Mission – and contributed to the success of this project. Her contribution to MARS mission is through Mission Data Processing Division where the core work is to design and develop software for Space Craft Health Monitoring and Control System. Honourable Prime Minister of India Sri Narendra Modi who witnessed all the operations of the Satellite entering into Mars Orbit on 24 September 2014, congratulated Mrs. Padmavathi among all other ISRO Scientists. She is married to Sri. Sanjeev Kumar Raibagi and they are blessed with two children. Mr. Raibagi, a National level Gold medalist in volleyball, is serving in Bharath Electronics Limited, Bangalore. Smt. Padmavathi owes her success to her mother who strived hard to impart good education in the early stages of her career and to her Mother-in-law Smt. Saraswathi Bai Venkusa Raibagi who gave her full support and encouragement to pursue further studies even after her marriage. Saujis Home Style Ph : 080-41211693 26535207 Veg & Non-Veg No. 429/31, 1st Floor, 30th Cross, Jayanagar, 4th Block, Opp. to Ganesha Temple, Bangalore -11. Website: www.kollpurirestaurant -02- A AJ K SAM SS B Smt. Padmavathi H.J Scientist/Engineer 'SD', Mission Data Processing Division, Mission Development Group, ISRO Satellite Center, Bangalore E-mail: hjpv@isac.gov.in, Ph: 9342895500 One of the main objectives of the first Indian mission to Mars is to develop the technologies required for design, planning, management and operations of an interplanetary mission. The Technological Objective are:· Design and realization of a Mars orbiter with a capability to survive and perform Earth bound maneuvers, cruise phase of 300 days, Mars orbit insertion / capture, and on-orbit phase around Mars. · Deep space communication, navigation, mission planning and management. · Incorporate autonomous features to handle contingency situations. The Scientific Objectives are - exploration of Mars surface features, morphology, mineralogy and Martian atmosphere by indigenous scientific instruments. Mars Orbiter Mission carries five scientific payloads to observe Martian surface, atmosphere and exosphere extending up to 80,000 km for a detailed understanding of the evolution of that planet, especially the related geologic and the possible biogenic processes on that interesting planet. These payloads consist of a camera, two spectrometers, a radiometer and a photometer. Payload Mars Colour Camera (MCC) Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer(TIS) Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM) Mars Enospheric Neutral Composition Analyser (MENCA) Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP) Primary Objective Optical imaging Map surface composition and mineralogy Detection of Methane presence Study of the neutral composition of Martian upper atmosphere Study of Escape processes of Martian upper atmosphere through Deuterium/Hydrogen The conditions on Mars are believed to be hospitalier since the planet is similar to Earth in many ways. Mars and Earth have almost equal period of revolution around the axis. Mars takes 24 hrs and 37 mins to complete a revolution around its axis. While earth takes approx 365 days to orbit around sun, Mars takes 687 days for an orbit around sun. The gravity of Mars is roughly one-third of earth's gravity and it has a thin atmosphere with a pressure of 1% that of earth.. Mars has surface features reminiscent of both the impact of craters of moon and volcanoes, deserts and polar ice of earth. It inspires visions of an approchable world. When the satellites are sent hundreds and thousands of km above the earth, the human eye cannot contact the satellite. It needs ground software system to monitor and control the spacecraft at such high altitude. Satellite sends continuous health data to ground called House Keeping telemetry data. This data is collected and processed to get meaningful information about the satellite. Data processing is a contineuos process carried out during every phase of satellite, right from its inception to termination. The data processing includes acquiring the data, storing and retrieving, application specific processing and presentation using user friendly GUI(Graphical User Interface). Mission data processing plays a major role in Spacecraft Health Monitoring, Analysis and Controlling. [ For more details about isro : www.isro.org ] -02- A AJ K SAM SS B Sri M V Shankarsa B.sc., (Social Worker) No. 7, N M Lane, Cottonpet, 1st Cross, Opp. Cottonpet Police Station, Bangalore - 560 053, Ph: 080 32491369 The first thing is that children should learn the subjects in their mother tongue or in regional language. There is a saying, “Mother is the First Teacher”. It becomes very easy for young children to learn and understand any subject matter. This should be taught in primary schools for four years. From 5th to 7th standards weekly one period of our national language “Hindi” and one period of international language “English” should be taught compulsorily. Translation of Hindi and English languages to regional language is a must to understand subjects thoroughly well. Later, in High Schools from 8th to 10th standards, language of medium of instruction (teaching) should be left to student's choice and interest and may be continued for higher studies in colleges. All languages are medium of thoughts and gifts of God to human beings. Language is not the property of any body for compulsion. Most of the parents prefer the international language English to be the medium of instructions for their children. That is why a good number of private educational