2015 ABYC Events Murray & Winnie Gainer Lively Ashbridge Trophy 2014 Photo: John Crawley Boatloads of Bright ideas for Boaters for over 45 years! 44 Midwest Road, Toronto, ON, M1P 3A9 tel 416-752-1711 email info@riggingshoppe.com www.riggingshoppe.com www.riggingshoppe-gill-apparel.com Introduction As I write this, there’s lots of snow on the ground, and more in the forecast. I most sincerely hope that as you read this, winter is a distant memory, and the sun is out and a warm breeze is forecast for the weekend, taking you on a cruise, a race, or just a short sail with family or friends, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. 2015 will be one of the biggest sailing years in Toronto’s history, with the PanAm games sailing events only a few miles from the ABYC clubhouse. Some of our race committee volunteers and equipment will be involved, and I encourage everyone to try and get out to watch the medal races, planned for the harbour, and very visible from Sugar Beach off Queen’s Quay. 2015 at ABYC will include a focus on our Associate members, who are here to learn about and enjoy our sport. Please take time this summer to get to know at least one new Associate member. Our Crew Bank Night in May and our ongoing race-night Crew Bank is Paul Brennan a great way for racers to meet crew, and our online Daysail Crewbank gives an opportunity for cruisers to find non-boat owners to accompany you on a beautiful afternoon. Boat owners know the magic of a day on the water. Spread the magic ... to our Associates, your friends, your family. It’s a very big lake out there, with room for many, many more. This book is the culmination of months of planning by your Sailing Committee, Cruising Chairs, and Entertainment Committee. This summer, all of the plans are executed by the same folk, so we can all race, cruise, and party. Please take a moment to thank those who invest their time to make everyone’s time on the water and at the club as much fun as possible. Paul Brennan Rear Commodore, ABYC 2 For years, boaters have relied on us. For more than 60 years, boaters have chosen Skippers’ Plan for specialized marine insurance. Not all insurance brokers are the same. The right coverage and the right people behind it ensure your peace of mind. Expert Care We understand your needs and know how much your boat means to you. Skippers’ Plan provides prompt, knowledgeable support if you have a claim with follow up to ensure your claim is resolved quickly and fairly. Operated by Sail Canada’s exclusive member insurance program Boats! We share your passion. skippersplan.com 1-800-661-7211 905-754-4805 3 Follow us on Facebook & Twitter ® BARBADOS POWER OR SAIL We are Ontario’s largest, best equipped, on-the-water marine service centre. We employ factory-certified technicians and represent all major engine and drive unit manufacturers. Plus we stock brand name parts and accessories ready for installation all-year-round. We offer... • Spray Booth equipped to handle boats to 60 feet • Electrical Repairs and Installation • Awlgrip Specialists • Carpentry • Metal Fabrication • Mechanical Repairs • Collision Repair • Fibreglass and Gelcoat Repairs • Repower Specialists Bristol Marine WE KEEP YOU ON THE WATER 1 PORT STREET EAST PORT CREDIT, ON L5G 4N1 Tel (905) 891-3777 • Fax (905) 891-3788 e-mail: info@bristolmarine.ca • www.bristolmarine.ca Introduction .. 2 Sail Past Weekend .. 6 Board of Directors .. 8 ABYC Committee Chairs & Functional Leads .. 8 Sailing Committee Members .. 9 Important Telephone Numbers .. 9 General Considerations .. 10 Membership .. 10 Licenses and Permits .. 10 Officer Of The Day .. 10 Crew Bank .. 10 Overnight Absence .. 10 Flag Etiquette .. 11 Cruising Program .. 12 2014 Award Winners .. 14 Toronto East Long Distance Series .. 16 A Racing Yacht’s Obligation to Race Committee .. 17 Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions .. 17 Appendix A - ABYC Fixed Mark Course .. 22 Appendix B1 - George Coyles Tune-up, Summer Bell Buoy & Archie Walker Races .. 24 Regattas at ABYC .. 25 Appendix B2 - Series A, B, C, D, E .. 26 Events Calendar .. 28 – 34 Kitchen and Bar .. 35 Appendix B3 - Family Race .. 36 Appendix B4 - Single Handed Race .. 37 Appendix B5 - Double Handed Race .. 38 Appendix B6 - Challenge Race .. 38 Appendix B7 - Hansen Dinghy Regatta .. 39 Appendix B8 - Donald D. Summerville Memorial Race LORC .. 40 Appendix B9 - Evening Dinghy Series .. 40 Appendix C - Awards .. 42 ABYC Corinthian Fund .. 49 Special Award Nominations .. 49 Glossary .. 50 Signal Flags .. 51 CELEBRATE SUMMER AT HOME ON THE WATER photo:Bruce Hannah photo:Bernie Caron CO M M O D O R E ’ S B A L L Friday, June 5 at 18:30 Dinner with live music by Susan Vinovich, harpist Band - Turning Point Formal yacht club attire For reservations please call the office assistant - 416 698 4498 ext 221 S A I L PA ST Saturday, June 6 8:30 - 11:00 Pancake Breakfast in the Clubhouse 12:00 Opening ceremonies 13:30 Sail Past – Review of the Fleet 15:00 Flag Officers’ Harbour Tour supporting the Corinthian Fund 15:00 - 17:00 Kids activities too ! Face Painting at the Patio area weather permitting 16:00 - 19:00 Steel Band Island Dance Party & BBQ BBQ Tickets - Advanced Booking Preferred please call the office assistant - 416 698 4498 ext 221 6 416-407-0507 Sales Representative Julie Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers under contract. Keller Williams Advantage Realty, Brokerage 416-465-4545 REALTY TEAM Reserve now at clientcare@hughesworkman.com Complimentary use of our 6’x10’ Cargo Trailer ... selling over 1500 homes takes teamwork and relationship with the community Broker Suki Client Care Director 416-797-5342 Doug 30 Ashbridge’s Bay Park Road, Toronto, Ontario M4L 3W6 Tel: 416 698-4498 Fax: 416 698-5760 www.abyc.on.ca Board of Directors Commodore – Bob Hedley Senior Vice-Commodore – Elizabeth Sloss Rear Commodore – Paul Brennan Vice-Commodore Finance – Kevin Forward Vice-Commodore Marine Services – Erik Dullerud Vice-Commodore Member Services – Mike Macdonald Vice-Commodore Planning – Bob Brew Past Commodore – Rick Humphrey Recording Secretary – Ian Koster Committee Chairs & Functional Leads Adult Keelboat Learn to Sail – Peter Woodall & Diane Schulman Archive – Mel Trottier Bylaws and Board Policy – Haig DeRusha Club Fleet Maintenance – Mitchell Kitz Co-op Dinghy Program – Grant Dietrich Co-op Keelboat Program – Emily Sawolak Crane yard – Anthony Mirvish Entertainment – Debbie Dockray & Don Sturgeon Environment – Gerald Rubenovitch Finance – Steve Smith Fleet Chaplain – T. Leigh Olson Fleet Surgeon – W. (Skip) Jones Harbourmaster – Paul Lefneski Historian – Al Stapleton Junior Sailing School Director – Jeff DeJean Landscape – Ann Kay Marketing & Communications – Geoffrey Huck & Bill Surgenor Membership – Bob Wilson Property – Linda & Mike Robertson Rail yard – Dan Marcil Regalia Sales and Orders – Linda DeRusha Safety – Jim Allen 8 Sailing Committee – Brian Chapman Ship to Shore Editors – Patty and Bernie Caron Web Master – Charles Cira Work Party Management – Sue Hamilton Yardmaster – David Duckworth Sailing Committee Members ABYC Regatta – Roger Van Vlack Awards Coordinator – Joanne Wright Chief Handicapper – Paul McDonald Crew Bank Coordinator – Rebecca Crumlish and John Chittley Dinghy Race Committee Coordinator – Grant Dietrich Equipment Coordinator – Keith Sanford Events Book Editor – Scott Elliott Fleet Captains, Cruising – Nancy Ogden, Jean Gap & Chris Pappas Fleet Captain, Dinghy – Grant Dietrich Fleet Captain, Dry Sail – Eriks Kalvins Fleet Registrar & Scoring Coordinator – Shaun Carey LORC Representative – Gord Burt LYRA Representative – Dave Steenbergen Protest Coordinator – Drew Robertson Race Committee Coordinator – Molly Asseltine Secretary – John Moody Thursday Talks Coordinators – Petra Fischer & Jim Allen Important Telephone Numbers ABYC – 416 698-4498 Bar & Dinner Reservations – ext 224 Bosun – ext 223 Club Manager – Rennie Stobbs ext 225 Food & Beverage – ext 222 Gas Dock – ext 223 or VHF Channel 68 Office Administrator – Lidia Tudor ext 226 Office Assistant – Roxanne Morey ext 221 Sailing School – 416 691-1520 Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC) Trenton – 1 800 267-7270 Customs & Excise Canada (Canpass Reporting Number) – 1 888 226-7277 Canadian Coast Guard – cellular *16 or 1 800 267-7270 Toronto Police Service – 416 808-2222 or cellular *MTP or VHF Channel 12 Toronto Deputy Harbour Master – 416 462-1227 Harbour Hotline - oil spill or navigational hazard garbage – 416-462-3937 Emergencies Emergency 911 On the water, use Channel 16 on your VHF radio. On land, call Toronto Police Services Marine Unit at 416 808-5800 or Canada Coast Guard at *16 or *MTP 9 General Considerations Safety The safety of a yacht and her crew is the sole and inescapable responsibility of the owner/skipper, who must ensure that the yacht is seaworthy, adequately manned, and fully equipped for the type of boating activities proposed. The skipper must also ensure that adequate emergency and safety equipment is carried, and that the crew is familiar with its location and use. As a minimum, all yachts registered in the club fleet must be equipped in accordance with the Small Vessel Regulations of the Canada Shipping Act. The Safe Boating Giude can be down loaded as a pdf at http://www.tc.gc.ca/media/ documents/marinesafety/TP-511e.pdf. In addition all yachts should carry a VHF radio. Those intending to do any offshore or overnight sailing should upgrade their emergency and safety equipment accordingly. Membership Skippers are reminded that people who are not members but who sail regularly on ABYC boats shall join the Club as Members of an appropriate class. Licenses and Permits All individuals operating vessels equipped with an engine within the Toronto Harbour Area (Bluffers Park to Humber River) are required to hold a Toronto Harbour License. Contact the Toronto Port Authority for details. All skippers are also required to have a Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC). Information on obtaining this card can be found at www.tc.gc.ca/marinesafety. The operator of a VHF radio is required to have a Restricted Operator’s Certificate (Maritime). Officer of The Day For incoming cruises and other special events such as regattas, we need friendly, helpful ABYC members to welcome and assist guests. Please contact the Fleet Captain Cruising, or the Rear Commodore, if you can help. During the summer, OOD duties are performed by the Bosun and yard staff, but if you see a visitor arrive after hours, don’t hesitate to offer assistance. A binder with sign-in sheets and visitor