AIP AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION PUBLICATION REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN AERODROME (AD) PART 3 AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 0.6–1 30 Apr 15 PART 3 – AERODROMES (AD) AD – TABLE OF CONTENTS AD 0 Page AD 0.1 PREFACE ....................................................................................... Not applicable AD 0.2 RECORD OF AIP AMENDMENT .................................................... Not applicable AD 0.3 RECORD OF SUPPLEMENTS ....................................................... Not applicable AD 0.4 CHECKLIST OF AIP PAGES .......................................................... Not applicable AD 0.5 LIST OF HAND AMENDMENT TO THE AIP ................................... Not applicable AD 0.6 PART 3 – AERODROMES (AD) TABLE OF CONTENTS ............... AD 0.6–1 AD 1 AERODROMES – INTRODUCTION AD 1.1 Aerodrome/Heliport Availability ....................................................... AD 1.1–1 AD 1.2 Rescue and Fire Fighting Services ................................................. AD 1.2–1 AD 1.3 Index to Aerodromes....................................................................... AD 1.3–1 AD 1.4 Grouping of Aerodromes/Heliports .................................................. AD 1.4–1 AD 2 AERODROME INFORMATION OAIX Bagram ........................................................................................... AD 2.1–1 OABN Bamyan .......................................................................................... AD 2.1–26 OAZI Bastion Airfield ................................................................................ AD 2.1–33 OABT Bost ............................................................................................ AD 2.1–46 OACC Chakhcharan .................................................................................. AD 2.1–53 OADY Dwyer ............................................................................................ AD 2.1–63 OAFR Farah ............................................................................................ AD 2.1–74 OAFZ Feyzabad ........................................................................................ AD 2.1–83 OAHR Herat ............................................................................................ AD 2.1–92 OAJL Jalalabad ........................................................................................ AD 2.1–111 OAKB Kabul ............................................................................................ AD 2.1–121 OAKN Kandahar ........................................................................................ AD 2.1–165 OAUZ Kunduz ........................................................................................... AD 2.1–185 OAMN Maimana............................................................................................ AD 2.1–193 OAMS Mazar–E Sharif ............................................................................... AD 2.1–202 OAQA Qalat ............................................................................................ AD 2.1–220 OAQN Qala–I–Naw .................................................................................... AD 2.1–228 OASL Salerno ........................................................................................... AD 2.1–238 OASH Shank ............................................................................................ AD 2.1–247 OASA Sharana .......................................................................................... AD 2.1–262 OASD Shindand.......................................................................... ................ AD 2.1–270 OATN Tereen/Tarin Kowt .......................................................................... AD 2.1–281 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 0.6–2 30 Apr 15 OAZJ Zaranj ............................................................................................ AD 2.1–290 AD 3 HELIPORTS ................................................................................... AD 3.1–1 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 1.1–1 30 Apr 15 AD 1 AERODROMES – INTRODUCTION AD 1.1 AERODROME/HELIPORT AVAILABILITY 1. While known details of airfield status will be disseminated by NOTAM, operators should contact local authorities to confirm the NOTAM accurately reflects airfield conditions. 2. The services described herein are based on Annex 15 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. 3. Unless otherwise stated, Afghanistan airports are open from sunrise to sunset (HJ) for flight movements. AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 1.2–1 30 Apr 15 AD 1.2 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1. Rescue and fire fighting services are provided for civil flights operating at Kabul International Airport. Services are provided to the level of RFF Category 9 unless otherwise advised by NOTAM or detailed in the respective entry in Supplement. AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 1.3–1 30 Apr 15 AD 1.3 INDEX TO AERODROMES 1. Aerodromes with details published in AIP are: 2. Bagram (OAIX) 13. Kunduz (OAUZ) 2. Bamyan (OABN) 14. Maimana (OAMN) 3. Bastion Airfield (OAZI) 15. Mazar–e–Sharif (OAMS) 4. Bost (OABT) 16. Qalat (OAQA) 5. Chakhcharan (OACC) 17. Qala–l–Naw (OAQN) 6. Dwyer (OADY) 18. Salerno (OASL) 7. Farah (OAFR) 19. Shank (OASH) 8. Feyzabad (OAFZ) 20. Sharana (OASA) 9. Herat (OAHR) 21. Shindand (OASD) 10. Jalalabad (OAJL) 22. Tereen / Tarin–Kot (OATN) 11. Kabul International (OAKB) 23. Zaranj (OAZJ) 12. Kandahar (OAKN) 2. Aerodromes not published in the AIP are: 1. Ajrestan 22. Nayak 2. Andkhoi (OAAK) 23. Nili (OANL) 3. Band e Sardeh Dam 24. Oruzgan 4. Charikar 25. Panyab (OAPJ) 5. Darwaz (OADZ) 26. Qara Tepa 6. Dehdadi 27. Razer (OARZ) 7. Dostmohammadkhan Kalay 28. Rustag (OART) 8. Garez (OAGZ) 29. Sarhawdza 9. Ghazni (OAGN) 30. Sheberghan (OASG) 10. Helmand 31. Sheghnan (OASN) 11. Khost/Chapman (OAKS) 32. Sherber Too 12. Khvej ghar North 33. Shukvani (OASV) 13. Khvej ghar South 34. Taluqan (OATQ) AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 1.3–2 30 Apr 15 14. Khojaghar (OAKG) 35. Tapa 15. Khwaja Rawash 36. Teh Wareh (OATW) 16. Kotubkhel 37. Torkham Gate (OATH) 17. Lal (OALL) 38. Toorghodi (OATQ) 18. Little Pamir (OALP) 39. Urgun – Urgoon (OAOG) 19. Logar (OALG) 40. Yakawlang (OAYL) 20. Marnah Ghar 41. Yangi Qala (OAYQ) 21. Mukur (OAMK) 42. Yawan (OAYW) 3. There are currently no Heliports with details published in AIP. 4. Civil ACFT operations at other airfields may be permitted with prior CAA approval. If approval is granted, operators must comply with the procedures contained in this AIP and ICAO Annexes 2 and 11, Visual Flight Rules. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 1.4 1. Not available. AD 1.4–1 30 Apr 15 GROUPING OF AERODROMES/HELIPORTS AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–1 30 Apr 15 AD 2 AERODROME INFORMATION OAIX – BAGRAM OAIX AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OAIX – Bagram Airport OAIX AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 345647N 0691554E 2 Direction and distance from city 25 miles north of Kabul. 3 Elevation 4 868ft 4 Geoids undulation Unavailable. 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 3.0º E/To be determined. 6 Aerodrome Administration Address This airfield is under the control of Coalition Forces for Airfield Management. Telephone Nil Telefax Nil Telex Nil E–mail Nil AFS Address Nil The geographic centre of the airfield. Airfield Management Telephone DSN: 318 431–4411 or 318 431–4409 E–mail 455BAF.PPR@BGAB.AFCENT.AF.MIL 7 Types of traffic permitted IFR and VFR 8 Remarks Refer to NOTAMs for detailed information regarding airfield construction activity. OAIX AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration H24 2 Customs and Immigration HJ 3 Health and Sanitation H24* 4 AIS Briefing Office H24* 5 ATS Reporting Office H24* 6 MET Briefing Office H24* 7 Air Traffic Services H24* 8 Fuelling H24* AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–2 30 Apr 15 9 Handling H24* 10 Security H24* 11 De–icing Day hours* 12 Remarks *Military ACFT only PPR: Bagram OAIX is a PPR only airfield. PPR required for military and civil fixed and rotary ACFT operating at Bagram. ACFT not issued a PPR may be turned away or met by security forces. PPR good for ±30 minutes from PPR approval time. Bagram is not an RON location. Parking is limited. See ENR 1.9 for PPR procedures. OAIX AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Military/contract flights only 2 Fuel and Oil Types TS1 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity H24 4 De–icing facilities H24 5 Hangar Space for visiting None ACFT 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Maintenance limited for transient ACFT. 7 Remarks *Military only Aircrews flying ISAF support missions contact Bagram airfield command post, callsign "KINGFISH", UHF 278.875, 30 MIN prior to arrival with cargo/pax offload, space available in addition to scheduled cargo/pax, and servicing requests. If required, for follow– on coordination, HQ ISAF ACE, callsign "LIBRA", UHF 338.9. OAIX AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Compound accommodation for MIL only. 2 Restaurants None 3 Transportation None 4 Medical facilities None 5 Bank and Post Office None 6 Tourist Office None 7 Remarks Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–3 30 Apr 15 OAIX AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting CAT 10; Crash Recovery CAT 8 2 Rescue Equipment 4 P 3000 (3 000 gallon each) 1 P 1500 (1 500 gallon each) 2 Tankers (3 000 gallon each) 1 Rescue vehicle with dedicated crew 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Using MIL assets 4 Remarks Full spectrum of crash, fire & rescue service H24 OAIX AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Snow removal brushes and plows. 2 Clearance priorities Priority I: Runway, GCAS and medevac ACFT, and emergency response: PRI RWY and overruns 50ft left and right of centerline. 3 Remarks AFM will prioritise snow and ice removal operations on the airfield with the ITT Snow Removal Supervisor. AM determine RWY Surface Conditions (RSC). Assigned units are responsible for their own de-icing services. Transient Alert only de-ices transient aircraft. OAIX AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA Identifier 1 Surface and strength of ALPHA EAST aprons Details 247ft x 1 241ft (75m x 378m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 61/R/B/W/T Lighting: Nil Alpha spots 4-10restricted to ACFT with wingspan 134ft or less Use caution for FOD due to concrete scaling. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–4 30 Apr 15 ALPHA HAMMERHEAD 340ft x 543ft (103.6m x 165.5m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 104/R/B/W/T Used for overflow parking when needed. Primary engine run location and hot gun pad. Sling load operations permitted with Airfield Management approval. ACFT will not park on Alpha Hammerhead during hours of darkness without 455 EOG/CC approval. ALPHA WEST 1 185ft x 221ft (361.2m x 67.4m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 72/R/B/W/T Lighting: Nil Spot 1 restricted to ACFT with wingspan 134ft or less. Spots 2-3 for UH-60 only[ELNCUA4E1]. Use caution for FOD due to concrete scaling. BRAVO EAST 1 490ft x 350ft (454.2m x 106.7m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 51/R/B/W/T Lighting: Nil Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 55 ft or less. CHARLIE EAST 1 049ft x 264ft (319.7m x 80.5m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 53/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Spots 14–19 restricted to use by CH-47 and smaller rotary aircraft. Spots 17 – 19 for use by aircraft with 133’ wingspan or smaller[ELNCUA4E2] Charlie East Spot 18 used for C-130 full power engine runs. Blast shield installed. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–5 30 Apr 15 CHARLIE WEST 1 472ft x 484ft (448.7m x 147.5m) Concrete Condition: Fair PCN: 53/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Use caution for FOD due to concrete scaling. Spots 1 and 2 restricted to use by UH60 & smaller rotary aircraft[ELNCUA4E3] Spots 3-6 restricted to ACFT with wingspan 134ft or less. Spots 7-10 restricted to ACFT with wingspan 53ft or less. Spots 11-13 restricted to ACFT with wingspan 85t or less. DELTA 1 464ft x 485ft (446.2m x 147.8m) Concrete Condition: Fair PCN: 35/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Delta 1 parking spot restricted to ACFT with wingspan 170ft or less. Delta 2–7 spots restricted to ACFT with wingspan 134 ft or less. Delta 8&9 restricted to ACFT with wingspan 78ft or less. Gulfstream ACFT may park, centered, on Delta 8&9 when approved by Airfield Management; however, TA will lead ACFT in from TWY H and use wing walkers due to T– Wall proximity. A/C taxi lane west of Delta Spots 1&2 closed to jet ACFT due to failed concrete[ELNCUA4E4]. A/C parking on Delta West spots 1–6 must park facing east. ATC parked on D -7 must park facing west and reverse out of parking[ELNCUA4E5]. . Caution – large construction project to western side of ramp[ELNCUA4E6]. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–6 30 Apr 15 DELTA EAST 640ft x 150ft (195.1m x 45.7m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 51/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Spots 10–13 restricted to ACFT with wing span 134 feet or less. Spot 10 used for high power engine runs for C-130 and smaller. ECHO (CAS RAMP) 681ft x 398ft (207.6m x 121.3m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 98/R/B/W/T Lighting installed UAS Ops only. FOXTROT Ramp (Rotary and fixed wing) 2 500ft x 484ft (762m x 147.5m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 40/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Spots 1-6 for UH-60 & smaller rotary A/C. Rotary A/C must use north ramp access only. Fixed wing A/C must use south ramp access only. Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 85 ft or less. Use caution for 15ft concrete T–Walls around the ramp. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–7 30 Apr 15 GOLF RAMP (Rotary Wing only) Width/Length TBD Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 40/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Spots 1-4 are for local Army Cab use and ACFT should park parallel to the twalls located to the west of the ramp. Spots 5-9 are transient rotary spots that require a PPR to operate from. All spots will support CH-47 size ACFT. Transient rotary wing ACFT must use ‘Follow-Me’ service to park and should expect to park on Tango ramp spots 4 and 5 due to limited parking on Golf ramp. Golf Ramp taxi lane is nonstandard width 120ft. AFCENT waiver approved for nonstandard box dimensions. All ACFT on Golf Ramp must change to CTAF 123.625 for situational awareness. GOLF HAMMERHEAD 340ft x 543 ft (103.6 m x 165.5 m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 84/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Primary rotary ACFT arrival/departure point. Use caution for taxiing fixed wing on TWY G, G1, Juliet and vehicles operating on Golf Hammerhead. LIMA RAMP Concrete Condition: Good PCN: UNK Used for parking, arm/de-arm and hot pit refuelling for ACFT with wingspan of 58ft or less[ELNCUA4E7]. For use by UAS aircraft only. Aircraft towed on Lima Ramp north of the twalls requires wing walker[ELNCUA4E8] Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–8 30 Apr 15 MIKE 960ft x 400ft (292.6 m x 121.9 m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 84/R/B/W/T Lighting installed For use by aircraft with wingspan 43’ or smaller[ELNCUA4E9]. NOVEMBER (HELO ONLY) 330ft x 450ft (100.6 m x 137.2 m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 39/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to rotary ACFT smaller than CH–47. Use caution when UAS arriving or departing. PAPA (HELO ONLY) 450ft x 570ft (137.2 m x 173.7 m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 25/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to rotary ACFT smaller than CH–47. SIERRA RAMP 550ft x 1400ft (167.7 m x 426.7 m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 118RBWT Lighting: Nil Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 240ft or less. Wide body ACFT cannot taxi past S–5 on TWY H due to wing tip clearances. Sierra spots 1 & 5 cannot facilitate wide body side load operations[ELNCUA4E10]. TANGO RAMP 550ft x 1 100ft (167.7 m x 335.3 m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 108/R/B/W/T Lighting: Nil Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 170ft or smaller. Used for rotary overflow parking when directed by Airfield Management Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–9 30 Apr 15 ROMEO RAMP 575ft x 1 400ft (175.3 m x 426.7 m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 34/R/B/W/T Lighting Installed Used for large and smaller rotary parking. Due to reduced rotor blade clearance, ACFT taxiing on the primary East–West Taxi lane are to use caution. Primary VFR rotary arrival route to Romeo Ramp is via two Landing Zones (LZs) located at the south end of ramp. Simultaneous operations approved to RWY and LZs. No sling loads & no parking allowed on LZs. ACFT must land and taxi clear for other arriving rotary ACFT. All ACFT must change to CTAF VHF 121.825 while operating on Romeo Ramp for situational awareness. KILO RAMP (HOT CARGO PAD) 543ft x 248ft (165.5m x 75.5m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 111/R/B/W/T Lighting Installed Restricted to ACFT with wing span of 240ft or less. Sling load operations must be coordinated with Airfield Management 48 hours in advance. Units must pick up sling loads w/in 30minutes of initial drop. If not, drops will be confiscated and units may be denied future PPRs. 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs TWY A 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: 25ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN 104 R/B/W/T Lighting installed RWY hold sign missing Restricted to aircraft with 133 ft or less wingspan between TWY J and TWY H and TWY H between TWY A and TWY E[ELNCUA4E11]. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–10 30 Apr 15 TWY A1 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: 50ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 104/R/B/W/T Lighting Installed RWY hold sign missing[ELNCUA4E12] TWY B 133ft (40.5m) Concrete: No shoulders Condition: Fair PCN: 28/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 170 ft or smaller TWY C 75ft (22.9m) Asphalt: 25ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 96/F/A/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 170ft or smaller between TWYs J and H. TWY D 88ft (26.8m) Concrete: No shoulders Condition: Fair PCN: 28/R/B/W/T Lighting: Nil Primary MEDEVAC rotary ACFT arrival/departure area. Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 170ft or less to access Delta 1 parking spot. TWY E EAST 75ft (22.9m) Concrete Condition: Good PCN: 81/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 58ft or less. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–11 30 Apr 15 TWY E WEST 75ft (22.9m) Asphalt: 25ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 65/F/A/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 240ft or smaller TWY F 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: 25ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 40/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 170ft or smaller TWY G 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: 25ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 73/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 170ft or smaller between TWYs H and J. Restricted to ACFT wingspan of 240ft or smaller between TWY J and RWY. TWY G1 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: 50ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 99/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT with wingspan 240ft or smaller. RWY hold sign missing[ELNCUA4E13] TWY H (From A to E[ELNCUA4E14]) 85ft (25.9m) Concrete: No shoulders Condition: Fair PCN 27/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT wingspan 133ft or less Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–12 30 Apr 15 TWY H (From B to C) 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: No shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 27/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT wingspan 133ft[ELNCUA4E15] or less TWY H (From C to D) 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: No shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 34/R/C/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT wingspan 170ft or less TWY H (From D to G) 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: No shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 96/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT wingspan 133ft[ELNCUA4E16] or less between TWY D and E; 240 ft or less between TWY E & Sierra Ramp Spot 5. 170 ft or less between Sierra Ramp Spot 5 and TWY G. TWY J 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: 50ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 95/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT wingspan 240ft or less. Also serves as Emergency Landing Surface for local 455 AEW ACFT only upon 455 EOG/CC approval. Mobile ACFT Arresting System (MAAS) located 1 247 ft south of TWY A. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–13 30 Apr 15 TWY K 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: 50ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 156/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT wingspan 240ft or less TWY L East 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: 25ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 81/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT wingspan 66ft[ELNCUA4E17] or less TWY L West N/A Restricted to ACFT wingspan 240ft or less TWY M 75ft (22.9m) Concrete: 25ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 73/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to ACFT wingspan 58ft or less TWY N (HELO ONLY[ELNCUA4E18]) 50ft (15.2m) Concrete: 25ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 32/R/B/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to small rotary ACFT and RPA only TWY P (HELO ONLY[ELNCUA4E19]) 50ft (15.2m) Asphalt: 25ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 74/F/A/W/T Lighting installed Restricted to small rotary ACFT and RPA only & fixed wing A/C with wingspan 43 ft or less Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–14 30 Apr 15 TWY R 75ft (22.3m) Concrete: 25ft asphalt shoulders Condition: Good PCN: 96RBWT Lighting installed Restricted to large rotary ACFT and smaller & fixed wing A/C with wingspan 43 ft or less 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Not available 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Not available 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Check NOTAMs for TWY and APN availability. All transient ACFT to include rotary ACFT will use follow me service to parking. Use caution for 15 concrete T–Walls installed on ramps. PIC must use caution near T–Walls and request wing walker assistance if needed to park and block out of parking. ACFT larger than C-130s shall not park on Charlie Ramp. ACFT with wingspan greater than 78ft shall not park on Delta Ramp Spots 8 & 9. Airfield Management may approve C-17 and smaller to park on Delta Spot 1 when needed. OAIX AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand ID signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system at ACFT stands Limited Signs available 2 RWY markings and lights (ALSF1) with PAPIs and REILS – Steps 1 – 5 intensity levels. 3 TWY markings and lights TWY C, E, G, H (South of C), L, M, N and P – Steps 1 – 5 intensity levels. TWY A, B, C, D, F, H (North of C) and J. Solar powered lighting with single intensity only. 4 Remarks TWY C, E, G, H (South of C), L, M, N and P – Steps 1 – 5 intensity levels. TWY A, B, C, D, F, H (North of C) – Solar. OAIX AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 03 OAIX Obstacle Chart not published 2 RWY 21 OAIX Obstacle Chart not published 3 FSSP Fluor Supply Yard SW end of RWY Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 4 AD 2.1–15 30 Apr 15 Remarks: Full obstacle information not available. Operators must check NOTAMS. OAIX AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office 455 Expeditionary Operations Group (transient ACFT) 2 Hours of operation H24 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation MIL can contact Periods of validity MIL/Civil can contact PMSV on 135.6 MHz Type of landing forecast METAR Interval of issuance Hourly Type of landing forecast SPECI Interval of issuance In case of significant weather changes 5 Briefing/consultation provided Transient crews can receive update to their form 175–1 and or verbal briefing in the 455 EOG Met office 6 Flight documentation Only TAF, METAR, SPECI Language(s) used English 4 7 Charts and other information available None for briefing or consultation 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Wind information provided by midfield sensors 9 ATS unit provided with information Bagram TWR, and APP 10 Additional information Use station code KQSA: or: or for US .mil computers OAIX AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 03R 21L 1 BRG True and Mag 030º T / 032.6º M 210º T / 212.6º M 2 RWY Dimensions 3 602.4m x 45.7m (11 819ft x 151ft) 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 5 THR Elevation 6 Slope of RWY/SWY 7 SWY Dimensions 102 R/B/W/T concrete 345554.17N 0691521.95E 345735.60N 0691632.66E 4 868ft AMSL 4 853ft AMSL 0.0012% N/A Civil Aviation Authority N/A AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–16 30 Apr 15 8 CWY Dimensions N/A N/A 9 Strip Dimensions N/A N/A 10 Obstacle free zone Not calculated Not calculated 11 Remarks ACFT Arrestor System: RWY03 BAK–12 1 510ft from RWY THR RWY21 BAK–12 1 502ft from RWY THR RWY03 MAAS - 3186ft from RWY THR RWY21 MAAS - 2755ft from RWY THR All arresting systems are bi-directional with 1200 ft pull out. Normal configuration: DEP end cable in place. APP end removed. Non–EMERG requests for cable require 30min notice to TWR. st rd RWY maintenance. 1 and 3 Wednesday of each month, 2200Z–0000Z, RWY is closed for maintenance. Exception: 15 min notice required for Emergency, MEDEVAC and CAS ACFT. Primary RWY 03R/ 21L may not be available. Refer para 2.23.14 and NOTAM. OAIX AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 03 TORA 1 RWY 21 LDA Full length Intersection Departure TORA LDA 3 602m (11 819ft) TORA TORA 2 TWY G 3 285m (10 779ft) 317m (1 040ft) 3 TWY F 2 974m (9 050ft) FW departures N/A RWY 21 4 TWY P 2 770m (9 090ft) 831m (2 729ft) 5 TWY N 2 770m (9090ft) 931m (3 055ft) 5 TWY M 2 450m (8 041ft) 1 151m (3 778ft) 6 TWY E 2 251m (7 385ft) 1 351m (4 434ft) 7 TWY L 2 074m (6 805ft) 1 528m (5 014ft) 8 TWY C 1 343m (4 405ft) 2 260m (7 414ft) 9 TWY A 312m (1 023ft) 3 291m (10 796ft) 10 Remarks TODA and ASDA not available RWY 03R/ 21L may not be available. Refer para 2.23.14 and NOTAM. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–17 30 Apr 15 OAIX AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting 03 21 ALSF–1 Approach lights. 792.5 m (2 600ft) Nil 5 intensity settings 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Green lights Green lights 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system PAPIs RWY03: Positioned non–standard on Eastern side. Not useable beyond 2.5 NM. PAPI RWY 21 4 Length of RWY 03R/21L touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY 03 R/21 L centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY 03R/21Ledge lights White White 61 m (200ft) intervals 61 m (200ft) intervals 5 stage intensity 5 stage intensity 1 white flashing per side 1 white flashing per side 2 000ft 1 000ft Amber Amber 7 Colour of RWY03R/21L end lights and wing bars 8 Length and colour of stopway lights 9 Remarks: Carmanah Solar powered lights on RWY03R/21L as backup, in OFF position and not controlled by TWR. OAIX AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY Aerodrome Beacon Military Beacon 1 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Illuminated windsock located west side of RWY03R/21L, north of TWY Echo. 2 TWY edge and centreline lighting Blue TWY lights and solar powered lights. 3 Secondary Power Supply including switch–over time Nil 4 Remarks Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–18 30 Apr 15 OAIX AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Nil 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Nil 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Nil 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil 5 Declared distance available Nil 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAIX AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits CTR: 8NM radius centred on ARP CTA: 20NM radius centred on 345622N 0691547E from 344417N 0685623E clockwise to 343919N 0692834E and a straight line back to 344417N 0685623E. TMA: 50NM radius centred on 345622N 0691547E from 350023N 0681506E clockwise to 343929N 0701259E then straight lines to 343919N 0692834E to 344417N 0685623E and back to 350023N 0681506E. 2 CTR: SFC – 8 000ft AMSL Vertical Limits CTA: 1000ft AGL – FL290 TMA: 1000ft AGL – FL290 3 Airspace Classification CTR: Class D CTA: Class C TMA: Class E 4 ATS unit callsign CTR: Bagram TWR CTA/TMA: Bagram APP 5 Language English Remarks See ENR 2.1 for specific airspace structure. OAIX AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Designation Callsign 1 2 APP Bagram Approach Frequency Hours Remarks 3 4 5 124.8 H24 Emergency/Guard Frequencies (MHz) 379.3 121.500MHz 243.000MHz Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–19 30 Apr 15 TWR Bagram Tower 120.1 H24 Emergency/Guard Frequencies 325.75 121.500MHz GROUND Bagram Ground 125.9 H24 243.000MHz 380.8 (ATIS) 369.4 H24 134.25 Golf Ramp 123.625 H24 CTAF For coordination between rotary ACFT on Golf Ramp only. Transient rotary aircraft contact Golf Ramp OPS 123.625 when 5-minutes out with call sign, #of PAX. Romeo Ramp 121.825 H24 Use for deconfliction on Romeo Ramp 121.375 H24 Coordinate on CTAF for sling-load operations 125.0 H24 Assigned to Emergency ACFT only CTAF Hickory LZ CTAF Local SFA Emergency Frequencies 387.0 OAIX AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Frequency/ (Emission) Channel Hours Coordinates DME antenna Elevation VORTAC BGM H24 345701.4N 0691617.4E 4 851 ft 345745.5N 0691639.6E 4 852ft CH 74 112.7 LOC ILS I–BAG H24 GP PAR 110.7 MHz CH 44 330.2 MHz Remarks MIL use only 345600.4N 0691531.8E H24 MIL use only OAIX AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Contact Bagram Ground Control for engine start and taxi information. ACFT needing priority handling must notify Ground Control when calling for engine start. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–20 30 Apr 15 2.20.2 Wheeled helicopters will ground taxi to the extent practical to avoid rotor wash and FOD. 2.20.3 ACFT may not taxi closer than 25ft from any obstruction without wing–walkers. Heavy ACFT will not use greater than normal engine power to taxi unless absolutely necessary due to potential FOD hazards. Multi-engine aircraft operating on TWY H between TWY A and TWY C are recommended to operate in-board engines only due to FOD potential. 2.20.4 Controlled Movement Area (CMA): The CMA at Bagram is defined as RWYs, infields, overruns within 100ft of the RWY edge or end. Bagram Control Tower is responsible for the control of vehicular equipment or pedestrian traffic only on the CMA. All CMAs are two–way radio controlled and require tower approval prior to entry. 2.20.5 All ACFT operating on the RWY must conduct 180 degree turns on the concrete portion of the RWY within 500ft of the threshold. ACFT departing RWY 03 make left turn. ACFT departing RWY 21 make right turn. 2.20.6 Recommend all VFR ACFT touch down on first 1200ft of RWY (concrete portion). 2.20.7 All arriving or transiting VFR ACFT, not on a mission requiring C2 control, shall attempt to contact Bagram Approach Control prior to entering Bagram Class E Airspace. OAIX AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 To the maximum extent possible, ACFT will avoid over flying populated areas of the base and local villages below 500ft AGL. OAIX AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 General: Basic ATC surveillance service is available to all ACFT and will consist of safety alerts, traffic advisories, ATC Surveillance System vectoring, and sequencing VFR traffic with IFR and other participating VFR traffic. 2.22.2 Availability of Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) Approaches and Precision Approach Radar (PAR) Approaches PAR approaches are available upon request for RWY 03 only. Due to staffing limitations only one ACFT may conduct a PAR approach at a time. ASR approaches are not available at Bagram. Bagram Radar Facility (BRF) shall provide final approach monitoring of ILS approaches utilising the PAR equipment at night and during IMC conditions. BRF shall provide radar flight following of TACAN approaches HN using GPN–27 ASR equipment for IFR flights upon request. Aircraft communications will be switched to Bagram Tower NLT 10 miles when approaches are not monitored. 2.22.3 SVFR/IFR and Non– ATC Surveillance System procedures Arriving pilots requesting SVFR should contact ARR/DEP control. Departing helicopter pilots should contact ground control for clearance. IFR Procedural (non– ATC Surveillance System) services are available from Kabul Approach when the ASR is out of service. 2.22.4 ATC Radio Failure Procedures In the event of a total loss of ATC radio communications Approach services shall be provided by Kabul approach control on 131.6 or 360.6. Kabul approach control shall broadcast on all available frequencies (including 121.5 and 243.0) for ACFT to Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–21 30 Apr 15 contact them. If no contact received: civil ACFT should switch to Afghanistan advisory frequency. Departing ACFT. Departing ACFT should attempt contact Kabul APP and continue outbound on previously assigned routing. Arriving ACFT. Arriving ACFT should attempt contact Kabul APP, if unable: a. IFR ACFT should continue inbound to the airport as previously cleared. Once established on a segment of an approach, contact Bagram tower for applicable traffic advisories, landing sequence and clearance. b. VFR ACFT should contact Bagram tower with a position report to receive applicable traffic advisories, landing sequence and clearance. A NOTAM will be disseminated for prolonged outages and it shall be broadcast on Bagram ATIS (369.4 or 134.25). OAIX AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Transient and Civilian ACFT. Airfield Management (AM) is the focal point for all inbound transient or civilian ACFT. AM will provide the Control Tower with the callsign, ACFT type and ETA of transient/civilian ACFT approved to land without a PPR number. The Control Tower will direct transient ACFT to the most suitable parking spot as directed by AM or Transient Alert. 2.23.2 Transient ACFT parked on Sierra and Tango ramp shall not block out of parking unless assisted by Transient Alert. 2.23.3. Flight Planning Procedures. Bagram Airfield uses the PPR and Air Force Central Command (AFCENT) Procedures to schedule the flow of ACFT missions to/from Bagram Airfield. These missions include Air Mobility Division (AMD) missions (US and Canadian C-130s), all TACC missions (C-17/C-5 and HQ AMC Commercial Missions in GDSS) and all Civil, Civil Tender and Coalition Airlift Missions. AM has the capability to submit flight plans and changes through the IMT System. AM does not have the ability to fax or submit flight plans through the Host Nation. Remain over night (RON) PPRs are approved on a case by case basis and may take 24– hours to approve. 2.23.4. Units not able to file flight plans in person may submit them to AM either via email at or (318) 431–4411. Units filing flight plans by E-mail must maintain all original flight planning forms for disposition IAW Air Force WEB–RIMS Records Disposition Schedule (RDS). AM cannot accept flight plans by fax as AM has no fax capability. The Army does not file flight plans through AM for RW ACFT. Army units may use a “Ramp Tracker” accountability process for helicopter movements. The Army shall retain any written “Ramp Tracker” or Air Tasking Order documents for one year. 2.23.5. AM will not approve transient aircrew requests to RON until billeting has been approved for the aircrew. AM will forward all RON requests to Air Force Billeting via e–mail. 2.23.6. Golf Ramp is located south of Foxtrot Ramp and is used for rotary parking only. All users must follow painted TWY and parking spot lead in lines to ensure separation from other ACFT. Helicopters will not taxi or park on Foxtrot Ramp. ACFT will enter/exit Golf Ramp from the south and must use follow me service to parking. This includes locally assigned aircraft when directed by TWR. Rotary ACFT parking on Golf Ramp are only allowed 30–minutes on ground time unless specifically approved in their PPR approval from Airfield Management. Arriving rotary aircraft parking Golf Ramp will normally land on Golf Hammerhead and shall change to Ground Control immediately after landing. Change to Golf Ramp CTAF (VHF Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–22 30 Apr 15 123.625) is at PIC discretion once operating on Golf Ramp. See airfield diagram 2.24.3. 2.23.7. Foxtrot Ramp is used for FW and rotary parking. Fixed wing ACFT will enter/exit Foxtrot Ramp from the south entrance only and must follow TWY and parking spot lead in lines to ensure separation from other ACFT. Rotary ACFT will enter/exit Foxtrot Ramp at the north entrance only. FW ACFT will not park or taxi on Golf Ramp unless approved by Airfield Management. See airfield diagram 2.24.3. 2.23.8. East River Range (ERR) is a Combined Live Fire Area located 5.7 NM Southeast of Bagram airfield. Lateral dimensions and coordination as per OA/R 411 EAST RIVER RANGE (BAGRAM) (ENR 5.1–4). The range is controlled by Bagram Joint Defense Operations Center (JDOC) Range Control (RC) and may be activated from Surface to 17,000’ MSL. East River Range (ERR) Boundaries 2.23.9. RWY 03/21 is closed every 1st and 3rd Wed, 2200Z through 0000Z for scheduled maintenance. RWY available with 15 minutes prior notice for ACFT emergencies, close air support alert launch and urgent medical evacuation missions. 2.23.10. All distinguished visitor (DV) flights landing at Bagram must contact Command Post on UHF 278.875 or VHF 128.8 not later than 10 minutes prior to landing. ACFT departing Bagram with a DV must notify ATC upon engine start of their DV status and if requesting priority handling. 2.23.11. All civilian ACFT using an ISAF or Civil call–sign executing visual approaches after official sunset will be vectored to and established on final approach prior to an approach clearance being issued. 2.23.12. Due to established minimum vectoring altitudes, ACFT vectored to an ILS or PAR final can expect to begin their approach from above the glide–path. PIC should request to execute the ILS from the IAF or once established on the 16 DME ARC to avoid excessive descent. Aircrew may request a PAR approach once established on the ILS if needed. 2.23.13. Use caution as aerostat and small UAS are operating in/around the immediate vicinity of the airfield. The EAST Side aerostat is located 1.5NM SE of the airfield. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–23 30 Apr 15 The WEST SIDE aerostat is located 3000 feet west of the runway centreline. Check Bagram ATIS for active/inactive status and operating altitudes and minimums. 2.23.14 Commercial ACFT Informative NOTAM: Due to the dynamic threat conditions in the vicinity of Bagram Airfield, aircrews who are scheduled to operate at Bagram should contact their dispatch office for current intelligence updates/briefs prior to arrival. OAIX AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME 2.24.1 Instrument approach and departure procedures are designed in accordance with US TERPS and are available Airfield Management: 455BAF.PPR@BGAB.AFCENT.AF.MIL ICAO Charts for Bagram 1 Aerodrome Chart – ICAO Produced 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart – ICAO Not produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart – ICAO Not produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart – ICAO Not produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart – ICAO Type A Not produced 6 Area Chart – ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not produced 7 Standard Departure Chart – Instrument – ICAO Produced 8 Area Chart – ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart – Instrument – ICAO Not produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart – ICAO Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.24.2 AD 2.1–24 30 Apr 15 Airfield Parking Diagram Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.24.3 AD 2.1–25 30 Apr 15 Airfield Diagram NOTE: RWY 03L/21R is a contingency RWY used by Bagram assigned aircraft only. Not for transient aircraft use. Use caution and do not confuse the landing surfaces. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–26 30 Apr 15 OABN – BAMYAN OABN AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OABN – Bamyan OABN AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 344836N 0674914E 2 Distance and direction from city 1.4KM NE from BAMIAN Town centre. Still within BAMIAN Town limits 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 8 415ft, 2 565m MSL 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 3º E / Not Determined 6 Aerodrome Administration Afghan Telephone 0093 (0) 789106382 Telefax Nil Telex Nil Email AFS Address Nil 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR 8 Remarks Bamyan is uncontrolled Class G airspace 42S UD 92119 52594 MGRS All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Bamyan Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OABN on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OABN AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration Nil 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office Nil 7 Air Traffic Services Nil certified ATC. 8 Fuelling JP-1 only Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–27 30 Apr 15 9 Handling Nil 10 Security Nil 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks Nil 13 Overnight Parking Limited 14 PPR procedures 24hrs notice by email to OABN AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Nil 2 Fuel and oil types JP-1 only 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity 60 000L max capacity available Military ACFT Nil Civil ACFT Nil 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Nil OABN AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Multiple options in BAMIAN town. Total approximately 100 beds. 2 Restaurant Multiple options in BAMIAN town. 3 Transportation Unknown 4 Medical facilities Local facilities available. UNAMA has low level med care including a doctor. 5 Bank and Post Office Unknown 6 Tourist office Unknown 7 Remarks Nil OABN AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Class 5 2 Rescue equipment Nil 3 Capability for removal of disabled Nil th fire fighters vehicles Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–28 30 Apr 15 ACFT OABN AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Two snow Plow truck via civilian contractor. 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Two snow truck , via civilian contractor. OABN AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Asphalt ,and concrete. 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs Parking area is toward in front of new terminal 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil OABN AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking / parking guidance system at ACFT stands Nil 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights Nil 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks No lighting system. OABN AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 07 OABN Obstacle Chart not published 2 RWY 25 OABN Obstacle Chart not published 3 Remarks Nil OABN AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Nil 2 Hours of operation Sunset and sunrise . 