institutions Schools and Colleges have flourished tremendously even at the exorbitant cost (fee) that is charged, as they feel that their children's career will have better opportunities. In the interest of providing opportunities for the poor and under privileged persons the government may also consider providing English medium of instructions in the government schools. Education is not merely learning the language and the subjects prescribed for studies, but it should also comprise the divine moral principles laid-down in the great mythologies or any other sayings of the good olden days. Weekly one moral period should be introduced from primary to high school compulsorily. Likewise, lessons in all the languages from primary to degree classes must contain life-histories and autobiographies of great persons like Mahatma Gandhi, Lalbahadur Shastry and others. It should be in their curriculum to inspire students to become honest and patriotic citizens of our nation. Discipline and manners should be taught in moral periods in primary, middle and high schools, as a part of quality education. Vocational power is a must and important to students to understand any subject matter instantly faster than flash. Decency, patience, capacity, obedience, humbleness, unselfishness, efficiency, dutifulness and acquiring knowledge are the prime principles of a perfect student. Just as raw diamonds need friction to shine; average students need to put hard working and inspiration to become bright. The students should know the value of time and its importance to maintain punctuality, regularity and best use of time to acquire knowledge in education. The very essence of education is concentration of mind, not the collecting of facts. Location: Tulja Bhavani Temple is a Hindu temple of Goddess Bhavani. It is located in Tuljapur in Osmanabad district of Maharashtra and is considered as one of the 51 Shakti Pithas. It is situated 45 km from Solapur. The temple was built in 12th century CE. Another Tulja Bhavani temple was built during 1537-1540 CE in Chittorgarh. A third temple of Tulja Bhavani is in the village of Patnakuva, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. The Goddess is called Swayambhu. Legends say that the Goddess came here from Tuljapur in the 14th century. Goddess Tulja Bhavani is the ‘Aradhyadevatha’ of many SSK Community people and also perform puja as ‘Kula Devatha’ in their homes. They also frequently visit the temple & seek blessings of goddess Tulja Bhavani. There are many dedicated temples of goddess Tulja Bhavani among the SSK Community dwellings and as such temple is in Dajibanpet, Hubli at Karnataka. Many SSK people visit the temple before and after any important programmes as Upanayana, Marriage etc., The second among the 'Shaktipeeths' is Tulja Bhavani of Tuljapur. It is the family deity of the Bhosale Royal family, many of the SSK community, the Yadavs and countless numbers of families belonging to different castes. The founder of the Maratha kingdom, Shivaji Maharaj always visited the temple to seek her blessings. It is believed that the Goddess gave him a sword - 'The Bhavani Sword' - for success in his expeditions. The history of the temple has been mentioned in the ' Skanda Purana'. There was a sage known as "Kardam" after his death his wife "Anubuti" had performed a penance at the banks of river "Mandakini " for Bhavani Mata to look after her infant child. While performing the penance the demon known "Kukur" tried to disturb her penance during which the Goddess came to the aid of "Anubuti" and killed the demon "Kukur". From that day onwards the Goddess Bhavani came to be known as Tulja Bhavani. The temple is located on the hill of "Bala Ghat". Tulja Bhavani Idol The idol of Goddess Tulja Bhavani is a `Swayambhu` (self-originated). Bhavani is worshipped in the form of a threefoot high granite image, with eight arms holding weapons, bearing the head of the slain demon Mahishasura. Bhavani is A K SAM SS B AJ Tuljapur also known as Tulaja, Turaja, Tvarita and Amba. The main entrance goes by the name of `Sardar Nimbalkar Pravesh Dwar`. There are two main entrances to get to the main temple. One is called the Raja Shahaji Mahadwar, and the other as Rajmata Jijavu main gate. Going through the Sardar Nimbalkar Pravesh Dwar, there is the Markandeya Rishi`s Temple in the right. After getting down through the stairs, comes the main Tulja Temple. The `Yagna Kund` is in front of this temple. In the floor of the two main gates (Raja Shahaji Mahadwar and Rajmata Jijavu main gate), there are two libraries named, Shree Santh Dnyaneshwar Dharmik Library and Shree Tukaram Dharmik Library. After alighting from the stairs, there is `Gomukh Theerth` on the right side and `Kalakh`, also known as `Kallol Theerth` on the left side. Before the darshan of the Goddess, devotees take a dip here in these theerths (Shallow tanks of "holy" water). There are also Amruth Kund and Dattatraya temple in the premises. A Siddhi Vinayak temple adorns the left side of the main gate, to the right being the Aadishakti, Aadimata Matangadevi temple respectively. A temple of goddess Annapurna temple is also present in the premises. Legendary stories naturally surround the temple. A demon, Matanga was wreaking havoc upon the gods and humans. Unable to find any solution, they turned to Lord Brahma for help, and upon his advice turned to Goddess Shakti, who took up the form of a destroyer and powered by the (Sapta Maataas) Varaahi, Brahmi, Vaishnavi, Kaumaari Indraani and Saambhavi, vanquished the demon Matanga and rendered a peace