information brochures are available at the bar. Overnight Absence Filing a Sail Plan if you are away from your berth overnight is required by Club bylaw. These forms are available and filed at the gas dock. The logging of your destination and time of return is for security purposes, and allows visitors to use the empty slip you have vacated. Crew Bank ABYC’s annual Crew Bank Night is an informative social evening (on the Events Calendar), designed to introduce novice and seasoned sailors to our Crew Bank racing program. The website has a direct link to our Racing Crew Bank coordinator. There is also a Day Sail crew bank sign up in the member’s area of the website. Work Hours The Club expects Senior members to contribute a minimum of 20 work hours excluding launch and haulout. Saturday morning work parties (9 to noon, from haulout to launch) are a great way to get involved in the Club and to get to know 10 your fellow members. Committee work and work parties involve race committee, clubhouse, yard and harbour maintenance, club operations, club boat and dinghy repairs, special projects, and the full attendance work parties. Ship2Shore To subscribe to Ship2Shore, visit www.abyc.on.ca. The deadline for submitting articles for Ship2Shore is Noon (1200) on the Tuesday of each week. Articles should be sent to news@abyc.on.ca. Questions and comments regarding Ship2Shore should be sent to s2seditors@gmail.com Flag Etiquette It is desirable that, for a member’s yacht to be moored in our harbour, it shall be maintained in good condition, reflect pride of ownership and be a credit to the club. Flag etiquette forms a part of this pride and if a flag is worth hoisting at all, then it should be done properly. Flags, therefore, should be in good condition. This section provides general guidelines of flag etiquette for club members. Flags are usually displayed between morning and evening colours. Morning colours are made at 0800 hours (8 a.m.). Evening colours are made at the earlier of sunset and 2100 hours (9 p.m.). The National Flag of Canada This flag, also known as the ensign, is the senior flag, and should be the first raised and the last struck. The flag should be flown from a staff on the stern. It should be displayed between morning and evening colours (it may be struck earlier, if the yacht will be unattended at evening colours). With the exception of unmanned yachts, the flag may be lowered before sunset. The flag should be approximately one inch in the fly per foot of overall yacht length. Association and House Flags Association, such as Power Squadron, and house flags are flown, only one at a time, from the starboard signal halyard. An exception to this is when flying a courtesy flag, when the association and house flags should be flown on the port spreader halyard. Visiting Ports Of Other Nations Between morning and evening colours, when at anchor, or underway, the foreign national colours are displayed at the foremost starboard spreader, or by mastless yacht, at the bow staff. The yacht’s ensign should be flown at the same time. Burgee ABYC has several burgees. They are the Club, Flag Officers, Past Commodore and Life Member burgees. The burgees other than the Club are only flown when the corresponding official is aboard or, in the general vicinity of the yacht when at a mooring. The other burgees are flown in lieu of, but in the same fashion as the Club burgee. The burgee is flown from a staff at the masthead of the mainmast of a sailing yacht. If the masthead position is not practical, then the alternative acceptable position is on the starboard spreader signal halyard. On a powerboat, the burgee is flown from the bow staff. A burgee should be flown at the same time as the ensign, but also may be flown on its own day or night when at sea. The burgee may be flown at any time when the member/owner is aboard or in the general vicinity of the yacht when it is moored. The owner can only fly a burgee of a club of which he is a member. If the owner is a member of more than one club, then he shall fly only the one of his choice for the particular occasion. cont. 11 Dressing Ship and Prize Flags It is the custom in our area for yachts to dress ship after regattas, racing events and special club functions such as Sail Past. When so requested or indicated yachts should be so dressed, but only when in port between morning and evening colours. Good form for code flags is indicated by a display of visually pleasing sequence, such as AB2, UJ1, KE3, GH6, IV5, FL4, DM7, PO third substitute, RN first substitute, ST0, CX9, WQ8 and ZY second substitute. There is no specific order for the arrangement of prize flags. It must be noted that racing prize flags belong to a specific yacht. Flags won with some other yacht should not be flown, even if won by the same owner. Clubhouse Main Flagpole ABYC’s main flagstaff is intended to resemble the aft most mast of a gaff-rigged vessel standing out to sea, and the colours displayed accordingly. The flag is flown from the gaff peak with the Club burgee displayed on a staff at the masthead. The national flag of a yacht visiting from another country is flown from the starboard yardarm. The port yardarm is used for signaling. Mourning Mourning is indicated by flying the flag at half-mast. When hoisting the flag to half mast, the flag is fully hoisted, then lowered to the half-mast position. When striking a half-mast flag, the flag is first fully hoisted, then lowered. Should the Club enter mourning, due to a member’s death, the flag shall be flown at half-mast during the daylight hours from the time the news is received until the conclusion of the funeral service. If the news is received during the dark hours, then the mourning shall be signalled commencing the next day. Cruising Program The Cruising Program is open to all members at ABYC. Cruising is a great way to get to know other club members, make new friends and visit various ports on the lake. The Cruising Program includes a series of organized cruises to Yacht Clubs and Points of Interests around Lake Ontario. Most cruises will have a designated Cruise Host (Host). The most current and up to date list of scheduled cruises will be found on the ABYC Website Events Calendar. Cruises listed in this ‘Events Book’ are subject to change. Cruising Overview Club Cruises will be promoted through S2S and posters in the clubhouse. Please note the new policy changes for Cruise Registration and Cancellation below. Cruise planning and details will be communicated by the Host by email and/ or S2S and may also include an informal meeting in the clubhouse on the day of cruise. If a participant would like to sail in tandem with another boat they are requested to advise the Host. Additionally, there is a ‘Day Sail Crew Bank’ of ABYC members who will gladly sail with a participant who requires crew (refer to ABYC Website/Cruising Section). They typically will not stay onboard that evening unless such arrangements are made. 12 Members are requested not to register for a cruise until they can commit to attending the cruise and to remove themselves from the sign-up list as soon as they no longer can attend. Participant boats are required to leave dock no later than noon. In the event of inclement weather on the day of the cruise, participants are requested to monitor their email and/or visit the Clubhouse for a cruise status report. Many Host Clubs will provide pre-assigned boat slips which will be forwarded to participants by the Host. These assignments are subject to change and it is important that participants confirm dock assignment or obtain their dock assignment when approaching the Host Club on VHF Ch 68. In addition to required nautical charts, all participants are encouraged to have the Lake Ontario & The Thousand Islands PORTS Cruising Guide on board. Upon arrival all participants must sign-in at the Host Club with their Membership Card. A burgee should be flown when sailing in a Club Cruising event. The Host will notify registered members if they are on the ‘Cruise List’ or are on a ‘Wait List’ 3-4 days in advance of the cruise and as vacancies occur the next registered member on the ‘Wait List’ will be advised. Members who attend a cruise for which they have not registered put stress on the Host Club and on the Hosts and this is not consistent with ABYC’s Code of Conduct. For complete information on the Club Cruising Program, list of Hosts and their contact information, registration procedures and cruising information please refer to the ABYC Website/Cruising Section. NEW INFORMATION FOR 2015! 1.The Sign-Up Lists will be posted on the first Monday of the month preceding the cruise date (e.g. Cruises scheduled for June will be posted on Monday May 4, 2015). The Lists will be posted (in the Communication’s Room). A reminder of the postings will be included in S2S. 2.When registering for their first cruise of the season, members are requested to provide their contact information which will be put into the Cruising Database. 3.Members wishing to cancel their attendance within 72 hours of the cruise must provide email notification to the Cruise Captains (cruising@abyc.on.ca). A $25.00 penalty will be payable by a member if they cancel attendance within 48 hours of the scheduled cruise or do not attend the cruise. Inquires regarding the Cruising Program, schedule and 2015 changes may be emailed to the Cruising Captains at cruising@abyc.on.ca. Cross Border Cruising The 2015 Cruise Schedule includes a US Host Club. Proper documentation and identification is required for the boat and for all persons on board. Boats 30 feet or over are required to display an ‘Annual Customs User Fee Decal’ (apply online https://dtops.cbp.dhs.gov/). Flag etiquette is recommended (See ‘General Consideration’ section in this Events book). 13 2014 Contribution Award Winners Commodore’s Award .. Roger van Vlack Al Clinker Memorial .. Yves Lemieux Alice Patterson Memorial .. Stan Gap Cradle Crew Award .. Anthony Mirvish Don Davis Trophy .. Jeff Dejean Hartley Trophy .. Linda & Mike Robertson Keen Crew Award .. George Debiasi Leo Cotey Trophy .. Michelle Wolfson Otto van Dam Shorewall Trophy .. Alfie Nonnewitz Rolly McKillop Award .. Tom Jones Stacy Trophy .. Michael Goldfarb 2014 Racing Award Winners Overall Ashbridge Trophy .. Lively — Murray & Winnie Gainer Stapleton Trophy .. Sona — Calum Semple Fauvette Trophy .. 