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Periods of validity 4 Type of landing forecast Interval of issuance Nil Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–29 30 Apr 15 5 Briefing / consultation provided 6 Flight documentation Nil English Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Nil 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information Nil 10 Additional information Nil OABN AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 07 25 071 (T) 068 (M) 251 (T) 248 (M) 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 2200 meters all asphalt 3 PCN PCN not determined — Gravel / Silty Clay 4 THR Coordinates 344826.34N 0674841.58E 344845.00N 0674945.78E 5 THR Elevation 8 415ft 2 565m 8 349ft 2 545m 6 Grade RWY/SWY –0.10 +0.10 7 SWY Dimensions Nil Nil 8 CWY Dimensions Nil Nil 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone 11 Remarks Unknown Nil Nil Significant AFLD works in progress. Possible runway closures or reduced length due men and equipment on runway. See NOTAM for latest information. OABN AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 07 25 1 TORA Unknown Unknown 2 TODA Unknown Unknown 3 ASDA Unknown Unknown 4 LDA Unknown Unknown 5 Remarks Nil Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–30 30 Apr 15 OABN AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 07 25 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Nil 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Two PAPI light on left side 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks PAPI is Unavailable PAPI is Unavailable 5 6 Two PAPI light on left side OABN AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks Nil OABN AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Unknown 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Unknown 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Unknown 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Unknown Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–31 30 Apr 15 5 Declared distance available Unknown 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks RWY only OABN AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits Nil 2 Vertical limits Nil 3 Airspace Classification Class G 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Nil Language 5 Remarks Bamyan is uncontrolled Class G airspace All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Bamyan Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within15NM OABN on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OABN AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Designation Callsign 1 2 Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 Bamyan Operations 118.1 Nil CTAF GROUND Nil See Remarks H24 ATIS Nil Nil Nil (MHz) OABN AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Nil OABN AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Nil OABN AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Nil Civil Aviation Authority Remarks AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–32 30 Apr 15 OABN AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 ACFT restricted from over flight of historical statue 344945.48N 0674904.80E and 344953.40N 0674935.78E. sites OABN AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 ACFT SUITABILITY: ACFT up to a size of C-130 / AN–12 OABN AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for BAMYAN 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking / Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority located at: AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–33 30 Apr 15 OAZI – BASTION OAZI AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME OAZI – Bastion Airfield 2.1.1 NOTE: All lat/long coordinates are to be considered approximate until new survey is completed. OAZI AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 315101N 0641342E 2 Distance and direction from city 18NM west of Gereshk 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 2 915ft AMSL / 41.8º 4 Geoids undulation 41N / WGS84 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 2.409 º E Aerodrome Administration Address Nabilluha AFS Address Nil Telephone +93703452671 Telefax Nil E–mail Nil 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR, 8 Remarks See ENR 1.9 for PPR procedures. 6 The centrepoint of the main RWY OAZI specific PPR requirements are at OAZI AD 2.23.6 OAZI AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration H24 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office H24 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–34 30 Apr 15 7 Air Traffic Services H24 8 Fuelling Nil 9 Handling Nil 10 Security H24, MOD 11 De–icing De–icing facilities are limited, call base operations for availability. Nil–Civ De–icing facilities. 12 Remarks AFLD closed to FW ACFT every Saturday 0230Z– 0700Z for RWY and radar maintenance. FLW maintenance (0700Z-0900Z) flow regulations shall be in place. Slot times for PPR ACFT restricted to two per 20 minutes. OAZI AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Nil 2 Fuel Nil 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity Nil Military ACFT 4 De–icing facilities Nil. 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAZI AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Accommodation Compound accommodation for military only 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation Nil 4 Medical facilities Nil. 5 Bank and Post Office Nil 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks All civilian passengers are liable to biowave screening and may be refused entry. OAZI AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2 Rescue equipment AD 2.1–35 30 Apr 15 1 x Rapid Intervention Vehicle 2 275 L water 275 L FFFP Foam Roof mounted monitor deploys 1000 l/min Bumper mounted monitor deploys 500 l/min (3:1) Foam expansion ratio 8:1 2 x rapid deployment sidelines at 450 l/min 1x hose reels 1x Secondary agents 2 X 50kg of monnex dry powder deploy 2kg/sec 3 x Major Foam Vehicle 2 6 825 L water 820 L FFFP Foam Roof mounted monitor deploys 3 000 l/min Bumper mounted monitor deploys 1 100 l/min (3:1) Foam expansion ratio 8:1 2 x rapid deployment sidelines at 450 l/min 1 x hose reels 1 x Secondary agents 2 X 50kg of monnex dry powder trolley Each vehicle scaled 1 x thermal image camera 1 x Stretcher 1 x Disc cutting saw 1 x Draulic Rescue Kit 1 x 10.5m ladder 1 x Small extension ladder 3/4 X Breathing apparatus 1 x P19 Crash Tender 3876 L water tank 454 L foam tank Top monitor – 1892 ltr/min Bumper Monitor – 946 ltr/min Sideline – 378 ltr/min Secondary Agent – 540lb of Halon extinguishment 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil 4 Remarks Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–36 30 Apr 15 OAZI AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Nil 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Nil OAZI AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION/POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of Aprons. 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs BRAVO Apron 365.7 m x 128.4 m concrete 127/R/A/W/T CHARLIE Ramp 394 m x 198 m concrete. DAC 120 m x 100 m CBR> 100% DELTA Ramp 460 m x 165 m increasing to 175 m concrete. FARP Apron 59/R/A/W/T JULIET Ramp 821 m x 197 m concrete (UMC only). GOLF Ramp Concrete. 187 m x 216.7 m. KILO Ramp Concrete USMC Only. LIMA Concrete. 106/R/A/W/T MIKE Concrete. 81/R/B/W/T North Arm/De–arm Concrete. 79/R/B/W/T South Arm/De–arm Concrete. 88/R/B/W/T ALPHA 348 m x 23 m concrete. DAC 18 m wide concrete CBR>100%. BRAVO 348 m x 23 m concrete. 87/R/B/W/T CHARLIE 348 m x 23 m concrete. CHARLIE 1 144 m x 23 m concrete. CHARLIE 2 144 m x 23 m concrete. 129/R/A/W/T CHARLIE 3 144 m x 23 m concrete. DELTA 348 m x 23 m concrete. 83/R/B/W/T DELTA 1 144 m x 25 m concrete. ECHO 348 m x 23 m concrete. 107/R/B/W/T SIERRA 163 m x 15 m concrete. TANGO 163 m x 15 m concrete Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–37 30 Apr 15 WHISKEY 176 m x 15 m concrete X–RAY 176 m x 15 m concrete LIMA1 Concrete. 112/R/A/W/T. LIMA 2 Concrete. 112/R/A/W/T NOVEMBER 3500 m x 23 m concrete. 141/R/A/W/T PAPA 3500 m x 28 m concrete. QUEBEC Concrete. 134/R/A/W/T OAZI AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guidelines and visual docking/parking guidance system at ACFT stands. Entrance to TWY yellow centreline ‘Follow Me’ on request. ACFT marshaller’s instructions are mandatory. 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights (01/19) First 300m of each end concrete, remainder asphalt. RWY centreline markings. RWY shoulder chevrons. RWY threshold markings. RWY designator markings. RWY illuminated distance to run marker boards. TWY centreline markings. Omni–directional high intensity side lights. Threshold bars. Approach lighting CAT I Barrette. PAPIs left side only, 3°. TWY lights blue omni–directional. Heli Landing strip (HaLS) – White omni–directional lights. Parking spots marked with blue omni– directional lights. 3 Stop bars Red lights at end of RWY. 4 Remarks Nil OAZI AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 01 OAZI Obstacle Chart not published 2 RWY 19 OAZI Obstacle Chart not published 3 Remarks: Crews are advised that some aerodrome obstructions have non–standard lighting or are not lit. Over flight of the following restricted areas are to be avoided by 500FT Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–38 30 Apr 15 AGL by fixed wing ACFT and by 2000FT AGL by rotary wing ACFT: Area 1: Point 1: 315131.8N 0641258.8E Point 2: 315141.4N 0641258.8E Point 3: 315141.4N 0641251.6E Point 4: 315207.8N 0641251.6E Point 5: 315207.8N 0641311.4E Point 6: 315141.4N 0641311.4E Point 7: 315140.8N 0641306.0E Point 8: 315131.8N 0641306.0E Area 2: Point 1: 315242.0N 0641257.6E Point 2: 315341.4N 0641258.2E Point 3: 315341.4N 0641338.4E Point 4: 315321.6N 0641339.0E Point 5: 315321.6N 0641319.8E Point 6: 315242.0N 0641318.6E OAZI AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Nil 2 Hours of operation Nil 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Periods of validity 4 Type of landing forecast Nil Nil Interval of issuance 5 Briefing / consultation provided Nil 6 Flight documentation language(s) used Nil 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Nil 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information Nil 10 Additional information Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–39 30 Apr 15 OAZI AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR 01 19 010.608°T / 008.199°M 190°T / 188°M 3500 m x 46 m 11482 ft x 150ft THR 01: 66 R/A/W/T Asphalt: 100 F/A/W/T THR 19:106 R/A/W/T 315005.05N 0641313.02E 315156.73N 0641337.53E Coordinates 5 THR Elevation 881 m / 2891 ft 889 m / 2915 ft 6 Slope of RWY/SWY +0.2% –0.2% SWY up to –10% SWY up to –10% 7 SWY Dimensions 150 m 150 m 8 CWY Dimensions 150 m 150 m 9 Strip Dimensions 150 m 150 m 10 Obstacle Free Zone 5 km 5 km 11 Remarks RWY liable to be slippery when wet due to heavy rubber deposits. OAZI AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 1 2 3 4 5 TORA TODA ASDA LDA Remarks 01 19 3500 m 3500 m (11482 ft) (11482 ft) 3500 m 3500 m (11482 ft) (11482 ft) 3500 m 3500 m (11482 ft) (11482 ft) 3500 m 3500 m (11482 ft) (11482 ft) Nil Nil OAZI AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 01 Civil Aviation Authority 19 AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–40 30 Apr 15 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting. CAT I Barrette, 900 m, high intensity with sequenced flashing light from 900 m to 300m CAT I Barrette, 900 m, high intensity with sequenced flashing light from 900 m to 300m 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system PAPI (left side only) PAPI (left side only) 3° 3° N/A N/A Nil Nil 60 m spacing, high intensity white (HIRLS). 60 m spacing, high intensity white (HIRLS). 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights 5 Length spacing colour and intensity or RWY centreline lights 6 Length, spacing, colour and intensity of RWY edge lights 7 Colour of RWY end lights Red Red 8 Length and colour of stop way lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil Nil OAZI AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location of lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator An illuminated windsock is located at the Northern end of RWY 01/19 – North of the centrepoint of Bravo taxiway. 3 TWY edge and centre lighting Blue lighting 30 m to 60 m spacing 4 Secondary power supply including switch over time. Generator supply, less than 5 seconds 5 Remarks Nil OAZI AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) HaLS 01 HaLS 19 315112.60N 0641246.20E 315126.40N 0641249.20E 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation 2 980ft 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, Surface, strength, marking 500m x 20m (1 640ft x 66ft) Parallel and west of RWY 01/19 Concrete Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–41 30 Apr 15 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil 5 Declared distance available 1 640ft 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Concrete. OAZI AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits 5NM radius centred on ARP 2 Vertical limits Surface to 3000ft AGL 3 Airspace Classification Class G 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Nil Language 5 Remarks Nil OAZI AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign Frequency (MHz) Hours of operation Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 TWR Bastion Tower 123,300 H24 CTAF GROUND Nil Nil Nil APPROACH Nil Nil Nil DEPARTURES Nil Nil Nil OAZI AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS 2.19 Nil OAZI AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Nil OAZI AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Flights over the domestic area are to be avoided. OAZI AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Nil OAZI AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Nil Civil Aviation Authority 121,0 AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–42 30 Apr 15 OAZI AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Bastion 1 Aerodrome Chart – ICAO Produced – see 2.24.1 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart – ICAO Not produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart – ICAO Not produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart – ICAO Not produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart – ICAO Type A Not produced 6 Area Chart – ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not produced 7 Standard Departure Chart – Instrument – ICAO Not produced 8 Area Chart – ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart – Instrument – ICAO Not produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart – ICAO Produced – see 2.24.3 11 Visual Approach Chart Not produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not produced 2.24.1 Published Instrument Charts. The following charts are available for use on the CAA website at These charts have been endorsed for use by Airfield Authorities however variation may exist in the design criteria used to create them. Aircrew should use the procedures subject to their own risk assessment and always refer to NOTAM for up to date information. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.24.2 AD 2.1–43 30 Apr 15 Aerodrome Chart R R R R A/DACG Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–44 30 Apr 15 R R Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–45 30 Apr 15 2.24.3 Hardened Landing Surface Chart R R R Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–46 30 Apr 15 OABT – BOST OABT AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR NAME 2.1.1 OABT – Bost (Lashkar Gah) OABT AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 313336N 0642154E 2 Distance and direction from city Southern boundary of Lashkar Gah city 3 Elevation 2 540ft 4 Geoids undulation Unknown 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 2º E 6 Aerodrome Administration Mohammad Omer Telephone +93700001697 / +93706896368 / +93753911523 Telefax Nil Telex Nil Email AFS Address Nil 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR 8 Remarks Bost is uncontrolled Class G airspace The geographic center of the airfield All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Bost Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 131.275. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OABT on 131.275. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OABT AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration 12 Hours 0300Z–1500Z (7:30am to 7:30pm) 2 Customs and Immigration * MIL customs, no immigration 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office 12 Hours 0300Z–1500Z (7:30am to 7:30pm) 7 Air Traffic Services Nil certified ATC. Traffic 0230Z–1330Z (7:00am to 4:00pm) Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–47 30 Apr 15 8 Fuelling H24 9 Handling Only for contracted flights 10 Security H24 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks * MIL ACFT only 13 Overnight Parking Only for ACFT that have technical problems 14 PPR procedures Nil OABT AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities MIL / Contract flights only 2 Fuel and oil types Jet – A1(Dawi Oil) 3 Fueling Facilities and capacities Dawi Oil 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Nil OABT AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels HOTEL BOST is in Lashkar Gah city 2 Restaurant Available in Lashkar Gah city 3 Transportation Available for contracted flights only 4 Medical facilities BOST Hospital located in Lashkar Gah city 5 Bank and Post Office Available in Lashkar Gah city 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OABT AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Fire Station under construction (95% complete) 2 Rescue equipment Manual fire fighting equipment 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil OABT AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–48 30 Apr 15 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Nil OABT AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Taxiway Apron 1 Apron 2 Concrete 330ft x 215ft 415ft x 360ft fair condition PCN – Unknown PCN – Unknown 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil TWY 60ft, Concrete, fair condition OABT AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system at ACFT stands Nil 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights RWY only marked 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Unknown OABT AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 01 OABT Obstacle Chart not published 2 RWY 19 OABT Obstacle Chart not published 3 Remarks RWY 01 generally used due to rotary traffic operating in the vicinity of RWY 19 OABT AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office 2 Hours of operation H24 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Periods of validity Military can contact: Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 4 AD 2.1–49 30 Apr 15 Type of landing forecast Unknown Interval of issuance 5 Briefing /consultation provided 6 Flight documentation H24 English Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Nil 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Unknown 9 ATS unit provided with information Unknown 10 Additional information Nil OABT AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 01 19 008 188 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 7551x100ft 3 PCN Asphalt / 100 F/A/W/T 4 THR Coordinates 313304.02N 0642148.45E 313408.36N 0642158.59E 5 THR Elevation 2 538ft 2 545ft 6 Slope of RWY/SWY +0.10 –0.10% 7 SWY Dimensions Nil Nil 8 CWY Dimensions Nil Nil 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone Nil Nil 11 Remarks 495ft Displaced threshold 495ft Displaced threshold Unknown OABT AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 01 19 1 TORA Unknown Unknown 2 TODA Unknown Unknown 3 ASDA Unknown Unknown 4 LDA Unknown Unknown 5 Remarks Nil Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–50 30 Apr 15 OABT AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 01 19 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Nil 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Nil Nil 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil Nil OABT AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks Nil OABT AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Nil 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Nil 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Nil 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil 5 Declared distance available Nil 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–51 30 Apr 15 OABT AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits Nil 2 Vertical limits Nil 3 Airspace Classification G 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Language (English) and Callsign (Bost Tower) Language 5 Remarks Bost is uncontrolled Class G airspace All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Bost Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 131.275. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OABT on 131.275. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OABT AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Bost Operations 131.275 9 Hours 0230Z– 1330Z (7:00am to 4:00pm) CTAF GROUND Nil Nil Nil ATIS Nil Nil Nil AIR OPERATIONS OABT AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Remarks Nil OABT AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 VFR OABT AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Nil OABT AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 PYRAMID or the previous tactical command and control agency will coordinate routing and level with OVERLORD as well as a hand-off via the civil control points LOVIT, MIKED or NABKA (see ENR 3.1 for coordinates). OVERLORD will approve an agreed level to enter their airspace and pilots are to make contact with Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–52 30 Apr 15 OVERLORD at LOVIT, MIKED or NABKA. All traffic destined for OABT must review and be familiar with the Bost VFR procedures in the Visual Flight Rules Reporting Points Afghanistan publication. OABT AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Nil OABT AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Bost Airport 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram Not Available Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–53 30 Apr 15 OACC – CHAKHCHARAN OACC AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OACC – Chakhcharan (Chakhcharan) OACC AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 343135N 0651615E 2 Distance and direction from city 1 mile north east of Chakhcharan 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 7 475ft AMSL / Not Determined 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 3º E / Not Determined 6 Aerodrome Administration Amir jan Telephone Mobile: +93(0)798293011 The geographic centre of the airfield Telefax +93(0)704319055 Telex Nil Email Nil AFS Address Nil 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR 8 Remarks Chakhcharan is uncontrolled Class G airspace Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OACC on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OACC AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration 0700- 0500 (Local time UTC +4.5) 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office 0700-0500 7 Air Traffic Services Nil certified ATC. 8 Fueling Nil 9 Handling Nil 10 Security Police and National Army Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–54 30 Apr 15 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks Nil 13 Overnight Parking Nil 14 PPR procedures Nil OACC AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Nil 2 Fuel and oil types Nil 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity Nil Military ACFT Nil Civil ACFT Nil 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Nil OACC AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Nil 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation Nil 4 Medical facilities Nil 5 Bank and Post Office Nil 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OACC AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Nil 2 Rescue equipment Nil 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–55 30 Apr 15 OACC AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment 1 x grader truck, 1 x roller truck, 1 x Bobcat with brush and bucket equipment 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Personnel are not to operate clearance vehicles OACC AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of the apron. Surface Dimensions Strength Concrete 90 m x 60 m LCN 39 based on C130 traffic 295ft x 195ft 2 Width, surface and strength of TWY Concrete ALPHA (A) Width 15 m (48ft) 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil LCN 39 based on C130 traffic OACC AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking / parking guidance system at ACFT stands Nil 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights PAPI installed, RWY centreline marks: WHITE RWY touchdown marks: WHITE RWY 25/07 designation marks: YELLOW THR RWY 25/07 marks: WHITE RWY holding position TWY A marks: YELLOW TWY A marks: YELLOW 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks No lighting system. Non standard marking – WHITE markings along the RWY, similar to touchdown marks. All markings are non–reflective. OACC AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 25/07 OACC Obstacle Chart not published Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2 AD 2.1–56 30 Apr 15 Remarks Nil OACC AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Nil 2 Hours of operation Nil 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Periods of validity 4 Type of landing forecast Nil Nil Interval of issuance 5 Briefing / consultation provided Nil 6 Flight documentation Nil Language(s) used English 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Nil 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information Chakhcharan tower 10 Additional information Nil OACC AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 25 07 245º 15’ / 247º 15’ 65º 15’ / 67º 15’ 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 2000 m x 30 m (6565ft x 98ft) 3 PCN PCN 120 F/A/W/T Asphalt 4 THR Coordinates 343148.00N 0651652.00E 343122.00N 0651541.00E 5 THR Elevation 7472 ft 7441 ft 6 Slope of RWY/SWY + 0.40 – 0.40 7 SWY Dimensions Nil Nil 8 CWY Dimensions Nil Nil 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone Nil Nil 11 Remarks Nil Nil Unknown Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–57 30 Apr 15 OACC AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 25 07 1 TORA 2 001m (6 565ft) 2 001m (6 565ft) 2 TODA 2 071m (6 795ft) 2 080m (6 825ft) 3 ASDA 2 071m (6 795ft) 2 080m (6 825ft) 4 LDA 2 001m (6 565ft) 2 001m (6 565ft) 5 Remarks CWY gravel CWY gravel OACC AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 25 07 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Nil 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system PAPI PAPI 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil Nil 5 6 OACC AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon installed 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 5 AD 2.1–58 30 Apr 15 Remarks Nil OACC AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Unknown 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Unknown 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Unknown 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Unknown 5 Declared distance available Unknown 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks H1 30 x 30 m (100 x 100ft) concrete LAT/LONG 343146N 0651629E H2 30 x 30 m (100 x 100ft) concrete LAT/LONG 343145N 0651630E Location: within FOB compound, NE part. No lightning, except perimeter lightning around HLZ compound (on request). Marked H1 and H2 in center of helipad OACC AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits Aerodrome Traffic Zone 2 Vertical limits N/A 3 Airspace Classification Class G 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Nil Language 5 Remarks Chakhcharan Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OACC on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–59 30 Apr 15 OACC AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Designation Callsign 1 2 Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Chakhcharan Operations GROUND Nil ATIS Nil Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 118.1 0330Z–1230Z CTAF (MHz) (H24 on request) OACC AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Remarks Nil OACC AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Contact Chakhcharan TWR on 118.1 MHz at least 10 min prior ETA (25 NM radius SFC to FL150). OACC AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Nil OACC AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Chakhcharan TWR will provide FIS, traffic and meteorological information within Aerodrome Traffic Zone. 2.22.2 All ACFT arriving and departing from OACC or crossing Chakhcharan Aerodrome Traffic Zone shall establish two–way radio communications with Chakhcharan TWR before entering. Radio contact for arriving traffic shall be established on suitable frequencies (see AD 2.18) before entering Chakhcharan Aerodrome Traffic Zone. OACC AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 ACFT SUITABILITY: ACFT up to a size of C-130 / AN–12 / C-17 OACC AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Chakhcharan 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking / Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–60 30 Apr 15 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–61 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram (not to scale) 2.24.2 Chakhcharan Airfield and HLZ (Not to Scale) Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–62 30 Apr 15 LEGEND: Helipads No.l & No.2 (100'xl00') Danger zone to overfly for helicopters Control Tower ■ Airport Buildings ••— 30'Wall/Fence ---- 7'tall Wall/Fence 5 meters (16,4 feet) height fence …….. 10' Chain link Fence ------ PAPIs (not certified) Windsock 5' tall RWY sign HLZ approaching directions Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–63 30 Apr 15 OADY AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OADY – Dwyer OADY AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point (ARP) coordinates and its site 310531N 0640401E 2 Distance and direction from city 34NM south west of Lashkar Gah 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 2 418ft AMSL 4 Geoids undulation 41N / WGS84 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 2° E 6 Aerodrome Administration Dwyer is a military airfield under the control of Marine Expeditionary Brigade – Afghanistan The geographic centre of the airfield VOSIP 308 359–6233/DSN 318 359–6233 Telephone Nil Telefax Nil Telex Nil Email AFS Address 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR and IFR/SVFR. Certified for MAG-A TACAN equipped ACFT only. ACFT external to MAG-A must seek an LOA for planned TACAN use. TACAN equipment remains available for emergency situations. 8 Remarks See ENR 1.9 for PPR procedures OADY specific PPR requirements are at OADY AD 2.22.1 OADY AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration H24 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office H24 /DSN: 303–551–2744 VoSIP: 718–551–4545 NIPR: SIPR: 7 Air Traffic Services H24 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–64 30 Apr 15 8 Fuelling H24 9 Handling Nil 10 Security H24 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks Nil OADY AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities 2 x 15 000 lb forklift 1 x 5 000 lb forklift 2 x MMV 1 x KALMAR 2 Fuel and oil types JP-8 with Fuel Systems Icing Inhibitor 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity 2 Rotary Wing (RW) rotor running hot refuel spots Military ACFT/Civil ACFT 1 Fixed Wing (FW) hot refuel spot for C-130 and smaller ACFT. Prior booking required for routine helicopter and fixed wing ACFT through Airfield OPS: (N) (S) (C) All Military/Civilian Crews are to request fuel through callsign “Yardbird” on VHF frequency 126.525 or UHF frequency 343.0. Civilian RW may request “Cold Fuel” (Shut Down) from fuel trucks, via ATC. 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Cargo handling facilities are available H24. Prior arrangements are essential. OADY AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Compound Accommodations for Military. DoD, ISAF and contractors only. 2 Restaurant Military messing only 3 Transportation Nil 4 Medical facilities R3E Role 2 5 Bank and Post Office Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–65 30 Apr 15 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OADY AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Main Base 2 Rescue Equipment T-3000 3000 gal water each 500# PKP 2 40# PKP Extinguisher 410 gal foam 2 back boards Roof Turret: 1200 gal per min K 12: extrication system High pressure air lifting bags Hydraulic “Jaws of Life” rescue tools 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT 1 x MAC-50 Crane 4 Remarks Nil OADY AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Nil 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Nil OADY AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Strat Ramp 300ft x 500ft – PCN 71/R/A/W/T PH1 Ramp 1066ft x 331ft – PCN 34/R/B/W/T Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2 AD 2.1–66 30 Apr 15 Width, surface and strength of TWYs D, E, F, G, H TWYs D and E – 50ft wide; TWYs F and G – 80ft wide and are approved for C17 operations; TWYs H and J – 75ft wide and are approved for C17 operations; PCN TWY D – 39/R/A/W/T PCN TWY E – 43/R/A/W/T PCN TWY F – 68/R/A/W/T PCN TWY G – 72/R/A/W/T PCN TWY J – 45/R/C/W/T 3 Remarks 300 ft turn-arounds at each end of RWY OADY AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking / parking guidance system at ACFT stands Entrance to TWY yellow centerline 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights RWY Centreline markings RWY Threshold markings and lights RWY Designator markings RWY Edge markings and lights RWY Touchdown Zone markings RWY Fixed Distance markings 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Non standard RWY and TWY lighting. Extreme caution should be used operating near airfield lighting at Dwyer. Taxiway/DRM signs not standard/missing/unlit. OADY AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 Tower RWY23 310538.6N 0640457.8E 107 ft AGL 2 Tower RWY05 310523.9N 0640321.3E 107 ft AGL 3 Tower RWY 23/05 310600.7N 0640412.4E 80ft AGL Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–67 30 Apr 15 4 Cell Tower RWY 23/05 310545.6N 0640337.2E 164 ft AGL 5 Tower RWY 23 310533.7N 0640423.1E 80ft AGL 6 Tower RWY 05 310514.5N 0640355.1E 80ft AGL 7 Tower RWY 05 310453.0N 0640323.5E 80ft AGL 8 Tower RWY 23 310632.3N 0640426.2E 80ft AGL 9 Tower RWY 23 310617.6N 0640443.5E 80ft AGL 10 11 Remarks Crews are advised that some aerodrome obstructions have non standard lighting or are not lit. Aerostat balloon Centred on 310536N 640316E. SFC-3000FT AGL approx 3281FT northwest of RWY 05 appch end. OADY AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Dwyer Metro 120.000 VHF NIPR: SIPR: 2 Hours of operation H24 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Dwyer Metro: DSN: 303–551–2744 Periods of validity VoSIP: 718–551–4545 H24 4 Type of landing forecast Interval of issuance TAF issued at 0330L, 1130L and 1930L, amended as required. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–68 30 Apr 15 5 Briefing / consultation provided Flight WX Briefings via DD Form 175-1. Transient crew can receive an update to their DD form 175-1 and/or verbal briefing in the Dwyer base weather station in the Airfield Operations Complex next to the Air Traffic Control Tower. 6 Flight documentation TAF, METAR, SPECI Language(s) used English 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Airfield weather watches/warnings/advisories, climatic statistics, TAF and METAR. 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information TMQ–53 TMOS (Tactical Meteorological Observing System), lightning detection sensor. 9 ATS unit provided with information Dwyer 10 Additional information Dwyer Metro 120.000 UHF Use station code KQXT; or: or: for US .mil computers Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–69 30 Apr 15 OADY AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 5 THR Elevation 6 Slope of RWY/SWY RWY 23 RWY 05 230.56°T 050.55°T 228.56°M 048.55°M 2 439m x 36m (8 003 ft x 120ft) 49 R/C/W/T Concrete 310555.94N 0640436.24E 310505.62N 0640325.17E 737m 2 418ft 734m 2 408ft Longitude Slope 1.3% Longitude Slope 1.3% Transverse Slope 1.5% Transverse Slope 1.5% 7 SWY Dimensions N/A N/A 8 CWY Dimensions N/A N/A 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone 11 Remarks 2 6246m x 36m (8 682ft x 120ft) Not Avbl Not Avbl OADY AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY RWY 05 RWY 23 1 TORA 8 003ft (2 439m) 8 003ft (2 439m) 2 TODA 8 003ft (2 439m) 8 003ft (2 439m) 3 ASDA 8 682ft (2 646m) 8 682ft (2 646m) 4 LDA 8 003ft (2 439m) 8 003ft (2 439m) 5 Remarks Nil Nil INTERSECTION DEPARTURE TORA INFORMATION TWY RWY 05 RWY 23 1 J Not avbl Not avbl 2 H Not avbl Not avbl Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–70 30 Apr 15 3 G 6 150ft (1 875m) Not avbl 4 F Not avbl Not avbl 5 E Not avbl Not avbl 6 D Not avbl Not avbl OADY AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY RWY 05 RWY 23 Nil ALS Red/Green Threshold lights Only Red/Green Threshold lights Only Nil Nil 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights 500ft 500ft White high intensity lighting White high intensity lighting 7 Length and colour of stop way lights Nil Nil 8 Remarks Nil Nil OADY AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator An unlit wind indicator is located to the North of the Airfield near Skid Row. A second unlit wind indicator is located to the East of RWY 05 threshold. 3 TWY edge and centerline lighting TWY edge blue low intensity lighting, no centerline lighting 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time RWY Nil TWY has a generator for secondary 5 Remarks Some airfield lighting at Dwyer is non frangible and may pose a threat to ACFT should it be run over. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–71 30 Apr 15 OADY AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) RWY 23 Approach End (Hammer Head) 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation 756 m (2 421 ft) 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking N/A 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO same as RWY 5 Declared distance available N/A 6 Approach and FATO lighting Same as RWY 7 Remarks N/A OADY AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits Class D CTR: 5NM Radius centered on ARP – 310531N 0640401E 2 Vertical limits CTR: SFC – 3 000ft AGL 3 Airspace Classification CTR: Class D 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign YARDBIRD Language English Remarks All ATC OPS are provided by U.S. military personnel and conforms with FAA JO7110.65 regulations and procedures. 5 OADY AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Designation Callsign Frequency 1 2 TWR YARDBIRD Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 121.75 H24 Emergency/ Guard Frequencies (MHz) 343.0 APPROACH/ DEPARTURE N/A N/A N/A ATIS N/A N/A N/A AIRFIELD OPERATIONS N/A N/A H24 WEATHER METRO 277.575 H24 121.500 MHz 243.000 MHz Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–72 30 Apr 15 OADY AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS 2.19 TBD OADY AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Nil OADY AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Flights over Domestic Areas are to be avoided. OADY AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 No facility exists to accept civilian ACFT. Operators of such intending to land at Dwyer may be allowed to do so for flights “in support of theater” providing PPR is obtained through Airfield OPS. Military sponsors of such flights are to contact Airfield OPS for permission to operate at DSN: 303–551–2645, SIPR: 718-551-4645, CENTRIX: TBA or email NIPR: TBA CENTRIX: for PPR approval. 2.22.2 Helicopter operations. ALL helicopter operations, including repositioning between parking spots, shall be subject to positive ATC instruction. Some clearances given by ATC to RW or UAS ACFT will be “at pilot’s own risk” due to poor visibility of landing surfaces. 2.22.3 Contact Yardbird for ATC services. IFR arrivals are only available to TACAN and RNAV equipped ACFT. SVFR available to all ACFT when weather is better than 500ft ceiling and 1 SM visibility, upon request from pilot. OADY AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Numerous ROZs and airspace restrictions are prevalent in the vicinity of Dwyer. For details, contact, YARDBIRD, OVERLORD, PYRAMID or consult the ACO. 2.23.2 ACFT entering the STRAT Ramp shall enter via Foxtrot taxiway and exit via Golf taxiway. 2.23.3. Do not land without clearance from Tower. Use lost communication procedures and expect light signals from the tower if communication is lost. OADY AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Dwyer 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking / Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Nil 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Nil 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Available in FLIP Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–73 30 Apr 15 ICAO Charts for Dwyer 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram FW Hot Pit A/DACG N Strat ramp Phase ramp Attack Strip RW Hot Pit TWR J H G F E D 23 05 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–74 30 Apr 15 OAFR AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OAFR – Farah OAFR AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 322149N 0621003E 2 Distance and direction from city 2NM South East of Farah City 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 2 212ft AMSL 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 2º43’E / Not Determined 6 Aerodrome Administration Mohammad daoud barak Telephone +93 (0) 797106481 Email 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR 8 Remarks Farah is uncontrolled Class G airspace The geographic centre of the airfield All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Farah Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAFR on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OAFR AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration 0330-1130UTC 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office Nil 7 Air Traffic Services Nil certified ATC. 8 Fuelling Unknown 9 Handling Unknown 10 Security 24 hours- Police Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–75 30 Apr 15 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks Nil 13 Overnight Parking Aircraft parking overnight will not be monitored 14 PPR procedures Nil OAFR AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Nil 2 Fuel and oil types Nil 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity Nil 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAFR AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Nil 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation Nil 4 Medical facilities Nil 5 Bank and Post Office Nil 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAFR AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Unknown 2 Rescue equipment 6 foams 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil OAFR AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Nil 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–76 30 Apr 15 OAFR AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION/POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Apron is packed dirt and gravel 450ft x 250ft, Additional Apron Parking 450ft x 615ft 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs Nil 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil OAFR AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system at ACFT stands Nil 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights Nil 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Nil OAFR AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 33 30ft tower 132° south east, 904ft from RWY 33 threshold 2 RWY 15 30ft tower 335° north west, 2812ft from RWY 15 threshold 3 Remarks Antenna 600ft NW of RWY 33 dep end, 350ft W of ext. Centerline, 50ft AGL OAFR AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Nil 2 Hours of operation Nil 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Periods of validity Nil 4 Type of landing forecast Nil Interval of issuance 5 Briefing/consultation provided 6 Flight documentation Nil Nil Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–77 30 Apr 15 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information Nil 10 Additional information Nil OAFR AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True and Magnetic 2 RWY Dimensions 33 15 327M 147M 6 024ft X 110ft with 10ft shoulders on each side Hammerhead in south overrun, west side 165ft total width 3 PCN Unknown 4 THR Coordinates 5 THR Elevation 6 322214.71N 0620945.10E 322123.26N 0621020.56E 2 192ft 2 228ft Slope of RWY/SWY Nil Nil 7 SWY Dimensions Nil Nil 9 CWY Dimensions 350ft Packed Dirt / Gravel overrun on both ends 10 Strip Dimensions Unknown 11 Obstacle free zone 12 Remarks 13 Remarks Nil Nil RWY is packed dirt/gravel RWY is packed dirt/gravel Farah airfield current RWY is under construction. There is a temporary RWY at the left side of the current RWY. The Dimension of temporary RWY is 1800m x 40 m. OAFR AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 33 15 1 TORA Unknown Unknown 2 TODA Unknown Unknown 3 ASDA Unknown Unknown 4 LDA 6 024ft 6 024ft 5 Remarks Nil Nil OAFR AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Civil Aviation Authority 33 15 Nil Nil AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–78 30 Apr 15 RWY 33 15 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Nil Nil 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stop way lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil Nil OAFR AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks VS-17 Panels in AMP 2 (Day) every 1,000’ on runway. OAFR AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) 41S MR 2096 8125 322147.46N 0621003.48E Farah, Afghanistan 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation 2 224ft 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Cement Pad 120m x 88m Two Additional Pads in HLZ: Cement 25ft x 50ft 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Unknown 5 Declared distance available Unknown 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Two additional pads in HLZ Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–79 30 Apr 15 OAFR AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits Class G 2 Vertical limits N/A 3 Airspace Classification Class G 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Farah TWR Language English Remarks Farah is uncontrolled Class G airspace 5 All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Farah Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAFR on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OAFR AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Farah Operations 118.1 0330-1130UTC GROUND Nil ATIS Nil AIR OPERATIONS Nil CTAF OAFR AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Frequency Hours Coordinates Elevation Remarks Nil OAFR AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Nil OAFR AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Nil OAFR AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Avoid over flight of inhabited areas of the FOB and fuel farm northwest of HLZ. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–80 30 Apr 15 OAFR AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Long Range artillery range east of RWY within half mile. Range extends from airfield boundary east to base of mountains. Remain clear. 2.23.2 All rotary wing ACFT, armed or carrying hung ordnance, which park in the south gravel overflow area must park facing east towards the long range. All hung ordnance will have external pylon safety pins installed while parked in south gravel. OAFR AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Farah 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–81 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–82 30 Apr 15 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–83 30 Apr 15 OAFZ AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OAFZ – Feyzabad (Fayzabad, Fazelabad, Faizabad) OAFZ AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 370710N 0703106E 2 Distance and direction from city 3NM west of the city of Feyzabad. 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 3 842ft (1 171m) AMSL / Unknown 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 2.5º E / Not Determined 6 Civil Aerodrome Administration Mr Abdul Ahad Telephone Airport Manager +93 (0) 799821280 (only DARI) Telefax Nil Telex Nil Email Nil AFS Address Nil 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR 8 Remarks Feyzabad is uncontrolled Class G airspace The geographic centre of the airfield All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Feyzabad Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAFZ on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OAFZ AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration 0330Z – 1130Z 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Yes 6 MET Briefing Office Nil 7 Air Traffic Services Nil certified ATC. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 8 AD 2.1–84 30 Apr 15 Fuelling H24 Civilian: provided by DAWI–OIL Company. Cell phone: +93 (0) 79 6700929 9 Handling Nil 10 Security Yes, H24 by Civil Guards/police department 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks Nil 13 Overnight Parking Yes 14 PPR procedures Nil OAFZ AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Nil 2 Fuel and oil types Civ Jet A1/ TC1 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity Provided by DAWI–Oil Company Phone: +93 (0) 79 6700929 (Dari/English) 4 De–icing facilities No 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT No 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT No 7 Remarks Nil OAFZ AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels In Town 2 Restaurant In Town 3 Transportation By Taxi, ordered by the Airport Manager 4 Medical facilities In Town 5 Bank and Post Office In Town 6 Tourist office In Town 7 Remarks Nil OAFZ AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting 2 Rescue equipment 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–85 30 Apr 15 OAFZ AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Limited, nil driver 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Nil OAFZ AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Apron A: 360ft x 165ft Concrete – PCN: N/A 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs At middle intersection / size 9.5m x 18m between RWY and apron A (parking area) Concrete – PCN: N/A 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks The north side of the RWY construction completed OAFZ AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking / parking guidance system at ACFT stands Nil 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights Nil 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Nil OAFZ AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 18 OAFZ Obstacle Chart not published 2 RWY 36 OAFZ Obstacle Chart not published 3 Remarks Nil OAFZ AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Civilian MET observer – Mr Abdul Ghias (DARI only) +93 (0) 707564214/(0) 787715292 2 Hours of operation 8Hrs Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 3 AD 2.1–86 30 Apr 15 Office responsible for TAF preparation N/A Periods of validity 4 Type of landing forecast N/A Interval of issuance Type of landing forecast Interval of issuance 5 Briefing /consultation provided 6 Flight documentation No N/A Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation No 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information No 9 ATS unit provided with information No 10 Additional information No OAFZ AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 18 36 1 BRG True and Mag 181 T / 178 M 001 T / 358 M 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 5 6 049ft x 110ft Matted Steel / PCN unknown 370747.98N 0703106.61E 370648.18N 0703105.63E THR Elevation 3 795ft 3 832ft 6 Slope of RWY/SWY +0.60 –0.60 7 SWY Dimensions Nil Nil 8 CWY Dimensions Nil Nil 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone Nil Nil 11 Remarks Nil Nil 6 077 ft x 120ft OAFZ AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 1 TORA 18 36 Unknown Unknown Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–87 30 Apr 15 2 TODA Unknown Unknown 3 ASDA Unknown Unknown 4 LDA Unknown Unknown 5 Remarks Nil Nil OAFZ AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 18 36 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Nil 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Nil Nil 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil Nil OAFZ AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Yes 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks Nil OAFZ AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA HP1 HP2 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift– off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Unknown 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Unknown 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Unknown Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–88 30 Apr 15 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Unknown 5 Declared distance available Unknown 6 Approach and FATO lighting No 7 Remarks Helipads B, C and D do not longer exist due to construction of the new RWY. North Side of Apron “A” suitable for Helicopters due to bad condition of the surface at the South Side of the Apron “A”. OAFZ AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits Nil 2 Vertical limits Nil 3 Airspace Classification Class G 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Language 5 Remarks Nil Feyzabad is uncontrolled Class G airspace All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Feyzabad Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAFZ on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OAFZ AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign Frequency 1 2 Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Feyzabad Operations GROUND Nil ATIS Nil AIR OPERATIONS Nil Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 118.1 0330Z-1130Z CTAF Nil Nil (MHz) OAFZ AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Nil Elevation Remarks Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–89 30 Apr 15 OAFZ AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 RWY is constructed of Russian–made steel interlocking matting. The matting is old and can brake apart from heavy use. OAFZ AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Nil. OAFZ AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 ACFT should minimise thrust reverse upon landing; long roll out recommended to ensure steel matting is not damaged. OAFZ AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 C-130 operations permitted only for MEDEVAC or in Case of Emergency. See NOTAM for further information. 2.23.2 After final completion of construction work and subsequent survey action, the OAFZ AIP entry will be revised to include updated RWY information. OAFZ AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Feyzabad 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–90 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram (not to scale) 18 A New RWY construction has been done. 6 FT WALL 6 FT WALL 50ft X 50ft HELICOPTER PADS HeHe Helipads no longer exist PARKING AREA WINDSOCK 5 477 ft X 90ft 36 6 FT WALL FEYZABAD FEYZABAD Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–91 30 Apr 15 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–92 30 Apr 15 OAHR – HERAT OAHR AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OAHR – Herat OAHR AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point 341236N 0621342E The geographic centre of the airfield 2 Distance and direction from city 10NM South of Herat town 3 Elevation D 3 290ft AMSL 4 Geoids undulation N/A 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change E002º54'36" / E000º3'31" 6 Aerodrome Administration Address Herat Airport Civil Administration Herat, Afghanistan Commercial: +93 (0) 799868155 Telephone 7 Military Administration Herat Base Operation Center JATF HERAT Telephone Mobile:+93 (0) 799883641 (H24) Telefax Nil E–mail 8 Types of traffic permitted IFR / VFR / SVFR 9 Remarks Refer to NOTAM for detailed information regarding airfield construction activity. OAHR AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration 0130Z – 1330Z Civil Administration 2 Military Administration H24 (BOC) Customs and Immigration Available in the C.A.T.O for RS/CF flights. Available in civilian Terminal for domestic and international passengers. Customs Office Manager: Safiullah Mohmand Cell:+93 (0) 791 335040 or +93 (0) 700649190 Immigration Office: Jalil Ahmad Karimy Cell: +93 (0) 790434313 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 3 Health and Sanitation AD 2.1–93 30 Apr 15 Available in the military compound for RS/CF flights only. Civil terminal – first aid kits available. 4 AIS Briefing Office Available in the military compound for RS/CF military 5 ATS Reporting Office N/A 6 MET Briefing Office 0130Z – 1730Z (During SS–0130Z Base needs only) 7 Air Traffic Services 0130Z – 1730Z (*) * 1730Z – 0130Z only for: – Home Based assets (previous BOC authorization) – MEDEVAC and Emergency Flights. - 1730Z- 0130Z : ATC and Rescue and Fire Fighting (RFF) will be on -call15 minute recall: : RS/CF ACFT must contact Herat B.O.C. on TWR frequency ASAP for services coordination. 8 Fuelling 9 Handling Military ACFT H24 (Military, RS and Troops Contributing Nations (TCN) ACFT only) C.A.T.O Handling for RS and TCN ACFT only. Handling requirements are to be noted on the PPR. In addition, PAX and CARGO (IN/OUT) manifests list must be submitted to CATO at least 24 hours before ETA: Email: IS mail: rcwfsbcato01is ; rcwfsbcato02is; rcwfsbcato03is Civilian ACFT Mobile: +93 (0) 0703174891 Handling by civilian company available in the civilian terminal for civilian ACFT 10 Security H24 11 De–icing According to Airfield Operational hours only for RS/CF ACFT on request. 12 Overnight Parking No overnight parking without BOC permission. State request on PPR at least 48 Hrs in advance. 13 PPR Procedures See ENR 1. 9-1 for PPR procedures. Herat is a PPR only airfield, military and civilian FW/RW ACFT operating at Herat must submit a PPR by mail to Herat BOC at least 24 Hrs prior to ETA. ACFT without a PPR may be turned away or met by security forces. The PPR must ALSO clearly indicate if cargo handling is required and/or dangerous goods are on board and/or if (V) VIP is arriving/departing indicating name and rank. Phone call does not replace PPR process. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 14 AD 2.1–94 30 Apr 15 Remarks Nil OAHR AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Two “K” Loader 12 TN (Only ISAF/CF) Forklifts with several ton capabilities: 2.5 Tons 4 Tons 7 Tons 8 Tons 16 Tons To be coordinated with Airport Director Civilian Terminal 2 Fuel and oil types F–34 (Military ACFT only) Jet A–1 and T1 (Civil ACFT only) 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity To avoid delays, fuel must be requested by PPR. Military ACFT Herat Airport Fuel for military and Civilian ACFT flying for RS Coalition Forces shall be purchased only using NSPA Fuel Card (plus the RS ID Card) or US Air Card (plus US DoD CAC Card). Civil ACFT Fuel for Civilian ACFT shall be purchased only by Dawi Oil 93(0)796700999 +93(0)797333666 Dawi Oil operates in North civilian ramp only. 4 De–icing facilities 2 x trucks with 6 000 L only for home based assets. RS/CF ACFT available on request. 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 7 AD 2.1–95 30 Apr 15 Remarks 2 x Ground Power Unit 115Vac 400 Hz 30 KVA (ISAF/CF only) 1 x Ground Power Units available in the civilian terminal OAHR AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Compound accommodation for military only. Accommodation for military personnel shall be arranged by owned sponsor prior to arrival. All non RS/Coalition transient passengers must arrive with a valid POC name and phone number to provide accommodation during the night. Hotels in the town. 2 Restaurant Available in the military compound for RS/CF military. Coffee shop and restaurant available in civil terminal. Hours advertised in location. 3 Transportation Available in the military compound for RS/CF military Taxis available at the civilian terminal 4 Medical facilities 1 x ROLE 1, 1 x ROLE 2 (RS/CF only) 5 Bank and Post Office In the town 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAHR AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting RFF ICAO 8 / NATO 7 is available for all scheduled flights. RFF ICAO 9 / NATO 8 would be available prior request (minimum 2 hours in advance). 2 Rescue equipment Rescue vehicle Hydraulic rescue equipment for cutting and separating Electrical power unit with lights 400 L water with hose First aid kit Powder and CO2 fire extinguishers Rescue ladder Scoop stretchers Water gel blankets MAN type Medium Rescue and FF vehicles (per vehicle) 4000 L water 400 L type B foam 4000 L/min High pressure water delivery capacity Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–96 30 Apr 15 Powder fire extinguishers Individual rescue equipment Water gel blankets VAM type 5 000 L water 600 L type B foam 3 000 L/min Water cannon monitor High pressure water delivery capacity Powder and CO2 fire extinguishers Individual rescue equipment Water gel blankets Dragonfly Type 5 900 L water 710 L type B foam 4 500 L/min Water cannon monitor High pressure water delivery capacity Individual rescue equipment Water gel blankets Heavy Rescue and FF vehicle (per vehicle) MAN type 10 000 L water 1 000 L type B foam 4 000 L /min Water cannon monitor Powder and CO2 fire extinguishers First aid kit Individual rescue equipment Water gel blankets 8 000 L water tank vehicle 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil 4 Remarks Nil OAHR AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment RWY sweeper ACM 80 (snowplough with 3.20 metre blade) ACM 80 (snowplough with 3.20 metre blade plus spread cellar equipment) Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–97 30 Apr 15 MERLO MULTIROLE snowplough 2 Clearance priorities 1 RWY 2 EAST APRON/TWY S, R 3 SOUTH APRON 4 TWY E, H, G, F, P1, P2, P3, 5 TWY C, B, A 6 NORTH APRON 3 Remarks De–icing equipment available only for Home Base Asset ACFT. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–98 30 Apr 15 OAHR AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION/POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Apron/Taxiway Surface Dimensions Strength ALFA HELIPAD Gravel 156m x 85m PCN NIL BRAVO HELIPAD Gravel 246m x 85m PCN NIL NORTH APRON Asphalt 231m x 102m PCN 32 F/A/Y/T SOUTH APRON E spot PCN 75m x 170m 25/R/B/W/T F spot PCN 151m x 170m 76/F/A/W/T G spot PCN 101m x 122m 42/R/B/W/T H spot PCN 53m x 95m 42/R/B/W/T I spot PCN 53m x 95m 42/R/B/W/T J spot PCN 53 x 95m 42/R/B/W/T K spot PCN 135m x 30m 49/R/B/W/T Asphalt and concrete 246m x 85m PCN RRP AREA Gravel 122m x 91m PCN Nil TWY A Asphalt 15m (49ft) PCN EAST APRON 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs Asphalt & Concrete 63/R/A/W/T 51 F/A/X/T TWY B Asphalt 15m (49ft) PCN 50 F/A/X/T TWY C Asphalt 23m (75ft) PCN 46 F/A/Y/T TWY D Asphalt 10m (33ft) PCN 74 F/A/W/T Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–99 30 Apr 15 TWY E (1) Asphalt 13m (43ft) PCN 71 F/A/W/T TWY F Asphalt 23m (75ft) PCN 71 F/A/W/T TWY G Asphalt 23m (75ft) PCN 52 F/A/W/T TWY H Asphalt 35m (115ft) PCN 44 F/A/W/T TWY P1 Asphalt 10.3m (34.3ft) PCN 87/F/A/W/T TWY P2 Asphalt 10.4m (34.6ft) PCN 87/F/A/W/T TWY P3 Asphalt 10.6m (35.3ft) PCN 87/F/A/W/T TWY R Asphalt 12m (39.3ft) PCN 35/F/B/–/T TWY S Asphalt 12m (39.3ft) PCN 35/F/B/–/T 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints To be determined 4 Location of TACAN checkpoints To be determined 5 Location of NDB checkpoints To be determined 6 Position of INS checkpoints To be determined 7 Remarks (1) Suitable only for RW and /or FW ACFT wingspan category bravo. OAHR AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking / parking guidance system at ACFT stands Vertical panels available on the south apron and G, H, P1, P2, and P3 TWYs not illuminated Marshall:Follow Me Vehicle for RS/CF ACFT only Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2 AD 2.1–100 30 Apr 15 RWY and TWY markings and Lights Hi/Med/Low intensity RWY edge light system: WHITE THR RWY 18/36 lights: GREEN RWY 18/36 end lights: RED TWY edge lights: BLUE Hammerhead RWY 18/36 edge lights: BLUE Remaining distance available panel signals at both sides of the RWY RWY centreline marks: WHITE RWY 18/36 designation marks: WHITE THR RWY 18/36 marks: WHITE RWY holding position TWY C,E,F marks: YELLOW RWY holding position TWY B marks: RED NOTE: South apron TWY lights out of service UFN. 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Nil OAHR AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 18 OAHR Obstacle Chart not published 2 RWY 36 OAHR Obstacle Chart not published 3 Remarks LIT TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER APROX. 200FT HEIGHT ERECTED 500 METERS WEST OF RWY 36 THR. OBSTACLE ERECTED: POSITION N341156.7 E621350.2, HEIGHT 26 METERS ELEVATION 1015 METERS, ICAO SIGNAL (SGL) NOT PROVIDED. OBSTACLE ERECTED: POSITION N341246.3 E621359.2, HEIGHT 36 METERS ELEVATION 1016 METERS, ICAO DAY AND NIGHT SIGNAL (SGL) PROVIDED. OBSTACLE ERECTED: POSITION N341208 E062132186, HEIGHT 80 FEET IN ELEVATION, ICAO DAY AND NIGHT SIGNAL (SGL) PROVIDED. OAHR AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office HERAT MET OFFICE Commercial: +93 (0) 0704106152 Email: 2 Hours of operation 0130Z–1730Z (Other times PPR and Base needs only) 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Periods of validity FSB HERAT MET OFFICE: H24 TAF every 6 hours. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 4 AD 2.1–101 30 Apr 15 Type of landing forecast Interval of issuance METAR: Hourly; 5 Briefing / consultation provided Local observations and forecast; Oral briefing/Consultation in MET OFFICE; Information via phone and via email. 6 Flight documentation Only METAR, SPECI, TAF; Sig WX and Upper winds Language(s) used English/Italian 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Satellite Pictures,NEPHO analysis and 4 day forecast. 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information Herat Tower / Herat APP. 10 Additional information Use station code OAHR at or or (for US .mil computers) SPECI: In case of significant weather changes OAHR AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 18 36 187° 007° 3 014m x 45m (9 888ft x 148ft) 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 5 PCN 96/F/A/W/T (1) 341316.29N 0621348.24E 341139.68N 0621333.27E THR Elevation 3 178ft 3 290ft 6 Slope of RWY/SWY +1.10 –1.10 7 SWY Dimensions 495ft / 150m 495ft / 150m 8 CWY Dimensions 150m x 150m 150m x 150m 9 Strip Dimensions 3434m x 200*m *Non compliance with ICAO Annex 14 chapter 3.4 10 Obstacle free zone 11 Remarks 100m on each side from centre line (1) PCN in centerline zones. In touchdown zones PCN is 57. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–102 30 Apr 15 OAHR AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 18 36 3 014m 3 014m (9 888ft) (9 888ft) 3 164m 3 164m (10 380ft) (10 380ft) 3 164m 3 164m (10 380ft) (10 380ft) 3 014m 3 014m (9 888ft) (9 888ft) STW surface; asphalt STW surface; asphalt TORA 1 TODA 2 ASDA 3 LDA 4 Remarks 5 OAHR AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 18 36 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Simple Approach lighting System (SALS) 420m 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Green Green 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Nil PAPI 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights 60M/WHITE/LO–MED–HI 60M/WHITE/LO–MED–HI 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars RED RED 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil PAPI system on RWY 36 available H24 on request PAPI established left side only, 3 degrees glide slope, MEHT 16m. OAHR AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 2.15.1 Nil. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–103 30 Apr 15 OAHR AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 2.16.1 Nil. OAHR AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 2 Airspace designation and lateral limits CTR: 15NM radius centred on ARP Vertical limits CTR: Surface to 8 500ft AMSL CTA: 30NM radius centred on ARP CTA: from 1 000ft AGL up to, but not including, FL160 3 Airspace Classification CTR: Class D CTA: Class D 4 Air Traffic Services unit call sign CTR: Herat Tower CTA: Herat Approach 5 Language English Remarks ATS conforms to ICAO regulations and procedures. OAHR AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Designation Call sign 1 2 TWR Herat Tower Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 123.350 See OAHR AD 2.3 Emergency / Guard Frequencies (MHz) 126.450 240.300 APP Herat Approach 119.150 121.500 MHz 243.000 MHz See OAHR AD 2.3 386.250* ATIS Nil AIR OPERATIONS Herat TWR freq H24 on call BOC Emergency freq See OAHR AD 2.3 OAHR AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Frequency Hours Coordinates Elevation NDB HRT 412 KHz H24 341241.0N 0621353.7E TBD TACAN HRT CH54 H24 341226.5N TBD MIL use only TBD Published IAP for information 111.7 MHz DVOR AHR CH109X Remarks 0621332.5E H24 341225.0N Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–104 30 Apr 15 116.200 MHz PAPI NIL 0621358.0E NIL H24 341153.2N only and not for navigational use. TBD 0621333.3E For daylight operations. For night operations prior request to OAHR TWR. OAHR AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Communication failure. If no contact is made with ATC, the pilot shall: a. Squawk: mode 3A, 7600; b. Apply standard radio “Communications Failure” (ICAO Annex 10, c. Avoid prohibited, restricted and danger areas (see NOTAM and ENR 5.1) and proceed as follows: VMC: a. Remain under VMC; b. Continue approach for RWY in use (if unknown, assume RWY 36 in use and extreme caution) c. Join traffic pattern with 45 degrees angle to the downwind leg. d. Fly over the airfield on RWY heading at 500ft AGL. Get TWR attention by rocking the wings from initial to the end of the RWY. e. After over flight, perform a closed traffic circuit at 1000ft AGL. f. Follow the light signals from the tower. If light signals are not observed, pilot should land at his discretion. IMC: a. Maintain speed and level and proceed via current flight plan route, or as cleared, to the latest initial instrument approach fix. b. Enter the published holding and commence descent/procedure as close as possible to the last EAT. If no EAT has been given, comply with flight plan ETA. c. Complete a normal instrument approach procedure. d. When on final, follow the light signals from the tower. If light signals are not observed, pilots should land at their discretion. Vacate the runway ASAP and wait for a follow–me car. 2.20.2 2.20.3 Unless an air traffic control clearance for Special VFR has been obtained from the APP unit, VFR flight shall not take off or land in Herat aerodrome or enter in Herat CTR below 6500ft AMSL when the ceiling is less than 450 m (1500ft); or when the ground visibility is less than 5 k m , SVFR will be approved under the following minimum conditions: a. FW – 1 500m visibility and 1000ft ceiling* b. RW – 1 000m visibility and 1000ft ceiling* *Pilot shall remain under cloud and maintain visual contact with the ground. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–105 30 Apr 15 Note: Subject to ATC approval, a maximum of 3 SVFR flight can be cleared within Herat CTR at the same time. Expect delays. OAHR AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 To the maximum extent possible, ACFT will avoid overflying populated areas. Engine Running On/Off Load. EROL OPS shall be minimized, in any case maximum duration is limited to 20 min and must be requested with PPR Engine Run up Test. Any engine run up test greater then idle requires Current Ops approval. Engine run up test area is located RHS RWY 36, opposite to TWY E. OAHR AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Herat TWR/APP will provide ATC clearances and traffic information within CTR/CTA according to ICAO standards. 2.22.2 During published ATS hours all ACFT arriving, departing or transiting the OAHR CTR/CTA shall establish two–way radio communications with Herat TWR/APP before entering in OAHR CTR/CTA. Radio contact shall be established on suitable frequencies (see AD 2.18) before entering Herat CTR/CTA. If the ACFT does not have positive contact with Herat APP follow Communications Failure procedures (see 2.20.1). 2.22.3 Outside of published ATS hours all ACFT arriving, departing or transiting the OAHR CTR/CTA shall call the B.O.C on the TWR frequency 123.35MHz or 240.3 MHz notifying position and intentions. This frequency is to be monitored while established within the OAHR CTR/CTA as ATS may be activated at short notice. 2.22.4 VFR ISAF/CF ACFT very low–level departures and arrivals must be specifically requested and coordinated with Herat TWR. OAHR AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Emergency Procedures. Pilots are expected to declare emergency according to ICAO rules and advise ATC of the type of emergency, intentions of the pilot, requested assistance after landing, fuel remaining, POB, weapons, ammunition and hazardous/dangerous cargo (if any). 2.23.2 Jet Blast. Pilots, ATC and marshaller should be aware of the danger of jet blast effect from Heavy and Medium jet engine ACFT (IL 76, C17, B–737, A–310, etc.). In addition, before asking for start–up clearance the pilot must be aware of any FW or RW operating behind the ACFT. 2.23.3 When feasible, rolling takeoffs are preferred. 2.23.4 Backtrack on the runway is not permitted for Heavy ACFT, which must proceed to the turning pads (hammerheads) to manoeuvre. Light and Medium ACFT may be authorised to backtrack before turning pads only at TWR controller discretion. 2.23.5 Over flight of military installation west of RWY is prohibited. 2.23.6 Line of sight from the Tower to the north and south of RWY obscured due to obstacle. Pilots operating in those areas are requested to proceed with caution. 2.23.7 Due to passengers and handling personnel on the North and South aprons, and to avoid FOD all ACFT shall use the minimum amount of thrust necessary to taxi. 2.23.8 CAUTION: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) operate within Herat CTR/CTA. UAV are to follow the ICAO procedures applicable to ACFT operating in Class D airspace. Check NOTAMS. 2.23.9 CAUTION: Kite strings due to kite flying within the vicinity of the airfield. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–106 30 Apr 15 2.23.10 Engine run up test area is the East Apron, opposite to TWY E. This Area is also available for F–16 hydrazine emergency and misfire procedure. 2.23.11 HOT BRAKES AREA. North hammer head and Engine Test Area (primary) when RWY 36 in use and Engine Test Area or if not available South hammer head (secondary) when RWY 18 in use. 2.23.12 Helipad Emergency (Emergency Bed) located at 341201N 0621340E (see Airfield Diagram). CAUTION: Expect possible dust–landing on final approach. 2.23.13 PRD areas within OAHR airspace (see ENR 5.1) are to be avoided. Check with TWR on the activation status should transit be required. Daily NOTAM are published advising activation periods. 2.23.14 PAPI established left side only, 3 degree glide slope, MEHT 16m. 2.23.15 All personnel transiting or working at any apron must wear a reflecting jacket, including crews. 2.23.16 All passengers must wait for CATO personnel prior to proceeding to the Terminal. It is prohibited for passengers to walk through the apron. If there are no CATO personnel, request their presence through either the Marshaller or TWR. 2.23.17 Release of flares within Herat airport CTR is strictly forbidden. Due to safety reasons aircrews must ensure that flares are set to manual while on approach and departure to avoid inadvertent dispersal over populated areas. 2.23.18 New temporary arrangement of E line (helicopters and small aircraft). Six spots (6), numbered 1 to 6, available for UH-60 wingspan or smaller. Six new white dashed taxi lines (6) UFN. Former layout of five spots (5) unusable. Old yellow taxi lines red crossed. SEE SOUTH APRON DIAGRAM. OAHR AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Herat Airport Aerodrome Chart – ICAO See 2.24.2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart – ICAO See 2.24.2 Landing Chart-- ICAO Not produced Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart – ICAO Not produced Precision Approach Terrain Chart – ICAO Not produced Aerodrome Obstacle Chart – ICAO Type A Not produced Area Chart – ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not produced Standard Departure Chart* – Instrument – ICAO See 2.24.1 Area Chart – ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not produced Standard Arrival Chart* – Instrument – ICAO See 2.24.1 Instrument Approach Chart* – ICAO See 2.24.1 Visual Approach Chart Not produced Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–107 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Published Charts. The following charts are available for use on the CAA website at These charts have been endorsed for use by Airfield Authorities however variation may exist in the design criteria used to create them. Aircrew should use the procedures subject to their own risk assessment and always refer to NOTAM for up to date information. Instrumental Procedure Charts Initial Climb RWY 18/36 NDB NDB-Z RWY18 CAT A-B STAR NDB V2 NDB-Z RWY18 CAT C-D STAR TACAN V2 TACAN A (Circling) NDB A (Circling) CAT A-B TACAN Z RWY 18 NDB A (Circling) CAT C-D SID NDB RWY 18/36 V2 Initial Climb RWY 18/36 TACAN SID TACAN RWY 18/36 TEXT VOR APP RWY 36 VOR DEP RWY 18 SID NDB RWY 18/36 TEXT SID TACAN RWY 18/36 V2 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.24.2 AD 2.1–108 30 Apr 15 Airfield Diagram Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.24.3 AD 2.1–109 30 Apr 15 Aircraft Parking/Docking Charts Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–110 30 Apr 15 EFFECT: 01 JAN 14 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–111 30 Apr 15 OAJL – JALALABAD OAJL AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR NAME 2.1.1 OAJL – Jalalabad OAJL AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 342401N 0702954E 2 Distance and direction from city 2NM SE of the city of Jalalabad. 3 Elevation 1 840ft 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 2.0º E 6 Aerodrome Administration Jalalabad Airfield Management Telephone DSN: 318–831–6176 / 2158 The geographic center of the airfield SVOIP: 308–831–1328 Cell: 0708478370 Telefax Nil Telex Nil Email NIPR: SIPR: AFS Address Nil 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR 8 Remarks Numerous airfield construction consult NOTAM for further details. projects underway; Transient parking extremely limited. Consult Eastern Europe and Asia (Enroute Supplement) for detailed information on Jalalabad Airfield. OAJL AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration 0330Z-1530Z (0800L–2000L) 2 Customs and Immigration * MIL customs, no immigration 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office H24, DSN 318–831–2417, CAG 86.40 7 Air Traffic Services H24, DSN 318–831–6123 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–112 30 Apr 15 8 Fueling H24, fuel available for military rotary ACFT only 9 Handling Nil 10 Security H24 11 De–icing Nil 12 Overnight Parking Nil 13 PPR procedures PPR only. All military and civilian ACFT requesting to utilise OAJL must submit a PPR request no earlier than 3 days prior to arrival and no later than 1130z (1600L) the day prior to arrival. Due to extreme limited parking, all slot times have a window of ±15 minutes. ACFT not meeting their slot time without prior coordination may be subject to lengthy delays or denied landing. To prevent processing delays the PPR form must be filled out in its entirety. Forms must be submitted by email to: NIPR: SIPR: DSN: 318–831–6176, Cell: 0708478370 14 Remarks * MIL ACFT only OAJL AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities MIL / Contract flights only 2 Fuel and oil types JP–8 and MOGAS 3 Fueling facilities and capacity 1 Fuel Truck Military ACFT Fuel only available for MIL rotary ACFT Civil ACFT Nil 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks All requests for fuel require 48 hours advance coordination via NIPR telephone 318–831–6308. Capability exists for refuel of helicopter and small, fixed–wing ACFT only, 500 gallons or less. Expect minimum 2 hours ground time for cold fuel. Helicopters requesting hot fuel will utilise the FARP. OAJL AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Nil 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation Limited Bus Shuttle Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–113 30 Apr 15 4 Medical facilities Nil 5 Bank and Post Office Post Office 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAJL AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Category 6 2 Rescue equipment K12 power saws 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil OAJL AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Nil 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Nil OAJL AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Asphalt, fair condition 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs Alpha TWY 55ft, asphalt, fair condition 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil OAJL AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/ parking guidance system at ACFT stands Nil 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights RWY Designations, RWY THR markings, RWY centerline markings, RWY hold short markings, TWY centerline markings. Foxtrot/Golf taxiways/ramps not measured for large helicopter obstruction clearance. RWY is equipped with twenty–four solar powered edge lights. Four on each end of the RWY configured in the AMP–2 format which will define the first 500ft of the usable RWY. The inner 5475ft of the RWY is lit by the remaining sixteen lights, eight on each side spaced 608ft apart. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–114 30 Apr 15 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks RWY lights are set to medium white light. OAJL AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 13 OAJL Obstacle Chart not published 2 RWY 31 OAJL Obstacle Chart not published 3 Remarks Numerous small and large UAV/UAS in operation H24, some are unlit Contact Control Tower for latest UAS update. Kite flying activity in the vicinity of the airfield 1200ft AGL and below. Heaviest activity downwind leg northeast of airfield and RWY 13 approach. No over flight of the base at any point unless cleared by ATC. Due to severe land constraints, numerous non aviation structures are located within the 700ft LZ exclusion area and some structures/facilities are located on the outer areas of the LZ maintained area. Some fixed obstructions are sited up to 140ft of the RWY centerline. 16ft high concrete barrier sited 110ft SW of RWY 31 turnaround (overrun) centerline and 360ft behind the threshold (several blinking red obstruction lights are affixed to the top horizontal surface of the barricade). To avoid potential wingtip impact, initiate turnaround immediately upon entering the overrun). All ACFT utilising OAJL RWY 13/31 exercise extreme caution. One non–standard personnel cross–walk located 1 275ft beyond RWY13 threshold on the RWY controlled by ATC via cross–walk lights. Remain vigilant for RWY incursions. 5ft–7ft high concrete barrier system strung perpendicular to RWY 31 extended RWY centerline within the APZ, approximately 965ft behind RWY 31 displaced threshold. A tanker truck cool down yard (staging yard) is located within RWY 13’s accident potential zone approximately 800ft behind RWY 13 THR. Numerous trees of undetermined height located within RWY 31 approach– departure clearance surface (ADCS). Unable to determine heights due to trees are located outside of installation perimeter – subsequently unable to determine ADCS criteria compliance. Unauthorised vehicle movement/parking area near midfield, approximately 200ft NW of the ATC Tower on the SW side of the RWY. Vehicles have been observed penetrating the RWY shoulder edge without ATC permission. Use extreme caution within RWY 31 overrun (turnaround area). A stretch of the base perimeter road is immediately adjacent to the overruns SW edge. This is a high volume traffic road in which not all vehicles will yield to the right of way of ACFT executing turnaround manoeuvre. ACFT wings frequently overhang the perimeter road when manoeuvreing. Occasional (unmonitored) crane activity within RWY 13 approach–departure clearance surface approximately 600 to 700ft behind RWY 13 threshold. Normal crane height is 30ft to 40ft but can extend higher. Occasional (unmonitored) crane operations up to 140ft of the RWY centerline. Occasional (unmonitored) crane operations within RWY 31’s approach–departure clearance surface. Crane height normally 30ft–40ft but can extend higher. Mobile and fixed obstructions up to 160ft from the RWY centerline on either side of RWY 13 – beginning at the RWY 13 THR extending 1 500ft. A 600 foot long fixed obstruction (6 ft high HESCO barrier) is sited SW of the RWY. The obstruction is 140ft from the RWY centerline – with its beginning point Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–115 30 Apr 15 approximately 1 300ft beyond the displaced threshold of RWY 31 – extending 600ft north westerly parallel to the RWY. Immediately sited behind the HESCO wall are 16ft high wooden structures. OAJL AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office TF Dragon SWO, DSN 318–831–6306, FM 86.40 2 Hours of operation H24 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation MIL can contact: Periods of validity 4 Type of landing forecast TAF (KQL5) Interval of issuance Every 8 hours 5 Briefing /consultation provided H24 6 Flight documentation English Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information Nil available for briefing or consultation 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information TMQ53 located 1 500ft NW of ATC tower 9 ATS unit provided with information JAF ATC Tower 10 Additional information Use station code: KQL5 – or or for US mil computers OAJL AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 5 THR Elevation 6 13 31 130° 311.4°T / 308.8°M 6 480ft x 90ft Asphalt / 48 F/C/W/T 342421.72N 0702924.54E 342339.42N 0703022.50E 1 840ft 1 836ft Slope of RWY/SWY Nil 0.06% 7 SWY Dimensions Nil Nil 8 CWY Dimensions Nil Nil 9 Strip Dimensions Unknown Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–116 30 Apr 15 10 Obstacle free zone 11 Remarks Nil Nil 25ft paved shoulders 25ft paved shoulders OAJL AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 13 31 1 TORA Unknown Unknown 2 TODA Unknown Unknown 3 ASDA Unknown Unknown 4 LDA Unknown Unknown 5 Remarks Intersection departure available from Alpha TWY daytime only Nil OAJL AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 13 31 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Nil 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Nil Nil 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights 500ft aiming point identified 500ft aiming point identified 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks RWY lights are set to White lights Civil Aviation Authority RWY lights are set to White lights AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–117 30 Apr 15 OAJL AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks Airfield lighting is solar power only OAJL AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Nil 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Nil 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Nil 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil 5 Declared distance available Nil 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAJL AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits CTR: 5 NM radius centred on ARP 2 Vertical limits SFC up to and including 2 500ft AGL (4 300ft AMSL) 3 Airspace Classification Class D 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign JAF Tower Language English Remarks Civilian controllers in control tower, DSN 318–831–6123. 5 ATS conforms to FAA 7110.65 and/or ICAO regulations and procedures. OAJL AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign 1 2 TWR JAF Tower Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 129.7 24/7 Emergency/ Guard Frequencies (MHz) 231.0 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–118 30 Apr 15 GROUND Nil Nil Nil ATIS Nil Nil Nil AIR OPERATIONS Nil Nil Nil 121.500 MHz 243.000 MHz 2.18.1 Constant radio freq interference on TWR VHF 129.7. Mild intensity in the immediate vicinity, moderate intensity 5 miles out from airport. If unable to contact TWR on 129.7, attempt contact on UHF 231.0. FW, if unable to contact TWR, proceed to 10 miles west of airport and hold, re–attempt contact. RW, if unable to contact TWR, proceed to 5 miles from airport within respective inbound sector and hold, re–attempt contact. OAJL AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Remarks Nil OAJL AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 ACFT departing RWY 13/31 or turning at the approach end of RWY13/31 are required to turn around on the marked area beyond the thresholds (turn–arounds are 200ft x 140ft). Do not turn around on RWY surface or damage will occur. 2.20.2 Men and equipment operating around RWY 13/31, caution at all times as incursions may occur. Multiple obstructions around parking apron. 2.20.3 Sling Yard Procedures: RW ACFT shall maintain at or above 50ft AGL while entering/exiting the sling yard. Use extreme caution to minimise the hazardous effects of rotor downwash. CAUTION: Uncontrolled vehicle traffic crossing SW of sling yard; operations at OAJL sling yard are conducted at pilot discretion. 2.20.4 Rotary wing ACFT are prohibited from conducting hovering operations or roll–on landings adjacent to the UAV airstrip located adjacent to the approach end RWY 31. 2.20.5 Helicopters for passenger pick up/drop off utilise VIP Pad on the west side of the runway between Alpha and the Air Traffic Control Tower. Unless instructed by Tower, enter VIP pad on the northwest side and proceed counter–clockwise for exit. 2.20.6 Large ACFT including helicopters use caution near OH-58 parking in vicinity of Golf maintenance ramp. CH-47 helicopters are to remain at least 200FT from OH-58 parking while taxiing on Foxtrot ramp. All large helicopters are to ground taxi while on Foxtrot ramp. OAJL AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 No intersection Alpha departures during HN. OAJL AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Do not turn on course until crossing the departure end of the RWY unless instructed by ATC. Traffic Patterns: RWY 31 right traffic. RWY 13 left traffic. HEL pattern ALT: 2 400ft AMSL Rectangular: 2 900ft AMSL Overhead: 3 400ft AMSL. 2.22.2 For RWY 31/13, THR and RWY markings are present and should be used as aiming points. Aiming points are lit with white lights and IR upon pilot’s request (500 landing box). Total useable RWY length is 6 460ft x 90ft, no AMP2 panels present. 