regime. Legend also states that Bhavani finished another demon that had taken up the disguise of a buffalo (Mahisha), and took shelter on the Yamunachala Hill, which is now home to the Tulja bhawani temple. Daily Puja Rituals Chaughada (holy drumming ritual at morning) At 5 a.m., before the Puja starts, the large drums in the drum house (Nagarkhana) of Tulja Bhavani temple are played loudly. The drums play the part of call to prayers (puja) for the devotees. The drums are played (Chaughada) three times during the day. Charantirtha (sacred water ritual of goddess feet and mouth) The puja performed is at 5:30 a.m. This puja is performed by the Mahant. At the time of Charantirtha Puja, the representative of Karvir (Kolhapur) princely state is present. The Mahanta carries the necessary rituals of bathing the Divine Goddess with hot water, fragrant oil, dudhkhir (milk),pan. Devotees sing the Arti (holy songs). After this Nevaidya (holy meal) of Bhaji-Bhakri is offered to the goddess. A descendant representative of the devotee, Uparkar offers this Nevaidya. Later the Nevaidya of Kheer by the representative of the former princely state of Karvir is offered. Abhishek (holy bath ritual to goddess) Puja (prayer) At 9 o'clock in the morning the goddess has a bath of Panchamrut and curd. Honey, banana and sugar are rubbed to the goddess' mouth. The Gomukh (holy pond of the goddess) water -08- Dhup Arti At noon, the clergy and devotees praise the goddess by singing holy songs and lighting Incense (dhup) and karpur (camphor). Abhishek (holy bath ritual to goddess) At 6:00 PM, the goddess is bathed by Panchamruta and water from Gomukha and puja is performed. The arrangement of these materials is done by the Karvir (Kolhapur) princely state. Shejarti (nightly sleep songs ritual) and Prakkshal At night the Prakkshal ritual is performed using the holy water from the Gomukha and the Nevaidya of Tup (Ghee) and cooked Rice (Bhat) is offered. During every Aarti, ritual musical instruments such as tal, dimdi and zanj are played. Gondhali play the Sambal instrument as Chaughada are played. Ajabali On Khandenavami and Dussera festival, animals were sacrificed in the honor of the goddess. Tulja Bhavani Temple Trust The day-to-day affairs of the temple are looked after by the trust which is headed by the District Collector. His deputy, A the local member of Maharashtra legislative assembly (MLA), the town Mayor (Nagaradhyaksha), and Tahsildar form the board of trustees. K SAM SS B AJ is used for the goddess' bath. During this puja some people bathe the holy throne of goddess by curd, mango juice, and shreekhand. After the bath, Mahanevaidya (big holy meal) by the Karvir (Kolhapur) princely state is offered to the goddess. Temple Priests (Pujari) The main pujaris in the temple are from the Maratha subcaste of Bhope, They are in 16 ana system have different PALI (Turns at officiating). There are also some Brahmin Pujari families who serve the needs of the Brahmin and other communities. There are also Maratha pujari known as PALIKAR and Brahmin pujari known as UPADHYE. Transportation Pilgrims can reach this place by road, rail or airways. Solapur station, located 45 km away, is the nearest major railway station to Tuljapur. Pilgrims can reach here through road from the station. Alternatively pilgrims can reach from Osmanabad station, located 20 km away. Chhabina This is an important and glittering function in which, the replica of Deity's holy idol, made of silver is placed on the chariot decorated with colorful sculpts of lions, elephants, horses, bulls, eagles and peacocks, shown as carriers and the procession moves on accompanied by drum beaters and devotees singing traditional devotional songs. The Chariot is carried by the devotees on their shoulders. The procession encircles (Parikrama) the temple with religious fervor. The event is celebrated on the full moon (pournima) night. -02- A AJ K SAM SS B J. ©. J¸ï. J¸ï. PÉ ¸ÀªÀiÁd 5 Éà ¥ÉÆæÃvÁìºÀ zsÀ£À SÉÆà ÉAPÀÆ PÉÊUÁ PÁ ÀÄÄR ÉÛ 12 Éà ÀØ ÉÛ ÉÊ ÀÆÌ Éà PÉÃA 577 601 J.©.J¸ï.J¸ï.PÉ ¸À ª À i Ád SÉ Æ ÃqÉ ¹ ªÉ A PÀ Æ ¸Á L.n.L ªÀ w ¬ÄAzÀ ºÀ j ºÀ g À z À J¸ï. J¸ï. 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Samarth SAM Ph: 080-25585917 98440 70578 WINE CENTRE Dealers in Foreign & Indian Liquors #10-A, Residency Road, Bangalore - 560 025 E-mail: samwines@gmail.com A AJ K SAM SS B # 2, S.S.K. Sangha, “Sahasrarjun Bhavan”, K.V. Temple Street, Bangalore-560053 E-mail: sskjayanthicommittee@gmail.com, Ph: 09341308000, 09844040042 Convenor Convenor Treasurer Member Member Member Member Member Member Sri. D. Gangadharsa Sri. M.N. Ram Sri. Umashankar M.C Sri. M.G. Srinivas Sri. K.S. Raghunath Sri. Damam Jagadish Smt. Leela Jagadish Damam Sri. K. Vasanth Sri. G. Krishnamurthy Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Sri. S.M. Venkatesh Sri. D.M. Srinivas Sri. K.M. Gopalsa Sri. E. Gopalkrishna Sri. Magaji Badh K. Somashekar Sri. Venkatesh A Kalburgi Sri. K Sunder Raj Sri. Harihar N Sri Hari Sri. Shankar Pawar Sri Rajarajeshwar Sahasrarjun Maharaj Jayanthi Samithi was formed in Bangalore by our elders of our samaj. Sri Magaji Subbanna, Sri K. Ambaram, Sri Dhondaley Ramachandra and others. The samiti was registered on th 17 September 1993 with the intension of celebrating our forefather's Jayanthi, to develop the spirit of oneness among Samaj people, impart higher education, to encourage sports and uplift our Cultural and Social values. First Jayanthi Pooja was conducted in S. S. K. Sangha and the celebrations were conducted at Sri. Panduranga Swamy Temple at Santhusapet. nd On 2 November 