131414 — Adam Gillies Divisional Thomas Patterson Memorial Trophy .. Lively — Murray & Winnie Gainer Roger Shaw Memorial Trophy .. Fortitude — Winston Beckett Rear Commodore’s Cup .. Double Time — Sam Robbins Dennis Lusty Memorial Trophy .. Isogon — Gus Gillespie Passion Pot Trophy .. Black Pearl —Eriks Kalvins Brotherton Cup .. Rattle Ya Dags — David Holmes The Kevlar Trophy .. Gray Pride — Grant Dietrich Off-shore Overall John Payne Memorial Trophy .. Starwatch — Pat & Mike Flynn Elizabeth Kimball Trophy .. Double Time — Sam Robbins Series A Mehitabel Cup .. Sona — Calum Semple ABYC Series A Trophy .. Vertigone — Paul McDonald & Karen Albert Ken Dinsmore Memorial Trophy .. Kokanee — David Steenbergen Carling O’Keefe Trophy .. Isogon — Gus Gillespie Series B Power Squadron Trophy .. Lively — Murray & Winnie Gainer ABYC Series B Trophy .. Gypsy — Cliff Walkington Nordberg/Simpson Trophy .. Double Time — Sam Robbins The Bob Humphrey Trophy .. Isogon — Gus Gillespie Carolyn Robinson Trophy .. Black Pearl —Eriks Kalvins T-Bird Fleet Trophy .. Rattle Ya Dags — David Holmes Series C Glen Duisk Challenge Cup .. Lively — Murray & Winnie Gainer Jim Granton Memorial Trophy .. Fortitude — Winston Beckett 14 Tommy Thompson Trophy .. Double Time — Sam Robbins Tom Foskett Memorial Trophy .. Whiplash — Shaun Carey Series D North Shore Trophy .. Merlin M2 — Larry Harrison & Alan Jenkins Carling O’Keefe Series Trophy .. Gypsy — Cliff Walkington Robert Walker Trophy .. Double Time — Sam Robbins Jill Brown Trophy .. Windlass — Trixie Hoyer Gerald Welsh Memorial Trophy .. Black Pearl II —Eriks Kalvins Queen City Trophy .. Rattle Ya Dags — David Holmes Dinghy Events Ashbridge’s Bay Dinghy Plaque .. Squalo — Kevin Armstrong Albatross Trophy .. Second Pilot — Giles Osborne Slipknots Trophy .. Little Wing— David Holmes Rear Commodore’s Commendation For Showing Our Colours .. Starwatch — Pat & Mike Flynn For a Rhapsody in Blue .. 1201 – Oliver van Rossem For Leading the Fleet .. Nautical Symphony – Bart Smit For Beating Them At Their Own Game .. Ideal 18 – Mike Hren & David Holmes Challenge Race Lagoon Challenge Trophy .. Minerve — David Cloutier Murray Memorial Award .. Vertigone — Paul McDonald & Karen Albert George Coyles Tune-Up Race George Coyles Tune-Up Trophy .. Lively — Murray & Winnie Gainer Hans Mossakovsky Trophy .. Double Time — Sam Robbins Summer Bell Buoy Kasey Regota Trophy .. Rattle Ya Dags — David Holmes Pat Gilroy Bell Buoy Trophy .. Double Time — Sam Robbins Archie Walker The Archie Walker Trophy .. Wild Oats — Roy Little Rita Walker Trophy .. Double Time — Sam Robbins Donald Summerville Robert Fontaine Trophy .. Starwatch — Pat & Mike Flynn Michael Brown Memorial Trophy .. Whiplash — Shaun Carey The Donald D. Summmerville Memorial MORC .. Double Time — Sam Robbins Bell Buoy Trophy .. Rattle Ya Dags — David Holmes The Donald D. Summmerville Memorial T-Bird .. Rattle Ya Dags — David Holmes ABYC Regatta Aphrodite Cup .. Sona — Calum Semple Donald D. Summerville Memorial Shark .. Consort – Martin Gibb Short-Handed Races Corsa Ontario Cup .. First Pilot — Giles Osborne Rhones-Alps Trophy .. Double Time — Sam Robbins Participation Joe Bernie Memorial Trophy .. Sarabande — Geoff Huck 15 Toronto East Long Distance Series The ABYC Race Committee is constantly searching for new or improved sailing and racing opportunities that would appeal to a broad group of our members regardless of boat size, crew size or spinnaker flying experience. One series the committee felt would resonate with our membership for 2015, is the Toronto East Long Distance Series (TELDS). This series affords the opportunity for participation in inter-Club ‘Offshore’ events. Offshore races are typically races that are longer in distance, utilizing existing marks with more emphasis on boat handling and strategic sailing skills versus close boat on boat tactical racing skills more often seen in what is referred to as ‘course racing’. The Sailing Committee has partnered with several Clubs in the further development of the Toronto East Long Distance Series (TELDS). The series will be made of five ‘offshore’ events one of which is our own Donald D. Summerville Race. The TELDS series will offer a variety of offshore course configurations, lengths and divisions for single handed, double handed and fully crewed boats, sailing with and without spinnakers. All boats must have valid PHRF-LO certificates. Great camaraderie pre and post each race will be offered by each club. Race 1 The Whitby 50 and will be hosted by the Whitby Yacht Club (http://www. wyc.ca). The race will start off the Whitby Yacht Club and will sail west to the end of the Leslie Street Spit and back again. The race will start on the evening of Friday June 19th. This date close to the longest day of the year and sailing east to Whitby with the sun coming up on the morning of June 20th should be special to all who are competing in this race. Race 2 The Singer Long Distance Race will be hosted by the Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club (http://www.fbyc.ca). This 70 mile race will start off of Frenchman’s Bay and will cross the lake to the Niagara Mark, back across the lake to the Leslie Street Spit and east to Frenchman’s Bay. This race will start on the morning of Saturday July 4th. The moon will be nearly full as you finish off of Frenchman’s Bay in the early hours of July 5th. Race 3 The Bluffers Distance Race will be hosted by Highland Yacht Club. This will be a day race starting off of Bluffers Park using designated marks along our shoreline so that the length of the race fits nicely with the forecasted wind conditions. This race will start on the morning of Saturday August 9th and will be designed to be completed later in the day. This will be mid-summer and the water will be warm. A post race swim before heading in Bluffers for the party may be in the cards for many competitors. Race 4 The Whitby 100 will start off the Whitby Yacht Club (http://www.wyc. ca)and will sail to the Niagara Mark, back across the lake to a mark off of Newcastle and then west, back to Whitby. The race will start on the evening of Friday September 11th. This will the highlight of the series with a full night of sailing, the sun coming up as you cross the lake towards Newcastle and a morning thermal should be seen to power you down the shore to the finish off of Whitby. Race 5 Our own Donald D Summerville race will start off of our Club and will use designated marks along our shoreline so that the length of the race fits nicely with the forecasted wind conditions. This race will start on the morning of Saturday September 26th and will be designed to be completed later in the day. The winds are normally back for this race and a fleet of ABYC sailors will 16 be out for one of the last races of the year. By now most of your series points are on the board and you’ll be racing to consolidate your position in your fleet, perhaps throwing a loose cover on a competitor near you in the final standing to hold or enhance your overall series result. All races will offer PHRF-LO scoring for fully crewed, single and double handed boats. Within each of these classes, spinnaker and white sail divisions will be offered. Flags will be offered for each race and overall series winners will also be awarded flags after the last race of the year. To qualify for the series awards you must compete in at least 3 races. If you compete in five or four races your best three finishes will count for your series score. Please watch the Ship2Shore for further details, each event’s sailing instructions etc. as the date for each race approaches. A Racing Yacht’s Obligation to Race Committee Although there is no mandatory requirement for yachts participating in club racing to sign up for Race Committee duty, the crew of a racing yacht may be called upon to give emergency backup assistance to the Race Committee for any club race. (refer to SI 18) On the weekends, ABYC must find Race Committee personnel for the various events in the racing calendar, some of which are ABYC club events as well as sister clubs’ regattas, for which ABYC runs courses in exchange for assistance they give to our club. We cannot continue to rely on a small group of dedicated volunteers to run all of these events and we need help from the people who benefit from the high quality of Race Committee management for which ABYC is known. Although weekend Race Committee duty will not be mandatory, each racing boat in the fleet will be expected to help with an event. Molly Asseltine, our Race Committee coordinator, will be approaching you to ask for which event(s) you wish to sign up. This system will only work if everyone steps up to the plate when asked and gives back to the racing program you all enjoy. Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions 1 Rules 1.1 These instructions apply to all club races. Events using the fixed mark course have shared instructions in Appendix A. Additional instructions specific to each event are contained in Appendices B1 through B9. Criteria for prizes and Awards are contained in Appendix C. 1.2 These races will be governed by the ‘rules’ as defined in the current edition of Racing Rules of Sailing. 1.3 For the purpose of defining what sails may be used in the JaM fleets, the PHRF-LO definition of a Jib will apply. Refer to rule 50.4. 1.4 For the purpose of complying with rule 78.2, the boat in question will be deemed as having a valid PHRF certificate provided notification has been received from a designated club handicapper that there is sufficient information to assign and interim rating. 1.5 Boats in One Design divisions shall comply with Class rules. con’t 17 2 Entries 2.1 Entry for club racing shall consist of submitting a completed Event Registration form to the Fleet Registrar or Race Committee Chair, prior to the first race in which a boat participates. A boat which participates in a race without having submitted a registration form shall be scored DNC for that race. Skippers failing to file on or before May 6 shall be subject to a $25 Late Registration Fee. These funds will be donated to the junior sailing program. 2.2 All keelboats participating in weeknight racing shall have a PHRF-LO certificate. J24 and Thunderbird class boats planning to participate in weeknight club racing in any PHRF Divisions are required to have a PHRF-LO Certificate. J24 and Thunderbirds competing only in Thursday evening One Design racing are exempt from this requirement, provided they are current paid up members of their local Fleet Associations. A standard class rating will be used for these boats. 2.3 Boats not registered in the club fleet may be allowed to participate in a club event provided that they have requested and received permission from the Rear Commodore or Race Committee Chair prior to the event. Such boats shall not be eligible for any club trophy. 