2.22.3 No over flight of the base is permitted at any point unless cleared by ATC. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–119 30 Apr 15 OAJL AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 USA EMER helicopter RNAV procedures RWY 31 available for downloading through Army Knowledge Online website. See DINS Attention Notices all regions, Europe or Pacific for downloading instructions. 2.23.2 CAUTION: Non–standard RWY crossing procedures in effect for pedestrians crossing RWY 31/13 adjacent to TWYs Alpha and Golf ramp. Pedestrian crossing ONLY with ATC approval and positive two-way communication. 2.23.3 All ATC entering the Tower pattern illuminate navigation lights. OAJL AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Jalalabad Airport 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.24.1 AD 2.1–120 30 Apr 15 Airfield Diagram (not to scale): Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–121 30 Apr 15 OAKB – HAMID KARZAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (KABUL) OAKB AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR NAME 2.1.1 OAKB – – Hamid Karzai l International Airport (Kabul) OAKB AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point 343357N 0691245E Geographic coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) 2 Distance and direction from city North eastern edge of Kabul city 3 Orthometric height and Reference temperature 1791.20m (5877ft) AMSL / 32.1º C 4 Geoids undulation From RWY11 THR to ARP – 2 m From ARP to RWY29 THR – 1 m 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 2.92º E (2010) / + 0.04º E 6 Aerodrome Administration Address Mr. Yaqoob Rasooli President of Hamid Karzai International Airport Hamid Karzai International Airport Kabul Afghanistan Telephone +93 (0) 700283792/ (0) 799323013, Telefax Nil Telex Nil E–mail AFS Address OAKBYAYX Airfield Management HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) Kabul, Afghanistan Telephone IVSN: 60 – 688 – 3902 60 – 688 – 3903 Telefax Nil E–mail AFS Address OAKBYWYX (AIS) 7 Types of traffic permitted IFR and VFR 8 Remarks Hamid Karzai Airport complies with Aerodrome Reference Code 4E requirements, pending certification in accordance with ICAO Annex 14. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–122 30 Apr 15 OAKB AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration H24 2 Customs and Immigration H24 3 Health and Sanitation H24 available on request on both sides (CIV and MIL) of Hamid Karzai International Airport - (CIV(HKIA) and MIL(HKIA North) 4 AIS Briefing Office H24. Military (HKIA North) Office Duty from 0130Z to 1730Z IVSN: 688 3133; On call from 1730Z to 0130Z (Mob: +93 (0) 799 243 402). Email OAKBYWYX AFS Address Civilian (HKIA) H24 Office: +93 (0) 202 300 016 Mob: +93 (0) 799 217 289 Email / NOTE: Airlines can send over flight requests and other information to this email address. AFS Address OAKBYNYX OAKXCAHQ 5 ATS Reporting Office H24. Military (HKIA North) Office Duty from 0130Z to 1730Z IVSN: 688 3133; On call from 1730Z to 0130Z (Mob: +93 (0) 799 243 402). Email OAKBYWYX AFS Address Civilian (HKIA) H24 Office: +93 (0) 202 300 016 Mob: +93 (0) 799 217 289 Email AFS Address OAKBYNYX HKIA North Military MET Briefing Office H24 7 Air Traffic Services H24 8 Fuelling H24 9 Handling H24 6 H24 CATO Office +93 (0) 707 554 531 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–123 30 Apr 15 10 Security H24 11 De–icing H24 12 Overnight Parking No Overnight Parking at Apron 8 without Chief Air Operations Permission. State request on PPR. 13 PPR procedures The use of Apron 8 at Hamid Karzai l International Airport requires PPR approval. PPR shall be requested at least 48 hours prior to arrival. Intra theatre flights may submit their PPR not later than 24 hours prior if it is coordinated in advance and approved by Chief Air Operations. PPRs are valid ±30 minutes from scheduled time. All movements are required to provide passenger and cargo information NLT 24 hours prior to ACFT arrival/departure. All PPR requests for MIL and CIV ACFT chartered by MIL must have a KABUL POC name and valid phone number on the PPR request. If that is not available the PPR request will not be approved. MIL ACFT requesting to be refuelled only are exempt to have a POC in the PPR. The PPR request must also clearly indicate if cargo handling is required and/or if (V)VIP is arriving/departing and/or if dangerous goods are on board. Inbound load shall be described precisely (load sheet), on request, with sizes and weights, ULDs and types of pallets in order to coordinate the ACHE and MHE use. Due to parking and handling limitations at Hamid Karzai International Airport, ACFT arriving with DC/DG (dangerous cargo/goods) which is not planned and approved on the PPR may be refused landing clearance. Aircrews shall advise all Class 1 Dangerous Goods on first radio contact. Operators shall contact AMCC or HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) for any changes to PPR/slot times. Operators violating these procedures may encounter denial of future requests for slot times on HKIA North. PPR request form is available on the CAA website: See ENR 1.9 for PPR procedures. 14 PPR procedures for Apron 5A and Apron 9 The use of Apron 5A and Apron 9 requires PPR approval for all foreign and civil ACFT. PPR shall be requested at least 48 hours prior to arrival. ACFT not issued a PPR will be turned away. PPR are valid ± 30 minutes from the scheduled time. PPR request form is available on the CAA website: 15 Remarks Hamid Karzai International Airport is open H24 for MIL and Civilian flights. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–124 30 Apr 15 OAKB AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities: 5 x 4 T Forklift Apron 8 2 x 7, 5 T Transfer Loader 1 x Belt truck 3 x Stairs 2 x 7 T Rough Terrain Variable Reach Forklift 2 x 8T Forklift 3x 9 T Forklift 2 x 18 T Forklift 2 x Atlas “K” loader 11 T capable 1 x Atlas “K” loader 20 T capable 10 x AKE ULD Trailers 10 x 7 T PMC ULD Cargo Trailers 2 x Flat Deck Trailer TEU capable 3 x Tow Tugs Cargo handling facilities: 1 x 5 T Forklift HKIA Civilian side 3 x Tractor 25 x 5T Container Car 5 x 5T Pile Car 1 x “K” loader 2 Fuel and oil types Apron 8: Jet Fuel F–34 (JP–8) HKIA Civilian side: TC–1; JET A1 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity: Bulk Fuel Installation Military ACFT / Apron 8 3 x 20 000 L maximum capacity F34 tankers with up to 900 L/min fuelling capacity (gravity and pressure feed) 3 x 45 000 L maximum capacity F34 tankers with up to 1800 L/min fuelling capacity (gravity and pressure feed) No limitation on quantity avbl. Please provide prior notification to NCS Fuel for large volumes to ensure efficient service. All ACFT requesting fuel must indicate so on PPR request, including quantity. Requests for fuel once ready should be initiated through HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops). If not a NATO/NCS fuel authorised customer, civilian chartered ACFT must organise fuel through a broker (please contact us for more information), unless paying by cash. USD$ and Euro€ are accepted. US DOD/CMC fuel identity plates will not be accepted if the cargo is not for the US MIL. Credit card payment is currently not avbl. For further information, please contact NCS Fuel in HKIA North: Accounts/Finance Department: Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–125 30 Apr 15 Carl Pedersen, +93 (0)795590231 Delivery Section Managers: Richard Hendy +93(0)794399637 Martin Beard +93 (0)798398142 24/7 Duty contact – +93 (0)798397809 NCS Fuel is the sole authorized fuel provider on Apron 8. Fuelling from other providers is only available on civilian aprons and is not allowed on Apron 8. Fuelling facilities and capacity: Maximum capacity 10 million litres Civil ACFT / HKIA Civilian Side Via civilian fuel providers 1 x 90000L maximum capacity fuel truck with 800 L/min fuelling capacity Fuel provider: Global Oil Service Contact: +93 786 25 25 34 +93 706 66 66 61 +93 792 62 66 66 E-mail: Operation hours: H24 Storage capacity: 8 000 Metric Tons Fuelling capacity: 9 Aircraft Refuellers 14 000L to 61 000L Upload capacity: 1 200 L/min to 1 400 L/min Fuel provider: Dawi Oil Co. Contact: +93 797 33 36 66 E-mail: Operation hours: H24 Storage capacity: 11 000 Metric Tons Fuelling capacity: 15 Aircraft Refuellers 22 000L Upload capacity: 1 400 L/min 4 De–icing facilities: Apron 8 De–icing and anti–icing capability: 2 x de-icing/anti-icing trucks with 7500L total capacity per truck. De-icing is available for all ACFT with a Resolute Support Mission call sign using heated Kilfrost ABC K+ Type II100% only, with a total capacity of 6000L each truck. Anti-icing is available for all ACFT with a Resolute Support Mission call sign using Kilfrost ABC K+ Type II100% only, with a total capacity of 1500L each truck. By default, aircrews are responsible for snow removing from the ACFT before asking for de–icing. Aircraft commander shall sign the de-icing certificate upon completion of the de-icing operation. De–icing facilities: HKIA Civil Side 1 de–icing/anti–icing truck, types I/IV Service provided by handling company Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 5 AD 2.1–126 30 Apr 15 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil Apron 8 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil Civil Side 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil Apron 8 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT HKIA Civil Side 7 Engine test Minor repairing capability Nil There is no designated spot at Hamid Karzai nternational Airport to perform engine tests. All engine tests must be coordinated in advance with ATC-TWR. At ATC-TWR and FSO discretion, turboprop aircraft may expect TWY CHARLIE facing northbound and jet aircraft TWY BRAVO/HOTEL or the RWY. Fire Crash and Rescue cover and FSO-supervision is a prerequisite to conduct engine tests. When such tests are executed on a TWY all aircraft performing high-power engine tests shall chock both main landing gear with purpose-built and for the aircraft-type suitable wheel chocks. In order to minimize the impact on air operations, it is recommended not to schedule engine tests during the morning period. 8 Other services: Apron 8: Waste removal and disposal, toilet servicing and crew transportation inside HKIA North compound. Requirements are to be noted in Remarks block on PPR request. Apron 8: 1 (one) air starter: TLD Model: ACE-500-1523 Apron 8:Tow bars available for: A319, A320, A321, AN12, B737, B747, C130, C160, DC10, MD11, IL76, C27J. Civilian side: Tow bars available for: A300, A310, A320, AN24, AN72, B727, B737, B747, B767, IL76 and TU154. 9 Remarks Refuelling/Defueling with passengers embarking, disembarking or on-board is prohibited. Fuelling with engines operating (Hot Refuelling) is not authorized at Hamid Karzai International Airport. OAKB AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Compound accommodation for MIL only. Hotels in the Town. 2 Restaurants In the airport 3 Transportation Only for MIL, booking required. HKIA North Med Hospital ROLE 1+ Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–127 30 Apr 15 4 Medical facilities Med Hospital in Kabul 3 x ROLE1,44 x ROLE2 6 x ROLE 3 5 Bank and Post Office In the Town 6 Tourist office In the Town 7 Remarks Nil OAKB AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting RFF ICAO Cat 9 2 Rescue equipment 1x Command 1 x IC vehicle with: Vehicle 3 x Positive pressure ventilation fans Generator and lighting unit 5 x Stretchers 5 x Back boards 2 x Medical bags 3 x Crash vehicles 2 x Crash vehicles each with: 12 500 L of water 1 500 L of AFFF foam 225 kg. Dry powder 3 x 30 kg CO2 1 x Medical bag Electric Combi power tool 2 x Ladders 1 x Crash vehicle with: 8 000 L of water 1 000 L of AFFF foam Hydraulic tools Circular saw Air bags for lifting 1 x Medical bag 2 x Stretchers 2 x Ladders 1 x Hazmat Vehicle 1 x Hazmat vehicle with: Suction pump Hazmat and Decontamination equipment 3 x Containment Barres 4 x Airbags (up to 19 000kg lift) Flood lights and light generator 2 x Structural 1 x Medium structural fire vehicle with: fire vehicles Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–128 30 Apr 15 2 800 L/min pump 2 000 L water tank 60 L of AFFF foam Hydraulic power tools 2 x 12 ton air lifting bags 2 x 20 ton air lifting bags 2 x Ladders 1 x Small structural fire vehicle with: 2 000 L/min pump Hydraulic power tools 1 x Water Tanker 1 x Water tanker with: 16 000 L tank 400 L/min pump 3 Removal of disabled ACFT 1 x 20 ton crane OAKB AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment 2 x 8T Dump trucks (1 W/solid RWY de–icing chemical and 1 W/ Snowplough 6.4 meters) 1 x11T Dump trucks (W/ liquid RWY de–icing chemical) 2 x17T Loaders (W/ 2 x Snow blowers 2.3 meters, 2 x Snowploughs 6 meters, 2 x Snow buckets 3 meters and 2 x Sweepers 2.4 meters) 4 x RWY Sweepers 5.6 meters 1x Terex Backhoe W/ 2.4 meters plough 2 Clearance priorities 1 RWY, TWY B, A, G, H, J, N, Aprons 8A+8B, West CATO yard 2 TWY, C, D, E, F, K, L, M, Aprons 8C+8D+8E, East CATO yard 3 Pre threshold areas, RWY and TWY edge snow limits 4 Other hard surfaces 3 Remarks Nil OAKB AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION/POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons AC/PCCPCN: 33 R/B/Y/T Apron 1 Apron 2A Apron 2B Surface: Concrete basement/asphalt layer on top PCCPCN: 31 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete PCN UNK Surface: Concrete Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–129 30 Apr 15 AC/PCC PCN: 29 R/B/W/T Apron 3 Entrance PCN : 44 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete basement/asphalt layer on top AC/PCC PCN: 38 R/B/W/T Apron 4A Entrance PCN : 44 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete basement/asphalt layer on top Apron 4B RPCCPCN: 49 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete PCN: Nil Apron 5A Surface: Gravel Eastern half closed due to WIP Apron 5B Surface Concrete PCN Unknown Apron 5C Surface Asphalt and Concrete PCN Unknown Apron 5D Apron 6 RPCC PCN: 19 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete PCC PCN: 21 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete PCN 103 R/B/W/T on stands 54 to 59 Apron 7 PCN 55 R/C/W/T on stands 50 to 53 Surface: Concrete Apron 8A Apron 8B Apron 8C PCC PCN: 48 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete PCC PCN: 48 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete AC PCN: 34 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete Closed Apron 8D PCN UNK Surface: Concrete Apron 8E Apron 9A PCN UNK Surface: Concrete PCC PCN: 49 R/A/W/T Surface: Concrete Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–130 30 Apr 15 Apron 9B Apron 9C Apron 10 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs PCC PCN: 63 R/A/W/T Surface: Concrete PCC PCN: 63 R/A/W/T Surface: Concrete PCC PCN: 60 R/A/W/T Surface: Concrete 20m (66ft), overall width 44m (144ft) TWY A AC/PCC PCN:46 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete basement/asphalt cover 20m (66ft), overall width 44m (144ft) TWY B AC/PCC PCN: 47 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete basement/asphalt cover 20m (66ft), overall width 44m (144ft) TWY C AC/PCC PCN: 65 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete basement/asphalt cover 20m (66ft), overall width 44m (144ft) TWY D AC/PCC PCN: 69 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete basement/asphalt cover 20m (66ft), overall width 44m (144ft) TWY E AC/PCC PCN: 69 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete basement/asphalt cover 20m (66ft), overall width 44m (144ft) TWY F AC/PCC PCN: 66 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete basement/asphalt cover 28.5m (94ft), overall width 44m (144ft) TWY G AC/PCC PCN: 52 R/B/W/T Surface: Concrete basement/asphalt cover 23m (75ft), overall width 44m (144ft) TWY H AC PCN: 29 F/B/W/T Surface: Flexible basement covered with heavy wear modified asphalt. 29m (95ft), overall width 51m (167ft) TWY J AC PCN: 52 F/A/W/T Surface: Concrete basement/asphalt cover Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–131 30 Apr 15 23m (75ft), overall width 38m (125ft) TWY K AC PCN: 30 F/A/W/T Surface: Flexible basement covered with heavy wear modified asphalt. 23m (75ft), overall width 38m (125ft) TWY L AC PCN: 70 F/A/W/T Surface: Flexible basement covered with heavy wear modified asphalt. 23m (75ft), overall width 44m (144ft) TWY M AC PCN: 45 F/A/W/T Surface: Flexible basement covered with heavy wear modified asphalt. 23m (75ft), overall width 44m (144ft) TWY N AC PCN: 29 F/B/W/T Surface: Flexible basement covered with heavy wear modified asphalt. TWY R 3 Closed Dimensions UNK, PCN UNK Geographic coordinates of RWY 29 THR 343340.13N 0691350.24E checkpoints Orthometric Height: 1790.10m (5873ft) AMSL RWY 11 THR 343413.94N 0691138.71E Orthometric Height: 1789.18m (5870ft) AMSL 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Not available 5 Position of INS checkpoints Not available 6 Other Points: ATC Tower 343339.61N 0691243.45E Remarks The width of TWY B may differ at different positions. This table reflects its minimum width. 7 Orthometric Height: 1817,88m (5964ft) AMSL NOTE: AC - Asphalt Concrete PCC - Portland Cement Concrete RPCC - Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete PCN - Pavement Classification Number OAKB AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking / parking guidance system at ACFT stands TWY centreline Parking guidance line Follow Me Car* Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–132 30 Apr 15 Marshaller 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights RWY centreline Pre THR chevron marking THR sign RWY designator RWY edge line Hi intensity RWY lighting system TWY centreline TWY enhanced centreline TWY edge line RWY holding position line RWY Guard lights on TWYs A, C, D, E, F and G TWY Blue edge lights TWY Green centreline lights on TWYs H, K, L, Mand N Retro-reflective Runway Remaining Distance Markers stating thousands of feet, on both sides of RWY. First panel on the left and last on the right not available, for both RWY 11 and RWY 29 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Only for Apron 8 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–133 30 Apr 15 OAKB AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES In Approach/Take Off Areas In Circling Area and at AD REMARKS 1 2 3 RWY Area affected Obstacle type Location Obstacle type Location Elevation Direction(GEO) Elevation Direction(GEO) Markings/LGT Distance(M) Markings/LGT Distance(M) a b C a b DEP RWY29 Mountain 260º / 7 000m (22 966ft)from ARP Mountain 010º / 3 600m (11 811ft) from ARP No LGT 265º / 7 500m (24 606ft) from ARP Mountain 032º / 3 000m No LGT 6 562ft (9 842ft) from ARP 300º / 4 500m (14 764ft) from ARP Mountain 075º / 7 000m (22 966ft) from ARP No LGT Mountain 312º / 3 900m Mountain No LGT 6 890ft (12 795ft)from ARP 6 562ft 230º / 3 900m (12 795ft) from ARP Mountain 082º / 11 000m (36 089ft) from ARP Mountain 230º / 7 000 m (22 966ft) from ARP No LGT 090º / 11 000m (36 089ft) from ARP Mountain 235º / 7 000m (22 966ft) from ARP No LGT 095º / 12 000m (39 370ft) from ARP Mountain 240º / 9 000m (29 528ft) from ARP No LGT 7 192ft 7 215ft ARR RWY11 DEP RWY29 Mountain 7 401ft ARR RWY11 DEP RWY29 Mountain 6 890ft 6 365ft ARR RWY11 DEP RWY29 ARR RWY11 DEP RWY11 7 424ft ARR RWY29 DEP RWY11 Masts 6 552ft ARR RWY29 DEP RWY11 ARR RWY29 Masts 6 529ft 6 890ft 6 890ft 7 024ft 2.10.4 Several uncharted masts up to 600ft AGL erected close to the approach path of RWY 29 around position 343234.0N 0692035.0E. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–134 30 Apr 15 2.10.5 Two unlit masts up to 900ft AGL erected close to the approach path of RWY 29, 6.37 NM East of Hamid Karzai International Airport – positions 343208.0N 0692016.0E and 343227.0N 0692028.0E. 2.10.6 Lit mast up to 90ft AGL erected approximately 1 100m (3 609 ft) SE of THR RWY 29 at position 343311.0N 0691414.0E. 2.10.7 Telecommunication tower up to 135ft AGL erected, approx. 3.9NM SE of THR RWY29 at position 343225.0N 0691816.0E. The tower is mounted with obstacle (top) light. 2.10.8 Four poles up to 40ft AGL are installed approximately 120m South of RWY and 70m East of TWY E in a square pattern around point of coordinates 343351.0N 0691244.0E. 2.10.9 Two unlit masts up to 500ft AGL erected at position 343221.0N 0692055.0E. 2.10.10 Multiple antenna up to 45 meters height, marked with red strobes at point of coordinates: 343325.0N 0691310.0E, radius 150 meters. 2.10.11 Five lit cranes up to 200ft AGL erected within the US embassy and annex compounds. The cranes are 100–200 metres North and North–west of Kabul soccer field. Do not overfly below 700 feet AGL. 2.10.12 Unlit telecommunication tower and crane, up to 150ft AGL erected at NKC / KMNH helipad located 2NM south of Hamid Karzai International Airport. 2.10.13 Unlit flagpole installed on top of Wazir Akbar Khan Hill, approximately 3km South of ARP at point of coordinates 343232N 0691047E. The flagpole is 207ft AGL tall. OAKB AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 MET Office HKIA North MET OFFICE 2 Hours of operation H24 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation HKIA North MET OFFICE H24 Periods of validity 4 5 6 Type of observations METAR Interval of issuance Hourly Type of observations SPECI Interval of issuance in case of significant weather changes Type of landing forecast TAF Interval of issuance 6 HRS Briefing / consultation provided HKIA North Wise Page, consultation in Met Office, information via phone; IVSN: 688 3117 Commercial: +93 (0) 799 51 3117 Email: Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 7 AD 2.1–135 30 Apr 15 Flight documentation and other information available for briefing or consultation TAF, METAR, SPECI, significant weather chart, satellite pictures, upper wind charts – FL100 FL180 FL200 FL240 FL300 FL340 English Language used 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Meteorological observation system (TACMET), upper sounding system (DIGICORA III), meteorological information system (NAMIS) 9 ATS unit provided with information ATC TWR, RAPCON, FSO, AIR OPS, AIS 10 Additional information Use station code OAKB at – for US mil computers OAKB AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 11 29 107 º T / 104º M 287º T / 284º M 1 BRG True and Magnetic 2 RWY Dimensions 3 511m x 45m 3 511m x 45m (Length x Width) (11 520ft x 148ft) (11 520ft x 148ft) 3 PCN AC/PCC PCN 76 R/B/W/T AC/PCC PCN 76 R/B/W/T 4 THR Coordinates 343413.94N 0691138.71E 343340.13N 0691350.24E 5 THR Elevation THR 5 870ft AMSL THR 5 873ft AMSL 6 Slope of RWY/SWY 0.00 0.00 7 SWY Dimensions 45m x 45m (148ft x 148ft) 44m x 45m (144ft x 148ft) 8 CWY Dimensions Nil Nil 9 Strip Dimensions 3 600m x 300m 3 600m x 300m (11 811ft x 984ft) (11 811ft x 984ft) Nil Nil 10 Obstacle free zone 11 Remarks RWY paved shoulders – 7m wide Although the grid bearing and the magnetic declination would result in a renaming and recalculation of the thresholds, the designation of the thresholds as THR 11 and THR 29 is for the time being retained. 12 Other Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–136 30 Apr 15 OAKB AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 11 29 1 TORA 3 511m (11 520ft) 3 511m (11 520ft) 2 TODA 3 511m (11 520ft) 3 511m(11 520ft) 3 ASDA 3 556m (11 667ft) 3 555m (11 663ft) 4 LDA 3 511m (11 520ft) 3 511m (11 520ft) 5 Remarks Nil Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–137 30 Apr 15 OAKB AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting 11 29 Simple Approach Lighting System Precision Approach Category I Lighting System 416.36m (1 366ft) 895.25m (2 937ft) HI HI 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Green Green 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system PAPI PAPI 3.5 degrees 3.5 degrees 15m (49ft) RWY 29 PAPI unusable beyond 5 degrees right of RWY extended centreline 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights 3 511m (11 520ft) 3 511m (11 520ft) 60m (197ft) 60m (197ft) White — last 600m (1 969ft) Yellow White — last 600m (1 969ft) Yellow HI HI NOTE: RWY edge lighting unreliable. If unserviceable, HN operations restricted to MIL ACFT. 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Red Red 8 Length and colour of stop way lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Approach and RWY lights are supplied by generator power with a back–up generator. Automatic switch–over is not available. Airport lighting system can be expected to degrade at short notice. RWY 29 Sequence Flashing Lights are out of service. OAKB AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–138 30 Apr 15 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Approach, RWY and TWY lights are supplied by generator power with a back–up generator. Automatic switch–over is not available. 5 Remarks Nil OAKB AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Nil 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Nil 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Nil 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil 5 Declared distance available Nil 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Four positions marked with large white ‘H’ signs on TWY Bravo and Hotel. OAKB AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 2 Airspace designation and lateral limits CTR: 6NM radius centred on ARP Vertical limits CTR: Surface to 9 500ft AMSL CTA, CTR and TMA refer to ENR 2.1.1 and diagram at ENR 2.1.2 CTA: 1 000ft AGL up to and including FL180 TMA Section 1: above FL180 up to and including FL290 TMA Section 2: FL180 up to and including FL290 3 Airspace Classification CTR: Class D CTA: Class C (to 20NM) and Class E (20NM to 50NM)* TMA: Class C (to 20NM) and Class E (20NM to 50NM)* *NOTE: Approximation only; refers to ENR 2.1.1 for lateral boundaries. Diagram at ENR 2.1.2. 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign CTR: Kabul Tower CTA: Kabul Arrival TMA: Kabul Approach 5 Language English Remarks See ENR 2.1 for specific airspace dimensions. ATS conforms to FAA 7110.65 and/or ICAO regulations and procedures. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–139 30 Apr 15 OAKB AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign Frequency 1 2 ACC Kabul Centre Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 North sector H24 Emergency/ (MHz) 118.30 / 242.60 Guard Frequencies South sector 120.90 / 361.00 121.500 MHz West Sector 243.000 MHz 121.725 / 361.0 High Sector East 128.50 (No HF radios) High Sector West 126.32 APP Kabul Approach 131.60 H24 360.60 Kabul Arrival 132.50 0330Z-1330Z 301.95 ATC TWR Kabul Tower 120.600 H24 See Note 1 284.275 CLEARANCE DELIVERY Kabul Delivery 128.100 0130Z-0730Z GROUND/ DELIVERY Kabul Ground 125.400 H24 ATIS N/A 130.15 H24 HKIA North AIR OPERATIONS Eagle Ops 123.400 H24 NOTE 1: Check ATIS for active Clearance Delivery Frequency. During periods of low traffic movements, clearance delivery service will be provided by GROUND on 125.400MHz. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–140 30 Apr 15 OAKB AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Frequency Hours Coordinates DME Antenna Elevation DVOR KBL CH57X, 112.00 MHz H24 343244.1N 0691725.4E 5 879ft CH57 H24 343244.1N 0691725.4E 1793.08m (5 883ft) AMSL 110.50 MHz (CH42X) H24 343416.3N 0691129.5E 5 962ft H24 343346.6N 0691341.1E 5 943ft H24 343357.5N 0691221.5E 5 875ft DME LOC 29 I–AKW CAT I GP 29 CAT I TACAN OKB 133.80 MHz CH65X Remarks 2.19.1 DVOR/DME monthly maintenance is scheduled for the first day of each month for a period of two hours. Timing is not scheduled. NOTAM and/or ATC TWR will advise status. 2.19.2 DVOR/DME is operating on commercial power with backup generator. 2.19.3 ILS critical area not protected. Ground movements and some parked ACFT may affect ILS signals for RWY 29. 2.19.4 ILS maintenance is scheduled every first Monday of the month for a period of two hours. Timing is not scheduled. NOTAM and/or ATC TWR will advise status. 2.19.5 ILS is operating with commercial power with back–up generator. 2.19.6 ASR preventative maintenance inspection is Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 1630Z until 1930Z. 2.19.7 Radio communication and the performance of NAVAIDs can be deteriorated on short notice. NAVAIDs are not continuously monitored. 2.19.8 Kabul TACAN (OKB) not usable between 010R – 060R beyond 6NM. OAKB AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 COM HKIA North is the sole authority to close Hamid Karzai International Airport to all or select traffic. 2.20.2 Air operations may be suspended for safety reasons or traffic saturation. 2.20.3 Preferred RWY: RWY 29 is the primary instrument runway and will be used for all movements when the tailwind component is < 10kt sustained. Aircrew should plan their operations for the runway in use. 2.20.4 Due to AGL-specifics at OAKB (see OAKB AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING, - 9 Remarks) the following restriction applies to all commercial / nonoperational air traffic: In accordance with ICAO Annex 14 Vol. 1, no take-offs shall be performed with runway visual range (RVR) conditions, less than a value of 800 meters Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–141 30 Apr 15 OAKB AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 NIL OAKB AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 ACFT with IFR FPL can depart VFR after obtaining ATC TWR approval. 2.22.2 Maximum taxi speed shall not exceed 16KT. This speed shall be decreased if contamination on the surface deteriorates braking action. 2.22.3 Helicopter Landing Sites. There are four helicopter landing sites (HLS); two on TWY BRAVO (named B1 and B2) and two on TWY HOTEL (named H1 and H2) for take–off, landing and hovering. HLS are located as follows: B1 in front of East side of Apron 5A, B2 in front of the Apron 5C entrance, H1 in front of Apron 8E and H2 in front of Apron 9A. Pilots familiar with OAKB environment may request VFR/SVFR landing/departure to/from sites on the TWY HOTEL or TWY BRAVO, abeam their origin/destination aprons, the following restrictions applying: 2.22.4 a. Pilots should expect ATC TWR to grant a landing/departure clearance provided that the trajectory of the helicopter will not overfly a taxiing aircraft and that it will provide relevant taxiing traffic information; b. It remains the pilot’s responsibility in this case to identify and ensure that sufficient separation from taxiing traffic and fixed obstacles is provided at all times. Simultaneous VMC Operations. CAUTION: Taxiing traffic on TWY HOTEL or TWY BRAVO, simultaneous to RW helipad operations. CAUTION: Helicopter VMC operations on TWY HOTEL or TWY BRAVO simultaneous to RWY heavy aircraft operations at less than 250 meters distance. 2.22.5 VFR Procedures FW Departures: after takeoff, proceed RWY heading/straight ahead until 1500ft AGL then proceed on course, unless approved otherwise by ATC TWR. FW Arrivals: Turn to final not closer than 3NM from APP end of RWY and not below 1500ft AGL, unless approved otherwise by ATC TWR. Helicopter VFR Compulsory Reporting Points: Ten Helicopter VFR compulsory reporting points (CRP) (see 2.24.4) are established as follows: Alpha 343100N 0691641E November 343517N 0691131E November Echo 343436N 0691610E Echo 1 342955N 0692224E Echo 2 343355N 0692228E Echo 3 343638N 0691926E Sierra 342859N 0691307E Sierra–Whiskey 343200N 0690600E Zulu 343544N 0690807E Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–142 30 Apr 15 Sixer 343639N 0690342E Helicopter VFR Procedures CAUTION: Limited communications coverage North of Kabul. Entrance in Kabul CTR is only permitted on clearance from Kabul ATC TWR. All helicopters shall enter and exit the CTR through Echo 1, Echo 2, Echo 3, Sierra, Sierra–Whiskey or Sixer. Contact with Kabul ATC TWR must be made at the each CRP in order to receive an onwards clearance, in lack of a positive clearance the flight shall enter a visual holding pattern. Arriving helicopters shall enter Kabul CTR at 300ft AGL via the appropriate CRP and fly the published VFR arrival corridor at 300ft AGL. Departing helicopters shall fly the published VFR departure corridors at 500ft AGL until the exit CRP. All helicopters intending to cross extended RWY centreline inside Kabul CTR must request and obtain explicit Kabul ATC TWR approval. If unable to obtain approval to cross the extended RWY centreline, helicopters must report and hold over reporting points (NOVEMBER-ECHO, NOVEMBER, ZULU, SIERRA-WHISKEY,) in accordance with their arrival direction until approval is received from Kabul ATC TWR. Helicopter traffic inbounds to land in other landing sites within the Kabul CTR will fly the arrival corridor nearest to their destination, reporting the respective destination to Kabul ATC TWR on initial contact. When on final for the destination landing site the flight will inform Kabul ATC TWR specifying the estimated time of departure and next destination. If contact with Kabul ATC TWR is not possible prior to departure Kabul ATC TWR must be notified as soon as possible after lift-off and then expect being directed by Kabul ATC TWR to the nearest arrival/departure corridor or the next destination landing site. CAUTION: Helicopters operating VFR into and out of HLZs in the downtown Kabul area will maintain ground tracks that provide sufficient lateral clearance of the Special Use Airspace OA(P)-415 (surrounding the Presidential Palace) in order to prevent the perception that they may be violating the ROZ or otherwise posing a threat to the security of the Palace compound. At Camp Phoenix FOB, RW aircraft shall avoid over flight of buildings and small arms range immediately south of the landing sites. A low level departure slightly offset to the south west or slightly offset to south east avoiding the buildings / range is appropriate. The avoidance area is bounded by coordinates 343240N 0691529E, 343240N 0691538E, 343244N 0691530E, 343241N 0691530E. FOB Scorpion Restricted Area SFC to 600ft AGL (6570ft MSL) 6NM East of Hamid Karzai International Airport, defined by following Lat/Long: 343410N 0692213E, 343305N 0692218E, 343235N 0692211E, 343304N 0691958E, 343358N 0692002E, 343346N 0692115E. Defined Area for low-level UAV Arr/Dep, contact Kabul ATC TWR 120.600/284.275 and/or monitor ATIS 130.150 for status. Flight information for landing sites within the CTR other than those pertaining to OAKB is maintained by Resolute Support Mission (RSM) RW authorities. Deviations from these procedures are subject to ATC TWR clearance. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–143 30 Apr 15 OAKB Helicopter VFR Arrival Corridors. The following routes apply for helicopter VFR arrivals into Hamid Karzai International Airport: CAUTION: Overflying built-up areas around the RWY and aircraft/vehicles t on the ground at heights below 300ft AGL is strictly prohibited. Arrival Route Procedure Echo 3 Arrival CAUTION: Special Use Airspace 1NM south of ECHO 3. Contact ATC TWR prior to ECHO 3, at 300ft AGL, reporting position and destination. Expect holding or instructions to proceed to another CRP if ATC TWR does not grant clearance to enter the CTR. If clearance is granted then proceed at 300ft AGL to NOVEMBERECHO. At NOVEMBER-ECHO call ATC TWR and expect instructions to hold, to proceed downwind for a TWY HOTEL direction 11 approach, or the clearance for final approach for TWY HOTEL direction 29. CAUTION: Do not overfly the ILS GP Antenna 400m from TWY eastern end. See chart at TWY HOTEL Echo 2 Arrival TWY HOTEL Echo1 Arrival TWY BRAVO Sierra Arrival TWY BRAVO Sixer Arrival TWY HOTEL Sierra–Whiskey –Hotel Arrival TWY HOTEL CAUTION: Special Use Airspace 0.5NM north of ECHO 2. Contact ATC TWR prior to ECHO 2, at 300ft AGL, reporting position and destination. Expect holding or instructions to proceed to another CRP if ATC TWR does not grant clearance to enter the CTR. If clearance is granted then proceed at 300ft AGL to NOVEMBER-ECHO. At NOVEMBER-ECHO call ATC TWR and expect instructions to hold, to proceed downwind for a TWY HOTEL direction 11 approach, or the clearance for final approach for TWY HOTEL direction 29. CAUTION: Do not overfly the ILS GP Antenna 400m from TWY eastern end. See chart at Contact ATC TWR prior to ECHO 1, at 300ft AGL, reporting position and destination. Expect holding or instructions to proceed to another CRP if ATC TWR does not grant clearance to enter the CTR. If clearance is granted then proceed at 300ft AGL to ALPHA. At ALPHA call ATC TWR and expect instructions to hold, to proceed downwind for a direction 11 approach, or the clearance for final approach for TWY BRAVO direction 29. See chart at Contact ATC TWR prior to SIERRA, at 300ft AGL, reporting position and destination. Expect holding or instructions to proceed to another CRP if ATC TWR does not grant clearance enter the CTR. If clearance is granted then proceed at 300ft AGL to ALPHA. At ALPHA call ATC TWR and expect instructions to hold, to proceed downwind for a direction 11 approach, or the clearance for final approach for TWY BRAVO direction 29. See chart at Contact ATC TWR prior to SIXER, at 300ft AGL, reporting position and destination. Expect holding or instructions to proceed to another CRP if ATC TWR does not grant clearance enter the CTR. If clearance is granted then proceed at 300ft AGL to ZULU, then request ATC TWR for clearance to NOVEMBER. At NOVEMBER call ATC TWR and expect instructions to hold, to proceed downwind for a TWY HOTEL direction 29 approach, or the clearance for final approach for TWY HOTEL direction 11. See chart at CAUTION: Special Use Airspace 1 NM west of SIERRA-WHISKEY. Contact ATC TWR prior to SIERRA-WHISKEY, at 300ft AGL, reporting position and destination. Expect holding or instructions to proceed to another CRP if ATC TWR does not grant clearance enter the CTR. If clearance is granted then proceed at 300ft AGL to ZULU, then request ATCTWR for clearance to NOVEMBER. At NOVEMBER call ATC TWR and expect instructions to hold, to proceed downwind for a TWY HOTEL direction 29 approach, or the clearance for final approach for TWY HOTEL direction 11. See chart at Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN Sierra–Whiskey Bravo Arrival TWY BRAVO HELGE Arrival TWY HOTEL 11/29 Directions 11/29 AD 2.1–144 30 Apr 15 CAUTION: Special Use Airspace 1 NM west of SIERRA-WHISKEY. Contact ATC TWR prior to SIERRA-WHISKEY, at 300ft AGL, reporting position and destination. Expect holding or instructions to proceed to another CRP if ATC TWR does not grant clearance enter the CTR. If clearance is granted then proceed at 300ft AGL to right base turn for TWY BRAVO direction 11 final. Prior to commencing the right base turn call ATC TWR and expect instructions to hold, to proceed to downwind for a TWY BRAVO direction 29 approach, or the clearance for final approach for TWY BRAVO direction 11. See chart at CAUTION: This arrival is only available to selected I Resolute Support Mission flights and requires prior coordination via PPR. CAUTION: Special Use Airspace immediately SW of SOCCERFIELD. Immediately after lift-off call TWR and report intended arrival. Fly directly towards the ATC TWR at 300ft AGL, unless otherwise instructed by ATC TWR. Begin descent after passing the ATC TWR and execute the final turn so that the helicopter is aligned over TWY HOTEL at least 150 ft AGL. Land on TWY HOTEL abeam ISAF Apron (Apron 8). See chart at Apron 8. OAKB Helicopter VFR Departure Corridors. The following routes apply for helicopter VFR departures from Hamid Karzai International Airport: CAUTION: Overflying built-up areas around the RWY and aircraft/vehicles on the ground at heights below 300ft AGL is strictly prohibited. Departure Route Procedure Zulu Departure After take-off maintain TWY heading until the end of the TWY then turn right for NOVEMBER, climbing to 500ft AGL, then continue to ZULU at 500ft AGL. At ZULU call ATC TWR reporting position and exit CRP and proceed to SIXER or SIERRA-WHISKEY, at 500ft AGL. CAUTION: Special Use Airspace 1 NM west of SIERRA-WHISKEY. See chart at TWY HOTEL direction 29 ZULU Departure TWY HOTEL direction 11 Sierra–Whiskey Departure TWY BRAVO direction 29 SIERRA– WHISKEY Departure TWY BRAVO direction 11 November–Echo Departure TWY HOTEL direction 11 NOVEMBER– After take-off maintain TWY heading until the end of the TWY then turn left for downwind climbing to and then maintaining 500ft AGL. CAUTION: Do not overfly the ILS GP Antenna 400m from TWY end on TWY heading. Proceed to NOVEMBER at 500ft AGL, and then continue to ZULU. At ZULU call ATC TWR reporting position and exit CRP and proceed to SIXER or SIERRA-WHISKEY, at 500ft AGL. CAUTION: Special Use Airspace 1 NM west of SIERRAWHISKEY. See chart at After take-off maintain TWY heading for 300meters past the end of the TWY then turn left for SIERRA-WHISKEY, climbing to and then maintaining 500ft AGL. CAUTION: Special Use Airspace 1 NM west of SIERRA-WHISKEY. See chart at After take-off maintain TWY track until the end of the TWY then turn right for downwind, climbing to and then maintaining 500ft AGL. Abeam west end of the RWY turn left for SIERRA-WHISKEY. CAUTION: Special Use Airspace 1 NM west of SIERRA-WHISKEY. See chart at After take-off maintain TWY heading until the end of the TWY then turn left for NOVEMBER-ECHO, climbing to 500ft AGL. CAUTION: Do not overfly the ILS GP Antenna 400m from TWY end on TWY heading. At NOVEMBER-ECHO call ATC TWR reporting position and exit CRP and proceed to ECHO 2 or ECHO 3, at 500ft AGL. CAUTION: Special Use Airspace 1NM south of ECHO 3 and 0.5 NM north of ECHO 2. See chart at After take-off maintain RWY heading until the end of the RWY then turn right for Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN ECHO Departure TWY HOTEL direction 29 Alpha Departure TWY BRAVO direction 11 ALPHA Departure TWY BRAVO direction 29 HELGE Departure TWY HOTEL directions 11/29 AD 2.1–145 30 Apr 15 downwind, climbing to and maintaining 500ft AGL. Abeam east end of the RWY turn left for NOVEMBER -ECHO. At NOVEMBER-ECHO call ATC TWR reporting position and exit CRP and proceed to ECHO 2 or ECHO 3, at 500ft AGL. CAUTION: Special Use Airspace 1NM south of ECHO 3 and 0.5 NM north of ECHO 2. See chart at After take-off maintain TWY track until the end of the TWY then turn right for ALPHA, climbing to and then maintaining 500ft AGL. At ALPHA call ATC TWR reporting position and exit CRP and proceed to ECHO 1 or SIERRA, at 500ft AGL. See chart at After take-off maintain TWY heading for 300meters past the end of the TWY then turn left for downwind, climbing to and then maintaining 500ft AGL. Abeam east end of the RWY turn right for ALPHA. At ALPHA call ATC TWR reporting position and exit CRP and proceed to ECHO 1 or SIERRA, at 500ft AGL. See chart at CAUTION: This departure is only available to selected Resolute Support Mission flights out of Apron 8 and requires prior coordination via PPR. After take-off maintain TWY heading until reaching 150 ft AGL, then turn towards the ATC TWR. Continue climb IOT overfly TWY B at a minimum of 300 ft AGL. After passing the ATC TWR turn directly to the SOCCERFIELD, maintaining 300ft AGL. Prior to landing call ATC TWR and advise Estimated Time of Departure. CAUTION: Special Use Airspace immediately SW of SOCCERFIELD. See chart at 2.22.6 Radio Failure Procedures. The ICAO Standard Radio Communication Failure (RCF) procedure is to be followed; SSR code 7600 shall be set. IFR Arrivals. If unable to make contact with APP (Kabul Approach) or ATC TWR (Kabul Tower),, squawk 7600 and continue to monitor Guard frequencies. In the event of two-way communications failure, rock wings (daytime) or flash landing lights (night time) and proceed to a full stop landing at pilot’s discretion on last assigned runway, vacate the runway expeditiously and look to ATC Tower for light gun signals. IFR Departures. In the event of lost communications on departure, contact Kabul Arrival on 301.95 or 132.50. If no reply, attempt contact with Kabul Approach on 360.60 or 131.60. If no reply, squawk 7600 and continue to monitor Guard frequencies, execute the published departure procedure to LOBRE, hold south of LOBRE on the Kabul 195R for 15 minutes, one zero mile legs, right turns, maintain 13,000 feet. Climb to FL160 then proceed direct WEBRO and execute the ILS Runway 29 and attempt to contact Kabul Tower on 284.275 or 120.600. Note: If executing the TAPIS ONE departure, proceed TAPIS direct the Kabul 195R 20 mile fix (LOBRE) maintain 13,000 feet, hold for 15 minutes, then proceed as directed above. VFR Tower Pattern. All traffic, RW and FW, with a radio failure who intends to join the traffic patterns shall do it at a 45 degree angle to the downwind leg. The traffic SHALL NEVER cross from North to South or vice versa over the airport or the final approach sectors due to possible traffic. Pilots can notify ATC TWR they have a radio failure by: a. Fixed Wing. Squawk 7600, rock wings and/or flash landing lights, and look for light gun signal from ATC TWR. If signal not observed, execute a low approach over the RWY at or above 500ft AGL at pilot’s discretion, “rock wings” when passing in front of ATC TWR, then join the ATC TWR (north) traffic pattern. When turning base leg or short final look for light signal for full stop landing or go around. Vacate RWY in use after landing at the TWY A/J Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–146 30 Apr 15 or G (depending on RWY in use). Do not enter TWY B/H without ATC TWR clearance via radio frequency, light signal or Follow–me guidance. b. Rotary Wing. Squawk 7600, “rock wings” and/or flash landing lights, and look for light gun signal from ATC TWR. If light signal not observed, execute a low approach over TWY B/H at or above 500ft AGL at pilot’s discretion, “rock wings” when passing in front of ATC TWR, and look for light signal. Then join the ATC TWR (south/north) traffic pattern. When turning base leg or short final TWY B/H look for light signal for full stop landing or go around. The landing shall be on TWY B/H abeam their parking apron and vacate TWY B/H via the fastest and safest means possible. . In case of an emergency associated to RCF pilots should land on the RWY. In the probability of the communications failure is due to the mountainous terrain, the controllers shall try to relay information through other ACFT flying in the area. ACFT on the Ground: a. ACFT taxiing for departure. Stop, hold current position on the TWY, expect to return to parking position, keep engines running, and wait for Follow–Me vehicle guidance or Light–Gun signal to vacate the area. b. ACFT lined–up for departure. Taxi down the RWY, vacate at the earliest possible, then stop on the TWY, and wait for Follow–Me vehicle guidance or Light–Gun signal. Do not enter TWY B/H without ATC TWR clearance via radio frequency, light gun signal or Follow–me guidance. 