2014, Gharana based Tennis Ball Tournament was started at Veterinary College Grounds, Hebbal and GAMES CARNIVAL 2014 was inaugurated by Sri. P. C. Mohan, Member of Parliament, Bangalore Central at College Cricket Grounds on 7th December. Several sport events were conducted including Women Cricket. Many Children, Men and Women participated in the events with zeal and enthusiasm. JAYANTHI CELEBRATIONS WITH THE CO-SPONSERSHIP OF A.B.S.S.K. SAMAJ, BANGALORE On 14th December 2014, colourful procession was started from Vidyaranyanagara, Magadi Road with the portrait of our forefather “SRI RAJARAJESHWAR SAHASRARJUN MAHARAJ” and concluded at Bunts Sangha. Covener Sri. D. Gangadharsa welcomed the gathering. Sri. Krishnappa M.L.A of Vijaynagar Constituency was the chief guest. The inauguration of the said function was made by illumination of the lamp by Sri. Srihari L. Khoday. The chief gusets, sponsors, social workers, award winners of the state and national level, talented students, prize winners of Sports and Cultural activities were also honored on this occasion. The cultural programme was held with the participation of many children, boys and girls in a very pleasing manner. Convenor Sri. M. N. Ram conveyed the vote of thanks. Bangalore SSK MAHILA SANGHA, Bangalore will be conducting workshops for the ladies of the community on payment basis, during the year 2015 on the following months:January, March, May, July, September, November - on every last Saturday of the month. The workshops are for the following subjects: 1. Banking and other queries related to it 2. Arts and crafts 3. Stock market 4. Self grooming 5. Self empowerment by new ventures in the business 6. Smart Cooking Those interested to partcipate are requested to contact Mrs. Preethi Meherwade - 9880599994 for further details. -14- A AJ K SAM SS B ी सह ाजन ु जयं त महॊ सव एस. एस. के. समाज है दराबाद के त वाधान मे राज राजे वर सह ाजन ु जय ती ातः 8:00 बजे हवण तथा य समाज के उपा य श का काय म ी सर गर स यनारायणजी के अ य ता मे संप न हआ। इस काकाय म प चात सह ाजन ु जय ती शोभा या ा ु के अ य ी दगड ू ू ू सरेु जी के अ य ता मे यहाँ शोभा या ा एस. एस. के. भवन से मंगलहाट, गोि पयनाका, म छ मा कट, ी सह ाजन ु महराज जी क शोभा या ा सखवाले भवन, बतन बाज़ार, स द बार बाज़ार, नगर माकत से होते हए ू ू से एस. एस. के. भवन तक नका ल गई। इस काय म के ु बेगम बाज़ार, जु मेरात बाज़ार, परानापल मु य अ त थ वधायक ी ट. राणा सहंजी ने भाग लया। तथा ट . आर. एस के नेता ी ेम कमारजी ने भी भाग लया। अ य ु समाजो क ओर से जगह-जगह पर वागत कया गया। इस का ी म मे माज ी नगार सरदर, ु ीरतन महे श, के मं ी ी बरडी अशॊक, का टघर शख े रराव, ी यशवंत राव चवहान, ी सर गर वजय कमार, उपि थत रहे । ु -02- ÀÄA ÀÄ A ÀÄ K SAM SS B AJ Éà ²æà vÀļÀeÁ¨sÀªÁ¤ zÉêÀ¸ÁÜ£À PÉÃAzÀæ ¥ÀAZÀ ¸À«Äw, ºÀ Ä §â ½ î - zs Á gÀ ª ÁqÀ EªÀ g À D±À æ A iÀ Ä zÀ ° è ²æ à gÁdgÁeÉ Ã ±À é g À ²æà ¸ÀºÀ¸ÁædÄð£À ªÀĺÁgÁdgÀ dAiÀÄAw GvÀìªÀ ¢£ÁAPÀ 30-10-2014 gÀ UÀÄgÀĪÁgÀ «dÈA¨sÀuɬÄAzÀ DZÀj¸À¯Á¬ÄvÀÄ. ªÀÄÄAeÁ£É 8.00 WÀAmÉUÉ ²æà ²ªÀÅ »gÉêÀÄoÀ, ªÀĺÁ¥ËgÀgÀÄ, ºÀħâ½î-zsÁgÀªÁqÀ ªÀĺÁ£ÀUÀgÀ ¥Á°PÉ CªÀgÀÄ zsÀéeÁgÉÆúÀt ªÀiÁrzÀgÀÄ. ²æà ¸ÀºÀ¸ÁædÄð£À ªÀĺÁgÁdgÀ vÉÆnÖ¯ÉÆÃvÀìªÀ, ¥ÀAZÁªÀÄÈvÀ C©üµÉÃPÀ, ºÉÆêÀÄ ºÀªÀ£À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ²æà ¸ÀºÀ¸ÁædÄð£À ªÀĺÁgÁdgÀ ¨É½î ªÀÄÆwðAiÀÄ ¨sÀªÀå ªÉÄgÀªÀtÂUÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß zsÀªÀÄðzÀ²ðUÀ¼ÁzÀ ²æà JªÀiï.JªÀiï. ªÉĺÀgÀªÁqÉ EªÀjAzÀ GzÁÏn¸À®ànÖvÀÄ. ²æà gÁdgÁeÉñÀégÀ ²æà ¸ÀºÀ¸ÁædÄð£À ªÀĺÁgÁdgÀ dAiÀÄAw GvÀìªÀzÀ CAUÀªÁV ²æà gÁdgÁeÉñÀégÀ ²æà ¸ÀºÀ¸ÁædÄð£À ªÀĺÁgÁdgÀ ¨sÀªÀå ªÉÄgÀªÀtÂUÉAiÀÄÄ £ÀUÀgÀzÀ ¥ÀæªÀÄÄR ©Ã¢UÀ¼À°è ¸ÀAZÀj¹ CzÀÆÝjAiÀiÁV £ÀqɬÄvÀÄ. £ÀUÀgÀzÀ zÁfèÁ£ï ¥ÉÃmÉAiÀÄ ¸ÀºÀ¸ÁædÄð£À ªÀÈvÀÛ¢AzÀ ¥ÁægÀA¨sÀªÁzÀ ªÉÄgÀªÀtÂUÉAiÀÄÄ ºÉƸÀ ªÉÄzÁgÀ NtÂ, ªÀÄgÁoÁUÀ°è, UÀuÉñÀ¥ÉÃmï, ¹.©.n., Q¯Éè, ¨ÁæqÀªÉÃ, zÀÄUÀðzÀ¨Éʯï, ¨É¼ÀUÁAªÀUÀ°è, PÁ¼ÀªÀÄä£À CUÀ¹, qsÁPÀ¥Àà ¸ÀPÀð¯ï, ¢ªÀmÉUÀ°è, ¦.©. gÀ¸ÉÛ, CAZÀlUÉÃj Nt ªÀiÁUÀðªÁV DUÀ«Ä¹ PÉÃAzÀæ ¥ÀAZÀ ¸À«Äw PÀbÉÃjAiÀÄ §½ ªÀÄÄPÁÛAiÀÄUÉÆArvÀÄ. gÀ¸ÉÛAiÀÄ §¢UÀ¼À°è ¸ÁªÀðd¤PÀgÀÄ ¤AvÀÄ £ÉÆÃqÀĪÀ zÀȱÀåUÀ¼ÀÄ UÀªÀÄ£À ¸É¼ÉzÀªÀÅ. ªÀiÁf ªÀÄÄRåªÀÄAwæ, «gÉÆÃzsÀ ¥ÀPÀëzÀ £ÁAiÀÄPÀ ²æà dUÀ¢Ã±À ±ÉlÖgï DUÀ«Ä¹ »A¢£À ªÀÄÄRåªÀÄAwæ ²æà ©.J¸ï. 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Khoday, Chairman ABSSK Samaj and the Sponsors who contributed to make this fantastic Cricket Tournament by encouraging the youngsters in playing a new Cricket in a new concept has become very popular in the SSK Samaj. It's a first in its kind which was organized and handled in a professional manner under the able guidance of SSK Sports Club, Bangalore wherein the organizing committee having loads of experience in organizing Cricket Tournaments since fifteen years. The teams who participated in a fierce competition to win the beautiful trophy and cash prize and the sponsors who came forward to be a part of this successful tournament are as follows:- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TEAMS & OWNERS Owner/s Team Atlantic Titans Kiran Magaji & Agadi Ananthu Friends Challengers Arun Kumar Magaji Kshatriya Super Kings Suresh Khoday & Venkatesh.N.Dhondaley(Vicky) Sachidanand Vagale & Nagaraj Kabadi Sachu Strikers Srk Guru & Sunil Dhondale SRK Royals Ravi.T.Kalburgi & Manjunath Khoday Unique Rangers HPL - 2014 - Sponsors 1. M/s. Sri Vaaru Silks, Chickpet, Bengaluru 2. M/s. Srinidhi Silks & Sarees, Chickpet, Bengaluru 3. M/s. Sri Meenakshi Silks & Sarees, Chickpet, Bengaluru 4. M/s. Wine Baron, Banashankari, Bengaluru 5. M/s. Vanitha Wines, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru 6. M/s. Sanjana Apparels (India), Bengaluru (Euroline) 7. Sri. Raj Magaji, EROS Exports, Bengaluru 8. Sri. Srinivas G. Kalburgi 9. Sri. B.S. Ranganath (BSR) 10. M/s. Shanth Ganga Developers (Raju Vagale) The teams