2.4 No boat shall be sailed single handed, except in those classes or events so designated. 2.5 With the exception of those boats participating under SI 2.3, all racing boats must be skippered by an ABYC member in good standing. The Sailing Instructors and students at the ABYC Sailing School are encouraged to lend their skills to club racing. 2.6 An invitation has been extended to the members of TH&SC to participate in all club races. They will be eligible to receive flags, but will not be eligible to receive ABYC trophies. This changes Sailing Instructions 2.3 and 2.5 only. Our members are also invited to participate in their Wednesday Evening Series. 3 Notices to Competitors 3.1 Notices to competitors will be posted on the Official Notice Board, located in the Communications Centre on the lower floor of the main clubhouse. 4 Changes to the Sailing Instructions 4.1 Any change in the sailing instructions will be posted no later than 45 minutes before the first scheduled start for the day, except that any change in the schedule of races shall be posted by 1700 on the day before it will take effect. 5 Additional Signals 5.1 Signals made ashore will be displayed at the flagpole by the main clubhouse. 5.2 Code flag ‘AP’, Answering Pennant, when flown ashore with two sound signals, will mean the event or race is postponed. The first warning signal will be made not less than 30 minutes after ‘AP’ is lowered (one sound signal). 5.3 When flown on a weeknight racing series, Code flag ‘N’ over ‘A’, with three sound signals means the race for the day has been abandoned and will not be re-sailed. 6 Schedule of Races 6.1 Races are on the dates shown on the Events calendar, at the times noted in the event specific instructions, Appendices B1 through B9. 18 7 Competitor’s Identification 7.1 All mainsails, flying sails and overlapping headsails must have matching sail numbers. The Registrar must be notified in writing of alternate sail numbers before weeknight races and at the skippers’ meeting for Offshore Series races. 8 Divisions 8.1 Boats will be assigned to divisions. The Sailing Committee may adjust the division to balance the number of boats in each division. Notwithstanding the PHRF-LO rating of a specific boat, the Sailing Committee may assign any boat to a specific division in the interests of safety or fairness. 8.2 Signals from the Committee Boat to the competitors that are specific to a division will be identified by a unique numeral pennant assigned to that division. Refer to Appendices B1 through B9. 8.3 Changing Divisions i) Boats may request a change from spinnaker or JaM or DH to a different division only prior to their participation in a specific event. Rules for switching divisions during a series are contained in Appendices B1, B2, and C. ii) Boats wishing to change shall put the request in writing and submit this to the Fleet Registrar. 8.4 Any division splits not included in this book will be posted prior to the first race of the season. 9 The Course 9.1 Courses are defined in Appendices A and B1 to B9. 10 The Start 10.1 Races will be started by using rule 26 with the warning signal for the second and subsequent starts given with the start signal of the preceding class. 10.2 The Starting Line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the race committee boat and the nearest mark. 10.3 All boats should attempt to check in with the race committee before the first warning signal, by sailing past the stern of the race committee boat on starboard tack, displaying their sail numbers. 10.4 The Starting Area is defined as a rectangle extending half the length of the start line beyond each end of the start line, and half the length of the start line in front of and behind the start line. 10.5 Boats whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area once the first preparatory signal has been made. 10.6 A boat starting later than 9 minutes after her starting signal will be scored Did Not Start. This changes rule A4.1 11 Recalls 11.1 Individual recalls will be signaled in accordance with rule 29.1. The Race Committee will attempt to promptly broadcast the Sail Number/Boat Name of each recalled boat on VHF channel 71.The following will not be cause for redress: failure of boat to receive the broadcast; failure of the Race Committee to hail a boat’s number and/or name and a boat’s position in the sequence of numbers. This changes rule 60.1(b). 12 The Finish 12.1 The Finish Line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the race committee boat and the nearest mark. 19 12.2 In the absence of the race committee being on station, the first boat to reach the finish mark shall record her own time at the finish mark and remain on station at the finish to record the times of the other boats finishing until she is replaced by the RC vessel or the last boat finishes, whichever occurs first. 12.3 A boat which withdraws from a race shall notify the Race Committee at the first reasonable opportunity, either by hail or by VHF radio on channel 71. A boat which fails to do so may be disqualified and be subject to disciplinary action by the Club. 13 Time Limits 13.1 Time limits are defined in Appendices B1 to B9. 13.2 Any boat not finishing within the time limit will be scored DNF. This changes rules 35 and A4.1. The Race Committee will make four sound signals when the time limit for the last Division has expired. 13.3 A weeknight race in which no boat has completed the first leg in 30 minutes shall be abandoned. 14 Protests 14.1 Protests shall be filed within 60 minutes of the Race Committee boat docking. Protest forms are available in the Communications Room (behind the left entry door). 14.2 The protest form must show the date and time it was submitted. This shall be noted on the form by a Club judge, race committee member or ABYC staff along with their name and signature. Alternatively, a scan or photo of the form may be sent to the protest coordinator at drew.r@sympatico.ca. A list of ABYC judges is posted in the Communication Room. 14.3 Completed protest forms must be filed in the Communication Room folder marked for that purpose. 14.4 Protests will be heard at the next protest hearing night as scheduled in the Events book. A protest may be heard in the absence of a party to the protest. Refer to rule 63.3 (b). 14.5 If the protest committee cannot be assembled on the scheduled evening, the protest chairman may defer the hearing for one week. 14.6 Protest hearings will not be rescheduled unless a protest committee cannot be assembled or if at the discretion of the protest chairman, a situation of a serious nature exists. 15 Scoring 15.1 Series scoring methods are specified in Appendices B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, and C. 15.2 Scoring for Trophies is specified in Appendix C. 15.3 Only boats which come to the starting area in at least one race will be considered entrants for the purposes of the final sentence of rule A9. 15.4 The PHRF-LO ‘Time on Time’ scoring system will be used in determining positions for Handicap Divisions. 15.5 If the Race Committee requires the crew of a competitor to assist or form the Race Committee for a race of any series, the boat will receive the equivalent to her average position in the races counted in the series, rounded up to the next best finishing position. 15.6 Failure of a boat to assist the race committee if requested will be in violation of SI 17.1 and subject to disqualification if protested. 20 16 Scoring Inquiries 16.1 A boat which believes a scoring error may have been made may submit a Scoring Inquiry. On-line submissions should be made to scorer@abyc.on.ca, otherwise forms are available outside the office. 16.2 The scoring inquiry shall be submitted to the club scorer within one week of the posting of the preliminary results, however, boats are encouraged to submit scoring inquiries as soon as possible. 16.3 If the boat is not satisfied with the response from the scorer, the scoring inquiry may be submitted to the Race Officer who was in charge of the race or series concerned. 16.4 If the issue is not resolved a ‘Request for Redress’ may be submitted. The time limit for submission of a request for redress under these circumstances shall be 60 minutes from when the affected party was notified of the decision of the Race Officer. 17 Race Committee Duties 17.1 In the event that there is insufficient race committee crew for any club race, the Race Officer, or his/her delegate may call on the crew of a boat to provide as many members as necessary to make up a Race Committee. A boat so requested by the race committee must comply (refer to SI 15.6). 18 Safety 18.1 Boats shall not raise spinnakers on downwind starts prior to clearing the start line. 18.2 Boats shall not race with anchors stowed in such a manner that they extend outside the deck edge of the boat. 18.3 Competitors in dinghies shall wear a PFD (personal floatation device) when racing. 19 Being Green 19.1 ABYC Sailors are reminded of the ‘Environmental Responsibility’ principle to minimize the environmental impact of our sport. Rule 55 allows a boat to protest another if so much as a cigarette butt is thrown in the water. Have you set your course to a work option lifestyle? DAWN CAREY , CIM, FCSI The Carey Khosla Team Richardson GMP Limited Tel.: 416.969.3167 Richardson GMP Limited is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. 21 APPENDIX A | ABYC Fixed Mark Course 1 Location 1.1 The racing area will be a circle having a radius of approximately 1/2 nautical mile and having a centre located approximately 3/4 of a nautical mile on a bearing of 140 degrees magnetic from the south headland of the club. ABYC Fixed Mark Course 2 Fixed Mark Course 2.1 The ABYC Fixed Mark Course PDF can be downloaded from the Members area at www.abyc.on.ca N Yellow E W Black Top S 8 <000 6 > 068 8 <24 113 > <29 3 0 5> 5 4 0 22 < 090> <270 2 5> 13 315 < 180> > 158 8 <33 5 1 023 > <20 3 7 3 4 3 Marks 3.1 The marks will be yellow spars approximately 7 inches in diameter, and standing approximately 10 feet out of the water. Numbers will be painted in black. Marks with even numbers will have black tops. 3.2 The Racing Marks were placed using GPS Map Datum NAD-27 Canada. Mark placement discrepancies shall not be grounds for redress in accordance with rule 62. 