2.22.7 Weather Minima. VFR Weather Minima within Kabul CTR is 5 000m visibility, 1500ft ceiling. Below VFR Minima all departing flights are subject to a Special VFR (SVFR) on pilot’s request, else an IFR clearance. SVFR will be approved during daylight if the conditions are for: a. FW – 1500m visibility and 1 500ft ceiling; b. RW – 1 200m visibility and clear of clouds. SVFR will be approved during night time if the conditions are for: a. FW – 3 000m visibility and 1 500ft ceiling; b. RW NVG – 1 500m visibility and clear of clouds; c. RW Nil NVG – 3 000m visibility and clear of clouds. It is solely the pilot’s responsibility to request SVFR. During IMC operations, arriving and departing FW ACFT can expect long delays (up to 30 minutes). 2.22.8 Apron 8. Unescorted passengers and crew movements are strictly prohibited on Apron 8. For transportation and/or escort crews shall contact HKIA North Air Operations – Callsign “Eagle Ops” on frequency 123.400MHz. Arriving ACFT. All arriving ACFT must establish radio contact with HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) on frequency 123.400MHz and follow the marshaller’s car when entering Apron 8. It is strictly prohibited to enter Apron 8. without the marshaller’s guidance and without radio contact with HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops). Exception from this rule is only for home based ACFT on Apron 8E and RW ACFT based on Apron 8C. All military and Resolute Support Mission contracted flights intending to use ISAF Apron 8 shall: a. Have a valid PPR to use Apron 8; b. Establish contact with HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) on 123.400MHz at least 5 minutes prior estimated time of landing and report: Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–147 30 Apr 15 1) Arrival Advisory as per ATP3343 (Para405C) 2) Requested ground services, to include number of passengers and specific assistance for cargo off–loading, fuel and Ground Power Units; 3) Transport of Dangerous Cargo (NEQ for Class and Division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5 and 1.6 explosives is mandatory); 4) Information of front cargo door (ACFT nose) to be used for off–loading; 5) Any changes to initial approved PPR c. Hold at the entry of Apron 8until the arrival of a Follow Me vehicle. Entrance to the Apron 8 requires the assistance of Follow Me unless otherwise directed by HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops); d. Monitor Eagle Ops frequency 123.400MHz for the duration of their ground operations; and e. Inform HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) if the ACFT is to be left unattended for any period of time and leave contact information. Departing ACFT. All MIL and Resolute Support Mission contracted flights parked on Apron 8 shall: a. Monitor Eagle Ops frequency 123.400MHz until the time they leave Apron 8 by entering TWY Hotel; b. Inform HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) prior to starting engines and request ground support for the engine start procedure and ground equipment removal. Crews are not allowed to remove any ground equipment. Removal of wheel chocks is allowed provided the chocks belong to the ACFT; c. Inform HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) when ready for taxi. If deemed necessary or on request from the crew, HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) will provide FOLLOW-ME to marshal the aircraft. It is mandatory for all flight crews of heavy ACFT parked on stands 1 and 2 to use marshaller’s assistance when leaving Apron 8. Notify ATC TWR if intending to exit Apron 8 via exit/entrance of Apron 8B. There is a danger of damaging elevated TWY lights and tyres; d. Coordinate with HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) any movement inside Apron 8. Stand re–positioning or taxi reverse requires the presence of Follow Me crews Engine Running On/Off Load. ACFT (Fixed or Rotary Wing) Engine Running On/Off Load (ERO) is not allowed, unless approved by HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) on request by the pilot in command, and a maximum duration of 15 minutes is not exceeded. Only troops, vehicles and man–portable equipment subject of a rapid on–load/off–load are suitable for ERO. Helicopters taxi procedure inside Apron 8 .Inside Apron 8 wheeled helicopters will ground–taxi guided by follow–me car. Wheeled helicopters are strictly forbidden to air–taxi, take–off, land or hover inside Apron 8. Helicopters experiencing undercarriage problems or unable to perform ground–taxi, will report to ATC TWR and HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops). They will be positioned on Apron 8B, parking position 9. This rule is not applicable for home–based helicopters on Apron 8C. Rules for MIL aircrews arriving at Hamid Karzai International Airport without prior CATO Support Request submitted to HKIA North CATO IS (FOC+) or Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–148 30 Apr 15 or without passenger lists provided to CATO PAX: a. ACFT crew representative shall escort inbound passengers from their parking position to: PAX Terminal Departure area, (V)VIP lounge or Herat Street, applicable for positions 5, 6, 7 and 8 only. The other positions require bus transportation b. ACFT crew representative shall identify and escort their outbound passengers from PAX terminal Departures area, (V)VIP lounge or Herat Street, applicable for positions 5, 6, 7 and 8 only. The other positions require bus transportation. c. Bus transportation may be provided upon request via HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) for arriving passengers. d. Bus transportation for departing passengers may be provided upon request done in person by aircrew representative, upon own identification to any CATO PAX staff on duty. Eagle Ops frequency is monitored H24. Non–compliance with Afghanistan AIP may lead to denial of Apron 8 use. All MIL aircrews operating on Apron 8, except for ACFT remaining overnight, are recommended to select ACFT position lights to “ON” during HN while ACFT are parked on the apron. 2.22.9 Civilian aprons parking operations. Parking on civilian side of Hamid Karzai International Airport is allocated by Airport Operations. Marshalling signalman will provided guidance for final stop on the stand. All stands require push-back for departure. a. Apron 2 Alpha Apron 2 Alpha does not have designated stands. Allocation of parking on Apron 2 Alpha is based on turn-around time greater than 24 hours and locally based operators. Engines running are prohibited on Apron 2 Alpha due to high FOD potential. Aircraft shall be towed from and to taxiway Bravo. Engine shut down and engine start-up shall only occur on taxiway Bravo. b. Apron 3 1) Stands 25 to 31 (west side) are intended for Code A and B aircraft only; 2) Stands 32 to 35 (east side) are intended up to Code C aircraft; 3) Stands 32 to 35 will be expanded to the east in the near future. Actual available length is 47 meters. Wing tip safety clearance is not ensured with aircraft taxiing on Apron 3 centre line. All aircrafts on apron 3, except single engine/fixed wing,in order to start up for departure, must be towed up to hold short of B Taxiway and then start up engine.Arrival aircraft to Apron 3, after vacating taxiway B, must stop and shutdown enginesbefore crossing the GSE road and then be towed to parking area. 4) Propeller-driven aircraft with wing span less than 18 meters shall use caution when taxiing on Apron 3. Offset from apron taxi lane might be required due to parked aircraft on the east side of the apron. The use of wing walkers is recommended to ensure wing tip clearance. c. Apron 4 Alpha 1) Stands 20 to 23 are intended up to Code C aircraft; 2) Stand 24 is intended up to Code D aircraft. Access to Stand 24 shall be made by the entrance to Apron 3. Push-back from Stand 24 shall be performed directly onto taxiway Bravo unless Stand 23 is unoccupied. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–149 30 Apr 15 d. Apron 4 Bravo 1) Apron 4 Bravo can accommodate up to Code F aircraft. e. Apron 7 1) Stands 50 to 54 are intended to Code A and B aircraft. 2) Stands 55 to 58 are intended up to Code C aircraft; 3) Stand 59 is intended up to Code D aircraft; 2.22.10 During HN, all civilian ACFT, including those contracted by NATO, will be vectored to and established on final approach prior to visual approach clearance being issued. 2.22.11 Fixed wing ACFT and helicopters may experience delays of up to 30 minutes, for departures and/or arrivals, due to Afghan Diplomatic flights. OAKB AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Caution kite activity in close vicinity of Airport International Airport SFC to 1 200ft AGL. 2.23.2 Meteorological balloon launched at Airport International Airport daily at 1130Z and 2330Z, SFC to 50,000ft AGL. 2.23.3 Crews are advised to avoid 1Km (0.5NM) radius centered on position 343434N 0691421E, SFC to 500ft AGL due to controlled explosions. 2.23.4 Due to increased bird activity at Airport International Airport, crews are strongly advised to switch all available lights ON when operating below 1 000ft AGL in the vicinity of the airport. ACFT suffering a bird strike within the Kabul CTR must immediately report it to the appropriate ATC unit and at the first possible opportunity to HKIA North Airfield Safety Management Office (ASMO): a In Person: Building 100, Room 031 b. Via phone: +93 (0) 799 22 5104 c. Via E–mail: The submission of a written report to HKIA North FSO is mandatory by using the attached standard ICAO Bird Strike Reporting Form. Bird Watch Condition (BWC) BWC SEVERE: Bird activity on or immediately above the active runway or other specific location representing high potential for strikes. BWC MODERATE: Bird activity near the active runway or other specific location representing increased potential for strikes. BWC LOW: Bird activity on and around the airfield representing low potential for strikes. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–150 30 Apr 15 The BWC is determined by Wildlife Specialist and Flight Safety Officers according to the following matrix: Small birds (Swallow, Sparrow, Wagtail) Medium-Sized Birds (Plover, Gull, Crow) Large Birds (Stork,Vulture, Goose) > 75 grams 76 - 700 grams 701 grams + MODERATE SEVERE Large / Very large numbers or flocks High probability of birdstrike Possibly damaging High probability of multiple birdstrike. Likely to be damaging LOW MODERATE Medium numbers Medium likelihood of birdstrike Not likely to be damaging Medium probability of birdstrike Quite possibly damaging LOW Small Numbers / Individual Low probability of birdstrike Birds Not likely to be damaging SEVERE High probability of multiple birdstrike Likely to cause significant damage SEVERE High possibility of birdstrike Likely to cause damage LOW MODERATE Low probability of birdstrike. Potentially damaging if does occur Low likelihood of birdstrike. Probably damaging if it does occur BWC MODERATE and SEVERE are broadcasted in the ATIS and additional information on location of birds will be provided by Kabul Tower to arriving and departing aircraft. Decision to land and take-off rests with pilot-in-command. During BWC SEVERE, practice approaches are not permitted. 2.23.7 At Camp Souter FOB a high intensity radio transmission area (HIRTA) in band E has been established within the area bounded by arc radius 425m from origin 343255N 0691415E (Camp Souter) between radial 190 degrees true and radial 270 degrees true from ground level up to 820ft. 2.23.8 HKIA Airfield Safety Management Office requires all users and operators at Hamid Karzai International Airport to notify the Flight Safety officer at the earliest when an incident/accident occurs : a. In Person: Building 100, Room 031; or b. Via Phone: +93 (0) 799 22 5104; or c. Via E–mail: NOTE: The Air Traffic Incident Report form is available on the CAA website: 2.23.9 HKIA North CATO MIL passenger and cargo handling capability is available H24 with the following restrictions: a. It is mandatory for all MIL/civilian operators/contractors to submit CATO Support Request Form (CSRF) to CATO Ops via e-mail (HKIA North CATO IS (FOC+) or as a hard copy 48 hours prior to arrival .b. Mission planners are to ensure there is adequate road transport for cargo movement, including security requirements for access to HKIA North and facilities for passengers (accommodation/messing). It has to be coordinated with the appropriate HKIA North agencies NLT 24 hours before scheduled ACFT arrival / departure. Cargo cannot be stored longer than 48 hours after unload. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN C. AD 2.1–151 30 Apr 15 Mission planners are to ensure there is adequate road transport for cargo movement, including security requirements for access to HKIA North and facilities for passengers (accommodation/messing). It has to be coordinated with the appropriate HKIA North agencies NLT 24 hours before scheduled ACFT arrival / departure. Cargo cannot be stored longer than 48 hours after unload. b. Mission planners are reminded that maintenance requirements are only available to civilian ACFT from civilian airlines. Ground handling companies on the civilian side of Hamid Karzai International Airport are available for daytime operations only due to GIRoA CAA regulations. d. CATO can only support 1 heavy Food Flight at a time due to our Cargo Yard capacity and available working space used to upload the trucks. 2.23.10 Downloading of Dangerous Goods Class 1 (explosives) over 200kg NEQ up to max 15 000kg NEQ will be handled on TWY C only between 1830Z-2330Z (outside normal civilian airport operating hours). Dangerous Goods Class 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6) up to 200kg NEQ will be handled on Apron 8, H24. A mixed load as a whole shall be treated as if it belonged to the most dangerous hazard division in the order 1.1, 1.5, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6 and 1.4. There is no limitation for explosives in class/division 1.4 transported alone. There is no storage available for explosives on HKIA North. Before arrival, clearance transport is to be in place on HKIA North to immediately remove all explosive shipments. Failure to comply will result in the ACFT not being permitted to unload. 2.23.11 Dangerous Goods (DG) message must be sent to HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) confirming all details of Class 1 DG shipment including: UN number, Hazard/ Division(HD) and Net Explosive Quantity(NEQ) for HD 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5 and 1.6 explosives. Approval must be received before departure to Hamid Karzai l International Airport. No approval required for Dangerous Goods Class 1.4. 2.23.12 It is mandatory for all operators/contractors of heavy ACFT (B747/ AN124/ A300/ MD11 and equivalent size) to send AWB, manifest, and load plan with PPR request. Failure to do so will result in PPR denial. Manifest required to ensure allocation of available equipment due to items/weight/size and ACFT type. 2.23.13 It is mandatory for all operators/contractors to present at CATO 48 hours prior to arrival with customs exemption forms, certificates of origin, commercial invoices and manifests for all cargo to be unloaded in accordance with I Resolute Support Mission Regulations. Failure to do so may result in ACFT, crew and cargo being turned over to Civilian Authorities if cargo is found to be not intended for Resolute Support Mission operations. 2.23.14 HKIA North Air Operations (Eagle Ops) is responsible for the allocation of parking spots on Apron 8. This applies to ACFT that are based or parked on the civilian side of Kabul International Airport, or other aprons, and need to reposition to Apron 8 . to collect passengers and/or cargo for a mission prior to first departure of the day, and to intermediate or final mission legs utilising Apron 8 to drop off passengers and/or cargo prior to final parking overnight in Hamid Karzai l International Airport. 2.23.15 All PPR requests for these missions must include an initial KABUL–KABUL leg to allow allocation of parking spots on the Apron 8. prior to first departure, and show intermediate legs into the Apron 8, as appropriate. If the final leg back to Hamid Karzai International Airport, ie prior to final overnight parking, has no passengers and/or cargo to offload at Apron 8, the PPR is to be annotated accordingly. 2.23.16 AIS Briefing Office/ATS Reporting Office is available to Resolute Support Mission aircrew in the MIL side of Hamid Karzai International Airport, in building 100 (in Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–152 30 Apr 15 front of Apron 8. AFTN: OAKBYWYX, Mobile: 00 93 (0) 799 243 402, IVSN: 60 688 3133 NOTE: In order to ensure flight plan submission and dissemination, locally based MIL aircrews are required to submit FPLs to the AIS Briefing Office/ATS Reporting Office on the day prior the flight, no later than 1630Z. Transiting MIL aircrews are required to submit FPLs to the AIS Briefing Office/ATS Reporting Office at least 60 minutes prior to departure, if flying between 0230Z–1730Z and no later than 1630Z, if flying between 1730Z–0230Z. 2.23.17 Every Friday between 1030Z – 1230Z work in progress takes place South of RWY, abeam touchdown area of RWY 29. 2.23.18 No Hot Gun location available on the airfield. 2.23.19 Runway Braking Action: On the first third of the RWY 29, the runway braking action decreases to medium/poor values due to rubber contamination, especially on runway wet conditions. 2.23.20 Runway Hot Spots: Five Hot Spots (HS) have been identified for RWY 11/29 and two HS for TWY Bravo, as follows: HS 1 – RWY crossing by vehicles between TWY Mike and Echo. HS 2 – RWY crossing by vehicles and aircraft under tow between TWY Kilo and Charlie. HS 3 – RWY crossing by vehicles and aircraft between TWY Lima and Delta. HS 4 – RWY crossing by aircraft from TWY November to TWY Foxtrot. HS 5 – Potential for RWY incursion due to interference in communications with ATC.\ HS 6 – Potential for TWY Bravo incursion by aircraft and vehicles / ground equipment crossing between Apron 3 and Apron 7. HS 7 – Potential for TWY Bravo incursion by aircraft and vehicles between Apron 7 and Aprons 1 and 2A. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–153 30 Apr 15 OAKB AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME Note: Instrument approach and departure procedures are designed in accordance with US TERPS. ICAO Charts for Kabul International Airport 1 Aerodrome Chart – ICAO Produced – see 2.24.2 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart – ICAO Partly produced – see 2.24.3 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart – ICAO Not produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart – ICAO Not produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart – ICAO Type A Not produced 6 Area Chart – ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not produced 7 Standard Departure Chart – Instrument – ICAO Produced – see 2.24.1 8 Area Chart – ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart – Instrument – ICAO Not produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart – ICAO Produced – see 2.24.1 11 Visual Approach Chart Not produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–154 30 Apr 15 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not produced 13 VFR Compulsory Reporting Points Produced– see 2.24.4 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–155 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Published Instrument Charts. The following charts are available for use on the CAA website at These charts have been endorsed for use by Airfield Authorities however variation may exist in the design criteria used to create them. Aircrew should use the procedures subject to their own risk assessment and always refer to NOTAM for up to date information. Instrument Procedure OAKB PPR RAMP ILS RWY 29 KABUL _dep RNAV (GPS) RWY 29 Kabul international _ifrtkoff VOR/DME RWY 29 Logar_dep_rnav calun_dep OAKB_arpt_dia TACAN RWY 29 Tapis_dep_rnav 2.24.2 Airfield Diagram Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.24.3 AD 2.1–156 30 Apr 15 ACFT Parking/Docking Charts ACFT Parking/Docking Chart for Apron 3 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart for Apron 4A Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–157 30 Apr 15 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart for Apron 4B 4 3 2A 2 1 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart for Apron 7 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–158 30 Apr 15 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart for Apron 8 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–159 30 Apr 15 2.24.4 OAKB VFR Compulsory Reporting Points ALPHA 343100N 0691641E NOVEMBER 343517N 0691131E NOVEMBER ECHO 343436N 0691610E ECHO 1 342955N 0692224E ECHO 2 343355N 0692228E ECHO 3 343638N 0691926E SIERRA 342859N 0691307E SIERRA–WHISKEY 343200N 0690600E ZULU 343544N 0690807E SIXER 343639N 0690342E Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–160 30 Apr 15 OAKB ECHO 2 and ECHO 3 Helicopter VFR Arrival Corridors NOT FOR NAVIGATION OAKB ECHO 1 and SIERRA Helicopter VFR Arrival Corridors. NOT FOR NAVIGATION Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–161 30 Apr 15 OAKB SIXER Helicopter VFR Arrival Corridor. NOT FOR NAVIGATION OAKB SIERRA-WHISKEY Helicopter VFR Arrival Corridors. NOT FOR NAVIGATION Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–162 30 Apr 15 OAKB NOVEMBER-ECHO Helicopter VFR Departure Corridors NOT FOR NAVIGATION OAKB ZULU Helicopter VFR Departure Corridors NOT FOR NAVIGATION Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–163 30 Apr 15 OAKB SIERRA-WHISKEY Helicopter VFR Departure Corridors NOT FOR NAVIGATION OAKB ALPHA Helicopter VFR Departure Corridors NOT FOR NAVIGATION Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–164 30 Apr 15 OAKB HELGE VFR Arrival/Departure NOT FOR NAVIGATION Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–165 30 Apr 15 OAKN – KANDAHAR OAKN AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OAKN – Kandahar (Qandahar) OAKN AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 313021N 0655052E 2 Direction and distance from city 9NM southeast of Kandahar City 3 Elevation 3 338ft 4 Geoids undulation .32 field gradient 5 Magnetic variation / Annual change 2.00º E / Unknown 6 Aerodrome Administration Address Kandahar is a MIL airfield under the control of NATO Forces that accepts civil traffic. Telephone Nil Telefax Nil Telex Nil E–mail Nil AFS Address Nil Base Operations Centre NIPR: 318-421-2419 Telephone DSN2: 318-421-2064 The geographic centre of the airfield Email Airfield Management NIPR: 318-421-2418 Telephone Nil Telefax E–mail GRP.KDHR.PPR.ORG@AFGN.CENTCOM.ISAF.CMIL. MIL 7 Types of traffic permitted IFR and VFR 8 Remarks Read NOTAMS for details and consequences of numerous airfield construction projects. OAKN AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration H24 2 Customs and Immigration MIL customs H24, no immigration 3 Health and Sanitation Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–166 30 Apr 15 4 AIS Briefing Office N/A 5 ATS Reporting Office N/A 6 MET Briefing Office 451st EOSS Weather Flight H24 7 Air Traffic Services H24 8 Fuelling Fuelling by prior approval only 9 Handling Follow me vehicles assist with parking 10 Security H24 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks PPR: OAKN is a PPR only airfield. All MIL and civilian ACFT must submit a PPR form no later than 24 hours prior to their ETA and not earlier than 5 days prior. All PPRs must be submitted no later than 2100 Z for the next day. All slot times have a window of ±30 minutes. ACFT not meeting their slot time may be subject to lengthy airborne delay or turned away. PPR Changes less than 24 hours prior to arrival must be coordinated with Base Operations Command Post staff on 308 421 2419 See ENR 1.9 for PPR procedures. For Kandahar specific PPR enquiries contact KAF Airfield Management NIPR: 318-421-2418 CENTRIX: GRP.KDHR.PPR.ORG@AFGN.CENTCOM.ISAF.CMILMIL OAKN AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities MIL/contract flights only 2 Fuel and oil types JP–8, MOGAS and Diesel 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity Fuel at Kandahar can only be purchased using NCS AFuel Card or Cash (USD) or DOD Card (MIL aircrews only). DOD card is not accepted for chartered cargo and civilian aircrews (even on contract with the DOD). Operators requiring NCS fuel card should apply via: SXS@NCSFUEL.COM DAWI Fuels is the sole fuel provider of fuelling service to all ACFT parking on Juliet Ramp. See also OAKN AD 2.4.8 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar Space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 7 Remarks AD 2.1–167 30 Apr 15 Nil 2.4.8 All NAG MIL and NAG contracted ACFT requiring passenger and / or freight handling services from OAKN must provide a minimum 24 hours notice to the Combined Air Terminal Organisation (CATO) of their requirements. Carriers must provide load information and requirements for mechanical handling equipment (MHE) and / or ACFT handling equipment (ACHE). Contact NIPR:318-421-5105 to arrange these services. Carriers must also ensure that a POC at OAKN is annotated on their PPR request. 2.4.9 Aircraft carrying hazardous cargo (HAZCAR) including Ammunition and Explosives, must coordinate with airfield management at least 48 hours prior to arrival. HAZCAR info must be annotated in the PPR request. In addition, notify Base Operations Centre (BOC) (C/S TOPAZ) on initial inbound call that you have HAZCAR. The Dangerous Air Cargo (DAC) Ramp is the primary ammunition and explosives parking spot as well as for HAZCAR that is other than a caustic or fire hazard. Taxiway Alpha is the secondary ammunition and explosives parking spot. There are two spot on Sierra ramp spot A1 for limited amounts of ammunition and explosives of HD/C 1.22, 1.3 and 1.4 and two Mike Ramp super heavy spots (M7 and M8) for limited amounts of HD/C of 1.3 and 1.4. HAZCAR that is caustic or a fire hazard may be loaded/unloaded at any location on the airfield. 2.4.10 All inbound MIL and civilian ACFT shall contact TOPAZ 332.0, or VHF 120.1, 15 minutes prior to landing for parking location/fuel request/cargo (type and amount of cargo eg HAZCAR, number of passengers and/or weight and number of pallets, etc.) information. All Engine Running Offloads (ERO) must also be requested and approved through TOPAZ. Additionally, all transient aircraft departing KAF are required to check in with TOPAZ (KAF base operations) prior to engine start or prior to taxi for aircraft conducting approved EROs. Failure to do so may result in delays and rejection of ATC clearance. 2.4.11 All visiting aircrew may not leave the immediate vicinity of their ACFT except to visit the Base Operations Centre. Coalition MIL aircrew may use base facilities; however, prior to leaving the aircraft aircrew must provide TOPAZ with contact details. 2.4.12 ACFT cross servicing (MAPLE LEAF) cannot provide the following services to visiting ACFT: Hydraulic/ Engine Oil top up, Liquid Oxygen Service. Lavatory service can take up to one hour. No Ground Power Support to IL–76 ACFT unless an emergency situation exists. 2.4.13 ACFT requiring the loading/unloading of tracked vehicles at KAF are to be indicated on the PPR request form. Parking in such circumstances is restricted to concrete operating surfaces. 2.4.14 ACFT handling equipment availability: Transient ACFT that do not have a fully functioning auxiliary power unit will not be permitted to land at OAKN without prior approval from TOPAZ. 2.4.15 Operators declaring OAKN as destination or alternate airfield must have a NCS fuel or DOD fuel contract (ISAF or MIL only) or sufficient cash to pay for fuel (for the Afghan civilian terminal). NSPA Fuel contract POC: SXS@NCSFUEL.COM Non ISAF operators must also ensure they are able to operate safely in and out of Juliet Ramp, at the Afghan civilian terminal. 2.4.16 All operators are reminded that cross-ramp operations between Kandahar International Airport (KDH) and Kandahar Airfield (KAF) are prohibited, due to the unaccredited nature of Juliet Ramp’s processes. Aircraft may operate in/out of KDH or in/out of KAF but the mixing of loads and transit between the two areas is prohibited. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–168 30 Apr 15 2.4.17 ‘Tech stops’ are prohibited at Kandahar. Any operator believed to be utilising Kandahar for such purposes will be formally censured. OAKN AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Accommodation for MIL personnel only, to be self- arranged or through sponsor nation prior to arrival. 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation MIL only 4 Medical facilities MIL only 5 Bank and Post Office None 6 Tourist office None 7 Remarks Nil OAKN AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting RFF ICAO/STANAG Cat 9 2 Rescue Equipment To be determined 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Limited assistance using universal tow bar 4 Remarks ICAO Cat 9 is only applicable within the aerodrome. No Civilian Rescue and Fire Fighting Services available outside the airfield boundary. OAKN AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABLITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Sweepers 2 Clearance priorities RWY, TWYs 3 Remarks Limited snow or ice clearance capability. RCR readings not available. Mu Meter readings taken periodically. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–169 30 Apr 15 OAKN AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION/POSITIONS DATA 1 Apron surface and strength PCN for APRON A (Hammerhead): 70 — Concrete PCN for DANGEROUS AIR CARGO (DAC) : 83 — Concrete PCN for APRON J : 21 — Concrete PCN for APRON K : 63 — Concrete PCN for APRON L: 31 — Concrete PCN for APRON M : 179 — Concrete PCN for APRON S : 91 — Asphalt PCN for APRON W : 72 — Asphalt Width, surface and strength of TWYs TWY A and E 72m (220ft) wide, all other TWYs are 23m (75ft) wide PCN for TWY A: 92 — Concrete PCN for TWY B: 160 – Asphalt PCN for TWY B1 & B2: 160 – Asphalt PCN for TWY C: 160 — Asphalt PCN for TWY C1 & C2: 160 — Asphalt PCN for TWY D: 142 — Asphalt PCN for TWY D1: 160 — Asphalt PCN for TWY D2: 142 — Asphalt PCN for TWY E: 97 — Concrete PCN for TWY Foxtrot Extension: 47 - Asphalt PCN for TWY Foxtrot: 182—Asphalt PCN for TWY G: 160 — Asphalt PCN for TWY G2: 69 — Asphalt PCN for TWY G3 & G–4: 86 — Asphalt PCN for TWY G5: 83 – Asphalt PCN for TWY W: 178 — Asphalt PCN for TWY W1: 178 — Asphalt 3 Locations and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Not available 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Not available 5 Position of INS checkpoints Not available 6 Remarks See ‘Additional information’ 2.23.8-9 for unserviceable parking areas. OAKN AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand ID signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system at ACFT stands TWY signs, expect "FOLLOW ME" assistance in parking of ACFT Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights AD 2.1–170 30 Apr 15 RWY 05/23 High Intensity RWY Lights (HIRLS) with adjustable settings Red RWY end lights Blue TWY edge lights 3 Stop bars Nil 4 Remarks Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–171 30 Apr 15 OAKN AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 05 OAKN Obstacle Chart not published 2 RWY 23 OAKN Obstacle Chart not published 2.10.3 Unlit antenna 150ft AGL located in the vicinity of SENJARAY 313735N 0653209E’. Guide wires within a 200ft radius of antenna. 2.10.4 Lit antenna (cell phone) 263ft AGL located north of Tarnak Range 312850N 0654826E. 2.10.5 Lit antenna 108ft AGL (obstruction light) 1.5NM east of the RWY. 2.10.6 Raid Tower located at 313120N 0653614E, radius 350ft. See para 2.20.19 for further information. 2.10.7 Raid Tower located at 313405N 0654028E, radius 150ft. See para 2.20.20 for further information. 2.10.8 Raid Tower located at 314157N 0653641E, radius 1 150ft. See para 2.20.21 for further information. 2.10.9 Raid Tower located at 312921N 0654934E, just south of Quebec Ramp, radius 150ft. See para 2.20.22 for further information. 2.10.10 Radar Tower 90ft AGL located at 312916N 0654944E approx. 1204m southwest threshold RWY 5. 2.10.11 Radar Tower 90ft AGL located at 312914N 0655059E. approx. 1857m south of threshold RWY 5. 2.10.12 Unlit tower 100ft AGL located at 313215N 0655341E, approx 2.5NM final RWY 23, within 0.5NM of centreline. 2.10.13 Alternate air traffic control tower 36ft AGL located 124m (408ft) south of RWY 05/23 edge between TWYs Bravo and Charlie. 2.10.14 Raid Tower located at 312855N 0655043E, radius 150ft. See para 2.20.29 for further information. 2.10.15 Raid Tower located at 313046N 0654945E, radius 150ft. See para 2.20.30 for further information. 2.10.16 Raid Tower located at 313123N 0655047E, radius 150ft. See para 2.20.31 for further information. 2.10.17 Raid Tower located at 312952N 0655115E, radius 150ft. See para 2.20.32 for further information. 2.10.18 Raid Tower located at 312812N 0655007E, radius 150ft. See para 2.20.33 for further information. 2.10.19 Tower 80ft AGL located at 313051.04N 0655209.10E, approx.. 1507m east of threshold RWY 23. 2.10.20 Aerostat Balloons: Three aerostats are routinely raised 1 nautical mile south and south west of the runway at 2,500 feet AGL/5,804 feet MSL, 2,500 feet AGL/5,792 feet MSL, and 2,500 feet AGL/5800 feet MSL. When aerostats are raised RNAV, HI-TACAN, HI-ILS, ILS, VOR/DME and ASR approaches to runway 23 and RNAV, HI TACAN and ASR approaches to runway 05 not authorized. Diverse departure (non-radar) and MARYO departure runway 23 not authorized. Circling approach MDA/HAT increases from 3800/462 to 6160/2822 for CATA and B, circling not authorized south of the field. In visual conditions when the Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–172 30 Apr 15 aerostats are raised pilots may fly the above mentioned approaches at their own risk. ATC shall not clear aircraft for the approach but will inform the pilot that the procedure is at pilot risk. The aerostats will be fully lowered when cloud base is less than 3000 feet AGL or visibility less than 5000m. These restrictions do not apply when the aerostats are fully lowered OAKN AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office 451st EOSS Weather Flight 2 Hours of operation H24 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation 28 Operational Weather Squadron, Shaw AFB South Carolina, USA, Periods of validity every 8 hours Type of landing forecast METAR Interval of issuance Hourly Type of landing forecast SPECI Interval of issuance In case of significant weather changes 5 Briefing /consultation provided H24 6 Flight documentation METAR, SPECI, TAF, Weather Watch, Weather Advisory/Warnings; English 4 Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Full MET Suite 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Portable Doppler Radar (PDR 700) 9 ATS unit provided with information Kandahar TWR and RAPCON 10 Additional information Use station code KQHN for TAF, and METAR OAKN AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 05 23 1 BRG True and Magnetic 050º 230 º 2 RWY Dimensions 3 200m x 55m 3 200m x 55m (10 497ft x 180ft) (10 497ft x 180ft) PCN 54 R/B/W/T asphalt PCN 54 R/B/W/T asphalt 312951.63N 0655002.48E 313050.68N 0655141.69E 3 304ft 3 338ft 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 5 THR Elevation 6 Slope of RWY/SWY +0.3 –0.3 7 SWY Dimensions N/A N/A Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–173 30 Apr 15 8 CWY Dimensions N/A N/A 9 Strip Dimensions N/A N/A 10 Obstacle free zone Nil Nil 11 Remarks Runway arresting gear installed, Mobile Aircraft Arresting System(MAAS) installed 1700ft from RWY 05/23 thresholds Use caution, Arresting Gear Markers are not collocated with the Arresting Gears, they are located 1640ft from RWY 05/23 thresholds. Monitor the ATIS for the arresting cable status. AACFT with an ACN greater than 54 are not approved to operate at OAKN OAKN AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 05 23 1 TORA 3 200m (10 497ft) 3 200m (10 497ft) 2 TODA 3 200m (10 497ft) 3 200m (10 497ft) 3 ASDA 3 200m (10 497ft) 3 200m (10 497ft) 4 LDA 3 200m (10 497ft) 3 200m (10 497ft) 5 Remarks Nil OAKN AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 05 23 Nil ALSF–1 non–std 2,100ft Five red/green lights each side of centreline Five red/green lights each side of centreline PAPI PAPI 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights White White 90m (300ft) intervals 90m (300ft) intervals 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Red Red 8 Length and colour of stop way lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks: Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–174 30 Apr 15 OAKN AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon ICAO Aerodrome Beacon 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator None 3 TWY edge and centerline lighting Only blue edge lights. Nil centerline lights. 4 Secondary Power Supply including switch–over time RWY edge lights have generator back–up. Switchover is automatic. 5 Remarks Nil OAKN AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates TLOF or threshold of FATO Nil 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Nil 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions surface, strength, marking Nil 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil 5 Declared distance available Nil 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks See ENR 2.1 for specific airspace dimensions ATS conforms to FAA 7110.65 and/or ICAO regulations and procedures OAKN AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits CTR: 5NM radius centered on ARP (with extensions – see diagram 2.17.6) CTA: 30NM radius centered on ARP TMA: 50NM centered on ARP 2 Vertical limits CTR: Surface up to, but not including 6 000ft AMSL CTA: 1000ft AGL to FL200 TMA: 2500ft AGL to FL290 3 Airspace Classification CTR: Class D CTA: Class C TMA: Class E Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 4 ATS unit callsign AD 2.1–175 30 Apr 15 CTR: Kandahar Tower TMA: Kandahar Approach 5 Language English Remarks See ENR 2.1 for specific airspace dimensions ATS conforms to FAA 7110.65 and/or ICAO regulations and procedures. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.17.6 AD 2.1–176 30 Apr 15 Kandahar Airspace Diagram OAKN AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Designation Callsign 1 2 APP Kandahar Approach Frequency Hours Remarks 3 4 5 355.1 H24 Emergency/Guard Frequencies (MHz) 124.025 121.500MHz DEP/ARR Kandahar Arrival/Departure 286.000 H24 121.1 TWR Kandahar Tower 360.2 H24 125.5 GROUND Kandahar Ground 300.2 H24 119.5 Clearance Delivery Kandahar Clearance Delivery 244.6 Civil Aviation Authority H24 243.000MHz AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–177 30 Apr 15 Service Designation Callsign Frequency Hours Remarks (MHz) 123.825 ATIS N/A 242.675 H24 127.025 Base Operations Centre TOPAZ KAF Combined Meteorological Unit KAF Metro USAF Command Post Kingfish X–Ray 120.1 H24 See OAKN AD 2.4.10 332.0 253.20 H24 75.825 378.525 H24 For USAF ACFT only OAKN AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident (Emission) Frequency Hours Coordinates DME antenna Elevation VOR/DME KDR 116.0 MHz H24 312939.3N 0654930.8E 3 284ft AGL Nil TACAN KAF CH75/112.8 H24 313011.0N 0655045.6E Unknown See para 2.19.5 ILS I–OKN CH22(Y)/108.55 H24 312943.1N 0654948.1E Remarks See para 2.19.4 2.19.1 All military ACFT in support of ISAF operations are to use UHF frequencies to the maximum extent possible. 2.19.2 Forward Arming and Refuelling Point (FARP) only: primary internal coordination freq 119.125 or secondary 131.275 is available. ACFT must still monitor Tower freq when arriving and departing FARP. 2.19.3 RWY 23 ILS remote status indicator (RSI) not monitored by ATC. 2.19.4 Non–NOTAM maintenance times are: PAR–2000/Star 2000/SSR – Monday through Friday 2130–2330Z and Saturday 2030–0030Z on an “as needed basis” with 24 hour advance notice given to the Air Traffic Manager (ATM). Radar will be returned to service if weather conditions reach 5 000ft ceiling and/or 3 miles visibility. All other NAVAIDS maintenance will be by NOTAM as required. 2.19.5 TACAN restrictions: KAF TACAN unusable clockwise from R290 to R316 beyond 30NM below 11,500FT, R264 to R269 beyond 30NM, R316 to R335 beyond 10NM and R335 to R350 beyond 30NM below 13,500FT. OAKN AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Wheeled helicopters will ground taxi to the extent practical to avoid rotor wash and FOD. 2.20.2 ACFT may not taxi closer than 25ft from any obstruction without wing–walkers. ACFT must be shut down and towed with wing walkers if the distance becomes less Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–178 30 Apr 15 than 10ft. It is the pilots/wing–walkers responsibility to determine safe distances are met. 2.20.3 Numerous firing ranges exist in the vicinity of KAF airfield. On initial contact, ATC will advise all ACFT of known range activity and restrictions. ACFT commanders use caution as Tarnak Farms Multi Purpose Range Complex (OA/R 102A/B) is a partially controlled range (see ENR 5.1.). As such, ATC may not be aware the range is in use. Use of published U.S. procedures/approaches constitutes acceptance of risk from live fire operations at OA/R 102A/B. Do not deviate SW when conducting approaches or departures SW of the airfield. 2.20.4 ACFT C130 and larger are to use inboard engines only when taxiing on TWY Golf. HEAVY/JUMBO ACFT use only inboard engines during taxi and minimum power required during turns. All Jumbo ACFT (An–124, B–747 & C-5) will reduce outboard engines to idle during taxi operations due to potential FOD hazard 2.20.5 UAV Operations. OAKN has active UAV operations H24. During UAV operations, TWR will: a. Provide traffic information on UAV operations to all arriving and departing ACFT; and b. Issue instructions to ensure that visiting ACFT arrivals and departures are positively separated with UAV operations inside the CTR. This will normally be achieved using vertical or lateral separation or by repositioning of the UAV until there is sufficient separation. 2.20.6 IL–76 and larger type ACFT are restricted from making 180 degree turns on the RWY until past the 1 000ft RWY Distance Remaining Markers for RWY 05/23. 2.20.7 KILO Ramp restrictions: a. Helicopters are not allowed to operate on KILO ramp. b. Engine Running Off–load/On–Load (ERO) is not permitted on KILO Ramp without Prior coordination with Base Operations Centre (BOC) 2.20.8 Special VFR (SVFR) Procedures. Arriving FW ACFT should contact Kandahar Approach control. Arriving RW ACFT should contact Kandahar Tower. Departing ACFT should contact Kandahar Ground control for SVFR clearance. 2.20.9 Afghan Small Arms Range located 312822N 0655209E. Vertical danger zone extends 7 800ft AMSL. Surface danger zone extends 2.6NM south of this location. Aircrews should use extreme caution transiting this area low level. 2.20.10 Non–standard markings located on TWYs Alpha, Echo and Foxtrot, Whiskey & Whiskey 1. New white markings show route for vehicles to follow on TWYs. 2.20.11 Due to small–bird migration hazards, Bird Watch Condition (BWC) MODERATE within plus/minus 30 minutes of official sunrise/sunset. 