Played in Colorful Jerseys and the whole tournament was played in White Deuce Ball in Central College Grounds, Gandhinagar, Bangalore in the month of Sep-Oct-2014 with KSCA Level Professional Umpires. The maiden Tournament was won by SRK Royals in Finals and the Runner up was Sachu Strikers, The Man of the Match for Finals was Sunil Kabadi, Man of the series and Best Bowler was Dayanand Katwate, Best Batsman was Manjunath L. Habib. Mobile: 9341246466 SGS NON VEG (Gundu Palav) No. 21, 2nd Cross, Sowrashtrapet, K. V. Temple Street Cross, Bangalore - 560 053 -02- A AJ K SAM SS B Sahasrarjun Premier League - 2014 Gharano Based Tennis Ball Cricket Tournament - Venkatesh Kalburgi The youth of the Samaj have successfully organized and conducted the Sahasrarjun Premier league Tennis ball Gharano based Cricket tournament this year, 2014. To say in brief about the tournament, every team participating in the tournament where in minimum six players should be of the same Gharano in the playing eleven, maximum of eight team are allowed to participate in the tournament with first come first registration format with a nominal entry fee. This is the third year this sort of tournament is being organized and the winner and runner up teams will take home cash prize and trophies in the Sahasrarjun Jayanti Event.This year's tournament was organized under the guidance of the able Sahasrarjun Jayanti Samiti where the trophies and cash prize was sponsored by the Sahasrarjuna Jayanti Samiti. The teams Played in Colorful Jerseys with Pacer Tennis Ball in Veterinary College Grounds in the month of Nov-2014 with Community based Professional Umpires. The Eight participating teams are as follows 1. Kalburgi Knight Riders 5. Habib Spartans 2. Dhondale Dragons 6. Tagadgarh Tuskers 3. Magaji SRK Royals 7. Pawar Panthers 4. Kabadi Indians 8. Vagale Tigers. All the mentioned teams will be owned by owners of the Gharanos who put in the effort to form the team seek sponsors and bare the expense and maintenance of the team and team players for the tournament and therefore will make the players free from burdens of playing expenditure therefore allowing all the talented players from all walks of life irrespective of their social status unifying the Samaj in a sense. This year the winning team was Kalburgi Knight Riders were unbeaten and lifted the trophy with cash prize of 22000/-, they have been winning this tournament consecutively for three years, with man of the Match and best emerging player was given to Sankalp Kalburgi, Man of the series and best bowler was Ananth Gujarathi, and best batsman was Manjunath Habib and Runner up Team was Magaji SRK Royals received 11000/-, and also Skanda Harihar was also awarded as the best emerging player trophy. This Tournament was ably handled, managed and organized by mainly Jai Prakash Vagale , Arun Magaji and Chetan Tagadgarh assisted by many selfless volunteers and cricket loving youngsters. People willing to attend free awareness programme on meditation & Financial Planning may contact:- Meditation: Mr. Suresh K S: 9845062019 Financial Planning: Mr. K S Narendra: 9686813004 M M Gajendra Propreitor 9341276368 8710032668 GAJENDRA ENTERPRISES Manufacturers & Suppliers of Zippers & Labels # 307, Pette Chinnappa Estate, Kamakshipalya, Bengaluru - 560 079, -02E-mail: gajendraenterprises@gmail.com A K SAM SS B AJ Hyderabad - Sri Pendu Narsing Rao Special Correspondent organize mass marriage on February 8, 2015 at Ambedkar ground. Earlier mass marriages were held in 2001 and in 2008. Nagari Surender deputy secretary of the samaj stated that the SSK Samaj Hyderabad is donating a pair of clothes, Mangalsutra, Bangles, Mehandi etc., for performing marriage. Sri Venkat Rao Mengji, Vice President, ABSSK Samaj his left SSK samaj, Hyderabad, has provided a forum Sri Sirigiri Sathyanarayana(SPI) Vice-President SSK Samaj, Hyd & others on the dias where families of bride or groom can select either Somavamsha Sahararjuna Kshstriya Samaj, bride or groom as per their choice after going through Hyderabad, has conducted “ Vadhu-Var parichay Manch” details of family background, qualification, employment at Hyderabad in Rahimpura area on November 30 with and other details of the participants. The event not only tremendous response from our samaj people. It was a provided an opportunity to families to have direct contact colorful event wherein 450 brides and grooms from with bride & groom’s parents, it also helped to cut down Telangana state, samaj bandhus from Andhra Pradesh, expenditure of families in traveling in the search of Maharashtra and Karnataka participated in the event. brides & grooms. The mega event was inaugurated by lighting the It was combined efforts of our samaj people which lamp and garlanding the portrait of Bhagvan made the event successful. Hyderabad samaj office Sahasrarjuna Maharaj, Mr. Ashok Katve, ex-MLA from staff—Lomte Satyanarayana, Bachawala Shanker, Gork Hubli and vice-president of Akhil Bharatiya SSK Samaj Vinayak, Lomte Natesh, Chavan Santosh, Ratnapuri attended as chief guest. Dagdu Narsing Rao (Tallagadda) Kashinath, Momidi Bhavani pawar, Chavan Varsha and helped in perfoming puja. Jaman Jyothi Laxmi also contributed their co-operation Addressing the function Mr Ashok Katwe by working day and night for making the event appreciated the efforts of Hyderabad Samaj. He opined memorable. Youth volunteers also played their role in that such events should be organized across the country the arrangements. by our samaj and youth contributing the development of Besides SSK samaj,Hyderabad office