22 3.3 Mark co-ordinates. Mark Latitude 0 N 43°38.736’ 1 N 43°39.149’ 2 N 43°38.828’ 3 N 43°38.454’ 4 N 43°38.245’ 5 N 43°38.324’ 6 N 43°38.645’ 7 N 43°39.019’ 8 N 43°39.228’ Longitude W 079°17.723’ W 079°17.332’ W 079°17.044’ W 079°17.153’ W 079°17.596’ W 079°18.114’ W 079°18.402’ W 079°18.293’ W 079°17.850’ 4 Courses 4.1 Unless otherwise specified in Appendices B1 to B9; the course for the spinnaker divisions 1 & 2 shall be six legs, consisting of three pairs of windward/leeward legs, and the course for spinnaker divisions 7 & 8 will be 4 legs consisting of two pairs of windward/leeward legs. The course for the JaM divisions 4 & 5, and 9 & 0 shall be 5 legs consisting of a triangle, followed by a windward leg and a leeward leg. The first leg may start at Mark 0. All marks shall be rounded to port. 4.2 The course will be displayed prior to the warning signal. 4.3 The course will be selected from the fixed marks numbered 1 through 8 located on the perimeter of the circle and the mark in the centre numbered 0. The marks to be used will be specified by numerals displayed on the committee boat. The first numeral will designate the windward mark; the second will designate the jibing mark. The third will designate the leeward mark. 4.4 When a race is started at Mark 0, the Race Committee has the option of designating the leeward mark as 0 or a mark on the perimeter of the circle. 5 Change of Course After Start 5.1 A change of course will be signalled only on a weather leg, by a race committee vessel near the leeward mark of the changed leg, displaying code flag ‘C’ and the number of the new weather mark. This vessel shall make repeated sound signals. This changes rule 33. Boats! We share your passion. Petra Fischer Tel: 647-725-9799 1-800-661-7211 Petra.Fischer@cgbgroup.com WWW.SKIPPERSPLAN.COM 23 APPENDIX B1 | George Coyles Tune-up, Summer Bell Buoy Race & Archie Walker Race 1 Schedule of Races 1.1 The dates of the George Coyles Tune-up Race, Summer Bell Buoy and Archie Walker Races are noted on the Events calendar. 1.2 A competitors’ meeting will be held upstairs in the club house at 1200. The warning signal will be made at 1300. 2 Course 2.1 From the start the course will be around the headland to the Gibraltar Point Buoy (TE18), leaving the headland and Eastern Gap entrance buoys (T1 and T2), to starboard, leaving the Gibraltar Point Buoy to port, returning leaving the Eastern Gap entrance buoys, the headland and ABYC Mark 3 to port, to the finish. Any change of course will be posted on the Notice Board no later than 1100 on the day of the race. 2.2 If the race committee signals a shortened course prior to the warning signal, the course will be from the start, around the headland and Buoy T2, leaving the headland to starboard, T2 to port and returning leaving the headland and ABYC Mark 3 to port, to the finish. 2.3 For the purposes of rule 28.1 only Gibraltar Point Buoy (TE18) and ABYC Mark 3 (and T2 on a shortened course) are deemed to be rounding marks. 3 Division Splits Spinnaker JaM Div. 1 ASP 109 sec/mile and under NP 1 Div. 2 ASP 110 sec/mile and over NP 2 Div. 4 ASP 179 sec/mile and under NP 4 Div. 5 ASP 180 sec/mile and over NP 5 4 Start Sequence Start 1 JaM NP 4 & 5 Start 2 Spinnaker NP 1 & 2 5 Start Line & Finish Line 5.1 The starting and finishing lines will be between the halyard displaying an orange flag on the race committee boat and ABYC Mark 7 on the fixed mark course. 6 Time Limit 6.1 The time limit is 1700. 7 Scoring and Choice of Division 7.1 A boat is free to choose whether it will sail in a Spinnaker Division or a JaM Division prior to the start of any Bell Buoy Race, but it will only be scored in one of Spinnaker and JaM for scoring the Offshore Series and determining the winners of the John Payne Memorial Trophy and the Elizabeth Kimball Trophy. (see Appendix C, section 10 - 12) 24 RACING 2015 ABYC Regatta IRC and PHRF including white sail One Design Divisions J24, Thunderbird, Etchells, J105 8 Meter, C&C 99, Beneteau First 36.7 Register at www.lorc.org May 23 & 24 Great Lakes Laser Masters & Great Lakes Laser Championships June 27 & 28 J24 Canadian Championship September 18,19 & 20 Donald Summerville Memorial September 26 25 APPENDIX B2 | SERIES A, B, C, D, E 1 Schedule of Races 1.1 The schedule of races for Series A, Series B, Series C, Series D and Series E are noted on the Events calendar. 1.2 The warning signal will be made at 1830. 2 Course 2.1 The ABYC fixed mark course will be used. 3 Division Splits Spinnaker JaM One Design Double Handed Div. 1 ASP 109 sec/mile and under NP 1 Div. 2 ASP 110 sec/mile and over NP 2 Div. 4 ASP 179 sec/mile and under NP 4 Div. 5 ASP 180 sec/mile and over NP 5 Div. 7 J24/J22 NP 7 Div. 8 Thunderbird NP 8 Div. 9 ASP 144 sec/mile and under NP 9 Div. 0 ASP 147 sec/mile and over NP 0 4 Start Sequence Series A and C (Tuesdays) Start 1 Div. 2 Series B and D (Thursdays) NP 2 Start 1 Div. 1 & 2 NP 1 & 2 2 Div. 1 NP 1 2 Div. 5 & 0 NP 5 & 0 3 Div. 5 NP 5 3 Div. 4 & 9 NP 4 & 9 4 Div. 4 NP 4 4 Div. 7 & 8 NP 7 & 8 Series E (Tuesdays & Thursdays)* 1 Div. 1 ,2 & 8 NP 1 & 2 2 Div. 4 ,5, 9 & 0 NP 4 & 5 3 Div. 7 NP 7 * Results will not be used in scoring for the overall championship. 5 Time Limit 5.1 The time limit shall be: 2045 in May, 2100 in June, 2045 in July, 2030 in August, and 2015 in September. However, if one boat in a Division finishes within this time limit the time limit will be extended by 15 minutes for all other boats in the Division. 6 Scoring 6.1 In series A and B, 7 races are scheduled, in series C and D, 8 races are scheduled of which 3 shall be completed to constitute a series. In Series E, 4 races are scheduled of which 2 shall be completed to constitute a series. 6.2 Boats cannot be scored in more than one Division per series. A boat may request 26 to be moved to a different Division only once after each of series A, B, C, and D has started. If permission is granted, she shall be scored DNC for all races sailed in her former Division and the results of those races shall be recalculated for the remaining boats in that Division. A donation of at least $25 to the Junior Sailing Program will be required. 6.3 A boat that has ranked as a starter in at least one race shall be scored for the series. 6.4 Drops or throwouts for a series are: Number of Races in Series Number of Drop Races 3 or 4 0 5 or 6 1 7 or 8 2 6.5 Any race in which no boat in a division finishes shall not be counted as a race for that division. Starting Late? All skippers are reminded that if you are more than four minutes late for your start, it is common courtesy not to interfere with boats starting on time. See also SI 10.6 27 12 19 11 18 VICTORIA DAY 5 4 25 Reciprocal Cruise Lakeshore Yacht Club 28 27 Tuesday 26 Series A Race 3 Series A Race 2 Series A Race 1 Learn to Sail & Co-op Program Open House 21 20 Monday 27 20 13 6 29 22 PHRF Measurement Night Wednesday Crew Bank Night Series B Race 1 28 Series B Race 3 Series B Race 2 21v 14 7 30 23 Thursday Friday 29 Susan Hood PCYC 22 15 8 1 24 April/May 2015 Launch Mother’s Day Brunch 10 3 26 Sunday 30 31 LOSHRS 1 PCYC 24 ABYC Regatta ABYC Regatta Out going Cruise Out going Cruise Cathedral Bluffs Yacht Cathedral Bluffs Yacht Club & Highland Club & Highland YachtClub YachtClub 23 16 17 Reciprocal Cruise Reciprocal Cruise Lakeshore Yacht Club Lakeshore Yacht Club TS&CC Ice Breaker TS&CC Ice Breaker George Coyles Tune Up South Wall Cruise 9 Harbourmaster’s Hat Work Party 2 Launch New Year’s Party 25 Saturday 29 22 15 Tuesday Series A Race 5 Series A Race 4 Series C Race 1 30 Series A Race 7 23 Series A Race 6 16 9 8 Protest Night #1 2 1 Monday 1 Dinghy Series 1 #4 24 Dinghy Series 1 #3 17 Dinghy Series 1 #2 10 Dinghy Series 1 #1 3 Wednesday Series B Race 5 Series B Race 4 2 Series B Race 7 25 Series B Race 6 18 11 4 Thursday June 2015 TELDS Race 1 Whitby 50 3 Entertainment Event 26 19 12 Commodore’s Ball 5 Friday Sailpast New Boat Party 4 Masters Great Lakes Masters Reciprocal Cruise The Boulevard Club 5 28 Ontario Laser Masters Great Lakes Masters Reciprocal Cruise The Boulevard Club Reciprocal Cruise Whitby Yacht Club RCYC Open Reciprocal Cruise Whitby Yacht Club RCYC Open 27 Ontario Laser 21 Reciprocal Cruise Royal Canadian Yacht Club /New Members Cruise LOSHRS 3 YYC to PCYC NYC Hospice Regatta 14 7 Sunday 20 13 Double Handed Race Single Handed Race Reciprocal Cruise Royal Canadian Yacht Club/New Members Cruise LOSHRS 2 PCYC to YYC NYC Hospice Regatta 6 Saturday 30 27 20 LYRA Sodus Bay Lake Ontario 300 13 28 Series C Race 4 LYRA Series C Race 3 21 PANAM NO Club Racing 14 29 Dinghy Series 1 #7 LYRA Dinghy Series 1 #6 22 PANAM NO Club Racing 15 Dinghy Series 1 #5 Series C Race 2 Inbound Cruise Dalhousie Yacht Club Protest Night # 2 Inbound Cruise Dalhousie Yacht Club 8 CANADA DAY Wednesday 7 1 6 Tuesday 30 Monday 29 Thursday PANAM NO Club Racing Series D Race 2 Series D Race 1 30 Series D Race 4 LYRA Series D Race 3 Steerer’s PCYC 23 16 9 2 July 2015 Friday PANAM opens 31 LYRA (course racing) Youngstown Regatta Registration Steerer’s PCYC 24 17 10 Reciprocal Cruise Niagara on the Lake Sailing Club 3 Saturday Sunday 2 Reciprocal Cruise Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club Youngstown Regatta PCYC Four Sisters 1 26 Reciprocal Cruise Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club Youngstown Regatta PCYC Four Sisters 19 Reciprocal Cruise Mimico Cruising Club TH&SC Summer Blast Lake Ontario 300 12 Reciprocal Cruise Niagara on the Lake Sailing Club PCYC Open LORC 5 25 18 Reciprocal Cruise Mimico Cruising Club TH&SC Summer Blast 11 ABYC Summerfest (Club Picnic) Family Race #1 Lake Ontario 300 Reciprocal Cruise Niagara on the Lake Sailing Club TELDS Race 2 Singer Long Distance PCYC Open LORC 4 31 31 1 Series C Race 8 25 24 Series C Race 7 Series C Race 6 18 11 Tuesday Series C Race 5 17 Protest Night #3 10 Reciprocal Cruise Port Credit Yacht Club 4 3 SIMCOE DAY 28 Monday 27 Wednesday 2 Dinghy Series 2 #4 26 Dinghy Series 2 #3 19 Dinghy Series 2 #2 12 Dinghy Series 2 #1 5 29 Series D Race 5 Series D Race 8 27 Series D Race 7 20 3 Thursday Series D Race 6 13 6 30 August 2015 4 28 21 14 7 31 Friday Saturday 2 Sunday Family Race #2 LOCCA Rendezvous at ABYC AHMEN Race 2 16 Reciprocal Cruise Tuscarora Yacht Club AHMEN Race 1 9 5 Inbound Cruise Burlington Bay Sailing Club EYC Level & Open 29 6 Inbound Cruise Burlington Bay Sailing Club EYC Level & Open 30 23 Anchors Away Anchors Away Humber Bay Humber Bay Lake Ontario Catalina Lake Ontario Catalina Association Rendez- Association Rendezvous (at ABYC) vous (at ABYC) 22 Summer Bell Buoy LOCCA Rendezvous at ABYC LOSHRS 4 100 Mile Race 15 8 Reciprocal Cruise Tuscarora Yacht Club TELDS Race 3 Bluffers Distance Reciprocal Cruise Reciprocal Cruise Port Credit Yacht Club Port Credit Yacht Club LYRA (course racing) LYRA (course racing) 1 General Meeting 28 29 22 21 Series E Race 3 15 Protest Night #4 Tuesday Series