2.20.12 A High Intensity Radio Transmission Area (HIRTA) in band E has been established within area bounded by arc radius 205m from origin 312924.8N 0655059.0E (KAF– NSC) between radial 190 degrees true and radial 270 degrees true from ground level up to 400ft. 2.20.13 A High Intensity Radio Transmission Area (HIRTA) in band E has been established within area bounded by arc radius 205m from origin 312943.5N 0655056.8E (KAF– Logs Park) between radial 190 degrees true and radial 270 degrees true from ground level up to 400ft. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–179 30 Apr 15 2.20.14 Tarnak Range R102A active H24 SFC – 6000ft AMSL, unless NOTAM otherwise. Range not completely controlled immediately south of RWY23 extended centreline. Do not deviate south when conducting departures or arrivals SW of the airfield. 2.20.15 All RW ACFT are to avoid over flights of the Khvosh AB village located 2300m northwest of the approach end of RWY05. 2.20.16 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Raid Tower located at 313120N 0653614E, radius 350ft. ACFT are to avoid over flight of tower or near tower path. The recommended HLZ approach as per HLS Site card. DO NOT approach this site from the south SFC – 3 500ft AMSL. 2.20.17 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Raid Tower located at 313405N 0654028E, radius 150ft. ACFT are to avoid over flight of tower or near tower path. The recommended HLZ approach as per HLS Site Card. DO NOT approach this site from the south SFC – 3 500ft AMSL. Contact TFK ASCC Centrix 231–7364 for more info. This is a no fly zone for D and DC. 2.20.18 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Raid Tower located at 314157N 0653641E, radius 1 150ft. ACFT are to avoid over flight of tower or near tower path. Maintain VFR separation and use the recommended HLZ approach as per HLS site card. For more information, contact COP Johnstons C/S 2B, Freq 56.125 or TFK ASCC on CENTRIX 231–7364/Mission Secret 785–1223. 2.20.19 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Raid Tower located at 312921N 0654934E, just south of Quebec Ramp, radius 150ft. ACFT are to avoid over flight of tower or near tower path. 2.20.20 USE CAUTION: Helicopter traffic transiting to and from the AAF Ramp at TWY ALPHA. Avoid blocking the access throat due to potential hazards of rotor wash damage. 2.20.21 CAUTION: Civil ACFT operators note that due to the operational nature of Kandahar Airfield, the RWY, TWYs and many of the ramps lay within explosive safety arcs. 2.20.22 SAFIRE Reporting: All aircrews must immediately report any SAFIRE event to the controlling ATC agency (Tower or Approach Control) and to TOPAZ upon arrival. 2.20.23 Whiskey 1 TWY is available for C-1 and smaller ACFT use only. 2.20.24 ACFT parking on Alpha Ramp for loading/unloading operations will only use inboard engines at low power settings while taxiing into/out of the Alpha Ramp parking spot due to engine overhang over unprepared surfaces. 2.20.25 Rotary Wing aircraft are prohibited from operating on Whiskey Plus Ramp. 2.20.26 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Raid Tower located at 312855N 0655043E, 107ft AGL just east of the Class IV Yard, radius 150ft. ACFT are to avoid over flight of tower or near tower path. 2.20.27 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Raid Tower located at 313046N 0654945E, 107ft AGL just west of the ASP, radius 150ft. ACFT are to avoid over flight of tower or near tower path. 2.20.28 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Raid Tower located at 313123N 0655047E, 107ft AGL just north of Mustang Ramp, radius 150ft. ACFT are to avoid over flight of tower or near tower path. 2.20.29 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Raid Tower located at 312952N 0655115E, 107ft AGL just south of the KAF Bazaar, radius 150ft. ACFT are to avoid over flight of tower or near tower path. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–180 30 Apr 15 2.20.30 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Raid Tower located at 312812N 0655007E, 107ft AGL just east of the 100 Meter Range, radius 150FT. ACFT are to avoid over flight of tower or near tower path. 2.20.31 No Fly Zone: Tethered balloons located at 31.4877N 065.8544E (0.98NM south of the runway) 31.4848N 65.8420E (1.0NM south of the runway) and 31.48298N 65.83163E (0.92NM south of threshold runway 05). All aerostats have no fly zone H24.0.3NM radius SFC-3500FT AGL. Balloons are fully tethered when visibility is less than 5000M or cloud base is less than 3000FT AGL. 2.20.32 Wingtip clearance for Taxiway Foxtrot does not meet ICAO standards for Code F aircraft. A waiver has been granted by the Senior Airfield Authority for Taxiway Foxtrot to be used by aircraft up to AN-124 size. Closest obstacle is 45.7 meters from centerline. 2.20.31 CAUTION: Aircrews must avoid taxiing on to the non-load bearing shoulders of TWY Alpha and Echo Throats to the runway. Aircraft must follow taxiway centrelines. Taxiing on the shoulders will cause pavement damage and FOD damage. 2.20.32 CAUTION: Ground lazing hazard exists within the Kandahar airspace including approach and departure paths and over Kandahar City. 2.20.33 TAXI SPEED: Due to the shared nature of the Kandahar taxiways and ramps and the numerous very small aircraft operating at the airfield all aircraft are to taxi at a conservative speed. 2.20.34 CAUTION: Aircraft are to use caution taxiing on Foxtrot particularly in near the medical helipad. Rotary wing traffic frequently land on Foxtrot with little warning. 2.20.35 CAUTION: Aircraft are to use caution taxiing in the vicinity of Whiskey and UAE Ramps, due to extensive rotary wing operations. Be alert of increased FOD potential—contact ATC for assistance, if FOD is blocking Whiskey, Golf 2 or Golf taxiways. OAKN AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Nil. OAKN AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Protecting Precision Approach Radar (PAR) Touchdown Area When the reported ceiling is less than 200ft or less than 0.5NM visibility, vehicles or ACFT will not be authorised by ATC in the PAR touchdown area when an ACFT conducting an approach or missed approach is 1NM from touchdown. The PAR Touchdown Area is a 975m (3 200ft) long by 305m (1 000ft) wide rectangle centred on the RWY centreline. It begins 60m (200ft) outward from the landing threshold (normal or displaced) and extends 975m (3 200ft) in the direction of landing. PAR RWY 05/23 restricted to NAG, ISAF and ITAS ACFT only. ILS runway 23 autopilot coupled approaches not authorized below 425 feet AGL. 2.22.2 Communications Failure Procedures In the event of a communications failure, Kandahar airspace shall revert to Class E airspace. Kabul ACC shall assume control of Kandahar’s airspace upon notification. Kandahar Tower will transmit on emergency (Guard) frequencies (121.5 and 243.0) of the situation and advise inbound ACFT to contact tower and outbound ACFT to contact Kabul ACC. If no contact received: civil ACFT should switch to Afghanistan advisory frequency. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–181 30 Apr 15 Departing ACFT (IFR/VFR). Departing ACFT should continue outbound on previously assigned routing and contact Kabul ACC on appropriate frequency. Due to sporadic radio communications loss with Kandahar ATC on VHF and/or UHF, expect airborne and ground delays at KAF or origination airfield. For airborne ACFT, if no positive two–way radio contact established with Kandahar ATC, contact Kabul ACC or TOPAZ for further instructions. For ACFT on the ground at OAKN, contact TOPAZ for updates and/or instructions. In the event of total radio failure, departing ACFT coordinate with TOPAZ and provide a controlled departure time (CDT). TOPAZ will advise ATC. ACFT should be at the appropriate Hold Line at the CDT and flash landing light at the Tower. ATC will provide the appropriate light gun signal for departure. Arriving IFR ACFT. Arriving IFR ACFT should continue inbound to the airport once established on a segment of the approach (if previously cleared **see note) and contact Kandahar Tower for applicable traffic advisories, landing sequence and clearance. In the event of total radio failure, aircrew should look for a landing light from the Tower. NOTE: Kabul clears IFR arrivals to PAROD, where they should enter holding if unable to establish contact with ATC. If an IFR ACFT was on vectors for a specific approach when they lose radio contact, they should continue to the IAF, execute a procedure turn and proceed inbound on that approach. Arriving VFR ACFT. Arriving VFR ACFT should contact the Tower with a position report and their intentions to get sequenced to the airport. In the event of total radio failure, aircrew should look for a landing light from the Tower. Prolonged Outages. A NOTAM will be disseminated for prolonged outages and it shall be broadcast on Kandahar ATIS (242.675 or 127.025). 2.22.3 Radar failure Procedures. In the event of radar outage only Kandahar Approach will continue air traffic operations as a non–radar approach control. A NOTAM will be disseminated for prolonged outages and it shall be broadcast on Kandahar ATIS (242.675 or 127.025). 2.22.4 Navigation Lighting. All ACFT MUST display navigation lighting as a minimum when operating within Kandahar’s Class D airspace. OAKN AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Transient and Civilian ACFT: The Base Operations Centre (BOC – c/s TOPAZ) is the focal point for all inbound transient military and civilian ACFT. TOPAZ check-in. All transient aircraft departing KAF are required to check in with TOPAZ (KAF base operations) prior to engine start or prior to taxi for aircraft conducting approved engine running on/offloads. Failure to do so may result in delays and rejection of ATC clearance. TOPAZ can be contacted on 120.1 or 332.0 The control tower will direct transient ACFT to the most suitable parking spot as directed by the BOC. Expect Follow Me assistance to parking. Transient ACFT Remaining Overnight (RON) Parking: Mike, Lima and Kilo parking ramps shall be used as the primary transient transport ACFT parking area unless otherwise notified by BOC or Airfield Management. TOPAZ/ATC may advise alternate parking locations based on expected traffic. Due to limited ramp space, RON request are to be annotated on PPRs with a reason. Authorisation for strategic airlift ACFT is unlikely. AN–225/B–747–800 restriction: Kandahar Airfield cannot support AN–225 or B– 747–800 ACFT due to limited ramp space, Foreign Object Debris hazards and excessive ACN/PCN ratio. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–182 30 Apr 15 2.23.2 Bird/Wildlife Control: Local Bird ACFT Strike Hazard (BASH) Program Guidelines: Kandahar Airfield lies in a dry flat desert area with minimal wildlife activity. There are flocks of small birds that habitat in the local area. During spring and throughout autumn, all users must exercise extra caution for increased bird activity. Aircrews must be vigilant to report any bird activity within the vicinity of the airfield. 2.23.3 Met Balloons: Meteorological balloon ascents conducted twice daily; 1130Z & 2330Z. All launches are prior–coordinated with ATC. 2.23.4 Kandahar Airfield is an international airfield, all aircrew users must be able to both speak and understand English in order to operate safely. 2.23.5 Non–standard taxiway centerlines on Bravo–1, Bravo–2, Charlie–1, Charlie–2 and Delta–1. Centerlines are not located in center of the taxiway. 2.23.6 Use Caution: Large ruts on southwest feeder taxiway to Zulu Ramp. Pilots should avoid taxiing three feet either side of centerline. 2.23.7 RESTRICTED OPERATIONS: Runway 05/23 operations restricted from the 21st 1730Z through 28th 0230Z of each month during the following hours: 1730–1845Z, 1930–2045Z, 2130–2245Z, 2330–0045Z and 0130–0230Z. Arrivals and departures are prohibited during these hours due to runway rubber removal. Only exceptions are In–flight Emergencies and GCAS Missions. Use Caution; men and equipment located on the runway. The emergency landing strip (Golf Twy) will be available for C-130 and smaller ACFT for emergency recoveries and certain alert departures (at TOPAZ discretion) only. 2.23.8 Parking Area Closed. North taxi lane west of HELO pad on Stallion ramp closed due to sub-base failure. 2.23.9 Parking Area Closed. South-east corner of X-ray ramp closed due to pavement failure. 2.23.10 Unless approved by the SAA, flare systems shall be on manual, standby or off prior to crossing the boundary fence when inbound. Flare systems can be changed to automatic only after crossing the airfield boundary fence outbound from KAF. Flare systems are to be in standby or off for ground operations. OAKN AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Kandahar International Airport 1 Aerodrome Chart – ICAO Produced 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart – ICAO Not produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart – ICAO Not produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart – ICAO Not produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart – ICAO Type A Not produced 6 Area Chart – ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not produced 7 Standard Departure Chart – Instrument – ICAO Produced 8 Area Chart – ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart – Instrument – ICAO Not produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart – ICAO Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–183 30 Apr 15 11 Visual Approach Chart Not produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.24.1 AD 2.1–184 30 Apr 15 Airfield Diagram (not to scale) Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–185 30 Apr 15 OAUZ – KUNDUZ OAUZ AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OAUZ – Kunduz Airport (Qonduz, Konduz, Qhunduz) OAUZ AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and site 363954N 0685439E 2 Distance/direction from city 3NM south east of Kunduz City 3 Elevation/Reference temperature 444m / 1 457ft AMSL / Not available 4 Geoids undulation 42.66 m 5 MAG VAR/Annual change 3.5° E ( Mar 2010) 6 Aerodrome Administration The geographic centre of the RWY Address Airport Kunduz, Afghanistan Airport Manager Mobile +93 (0) 797 453 549 Telephone +93 (0) 777 497 007 Telefax Nil Telex Nil E–mail AFS Address Nil 7 Approved for traffic Type(s) VFR in VMC only 8 Remarks Kunduz is uncontrolled Class G airspace All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Kunduz Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 130.35. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAUZ on 130.35. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OAUZ AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 AD Office TBD 2 Custom and Immigration N/A 3 Health and Sanitary N/A 4 AIS Briefing Office N/A 5 ATS Reporting Office N/A Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–186 30 Apr 15 6 MET Briefing Office Daily 0700 to 1630 (Local) 7 ATS Nil certified ATC Telephone +93 (0) 793 863413. .+93(0)786022900 E-mail 8 Fuelling Dowe Oil 9 Handling N/A 10 Security H24 Border National Police and Afghan Air Force 11 De–icing N/A 12 Remarks N/A OAUZ AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities N/A 2 Fuel/Oil types Jet A–1 3 Fuelling facilities/capacity DAWI OIL No pressurised refuelling possible Telephone: +93 (0) 796 700973 +93 (0) 789 993422 E-mail: 4 De–icing facilities N/A 5 Hangar space N/A 6 Repair facilities N/A 7 Remarks UNHAS Office + 934 (0) 797 662 027 OAUZ AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels N/A 2 Restaurant N/A 3 Transportation N/A 4 Medical facilities N/A 5 Bank and Post Office N/A 6 Tourist office N/A 7 Remarks Aerodrome now connected to mains power. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–187 30 Apr 15 OAUZ AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 AD category for fire fighting Unknown 2 Fire Fighting equipment Limited fire fighting service 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT N/A 4 Remarks UN provides a limited fire fighting service for own ACFT OAUZ AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment N/A 2 Clearance priorities TBD 3 Remarks N/A OAUZ AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION/POSITIONS DATA 1 Apron surface and strength Apron 1 In front of TWR / PAX building size 234m x 98m — concrete PCN: 42 R/B/W/T 2 TWY width, surface and strength TWY At middle intersection – size 90m x 22m — concrete with asphalt layer PCN: 114 F/A/W/T 3 ACL location and elevation TBD 4 VOR/ checkpoints N/A 5 INS/ checkpoints N/A 6 Remarks N/A OAUZ AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand ID Signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system of ACFT stands N/A 2 RWY and TWY markings and LGT End of RWY Touchdown zone RWY Markings Half RWY Markings Centreline RWY designators 1x Windsock North of T/D zone RWY 29 1x Windsock East of TWY / middle intersection 1x Windsock North of T/D zone RWY 11 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–188 30 Apr 15 3 Stop Bars N/A 4 Remarks N/A OAUZ AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 11 OAUZ Obstacle Chart not available 2 RWY 29 OAUZ Obstacle Chart not available 3 Remarks Nil OAUZ AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Contact Air Traffic Controller 2 Hours of operation HJ 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation N/A Periods of validity 4 Type of landing forecast N/A Interval of issuance 5 Briefing /consultation provided Unknown 6 Flight documentation English Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation N/A 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information N/A 9 ATS unit provided with information Kunduz Information (AFIS) 10 Additional information N/A OAUZ AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 11 29 113º True / 110º Magnetic 293º True / 290º Magnetic 1 BRG True and Magnetic 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates Unknown Unknown 5 THR Elevation Unknown Unknown 6 Slope of RWY/SWY Unknown Unknown 7 SWY Dimensions Unknown Unknown 6550ft (1996m) x 148ft (45m) 59 F/C/W/T Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–189 30 Apr 15 8 CWY Dimensions 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone 11 Remarks Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown All fixed wing traffic shall not execute U–turns on the runway. All U–turns conducted for the purpose of back–track/back–taxi shall be made at the hammerheads located on each runway end. No braking action assessment capabilities exists at Kunduz, aircrews should use caution and take appropriate actions. Landing of jet powered fixed wing ACFT is prohibited. OAUZ AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 11 29 1 TORA Unknown Unknown 2 TODA Unknown Unknown 3 ASDA Unknown Unknown 4 LDA Unknown Unknown 5 Remarks New RWY markings New RWY markings OAUZ AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 11 29 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Unknown Unknown 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Unknown Unknown 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Unknown Unknown 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Unknown Unknown 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Unknown Unknown 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Unknown Unknown 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Unknown Unknown 8 Length and colour of stop way lights Unknown Unknown 9 Remarks Nil Nil OAUZ AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 ABN/IBN location, characteristics and hours of operation Unknown Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2 AD 2.1–190 30 Apr 15 LDI location and LGT Unknown Anemometer location and LGT 3 TWY edge and centre light lighting Unknown 4 Secondary Power Supply Unknown 5 Remarks Nil OAUZ AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates TLOF or THR of FATO Unknown 2 TLOF and/or FATO elevation M/FT Unknown 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Unknown 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Unknown 5 Declared distances available Unknown 6 APP and FATO lighting Unknown 7 Remarks Helicopters will be parked on the apron OAUZ AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE N/A 1 Designation and lateral Limits 2 Vertical limits N/A 3 Airspace Class G 4 ATS unit callsign Nil Language English Remarks Kunduz is uncontrolled Class G airspace 5 All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Kunduz Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 130.35. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAUZ on 130.35. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OAUZ AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–191 30 Apr 15 Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Kunduz Operations (if TWR is manned) 130.350 MHz TWR generally occupied HJ. CTAF OAUZ AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Remarks N/A OAUZ AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Unknown. OAUZ AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 N/A. OAUZ AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 N/A. OAUZ AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Due to recent reconstruction of the airfield, landing by jet fixed-wing ACT, including C17, is permissible. OAUZ AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Kunduz Airport 1 Aerodrome Chart – ICAO Not produced 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart – ICAO Not produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart – ICAO Not produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart – ICAO Not produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart – ICAO Type A Not produced 6 Area Chart – ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not produced 7 Standard Departure Chart – Instrument – ICAO Not produced 8 Area Chart – ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart – Instrument – ICAO Not produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart – ICAO Not produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–192 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–193 30 Apr 15 – MAIMANA OAMN AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OAMN – Maimana (Maymana, Meymaneh, Maimanah) OAMN AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 355550N 0644540E 2 Distance and direction from city 0.4NM north east of the city of Maimana 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 2 752ft AMSL 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 3º E / Not Determined 6 Aerodrome Administration The geographic centre of the airfield Maimana airport manager Telephone 0744554799 Telefax Telex Nil Email Nil AFS Address Maimana Airport 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR 8 Remarks Maimana is uncontrolled Class G airspace All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Maimana Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAMN on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OAMN AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration 12 Hours (on request) Right 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–194 30 Apr 15 7 Air Traffic Services Nil certified ATC. Traffic information may be provided on frequency 118.1. Max 12hrs if manned. 8 Fuelling Nil 9 Handling Nil 10 Security Border police 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks Nil 13 Overnight Parking Maimana apron 14 PPR procedures Nil OAMN AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Nil 2 Fuel and oil types Nil 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity Nil Military ACFT Nil Civil ACFT Nil 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAMN AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Nil 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation Nil 4 Medical facilities Nil 5 Bank and Post Office Nil 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAMN AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Nil 2 Rescue equipment Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 3 AD 2.1–195 30 Apr 15 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil OAMN AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Glider 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Taxiway military long 73m, Width 32m, Distance 1400m west runway. Military RAMP long 352m, Width 114m to North East. OAMN AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons 90m x 60m. Strength 140 Tons, surface 30 cm concrete 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs Width 30 m, strength 140 Tons ,13cm asphalt 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil OAMN AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/ parking guidance system at ACFT stands Nil 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights Nil 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Nil OAMN AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 14 OAMN Obstacle Chart not published 2 RWY 32 OAMN Obstacle Chart not published 3 Remarks OAMN AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office MET office available 2 Hours of operation 12 Hours (on request) 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Unknown Periods of validity Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 4 AD 2.1–196 30 Apr 15 Type of landing forecast Landing report Interval of issuance Type of landing forecast Interval of issuance 5 Briefing /consultation provided 12 Hours (on request) 6 Flight documentation Unknown Language(s) used English 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Nil 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information YES 10 Additional information Nil OAMN AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 14 32 1 BRG True and Mag 143.4T / 140.4M 323.4T / 320.4M 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 3556,243N 06445,290E 3555,422N 06446,036E 5 THR Elevation Unknown Unknown 6 Slope of RWY/SWY Nil Nil 7 SWY Dimensions Nil Nil 8 CWY Dimensions Nil Nil 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone Nil 11 Remarks 60m turnarounds located at both ends of RWY 2 000m x 30m (6 561ft x 98ft) PCN not determined — Asphalt 2000m x 30m Nil OAMN AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 14 32 1 TORA Unknown Unknown 2 TODA Unknown Unknown 3 ASDA Unknown Unknown 4 LDA Unknown Unknown Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 5 Remarks AD 2.1–197 30 Apr 15 Nil Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–198 30 Apr 15 OAMN AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 14 32 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Nil 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system PAPI PAPI 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil Nil OAMN AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon AVBL 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks Nil OAMN AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Unknown 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Unknown 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Unknown 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Unknown 5 Declared distance available Unknown 6 Approach and FATO lighting Unknown 7 Remarks Nil OAMN AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits Nil 2 Vertical limits Nil 3 Airspace Classification Class G Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 4 5 AD 2.1–199 30 Apr 15 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Nil Language English Remarks Maimana is uncontrolled Class G airspace All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Maimana Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAMN on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OAMN AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Frequency (MHz) Maimana Operations (if manned) 118.1 Mhz GROUND Nil Nil ATIS Nil Nil AIR OPERATIONS Nil Nil Hours of operation Remarks 12 hours per day (if manned) CTAF Nil Unknown OAMN AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Remarks Nil OAMN AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Maimana OPS – callsign “Maimana operations” may be available on 118.1 MHZ for weather and traffic updates. 2.20.2 No overflight of MMN City. OAMN AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Advise traffic pattern to be flown to the west of the airfield to avoid over flying the city. OAMN AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Nil. OAMN AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Nil. OAMN AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Maimana Airport 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–200 30 Apr 15 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–201 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram (not to scale) Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–202 30 Apr 15 – MAZAR–E SHARIF OAMS AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OAMS – Mazar–e Sharif Airport (Mazar–i Sharif) OAMS AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 364225N 0671234E 2 Distance and direction from city 4.5 NM E from Mazar–e Sharif 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 1 287ft AMSL / 38.6º C 4 Geoid undulation Nil 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 4° E (2013) / 0.04° E 6 Civil Aerodrome Administration Civil Part (Airliner) 1 Centre of TWY P Airport Mazar–e Sharif , Afghanistan Airport Manager — Executive Representative Telephone Office: 0755013099 TWR Office: 0755011061 Watch supervisor: 095095022 Telefax Nil Telex Nil E–mail OPS Manager: AFS Address Nil Military Aerodrome Administration Air Wing (CC) Mazar–e Sharif, Afghanistan Telephone Commercial: +49 67621 2508 3153 IVSN: 60 90 414 9408 3153 DEUMilNet: 90–9408–3153 NCN 2: 684 1815 AFTN ETCCYFMS E–mail ISAF MES AW BASEOPS NS GROUP MAILBOX SECRET: ISAF RC N AW MES BASEOPS 1 NS (FOC+) Military ACFT and ACFT supporting Military / ISAF ISAF Strategic Flight Coordination Centre (ISFCC) Eindhoven/NL Telephone COMM: +31 40 289 8908 +31 40 289 8909 E–mail DSN: 314-452-2024 FAX: +31 40 289 8930 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–203 30 Apr 15 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR / IFR / SVFR 8 Remarks All ACFT must submit a PPR no later than 24 HR prior landing. Wide body ACFT larger than 60 meter wingspan 120 HR PPR. ISAF flights and ISAF supporting flights are coordinated via RSFCC Eindhoven. All other civil and mil operators contact Base Ops OAMS Air Wing MeS via E– mail. See OAMS AD 2.2 (6). See OAMS AD 2.4 (8) for ISAF ramp restrictions. ALTERNATE FUNCTION ON REQUEST VIA BASE OPS OAMS OAMS AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration 00:30 – 1630z daily 2 Customs and Immigration Available in civilian terminal for domestic and international passengers. Customs Office Manager: Mr Fridon Tawana CELL: +93 (0) 777 442 288 Immigration Office: MR Samunwal Zainulabideen CELL: +93 (0) 700 942 585 3 Health and Sanitation H24, German Military Field Hospital 4 AIS Briefing Office H24 5 ATS Reporting Office H24 6 MET Briefing Office H24 7 Air Traffic Services H24 8 Fuelling H24 RS: Request on PPR Civilian: Dawi Oil Mobile Phone (0)79 –755 40441 Payment in CASH (USD) ONLY 9 Handling H24 10 Security H24 11 De–icing O/R, see table. 2.4.(4) 12 Remarks No RON on ISAF ramp OAMS AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities For RS ONLY: 1 x 2.0 T Hydraulical Lift Truck 2 x 1.6 T Forklift Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–204 30 Apr 15 2 x 3.0 T Forklift 3 x 8.0 T Forklift 1 x 16.0 T Forklift 1 x 10.0 T LTC loader 2 x 16.0 T Atlas “K” loader 2 3 Fuel Jet A1+ (F–34) Oil types Nil Fuelling facilities and capacity Military: As requested in PPR and approved (see OAMS AD 2.3.(8) Civilian: via Dawi Oil; See OAMS AD 2.3 (8) 4 De–icing facilities Limited de–icing for transit ACFT. Only Type II available. 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Starting unit 2 x RST – 180 3x GPU 120KVA 2 X AEG 30 KVA 8 Remarks Max GND time on ISAF ramp 3 hrs due to limited ramp capacity except ACFT larger than C17. OAMS AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels In the town 2 Restaurant In the town 3 Transportation Taxi 4 Medical facilities In the town 5 Bank and Post Office In the town 6 Tourist office In the town 7 Remarks Nil OAMS AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting ICAO Cat 9 2 Rescue equipment 5 x Airport Crash Tender 8 000 5 x Airport Crash Tender 3 500 2 x Airport Crash Tender 1 000 2 x Technical Rescue Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–205 30 Apr 15 1 x Command vehicle 1 x 1.6 T Forklift 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT 4 Remarks NIL Civil rescue and fire fighting facilities are limited available. RS rescue and fire fighting forces will support civil emergencies by order COM Air Wing MeS during operational hours (see AD 2.3 (1)) OAMS AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Available 2 Clearance priorities Information on snow clearance published by SNOTAM 3 Remarks Nil OAMS AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION/POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Ramp D 75m x 60m Asphalt PCN: 26 F/A/W/T ISAF Ramp 135m x 995m Concrete/Asphalt PCN – 75 Ramp L 115m x 170m Asphalt PCN—21 Ramp K 550m x 24.2m Asphalt PCN – 21 Ramp O 55m x 90m Asphalt PCN – 60 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs TWY E 599m x 22.5m Concrete PCN—78 TWY F 599m x 15m Concrete PCN—78 TWY P 1800m x 44.5m Asphalt PCN – 60 TWY S 210m x 15m Asphalt LCN–75 TWY A 150m x 25m Asphalt PCN – Nil Not usable Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–206 30 Apr 15 TWY B 150m x 25m Asphalt PCN : 86 F/B/W/T TWY C1 85m x 22m Asphalt PCN – Nil TWY C2 85m x 25m Asphalt PCN—Nil TWY G 325m x 38m Concrete PCN 122/R/A/W/T TWY H 295m x 38m Concrete PCN 92/R/B/W/T 3 Location and elevation of Not available altimeter checkpoints 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Not available 5 Position of INS checkpoints Not available 6 Remarks Risk of flooding on RWY and TWY Ramp K only to be used by HEL (MTOW 19to). No use of L ramp for ISAF ACFT except ISAF HEL. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–207 30 Apr 15 OAMS AD 2.8.2 Strategic Ramp diagram A (not to scale) OAMS AD 2.8.2 Strategic Ramp diagram B (not to scale) OAMS AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/ parking guidance system at ACFT stands FOR RS ONLY: Follow–Me Car, marshaller TWY lines on TWY E and ISAF RAMP India ensure the required minimum safety clearance of 25FT for C-17 operations. Adhere to FollowMe. No wing walking required by aircrew. 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights Narrow Multi Cross Approach Lighting System Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–208 30 Apr 15 RWY edge lights white unidirectional Threshold lights RWY end lights TWY edge lights blue unidirectional 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Nil OAMS AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES RWY Area affected 1 2 In approach/take off Areas Obstacle type / Elevation Markings Location Direction (GEO) Distance(M) DEP RWY06 Main gate 078° 2 416m ARR RWY24 1 298ft FM ARP DEP RWY06 Main gate 077° 2 451m ARR RWY24 1 300ft FM ARP DEP RWY24 3 hangars 238° 2350m ARR RWY06 1 368ft FM ARP DEP RWY24 Rampart 232° 1 567m ARR RWY06 1 315ft FM ARP DEP RWY24 Rampart 232° 1 591m ARR RWY06 1 314ft FM ARP DEP RWY24 Transformer 077° 2 077m ARR RWY06 1 268ft FM ARP OAMS AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office OAMS MET OFFICE Contact by telephone COMM: +49 67621 2508 3130 DEUMilNet: 90–9408–3130 CIV 0093–(0) 7722 13722 0093–(0) 7550 13009 2 Hours of operation H24 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Periods of validity Mazar–e Sharif ISAF MET Office Use station code OAMS 24 HR Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–209 30 Apr 15 Type of landing forecast Interval of issuance METAR – Hourly 5 Briefing /consultation provided Observations and forecasting or analysis available 6 Flight documentation English 4 SPECI – In case of significant weather changes Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation METAR and TAF codes of airports, satellite pictures, significant weather charts, upper wind charts 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information MET-WX- RADAR. Operational range approximately 54 NM radius around OAMS. 9 ATS unit provided with information MAZAR TWR and MAZAR CONTROL 10 Additional information Ascend of radiosonds at PSN 364225N 0671233E, every hour, on the hour. Max weight 0.15 kg max length 30m Rate of climb 800ft/MIN. OAMS AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True 2 RWY Dimensions 3 06 24 065.98º T 245.98º T 2 998m x 45m (9 836ft x 148ft) PCN 63 F/C/W/T Asphalt 4 THR Coordinates 5 THR Elevation 364203.00N 0671203.31E 364242.59N 0671353.65E THR 1 287ft THR 1 267ft TDZE 1 287ft TDZE 1 269ft -0.6% / -0.0% / -0.4% 800 m / 1 978 m / 220 m (2 625 ft / 6 489 ft / 722 ft) 0.4% / 0.0% / 0.6% 220 m / 1 978 m / 800 m (722 ft / 6 489 ft / 2 625 ft) Highest elevation of TDZ of precision APP RWY 6 Slope of RWY 7 SWY Dimensions Nil Nil 8 CWY Dimensions 275 m x 150 m 275 m x 150 m (902 ft x 492 ft) (902 ft x 492 ft) Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 9 AD 2.1–210 30 Apr 15 Strip Dimensions 3 118m x 300m 3 118m x 300m (10 230ft x 984ft) (10 230ft x 984ft) 10 Obstacle free zone Nil Nil 11 ACFT Arresting Systems Nil Nil 12 Remark Overruns, concrete, RWY shoulder concrete, both sides 30m, PCN 54/R/C/W/T Overruns, concrete, RWY shoulder concrete, both sides 30m, PCN 54/R/C/W/T OAMS AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 06 24 1 TORA 2 998m (9 836ft) 2 998m (9 836ft) 2 TODA 3 273m (10 738ft) 3 273m (10 738ft) 3 ASDA 2 998m (9 836ft) 2 998m (9 836ft) 4 LDA 2 998m (9 836ft) 2 998m (9 836ft) 5 Remarks Nil Nil OAMS AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting 06 24 Narrow Multi Cross Narrow Multi Cross 900 m 900 m LIH LIH AFLS AFLS 600 m 600 m 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Green — No Wingbar Green — No Wingbar 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system PAPI PAPI 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–211 30 Apr 15 2 998 m — 60 m White 2 998 m — 60 m White Red — No Wingbars Red — No Wingbars Length and colour of stop way lights Nil Nil Remarks Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wingbars 8 9 OAMS AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Green/White 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting TWY edge lights only 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks No blue TWY edge light on TWY P and on Ramp O TWY B unlit OAMS AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Nil Nil Geoid undulation 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Nil 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Nil 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil 5 Declared distance available Nil 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAMS AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits CTR: 6NM circle centred on the ARP CTA: 15NM circle centred on the ARP TMA1: 15NM – 30NM radius circle centred on the Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–212 30 Apr 15 ARP TMA2: 30NM radius circle centred on the ARP TMA3: N364500 E0674970 - N371120 E0674720 N372018 E0672930 - N364210 E0663530, - up to the Border of Afghanistan - this excludes TMA 1 and TMA 2 2 Vertical limits CTR: Surface to 4 000ft AMSL. CTA: 1 000ft AGL up to but not including FL160 excluding OAMS CTR. TMA1: 2500ft AGL up to but not including FL160. TMA2: FL160 up to and including FL200 3 TMA3: CTR: CTA: TMA1: Airspace Classification 2500ft AGL up to and including FL200 Class D Class D Class D TMA2: Class E TMA3: Class E 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign CTR: Mazar Tower CTA/TMA: Mazar Control 5 Language English Remarks ATS conforms to ICAO regulations and procedures. FL 200 Airspace “E” TMA 2 Air-Routes FL 160 Holding Holding Airspace “D” non CTR 10000 ft MSL Instrument Procedure 30 NM TMA 1 TMA 1 15 NM 2500 ft AGL 6 NM Airspace CTA “G” 4000 ft MSL Airspace CTA MSL Airspace “D” CTR “G” 1000 ft AGL Dehdadi OAMS Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–213 30 Apr 15 OAMS AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign 1 2 APP TWR Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 MAZAR 121.250 H24 Emergency Frequencies CONTROL 399.550 121.500MHz 127.375 243.000MHz (MHz) MAZAR 135.350 TOWER 396.000 H24 126.125 Not monitored during ATC operating hours Ground not available O/R GROUND Nil Nil Nil ATIS MAZAR Information 123.525 H24 OAMS AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS 2.19.1 In case of jamming of tower frequencies DVOR (AMS) may indicate failure. MAZAR Tower shall broadcast jamming warning on all possible frequencies. Facility Ident (emission) Frequency Hours Coordinates DME antenna Elevation Remarks DVOR/DME AMS CH 115X H24 364207.6N 1 294ft Nil (4º /2013) 116.800 MHz ILS 06 0671240.5E H24 CAT 1 LOC IMAZ 109.900 MHz 364247.6N (4º /2013) Nil 0671407.6E GP 333.800 MHz 364203.9N Nil 0671220.1E DME IMAZ CH 36X (109.900MHz)* ILS 24 364203.9N 0671220.1E 1 298ft * Ghost Frequency H24 CAT 1 LOC (4º /2010) IMAS 109.100 MHz 364156.8N 0671146.0E Civil Aviation Authority Nil AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–214 30 Apr 15 GP 331.400 MHz 364242.8N Nil 0671339.7E DME IMAS CH 28X (109.100MHz)* 364242.8N 1 274ft 0671339.7E * Ghost Frequency OAMS AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 ACFT captains shall acknowledge and comply with all instructions from MAZAR ATC. If a pilot is unable to comply with ATC instructions, he must inform the controller immediately and state the reason for non–compliance. 2.20.2 When operating in OAMS Class D airspace, aircrews are responsible for their own terrain clearance at all times and must ensure that see and avoid of other traffic is maintained. NOTE: Workload permitting, controllers shall endeavour to pass sufficient traffic information and instructions to assist pilots see and avoid other traffic. This type of alerting service, on occasion, might be inaccurate or not supplied, so pilots must always be on constant lookout for conflicting traffic whilst operating in OAMS airspace. 2.20.3 Direct landing and take–off for helicopters on ISAF ramp, main TWY E, F and S are prohibited due to FOD and obstacle clearance. Helicopters have to air–taxi / taxi via TWY guided by Follow–Me car. Exemption: In case of emergencies, e.g. MEDEVAC or QRF flights with blocked RWY, deviations may be approved. 2.20.4 Over flight of military camps below 4000ft AMSL is prohibited 2.20.5 Taxi Procedures All ACFT shall adhere to ATC and Follow–Me/marshaller taxiing instructions. Excluding locally based ACFT, all military and ISAF ACFT (including commercial operators deployed by ISAF nations) require to be guided by Follow–Me car into parking position. TWY Sierra and TWY Foxtrot-South are only useable for ACFT C-130/C–160 or smaller. Follow instructions by ATC. Low wing ACFT with heavy wake turbulence category have to shut down outer engines to prevent FOD and soiling while taxiing on TWY E, F and ISAF ramp. 2.20.6 Engine running Op stop (EROS) prohibited. EROS to facilitate loading and unloading of ACFT is prohibited. See 2.23.5. OAMS AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Over flight of MAZAR–E SHARIF noise abatement zone (NAZ) shall be avoided at altitudes below 4 000ft AMSL. MAZAR–E SHARIF TOWN NAZ is defined by a circle and radius 1.4 NM centered at 364240N 0670636E. OAMS AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Arriving ACFT are to establish two–way communications with MAZAR CONTROL not later than 5 min prior to entering OAMS airspace. 2.22.2 Departing ACFT are to contact MAZAR TOWER before taxi for instructions. 2.22.3 All ACFT operating within the OAMS CTR shall operate on local QNH during the hours of ATC operation. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.22.4 AD 2.1–215 30 Apr 15 No Radio (NORDO) Procedures In general, all arriving aircraft must establish radio contact with MAZAR CONTROL 5 min prior entering airspace D non-CTR or MAZAR TOWER 5 min prior entering CTR OAMS. If no contact is made with ATC the pilot shall: a. Discontinue the approach; b. Hold outside and continue to attempt to contact MAZAR CONTROL or TOWER. If no radio contact to MAZAR CONTROL or TOWER can be established try to contact Kabul ACC. If no contact squawk Mode 3/A 7600; c. At pilot’s discretion divert to an alternate airfield; If diverting is not possible due to any type of constraint (e.g.: low fuel status, WX conditions, etc.), squawk Mode 3/A 7700 and apply the following loss of communication procedure: In VMC: a. Stay VMC; b. Continue approaching the airfield for runway in use as last known (check direction of approach lights and -if possible- check current ATIS information); c. Fly over the airfield on respective runway heading along TWY ‘P’ at 1.000 ft AGL with gear down, showing landing lights and flashing all other available lights; d. After over flight, turn to the north for a closed traffic circuit at, or above, 1.000 ft AGL. All aircraft should avoid flying over Mazar-e Sharif city In IMC or on Instrument Approach: a. maintain current speed and level and proceed via current flight plan route or as cleared to the latest air navigation fix b. If an ATC clearance has been given by OAMS ATC for a published instrument approach at OAMS airfield prior to losing radio contact, the aircraft in emergency shall enter the published holding and commence descent as close as possible to the EAT received. If no EAT has been given start descent as close as possible to the EAT resulting from the current flight plan. c. If no ATC clearance has been given by OAMS ATC for a published instrument approach at OAMS airfield prior to losing radio contact, the pilot of the aircraft in emergency shall proceed to the OAMS VOR (AMS) at the last altitude/ flight level he has been cleared to. However he shall not fly below an altitude of 12.000 ft due to mountainous terrain which may cause a ‘re-climb’ to 12.000 ft altitude! Upon reaching AMS he shall enter the published holding and descend within the holding to the lowest published altitude at the IAF. When reaching that altitude he shall commence the published instrument approach (VOR to ILS). d. If unable to comply with the instrument approach procedures, the pilot of the aircraft in emergency shall proceed to the OAMS VOR (AMS) at the last altitude/ flight level he has been cleared to. However he shall not fly below an altitude of 12.000 ft due to mountainous terrain which may cause a ‘re-climb’ to 12.000 ft altitude! Upon reaching AMS he shall enter the published holding and descend within the holding to the lowest published altitude at the IAF. When reaching that altitude he shall commence the published instrument approach (VOR to ILS). e. If a landing cannot be performed, execute the published missed approach procedure, re-enter the appropriate holding, climb to at least FL160 within the holding and divert to the alternate aerodrome. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–216 30 Apr 15 In the absence of visual signals during the approach, having ensured that the runway is clear, pilots may decide to land at their own discretion, but must be prepared to initiate “go around” due to conflicting traffic or a blocked runway. After landing, the aircraft shall vacate the runway via next suitable taxiway, then stop and wait for Follow-Me. TWY “S” shall only be used by aircraft smaller than or equal to C-130/C-160. Aircraft experiencing NORDO after a landing clearance has been issued The aircraft shall proceed in accordance with the clearance issued in absence of red light and/or flares. After landing, the aircraft shall vacate the runway via next suitable taxiway, then stop and wait for Follow-Me. 2.22.5 ACFT experiencing NORDO whilst taxiing for departure The aircraft shall stop, hold current position on the TWY, expect to return to parking position, keep engines running, and wait for Follow–Me. 2.22.6 ACFT experiencing NORDO when lined–up for departure If lined–up on the RWY, the aircraft shall taxi down the RWY, vacate at the earliest opportunity, then stop on the TWY, and wait for Follow–Me vehicle guidance. 2.22.7 Acknowledgement by an ACFT When in flight: a. During the hours of daylight: by rocking the ACFT’s wings; NOTE: This signal should not be expected on the base and final legs of the approach. b. During the hours of darkness: by flashing on and off twice the ACFT’s landing lights or, if not so equipped, by switching on and off twice its navigation lights. When on the ground: a. During the hours of daylight: by moving the ACFT’s ailerons or rudder; b. During the hours of darkness: by flashing on and off twice the ACFT’s landing lights or, if not so equipped, by switching on and off twice its navigation lights. OAMS AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Due to intensive bird activity in the airport area between March and October, it is recommended to avoid low–level tactical departures (below 30ft AGL). PPR No and RS Callsign has to be transmitted in FPL field 18. 2.23.2 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) are allowed to operate simultaneously with FW ACFT within CTR OAMS. 2.23.3 In case UAV operations are in progress MAZAR ATC shall provide ACFT with information regarding the operating area, altitudes, and times of operation. Exact position reports of UAVs should not be expected. 2.23.4 ATC shall limit or deny the clearance for any UAV operation, if RW QRF, CASEVAC, MEDEVAC, EVAC operations are in progress in close vicinity of the UAV flight zone. 2.23.5 ACFT on the ISAF ramp are only to be unloaded and loaded when the engines are shut down. Additionally, boarding and de-boarding of passengers are only allowed when the engines are shut down. Exception: passengers are allowed to board and deboard RW ACFT with their accompanied baggage while the engines are still running. This exception is limited to transfer–landings of RW ACFT doing a short Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–217 30 Apr 15 interim stop in MeS to exclusively board and de-board passengers with hand luggage 2.23.6 Prior booking via AW MeS–Base OPS and issue of PPR is mandatory. All PPR timings are to be adhered due to lack of available parking space. Crews arriving outside ±15 MIN of PPR could be refused landing clearance. 2.23.7 No practice approach for non–home–based ACFT except when approved by/via PPR. 2.23.8 Due to safety reasons aircrews must ensure that flares are set to manual while on approach and departure to avoid inadvertent dispersal. 2.23.9 All PPR requests must include fuel requirements in litre. 2.23.10 Temporarily raised tethered balloon IVO aerodrome – see AIP ENROUTE section 5.1 PRD. Balloon is transponder equipped; therefore TCAS could give you a TA or RA. 2.23.12 Medium helicopters are not to utilise TWY P between TWYs E and F. OAMS AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Mazar–e Sharif Airport 1 Aerodrome Chart – ICAO Produced – see 2.24.2 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart – ICAO Not produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart – ICAO Not produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart – ICAO Not produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart – ICAO Type A Not produced 6 Area Chart – ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not produced 7 Standard Departure Chart – Instrument – ICAO Produced – see 2.24.1 8 Area Chart – ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart – Instrument – ICAO Not produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart – ICAO Produced – see 2.24.1 11 Visual Approach Chart Not produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not produced 2.24.1 Published Instrument Charts. The following charts are available for use on the CAA website at These charts have been endorsed for use by Airfield Authorities however variation may exist in the design criteria used to create them. Aircrew should use the procedures subject to their own risk assessment and always refer to NOTAM for up to date information. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–218 30 Apr 15 Instrument procedure ILS OR LOC Z RWY 24 ILS OR LOC Z RWY 06 VOR RWY 06 VOR RWY 24 SID RWY 06 VOR SID RWY 24 VOR Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–219 30 Apr 15 2.24.2 Airfield Diagram Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–220 30 Apr 15 OAQA – QALAT OAQA AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OAQA – Qalat (Kalat, Qelat, Kalaat, Kelat) OAQA AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 320802N 0665356E 2 Distance and direction from city 2 miles north west of the town of Qalat 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 5 383ft AMSL 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 2º E / Not Determined 6 Aerodrome Administration CTZ Brigade Aviation Element Telephone VoSIP: 718–551–5679 or 718–551–5532 The geographic centre of the airfield DSN 303–551–5679 Telefax Nil Telex Nil Email Nil AFS Address Nil 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR 8 Remarks Nil OAQA AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration Nil 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office Nil 7 Air Traffic Services H24 8 Fuelling Nil 9 Handling Nil 10 Security Nil 11 De–icing Nil 12 Overnight Parking Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–221 30 Apr 15 13 PPR procedures Contact Battle-space owner for deconfliction if flights are not recorded on the “hard-frag” or “latest and greatest”. 14 Remarks Call VoSIP 718–551–5679 or DSN 303–551–5679 to coordinate arrangements for airfield security. Security can be provided by CTZ (FOB Apache) on a non interference basis and if coordinated in advance. (Recommend 24–48hrs advance notice). OAQA AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Nil 2 Fuel and oil types Nil 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity Nil Military ACFT Civil ACFT 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks There is no MHE immediately available; however, with coordination, the use of two extended boom forklifts in FOB Apache may be possible. OAQA AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Nil 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation Nil 4 Medical facilities Nil 5 Bank and Post Office Nil 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAQA AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting CFR (crash/fire/rescue) located on FOB Apache. 2 Rescue equipment Nil 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil OAQA AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–222 30 Apr 15 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks The airfield will be unusable during or following rain. Call VoSIP 718–551–5679 or DSN 303–551–5679 for update. OAQA AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION/POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Compacted Dirt 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs Nil 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Qalat LZ is maintained by the Afghan Ministry of Transportation (MOT) and airfield grading and compacting are performed regularly by a contractor hired by the MOT OAQA AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/ parking guidance system at ACFT stands Nil 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights Nil 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Nil OAQA AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 02 RWY 02 FOB Apache and ANA Compound are in approach/departure clearance zone. Major penetrations are: – 58ft Silos on west side of ANA compound – 42ft Antenna in centre of ANA compound – 50ft Platform and Antenna on the west side of FOB Apache FOB Apache and the ANA compound is located 500ft from the threshold of RWY 02. This violates the criteria for the glideslope (ETL 04–7, Table 7) and the Accident Potential Zone (ETL 04–7, Table 8). FOB Apache and the ANA compound are well lit and may effect ACFT operations at night, unless coordinated to have them turned off. Approx. one foot mound borders graded portions of LZ in clear zone, and edge of hammerhead. Approx. one foot deep ditch located behind mound bordering LZ and hammerhead. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2 RWY 20 AD 2.1–223 30 Apr 15 Approx. 18ft high concrete barriers line back third of hammerhead; approx. 10ft beyond hammerhead. Large mounds on both East and West side of RWY 20 exceed max gradient slope. Entire length of East side of RWY 20 has +7–11% gradient slope the first 5ft of the maintained area. From the approach end to 1 000ft on West side of RWY 20 has a +7% gradient slope the last 10ft of the graded area. West side of RWY 20 midfield has a +11% gradient slope the last 20ft of the graded area. 900ft southwest of the hammerhead, FOB Apache has a PTDS that extends from the surface to 2,000ft AGL. PTDS tether has flags and the balloon itself has a visible light for night operations. 3 Remarks Helicopters are not to overfly, ingress and egress any construction or living areas associated with FOB Apache. Ensure go-arounds via RWY 20 include an immediate climbing left turn, from the departure end, to the EAST IOT avoid the PTDS. OAQA AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Nil 2 Hours of operation Nil 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Nil Periods of validity 4 Type of landing forecast Nil Interval of issuance 5 Briefing /consultation provided Nil 6 Flight documentation Nil Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Nil 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information Nil 10 Additional information Nil OAQA AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 02 20 024.8T / 022.8M 204.8T / 202.8M 4 925ft x 113ft PCN not determined — Sandy / Clay/ Pea Gravel 320740N 0665344E Civil Aviation Authority 320824N 0665408E AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–224 30 Apr 15 5 THR Elevation 5 369ft 5 383ft 6 Slope of RWY/SWY +0.30 –0.30 7 SWY Dimensions Nil Nil 8 CWY Dimensions Nil Nil 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone Nil Nil 11 Remarks Nil Nil Unknown OAQA AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 02 20 1 TORA Unknown Unknown 2 TODA Unknown Unknown 3 ASDA Unknown Unknown 4 LDA Unknown Unknown 5 Remarks Nil Nil OAQA AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 02 20 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Nil 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Nil Nil 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil Nil OAQA AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–225 30 Apr 15 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks Nil OAQA AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Nil 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Nil 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Nil 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil 5 Declared distance available Nil 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAQA AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits ATZ: 4NM radius centred on 320802N 0665357E 2 Vertical limits SFC to 2500ft AGL 3 Airspace Classification Class G 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Apache Tower Language 5 Remarks Qalat Tower services are currently provided from the old Lagman Tower and will be moving across to the new Qalat Tower facility in the near future. OAQA AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign 1 2 TWR Apache Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 119.875 H24 Emergency/ Guard Frequencies (MHz) 235.7 GROUND, LZ/PZ Control LZSO 125.200 On Request 121.500 MHz 243.000 MHz ATIS Nil Nil Nil AIR OPERATIONS Apache 119.875 H24 235.7 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–226 30 Apr 15 OAQA AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Nil OAQA AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Nil. OAQA AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Nil. OAQA AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Recommended to land RWY 20 and depart RWY 02. OAQA AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Nil. OAQA AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Qalat Airport 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority Remarks AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–227 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram (not to scale) 1’ DIRT MOUND SURROUNDS ENTIRE LZ 3’ HIGH CONCRETE BARRIERS Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–228 30 Apr 15 OAQN – QALA–I–NAW OAQN AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OAQN – Qala–I–Naw (Qalanou, Qal’ah–ye Now) OAQN AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 345909N 0630704E 2 Distance and direction from city One mile west of the Qala–I–Naw town centre 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 2 968ft AMSL 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 3º E / Not Determined 6 Civil Aerodrome Administration Airfield Director Telephone 0799279974 (Alternate 0799252015) Telefax Nil Telex Nil Email Nil AFS Address Nil 7 Military Aerodrome Administration Nil 8 Types of traffic permitted VFR only 9 Remarks Qala-I-Naw is uncontrolled Class G airspace The geographic centre of the airfield All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Qala-I-Naw Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAQN on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OAQN AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration 0330Z – 1600Z (0800 – 20:30 Local) 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office Nil 7 Air Traffic Services Nil certified ATC. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–229 30 Apr 15 8 Fuelling Nil 9 Handling QiN Director provides handling for non–ISAF traffic. 10 Security Airfield perimeter and RWY security will be provided by ANSF forces. 11 De–icing Nil 12 Overnight Parking Due to reduced ramp availability, overnight parking can only be approved as an exception and it has to be requested by PPR or due to emergency or ACFT malfunction. 13 PPR procedures Nil 14 Remarks Nil OAQN AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Nil 2 Fuel and oil types Nil 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity Nil 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAQN AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Nil 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation Nil 4 Medical facilities In town 5 Bank and Post Office In town 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Passengers handling at civilian terminal OAQN AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Nil 2 Fire Fighting Equipment Medium Civilian Airport fire fighting truck. 3 Rescue equipment Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 4 AD 2.1–230 30 Apr 15 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil OAQN AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Nil 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Nil OAQN AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Civ. Apron (Platform A) located in the middle of the RWY at east side dimensions 89 x 65m. In addition, for helicopters there are gravel surfaces available next to both sides of apron (GRAVEL NORTH / GRAVEL SOUTH). Civ. Apron (Platform B) located between Kandak and RWY. Dimensions 163 x 54m. Limits with access to inner platform. In addition, for helicopters there is a gravel surface north of platform B. Inner platform. Access through sliding doors. Dimensions 180 x 54m. Use of inner platform restricted to Kandak Commander’s authorisation. ACFT must exercise extreme caution when taxiing into inner platform. Sliding doors must be open to operate. 8” thick concrete. Further detail in 2.24.2 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs Nil 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks There is no specific ammunition arming/de– arming zone. OAQN AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/ parking guidance system at ACFT stands Nil 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights Nil 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–231 30 Apr 15 OAQN AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 04 OAQN Obstacle Chart not published 2 RWY 22 OAQN Obstacle Chart not published 3 Remarks Kite flying activity in the vicinity of the airfield 100ft AGL and below. Little forest of undetermined height located along west side RWY 04. Trees located 250 meters apart of RWY 22 approach. Several houses surrounding RWY 22. First 500M of RWY 04 has 1M high Fences 15M each side from RWY edge. OAQN AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Nil 2 Hours of operation Daylight hours. 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation TAF available at: Periods of validity produced by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US Government) 4 Type of landing forecast Nil Interval of issuance 5 Briefing /consultation provided Nil 6 Flight documentation Nil Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Nil 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information Nil 10 Additional information Nil OAQN AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 5 THR Elevation 04 22 037 M 217 M 6 560ft x 82ft Theoretic value 35/R/A/Y/U — 8” thick concrete 345843.82N 0630638.64E 345933.60N 0630728.80E 3 014ft 2 947ft Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–232 30 Apr 15 RWY 04 22 –0’912 0’912 6 Slope of RWY/SWY 7 SWY Dimensions Nil Nil 8 CWY Dimensions Nil Nil 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone 11 Remarks Nil Nil Nil L/Z 4 000ft – 1 360ft overrun L/Z 4 000ft – 1 200ft overrun OAQN AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 04 22 1 TORA 6 560ft 6 560ft 2 TODA 6 560ft 6 560ft 3 ASDA 6 560ft 6 560ft 4 LDA 5 360ft 5 200ft 5 Remarks Nil Nil OAQN AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 04 22 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Nil 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Nil Nil 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–233 30 Apr 15 OAQN AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks Nil OAQN AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Nil 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Nil 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Nil 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil 5 Declared distance available Nil 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAQN AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits ATZ: 5NM radius centred on ARP 2 Vertical limits SFC to 3 000ft AGL 3 Airspace Classification Class G 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Nil Language 5 Remarks Qala-I-Naw is uncontrolled Class G airspace All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Qala-I-Naw Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAQN on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–234 30 Apr 15 OAQN AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign Frequency (MHz) 1 CIVILIAN TRAFFIC 2 3 QALA I NAW 118.1 TOWER Hours of operation Remarks 4 5 Not manned yet Unknown MILITARY TRAFFIC Nil Nil GROUND Nil Nil Nil ATIS Nil Nil Nil AIR OPERATIONS Nil Nil Nil Nil OAQN AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Remarks Nil OAQN AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 For traffic deconfliction ALL TRAFFICS proceeding to and departing from OAQN will monitor 118.1 MHz. 2.20.2 Aircraft landing at OAQN shall be aware that there is a risk of RWY 04/22 incursion by vehicles, local pedestrians, and/or animals. For security reasons, it is mandatory that pilots perform at least two low flight passes before landing in order to clear the RWY. Once the RWY transversal crossovers are closed, the Airfield Director will transmit in the blind (118.1 MHz): “QALA I NAW RWY IS SECURE”. The crossovers will remain closed until the aircraft has landed and is safely parked. 2.20.3 All ACFT require permission for start–up approval. 2.20.4 Both military and civilian apron, land and park at your own risk. 2.20.5 No ACFT will be authorised for practice approaches or Touch-and-Gos. 2.20.6 Primary RWY will be RWY04 unless weather conditions prohibit. OAQN AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Nil OAQN AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Nil OAQN AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 ACFT up to size of a C-130/AN–12 can operate into OAQN. 2.23.2 Airfield security activation and safety inspections require thirty minutes before ETA. 2.23.3 Boundary fence is incomplete. ACFT landing at OAQN shall be aware that there is a risk of RWY 04/22 incursion by local pedestrians, vehicles and/or animals. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–235 30 Apr 15 OAQN AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Qala–I–Naw 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–236 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram and Platform Detail (Not to scale) 2.24.2 HLZ Diagram and platform detail. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–237 30 Apr 15 OASA airfield is not under control of ACAA anymore .the airfield operation is run by afghan Air Force and ACAA doesn’t receive the update information. The information contained. below information has not been verified, only basic information remains the same from previous edition. For further information please contact airfield manager. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–238 30 Apr 15 OASL – SALERNO OASL AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OASL – Salerno OASL AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 332149N 0695719E 2 Distance and direction from city 2NM north east of Khost 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 3831 ft AMSL 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change Not Determined 6 Aerodrome Administration Mustafa Kamal Telephone +93(0)799684156 Telefax Nil Telex Nil Email Nil AFS Address Nil 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR 8 Remarks Salerno is uncontrolled Class G airspace The geographic center of the airfield All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Salerno Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 130.0. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OASL on 130.0. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OASL AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration Not Determined 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office Nil 7 Air Traffic Services Nil certified ATC. Traffic information may be provided on frequency 130.0. Hours unknown. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–239 30 Apr 15 8 Fueling JP8 9 Handling Nil 10 Security H24 – National Army 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks Nil 13 Overnight Parking Nil 14 PPR procedures Nil OASL AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Not Advised 2 Fuel and oil types Nil 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity Nil Military ACFT Civil ACFT 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks All transient FW aircrew are required to remain in close proximity of their ACFT and are not permitted to leave the flight line for any reason. No unloading/loading capability exists for AN–26, AN–32, AN–72 and AN–74 ACFT; unloading ACFT via crane is not permitted. Exception is for Supreme Aviation AN–72 ACFT only. OASL AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Nil 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation Nil 4 Medical facilities Nil 5 Bank and Post Office Nil 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–240 30 Apr 15 OASL AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Nil 2 Rescue equipment Nil 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil OASL AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Nil 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Nil OASL AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Unknown 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs Unknown 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil OASL AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking / parking guidance system at ACFT stands Unknown 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights Nil 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Nil OASL AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 09 OASL Obstacle Chart not published 6ft high HESCO barrier (unlit) with 2ft fence extension (8ft total) located 300ft west of the THR09. 80ft antenna array (IR lit) located north side of landing zone adjacent to THR09 Obstruction penetrating the runway glideslope: estimated 40ft tall tree, 856ft at 256 degrees magnetic from runway 09 threshold, South of extended runway centerline. Obstruction penetrating the runway glideslope: 15ft perimeter fence 484ft from runway 09 threshold (located inside 500ft clear zone). Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2 RWY 27 AD 2.1–241 30 Apr 15 OASL Obstacle Chart not published 8ft high fence, tree and barrier (unlit) located 800ft east of RWY27. Estimated 40ft tall tree 965ft from runway 27 threshold on extended runway centerline. 3 Remarks Concrete jersey barriers (unlit) located NW side of RWY at midfield 183ft from centerline. 8ft high fence (unlit) located 90ft south side of landing zone. 120ft tower located between Salerno and Khost/Chapman. Caution. No taxi lines or wing tip clearance lines exist on East ACFT parking Hammerhead. All rotary and FW ACFT must ensure at least 50ft setback from most Eastern V–17 Threshold marker panel. 4 Remarks Solerno ATC Tower LOC BTW Solerno and Khost/Chapman airfields 120ft AGL OASL AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Nil 2 Hours of operation Nil 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Nil Periods of validity 4 Type of landing forecast Nil Interval of issuance Type of landing forecast Interval of issuance 5 Briefing / consultation provided Nil 6 Flight documentation Nil Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Nil 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information Nil 10 Additional information Nil OASL AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 09 27 087 267 1 219m x 27m (4 000ft x 90ft) PCN not determined – Gravel RWY (sand and clay compacted daily) Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–242 30 Apr 15 4 THR Coordinates 332147.66N 0695657.95E 332148.81N 0695745.13E 5 THR Elevation 3 826ft 3 754ft 6 Slope of RWY/SWY –1.80 +1.80 7 SWY Dimensions Nil Nil 8 CWY Dimensions 700ft 300ft 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone 11 Remarks Unknown Nil Nil When RWY is wet and closed, rotary landings authorised. OASL AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 09 27 1 TORA Unknown Unknown 2 TODA Unknown Unknown 3 ASDA Unknown Unknown 4 LDA Unknown Unknown 5 Remarks Nil Nil OASL AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 09 27 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Nil 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Nil Nil 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–243 30 Apr 15 OASL AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks Nil OASL AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Unknown 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Unknown 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Unknown 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Unknown 5 Declared distance available Unknown 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Nil OASL AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits ATZ: 5 NM radius centred on ARP 2 Vertical limits Surface to 6 400ft AMSL 3 Airspace Classification Class G 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Salerno TWR Language English Remarks Salerno is uncontrolled Class G airspace 5 All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Salerno Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 130.0. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OASL on 130.0. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–244 30 Apr 15 OASL AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Designation Callsign 1 2 Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Salerno Operations GROUND Nil ATIS Nil Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 130.0 Nil CTAF (MHz) OASL AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Remarks Nil OASL AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Not available. OASL AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Nil OASL AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Not available. OASL AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 All aircrews use caution for bird activity. Large flocks of birds from surface to 500ft, extremely prevalent ±1 hour SR/SS. Inform Salerno Tower of any observed bird activity. 2.23.2 Use Caution Khost (OAKS)/ Chapman airfield RWY 06/24, located 1.75NM S–SW of Salerno. Tower LOC BTW Chapman and Salerno 120ft AGL. 2.23.3 Parallel drainage ditches approx 2 – 4ft deep, on both sides of RWY. Ditches are approximately 60ft either side of RWY centerline. 2.23.4 In the event of inclement weather, the airfield manager makes the determination whether the runway is opened or closed due to standing water. 2.23.5 Approximate drop off of 3 – 6 inches at the end of overrun and beginning of AM–2 matting and again at the end of 652ft of AM–2 matting and beginning of RWY 09. 2.23.6 Use caution due to excessive rubber build up on AM2 matting located first 652 ft approach end RWY 09, possible braking action could be reduced when AM2 matting is wet and gravel RWY is dry and open. 2.23.7 Use caution RWY 09/27 has numerous large rocks up to and including 12 inches in diameter exposed at surface of RWY due to erosion and deterioration of RWY sub– base. 2.23.8 All FW ACFT are not to execute 180 degree turns on AM2 matting, only execute 180 degree turns in West over run. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–245 30 Apr 15 OASL AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Salerno 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking / Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–246 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram (not to scale) Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–247 30 Apr 15 OASH – SHANK OASH AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OASH – Shank OASH AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 335519N 0690441E 2 Distance and direction from city 7NM east of Baraki Barak, Logar 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 6 614ft AMSL / 50° 4 Geoids undulation N/A 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 2.5°E 6 Aerodrome Administration U.S. ARMY, Task Force Wings ATC (Shank Tower) The geographic center of the airfield. FOB Shank, APO AE 09364-9998 Telephone CP SIPR: 308 423 6121 CP NIPR: 318 423 6069 Tower SIPR: 308 423 6069 Tower NIPR: 318 423 6844 GCA SIPR: 308 423 6242 GCA NIPR: 318 423 6166 Telefax Nil Telex Nil Email Nil AFS Address Nil 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR / IFR Recovery / Emergency 8 Remarks Nil OASH AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration Nil 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office H24 6 MET Briefing Office Nil 7 Air Traffic Services H24 8 Fuelling H24 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–248 30 Apr 15 9 Handling H24 – MCT (NIPR 318 423 6746/6386) 10 Security H24 11 De–icing Limited 12 Remarks Nil 13 Overnight Parking H24 – Coordinate with Wings Airfield Management Cell CW2 Shane Greenwood SIPR: 308 423 6121 / NIPR: 318 423 6069 14 PPR procedures All Fixed–Wing ACFT require PPR prior to landing at FOB Shank. PPRs can be coordinated through: 1. 2. SHANK MCT. 318-423-6200 Contact Shank ATOC at with changes to arrival times of 30 mins or more for approval. Maximum time on ground for rotary-wing aircraft in the north apron will not exceed 15 minutes or PPR is required. Reference NOTAMS for additional changes. OASH AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Fixed Wing: 2x 25K (K-Loaders)(1x NMC), 2 x 10K Forklifts, 1x Skytrack; Rotary Wing: 2x 4K Forklifts, 1x 10K Forklift, 1x Skytrack, 1x RTCH 240 2 Fuel and oil types JP8 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity WINGS FARP: 6 Rotary Wing operational fuel spots Pads 1–6 are for HOT Refuelling. Located on the east side of RWY 34R/16L. Take all pad assignments from Shank Tower. Surface: Gravel, Elevation: 6757 Feet, Landing Direction: 16/34, Pads 1-6 North to South. Only Military rotary wing and civilian rotary wing with closed port fuel systems authorized. All aircraft landing/departing Sling Yard DO NOT overfly Wings FARP. Cold fuel available for RW upon request from Shank Tower. 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Cargo handling facilities in FOB Shank are managed by the MCT: at NIPR 318 423 6746/6386 (SIPR N/A). However, make prior arrangements with any receiving agency. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–249 30 Apr 15 OASH AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels NO Hotels, VIP Tents are available as well as Compound Accommodations for MIL and Civilians. 2 Restaurant Afghan Restaurants are available throughout the FOB DFAC available for DoD/approved personnel 3 Transportation FOB Transportation (bus services) 4 Medical facilities R2E Role 2 enhanced 5 Bank and Post Office Post Office located adjacent to MCT.Finance located at camp 36 and open only on Saturday, Sunday and Monday Sat – Mon 0430Z-1200Z (0900–1630 Local) 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OASH AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting NFPA Cat 8 2 Rescue equipment “Jaws of Life”; Hooligan Tool Set; Air chisels & Sawzall 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Removal of “down” ACFT will be provided by Task Force Wings DART Team (Pathfinders, F/4-101) with the addition of outside assets as necessary. OASH AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment 3 x 8’ Brooms on BOBCATS 4 Iveco snow plow trucks with solid de ice capabilities 1 Five Ton Sweeper truck with blower 2 Clearance priorities FW RWY 16L/34R, Dustoff ACFT, AWT ACFT 3 Remarks Limited RWY snow removal capability. Aircrews use caution when snow or ice may be present OASH AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Shank FLS – AM2 Matting (RW ACFT only). Under permanent deconstruction. Landings and Departures will be at Pilots own risk. North Apron – Concrete, PCN 78 R/B/W/Y West Apron – Concrete, PCN 78 R/B/W/Y South Apron – Concrete, PCN 78 R/B/W/Y Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2 AD 2.1–250 30 Apr 15 Width, surface and strength of TWYs F/W TWY A – 60ft / 18.3m, PCN 78 R/B/W/Y. F/W TWY B – 60ft / 18.3m, PCN 78 R/B/W/Y. F/W TWY C – 25ft / 7.6m, PCN 78 R/B/W/Y. F/W TWY D – 75ft / 22.8m PCN 78 R/B/W/Y. F/W TWY E – 36ft / 10.9m (AM2 Matting). 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil OASH AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking / parking guidance system at ACFT stands FW RWY 16L/34R (Concrete Airstrip) Cargo ramp only; Mandatory hold lines on all TWYs; DO NOT BLOCK THE ACCESS TO THE CARGO YARD WITH ACFT. RW RWY: 16R/34L (Concrete Airstrip) Prior coordination required for parking. Contact Airfield Management Cell at: SVOIP: 308 423 6121 NIPR: 318 423 6069 / 864 546 5516 Entrance to TWY “yellow centerline” 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights FW RWY 16L/34R (Concrete Airstrip) Solar Aviation Wireless Lights (SAWL) system; new lighting fully lines the active RWY, extended centerline, threshold and TWYs. Lighting meets FAA/ICAO MIRL standards and is capable of covert (primary) or overt operations. TWYs have yellow centerline and yellow edge markings. TWYs have standard VFR Hold lines (except TWY Echo/AM2 matting). No mandatory hold signs available. RW RWY 16R/34L (Concrete Airstrip) New lighting fully lines the active RWY, extended centerline, threshold and taxiways. Lighting meets FAA/ICAO MIRL standards and is capable of covert (primary) or overt operations. There is a windsock on the west side, mid RWY, lighting system not operational. RW Forward Landing Strip (FLS): SHANK FLS (17/35) (AM2 Matting) IR Lights at 52ft intervals (700 Series “Carmanah”) at the AM2Matic RWY and at TWY Entrance/Exit Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–251 30 Apr 15 3 Stop Bars nil 4 Remarks RW RWY 16R/34L and FW RWY 16L/34R run parallel. SHANK FLS is completely separated from the concrete landing areas. SHANK FLS center point 335638.11N 0690402.71E FW RWY 16L/34R centre point N 335519.09N 0690440.88E OASH AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 34R (Fixed–Wing) 35’ Control Tower on West side of RWY, 387’ from centreline and 2690’ from RWY Threshold. 12’ HESCO wall surrounding FOB; 20’ Guard Tower 915’ @ 185° from RWY threshold 2 Crane (RTCH) During daytime (HJ) aircrews should use extreme caution when overflying FOB due to the possibility of unscheduled crane/RTCH activity up to 90ft AGL. 3 Tethered Balloons (PTDS) Marked with IR strobe lights located 0.5 NM W of runway 34L midfield. 42S WC 06285 52705/ 335453.07N 0690404.76E ROZ 4600 AGL, 1000 FT Radius 4 Tethered Balloons (PTDS) Marked with IR strobe lights located 0.49 NM NW of departure end runway 34R. 42S WC 06108 54822/ 3356 01.81N 690357.92E ROZ 4600 AGL, 1000 FT Radius 5 Antenna 85 FT antenna marked at the middle and top with red obstruction light, located 0.47 NM NNW of runway 34R departure end. OASH AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office WINGS SWO at: SIPR: 308 423 6332 NIPR: 318 423 6255 2 Hours of operation H24 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation WINGS SWO at SIPR: 308 423 6332 Periods of validity NIPR: 318 423 6255 H24 Type of landing forecast METAR – Hourly Interval of issuance SPECI – In case of significant weather changes 5 Briefing / consultation provided VERBAL / 175–1 6 Flight documentation ENGLISH 4 Language(s) used Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–252 30 Apr 15 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation AFGHAN Sig WX/ log sig WX/ RTE Forecasts/ Area Forecasts/ Airfield WX Warnings 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information SATCOM / FM 86.400 SC/CT/BFT 9 ATS unit provided with information SHANK TOWER (OASH) (TASK FORCE WINGS) 10 Additional information Nil OASH AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates RWY 16L RWY 34R RWY 16R RWY34L 167.38°T 347.38°T 164.70°M 344.7°M 164.80°M 344.8°M 6870ft x 90ft 2,002ft x 75ft 78 R/B/W/T – Concrete 78 R/B/W/T – Concrete 335552.75N 335446.457N 335512.96N 335453.69N 0690431.76E 0690449.55E 0690434.01E 0690439.21E 5 THR Elevation 6 691ft 6 804ft N/A N/A 6 Slope of RWY/SWY +1.5% –1.5% N/A N/A 7 SWY Dimensions 300ft x 90ft 240ft x 90ft N/A N/A 8 CWY Dimensions N/A N/A N/A N/A 9 Strip Dimensions 7415ft x 90ft 7415ft x 90ft N/A N/A 10 Obstacle free zone 500ft 500ft N/A N/A 11 Remarks RWY 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions Known as FW RWY. Left/right clear zone of 35ft and no shoulder available. RW ACFT only (STOL ACFT – emergency only). No shoulder available. RWY 17 (SHANK FLS) RWY 35 (SHANK FLS) Nil Nil Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–253 30 Apr 15 3 PCN Nil 4 THR Coordinates Nil Nil 5 THR Elevation Nil Nil 6 Slope of RWY/SWY Nil Nil 7 SWY Dimensions N/A N/A 8 CWY Dimensions N/A N/A 9 Strip Dimensions N/A N/A 10 Obstacle free zone N/A N/A 11 Remarks RW ACFT only OASH AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY RWY 16L RWY 34R RWY 16R RWY 34L 1 TORA 7110ft 6870ft N/A N/A 2 TODA 7110ft 6870ft N/A N/A 3 ASDA 7170ft 7110ft N/A N/A 4 LDA 6870ft 6870ft N/A N/A 5 Remarks Nil Nil N/A N/A RWY 17 RWY 35 (SHANK FLS) (SHANK FLS) RWY 1 TORA 1 313ft 1 313ft 2 TODA 1 313ft 1 313ft 3 ASDA 1 313ft 1 313ft 4 LDA 1 313ft 1 313ft 5 Remarks Mats edge to edge Mats edge to edge OASH AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY RWY 16L RWY 34R Civil Aviation Authority RWY 16R RWY 34L AIP AFGHANISTAN 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting AD 2.1–254 30 Apr 15 Solar Aviation Wireless Light (SAWL) Medium/Single Intensity; both overt & covert lighting available. IAW UFC Standards. 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Solar Aviation Wireless Light (SAWL) Medium/Single Intensity; both overt & covert lighting available. IAW UFC Standards. 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system 4 5 6 7 Information N/A Information N/A Information N/A Information N/A Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil Nil Nil Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil Nil Nil Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights 165ft spacing (A702) SAWL White MIRL, Last 1000’ feet Amber Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars 8 Length and colour of stop way lights 9 Remarks 95ft spacing white / covert (IR) IR Lights (A702) Nil Nil Nil 6 ea evenly spaced green approach side/ red departure side lighting 1000ft / 305m amber / covert (IR) Nil OASH AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon N/A 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator N/A 3 TWY edge and centerline lighting IR Lights are at the TWY entrance/ exit adjacent to the SHANK FLS (17/35); Blue / covert (IR) lighting along TWYs and ramp area for RWY 16L/34R. 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Tower has backup generators and communications systems. 5 Remarks Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–255 30 Apr 15 OASH AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or N/A threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation N/A 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking N/A 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO N/A 5 Declared distance available N/A 6 Approach and FATO lighting N/A 7 Remarks Landing authorized at TF Catamount PAD with prior arrangements OASH AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits CTR: 5NM radius centred on ARP 2 Vertical limits Surface to, but not including, 10 300ft AMSL 3 Airspace Classification Class D 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Shank Tower Language English Remarks All ATC OPS are provided by U.S. Army ATC Personnel and conforms to FAA Order JO 7110.65 regulations and procedures. 