bearers BJP our samaj, Katwe said. leaders Nagurao Namaji and Aljapur Srinivas, Besides Mr Katwe, Mr Narsingsa Mengji, ex- M Shravan Kumar, president SSK samaj Secunderabad MLA Sholapur and vice president of ABSSK, Dr Venkat and others participatedin the event. After this inaugural Rao Mengji vice president, ABSSK, Mr Vittalsa function “ Parichay” programme continued till late Dongadi, secretary ABSSK, Mr Ashok S Habib, CMC evening. member, ABSSK, Mr. Prakash T Katwe, CMC member, ABSSK and Vishnukant N Solanki of Hubli attended the programme. This was second Programme of our SSK Samaj Hyderabad. Earlier it was conducted in the year of 2007. Further Hyderabad SSK samaj has another distinction of performing mass marriage free of cost. Food and accommodation was provided to the family members of brides and grooms during Vadhu-Var Parichay Manch. Hyderabad SSK samaj has programmed to -21- A AJ K SAM SS B - Maruge Shravan Kumar, President, Sri SSK Samaj, Secunderabad. Shree Somavamsha Sahasrarjuna Kshatriya Samaj, Secunderabad was established in the year 1963 as Panchayat Committee. The founder members were late Shri Pujari Yellusa, late Shri Seetha Bhojraj, late Bachawala Narayana, late Shri Vadeghar Nagoba, late Shri Koneri Balusa, late Shri Gaddi Chirrarisa and late Shri Gorak Balusa and other elders of our community. Late Shri Ratan Laxminarayana was 1st President of Shree SSK Samaj, Secunderabad, under his 25 years tenure the samaj acquired a small house property at Ramgopalpet, Secunderabad, and introduced two schemes viz., cooperative Monetary, Loan Assistants to the petty business people in our community, with a view to economic development and uplift the poor section of our community. In the year 1982 the Amba Bhavani Devi's idol was installed in the samaj and performing daily pooja by late Sri Pujari Satyanarayana, a senior-most member of the samaj. In the year 1990 elections were held and elected Office Bearers, President, Sri Tunk Ramchandersa, VicePresident, Sri Gorak Satyanarayana, Secretary, Sri Maruge Shravan Kumar, Joint Secretary, Sri Hasajai Suryapraksh & Treasurer, Sri Tunk Rammohan, the activities of the samaj were increased and various welfare schemes were introduced like 1) Distributiom of Free Note Books, School Uniforms & Scholarships to poor and deserving students of our community. 2) Financial Assistance to poor students for higher studies at abroad 3) Printing of samaj calendar with Ads of our business community 4) Sports, Games & Cultural activities conducted for our community members. 5) Holi Festival, Ganesh Utsav, Dassera Navaratri Utsav & Sri Rajarajeshwar Sahasrarjun Maharaj Jayanthi Utsav every year performing very enthusiastically by the members. During the year 1994-96, introduced “SSK Monetary Benefit Scheme” and “ SSK Mutual Benefit Scheme” to help the needy people for Education, Business, Marriage purpose etc under the chairmanship of Sri Aknoor Shivshankar – President and Sri Maruge Shravan Kumar – Secretary. Also in the year 2002, SSK Bhavan (Mini Functional Hall) was constructed and Inaugurated for use of our community people. During the year 2005, under the chairmanship of President, Sri Gorak Satyanarayana, Vadhu-Var Parichey Vedika organized on 24-04-2005 and Mass Upanayna organized on 12th & 13th February, 2006, for benefit of community people. The Present Managing Committee came into existence from 27-01-2013, the swearing ceremony conducted by Sri Narayan Chawla, Retd. Sessions Judge of our community, with unanimously elected Office Bearers, President, Sri Maruge Shravan Kumar, Vice-President, Sri Gorak Yadagiri, Secretary, Sri Hasaji Suryaprakash, Joint S e c r e t a r y, S r i G e e t r i S r i n i v a s a n d Tr e a s u r e r, Sri Gujarathi Rajeshwar. A decision was taken in the MC th Meeting to celebrate 50 year Golden Jubilee Celebration of Sri S S K Samaj Secunderabad on 19-01-2014. To commemorate the occasion the following activities were held 1) Free Eye & Health Checkup programme by eminent doctors of our community 2) Visited to Aladurg Shilamkot Renuka Matha Temple in Medak Dist. with about 300 community members 3) Organized Indoor & Outdoor Sports/Games, Rangoli, Mehandi competitions among children & mahila members of our community to encourage our culture and traditions in the samaj. Sri SSK Samaj, Secunderabad celebrated Golden Jubilee year on 19-01-2014 at Hari Hara Kala Bhavan – Secunderabad. Mass procession of Sri Sahasrarjuna Maharaj was taken out with approx 1500 community members from SSk Samaj Sec-bad to the venue. This shows the unity of our community members. The Golden Jubilee programme was started by lighting of lamp by the elder members of our samaj sang Aarthies of Sri Ganesha, Sri Amba Bhavani & Sri Sahasrarjun Maharaj and a Souvenir book in this connection was released by Sri Anjan Kumar Yadav – MP, Secunderabad and Sri P Shankar Rao – MLA. Children participated in many cultural programmes like Fancy Dress, Dance, Singing and Skit competition to make the programme a grand success. To acknowledge their efforts samaj also awarded the participants with momentous and prizes. On this occasion SSK Samaj Secunderabad felicitated VIP Members and dignitaries who participated from different parts of Andhra Pradesh and also the community elders who served the Samaj since the inception. SSK Samaj Secunderabad is the only samaj to organize Golden Jubilee event which was appreciated by all the community members of Secunderabad and Hyderabad who attended the programme. -22- A AJ K SAM SS B LIST OF OFFICE BEARERS AND E.C. MEMBERS OF S.S.K. SAMAJ MAHBOOBNAGAR