E Race 1 14 Reciprocal Cruise Oakville Club & OYS 8 7 LABOUR DAY 1 31 Monday 30 23 16 Dinghy Series 2 #6 9 Dinghy Series 2 #5 2 Wednesday Series E Race 2 1 24 17 Series E Race 4 10 3 Thursday Meredith Cutting 25 2 TELDS Race 4 Whitby 100 (Clipper) Friday J24 Canadian Championship 18 11 4 September 2015 Reciprocal Cruise Oakville Club & Oakville Yacht Squadron Bronte Rocks 3 TELDS Race 5 Donald Summerville Memorial LORC AHMEN Race 5 26 19 J24 Canadian Championship Reciprocal Cruise Etobicoke Yacht Club LOSHRS 5 PCYC to Pt Dalhousie AHMEN Race 4 Family Fun Night Retro Bingo Night QCYC Open 12 5 Saturday Reciprocal Cruise Oakville Club & Oakville Yacht Squadron Bronte Rocks 4 27 J24 Canadian Championship Reciprocal Cruise Etobicoke Yacht Club LOSHRS 6 Pt Dalhousie to PCYC 20 13 Vertigone/Minerve Challenge Race AHMEN Race 3 Boswell RCYC LORC 6 Sunday 20 27 19 26 THANKSGIVING 12 13 6 5 Protest Night #5 Summerville Protest Night 29 28 Monday Tuesday 28 21 14 7 30 Wednesday 29 22 15 8 1 Thursday October 2015 30 23 16 9 2 Haulout Friday 31 24 17 10 3 HALLOWEEN Party Haulout Archie Walker Saturday 1 25 18 11 4 Haulout AHMEN Race 6 Sunday Events in November, December & 2016 to be confirmed November 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Club Cruising Awards 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 Work Party Full Attendance Club Racing Awards December 2015 Mon 30 Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu Fri Sat Sun 3 4 Christmas Dinner 5 6 Children’s Christmas Party Tree Raising 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 3 CHRISTMAS 28 34 29 30 31 1 Wednesday Wing Night Wings, Bridge & Pool From Haulout to Launch Thursday Pasta Specials From Haulout to Launch Friday FINE DINING Throughout the year! Dinner Reservations and Bar 416 698-4498 ext 224 For Restaurant and Bar hours visit www.abyc.on.ca or call 416 698-4498 35 APPENDIX B3 | Family Race 1 Schedule 1.1 The dates for the Family Race are noted on the Events calendar. 1.2 A competitors’ meeting will be held upstairs in the clubhouse at 1200. The warning signal will be made at 1300. 2 Course 2.1 The start and finish lines will be between ABYC fixed mark zero (0) and a staff displaying an orange flag on the committee boat. 2.2 The committee boat will display a single number, designating the upwind mark. 2.3 The first leg will be from the start line to the upwind mark, which will be taken to port. 2.4 The course will continue counter-clockwise around the remainder of the ABYC fixed marks (excluding mark 0) back to the upwind mark, leaving all marks to port. Each mark is considered a rounding mark, and may be used to shorten the course if the race committee so decides. 2.5 The final leg will be from the designated upwind mark back to the finish line. 2.6 The course: Upwind Mark posted on Committee boat wind R C 3 Division Splits 3.1 There will be no Division Splits. The single Start shall be JaM. 4 Handicaps 4.1 Boats without a PHRF certificate are welcome to participate, and will be assigned a rating, for this race only, by the Chief Handicapper or his delegate. Such assignments are not subject to protest or requests for redress. 4.2 A handicap adjustment of +6 seconds/mile will be made for boats carrying at least one crew member 10 years of age or under. 4.3 A handicap adjustment of +6 seconds/mile will be made for boats carrying at least one crew member 70 years of age or older. 36 4.4 A handicap adjustment will be made for double handed crews of +3 seconds/ mile for boats 30 feet and smaller, or +6 sec/mile for boats larger than 30 feet. 4.5 The handicap adjustments in 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 can be combined. 5 Time Limit 5.1The time limit will be 1600. APPENDIX B4 | Single Handed Race 1 Schedule 1.1 The date of the Single Handed race is noted on the Events calendar. 1.2 The competitors’ meeting will be held upstairs in the clubhouse at 1200. The warning signal will be made at 1300. 2 Course 2.1 The start and finish lines will be between a mark on the ABYC fixed mark course and a staff displaying an orange flag on the committee boat. (The mark used will depend on the wind, and the same mark will be used for start and finish, unless the course is shortened at the lake mark.) 2.2 The committee boat will display two numbers -- a compass course, and a distance in nautical miles -- to an orange tetrahedron set in the lake, between 1.25 and 2.5 miles from the start mark. 2.3 The course will be from the start, leaving the lake mark to port, returning to the fixed mark used for the start and leaving it to port, out again to the lake mark leaving it to port, and returning to the finish. 2.4 It should be noted that the first leg of the course may be upwind or downwind. 3 Crew Restrictions 3.1 Each boat shall have a crew of one person. 3.2 Electronic steering devices are permitted during the race. 4 Division Splits 4.1 There will be a single fleet for all competitors, Jib and Main. 5 Start Sequence 5.1 The race will run in conjunction with the Double Handed Race (see appendix B5): Start 1 Single Handed JaM NP 9 Start 2 Double Handed JaM NP 4 & 5 Start 3 Double Handed Spinnaker NP 1 & 2 6 Time Limit 6.1 The time limit is 1600. 7 Special Safety Considerations 7.1 Participants in the Single Handed and Double Handed Race should recognize that all boats on the course are racing without a full complement of crew, and that additional care should be taken in right-of-way situations as response times may be increased. 37 APPENDIX B5 | Double Handed Race 1 Schedule 1.1 The date of the Double Handed Race is noted on the Events calendar. 1.2 A competitors’ meeting will be held upstairs in the clubhouse at 1200. The warning signal will be made at 1300. 2 Course 2.1 See appendix B4, section 2. 3 Crew Restrictions 3.1 Each boat shall have a crew of two persons. 3.2 Electronic steering devices are not permitted during the race. 4 Fleet Splits 4.1 There will be either one or two fleets for this race based upon input received by the Race Committee at the skippers’ meeting. If there are four or more boats wishing to compete in JaM and four or more boats wishing to compete in Spinnaker then there will be two fleets. If not there shall be only one fleet, that being JaM. 5 Start Sequence 5.1 See appendix B4, section 5. 6 Time Limit 6.1 The time limit will be 1600. 7 Special Safety Considerations 7.1 See appendix B4, section 7. APPENDIX B6 | Vertigone/Minerve Challenge Race 1 Schedule 1.1 The date of the Challenge Race is noted on the Events calendar. 1.2 A competitors’ meeting will be held upstairs in the clubhouse at 1200. The warning signal will be made at 1300. 2 Eligibility 2.1 Boats that have won a flag in their division in Series A, B, C, D or E, as well as the winners of the previous year’s race are eligible to be scored. 2.2 Boats that have won a flag in Spinnaker divisions or One Design divisions shall compete in the Spinnaker Fleet. Boats that have won a flag in JaM divisions or in Double Handed divisions shall compete in the JaM Fleet. Boats that have won flags in Spinnaker or One Design divisions, and JaM or Double Handed divisions, shall declare in writing at the competitors’ meeting in which Fleet they will be competing. 3 Course 3.1 The fixed mark course will be used. Boats competing for the Challenge Spinnaker Fleet will sail a windward/leeward course of seven legs, with a windward finish. Boats competing in the Challenge JaM Fleet will sail a course 38 of six legs consisting of a triangle, followed by a windward leg, a leeward leg, and a final windward leg. 4 Fleet Splits 4.1 There shall be two Fleets, Spinnaker and JaM. 5 Start Sequence Start 1 Spinnaker Fleet NP 1 Start 2 JaM Fleet NP 2 6 Time Limit 6.1 Boats failing to finish within 30 minutes after the first boat in their fleet finishes will be scored DNF. This changes rule 35. The time limit will be 1600. If one boat in a fleet finishes within the time limit it will be extended by 15 minutes for all other boats in that fleet APPENDIX B7 | Hansen Dinghy Regatta 1 Schedule 1.1 The date of the Hansen Dinghy Regatta will be posted. 1.2 A competitors’ meeting will be held in the dinghy ramp area at 1100. 2 Chartering of Club Boats 2.1 Members who wish to charter club dinghies for this event shall apply in writing to the Rear Commodore no later than seven days prior to the event. 3 Sailing Instructions 3.1 Items 1.3 to 8 from Appendix B9 - Evening and Dinghy Races will also apply. 4 Scoring 4.1 If more than three races are sailed, a boat’s series score shall be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score. 4.2 One completed race is required to constitute a series. C o m e to us o r we v is i t yo u with mobile service Great Lakes Yacht Services O p e n Ye a r- R o un d ! G ua r a nte e d L owe st P r i c e s o n M e r c ur y Outboards and I n f l at a b l e s ! Servicing Sail and Power ® Setting Standards for Safer Boating Authorized Parts and Service Dealer for: “Your On-The-Water Service Centre” info@glys.ca • www.glys.ca 7 Brimley Rd. S. at Bluffers Park Marina 416-266-4376 39 40 4 Division Splits (If necessary) Division A Single Handed boats NP 1 Division B Double Handed boats NP 2 5 Start Sequence Start 1 Single Handed boats NP 1 Start 2 Double Handed boats NP 2 6 The Start 6.1 Races will be started by using the warning signal given 3 minutes before the starting signal. This changes rule 26. 7 Changing the Course after the Start 7.1 Courses may be changed in accordance with rule 33. However no compass bearings will be displayed. 8 Time Limit 8.1 The time limit for each Division will be one hour. Boats failing to finish within 15 minutes after the first boat finishes or within the time limit, whichever is later, will be scored DNF. This changes rules 35 and A4.1. 9 Scoring 9.1 A minimum of 6 races must be completed to constitute a series. 9.2 Prizes will be awarded based on a boat’s best performance in 75% (rounded down) of the completed races in each series. 10 Prizes 10.1 Trophies shall be awarded to the winners of each series. 10.2 Prizes shall be awarded to the top three boats in each series. 41 APPENDIX C | Awards The Club reserves the right not to present an award in any given year if there is insufficient competition or no worthy candidates. It also may substitute awards if considered necessary. 1 Flags and Prizes 1.1 Flags or prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers in each division for the A, B, C, D and E series. 