5 OASH AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Designation Callsign 1 2 TWR Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 Shank Tower 129.050/ 340.975 H24 Emergency/ Guard Frequencies GROUND Shank Ground 334.000 H24 GCA ARRIVAL Shank GCA 126.125/ 326.250 H24 121.500 MHz GCA FINAL Shank Final 129.750 / 247.800 H24 243.000 MHz ATIS N/A N/A N/A AIR OPERATIONS N/A N/A N/A (MHz) OASH AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Civil Aviation Authority Elevation Remarks AIP AFGHANISTAN Nil AD 2.1–256 30 Apr 15 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil OASH AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 TF Catamount PAD is to be used for O–5 and above ONLY. Requires prior arrangements at: SVOIP 308–423–6743. OASH AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Flights over the LSA/RSOI (Domestic Areas) are prohibited. Avoid over flight of Ground Control Approach (GCA) Precision Approach Radar (PAR) at grid coordinates: 33 5518.90N 0690436.63E. OASH AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Arrival procedures. Two way communications with Shank Tower shall take place at the 10NM ring (20NM for fixed–wing ACFT). Tower will advise ACFT of ROZ and UAS status. Recommend all ACFT contact Shank Tower prior to 20NM for issue of ROZ/UAS status. Due to the presence of invisible hazards (including artillery fires); failure to contact Shank Tower prior to airspace entry may place arriving ACFT at significant risk. Follow ATC Instructions for landing clearances. Minimum initial call must include: 1. Callsign 2. Type of ACFT 3. Distance from the airfield 4. Direction from center of the airfield (use tactical TAD) 5. Intentions at airfield (FARP, MCT Pad, RWY 16L/34R, RWY 16R/34L or SHANK FLS RWY 17/35) 2.22.2 Traffic Pattern. Standard R/W Traffic pattern is East at an altitude of 200–500ft AGL for all operations within the CTR. Avoid over flight of LSA, GCA PAR at coordinates: 335519N 0690437E and Wings FARP, UAS launch and recovery strip located east of the RWY16L/34R. All rotary and fixed wing ACFT will drop off passengers at the MCT located at the North Apron. Cargo will be dropped off at the North Apron. 2.22.3 Departure procedures. ACFT will contact Tower prior to entering RWYs. ATC will issue advisory information for ROZ and UAS status. ACFT must notify Tower when exiting Shank Airspace. 2.22.4 UAS are launched and recovered at Shank. Use extreme caution when operating within Shank Airspace. UAS systems operate at low altitudes north of Shank Class D. Recommend all ACFT contact Shank Tower prior to 20NM for issue of ROZ/UAS status. 2.22.5 Potential congestion between fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft on north apron. No follow-me services available. Pilots assume separation, take parking instructions from the tower. OASH AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 For fuel services, request from Shank Tower. 2.23.2 FOB is still under construction. Avoid landing in the vicinity of construction equipment and personnel. Everyone SHALL follow instructions from the Air Traffic Control Tower located abeam mid field west of RWY 16L/34R. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–257 30 Apr 15 2.23.3 During HN, ACFT will display visible position and landing lights during all ground movements. 2.23.4 Runway Condition Reading Equipment: is available 24/7 (BOWMONK UNIT). 2.23.5 FW Operations are to be conducted ONLY at the Concrete RWY 16L/34R. RW Operations are authorised at all active landing areas on the airfield. Traffic patterns to the FW RWY 16L/34R are authorised for RW ACFT. Rotary–wing operations will be terminated as soon as fixed–wing ACFT report inbound. 2.23.6 RW Concrete RWY 16R/34L is restricted to RW ACFT use only. It is located approx 375ft West of RWY 16L/34R. 2.23.7 A significant number of expeditious flights (MEDEVAC, DELIBERATE OPERATIONS, etc…) take place at Shank AF. Rotary–wing ACFT participating in these events will have “right of way” at all times. NO fixed–wing ACFT is to participate in these events. 2.23.8 For more information about all airfield constructions, please contact ATC Managers at SVOIP: 308 423 6121 Commercial: 864 546 5516 or 2.23.9 NOTAMS for FOB Shank Airfield can be found by visiting Please type the airfield identifier “OASH’ in the NOTAM Retrieval Box and click on “View NOTAMs”. 2.23.10 A 1,400ft Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) AM2 Matted Asphalt RWY located 054.NM E of RWY 34R approach end at a heading of 3300. AVOID overflight of the UAS RWY. 2.23.11 Multiple UAS Arrival / Departure areas parallel runway 16L/34R approximately 1500 feet from centreline to the east. AVOID over flight of UAS area. 2.23.12 Sling load operations conducted east of Runway 16L/34R approximately 750 feet from runway centreline. Avoid over flight of Sling load area. 2.23.13 Use caution while on west ramp. Current lines on TWY Kilo do not account for barriers on the ramp. Taxi lines are not lined up with parking spaces. 2.24.14 Potential congestion between fixed and rotary wing aircraft on North Apron. No follow-me services available. Pilots assume separation, take parking instructions from tower. 2.23.15 C-17 and smaller Fixed–Wing ACFT are authorized to land at RWY 16L/34R ONLY for passenger/cargo Operations. All operations at the FW RWY require PPR through MCT at Shank ATOC DL: SHANK MCT. 308-423-6386 NIPR: 318 423 6200/6386, or SVOIP: 308 423 6259/6033 or the Airfield Manager: NIPR: 318 423 6069, or SVOIP: 308 423 6121. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–258 30 Apr 15 OASH AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Shank 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking / Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–259 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Airfield Diagrams FOB SHANK North HLZ Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.24.2 AD 2.1–260 30 Apr 15 Airfield Fixed Wing Parking Diagram Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–261 30 Apr 15 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–262 30 Apr 15 OASA – SHARANA OASA AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OASA – Sharana OASA AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 330733N 0685019E 2 Distance and direction from city 4km south east of the city of Zahar Sharan 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 7 435ft 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 6 Aerodrome Administration Ziaullah Faizi Telephone 07756 53146 Telephone 0786226228 Telex Nil Email AFS Address Nil 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR 8 Remarks Sharana is uncontrolled Class G airspace The geographic centre of the RWY. All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Sharana Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 119.000 Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OASA on 119.15. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OASA AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration 0330Z-1130Z 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil 6 MET Briefing Office Nil 7 Air Traffic Services Nil certified ATC. Traffic information may be provided on frequency 119.15. Hours 0330Z-1130Z. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–263 30 Apr 15 8 Fuelling Nil 9 Handling Nil 10 Security National Police 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks Nil 13 Overnight Parking Nil 14 PPR procedures Nil OASA AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Nil 2 Fuel and oil types Nil 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity Nil 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Nil OASA AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Nil 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation Nil 4 Medical facilities Nil 5 Bank and Post Office Nil 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OASA AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Nil 2 Rescue equipment Nil 3 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–264 30 Apr 15 OASA AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Nil 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Nil OASA AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Concrete 60 R/B/W/T 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs Concrete width 16m 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil OASA AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking / parking guidance system at ACFT stands Yellow TWY lines 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights Nil 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Use caution when landing RWY 14 due to slope and a 25ft sloped drop off 480ft behind RWY 14 threshold. OASA AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 14 Nil 2 RWY 32 Nil 3 Remarks 25–200ft drop offs on both sides of RWY shoulders. 300ft past dep end of RWY 32, ground drops off 25ft. 775ft past dep end RWY 14, gnd drops off 250ft. All ACFT landing RWY 14/32 must make 180° turnaround at the overruns only. No RWY hold short lines on parking ramp or taxiing lines from RWY to parking ramp. OASA AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Nil 2 Hours of operation Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 3 AD 2.1–265 30 Apr 15 Office responsible for TAF preparation Nil Periods of validity 4 Type of landing forecast Nil Interval of issuance 5 Briefing / consultation provided Nil 6 Flight documentation Nil Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Nil 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information Nil 10 Additional information Nil OASA AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 14 32 1 BRG True and Mag Nil Nil 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 5 4 265ft x 62ft ASP PCN 50 F/A/W/T 330749.98N 0685004.45E 330715.54N 0685033.23E THR Elevation 7 195ft 7 305ft 6 Slope of RWY/SWY 2.725% 2.725% 7 SWY Dimensions NIL NIL 8 CWY Dimensions NIL NIL 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone NIL NIL 11 Remarks NIL NIL UNK OASA AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 14 32 1 TORA UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 2 TODA UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 3 ASDA UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–266 30 Apr 15 4 LDA UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 5 Remarks NIL NIL OASA AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 14 32 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Nil 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Nil Nil 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil OASA AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centerline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks Nil OASA AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) UNK 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation UNK 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Nil 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–267 30 Apr 15 5 Declared distance available Nil 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Nil OASA AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits ATZ: 5NM radius from the ARP 2 Vertical limits SFC up to and including 2 500ft AGL (9 918ft AMSL) 3 Airspace Classification Class G 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Nil Language 5 Remarks Sharana is uncontrolled Class G airspace All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Sharana Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 119.15. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OASA on 119.15. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OASA AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Designation Callsign 1 2 TWR Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 Nil Nil Nil CTAF GROUND N/A N/A N/A ATIS NIL NIL NIL Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Sharana Operations 119.000 0330Z-1130Z (MHz) OASA AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Remarks Nil OASA AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Not available OASA AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Unless requested or special assistance is required, avoid over flight of base. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–268 30 Apr 15 OASA AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Not available OASA AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Nil. OASA AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Sharana 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking / Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–269 30 Apr 15 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–270 30 Apr 15 OASD – SHINDAND OASD AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OASD – Shindand OASD AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 332332N 0621540E 2 Distance and direction from city 7 miles northeast of Shindand 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 3 780ft AMSL 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change E 2.4 º 6 Aerodrome Administration USAF Telephone DSN: 318–458–6222 The geographic center of the RWY SECURE: 308–457–0222 Nil Telefax Nil Telex PPR requests: Email Airfield Management Hours of operation: 0130Z–1530Z Unsecure: Secure: Centrix: Nil AFS Address 7 Types of traffic permitted IFR / VFR Operations OASD AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration H24 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 6 AD 2.1–271 30 Apr 15 MET Briefing Office H24 / DSN:318–458–6254 or 6258 VoSIP: 308–457–6860 NIPR: SIPR: 7 Air Traffic Services IFR / VFR ops; ATC frequency monitored H24 8 Fuelling 1 MOG up to 4K gals (26.8K lbs fuel) per aircraft Check NOTAM for refuelling restrictions 9 Handling 1 10K A/T Forklifts, 2 NGSL K–loaders and 1–60K Loader for cargo upload/download 10 Security H24 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks Nil 13 Overnight Parking Not Authorised 14 PPR procedures All transient ACFT utilising Shindand Airfield require a PPR. Submit requests no later than 24 hours before proposed arrival time. PPR slots will be assigned based on available parking and heavy airlift operations. ACFT arriving without valid PPR will experience extreme delays, be denied landing, or experience a STOP ALERT by Security Force personnel. For non–secure requests, please use the following contacts: E-mail–; DSN telephone: 318–458–6222. To access DSN line from an Afghan wireless, dial 070–113–2000, wait for the tone, then dial the DSN number. For secure requests, please use the following contacts: SIPR E–mail:; or VOSIP: 308–457–0222; or CENTRIX E-mail:; or CENTRIX VOSIP: 268–0222 OASD AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Limited cargo download capabilities exist for MIL missions only. Do not send more than one “pallet train” on an ACFT. No refrigeration capabilities. 2 Fuel and oil types JP–8 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity 5 x Commercial trucks (3000 gals each) Military ACFT Check NOTAMs for refuelling restrictions Civil ACFT DoD contract (authorised DLA customers) De–icing facilities Nil 4 Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–272 30 Apr 15 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks “Follow Me” service available. No transient maintenance services available. Power/Air start carts not available. OASD AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Nil 2 Restaurant MIL dining facility 3 Transportation 1 x 44 Passenger Bus. Contact 838 AEAG Vehicle Maintenance NLT 48 hours in advance for availability. 24-hour bus shuttle operated by DynCorp International is available; multiple stops on Shindand AB. 4 Medical facilities ROLE 2+ 5 Bank and Post Office U.S Post Office; DHL 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OASD AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting NFPA Category 8 2 ACFT Rescue/Fire fighting Equipment 4 x T3000 3 Structural Fire fighting and Technical Rescue Equipment 3 x Pierce Contenders, 1 x Heavy Rescue 4 Fire fighting and Rescue Manpower 46 personnel assigned 5 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil OASD AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Nil 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–273 30 Apr 15 OASD AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons India Ramp (3150ft x 162ft) CON 14 R/B/W/T North Ramp (508’ x 715’, 370’ x 1381’) CON 40 R/B/W/T STRAT Ramp (624’ x 705’) CON 58/R/C/W/T ISR Ramp (524’ x 1103’, 312’ x 220’ (665,851 Sq ft)) CON 134 R/B/W/T South Ramp (577’ x 443’ x 114’) CON 23/R/B/W/T Rotary Ramp (1,301’ x 968’) CON 35 R/B/W/T SOF Ramp (665’ x 539’) CON 142 R/B/W/T TX Pad x 3pads (200’ x 100’) CON Unk Contractor Ramp (925’ x 456’) Rock/Dirt 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs A1 (820ft x 47ft) CON 20 R/B/W/T A2 (2259ft x 76ft) CON 129 R/B/W/T B (820ft x 47ft) CON 43 R/B/W/T C (820ft x 47ft) CON 15 R/B/W/T D1 (820ft x 47ft) CON 17 R/B/W/T D2 (2316ft x 75ft) CON 50 R/B/W/T E (820ft x 47ft) CON 19 R/B/W/T F (7710ft x 47ft) CON 23 R/B/W/T 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil OASD AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking / parking guidance system at ACFT stands India Ramp is not authorised for transient ACFT parking. 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights RWY markings: Precision Approach. 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Mandatory and informational airfield signage limited OASD AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 18 OASD Obstacle Chart not published Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–274 30 Apr 15 2 RWY 36 OASD Obstacle Chart not published 3 Remarks Unlit antenna 80ft AGL, located approximately 6 520ft due west of RWY 36 threshold. Unlit tower 107ft AGL erected approximately 2 500ft south of RWY 36 threshold by 1 640ft west of RWY centerline. Four lighting towers 89ft AGL located East of STRAT Ramp Seven lighting towers 98ft AGL located on North Ramp Numerous obstructions/obstacles exist in the infield between the RWY and TWYs in the form of concrete debris, wreckage, ungraded ground, etc. Lit antenna 65ft AGL, located approximately 2 200ft due east of RWY 18 threshold. Lit antenna 64ft AGL, located approximately 1 600ft due east of runway midfield. OASD AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Shindand Metro NIPR: SIPR: 2 Hours of operation H24 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Shindand Metro: DSN 318–458–6254 or 6258 Periods of validity VoSIP: 308–457–6860 Type of landing forecast TAF issued at 0330L, 1130L and 1930L, amended as required. 4 Interval of issuance 5 Briefing / consultation provided Transient crew can receive an update to their DD form 175-1 and/or verbal briefing in the Shindand base weather station on the east side inside the J3 Airfield Operations complex. 6 Flight documentation TAF, METAR, SPECI Language(s) used English 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Airfield weather watches/warnings/advisories, climatic statistics, TAF and METAR. 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information TMQ–53 TMOS (Tactical Meteorological Observing System), lightning detection sensor. 9 ATS unit provided with information Nil 10 Additional information Use station code KQA4; or: or: for US .mil computers Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–275 30 Apr 15 OASD AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 18 36 1 BRG True and Mag 182 002 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 5 THR Elevation 6 Slope of RWY/SWY 7 7 933ft x 92ft (2 417m x 28m) 50 R/B/W/T 332411.18N 0621541.34E 332252.98N 0621538.27E 3 780ft (1 152m) 3 701ft (1 128m) –1.00 +1.00 SWY Dimensions 300ft (92m) 300ft (92m) 8 CWY Dimensions 654ft (200m) 200ft (61m) 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone 11 Remarks 8533ft (2600m) Nil Nil Aircrews are to check NOTAMs for current airfield construction updates. DTHR first 300ft RWY 18 DTHR first 957ft RWY 36 Heavy category ACFT shall execute 180–degree turns at TWY A or D intersections. The RWY is marked adjacent to TWYs A and D for heavy turnaround. These locations have 180 degree turn markings. Heavy ACFT landing RWY 36 performing 180 degree turns will make right turns only at dep end. OASD AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 18 36 1 TORA 7 933ft (2 417m) 7 933ft (2 417m) 2 TODA 8 890ft (2 709m) 8 294ft (2 528m) 3 ASDA 8 233ft (2 509m) 8 233ft (2 509m) 4 LDA 7 933ft (2 417m) 7 933ft (2 417m) 5 Remarks CWY paved CWY not paved OASD AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting 18 36 Nil Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–276 30 Apr 15 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars 10 Green (Solar) 10 Green (Solar) 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Nil Nil 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights 200ft / White/ last 1 000ft Yellow/ MIRL (Solar) 200ft / White/ last 2 000ft Yellow/ MIRL (Solar) 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars 10 Red (Solar) 10 Red (Solar) 8 Length and colour of stopway lights 957ft / Blue 300ft / Blue 9 Remarks IR RWY lighting not available IR RWY lighting not available OASD AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting TWY Edge: Blue (Solar) Centreline Lighting: Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks TWY lighting selected on HN. OASD AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Unknown 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Unknown 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Unknown 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Unknown 5 Declared distance available 1 275ft x 75ft CON 30/R/A/W/T 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 7 AD 2.1–277 30 Apr 15 Remarks Nil OASD AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits CTR: 5NM radius centred on ARP CTA: 25NM radius centred on ARP 2 Vertical limits CTR: Surface to 7 500ft AMSL CTA: Surface up to but not including FL160 (Excluding Class D) 3 Airspace Classification CTR: Class D CTA: Class E 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign CTR: Shindand Tower CTA: Shindand GCA 5 Language English Remarks ATS conforms to ICAO regulations and procedures. IFR arrival and departure procedures N/A when Aerostat aloft. OASD AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Designation Callsign 1 2 TWR Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 3 4 5 Shindand VHF: 134.750 (P) H24 Tower UHF: 265.650 Emergency/ Guard Frequencies Shindand VHF: 120.275 (P) GCA VHF: 129.900 (S) (MHz) APP H24 121.500 MHz 243.000 MHz UHF: 344.00 GROUND Shindand Ground VHF: 128.4 H24 METRO Shindand Metro VHF: 127.425 H24 ATIS Nil Nil Nil AIR OPERATIONS Nil Nil Nil OASD AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation TACAN ASD Ch48 H24 332326N 621546E 3 734ft Civil Aviation Authority Remarks AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–278 30 Apr 15 OASD AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Shindand is a controlled airfield, multiple platforms utilise the airfield; flight advisory services are provided for safety purposes. 2.20.2 All arriving or transiting ACFT must contact Shindand GCA prior to passing 25NM from the airfield via Primary frequency. Upon contact with ATC, ACFT should pass the following information: Callsign, Altitude, Sector (If known), ETA or current position, and desired pattern or tracking intentions. 2.20.3 If unable to contact ATC on primary by 15NM, attempt secondary frequency. ACFT unable to establish contact with ATC should conduct over flight of RWY expect light signals from the TWR. Traffic Pattern Direction. Conduct all patterns east of the RWY. Do not overfly populated areas east and west of the RWY. CAUTION: Active firing range located approximately 1.5 miles west of the airfield; contact ATC for status and transit instructions. See Enroute section for details. 2.20.4 Six Test Fire Areas (TFA) exist in and around Shindand’s airspace. Contact Shindand Tower/Approach on frequencies listed in para 2.18 for status of TFAs. The following coordinates represent center mass of each TFA with avoidance distances: Latitude Longitude (Center Mass) (Center Mass) 1 N 33 29.17 2 Hours of Operation Avoidance Distances Upper Limit E 062 07.68 As Required 8 NM 3500 AGL N 33 37.29 E 062 27.75 As Required 8 NM 3500 AGL 3 N 33 01.59 E 062 16.15 As Required 8 NM 3500 AGL 4 N 33 22.71 E 062 07.46 As Required 8 NM 3500 AGL 5 N 33 23.38 E 062 28.72 As Required 8 NM 3500 AGL 6 N 33 17.90 E 062 24.60 As Required 8 NM 3500 AGL Willy N 33 29.95 E 062 20.75 As Required 8 NM 3500 AGL TFA Note: TFA upper limit of 15,999 AMSL available through coordination with Shindand GCA OASD AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Nil OASD AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Nil OASD AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 With the exception of TWYs A2, B and D2, all TWY surfaces are in poor condition. Surface has many FOD producing spalls. Surface also has multiple aging repairs/crater repairs which cause elevation differences. ACFT with low clearance requirements, ie underbody antenna or low propellers, should use extreme caution. 2.23.2 Paved shoulders only on TWYs A2, B and D2. Numerous areas exist on the TWYs where there is a 6 inch or greater drop off between the TWY edge and the adjacent earth. Aircrew must maintain situational awareness Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–279 30 Apr 15 OASD AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Shindand 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking / Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced 2.24.1 Published Instrument Charts. The following charts are available for use on the CAA website at These charts have been endorsed for use by Airfield Authorities however variation may exist in the design criteria used to create them. Aircrew should use the procedures subject to their own risk assessment and always refer to NOTAM for up to date information. Instrument Procedure Instrument Procedure VOGPE_MAV_DEP SHINDAND_ifrtkoff TACAN_RWY_36 rnav_GPS_RWY 36 TACAN_RWY_18 rnav_GPS_RWY 18 SHINDAND_radmin NIXAE_RNAV_DEP Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.24.1 AD 2.1–280 30 Apr 15 Airfield Diagram Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–281 30 Apr 15 OATN – TEREEN/TARIN KOWT (TK) OATN AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OATN – Tereen/Tarin Kowt OATN AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point 323618N 0655150E Coordinates and its site The geographic center of the airfield 2 Distance and direction from city One mile South of the city of Tarin Kowt 3 Elevation and Reference Temperature 4 477ft / Not Determined 4 Geoids Undulation Not Determined 5 Magnetic Variation / Annual Change 2° E / Not Determined 6 Aerodrome Administration Tarin Kowt Airport Manager – Asmatullah Telephone 0799177892 Out of Country: +93 798208954 In country mobile (Roshan): 079–820-8954 Satellite: Nil Email 7 Types of Traffic Permitted VFR only 8 Remarks Tarin Kowt is uncontrolled Class G airspace All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Tarin Kowt Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 128.0. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OATN on 128.0. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OATN AD 2.3 OPERATION HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration HJ 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Nil 5 ATS Reporting Office Tarin Kowt Tower (via Airport Manager) 6 MET Briefing Office Nil 7 Air Traffic Services Nil certified ATC. Traffic information may be provided on Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–282 30 Apr 15 frequency 128.00. Hours HJ, or can be H24 on request. 8 Fuelling H24. Specifically by request - Fuel is available for military, civilian and rotary wing aircraft 9 Handling No dedicated handling assets 10 Security Nil 11 De–Icing Nil 12 Remarks Nil 13 Overnight Parking Overnight Parking by request. 14 PPR Procedures Nil OATN AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo Handling Facilities Nil 2 Fuel and Oil Types TC1, GAP1 3 Fuelling Facilities and Capacity Nil 4 De–Icing Facilities Nil 5 Hangar Space for Visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair Facilities for Visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Nil OATN AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Nil 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation Nil 4 Medical Facilities Nil 5 Bank and Post Office Nil 6 Tourist Office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OATN AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome Category For Fire Fighting CATEGORY 8 - Equipment/Unmanned Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2 AD 2.1–283 30 Apr 15 Rescue Equipment 3 x Titan ARFF 3 – 3170 GALS, 400 GAL foam 1 – 4000 GAL Tanker 1 – 500 GAL Engine OATN AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of Clearing Equipment Snow/Ice removal/Unmanned 2 Clearance Priorities RWYs, TWYs, Golf and Kilo Ramps OATN AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION/POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface, Strength and Size of Aprons Alpha Ramp Dirt Surface PCN N/A (80 CBR) Bravo Ramp Gravel Surface PCN N/A (80 CBR) Charlie Ramp – Rotary Wing Only AMT2 PCN UNK Echo Ramp– Rotary Wing Only Gravel Surface PCN UNK Kilo Ramp Concrete PCN 55 R/B/W/T Golf Ramp Concrete PCN 68 R/B/W/T 2 Width, Surface and Strength of TWYs All taxiways are 15.24m (50ft) wide Golf 1, 2, and 3 taxiways concrete PCN 68 R/B/W/T Kilo 1 and 2 taxiways concrete PCN 55 R/B/W/T 3 Location and Elevation of Altimeter Checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil OATN AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT Stand Identification Signs, TWY Guide Lines and Visual Docking/Parking Guidance System at ACFT Stands Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2 AD 2.1–284 30 Apr 15 RWY and TWY Markings and Lights Approach end RWY 12 has four lights to create a box 500FT from threshold. Departure end RWY 12 has two lights at threshold. Note - Servicability of lights unknown. 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Nil OATN AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 12 A HESCO perimeter wall exists in the approach zone to RWY 12, 125m from THR 12 and at an angle of inclination of 0⁰. Two guard towers are on the edge of the RWY 12 approach zone splay at a distance of 125m from THR 12 and at an angle of inclination of 1⁰. An airfield access road follows the inside of the HESCO perimeter wall inside the RWY 12 approach zone. An external road used by local nationals follows the outside of the HESCO perimeter wall in the RWY 12 approach zone. A concrete batching plant with two 50ft tall silo exists within the base perimeter to the north of the RWY 12 approach zone. It is recommended to fly a 3⁰ or greater approach path for RWY 12. 2 RWY 30 30m high hill at approach end. 3 Remarks Several radio antennae contained within the built up areas on Tarin Kowt. OATN Obstacle Chart not published. Permanent drainage ditches exist within the flight strip approximately 45m off centre line either side of the RWY and also at the western end of the THR 12 under run. Stockpiles up to a 4m high are 45–70m north and south of the RWY centerline. OATN AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Nil 2 Hours of Operation Nil 3 Office Responsible for TAF Preparation Nil Periods of Validity 4 Type of Landing Forecast Nil Interval of Issuance 5 Briefing / Consultation Provided Nil 6 Flight Documentation Nil Language(s) used 7 Charts and Other Information Available for Briefing or Consultation Nil 8 Supplementary Equipment Available for Providing Information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information Nil 10 Additional Information Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–285 30 Apr 15 OATN AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 5 THR Elevation 6 Slope of RWY / SWY 7 12 30 121° T / 123° M 301° T / 303° M 2225m (7300ft) x 27.5m (90ft) Rigid Concrete pavement – PCN 68/R/B/W/T 323637.15N 0655109.60E N/A 4 356ft AMSL N/A 1.79% up slope 1.79% down slope SWY Dimensions 100m (330ft) Unsealed at THR 12 100m (330ft) Unsealed at THR 30 8 CWY Dimensions 152m (500ft) 152m (500ft) 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle Free Zone 11 Lateral Clearances 7 300ft x 90ft (2225m x 27.5m) 152 Meters / 1° CWY 152 Meters / 1° CWY Clear to ground within the runway edges. Temporary obstacles beyond. All fixed objects are at a minimum of 50m from the centerline. NOTE: Parallel drains run alongside the RWY outside the runway lights. 12 Transverse Grades Grade on RWY is 1.5% either side of CL for drainage. There is a 5–8% drop either side of the maintained area to the drain. 13 Remarks RWY is uphill from THR 12 to THR 30 with an average grade of 1.79%. OATN AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 12 30 1 TORA N/A 2225m (7300ft) 2 TODA N/A 2682m (8800ft) 3 ASDA N/A 2325m (7628ft) 4 LDA 1920m (6300ft) N/A 5 Remarks Approach/Departure gradient 3°. Approach/Departure gradient 3°. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–286 30 Apr 15 OATN AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 12 30 Nil Nil 1 Type, Length and Intensity of Approach Lighting 2 Threshold Lights, Colors, and Wing Bars 3 Type of Visual Approach Slope Indicator System/Approach Angle 4 Length of RWY Touchdown Zone Indicator Lights 5 Length Spacing Color and Intensity of RWY CL Lights 6 Length Spacing Color and Intensity of RWY Edge Lights Nil 7 Color of REIL and Wing Bars Nil 8 Length and Color of Stopway Lights Nil 9 Remarks Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil AMP 3 modified lighting for RWY 12 will have a light on each side of runway at threshold, another light on each side of the runway 500 feet from threshold, and one light on each side of the runway at the departure end of RWY 12. OATN AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks Nil OATN AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates Touchdown and Lift–Off Point (TLOF) or Threshold of Final Approach and Take–Off (FATO) Nil 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Nil 3 TLOF and FATO area Dimensions, Surface, Strength, Marking Nil 4 True and Mag BRG of FATO Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–287 30 Apr 15 5 Declared Distance Available Nil 6 Approach and FATO Lighting Nil 7 Remarks Nil OATN AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace Designation and Lateral Limits ATZ: 10NM radius centered on ARP – Glass G 2 Vertical Limits Surface to 10 000ft AMSL 3 Airspace Classification Class G 4 Air Traffic Services Unit Callsign Nil (Traffic on Tarin Kowt TWR) Language 5 Remarks Tarin Kowt is uncontrolled Class G airspace All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Tarin Kowt Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 128.0. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OATN on 128.0. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OATN AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service Callsign Frequency Hours of Operation Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 TWR Nil Nil Nil GROUND Nil Nil Nil ATIS Nil Nil Nil Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Tarin Kowt Operations 128.00 HJ Designation CTAF OATN AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Nil OATN AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Nil Civil Aviation Authority Remarks AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–288 30 Apr 15 OATN AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES / NO FLY AREAS 2.21.1 No Fly Areas. There are several no fly areas in and around Tarin Kowt; avoid over flight of the built up areas on the north and south side of the RWY below 1 000ft AGL / 5 500ft AMSL. Do not over fly the village of TK at low level. Helicopter traffic shall not over fly any buildings, personnel, equipment or ACFT parked in the aprons. Helicopters should remain out of ground effect while moving around the airfield. 2.21.2 Noise Abatement. West southwest of the town of Tarin Kowt there have been several incidents of local populace firing at ACFT during the hours of darkness if ACFT are flying too low. OATN AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Departure Procedures. Avoid over flight of populated areas at low level. OATN AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND HAZARDS 2.23.1 Heavy weapons range. The Tarin Kowt combined weapons range OA/R 203, impact area and aerial gunnery range is located 0.5NM south east of the airfield (approximate extended centerline of RWY 12). Unmanned. OATN AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Tarin Kowt 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking / Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 2.24.1 AD 2.1–289 30 Apr 15 Airfield Diagram (Not to Scale) Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–290 30 Apr 15 OAZJ – ZARANJ OAZJ AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME 2.1.1 OAZJ – Zaranj OAZJ AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 Aerodrome Reference Point coordinates and its site 305820N 0615157E 2 Distance and direction from city Within the Northern sector of Zaranj town 3 Elevation and Reference temperature 1 592ft AMSL 4 Geoids undulation Not determined 5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 2º E / Not Determined 6 Civil Aerodrome Administration Afghanistan Telephone +93 (0)799709652 Telefax Nil Telex Nil Email AFS Address Nil Military Aerodrome Administration Nil Telephone Nil Telefax Nil Telex Nil Email Nil AFS Address Nil 7 Types of traffic permitted VFR only 8 Transition altitude and level TA 14 000ft AMSL; TL FL160 9 Remarks Airfield data is based on US DoD survey – Jan 11 The geographic centre of the airfield. Airfield is 2 miles from Afghan–Iranian Border, in the Afghan desert. 102 miles NE of Zahedan, Iran, and 205 miles W of Kandahar. Zaranj is uncontrolled Class G airspace All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Zaranj Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAZJ on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–291 30 Apr 15 OAZJ AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 Aerodrome Administration HJ 2 Customs and Immigration Nil 3 Health and Sanitation Nil 4 AIS Briefing Office Unknown. 5 ATS Reporting Office Unknown. 6 MET Briefing Office Unknown. 7 Air Traffic Services Nil certified ATC. 8 Fuelling Nil 9 Handling Nil 10 Security East Horizon (unverified). 11 De–icing Nil 12 Remarks Nil 13 Overnight Parking Unknown. 14 PPR procedures Nil OAZJ AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling facilities Nil 2 Fuel and oil types Nil 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity Nil Military ACFT Civil ACFT 4 De–icing facilities Nil 5 Hangar space for visiting ACFT Nil 6 Repair facilities for visiting ACFT Nil 7 Remarks Nil. OAZJ AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Nil 2 Restaurant Nil 3 Transportation Nil 4 Medical facilities Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–292 30 Apr 15 5 Bank and Post Office Nil 6 Tourist office Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAZJ AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting Nil 2 Fire Fighting Equipment Nil 3 Rescue equipment Nil 4 Capability for removal of disabled ACFT Nil OAZJ AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY 1 Types of clearing equipment Nil 2 Clearance priorities Nil 3 Remarks Nil OAZJ AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATION / POSITIONS DATA 1 Surface and strength of aprons Nil 2 Width, surface and strength of TWYs Nil 3 Location and elevation of altimeter checkpoints Nil 4 Location of VOR checkpoints Nil 5 Position of INS checkpoints Nil 6 Remarks Nil OAZJ AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of ACFT stand identification signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/ parking guidance system at ACFT stands Nil 2 RWY and TWY markings and lights Nil 3 Stop Bars Nil 4 Remarks Nil OAZJ AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES 1 RWY 16 Unknown. 2 RWY 34 Unknown. Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN 3 Remarks AD 2.1–293 30 Apr 15 RWY is not extendable in either direction due to roads and houses at each end. 1 200ft of the NW end of the RWY is unusable due to deterioration of the surface. OAZJ AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET Office Unknown. 2 Hours of operation HJ 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Nil Periods of validity 4 Type of landing forecast Nil Interval of issuance 5 Briefing /consultation provided Nil 6 Flight documentation English Language(s) used 7 Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation Nil 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing information Nil 9 ATS unit provided with information Nil 10 Additional information Nil. OAZJ AD 2.12 RWY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RWY 1 BRG True and Mag 2 RWY Dimensions 3 PCN 4 THR Coordinates 5 THR Elevation 6 Slope of RWY/SWY 7 16 34 164 M 344 M 2500m x 60m Unknown — Gravel 305838.00N 0615152.00E 305754.00N 0615205.00E 1 592ft 1 587ft Nil Nil SWY Dimensions Unknown Unknown 8 CWY Dimensions Nil. Nil. 9 Strip Dimensions 10 Obstacle free zone 11 Remarks Nil Nil Civil Aviation Authority Nil AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–294 30 Apr 15 OAZJ AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY 16 34 1 TORA Unknown. Unknown. 2 TODA Unknown. Unknown. 3 ASDA Unknown. Unknown. 4 LDA Unknown. Unknown. 5 Remarks Nil Nil OAZJ AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING RWY 16 34 1 Type, length and intensity of approach lighting Nil Nil 2 Threshold lights, colours and wing bars Nil Nil 3 Type of visual approach slope indicator system Nil Nil 4 Length of RWY touchdown zone indicator lights Nil Nil 5 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY centreline lights Nil Nil 6 Length spacing colour and intensity of RWY edge lights Nil Nil 7 Colour of RWY end lights and wing bars Nil Nil 8 Length and colour of stopway lights Nil Nil 9 Remarks Nil Nil OAZJ AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 Aerodrome Beacon Nil 2 Location and lighting of anemometer and landing direction indicator Nil 3 TWY edge and centreline lighting Nil 4 Secondary power supply including switch–over time Nil 5 Remarks Nil OAZJ AD 2.16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates touchdown and lift–off point (TLOF) or threshold of final approach and take–off (FATO) Nil 2 TLOF and/or FATO area elevation Nil 3 TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Nil Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–295 30 Apr 15 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil 5 Declared distance available Nil 6 Approach and FATO lighting Nil 7 Remarks Nil OAZJ AD 2.17 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE 1 Airspace designation and lateral limits Nil. 2 Vertical limits Nil. 3 Airspace Classification Class G 4 Air Traffic Services unit callsign Nil. Language English Remarks Zaranj is uncontrolled Class G airspace 5 All VFR ACFT should monitor Guard (UHF/243.0 preferably, 121.5 if VHF capable only) in addition to Zaranj Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 118.1. Possible traffic and/or weather information may be provided within 5NM OAZJ on 118.1. This is not a control service, but advisory information only. OAZJ AD 2.18 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Callsign Frequency Hours of operation Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Zaranj Operations 118.1 HJ CTAF GROUND Nil Nil Nil ATIS Nil Nil Nil AIR OPERATIONS Nil Nil Nil OAZJ AD 2.19 RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Facility Ident Freq Hrs Coordinates Elevation Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil OAZJ AD 2.20 LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2.20.1 Unknown. Civil Aviation Authority Remarks AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 2.1–296 30 Apr 15 OAZJ AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.21.1 Nil OAZJ AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 2.22.1 Nil OAZJ AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2.23.1 Nil OAZJ AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO THE AERODROME ICAO Charts for Zaranj 1 Aerodrome Chart — ICAO Not Produced 2 ACFT Parking/Docking Chart — ICAO Not Produced 3 Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO Not Produced 4 Precision Approach Terrain Chart — ICAO Not Produced 5 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart — ICAO Type A Not Produced 6 Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) Not Produced 7 Standard Departure Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 8 Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) Not Produced 9 Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument – ICAO Not Produced 10 Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO Not Produced 11 Visual Approach Chart Not Produced 12 Bird concentration in the vicinity of the aerodrome Not Produced 2.24.1 Airfield Diagram Not available Civil Aviation Authority AIP AFGHANISTAN AD 3 HELIPORTS3.1 AD 3.1–1 30 Apr 15 There are no heliports currently listed in AIP.
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