GRAM SABHA (ELECTION CONDUCTED ON 15-12-2013) SL.N DESIGNATION 1 President 2 Vice-President 3 Vice-President 4 Vice-President 5 General Secretary 6 Joint-Secretary 7 Joint-Secretary 8 Joint-Secretary 9 Treasurer 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 NAME OF THE OFFICE GRAMSABHA CONCERNED PHONE NO. Sri Vithal Rao Gondle Mahaboonagar 9441847969 Sri Narsing Rao Jeeturi Shanthinagar 9440206828 Sri Vithal Rao Choudary Utkoor 9440860479 Sri Narsing Rao Koneri Shadnagar 9849161334 Sri Yeshwanth Rao Namaji Mahboobnagar 9396312950 Sri Vithal Rao Lomte Jajapur 9440839917 Sri Manik Rao Nagari Narayanpet (Dhruvpet) 9440860484 Sri Vinod Choudari Narayanpet (Madi) 9985250288 Sri Ambusa Kateghar Gadwal 9912911585 ADVISORS Chief Advisor Sri Nagu Rao Namaji Narayanpet 9440860459 Advisor Sri Vithal Rao Miskin Mahboobnagar 9490411740 Advisor Sri Manik Rao Habeeb Mahboobnagar 9989629488 Advisor Sri Kishan Rao Kamji Narayanpet (Dhruvpet) 8506282711 Advisor Sri Narsing Rao Miskin Narayanpet (Madi) 9394730545 Legal Advisor Sri Rajeev Kumar Namaji Mahboobnagar 9440512290 ELECTED COMMITTEE MEMBERS Sri Hanmanth Rao Arsid Narayanpet (Madi) 9441529926 9 Sri Prabhakar Tagatghar Dhanwada 9703941848 Sri Ambadas Basude Narayanpet (Madi) 9397687149 10 Sri Ramananad Sirigiri Kodangal 9703362713 Sri Hanmanth Rao Rangapur Narayanpet(Dhruvpet) 8897262530 11 Raghuveer Hauji Damargidda 9701774125 Sri Balram Doulatabad Rajoli 9440225254 Narayanpet(Dhruvpet) 9441016276 12 Sri Gundappa Srigiri Sri Vijay Kumar Hauji Jajapur 9966971187 13 Sri Malampally Thippanna Ghattu 9908921077 Sri Shankar Rao Srigiri Utkoor 9440926134 14 Sri Nageshwar Rao Kosgi 9441566081 Bhivandi Colony (NRPT) Sri Chandrakanth Nagari Sri Ashok Kumar Kateghar Mahboobnagar 9346924821 15 9394819267 Sri Kishan Rao Surthi Kotakonda 8506285103 16 Sri Suryakanth Srigiri Pulmamidi 9948133460 OTHER GB MEMBERS Sri Nagendersa Pawar Sri Pandari Rao Lomte Kosgi Narayanpet(Dhruvpet) 9985794714 7 Sri Ram Rao Rangapur Narayanpet (Madi) 8 Sri Devaiah Basude Shanthinagar 9000984227 Sri Ramchander Rao Hauji Mahboobnagar 9440690171 9 Sri K Pandurangsa Rajoli Sri Suryakanth Rangapur Jajapur 9440028630 10 Sri Ramlal Chawan Makthal 9948125037 Sri Narsing Rao Lateghar Kodangal 9491484039 11 Sri Kishan Rao Kalgi Chinaporla 6. Sri Ambadas Gnani Damargidda 9963619695 CALENDER COMMITTEE MEMBERS Sri Vithal Rao Gondle Mahboobnagar 9441847969 7 Sri Manik Rao Habeeb Mahboobnagar 9989629488 Sri Vithal Rao Choudary Utkoor 9440860479 8 Sri Rajeev Kumar Namaji Mahboobnagar 9440512290 Sri Yeshwanth Rao Namaji Mahboobnagar 9396312950 9 Sri Hanmanth Rao Arsid Narayanpet(Madi) 9441529926 Sri Ambusa Kateghar Gadwal 9912911585 10 Sri Shankar Rao Srigiri Utkoor 9440926134 Sri Nagu Rao Namaji Narayanpet (Madi) 9440860459 11 Sri Ashok Kumar Kateghar Mahboobnagar 9346924821 Sri Vithal Rao Miskin Mahboobnagar 9490411740 LIST OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS - TELANGANA STATE President Sri Subhash Chowdhary President Sri Narayan Rao Sirigiri Vice President Sri C Chandulal Treasurer Sri S Bhaskar Rao Gen. Secretary Sri S Keshav Rao Joint Secretary Sri S Dattu Rao Sri Gangji Bheem Rao 9491491883 9014949715 08506 - 286174 9491491854 08506-286182 8186045653 9492356765 9491802626 Executive Sri S Shankar Rao 9440926134 Committee Member Sri Vithal Rao Chowdhary Sri T Laxman Rao 08506 - 286622 9014073111 Sri Dr. S Subhash 9441113692 Sri S Nagu Rao 08506 - 286775 Sri. M Devansa Sri Tanaji Rangapur 949148895 District Person Sri Chandulal Sirigiri 9441222669 Sri Jeevan Rao Choudry 9441650059 -24- Panchajanya Chits PVT LTD ESTD 1984, From 1Lakh Chit To 1 Crore 1st Governament Licence Chit fund Company in Karnataka 1st Company to have started megha chit Groups 1st Company to have opted ISO-DNV Certification Registered Office : # 334, First Floor, Vinay Complex, Chickpet, Bangalore-560053. Phone: 22875854 / 22875826 New Office : Panchajanya Tower, # 1022/33, 3rd Floor, Dr. Rajkumar Road, (Opp. Suguna Hospital), 4th Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore - 560 010 Ph: 23355222 / 23113222 / 23143413 / 23143414, Fax: 080-22286399 rdpcpl@gmail.com -02- 9844235423 Raghavendra S Dhondale SHREEM ENTERPRISES One shop for all Electrical & Electronics Services + Sales We undertake service of all TV, LCD, DVD, Home Theatre System & Electronics Gadgets # 1428, 1st Main Road, Vidyaranyanagar, Cholurpalya, Magadi Road, Bangalore - 560 023 E-mail: shreemvagay.dhondale@gmail.com Classes Conducted Girija « Play Home for Kids « Tutions for (I Std. to IX Std. Students) « Spoken English Classes for (above 18 93793 73129 years) «zÁå¸ÀÄzsÁ ¥Éèà ºÉÆÃAªÀiï PRATHAMA HEJJE Vidyasudha Play Home « English, Kannada, Hindi improvement classes for V - X std. « Summer Camp- Art, Craft, Dance. « Regular Dance Classes for 4-15 years (Free Style, Western, Hip-Hop, Bollywood, Contemporary) #24, 9th Cross, Cholurpalya, Near Kapileshwara Temple, Bengaluru - 560 023 A.O. : M N Purushotham M N Mohan Intensive Coaching classes for: B.J.P.M. Coaching Centre 1989 - 2014 The most trusted tution for two decades ê 10th Std. (SSLC, CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE) ê Science 1st & 2nd PUC (PCMBECs + K-CET / COMED-K / AIEEE) ê Commerce 1st & 2nd PUC (Basic Mathematics, Accountancy, Statistics, Computer Science & Others) ê Degree & Diploma classes Business Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Accountancy. Enroll Your child with us to ensure Good Result, Success comes with B.J.P.M # 12, U M Lane, Chickpet Cross, Bangalore - 560 053, Ph: 080-22380259 / 9901088520 / 9902284890 No. 432, 10th Main