1.2 Flags will be awarded to ABYC boats finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the Spinnaker and JaM Fleets in the George Coyles Tune-up Race, the Summer Bell Buoy Race, the Archie Walker Race, the Donald D. Summerville Memorial Race, the Challenge Race, the Single Handed Race and the Double Handed Race. 1.3 Additionally, flags and/or prizes may be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for a particular class of boat in the A, B, C, D or E series where: i)The class has applied in writing to the Rear-Commodore prior to the event for such consideration. ii)Five or more boats of the class have participated. 1.4 Prizes will be awarded to the top three finishers in Evening Dinghy Series 1 and 2, and the Hansen Dinghy Regatta. 2 Overall Championship Trophies Ashbridge Trophy This is the most prestigious sailing award in the club. It is awarded to the skipper while flying the ABYC burgee, brings the most prestige upon the club through accomplishments in either, or a combination of, club, and/or local and/or provincial, and/or national, and/or international competition. The skipper will be selected by a jury of his or her peers. The jury shall remain secret. Stapleton Trophy Awarded annually to the best overall boat in club racing that has also distinguished herself in racing events outside the club. The skipper will be selected by a jury of his or her peers. The jury shall remain secret. The Ashbridge and Stapleton Trophies cannot be awarded to the same boat. NOTE: To be considered for the Ashbridge and Stapleton Trophies, the skipper or his representative must provide the Rear Commodore or the Fleet Registrar, before September 30, with copies of final results from non-local events in which they have participated and the names and addresses of the Organizing Authorities of those events. Fauvette Trophy Junior Sailor of the Year. Awarded to the most proficient junior sailor or the junior sailor who best represents the Club in outside events. The winners of the Thomas Patterson Memorial Trophy, through to the Brotherton Cup shall be determined using the system described in Appendix C, section 9. Thomas Patterson Memorial Trophy Best overall boat in Division 1 Roger Shaw Memorial Trophy Best overall boat in Division 2 Rear-Commodore’s Cup Best overall boat in Division 4 42 Dennis Lusty Memorial Trophy Best Overall boat in Division 5 This trophy is not to be removed from club premises without special permission. Barrie Gray Memorial Trophy Best overall boat in Division 9 The Al and Lesley Clinker Trophy Best overall boat in Division 0 Passion Pot Best overall boat in the J24/J22 fleet. Brotherton Cup Best overall boat in the Thunderbird fleet. The winners of the John Payne Trophy and the Elizabeth Kimball Trophy shall be determined using the system described in Appendix C, section 10 John Payne Trophy The best overall boat in the Offshore Series Spinnaker Fleet. Elizabeth Kimball Trophy The best overall boat in the Offshore Series JaM Fleet Kevlar Trophy Best overall dinghy based on Series 1, 2 and Hansen Trophy races. 3 Special Contribution Trophies Nominations are accepted and encouraged throughout the sailing season for these trophies. Nominations must be received by the Rear Commodore no later than 6 pm the Sunday of Haulout weekend. Anyone advocating someone to receive these awards is asked to submit the details in writing with a digital photo of the nominee. Commodore’s Award Presented by the Commodore for best representing ABYC in any branch of yachting, inside or outside the Club. Al Clinker Memorial Award For the Unsung Hero. Awarded annually to the individual (not necessarily a senior member), who was always cheerfully helping out for the benefit of ABYC and fellow members. This trophy is not to be removed from club premises without special permission. Alice Patterson Memorial Trophy To be awarded in recognition of services to boat racing. Cradle Crew Award To be awarded for meritorious service by a member of the cradle crew at launch and haulout. To be named by the Vice Commodore Marine services. Hartley Trophy To the family that contributes the most to club activities. Leo Cotey Trophy For presentation to the woman who has contributed most to ABYC during the year. cont. 43 Keen Crew Award Awarded to the person, who has demonstrated, as crew, outstanding dedication or performance. Michael Stuart Trophy For the most outstanding act of sportsmanship. Don Davis Trophy Awarded annually to the ABYC dinghy sailor who, in the opinion of the Commodore, Rear Commodore, and Dinghy Fleet Captain, made a measurable and recognized contribution to the advancement of ABYC. Contribution may be in the area of cruising, racing or club improvement. Otto Van Dam Shorewall Trophy For volunteer services rendered to the club. To be awarded by the Vice Commodore Marine services. Rolly McKillop Award For annual presentation to a member for volunteer services rendered to the club. To be awarded by the Vice Commodore Marine services. Stacy Trophy This trophy is presented annually to the member who makes the greatest contribution to developing a lifelong love of sailing in young sailors, whether through keelboat or dinghy racing or cruising. 4 Course Racing Trophies Series A Division 1 – Mehitabel Cup Division 2 – ABYC Series A Trophy Division 4 – Ken Dinsmore Memorial Trophy Division 5 – Carling O’Keefe Trophy Series B Division 1 – Power Squadron Trophy Division 2 – ABYC Series B Trophy Division 4 – Norberg/Simpson Trophy Division 5 – Bob Humphrey Trophy Division 9 – Leeshore Trophy Division 0 – Stevenson Trophy J24/J22 – Carolyn Robinson Trophy Thunderbird – Thunderbird Fleet Trophy Series C Division 1 – Glen Duisk Challenge Cup Division 2 – Jim Granton Memorial Trophy Division 4 – Tommy Thompson Trophy Division 5 – Tom Foskett Memorial Trophy Series D Division 1 – North Shore Trophy Division 2 – Carling O’Keefe Series Trophy Division 4 – Robert Walker Trophy Division 5 – Jill Brown Trophy 44 Division 9 – Joe Harris Trophy Division 0 – Violet Regota Memorial Trophy J24/J22 – Gerald Welsh Memorial Trophy Thunderbird – Queen City Trophy ABYC Regatta JaM Fleet – Best performance by an ABYC boat in the JaM fleet at the ABYC Regatta – the Donald D. Summerville Memorial Trophy, Shark Class. Spinnaker Fleet – Best performance by an ABYC boat in the Spinnaker fleet at the ABYC Regatta – the Aphrodite Cup. Evening Dinghy Series Series 1 – ABYC Dinghy Plaque Series 2 – Slipknots Trophy 5 Offshore Series Trophies George Coyles Tune-Up Race Divisions 1 & 2 – George Coyles Tune-Up Trophy Divisions 4 & 5 – Hans Mossakovsky Trophy Summer Bell Buoy Race Divisions 1 & 2 – Kasey Regota Trophy Divisions 4 & 5 – Pat Gilroy Trophy Archie Walker Race Divisions 1 & 2 – Archie Walker Trophy Divisions 4 & 5 – Rita Walker Trophy Donald D. Summerville Memorial Race IRC – Robert Fontaine Trophy Divisions 1 & 2 (PHRF) – Bell Buoy Trophy Divisions 4 & 5 – Michael Brown Memorial Trophy 6 Other Racing Trophies Black Tragic Beer and Clams Challenge Trophy A match racing challenge trophy, on the fixed mark course. Boats wishing to challenge for this trophy must make their request to the Rear Commodore. Albatross Trophy Awarded to the winner of the Hansen Dinghy Regatta. Joe Bernie Memorial Trophy To be awarded to the person who skippers his boat in the most series races in the season without qualifying for any other ABYC competitive awards. Corsa Ontario Cup Best corrected time, Single Handed race. Rhône-Alpes Trophy Winner of the Double Handed race. Murray Memorial Award For annual competition in the Challenge Race, spinnaker fleet. Lagoon Challenge Trophy For annual competition in the Challenge Race, JaM fleet. 45 7 Cruising Trophies Anyone wishing to nominate a member for a Cruising Discretionary Award and/or has met the requirements for a Cruising Trophy, must submit the details in writing to the Cruising Captains (cruising@abyc.on.ca) by September 30. Hans Ballman Trophy This trophy will be awarded to the club member making the longest cruise in his yacht in a single season between launch in the spring and haulout in the fall, on fresh water in the Great Lakes system above Montreal. The length of the cruise is to be determined by measurement in miles on a chart totalling the distance between points visited. Harbourmaster’s Hat This trophy will be awarded to the first keelboat to enter the (chosen harbour) after departing ABYC no earlier than 1300 on the Saturday of the weekend following launch. The boat must be fully rigged and must be sailed the full distance to the selected harbour and skippered by the boat owner. The selected harbour is chosen and posted on the club notice board by the harbourmaster each year at least four weeks prior to the official launch date. Failing this, the selected harbour will remain the same as the previous year(s). This trophy is not to be removed from club premises without special permission. The Jack Shirt Trophy This trophy will be awarded by the Sailing Committee-Cruising to an ABYC member who, while skippering his/her sailboat and flying the ABYC burgee, sails the greatest number of nautical miles on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River above the Iroquois Lock between launch and haulout. Ed Wilson Trophy This trophy is to be awarded on an annual basis to an ABYC member who, while skippering a sailboat under 29 feet LOA which is part of the ABYC fleet and while flying the ABYC burgee, accumulates the greatest number of miles cruising on the Great Lakes system above Montreal. Ron Mitchell Trophy This trophy will be awarded on a discretionary basis by the Sailing CommitteeCruising to an ABYC member who, while skippering a sailboat which is part of the ABYC fleet and while flying the ABYC burgee, gives greatest credit to ABYC through distinguished accomplishment in offshore (blue water) sailing. This trophy is not to be removed from club premises without special permission. Cruising Captain’s Discretionary Award This trophy will be awarded on a discretionary basis by the Fleet Captain, Cruising or his/her delegate and after consultation with the Sailing Committee-Cruising, to an ABYC member who, while skippering a sailboat which is part of the ABYC fleet and while flying the ABYC burgee, gives greatest credit to ABYC through distinguished accomplishment in sailing, sailing sportsmanship, heroism, and/or contribution to the sport of sailing. Man Overboard Trophy This trophy is to be awarded on an annual basis to the winner of the ABYC Man Overboard competition for cruisers. To win, the skipper must not only have the shortest recovery time, but must also participate or have participated in at least 46 two (2) official cruises from the ABYC cruising program. Flotilla Trophy This trophy will awarded on a discretionary basis by the Sailing CommitteeCruising to ABYC members who, while skippering sailboats in a unified fleet and flying the ABYC burgee, give greatest credit to ABYC in either blue water or Great Lakes cruising. The fleet must remain together for the majority of the voyage. Ports of Call Trophy This trophy is to be awarded on an annual basis to an ABYC member who, while skippering a sailboat which is part of the ABYC fleet and while flying the ABYC burgee, enters the greatest number of harbours on the Great Lakes system above Montreal. Daysailing Award This award to be presented to the skipper crewing with the greatest number of Associates (each Associate can be only counted once) drawn from the daysail crewbank during the sailing season. It is the skipper’s responsibility to keep a log of the Associate Crew drawn from the daysail crewbank. 