Road, 28th ‘A’ Cross, (Near Titan Showroom) 4th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 11. Tel: 080 2699 1280 / 4163 7844 E : srivinayakacreations@gmail.com / Fb : srivinayakacreations 9342330074 Suresh KALBURGI HOUSE ..... Convention Hall # 55, 1st Main Road, Manjunathnagar, Cholurpalya, Magadi Road Cross, Bangalore - 560 023 Amarnath M G Arvind M G Mobile : 89705 02368 98450 94548 SRI GANGA CEMENTS # 09, Opp. BWSSB, Chicklalbagh Tulasi Thota, Bangalore - 560 053, Ph: 4122 0893 S S G CEMENTS AGENCIES # 06, Tulasi Thota, Bangalore - 560 053 Ph: 2291 1456 Stockists in: Birla Super, Ultra Tech, Priya & Priya Gold, Coramandel, Jelly, Bricks & Sand Email: srigangacements@gmail.com B K Suresh B S Mukesh Ph: 25905291 SANGEETH SAGAR Dealers in: All kinds of Pre-recorded company casse es Cds, VCDs, DVDs & Mp3, Bluray’s No. 44 (Old No. 3), Dr. D V G Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore - 560 004 # 126/1, 1£Éà © CqÀg Ø À¸ÉÛ, gÀAUÀ£ÁxÀ¥ÀÄgÀ, PÁªÀiÁQë¥Á¼Àå, ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ - 560 079 Cell: 080-23566441 ²æà ªÉAPÀmÉñÀégÀ mÉPïìmÉʯïì Shri Venkateshwara Textiles Dealers in : Silk & Fancy Sarees, Suitings & Shirtings 1st Main Road, Seshadripuram, Bangalore - 560 020 Deepa Govind Kabadi Safe & Healthy Lifestyle #2069, 20th Main, Service Road (Next to Church), 2nd Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore - 560 010 E- mail: simplyorganics@rediffmail.com Phone No. 080 - 23321314, 9844064995 E-mail: dayanand.khoday@outlook.com Ph: 23387505 SRI ೕ ಇಂಡ ೕ INDUSTRIES No. 14/1, Gopalpura, Behind Minerva Mill, Magadi Raod Right Side, Bangalore -560 023 Mobile: 98806 79502 72594 75321 K A Madhu Vinayaka S M Ph: 080 - 26679190 9844109933 8892144808 NEW COLLECTIONS Exclusive for Salwarsuit # 123, Dr. D V G Road, Gandhi Bazar, Bangalore - 560 004 || Sri Nanjundeshwara Swamy Prasanna || Raghu Bhai Manjunath 98860 49499 97389 74008 Sri Kanteshwara Collections Wholesale Dealers In: Fancy T-Shirts & Hosiery Sri Kanteshwara Enterprises Wholesale Dealers In: Casual Shirts # 12, 2nd Cross (Behind Khaleel Building & Vijayalakshmi Talkies) Chickpet, Bangalore - 560 053 K A Kumar 98459 04190 SRI NANJUNDESHWARA WOOD WORKS # 45, 15th Cross, Bhuvaneshwari Nagar, K P Agrahara, Near KEB Office, Bengaluru - 560 023 G N Manjunath Prop: Eknath 98860 01811 96119 98259 M : 93411 19341 89511 15345 Ph: 080 2300871 SOUMYA ART STUDIO DIGITAL STUDIO SHREE NANJUNDESHWARA SILKS Manufacturers of: Dupion Silk Fabrics Studio Potraits, Still Photos & Video Coverage Digital Passport in 5 minutes, All types VISA photos # 32, 8th ‘C’ Cross, Magadi Road, Bengaluru - 560 023 # 50/2, Magadi Main Road, Bengaluru - 560 023 E-mail: shreenanjundeshwarasilks@gmail.com E-mail: eknathsa@gmail.com 80508 97300 Sunil Ambekar Prop: Laxman M Habib 9242843430 LAXMAN STUDIO Rajshree Digital Studio & lab Videography & Photography for all Occassions Videography & Photography for all Occassions No. 29, Opp. Vijaya Bharathi Public School, KHB Main Road, # 37, 1st Main, 5th Cross, Manjunath Nagar Main Road, Kanaka Nagar, R T Nagar, Bangalore - 560 032 West of Chord Road, Bangalore - 560 010 Prop: Datta T Dhongadi 9820139467 Prop: Sanjiv T Dhongadi 98191 25444 & COLOUR LAB Venus Art Studio & Colour Lab ARROW STUDIO Videographer & Photographer Videographer & Photographer # 5 & 5/A, Golavala Appartment, Santacruze (East), Station Road, Mumbai - 400 055 Prop: Mohan Dhongadi Jawahar Dhongadi Shop No. 5, Guruvidya Building,13, Jain Mandir Marg, Ramdas Main Road, Junction of Hill Road, Jain Mandir Marg, Bandra(West), Mumbai - 400 050 97409 15144 98450 64252 S R I R EN U K A D I G I TA L ST U D I O Video Mixing, Photography & Videography Industrial,Wedding,Events, Birthday etc., For all Occassions # 147/1, Swamy Vivekananda Road, 2nd Block, Thyagarajanagar, Bangalore - 560 028, Ph: 080 26767277 E-mail: renukastudio70@yahoo.com Prop: Sanjeev Pujari SRI RENU 98457 32821 L AB & STUDIO Videography & Photography for all Occassions Subramanyapura Main Road, Kaddarana Halli, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore - 560 070 Venkatesh B Bakle Ph: 080 41509955 Cell: 9741039955 S L V DIGITAL PHOTO STUDIO ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ Photos & Videos for all Occassions Modeling Photography Indoor & Outdoor Photography Event Management Industrial & Commercial Photography Door No. 281, 32nd Main, Opp. to Siddeshwara Theatre 6th Phase J P Nagar, Bangalore - 560 078 E-mail: slvdigitalcrazy3955@gmail.com L PA L H K B Rajendrasa M : 98801 79234 ªÉgÉÊn ¹ÖZï ªÉÃgï VARIETY STITCH WEAR No. 95, 4th Main, 5th Cross, 1st Stage, 5th Phase, Rajajinagar, Bangalore - 560 044 Shop: 23116609 Mobile: 98443 67765 97430 22131 S.G. SHIVA SHANKAR S.S. NAVEEN VIDEO & PHOTOGRAPHER Spot Mixing, Photography, Digital Photos VHS to VCD & DVD Conversion Available Music Systems for Parties S.S. CYBER WORLD # 92, 1st Floor, 2nd Main, Pipeline Road, Binny & RPC Layout, Opp. Vidya Ganapathi Temple, Vijaynagar, 2nd Stage, Bangalore - 560 040 S.S. DHONDUSA S.S. SHIVA KUMAR Partners DHONDUSA SILKS & SAREES Dealers in Exclusive Silk, Synthetic, Co on Sarees and Dress Material S.D. PLAZA, No. 10, 2nd Cross, 6th Main, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560 009. Ph: 080 41139572 Email: shridhondusa@gmail.com S.S. DHONDUSA S.S. SHIVA KUMAR Partners S.D. PLAZA Hotel Anand Regency FOR A COMFORTABLE STAY S.D. PLAZA, No. 10, 2nd Cross, 6th Main, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560 009. Ph: 080 41139572 Email: hotelanandregancy.bangalore@gmail.com
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