8 Cruising Flags Distance Flags 250-mile flags (New 2015) 500-mile flags 1000-mile flags Eligibility for a Distance Flag is based upon the member’s self report of nautical miles logged. This information must be forwarded to the Cruising Captains (cruising@abyc.on.ca) no later than September 30. Cruise Participation Flags Eight Cruises – Gold Six Cruises – Red Four Cruises – Blue Flags awarded are based on the Attendance Records provided by the Cruise Hosts. 9 Scoring for Overall Season’s Championship Trophies The following system will be used to determine the winners of the trophies for ‘best overall boat’ in each division as listed in Appendix C section 2. 9.1 The low point system will be used. A boat with DNC for a series will be assigned a score equal to 1 more than the total number of boats that competed in that series. 9.2 ‘Counter series’ for each division are defined as follows: i) Division 1, 2, 4, and 5: Series A, B, C, D and the Offshore Series ii) J/24 and J/22: Series B, D and the Offshore Series. iii) Thunderbird: Series B, D and the Offshore Series. iv) Divisions 9 and 0: Series B and D. 9.3 A ‘counter series’ will be considered completed only if at least three races are completed in that series or regatta. 9.4 Each boat will be assigned a score for each completed ‘counter series’ according to her overall position within her division for that series (i.e. individual race scores will not be used). cont. 47 9.5 When two or three ‘counter series’ have been completed for a given division, a boat’s score for her division season’s championship will be the sum of her scores for each ‘counter series’. 9.6 When four or five ‘counter series’ have been completed for a given division, a boat’s score for her division season’s championship will be the sum of her scores for each ‘counter series’, excluding her worst score. 9.7 For the purpose of the overall trophies, a boat shall be considered for only one trophy. A boat not qualifying to compete in a one design fleet will be deemed to be competing in the weeknight division she races in first. Boats qualifying to compete in a one design fleet will be deemed to be competing in that one design division. Any boat may elect to compete for an overall trophy in another division for which she is qualified, if such election is made in writing, to the registrar, prior to the beginning of Series C. 10 Scoring for the Offshore Series 10.1 The Offshore Series will consist of the George Coyles Tune-up Race, the Summer Bell Buoy Race, the Archie Walker Race, and the Donald D. Summerville Memorial Races. 10.2 A boat will be scored for the Offshore Series in the division or fleet in which she first races. A boat may elect to be scored in another division or fleet for which she is qualified, if such election is made in writing, to the registrar, prior to Labour Day. 11 The John Payne Memorial Trophy and the Elizabeth Kimball Trophy 11.1 To determine the winners of the John Payne Memorial Trophy and the Elizabeth Kimball Trophy: i) For the George Coyles Tune-up Race, the Summer Bell Buoy Race, the Archie Walker Race and the Donald D. Summerville Memorial Race, boats will be assigned a score based on their overall position in all Spinnaker Divisions combined, or in all JaM Divisions combined (see Appendices B1 and B8). ii) Each boat’s total score will be the sum of her best three out of four races, unless fewer than four races are completed, in which case all scores will be counted. 12 ABYC Divisional Season Championship 12.1 To calculate series scores for the Offshore Series, as required to determine the Overall Season’s Championships for each Division: i) For each race in the Offshore Series, boats which are competing for an Overall Season’s Championship in Divisions 1, 2, 4 & 5 will be assigned a score based on their position within that Division. Boats which are competing for the Overall Season’s Championship in Divisions 7 or 8 will be scored only against boats in the same One Design class. ii) Each boat’s total score will be the sum of her best three out of four races, unless fewer than four races are completed, in which case all scores will be counted. iii) A boat will be scored in only one division for calculating series scores. If a boat is scored in the Spinnaker fleet (including Divisions 7 and 8), a boat will be scored DNC for any races in which she sailed JaM, and vice versa. 48 ABYC Corinthian Fund The Corinthian Fund is available to provide support for ABYC members to compete at major events away from our home waters. In recent years we have supported a Trans-Atlantic campaign, entries to North American and World events, and Junior sailors in their endeavours flying the ABYC burgee as part of the Ontario Sailing team. Members who are interested in applying for support are encouraged to contact the Rear Commodore, rearcom@abyc.on.ca, for advice on funding criteria and guidance on preparing an application. Grants are limited to $1000 or less per event. Many of you have contributed to this fund and its endeavours over the years and we welcome your continuing donations and gifts in memoriam. Unfortunately because adult as well as youth sailors receive Corinthian Fund grants, the CRA does not allow you a tax deduction. The word “Corinthian” is taken in the sailing world to mean “amateur” and is derived from the Corinthian games in ancient Greece. It was adopted by the sailing community in the late 19th Century – “A Corinthian sailor, we take it, is one capable of managing a craft either single-handed (if she is small enough) or with the assistance of other amateurs, if she is from 5 to 30 tons.” F. Cowper, Sailing Tours Part l: The Coasts of Essex and Suffolk 1892 Special Awards Nominations One of the privileges you enjoy as a member of ABYC is to nominate your fellow members to receive special Awards. The following Awards are available for member nominations: Al Clinker Memorial Trophy - for the unsung hero Alice Patterson Memorial Trophy - for service to yacht racing Don Davis Trophy - for contribution by a dinghy sailor Hartley Trophy - for family contribution Keen Crew Award - for crew performance Leo Cotey Trophy - for the woman who has contributed most to ABYC Michael Stuart Trophy - for an outstanding act of sportsmanship Stacy Trophy - for the member making the greatest contribution to developing a lifelong love of sailing in young sailors Further information on these Trophies appears on pages 41 and 42. Nominations are accepted and encouraged throughout the sailing season for these trophies. Nominations must be received by the Rear Commodore (rearcom@abyc.on.ca)no later than 6 pm the Sunday of Haulout weekend. Please include a digital photo of your nominee. Attention All Skippers and Crews Remember it is your responsibility to submit the results of all non-club events if you wish them to be considered for the Ashbridge and Stapleton Trophies. 49 Glossary AHMEN .. Alexandra, Harbour City, Mimico, Etobibcoke, National, Clubs ASP .. Assigned Speed Potential. PHRF-LO assigned rating. BFD .. Disqualified under rule 30.3 DFL .. Did not Finish in Lead DNC .. Did not come to the starting area DNE*.. Disqualification not excludable under rule 88.3 (b) DNF .. Did not finish DNS .. Did not start (other than OCS and DNC) DPI* .. Discretionary Penalty Imposed DSQ* .. Disqualified IRC .. a handicap rating system ISAF .. International Sailing Federation JaM .. Jib and Main JoD .. Judge on Duty LORC .. Lake Ontario Racing Council LOCCA .. Lake Ontario Club Cruising Association LOSHRS .. Lake Ontario Short Handed Racing Series LYRA .. Lake Yacht Racing Association NFS .. Non Flying Sails a PHRF-LO term for JaM NM .. Nautical Mile NOR .. Notice of Race NP .. Numeral Pennant OCS .. On course side of the starting line and failed to comply with rules 29.1 or 30.1 OSA .. Ontario Sailing Association PFD .. Personal Floatation Device PHRF-LO .. Performance Handicap Racing Fleet-Lake Ontario RC .. Race Committee RDG* .. Redress given RET .. Retired RRS .. Racing Rules of Sailing SCP .. Scoring penalty under rule 44.3 or SI 14. SI .. Sailing Instructions SRS* .. Scores removed from series TELDS .. Toronto East Long Distance Series ZFP .. Z flag penalty *Scores determined by protest committee decisions. 50 Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu subsitute 1 subsitute 2 subsitute 3 code/answer one two three four five six seven eight nine zero 51 For all your performance sailing needs FOGH MARINE 416.251.0384 901 Oxford St. in Etobicoke fogh.ca Queensway Is lin g t o n Av e Kipling Ave Gardiner EXPWY Oxford Street Eastwick Rd Fogh Marine N Evans Ave NEW NAME ! Formerly known as THE STORE MASONS CHANDLERY For all your keelboat needs YOU NEED IT? WE GOT IT! We are worth the visit . Come meet our industry experts and shop our huge selection of product. • largest selections • competitive pricing • free parking • mail order available - we ship to you! 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For the last three years, last three consecutive ABYC club membersyears, have ABYC club members flown UK Sails in winninghave this flown UK Sails in winning this prestigious club trophy. prestigious club trophy. ASHBRIDGE TROPHY WINNERS ASHBRIDGE TROPHY WINNERS 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 Photo: J. Crawley Photo: J. Crawley Photo: J. Crawley Photo: J. Crawley L I V E LY L I V E LY Photo: J. Crawley FORTITU DE FORTITUDE Photo: J. Crawley CRIME S C ENE CRIME S C E N E BUY WITH CONFIDENCE • SAIL WITH CONFIDENCE BUY WITH CON FIDENCE • SAIL WITH CONFIDENCE www.uksailmakers.com www.uksailmakers.com home sails .. .. it’s what we do! 416 902-9525 acoulter@trebnet.com kkaiser@trebnet.com Visit us at www.CoulterKaiser.com 416 698-2090
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